Newspaper Page Text
PROTESTWABASH PITTSBURGH PLA1 f 25 Dissenters Call Ri organization "Despic able and Unfair." RECOMMEND SALE OF COAL LAND $27,900,000 Out of $30,23t>.0< Bonds Is Subject to Plan, However? r?-enty-f;.vo .iiasentintt bondholdi nf the WsbssrV-PltUbttrfh Tcrmir Railway Company mot yesterday t<> pi tMt airnirM the terms of ?fie N sat: and for the payment of th? first >"??ti me: \f*M* um'' the ran . * ' Susino to-morrt444 '.he time for tl I arawaal '? ? ? raortfafe bonds '?"i11 ?ented by ce I posit i v,rfi] Vl he reorftamzatii committee announced that tl mained ur.withdrawn and subject to [' plan of reorganization approximate jo- p>rj ?,,..- bi ? of $30.231 0 of tl ??.<? sloo bei deposited under I Daniel B. t ? ' I bondhold? rganis ? upon liquid - v hl' or in : the I ? ??''' Don' hold? rs I ? organ Mtl .mpar at i George Gou ami . ' ? -l r?P ?he pin Ootlil ? ? ths feature pn vidir ahou ? nitati? fomm:'.ti" ' ' pan y havi each repn honda. II alto ' filing of tl coal Jan?: : that tl: courts na; ?ti hold thoir operatio , . he could se then: '?Id pa off ? lea vin practica Instead < 1300 b II. med that th a???-?- larger tha 130 i ? protestin >? of th h-Pittsburg ? 1. ? ? ? ded tit for the del? g a piar ? >. year p ?" h told by tii ? that th nisatioi ' ?mil y Ml bond delphii ? A- t n ? meet g, but hi vhethe ly con ... ? _-l hac ?h Tor ith thi the con - betweer as tin portanct it doe: ild-( as t that it will itlet foi ind will -, lent of it. Wheel COFFEE KEN ARE SANGUINE Early Buying Stimulated on \p proval ol '." Contos by Au liras. y san ?on ol Kra?. doubt ilorisa? :? Bi "iillin .? the -, lion thai of Brasilia ? ? ?y <itlui- in? . dematiii might work :.t'il at ? view. 11. it, Bra i ? I think ? lay, and trust that the a- Ii, that about $46.000,000 ??'. the total amount will the valorization of ci C,'UI': in all' . here but pi ? .... lieve.i | explained WMS ? demand Brasil ? "ut ,n* eoffi ? number of ha_-, cou|j , , WILL NOT PAY MOP INTEREST TO-MORROW Receiver Hush Directed to Take No Action. Rec< rei I I Busk of the Ifiaseui r*A lie Iron Mounts t< m an ?..I || thil rda* that as of a conference with Judge ? ' t. , ?nieta. Court, h* had b?en ?irsctcd to, ' take no action lookitiR to the payment of Interest due September 1 upon any of the company's ouatandlng bonds. He .. Set Hush said that he had reeom mended to the court and obtained pa mission to pa?, the interest iiue .hme i last ?ui tin untes that were not ex? tended at that time and that 1 the court also authorized the pay nin.t of the principal and Interest upon all equipment obligations a? they matured. The semi annual interest due to-morro? amounts to ai ; mately $2.000,000, and is on the folio?! . 000 trust in? denture 5s: 132,201,000 first and re funding I . ai ! 0 collateral trust I?. Pol the fiscal year ended June 30 ??at, "Mop" fell short of its in about $1,260,00 up to Alignai "i of the current year aarnlngs dropped behind the period 61 last rear bj $076,000. Inder the in plan it i? provided that thi holders of the trust inn per eenl l : the par value of their holdings in first and refiindiiij; 6s of the near company, while both th* first and refunding 6s and collateral trust gold -Is will gel par value in n> W vii -'i" : - ,l stock, cumulative as to dividend? after June 30. 1918, and convertible into common stock at par at pi ?on of the holder. J. T. GWATHMEY RETIRES Se, mid Well Known Operator to Retire . Sine Lever Ac!. J. Temple Gwathmey, the second well known cotton operator to retire since the passa?*?* of the cotton futures act, will leave the firm of George H. Mc I Fnddcn & Bro. on September 1. Mr. iiHv 44as un es presiden! of the exchange, as was Arthur Richmond ' retired on account of the Lever act last month. The l nited States eotton futui in various : - ?? irtail? thi move tors win. formerly did a largi ? i addles" bi I tl New York and Liverpi The McFadden firm is said to have been ? hit b) the new law, a? dling wa? one of their for! COTTON DECLINES ON CROP REPORT (iovi-rnment Figures Fail to Help and the Mark? ; Drops 24 Points. le the government's crop ; making the condition fif.2 per cei ? in line with recent bullish ?'ii market than $1.70 a bale following its ration, and closed easy at a net ne of 20 to l1 i prints. A canvas? of the trade before the report was issued showed that forty-eight i membi ? New York Cotton Ex .?'