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The Mechanics and Metals National Bank OP THE CITY Of NEW YORK 20 NA<-SA<: ^TREET firme, am* n-rpnrl ?* C?**)??rtt?.-r ?? le-M. of Tleeii^m Frxiteiohee i 11?!R Ot?JKa> ??mAVrteetm**...,.,. ?_* - ,.I^V*?.7M.4v 'r^ 1 ?-rbihr? itmAer Letter? (i Credit ? -^r>'?-? ?*>.....?. .rre.* si??' inssiaaetd).. . ?.-? to ??"?n?"* ca-rmdaticif) ....... ?? r?r?*ri? to ?r?-***re Pr*?t-i' etassr 4.S.-?.(M*7.(.i .S.OOO.OOO.OO 1.445.714.** Boo-? v Kr . 11.42M47.56 IWkKte?- ??? Reel Faute ... 4.470.<iO9.fi0 * lax Im Ronb. ??.97*1 09S.W ?*r> aod $littL?CT .037.11 1ARII..TIF> eptta! ?tnrk. p?*-1 m.$ |,(l?7)0.000.00 SstMAm and '? ndiyi '?a-) rVohta. S.l.r??>4?..93 N'erdoa?' Rank Note, Okftetao fan. 4,934.7* 0.00 ?Wk Rorro??e?-i. 100.000.03 laftter? of Ciedrt aw* Tir-te *.--?-*?-?tsnres (Tr-rrit-n Dept.). 7. ?S r>c-p?->aita-> lixlivKhial.. ,.%a\\Jaae\mmm\/n Bank*. 66.96.?..-.61..I.? lS.ttS.ClUI $1K0^7.087.11 OFFICERS ?A-rrji w. Br-oiKur? iv*?*?**-?? ?rf-JTOLAa T PATITTB m?ea-r>mm?ami. tOSrPK S HOTd**"?*, (7?**4?r. ? ?f.H'-mt. W? r-i-e?M*-at JOKM BOBIYBON A??t Ca?M?e. rRA?* o rot: ?rv*? i-T<--*?*)?*rt tsars?, w. civnrpORT. A?*t. c??M-?*. WAITER r ?UiIHTSTsl 7l--t?.I-T<*4d*t*eoi. ABTHT7R W. a::-:) ? An' r??hl--r. HARRY H. r*OK*> VV?Pr-?-rtd?nt. Al.rXAaTTIca I BUT AN A all tor. tjaMXtSX A ?AlsTaUOal?, ??"V.-Pr-a-Bd-mt- WORTH StaJ-lCAa. ?jr. r*r?Nf-B D****. rtrvmrr a- ?in tAlmmm A cm UXT? K ?KCK. a-*?.? IJefH '?' i? a ?If? F.a? for babvtb ? -, ?aiais?, ra.. 1 '? jab?* <? cAinro? v?-? ' -i -rniaAii r oobxt. tee ' V fa. au?. ?r r r>?!f * Ch. -rj-j E C'TTTLTat fre? ?*r i ?. -v-rl/*?? Brake Smee A T ?XOtaTK 7>baaABO VVre-? t ?In ? A CK ? -, HArnnTijX fre?:-- ' * r-r-rVaisOri r?t--t-*1ct tine ?? a*. H > ? ' ~* Pr-:**?? *Mr*?*? ???**?? <*>? ?-"OO?! B?.VT* _ T^ry H?---? * Cm mnszcroRS m" i a? a JAKxaoa Art-net le Rma ClaABXaTCX H. STXaSET. Pre* \*M? Osarsalee A TYssrt Ctv urerwxL mbooi.w. Cstllr. ? Co L. F. lobet P*? ? The rvi?w?re * Hod**? O GATT6 W. K.OASBAE. Pie*aa??< JOHN BcHTJOH. V'.re f-e*ld*-nt V. FVXBrt HACT. B*-a York. HEBRT B. KALIaOBT. Pre-ddert W?. ory t-teanakr-? (V t. ebabs BureiiiaB. Pr-ee. H W John* MaarrOh? Oa. B. T ?OBOaUI. P-n-atdder.l V1r*-t*-dfv?ae-*>la-*a <T?-*t*1 ?al Ob ?ta-TiLIalll A, PaJOTB, Pr?-sida?? nc-pi-ar Bao-r* CVa. BOBXBT 0. 1-BtTTaf, Chalrmai. ef th? BoarO et DOrtao tort Mstlo-aal 0**?xuri*l Bank. ??>?-?? M. T. ancHniAs r. patjceb. PrMld*>ut (]-alrt*r' Iro? Worts? CHABLF? H PBaaTT. M T'.rf-jdw?? BAakrinti r prtob Vire Pre?l*?iit !<? nilnetoo Arms Phi ? Metalli? r*ir**t4t*-f* Oo. HIXBY H. ROGE".. Iil:ee;or Ar.aorm^? flr-ppor Mla* r f. W. ROEBLrBO. Ti-???'irer ] A l\.x?ilrac Im. tH ?. ?V. BCrCTCETIXI-EB. 1*1 Br-?dw?y JOB? D. RYAK. lTe*'<!*Bt AriseoDd* Oseeer Wa> lai <\>. (THalRI-ra K. 8ABI?? I'-e*?i l?r.r Uoarant; Trrit Oa. GIOBOI B. BKZIJV05. W r Ph??(fcn 0 Co. FaaVBBTDOZ 0. ?row. IT-rcldent Th? Hors? hamBM OaV T. te 0. 8t7IaIaTVAJr Dli-artnr So-ihert fcajm? (*ta> K. OaUtX WaXatOB. B. T WUsoa * Ce. TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET United States Must Bear Part of the Foreign Ex? change Burden. Itr.?tn te". ??? '' yesterday that n?.t.f hid If-? need la cu wvh I aitua rj this (wstry hid redac ????If to two plain bikers must Utp ?chinge ra'.f s from falling 'oo ?t or British mtrelal purchases .irr would ccrrt I ; ; as fur pur: ?iurioir--' " .uld be paid !e: ii ?raid I: .?nker? were (fold brought ka? t?M Da '? : must give Gmt Briuir. -. ' The loan, it vas i.'.d it ?orce tjai ?riJay, would tr-t r.std to t ?, and ?A? iBouot mir under that 7irj*i. it sot t prubebly be a c:r?c. British . secured only Dy ? would have be - I? aud stocks? ' ?.'.iirrtl ?S ?-? ??-. war known *o dM people ? lit the country, v.-om rubier:; ' I : e sought. Siles o( " \mrricans." ?fl n Arr.ericr.n wlaitatal, si ? ? .;. it is probable that, - securities | ?kith bsrs beer. ?? -.- .ere in the course ?itk? bet 7. the gold i M time ? ?nada ? will be and that others vul b? added to l m fr'm time to '.me. waethei ?ecurities aro Kicinf orer i r. of sale at U?d prices .? : ,re7 erally known, ' *-'? Urn :? to be the case. ?:?r? have beei ? lafi of many indi of t ? aater ?ate'y, ??4 in rcir.v - *rices have ! "?*?- * ?' i tion on the Ff*? quotes :? Exchange. It kaa, ?i? facv - <y to bid for ??aibord?, beei ? irn op with ?iiseoncer* . . that Is all j* r-'irr. cheaper 'it, Right asvi .. ? ? >>>? wait- i teadon Bu*.?? BtexMas] Here. Uador. buying of sterling billa in a?^' wfis taken to i ?'fleet a conviction abroad that th? Arrangement between the British anc American bankers "-?as as good as con eluded. Demand rose to 4.68 in th?! dealing.? and cables to 4.69. Ex chani. . re, however, ?aid th.ii some time must elapse before the piar to protect exchange could be consum ?vere inclined to attnh. ute the rapidity of the rise in ratci :o a comparative scarcity of cotton and other bilis. Predictions were made thai at the end of the motuh, when a greal accumulation of cottun bills came to hand, there would be a sharp break '.n rrerling. One of the reasons why the international negotiations are expected to occupy some time is the wide dif? ference of opinion between British and American hankers as to what should be considered-a proper fate on a Brit -. i i :Ttr:*,g here. "The British bankers,'1 ran one comment, "don't kr.ow yet that Great Britain Is at wwr, and we c?o. So do the people we shall have to sell the bonds to." Dollar Exchange Growing. The plan of the Braden and Chile Copper companies to establish "nancml apencies in Valparaiso i?; expected *o help greatly in the work of giving American dollar exchange a ftrong foundation in Chill. In the last iwo months, thanks to Leopold