Newspaper Page Text
gflES REMOVES ANNAPOLIS HEADS lakes Sweeping Ch? ' p personnel of Naval Academy Staff. ?AKE-UP FOLLOWS >n SONDAL INQUIRY Sir!) v-: ' ' ^',VV ?n Duty mart Than Tu ? Ctrl Sent to Other Posts. ? son ps It : -i.i ) I'an t.kt? to ? . n com* ?he IV srhonCap .? .. La in a Prsjston, of the do ? lad to cotn Ti K of the de Olh ' *?*****? ' the do . .-'royer ScHsck* :. th? an) te th.* t/M- st a i. ' of ir ? : lUrd WiU H llary Will? of th? New 1 or.iered tc ls Com srls, W. . sad H, I! roanders irts. - will he Its others ? ' ..-i l ct.arge or. ?lounced asarla ? MRS. MOHR SEARCH FOKWILLATNEWPJ?T Mata Appraisal of Doctor's Estate with Custodians. S'*r,i,r>. s . jjagj-J, y. *>t>*i. of } ? I Dr. C. ? si : port to* ? ? Bike in i mvlti M ? r. Mehr *>' ? '?na? ? also ??,ent the : ;ide an Newport dead -nan. lov^s y a9 v "y-citv ^ counts? 50 MAD'SON AVENUE ?T.. ? ' -?? -all.o . t~ ?**" ****AaIK)UARTERS NOTICES ' ? . . ?' ' ' * i i ^ ? ? ?. n ?-? ? '- ?* .' ?j ? ? . '.a ' . . 1 a Ii net 1 ' - : all . i ? ?. .. ' s I ? . a**? - ?"? ''? . '? i ^ ' ? ? , m. ?.ut a la, , " ' .;????, ..,...:ja a' . a ? ^? ' ?J,'r I ? ? > .?- in- ?:? ( ?*? 'j ar it ? . ?s^a, ' ?' r.'???? ? i, e i-, ? ? ) e*. t ?.It 1 . P**ar, ,' , * ?? ????a, u ' ? I . ' ? ? aei.t I . * ' ' '..? A ? ? ' t. ? *"U-a?i..,.? ... I of to, .-. ' a ?-; ..'.? I s ??J'.?'le ? i . ??-oui A ? i t? I ? ? . I ? 6 tl ? rui .. ?r.'.-p Notlrao. i.;??', ? i * U ? from -?'?? ?rill r* ' ?1 IB 1 . ?, . ?? '???? tMaMl ! ?i-^.a , RAP FOR STOCK EXCHANT Maaa*4*hna*r;t* CvbbmIbbIm Dem..i Ticker Sar.lco l?sri ?mlnaticn. Fo?t?in, |i pt. I I United .ran Company ?? a TilrtrrapV. I -A , Ian Union Ttlsfraph Cempan; ? i ? 1 aller? It I mcrnher of th? foi a I . i. prov?< N. ?? \ orV I -h\ * ; "If ? ' , ? Keep th* raipoi , him with tl iota! ni sj thus, ?* I in* i h ?: tht-tn Buy banker, hrukei ? r "i for any n-a-o: Buch ? pi ? , dm la in*i ? ? UNTERMY?R BACKS NEW WABASH PLAN Teils Bondholders Me Is About to Put $83.000 Into the Property. .^amue] I'ntermyer, who years have be ? ? i erminal Railway < ompany ? ici Jam? s X. Pi.. :.t of thi I Tru-t < om- ? ?fAny, is chs!r-nan. The occmloii which Mr. Tnteri'iyer '.sy-jii d|s : sw roi* was a meeting of in who arc protesting liKn'ri't tha plan, I'ar.iel P. Ely being ejokesman. There were about in two of the ror.-aeffit'."!? bondholders aaaaaable?j In Mr. Ely's ?n the Broad-Lxchango Building, .. Broad Stret'?. two of whom were ?women. aftor calling tho meet'nfe to iri?r ? ?.: lng the pr?tent -? for an asi ?' ? rent to the inter?s:* i ?' holders, "I fi7: ! a?. (? ?. I o f th a b oi has been more ou ? were fleec-d thereby. Plea wa* enter?; It ils of tha ; sara. "On Octobar I the cnui t \? 111 or.ler a sa ala mi o? I ah.?i ci 0 as the ??????es :. ? Mr. t'ntermycr attael : : '??. re< rga . nation ai, ? A rasolni f ation managers ? than ffl.i'UO without a . . at ffl u bond. T!.e '.. commlttsi tha: apj ; ? ? bonds bava paid tha lirai . ... landed 1 . withou -?"