Newspaper Page Text
TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Activity of Pool ?stocks ' Nought to Presage \ | u Movement. cROPRf PORT BETTER THAN M GUST RETURN Orcat Expectations rentre in Arrival 0. the Financial Missi n from Abroad. ?renking. ifts I .the - Mo? il. . r?l ? ?. ? ? I . ist T. h!..l ? ? ? There ?ni a littla ?.. ? .?, m Allie - * Kaln-i. ?. , lorado Fur! an! troB, ? '???? . ? ??..?. A market ?r?? rd the it the ?a? ? ? In ?? . shares Ir.i all \ Real Hnn.iirr Year. ^ I a of nearly thirty - 00,. buah ? ;n last - nn oat : I.el? of the ? ? '?rd every IS auntry -, and of i . it .?? ??mull woi der that i ? ? ? N\ nil Street * lid 00 the a sra r. turn. The spring ?.??) tat ? ?! by now, so i buah ? ,.!her yerir. ?i'lP .* kind ? ?:.'?-; 17.1 ,? of 1912, ' . H\NK REPORTS. The National Park Bank ? .. ? : h I ? ? ' ta I ' . ? ? ? - t, and, i?:r.. ? V, 1! ami . ? ,, ) MM 90 4 K* "I fin? ? . -. : ? ? i ? ? . ? ' ? ? - ? - - ? . I l.?.?0.i>?J (X) . > ? ? .... ? ' ? ? KVNTERSa .?DERS NATI3NAL BANK 01 NE? YiiRK. i asa ? ? < i . ? - * ? - s I ?'. 171 ?" : ? . its*.eut ?o i ? ?.. . ? r: ?*? ?o J o.?. 00 > ? ? i i,*l?.IBSft . ?i i* la-as.! ! ' * M II I -u? Rial* < t. ? aaw . ,i. ? -. or tii?' SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK. - i ? ..i t | - . I - .-, ? ? -5 , . . Tf.;, IMS 78 ... 1 I ft*-) r?.*. 0; '.a -? amount uni ??? l ? \ ? tut it ?-..-It-^ lr '? I ? ? ? ? KM ? ? 1 ? - . . . .. 11 n 72 1? m *? ? ??.'....?? natlmtal bai -.?. ? I ? ? . j.i "?nt ',r\ IT (Van no s Trt-ae f W V) 12 ram 0*1 ? ' TnTnl . I LIAI ? n -?-, ! U .?v. M? M ? . a? ? t 1 I.-.?? r .-a-- t ?,?; .?? Mi ? - '? ? ? . ? ? I 1 n no ?,?n* ? ?.- m m ?-.nV? *!i* , ... M ?| ? IS. ?MM 1 ? |u? :-i )?.* ? ? TM?,- - . - ?o W dt???' fr .-a?-a*? M - ? * ?a., a? ? ' .... 1 ? - .-nui '? of ' ? i-T.rvr.kU-Y. < ., ... ? i. in** iu th? ?-????? "f 11. y 1 ."!?.. Mil I W K ,i,i:vuii,KT. QmMm ? a?., a m? Il I? ??h , , , > ? iJMrmctore. iaaVW. 11. K. ?a-i.l-i-N. J ? ? A Brtlllaal Di-leR-alliin. The of , n financial mi*?'nn || ? *,.,* with the keen On thi a of it ' tuat Bul i pel . I the miasioa li ? II be foui ? ': i.: ? .? ? erran.I the dable, dward flolden is in in, nrc'l h?' . by 'he bi t ? - by Si i H ?' i ker with i :i . ..i ! ? ? ? . ? r?;, be learned, U at B ? ? the Stock him, who . but " ?, wh< ?nsi-lf tu be thorough! and sound in ', be la ;ir'-.? the it c-1 m ral iin .?. :?1 . ? ? pected The < rank ? ho al Mr Morir?n is no! ? . | ? - air ta kins v.o n< ? the recepl their i Many Remedie?