Newspaper Page Text
Capital Procured We hav?- clients who will buy unlisted so uritie*. Pr?. position must he s?-.i<? and conservative anrl frr? frrm vpr? ;i!rtti\ r* *isk-. Pre? ferred, .v.isinr?*?, well li?hed desiring additional capital. WHITCQMB, BIGGS &C0 KNNSYLA AMA Bl.DG.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. I PHIL!. & WEST. R.R. Com. & Pfd. I H.F.McCONNELL &C0. *? I? Pine M lei. ?i I John. Ne?? lora. W.N.COLER&Co. BSTABLaicUaUEl ? l?Tt. Investment Bankers 4? (ROAR NT.. NKW A OUR ?IT?. N*w Torh ?It? B.n.1?. All I ?Wl*? STANDARD WE WILL BUYO WE WILL SELL IS at>?*tl? r?*ft?lr.? | ai (.aleaa Signal C?ra. U B.?.,?*- PU? LI*. | ?? L"'"^T U"i ? 3i Nn Ye?*? Tr?n?tt ?S tierna ei?* U?* I e0 0Mo Oil IS Pr*l-t*(MI ? r,aa In .?.a Pralle PI?* LI** CARLH.PFORZHEIMER&CO. Paon?? ?ItO 1 - ? I ? M H-o?4 Pi. . N T Amorlnn hank Nota Amer. Urapliophnne Amer. T?-ye Pounder* Intermit?.?mal Silver Wil. fnltl Arm? r.?fefy OH Heating FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. rbone llrond .IMO, 80 ?rond M. New York. Pr*?*!* te.-rpahon* m P.- ? a J I - . ? AN ADVANTAGE of the Part?a', payment M.thed of buy !ng eountl dividen J.paying **rur:tle? '?? that It encourage? ? ??? all? ??vlng Write for Hooi. .et No ?8 Harris, Winthrop & C? M*mb*r* .Ve? York Stock Bxehaa*"? THE ROOK FRY. l!> HAI I ??TRP.r.T, ( III? At,?I M \V YORK. Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boeton London _ DIVIDEYDS. _ American Woolen Company Sixty-Sixth Quarterly Dividend llwtlee '? h?r*by g ?-*r. that the r*r?i!ar **n?r?er:T d!-i*!end of On* and Thr** Quir'.n Ter Cent. il-a.%? wlil b* p?l*l on Otoher 15. 1118, to holder? of I'r? f?rred atock, md to r.o'der? of Certificat*? of I>?; i 'ferred ?t. rk i?iUa,d by ?r.y Trust Company of Bo?tor?, cr the Guaranty Tr-ist Company of New York, of record September 17. 1116 T-ran?f*r b'.nVt* wtll be clo??d at th? rlo?? of September If, 1115. and will b? reopened September SO. 1?19 Cb.ik. Kill be matl.d. WM IL DATEI.LT. Jr . Bo?ton. Maaa . Sept. 7. Ill?, Tr*a**-r*?. _ AMERICAN CAN COMPANY A tfttl ? ' - - ' ? ?. ' UtrM I'll"**-?* r?r r-v.t be* .-- - upon th. Pr*fi :-?d ? ?r lit, '.t.-.*, rfl ?'. U.a - -? if Cuatn*** *ep(/-iti ? Tra..?'ar ii., ?, ?i:j r?. . rualn ***? R. II. Union. ^^_^ - -:ki ?? 1 T-aaaurer. HOITH PORT?? Kllll M?.\ll IOMPANA. -\ .t .?? iiilS Th? Hoard of r>lr<"' ? a? ? f?rteii Stork and i?, on ? omn m St.. n. ?la . an eatra dlvld? ommon Mock, *H -?arable Octohei I, 1111, to ?to. khoi |?re of r? ? ldli. . ? S? 1.MKK.K AN HANK Nun ?OMI'AVV. A dl*ld*nd of one ?lid alt per ?art on the Prefer?ed St? a !.. tl.. quar? ter er tee b**n d*- ? - ? ; ? ' lat 1916. to hoM?;s of record < te mt btteineea Sepien .!.? ?tock trai.afrr book* Will t:.'t b* H DAN FORT H, 8?cr?tarv Wee "-i? M A?.M ? ? ?ill'l K < OMPANA. A quarter,>? dl\idend of lift} cert* p*r ah?r* ha? b*en d* ?red the ?toi k of I0?h, 1?15. *l ori at th* rlov of I,. HENRT I Treaaurer Sep' Ith MEETINGS. ?ORI? IN ?>< nV|il.\?Hi Mil h< OAIPAVY AN NI AI Ml.1.1 IN?,. Th* ?1 Stock Hnok* of tl ? n Sep ?1 . b> order Board of ' th? ?r* to '? ? IMh. Ill', at I ? .-.are. J?reey ? e ? - . .' . " \ i: Ti??? ? I IN VN? I AI.. expansion on the Consolidated Exchange IMMI D1AT1 REP< >? \> . ?: iroilen? arpie late t>.e Irn inedmte report? hy LrokcrH on the mage, a.? this ie ! (il'l lot rriarkt-t. the "l.???ril lot" bOtag 1" ?lares, t?iere A limited iiumto-i of 1 . - poi tu - Th? re , ilr? menl - i ? Landing ??rand reaso: ,.l .. . ipltal SECRETARY, 36 Beever Street I; All KiiAl? EQ1 IPMEaVf BONDS. i ?ta* Ida .? - ? ? lun.. < ? i ? < - I ? I M I. A tie* ? ( a I a .?.a-- A ?? . . I ' ?Uro.*, ? ? ? . ? ? ??.- ktn? Veil*? : HI ..* ? ' . renir?; ? a * > l Marfe - .. M ?