? Wabash Road to Issue Three New Securities Y. Inalow S. PlercB, chairman i ttion eomm I .... - .. ?o?;.:, ca: . .i? the com] : ? ? . S : ?- i ictooer .- : i ? . -2 f <r sacfa .- :. the pro rata reorganisation, ara at theii .. on o? baiora Octo ?And t: ? '."i 'u r eant on or ? i.ew securities to ba issued in. ?- first i . . .' iiiK? 1,091 it. profit shi ? i ubi? preferred stock "h." iii.d 11,027 i:i common stock ?f.1) i? cash fur the ei due January 1, 1912. if nut already ad Tha eoi ruras Indi . ers of the old compa??as ara wind ?ut. I | in tho ?.art of the bond!. - ?hare of ti.r under??. I will rasult In their being deprived of any rights or bsnaflta under the plan ganisatton. I on the stock waa $y> . DR. M'GUIRE WEDS AT 62 Tomb?. Physician's Brida Was Matron at I'risun. I>r. Frank A. Mc'iuire, Tombs ] can, Who Ik ?nty-two year? old, and has four grown daughters and a fcon, tied Mr*, llella V. Wilson, a ant matron at the Tombs, ... I aitarnoon at >">?.. Aadjrsjw'a Chorcb. Tha Lev Luba J. Ever?, Tomba chapia.!., officiated. 1 ha bride has been a widow fi r 1 he bridegroom h;.. a widower for four. Ir.ey mat 6? It. McOair* was show? ing oi ? ..?Hi-law through the (.ailment, which Mr-. \\ .. so i hau j'-itt Joined. Coney Boats to Run Till Sanrlay. The ce between New York and < : will, according to an ?,?(?*.11 day by the ' .u pany, eontinoo to ar trip? up to and including bunday. Tha servies ta Kockaway Baach also will be continued until that date. The boats for Coney I?land leav* the foot of West 129th Street and the Bat? tery, landmii at Steeplechase Park. The Rockaway boat leave? Waal bUMt at 9:40 and the Battery at 10:20 a. m, returning from Kockaway at 6:30 p. m. Budget Hearing To-day. riai that It Intandad 'o pare do?*t. tne budgat for 1116 * ? tho sub-romrnitt?e on budget of tr.e !'.?>?rii of Estimate announced latt 1 hold It? flr*t hearing la 'he ? It? Hall to-day. The committee will be constantly at work . ?ot from now until th* last week in Ocicher. Hanged 40 Feet In Air. Perth Arn.'i.y, N. J , Sept. H. Losing hts foothold ?nils working on a te!e fraph pole at Muuier to day, 1' J oh*a, a rigger, fell between the win??. Ills bead was esu.'iit by two wire?, and he ?trangltd t? death, forty feet above the ground. ?lit l>o.l>- hung tha?e f*f five minute? before it wa? taken down. ? S?FFRAGE AUTC WIN WELCOB Visitors from Boston t New Jersey Greeted b Cheers in Streets. MAW WEN ASK .is .?/i.? tit 1 TO! Allied Forces Cross Hudson Invasion of Sister State, with Trenton Objective. ? parade of vote? froi . ; ihe ? ? ? ? i ? fras*s Saw York * ? ; lots ! f rum the i tnc nt ' itlon itrneli left for Nats J, rssy the Ki'itym traol terry. As ? .ut three Ir wsved thsir i ! " .oto for us .' ? - 2?" demandsd Un Gould Shaw, of liston, leader of t ? "A whole hunch of us is -join' to v< for yo.. Miss Rose Bower, of .South Dako ?-'.y. thought that c served "h . srney," ?t. i sa? playtj at th? .-r lunes. r>ie interstate usai lasted all di ?fini Itself user a. ?arse part the city. It was Ui30 o'eloch wa - fr...rn Mai .