?, on the average, anticipated a . which gures to a fraction, bul I "ti had evi d hv an advance ? r $4.61 a bale from the low level Monday morning, and nation of bullish ht in a lot of prove the - . j genera] realizing. ted Souther I result of the : ? ' a r< ' onary sentimi ? ? . ? . duii:.i: the trading Cables were a shade it after starting ?? ' nts lower, : 12 points above S ' of movement, which 44 as by ?hiet- add I ? ition figure " m a bullish bureau. . : ? ml racta ?n 10.1 Ic, or I ? ... ;: iod ofil taking - to aboul Saturdi owed, and thi , : al J.'.'! acl ?vi a fter the re l he :.rst break of followed by a v. l.K-h indi that thi ? rallies of ? wi t !i ? r breaking to 9.66c and January to ll ? n Last - 4\ ere at : point of the day under continued realizin;.*. local and S . There appeared ing around the rim; that the "ii t he early advance might prove attractive to Southern ?8, and it wns reported that a pood many inquiries were being re? ceived here as to the charge? it. by shipping cotton here for C< ? ry. Southern spot markets have tly been more active, however, and it remain? to be seen whether thr? ill ei op views may nol stimulate the doman , or don Yesterday'? re ihowed a conditioi ? same ?ii relation to the ten age a? '.,1 by the report of the previous ',, und there was, consequently, but little change in mathematical de? ductions aa to the probable sise of the crop, which, on the basi? oi mated acreage, were said to point to a yield of aboul I 1,800,. bale . es Export for the ?\--\ 0,101 bales, making 166,486 bales Soutnei n spot mar were unchanged to '-?e higher, with t-.. exception of Houston, which of prices: i .. ? . 1 ? ? II ! . ??'i?J !" ? . > .. I . I >: . - ? | - ' tl ' ' . .'. \. w \r>r|i . 1! . ',1a - - ??' i - Xlaa_.__ _?_..?... \JkW UN - SWINDLER PREYS ON JOB SEEKERS Ex-Convict?,Posing as Suh way Official, Collects $5 from Victims. TRAPPED, HE ADMITS CHARGE, POLICE SAY Took Up "Bunco" Game Because He Was "Flim-Flammed" Once Himself. ? \ Elmira convict, facing about forty nun he had "flim-flammed," con I last night how he has been mak Irtft a big income for month? by posing i Ii Rapid Transit offi? cial and cheating applicant? for Jobs in the new subway construction work. His name is entered on the police books a? Robert Kne.'man, twenty-four, a piano polisher, of I'll Southern Boulevard. He has ?one under many nan..s. hi? victims knowing him best si "Schneider." On August 21 Roland Schwartz, of 117 West 117th Street, advertised in a New York newspaper mr the job of electrician. Schwaru was out of work. He '.mis not out ol bed on the morning ement appeared when the bell rang and a man, evidently not .?note than twenty-five, entered the house. The visitoi wni Friedman. Friedman explained his mission. He was an official of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company. He rai an es pert, acting in the role of employment managei lor a time. The .company I needed such men as Sehwarts, ?aid I'm .im?n, and added that it might he tagei II to the former to meet him at the Mott Avenue ? iwaj nation al 2 o'clock tnat same afternoon. When Sehwarts arrived "Sehn ??a? minu? hat and eoat, l?ui plus a pen? cil behind hia ear, Ha moved about the ?hough he was not only an official, but a tockhol 1er. Sehwarts wa? thoroughly Impressed and turned ? careful ear to "Schneider's" mandates. "You see." said Mr. "Schneider," "Mr. Merritt, the superintendent of the sub work, i* busy. Othei v ?se I'd take you up to him. I'm acting ? present, and I'll give you all the instruction! necessary. By ny, you'll need a uniform. That'll ... If you desire, I'll give it cashier and have him sign a re or it." i aased, Mr. Schnei? t: Schwartz for a "little while." ??sited rhen he grew tired of wa ought Mr. Memo's of H .d to the official what . himself and his ?y ind Mr. Merrltl told him that he ? \|i Men eived many such plained that they had paid their money and wiahed Jobs im Hut he had not succeeded to the man before I ssky appeared. kj ?vas also out of work. : 13th Street, and leider" went to him and told ng pi aspects that werl ami much interested, eider" asked for $;> to pay !.. w ithout which 1? could not get along. I.asky told him ! e would lave to raise the money and "Schneider" to come again at 2 o'clock in the afternoon that : terda . -y sought Mr. Merritt. "You're .'.ant!" shouted the latter. Mr. ? ! to the Fourth B h Detective Bureau, and, with cot? ind O1 onnor, went to Laaky't hume. The detectives hid in a O'clock 'Schneider" appeared. The detectives arrested him. When he iiM'i, ?o the Fourth Branch I'i I e faced s numlx bom he had played hi wily trick.