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Superbas LosT^ice to Braves. Phillies Beat Giants arvdSenators Blank Yankees Superbas Take Tumble Instead of Climbing Braves Defeat Robbie s Men Twice While Phillies Are Winning from Giants?Marquard Makes Sorry Showing. ? By JEROME BEATTY. ader, Brooklyn did nol ?vin two garnet from thereby ??retting so i the front tb.-?t th? ir hot breath parched the back hair of the Phillies. They ?lid nothing of the kind. The Superb* lost two games to the le the Philliei were beating 'ho one-half pames hark of point ahead of the Nearly 20,000 ? i. p . Mr. Linotyper paid 7 r-.t? real ruthlessly trampled upon, ?ton's reer.iit pitchers hold nfl" the Krook such peerless throwers as Ruhe '. ? -?on Ruciar. The i were rs ; came . for the si rond. they csll ? ? ? - offen - ? first Sehf, the left to the about ? ! t ? fainted ? inning immedi* i au ? ? , ton. , --.des . runs tnd hve Whal* three % m, um? pire. , ? n the . :? put ? .-Tiorl Whaling I n the ran ? | a man who ?i. ? eently hnnoi ' in the ? game . . * with ? ghth, and the Braven ad the pinch i, one of thi -.uririi*: ? cor? ? just how i . Yorker would call an er* : ? .?ne Too Hot-To ?i-rday the T. II. T. Ii Brook noth-, in? to infield to ' The Bi r-nini: ' , I ?.econd hmidt wenl ? would ira fumbled th<- ball. , Whal The Sut" ' one run in i the laut of the second on ainglei by Nixon at. ? .uard collapsed in the sixth, and faced him bl fore he could j of them out. Schmidt, .-?mth. Maranvill? and Compton sin walked one of ? Dining with the bases full and all the??. i a stolen ? risr of I it all ville hit a two men ( OS ha Five more I In ? .. the Su? rd a i un. balls ? at in the fourth Inning and sin- , . ? ? . : M yen did the The ! ih a run in the fourth. ''?ret-.! mptoi I ? at i ich wae sent in to run for Com?- reached *ei ncle. Schmidt forced ? on third. , l?n a don; ' ?? .dp n ? In ? ich on ton's . ? d tO rough :ttrick takini* th;i ?as thl . third ? hit. ? that fourth inning, vhen a run. the Sui>orr>a* never ?ere out of Harne*'*, c.o ? ? i] 1!, ? much about a hat to give MADE WITH * 6UP-OVER BUTTONHOLE TIE SLICES EASILY Gloom in Fiatbush. i R>T l.AME. BOB1 ? *? BROOKLYN -N. L.i tb r h pi -I . th r h p? t r S 0-8? ft : "????a ?? 1 i i I. 3 2 I 16 1 Daukatrt. Iti i fi I ?. t< o lb.. 4 0 0 3 4 ? k. I C *tt? rt. S S 4 I 0 0 Str?**l rf . In? ] 0 0 Mao 1,11, II 'I 0 l I I I S mid! lb 5 3 3 12 t "i.'-i-i?. 21 3 00 2 4 0 lb. 4 3 3 I I I (i 0 3 l' n 0 0 0 0 l Sinyl ' i 'i n o o ii 2 2 S CO Gril - I . Wi-alln? r I ? I I If Nixon. If 3 0 I I 0 I 3 1 10 10 Mill'? i I 0 I J f ? Se- ' r. I 0 0 I l lIf* l ???, , I i- fl 0 I 0 MuOti'?. P. 71 I I ?I 0 0 Mt'Qiiard. 0 2 'I II 0 0 0 Applf'tn p . 10 0 0 0 0 Totti? ?i i? l| 2T it r, T?tti? ? i Billon OTfOOOSflO 0?12 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0? I' hl!-- Campten. Three-h*.?? hit?Mortn. Hem? rir -Mtrafitlllt, Siolen b?'r ? l.tmr!? Comport Ivrrd run??Bo?!on. I7J. Brooklyn. I, Sat r It?-?- ? ? :.-? [icnbl? plsy ?tv-r? and ? ?.i M lo Srhmlt?!. Marantlll?. f.?tr? tnd S,-itiI?!. Ever? Martn.llli? and Srhmld!: 0 Him, Iim? ant '? Llrli ?? h??m ? Bo?!on. 10; Brookl>n V hti't on ball-?OS Nffif. 2; oft Mtr ?utrd. 3: ofl Appli-ton. 2. Hit??Oft Nrht. 5 In ..l-n?. n Hufhtt, I In 4 1-3 Inning?, off Marouard ' In I Inning- : iff Applrton. 7 In .3 Innlnc?. HI? I? pitcher?By Nrhf. I iM?fr?.. hy Huai.?. I in?ih?rli. Struck out?By Marauard. 4. Wild pltrf ? f.itt Umpires?Klero and Enclin. Tlme-2 K. SICOND GAME. BOSTON <N. L.i PROOKLVN (N. L.i ah r h po a r ab r h pi a ? Mortn p?. SCI I SO OMtra ?? -10 (irr:. 2o 4 12 2 3 0 HslIi rt, lb 101 ft 3 0 (omp'nn. rf. 2 20 0 0 0 Stinnrl. rf 30 1 4 10 . -f 2 I I I d 0 Wh'tt. If 2 00 2 00 M-.q.'. If 40 I 2 0 0 Cuf??i?i?. 2b 40 1 S 4 1 Srnrr?'t. lb. 4 0 1 14 0 0 ?V??f. rf 30 1 2 0 0 ???nth i;i 4 0 i o (. !? Get?, 3b 3 0 0 3 2 0 M ?in-, ii 4 n I 3 'i i Miller, I 3 0 0 10 0 l,e?ny. r 30 14 I 0 Murker, p . 200 I 20 U?rne p 300 0 0 0 Orll. p 100 0 0 0 *NI?on 10 0 0 0 0 Total? 