Newspaper Page Text
" ? 111 give any in'., tl The loss of the l'-?T h British agg:. tic* against submarin? a th.?. , ;.?? . R?iume that tl ? tin v.: ra ? f an :?"*ck such as i? for'.ii. ?.?? have been mad? a] P*te ' i. h whs ?v the German Admit.. avnfc ! \ a Bail '- teai I ip fl> ing B?a i |] flag. The theor, ?dtanced in ??"? of ?be -" ,t was ? of an attack by ?> ' ?a ? This ?it.cur> home ti, the , ? an a, I MpT. \ lit.I I I I - ? . ?test h ? w I at. Mr. i h i ? i tai t?rj i Cor ? ' 1 ai ? ? |n I ob ' ei re liai ti,. . i .,-? ? ??> h' mat. tbi ? ? t. I That provides t) I I for treason: "Imprisonment * ?.'.e of all ? propejrty ai Inhentar,.-? |2in?hlp." In addition to theae e.rrular-s, M Eoyes admitted having ?tent circuli ..... asxing in some init-an-rcs for ' -??- tan? e, in r ? ? should h- ? ' >-? s.: the bureau Appeal for Aid. ?? ? ? '. Motor Company, n^? Broadwu; N'e*s York City. Dear I Sir: Bj recent * mtnnidcatio ?f the Imperial German ex ? t! attention "f livrraan ku(>_ i ? .-n countries wa call? f participation by then manufacture of war supplies for tl. sv h ? c h led '." the est ?with a vu"*' of trying to And I r ? ? for such, up 0 \? give up the:r situations in nun; i ? iite., in order . t dear and hoeior bright "A gri a' ; umb. r i r' . ; ? ?. .v ? irk foi i. ? all kr,ids. "A- our '. of c) ? ? you made s Lumber of ssiell qualified men i ?? I ? del - ? ? ' muni? tion ' ill be tun ? ? ? ? ft ovei by creating vacancias which rl.oii. akin up by which i. ? ? terial. "Hoping 'S' b< hoaored by your as ? :. chur . it enj i ;:!.*-' . I r* V ?urs s a v reap? I full;.'. Ambassudtir ladoreea Plan. ? .'mi Hotel ?ajunl ron i . . adra *te ? knowledge of the , "laiebau - i. bureau?" He emphatically i , or i?ri?.-* h ? ' ibiish i and the a? I the propa k Germs from ?. :,g in American munition raanu \ While be refused t" i icusa? d ai .:, viewpoint of these i lit? ' that . try* to enforce her , . but that she at e.l '?. warn bei ? ' conn trv I Germai while they sm:. ' country. He ttik. n by Mr ' ng m sv.irking in war muni- ind ought to be -. The ami. -?'or laid stress upon the -? migi t have c?.ntained allusions to the iting of atrikea in American wur inun ' no such char?-?? be 1 i any : : . ? . from the 11 l'i ? ? ? ' I ? ? I ? ? ? ? ,; ' hack ' ? ? Germany aome ? pat r,u!. ',;.:.J Som? had I i Just com?, and, to Mr. . ? i : ? ?.r fifty n wh.?t tl ! ' i | ? ua do not hold pace with tl Benistorff Conspiracy Doubted by washingtoi ? fforti - rfl to inflt :?'>? 1 1!, tl ? ? give U] ? ? ? ? were n ? ? con 1 by Dr, Dumba I i Auatr ? .- ? . ? eau fo . ntarily qui ? noi ; ? If, hown that ther ?'. ,iS ? ? ? k'nl trade of this country throug! .- (if la h<.r *.i thlei ai ? ?-. aub n them a ?eiio uation wHiulil result, a? thi? of itsal ? I racy, Au.': torff would h imm'..' ' ,-i chi of the Germai ? ?t th. :' Justice could lie " m. a LUSITANIA PER?URY ADMITTED BY STAKL Reservist Plea of Guilty Thought to Protect Associates. ... Germai . . w;th four cannon when .?-he on her last voyage, i . Igt Charles M. lb ? trict court ? ury. Tl . Stahl will be sentenced hment ? :ia> be imposed is :.? and ? whom art i ie t y, . ? y were TWO AIR ATTACK ON ENGLAND; 13 KILLED IN FIRST Forty-three Wounded ii Zeppelins' Raid on the Coast Tuesday Night. RETURN AND DROP INCENDIARY BOMBS Houses Wrecked, I ires Startet and More Persons Slain atul Injured on Second Visit. ? i.., ... I ? Bureau "H :..| dropped m bo i v.,.! bi ? ? ? ?? da) i." military . ? over the eastern eoun ? made ?" y reported killed, rig; also one soldiei !v wounded. Th;* v. . teentl Zepp? raid ail ?? ' g ? total Gei man "fi d 2(1 wounded or !'h'. '?? lait "? er the tame icction ?t d by thi' official pi . ei public the t ? : that three Zeppelins took oar, in thr raid, .pe deapite the ? . Gi. ai c i rday viaited the placet where bombs were dropped to view . th? r killed or wounded, il the fa I that they wore in bed <?