-. FIRE DEPARTMENT. i I : iraHKKl Will l| . . ring ? ? '?? 17 I l. .. : Ii :, I....-I' I I I . Maiin I. 2 7. - ... ? sili. <jr?li?m. I. K?rii?n. if, ?, t? '.:.:. 4 ' lark 1. S, ?. 11 IS, I ,. > . a ' I. ?. I I Ii l . i ; ? ? . - - ? ? ; Kill. i -. 7, 1) 12, It :i .:. .?;. nth, I I. IS. 22. 21 ?ait 11, 12. IT. 21. ; . I U'll -i. ., i I , I ? ;?? ? ' i''. 23, ' IS. IS. I IS. H 4 ?I i. : -. 4 .1 . ? . ' ' ... UimMj \... .1 ?. 14. IV 2?. ' I. 14. 1?. 21 v H'allur, 1. ? IS 17, SI, IS. 10 I. 21 14 15, ? Murr.? ? I. ?. is. u 1 ' IJ. 1! T1UI.T I I I. U. 12. IS - 4' |j ig N H'oodi I. 12. 17 I? . , i I. 8. ?. M ? ircl) 1 , ? ? - , K . ! ? I?, IS, 17 .'I. - - .. :. n. is. ti ? . 2? h- ... 4Va- I .4 a 1" |] ''.??,? I. S. ?. 14, 1?, 24 .. I - IS, 14. 1?. SS. SI. 2 L'a.?? ul A: - , j 44 i I ' a i : -. ?. f Ha i ? 44., . \ ' 1 | I 4 . ' ' I ? ? - " anil . - I II, ? ? 4 t 4 I ? I i .... ? . I ? 1', I I I I - ? , ? .1 . I . I 1 ? : . ; . 1 . I.I u m. u a .. ?.- -, ? THE WEATHFaR REPORT r?trer??t? and i;.-...r.U at] the Last Taenl>-four llnurs. ???hlntloo Ant S) A bat p.,...,ir? are? sf n.irVe.1 character eo?rr? II,? Norlrmr?!. with Ita ,.ntre offr Albert?, ?ml I" , '- SafSBI I ? "lere hit ? mart,.,I rl?e |? '?Till?rrtt?,'?? ??' BJatSBB SB? ? M 'I- '? ,1'iaetl ..a?.a 1 .Itewhrrr ?Bat '' US II. v M ri.l ? '. u,i?rratiire? are much be al t?tragt ?? a rule, a,.,I . i. Mond?t . the trn,|?-i ?tutea mu the , ... ? ,f Ai ?"?i ? ??? of ihi .?it?-' MkaykaaBft end ? ."?I! ?alley? and the ?ratrrri lij.laT ?at? I ' ' ... a \\r?> . f H., I|. , k\ M '- -t ,.e Su d?) Idghl II |S ? .?etc general lu th? At Unite it?i?e end the ?a?tem l, wer lal.e r.'tl.a. end thai? ?.re alt,, local ?how er In !l?. upper un?., V? ?. tnd In ? few other .?Her,,I loaalltle? Urterall? fair ..ea' , rail Tuend a j ami vv, I , 1?. e?.r ?f ?h? Ippl Hitei. .till, lower lenu^ratiif?. In th? M Ian tic ai?,, . r ,\ I?, it ?III i- i?, a,.,i V.edl 1?. In Hi? , !? lallet Ihe '.?.fer like ?nl ?..ten, loan lake ; legion? ...| the SonthwatM tnd ntrmei M-l . lat 1 Wind. Tl|r,,|?, an,| \\,,|r. , ,?1,1 ? ddfui i i.mli i .? -i tnd ',or!h?.al. .,.,111, AllanII, moderaU Me.I ' IT r lor kit '? ? ' .",. lower lakes. ?hitting Forerait far Special Loialltie-.? Eastern N?w v?rk fair, tllthtl. cooler te-da?, te-marrew lair. ?armer. Kngll . >- 1er to day; t?V ' ?alt .... ?re. fair. ,-,e,:er t, day te -alr ?armer Interior I'fnsayltaula, fair, ?xtatsi today, to iv. ? \ iriinl?. Weitem I', nri.yltanla and Waatafa N?a A, i1 fall t. dsyi to morrow fair, warmer Maryland, fair lo day. c,?,ler east, la ! fair, wanner Dtttr! : .f i'oliimhta, fair, cooler to day, In nw c< i. fair .. irtaef t litliila (ah. cooler to day, to morrow fair. ?armer b Loral Ofllclal R?'?rd. The following offlel?; rcorl i'.-iii ihe WsatkBf llureau sin,?? t',e . ha. t<a i ihr leniperttun for th? lui Iwentj few i.?-..?< I mlioii with ?he ' -if -p aiding datt of la?t year I'd I. IBIS .am ?? Ml t p. Bl..... Cam.. . ti ??] ? p. Bl....... Tl git .1 11 p m ft ?,'? l?o 12 p tu ... oll 4 p. n, ?r ,.? ' , -? tem? i -here?? at l .'?i p m ' I (St S S in. i. aterage. *(>. ?ter 4 inte lasl vesr. T?. aterage for dug dale last thirty linee yeti?. 70. Barorti'ler R??elln?a. i a. m ?9 ?S 1 p in -' ' M I f m Humidity. Sam ft; 1 p in :i * p. m. 17 toral F?r*ca?t. Fair. ?.Igtitly c.atAta to dat : ?a BaOrroe fair ?armer, mod?r?t? ?i-,? lo r..,riiva.>r -, n,i g rarishle. POUCE DEPARTMENT. A a I I".inn mnum; J P. Pinaloneal. In ?ffecl II p i . . I ? It 11 McXaltr. 'I -ft 1'it . ITS? p?> ?anum. Temporary A??ltnm??i?. Cop? J n Olltaa. lid, ? , rommin I Ititb I I? ' ut? 'rots I ?. St.. I leal 1 M Kstaiiagh. ISld to iTltn. i0 . m , Ait IS; T. r * ribn IT?h In dat- from 4 i h . Aug zs W .1 Illai .'. lat, ar. IT r lo D Uni . ,", .1?,?, '-. n, 4 p in.. A Bl A., ,'pn Zankl. X5th a. atatloo boas? ?rendant. Jn I?., from ? ., I, A 14 Ki ... ?tl, I I) . io ,i?.- from 4 p u. ? it j" ni' . ? ! an. flat, .V. P l-el,r? ?on ltd. sad Harry H I I t? from 4 p ill . Au? I?, lO ? S BL. Aug II I. I ?.. C 0., I" day? fr. m ? a. ro . \ d , w y Bella. ?1st. to IBh L I) ? a II, .lu? M l' l Deti 111? Bw 1 ,.?.. ffin 4 ; . a?.] Lette? ?f AbteBOe. i?1'h full pan liupeeior ?. A Ml 1 ad | rta*i -I'll half :,?? Ptlmn. t) I Urn. ? ?? P. ?. Xea lab : . || ? rs aug 10; laltboul i?. - . ? \l I I ..... | from Ham. ? a. ? . V ID, Au? ut ?, 'i Ms r - ?