-- I il,. I? It has almost come to ho takei ?franted that a loan or rroi?t an ? of the conference of the Bi I French rarjir? entativei 01 I Yet there i reason to '?? will l. ? !... auch ? I IVl than once t aid '???? da ?.;..! upon until I reign i ? ? : Le resort? d to in rel ?!,'<? situation. It wo,lid * ? SUrpriang, in fart, to many ?. formed persona in the financial trirt if nearly aM the ?-rar! ? 'lit ion ? ..nal mona j ket wa Bted were .. in BOB Holden'?? Ftiresijrrtt. The i ? of Sir Edward V on the fora . ?? financial mis.'ion served ? ? ? S.\ !:, ni the alarm ov?- r tl He i ointed out I iod at e the 1 . ? ? ? ? ? urired t'no ?u publish the tution, I ..-ni Miillai'.l Bank, t. lead 1 ne ol ers, hotvevi r, did i to be Roch Nland No Foundlinir. Rock Isl?n i did i ot behave in the ? market yesterday a? thoue-1 ... ?. placed by ? On the contrary, it very much as 1 the ? - ? ontrol of the road , in trial V. ether or i ot it is true that .lohn J. M. Reynolds I ; . ? (?;.? ? lei thai ': ? ros I ii no.? ? in?/, with no one willing to it. 1 - yet lecui ? ? replace the Gou night later $2.1 s that will co und which there ii no pn ? riding. Submarine Stock Clearance. A! ?? "???' ' ' .? of Stock a eommitti I E. D. Pou i tt, of Hei '? ii ? i t, of & Co., wa r a spa ? ? Septi mber 16, 19 5 ? i, ?a il h?, n ada by D i (ir? fror, wl . ??'? ' : t 42 1 . ?way. m ,:\\r? Rl PORTS. [No I Ml i ? ??. \ , . THE NATIONAL CITY BANK ... et ?rk. ut the - .ttbt.i ? ? ? - i - ? ? - ? : . - ? ?" n-f Mil a ? ? ' ? !??!. fl - - onral t.ank? . 4" i.? . ft -.,.,., |o Ill) -,.-??,471 H ; . ? ? | ?'.4 .iWOO ?tank ? ' I . ... ? ? laiioi !? .. ; ? r. Total . I.i Ml ! -Till S . - ? ? tel astil* I i ..... ... ? ? ? Iieman ?'? ,.i: 11 at and I a? . C* ... I ? ? ? ? . . . t n-~l i n I n;-Tl? .. . Uabllltle* ..-. ; Total . ?' I Net? York I y \ VANDBMIJI ? ? I'M ti-.?, e tiaterma n' i? ? i ,\ van;.i im.ii-. r* ? ?? ? t*fo?e me ? I |,\? ET. Notan '' N i ... .. ? ' I-?<!. 1 i. H VI.I.IM S. ' t> CUiVt^AMJ U. 1XJDOE.J I PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES .?encrai New?, anil EsraiagS of Varti ( uriiur.itiun?. 1 esn Inga of t f..r i and fr. i i.21 4,201, i : of ?'.i'i.l i in 1'.' : ? '::??! fr' ? ' ' '"t il g ? ? thin i Dperat ' 1,589, a d? il I.73S '? i h gain : i ; ?', i. i ,. ? ? , KailvH" anil Ltghl Bees ritte?. ^ Thu I Compai . ? ... ? - ties, i , ? ? JSl) I SI ended July SI, 1914. Dividend ?1; $l,iO,ii?)i the same si ? . . - ; T?sar a,.,. The romp ? . . ai ..' .July SI '?:' ,-M 1,024, .i ..? U0.175. Boato? (iin?ioljilatrd Cat. ^ Operating - Bosti ? Company, a su ation of I , for 1 ... | -7.717 less thn:i wi the preceding '-?