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The G it & rting Good* s ? World The Sportsman's Sister Not only u;> on the game?, but up on tin? corre? t clothea fur tin game. ():i the links, in the ?addle, at tin? t. ips or in th< big woods, recognizing in A. &. r. appnr<*! the sturdy habiliments o? til- aportawoman. ? :i to , or ') The New Fabric TRADE. MARK An ex? lusive A. & h. ialty, trade marked by this house ling the nd softness of hand woven homespuns, com? bined with a aturdiness Kith? I to unknown. . : ? manufact tahi Autumn Outing Suits of Striped "Innsbrook" ? and d in cut j: 1 from N ? : i ?1 . Ammunition The most sought for thin? in the world?and the most difTu ult to sei ure A?. ! ? c that lus I ' , i Men's Sporting Apparel A department raipaasing anything previously under taken by the Abercrombie 6t 1 it? li ' ?. which meana the most complete in th<? woild I t? i*. .1 . ?? < to-wear <>r . : i ?t- .r rornbie? Fi?di Co. m? 36th St., New Vu?.. ?*_ EXPECT BERLIN WILL JUSTIFY ARABIC ATTACI ? l . S Officials So Interpn Report of Submarine Commander. SEE ARBITRATION AS LIKELY RESUI Washington Believes Hesperia i .. \Ko Maj Go to International Court. - ? - ? ? ? ? i t ? t or an i ? i - ? ? Gern ? ' ? ..I?. ? ? ? will I ? ? ' ? "1 ..'h i s" a Tu/ ling ! ? r m. ? ? i ? ? . ? ? - - l ? ? I ? ? IWH I,y ENGLAND TIRES OF T. R.; DISGUSTED WITH BRYAN I Dr. Dixoa Says Allies Do No! Wan, U. S. Drawn Into the War. Tin- English ara disguati d ?.Cl lUI Is'BJklli'--. ? !V f.i! | II. tA till- M ? ?I" U!l ** I ' ..V i ? ? ? I ''1 1? ??> nu : J ALM8H9?SI TO XAXZ ARMS R? ? kr i. i n a- M.-. (tu? \c* Poorhn-as in I' dgtvort. ? - ? ? ? ? ? ALFONSO'SEES WORLD IN ARKS King of Spain Believes WarGreatesl Argument for Preparedness. ? ? n v p? t I nol \\ lirn ? ? eased to s ? ? ' ? methods for th.-Hi . what it is ? ASKS ALLIES' SHIPS BE SAFEGUARDED Oov. Whitman Wants Work of ? Plotters Here Prevent v. it i ? ? - ?' the i ? ? . ? ? -i ? ? reply ' ? ithori ? blow ? ? :' our stall* and t Clt \< >? fork ? ? Sin to 1 ? ' York ? ? GILBERT PARKER DEFENDS ENGLAND De-lits Enlistmenl of Brit? ons Shows Apathy or Degeneracy. '?ONLY CONSCRIPTION ENDED CIVIL WAR" Says Equipping 3,000,000 Vol. ii,',i'".'rs in Ont* Year Is Stu? pendous Task. ? v ? ? ? ; ? a latter in v. ich h? d?nias Hint lip '!! the numbi i ? ? ? ? <? ? ? ? . ... not com ? d and ? ? i ? I i uni ? i ? .'?..i Incited i? Demonstration. . | . . i ? ? ?Til have " n i j .11 ?? ' i ? more und fir i ? ? read . papei .; rk ? ? f in ople, Bnd it ? . ? ? ? Ml France In l Id "It I '.. ? ! n I ? ? and when oui . ? To i ? ?. work. not compli te, well, no nai i eai th could iced adeq ? "Ai o the war li carried on ? ? ? . but the ? ?rho brol , iw i i." ASSERTS HE SANK ARABIC IN DEFEN : i,? I ? - ? ? I Koal M? n RecentIj In Im ' I Rlillit l< bi ? ? ? Denies von Tirpitz Intends to Resij ? to have i ' ? ould r.-<;j ? H ? ? ? i. ? ? lied I '! ? V pol ?t'CI ' . thai II bee ime km ? , , ? 'u Boats Sink 7 Ships; 15 Missing from On? li ench ?? ?iai ? 'i he cap? i ? 1 on and sunk off Cap ? ? i, ? ? ? the Krem terday, torpe ? llir err*.' ?? i by i 1 foi PI ladel i i. i 11 ? In ! mana, The Bordeaux ?as mi her way from Id r ?'