-ni i ?. w i ii.... ' Mb I day. fr,-m t P i.i. Am 9 I ll Bnnsn. TMh. 1 dat. Irom 4 i' m tug if; Edward Beeon, IJilu. 1 day, gag :? s-, : i 1 day, : S ' Fr?i ke. IS?th, i .lay?, fru? i , Approved Appllcatlem to? full Pay While t? Sick R?port. I".,.,. I r Murptu ith, fron ! I'. ? . . a -a ? '? ! p m Am i II A < 1:15 a. m Ant. . I Advancement? t? H.JMJ Or???. Sept. II. .1 M tl.,. -, ... i . i ? ?,., ,. ? M J I- 1' ? lath; Rv ? -'i-' i ' CurUi ? l'.'er S. ..Ii. ...Ii. M I'. Krl?d i .1 A )l '? ' rrafl i a H '-- \ s,,it,r. utb; ?, I" Murllei I ?I h Ir ... ?. !'.,?, . J. I:arr1?. . "h. M J I ? Id, J. P. Man 4 Alt I I da: . . II?'"? - , ? w.s I; C Ii Ale: FIRE RECORD. H rae si . Bai i ral Green Mai ? ?, i, uni? - ? ITU l-iik a?.. Hn.i?ini:, Uatlilei . ?,l?ht. . .... . , ? irtfll,,? fltng. ,.t p.. Ilamptmon: trifling - i ... Moit ?t.. : .In ?ir i, ,...! it.. Si I ?rifling leat C? >? U fling. | i lt.. Ml rifling RESORTS. Is the Ideal Way to the Most Famous Resorts of America A THOUSAND MILES THROUGH NEW ENGLAND'S SCENIC WONDERLAND A FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT THE END OF EACH DAYS RUN. Illustrated Route Book or Large Map in Colors free at 1,180 Broadway or by Mail from ALMON C. JUDD, HOTEL ELTON, Waterbury, Conn. I II ? N I \t Whitefacelnn OPEN I NTH. LATE IN FW.I.. AMEKIi AMPlaAN l-i WEEK AND UP A.i SOI tV,l',t. i,'i ?',??. ,i ? ? riding ..ter :? r. -' a I I . ': g froau green J. J. M\I1\H. Mnnager. THE NEW MONMOUTH Spring Lake Beach, N. J. An l.irtiellinl Hotel .ti theOc-an Front With IJter\ Attraction lor the Su niii.r yiSttStT Usll? t'cii'.ertr and Dances Paltn and Tea I n? oteriooking th ? Ucean Prlvste Te' ?rourra Coll. Motor :ng llahln."?. I.ldlng ?HANK I'. M:I.TE, Manager. GALEN HALL Ilot r I iMi H \". '- rOBtTM. \ II AN ill ' II V M. J ? - ' i kjway? read] Always bu?v , .,: d for comfort or tab's . | are for a long ?r ..I,.1 suratlt? 1 .III? w'tb ,!f.t? (J- I > , , Manag?-! TMI ?^niN?? r?tsOrtl HOTf! Of Tf? WJHIf) wiiTor?iign^Knii?ini A Ft. \ "NI It < ITY. >? ??? o *??'??) ? ? ' MaNaatMiNt jOSIAH WVMITt i. SONS COMPANY, M-ll l'A' I SMITH-? 1.1 THI M'IL'iM'?. Kra - r \ert - ?a, lUat . > II..T1 I. < '? -NI :oct CABIN INN. K.aana en ?une. ?Ith i , mi.'? -? ?i t--?i 'rh. ss i a 4 ' ' - ? ? . i Ml ua,k U H i ? <- SI? l'a It 1 A M I? I H 1 . ? '- -' Ii ihr tiiiiimn Rteort ? WABAXAI 'nn. Un I |,|.i r ?.ii.... I.'.. V.lirmi I?, ks tMPIRl AhTOSHIhlil l?liRb ?I ' .-lAft ? ? I . - I ? I \ B A1N N oil it I UNI l(>?\ II I E FINN t>GALLNHALLINTIi?MOUr,TAUSM Shipping Information and Marine News of the World Vessels Arriving at and De? parting from Port of New York. MIMAI IRK AI.MANA' Kil'irts?. ". ?0, a'ln.<t. ? ..?. UVa.h rli?l. ? 42; ?r?. .1 mon ?irai a m P M >?i,.lv II?-.? .........Tt:?S IS 01 r? 1.1.1,1 |f.11 ia m .... : o? : ? ?Ulli.Il -s BCPOBTS Tti? il.a- II. r-v-T?.-! ?? 1 -Ll mile? a?st '< Han,li II,?.a il 10 p ni .? Km. I??, I? ?ip?*-!?<1 il.Mr Ir.r f". i ???.'?? n.?.n rr?t-r.|??\ ?i*. -',i t., il. k 4\' fortooeo. Tu?- Si. |'?i:|. t.Sun unk. ?a?t ?t 1 a m. Sun i:??^ il r>-, . Tli'ir?,|aj ?Manual Vtr Alrlttl. . :irr- a- : IIMane? lint gtivii I? .1 t?| l? ,|mk TIl.K la| |,,r. INCOMING STKAMEKS. I'. I1AV. Vt?si. i Um ?I. i i II? ,: ? a A'il II !'???.? ?\.?.nl?in It- M- r,l?m. A'I? Jl H ?la.lii-k >i i,ii.?cl Au? 20.Bu??l?n *ll?l?ll? .!Ia??n.4. AU? 11. W?? ?\iai?i'?i 4,| .i .i: r Co i Al* 10. ? " s? ll?M?llan.i - ?? a Au? -'" . Anillan ,,|,,n. Au? .'I .... Am Hawaiian . Tamp?. Au? '.'4. il m Barch. .. U.i,.i"ii, Am is . LanlMSU .Tampa. Aug M Mill?n ' ' i khuabW . Ist? b. AUS SI Hat?im?h W_DNX80_T. -H't::miikr 1. '' ? .? i a-a. a- Au| J'. ..... H'?l 1> I ?Salit' Ami? i,|, ..! r s ?t 11. . F?br? | "Hyuert? .liai! al-. Auf 24. 1 lull? ; .' Im S3 . i Hin Hlaiirn Un, J? J?l ?tro. Auf 11. . - .'"i., lio MoMIa. An? '-'? .M?llo*T DU 11 HAY SI.I'T'.MIIKR 1 i '-'' l'.iul UssemaL Au? 2S Arra?ir?n ? Mrla'.i 1.1?. ri? ?I Au? 2', WI.I-- H II ?T ill S?t.r|? i?.i,,a. Au? 20 Italian ' ? A ?mlraaa.1?- i Im Ui| Il U F" <'o ?ii*.ar 11. Cnpannaam. Au? 1\ .?''??ni Ara | Ai.illli-? Se* nrl'-a.i. Au? SI fa PM . (ialir-'i.ii A.? H M?l!"rr . ?brin?? mail. OUTGOING STEaUnSS. Tu HAY. M?tis V ??? v- -! tot Un? ?ta?. Ulli N An-.Man, RoMfrdam. Il"'' A ? 3" un 12 'm m Honoriui Arsrnttn? II ata 13 M m Or*f<-nlan. Ar???l An H?? l-'uflm "? "0 pm 4. a Ja -V-.K.ilii. i ,i.|. . . U uf llni,.?m i Sa?amiah. Bsi n_D.