-?* an ineresse, however, in m t incom tinted to $1,598,02?, . 11,431,770, an in real : , .- the >??! .1 t.. *1.:>.,,.'...;. or $7.ri,.;. more I I? .1 in th?' pr I'lc bala - TK?RD?OCKISLAND DIRECTOR RESIGN: s Schumacher's Name Added t Those of Arthur James and James McLean R? ^-? ntioni of H,t< renta <..? ]?;., -;, . ,-. Pacil ? .- of T. M. Schi ? ?!" the board, in ;.< Arthur ' urtii Jam? : ? day. Mr. Scl umaeher etste? 1 that h ? ted their ret * t.i the i - .1 the r? 16. ? ? il r. Jam? ... ; ? i. have 11 ? ? ? ny u I ' ?? h..:.| quhar syndl itei in Phelpi . ?? ? . with ' he i "...i , ??;.-.'? ? ? ? . . ive felt t., ., ird. ? ? ?i-? ! .. equity In th ? ,. ? - ,f !l i have ful in Wal ! >av ? . ?.. once M immer ? ,11 o ? sil orfi MONEY AND EXCHANGE. 1 . a i. >.' r KATK.?I ? * pel ? . , . Ll ??..'.'?, ?I t ? . . . ? TIMK M"v i ?. ? . I. . li.* r*l<* ? - i I.I ' ' TRANSI I? ? o. Tli. ? Mt.Ma . -.i ta ifei . ... Indu : HAL l:? *l lt\ I DIS? "I NT RAT] ? ? . : - ? . ? ?... ? I . ? . i . - I ?. n \ M.l. Baal i ' a - ? ? ? ?. ? MM . 1 . ??? ?a? ... a ? l ,.i:i.|..\- ) X. li * ? ? " - i. . . . . . . . i. . .. ? .. . a < . , : . . Loan on Concourse Parcel. (i?.ni* ?- , Inc., hss i '? : Philip J. Kt-aine i any, on i \ amount the a,ij propert) bj trta. SHOBT ?TERM SOI I B - A I UllV S II ? ' . ? . I ? ? ? *. . NY? ? ? i it ? 11. . . ? S ? ?-' ? i 't PsriSig? (,'ntrnmenl l??u?-?. 'Ar?.,,' '? P2 . I ' ? '? "'' ". * ? t* 4 a IK * *? a i*? *?**; \smtaee ? - ?*-? *?-* *?ul WILL ERECT AN $800,000 OFFICE Structure to Old R. T. Wilson House on Fifth Av. ANOTHER APARTMENT FOR 721) ST. PLOT .William A. ? linn, formerly of Pittsburgh, Once Again Buys Law Building. Plan*, for the i lank ? ol.l K. T. Wilson mansion,?! ? ' ' ? I ' av ? '* ? -.? rd?y. York ?? ? ??? 1, t?800.( . ? ? ire will be built by th?> Mi Pifth Avenue l ? ? eth eh Henry A. Mark li president. It will hsvs a f '?n tha avenue snd l.:? feet on th< .trret. Another thirteen stcrv apsrtment - of the most n ranjred in sait. ?* of four an.) : re : will be built at 124 and I.'', Went R?vent) -.-. oi -I H 1? will i , by |in->un- identified with the G ! ? - - 'l; " itructure 'will - ? | which, with the land, will total opera! on up ??? Willism A. Flint.. politieittF, merly <.f Pitti burd . ?gain becom ? the o? a? r i I : re -'..i y strut fth ;.-.