Newspaper Page Text
? The Conning Tower Nuts. ??? vrv\ST!Ks APTKR THK FIRST FROST. A f?w fears age my father Found ft hard} English Walnut tre-e ?,?, I bet :? transplanted from Northern Europe, hearing quantities Of : Qf 03 flavor and fullness of meut; Pet'< r 7 ? Tha". he ha I aem neen. .its He te ? on his farm, f.-.nd them a*? all l ul seven. Th?- {****, n tem years the young trees bon I originals. j.-3. ;<1 of hie seven tree?. Or.c ????' in a single year over sixty dollars'worth Of i I ar.dsomest trees in the country, apt !y with dense dark ?crtn-n fol.. A- K branches with white hark. Ho*' ;?e to see the trees. Wl aetfeeUj hardy and very good bearers. They amid they had never eaten finer They Mked fnthet to raise them pome trees from his old ones. . SO. We have a few of them ready for transplanting. I !.. thinking you might be interested ?. ivrrt?s?ment received from Kdwin C. Pomeroy, North ? .. and ppaced in vert- libre by WlTTKR By.N'NKR. Of?c'.n. circles -1 y the way, are official circles concentric or rlin are beginning to believe that the Hesperian ?jras i ' ed by a German submarine. In the box scores of the war, ai printed in the Berlin papers, it probably appears thus: He????* ?Ou:. t:t i- batlad t??'.! ANMllNCKMENT EXTRAORDINARY. ON AM' AFTEB NEXT SUNDAY THE CONNING TOWER WILL ATPEAI. IN THE SUNDAY TR1BINE. NOW DONT SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED. Tou might think that on that account there will be no Tower in Monday'.- paper. A? usual, you would be partly right. Monday's Tower, hereafter, will be devoted to printing what in our opinion ?bution received during the week. THE DIARY OF OLR OWN SAMUEL PEPYS. ? r 7.?The talk of war has dwindled again, and 1 think vc .- ? o trouble, unless something unexpected occurs, a? I f-'.; To Forest H?ls, and saw W. Johnston gain the la*#rn t- : ship by beating M. Mc-Loughlin, and he did it fairly and ...:>cit I liefer Maurie won. My gloom so great I find it hard to think of aught else; and I hope he may win at doubles to-morrow, and believe he will. Home, and found then- K. Xewdick, whom I had not seen in two years, and I vas gia : aeinf him. 8? . acth to Forest Hills, and played again with him, and he trounced me, I getting but one set. Saw Johnston and Grifflr. ?ugblin and Bundy, and 1 lost ?2 on it to George Church. If you lose, quoth he, you may send it to me at Tenafly: ?Thereupon be did spell out "Tenafly" for me, which I deemed as a sign that ! ?; pear as one who would not know how to spell. Which ?af ? ? . thee, where I found Ring Lardner the merry man, and to oner with him; and before I could think I had bidden three ling C. Briggs; but I paid the reckoning with a good grace, and we had much badinage back and forth. Tl ' arge and brown, the brown hair simply arranged was upon the head.?Brooklyn Eagle. ? said?so perhaps it wasn't?were in the fi ,f the head. nil ?ROOKROOM-EI IDIM. "ROORMAV." ? iiiy to shake a finger at the naughty little Book'; ?flamme of Orthography in our r. or w. country, wed to sink into an Erebus of Erring Erudition here, now, breaks in the September number: Tha Honorable Peter Sterling. Rawden Crawley. Littal'i Living Age. ... The Grandi.--imos. Thomas Alibone Jan? vier, ti. .'?.-e McDonald. Harwarden. Ernst Thompson Beton. Nye. The .Sin of Joust Ahelingh. The Be? ll ?jf Badalia Herodsfoot. Longfellow's tale of the Ar? il. K. Brown*! street urchins. Revue Hobdomadaire. paroxian,tomohawk; incontestable; would feign h ????