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Giants Lose Twice, Yankees Lose Twice, but Superbas Beat the Braves Tyler Holds Superbas To One Hit, but Loses Pfeffer Allows Only Two Safeties and Shuts Out Braves?Rob bit's Men Start West in Second Place By JEROML BEATTY. tieorge Tyler, th? tho Boat . pitched ?i i nt-hit jrrv Ebbeta Field yesterday and The on? and a. roreri might have called il un error for "Hitch" Schmidt. As i? wa all probability, did a pitcher v" .' a hi! panic b; margin as Tyler did Th? ? .. Jeff Pfeff? r did the pit for K v two hit- ? the Brave?. On? ' these rar.e in the ; . ?aros a pop up by Egon that fell to the prour.d in the pit ? Still, fach waiting for it. Had Dan i ha -c ?lone, <>: latter? would have faced Pfeffer ii o I have been a game. A* only Brave who ?'i??ii on ia Joh- ? ib?'.! ?for a moi . f.nni if: and ?ft ?,n tl 1!??.; r.vrrs fielded the ba.l perfect would have- cut off Myers at the plate. and Pfeffer ar.d Tyler probably world have bean pitching ye* Let us tell you right away about that one run and one hit that wer? made off Tyler ;n that second inning. ( utshaw opened the inning with a grounder and was out, Evers to ffhmidt. Myers got a bast- on balls. aim tue- -n uii.f (.ieti hit .? bounder towa; aid, Schmid". dasr.rd over, and just a? he grabbeu th? ball he slipp? kneea. Stanu ing or a on his knie?, Se.m.of thro?* to catch M y ara, but tha oall hit tfte base runner in back, and Myei. ?a.? safe at irrnni!, and Gata safe ?-:i first. Ann ? aa tad with a hit Myers took a ?hance and stole thirl a? Oeti stole second. Myers was sai-.? by an inch and a half, for Whl throw was ta,!. The B? came in and N:xon bit a bounder lo Evers. Even had a sure shot a". Myora, who was on his way home, du Even dropped the ball Me picked It up and threw ?.ut Nixon, thereby dodging an error, tut Myers seo rod on the play Mi' arty flied out, end mg the inning A* ne a .-.< r ?.me did a Brooklyn p-a?.-** ?? -rond. The Superbas yesterday were all that their name implies. They were magnificent, grand, Splendid, n-.a.e-' C, stately, showy, elegant, aublin ? noble until Jake L>aubert forgot t.. catch Egsn'a pop-up. The onl\ tin. they were m trouble, however, wsi in the seventh, when OTdara I BnodgrsM'i grs)under. Even sacrifice.l Snod^rrass to ??econd. Only 01 out and a Brave on ?econd. One run needed to tie. Moran smashed a liner to "'Mara, who doubled SnoJ gra?s off second. Three out. Pfeffer gave only "ne base on baila, while Tyler pave two. Pfeifer struck ?ut only three, while 1 rl? I fann<??i only two. These demon pitch el weren't trying for strike-out records Both had control and p-.tehinp Each just pul the ball where the ha'.-1 ter didn't like it and lot him hit it. Until the Brave?' ninth opened llo? ras was the only man who had made a i hit off Pfeffer. It came in the fourth with two out and was a ground hall that skimmed between O'Mura and Gats, barely out of the r?ach of both. Moran died ?tea When the ninth came the crowd wa? under the impreasion that Tyler had pitched a i -hit game and they wanted him beaten Egsn was the first man up He popped a high one in the mid die of the diamond. Pfeifer stepped bark to let Captain Dsubert take it Gstl came runnings over and se di I l?auhert Gets and Daubert stood on the pitcher'? mound and each cocked an eye at the shy uno which the pop fl\ wa? elitnbil . '"It look? like rain," said ( ap'n Pan he rt "I don't know." said ?StS. "It's liable te blow over " "See how the Phillies ave winnin' two from the Giants?" ??Bated Cap'n I>au "Yeah." an wered Gets. "What time i\o are leave town to-night ?" ?er the Rame." replied Hau? bert. '"Hear about n ??' for alderman *" "l'h, huh," asid (let?. "Bj the way. shall I catch this bal! or are you . do it?" "I don't ear? ^ on take it." "No, you take it." And kerthump! the ball ?truck the ground between them and Pfeffi been cheated oui of a one I | Goot gs 81 Irons at temp* to til l?ame up '.a but Pfeffer was angry and there was ? luir and fl:e?l t.. ' Tylei hit * long oi e to M y en f?.r Bnodgrssa Pf? 