-. Tl wsi the subject of a fon ? S1 ? ? Ssl? !? >m :.i- . -, t th.. Drogan Building < ompany. 1- carried encumbranc? i ai . In?: ng a e for $3: i.OOO, and Mr. PI , ? Mr. i ? the Law Buildint. in |, ,. . th I itory . ' ling. ? ?nd 37 ? . ? ? ' ': Bl ? ? in pari p.'.:. meat for ti.- I ? thi I I. ., ; A. i .:?? n I,a.- lold 160 99th ' , i : tee itory snd bssem? At ;ie. on lot 15.4xS0.8x irregular, ated ". :'.?. t ? :?..; . ; Amiti pan< y. * OLINER REAL ESTATE SOLD Heluht*!, Downtown and Brooklyn Prop? er! ie? Bring 1248-350. The ',f Saul and dor Oiiner, 1 ? day I.y ? '.ft: a t.,*al of | ;? *.!'.! y a[,ai*'.;> nl Audubon av., con block fronl i i -v.. n l -7;ii at i paid by th? I R< alt; avcnii" ! 89 9 f? < t -?'nl On eirh s;i ? For the propel ty 150 D I'-.-l '.'?', B?n< - -'. forming an "I." sround ths northeast eorner of I paid $12, 250. <>n the Detancey st. end th? ? and a ha!f ? ? and on .- is a four Brooklyn ; ? Wi r ?5i i - 0, ?rent t.. .!. BrUkman for - ? !.???' loeated in Area Park, Staten Island, .,\? .. ,i 1,. Oiiner !,.??- i -, were not of. I. ,i. Th,. sn!r> wa? held ' P Mshonej ?t- Wagner, sttsrnej . repre trustee. BUSINESS SPACE LEASED l.ofts and Store*, on the Baal ami West Side? Bested. Shaw ,< CO. I? .-. ?! '. :? J t h o.., ? '.\ a . Ptsse ft I - - ' ' h ive I? ' in 5 to 9 '?' ? ? .1. Tenet ? ,1 : >r r 1 Iway. J (.' White ?*.- Co. lesae I floor, eomj rii 00 iquare feet, in ; ' .,;, l.i la fact uren ol ladies' hats. Unger & Wstaon, Inc., lessed for a an the ?ton i ?! 189 r,a-r r,.'fi it to the Ignition Specialty{ any. The VVallaek Construction Company ? : the ninth and tenth lofti ? I twelve Ft,,ry I ? li 11 ?i i n ?j it il ? -.1 83 W? -! a1'. ? lt., f? ., k'l 1 h? .itr.-, to Kauf? man 4: Oberleden, Inc. m ? ", Sales in Auction Rooms. A-. 14 \' Via'* FIFTH AV '< ' ... I', ill i r.? i - *7TH st M '? ? ? i'*ntrel Part ''-??. . ? - ? I 32D if. I ?a | . ! , ? n a. r?a>. IfcOTH ST. Ml - HO : - - ?? ? l?TM t>T IT? ? II |.? la I I I? A Cr. LAFAYETTE ST. I?. ? I ' ? ?? ? ?, . ?I I . ., Ml RIVER?IO? I'Pt.'E ? - , , 1. I I ? -, \ . i. , i I ? ? It) |..?1-1 '. west ?m oi ' 1 Ksix *' i . ? . ? v I . UVfl ' I.' 8ATHCATE 'V , I VAN N?.T AV. ? . 1 a ? I r I !? , -"?p. ... -, k? - ? ? mm. NEL?8K IV ... . v r. i n.ia..i ?. !.. T. _ ? NKW BUILDING I' The BrsM. STEVEKSON ri.. w ? I iSr-M-l ii I I ?i. Ma , ? Wolf n fj. Ol?.m*ti AV ? ? 1 I ? :. Alt?rai ion*. WiCSH/? *v tu trtrnt ' ? i t -? ? 11 MS BHouK av. un. i ? > I ' . ; . ? ? I WALLA?.! AV ? . ? . .?