\_aoaT. skctkmhkr i. i'...i???t4k. It.'ti-r'iain. H? Am l:|S ?ni 12 H m M?r.i -al ? . ?> 30 ain 12 M ra Saut? Msri?. Col II C? i *" ?.n M mm i aa-ln.a. Karbid U ? .11 M ?m t .? l'orna!, liai',.-', n. Ma rj l M pio Il ')" m Till BKDAT. HKPTrMOMM 2 IWII? ?C?. < III \|,.rr,, l'iftl? lias?'.a \4f"l ? M ?m 1. ia. 1" H toi ! A liai... 1*1 I . '. 4 - I . - I Vlnl.??k. J?. '.-....s.Ha. flrdt....- 1 n" pan Kl ?Uil. i. ? ? ?ai F .- l: ? > lurabtis, Haimniiah, si?? .- s nu pm TBAX8PACIFIC MAILS. r_MN.T ? ? 30 p. m. Jipan l'ir-a. Cliiii? lilt s?-?tti?>. Sees {Uni ... f.Kapt . -?iiiain PI a ?'?n Kr?ii.-i?i-o . I S a>; ' I | lliaaii. KbllIpoUM? i?:? Sin Krinrlinii, Mationla *vl I lla-atll . - ? i , ! .!Vrt ? Il???ll ni? Su, Irai I ?.-.,. LurltlM T?lilfl M -.. laland?. Xm Z?a l?rt.l. I t San Kr?' Ml ?'.a . S?pt 10 ARRtVEP f- i- Mr Min?.-? Am IS. l-ar? IT anil B?r . . | ... B?.otli a f*o. with m?ll' ?n.l m-1i? Mar 11 ? m Atlaiilr I'ltjr. AHtuM'- <-ltjr. lo th? AMantle C_| Tr?:i. i ..ii? <?u?*liil'lne. ' M P m Anil. Bait-la?- (Bri. I.? Mo l.-II? Allf 17. u Ii?rl?r A i Mf, 1 J? ? m 4. ?r-jva ' ISr Kmarlu Ml? ?T ?nd St Lu-ll Am 21 I., lla-Hir. Weir A B-'trd. with m-l?? lUr. in p m IU- I'.i i, R..|?r An? 21 ?n M fand?'I 11 Cm, ?fli itilsi' guaranrl?*. 1 4* p ra ? \..l.. (??Iteaton Auf 24. Pi in* ?U'Utl.era 1'? n. i,. wiili mil?* t|u?r?ntln?. T atS a re \l ii',,,. an I. lo titan A McCoiml?-*. ll all?.I .juar? Mn?, ?, il) ? m M. mu? *??-? i.Irin? Au? SS, to 'h* Sotilt-vr, 1'a.ldo l... ?Uli ra,l?? l??fi iru?rantln? a- i ? m Taquary I Brail. Sin', -a Am ? an.l Bartiad.i? II, i" I f Wiihiwr A < o. with ?off?? Il?r. J N i> ? K?t?htln. i^' rg'i..v?n *'??ve.l (juarwi'lne at '?? 4 ? in Brl, I/iri'lon Auf 1?. lo th? Oinard it* Cu. US ?Uli m Im H?r. 12 "10 ? ?i |-r-?-?la i till . Norfolk Au? V>. to Itartfietd. Solarl A I " I.?-fi i:ii?r?r.Mrii- >t 1 ii p in Hamilton. Xf-v-jart Xa-r? an I Norfuik ?uax?n . p i.i .?apeak.- Ilalilmorr, If thai New Tort A Baltl ?Mn l'ra:.~ Co. with nd? i|u?r?o; m" .' M P ra Rant? liara Karat.? A.? IS ?n.l y?l?ii'a Amcriiai. A i H? O?, ?Ha ?U??r. Par 4 I', ? m ? . . ...i, iBi . Valparaiso lalg 20 Ta4leabuano U, Anf..f???ai? Ail? 1 fu'lt','!.. t. I'elim -?4 an.l laiaiimti 2:. 10 ?r?.,. 1 u?ai a OS. ?ma nil* Bar j 1?, ? m I I. I.ui keiir.arli Sui I'raiv-lac. Am 0. Ixi- An - ??Ira ? ?ml I rl?'?.lial 22. '.< *h" I.U'-keiit,a<-h M 1 o. willi lu.lsr liar. I a ra. Am 30. 2 ? m l?.|.?en? 'I'i . n.irl.-ius Am 21. 1.1 tin? Com? pagnie 1,'iiira.,. Tr?,n-atiantlo,ue, with malls an?l ind.? flat. 7 ? m Arrlnn ' Hr Bar deiui Auf IS, ti Cfef fi.mpaftil? '. -i.. TrafiitlinllajB? ?ith llar. ? ' ni !',..t AratOOlo (Xar), l'or? Anionl-. Au? S3. Klngi ?"n 2? in?! I'a.rt Mr.rini 2'.. 10 th? lulled I'ruit 1... with fruit. Bar, 12 30 a m Taurua (Nor), M"i.'?:,i-, Jal? SI Bas do? Ayr?? .<n, at Luda Au? Ik an.l B'.aton 2*. Is Barber a I?. '?ill, nnl.a H?r, 2 a m Ancua lltall, Naples 17 and Palermo 1*. te llartftrl'l. Snlirt A C". wltli ru?tls ?nd m tso Bar, 11 IS p m. Nta Carolina. I',m, e Am 20. Mavagurt SI. Ar'?''? .'2. 1.11.1,.!.a 24 ?n.l Sau Juan 25. to the New York A I'i?/, Rlro .1? <'o ??Uli malli and mil?. H?r, 1 : -, ? m Kim ll.iwi-l iBrV Norfolk Am S?. to J H Win M A <"... I?-ft fj?tanlln? it ??Si am SAl'l.Mi Steamer? i'rl-kl. Tampn : JefTer-.ofi Norfolk and .?.-??p. rt News, Bar Via?, Yuta. Blloii Rouf", liuan'aiiatii". I!ar?n? lit) VI??, Newport Newi STEAMERS A: FOREIGN PORTS. AHRP. D IV. ino.i'h. Au? S? ?iilllfo I Brl, New Turk for Hull St I.uel? Au? 2' <;rs???iinor lUr., New York for ??ant..., Nalliwa ?'nur?. iBri. New York rt? Xorfl :: tot B 1 4 '| iltr .Manila, a' . for [:? '"n an.) Nf* Tori Bydrny, N s W Au? 2-? i 1 all.vr 'Bn. Now York .i.? Cal .1 an 1 u?iiiin.-t ?1 C?|i?o A .a U 1 'ilium. New York ?i? Colon ?nd farta lia hl-, Au? 2' hlr>er?en iDur^hi, New York l<- ' 4 . - U l'?.?rr i'i". ' l!r Majw T"-k llirro, Ann 27 III* Ortefil 1 Br>. N'?w York lar, Aas IJ liiirr Omita? iKr . K?? tart f.- tlenia. I'" -'.?? :. Au? .so. ?i p m- Or.luna (Brt, New Torli Bill?.?. Aua{ IV Bellgrano ifln, Ar'<>ia?a.?ia foi \ rk Cn?loli?l. Au? N Newrt^n. New York ?la Newport ? ? - s?'. Krai.. London. Au? M?Mtnneliaha (Br). New York ?la I*:>ni,u':, BaTimid? Aijf 30. 8 30 * ra Bermuilan (Br'. N.-a Y .rk Sa.ll.Kr. Hull. Au: T! Maranio 1 Br . N.-w Tortt. Lomton. Ai:? 2fi Ivn of Alrlla .Bn. New York ? 11 hanira , . Kr'. New Y,,rk. Riill.rdi?i, Auf ?", I.?, Ire (Diiti-lu, New rorfc, i'ASSKI) Ll?ard, Au? '-'< Boitardam (Dut.