3!, 1 I 27 13 I Tn*?l? 21 I 5 22 I'. 2 ?B.-i't?r? t-.r ruik-r In flgbth Innlnq. Bn.ton 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 3 0?4 (Brooklyn 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0?I Tainan1 ? 17? r.i??*rj>. Schmidt. Stolen b!UM? Sfhmldt Fit. pat?Ira. tamed rum?Bosltn. I; Brooklyn I. Sacrifie.) hit? ? B?r.e?. nauber?. Double plav? ?SSaranvill?- in E?rr? ?o S I,e', lo M*rrr?ille lo L-rhmldt. Lr!t on Sata - Beaton, ft P-o'ktyn. t>. F lr?t ha?? on error? ?Bo? ton 2. B'?ik y I Ba?r.s on b?i!??Oft Barn*?. I Kurkfr. I Dtll, I. Hit??Oft Hunker. S In 8 IrRlaai efl Orll. I In I Inning?Hit by pttentr?Bi Strata by Rucker. Umpire?? Klem ard E " I'? Time?I IS. vice, and the ad?, ice was extra good. Zach Wheat, with a ?-prained hip. d into the second asme, bul b in no condition to plav, and \va> I I ? ? -fih inning I'v Smvth. Smyth was running: out to take his place in the i I I ginning of the ninth d and ng. It i topped on the " : ,i;i .-. CARDINALS BLANK CUBS Time)? Hitting and Good Hase Running Mark Play ?if Winners. ? ?s, Sept. 8. Timely ? ? mi iri-i- nu n ng enabled the St. . tu d iy by ii score of 2 to 0, The home took three out of the four gl Lavender outpitched Ames, but the rs were help < - when hits were In the first Butler walked, stole second, took third on Long's sin pl and scored, while Long was- thrown ou on an attempted double steal. Tie score follows: ? nif-AiTjo (.v. i?) KT LOtna is 1.1 a: .- i , ? r. . th r h !>o t e !i icfli ? lb 4 00 I 5i fir-M rf. 4 i. ; ?a . 2 10 1 MM -I.trrl?.. 2ii 4 0 ? ? . rf 101 I oa. Ztm . . . ? ... ... I !.. 2 0 0 9?. u William? - ! 110 I i i. Ii--- r- || '?f.? 0 o i I'hrlan, 3b 10 1 ? ? 3 0 1 0 J II ?Mil . lien ? i- '. ? n " i ?alt i ?I-.??? I for Lava 110**0* . ? i . Stiel la . ? ,, ." i - 111'? ?i* i ?i- :? , ? nul Hi l.i-- :?? A , r and O'Paj 1 Is ? CLARKE RESIGNS FROM THE PIRATES Manager to Quit Baseball at the End of Present Season. |H> tr:~i>*; - .-.? | Pittsburgh, Sept. 8. Fred Clarke, manager <>f the Pittsburgh club since IMO, ?* ill qu ? baaeball at ti e end of this seasiin. Barney Dreyfuss, presi? dent of the Pittsburgh*.. in?ule the an nounceaaent here to-day. i larkc ha. ? threatened niHfiy times to resign, but thi? time, DreyfuSS says. (lurke II positively through, and will re* K.msas farm. No suc essor to Clarke ha? vet been ?elected. : iloted the Pirates to N.i League pennants in 1901, 1902, I'm.'? and 1 ??f?T? I-. the last-named year .n ?he world's championship. !!?? ?vas a great outfielder up to the tine he quit playing and becan mana;.' ? | ear? ago. Scores Go?il in Last Seconds of Play Bed Bunk. N. .!., Sep? I W:?h only thirty seconds to play, Georgs C. Sher? man made a pretty goal that \? day's game tor the Mues over the Whites, of the Peal Polo Club, by a score of 5 goal? to 4, in one of the fastest polo ma'ches of the season. The >d hv :? to 2 at the end of the first half. Rochester. 5; Providence, 3. *>? Rochester: r. n r i n ? i Richmond. 5; Buffalo. 4. i ? p. i i i h?i'.r..a- M Ha.? and Bxat li? . ? .. ? PHILLIES HAVE LOADS OF FUN WITH RITTER Hammer Giant Pitcher for Five Runs in the First and Win Iiasily. ?.. orge ?"I al? ii .lohn J, McGrjw ? ?rintr. still i* get revenge. He pitched u neat Ramo afternoon ."-id \osi by a score of ft to 3. "Typhoid Hill" Ritter Marted the for New York and wa? allowed main in the l^nx until he had the full in the fourth inrr.infr with only ene out and the score 7 to 1 in ? if !''? iladel] hia. Schupp followed Ritter and pave way *,. a i?ineh hitter in ftie eighth. Poll Perritl th? -.-nie. H w.-.* a terrific bombardment that ? d un on Rmer in 'he nning. The ?rame was lost so quickly that McGcSw didn't have time ?iier pitcher warmed up. so ? Ritter in the bos to tak? ? Th. G tsrted a*- if they were to do damage. Hums doubled ored "" Doyle'i two bagger, In ?? th one out, Bancroft gol a base on balli 1' I R tter'e fai I one? ??nil h't it i-',. the bleachers for a home ,- Bancroft ahead of him. doubled i" right and scored I :,;? 