*t kr. nui ' ? ? * i. < ?a ? I - n Hal!??.., Ill ? ' ?ou" ? r, 1 ? ' ? ?i VlCatJVt^IUIlwar_l?.t U k-tM 4.T0, MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Business Expands and List as a Whole Moves Up ?Rai!rond?*; Firm. NEW HIGH RECORDS AMONG WAR STOCKS Sterling Exchtlgc Much Higher ?is Conferences for l.riiish (redit Approach. ? ? anded fi ? .... ! aspect. A few ?nr stock?. ? - , - o r?or???. - finy reaching a es. though rope over ? . ;her prices ' : B eai ,Iuly ? .1 to prove distinctly fa? hr?- . up <?? ; ?-o chanced , In considerable volume and a aha le above Wedne day'? -?-el. which ended the day before fractionally 76 in 'he early ?-?. Aftei some reaction it I ?*"**. dosing a little lower,: a gain of a trifle more than a I ? At the outset railroad? were quiet nt fractional rains, while such indus? trial? a? ?'? Bethlehem common a*.-I preferred, Studebaker, Westing; .-.'.mer? and General Motor? showed marked strength. Around noon the market was quiet, hut pnce? held Arm, and at the dose there was comparatively small reaction from \ the hest of the day. Conferences that ?'art to-day be? tween representative financiers of this try and of Great Britain and France are looked for to bring some adequate credit arrangement which in- \ elder.t? will ber.rjit the course of, securities. The alternative, that we should force the Allie? to pav for their purch.T-es in gold and let the rest of our trade suffer as sterling depreciates, is not thought of. The terms of this credit which we grant will not prob? ably be so ?Imply disposed of. The bond issue to he placed here must be made so attractive that finan-' eial Inatitntioni will not feel that money so invested is permanently up.and our In ves tora do not take readily to fore'gn loans. Last week's break in sterling, however, made plain to cities elsewhor? that the exchange problem did not affect Mes? York nlone. The danger that abnormally low rates | on London rrlpht rednce exports of ' goods In which they w?re interested should make financiers of other cities more willing to Join in taking the obli- ? g?tions that the British and French commissioners may offer. In foreign exchance circles recovery of 4 cer.'s In demand sterling to 4.N in the pound Indicates that here and in London there wns every eonfldenee In the adoption of some comreher.siv?? scheme of relief. In the meantime fold is coming here from London in small amounts on pri? vat?, account, another S"00,000 or so, as on the day before, arriving from Eng? land. The Punk of England's bullion Apures made public yesterday showed 'he precious metal sent here in such large amounts for government ac? count had been mainly provided else where. During the week gold holdings fell off less than w5,000fi00. Die gov? ernment haa apparently made part of the promised payment to the hunk out of proceeds of the new war loan, and the resulting reduction of liabilities more than counterbalancfd a small loss i of reserve. The reserve proportion ? stood at over 2b per cent, nearly 1 per ? cent better than the week before. The central institution in Paris reported ? addition of some $10,000/1(10 to its gold through exchanging notes for the peo? ple'a gold. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table give? the closing bid and asked prices ?or stocks which are Hated but which were not dealt in on the Stock Exchange Thursday: im B II ff M 82 -I*-iU AN 11C 111 M? pi 17 M a ? > Man Rrarri I (. do pf ? I Mi: El 117-* 126 Am Ix^o pf ** H M?.? liejt M 4? Au. Mi I " ? S fio i tl% :*>*4 Mlrt * . ? M A ht I ,11 ?: I? s s M A do ?jr.' B. ?u II : Ua?ad l.lnr? 70 TJ m T * . . if Hi 12JH pf. ? Nal Biacuii :?i. . I .-i R .: i '?: So pf a?? M ' *" Nal i' A 8 if ^7 ??-a 11? -Nltll of M 1 p' 17. IS ? Ml1?.? ?. '. , I .--.- ; ? \ \ ?? a .?- i Urui.awlo? j i Bo lit pi ? - - ; i pi ? last of ' - So? ft W pi M s CM a a lia? Ontario Win Palai ' ?