'T> r ; it all he had on the ball and Connolly ' mar Rabbit Msrsnville was unsble to play ye?terda> and ligan took his place at Shortstop ' In the sec ond ;? Vork-Boaton ?erie- ? ad sfsranville i ing to aeeond The cut bee;, ami th? w? .' ! becam? s serions one V-'.tday Marat:?, ?il?- probably will be out of the gsi e for several ?lays. Yesterday'? Rame wa a one a? anybody irvor ?aw The Brave? had U to iay to B-,11 Klein and the game tripped along full of nothing but baaeball The Superbas left their home town laat night for a journey through the They will appear at El Field onlj once more this season on leptoasber .'?> for a game with Phila? delphia. The Superba? ?tart for the WOOt m ?econd place, one game ahead of Boston. White Sox Beat Pittsburgh Pirates The P rates and Chicag?. Wl ? ayed an exhibition game here to di tors winning by a ?core of I to 1 in eight The game was calle?) cago team to ? Steh ? I The tontest was | fad, a total of eight ? ? ? ,-d The score by Inningi i: it ? ! ? ? 1.? | 1-1 0 t I I I 0 '? I *?*. ? ?. ? Southern Association Rcsiil*? New II SAH BALL 10 DA? M s*. ?J . . ' ' * . ' ? Ala ?(a. Hard Luck for Tyler. BROOKLYN (N L BOSTON S L ?6 r h po ? ? i?'?H I? C Mara a? 3 (10 ? 1 I fneCgra.? rl I 0 0 4 0 0 P.iubcrt. ib 100 11 0O'C?nn?!l, 100 0 0 0 Stri|'l rt : 0 0 2 0 C C??'? ?b 100 2 4 0 Cut?*?? ib ?0 0 2 0 0 Mora?, rt 3 0 10 0 0 M?-r? ri 3 10 2 0 0 Mag?? If 5 0 0 2 0 1 Chi 3b SOI I 4 0 Sthmldt. If 3 00 I0 I0 ?il?*n If 3 0 0 I 0 0 Smith. 3b .. S 0 0 0 I 0 MeCartv ? i 00 I 2 0 lg?n ?? 30 I 2 3 I Pf?*r?r p 3 0 0 0 3 0 Whaling. ?200 3 I 0 'Consto? I 0 0 0 0 0 T.lfr. p 100 I 00 Total* 231117121 Total? 2b 0 2 24 10 i ?Bit??-* 1er Snodgr*?? In tn? ninth Inning ?Batt??! to? Whaling In th? ninth Inning Brooklyn 0 1000000?? I Botton 00000000 O?0 Slol?n b?iM??1>ar? (.rt. 8*.rrifln> hit?E??r?. Doubl? play?0 Mara and Cut***?. Lett on o*??? - Bo?ton I Brooklyn. 2. rirai ha?? on orror?? Boaton I. Brock I.r.. I, Ba?-? on ball??Ott T,l?r 2. off Pfn-'rr. I. Struck out?B> T>ler. 2: bv PlflTor S. Lrrplr***? K lorr ?nd Em?llr. Tim??I .4 HAGERMAN PASSES TIGERS TO VICTORY Errors and Bases on Balls Factor in Defeat of Cleveland. C "-v?lant!, Sept. P. Detroit took ad vantage of Cleveland's errors ami Hagerman'a bosoi on I.alls and won, 6 to 5. Londomilk starred tn weaken in the sixth and Boland replaced him, pitch Ing effectively until the eighth, when - reten?, Cobh reached at ha'., making three and receiving two passe?. The and pitchers issued twelve bases on bal lr->- score follows: DETROIT A L) il KVEI.ANP A I 1 ? ? a'j r h pr, a e Vltl ? I 1 f 080 Will*, rf ,. 4 It f 11 111 .. i o i o o Granar. If_41 . - a- .;.- :f ?i . ? . '??-.,.' 4 0 3 412 1 H'ir-i? : I f 0 111 tl Kfans. ? b. . I r 1 .? . ? . -...?.. 21 10211 ?. H2 0|O Nrtll, e.... 401 "41 Lovidrrm'?. pi"" M( llagrrnmi. p. 1 10 0 1 0 ' ma?, i lb ?I ?Katariaugh. . - ;B?rb*r? Totali . ? 127 Iff Tetali ?Ha-'- 1 I *' la-r* !??' . ? I t 0 1 0 2 1 I . ? i i a o o o : . -,. ? ha? ...? . C*rt*i I ? - fr? . . . rial rnai . '? an I r? ?? ?i * ' '?-*.?- ? ? ..?r r?rt*i ? ofi r- " i ? ? ' ? 1 In l l-f tanins? Balk- Ilaf'rni?:. ltaar? on ?.. ? K. I ' ? ! * . I. ? ? Dam* . i ' ?' ; l**t? ? .???: . hrtroll .' i ? SQUADRON A POLO TEAM WINS MATCH Mounts and Men Show Well in Heating Rumson Freebooters. In the semi fina! game of the annual open polo toun a: > ? I jretterday atl Van Cortlandt 1'nrk the Squadron A ti> an allowance of B goal*-, defeated the Freebooters of the Rum l ountry Club, by a score of i? to The final for the cups will . t... played to-morrow, at rt o'clock in ; ... ron A and Piping Hook War. lerer teams. After i. ':"?-.(?. har.l season the Squad? ron mounts arc drawn very line in con- | ?lition, and to ftarl ? .th thej rave all mount limit of $200, jre1 yesterday, in the game, they fairl) h.; i their own with the! ; need und m el bred mount ? ? by the Rumton men A' hoif-tim? in fav quodi on, and a - a fact team never led un.i. rating'-. Handi? rred, Rumson would have won han.: ? . . and htn for clever blockini ? - the '?e-.? Jersej team would have won out, odds and all. wai for a foal hook. ? ' ? ? . '.'