Frederick, who is a director in the Braden and treasurer of the Chile company, an ex? cellent market has been created in Val? paraiso for dollar bills. To an import? ant deeri-e they have supplanted Bter? lina, To keep a firm footing for dollar exchange in Chili, so that after the var there will not be a reversion to iterling. many American houses do'ng hut-iness in that country are making their contracts payable in American dollars. German nank-t and commercial houses, which are important in Chili, have recently established numerous ac? counts in the United States and the Inrge banks and trust companies in this city have, by every mail, been receiving for discount considerable amounts jf ninety-da* sight billa drawn in dollars. May Not Abbcbb M, K. & T. There is a plan afoot to reorganize the Missouri, Kansas A Texas without an assessment on the stock, Hallgar ten A Co. and J. A W. Seligman & Co. have sent experts out over the property, ind if their report on its physical con? dition is favorable the bankers will underwrite the plan. It is contempla' ed, of course, to have a scaling aov.n of the capitalization, but even at that BANK KUMiRTg. BANK REPORTS. Bl.J ^^^^^^^^^^^^ fv?MT>ITl?*?N or The National Park Bank * Sew Tr.c< ?,.,,. r.e ^#VT yorfc, at the eSSM of htielrxiaa "apt irt.?l. 10H __ . UAHILITIK.?. Capita: st?*-?ck. pall In R.0l>t\?708 " >??????????? ' i.jrj.i. ~*** 4"?r.?.>_ ? a. ??*?? . . .|:it?Ul?-J8? ? ' " '*? fef urpli?? fund lOeOM.OW 00 an 4 | beoda . .I*? . ? ' ' La * ?? aS?.*' r uc.xqwi Total capital _ , eurp'us . 16.?Mil - Vr.d'vlHd a -?444 1(71 U ](,. 8t-rvB?l for ?axe? It:.004 ?if on tvo to t UM ??? I !-!?'??! borla 'At.t-g r lee, etc. 4 44a mai .?asi ?* a. fcaaeri? ^?*J^aa. Indu?. 440 OfX 'S? at at Bates i tWr.g i o T*?o-jri ' ??f??' aVaak J "? ??? M ' taJ?J^8' d?? from ???,- k. and gfj . ?IB-, UI-* "' '? ???:? An I ? . ^2tl,r^*,:k? ami other HLS " axasse. . ?v : ? - -. .'??*-*. & "'*'??*?'. * ^^^^^km^Lw \r*r | -.A4. 44! M V.14T.OO?TI | .:. BU i? i s i ?m n tr.e? m i.aata -il H M -.1 " ?ne le'. ! i* Oraje? _ le.SRitwso T?aea current ex ponaea. Intereet and tax?e paid ?00 74 Ciroulatmg n'>?e? U Stt.OnO 0? Du? to henke and '?\nkar? .|tf,120|:i ?f riifloen.-;? unpaid .... 1,162 00 r?eman?7] -"??[.?-??it? Indi-, depnalta subject ?o check.. 84 IS?.lfef. f.? ? ' .-atas of drposl: due In Iraa thau to dtli . C?8.04-'C?' Certified check? .... sV 44' ?? CuMcr? check? CAit etandlng . I.ffi 4W ?i United fltatee d? ix>?!ta . ?VM,0t?fV? Poatal aaving-a <!? : ?--e 11 ? . *BS,000 M Tlaae depoelta (pay? Ma after to day?, or ? ', | to ?0 dare or more notice. Ortlfl? atea of <le ia ?fli m fth.r Mme depoalta Ifi.tjO? M ?- >^.'ru??*d ?ut finilehlns nierai security fr.r ??in.i- R Re I a.?W,T?? ?1 t.saf).000 .1? i??" XI -. ut La*tt'-r? of credit.... Acceptancea la?ed on Importa and export? . 4BI.1ST U Raj Sft'*' _ ?-?.ooooa gff?r _ ia*.?4; se liar lilt* lift. 247 M auMtal ? ??. . -. of NV-? York, ?a ? *!-.?? 0^* ' ?'??WA,,'^,*' -'ore ira this IIIU.j Total .?it? ???.?14 ?t ?HI,. ' -li? *!?.??- i nama/l oana. no ???> ??Saea??B?Bl R trua to lh? beet of my anowl?1g.- and bell.-f l?h day <>f 8epteml>er lurector? , nariiad bank, do anl?-mnl?. ?e.ear Hist the .d bell.-f M H. ftWER. Ca?h!?r. l?li _ U a?. 1 ?BBlMtf N..??r Kli.g? ?"oun'y. Ceitlfk-al? ?led In Ne* ?mt the outlook for the security hold eems bright. Bethlehem and Motor? Spurt. On its advance to new h?K*h g-rou at ?2>j, yesterday, Bethlehem 81 ihowed considerable activity. Need! to say, hov,evei, it is no longer a H illative favorite, for all its ability to on 2?) points in a day. It's not w it costs that speculators think ab so much us what it is likely to c Tha *.ime is true of General Mot? which ran blithely up to 265, a pr it had never Been before. There i oihers n the category of somnia-proiiuctr-;, but they ??re 1 ?'10U8. Preparedness for Peace. PreparedneaB for war in this coum has gone only a short way; prepar? neai fur peuc?* aiinobt le?s. Fran though at ?'ar, has the foreiight ??enu traiio .?touts into South Ameri Even Spain, a snail for commcrc proajroaa, boa done the same. But the United BtotOl the great bat ground ior commerce in the future almost unknown territory. The .V ? Bank and a tew other j orieeri? nave led the way, but the tn from this country has yet to be wo And every day the war abro continuel the task of mtcting tur pean competition in South Amen aiter the war grows in difficulty, 1 tha danger increases of that inflati. .".ere which tha inllux of gold ir.ak almost inevitable. In eertoin indu tri?e, in fact, inflation has already b ?;un. Not only dots America's task South Amerita altor tha war grow mo formidable, but Europe's need to cor pota there increases nu well. Ail t! belligerents, when peace comes, mu stimulate production within their bo ciers and consumption outside of thei if the work of rehabilitation is to pr ced apace. A Lout Chance. In the bulletins that the Nation City Bank issues from time to tin concerning matters of trade and indu try in tha Latin-American eountric there are many indications of opporti nities thut huve yet to bo grasped 1 North Americans. For instance: 1 the first aoven ?norths of 1913, Braz imported 01,;i7.?,000 yards of cotto from tho 1'nited Kingdom; i the corresponding penod of 1?14, took from that .s..urci 25,189,000 yard and in 1916, only 19,920.000 yards. I tha single month of July, 1?' 15, th United Kingdom, at war, sent Bra?. 4350,000 yarda ten times as much a the tinted States, at peace, sent theri not in one month or two, but in th whole twelve month.? of tha 191 l 191 fiscal year. TO BUILD ON PALISADES Buyer ?if Tract Near Alpine Plan Dwelling House for Himself. 