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A Dovible Wreath of Laurel Now Rests on Brow' of Youthful Johnston Johnston, with Help of Griffin, Captures the Doubles Crown Reat McLoughlin and Bundy in ?t rrinir Struggle That Goes pive Sets, with Speed the Deciding i actor. By FRtD HAWTHORNE. - champion, Clarence J. ai doubles championship from C. Bundy, the holden, in the chai Long .. ri won in live sett by a .-nue ? ft -n doubl of their superiority, rts within ai the lien- ? -? stur *** \ he most brilliant of the four, with McLoughlin only <?*** ter, who defeated him on Tuesday for the , aw ? P .. .1 obviously in me?! ?if ? wori, bul toward tho :"? . in the Ifl : m?tmmi en the court, and while not pos-, . and Johi ? ' fewei point.- through ] ?as'not *o Urea as that?**' ? 'l BCV ?Jl-Xigr.-. I ' >petd ? ?" 'n- ?lt thb?. ; ? 1 - ? ? ? ? ? ; ? . grama fromj from the ?bata, as ; '??? cunta - ??iiiiii * - for the ira. Ho? it.i- ?dsl h W . IVa K?; . .m the I, tifiil the ^4a?i" ,? JM It? ! ?a t?i? ? ?' ~b* t ?rii - - deep drivas, .ring a ?a? - . Jwnnniii^ : n g tal?* ? ' B "" ?? '? it waa - I Ml tun-- rowd i ? tacula i -.' ?ppi,. ii-markabio ??taT?ii*1 : ? ? games went Juhriato'i ?a,! Uri*' aftei it i* t'V'?l ' J?j 2 ' the challenger? ? ?' feJ^V, '"'? " trouble to i ?ZJl* ??'t ??">'?. Jol.i.itwii l?l! ??ait? Btteriea ?a?2Jr?i *** v' Ihaahal ?4jj-triL l|l kg J"'? But JUM when Ut?.**'1'- woiki'.l their ' - ? :'?1) U Uta iBI-fet, lli?- attark ?. , .?? ?Uaudi?a?: BiiAluu? but . How the Double? Title Was Won fIRST SIT. POINT ??CORE. Cm?. Ptv Jo-in?tt.n ?cid Crlffin 4 0 I p fi 3 : 3?2 19 McLuughlln and Bund?, I 4 4 4 4 t 4 t?t II STROKE ANALYSIS. S*r?ICi O'bl? N-t? Out?. Plie?. a.tJ. liults. Jon ? -tin .....I 5 i l 0 BrMi 3 3 4 0 i NULuuohll? S 2 R 2 0 Bun,,, 3 2 3 1 I SECOND SET. POINT SCORE. Cm?. Pt?. 'ohn.tor. ind G'lffir, 434542534?6 M It ind Bund?.I 5 2 3 2 4 3 5 1?3 21 STROKE ANALYSIS. Ser.ic? O'bl* Net?. Out?. Pile-?, ace*,, tault?. Jo-in?to* I S S 0 0 3 3 5 0 I V, Lauonllr. 5 5 6 2 0 Bunti. 5 5 0 0 0 THIRD SET. POINT SCORE. Gm?. Pt?. Jotr.?', . and Griffin. 4 7 4 4 2 4 17 2 4?1 41 McLcihlln and Bund, 6 5 2 I 4 I I 5 4 2?4 Si STROKE ANALYSIS. Survie? D'tile N't?. Out.. Place?, act?, faults. Jel-r-to? 5 5 11 I BrHSl .5550 0 M.Lsuyhlln 4 7 7 11 Buntl. . t t I t 0 FOURTH SET. POINT SCORE. G mi. Pt?, and Griffin 0 112 4 3 4 6 3?3 31 ,-i ?nd Bund?.4 6 4 4 2 5 6 4 5?6 41 ?>TR0l\E ANALYSIS b-r.itr D'bla Net?. Out?. Plaoaa. acts, fault?. JoMn-ton 7 5 11 0 l.c,-r,n 4 6 3 0 (, M.UuuMIn .6 7 1(1 0 0 I . S S S I i FIFTH SET. POINT SCORE. Gmi. Pt?. lohmto? aid Griffin 4 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 4?6 2? McLoughlln and Bundy.2 4 0 4 0 2 2 4 2?3 20 STROKE ANALYSIS. Servie? D'il? Nett. Out?. Pilot?, tete. tau,!,. John-ton 5 2 6 1 I t r. tin 2 5 6 0 0 HiLmsSIII 3 3 5 0 0 Bui?? ?500 0 Tutela?Jot ??to? and (.riffln. 3 ??ta, 23 line? 154 pointu MiLvugMIn and Bundy. 2 afta, ?'? lain:., 155 point?. RECAPITULATION. ST.I.e D'tol? Net?. Out*. Plau**. ate?, fault?. Jona?.tu* 14 SI IS I 2 17 SI IS I 2 Ml .hlln M 24 36 3 0 Bun,, 22 27 17 I 2 Is of the court, and the challeng iltd up the po nti rapidly. i win only the 'h t.n th? youngei men brougl ? ' ?ti by taking the second let at fl 3. .In!. | with remarkable . t of the natch, and ??? sttack against the ohsmpions, ? g the openings by forehand drives of tremendous pace, sad then .