-.mi New Jersey, ?-... of '.!..? Wonan Suffra I artv. ?!* I ty-1 >urtll Btrs? Massachusetts car ? ?-'iiav.', I .'of the Equ i of Hostun; Mi of Cai -uchusai . Marj-ar? or and sufTrai .'..??. i t es ? ... i around tin.- ii..:. .. ? It wa? r,?i Park How, opposite th it th? ? ! I,, ?KM ' . . ? ned ou :,uttoi , ' ' am ' " ntertained a . r ?up ?it th ? . re Dr. Al< M m o. ? Millar peace on the Byn . ' ? .?.h. predict . . all four cam te and Jersey womei ?80, With a ?? t., wane U] the strongholds of th? . TO SHOW TWILIGHT FILMS Prelborf Clinic Pitctnrca Will He Bcci at Park Theatre. "Tho Tru'r ? eh ha privately in ?Now York at tl theatre foi ml . inning aexi n ei \ lecture by l*r. K art i nt?y cama tu the Fr? .liur? clinic : forman ci ' Tuei - und Sunday .-. .-:",'??. 'hi- Ain -, ? I .; Review i Jake Daubert Out for Alderman. Jiiko Daubert, known t.. fans a? tirrt hn of the Brooklyn National !,? . ., tean, ai meed yeit? rdsy t h ;?. t on the Inm . the 69th AJdernenio ti lei Is nor* .- ? eon . ' .,ii and in ' ill win him ?i,- .- s property owner In the diMrlct. -m TIRE DEPARTMENT. ? ? ? ... . I ? ,.?? i,i Ahunee , ? ? \| if. i- .- ? a i ? ?? - . . II li.,ur?. DUMBA MUST GO CAPITAL THINKS (ont limed time* "mi* 1 hi* pai or whe'her an n; ? i -? r?an msi -, wfa .-. W? uld ???ir;, ? ? ?? . . I - ? ? . rebi ke, n j!-i not he learned to-night. . i*f the courie deeded on hai :ii-. ? ? ?pe. '?'?' r\ I SOB r r .* pISCO tk * p.'.ri: ing ).'? Wolkiaf r>M-r tu ? snd eoaf? with .'?erretuiv i , '.ne case if inbs. The Preside! I took with him a,, if '!... svidsncs, ami it wa? apparent that he ha.i remained up u r. t ; 1 a lut* hour last nicht turning oser la hin m.r.d a rilan The Prsslasnt eonfsrrod with the Boe ri-'my of Bute f? r fifteen ni?atos, sad whsn hs left he made the sign rotary wsi do i a rii>e 1 ks Presi? dent's vi?h *ai a lurprls? tu i y Lansing It was ? . retary Lansing : r President Wilson hsd Isft, Sec? retary Lansing ?-a? is??.ii whether there ?H-, nr.\ boail for l i ? liii-nba's case, fii- replied that he muit I? to his Inquirers a ?core of newspaper men - to draw their own concluiionj. Anbasssdsr J'umta remaint.i tu daj awaiting Bswi fron thi ? ? ? ; ? det;,"ill.ot I I of a mi.ti who e g ? ( s lerioui and tant nature to hsppsn. Ho Ii th em* f hi inable l I v BY? the 1 mtuu The amba.?iador confided to gome of hi? close friends that he was very much in need of a vacation. He ?poke of the extraordinary burden of nis labors here, rr.d asserted that a reit was im? perativa. H? also ?poke ..f n*K . I huiineis intsrsits in Auitria. He de? clined, however, to d-'icuss the situa? tion with any one before he left for New York to-night. Lurly in the day Ambassador Pumba call? d at the oillce of Secretary of . . Wil?on to talk of a plt?n to ob ta.a snplojmsnt for any Austrian sub I their places in the munition! plants as a result of the cation of the decree t...I*! punishment. Secretary ? ? ?er i onferrin, \ - the sssistsnt leer? tsrii ni?? atos, Dr. Dunba returned I . A f port night that govern? ment '? . i ra led to the ?" thii repot t. . ? font u li.