8. Osgood Poll & Co. have sold to 1 client for the Dike estate, through Pay eon McL. Merrill iu agent, their prop erty of fifteen acres on lie Palisade near Alpine, N. J. The buyer wil build a house there for himself. The property bas a large frontag? on the cliff and the Hudson Boulevard It is thickly wooded with a variety ol tad ihruba. It has an extensiv? rio? ot" th.* Hndaon Hiver and Lonf Island Sound. _BANK KKPOKTS. _ REPORT Or THK CONDITION <)T THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of NEW YORK at the c!u*b of hu*lners. Hertember 2d. lSH HI VH RCEl Discount* and time ?..ans. Wl 281.712 1! I State* Um'* on hand. W.4?0 W - bonds to secure cliculatlon 4.077.U00 0C C S Bead* ??> ??..?re V. 8. de? posit?. l.leX'.OC Bond? ?...irlll**. ?'.<*. ... 02.11S.41-? ?I Catatara*!**1 liability -mdsr Utter? of rrerllt . I?*? ' ?ankln*. hour*-. 1 ltd.000 0,1 ? I *????** 00 Legal tenfier* and bank note*. .',70.??? 00 reue from Treasurer i,t V s 7I.T1T.7? Es-hanse*. ?.22? ?"?.M ? ? tan?* . . ? m Lx-inand loin? 41 ?. I?u? from F*d?.r*l i* s*rv* b?n?. 10 SOI.IM 21 -n. 1? MART.?! TT ES .?urna! . tio.ooii.o?oo. Surplus. l5.tKw.c-?-?i Profits . 1K1 ? ?'(.-??.ilatl-m . i .SU. ?on".) L,?|a-*it? han?* . . IO>,M?.IMei ? ir. llvMuaJ* ?S,*,:. M il 1. 1.000? - 1M.4ST.S11 t* - ?orr .**d. 3: ? Reserved for ta??s. 111.142:: ? , . ? 1,400.400 U laerrers of eraeal . ?.00000 cm,?-.; rn.c I F. L HINT. President of the above bank .V> *ol?tDnly ??ear ?h*t lb* .nent le ?ru* to th* best of in?. lef. f i. lilNr. i-residen? ?nd sworn 1 bef?la BK, Rep IfU "est JAHN H TATI/Mt Notari 1 -ahilo. N Y ''o A <? JAMF.S Hl? ??!" UN 1 Director? WJ4 KAHMaPTOCKj PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Government Report Bear? ish, but Wheat and Corn Advance. New V~rk (Serter-iber ?. '.?15. WHEIT. 1-eai Ta Ir l.;. i ?to ? rf*?!l?a ?' ?hill he?- ? , >? i th? ?i ? ? -?.-..?.'--?? ? ? ? . a. ? -rtii.a in? noivmeet, inj - . ? *..? th? marin; li ?.-.-? - -.-? a .a. then u ?mi?ra ? i< ? ? ? far la u.e-i at ? n,?nt?. an 1 a... um .Iu-th ar? ??lr-.g rr?.- e-r.a.i. ? Th? i pon bswm nmt a iiiid?red fart that Hi? liteau had failli ?? i..,.. ... ...??? a', mi ??!. ?ir.'er wli??l rrop. a.ij >.ar!) la It* lay ?alu?? fnr lha latl ?t -.- I?r ??lllni by runj-nlealno. ? I, to-*. ? *'.'!. ... ?. ti i . ai .? ?ton '-n lb* - hardened ?r. '?? i. ... ? . Jame? Pateta. ; Chtcaea, ?a? r,.|oie.l *a eayfng t.'.a' !.. || . . ,- i,, ;.-, ? il mark-: it h? '?;..... -he iaas la ?later ? .??t?? rain? it laraer 1?'. - . -??.?on demand (or Amerl-an wheat 1? wry i ?a? ? n.e li -ju-.rr ret Menltrba? ' ai.d It ???? llMfBghi thai a n.. lerata rni?|na*i l.a-i U.ri lone la tie U ?I a.:, raarket N 2 red a?. I N i : hard ?i.e-u we-., qtintad at I. -WH c I f N'* Turk. .??.'. ? ;; ,r !.. ,.?,-. *,,,) Ko 1 V r .Maii linkt, Il?4a elf |i . -. CORN. Th? -cm market ?a? !.f-_er. in ?jmrath? wl'h ?wl.eei ??' : ? . at Vt - to l?4e lift higher. Th? grnrnmer.t r>r" n. Pgurei Lear)?.. O II -? ? b] tn? mai ?*? ? ? I old ?ora and Armee*? In the ?pot pnettlon 1 ? U*e*rpoOI mar bat ?a- i nb ? . ?h.a u, lib?rai offer int. fron A>| ? r ?hip? 3.r;?.,f>0? brajbali I?, ra '?.a' r.,umry thl. week. ?7 -i..-, are 1 ?;?'. , ? !'? - M ca?h ...ara.- ?a? dajll > Il v . .-..| ?? . ? OATS. all r.-arke- fall th? IneueBe* nf the flrmne?. ai and Tl.-re ?.re . sei.? tu .-i icarart irai ; eati quoted *? '? ? - ? S I ?bit? ?t ??><? and ntw S,, 4 whit? at lie, ell eleeatot NEW YORK PRICES. WVWal i *? Yeeterday September. fi 04 }i.oi?4J CHICAGO PRICES. Wheat Open High. Low Cloe? Teeter Jay. Beptemwr . (I ,5'?, It* ?fit MI? ? . ?014 JjJ (..?{ h 91?! May . ??? M*4 ;?? i>? ?,jvl C -rn bar . foj? :i\ 89% 714? :o*-4 l'e.-el..rer "P * ''" "fl *** fov? :?\ ?v rit? ro*?, ???? 87 ?I g*8 s: 54.? it its ?.;?, si1* ?T1 ?? . ISS 38 ?H ?T4 S".?4 M?y . . \y% M?, S7S NV *'% Sepiambar . ?3!t 3JJ-J, |S_ M PROVISION?. Trading- _-. th? mark'f fag hog product? wa? mod? erately ?civ?,, bu* aft. : ab ralng a ?llg'.t sdraoe? earl? If. ife? d?) pri?e? a*-an eaae?l off undrr . ,-.-.-.r i- ?? 1 fa..- at f.ircn bog market. ?';? , Il itlona .f ant I Hie ??..: demand It?'<?!,-. ut hog? at Chicago were .1 ratlmded foi Irliay i u CI ... I .- ?hi ' 1'iiitK Ste? '.-. ?'. ? itffl? family, lit ? 1-. ih rl clear 11? ? ? lis.- ? ill ? packet. I.: - ? -? ? I .la ateee. llRKSHfTli ?111.? .-.'.. . . llVta. f 1 f M TATs , . lha ItH-OltH' - 1 ? . ll?4e. p|-?>d hami ?leal?, , . ?? . 1. -, TAI.I.<?<v dull, ipecll tn \ |4V|( I IRD Bt I.JSe; .t? i?rd it. ?dr tjucted -??'-. rrl lard jul-t; OcBttDei ? ?.-?? . I Brazil, keg? 1 ?.A RINK?I .-. lard iti-arln?, KHo, CHICAGO PR0VI8I0N8. Twtar I.ard: Open. High, l/.w, Clnae. da>. . I 12 ? 17 s Januar) ? ? - 1.81 I " ? I > HI . "-?.her .8 19 I.}] * ? 20 I-H ? ? COFfEE. An a ?tn ? ? t "?. 1 In III" e? ?!.? ige on t? well aa a Bah. of - - ? , rallies, and at I I If? T I ipptared I . Luring mi ? tarly In th? day the ?aa 1 wlttj laratlrrl;. - 1 ' : aal* Th? rather ? - I . t at 1 i , . - ful?! ?ala? 1 ?i"0 |,<g?. p.- || ? . ? ?ata a rire? w?rt raeal? Bruitoi inl a? 9.1 ?-?-. ? ? - , ill Ki>| .-.'.I t Kin 7| ?1 - - S II ? . ir? ill g -ri Um ?p-t n.ark't ?a? n. ... a prior* War? itea.|>. ?1'h aUs '? U'Ji'tfd a* l%( I .- ' , ? lllgtl-i I/w f?'i>temh-r M 6.03 4.03 i ? y ?M '.-r .... ? ? ? t ?r . 1.23 ? 23 S I? 6 I.- i? ." 1 14 . - t . ? ? ? f ? ? March . S ST 6.37 6.11 I ? A; ;. - ? Ma? . 646 6.47 (43 1.471(16.41 6.11 June . ? ? ? ? 4". il' Cil July . ? ? ? 4S:?a?6.?l 8.44 srr.Alt n TVatxa ?la a batte? f.- .-g lu tugar fu' - ?a), a: ? - ?a ;. ..r ail ?????. gtgr t,,| .:. report 1 "f upon ? .?'???? and at mtdda?. irai? buying tent prl .? j -... 0 pointa higher Juel Itefor? lb* ? 1 ?? Ibera ?a? a mile ?elllDi by Wall Html and IIm market , -1.?1 a-.