- to the middle of the court, with at his ?ide, from where the young ? i points by idged placement shsot Int forecourt. Tne **i re read 3 ? before Mo ilin took the hu m his teeth snd the net, extent ing sensational "kills" of everything .me to him ? ' champions (ought hard and man ? . ?n, font gams . saly t., hav? ? iHenger? ? , sad run SUt ? two gai ?es, Griffin eomiag it. - th brilliant placement get - to UcLoughlin'i estreme baekhsnd, ?.t.,i Jobnates driving the hall at Bus hard that the latter COUld Only Maud at the b;.se line sad sead up defensive lebi that were destined t?.? an untimely end at the hand.* of the v?, . ? Kighl Hard. A'ter the rest period ?.Icl.uuijhliti ? i ths mi. es -, Ihs faurl >.'id took the gamS at love, seoring the last paint by i . im his ba?e ? r -? ?...i- lob from Qi Ifl i ' tea .|uel and hurtling tiie hall into I treme corner ol the lear CoUlt by ? The second gams was fought nut ti? no It** ti.?ti four tunes before . win. . . v??.? 11 ? latah un to this paint 11 ? ??Ie* chamaios played superbly, hi.? overhead play bvmg ful!, tat etiual ot McLoughlia's la apectaeular feat in and fl ..?, tor he could - hrt-.' whereas the "('?.nut" often raashsd too short and SSBl kit return* latO the net. Hut the champions knew they wen dangerously defeat and poiati with desperation. Hundv ?urprised those who ngur? ?psat hi.-, strength hi scoring ?,ce sf '.h beautiful overhead vol? leying shots squarely between lohn ?ton and hi.? partner as they tried to advance to the i et the fifth snd eighth gaiuei, Winners of the Doubles Crown W illiai?. M. Johnston and C larcnce J. C?rifTin. r The Tribune Racing Chart BELMONT PARK, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. ?i ii i i.i 4ii thai K rast nii.-T ra? i I.i. r I'l ? 1 upvtrd; IS4M ill. I. ?aim to ?,lnn?r. Il'in S!? fur -I Btlrt ?i?k1. V I.a Ii I I . II I 4 N II 4 i . ? ! 4 i . ? ? ? I ?A'ita-1 *4 ?. i ltd ? i I a at . ? ? I 1*1 a I a half fur pli f '1 r.i t Tim... i' atiitr, J H ?-?:Vr i - ' i .1 1 117 1 - 1.7 4* ? i? ? i?? 2" B!r ??? 1 - r T 4! J ?i Taggart. Opa 5 T 3 14 in ? ?? t 1 ..?.', ioi ? r.*f* in tir.t run??? e"**? ? III I.D '? - - - ' -.. . ? . THIRD H4' I Ml ERNI BELLIN'O HASiUi-Al'; la* thr?? ?ftr.nM? til ?ptTfard; I'-fO ?ildtd : ?tine It pott i ? - - . . . g 4. l.y BKtJatTktfB inu.i (talSC! Bit bit Ti*l' ? Bttrtfr. 1 1?? .' .- ... . ? 4? 5 WWi|r 11 ? i I ? - - ! ? 5 3 -, n I 8 1 1 : I 7 1.1 I ?ft?r riclug ti.-i-l mil hail wllli Mr Ig.? *fl I i !.a I'- outrun a? Utuil. .' ... I a IU ? 0 til'l. I ? ||, |?t mJ red badbj Utt*l nay !,??e ?tttlirl , Ifttlllg Mil III Ilia |l l.f. lui li'i Ii l: M I I. . IVI ?Uli CHAMPAGNE; '- ?.-. ? f< ir -old*: $1 ?.??<> guirfitttd: ?tlu? I* ?In.rr. $1 ???, I - .- I 0; -".at! ? ?. I Wim va?llv. plat? ?am? TV?.?. ttlnt 1.. 1) Mtmburs II nai.r I. s Pi. : ., ? Trtim-t. Junta Sltrtfr * \? I I ? m ! . 112 i ! . 4' 4, Mr l'a ll j 1 ? \ T.ggtrt 7 1 ' I ? - tl-uhr an! ain>rar.,l t.. lut, p!'' tv In rt g Kilmer, n .. . - ? ??.,'. KIIT1! I'\ 1 ?? IPl*??h*?t for nial Irn i tint trir-f.l'li t'.'l iifwar.l |'"'> a ! !" I. ?au? In a! ? il 4 41 Slatt g?.t \V . . , . : ?ra itm ?. ti,?:.rr. Harry I.a M . r II--1 ? Triliifr. J K I S'a--.