11,- did likewise. Luderui home on a triple by Whitted, who Scored Wh< I (?rounder dived ? i's leps. E. Hm i ? forced NiehofT. Chalmers singled. .. who made the first ou* in this . last, n fiv to .lacr.hson. Jacobaon, one of McGraw'l recruit?. ? 1 right field in place of Davey M, Becker, .-mother young ,,t into the box score by pinch hitting for Schupp. tter improved only llightly as the A base on balls, .i ? ut and a sacrifice fly ' two more runs for the Phillies m t1-.- third. With one out in the fourtl ive two bases on halls : a batter, filling Die bases, ,,nd Schupp was dent in to see if he couldn't do something ahout it. Whitted 1. scorin-r Pa-kort, but N'irhofT hit into .-. double plaj. 1 ;.,i Mer! I? :? the ninth inninptnado third home run in three days. (liant'* place and I ' up, and he stole second ami third and scored on i- M. rkle ?lammed a home run into the left field bleachers. Fletcher doubled ami stole third, hut the in!''-,..- ended when ?'halmer tied down snd struck on' Thorpe. The Gisnta to-day did not look like ? i- .' ho threw BUCh a scare into ??? Phillies in last week's series at the Grounds. Ritter had only a rht ball and poor control of that. the Phillies pot such a lead at the thai the reault of the game never r: doubt The Philliei watched with no little concern the piocress of the Rrooklyn nd were prea'ly di-ap ?i Roston won both carnes. eve that it is 1', and not Brooklyn that they must beat ? pe'll .it. follows; PHILAPHIA iN. L.i NEW YORK iN. L.I lb r h po a e ah r h po a - Stork 3h .30 I I I0(!. B-.irn?. It i I I 2 0 0 Bancroft. ?? 4 I 2 3 ?i 0 Grant 3b ... S00 I 00' Paskrrt. ct 42 I 2 0 0 Br?lnard. 3h III 0 00, Ccavath. rf II I I I r 'arch-on, rf . 40 1 40 1 ' LuOru!. Ih 3 2 I 10 0 0 Doylr. 2b . 4 0 2 4 10' VVNttcd. If. 3 2 2 2 0 o M?rkl?. Ib . 4 113 0 0. Nlrhoft. 2b. 413 3 3 0 Fl-trhr-r, ??. 40 1 I4n' E. Burs?. ( in o 5 O o Thorp?, if 400 3 0 0 1 Chalmrr?. p 30 2 0 I 0 D?oln. r 100 000' Schanrj. I.., 2 0 14 10 Rltt?r. p I 0 0 0 I 0 S.hupp p I 0 I 0 0 0 P-rrlttt. p 0 0 0 0 I 0 ?Broker 100 00 0 Total? 34 'ill 27 12 0 Total? 34392411 ?Batter; t ? S,'!,u.c In th? ?fvmth Inrlng. Phllidflrhit 5 0 2 10 0 10 x?? N?? Yoil I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2?3 Two-bar h t? -T Sara*. Dovle. Flrtrhrr. Cr??ath. Ludfru? Nlfhofl. Thr?ba?r hit??Whltlrd. Horn? run?? Pa'k.-t M*-kle. tarned run?? Nr? York. .?. Philadelphia. 0. S'olrr hatr?? Ludfru?. 2; Brainier) . Doablr piny?,?Schang and Do?It- Cr-?*.tn ?iid Ludfru?: Nlehilf. Bancroft ?nd t.udr<u? S .riflr? fly?C'nlmfr?. Ba?*-. on ball?? Of Hltt?r 4 of i-chupp. I. Lrft en buf?-N,w York. 4; PHIM-ir, la ?. Hit by plt.hrr?By Rlt trr ( Struck out?By Schupp. 3; by Chalmrr-, V i'lt?-Oft Fllttr? 8 In 11-1 Inning?-, oft Schupp 3 '? !!?! Innlnfi: aft Pfrrltt 2 In I U-ipl-???Orth and Rlf 1er. Time?1:42. ER0WNS WIN CLOSE GAME llefeat Cleveland Through Fine Work of Recruit Pitcher. Cleveland. Sept. 8. The St. Louis Brown*, defeated Cleveland to-day by a ? f 6 to A. Met abe, a recruit, outpitched Mor? ton, who was driven f?rom the box in nnings. What proved to be the winning run was -cored by Howard in the icventh on his triple and Pratt's i Sisler's clean steal of home -while, Morton was winding up in the fifth was ? re. The scor? follows: ?I 1 nl I- s T. i CUTSLAXD IS 1 ?il I, l *? ?N r h jvn l ? . . A '? ,-f ,n i|,,[,imn, ?a 4 u 1 3 3 1 i I . ?.-.?. 11 ?I* It? ; ,. rf 4 I .- 1 n n Wa ,*r ? I I u 10 1 1 ? ? s? 10 11 4 ? . - ? . ? ' ,. 1 0 1 0 ft 0 i ouiah*, |. n n n o i u ? ISO limon l '? ' ? , -.Ttin -r 1 o ft e " I roua n 4 ;.: u : ?II?.' :. . ; . . i.,i.lug S' I, . ? ii 0 2 ? 2 n 1 f, ,a _> n I la- .!?'.' T?tn . bttt T,r.-a '?? i- .- *,-:?? II ,."??? - I -a - ? I- ?? Il ?Tard. I'rai' a- 'I la*r*n. r-iti a, I si- ti II.H . ,- !' ?-? - ? " ??? ,. out B) i ? ?;.?* " ? i ? ,.,.,., *?i_ j , i - T?a* i ' : Alexander Forced to Take a Rest it >,?? etfnltfl, mid? kn??n lut ?l|ht that Frrdtrlr? |i Altitndtr ?imoui lntfrn?tl?n?ll?f ?nd m?mb-?r *f ?ryu-al Davit Cup turn, I? >?art ^ere by, ?