. ? '. p? riod, but r< mounted ol once I he summarv follow v : *.yi AUaoN \ m MHOJi Klli:i ii?... r? u?i i r ? n-11 ?WH il 1 la. II. ata 1 I II, r? Il ? ,ii . Il W i j r j ? i. . 4 i? i- i > ?\ Bartj-w 1 Total I TMal s.iu? . .1? ' i ha- ". ? .??? " a ? | ????.. ? ' j ? a ?: s a ? .?.a-ata ? K .?a I; I ?ton. ?. ? '4 I- I ? .? T ? ??? ?. 1 .? . a !.. ' -r- J ? ? li Ii?, Toronto. 4; Harrisburg, 1. Iiar'rrt-*. Manning tn. '. GIANTS, BEATEN TWICE, SQUEEZE INTO THE CELLAR Phillies Carry Off Honors Easily in Both Games, Increasing Lead. !P?; -me 1 Philadelphia, Sept. 9. The Phillies ...?ed their load in ?ho Nal rig 'wo irames fr.un the Giants, making it three for the New York team. G rover S Benton in the fil t nd won by a score of 3 to 0. In th? Rube Schauer hit hard and had bad support atul lost i -, :, to 1. The two defeats to day shoved ?he (??ant? down into last place in the N'a srhere they rest only ? ? pack of i ? The PI: lues were never gr< i ered by the off. tubi and Schauer, although Benton might e turned s victory ha.I l ? opposed to ii p teller '.. Irr It wa A! !lemarei. former t, who v....i the second ?j.-irn<- for the Phillies. In tl - - < i i vath I Schauers fast ones bleachers for a home run II a as ? Irai ath's tw< i un '..t thi nd he Is now ? ?? modern record, made I hulte in 1911. One of the Isrge I crowds of t> ? son saw 1 el The park and i"-'iii ?. cond game staited i were Iceta were so \ n iff ? ' s flj bj Thorpe gsve the he opening ? came. Bunched other t ?? ..- . three of h were msdl ; in Schauer took a trouncing all 'hrouirh to blame. Fletcher s error put :-tor-i? took third on Bancroft's double and scored on icrifice fly. Crsvsth s and was foi On a dou red ami Ludertga . i ;, cond. Dooin, who was i Id the ball while he argued with the umpire, and Lu derus romped to thud. Wbitted sin? gled, scoring Ludeius. Ja? - ? ifT's fly In the sun, bul ! Burnt made the third out. inning was rather typical of the way the * thiough the n the nnings, when Demaree, with a big les and I elders .In the ? I'.ivey Robertson, ??ho has been ill n New Y.. the cl ub to morrow. Merwin Jacobson, the new outl I ? ??? .? , thus fa I has failed to lili the gap left open hy Rob 'f illness. ? follows: FIRST GAME. PHILADELPHIA IN. L. NEW YORK IN. L.I ah r h po a ' >brh-o 11 S'ork lb 4 : 2 2 I 0 (I. Burn?. II 4 0 2 0 0 0 Bancroft. ?? 2 (I (J 4 2 f (.rant, lb 3 0 0 12a l'..?ka-t. d 4 .i 0 4 0 0 J.vob?on rt Iff . rt . . 4 0 I 3 10 111,it. 2b 3 0 0 I ; a Lii.'fru?. lb 40 1 bOOMrrkle. lb 4 u ') lb 0 0 VA'l"-d. I? 3 ?I I 2 0GFItcher. it I J I I 6 0 Nltkaff, 2b 110 0 30 Thorp?, cf 3 00 2 0 1 E Burn?, c 3 0? 600 Mo.rr? c .3 0 0 2 0 0 Alwandrr. p. .! 0 I 0 2 ? B.*n?*n. p .2 I) 0 0 2 0 -? ?se. p o () o n i o -Schan* 0 0 0 0 0 0 To'al? 30 '. 7 17 9 0 Total? 290324131 'Baited ?or Benton In tha eighth Inning. Philadelphia I 0 0 0 0 0 I I >?3 Nt* York 00000000 0?0 T?o-h??e hit??(.. Burn? i2 . Ludfru?. E. Burn?. Cr?watli. Stolon baao?Thorpe. Earned run?? P'Iiad"iphl? 2. Saerifl.* bit*?Grast. Bancroft (J), Lnft *n ba?>?New Yurk .a. PhllaOrlpnia. 3. First tiaae on grrer? Pblladolpbl?, I, Ua?*a on bal!?? Ott Alexander. 2. Hit??Off Bent??-. 5 In 7 I**. I?*?; on S. hupp 2 In I Innln?. Struck out?By Barton. ]; by AI? ander. 4. Umpire??Algier and Or.n. Time??. atCONO GAME. PHILADELPHIA iN. Li NEW YORK (N. L.I .lb r h po a e ab r h po a ? Sto-k. 3b .1 .3 I 0 2 0 G. Burn? If 4 I 2 4 0 0 it ? 2 2 3 5 0 Grant. 3b JO 2 2 I 0 P . .--I, ,? 1(1 : I 01 ).irob?on rt 5 0 0 0 0 0 f- ?a'li. rt 3 I 2 0 0 0 Doyle. 2b 5 12 2 30 U-?ker. rt DO 0 u 0 0 rt'-r?l* lb. 3 1 I 10 3 I LuJerui. If 4 I 0 12 I 0 Fletcher. ?.? 40 I I 21 Whiitad. If ? 0 I 2 0 ?. Thorp*, ri 4 I I I I I Meiiofl 2b i 0 I i 1 I Dooln. c . I .'. 0 I I 0 Du,*) 2b 10 0 1 I 0 WenJ-ll. t 3 II 2 3 I 0 ? e 3 0 0 3 0 0 S< htuer. p 4 0 0 0 2 0 Adtmt. c I 0 0 2 0 u lirna-e?. (. ? 2 2 0 2 0 Total? 31 9 II 27 14 I Total? 3S4II2II4 Philadelphia t I f ? t t ? A x?0 Nt? York 0 II 0 u I 0 I 2 0?? l?o-U*.e hit??Doyl? i2). M*-kle. Thprpe. G. Wendell. Bancroft. Thre?-baa? lilt ? (.. Barn?. run--Cra?