- I ? point* I ghar, >?Uh ?ale* llar.g? of prl..? Tfifer "ii- 11 IB U ? i'ife?. d?y. Raptatnbar ..... ? * - ? ?' ' '?S * - 1- ?- ?-i . ?< N ?-?: bar. ...... f" ?;.,(.?: - . Ja..nary. 1.0? 9 10 Ket-uary. -- ? ? ' \la;?h . ? ? April . - ? ? toi-?* 11 ?07 . ill I 13 I 13 3 11 13.13 1 l'j Jui.o. - - ?1.13 1? 1 ' lull. - ? ? t.i;??:i is a 10 COTTONSEED OIL. Th* - ? ?? i? again firm, with , reatg .:. I ?hi.rt*. aj.d pric.a at I to* la> were 11 to 14 p.'.ita lot I.'*. ? , ial le?a f??1 rabl? ? ? I reldearea of a I ? i--i n 1, altboajgb ?. tuai .??mai. 1 f.r .... ? ' prl-e? Tr?fer Open. High le-w ?"I'.e. da> -1;,^ ? 15 S>3 Her?m*r>t?r. i 0" 6 00 i 01 ! October . ? ? ? f . ?f. _ - ? ' I>. rmbei .... 6 <? 6 08 6 00 ' Ja:,nary . 6 u'. 6.14 6 0'. I K''ru?o . - ?-*;?' M * "u March I I! 6 18 6 23 ft 2? ** 30 6 H April ........ ? a COI NTH Y PBODUCI MABKR Ne* t. r Sei^emi-r S BUTTER. Kec?Ipf?. ?t ?7? pkg-.. SS-Vaei hinh.-r k?ot?:h. l? ? lima, il . . .-ai- lain. .'.r. girfxl tn prima. !?<et!5l-?c, <- mmmi to fair, 21<..(iaVic. reii.nalel eafraa. al -4^ , ? r t g r ad ....', Imita rat*. 12?! ? ' mak?, firata. HHif??o, Mr?.!?. Ile: lower Brada* n? njali?. fine. 10'? , i.iaKe. fine. :?> No J, llVkCi lower grade? > EGGS. Il~.rt|... |? 437 rirfi. Kre*h a?' ea(r?a. [?et d /'ii, .- ? ??:,'i '?"J f.' t? ?';l. r.r.ti. .1 I. I '? a Irtiea. N Xo 1 r ?? 1 Inferior, l'^i 18e; re frlaeiai.-. ipeclal mark? fancy. ti ta?) 28e; tirai?, i'illc. a?vo?..U ilH??321 ? joorer. I?4<i!e, ?tat?. Petit an! ri-arby. h'niery Baa la fana ' ? Il Xi... galhered wi.lte? aa to ?lae and <jua:l-y, : 'l'i . v?'e,ur-,. ta'i.e.-ed whitee. 2V.?:?. , .t? .. Peon and nearby, henneo broten?. 3i ? Ile 11 , ere-1 brown ?. i ?aJied 1 ?,-???. .? --? -a.iiy, i? frlagrai ? ??'-??'. -? V^-v HAY AND STRAW. HAT?I-arre ba.n il.i."'i.y M 1 Mg ? I. Uli*. No 1 t?? N ? i. II ? ? M fi .411? ? ?? . ra mue I ? 1 IlTE .?-THAW. No 1. 113. ?u.a.1 ta..-?, a u-. e-t ?arge FRESH FRUIT8. AHPT.F.P?A!. ??? 1.1 '- ' M W n ' llle-r ? > .11 leab, I. " ' .'-"?? I 1 ' llrtiham? I. ! ! ' < . .- ? , 1 I. I In c* 1 * ' I - ?? ? llreer.ln* I. ? * 5 ? Baldwin II 1 ?. kail and Hol ai:. II Ora ig I i; 1 1 ? . ? 12 'on,ii??i |l ' ? s. . , ai Hartlett. ? bl I ? ' /??...rite, l.l.l. I- ?*?H ' ???- t ' ? kr, Jl llil?jl?J, I irj 13 Irrktl M.I I . I ? I tau 13 ?li 30. 5. ' ' I I \. '117- s.arb and ?ia-r. ?... .Ill SO ra- ?'"?. 23^ . PLl'Ma ? lb baaket. ' ?? ? a- ?. II -' i.n*i-k.s -1 r Kl?? ' ? . ' ? ? 1 KlUK ?a pe? qt I0*I?V . ? v - ' 1 IK??Capa I I grata. II Tl kTH?vvi'K. i.i- HA?pai aaiea. Ill ?'ti' - I ? ?? ? '? J'rw?. . , a UI-BKMI . -. li::.. ?ai. ?ta lard :?'? ? ' , ' '.' lliell*" Indian? i?-r ?landard cm. II : ? i: 1 1 .?.rag? !-.nb '? ' ?'? ?'?'?? ??"**? '*"? II Vj ?AfSAHA V>1..- n I? ,'t: rraU ?? 6 II IVItMA?; MU'lNS fa!. rr?U. II WATZnUZLOSn ???t carload. It"?."Hoc per ItO. I.i-il" /IRA??'.''?* HU'IT . U??x. Hail. Jau?a?.a. liiieili.- I IM-Af ?! I ? .?a., H|a. H^a ?'? '' ' rrai, ?ta.4 I) )1. :?-. la 11 75 ? POTATOES AND VEOETABI?S I'taTA. ?..(?. !!,!.. It.? J..?., round mo fl?ii et ? ?i .? m ,- ? 'i ... . ii ?r ?--??? '?? ?.mV? sh?r. t" j?.. i i ii ? ? ?. ????' i ? - ?lit*?.. S*??!*. . ? M. I! II?I! II <*?? 4*. uiuaj ?hie MJ ! V , ,,,,, ???1 .-? i... . ? ... ? .L ?s 11011 ? ? . ttUms, hat. ? TU ll'iKI a ? : l ir . . Hi ? -i ?tat? 11 < ? ' I a? I ??? ? ???. u ? ? ? I ' ?i; t'T? ..IT. ! n?artj. n-*?. Mil. Tsno t|i,_' "it.\ J..;?-, ,-- if* rr,l, r.( i . . "? -.:-??. -? ? a |l III. I. I ? ' era?? 11.?II Mi .1 < i mm; i - ,? i? r??k-i. ?. i|] :.???? jerlaa, .. ? ? ; ' , ' ? I. a'- ????". *****? ...u .? ,-. t ? .i..,. . <-. -.-i ? i INTB jtttei ??'. '- .?1 ? haasel ""? . S? ?' -t?-. I ?' . I I.TTfi E ?Ut? ? iteran '??t?. ?? . ? t. . ? ! .. -i t "??-. n*ari i ??.?a ;? ir bl . *. i '-! I! II ?I -?.''-?i I II 7! Mi lUIROOMS h??k*t ' ' '? Tn? '*???? .sr-lei II IIJ ??*" tl ' -r 11 u .??- ? i: .t. t??. Il a?.l ff. t. haske? M I'El'l'CRS I " " r?. II ?Ml J'. c ? ?'? ' I. .51 .'? cntett tree- , ! ?1 11 .' Ill SO; In ? iVv. ' II {.1.1 all. ?-?en, 7>..?1 . r*d I lias itAl.fsiirs. f?, li" hint- ?? li: M VAr.F. .??.> - -r?'? .- ni an: ?.n ?? ?'? l?e: .i.JfA-iU Hut-bard bl 7?e*?ll: m?r- i white - < ?*. > P.Nirs ?bit? ;?- il r -?i?t?. bl m 'a* ii.-"'*- friMATOea <<? n- !,?? ? >. ?;'.-a,-.3'?*'-'? 5"'-"T - " ?rrl*r v-ATr.itir.hss r*T \et m -.-? r.?fi ?? LIVESTOCK MARKET. Km Turk. September ?, 1013. Bit VES. It?rait ta, 3?? r,??,l. ?II Pa* ?Isuih'.er Nt IttAs toda?, :?. car? ?ip?eted to b* -m Krllaj'a m?rke?_ ' -* thi rattl? h? d mm Wedn Kit] Dl ?? ' ???' ? '? ?? IM?.- frr B?U*J( ?l'le?. eitra. 11*..-. CALVES. nee?ipi| ?- |,.?i; 47 on aa'.t. rm:u:g ?hout ?' ?dj TT-.e ;??? ?? arierln? ??le? wer? at |1".?J I ? i* : IN lb t<st to prime ???la. ! .'H? l'..??ed T??l?. 14<41tc; i-oiiiiir) dr<??. 1 11 rISc SHEEP AND LAMBS. ne'e!- ? I. I*?, eari on ?a'.? Mark?! an I n .<? : . . n la i-v-1 ?heep il ? 'Ulf. per let lb. medium to it I?.*! ? ? cull* at 111 < I ' ?*?! mulle* all? bole* ar.-aa?e? Ira?.?a lamb? dull ?t tel mem a i>, ;i; vt lcjsh?. si lb *'-r?-,e. I? M per IM lb; IS . ulls. 4?. Ml H ?h?r. 1?.?. 14: 1] 79. 1 : li faul? V Son 21*. atar? l?mh?. ?S lb, IS 75; IS ihe-, '? 8 Psd-r? all Pri.n Ismta, IS lb, $1.15; I ?he?;. | ' .V?-?ton a C* CJ Penn lamb?. 18 lb. IS; I eu!'?! IV I?. ! ?deep. ICI. is. Newton A To ii Penn l?mh?. CS lb. I? S "ill?. 4- Il il tee 104. I" K?rn? I >.ir.rrI-?loQ Ce *.3 V? Urab*, SI lb. W3?S: II tul? Rli; 41 ?h*ep. mXSSJSt] IS. ?1. NOM? Receipt? 1.141 be?4. !.?;.' * c.r oo ?ale Feellns ???1er .!???? to ll?hl ..uotid at IS'atS.44. i r?? .?h* ?t I-. so*;M.f5. Sna I -1IOOS--llr-:?!pu. 13.000: Arm. Uu.s. I?.?5 'I7.?4. lift'. ?: -5 Jj?..5; nili?d, I? 10 ?15 20. h?*?. I? '- ?*T -o, rj.ish l? l5?