-ii to li ? -ia. w'tr, .i r . for an explanation fi'otii the ivernmei t. Off.? rtnent as ? that Am I? r Dunbs had Mutud that h ? wai acting under instructions fron hie government had no effect whatsv? the situai II -?an poured out tha' I>r. Iiuniba was the repre entativ? of trian government, arid that any? thing i. sn offleial nature n ghi ined to con? from that govem phaee of the snbaessdor's ac ? ? ? interested oflclsl? here .- nans of the Austro* eti whom I>r. Dunba ? a ??ay from their ? ' ..: were lisbli I ? becon? poup 1 .-. rhargs on tho pec,pic. It was : n.tod cut that, in mo?t SB - ' ere unskilled laborers, who ? find it dificult. to obtain employment A ? an govoi nnent I provide f"r them. Teutons Tie Up Plant Making Tools for Allies i r * SoTsnty-llve Gar? man md Austrian machinist? employed 'v old & ' o , tool nanufac -. to-day when they ? ? ? , ...any had taken s contract to nalfs too!? to be u ipnal fot Grant Britain and :i?r allies. "The nen bave no reason that we know of for striking,?1 said William ron, ri esidon 1 of ths eon\psny. "They marie r.o demand? for I. -'er wage*, sh liter hour? or changes in ? roru'itions. Thsy ju?t walked oat snd tied vv our pla: Preeid? il S. M. Hustings, of the Illinois Manufacturers' sold ths strike at ths Torri?, Wold & Co. ; : ml '??-. OBS i I that had been called to his sttsntion in tl few we? i - '?\s.' srs Invrrtigating these strikes," sy rsport th? fad t i President \\ ilson aft. f he f.u? ui-ted in the cum.- of 1 ji. Dunba." Finds Teuton Ambassadors "Tarred with Same Brush" riijr CaMl ta Til? Totume ] London, Sept I Th? "Dally TeW graph" layi in an editorial: "ft mean.? no difference to (irent Brit .. ,1 her all I An -t rie i? represented at Washing-ton l>y Databa . another 1 " are rung in thess diplonsts of . European power? the more the> i Whe'her it l? ?'iiii berg <<t Hernstorff or Duniba, they are all murh ali,?.' an ? d with th? ?am? dirty brush. By f-nr nesni or :' . true or false, right or wrong. -. ready to justify either provided that it looks like i?rving Genaany'i in -, interest of thl "Gern sn diplomat.? are like German : .Is. The ordinary rules of the ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS i .'.?? Trll IHM Hurrtu ] Wta.i.1.-.?-...... a.i>'.?inl?r 8 AI1MV iitj rssn a i mai'.i.-: Aiir l.-.ti lnf. iittar.-i ? ;?? l -. . : i . i i .i . , ..'?! 1. . . liA'tHY S i'ap*. ?ART M lo f\Vn -a-ir.* l .?IS V liiiniv ... litt I La??? . KT 7>I .. .. lajr* .VA VT leit.-hul N?tt: A t?l?mji. m i ? 1 -.rbea Nttal * i . J I roMI'KINa. leitrhi-1 Natal Ai-adtaui i tu rota an * tarl-.f! Tfit? .... ittB ?..,'.? I Ataptlt lltt*.. riet IJeui Im- J"11N HaLLI r.AS ; I .. i. HABS, d?ttohtd Ulrl.'.fan I V. l.i?'J! Com C C KjUlfl'l. (ltiatar?) Wromir.g. ? N??j Dsjrti ? M KlR'i? -"tttrhej Nt?7 ? ? fc.,( '.f. ?-.??.. .?.al?Bi/. I :. 1*4* Bad ?..*>.rg7a - J.oWNTS d??a<-htd ! .Naia .4 ! Usut. I WTIJ.IAMB, dtttrhtd Kitt. A a 7-1. ) . !. New Jtrter I 9 f I.tA.'lT '.etti-iiad Jturtaa at Ord . ? I' ? Un* ' F li'v'-.! '.