-th. Earned run?-r.e* I; Philadelphia h. S?o'en ba?-??Grant. A littst, Meiiofl. Double play ? ? I Mertlt Sacrifice hit??Slock Bl S? rifle? fly -Pa-aert. Baati ?n bain?Of? S. haucr. 9 off n-r-arr? Left on bur??N.? York I phi*, i. Ba?<? on etrora? N-v? York. I. o'.la. I. Struck out?By Sch?uer. 5: by Demarre 4. P???ed hall?Wendell. Umpire??Orth B*f Hlglrr. Time?2 Of. RED SOX SCORE SHUT-OUT Athleiies Secure Only One Hit Off I'M. lunc of Shore. Boston, Sept 9 Knowlaoo'i passes, with occasional hita, pronueed five runa for i he lied Sox. wniie Philadelphia was being held seoreleat te day. Shore pitched a tight gone, allowing ?? ? hletici only one hit. HI ? por. was errorless Boston's revised . ordei proved -? corn Linn' ion. t onnia Mack introduced another re? cruit in-day. in Corcoran, who wat il t' nd b . elding was score folio Biiktun a ; i-'iir.AiiiiA i i i ? ?' .?'Ml i?. Ib.. ? - ? Totali It I t : U o. r.ia . I 12 3 ? ? i ?lioiii?*-: i ? i i I ? * ? ? <i Superbas Release Douglas to ('ubs Phil I-oiif-la?, the Brooklyn pitcher, who s ight nnatl at th? .... wat i. ? rdaj to 'he ?'hicege I ! he Supt : and < ncii nati and ? Ifa ibf drew lot Chicago won. D Cincinnati ged, he ? t .1 not obey training rule?. i-; Results ol Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams NATIONAL LEAGUE, i. amis ro l?\*> Sr?. 1i.rU xi I'liiU.lrlj.lni. II..?Ion ni lilt.l.iirjli 4 I at SI. I nula. Kl si i i? ni QAM KM 1 I ?I I l?l?\\ l'lnlu.lel|.lii?, ?.. \>?t Voefe n riiiU.irh.iiiu. l?. Ni>? Vcaraf, I, llr?.?.?.!. li. I. II,,?I,.n II ? III. Illlllltl I. SI I ..III?, 111 III - 4 ??.. iiuiall. 8; M I mo?. S I ... ? \\IIOS\l I I. 11.1 K M 1MIING. 11 I TA ? ? I I- f I'hlla :i .16 .1611 ihn a?.. ?I ?VI IS? ltr?.??M?n 7 1 li' Ml rUlali'rcl? ?*? < :<> ?7 1 fAnatoa I ? SS i i ... Intaall SS SS ??"< M. I.oui?. l? bU .483, Sen lork.i? 68 .163 UiERICAlS l E \u l ?, WII s m i?*,?,. M. I at N.? \ i.rk.|.ln.i a? It...I..11 l>. le.u nt i leirl.ii.rl. kim i rs m i.uii? . im inn?.. Wii.l.iiiKluii. ... Nth ii.rL IVashlnsloi, I: Sew I'ark, I. Ho??,.11. v rini.1,1. indu n f.. I I. irlnii.l Y till HI? \N I I \?.l I: -I Will*.?. wir? wir? Hii.lcn M 4? ,SS4 Nrw it.rL M '"? Il St; I. ?I. M I ..'M- '.-' '.A I"" ? In. ngtl '.'I ?? ? tint ? |, l-t - >\?.irn-u...;i 5? Jih riiii-i -M w :r, FEDERAL LEAGUE. ?. nu? m nil PttlSSHWgk al llr....Ulm Newitrk Ml si 1 nul* lliifTnln ut hiin.i? ? II?. HI s| | l- OP I.IMI? 1 I ?I I 1,11 11. fta aanir? ??hediile.l I I IHK \l II If.I r; sTAMHM. wiri i\ i.. rr.'rali M :.? A'? Kan f It?. 6S ?' SIS si i .mi. 7n an ,asa iiufrain. . h; n? ise I hl??SO 7o SI SSII Hrn..kl? 11 SI e?f? .4SI Newark.. ?. Ou 4SI Ualllaiore.,63 S?i .423 Adventures of Arabella Cinch in the National League By BRIGGS. NICK ALTROCK PLAYS GOLF ON FABIAN'S LAWN Yankees. How ever, Do Not Play Baseball. So Sen? ators Take Two. Some poraona are horn polfers, some acquire golf, and some watch Nick Alt rock thru-'t golf uppn them and laut*h Fifteen thousand spectators watched N'ick ue.-ir himself in a i;ripp:n<* match at the Polo uroundi reaterday after? noon and applauded riotoualy. The oc? casion of 'lus goodly throng was a doubl between the Yankee? and rhe Senator-, but since the Wash? ington men ruh!.. , at American of it-? local interest by winning i.uii: games, the fans loughl solace in the almos? equal!) gr?ai Scotch pastime. Tha baseball icores were 3 to i to l respectirel}. Altrock was I up at lei p ..- ? ng onlj hole. It f lier 9 since the Aik landed, or some such 'ime. the expert Altrock'f humo rose witih the thermometer. Ha kepi the fans in roars with his merry qu;p? and jeal ? ico red heaviest when ha announced that Robe. A. Gardner would play .i special exhibition hole. So he teed up a baseball at third hase 1 and took a fu.igo stick from the bench. Tnl- -efully. Nick ad got oif a bea I i drive . fty feet. He landed in "ok out hi* cleek and nto the tui '. tending 'he divots flying, ami was within pitching dial of the green. He then developed a putting streak, ??i Mill Hanna said In Ins "I'.