- t pi N CHA ? Peor?a a EMI UIO '.:i IM Pl'CtlL' . -? ?Im pf ?It l at i it-i m ." :??? ?*? do l ' - ?? a i . I rrnti i ? ? pf. 12 I ? ?J -? iv? I?? MH] do pi ... ?.re? ? ?rpet M ?! Read -?' pf ? , I if.. I |) a II ' !?? lu*-? lalfand . S ? i? i a. ???. ? ? uiri/1 is r RLI :' ?H i- M pi li M A I"! 1? S - .' IV :j ft i ? Mia IH 11T -ItU >fAI> tfi ?5 ?standard W K 1! S? T A I* lxl Tr ! I. Hat "? .' ?H ? 6 r H T ?S M '. i\ own II 1 l: I. A I? '? Ha? AI* ? S : ' i ? ai I! s Val - - ? '.i-' * ?'?'> I* M !?' ICH I I i ii it x J pi n< r I ll.l II. . ? Ipftl .- ?i a .,-??? I Iowa i I'llll pf *'. Kara?! a * i ?? ... ? , . ? 41 Wa'a.'i Krf-a-i* - S W?. I? K?| V M - I '?An 111 pi 112 L \V I I tort h i ? . >?? A ' > \ IV, I ?? ...... DAILY IMPORTS \Mi EXPORTS. Daily imports and exporta of ?general ..? the Port of N'rw ?fork apt. ?. I ? ? . ? ?-. ? ? ,i ? H ? i I I ?? '? i ? Air S" ? Bank of England Return. : . MB ?? ? .?? .*"U*? NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE nil i:*-h \A. m PTEMBEI I, Itli. Total ...Ir? of itocka Tfc?ra4?y, .,-i.;nn. ggglaH IJ1.1H We.lne-?u>. ?"?*"" ?.oekaifn; Stock Kv. hange elooH i ?-?MI ?e? From January I to dat?. ft.??.!??, ?galaal IC1SC1N a >car ago. ? \ - 7 A'-. - I . line?..... . . ti ?| ? ,il. .. . . . i: y.. . . .ry pr. Km. < . ther.. Am, I i .-. ' ther pi . Am. Lir red \<r . . . . Foundry. . :>r. . Tel. 0. Tobr.cro pr, new.. Woolen . ? . pr. : - . - ? 1 ?1 7 Am 5 ?Atcl pr ."? '? ? ? Un; mol ' I 6 Baltimore ft <)hi<..; 4 Ball pr... ? B? te? . 7 Bethlehem Steel pr.... fi Brooklyn R. T., es div.. 7 Brown Shoe pr.' 8" Butte ft Superior.[ I, Petroleum. 4 Cal, Pel roleum pr. 1U Ca?ad an Pacific.i 7 ' .. ., J. I., pr. 3 ?entrai leather. 7 i entrai Leather pr. 6 Central ft So. Am. Tel.. ? ft ?>hio.... 1 . Great Weatern. ?.. ? .'hi. Cirrnt Western pr. 6 ' hi.. Mil. * St Paul. .. 7 i hi ft North Western.. ? - Chi., R. I. ft Pacifie.... 60 Chino ?"on. Copper. i. olo Fuel ft Iron. ? ComatOCh Tunnel. 6 Consolidated 7 Continental Vim. ? Corn Products. -- ( rucible Steel. 7 Crue ble Steel pr. ? < uban-Am. Sugar. 7 Dei re Co, pr.....'. -- Distilling Securities.... ? Dome Mines. 4 Elec Storage Battery-. Er.? . Kr r l?t pr. ? r-r.r 2d pr. 4 Federal M. 4 S. pr. fl General Chemical . 1 ?jeneral Electric . ? ??eneral Motors . 7 General Motors pr. ?? ("oorlnch, B. F. 7 Co...Inch. B, F., pr. 7 ?Jt. Northern pr. 4 Gt. North. Ore subs. . . . li Guggenheim F?xpl. 5 IllinoiK Central. ? Int. Agnail. ? Int. Agrlcul. pr. ? 'innpiration ?"opper. ? Inter.-Con. 8 Inter.-Con. pr. Inter.Metropolitan .... ?? Inter.-Metropolitan Dr.. 6 Inter. Harv. of N. J. .. ? Inter. Paper . 2 Inter Paper pr. 6 [Eayaer, J. ? Kansa? City Southern.. 4 Kansas City South, pr.. ? - I.ack?'vanna Steel. 10 Lehigh Valley. li: Liggett ?t.- Myer?. 7 Liggett ft Myers pr. . . . ? Long Island. 6 MacKav Cos. ? Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor 1st pr.. ? .Maxwell Motor 2d pr.. ? Mexican Petroleum.... 60 Miami Con. ?upper. .. . 7 M , Bt P. i S. S M. 7 M? St. T. & S. S. M. pr. Mo., Kan. ?t Texas... Mo., Kan. i Texas pr Missouri Pacifie. 2 Montana Power. 7 Morris ft Essex. 7 National Cloak ft S. pr/ ? - National Kn. ft Stp.... 8 National Lead . 7 National ?.rail pr. '.;<? Nevada Con Copper... t, New York Air Brake. . . 6 New York (entrai. ? IN. Y, N. II. ft II. \. Y., Ont. * Weatern.. 6 Norfolk ft We tern_ 6 North American. 7 Northern I'acitic. Pacific Mail. ? 1'acific Tel. ft Tel. 6 Pacific T< 1. ft Tel. pr...1 C Pennsylvania I?. P..' B ]P< - ft Coke... I C Philadelphia Co.i Pittsburgh Coal.! P Pitti ' ?al P?".! ? ? Pre ii ? .1 Steel Car.I 7 Pressed Stool Car pr. . 6 Pu).he Ser. Cor. of N. J. 8 Pullman Pnlace Car. . . . -- Railway Steel Spring.. 7 Railway Steel Spg. pr.. 15 Ray Con. Copper. 