* the time of the > lid Ai usual reel U I ? : i .',.''? 'I : ? ? ' suit of the raid. 'I hi' official account of th? re to day. Kays: ''Fifteen ?mall dwelling houses sure : ly damas-i .? ira, s-, indoa everal ; rea were but were promptly extin d. There s\a* no otl . ? iwing casualties have been reported: Killed, ?i men, r> women, 6 tot! 10; wounded seriously, i men, 11 women, ? children! toi i ., '.i men, G women, '.' tal, L'H; total eaaui Amsterdam, Sept. I. Throe ail ? tn the < l i over Dordrecht, in Smith Holland, at 6:30 f. this morning. They wan tra? ?a the direction of the English ?\; other i .r ;,.?i paaaed ov? r a suburb of Amaterdam. It came frum the ? and disappear? ?i m an trly tj * liritish Labor Conyri ss Flays German Atrocities ? '. England, Sept B. The Brit . day b ? 7, a r? expr? ef in 'he complete jus* ? ? posil "ii ..!' Great li> il ? ain ai.., her allies in the war. 'I !..? I on read: '?". ins Trade Union Congress, oppositioa to all lyst? mi "f militarism as a dan) iman prog Great Britain and her allies a.-, eom* . I expi ? ? ror :?' ??hii-h has ? committed by the German and Austrian i sllous, lii utal and unnec? sry saci '.:'.'' women itnl children, and hi rebj , ? 'it a.s f?r ?is possible In the prosecution of .' ?r." Whether Yon Spend SI or $1000 II in Silverware ?Lj GORHAM'S P is thf place to spend it ( tM. dollar is a -mall amounl '?f money, but it ii pro? uurtionatel) .1? significant in purpose a- .1 thoutuuid. IT i- not the obie-et <?t 11 * i ? advertisement, however, to discuss prices, except in a broad way, to t?ll ><?n that whatever amount you plan t<> ?pena for ?ilverware, Goili.nn'> i- tin- m??-1 iiiinoiniral place t<> ?pend it. Till, diversity of Gorham Belectionu i- tremendous, alfording a latitude of choice in all Linda o? ?ilverware, ami ai all prices, which cannot be matched nur even approached, in thi- country or abroad. v M) tin* leniusand aU**pervasive ?pirit ??f Gorham art. here embellishing Mime costh dinner service, there imparting a crcalivt' touch to M> ?mal] a thing a.?? a pepper pot, is tin? one d?ng in tlii> world which makes ?ilverware worth while, ?urrcepc-ctive ?-I what you pay for it. ?i THE GORHAM CO. Silt rrsiiiifhs mu? GoldsmUtu FIFTH V\ EN1 E Si 36th STREET 17- 19 MAID! N LANE UNCLE SAM GUARDS LONDON BUILDINGS I ares for I ilteen Owned or leased by loes of Britain. London, Aug. 21. In and ?.ron d Lon? don '? ? or leased by the governments al war with the Allie?. Son;- struct? ures ure very handaon ? alfar? and Worth small fortuiie?- Ho long I vari- ire of Vuele Sam, of th- al ???r with government has taken ?aver ': i bous? and furni H-tlOtl by ail ? ? ii- A ? number ol ? far us can be I? Ger? m?n Soin to take oui inauranee on its in buildings against iiain?Kr b) m .- -i akli . is question . ? arge if applii it!? ?. a i - ITALIANS ADVANCE ON CADORE FRONT Repulsed in Attack on Austrian Salient in Poberdo, However. Par Sept * On the Austro Italian front the Italians claim to have capt h ' ? .s-hilu the \ . report the repulse of an Italian ? | -nt n!" the I Doberdo. <?n the r? the front only artiiler> action! have n ed. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL The Austrian officiai statemenl In the district of the Kreuteburg l:..., <? ( arnic Alps i the sit . . has i.eeii quiet since the defeat of tin- Italians Monday. The eaemy's los*?-.? were greater than ware orifi estimated. Italian infantry which wa :?? paring un advance east of Verraeg* liano was driven back with hund gri i.. ? i id of 1 loberdo out trot this moraine repulsed an enem, attack against the .salient of the Kais: Plateau. A communication received to-day from Udine. liais, says that General Joffre, the French commander in chief, . ink i as ted ;;. the di ipo litions "f . ? ? i 'he Italian ai my In the : i ?* i ? i ; ,? K - .