|?...i): pill, te S'a f.#7 T} ( ATT1.K-Ke.elit?. I.""-.; weak NitlT... t.eef c?f'.?. in 10 i,l<i :l. cowi ?nd haifera. I lin? |? n ,111 SO SHEEP- - U-'i?pt? .' ?.. irsMttltd W Hiera I' ?????US 90. ., nstl -;. ; ? Ree*lpU, 2,500. ? . i ? I . ; i ? rom f .- '? ..,?.! lights, ?'? ''? ?'! ?i ? >? CA? IT-E Raeelpu ?teadj sire* Me* I -, . V Steeiptt. 1.200; ' l Plitat.uri . A TTI.E?Steady : ?upfly prim? i.. ? ? i SIlKEr *' -. I? ?u; . ? ? ?? f .1?, l?ra ? f I ? ? M ..,> . set ? |7 IS rue '* ; l.?i) torker?, ?? 4 ? ?? 1er?. I? ; ,i. r,,UIh?. Last ? ? >,.*.'?? lATriaK-R*. ? i rj ? i btad; H .'...'' a I,|.).i head; a ..,, ' il . i '. ; . f ? - ? f- ' ; .. > rwihi i? fa ' ? ? : ? itfS.TS. Mil. I!' ?nd I.AMH.-. - lie*d. ? '!??; laa '? 15*19 .'. other? lll.rh?: ? Ka-??? fit* S?,' '? IlfMIS -Rf-elr'? i.*Ot: tMan. S-5 75?J|T 3f., !-..!?-?- 1. ??.--. II I . ? ' i A TU. 1!. ptl lio. dm : . .i?*-* 15 as i ?? ? ? ?S .5 ?' *? .? 't.-kers ?nd . ? :'.<? !S; a ??? Ht? HI '.' II. , ? ? -? -i1> ??ml* I? ' .- ?. |i ?' <- her?. I! ? II , St. I rtix-S?K'oelDti. I.?OO, high ? '? IS: niUe<l and bn'rl,. era. ? ?-.-?: :.-?? , |7 IS 117 ?a I AT TI.K H .?!;?" ?-??i?. -.?'Ire heef ?teer?. ' ?rlli s Uten ?nd 1-etfer? I? "ijff? r?, |4(0|S; itneken snd i*ed*n |S*IS.?5: Teisj ? ? ? IS.SS; <*o*?| snd h?lf*ri M I native c?l?ee. MlJIl! 50 SHEKP H i, ?- IM?; l?mt*. 17.504 .aaep Slid e*e.. $5 M ??7 *0. iB> Telefrap!. la Uta Trlt.'ine] I. ?:!<?!> Sts* I, VHKEF *r, 1 LAMBS?B* - la.s ?.50I M?rket piled i?.- m? '.'.'im S#TH*: enm ?.?: fat .?',-ep II . COPPER DIVIDENDS DECLARED Porphj ries Mnintalna Higher Ratea; Magno Hi'gins Dividends. Several hip copper companies, at meetingl <>f directors yesterday, not only maintained the hli?her rates es ? ubiiM.ed three month? ai*o, but in eral instances extra disbursements wert- made, and 'n the case of one company, tho Magma Copper Company, on initial dividend of 50 cents a share r?usrtcrly was declared. Tho so-called ?*] or- hyrie?" which rnnir.tained the increased quarterly rates were the I'tur, Coppor Company, $1; Chino, 75 <? i ta: Roy Consolidated, 371*. cents; .:i Ccnsoliiiated, 37-*i cents. I'hflps, Dodicc k Co., in addition '. tho reiiular ?luarterly dividend of a share, declared an extra divi? dend of $3, the same as last June. Ihe Hutte and Superior Copper Com I an?, doclorod a So extra dividend in addition to tho regular quarterly -rate ni 75 eonto. The St. Joseph Lead Company declared a quarterly dividend of la cents a share and sn extra divi? dend uf 10 cents a share. a DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Record ?erm. Rate. Payable, dat? W 10" Vtah Co;? . i . rhino Copi ?r . ? Ray Consolid?t? I ? ? I '.al*re tMa-rni.t {Hune A? * . ? r r . on O E I- I' 'H*'.' . 1. I .Hi rr Hell Te;. Am Iron .* RI pr. ?'Mr lltl* * Tr... I :. t .-.ii? ImproT -U . V-t Joeeph Lead. I ? ?*! rtv r? pn pr Am Coal I v.. . Motor Car , Rao Motor Truck. ? Co ... I. il Good* MfK pr .?(on El.. ? Ro??l Hakln* I-dr It. val Baa Mr pr ? . Coal A Ir Nat ilk TH-I --. M '. 3 M V-?-. ? ? ri r,i.' . n t-ept. 30 t-ept. 1* Sept. M r-ept 1-1 Sept. 31 .??pt. IS Bapl 30 Sept If a* ;t .< ' ,-ept. 1* Srpt Jo .-ept. 1< .--; t M ?-?pi. IS Oct. 1 Sept. H 1 ,-ept. IS 1 Pept IS 15 l-ept. 3? 1 S. pt 1* 1 r-ept !S .. 15 Sept. 10 fept 11 Sept. IS Sept 20 Sept. ? Sept. ii Sept u ?-it :i r..t I Sipt. M Oel. O ? Oct. ... ? ??M. I" net. 1 Oct. 1 : i..t 1 Oct. 1 Oai Sept. S?,t li Sept It i-r\ t ,5 Sept. 11 Sept 3? S- p. 20 Sept. J* P-pt. 30 fi?pt if Oct. 1 Sept. li Oct. 1 P, pt ? tztra tlnltlsl dividend. land .?tn lAnd 1- extra for P?pt?mt>er. . : lltlonal. ?Alii ?"o ?it:a. An-l extra. BBOKT TERM NOTES. Nam* an 1 maturity. wi Aalt. Am T * T sub?a. Apr. Itll lOOffc l?-? Am '-.?? OU I*?? Nov. -.J16 . loO"?? IOC?, Amr.'U w > '? ? le. M<-h, HIT inr-T*? I0!*i I' 4 .?Mo **-,?. June, 1?!T . !?'?*? ??? li?.; 4. Oble ?H*. Jun?. mi?., n??*? M\ I'.kl-.n Hap T f? J . 1? ?..neaaO > ihirv&a. Jui?. 1 ? I \>.\ 'l\ \ \? In" '? S- ? -I ? . . lud to. Jun* ll Sh 100?-. ft* looA ... airead l? Ai". ii?i? . l"0 loOA Kile it* Iroa : t%t. Apr. |?1, ?*?? -, '".en'l Rubbe? ? . Horkln? Vail ??. N- l?? ???? Ini n?r?.-? la. Fet, ;*. lltl i ??,'. loos i i. mi .* m s - : ? ' : o? loo-? a Savia (s. M?>. mi:., ir"1? ?<-?? N T Cent fe ? 10v^ !l A 11 Ss V *? iM*? : I. :-,???? ? 111 l"v 100-S r. H> i?. Fet.. I.?'.'- 10*V> 1W>*? ? ?. H? ? M h 3 i'-" Sl? ??*, ?i.iie,?. rtati ?'? May, Utl : t*i io: Eoreif-n Government Iaaaea. Tleld. Ill :of 6f-? ?M III i ?: t oo : .? .',51 110 ?.00 ? ??. I li LU 1 00 i II Mf. 1.26 :.oo i :i 11: i u .. If i n - ?-. [>?* :'. Dee U. n? .?, l'e?. I'. ... ta, Ma? U, ? ? ?ariad'i?!! ? I - Ai?. Ti.'n.-h bead? '?erman '?. January, land te M&rch. i MarcO, i,d '?. -Urch. Nortray i?. ? i. ' ' .-??len 6? Deren:!.? r. l*4f 1*11 :...: ::?.-. '. MI IM1 :?.? i-.;.; .'?1. I -A, . . 100 *?? lOf.l, ? m ??s m\ *'? J?'? ?*'? ?As. 101 1 V\ 10O-* ?f'4 IM'*? . ? . r.s, ?9 m ?; -". 2S0 . t 6.7? 4? ? N I ?? 6.00! ?10 ..K , ? f OJ ?10 Frenrh Tie Aero Record. Pari* Bmt v The Erench mono, E. X Demars. it was announced last night, has equalled the wor'd's altitude record of 6?d'i metres i21,59S feet) established by the German air? man, <>tto Linnero-re!, In an aeroplane at Johannnthal July 9, 1914. a*, ru ?.?.f. or TMR lanrsi't mst or nrrrio kails. Hepfember B, ye???rrlaj>'? BSSBB? 109.178 ?eplember B. .108.?SO One week m? ... . IBTtOO One month ago .108.704) JuU 10. 1014 . 101 4M High for Align?* .100 I St Low for Align??.I".? 'hi; High for lui?.l '? -"o low for July.101 BIB High for Juna.108.117 I ..w for Jure*.ios tua High for May.111.IKS low for Mar.misto High for April.118008 La?w for April.107.187 High for March.108.I0B Low for March.104 588 High for rehruarr. 