-. - i.i i Il , " . I 4 . .... ? \ ? I W -? , 1 1 --? . 11 145 I -'. -\ I1? - Sir. Klu Jock??. : ii: ? 7v? ? ? 7' 11 I? ? . ? -, 14*. 7 I ? i ? l ritt* . Ill W rlgli ! '.?. Ilium? nl'.rUli .. . I 7 i 5 II1.-' i - Plait l . t 9 ; ?o 15 1 I 4? I 11 U i i : i ? ii 4 3 i ' e -. ... i '. m t i... ? .'ini-.i?! tt n tat ? ?? ? " ? ? ? BIXTH K.VCI ???'!. f t.i:.,. ... I ?') ?f?M; ?tint to wlnnrr. |l: I . - , - - M ...... ,. .. .il I-. r. J.i ?U| U?l I ' ? I . !? . vV| St ' r 4 .. I- 'J i'? i \ ?. ?4 I 1 ?:i T , Hi . ' . .tint . I r*siut !%?!?' . 1* 3 i : . ? i ? 1 ?! ii - ?, i. . . .-t 'i?? i.?s?.-? i ... y, .'l.nughliii and Hundy went straight I hhiatl and ran out th? "?. and they faced theil challengers on , an e<|ual footing. The champions showed the wear and ti nr of the struggle in th? and were not aide to get fr?>m theil bass lias to mid-court a? ?|Uickly as who were all ??*???: court as they raced a", I thots that McLoughlin uiul Bundyseat over. After dividing the tirst ?aui ly, ths Pai ?mi the opposition in tin- fifth fission, scoi . game On Johnston's service, but only after ??al period of lightning vol? leying. Alino-t before the crowd realized it a furious raily, t !i all four within ?ix ft el ,!' ths net The ball 11 : ? o ? ' ! ?-. I back and forth IS rapid!) that t'mre Was a con? tinual rattl? ? In contact with .,'.(nets. Ths play was too hard I and fast to trust to a ?oh, and several Bandy had to run wide of til? court at the *ide as he went after Johnston's 'cross-court shot*. Griffii finally ended the rally ar,d the mi of the crowd by shooting his returi .ht dow-n the side line to Mc Lougnlin'l forehand for a pla, it ce. It was at a remarkable stage of tHt match that t.niVin won this p, int. Both had win two m ' i exactly even until ?* I ? After this Hundy slacked up ?o per? ceptibly that Johnston and Griffin again ted him as the weak spot Sfl . ted h i in to an unnitM'.t'ul bombard? ment of ?mashes and gruelling drives MsLsughlis responded nobly and tried to save his partner, hut the "haatams" were moving without a hitch, sai up all the holes in their curt si ? i i n.g the right. On Hundy's reive*, but riot I aid, the champions won the ? game, and their last. JahastOI Griffin took the last by thre? peri placement aces played sharply i the court. (In the last point, after Mc Loughhn had returned Johnston's ser CHICLE PROVES HIS CLASS IN EASY VICTORY Wins Champagne ?Stakes al Seven Furlongs, with Plenty in Reserve. B) IlKKUKUT. ?ine day last month at Saratoga Spring! H. P. Whitney, in talking <.f ? h are racii | : !.. S. Thompson, i "I !.. f,,r Chicle. Thi? Sp termini ths got of thai tal Ion do, but I would not be surprised it' he turned out to be th? II old of the lot, r,. ; ? , ? ? ? Don It looked yesterday at Belmont Park Mr. W h ;",' ;!<! !..' .-"?.' i von the CI , cIt of I'd ont- n." ? racing, "He did not best i remarl ? * ? I Friar Rock an ah,i?e tin ..r.In,, i i? , ?> um<t be I emphi r of v. inning Tommanj M<-T. . . t had little to do after getting I m-*pnT in s good po except .