? ? ? ' i ?.. ? ; 'he dim ?irri' He delayed l"-*?.r ? , i ? ? ? .? code i ... en holated, ? ? ? VVithin ten minu submari '? ' A I . n Bordea i Th.. ? One American Sailor Lost on Hesperia b, . * an American narr, un. Woi cd i m, i.i of th< lio cam?1 from "?? w-ark, N. J? si ? .1 . ' ?. ,, t it, no seen ' \ ' dead ini nn? ! - of F .1 \V If, lown sen. IVashinsrtor of '. W. s ?. : . . i linking, ! , I -.. , ? ? i. ' ? h 11,.? Hesperian. BOY HELPS FRENCH FUND Collecta IM.63 .-it Art Bihlblt---8ero?ra National Has $103,64 . '. of '' U ood ? ? ac. ? 111.65, in? fusan A. Will Miss '?Iildred ??.. - STRIP WARSAW HOMES OF ME Germans Force Citizens ? Work in Krupp Plaints or Be Interned. Petrograd, Si pt ? A pi pi ? ? ' li i mari . . ' i -, ? of ill proi.? arrested wr bout war nine. il ; ? ",i h fan: ?lies arare h en 1? And of kOOWtCd] ? Vrre ? - tontinued daily ras that thi ? eoi ??' pr< and ?? n ..' bfjJ i, n i hey entei cd thi bridgea v.?? m thrown acroi till? it! [ .'. . O? ' bj 'I'" i; nd indus? trial aetivit . wr\< made and evei., ? Mata i hieb, it had . Wool -vi I limilarly :'r<>m ho "Hund - -'I of i nrked in fai ? of Inti rnment in G< at the Kiupp Every day imi the At -.. hu i ? idlenea* m Germans or work in trt "Ptri ' f Warsaw' iblic ni'.'ii. tempo! civic and ct n11 ;? 1 <? thn German military governor. ?I ? The lawyer added that Waraaw eras in i ?.'iiitiiiiiiiiiiliiiiillilliliiiitlliiiin-a. if-'ewYcfkCityiiortgajn; I 5% I ? Principal and fntsrest | | GUARANTEED 2 FREE FROM PERSONAL TAI. ! H '-'-*' '?- ??? **S I'-i - ; ~ The ., . \ | Mi* York Wortgai & Secarfti d. ? -S ? .il'.! il ai. I *? irplo?, t?.*a-,o--ki ? = 135 Broadway 203 Monta,,,.?. 1 ?j Now York Brookl?? : ?i.'??iiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitjiiiiimmu? J ?>4 ti? food aras at ?..???'. n .?".y. y, ' - VV nas t,. 'hat ? ? i t.,., ' *T?d ' -.?. 1 IL Wja] ? . ica-B) C ? ni hi? I. Te Getter as el\E I ni.;.-. - th tkt o?-, JERSEY SLAYER MUST DU ? .??ninJi* .-...n for h ,-.on ?f % '- ifnprir-j-, rpny, of BvrUaf. Murphy was r ' killisf ?t a ?kstfa ?La 3.00 S3.I0 -4.90 -4.S0 & ?5.00 SHOES a YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY formen /?I 7 3 WEARING W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES VALUE GUARANTEED For 32 years VY. L. Douglas name has stood for shoes of the highest standard of quality for the price. His name and the price siamped on the bottom guarantees full value. They are the best known shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas shoes are made of the most carefully selected leathers,after the latest models, in a well equipped factory at Brockton, Mass., under the direction and per? sonal inspection of a most perfect organization and the highest paid skilled shoemakers; all working with an honest determination to make th*; best shoes in the world. W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes are ,.< the best that can be produced for the price. W. L. Douglas $4.00, $4.?50 and $5.00 ihoes are just as good for style, fit and wear as other makes costing $6.00 to $8.00, the only perceptib?edifacrence is the price. None genuine unless W. L. Doug las name and the retail price is stamped on the bottom. If ?on do i'.it live near i ne nf \v. I., p. ag?a* local dealer eannol supply "i. ?rite : : flluatratcxt Catalog ?hutring m to oi let >nu W I. i>- ?I OCAS, 100 Bpark Street, Brocl W. L. DOUCLAI WA S PUT TO ? WORK P?CCINC ?