- \ ie1 i Emmanuel and Gen? eral ? int I loma, the Italian chief V. i'.iuinl occasion to beg him not to expose himself imprudently ssithm ? General JotTre, during two crowded cnys, not only followed ?tuliar, General Sta'f'.^ explanations of its -tratet:; . o Studied I ' I tails "*" the Italian mode of fighting, talking with both ofBcerf und men about their work. An official note issued to-daj gives the reply of General Count Cadorna to the nu--a?*;.' -lia him by General Joifre ' he la' tor's V?S?1 i" ' . Il iront. General Cadorna thank- Get erai JoiTte for the honor of a which he sun! had knit into ' unity "faith in the common ideal." The message eoncludt "Bfyond our common frontier, which does i- ? ( hut unites the : und aspir?t ?uns of our two countries, my ti i bos) wishes follow you ti. the French army, already crowned with victory; anil I look for svurd scith absolute certainty to the final success of the allied armies." GRAND DUKE OUT; DOUMA LIBERALS IN ? "iitliiii.-il from |iuk<* I unavoidably prevented from followini* the inclination of my soul to put My* I the head of the urmv. Tl .-. ii> I entrusted sou with the commun ' p in-chief of all the land and tas for? es. "In.1er the eyes of all Ku??ia Your Imperial Highness has given proof .? the war of a steadfast bravery ? l a feelinir of profound Confidence, and called forth the sincere good ? " foll?n ed your .??; the inevitable vicis? situde? of scar. "My ?lut' ' which ha? entrusted to me by ??od, impels day, a hen the < ?luted into the interior of the empire, to take supreme command of the ae* tive forces and to .-hare with the army ti,. fatigue of ?-at *.. safeguard ii Russian from attempt the enemy The sv,?ys of Providence un inscrutable, but my duty h,,,| ?,?, desire detern ine me m my resolution for the goad of the Mate. "The invasion of the enemy on the :. f i out, " hich ? tates the greatest possil n of civil aid military authorities us well as th? '.and in the has rimed our attention from rn front. At th:? moment I ie the aeeaaaity of your as iCS and counsels on the southern I point you Viceroj of the ".mai der-ii'-chief of the valiant <au:?siun army. "I express to Your Imperial Hijrh nen my profound gratitude and that of the country for your l??bor.t during the st... " < hattge (,reate*t in War. The action of Kmperor Nicholas in cousin, the Grand Duke, t" Ik? p front is only a th the retirement by ? , illiam, in ? ktober 1 a?>t. of ' Count i luth van ; SEES TRIUMPH IN FRENCH GUNS Senator Humbert Declares Germans Will Yield In Rain of Shell. INDUSTRY QIVES MEANS OF VICTORY" Factories Prepare Armaments Under Genius of Artillery. Paria, Aug. 22 micnco of The '? - ited Press), Senator i harta Humbert! ? ? ending Diembi \ i the i ibjoina I article ?m the relal ? war ? "actti condt ?hi' - . . . for the high whole iii .li..-! i, - ..f i-': me? ..f ??hells ui.d ?nus. He ;s tli'- nan propaietot of "!.?? Journal," with -. I"n of about a millii ; ? plat ad by indus? try ii. ? r is due not onlv . the perfecl ion i I in the in numb? . a. These i .;? , omfa itant? ... .1 I"- nothing mora thnn a moh predestined I without tha tool? o? combat, mua! ? b? supplied and i? l.l A I'll. I "Long before the war it could he what character the hoatilitiea would take on. Personally, 1 pri i-'l it. 'I'!..- I ? i eially, were very wall aware of it. and i' i> only : k for i> - the formidable i ej h-"' made I ?In- service of their warlike Intentions a military machinery ready to il detail. I regret very deeply that m?, .. a i count i >. in !<;"? of oft !'? peated warning?, did not follow their ox amrple. Kvperiencc Ogtdoca FofCtlfht. "Hut the actual rxperianca of war has gone ;'ai- beyond at,y forai ?'lit foi ;t. ? he deal rut ? ' power of ? he tire arms r;ii.->. machine guns, rapid lira guna ?>f ul! calibrea baa been ?-o re : on til?' :..?.'