-li . New Tork for r?lni. trth an I linier lam l?'.riltnr. Au? 2?- l'aprl (l'ai). New York for IN8TR1 CTION. NU\ KlKIt-Manli itlian. A Country ScKt3ol \ inNEWYORXCITY y*>> City Girts 1890-1915 V. - ?. . ?o.ubiitg a no ^??'i^ DlfP rfrtlJOOl v A "Real School'' with ideal turroundingt. Small clame?, individual attatntion Cert, nette adrriti to colleges Gradu? ate courses Muric Dep?rtn>ent Art. Dancing. Floe ition. Gynt nastics, ?nd Household Science City pupils remain throughout the afternoon and share in all activi? ties? athletics, iports and outdoor study in a School Park of 35 acres. ? I Ac.r??,!ile by automobile. iuh??ay ?nd railroad Telephone 81 Kingibridge An invitation to vi.-it school cordially entended to parents and gutrdiam ftlt?s fSSangs artb fflisaf?rjtton Avenue nr.r 252nd Street. W,?t j i NEW YORK ( ITY \ k??~ ? ? -BhasaSaSjJ COLUMBIA GRAMMAR. .?*?? SCHOOL NO>. ft. 7 rin.l ? \\ r ?>T ?Hill? ST inns Bl . . KHHI I I.I.V II? I'AKI.I' I'm: co. ; I.I Mill A ? ni.' I 1 I. II ?.UV ?.111. I'lIlM I. I'.l.N -. M i nul i Hl i ,,i I.-.I.- PRIMARY ' I KrarUlrrt'd h? Kr?rnl?. I.ahoritor:-?. i. Playground A :' j. T . 'i: itif r . THE BROl N SCHOOL <>K II TORING |l.,t?' ??. h.,,.l ? Olilir . <?,!,,?il, ttlW.lMhrtl i MH? '.',iii?i. i -. ..?? - tima ?Ith ible? l.rlllUnt. ..: . III ad . .. it how I ? -on. ASchootwth .m Atmospfttre of Work The Ba irard School of HOUSEHOLD ARTS - " DRESSMAKING: .' .' I'-a .'I ? ? BARNARD SCHOOL ?! BOYS FIELCSTBN. WEST 244?H ST. ,K"?:i'' t , . , . !? P?ri Stil ?si ... ,. , . i , ?,- II Ig " a) i-lnal.l 33th KAR. BARNARD SCHOOL S GiRLS 421, 423 W. 14?=.h Sf. *tf? 201h Year - ?te prttt tea TUs | a . -? ? 4 . I BARNARD ELEMtNTARY SCHOOL 1-5-.u4.-a a rt. Wan. a?, m. mu Am. tttmen 17*? th >L ? tirade? Ulrl" a ? Il .. ^?aW BS 'lei-artlorr Collegiate _ - - ,. ?aflliaCBBI ouiin? - ciCslOOl Ro)s ? ' * r?r?B4?4 111? -?' Beat Ml S A T w?rten.HaaalrB?ltrr IRVING SCHOOL I Ii RAT, SS SI 1??T ?ITH ?I". BOYS ' M.l I'l l-Al.l-MK.NTS ? ? Si ? III; II U.I 11/ M Html,(IK I \N.,l \.,l? N, v? at .'H .ii Wr?| :<4ili Mrert. Hrtvirrii Fifth \?rnnr and Pn.ii'lttaj The Elliman a Na.t., \?II(K-Itrookltrl. Terr? B??l? In? riaaae?. A. ? PRATT INSTITUTE - At? M HOIII? iNew York ?University I Law School T-HJtJEa. itit a .?as- ?arntog. after-rexx . ?venina, to aaaat e^taaMnc? ,f ?tad?i. t. t ??? >-ir n, ?' P?y i a? LL U ' ??? ? ? .??-.Wai? saasBB ?vast Aaiatr?s?LXI--tj?*'? - .-a. . iT?BTI (f T | jj fc. INSTRUCTION. KEN liillK- II..?nu County. Chappaqua Mountain Institute itillmlla. n>?l? heater Co., X. V. 4 BfSM ?arbeal f-r ?IRLS. In Um Rial Country, i. der rar? ,.f rtiri.d? Bey? admitted under 14 larparatf drpt.l Home iinitlier for youn| Hth year. 25 miles fr?m N Y 7i I " Pi :? ? Pn laratory and Usa? Art. Domestl? S<-|eti. ?. Ti?lnli,| ?ad Commer.lal Herds . I.iru i m - ? larda. ltit.-s. $.'UU to $:i77i. BL'SINKSS S< HOOIS. REGENTS fifteen year?1 tperieee* M R-pri".? TCorlc Higher Accounting and Auditing Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Spanish AND Secretarial Courses Merchants and Bankers' Business School MADISON A Vf. ?T. ?8th STREET g. ft FSTFY. DlrrMor. Plaia 2Mi. Booldaeeprag, Sbortbanti, Seere larlsl, TvpetifHt?ig, Spaalsn. Ovil Service _ St?notype D?partants. and Evtniof irsstons. Call or write for Cataiotrue. P^?w?q[?^^ liMSl?LeamAse rZsTS!?__-__. a-a-Hianil. TNp, ?ritin?. stm y?U&t?< ? f,o ,- irieirraph) Im ?ml 1 i? v. 'J)(Mt?SjOK>?t rat?!,.?. lS'UB'waj.i Mt/SICAL INSTRUCTION. Nrss- ? .?rk ( olicjtr ?if *?!iihI?-. Director*: ii-in. Aue i'i a.-.'., ke Send f,.r> ?? .-, ' ijru ? " Si v Y INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL ART. Baa 229. 120 Cliremant A??.. New Y?rk City. SCHOOL iGKNCIES. .\merican ami Forrifn TemeMtWtf Aienrj. Suppltea prrfesaors. Teachers, Tutors, ? i ,? er raaif. et,-, to ?ollagaa, .S'-h'.nls and F?mtllef Apply to Mrs M. J YuL'NU FULTON 23 L'nton S.juara HELP WANTED. Psraate. st-lMii;H4l'HKR AM> TYI'KWItlTI I' ?B??(fsl i?r.' '?peri. - : 'mf I" WO UK WANTED. Mate DBaYPTBawAV- l.?[.rl"i. id in tWtaillBf ?nd mill "i'i H 74 Trlb fi a _ _ TOI'Nll ,MAN ?." Kn -rien .d pack? ?nd ?I' ? round ihlppinS roeff nun daalraa ,":.i.. ?I-, "I i I r, n ?: ia- - ? I ra Alfri ! l? a-ra M vsatta at Female*. i'US 11' Al I Nl'BBI - de.lrea ? , ?, . ; an? ,il I. California: aery lil?hly Ml H? - Arfen j, 131 \4 i at T Hoani DOMESTIC SITUATIONS WANTED. Mala . .t- rOI WI in' I'l.K Farmer; g?rd?rer - ?? : i.'rtoui '.I ? III Afenoj I ? III.I ,-i: 41 4S .. I. -ii-llatit refer-n.,, Indiutrli I H 44. ? 