-n ins? and tight. He shook him up just a bit in the last furlong ike assurance douai] ears, right at the end he had a ttrong hold head, a:.d could have won ly a wider margin if he had so willed. < hule cante down the straight course us tie . ? ? There m I swerving "r bearing ont ..r in, as so many youngster* do. McTsggart said I he never rode a more true running hor i< . ether dr. ?Vhitn . I mate ol one. The ? ? ever been i considered the crowning lest for a two year-old. 1 . many to tl-.e winner c.?' some of the leading three ? ear ..: I di '..: ? itami .. .?* well as . pi >? I. Airman, which beat Hominant n head when both made their rscing bow last July, in.i s-.-c .ii.l ? ' ? after twerv ing sbout snd prscticsll) knocking Kil* ;it of the rate. He had not up to the ? :' '?hat rir.*t ctfort until yesterdsy, but it look.? non ". w ;!1 be he; rd from nexl when th? distances sre stretched out. AtlfUil l!.!r. ,,';?' r i .i Rock I I a distinct disadvantage, as he was asked ',, concede from thirteen to eighteen poundi t.. Ins opponents. Ths ? ta*l? wai too heavy. The steeplechase was full of acci? dents and incidents. Twelve ma s jumpen went t.i the post, end as thsy strsggled by the finian line teven had {(.eke) ., i?.,| ?lot. The others ? > i >? i :att? rod aboul ths Asid, but none dly injured. One ot the unusual Incidents was a : rom which all but Vitir snd Ptolsmy ran a quarter of a mils took one jump, while Grecian Hind ;.i d Alledo cleared two fences and wsrs not pulled Up until tiny reached the .middle ui the far luin. Then '.he jockey < woke up to the frantic waving ot aims, an I everybody went back and bigan all o.ei ?.. Bssn Broadwsy was graduated from the maulen das?, fencing in a free, My K n>- . keen I compet?) on *... the la.*t jump, wheie he fell, with second monej probable snd third mom y clinched. Tommy Wright, the amateur rider, hail the mount on Ptolemy, snd si usual did not inffer in compariion with the profeasionala. He rods a wall judged rate and landed his horse n cond. After the f'.rst lace had been run odi w as heard to remark : "Dick Hen*.in teemt t,> have parlayed about the beat racing stable in the country into Tinkle Bell." Thii Petei . year-old ii about t).,- oi |j one "- greet stable last yesr which has been cam? paigned steadily this teason. Hi been snything but consistant, ?lue no doubt to his big ankles, but ho has won a fair , while the stars of the string have been s?en only in spots. ?Sun God, not mucft fancied, won the second race for Captain Csssatt, and Spearhead, greatly fancied by ths same oa mi. hing of I he "clochers," ran unplaced in the Arverne Handicap. S., do upsets ??ime and upset; go at the track. Sun (?...I ran i ly w? II, as the Ai rons u ply cut off and knocked I the first furlong and i, ,,i t.- ' ,.i or fl?? lengths to reach a contend ng posit,on. He was drawing rwsy it the flnish lik.- s horse which v..!! go a distance, and he had 117 pounds up, too. Aniiilrt and J L'l have come to kn..\v eac.-i t.-.i. t when Tom Healey gave b tint it I to be fslt . horse ' might not i un kin ml, he .'... - Isagt hi out of it i ? longs? Wooden Shoes home, running ai well for Butwell as he doei foi !. Judge Hall ordered Nspiei scratched in thi* race because J. W*. Ht,Inch, jr., . to report I is the p*J doek 0R time, This made live 01 SS the "halter" man i.-.