*uld net bf abl? t? tin? hit I ye ?a ? m?mt?r ?f th? Eulara la?.- trnnl, tram Ir-iron? ?nl Siturdiy. ?han th? t*rl*a ?f match?, with th? P?clf)c C?i?t ?li>?n ir* ?lt,i?d rl in? Watt Sid? Tannlt Club t c?url,. ?I F?r*?t M I'll L*?| Mind. Alt\.se,, ?rMrhm ? nmtl, I? hi, ,|,ht ,1.1. ,? ???rrly In th? flrtt ?at at hi? match ?US *?.i-' MrL*u|t.l|* list work thit hi? p.'l'l r '.",?*> hi. don? an, mo*? playing ???''? ? mtsAt B-?id*> ?rrv-r.tmt him h a r*sn I ,,r Km E?-t ?n Friday ?nl Sat url-, ?. ?andre ? |n)Ur, ?III ferfa Mm ,. drtaul' I *hr mm , dtubln? at th? -tjvarli I?, nan?? Nri w?*k. ?,,e,e. M|,,d ??? I P A nl Conmrg T???r t?m? h, ?a, r? luardad ?a a? ali-i-Af rrctain ?Innre _ I Kelly?The Touch Artist By BRICsGS. I Vd SIMPLV 60TTA HAV/? FIVE ?UCKS - I u MEE.T VOO A^VVAJHiiRe vbu ?sav NtxT weeK /SMD l'A?7 IT tfAcT??. -T HiJi-?T-S ME To VO "<Hi5 ^iJT IF IT WA'jM'T GO /Mi^RTA/mt Kt LlEVfci M*7 | VvOoVLOrJ"1" AS? Y?xJ loi?' iT_ -fou KtJOvJ? < U^( P To HA-JE A LITTLE O/SMGe ?.D.N*r I- AM? SPEN/T IT ico Dlt>M'T ? P'jA rlCAR ?h6 OrO': ' BOUT Tn' OUV T?4eVT ?a A ?IRL WJHCHC ?HI D Bl I ' I ? '" hapbj ' seen HI B tH< A I OIM<J TlMC AkjD ?SMS SM^S ? Ml MAP A iMCU' aJo8- PlOJM H F AR bed T?U.'AT Ffl-PHone FOR ?MISTER, MlS-T?R VUMH-rfzD ?w . Ih TeLEPH?Nt loO? AT FRED 7ftY,t\? To UJ'?GLd ?<JT- Oro TmE 3QUAR^ TM??.* la "RICH aj'T WO^ *?-L ?err?; riyLMiM - HtJ |aj KcrrrrJ MO?D F?? r 1 -'-~~ ' Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams NATIONAL LEAGUE. ?. wii s TO-DAY. N.u York a? riiilinlt-lpliiii. Huston at V.:. i ? I ?III illlll'l I Ml St. I Olli?. KKsriTs of GAME! fESTEBDAT. rhilaclflphia. !i; Nt? Vorl.. 3. Il,,st.,o, IS J llrook.: - li. I. Ho.ion. 1; Brookljra. 1. IS, l.iinl? '.'; ( hi. no. I?. national ii \,;n- STAXDfXO. ?. I. I'( . \\. I p.c. Phlla JS SS JIM ? hlesso hi fin ,i*o II,.?ion ?k 59 .CM Pittab'rsh SS 10 .l.l r.rtiiil?l>n...*n SI JWI NewYork.JMJ '? si. I nuls, fia ?7 ASS ('lnru.natl.SS SS . AMF.IMC.N LEAGUE. (. IMKfl mo IT. iTsahlastna al n. ? lorfc (lira). Philadelphia al Btwtaa. Hi I roll at < ?eveland. HI M I Is ?ii (, \mi *? -, I ?I l.l;l?\V. ?Yaahlaatea, ti Sfew imk, a. Philadelphia, l ; Bo*ton, 0. iioaion. IS) Philadelphia, 2. ( hi, najo, m-. Detroit, !l. Ht. I.olli-. ... ( l.'.el.ll.l, 1. AMERICA!? LEAGUE -TANniNC?. W. I P.I . i ay. I., p.c. Boston Ml 13 ,SS2 N"i? \nrl?...i!i Ii?! ,?17t i.n ,.ss ?: .?ni ?t. i ..m? :.' :h ,400 fhlrasa ::? ?".: .SSI riev-elaad. in hi .:r.7 \Va*h'ton...S0 58 .."?'?< I'hilu. ..?m h:i .;.i;i FEDERAL LEAGUE. a. nit.? TO-DAY. No kill.? M-lliMJuleil. M8ULT8 OF OAMH V UTERO AT. Bn>nkl?n. ?; \i??;irk, I. lir??iUI?ii. :!: Newark, o. Kantm* < it?. 7; Plttaburah, t. Kiiii-ii-. lii? ra. I'ili-lnircli tan .nil until?-, ruin i. liiifTitl'i. I; Baltimore, n. BuaTalo, 5; lliltinnir.-, I. I BDI It \l I ! ?G1 I BTANDINO. *4V. I IM \\ I.. P.C. ritl-liruli 7:' .-.?i 'i li km. I it? '? ? m. i nui? io nil ... -i Buffalo. .??: ' ? i im ,1km. .-,ii 81 ..-.:iii Brooklyn...(M at ? ihi Newark ?;: M .:,:; B?ltlnere..63 M i ! I Not a Run for Yankees Off Walter Johnson Pitcher of Senators Frowns on All Chances of Scoring While Teammates Get Lone Talley. The Yankees pot six hit? off Walter Johnson at the Polo Grounds yesterday, and called it a day's work. The m,jre serious work of scoring runs they de? ferred until another day, when some other pitcher will shoot something else besides forked lightning at them. The Senator-; were less fortunate in the natter of getting hase hits. They gathered only five from Boh .