*<?; I esy; midsipmen; adbsurdity; apog?e; entree; ; The Anglo-Maniacs. . . Sir William took leave of a v ties. . . it is impossible for utter pages without .... there was some ? amazement .... without absolutely no ? ? to another .... Then thero is the aw''';, -garbled Version of Bunner's delightful quatrain on New York; and ? caption "The Little Red Box of Veeey Street''I arc disliked, and we have buddha, protean, iyceum, ?rah ?,! ,; peldnese. And the Interesting real name of Maartcn Maar- M j -,i van ?er Poortch Schwartz. I at motes in ephemeral headlines when these be.. ?re i bt eye of Literature and Life? <'. W. The athaletic young man is a member, C. V. B. thinks, of a eluh in Butte, Mont The sign?and we have the photograph sayi "ATHELETH CLUB." He copyreads on the Butte Miner, which speaks of "hatik ruptecy." ( ONTRIBS I HAVE MET. FkKW'II" AND ?RWIN. Freddie's an arrow-collar boy, The kind the fairies fall for. And when a lass in?ists on f?a??, It'? Freddie that she'll call for. And Irwin 1b the wisest guy I When profs, are short on data, bim they call to tell them all? I bet he makes Phi Beta! Ii? ? twain and I have formed a group? You've m 11, us in the Tower. I 01 1'rn proud that of the crowd 1 am the ruling power. MOKKJE. "''? you like parsnips?" asks the Bridgeport Post, "If they ?? *s much a* French artichokes wouldn't you like them?" No. noi H is astounding to realize that so few contribs have suggested ??name for the National Guard armed with hoes and shovels on ?? plains of Plattsburg. You'd think they'd call 'em the National Gardeners. W. V. A. DOCTORS URGE USE OF PRESS IN HEALTH WAR Newspapers Greatest Aid to Sanitation, Con? ference Told. \! -ED TO CHANGE PEOPLE'S HABITS (?tics Must Educate to Bettet Standards, Says Dr. VV. A. F.vans. n> s A Mm. HOPKINS ADAMS. i, \. Y , Sei.'.. I. I'nnter'r Ink was welcomed to the pharmacop.en bile health at the symposium or Ith education In which th? ?ato sanitary oftlcei > ?th the American Pub A sociatlon thll morning The first ] r C. E A. Winslow, dii i ;on ol of the Sea Health Department, wh< made a plea for readable and interest ins h? i "Half s page rend Is more valuabl. ui read," .-aid he. "We t to if ;n ?'iir educa '? tional pr?. ? matt? i to turn out matt? ? that hati the qui yet i We must ted, we canno? .. light and ft Cur r?gulai service '1 I ? ? rs m this state, and i now thai ws nave learned to mal ? . we find th? glad to u:e them." N a Vork .--t?te Department, lid, conducted Its ll campaign .. CtUr? . v? OB . clubs, ?1 labor unions. 1" dun. director of the Bureau of Public Health Kducation ' of th? New Ybrs City I Di pari ment, outlined ths work of his bureau ' in t!.? per, lect The ire Of ths l? > si worn ng of a . ? of particular interest to some partie* I ular portion of New Vork City, j such a- Greenwich Village, pip'i Hay, Yorkvills ami no on, and each ? of local health news Death Hate at Lowest. Spei "The Role the l lissemination of Public Health New.*," Dr. VV. A. tor i ' ' !iicago ted out tin fact that the of the . ? r cities corns to ? : . si d?crasse now ? in th : he. "I'.-? d the end of our rope in the matter of the common pro* es? then, if ws are to rther, it must be ucating the- individual to tais of living. ? at eventually we must aim at changing the habits of life of a ? le. 1 hink whst line o? i' ' . . ? ? past a1? an aid to th vork, we shall need it far future." "?Printer's ink' should he included In the } . i A Mori ?-, . : y ..i th? New SforS State u, "or in tue treatment of human ills. v. it pr? v ents t ob? i and ? luaands of I nal It i- the only univers* cy for i ha t rsatment of the community at large. You may cure the individual in the im, you must treat the communi? ty thn era. ( ?tics Should Advertise. "There il re? n why a city or Id not adi ? I health i chan ' d. "Whi ' ii lobby representing v. hich v. ? ? health law tried the law WS Who were : .i ?tait. d in up g, iom< of it in ] sgaini t u -, and we beat the lobby by tbi rss we branded s mal agita* ? member this. As soon us you begin to use print for any public or el your opponents will cub igitator, it'* a good Ever? sdverl er ?i an ? - >'? b. ther he agitates the public m favor of pickles or public Don'l let the term bother you, ??.?.liment. Use 'Print d don't it." LENOX PLAYERS WIN PITTSFIELD MATCH Mrs. Dana and H. F. Benjamin lake ?Mixed Doubles. |H? M******* ?" Tr* MS?? I I x. >";.?