8 Reading . Rep. Iron 4 Steel.' Rep, Iron A Steel pr. .. Rock Island pr. R .-?.. ly . Rumely pr.' ft S. F. S' I S l .':.'.'? - St Louis Southwe il | : Seaboard Air Line. iard Air Line pr.. 7 Sear" Roebuck. C Southern Pacific . South? n: Pacific ctfs...) 4 So. Porto Kid Sugar. . . So ithem Railway .' Southern Railway pr... f. Standard Milling pr.... f. Studebaker . 7 Studel aker nr. IS 'I ennessei Copper. Texas A Pacific. ? Texas Co . full paid. . . . 10 Texas < .! Third Avenue R. R. 7 Tobacco Products pr. . . 4 Underwood TVritor.... 8 Union Pacifie .' 4 Cnioii P;.citic pr. Union Pacific warrants. Unlti 1 Ry Invest. ? United Ry. Invest, pr. . I - - P. ft P ? U. S. Il d. Alcohol. 7 U. S. Ind. Alcohol pr .. U. S Rubber . 8 C. s. Rubber 1st pr U. S. Steel . 7 U. S Steel pr. 40 Utah ' opper.j Va.-Car. Chemical.j Y.rgima Iron, C. ft C... in D? 'inning. W? ?tern Mi W.. t, rn 1'nion Tel.... .?house Mfg. ? rth ' . ? 11 * 111 1 i . 1014 ? . 11?! 115 - ' 110 11 11?' 115 11" 115 1 !.. l l - l !*> lia ' 227 ?? ? 1 ? 1 . ; ? . i . r E I 7 6 '?' ?verland ; I 4.1" ' I 300 1,390 13 i. ' 4,0. m 1 1,200 200 100 c 2 | : 15,400 1,600 loo 10 11,800 9,100 700 8.3'" > 1,400' : I - 500 1,800 200 8,60 l - 2,7-11"? 2,1 no 200 100 8,200 8,300 9.40H - 1,400 . 100 10 I 2,10 ' 400 200" ? too 100 1,1 100 4.20-1 1,8 ? I 5,uno -."in ?; 200 1,900 200 ? 100 4 700 : 7,1 m 1O0 900 100 100 6,600 3,1 l ' . 100 1,100 . 200 ? - - - ? 704 704 302 1? ? 151 150 - " i Mill. ? |.M> 4 ?II ?? r,7 li? na 1014 ? 36 -1 v? 1"'.' 115 1224 225 1084 11 70S 101*? 18 ioa :: ??; 146 ? - 184 434 I'l 78 44 1044 1274 . . 11 -? 31 is ia -? ? 914 Hi 115 214 214 7:< 74 304 ? 80 ; 874 17 ;: 47 293 898 893 172*4 1724 1714 1714 2M?4 ? 863 111 116 114 116 624 634 624 634 i : ? ? 1084 11*.'? 119 1184 119 414 124 41:-? 414 r. ?,'?. ?a?? ; 20 38 36 21 764 214 7 s . -, 6! . ? . ? 21 764 21 7 I M 384 214 764 21 a 8 214 214 21 814 78 7* 7-? 7-i . 1064 1064 1064 1041 114 1?4 114 384 394 384 894 ?... L O GO B*l - 264 58 ? ? 80 7n - 264 874 594 684 694 h.i ,u i ? ??; i ."-h 14 14! : 1444 1 15 224 8244 224 2244 li!?7-? 1194 1194 1194 124 124 424 424 - 14 ? 4 t 4 - 4 ? '? - 4 - 4 ? 14 a 4 '.'1 ... . ??'?: 66 ? ? ? 110 1104 11" 72 72 72 72 n 74 1084 1074 1084 314 814 814 314 334 384 884 834 96 96 96 . n 1094 H" 116 11 115 115 B7 884 ? 334 1024 102 I"'-' 68 83 , 624 ?' . 100 1"" 994 994 1C04 : 1004 160 162 160 160 89 39 89 39 '.?I 91 91 91 1504 151 4 1604 '.?'n 444 ? - 44 1014 : ? 1014 - 1 ?? 14 - a 4 + 4 4 - l - 4 . * . 94 4 4 44 11 11 11 11 " : i so :<o 144 144 . : 166 165 ? gg 1054 103.? 1064 1064 - II !i 504 734 1144 117', 1".'. 11 11 . 1504 ISO 314 234 20 724 104 - - 1164 ? 674 il n . I ? 984 - 1294 ? - 14 1 ' ? 4 16 ' 4.".1? 47'* .14 1264 103 174 ' 1064 114 264 214 734 29 ' ? 474 :-7 M 2?-7 ' 171 260 i 116 68 108 119 414 664 1024 20 884 ?? 814 7.' 4 814 78 106 104i 39 764' 27 684 flO 1114 224'-*. 116 4" 7*. 44 924 374 85 27 4 1184 12.1 74 174 34 664 1604 108 27 654 1114 144 1 In 93 !. 68 ?? 1094 - I 1074 :u 38 ?.'2 1094 1 If? ; 8? 334' 102 68 4 100 100 161 91 ' ? 224 160' . 44 lop, 4 44 104 14 4 324 164 504 ? 72 ? - 1144 - 71 ? 764 77 764 - . 164 764 77 764 116 ? 1154 1164 106 106 190 a 3 ? 14 . 14 ? ? 4 ? - ? ?. - Pa \ - 14 % i 4 ? ? ? 4 ? 14 4 73 i* ? 1894 ? 1 - 1164 l"-. 14fi 164 * - ?.mt 284 . 97 i . ? i - - ?4 764 1164 105 187 '? Il 1 324 704 I-.2 - 120 lia 38 86 - -.. 162 11" 123 . - 110 102 99 104 814 - 71 32? i ; 84 674 : ? 4J4 1544 B5 441? 106 12!' 4 494 124 314 129 ' - I 4 474 .15 127 106 ? 004 1064 116 944 214 : 14 294 47 4 874 47 892 172 262 4 1164 684 110 1194 414 66 104 204 39 86% 214 7'-. 4 214 7-4 107 114 89 4 83 27 4 694 1454 826 120 4:< 79 44 4 924 874 nr. 4 274 1194 125 s 4 is 4 61 ir.i 109 27 4 654 i : 2 4 i 14 149 :<.<4 ? ? , 27'-, 110 74 1084 314 M 94 lio 116 88 4 34 1024 68 a 101 107 163 1504 444 B4 94 4 4 164 34 14-4 83 156 894 614 116 ? 