--hawkey, but they made the best of their talents ?nd got a runner around the bases, j This was enough, and when Eddie Fos? ter threw Birdie Cree out at first for the last out in the ninth inning the ' score stood at 1 to 0, with the V on the zero snd. .Johnson was mereilesi <n hi.? mighty strength and eunning. As told before, he doled out half a hits, and twice the Yankees threatened the plate, but just when he was fronted by dan- ? per he showed at his best. There was ] the fourth inning, for instance. Peek* inpaugh pot the first hit off Johnson, a drive to centre field. Paddy Bauman forced hi.? captain and then raced to third when Wallie Pipp doubled to left. Put two were OUI at the time, and Hughie High perished on strikes. He nevi r did see the third one whiz* by him. Striking Yankee batters out was ore' of the best little thinps Johnson did,, snd no fewer than ten took the pre* seribed ti --. Hut if the YankeSI wer" somewhat out of thei* depl h they art re none I he In the eighth and ninth innings they made another drive toward the piste, . lily to fall short. In the eighth Hart* zell hit for Boone and pasted n stifle into short centre. He ?, fend ?econd and took third on Shawkey'l drive to centre, but, alas! two were out, and look forced Shawkey. In the ninth Baumnn got a hit after one man was out and reached MCOnd when Pipp on tlie ball for a single to left. High forced P:pp at second, Baumnn taking third, hut IfeBl ? .led the game. Bob Shawkey seldom pitched a better game than he did yesterday. He va vrred a bit in the opening frames, then settled down to his stride. Throe of the five hits he allowed wer? in the first two innings. The ?? ? i frame was enlivened by an "al fight" between Chick Gandil and Lute Boone. (?andil singled to the rij-l ? stands and tried to take two bases or. it Cook's fine throw to Boone, how? ever, got the runner by a fair margin. When (?andil slid In, Boone thought that he had made a delibera.?? attemnt r.e him, and tried to hit the Wash? ington boy. Bill Dineen broke up the row, and incurred the displeasure of the fan's. In the first inning the Senators blazed ?he run trail. Mueller heat out ai. ! hit and forthwith ? If? ? ?: ?!. II- , ??? to thud when r'tffter on Milan'* '?' Miller, an outfielder, and Kreutrer, ! th* catcher, it.*:-, leqnirsd b ! YenWees. both broke into the game and I did well. F.'*rz aVlaisel is still under .suspension, and Paddy plnyed third. The score follows! L.i NEW YORK lA. L.) a r lb r n to i ? Morller. If . .1 I 7! 0 n n Cook, rf 3 0 i I I -i Fixier 2b. . i 0 0 l 10 Pt-rkla'fh. M 4 fi I 4SI Milan ri .,oo I 0 0 Btanaaa. 3S mi nio Shank?, iti 4 0 I 0 1 9 Plpp. lb . . .2 0 2 8 0 0 Gtntlil. lb 40 1 7 COHigii. Il 4 u u ti il n Mtltf, rf 4 II I O 0" Mill r. if .. 2 0 0 3 0 0 Wlllltm?. e 200 11 2 0 'Caldu-M . 100 0 00 MrBrlde. ? 3 00 2 6 U Crr.. rf . 100 000 Jofin?oi.. p 3 00 0 I ? Boone, 2b .. 2 00 3 10 Hart/ell. 2b I 0 I 000 Krurt-r. r . 3 0 0 2 0 0 .-ha... . p .10 1 0 10 Totti? 29 15 27 13 0. Totti? . 30062760 ?Bitted for Miller In Iht eighth Inning. Waahlngtoi. . . i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 N.?i? York 00000000 0?0' Two-bur H??Hire Stolen bas?i ?Moeller (2), Htrt/rll. high earned run??WKlilngton, I. Sacrifice flv -Milan. Dtuble pity??McBrlde, Fol? ter tnd (,,-ir.iill. Boon?. Hecklnpaugh tnd Hipp. Left on h??i?-Nev. York. 6. Waihln-jton. 5. B.i-e? tn bill? ?Off Shawkry. 3; oft John?on. 2. HI! by pltrhrr?Cv Jchn?in. I (Cooki. S?ruck out?By Jthnton. 10: by Shrakey. I. Umpire??Nallln tnd Olneen. Tir.r?1*43 RED SOX DIVIDE WITH ATHLETICS Shcchan Shuts Out League Leaders in First Contest. Bouton. Sept. B. The lea;rue lead? ing Bed Eol divided a doulde-header with Philadelphia to-day. 'I he ?rare l to 0 in favor of Philadelphia in the first fame and 13 to 2 in favor .- EU sinn in the second cont ? ban remark live in hi* hattle wit I onard in tin' i : contest. The scores follow; i Klli-T liAMK rnii.AHi:i.i'iH4 ?. l r . T..N a i. .... !?'.!? ? I * 2 t . I * < 1 . M.'l ? . 71 0 II I I 0 O 1 4 0 1 I !? 1 h .11 ? ?? 1 2 !.- liai ? ? 4 4 'i Bbatbal). p . 3 00 0 - lit " 1 ?? 'i I ... let 1 et I o 9 0 .. 'i II .' fl - ;? . Tala . till n i? i Tota:? ?B*l i a.rlfin . .... :- i . | 0 O n 0 n I IV . ? o o * o?o - n \i \. - . . ? ? ?. p.m ? . n ? i . i ? hai.. !. ? u LmiaTti i-i ? i Mi net rand Time , Hl.iuMi a. A ?IK BosTu.s 14 LI I'liuai-n-rni* [A LI tb i .' a - .'. p. a ? ?-n. If .'? : I 1 ? II >??!.?. rf . 4 0 0 110 ,. ' ? ! 7- ? Wl .', If ? rf. SpeaAer rf -??.400340 ?.?? i ,tr, |H .