100 788 I...?? for rehruary.Htl.lBt High for January.108 BtS Low for January .108.187 High. Ihu? far, 1918. 11.1.108 low, Ihu? far, IBIS .101.181 High, full rear. 1014 .ltOlBl Low. full year, 1B14 .lOt 008 AU.KAIiF. Or THF, TRIIICXE'8 LIST or TWELVE I.NIII STItlALS. Heptemher ?. yeeterday'* cloaa. 87.9?8 ????plember S. S7.710 One week argo. . 87.9.10 ?Ine month ago. 88.4M July SO. 10?t4 . 87.111 High for \ .ig n?t. Bl.tOO I?.?? for A a gust.85.188 High for Jtilr .88.000 Low for ?loir.H0.I18 High for Juna.83.088 low for Jnne.78.81S High for Mar.85.080 Low for May.74.47a High for April.BS.l.W Low for April.78.844 High for March.75.158 Low for March.70.084 High for rehruary.7.1.318 Low for February-. OS.?It High for January. 7.VHH Low for January . 70.779 High. Ihu? far, 1813.89.750 Low, thu? far. 1913. 88.311 High, full year, 1914.81.804 I .iv?. full year, 1914. 87.417 STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. B08TO.V STOCKS. MININO. Sale?. Open. High. Low. Last. SAIromah . 1-4, M It It 10 Alioutg . 51 * 12 4 S.?-, 5-4 101 Arizona Com ... 8-m St ?4 Ml 71 Arnold . 40c tVk ftX; Set 233 Butte A Hal... IS It M 3'? fi f'al' a Art?. ?1 624 62 ??4 IMf'opper Ha-ige... 34 tit K * . Wrat . JT?j IB 2"? -:? ? Butte .... 12S i:s u1? i-'a U I r'tanklln . 3?? J l| N I . Oranl .. . It l.'V, B7 MM ? . 1*4 i?4 I?4 16t Royala . 26 74 16 2*", l-"> I ?ike . US Ut 134 lit ?.; >..-.? l'aller.- liai I'flMui Consol .... 10 11) 10 10 v?k .n?. :iv? 7i n% U Nat* Ar.-a.1tan .. 1*. 9?Z It M, ?50 New Idrla . 54 It It Mi 171 North iluttg ... tl-Vi 11 ? te% IMOld Dominion . 64 54 fit ?"? -.'. 0i ?"la . 10 10 ?0 N M f?tai ''reek .... 17 II 11 174 11) ? . 7?4 74 :?*. 7'? ,0 8t Mary? Land, li it 52 II 140 Tamara, k ... IS ilt ?>l ?>l 60Trlulty. t-X It It It V t- amaitine ?? ?o't 40t '" ''* 171 do pr . *f\ 4<T* Ml? t , 4M r.'tah Apex ... It It 3S 3S'tah for.sol .... I.'1? l.'t 124 1-4 ?,-. Victoria i\ It 2t RAILHEAD?. 370 Bort?n Me? .... lu -11 10 11 ? Botttcn A Main? 25 :5H 28 Cot 1 Bos ? Wore pr. ?7 4* 41 ?7 10 Chic Trt * S T.MO MO MO MO .. I) pr .10414 1.(4-4 104*4 U4n 1.144 Mass Klee . It * ?t s:i SO do pr . 42 444 4: 44 ?VI \Ve?t i:ni SA Ry H B ? ?ii MISCKLLANEOVS. 10 Am Pnevi Ser pr 1", l*U 15*4 15',, 541 au 0* w 1... i't um M M l?? do pr . 13 33 3.' 3.' 127 Edlaori .232 2Ht US W% 7. Mae? .;as . Mi Mi *b% MVO 2 ?a pr . 87 17 r ?. m Elwain pr---- ?"t -*;4 Mil I4& Pullman .W\ 1*1 ?."?,. 50 Rcv? Rut'lmls.. 11 M 15?t 15% Tiriwif? a co.12?' i?ii 111 1204 ttlT'ntted Fruit ..114-4 Ml Ml1*". IH 28? I nit Shoe Mach g) JO 49*?? 45-4 ?i do pr . 10 10 10 10 71? Ventura Oll .. il 14 Ht H H1. BONng. ' 110,000 Atl G A \V I 5?. 72 11 72 71 i.f>v Mess Oaa ?'a? '9 M N 9? ?8 1.840 N I Cot Vn 5a 744 74*?, 7?4 MM - \ I" Tel 6? 1932. ??OW IOO4 100<4 1004 ? OS-am A co Sa... M( *i>, M% 944 B?rjtTTON com closing. Bid. Aak I Bid. A?k. Um- 01 Orna, 10?- 12c |Mas Motel?.. Be 21c -, Ely., Me ?Oc Ohio Copper.. 10s lie ?.alavara?.... Il* ltiCnltad verde 6r? IM Chief .'?n?. SOo Me ? l'tah Metala. 3 It -a ? t PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. Bales. Open High. Low. Lai-v TO Am Oa? N J ...101 102 101 102 HO Am Milling .... fit Mi 64 M .-1 AB Ryg . ... ? 244 241 2?4 2?1? ?.106 Cambria ?teel... ?J <4t ?4 ** 10 .ien A?Phalt ... 3J 31 13 M Ml de pr . 79 70 ?-..:l ? ? ? 1.-.3 Keystone Tel... lit l?t Ht MS Lake ??uperlor.. 9?4 0'?, 94 ?t M [.?high Nav ...74?, 7*4 76?? 76V? HI t>h Val Tran.. 17'? 11 171 il 3. do pr . Ht H% 3?t 341 1*. Penn .-alt Mfg M M M ? 441 [?in Steel pr... IS Ml 11 ?t .?.-i Ptifls i:>c .... H% -5 K% 117" l'hila R Tr t e.. 10 104 10 104 lML'nloa Trac .Ht l't l/t ?**? ?? T'nif Oa? Imp ?6 Mi MI ;i" IT, Warwick I * S 10-4 WM 10t 104 BONDS. 1 16.000 Am Ga? A El 6? ?74 |74 57V ?7t fSMCItv 4b 1040 101*4 in,t 10!t M'1' ?4 do ?a reg 1H40 101t 101 ?g, 101 ?i 101-4 MI El .t ftm Tr (s ?I 11 l.Ot?) Infstata flv? 4? SI 5? 5? 59 12 M4 Uh N?- gen ?'*? ;_1t M4 '?''' s? I.MOLetk Va! gen 1? '*'* UH *'"'? tf'* I.'-"? l'enn c?n? ?ta 10.'t 1021 l"2t 10?t l.Or?. Phlla Elec 4? 7?4 7?'4 7?4 7*4 100 do i? .?o ?0 tn ?0 1.000 Phlla B A IV... 974 974 14714 " ? BALTIMORE STOCKS. Palea Open. High. Low. Laat. 5.-on? fo.l . ?At l*t ?4 ?4 5 Cor.? Power ,...IC?4 M- 4 t?W?fj l?OH IIOBfl llr-iw ?crip 10 ?HI? ?0 Mercantile Tr . 1104 Ml M^t l?l 35 Penn W * Pwr ?? 6? <:? 69 noN'OS. i: m ati B ?? '* 'v :- t '?> ''4 '-'54 iSctwW ?4? n>a: ?? 1000 do note? ....tOCt lOf?? 10>4 I'?'"? l.tvwifla ?-j .v f ?S ? '1 ! j IW'O I 3.000 Vn K LA P ?4? IM? U% ?'"? Ut 2 000 Un RAE l?t ?? Ml Ml M? 104 r m.) de, lag ?a ? H 5. 67H 5? PITTSBLRCH STOCKS. ?tttjaj Open. Hlfh. I^)W I^?(. 11 Am W O'aaapr-lOl l"l loi 101 ?Am W Ol Ma. h I V> :i>>4 l\ m% 110 do pr . .? ? ? to .aney Ri? r'aa . 26 76 26 16 23 Ind Brewing pr. 144 144 Ht I4t ?La Bella Iron... 15-? 3?t ?4 si'? 70 Mfr* U A Ut . ?t ?''?? ??-. 494 Jot Nat Klrapro?flna ''? 74 r% i tn do pr . ..-??,? P% 23 14 Ohio r-i?i ?up-- <'? ?0 ?0 40 12 Pitt? TI ilaa? -106 10g 10* ICj? I :64 ri-r? ?'?Il. : li 17 ' tor ?w t Signal lorti 107 \r*%t 10T U??lthM Air B..141 1414 141 141 BONI Ii It ?00 Mil?/ Et A fl 5a SS K fb 96 ?.atetl? Mel t r*?- 10? i? ?o.? ?oo CHICAGO STOCKS. 4Aiea Open High Low La?t 6 Am Rhlpb-illfllne ? 11 19 t? M Booth F1?h pr 7t 7? 7? 7S It* . hie I'ti'u Tool. 764 7S4 7? 1? .'.en Bdisoe .11" ir II? 131 t Mam Match -?? ? M M M ISO H.ri s A M pr.ll? Ht 111 lit Ward pr 11. ill 111 111 ISO Nat ..r on H-t I ?Hi 14*11 1?24 l'?'iuaker OeatB ? 2?' IM ?40 fV) j do pr .101 ICI 104 1 ? lS?r>-*lf? A Co 1204 1?H 170 1?4 atrmon CarbKJ? .1174 ?We IWi 1*74 BOND?. ?OtOrhle Rr. la B-. 704 7?4 Mi 704 . . m ?. 4. ~: 71 n ? nnt) Iwlfl A ?.'o ?a . V\ Kt ?t ?H Bank of Prance Hetnrn. ressi r - ' Trane? I- -Vea* (Told tn hat-id . Jl.0i7.90t Biter U hand ..I!!?!