108 114 1544 100 - . 23\ 21 76 ? 6] : ' ill ? 89 sa 114 i 764 1164 Il .'. 181 BANK ST(M h? ii\ STOCK EX-CHANGE -, .merce. N>~t-^ ehfe. ' P-.d. : - ' M w vni.K CITY BOND? ?. ? ' is ? Ma: ! ' ' ' - i I i ?' ? ? ?'. ? J ? Ask. WS -, ?*?? V)-a. - ? m. '.Ht. -.-<.?~ r?i'.?'.?.??J or ?.?luj-oo. TLiai-ja. BOND SALES OX THE STOCK EXCHANGE l in R8DAT, SEPTEMBER I. ItlS. Trading in iMBrda on I he? New York Stork Exi lianee Thursdav amounted in <i.l.:i.('ii(i. ii.-iiii-t -J.'.JI.oiii' tVettacadftjr, ?:?..?'M.0l?0 a ?seek ago. and Stock Eachange rlooed a real .?????- Total from Janaar) t?> date. $.">to,s;, against |?124,??'.'..'? >" In ' ' i GO! . BONDS' - -..-.i ? -I Mi RONDS. -Il M? I."?I. I M. 1 . BONUS. :?? i'..?. l:\u.u \, \Mi Ml ' l i LANEOI ? ? A ' ? A \ .-? T? If. I ? ' I ? M ?? I ? ' ? ? A I' 4a m . ; . -? ' > - * '?' '* ,?? pf? f * * ?'? ? ,.. it at 4? ?? . ?i la ? 7 . ?? ? ' ' ?'? 1 .1 ?I . 1 ? ? ? ?a A- . - . ? I ?lo I .. ?? ? do ?hurt J ? A- . !. !. A N 4? Bait at U | .i i . r - ? . U K ft W V? 4 : : Bel stea 't ii i ? ? I i I I Bit.?... I'nl i ? -, Del , ? t I ? i ? ? du i. s '? S y na? i. I-'- I 1 .,,. v ? y ,. l. A I* "? ? . | ? ' ? 11.'?, - - 1 . - i ? , R II ? .1? f II ? rf? 4? 1 ? \ . ? ?.Il ?? ? . ... - r -? i. a- et h - ? la ' ? r ? h m . i .il . i . ? - - ? ? i ?t . ? .. 11?. 44 7 : - | ...... -; 41.. Il') ? III | ? | M l'n H. M '.. PWU II IF M v, i ?, , ?rr. S? - i ? ?-. .,, ... . \ Ira ios? *"*iM * ' " ?M ; ? i . - ? ;i CfMll I. ?I - '? - - . I Cent l'an t '. ?? I . F -l 22 i - ?i ? Ce?/ UK ft II?? ?' '. ? ? i - \ I : a m r et KM N Va R? 4 I F lio ? (ir llv a i ?: SU 1' I f?r?7 -' r- Lin? rfg 4 fd i? \ W I ?? ' -'? Tr ,. 11 liai : u. i ?? . ... ? ? . M - . . I* -, T-rm lat ?? , . ? "r ftf? " 'i* . Ini M t 4S? Il . 14 ? s n r Pa- ' M?. l?t 4? ft T-i S? ? '. ? ?? l'uni . ? i ? 1'..- do ?-?> 'r for Ont Tr el ? -.?.?. ?- mm 1 !' We?. I ?u? repta i?i . nrratlnfrMiiia r-fd 5? O.t u II of \ J 1? il Kit a r ?,- . ? Cttn ft Ohio ?Tt 4 | , . 7 ?*> ? ? Chic B ft U ft* ?? , ai*4 ?; l . il? 3'?,? ? ri . I ??? a ? ?, Il 2.000 s H r do tfeb l? do joint 4? . . . 7.005 . (Thlr (?r Wut 4a . MB . Chl? -.: A s- p en ?--- u rtn . i ? . do T ? . ? s 20 K .-.-itlati Ss . ?f ? ? 5.'.'00 .ImO l'iimp !,% ? . <s> 1.000 . s; ' .' Ka- .? c7>, ? ?4V ? . ' . J,, . -? ? , , :-..-! - ? ??'?'!'?? '. wa . ? . 3s, rae;., 191R. ...101 loi lis, coup., 1918. .10] 1er ft .si1-? . ' ' ;?.,- ,,,A ,,? M '. 4e, reg., 1925.. ..109 LIO auv * Na ? 4b, coup.. 1925. .109Vi ? . . o . r. "],. ,?? oit l: . ' . i'np ?ta 111?? Kfadlna ?en 4? 71 Onu S|i? F . li l \ ? s '? .i >l? ? HT, I MA ?- 4-- ItA-fi II? " SI I. i S P* S?, lfTll ] ?or. s ??. y u, g -r, F '0 n* i?, 1127. ? ? M ' dn rf? 4?. nt\ ?tpd 1.O0A . T?, Bt I. S..-! !,- 4? .? ' 4? u Kt T M A M *<?? i.etM .. GOVEBNMENT RONDS. Yesterday. Wednesday. Hid. Asked. Hid. Asked. 2s, re?:., 192H. .07 0* 2s. coup., ?WO. . 07 OS Sa, re?., 191K. ,?,101 1011 :?s, coup., 1918. .101 105 ?Vi ,.,. ,f. ,.f ,\eV I Out.P ? ? ? . .nv? ' p ir. lO.OtM. 113 i ? 1?! .1.10 ... . . II MJ .II'.". -, nrin . ; : ' ? i .U'.'i 1 o..o .115 . ill** .iliS M orio .I?.:\ 1* nno .Il* "? lo.oon .lio i oo ono . 111 ' 4 15.IM0 . IM loooo . rr. \ 10 00.1 . ll-i 1 MM .11 f.? W??t Kh ?"a 4s 1.0)0 . ??i* S oon .f?<i? ' hl Chi? il I A Pi ; ? - ? .- ,? .lo rl i .1 oo-. , - j ? ? . i. ? ; ... 9.1 97 98 07 9? 101 101 ' 100 4 ? 100 110 100 4 ? 96 ? M 2a, Pan., 'it, reg 90 2a, Tan., '38, reg 9? 3a, Pan, '61, rcg.ioo'-? \0\\ 100 101*.. Sa, Pan. '61, cou.lOOV, 101\ 1004 101% CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Oil Securities More Active a Higher Prices Less Done in War Industrials. i'urh :-hov.-ed '.-intiiil improvement in veeterday' trading. Greater activity wa.