- . l i r il Innla, lb 4 o : ?01 ; < . i o : : o . . . ? i 4 o : loi ? . ? t 11 * I r.|f p T.??i? ? . i ? T?-.? -i : ? : i i ? ? i ; " ? n o ?>? -.? Tlire? . . ? arrlfan ? Mil ? ? 'I. I ! ? ' ? I I.f( 1 ??.I. a?. IS. 4 WIM m i ?? - Lan i myutt?11;.... t.. j u L.a...iu. Tune?1 47. Standing of Clubs in the International OAMEa, Ttl-DAY. Jrr?e?r City at Mnnlrral. Harrtabarg al Toronto. Itli liniiiiiil al llnlTiilo. I'ro.itltiite ut Kiitliesler. ULM l r? OF ?? MIEi > HTEBDAY. Hu iiiiiiuiii. :.; iiiinuio. i. Ko, li.-?l-r, ?: I'ro.iil.-nee. .1. .i,,..? ?it.? \*. Moiitrt'.il (rala). STAMMS?, ?II TEAMS. u. i P ? ?' i r ? rr.niil'r.Kil II ,648 ?In? hier..'.!' ?.."> -1*6 Iliiffiilti. ,?i IM .600 Toronto ,",K li'l MS Montreal.?i.' ??I .50-1 Kicli-n'tl. M SS AAS Umr'tm'g AS SS ihi .1, r\? < it> r. ... .:tV> TIGERS TOSS GAME AWAY Lowdermilk Gets Wild and White Sot Overcome Big Lead. Chicago, Sept. 8. drover Lowder? milk, the latest acquisition to the De? troit pitching staff, went wild in the ninth Inning, and the White ?Sox made enough runs to defeat the Tigers. The , score was 10 to 0. Apparently hopelessly beaten in the first two innings, when Detroit drove ! both Fal, r and Benz from the mound, producing an eight-run lead, Chicago tied the visitors in the seventh and won in the ninth, when Lowdermilk lost control. The score follows: ?HI? Ali" iA. l,i. I DETBOIT i A. la). all r h po t ? Vltt. .'!) .',11 1 1 .1 Munphy rf S * l S ? ? 1 1 S 3 1 ? Ib 4 0 I 13 1 " Cii?*, ,r . -,. J 2 i 0 I ? , ?fonl.rf 1.1 I , ,, .1?. ktoa.rf ? 2 1 o ?? ? ? a, ),. |f.. 31 1 2 ., ./ ' 1 ; 1 r, , n i ; ,, n ?, ?, I 1 I 3 ? ' I?.", '? 2b 1 n ') 1 0 I loliru. 3b 5 1 S ? J il lit? . ;. I 1 1 n 1 ., ni i. i? i.. n ou il n n n n . l' . . . .i u .. , ? -'... i ? ; ! . I.", i*rk. ni. o 1 'i Tola I " T.-?i? it vttaii ?timing mu *? ?-onM ,, 1 I ?_? I .. '. I uncu i i s s e s e i ? I1IM, Slulk. Tlir?K* b??r i ,??,,. 1". Ht, rISr? l, ? H.'?, b. Ban ? I 10 : 1 ? ' ? I. ? *-?ha?-r !?? ' I lia" I ' .' ' H - ' . J. a . MIT K? - i . '?'..- *? H J I | ? I? la.'. || rilillk. . II '? "- ' " ?' i la i. ? ft Wolff?, i r * i - i ? . H? I ',,t. . ! ,\. laail-nul?i Paiaar] - . ??>, | . . ' Packard Holds the Rebels to Four Hits Kansas City, Vo, i*ept. ?. The Rebels, leaders of the Federal League, were helpless before the pitching of Packard here to-day, and Kansas City won, by a score of 7 to 2. Packard allowed four hits, two by Konetchy and two by Mowrey. Pogr-e, who started for the visitors, lasted four innings. Hearne, who succeeded him, was found for four runs, three coming in the eighth on four hits. The seeoad game of a si heduleii double-header a?as ? ? snd inning an secoant . u. The .icon bj timing?, follows: It II I. h?n?a? I II) i : 1 . 1 ?. I .1 " ! . ti I , , 1- ? , ' ai.,1 na BASEBALL TODAY. .' lanvra. nrat gamr 1 U P M .S?? \,:i. Am?rl, ?... i*. at i?alii--UHi. 1'ulj A?linL*i.>ri inc.? Sdn. , , TIP TOPS BEAT NEWARK TWICE Pound the Ball with a Will in Both Games for Easy Victories. The Brooklyn Tip Top? made mince? meat of th.- Newark Fada al Harrison yesterday afternoon. They won both j came.? of s double-header, therebv mak- : inir a dear sweep 01 the rive-Ram?; ?o 4 and .1 ? .- last appearance of the Newark team on its field for *ome little time. They I trip into the country of the enemy last ni?ht. Brooklyn made free and eflfeetiva use of the bat throughout the afternoon, ng no fewer than twenty-one yet for all their -aluR-jriruz, fortu r.ate breaks in the luck played^ no i small part in their victory. The New? ark Peda, too, slammed the leather hard, but many a well meant drive shot Straight into ihe glove of some fielder! The ?cores follow: ran GAMK. Brooklyn ir L ni: ?a ark f LI ah r li ali r li rrn ? ?> i i -f -, 1 1 0 1 I ., ,, 4 i| M ajee. Il ' , 1111*4 - ir. I .i H 3 ? 0 S. h.'cr. ?f . 4 1 1 2 .. n U 4 n I il .1 .1 i . il ? ii l Huhn. H). .4? 111 l ii !.. I : I 40 J S 1 .1 1 1 0 10 t.... . - ,i 1 ,i in, p. o o o o i ? ?