(f* SHOESATSEY?". YEARS OF ACL HE BEGAN MAN* UFACTURINC IN 1876, AND II NOW TH1-: LAR? CEST MAKER Of $3, S^.jOAr.oH SHOES IN TNI WORLD. P . Se,*?, Beit in Ot Wat \ $3.W V2JA %Vet W. L. DOUGLAS STORES IN GREATER NEW YORK : 9.T N.iisau Stnet. ?2??02 Third .\v? cor, 120th Stritt. BROOKLYN 7 ou Broadway, cor. 8th St. ??_,7Ti> I hint Av.. bet. t4oth ?v 147th ?its. 4'_'l Pulton >tr?-.t, ror. l'i-.irl. S47 Broadway, near 14th St. 343 Kixhth ?venae. 708-710 Broadway, ror I horBtea. ?I.". >'2 llroadway, ror. 36th Street. ??_?."??.? W,-i 123th Street i;:<;7 Broadway, ror. (?ate? \v?ai?. 1493 Broadway (Tltoea 8qauire). -?NEWARK Kit Broad Street ?478 Fifth Vvenue, ?or. 1 tthSlltat v?M4 rhlrd Avenu?. ?1KRSK? CITY 18 Newark kva. ?8?? Manhattan ?venue. ?1432 Third Aven??. TR ESTO Ji lui Bmad 177.* I'itkin ?venue. Store* marked wtth m ? mimo carry complete tinmm of W. 4L Dougla* S3.UO, S4.00 and S-S.SU ahoea for Wamtt SSS I e. \V*.'- ? *.'?* ???!. ./a^'aia^.i?^ V ??a-* ?:*?. .??W.: -. aKia'ta- :^'?-?-?iar-?. ? .^^%-g.^ ^^^v. ,^l?^i? Good music belongs in every home a in -a ?.ZL ??a? ictrcr mis it there. Leading Places WhereVictrolas and Records Are Sold Below 14lh Street? frieal Music Co.29 John St. Owens -& Beers.81 Chamber? St linger Bros.82 Bowery Jacob Mandel.240 Bowci\ From 14th St. to 42d St. (Inclusive) ? Globe Talking Machine Co.9 Weit 2 31 St. Ludwig Baumann & Cornp'y. . . 8th Are., I 3th to ?oth ?St. Chas. H. Ditbon &Co.8, 10, 12 Easl -4th ?St. James T. Cosjghlin.544 & 546 I .ighth Av. Knabe Warerooms.5th Av. at Wth St Michael Streamer.I 39 East 42d St Pease Piano Co.1 28 \V?-?t 42d St, near Broadway From 43d St. to 96th St (Inclusive) ? Mathushck & Son Piano Co.Broadway \ -47th St Bloomin^dale Bros.59th c\ Lexington Ave Sol Lazarus.2 h> ! asi >f > t h St Adolph H. Mayers.19H , Broadway, i) 7th St. Fuller & Barley.2 106 Broadway, neat 7 Ird St E. De Witt.I 197 Third Ave M. J. Roth.3rd Ave A: H4t., St Henry Mi-Ike.I O.^O Second Av? . ?.or. 8 ?tit St I. Zion, Inc. . 2 100 Broadway There are Victors and Victrolas in great vari? ety of styles from $10 to $300, and any Victor dealer will gladly dem? onstrate them and play any music you wish to hear. Victor Talking Machins Co. Camden, N. J. Above btith Street? Emanuel Blout.2799 Broadway Buckiey-Newhall Co.5th Ave 8l 125th -s Kranich & Bach.I *> West I 2 >th St Albert ?Sic!.. 1.233 Weal 125th ?St. F. L. Steers Co., Inc.J496 Broadway Lenox Talking Machine Co.3 1 2 \\ eat 145th St Epstein ?? Berdy.?5977 LTiird Ave. L. J. Rooney Co.145 I St. Nicholas Ave, .V-?tr I ?3rd St. Brooklyn? A. I. Narnm & Son, Fulton St .it 1 loyt St. Subway Stat'n, B'klyn Epstein & Berdy.1198 Fulton St, n.-.u Bedford Ave. Pease Piano Co.34 Ratbush Ave.. Brooklyn .152 3 Broadway, Brooklyn <\ 1 lcd*,?'y ?St., Brooklyn !.. A. Schweizer. B. Guy Warner. B"<!lord A Out of Town Kaat'i Lsidiai Hosk Nan*, ,-*., .??2 Msriln-! *.v., White l-i.iin?. N. Y Steser & Sons Piano Mfg. Co.74 3 Broad St.. Newark. N. J Victrola XVI, $200 M-Ua?g-my ?X o*k