>, Sept. 8. Tennis plav ? ., I.. D? x Club and the Stock bridge ? lub won the principal tennis ? onship? at the Country Club of I .", which closed to* . i?, re oil werei Delia and Hamilton | e mixed double-, Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Chspin, ? .!, 6 2. Mrs. George H. de <.i -rsdorff won the woman's resting Urs. Edwin T. Kic-, 6 i ? A H. Chap?n and Mrs. R. C. Mil |i . won if ?? woman's double?, defeating Laurence B. Stow wart and IVtrs. . r? it, 12 10, 0 0. David T, Dana sad William strong Cashing won 'in- rren'i doubles, defeating A. ?'. ? ngfleld, and Hunting 1 Worth, of New York f> 1, 3 C, 7 I, ?-. .'. Dr (on-'antin T. Dumba returned to to tie P. I lars from r\ where in- went Tueaday to meet S?cr?? tai -i -ing. ,: i Mm Isaae K. Emerson land Mr. and Mrs. Walter VV. White, ?.-,h<? nave been riaiting with Mr?. Al ti..| (?. ' tuiderbilt, have gOM to hii ..d N J. Mrs. Butler William?. John Stewart, -d *!rn. Joseph Walker, .'id, Sam? uel S. Walker and Mr. and Mr?. K. B. ? New York, registered ?t Curt?*. II.'. I. l: II. Wylie. of New York; Mrs. '.- ?'. Avery and Mr?. Donald Mc? Donald, of Louisville, Ky , are tiie Robert Mackay. i th Wiel M and the Mi??es Wickel ai lived at Sunny Croit to .??it ..riswold Haven. Mr. and Mrs S. Warren Sturgis snd family arrived to-day from Colo brooke. ? a., te wisH with Mr-, - lotte H Harnes. James Barnes re-' d to New York. Mr and Mi*. Giraud Foster gave a ? party to-night. Mr. aid Mrs. Livingston Phelp?, who have been at HlghlaYWO llou??, have i j-one to Naw^iyiU I TEACHING YOUNi TO ACT ?S EAS Sam Forrest, Who Stag? 'Young America/ Tra?ne Small Most. B) HEYWOOD BBO?N. Much may I ?? made of an ?vctor le be ciuiirht young. Sam Forrest, ? "Young America," ?ay? tl . . ? i laterial for I sny director eoul : "I so- ? estai day, "tl that a great d< i is required to rehearse lit children. I have never f-jund it i alert and active. Mi ing Amer? have h:id little or no I tags ?xperieti ) ? t tl the Mtuations a committed Hi emory almost i itantsneously and in many cases wit ?ut so much as a writt? n part." Am a mutter of fact, there is mo .?rage chi than in ths normsl grown-up. Almc si t ry one ; i om ii.>- ? *. ? of il ? i play and | i irit of t this .-.pint ai grow up to star or starve for stage !.r of proton inj? ii stuffed off .. - ims win ? ::.'.! rely s means to an end. It il ? thing in the WOI to try ai : table in int? seeming sorrow, but it takes a growi to weep ut Wli Not only e.ui the i i an smi not fl el, but he inu ? ir or gri; sly beai A youngs-. ?i part on th .-. ould a game. Probabl in the ?m Id loi es hi? work s the bo) -or. Th sin;-.' at 1 r? popular th.-i . "You W. went hack ju befor? the show began and foun . ..-. er tin .- bop, but chiel ce in tht the footlights. Every sight it is net . to .-m " .1 dozi n children ol the stage before the play can begii left t the young one.-, of the theatre no chil ? . r come past I h fclage . m Mr Forrest is of the opinion tha the theati puce in tn world for childn B. "If snyfa sn idea that th : or demoralising indu i wish he coui II >/ h?