\vi itthous* 10 ii o o .i il Ke, bnl* 10 0 o oo Tf?:? U S 11 SI U il Tota!? ...T? 4 10 ;'T 11 1 ?i; lad foi K.?:??.- Ii ?? In Itb b Ins f - M ran lu Olli ImiUig. . : 0 0 0 2 0 11 0?4 Nttrtri . 1 o o 1 o o o 2 0?4 ??? Blrt tf*B**i Sm'th. Thrw-ritt? hit?? Mtge?r, Rniuh. Rtrtden. Si-heer. Hita ? off K?!??r llng. 10 lu 7 tartina?; off Moran, 2 In 2. Sa.-rl tV? hi!? Mart.m. Mie-?. Hl4*t Srolen h?ae?? ..? Lai .1 11 Mtgee; Sniltli (untattttad) ; Schtarer io lluhn. run??Brooklyn ,:. ."????? a: l 1 Hrv baa* on error? N.'?iirk. u Left - ?I Lall? ?Iff Mar'.? B ?rr Moran, i Btruck oui Mr Mir 2; b* atoran 1 ! ? ? -1 .. : U r?ti?r?*lt. . SECOND GAME BROOKLYN IF I. NEWARK IF LI ali r : ; ?il r h pn ? a ion, rf 4 o i : i " rttnph?!!. rf 4 o 2 :t 11 M> - III. .21111' ?rhtel i I i 2 . 1 II is** 7 . 1 l 1 0 " Ijinon I. ?, . 4 0 0 .1 I 'i 21). 0 0 0 1 i 4 0 1100 I : : . " s. l.-?r. If . 4 0 2 1 il I ? I ' " i Laporta, tb. 4 n 1 .1 1 '? Smith, -? . 4'i 1 0 .10 lln'.u. !h . 4 0 2 I 2 0 Hi.' '.'. .. 3 0 2 ! -i. lUr. Im, <? I SI 1 '1 1 4 2 0 1110 l l'Iiaru. p . 4 00 0 10 Bll ?rd, r SSI I "" *THiil?ha?aa? loo o o o Total? .. t?o -^ I - ;? T.-?'? ?li ??. I rr MoMlfj In '??h liming. -innoOflOfloi n ii n o o o o o o?o . ! u? lilt Halt. baa* Rarttlt?i \|. . Ha?e? mi Lallt-OT ? I .::--. It?By I iiliarr, i M 7 ?.VI I phi ? M ? ii - Billiard. 1 lii 1 Inn r- Newtrli. *.. 1 Flr-t I IM ? Rronklyi 1 Initur.? - frlnn trau and w BUFFALO FEDS WIN TWICE Wind l'p Home Season by Healing Ter? rapins?(hase (?eta Humer. Ruffalo, N. Y., Sept. 8. The Federal League season was brought to a close here to-day, with the Buffalo team scoring a double victory over Balti? more. The ?scores were 4 to 0 and 5 to 4. The score* by inning* follow: ruun aiAMi: HnfT?!o 0noi0O?3l4?O Ball -? o n n o o o o n | Mill and Allen: JahftSM and Owru? -il.? OKO aiAMK I I M I I i I Ml I I , I ft ft 0 0 0?4 ?1 I li." riet Mtntiill tnd Allen. Qulnn. t'onlty . i i: ILLINOIS GOLF TEAM BOWS TO YALE PLATO Princeton Beats Penn.and Also Reaches Final in College Tourney. f'ood golf and plenty of |<J ng inci-j--?. marked the second day of ?? for the intercollegiate ttimy pior?hip over th*? '?nk-t of the Ones. wich Coantry Hub yesterday. Yal? A. feated the University of IUinoii ?y-, score of ?> ma'ches to '., while Pr,-*-*. ton bent Pennsylvania st 7 to 2. and n a resalt Vale and Prineeton win Sfi? to-day in the final match fortk* title. In view of the fact ?'? ,- ?? Vmt ?j^ first appearance of ?he I'nverilty ?f Illinois in these contests, peculiar iv t.erest was attached to the do:n**| w ?he Western men. They fonnd Ya% ? worthy rival, because the three petsti they won were ohtaire.) ?n matts-g which were carried to the horns }-,-, cr further. To begin with. If. R. Waltos, fe Wettern captain, and C. P. '.Veeru^j to go to the limit to defeat W. T. I**}. ham and Dudley H. ..- fa--, dentallv Badham was runner-no is tht metropolitan junior charr.pionihip, n well as the Rastern int? - holaitfeSja yesri avro, and i- . tr st YtW, while Mudpe won the Minnesots title,* In the single? John M. Smipion, ta* Western in'. champion, asi pitted aea;r..?? W. Hamilton ?"tirdser, aid. The ttruggle left them all ?res st the home hole, but t? rdner hook-*] his drive on the nineteenth so badly ?' .- ? win' tailing off into the raria* , and the ball was never ? ,i,?. Thai ! the second point for Illinois wu fit*. I ered in. H. H. White won the lait , hole and the match from F. P?. Blet. sora, which made the third point fir the Westerners. On the other hand, De Witt Raich, et Cincinnati. Western junior champ?*? and the last man on the Yale tesa, found it necessary to go to the twenty* ! first hole before he could defeat F. H. , White. They were even playisi ta* eiirhteenth, and Bilch'- lecond etmt to rast twelve feet shor* of the pis. He ran down the putt for a half. ss4 after two halved holes won the raitei on the twenty-first hv ?retting horse with two screaming shors. Early in the day Gardner and R. ?V '/.. Pierce g-ot coin':, and had a h-yit ball . of an approxirr.-'ted ??