- ? I? : tl , . ?? own?. J ? Vut?, .?.''Vtuiu l??l a ?? noblem,. ?..?.. LXFI RV1SHRD IPARTMRNTSTO I HT I NI I RNISHED tPARl NENTSTO LEI l v?'1 R.MSHED \P ?K l ?UAT??TO LET LiveinFordham Heights THE WEST BRONX Mo?! Attractive Community in N*w York, City. New Apartment House? now Ready to Lease. Suites 3 to 7 Rooms ON CREST?N AVE . 158TH ST., VALENTINE, BRIG-OS. TIEBOLT AVES., and Grand Boulevard and Concourte, the 200 ft driveway, 5 mile? loni?, lined with tree?; alto the Gateway to all Park? Moiholu, Bronx, Van Cortlandt, Pelhnm, with St. Jame* arid Poe Farka near Fordham Road. Altitude 200 it. give* unobstructed view of Long Itland Sound and Hudson River. ?ttie That Now Educational and Social Condition* without equal Ir ,i,?it?II High and Pulilic School?, L'niveriitiet and Churc i.uln i? Robwaj In .'""tli ??! . Hi. i, l.i.!uinl i.n MfrtW* <?r In a.'-?, id 4..n..,.ir?e \. 1 t entrai i.iiiliiim M ininiit.? frntii I .'ml ?!.. tr.l \?e I In I ,,i .'.li.ii., Ki .i Iba I . ??'-I It) ?.in. I I I i..r?. .ml I ..r.iii.i m i(,..i,i w.iik :, Mark* "??.Kill aad ?til iii ami Battra ??14* atrerta. Sem ?? f the Ben aparttttenl bob***. he*. Mirlen, on. ..iirae. ill it-, i.le fordham Heights Properly Owners Association, Inc. PUBLISHED TUESDAY'S, ?2/ ymsmw/ my mj itty THURSDAYS AINU SUNDAYS. n \*?li. \M> \liin;l ?> RIV?ERA Rlversld ? l?ri\e. t.-.-Hi ii. 15.1h ??t. BUCKINGHAM COURT 110-Stl W -i ii?tii .??i VIJ nun? lllveraidc l>rl?e. THE ROCKFALL V I. IIIKMI! ?ROADWAY. !\|l UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS III ... tatS ?. MlHI ??,?? \\ Km l(. i Hr-i Buraatdr un.I 17!ltli -!.. *i\f?( Itri'ti?. ROMAINE & LOYAL Rivet-aide Drive, ?i'iiih to Irin Ht., mili SU Weal liiiMii m. THE PIEDMONT .316 West 97th Slreet ARD --LEY HALL sol l n v\ i -l CO?. o?M? sT' ...... ?i I* \I?K B'H?T. The Havemeyer, THI? PRINCETON sat-BtB 44 ! .-i -.7 1 11 BTKEEt. *M \\i BT bSTO mi;: i i \rar Itroitilt? i?> . 2 W. 88th St. SO. H??a ?Ms 5 to O Koorn?. I I la i ?-. Haiti? iMk-'it I nrKe K..I.I.I.. ttl c Hath? ?i. 1 mi.I ? RataMM. ?i In a Baiha KIM M titeara ?aim-? ni ?todera!? reniai |l IM lo SI.34J4J Sl.tOO lu ? S l'nind 4. 5, H 7 ? K?,uni? unil T??.. Ilath?. ? uni : K'.um-. .in.l Hnth. B. * unit S Meg-int I .irf? K.iiiin?. t-B-B Kxtra I ur?e I ?slit Itimin?. ? 1 ..r*..-. i.?i.?-< lallt ??..-il ?arranged Kniiin-i. 1 Itoom <orner \|!iuriit. 