-' i ," he sai.i "No:1 world furnishes then . . musement, and it stimulate The peop?. aroui like cl ildren, sn? ths boyi and guis never hear snythini bul iba. things that boys and girl should" So much I, but it mu?t bi admitted that stage children are per and forward. If the good man? ? childhood depend on being seen and no heard, th? boyi and girls of thi an- not good mannered. They are franl to a degree. This may be a virtu.' u a rice. We remember a nine >?.ar-olc boy actor win. ?a- removed from tl.t east of a play in Chicago and I lyoa by a girl O? sixteen. A the inbstitute'i ..ver we caught him in tue lobby of the theal " . si ?.,? hi and shouting! "She didfl t get SI t any appla ?'?.? on ? ?? SI Limed a moral mannet. "Thal ' ? i said, "V..u ind till ber how well BF part." "1 won't go back," said the boy, "and I think the was rotten." In a spirit of utter recklcusncss, the powers behind "Chin-Chin" yesterday riled a ciaiin to practically all the theatrical records that have not been : ont ar.d claimed as private property by other attractions. During the run at the Globe there ha? not been ? rocsat seat si any perform? ance; no actor, actress, stage hand nor musician has missed ? perform* mi... ; the curtain has gone up at the | and the running til ? ? ? ' ? thirty ?sancos; one mil? lion . :. in at the CO. Furthermore, ?luring the Iff pat?, forSSS, averaging change? ..f costume a performance, ha? had to make more than :!,'mhi change?, which, if laid end to end, would reach ? . ? '.c, >? childhood to the chorus of "Town Tof.ic--" i? only a step. One of ? . mong the ? ?.?ionists of Century ballet is a girl who ?? making her first appearance on any stage. William Raymond Bill took her name for programme pur' "Crace Jones," ?aid the girl, with? out enthusiasm, but ?he quickly added: "I want to go on the programme a? Miugiierita Arline GfS "Vsry well?" said Mr. bill, but ihn name he wrote in his book was "Gra .finies." _ German ?gentlemen while -trafei England are In the habit of deelari that the ??? ;ir agaii I ;?1 powc and Turkey is the a plot many rears' standing. King Edward VII ???? the ar plotter, and 1 Henry V baa a bai d in it. 'act v, hfi'!!f 2 of Shakespeare's hi tortea! play, Harry of England says ! Katherine of France, "Shall not thi ? uiiii I, between St Denii and St. Geori | compoum! a : half En 11 s h, that .shall go to Con*tant Inop and take the Turk by the beard?" Max ??fnrein, who wrote the sueee* ful play "The Hoose of Glass," whii la now ..'. tha Candler Theatre, deaerv the worst hue penned th season. In th ? thsrd art Mr. Marein eompe a chauJeur to aay, "She sal? like marble statue all through the trial." If Mr IfarciB or anybod] .i chauffeur for u.s who talks lil ? will buy his cab No, mo than th. t, we will hire it for an BBtil afternoon. NEWSOFPL?YS AND PLAYER! High Tide in the Englisl Invasion Is Reached This Week. Cyril Mande, George Aril?* an Psrcj Barton are aue in New Yor from England this week, but thera wa talk on Broadway yesterday o ag a committee of American acl ors to v i I at the (loci Hringlng a number of English actor Mi.--: m..i Aril sa arriva thi morning on the New York. Mr. Maud return?! tu "Grumpy," and Mr, to tha management of George Tyle ami Klaw it Erlanger, !(i'. Percy Burton, being genera manager for Granvilla Barker, rorbei Robei ? on ai -I Le?a la W bj.I1? r, aven leaa chanca than Maude and Ar liaa of being guest of honor at s re eeption at tha Lamba Not <>nl but Mr. burton la In negotlatio1 with i-till another Ei >r-man ager, and axpecta to gira New Vori ro'a new- play, "The Big Drum. Cross-examined without merry, Jo *eph Brooks, back from Toront terday admitteil that the first perform anea of tha new .ill-star "Trilby" cas transcended anything else ever seen ii tha theatrical line. In fact, the toui will be Interrupted to bring the attrae tion into New York again. Mr. Brooki as il well kaowa, la "Trilby's" pro duc?;r und manager. Other openings being scheduled foi Monday and Tuesday of next week \. liam A. ltraily baa agreed to relievi i h, dram at..