-i-.'-i! f. P-len; te earn i ' A nnvviu.ux. .'.n??r!n<t llah, I* V iMU l?1 N.'.l A . - I I a'. . .i data ?! Na?a. Ar,.-. ?it U-u 7* rtalai+j-1 - ? Nu, A a I ? . ?UllilnT Jr iaUmbai . I? . J M bi llLU.INtJ Vkial Nttal ? ?* '-"M , Ul ITW.. ? U-'.t S ". C. I VANil.HiK. tlal.t v ? ? i . ?. ? . A I.I CAS ?'? ? ?. ? c- ?.A'. ? *> a?a Ara .1 ft. P ..rll.K.H ..*u.').r?l Dll .Nai? I ,, i, 11 HOgl ,l??*?*h?J llr-a'rT. '.. \ a ? a. ? CXDBU iiencW nl.t?. ? ? N a. . A ? I Ml; 'II ?a.T.r', n??- yirl. 'Viel..:. |. ? I, ?, 14 :."! Uj I t? *??.1 He!? . ? I .. Il I- MTBIS tea B. .'. leu..jet 1 ?r *-l?. t '.,..? -. II f TKA1.V le:-,la-.l Of**?n, ? *, 0 W C WlCUUSa. .a*"*.*?*?! ... KaWal A. i.lero) MOI tu:M?i aii;.. Bat. I ?41 . Bat Faul 1 - ha , . ? . ,. .? ?1 ! ?. M Y?>i?, M??f.i?i: Wj a...? *??.->?? 1-??? It?. ?'.a .S? 'raa?? II?' 1 NVjCUb*. ?I - ? ? ... - . I ? - ?:??. at 1 r1ii- u.i I'sleiVU. ?1 le--? . ,,?. ;,.??! ! ..?? .re K.'n ? , a. ? a f ? ? ? ? i-ai: e*v> I 5?l'irr, St U-*-?*** tie S? r*ul, *-rtr|. ',, ...? A Be?'., r -,? I . . ?. ' . :? i. I? 1 I . ? ? ?...1. S*n ? ?? 1 -. M? H>ua: *. A.??*:.??? ? ? ' ' . ?I ?-? . ? ? v . ? S*e? : . ? . r. i , . . . ah. K II Hi ?'.?? ? ? la ? i E -!?.???? and Whlpp'.?. . ? ram*?!.?., UN*., I ; ? I : e tau art,- i i a*,,, lain.?! at I a-i.A. far 11. la .? a. ' ? ... a..- I aro not % on them ! are abovo all la-*-, -vhe'-her public, pri rnatioaal. ? i v more ???? I ? well remember what ? 1 Baelrvllls fell tioneering trsp by replying to an Am?jr ? te a) DR. CARMAN GIVES FIRST AID lleip?. Aut??it-t !!urf in Sinasli-up Near Prtcporl Home. ^"re*pr.rt, I, I., .??. pt S Gsorga I Smith wa? thrown out of hi? atll ' ?d severely i"jured tads after ? . "n when car c that iiiley Mumhy, an sctor. Murphy'? car was travailing toward 1-11 | - "is section s*, a good rate of ?peed when .Sr.ith trie! to (roai it? path. rpb)'a car waa hurled against a telegraph p'ila and the rear part of It tad. Smith landad on the h*rd load and !.. it : 11 id. He wa? taken - I ?r Edwin <"?: 7n. Hi* auto wa* wrec 3ERNST0RFF SUMMER HOME A NEWS AGENCY .".aintained at $30,000 a Month, German Official Says. The German hummer embas*y a darhurit, L. I., is used a? the ciear'ng bobbs fof the German Overaeas Nawa ? , which di.?3en?'.nates German war : awa to t.eutr.-.l eounti in, ar. oflleisl cmi i.ectnl with the ? d yes terdrt | ? iant, J. f d of the clearing I ? "Four expert ti legraphari ;..-?> kept . . . this .. naid. "It i.- ona of the gn ' Garmana in this country. 1 he new* is received at Tuckeiton and Sayvilla. ry corner where Germans ate domiciled is eovarad hy this new* ser? vice, evon China. .South and (entrai America and Mnico. The telegraph companlaa have put in ?pecial wires and assigned ixpsrt Operator* to han (i.e the news. Direct wires run? to the Tuckerton and ?ayville wireless sta? tion?." Foley Signs Ball Invitations. It really is going to be "Tom Folev's l?all," tha invitai wn Tammany Hub of : Assembly District request! ? ? company at arrow. Pulxer'i Baric m Klvar Park, at 126th ,*-tr?