1 to 0 Km,m, n ml I Battu. .?? . to -1 ?, i-.irl? Surt?? lo SI.iumi Il min tu ll.Toe. s:s ami t i>. en. SI ton lu S*!.ont?. Central Park West No. 4d3 " turne Room*. M1 '?" M.' st l'\K1 I? Il 41.? ll-tt..r, n ???ri Ol'tl.l? ?;-).) f??i ? - ?Il - - . rtmem. i?r*e. light :? rn Im . --rvlt?OB L ?? r- i ,.f ..... ,r * E H in-ies t; l'-rf-rtir ??? trtnre?: r ?ntry K 1 ' - .-.h si ?' -i i , I ? 0 r* ! tir' fi f Af?>' ? .- if-tn 1 > Il \ !? I Bu pel I , ?.?* it fftrnt.t ?n l'nl Tro.i-y. ? ?'?nta ||l a? ,,??r. maiafl II i.l -lie, ai ar ? ? | i ? ? r ?ijarOnent; ?ii>.??llnt\en!er.t !?? ail tran?!' I t ..f Park Ne? Ir j.. || : ? ., .ni?. In ail retperta un Ideal li.-m.' Beat value? the Wem me.I All Inipro?? ' ii?^. m,,-.. ., i ??a or .?'"*'* A" ,nl ?. ,. ?,-? i ?? tratad lo tuit. I) i 7 I ? Inn' ip? ?? - ? ?Vaaa R i" " t'"r Iway i liver1** aear *''h ?. t ii-'?? ?> ?tttion. latlt* Ml B K -? i? ?till tiett l!*!ne,l ? ii '.shiior ? on -; ?a-hf Beautiful W*?i<*m i . --Uent ?lew T'm, sixth A. ? ? ? ?Btral r*rk. I BI SYNDICATE BUYS TRACT Get? Si hi? ffclin-l.av?r?-ntc Estate Lot? in South Yonkera. A ..,;? .1 !,; Curt??1 Howe. ? and opera . d the property in known as the Schicf felin-Lswrence estate. The property is bounded by Vslsntine L?ne, Bivi rd it., St. Andrew'! PUee, ;:ad'', ? seventy t ? mproved in the n i t up-to* idy for building oners* The lay of ;he land i ex? be ??! ?red ofl st onre SI ''' in l01'* i ?' ' .?f Henry M. SchieiTelin, Joieph R. !.av resce and 1 B?ek* man. ''"c *?*-"" t?te st 4M Riverdsle av. Sonie year* the a'." ??'? ? improve the pr a moat comprehenaire and mproremei I adopt? i. w ide atr? eta, bea itifully paved, with sewers, water and -ma,wars . (l. A large number of loti were and of the moit beautiful i i ,,i South have been imptu-l . onkei * an - of :!,?? N. nken Railroad, a;..i tl ? W illiar? Hill. Harriet L. Hei ? . \ - it Von snd a num , i ? In this ?ale th?? Schieffelin-Lswrence ? I by .lame?, it llor-at-law, a member ot Sted at ? , .;? 1 -. New Tenants for Dwellings. ? ! nd Lens SI ? - i ; i, rVe t imH i W n ; Weil ? ? (I..,, '? .;ht have ? ? ? John T. S- ? ? '.?.te ha? lesaed t-. Dr, ni S04 'A rat 114tl tei m ..;' ;. ear?, ar.d -, . term ? c 810 -. for W. K. i?. .*-t.,K.H ?... H er. dwin A- Goodwin hav.? rer.'ed t.. ? it Wat on ban leaeed for a s '??? Li??t Long blast. Sales. Co. Inc , : - if (?iar.t > A lo.r S?d I'iM.-i r i,'. ? .-.. i , ? so ? ompany, ol Manhattan, sun* .rer of macaroni, '1. ? ?'lan*. The Van Brunt Realty Comnanv par. ta K M?ller in ? ? *fa at ? ' 11,000 a ?t. The ropertv will he improv?-,l mritk I eata an.i two family dwailii Farm Corporatios b<?agttt ? ? t ?? Moral ' ? '?? richo ?.