! ot battle that that combatant? have hud to renounce coin ult-tuly tin; ?;.-,?.'?i of manoeuvring m opan country. "The aid fortification? of other times, fixed, standing out, marked m advance for the i?i.. of tu,- enemy'? artillery, ? hold out againat the projectiles of giant cannon. But the plain ditch. scarcely a yard or t?o wide, aaaily dug, eomplated with invisible arrangan the approach tu which ia mad? ?niprac ticablB by means of barbed wir?- <n tnnglanaenta that oonstitutea an ob to be taken. Thi? tin..-u! ;-.?? obstacle, ?lu?: In th?. ground, furnishss only a very ra ; ducuil target im- artillery tire. To hit lit, it ii not enough ?imply to spend . kavi got ? - le Wh . i un !? i a s. tal m?- ' xpli. ? ,1'iie!. Task ??I the Factories. rrh) the consump'ion munltl ally artillery ? eded anyth i ever cone? red In time of peace. M ? tensive firm?, i ? gui s. made o rj ? rounds, and th< ? uneeasingly. Fro . i he enormous effort ? ? lupplj m!? guns and munitii -. "I have heard th it a Oerm i v i" one of your i i that the trooi v ..'Hfl .".er thuv wi! ? ? ,' which be ? " - ! . men will not give i i," I,. unan , '-an pa* oodv nr .,.- 50,000 01 ''".':i|1 men if they plei ? | .!,>. .?in re But : , ?. ? b i,, duly pro- i ioned for M Ong "heir ! : i ? he ?? mpe ts "t iion and ?i ? ? . ? ? th? '?. they will hi heii id our . ? their guns on theii ihoulders, withe . "I have conflden >? in the final v torv a victoiv ; ? CIS dis?H ? : of France and h which the (?< man heavy artillery hs t nly be temporary, 1 he ? h of the i" oplaa leagued I lefenee of right f ? the anem ? . the freedom of th?- s?. Labors ? ii pal a ' as ss.. knot*, go ou independence of peoples. had fi ' has giv? ? llous thie.- inch guns, whW r.o Get m in cannon any? hi ' proa? has In perfection. Wi I chal? have completed her armamen in heavy artillery we ?hall Khosv thi ste fear Germany in r.o fit-Id ??nd thj her pretended superiority is mere! ' "!*." -m FRENCH POET HERE PRAISES ROOSEVELT "Perhaps Greatest Man in th World," M. Jules Bois Asserts. 'The.n| Roosevelt Is perhaps th ' man in the world." This was th? panegyric! of M. Jule h journalist, author, poet an, chevalier of ?he Legion of Honor, a the Hotel Biltmore yesterday. " i',, the European," said M. Dois in hi enthusiastic French manner, "Roose? velt typifies all that in esaontiallj ?Uni rican. He is considerad abroad tin eat American. Like Elias, he il against peace, for peace is the ?juiet i lation of injustice. America haj lome prestige by her more or less vacillating policy. This is not true of the present notes, however, for they ,-? Min in tone, und the very action that, according to the French point of view, should have been taken by Amer? ica from the first of the war is beinj; taken now. "This peace-at-any-price policy is all wrong. America does not see the is ? u>'i clearly. I must apee with your 'great cr?ticiser, .'ames Bryce, who be that Americans can carry out details with erticiency and precision; ? politicians, far from being men with a keen II s>. orld conditions, cannot choose a con -. even and intelligent foreign policy. The political insight is that of i Moltka a? chief of the Geraaaa QeaeraJ suff. It i? worthy of not? that the remova of the Grand Duke baa followed verj y upon tli.- invaaion of Ruatii proper by the fun?..- of Geraany ani I Austria Hungary Previoui t.. the cap! or?- of Warsaw and the continuation ol luceessful advance of the Teutonic allit"? to the east, the fighting un tht .,n front ".' '...-! ". mj bad beea cither h Gal c a, territory of Ruasii'i enemiea, in Russian Poland, or In ?ho Haltic provineea o Rui a, the lands ol pe-oplei ii';\sa>s null., of ;.?