-ir 101," and ?rot the hall down ?nil. II : - t waf a pretty chi,> which landed rhe ball fairly and truly in Henry Fabian's flower h. I which . .1 as the eup. One or the hot weather "dont'?" is: "Keep out of the - in" and Nick obeyed it scrupulously. Metween innings he betook ? shady nooks of righl held, under the shelter of th" ? . d the pastime. In the opening iffaii Bill I'onovan to tl aid of < 'arroi! Mrown, but he wasn't much of a help at that tones of 'he fact and when ' ? k'an to rattle hit ? off the sick yelled: "That's why I ?lon't pitch any more. I know 1 Mir Bill do? tn I " Roy Hiirtzell presence on the .- '? . ? refused to ch lae him. I? w;,- t.... not for even an umpire to become peevish. ? Qankeea may develop ? ' eak and wallop th.? some timt on. In the first game it looked as if the Yarkees had ? ?he turn in the long; worm. They i blithely off and Rot a lead of three runs. ??-, to wabble and Ponovan injected himself into the afternoon's spor*. Mill was easy pick .?lf in favor The last named wa? eff? ct;- ored upon. I- the ?econ.l irame Gallia was in f in the pinches, and turned back the home team es when a hit mittht have caused all sorts of f ever, was found for hits when hits meant run?, which tells the story of the p?me. . ,-? FIRST CAME. WASHINGTON .A. L NEW YORK lA. 1.1 iI'lM ?' ab c h po ? a Metate, i' '00 I 0 0 Cook, rf 3 22 I 01 fatter. 2b i 0 I 0 I 0 Poiklsp h. ?a 1 0 I 2 40 Milan, cf 313 3 OOHartxell. 2b I 0 0 0 I U >? a??? Jb * I I I 2 0 Baumam. lb ? I I 2 0 0 i,?id.I lb 4 2 112 0 0 Piss lb. 4 0 0 10 0 0 M*)?r rf 2 I I I 00 Hi-h If JO I S 0 I Wl.llama, c 40 3 4 4 0 Milite ei S00 0 0 0 M. Bed?, at 4 0 0 3 I i B?*n?. 2b lu I 0 0 4 SO M?r??r s 2 00 0 2 I Ale??n*?e. c 300 3 10 ?M.ria? 10 0 0 0 0 Br**?. s 2 9 0 '0 I I Aye*?, s I 0 0 0 I 0 D*n*vt?. ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 ?Caldarll 10 0 0 0 0 V?nc?. * . 0 0 0 0 10 Total* 315 9 27142 Totals 30 3 S 27 I] S 'Batted 1er Ma.-r.?r In th? t#???th ln?l?|. *Bat*,?f f*r D?n*?an I? th? ?l|hth lnnln| Wa?hln(t?n 00000021 0?3 Ne? fast 2 0 0 0 0 10 0 0?1 Toe b*M hit ? C**k. H?m? run ? Baumann. Stolen baa?? Ccok i2i. E?m??| run??N?? Y?rb. 2 Wa?h|..|l?n i. S?.rlfl e fly ?Maje? Doubl? pl4>? ? Brown Boon? and Pip?. Peaaln?au|-i B**ne and Pip?. Left *n btm-Nn? Y?rb. I: Waahi?|l?n. 6. Flr*t bate o? ?rr*r? Net? Y?rk. I. Bate? ?n ball??Off Brown. 4 *fl Mar??-- 2. Hit?? Ofl Broa? 3 In k Innlnat . ???? out I? a???nth|. ?R 0??????. 4 I* 2 ln?l?<*. ?R Vine?. A I? I BASEBALL W*thl?|t?n Part. 3 30 P. M . T? <?> rip r ?? u lltu .:. 1 ? Il H't?hen 10?.. ? ?V??4 Standing of Clubs in the International GAMES io-n w. .lerne? CH) ul Montreal. Il.ii -ri- i ..'is i?t Toronto. Kirliiiioml ut ISiifTiilo. 1'nnliii'iue nt H.iilie??er. Kl,s| l l s ul OAMEfl ?> I ?l I.KII.1?. ji-rae? City, S| Montreal, i. Montreal. ?">; l?-rs. ? lit?. I. In.Olli.., I; ?isl.ll ? I. i l"ir?l gain.-, rain.) I, o .:?? -': Kn i m ...I I. 'Buffalo, S; Hi. 4 (H in.) I'ro? i.Irme. 4; lim li?-?ter, S. ??i \\ni\i. Of TEAMS. IV. I.. IM . 11. I. P.C. rrnvi?l>..Hl 44 .?IK Knrii'trr. ..??? 6? .47? Buffalo. ..4 IX .'.o7 Tornillo .19 ?6 lit Montreal.SS tti ..v?4 Klrbsn'd. BS 71 .4M llar'?l.'K.:?i? fil .18? ,1er') < it?.4i? 76 .1177 SKEETERS WIN, THEN LOSE SHORT GAME Come from Behind to Beat Mon? treal-Heat Halts Second. [By Telearatih lo Iks Trll une.) Montreal. (?ue.. Sept 9 The Jersev Skeetera divide.) a double-header here to-day with the Montreal club, winning the tirst itanie by a score of ."> to 4 an?t losing in the second encount? r by a score of 5 to 1. The visitors came from behind a run lead in the first con'-st. winning in the ninth ?hen Csdore loafed on his pitching joh and Devlin i.:?'.) an easy chance on a ground? er to third base. Jacobs, a recruit pitcher from Albanv. worked well for the home club in the second contest. while Drucke was ineffective. The game was called at the end of the seventh on account of the excessive heat. first GAME JKRSKV CITY (t I.I MONTREAL il I.I ah r h pn a ? ab r h po a e ?'. ? -1 1 I .11 ??a-Ii. i* . ? 1 ?_ I I I I - 0 ? . ?> I-- an lb, HI .?j 3 'I Harri lb.., ? i 1 11 0 0\ too Truaadal?. :m 10 .( 4 n I ?, .. Hi l.??.