- conge I i ?n bj "Heaband ?in.I Wife" until wedni It Brill be seen at lie Forty-eighth Street Theatre. Similarly, Graei George's revival of "The New York Idea, destined for the Playhouse, ha? been put forward from September 20 to 81. ". ?th the Parirte dew ?till upon her arrived la toa ? terday fiom Pa I, and at a ? as Still re ?? tli "Tnwn Topiei " Mil - Molyneux, who ha? been with th?- Al in "Dancing Amund," ??'I a.? "tall, slender and re " Thf fi-ct that she will : Webb's dancing partner :n the new show at the Century, how? ls expected to prove of greater aid in Identifying her. The theatrical season In ?"ornish be? ing unpromising, Mr*. Anr.le Wilson Howe, sister of President Wilson, came from Vermont last night and saw "The Hiue Paradis?." Two nieces, a nephew and u grandniece assis' filling the box. The occasion was Mrs. Howe's birthday. "Stolen Order*." which is said to be larger than the Panama ?anal and al? most as big a* the Kaiser, will under g.. Its trat i'f?? rehcar?al at the Man hattsn Opera House to night. The ??r fon.-.aiict will begin at midnight E*hel hnrrymore, '?Jioast B>?4 diui'i ' ard o'hers it?rt?.-d rehearsal* rday unuer the guiding hand at Augu?tu* Tnoina?. A. Baldwia Ploane. who?e fame relts securely on a classic. titled, "W'en Ton Air.'t (i?! ' . You : Cerne 'Round"; Jack Hazzar?i, whr ? - '..i go down ? as th? :..??' 'r of "Ain't It Awful, MabelV an l Perehral Kni?'ht, who has; rrtttea popalai song? in h?i I are to star jointly under the manage? ment of William Harria, jr. Iu..-jmuch as eich of 'hire authors will have a liter.-ry hand in the show, the result is guaranteed to please. Aldrich Powker ha? Joined May Ir | wiu's company at the i?ia. CHURCH WEDDING FOR MISS LOTT Marriage to D. M. Hills Will Take Place on September 18. MISS PECK TO WED MAJOR WHITBROAD Sidney W. lis!, Will Give His farewell Bachelor Dinner To-morrow. Arrai have been completed for the s ? ? eh ? burch. laOtt! her (lagedorn, A little cou un, M ? : ' und John Jorslei II 11 of the nr..]e. ?will ?:\, her in :. ?.n uy,?' . Mr. Hills, who Ls the sor. of Mr?.' Harr;. f ?Jambier, I r.ther, I he ushers are - V. Cruik* H. Melntyre, Alfred H. Appel and W.l Isrd B. van Inwetigen. They all are; ; nil, With 'i lank, who i? the . I . ;.: i. aduatcs or Mr. - ,n mourn.: her fa II fol Lott home? stead, 020 Flstbush Avenue. Mi?? Josephine Peck, d:.lighter of the lato Harold S. l'eck, of Chicago, will be i 'o Major Whitbroad, of the Coldstream Guards, on September 15 in Peter's Church, Katon Square, Lon? don. Il ey W. Fish, who is to marry Miss Olga wiborg on September in ; Lus-e's Church, Kail Hampton. I ing ?:, ?rill give bis I i chelor dinner at the Meadow !'.:. K Club to? morrow night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Sturgis will close their Newport rills ? n Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. F. Kgorton Webb, who were gu?*??; of I'r. and Mrs. W. Sew ard Webb, have returned to New York. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Duncan will re? turn to town from Newport on, Oc t.'bi i - Mr. and Mrs. Philip McFadden, of 840 Turn Avenue, will return to the city to-day from the Berkshire:*. Mr. and Mrs. W. Goadby I.oew have returned to town from Newport. They will spend the fall at their country place on Long Island. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Belmont are - of Urs. Belmont's parents, Mr. und Mrs. Baul A. Andrews, at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall McCullough Will re'uin to the city at tho SI ; the month from California. Mr. and Mrs. ('. Ledyard Blair will introduce their daughter, Miss Edith ' l). Blair, this wil The Counteai Henri de Laugier-Vil? llars arrive?! in town yesterday from Bai Harbor, ? hi at the lum nii r. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Crocker will !??:.- .? Soul I '.and, to diiy and go to ? ly iter Bay. Mr. and Mr? Townsend Jon.* arrived in the city from their coun Island, and are at the P sti;\ IV-*-(?i mu- un. - Itiei Mar iwaite, daughter of Mr?. . i i , a H. Outh :. and Edward Georg? i. of New .. i !.. ? . the ol I I'.- ' l ome of Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, si I o'clo? I i.t'tei noon. ' Jei nings,I ths Old I frega . .n, a , Mr. .). nnings, off!? : ..f tho brnle, was maid of honor, and Miss li.:. ? . Troy, and Misi Dor? othy Mo. ", ???' W Ifass., were bride. ? >rge Edward S i , was best S. I'. Platt idward H. Townsend, of New York; - ". and Chille., B. U'ail.r, . The ? included Mr. and Mr-. William -, Mr. .. inthrop Smith, Miss Vir . Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. W. and Mrs. Louil Hay, Wel .1 B Hsy, Miss Charlotts Platt, M i "s [endall, < Land, Johnfritz Achelis, John Appleton and Dan Hesld, of New V . ..i Binghamton: Mr. and i an p, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ? i . imp, jr., and Mis.-. Janet lamp, of ,: ? George Van P? 'er Burden, of Philadelphia; Miss Msbcl Jones and indeley Thornton, of !'.? i ' M..-- ill ten V. il I'n eidence, B. I. Mr. and i - will live si East Eighty-sixth Street, New York. hKLLV?>LMO.VM).V Bo? ???.-. Long Island, i ? sn, t.- ? daughter : Mr.-, Harrj on, of Kant R : thii morn? ing in St. A.-. .'holic Kelly, ro? of London, bj the Bev. Peter ?ji, alv. The bl a brother .,f Ml ? lid. i I onde was attend.,i by her lister, .'I.:-. Florence ? ion. Mr. Kelly has taken at id?neo that me of the I..', Robert ?iray Wight, which he and his will oC . at Atlantic City. ? m KASO.UN?W ABFIEL?. ? Ethel lone Wart.eld, daughter of Mr. I Albert Wariield, and ? ,??r Bssquia, .?on of Judge William Kasquin, of Flu*lung, ...v. A. H. B? of u. Centre 1 ?Lurch, at the home of the bride's parents, 89 Terrell Avenue. Bockvilla Centre, L. I-, last . -rnith, sister-in law of the bride. . of honor. SI SSI ?VilliaSB Wilson, ot Manhattan. AN ENGAGEMENT. M.'titclair, N. J.. Sept. I. Announce? ment was made to-duy of the Engage? ment of Mis? Helen Gould Ha: ??.n, of 7 Vincent Place, and Samuel P. Lan? den, of Philadelphia. No date has boon *et for the weddinn?. Mr. Lander* was graduated from Vale. A POET'S PROPHECY "S?.!- -eth'nji accora*,U*?f**d, tome tad - ??.:;?* run;.?J a avJir?. rcoo : Tlt? n?ghfs rcpo??* will not corn-? If the proceeds of your accomplishment have been Invested unwisely. The Guaranteed First Mortgage Certificates and the guaranteed mortgages we sell offer the opportunity to In? fest with the element of riak entirely removed. The re? turn of principal and inter? est Is guaranteed. TiTLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST C? Capital . . $ 5,000,000 Surplus all earned) 1 1,000,000 1 76 B'wsv. N T. 1 78 Remain St., a *: yn. aVtO 1uitun it.. J j .;i?ks. a?^WB? ??m? it? mmtmnaamawm? STRAUS MILK WORK GROWS I.ighteen Station* In City More active than Fver. Ale ittlaa of pa ized m:!k have been put out during the last year from the eighteen Strau? a In Now York City, according to the report compiled by Mi.?s Annie N'a?on, superintendent of the Nathan Straus laboratories. This marks the twenty-fourth yesr of Nathan Strau?'i activity In this line. During the summer month? 