-- rnani feBted in th.. oil shares ?m<l pri?es gen orally wen- adi ed ?atl itic Refln inii gained u.'i pointe, Prairie <M1 an Gaa Si "'?-I ?tandard of New Jeraey . Midwe?t Refining was dealt in for th ? r ? time, being quoted al from 3: ? War order nt'.ck? wen? airain com paratively (?nie* except Submarine Boal which gol u high a- 634, elo .. an advance of marly a poinl m the flay. I>i ?g I improve over E points and Ci Snip Kuildim 2. Kelly Spnngfii Id 1 ire eloaed at 213 . hijrh ff.r the 'lay. a gain of 11 pointa International M on and pre ferred, eaeh lost 2 points, Priei char., fewer in the mining list ? r Lode e/as exceptionally activi and higher ivhili Magma topper ani Kennecotl Coppi a'-?. INDUSTRIALS. Tn-.i' '/. .- Last i. ? i - t ' . i -, -. ?f 117 119 117 HI . ? . II 111 i? ?!! 17 li " '??? ?- ?!(.? :??? Ufa . ; ? - ? ? I | 7 . ? ' I II ? ;., n?v.- ?? I ? ? ??- : , f ??? ..... :?? IIS ISS ?li? I ? . ? 14 14 ? ? ? . - 11 * : , I ... ? :???'..?. II STANDARD OIL SI BSIDIARIES. u ? 170 I ?I. - II | ' - ' ? 75 l'r.i . . ? !.. - th l'i nn OH. ? 7 ?? I Boutb<-rn HI.... ' IS/. ???? ,-i Oil of X J ? ii r x y ? KAU.KO vus. {ta ?Wabe t ? -.i MINING. 14 30 31 "', li-', 11 ' rood - lie i..-v ir, i\ -t.-, j.?, i- i. 41 1 er. I ? . ? . I 3 ??*?? Butte .? N Y .?. 3 .?, : , 11 . ?* 100 1? 'Can*. U C*:-*it .? ',, ? la ?neo I its ? M iT.eoo ? - ? -? i ? ? lirt ts.nnn ? tCa*hb*-jr . 4 Con N"\-ira-i.. H ?tr.nima i'"P -, 21 Florenc? . 4? ..???? . 'ep y, 1% 17 '?? L? 57 19 I Cnn ?tOoldfli I ! M H..??. Stund Eat. M COP . ? IK>?i ..ii.,? Ma un ? Copper. M. Iniyre . . ? i? t\i Kln-Der ... s ?tMother I*ode ? -, '?Nal 7.ln. .?. I. 4a V.M. l'tah Util"; ?.'? ? M ?t"ro ?il:..? Con Min 12 norm K I ?tsilvei Pick.. *> S'.i'.i BU ver-L . . ? {-Bucee** Min ?Superstition M , Tonopah K?-... ?_? ir...i: Tnimpah Mlntn-f s t'A . ?i En : Con :i ?\' h Knob C pf !% BONDS. D A H et .'..? n | I00U lo us-lir?. '? ?I M M ne? .-.-? 7-. Kennecotl C ta 17.' 4" ? 1% 17V, rit IS ?7S H 4 S ?i 1.1 S3 14 l?4 r. s 4*. 33 1A 17 IT i 11-3: is ts% ??-? ii', r.?. ? IS 14 ?4V? !A : 3S Hi 61 '? Itl IS F"*', '?? IT? au m 17 A : 17 t: r.? H ?S 3 li .v, A 71 177. ?4 175 ?-.| tflatli ecnlj rrr ?: ?-* INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDl'STBIAL ? Bid . Ill.l. - Film ** SlM.i' Pr-HAI :-. I Am '/m Am '/m ? U M '?'* ! \ ! IIH M'-l *->i?rin?u i'ar ? pr?t n Ai-l? ?V -? I' IAPI l l p( T? ? I lui I.-*..?. I! ,' pf ?-., ?l'hlle ''op.. 11 ik? . VA M f ? S Wi?y| U g, MININO H4 rrl-Bulllon. 3-, T? ' ? PUBLIC ITIUTY SECURITIES. Am I.' - Adir El PWI 14 ' ' ? n Util 3. i Aim W k Kl ?'. ? ;.r.. ? M i ??.r 17 . n .. I.r 10 do i r ? - 60 ?v 1 I.r A Tr do 11 El Sec . . '. A Kl N' 'HU la .?. P. de er . St, l-r.rv ? ; r K ?Oaerk 1'A.u Pac ?'.a? a E !.. pr . ? ... do - . pr . ... ? a ?. .4 E T. ? R la a r LI i in m ... l'n U .. R - Weatern I'..? . r i ?14 31 H . ? II M LONDON TRADING STILL LIMITED Business Principally in War Loan. Home Rails and Oils ?Discounts Firm. London, Sept. 9. The Russian eie tory had a good effect on the Stock nice, but thire wan no increase I in boaineaa, which airain was confined principo!!* to the war loan, home rail*. Kurtirs, oil shares and a few American 1 onda. American securitte.? were quiet and tieady with United Mates Steel Executor s ,onrt Tn?t?n Charter^ 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18, 20 ? 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, J6 Cork?pur St., ?. W., 26 Old Bro-v) titra?*, HO. PaVBia 41 5-.aieT.vd Ha-isiraaTiri BERLIN, 56 Unte* dec Linaao. 1 f. | Travelon' letter.? of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian RANK REPORTS. RANK REPORTS. fhe Second National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK FIFTH AVE. and 28th ST. STATEMENT OF CONDITION September 2, 1915 RESOURCE?! If'.rw.tTlES Loana Ditacounta & In- ?'aplta! s to? k . l.W\un.