4. I -t Female A A COOK i IIAMUKIlMAIti ml WAITIlKSK I I ?l a < '<?-?? I? Eaat *M it . 17 Murr i Hill I'llAMBLBMAlD A--l?t with r??ndlii? ?nd In . n ' . I IH I.I' > NI H.-K I I . ?? I ? 3-1 floor TW. ?-r? r-apahle. *.-onom , a I .?.'. iD?ca?er, ipletidld ref . ? 'i ? . M 4| 4k. . Ill We.l l]g it. T-. . Hlfh a?- '.'. < ODoS **-!.:k?hS 141 i ... I'll -Tatmi man. .^??k. MM ? t- a - ' ? ' Man - A?- , ni We?t 4-.M I.-., ? . . ni Batla? ?? ?* '???? - ? '??? - - Ml M ? ? \; , ?:. HOI rlKWOBK BVal , _m i . ei.el'.ent referen,?? lit? Indu, I 44... 4: I at . ? ? ?Hellen refrr Maaaa s Aaaaa?. ui "??.at ?-' i ?' T?1 ? _ _ 4.K-.I.K --rii ?? tan AmrOrin ?Iron?. ?UI i t? or ..unir?, aiaallaal ???'?ran.-e Utbti, A^?.,T I K IMtS ?t In.'? 5jn rfinaaav I . r:> ball ; a S.-r ??"??? ... .... -'a ? .4-,- 4| . | a. Tat Bl FURNISHED ROOMS \ANTED v.nsi. 4(SS |.,,. IH1 ? SEWI.l I": HM-MF1) :x y. a .__. a._, _u Irliilia? 'lit.a. nl*?> The Finest River Stea?ers in ihe World. "Aibrny "Robert Fulton" "Hendrick Hudson" "Washington Irving" New York and Albany All MaTBtSjfe r?l! tl. k?<? tartwrrn New York and Albany ?" ?r?? t Wrert Ha all p.,|nt? In Iks Calsktll?. Saratoga, tlie A.llrn: ,ia,'|.? Leate De?bro??e? ?t. rlaltj n .' - a - 10 A M . " il *-d M , I A SI ? .'S A M . ranken -? .*> A. II.. landing at Writ Point, Newburgh, !'? 'ignit-eie-l- K , Cal.aktll, ll'idaoti and AU? OMbressis St.. ?.?0: W. Kit m.. 1? W Uttt ? 10 20; Yonk.n. 10 50- g. M.. for B??f Mount?.n. West l'.Ji.t. ?nrii'.ts'.I. iflBh?|t and l'ongl,)???:?'?. Use Day Outings to Peujhkeeesle, Ncwburjrh. Wett Polst er Bear Mouatain Afternoon Boat For llrar Mountain. Wra? Point. X?abargh, Potjg ? ' < I i : r?. le???? I.e.'- tea St. 1 4", P M . ? IM S, IF. S.;?' I S ' ? I' M liai,.'...' m. a-. : w : t , Stl "ROBERT Desbrosses St. Pier. Tel. 4141 Spring. New York. SANDY HOOK ROUTE The Most Delightful Way to NORTH JERSEY COAST RESORTS llllttic Hitlilitiis, I ?na Arinca, Albin / ?ark. Oeil? Sri?? Betmar. taring Itkt, Plut ?, ?te. TB? T aait and Staancra ta th? garkatr San aa follow? Le. N. Y . Pier 11. N. R , .'oot W ?2d St.. ?Baatj dar?. *X>. ? U. 10 DO am : 12 .1?. I 30 I 16. ?? 16 . ; JB Sunday 1 '?. t? il a m , ? 00. > JO. ".]:? p m im 1'/ ; an t. lajni: Hr. only.) Lt. N Y . Kar m. N R . fool ('?dar St.. ? .?? day?, ?.15. 1000. II.? a m ; 1 t?. 2.00. S ai. ?? 4 ?E.4S. I 10 p.m Sunday 9.30. 10.10 ? m ; 1 30. 4.0?. 7.36 p m ( p m Y. Lor.g Br. only ) ?Ea, rpt September ttb. ?Va? Cl??? M?al? ?1 Popular PHral THE ROUND TRIP TO ATLANTIC HIOHLAF4DS ?SAY BE MADE ON ALL STEASSESIS EXCEPT THOSE LEAVING AS FOLLOWS: ft-ofti Hss R, N. R . foot W ?Jnil at. W??k d?y?- rn.m PtSf M M. R . for' l'r-Ur Straet. lit. ;.?5 p m. .Sur.dajf-10 10 p.m. days?'i ?i. h..9 p.m Sunday? -M lu p ta. The most d?sirable water ride about New York i? to Atlantic Highlande and return THE FARE OF ONE DOLLAR MAKES IT THE MOST EXCLUSIVE Weak Searchlight Route >KW .ORH??IHANs?TKOY und the NOKIH Pally, Including Sunday. ? Capital ?it? line? PI? r It, N. K, fo?M of '?? S' . 5 30 P M . ! 321 St . ? 00 i P M Latav? Troj I 'Ji> i* M . Albany S I'll P M Kare. )1 vi onu way, 11.5'J 6 trip New Night aTlBS.sBS TISI 32. N. R., ?00 P. M . Wral 18J.1 SI . l'J 0') P. M. I.?a\? (except San,U. . 9 00 P. M. Albany dally, in.-lu.ling S'il!.lay, 11..'0 P. M. Par? ?- ? ? ? v.,-., || :,'. round trip. Peupla?'? Une?Plrr 32 N R I ?I P M.. Wr?t nad M . s M P M. Uavs Albany P. M. Kar.', I. 00 on? uay. 13 50 round trip. Bun,lay morning? boat for N?wh>.rgh. : Poughke-pule. Kltigsto:, Point and ?Leaves Fiar It, N. It l:tt A M ' ?? IStd St., 1000 A. 11. Leaves Albsny lft.OO , A M Tourist AtitnmoMl? Hh'??. |l and 110 en? 17 It Hii-i lit rouad tup Filtra ?.ertui- ?ouihl...m d la.lior Day night, >s. Hcrk^liirr. Adlr.nili.l.. Tr Jim. Ken-srl.irr und Krank .inn??. \ortli!nniii.l l.ubnr Dai night. SM. tirrrnport ?t .'J1 P. M.. anil C. \\. Murar at H P. M. Muht rxi.rt-?,?, liMvrs Nr? York I.ahur night at H P. M Tri. .spring 9100. Hudson Navigation Co. Eastern Steamship Lines All-lhr !.t-\\.atrr BOSTON ,""r,::"1??"?? MAMA! ?UHU1 II and .H'NKK.K If II1. Lvs Pier II, N R . f'.ot Murray St, ?.." da) : P. M Du? Bosston about ? A M ItUsM servie? re-turning l'n surpasaed fa lllties for exprdlMous g ,,f Automobllea Horses sad Freight? Express Sertir?, Q?\ri\t%mmA Mai??? Struin?hlp Line Mill III f.iMI ml MIKTII VTAR. P1??r '.? N. H Tu?