-l his claiming privilege. vice ami had followed in to the net, the national champion slashed a low volley to wi'h-.n lachee el the side line, on the "Comet's'" forehand. Mel.ough ?in made ? ?-. pe?ate attempt to head trie ball o'T, but before he could stick lit* raci'uet In the way the ball had ?truck ttie court and SOOrod the winning l-oint. The final round of the mixed doubles ehampiomhip was won by Mn >. 1.. ? bapmaa, of N Church, Northwestern champion, who r and Wal rrill Ha:i, at d i?. 1 I, - ? ? > ? Church scored many "kills mg Min Wagner i ?hart dead ?v. Ml ? bapmaa pe> formed iually ' brilliantly, particularly when -he got ' ill on her backhand Hall and hi i ? r WON n - SI able '... get - in thi* ??.?.?ion, but Is Bd ?et j they re\er.-ed ?Utters hy outdriving i and out-volle- : opponents, earning mi peiatl from deep t ' an,I takiti. Hut It ws ' " ??'? "h" real ' w*? able t.. hie.m through the other'* service unil after the twelfth game had been finiahsd nd h? n M ?*- ?"d Church went lot ; hy takng the thirteen on Hall's ?-rvice an-l clinched the match and the champion thip when C'huuh won hi? ?-vn service. L^(por?i?h? *** & GrantJ?n? Rice Eines. (To Robert A. Gardner, of Illinois, and William M. Johnston, of California. ) Baa?tiug th$ winner is oa taau job; Crouming the victor is "it ancient play? Old as the plaudits for <i guy named Cobh, Edging but little trom the routine way; ll'c might gay little, <>r wt might tay n Hut hert rests '?? answer token the yarn is dme? When ruto (<>'>' gripped you with its tightest clutch, You cumc from behind and non. They went for you from the best of p'eldt, Making you bati tun tank ?ou-; They gate you chanctl whatta the coward yield*. They rushed the fighting with the fir*t hard blow; They got the jump in the apt ning tpin, Hut here rests the answer uhen the yarn it done, Hart stays the teal with the count all in? l*ou casis front hi ?mai and non. Variou* rivals obtained the jump on Bob Gardner. But the new golf champion weathered all gales and won out. Both William? and Mcl.oughlin got. the jump on young Johnston and both had won championships before. But Johnston is amateur lawn tennis champion of this gold-stocked iwhere is it?) commonwealth. If either Gard? ner or Johnston had possessed a weak heart neither would be ruling his realm to-day. The answer is written upon the heights they have ?yeached. Extending the Upset. So many upsets in golf and luwn tennis have come of late so many champions Travers, Ouimet, McLoughlin and Williams have bien trimmed that those ten days ago picking the Red Sox and I'hillies as world series certainties are beginning to exhibit yearnings for a process known as hi The fact that the Yanks were good enough to peel the hide ol Sos, in place of peeling the Sox off the hide, as une naturall:? clammy days has jarred a certain amount of faith In Boston's ability to Msk? any cinch of it. The Red Sox are still prevailing favorites, but the "foregoRB 'conclusion" has been canned. A whirlwind romp through the Fast by the Tigers will take the championihip issue to Fenway Bark when these two meet. And the Tigers are fully capable of such a rush, freshly inspired by the re? cent Red Sox break. In Rebuttal. Here lies the mighty Pat Moran? A man all fandom u ill remember; He kept the Phillies in the can? Until September. FRECKLES. The dope for any epitaph Is now beyond the keenest prober; He laughs the best uho has the laugh In old October. "The Winning Shot." We are in receipt of a new golf book from I>oubleday & Tage, entitled "The Winning Shot." We notice on the cover that it has been especially designed by Jerome D. Travers and Grantland Rice. While we know very little about the golf or literary abilitie? of the.