-?*S Vote. li. clre\ii?tloo.16l.0Ji.0-io Treaaan >iei?0Slt? . ?t.tet 0-.0 ijei eral depoal'j . '14.114 000 Bill? dlacoun'e?! .?IB.IaO.Oim ad?..-.-ei . i.iM.oe? ?DteBBaaa ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The rmrkot on the Consolidated Exohsn-e displayed much firmr.e?*. < ruc-.nlf fontlnucd ?trong-, though it ; touched a low of ?9. New Hi ven did ' not get ?I. the war stocks, were strong. ?STOCKS. B?!"?, lipWl U:*!. la*)? fas*?. I* lum osmt j*. i ? <:?, "?a ?M All? i halmer? IS . . ?". lO1? 1.410 A ? ? ? II -? Mj*?r A '? . '. ?'". -4 \'n AM ? r ft M? ?., , ? ? - ??, ? ? at, I. .?--t . i??, : ? . \r% i'\ 14 An Lav.,n?,'if? 51 'I 'I ? 310 Am -?ni.-ltin? ? s:% ?IS H-? I?*? sioA-i?roni? Cop. :?% ni, :.?? '?'? ?? A T A ? r -..", ;-;'. 111?. 101*?, I2-. Ha I ;- . '.?'.?? SI li - l , -I , ?? *l ?0 . a ri* I**, li ' Mitral I-? i- 14 S IIV ??-, U1?, 110 ' : -. a II I ? , a, i -, 1') ? M A St I- **-? ?'S ?IS --5??, ; H ? R I * I' 2-j 1 [ffj if ' .:-? i-.H iv?, c [ ,?U i . i Irae ?? , Iff ?' ?? ? ? m Preduet* ir?* i;<w . . s S.IPO fri '.* -?? ???i, ?llZ ?si?)- MfJ tit i,.., i?,,...;., .-?J its >?, :?', ?S ?n *?% *???? * s Bl -, : '.? .?S 31 ft? 2?S 170 " ***>) I- H ?"'? . . ' . 11% 12 ? 1 M lut? Me? . .... . -, 21S US . IT? Mi . l> ? ??. ?I ? . ? 111 N' T Centra . ? '? I'H sso n v n n a ii I ?', ft **% f?s 3a N Y ..-.! a u ?- n ?: jt ISO Konlwra Pariae 1er?. IMU l'.rs io?s ill i'reaasel steel Car . ? . Ufa ?? ?I" ba-ilftf HI l-l'v 15'V. II '? 30 Rep ?r n A S I.? II 4 4'"a 44 21? South*--? pana- '<H *IS "'S **S 140 stud*b*Jur < U5S :. j. llfC i'*S ? 10 Trrne??--? copper S-i'? ??S STfi s? " . WS VS }io rme.n r? iv us i.?o\ imS ? P i:0 I. .*, Ki'?er . , II 1 }0S |] IM ' ? ?--a; ?? ,, -?i, ?S-a? 110 I'la-i COPSW tifa "'*? ?* It \v*?t 1 i.- n IM. '' ? :'5-i ?fl* iff W'ratHJM K A M'.US l'.oS -'-S 14..1T? T-H?l a?le? MINIS?*.. :10 Rooth 12 i: Il II I'M) Km-aM Virgin!? 14 14 .14 .14 ?ton II 2: I* 2" U IsatxlU . 17 .17 if .17 l,! l.M 1 ft 1 ?0 I.!'? shir 2: lima N?-.?.!a M M - rr pt*a H n. 99 Of ? I'. .?*? ? j*-??' U .11 I .... MONEY AND EXCHANGE. pr.DKRAL RESERVE DISCO! NT RATE ?Fn? paper BStui -i '.: I*Q d?*ra N 1??*. 3 per cent; up to ninety tata. 4 pe.- cent. j CALL MONEY .ipe-iei at IS P? <?<?', W?lM*t. 1 ; per eent; :??<???. IS per cent, clo?ir.|. 1 per tent: I r??.e?nl 1 \ p-r cent TIMX MONEY met <iul?t. Rat?*. 1*4 t'S Per cent for ?l?'y day?. 2\j|1 P?r cent fr nlr.ery d?yi. 3.?, 3 S per cen? for four, ft?? ?nd ?li moetli?. MERCANTILE PAPER -a? In fairly food d? manl Ruling r??e?. 333-4 P?r cent for t-aat n?me?: b?r.k ac^pun.?*?. ?^r??S t**r SaOO fXEARIM; IIOl'SE TRANSACTION'S ?Ex eh? Iflf.tfe.ltT: balan?a*. Mt.fU.ffJL Th* fuo-Tr***ury ??*? debtor t.. th? ?m. u: r of fSIO.9*7 S' BTRL^ISt'ltY ??Sew Yark b?ak? lo*t to th? S'lb Tr?A?'iry U^aMO and lo*t aln-* ?*rtd?y |]ff 000. FKDERAL RF.fiF.R^T DlttCOCMT RATlaS ELfiE Ti'llKRE rnttee, W tet*. d*o?. I p*r cent, up to all-?, dan, I, l-h'..?.'.'.;'ila, for -er. ?M, i per I r -en !) i'i-v !??.?. I: far jlxiy to ninety. ?.*:.?'., up .0 ala'y da;?. I^per cent. ?Ii!y to nlnery daj?. 1?, Rl.hmor.d. I ?.. ! 1^ r?nt; A'?n'?. lull?) p?r cent: Chlc?io. 4 an 1 IS per Ml: II laMif* ?- 4 ?r.1 4S PT c?nt. ' Mlnneapoll? for ?Uly d?>?. 4 per cent, for ninety .l?n. 3. ka-??? il-? 4 prr (-?Dti l'ai'.**. 4 and m ??ar ,?..;, s.i ".?rai '???>? for ten day?. S per ???I f t 'hlrty d???. 3H; '"r th.r'y to ?Uty d?y?. I. for ?Uly ?o nln-y .1*??. IS IMUSOTIC K.ViTlANcr rtoaton. par; New Orleans, sieht 'le dstr-ssnl rr'-Ker? Il premium. Pit? mil, exrhtnje 1". prrmlura, St. I/*uli. Je dl?'o.inr bid. "> premium ??kcl BANK . r.KAKIN'lM-lUUImor?. et-huite* IS. I.llanre? Ha'..6l3. IVuton. ex.-hfJl??? la ? Sio. balan.*? II?4.7SI: 1 ?xrhaii??? l.-.l.?24.?a-. ii'\:.-e? l.-Tss.Mi. Clnetanatl 'i rh?r'.?a, ?1 -." Kai??? < Ity. ex ehtnge. ID.S-20.fSI hilineei ei-liar.?ea lff.0ll.S3f. : a'.ar. e? I2.?ff.0*3, l'f.U 1. ir?l.. fi.'lia:.?ea tl.lSO ?r>2. b?l*ure? -: St. l/.'lT. ex.-li?:..- ?? | la . {'. Ml '.Il BILVKO MAIIKKT Har ?llfH In Uodon waa 1 notation ?a? ISS.-, up S: M*?le*n si r?r d-*"?-? IS ??:? rOBIiaN KXCHANOC -" i ra::i?l ?h?n>ly In tlie lif: d??llr.?s nu I. nli.n burina I... . ."- 4 ?'? deman ! 4 ? ? Part? 1 ? - 1 emma, s2S ? ? * l ;:? .< 5 H -.l'y ti.l r.l- '??/ di>- blil?--lai.iidon. b?nker?'. ?tity day?. I.fl; ninety d*yi. 4 5?. WILL HAVE MANY STORES Mead Drug- Coti.p-.ny, a Western Con? cern, Leases Three l'ptown. The Berlin Renting Agency has leased to the Mead Drug Company th.? store at lt>2d st. and Broadway for a I term of ten years at an ai?gref-ate rental of $25,?)00, also to the same con? cern two stores corner 207th st. and Broadway for a term .f ten years at an agfrrenrnte rental of $2i-,'.00. The Mead Drug Company is a West? ern concern. It intends opening about thirty stores in Greater New York Charles Berlin ha? exclusive charge of their rental department. PLAN PLAYROOM ATOP OF TEMPLE Home of Mount Neboh Congregation Will In? clude Social Centre. TO HAVE OTHER NOVEL FEATURES Bannerman, Dealer In Military Goods. Gets Marshall Estate Property. There will b? an op?n-alr recreation room atop of tha temp!? and social centre building to be built In 150th at., near Broadway, for the Mo**r**?t Nabob, Temple Congregation. Th* building will coat 1*0,000 and will be ready about January 1 next, accord? ing to Berliner ? Moseowitz. archi? tects. Edward R. Cohn is president of the congregation. The building, as designed, will be of brick and terra eotta In th* spirit of the Italian Ri-naissance, a period which has produced soma of th* most charming brick buildings. The facade, sixty-four feet in width, will consist of an enriched and impressive entrance motive, with an