*, Tlr.irx .ind Sat?.. 5 P. at.; al?.. Mona. 10:11 A. M. Tkt?. nii.l Information at Plrr?. ?l?o at all Touilat A ,N Y Tr.a:,.af.?r ?'?? pit!, r? ^ S.S. "MANDALAY" Moonlight Say Up the Hudson . Katf-rv ; IS p in Ween 131?t ejt, s ?j P. M DANCING FKF.E. DAY TRIPS To ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Vr? Ki.uti- 1.1 ierae} ? i.m?i K.-?..rt?. al f" pal? i ?.. M i rial st | g \. Zimt llLj Kaltrrt I'lrr 10 30 A M ??v w??#, i{ , , uiaililaj.da 5 I'll l. ., USA \ \ Set r ? ? IU'ter> oiilt. 7 P.M. CVT01 TPID "??liiriliiy \ftrnu..,n? CAlnA inir i xrs, B?tteri ?> ?. M Truni?, 4 Irnllri? ;?> nil (?mm 1 ?serte. ?. Piei Horn II It Bra id ITI - : ? FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 I.v PlrlH It, N R. ft Fulton St. Dally , p m :.!'i?.ic. I line: B.?B I.v. Pl?r 14. .4. K. ton M reel, week .lays only. ? <|0 P M. Nrn l.?in?l<in (Norwich) l.liif: I.v Pier j 10 N R . f' H'iu?ton St., weak ?lave "lily, . p M . Plei IS. B i?.. ft. rJ J.d at, ? M ><??* Br.lford l.itie?: Str? I.v Plrr 4?. N H . ft iiuu?!,.u Mimt, srastk days gnly at P M Delightful Afternoon Trip to Bear Mountain Park or WEST POINT Str. "Albany" Ztt Str. "Robert Fulton" Irate DaSSttOSSSS St iMtU el ?p? Si,r lit 1 II p M Weit 4 II V "??' '? ??'? ft ? 2? p M 1 - i 1' M 11 r ,i: d tr'.p. l?t'io?iri at 11, ?r M "i, tain ? lima at Wrtt I ... a Hra?auraiit dtsr mip ru? saturoay ArT?RMOON. - 5nm Steamboat (Co Deep Sea Fishing Str. TAUtUS' ,? ?< t m s i t i. n k . (i.\i.r. CONEY ISLAND ROCK A WAY BF ACH -GRAN? REPUBLIC" Sirs. Lve. W. Mt? St. & Pfer I, N. R. IMIBC ?f ? ? ?oaei of t?i. S'fttr en. KEANSBuhg? l.t Hattrr? I'?'.- ? ?? ?30. 1*30 ? ? . I ?. 4 3? - i ItS. I i ?> ??S ??? ?. 11 IS a m 1* ?0 pas Inn I tu pm i*ii,i Troll??? tu all Jei-w> pt. CONEY ISLANO ROCKAWAY BEACH A ? 1MHHIA It, dl ? - '? ?' It ttlli, taUt.n, ?at, a., !.. Sw ? .?-?~ !.. I r-a'tw, ?? - jJf_3Ssw$ s fu Hnil Tr.illev. ** ?fl. Wtrc-stir, n.80. Prosld r.c <)lr?'t. $1.1?. IMalffaowa. si. I1.M ? St. Dali?, inrluilliic Sun.lH). S:30 p. m. rrrni Ile- 1? K, l< Pbaaa 170(1 Beoamaa. I'll? Tar?et offlra. .'90 ilr-ifd???. I \ ir-atf/m n.w rtAn B'??v and taVJ Se Wrlta fi* lilualratad Pal l?r CUNARD F<t,iflii'h',? r??i" EUROPE via iivtaRPOOL Saxonia.WedL Sept 8, 10 A M. ORDL'NA. 10 A M. SAXONIA . ..?at. ?i. t. ?. Il A. M. i Htl.fVA .Bal . Ut 7*3. 10 A IL ? M 4 ?:..? |f, SAXONIA ?Es n ? - ROUND THI lot'KB. ' r"U?li laaikln?? to al COMPANY S 0FFICC. - 21-24 STATE ST.. I. Y. American Une AMERICAN STEAMERS Under the American flag ? N. Y.?Liverpool?Pier 62, N.R.,Noon ?t I'-..I. s,|,|. | N.'is inri?, ?..-?.t. II White Star Line N. Y.?Liverpool?Pier 60. N. R., Noon tilriiitlr Batst. H l.n;il;inil ?f,.l, || Azore??Gibraltar?Naples?Genoa Oettt? Sept. 9. ? I'. M I inoplr- >r?it. SO oi i n k, y nu ii, v i i,-i tono K,,i?r. FRENCH LINE tuin;?(iiie t.enerale Transit Lint Iqu? I'OVrti. ?abfUlCE Sailings for BORDEAUX ESPAGNE,.Sept. 4, 3 P. M. ROCHAMBEAU, - - Sept. 11, 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 18, 3 P. M. LA rOURAINE, - - Sept. 25, _ P. M. KOK l.4i'4>KMATR , Al'fL? COMPANY'> OFFICE, " s""r BRAZIL I'tii.iw Kr.i.i.l llliill ?t - nu oNM > i'i A4ISMH' mm.' si,\4 m AI'INi. M I fit A1 I A?- i.l. \ I - ESS" S.S. MINAS GERAES . Sept. 3 ?EX. S S SAO PAULO . Sept. 25 Aaaat ? ? RFD ??u" LINE ?'?" " ' M neu u Line I - P - ? 1: ? ? lAftAi-Af? ?-It ?1 ['Ilil.Ali' 1.1'lliA fep?. "J. MAItA" .4IIHI 1 : . 1 /I l'A a .. ar? ? BLISS fjALLKTT ii.. -si Mat a?..r? ?3 44?' s :... ???????-?NIITIUI \NH ? || * mmwmmmri I NATIONAL GREEK LINL | I a, : I .. .iiri.M .?ailltifi I I i I I nfflre, II U! I ei, i l M | Ii'*fiu niv " "'? ' ''""" ?? ?AOUK U/\ I .4 I fix l-IIIIINIi?. OU I l^?4l> |: -.11. IM ?HIT llliill? . :? I', v roiti. Official 4?. -nt? sil line?. His?mnn.l A Whrteomh ?...'-'?. .'th At.??.?. OI.I? DO M IN ION I INR IS ?M l'1-.ta ' ?' faery Wee? Da/ III - s Paar 13 N 11 ?Tal. *?0O rr? . h 0AY ALL FXPtN<f NORTHERN CHUlStT ' Bojkltt 'r.- n- : .' I \ , s KMVKSIO.N?. Co to the Mountains LABOR DAY $1 .50 Round 1 Trip M auch Chunk' ??SUS Glen OnokoMowDAY Hftui amr Day Bellewood Park MONDAY $1 .00 Round 1 Trip Return Same Day Lchigh Valley Kailrtm?! teat I amona expr?s? Route BUSINESS CARDS. lAHHtl. lAKI'KT ?l_.AM.Nfi i.l - .:e?oa ?? *e.| ill .leim kaocj of o?l to>i i 4 ft* ?ffr. ?4. (ui * 111. is, i . : m n nn\tiiirn\ LrrrrS* ? ? ?. i ?. i ? i n KliroMH lit Hi-.?.l>?> iK.i-i-.a__ ?v? is. i.i.'ih i AKi ?i, I ?t I ??? ? 41 ?? al tern h l.Nr. K' '. - 44.-4 _.\ rkuM 4 ? !_. l?J. UJ, IUivL M-iM Matf tike _k