-e7 . rid Avenu.-, is tha place. ! ach truly yours, !?'? Folay. POLICE DEPARTMENT. ? Or.ltreJ- li . " i pel Trai ?f.rt ?rtl Asslg. 7 1.-: -I Ktl ?. W. A. h li?t, and W it. Ve? - . lui Q. W SI . I ?? ?... l)i ? .. i ? '.'? J Btas? ? ..?'. J T Hit I. i ' . V." It I" r... fr u. 7-1. t ? ? ? ? ? . . .' . | 11 ' !.?,.?. J J : , . ? j vv McCanu. ? i ? i KlLIu ? .'(..'. I?, Jill?; T7 L Kepfco, 111!. ? - . v.? I I a Mtfei T J Wrbar, Jim. tu lid; i V T?reme/. .-? . - -? i to mil. T ??' . li : to i UjHb, to i *.?>,1 ai.,1 l-alrlirk Stti.t.-i ISTth, to T ' ' ? Brhool I '. tie rtrtle.l '< a. Wtrthtli 10th. J V _ . I. , ; M I ' n li ? ?. .. I - 1. ' . . . , ' ?. I. Otto. 4M. W II \: .< ? ?, j I . I !" Am ? 1, II . . . 1 I? ' , V. lo.iu.a C. 1 - ?iti . ; '? ? - < ... lid, J. f w i. ii \ . i. o ?r> *?.ijn?i-Pti H ' -.-I. I. ? r a n. . v : . ? ? r..?.r??? - - . . i , . . ? ?- ii. ? . i Cm . ... tlJth l i . ? w . I. - . . . I . a fr ?i. . . '?-.. 1 .la, 'LI,. I H? BJ.. .*)? . ' . - <!?>. B a n. . isr, ? b lu., hr.- 4; T. 1 I i u m , ? i. m. i-?;-, s. ?.- . la. t Sir. S B |*jt I . .1. < . i. i?M . ?? ,ui? I a ,. 1 day. 4 i. :?. I I??, i ? ? . ?I. Abrihiiii a U.i l : . . ? ? : 1 .la> , * . !'.?>: *..'.-.? a ; I'll , SuUII?. - * IB, 1 - ... .- i.- : i ? : ... ; * - 1 . - Her ? . t . r. 'PB. -.i.?! 1 ?Jai . -, . i Un ? ... i i ' -1. '. k. 1 .la>. ? . . - fl lalllll '?' . 10 I I. M ' - ? tan? BtlllHal A : 1 ,lav ? . - 1 ,U>. 6 p. ra . 8*p< if; Morrl* ., 1 .?>. fi no ? . ? elleved fr-jm ?u-p?t,?ion ?ni Rratnrcl t? Dut-/? ??. 1 ' . a. n. . ??iit-d Wlthct W. f KileUIi . ' l .-' 6j?i> JEWISH HOLIDAYS ON AT SING SING Hebrew Prisoners Permitted to Celebrate Them Accord? ing to Ritual. A Jewish prisoner in the death house ? Ping Sing prayed to his God last night for a long and pro*p*rou* ex? istence. Ile bas two more weeks to live. Fifty yard? from tha little room, with the door that clo*e? but one* on certain r risoner?, 248 other Jewish inmates chanted the ?am? prayer. Many of them * " Many will leave their lit? tle, damp rel!? before the next Rosch Ha-Schonah arrives. For the rtr?t time In Ring Sing'* hi* ?he Jewish prisoners were permi* to observe the opening nfght of - New Year. They will not be I up in their cell* to-day or to ? ???-, and have been excused from ..r.or for the two day* by the war H'hen duck ?tole over the Hudson ? i.! "ness" ws? ended the 2.8 Jewish ptisoners marched Into the chapel They wore their eaps. In accordant with the ritual of the orthodox Jew. who believes he offends the Lord if he prays with his hesd bared. An :? mate doing a life term wrapped him? self in the striped black and whit prayer shawl and fitted a black skull cup on hi? head. The men ?olemnly opened their books of prayer, turned their faces to the east and began the prsyers. Many of the prisoners made no pre? tence of hiding their tears. Their lb, t'-H'v explained, was rot due to f ,*.y for thsflSsalvaB, but for the fnth ?ra end mothers, wive* and chil i dreh who aere lutTrrinr? in synagogue? and homes in the "Uig ( ity." To cap the mournful session cam? '?' the intonati-m of "kadu-h," or prayers of mourning. Thli mi.:n rig a ?trange ?ound will reach the guards on duty in th? tow rt>. The 'thofsr," or ram'* horn, will after th? raornm-r prayer? Tin* Afternoon th* pn?