% vestments Bur pina A l'odl ?Ued I Butee Bonda A. Profita . 3.1?. ?::.?? ? ther Becurttiea to Be- Ileeerv? for Taxes.... : . . , in cireuUtlrjn* United . Btat?*a Deposita. 785.ofto.on' -. . ? . Custf-antera' Liability ITn- United Btatea Bond Aee t. M '?" der luttera et Credit ... le.f7l.olI Other Liabilities . ? .- ?' . l,0?tt.9Sa.M 7i|ff from Banka. 471,518.? '% rW?*niption PlIHd. 3I.2..1.00 ''om L'ni ted States Treasurer. ldf.0oa.0fl Eteaerve In federal fte nerve Bank . 919.3^0 95 '"ash A Kxi h.'injffr? for CUaring House . 2.132.0?-1.23 lit,596,998.18 , *.9,S,i.?V DIRECTORS John W. Aitken Percy A. Rockefeller Daniel A. Davis William A. Simonson H. Blanchard Dominick John J Sinclair Frank A. Mumey Louia M. Starr Edward H. Peaslee James A. Stiliman Dwight S. Richardson Percy S. Straus [ No 7.-...1. ! HKPOKT OK THE CONDITION OF THE COAL & IRON NATIONAL BANK of th*. 'ttv of New Vori? .it New York City. in th? Sut- of .Saw York, at thi olo.?e of 1 . In*?* September t, 111!, RESOL'RCXa ly.dnn and dim "'in'?. Jo._'58.R49 ?2 overdraft*, unsecured.. -SS '.'% r s i?.a ?s ?teposite*! to seour* nrrulatlon ipir valu-,. fay**-*??? U. i*. honda pledged to n'l-urc L'. 8. deposit* ipar valu-.. ll.fOOOO Tot?l V. S. hond?. 414.:.0C Hon.In. Mcurtllee, er.\ oti-.T than l' 8 bonde pi'-M.-?.! t.i ?e.-ure V. S deposit? IWOOO "M Bondl other than ? H bonda pledged t? ??? i 'ire po?ral eav In*,? depotlt-.. Ji:.:.00??"i TdondM loan*<l .other th*l?i !" ? hondsi B**-urttl*e nther than 1' I, tond? inot In? cluding ilntkii owned unpledged ? .1.076,79* 13 Total bonds, ?e.-urltle?, etc_ 2.497.5'14 Bube rlptlon to sto.-k of F?deral Reaerv? Hank ?7:000 Lea? amount un? paid . 3*1.000 - 31.0fV.iV) -. 3-". 000(10 Net ?moun? d'ie Ir.mi IVd-ritl R' ?en? Hank. K92.4T0 :?J amount du* fr..m bank* and banker? M1.7MM Exchange* for clearing hont*. II check? on bank? In the .?amp .It? nr a? reporting uxtst ?>* fractional urrency, nickel? and cent? .. Uli M nt other nation bank? , . Mi?*)?? . ; Reserve not..?. 13.130 oo rnottej reaerve In I.auk: .,;. I . ertlflcati *...... 7. Legal-tender note? 16-i,500(4) mptlon fund with l". 3. Treas? urer mot more than 5 per cent on ctreulattoni . 20.000 "o Customer?' llaMltt) under I?etter* of <'re.m . 49.290 0.) Cu*ton ' ?' liability account of ? ? ptanc*?" . 9.000 m ? ? .i?*et?, purchased mortgage 5.190 *l Total . . MM LO ? I.IABU.ITIKM. Capital *?o.*k paid In.. Ji ,?*? on.) 00 Burplu? fund . . :?>.00000 Tot?l .-apltal *nd ?un.Ins. 11. 200. ?mo .1 Un 1 I ? l d e d I prodrs .JoCK?.* ? ? R? - 1 ? -d for S.r.OC 00 ! ' ?el for int. :..*t .. 2. la''. 17 o it Ia?a? cur:, nt expense... Interent and t.iv< paid . 30.5S7 ?1 -. _ 4M.941 H ?Ir.ulailng note*. 4OO.OOOW 1 and t*nk ei> l:-.-.40.4> 17 end? uni ?id ... 04 00 l>i mand deposit?: Individual deposit? ? to rh?. k I,Ml ?41 CO ? ? rtlfl ,'e? of deposit due In I*?? than 30 day? . ?t?t M . !..-. a- 113 9")T ?4 Caanler'a check? out ruj 14.??73 7* United .-?ate? de poalta. 33 -.7? ?? ?Jiving? de . -:7?.6WOO Tora: deposit*.. I '.3MS -3 beoda lvorro?Ae,l for which collateral ?ecurlty wa? furnished .'.s 000 oc I.e-ier* ol , redil . 49..90CH) Ai ? ? 1 'u.. N based on Import? anl cxpurts. I.OOO 0? Total .|10 7??.l?l ?.I ? S ? Toril i'ountv of New York. ??? I, A. II DAT, ' ashler of the above.n?nie.| * ilemnli ?wear tha? ?h. ?hev? ?taiemenl I? li ?? to the bent of my knowl nal il Ill f A K. I'AY. ?*a?hl. r Buhacrlbed und ?worn to t.efore me thi? ?th d.i r.f .*?' t< niber H 1 THOMPKOS Katar? Publie, Weet* ehester County, .'run.ate died In New fork County. New York County N>. loo Ne.? 1 ..i 1 Re-rtetei Ko Atteei ?*, O. WATI.RMAK 1 ,lVK I) iVIIa-SCT lilrector? W (1 HKHIaKK [No 1.31 I RETORT ay the CONDmrjM ty, THE IMPORTERS & TRADERS NATIONAL ?ULI OF NEW YORK, at New TorVt. In th? frtat. of N?w Tara, S th' close of huslne??. Ser.?, tni, lui RESOCR'ES. Isiana and dlarointa ? except, those slwwrt on b? . iaO,U4.B7> ?