- and lad I on ? ? Little Neck Henry Bra.iy ?old to John be rV.c-k ?i .nt ..;, the ?<.u>h side of ihbarton av, from Biemarek av to Bayaids, I. I Mr. Joainsky 'IL;??' "...- family hull,,,. . \A ilion Dayton wai the broker. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. REAL ESTATE FOB BALI lOIMIil IUOI4.KI*. cot MIO IKOir.Kr.. WATER FRONT ESTATE ! r Sale AT GREAT NECK, LONG ISLAND - -??ne; of lalttll * I . ? , Kit? 'I besides Hi- beau I '?.n ? / ?n lh? ? tx>at : -, _ , . ttotataJ I r*?i ? rty at PEASE & ELLIMAN, 310 MADISON AVfc.. N. Y Tel. ?Jhone .IM Murray Hill. NEU aTRaUK*'. ATTT' ? ?INS IN atODBRN , .. . r (rom . THE BANKIKQ DEPARTMENT, STATT. OF N KW Yi : i.i p?t ? ? |op -.. . . Ali I - for flirt!. BENJ t> HAICTI ? l-i". --1P' ..! !?., , ? IONMI IH V 1. LAUBEL BEACH RESIOI NTIAI PARK. Ml, I. Rli . afl' ' Tho Sut ra S a?n*r- ?!??uft tt N.? Estland. I' a*rt lar? , Wtlk . tAUREL BIrACH LAi*4t> CC. II > l , i, ?Yrmiiii 1 \1 l RNIAHED HO! SES T? I KT. PtiKtll t. II O? in.Mivu \N 261 West 7Ist 3,. 1 Stnr- I! i . . i ? No 1 ? : ??Vet Buys at Garden City. I Brixtarj-n I?.-Pil. I ? I . ; ..'?. . ? N .) n dwelling, o-a a plot B?xl*SI feet Mr. ? bouifrit a '.?-n-air?.? i ? thi ? occupied by "r. Alfred I'.. Williams. $300.000 Building Loan. ?eTIIIian A. Wl for the --I IVa | Inan of ?S00, ? ' per sent foi .-n ".is t? 826 \? *al aati - ? feet, <?-. ??hrcli lh??r?- ? .. In- ?r.-itoil a ft building. Thin : since Janu. Niagara Falls Warehouse. The Turner Conttrurtion Company has boi-ii the mntrart fur the construction of a stofl l'iinipany. i.f w?BI?t< Thi? buililniK (?ill be lucaiv?! at Ningara Fails. C?u?tr> H??? lr,t?r*i?tl?a rrr? ?? ?r??*???l?? l?y en I. ?? ???'? ' t i ? I ?rii? N. ???.',U Km. ?i at T-: ?11 14*4. ne?, u ?Mers. BARGAIN $6,000 I \->V TKHW-J COZY HOME?7 ROOMS. IM \|.ii. ..o I I" N. ? ? it? : l.-,ru<- li?ln?r r,".m. ? ' . ? sroph |< I llMtM--. in H >?*? N - RUTHERFORD.' ' ? ? r>?th. kith 1,? ?tiot,. VAN MATER * - 1 a e I Ml RMSHEDAPARTMENTSTOLET \\l *>1 -ID? REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 6 rooms, $780- $900 7 rooms, $900-$1200 I'rrlrct >rr?lr->. OWN1K ON I'Ul.VlloKH. rUl NKWI'nUT - r.?t. .o?.to? \v??t. ? ? ,1 ill rrxin,? 1 1 .??a . ?i . ,*?*?rl? ..a? buiMlnf. -? or trt U \l A WIIITr. A MM, i |SS Sir**?- "Thon* 170? John? in w. n?t ai. ?<?* mi w. u? at ? ? ?! Hr..?.!<??, SI??ai, r ml Hi a*- KV-?iila- IJgh?-? Ap?. ??? ? ? M ?.i. t.'jo i* f. 2*0 mm a .m? i \*i NM PARK AVENUE, 550 " * rm ?. ,* ] RIJ0MII S BATM ,1 lOUf It*,,ml. All al|M ?t*??Ur.