>?. Pierce msis* 1 tained his ?ne form in the 1 goinp out in -?.?' and playing the next 1 seven holes in even -Is. Only one match in the four-bsll eos ? - between Princeton and Penntyi* ? vania was of more than passing is? terest. in it S. Davidson Herr?n aal [ (?rant A. Peacock won on the nist* ; teenth from Franklin W. Dyer and C W. B. Town-end. The Princeton Mi were dorinie 1, but Peacock m-.uW 1 putt of le?s than a yard for a half,?ad the mated was prolonp-ed. mpting to "kill" the ball Dy*t badly topped hi to the rouj?, and Townsend, try though he might U carry the burden, wsi unable u> do M, ?'.ir Ilerrou, ? pretty stylist, ?;,,t awiy a, long drive and laid hi? appro?! so dead to the pin that he might ha? kicked it in for a three. There was considt rabie intereit is I the singles contest between Dyer ?r.i Herron, i?nd matters ran along pretty evenly until the end of the sixth hole. Dyer a?ss 1 up there. On the ni holes Dyer recorded five 3s. mikiuf him 5 up. and two halved holes left hia S winner by 5 and 4. The card of this match follows: I'..-r. iiit.5 S ? 5 I 5 3 i l-W Horror, oui.14?*? il? 4-?l H.,r. In. I I The ?'a Fut H HAM. 1-HIMKT'iN ? -? ' I \Mi s Ii II - , a, : 'i K ? A Peacock I. WB T ?t ? It N B 1?; til U J H ';ii r ? C,<r.T?n . 1 II Mu . I G. T. I-awyrr ind J. A 1 H ir.i T. B. B.?e . 1 ' ? ? Total.3 Total ..u... ? fcuniniarj of match play?Herr'*n n. 1 brat li>* ind I - I ta) Pl*7. krtt, 5 up irul 3 to plaj. SIN?,LES. ! - PRINCETON. PENNSYLVANIA. . J. 1? Roa? . 1 c w II r ?.-i-a-nd . I S. D Herr?n . Cf. W. Dyer . J It. N It Fa* . r. j H ,,. - 1 Q A P-ala-c-ll . IN II. Maiwall ... 4 I' '" ?'orkrin . IT' I ? .1 ... ? G T U.*?** . 1 A.ei Barban . . I TorrJ . ~4 Total .j 1 Crmd total . t| Grind total . J Sunimiry of match play?Ro?e ?***t Tows?***? 4 up ?i:J 3 to play. H>.t ! ,-al Herr?n, ' up a*!** play; (Uy beat Kiy. 1 up. Prarurk Vit Mu***? 4 up aii,I 3 to pl?y. Cnrkran beat i A'??. 1 ?' Lawyer beat lie) burn. . up rooa bau. TALE IM'MU* W H C,i-\ r :l .' M s ;:?; ?: iriw. i eai R He z fttrtt t h w " ' W T. B?,'.h?m ml H It Wi ?, ?nd C Du,il--y H M.Mge . t P. W t* ? F 0 Oilnw ml H. H H * :?- and C. L. Arra-.ti,.nf ... Il f. Hijea .J | Total . ? Total .... I Kuiuiir, of ro?t.-h pl?y -fiar**-?* and Vmet hea- simp?-? ?n,i W to r?r. ???' ton an,l \S,?eTO? boat B?.ih?m ?n i M I **? ?;?ttie-? ind l>??l WtilUi i ! i'?rn. !? , pl?y. -?Mil H Y?!?- lU.IMiIS w II Oantmr M ? " -1 Ilu,-.!ev II M. If? IHK?. .* I! !?? 7. I"er,e ... Ill'?.? J H I. Armairoat ...ICI . ; ? It Bit -, m t H. H. Whit? ? ? , i>*. w. ' B?: b : i H >'? - .2. Tatil . 4! To'il .J Orinl total ... . * f.ran 1 'o?a!.?? I Summary of nur* : a "??'? r'u?fi 1 up M ? M Vis "!? ernte . {,, pus Pt-a-e* bMt Weein?. 3 up ? I J '? rjw? Arru?tn>n| I>e?l ili?e:.. 1 UDi II " "l.1**L.TS ll|,??.,tn. 1 up. Ilal.-h t>e*U t. H WMMl 1 ?? ?" umarr of mat.h plaj?Herr?n and P*M*a Ii>*r ?n,I Ti??!in?-fii,|. I up i 1J hol?*', ft? r, rkran b*at <:*i ?:,1 Mufei,. I up lad ' ay. Livtyer in.l R..?a? beat Heybara and ?ZK* hole*). Weights for Jerome Handicap Weii?ht.? for the Jerome Handicap ?? one mile, to be run on Saturday, wen? announced yesterday, and are ?e:*'; ing as showing the official handicappera opinion of some of the leading three year-olds. ,.-, The Finn is assigned top wcirht, wiw 126 pounds, followed by Trojas,"? Futurity winner of 1PM. 124; 1'ebbKM. Phosphor and Trial by Jury. 122 e???' Top o' the Morning, US. and ?<-*mJ*V Meekin. 110. The weight rani dowi to 97 on Harry Junior and Pan Mai?. RACING TO-DAY AtBELMONTPARK rO-llAY? M'KIIAI. FKITl KK.1 INTI.I'lirTHK ] $1,000 Nassau Stakes The Great Neck Handicap '' The Edgemere Handicap 2 Mile Steeplechase wi> nro oran i.?mh> km m?wtasn km*, at im r % I i i?-? Tr*'-- save I IM at sad It* A>' ??]?! ?. ? Knall up to i ; f M ter Alao rea Genera! Admissioa $1.00. Grand Stand & Paddock. $3 Ladies. $1-51 Irtlrlil I III K ,,n Malurila? I M-MrM Are' Nul ?limit t?-<1 lo Ail) l'art ?>t lh<? ?.round? ^^ *BBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBB*?BajBBB^^