1 ,?141,580 ?rla-ises of pasteurised milk have been -old at one cent each at stations in parks and recreation pier?. The mi'.k was supplied at less than cost, the bof mtlk being in nursing botCes. one ' feeding to bottle, ready to be warmed and served. Meals at one cent each were supplied during the winter In districts where unemployment was most seriously felt. JAPANESE MINISTER SENT INTO SECLUSION Oura, Connected with Bribery Scandal, Loses All Titles. Tokio, Aug. 15 correspondence of The Associated Press). To himself of all titles and honors and to retire into seclusion probably for j the rest of his life is the puniyhmen' | that ha? fallen on Viscount Kanetake . Home Minister in the Okuma ? ho??? i-onnec'ion wi'h the i Parliamentary bribery scandal led to the ? In addition to resigning his port? folio in th?' Cabinet and his ?eat In thi" House ? f Peers, Viaeoont Ours ha* withdrawn from all public association? ctivitie* and has even transferred title to 1-M h..;r. ]io i? expected to pass the remainder of his davs in - all th;-- crea'er ? .? M In later ha would have been a badine future in the great coronal I Itlea In November. Viaeoont Oura has occupied a fore I nos?: position on ?hi? political rtage of ,I:innn for n-.anv \e'?r? ?le b??c:in as n sergeant In the Tokio police force when the modern police system was in? augurated it? i ?71, ?-? , OBITUARY, JOJIN* P. CONWAY. John P. Conway, a custom ?hoe ! maker of the old school, who for thirty five years had followed the old English method of making shoes despite the in - of modern machinery, died ye* tr-cl.-iv ii? hll home at 11.15 Simpson ? Thi Bronx. Mr. Conway ?a? sixty-four. Re earns ti thi? country from London in 1880, and ? ! by one of the leading ?hue firms of ths city. Later h* was d, and became a lender in Re? publican polities in Th>- liror.x. He leavea I wife, live daughters and two He will be buried in St. Ray? mond's Cemetery on Friday morning Ing service! in St. John Chrys? I arch, 167th Street and Roe Avenue. t> MRS. CATHARINE BESCHER EEC! Efl Mrs. Catharine Beeeher Reeve?, ninety-three, dud at the home of her son. Ward B. B I I.ockwood Astoria, yesterday morning. Mr?. Reeves was born in the old Tib Ward of N?-w York City. Her father WBS a shin carpenter who earn* to thi. country from (?ermany during the war of li<12, when his voaaol was detained and he remained in New York. ( IIARLE8 C. WISE. Charle* C. Wl*e, formerly Deputy Fire Commissioner of Brooklyn, died yesterday at his i-umrn'r home at Bay? liter an illness of two weeks. Mr. had been In the insurance bu?i nesa at 4 11 Court Street, Brooklyn, and formerly activ? in politics. He la a wife, two sons and a daughter old. MRS. MAECARRT GERHARD. Mrs. Margaret Gebhard, seventy, a lifelong re?!.lent of Corona, where she ? in, die.l at her home in Tweiity ?eeond Street, in that place, yesterday. i ;s the widow of il'-:-.ry Gebhard. ? four daughter* and two MJUS. -s-. P. A. DURBAR. Zanesville, Ohio. Sent. ?. F. A. Dur? . '.eral counsel for the Baltimore ?v. Ohio Eallroad : last Bight on a tra:r: ( umberland, Md.. while on the war home from the bat Mr. Durban had 1 sea Buffering from Bright'? di?ease i 'or some time. He was aixty old. MILTON B. HUSKY. West!..!.!, Masa.. -S.-pt- I. Milton B Bitnay, the oldoat attorney in Hamp 1 one of the alumni of William? College, died to? day in hi? ninetieth year. For sixteen -,..;irs ha waa >? saeaaber of the Hoard of Education. He had ser ? a Re'i Presidential elector. Hu a widow. THE RBV. J. U. Nicks. Rome. N. Y.. Sept. H. The Rev. J. B. Wick?, of Pans, N. Y.. naturalist am1 >? known writer on nature sub . died last night. He was se? nine years old. tor more than \ear? he was rector of St. I'aul'e Kui? copal i hureh, Pan*. ? ? aUBTBR < OI.l'MHA. Sister Columba, who Joined the of the 7' St. Jo?eph, in Flu?.h ing, forty-three y?'i?r? ago, died late lay i.ight at St. John's Hotpital, Lang l.iai.d ? .ty, after a long illness. ? ? lAMEi 110IM.E. James Hi.l.'i'. for thirty year* a .man of trinity F.pisconal Church, rk, died rasterday in the (?ermun *al, ag<d aeventy-four year*. He igad In the clothing business early :n life and continued it until I'Jud. ?a hen ? h? took up the study of law, notwith I standing he was sisty-four year* of | age. Bftided hi? non, Mr. H i\ti leaves i his wife. DRAMATICS FOR NEWPORT Italian Belief 1 und Ue-tr'it i'lsnr.ed by Sorie-tv Leader?. [Hj Tr , Newport, Sept. 8 A nu-, cal and sr ? BomOf eol .'Isnd Park Theatre hss been rr.gayed for the even : he p?