|en rf 1 1 h ? , ,i |i?, ltl ft, Mu Il f I' -JO 1 .1 ,. ||n|.|?n. rf - ?? rf 4 1 1 1 ..i. y .Smith. If ?rr?*..--.- . 19} 4 1 4 II... . It. i p .. .. -i 2 0 . ? I. r?, p ?M.l'.en ? I ? il? . 10 T. -a.? ? ? s J7 I? 71 'Bai : t"f i ador* In the ninth Inning. 'Ilan for Mad len In the nlutl ? ' i'> .) 0 0 n 1 0 3?a M i -real .1 : 1 .1 ."II "... ?;? Ull'.nn- |n,e. hit? linkten, Bmltii limn* ii : s, Irelau. la ? mi n> . . H??e? on Italia ?if? radnr* ? off Rtna Wl I I** ,. ? .... M Il '??"? fil?. S ' m| in ? lir ...i; ?nil 11. ?unan Time I ??) HEl'nNT? i,AMI. JERSEY CITT II. MONTREAL .1 L> ?b r h do a ? ah r h p.? a e Purtatl, ?? ?'i 0 110\a?li. aa. ? J : j | <t tttmt. ft 4 .1 1 "11 Irr,an. Jh 4 1 Barry lb ?.11400 ivhlieman, ef 4} 11 : 1 ... Trueadal? ?> 1 l- :i 1 1 ; 11 n Urdan, rf .-:.?.. D*r||n, :is ? 0 [ -? 1 n Ing. II ' |*n, rf .301 I I f> - rf. .- : ?I 0 4 0 i- F Smith if .1 I I'rutrher rf I .1 ?? ?n Madd? t 7 1 ? 3 u 0 ; ; "? 0 0 0 I II I I Tataai *4 -, ii T-i ? 0 l.aine .all. ????.-titii Uj a?rseniei t .. :, n n i, , 1 ?oonotoi l-aaa? Laid? H-. i. . Hold? piyai ??? baa? Ml Mai i Ina II :..? roi Wbliemai Klrurb ? m r.v HruclM >> ? ? ?iff Rnjcke ' ?iff Ja.-ni*. 4 l'aa?e.| bel Ma.i lrn I ??ft an baara? J-"-> ' '? I llontreal. 7 l m pi rr. Kckinan ? I Uro? m Time i 3" Innlna: ?f? Harper 4 In i laalaaSi eft Ayrea I In 1 Innln*?. Struck ?ut?By H?r?er. 2. by Ayr*? 2. ky Br?w?. I: by Oensvan. I; b, Van,? I Umplr*?? Dlneen and Nallln. Tim??2 0) SECOND CAME. WASHINGTON lA. L. 1 NEW YORK (A. L.) ab r n pa a e itrm? 11 M?ell?r If 4 0 2 3 0 0 Coak. rf 2 0 0 2 0 0 Aro?t? rt .401 300 Hartfll. rf 201000 Milan, cf 3 M 2 0 0 Prcklna'h. a? 4 ?) 2 0 3 0 Shank*, lb 10 0 2 2 0 Baumann, lb 1 0 I 2 0 0 war-Ill lb 490 i 0 0 Plpp. lb 402 11 00 Morgan. 2b 3 10 4 2 0 Hl*n. if 4 0 0 2 0 0 Henry, e 3 I I 7 I 0 Miller, rf 4 0 I 2 0 0 M Bride a* 4 I I I 3 I 6 >*??. 2b 40 14 30 G*lll*. ? 4 0 2 0 10 Bruaier. e 4 0 0 3 2 0 rMeft. * 2 00 0 10 'Caldwell III 0 00 Vine*. ? 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tetal? 32 4 S 27 S I Tatal? 34 11*26 13 0 'Batted f?e Pirn In the .|*h:h Inning -Uallla ? ut ?truek by batta?! ball. Wa.nlnatan 0 0 10 12 0 0 0?4 N-? y*'k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0?1 To* baa? hit??Mealier. Boene. Stale? baa et? Hrnr,, Milan Merga?. Mailler. Earned rune? Wa*hl?|tan 4 H'w Y?r*. |, Sacrifie* hit Shank?. SaeriSr? fly?B?um??n. Deuble play ? M Bride M?r,?n ani l.andll Led an kaaea?N*w Yerk. 7. WaeMnitan. 5. Flrat baae an *er?r? Ne? Y*rk. I. Bate? an ball,?Off Pleh. 1. Mita? OS Pleh. I In i Innlnai: off Vance. 0 In I lnnl?f. Sruk ?gl? By Plrl. 1 by Vi.t? I; by Calila. .1. Umpire?-Nallln and Dlneen Tim?.I !? HKIf.HTON M?)T?II<I?KI?MK I'urkr.? M? I till \N|t?Mike ?.IHIHINN rickets Now ..ii ?sale.?Piteas SI lo So. MllKlill M?.HT. BBPTRsSBBM II. A. ?-at. nia> t?i pun-baaed In ?<!.?'..- M.11 lirlera Bile,I only ?lien ai-cniiipanlr.t by ? aah ?crtlSad ? ?ir.k r I !? I*..*tai Mui.ey ???.1er OSies ?.f Oeaaa A. t , Room 90S. 14?.' B'waj ? n ..... t iMBca ? f i?.-eaii a r . D llalli? T?l 700 I . CJ I?!. -1 Bo-alln? Alia?. Billiard * fool TaMe Mfra. Hei.-i ? Supplie? Mari Broa 10 Lo.Ua Uquara. *3fi REDS WIN TWO AND WOVE OUT OF THE CELLAR First Game with Cardinals Goes Fourteen Innings, Rodgers Being Hero. St. Louis, Sept. 9. Ciactnaat moved . out of last place by taking a double ? from the St 1-oms Cardinals while the 'Giants lou two trames to the 1'liillics. The scores were 4 to 3 in fourteen innings and 5 n fix inn - Be eher't tingle and Long's triple 1 tied the score in the ninth inning of ?he first K?me. In the fourteenth , Rodgers. playing in place of Mollwitl I who had been pu out of the gime by 1 the umpire, tripled. He scored the winning run on Wit.go'a sacrifice. Dook and N'iehaus were hit hard in the second game, while Schneider wa.? . trong in the nineties. The scores follow: KIRS. '.A.MK CINCIN.N'ATI lN.Ia.).| St, LaOUIfl (N. I..' abr ti| ? e -I r li pnae Kllltfer. .f. Iff fit Ib.... ill 340 tOonxales, r : ?? : if t Herso*-.M,lb f 00 f f Oltlutler. ?s... In ?30 (?rimith. rf . 6 12 11 tiBosrher. If ?