-. two young author?, for lome queer, quaint reason a perusal of the book's con? tents Inapirsd within us a yearning to boost the same and advise a quick ru-h to any counter where said volume is on sale. One seems to know a lot about how good golf?is played and the other about how bad go'.f is played. Hence '. the Champ and the Duffer will both find themselves thoroughly at hosts. Wa ! could go even further, but It would probably have to be at so much an agate line. Hence the pause. To further prove that anything can happen in sport this oprosriasi sea ! son Ty Cobb went three weeks with a batting average of .097. After this the liada and Browns may yet give battle in the next world series. The Shock. Trauert and Ouimet?McLoughlin mid Williams? Beading this list wt begin to fret; For the painful thought is not? forced upon us? Even WE may be beaten yet. "How about Brooklyn?" This line will soon be a?, famous as "Cracking under the strain" was a year ago. Aa for the answer, there won't be the sign of one until thi? road jaunt ia completed. A Mere Man Picks Both Mike and Packey to Win Visit? Training Quarters of Both Boxers and Fails to See How Either Man Can Lose. A mat: itaod watching Mike Gibbons play handball yesterday afternoon down ?n thi courts at Brighton B ?.?litre the St Paul n?isaid is traiaing for hn match with Pasksy McKarlani on Saturday night. "The more 1 watch Gibbons the more I regret that 1 ne\er became a los? er,'' he ?aid. "Ju*t think of it, he will receive 115,000 for boxing thirty min? utes, if the bout goes the limit, SS I there is always the poSSibilit) '?na? he will win well before the tenth rt.und. (?r he may lose. Time will Soon afterward that same man, emerged frem Mike's training .-uarteri shaking his head. "You know." he -aid, "I wouldn't relish thi? life, af-1 ter all. for we are not ail#a.? clever, a? Mike Gibbons. I've just watched him mauling his partner* around far the la.?*, twenty minutes. You couldn't buy rae to take some of the punche? he dealt Wit, and hn partners in?ist ed that he was pulling his punches. ight if he ever hits Packey with all his might." I h.- citisea wandered away, but wa? noticed again aboard a Brighton BOSS! express. He was in a brown study "I've been over witching McFarland work," he explained, "and I'm quite undecided ? to the winner. The way IfcPariaad cuffed and battered his partners around the camp was most remarkable. If he boxes with hal* the speed and precision o-i Saturday Gibbom will have the battle at hts career if he hopes to earn to much a? an even break." Well, nothing could be much fairer than that. There are two sure winners, picked by the same man for the ?.une fight When doctors disagree time must decide. The men are ready for the frav now. Both have expressed their