*ron-.!i*es Mars den J. Perry, M P. I ? ? Mr?. Lonllarl S I , Mr? r, Mrs? ''. I si was a .-V gare a lurche^.-i r.r? were . Pnaldiaf /is. and fam* Mrs. i'arley ? Mr. and t left -?'*, of Mr , . a d:n rcr party at her ? even ng. RECITAL AT EAR IIARBOR <i.tlager* at Benefit ?'or the War Be? lief Fund. I. T' -irai)!-, t.. r M , Sept ? had si Im [?OS. Karr ek Rigga. I <". Endl Mr. and Mi -I en* I arty of sixteen to-night Mlsi Gertrude Meyer wai also a dinner host Mr. gsts left rk. Mr. sad Mrs. ?visitor S. Gumoe and Mis? Bell B. Gun ? for New I York Mrs. B. Kendall and Mil? .' Will leave to-morrow' by motor for New York. For the beneft of the war relief i fund a Lohengrin recital wsi g"ve*i j In the B ? f Art? this cfternooi by Mi?i Frances Nevit: and J bs Iler ? mann Louder. A Eugene Gallstln give a dinner parry of eight | ' eaert Bo..m to-night -? FRANCE TAKES ALCOHOL Requisition* Stocks of More Thsn 200 (?allons to Make Powder. Par'.- Ministry of War to-day announced its Intention to requi? sition all stuck ? of sl ? Prance which amo-,: ? ? - more for the manufae' . i 1er, Mak? ers of drugs or Other : eoive each month , i .-.?ties [ of alcohol for t ? ? ENGAGEMENT. ' HAY PECE Mr. and Mrs. Willard Ovanda Peck announce the engage? ment of tl ?? Sis tare, to Arthur Woodhull Hay. M \ RIMED. LORD-FOY Mr and Mrs. Ceorge I-'"-., of Port Marry, Warren Co N, J., announce the marriage of daughter. Hose I... to Horatio ?i. Lord. *-eptcmber fi, 1918. NORTH GAM:.' tassbot 8. 1915, Is-abelle A. (ianmoti to Abra? ham Lincoln North. 8AUNDEB8 COGGEBHALL At Sum? mit. N, I . p?ember 7. b- the Rev. Ernest ?". Saunders. mund J . Sounders to Helen A. ,-eshaIl. dau?/hter of Morton C. and Harriet <'. Coggeshsll. Notlr-.* <( marrlmtee and da-nth* nan*? b* aieompatiiir.l 1.? f"'l mmtst* ami j.l.lre?*, nirn. Bardwell, D '? -les. Bow.r". BABDWELL Suddenly, on 'Vptemher |, Dsrwin I . ? busl sad of ? - rises Thursday, ? 1" b. m. in ? Reform Chureh, M? '? n Uland. BOWEBMAN At 1 - bosse, Ml Weit ? ?man, ag*d M ] Ute at 2:30 p. m. In Bos ton and North Adasu papers please copy. OETH tt Squirrel Island. Jsssos I Hannforth. Interment Motrtstowm, N. J., to dav OS srrlval of 10:18 train f. 1 HALL On Mon I 1015, ? r a lingei Hall. Funeral .'? hi? late ,i i"., on Thui '?'. st 2 o'clock. Interm? pi ?ate. HINE AI Browster, \. Y., on Tuei day. - 7, 1916, Willis F. Hine, in 1 ' his sge. Funeral t?rricos will ho !.. Id at his ?at.- I September 10, at li.'io p r-i. MANHA1 rAN AND THE BRONX. DAHILL, ? 17th st, Se?'-. I tO*di It Vrtk ?t., September ft. . itor. MEYEB, Chart? i, nj st., lay. NEVUS -h st. Sip-., BEOOELYN. Hudson av., Sep? tember 7. row. BEILLY, Eaymoi a? st., Septomb? tans, RYAN, Chsrlotts "a: d av., . *?! AN, James, tembor 7. Fur. row. i it., . BET. BECE, IVilliam, : i itnnont av., Jer I BaSSM to? ll. .'.'.'KI.L, William IL, 100 Walnut st., . userai to ! day. IRANNIGAN, Ann. ?167 Grand st., Jer ? rober ?5. Funeral to? day. CASTELLANO, Nicola. St Seventh ae, Newark, September C. Funeral to? day. M'GUINNESS, Patrick, 1-.' Newark av.; ley City, loptossbs* ?>? Funeral to-day. ' WINDMANN, Chrisl th 1-th ?t.. News ' ' Funeral to-day. : CABPENTKF?. . ?.? Park, i to d?.y. t 1 Ml- II l.ll 1. tiik *VO00LAWM t EMrrr.Bi. 123*1 si H/ Harte?. Trail ... i t,y Truii*r, Lola "f *m? ? '? !?? ??''"' Otr.t*. Zv) t.*?l Z3?i M . N. X.