* 1 I 'i I f M.ill?> 5 0 I! !? 0 0 ; laoiiK. rf . 101 410 Rorlacra. m 111 ?00 ?Vllaon, ef. . Iff 100 Ueaoh, If... SOI 100 Miller, Ib'?b 111 USO u ni?;... r SOI M' rietxel lb... Tit Iff H san. r. 2b 001 S11 .... ItX OSO i?I* p loo Ol Ko n*.a-, c : .i?> i : n ?i '?aikei .. 1 " i) tffilRorh? ... 100 000 p... 3 o o u : , t o i e 20 I ill- ut. II. tot [?Doian ., ? i < Totals. 50? 13 4C lt> 1 Totale... 12 114 4] 24 0 'lli"er\ fnr Pale In eighth tnr.ln?. '|latle<l for Muggln? In eighth Inning ! Hailed for ha .-ik-vi. in-.In? iliattel fiT H ?irtemth U ill t ' R?m I r Bnj/drr In eighth Ini La| 111 If t M St lamia I ?. 8 I 1 Ml 1 II I Two ha?e t?l'? Klilifer. Si >.|er Three |.*** hit* (il I Us i II - . - ? t (>,.?. I,er. Kariir.l nui? ?Inrlnnill i - I Harrlflre lui? l)*l?, Butlar, Uroh, Wins?, ?ion?*** Ia*ft uall b; s- !.. u ? eir-T MI '. lia,.. , fifi [)?? .?., ?IT Th.?y. I; ..IT II.?'., li .?.m. 1 lli>? if I.a... I ? * I Inning?, lafl m In ? Inning?; ufT Hobln ?on, 4 in II S'-m-k out It. Dale I; b] Teaty >. '., Sure. 4 1 miilce? ?I'Uaj a:. I gi.lgl.-j Ttme i BE? OXO UAMK CINCINNATI IN LI *T LOI is i\ |. i an riii? i> al> r rt t?. t ? ? ?? J 1 I 1 n ? ILiiler. a? 10 1 J .' t '. I 1 I 0 ft Hi?, lier if : n I) S 0 0 n. v.? ;t. 3 .i o *. ? o i?-.. g er :? n o o o o ?? - rf I 1 .' 1 r> .? Wilson, ,-f |0] a u 1 ?a 3 1o : .lu ?I ? ?a-e, lh . fO I l?-?.'h. If i l i : .. i Millar. Ib 1 n I | i a .11 ) II I lie'/.l a. |0| i? 2 0 . i 0 4 .10 il...,i*le? e I 'I 1 o a o S. la.-. 1er. p 2 t I 0 I i. I leak. p. I .1 0 f I 1 ? ? It I .1 1 0 ? o M*, P 0 .' .. T.. , ? If I ? - ? ? ?? ici 1 ?I- ? Do*k lu Bflh t ? ?: 1 | .1 n ft : ?. M 1-eul? 0 0 0 ?I 0 0 1 1 ?l'e.l .lark.ira? I ?-? hita V'1 go aldec la?? Ia-?.-||. Ilcl-eth 11.-. ? \\ . r'. ? ?.in. 11 nal '. .-*.,. ru -e Ml <Jr..h Doukl* ,.???? Orott IVagmtr 1 lie-/, ?r \>..g.ier le Htxlger? 10 H :^e-? w?g er ??, llerr.-g "Ci r>a?ea ittl I Haie* cm hall* nff I .' Illl? n" 1)0*1 ; .g?. ?(T Me',an? | In 1 Inning. MU h} ult.-'ier II> Do*k iKl.lfan Slnmk mit II? S. '. llefdrr. J t m pires yuigev inti u Dg- rtsM : 14 Bisons Double Victors MUST UAMK Ai Rumio uni. - o f 0 0 0 1 0 0 1?T T l lUrhmoad onionitons-iu j Iiauerl?? ml Onaliiw ; M.*rTt???rt* ?n.i 8 I? SECOND ?1AMK Il II ? HufT?lo *>?! ?aon-t-t? 1 1 0 t> 0 l 0 0 0 0--4 f l i ., - en | sf eigh'li Inning, .l*rkne?? Ile I ?erle. I'ull*.ii?l.|rr an 1 ?>n?i.??, J?rn!?n ??. 1 Bebsuf*!* MIKE AND PACKE. DO THEIR FINAL TRAINING STUNTS Crowds Fill Camps of Both Boxers to See Then? Wind Up Work. Packey McFarland and Mike Gib? bons, the men who may make p?gil-?,?,, history when they meet for ten ro?ai, at Brighton Beach to morrow nirin wound up their training yettarda? afternoon. Packey, smiling and haser his k? en eyes snapping arttk teat nature, tipped the beam at 147 pooa?k and appeared to be ready to tight h* weight in wildcats. Never before mg? he in such high ?pin'- on tke evo *f an .mportant match, h.s handlers ??a, clare, and tney accept ai a nal omen. I'.ibbons, ?nrlv and siili?? tipped the he??r. ?ightly oelow ifl pounds, anrt hi? brother Tom as nounced that this was a certain isdi. ' on. The a*? will weigh in at 117 pounds rngnd?. Inflee.i. two more ?'??rfectly eosdt. tioneii athletes n< ?red * rlB, ?ii ! to-day tne me-: will -, e7fort- "? runni7-,-,' on *- read the weights and the other ??????ortioatl training camp routine. No boxing wili be attempted, for neither will ^ik :?. jjring those hands that ail, r?ap ? golden harvest in a little mor? this twenty-four hours from now Both entertained crowdi ?hid packed their gymnasium? to the dotrt, It was hot at Brighton Beach yeiter day. but the crowd sat and swetujaj, willing to endure any amount of dit comfort to watch the boys ad? ti? ?nal touches to their work of prsstrt ?ion. Packey, perhaps, eiitertaineTtfc? larger crowd, for he 1? the unknosr quantity which will make or break rs battle as a spectacle for the erost Packey went thrtugh the entire roatias from pulley pulling to boxing tix fas Is with Tormy Burke and Did Peters. ?iiiibons did no boxing ;n the sfier noon, but he went ten furioai