<>r.*r? will a-rain ?ilher in the temporary syna-"'i>'ue and ling The fea?', tagen possibls by gifts from" Adolf r ' ? - aril Jscob If 8 will t,e h.-l'i in tne evening of Von. pur, th? Day si Atonement, a veek fron ?stu MISS E. M. BISTER WEDDED Many (.ueets from City at f'ercmony in Mama rone?!?. Miss r'iiiabe'h Maria Buter, ds-.ieh ter of Mr. and Mr*. Jo?.n Biiter, of 1 ri Oaks, Mamaroneek. was marr.ed at 11:80 yasterday morning by the Joseph I'onohue al a n'iptial man -n ti?. ihurch of the H'.!;, T maroneck, to l>r. ( harlri Thoma ??,ni. ' sir, K. J Her ?:?:*r, M'*? Maria Bil .-r. was maid ol Honor, and th- r-iine Liacott, si N'swsrk, N. J; Jsanis Mc Gianis, ths brid?. erio".. N. J.; Nina Ms???i. of Itr- ? and Johanns Hoobol, of Port Las, N J.. Here ! r"ie?maid*. The he?? r. ;r\ was Dr. Joseph MeCrrstal? ,'r. of ?'?'T-or.. N .1 , snd t.... ueher* were .Io??-| ' ? ??r and John Unter, of Mamar, .. ? A. Kearni. -iith, J?rn ?iatjen and Loui V. Hinchliffe, of Pstsrson, N. J. A reception was he'd on the lawn of Tn Oaks, and ther? wa* dancini? in the each house. Three hundred i, vr-re present, ?orne of whom w.-nt from (?'ow fork I ": la ?? si eai :,cxv York, Ne-A Hsrtfocd ^.^smnagymrjamjtmtmmaa^a^mij^ mji j, , tr^? Chauffeur's Outfits Special AT $43.50 Overcoat, Suit and Cap to ,\fatch Smart neat, perfect fit ?I ". and d:.ratie; the be.t I alu* in ' - Clothes for Chauffeurs that can be bought. A Double breasted Over? coat- A Smart N Jacket, with Trousers or Hreei-hes. A Cap of Regulation C'hauff-ur'? Stvic. Made of fine quality worsted whipcord in two thaiics of irra;. anJ in tan?the outfit ? J4.?.50, or, as foil ars Overcoat . $25.00 Suit . 116.50 Cap . . $ 2.00 *__-,? Suit with two pairs of ?^?^???w Trouien or Brttchei or ^-* one pair of tach? f2.-t.50 Other Outfits of Better Orade at 157.50. $75.00 SB : fltUIJi Duster? That Beat An.thir.g iii America at $.-t.</tl Made ii iplaadld C.RW MOHAIR BROADWAY AT 49th ST ?' .ri7,.mT,r,7tiif,ai ntl?ta, XF^ilitt* ??at,t jT'l" ? lirfifTii'i W?-^, ?.JF"?"?1^ Havelock Ellis whose opinions on sex matters, especially Eugenics, are important, has written for neixt Sunday's Tribune an in? tensely interesting article on "War and the Birth-rate." Is it necessary for a nation to go to war every so often to wipe out the deadwood in the population? Is the German viewpoint of "war a biological necessity" the rational view? point? You will get many startling facts?facts as funda? mental as binh itself?in your Tribune next Sunday. Reserve it at your newsdealer's?to-day. (El)t fhtttoag 5Trib*mt* First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials?Advertisements