/) ft Arreprancee of '?fh??r hank? dis? counted . gtn.ttiU) Total loan? .fMBM.IM f.? ''draft?, tertre*. and up? i r*.' . . SI C. 0. renie del "Sited to secure circulation ipar ?relue) aso.ooo00 l S rnonflr pledged to secure r S de posits ipar value?.. 1.100 00 Total r s beeats. ?teat F?nnds. -?.?--'jrl'l-???!. sOS : Ronds ?n?l securities pl?fl??"l a? collat? eral for state or other deposits or Mils pa???.!? (pee. fa; excluded!. IsaJatM Iscerlll .? <.th<r than I' S. bonds mo? Inc.udlna .stork?? ?wr?sd ?npl'-lKcl.. I??..001 00 Total hond?. ?ecurl s ? ? ? But icii| lion -o st-.. '< of Federal Regerve Bank.teSI I.-*?? amo-mi ?iip.i: I C*S 00ft 00 SMMO Valu" of banking house ilf un ??n.-um71 ? - TH.SBS Nel amount due from Federal Reserve Rank ,..., LaatlB Net amount ?lu? from hank? and beakers '.??l Exchanges for clearing hnuee ... KI.BS* Other check? on hank? In 'he same rlt? or town as re-orttng bank . UW? Outside checke and other caeh Items I**T'.I97 Fractional currency. nickels and cente.. 4.10*01 ?fir Note? of other national han?? 1*1.0" I-?.?? fill n-.nn.v r??er\e |n rank: To-nl coin an! certificate?. " *'?*!? l-g?l 'ender noie? . l.Sl.T?lB Re.|emp?|on fund with 1' 0, Treaeurer mot more than 5 per rent sti circulation!. I '?? ?* Due from l\ ? ? er . ?O.fWOOO Has? Total . l3J.51I.falT?. UAMUTIEI ?\apltal stock pail.i in II ' Burplua i led ? w'? ?" ! T.'ia' capital and au-plu.? . I" '?*???* 1 nil? ; 1 ? ? I I l-ofl!? . II.Til Ulli rd for ISSCS , M.T7?M 1 ntMnt Lesa ? arrenl cxpen*' IniereM Bed tax'? u .?a?*? pall KITT?? ???5SB f ir. ui.itina not? - I>ue to i ..nks ,.n I ! ank? er? ..II I'enial, I let? li i : liaal dafxialU nuble. ? '., Certificates of de i?>?lt dus II than 30 .1?%? *.',fl?5*! i*, rtin? ? -? mt ??-? - - checks Mt? '* tG.JSa?t Cnll I Rl Srai? count) or other mui. Totr?l ?tepo?lt? , * ^ ak . In iiaiion setstsae- jam In? . _?-? asjatmW I.?tal . ?*??? State of Kew Terfc rountjr of Ses" T"??J?e* I. H. M PUWElal. i ?1?h,".^rtr-tT5 ?nk. lo ? '?'"ids' ?bar* fielerneiit 1? II .? '?'? the ?-*" km,-!??!?. ...?1 belief. ^^ (. ^ ?ub?? rll-e.l and ??"?rti 10 '*'":' m? ' ja> at September. WS. ^aRT? Notary P v Y" Corr- ? ?I _ KIIWARI? "TOWNSEND. .--gw* KI)WARD VAN 1!.r?KM( ""*? RSJfftt SI*Al-?'M Mtecun ] receiving the most attention. Consol? were unchanged at 66. The new war loan closed unchanged at 98. Shrinking money supplies hardened discount ra'.es, despite the good bank statement Sam York cable transfer? were irregular. At the start the market was alltolleri and the opening ?juota tion was 4.tin. Later the price advanced to 4.01 and then declined a fraction. The Bnnk of England earmarked ?25,000 I for miscellaneous purposes. Money loaned at .S4 to I pir cent. Discount i rate? for short billa were 44 per cent; for three months, 4*? to t4. Gold premium ut Lisbon was 49.00. Paris, Sept. 9. Trading wa? dull and inactive on the Bourse to-day. Three per cent rentes closed unchanged, *i8 francs 50 centimes. Exchange on Lon | don, 21 francs 84 ceotimea. J LONDON CLOSING PRIC* Iapndon do**, ?qui??'.. . Cam* ?.,..!. ). lent SeP? ? *- w">* Consols money. .. ** -..---_ Hriti?h 4H? . * in*i At.-hi.on . .?? ???. S Halt A Ohio. M '-7 ...,, Canadian Poette. I?? "fl '-tj ,',?.! 4 ..M.? ... K ? Jf? cu? 01 w.??. 1-*? ''** ?-a. .1.1. m a st p . r> ? Z* OeateeM . JJ *^ m% Kr e tat pr ??*? 2*? ~~ Illinois Centra: : * 1 *| I...UI. * Ka*h. 17- ll! M k, 1 s, Tea... 'S ?J N Y ?'entrai. ???'?? J"U ,i| Norfolk * West. UT ?*?** '.*??. ? w,,< 2?w i??: i?*1? Petm.ylvanl* ... ?*? ?"? ,,-*-, Heading . J? >? ,-*, Southern R). t*\ '.? Southern I'a.'lnV **>-? ??"* ? n ..n Pacific. U<> ?B U B Steel. 7M? '*?? >4