rosnj? with brother Tom in the morning. It deed, Mike did all his hard * morning, but consente.1 to do tasa bag punching, shadow boxing and roa. ?kipping for the thousand or morios thusiasts who swarmed into h:i gym nasium, tearing down a perfectly tor door as they entered. For those who have not teen Me I-'arland since he mad? Tommy Mar phv look foolish in ten rounds a*. Matt-, son Squaie Garden some two yean ago, a distinet and agreeable lurprw Added poundage hai ?orkoi for the better, it would teem. Ho cu? ries himself with all his former ?as and grace and there is an ir '.?estait tof latent power that inspires the ees lidenee of all who see him. His shoulders have grown mitt - and his ehest .'f-eper. Ei slopes down to a slender, but none tk? tardy waist, his torso formisg'. wedge that suggests to some exton that master of ail fighter-, liob fit? Simmons. His lee? a""1' light and la around with the easy graces! a dancing master. Once inside til ropes, Packe*.'s every move it s s? ture. His muscles are long MB and nlav easily- as he calls them ist? action. Packev is ready. The preliminary manoeuvre!, lid as skipping the rope and many of th girls who held down front row chain I'.-amed their admiration a? Ptet*?' executed difficult skips over the whitt? ling rope bag punching, pulley sert, were short when measured in minutfi Put the crowd, gathered to tee his box. thought that an aeon or two ssd : before he finally put on tS? training camp pillows with Tosnrf Purke, 'he St. Louis middleweight, ret three rounds. Burke is young and aspiring, ssd. forgetting all instructions, tore it tk I hicago boy with intern I kill, h the third round Packey slipped to U? floor, aided somewhat by a right wSbi uppercut, and when he got up tfclfl wss a real right. Packey in many respects is the tas? Chicago wixard. He beat a merry tat? too on the fac of Burke with his leB h d, and picked o*T many a well messt return by the St. Lou.- lad. He ol ecuted a neat man?uvre of stenpisj back quickly from a clinch sr.d nppisg right back with a right hand hook thS never mis?ed. He used s ".?ping pusd to the body that landed neatly and sal a world of power. Trn re were times when Ptctt? dropped his right hand s'raigh of ta? ?shoulder to the chin, but for the a**? part he swung his leads, and a mill? swing has paved the way for many I knockout. One look at Mike Gibhont telli* story of the perfection of hi? eoadr tion. His brown skin shines *'????' ruddy glow of health. It ??? ?sid t? Mik? was forced to resort to dry* himself out to make the weight let how false that rumor i? wa? prese? yesterday After about !i:':een minutS of work Mike was dripping, *f}W$ wet. "Wurra, wurra, it's hot!" UM Mike, as he skipped the rope * didn't have to say that, we all knew* Mike nulled on the hearv wire Vtr leys for fittecn minute? witaost S Saw and wound JP bv standing head de?1 and ?l.i^girg an imaginary enemy J" live minutes lc was terrifie work.???? to a<!<l a bit of coior, he yelled: MS?**j up an 1 right. Packev." and then ?* loose with a particularly furiou? nW Mike delighted the fans with M skill -it bag lunching, but he evideaST wearied of .Hauling the defence.??? leather, for rJter about two minai* he cut loose evith a nght-har.d i??" that broke the rope and teat the ass whirling into the gallery. While the actors in the drsms t** morrow ate resting on their srS* some <.it the lesser lights will trY.*? elusions a? the local club? to-si*?? Jimnn RiUy and Pannv Daris si?? entertain at the Long Acre ?-'lub. ?*' the other bruts will he Paddy ?IS? vs. Kid Thomut. at Brown's Fsr ?WJ way A. A.; Billy Bush vs. Kid Allen? at the Vande.bilt A. < ... and Lee H?J vs. Wild Burt Kennv. at the Ne* TW A. A. Great Fall Opportunity $25 to $40 Fabrics, $20 Sale ends Saturday. Last season's imported and domes*??. materials. Lxclusive patterns. hnougn tot 200 suits and overcoats left, lo measure only. Suit or Overcoat, $20 Visitor* to Now York can take advantage of this o ce ?'? ion? nfTt-r. Delivery guaranteed in twenty-four hours, i( n??ce">"???'?? Broadway Cbl 9th St. Aro^ntl