satisfaction with their condition and both are <>f victor). This afternoon will be the last ?lay of hard work, and the ?parntisj partners are glad 01 It, They taken enough punishment already. Three ten-round boats will be fought at Kbbt-l* Field tonight. Youii?; Ahearn and Al McCoy will co grips m the > aattra, and Ahearn aas daaclan 'I that ha w ii: i retire. In 1 ? i eeateat Johnny Howard ami Buck Croase will a while Ulllr Wl i .? .1 ipoa Ike avsaias/a eut. i tnent. Johnny Dundas aad Laaeh Cross have bv.'i praeticBll) asat? ?? ten rounds a? Square i,?'ll noal month. Duadoe havs ac-sapttaad lha toraaa, ami it it tip I" I EAST AGAINST WEST ON COURTS TO-MORROW Mcl.oujs'hlin to Meet Btkf in hirst Match of Day. The ?erie? of Biatchoa b'-tween the lawn tenni- ?.he PstS?is ' ?????' and tho?c of iho Katt on the turf courts ?f tha v. -nie Tsaai* ? at Forest Hi lia, Long Islaadi will I '.?i iii.irioiA aiu-iiiiion at t:4J o'clock, ??.'.h Uaurioe HsLovgaha ?aatiaa Karl facing Thoadoia R. l\? In tl . Th.* thir?! match of the ? i >? >. at ,l:U'i .. | ???ill bring tagathsi W iasa ?1. Joaa? ?mi Claren a, ii?-?*/ na lioiiiil .inir. ri? Williams, 2d, and Watso* M ?' burn,'.erii title Im der?, m Un of tin un ."?iturday aftvrnuon, at 1 II oVloik, William*, ?U lost bi? singlet title to Johnston Monday, Bjill :*t an? other rn.iiic?? at hi? c?> ? US of i.ther Griff? Aa arlll meet Nathaniel \? Kilos, th? lii*n :?ii?r?l in plae? of Frederic?. B. Usa ?an injury The tournament ??ill wind up with MslaOUShl I .?? i '?'? lajj Pel! and Kehr in ths *W?j DaSfgS T. Adte will act a* ?.ticial i?.:'? n a TWO MORE GOLF CHAMPIONS PUT OUT OF TOURNEY Mrs. Barlow Bcitl Miss Hyde in Thrilling Match at the Home Hole. . On-?, rite ? I ?rns ?; the Bar * iiri.-i Hoi ?h of Mr*. '.ar.d with Hyde lay an ap . un a A - ? ' r. ? < Mrs. Dei '?<? the fact that Mr? Barlow i and M <j Hyde were ; ?-*. the meeting b carried the a **v* ' ? t.oti : > th? In i! : Tii. Hvd* . ?he a?. OH? ?? her drive I i the In the meantime Mrs. M ' il), though ? odd. the M? rion womas laid op a ?"??r a seeond it looked si if the be ', would bole rubber con' came to ,,t more 1 han thi ?mm ? . Hyde mast lave known then that ? | .:n the na : krone a glims but for al! that I mi 11 r niblick ihel ? ,> >,f th* t I .m .- i ? i '.? ,- I fact hi ? ond the pin. Had si..- been a good putter there would ?till '..???? I,.-., a goo I chai slf in t, bat ? , ver gai e the ball a chain | might have gene in hit r. out a i it was it can h'.it of the cjp. She smile ' a ? with ! , eanaratulatlOC the loser turned to her - ' M.. I . I ? ? ? 41 ||l( ? ? ? ? u ?. ? . ? ' air Entries for To day at Belmunt Park rtnsT ? . . ? - o ?. I , i itpsmmt i ' THIRD RACK For I ? ? ? III - i ? I ?? K'.l II III 11 \ ? l**-*a-*4; ? IK - , i . ? > In the whirl ol your l>oy's Fall outfitting, remember our new boy'i shoe. The"\\?stpointer" ( m?ide on the last adopted for tlu- West Point ( adets. A 11100 we'fC proud to show to orthopedic surgeons. Everything else for prep, school ?tnd college outfitting ?for Fall and for all Winter. The newest FalJ shades in men'?? hats await your pleas? ure. RCMMH l'i Pf C'lMi-WY Broadway Hro dws* at 13th St. "The .it 3-ttJl St. Four Broadway turners'' Filth Ave. atWairen attUtSt.