-- ai.en to the i of tradition and history. Since Waraaw the Invadera have mnde finir wa) into Russia proper, and the invasion baa taken on a different aapsct t" the people of Emperor Sich Their di i-per national feeling? have hill: BtOUaed m a manner that waa not (he aaae in the earlier ? of the conflict. It is a tradition of Russian I. i. the "Little Father," should in perM.n lead bia armies, par? ticularly at a time of grave peril, and the predecesaor? of Emperor NichoWs hav?. left record a- mea of action in ?he ti?-lil at the head of their troops. Hence it I* p. -.-.i. .? that sentiment may play a large part m *iu- removal of the (?rand I'uke. Tht? idea would he fur? ther supported by the fact that the militai I the Grand 1' ike 'ia.? liten loudl) praised by military obasrv or?. Hi? conduct of the Ruaaiaa re tri-at from i.alicia; through Poland; ?.. m Warsaw, and then from t; ond line of Ruaaiaa defem the Vistula, ha- I s tll'i cient and maaterly. Ni vei ha? he? n a retreat, and a* 7i ?' ??' 0 '. a la tu-day invaded. (?rand Duke idol of Vrrwieu. i ?rand I ' ???? Nichol - ha? been de M i a? tha id ?"-?i in the fir!.!, and it ha? been ?aid that he v.r held "??? army m the palm of hi? . apularit] evidently did not And a reflection among Russian of . particular!) thos rank. The Grand l'uke ha? ti. ? Hcen i .ty. Hi.? punisbo of them have been iwift and hard, and hi- ha.? 111:?.I>- lie diltinCtioB k-OtWC i' in -r the man of hijih rank and political p.. ?-r. An .?huwitiiiwiw.iii^ Strength, Organization, Service 16 Wall Street"' "Strength, Organiza? tion, Service" is the title of an interesting illustrated booklet which will be mailed on request. It con? tains information valuable to anyone who has any banking or fiduciary business to transact. Bankers Trust Company Resource?, over $225,000,000 ?., ssasseaani t fntigabla worker hiaaaelf, he has da mai ?.-.I much from the men I him. Any one who shirked mu packet the i ear. Th;? course brought out a e ?amount of ill feeling against the Grand I'uke In bureaueratic circle* in the aa ? .lia! capital. In return the (?rani i ? having just causa ?or c at the manner in which ? oo a* Petrograd failed .; port hia men with arms, ammuni? tion, provisions and hospital supplie? The Grand Duke is not a man to se? hia t loops subjected to such treatment , as this without vigorous and pointei! protest and cntiei-m, und it is ?aid that . of his conversations wilh the Em? il have been frank and direct to a degree ?eldom heard of in imperial i; i, in r:rc!es. Has Had Long Career. t,r;i!id Dllka Nicholas is a second ! cousin of the Emperor. He took an . part in the Kus?o Japanese war, I making a dist.inatui-.hed record for him md !?-? wa? made president of the ; National Defence of the ? Ruaaian Empira in 1806. In this yam ! an unsucceaaful attempt wa? made . upon his life at Krasnoe Selo, und tir. I wa? followed by another such attempt while he was on a railroad train. lie was appointed commander in ' chief of th.? llihaiati in the Held earl) of la-' year, virtually , coincident with the outbreak of hos n., Grand I'uke was born in ISM II.- father was a grand uncle of the preaent Emperor. In the Duma the etTeet of the C/.ar's announcement was profound, though it was unuble to draw the represent;!', ves , from the COnaideration of the proposed i new ministry and the formation of the i . '.? Liberal majority. Professor Paul N. MilukotT declared the formation of a Liberal-Progressive mujority in place of the Conservativa block was an event of hiaterif Im? portance, addi : that the formation i ? ?. the Duma will bring thout a ??olut.i :. of the question jf power, '-lovidcii the Duma remain., alive "Popular instinct feels this," he con? tinued, "and the people hear with deep concern all rumor- of a dismissal of the Duma. 1 believe you clearly un ind that in these circumstance.? ?al would be political BU Let those who are agitating it know, therefore, that if the Duma i- pro rogued now we ?hall meet agi In in a few weeks, perhaps in a diff?rent frame of mind Let the Duma g<? on cnlmly and quietly with its wor'r.." li?. programma of the new I.ibeial majority, ?n a dispatch from i'etroirrad "the Daily I irraiih's" correspondent say.