arcaded roof treat? ment. The interior will be in the ?am* style of architecture. There will he an Auditorium and balcony to seat ap? proximately 1,000 people. Rest room?, i a choir-room and a minister's study l room are provided. While the building Is essentiallv a temple, it will alio serve as a social centra, having classrooms and a large I auditorium in tha basement. Locker j and shower rooms are provided in ' connection with the recreation room I on tha roof, part of which can be in , closed in stormy weather. Title to the former Marshall ???ate property at the northeast corner of SeT i enth av. and 37th st. was taken yester? day by the Little Streets Company, act? ing for Francis Bannerman, dealer in military goods and for many year? lo? cated on lower Broadway. The prop? erty was sold in foreclosure proceed? ings a couple of months ago and wa.? struck down to Frederick Fox, of the brokerage firm of Frederick Fox k Co., acting for Mr Rannerman. It is most likely that a notable im? provement will shortly be undertaken on the site, which is on* of the largest available between the Pennsvlvsnia depot and Times Square. It Is now improved with a garage and fronts MJ feet on the av*-r.ue and 244 feet on 37th st. The auction price wa? ?."i.-.'i.OOO The city assessed the prop , erty at eTttJSOO. Mr. Fox said yesterday that if ne? gotiation? now under way for a re? sale of the plot nre not concluded Mr. Bannerman will improve the site with a large business building. There l? also some talk of improving the prop? erty in conjunction with the adjoining northwest corner of Broadway and ? 37th st., owned by Mrs. Mary A. Fiti i gerald, rtnd which contair.s an old two story taxpayer. The combined site would control a Broadwav frontage of 104 feet, on Seventh av. of MJ fe?t, nnd would measure 4^9.10 feat on 37th st Two new arartmer.t houses In ?h? west Bronx section have been dis? posed of by tho builders to an 'in? vestor in a deal reported ve**crdsy The Hoffman Company Builders, of which George H. Hoffman i? presi? dent, sold to John M. Cantwell 2411 ? and 2442 Valentine av., two five storv structures, occupy-in? a plot 101 llx 135 feet, on the east side of the ave* nue. about 11?*1 f?et south of lS*-th ft They w?re aroctfsl last year by the I selling company. ?XFURMSH ED APARTMENTS TO LET CXFURMSHEI) APARTMENTS TO LET IVFjsT mi?e. u ksi sii?t. MODERN APARTMENTS RICHMOND HILL 27 Washington Square North Facing the Park 6 and 7 Rooms and Bath Feim M 100 and Sl2*?o INVERNESS 200-210 West 57th St. Southwest Comer 7th Ave. 7 and 8 Rooms and Bath Exceptionally Large Rooms Rents 5l2".> to tlOOO THE VERNON 350 Weit 71it St. S Rooms and Bath Overlooking the Hudson River Rents Mi co and 51300 Portsmouth & Hampshire 38-50 West 9th St. 7 and S Rooms and Bath Rents $90o to $t300 M?S?N 6-12 East 58th St. Adjoining Central Park Plaza Desirable Apartments 8 Rooms and Bath Rents M 600 to 5 1100 HAVEN COURT 4241 Broadway Northwest Corner i80tii St. i, 4 and 5 Rooms and Path Rents #360 to M40 CRUIKSHANKCOMPANY,?4. B'way REAL ESTATE FOR > M h. NEW JKB.NI.Y. ! ATTI'.Af'TlVE BABGAINS IN MODKHN un? family hou*?** and choira bulldln* 1 lot* at pr?vala ?al<\ a larg* number from which t? ?*l-ct. THK BANKING DBPAFlTM ?TNT, STATE OF NEW YORK, to ?.utrkly .'.ose the busl f t*.. .".rporatlnns, th'*? prop ?r.;.? at ali'.jt i*% of former prie?1?. Th?y are loc?t.-d at Grantwood, Palisade, M - oar* sut l.*<>nla. New Jersey (..p poail* ilr-vr.' > T.>mti). within twenty-n?* minute* "f Manhattan. An Ihspectlon of th**? properties ?arlll convin<? you that th?v ar* uninual har fialna Llt>?ral tttem* Title Guarantee Poi cy fr*e Pi r f'jrth?r detalla in' t*rm?. ?dd-?** BF.NJ I> HAIOHT, Sp- is: Deputy ?Supt of Bank*, care of Ilxnkli.? 1'eparlnient. ?1 Br..*dway. N?* York City._ comBcucex. LAUREL BtACM RIBIOENTIAl PARK. MILFoRli if ?DEVON K h. BTAT10M Th? Su??r*> a*ath-?r* R*?**1 ?I Hem En(l**f. llaaiUi,, rt& qulM Cl-ac t?tMng oo fit. tit? -?i-L Beautiful Park, j-mau 1'Ur. I? M? 00 Orw: t Walk for i..;? ra ai liai. ai*!- te LAURIL BEACH LA?O CO.. 1)01 1, ?f.if?rd. C.sin.. or Ursnd (?a-aral Trreln-J. l-lWTtirkf-lty. COCNTB? P*W>rFaRTV. ra-*-j?*n M?m. latsraao*? tras t? SSSaggSm Sep. tn. i J?? roma fol . ?u. att-* at ?a?-, u I**. tvatii? Uvm **rrt. *. ff VT. lltl ?4. Tel ?111 UM. REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 6 rooms, $780 - $900 7 rooms, $900 -$1200 Prrf??*t -..riir.. OWNKR ON I-It I Ml-1 1. ST. JAMES COURT Houtttra?? < ornrr of Hroeulway i?t ?.'?I ?? Apartment? of 7, a A 9 Room?, Rent In? nt $l.nim to 11.1100. Knr apr'. I.K.WIH It. PRKNTOS. IS? . 16.1 Hr??a?lwiiy. Trlrpliope? ? urt. 7178. ??? w. sut at. ???? J74 w. ut at. 51.1 Hissf, t tat ttiaet ?:.l II.- ?'.-a. Kla-iator ?i?d Rail !?"> Sertir? Smart* l.lthlA. iwilaftanll of t-4-9-t *ft.?-m? and Bath. Rants from 1710 ta S?.700 ;*r ?.-...m east mob, PARK AVENUE, 550 Skat 7 BOO0SJ A BATH. 41 .?.*?'? ?I 750. I'lr.-umof, all night rlrtator. INK! KMSHKl) HOISES TO LET. HOKOM.II HI MINU.1IT1.V 16 East 75th Street Four itory br?>?m?tone liwelllna. I*>il44, (or rant. fur-.lahad m ur.fur-.tihe-l. for a ta?ia? ea? ?ear* I onatU Hftit. upen |>linit>tnf. h*r4?n?a><l E^or? French iiwtt t?K>?e>*fi halL d/a-elo? ruad a:.J ?llnltif looui. I'.ual r?iaalDtaal<.n to broker? M I STIRN POS" (01.1.1**. ?Ire^lry 76.1. I lie?? 34?a- IH. 281 West 71st St. I Story, Hlah-?toup, Klertrlc l.lahla; Una ooodltlun; rant? reaaonafcle l'\r full par* tlculara ave? tUWIOM A HOURS, AgantT* ?No 141 Wrll 7:n.?l 1?'. 45 WEST 76TH ST. POR HALE OR To LET Four etory and liaaaroaat tiwallln?, with two story ??u-nsion Bita IDitOtlO' t Pifiaan r ..mis IM two bath*. Poaa?a?..)n an? tima < ni'lKMIANK COMPANY. Ill lU^d-araay.