-,: "Autonomy for l'o'o-.inl, a concilia? tory policy for Finland, amnesty for .?! and religioua otlence* not of a ciim.nal character, complete . tion of religioua prosecution, removal ..f reatrietiog upon Jews and the ne ognitiea of the legaalitv of trade union? are amonir the reforms adopt! I by the pregreeeive parties of the ; Douma, which control 300 out IM votee in the Houae. pre /ramme alto call? for an agreement between the government ami M..- Douma regarding the rapid adopt? ing '.' bill? ulating to the national de 1 * car.? of the wounded and the nwiioratior. of the condition of refu? gees, and c?main* a long list of meas h. - or Internai reform*. "After the adoption of the pro graaame it Waa lanl before the council of ministers, wh?-r?> it la now under ron*ider%lion. alueh dependa on la* of the minister?, a? their racog hitien of the programme would pre ?.ml m the imperial council, in whi.*h ihe rea?! omarie? form the majority. "The programme is backed by the bloc eompe ad <>f the entire ?Jenti -, (Jctobri?t, Progrestiv? and ?Bnstau r-'? ikff?.Wxhbxnq,? *?,... Present?among their Showings of Importations Just Received? %?r??(r?*ry from LEWIS?REBOL'X? GEORGETTE?MARIA GUY--, EVELYN VARON?ODETTE TALBOT?JEANNE LANVIN MADELEINE And other prominent Paris Modistes Th?se shipments, together with previous importations, will place before our patrons ?a selection which we believe to be the largest and choicest showing of Model Hats exhibited this season, by any High class Specialty House of America? Especial Is Featured Are The New Postilion ?Modes Delightful Louis XVI effects Watteau Picture Hats Maria Guy's Venetian Tarn Talbot'a New Smart Capelines Maria Guy's "Bovery" Talbot's Marquise Georgette's Hats of rubber-lined satin, in Pompeiian red (entirely new this season) Lewis' "Girondin" and "Hirondelle" Styles Talbot's Directoire Modes and a host of other equally attractive styles. Also Recent Importations?in ffoifns QVraps (?oats (Suits Lo louses {Models from Callot received through customs yesterday. ) Many persons, while admitting the healthful qualities of whole wheat bread, have never cared to eat it because it was not palatable. Every palate and taste responds to the appetizing and palatable flavor of wards ?Jheat^earl^BREAD the whole wheat loaf which i? the real thing and different from ar.y yvu have ever tasted. Try it today. You will find it as de? licious as it is nourishing. It can be had on order from all grocers in 10c loaves. Made in the Ward Bakeries at New York, Brooklyn ond Newark |,?5|llS.i^ t'unal Democratic group.?, the Radical win?- of" tin' Nationalist?, a score of Labor i tas sad Socialists and a ?cor? of Moslem.?, PoK-s ami White Kuuwni" Russian Press Praises Patriotism of Czar IVtrop'ad, S*-pt. 8. The change in supreiiu ci-mmund of the army, which w,n lin'wn here to-day, came 11 s :i ? 10 'ie ?ri-neral public, al? though i? had mean rumored tor severe! .lays in army circle?. The ">'.,' ? ?? Vrtrnva," the onlj n?*?: paper w?>ch thus far has couim?-aM* on thii - ;l ji-?t, ?ay?: "Our in:..!?nt foe has row received a w..rthv at>?'.vi?r to hi* projects The Russian Emperor ha* placed h:mM? at the rum of the military forces, ?nJ hopo, of the Gorman s fof tests ??"*' turned to ?luit snd ashes. "For more than a year th?' cal? c*?* me' I of ^?ir srinv has !>*-? ?? ???'<*? in t'ra.i.l I> "Ve N'icho::,. ? tviitS, wkoM iiaii.e will forever remata *fr-*v*i*l in the heart of every Kussiaa ?oui?' Jm P/atin?msmilhs'' tin?msmilhs\j^ IFTHAVE??: WE are pleased to announce that, despite the entbatxgo placed on the export ot Platinum by European Governments, our prices tor designs executed in this metal will not be increased until turther notice. Opposite ?St. rHitricli's I'athcdr-aJ