Newspaper Page Text
RABBIS DEPLORFa ffAKHAH WILSON ?rayer* of Thanks Offered for the Presiden! of Understanding, no WISE REGRETS LAWLESSNESS HERE ttmejt Must Stand for Suprcm acy of l au- Laps? o1 Which Bring i >*nchli . iWt*0 ""-'1- '' . enim:i - " 1?w ?/ ?to ??"?' ' f^ t?fld ??-*'?**-r; ? /f''-,<,li * T"ou' fesW? ?' ***-f*.*V? - -Tjavj*^. H ? j-ajr? ? .. ' \ and re , ? ? mm stan >' ? ?r ;inii mmtsxaet* '?-*'" v "' ' ti ?' *?- ' ',?... ;? .. ... - .,. a^ym 3 V, ? ? ?*? *"'rrf ?,^,^^1-e. ?.he . t. rday mor ??- iinnor. it "nrn. ?.c Hal j^. .v o? Tom Wata n. ttitt D?T?>>ri?*> I-awlensn?**-??. ?? Jiiwt elf-respoctiag J?rw : t-t-jjd. t? Im ?"?''. ? " "?' State of 5*-)Tfli Let nc mar- dare sail Hmeelf ?f ?Ji Hen?' ei larae wi?uao attitude mmi"r t' ? ,*.*rr.** *m?rer?l'h ->f Gi rfrta a ?t of fiai renos? a-nd tit. vrhic '- " Jaaa. |f|*| - iOOl. 1 d< *Ol ft*? 0' I < ?' I I ' ? ' mm net leaf . iota a? he ei fis ?a ... ? ? \v. tsjkissi ? t. litll , \r th* Jl ?ither er not ?te It?rldl ? ... th'-r sf Ufo "If .kT? ? '. It IS ; * nchinf i it the rlst ? , Hi Jew ? ? -..?? ??**-? . - ? ? wrong lain I ' '.'. r-.r: I - - t and seka ? regir - -, ? (> f a : I sal ' - ?J ?ir. I,.- . * hop?. ? . ' . ? - Vnrt' "< Briar..anlt) Fnilinf." ' ?' :ll:.Hl Kefctnup Free from Beruoate: of Sods Has just enough season? ing add<?d to the delicate flavor of the fresh, ripe tomato to make u a real tomato relish. It is appetizing ? pure ? wholesome. NfeSSO/a .aOil^ *m^asmm\\<.xty Salads 6 cooking ? ??^ SO cent can? CARPET LKANINC 333 W.S4tbSt. than when the Bum and Goth? ?? ,-oi?r '-.ant relipio ure. or ?top ?h# wer - ha.l been the domiiiunt j.? kly admit it wa? a fallur. If it ?.ad ni .i,.:,,- better Bol .Tuda-?m has nevor had a chanr? ; The Dtj a refer? aton p. ?er, ?nid P verinnn. ?and which v.-nil Se founded not merely for ??...y-?)-.:p. bul gotry, hatr. ;n?t-.ce ami pi r*c War Human SarritJce. '.>r Maurice li Han remple Harlem, said : 'The practice of human aaatrifie? sanet i-imitiv? man ?**?* for?-. ?worn bj Israel with the arreste1 une rifica . t isaae In ?j-rim reality human sacrifie?- flooriihae to-day ft ishe? because mo?ie*iaa nations sai ?rat The aam? eall Mial Abrahai ros**d ?- ' ?he Almifl lirai ' Ireil l*ui<!t<. 'Tnke ?hy so:., tV.v onlv ion, and offer him ?Ip al a s/icri*ire on an nitiir of nationaium. "Oar ?-ity as Jew? and Samuel, of Te;.. ?" I to Se perfectiv neu in -pint and In speech. If we d ? i ar duty n?t Jew? and An?. .Hriir.s. th? I ???ill be greax. opportunity found through the instrumentality .?f our own beJoted |and and President, who has imniortal .*ed himuolf as a I oral of peace, to bring to the cons.-'r- <? " Christendom the claim cf J?*niiah : POLICE ROUND UP 1??0HR WITNESSES Prepare Evidence Again?*? Widow?Ex Prosecutor Visits Negroes. Providenco, R. I., Sept. f?. -The po? lice to lav befM serving aommonaei cr. the who arc to appear be? fore the Grand Jury on September 20, w1i??n the agninst Mrs. Eliza? beth Tiffany Hlair Muh7 and the three negroes accused of complicity In tho murder of Dr. C. Franklin Mohr will bej presented. The aerriej? of the summons fol? lowed a lt-ntrthy eonf TenCO at police head<;inr'f TTs here, atti led by Chief Inspector W F ?).. f the local force: Chiarf of Police Thomoi ' Barrington, in immedi ? : .-? the Investigation "f Dr. M >hr*a death, and Aasiatanl vtoi-ney General Abbott : : William H. I.. ? t amhrldge. Mass., a former Unit? I tai ns ? , Geor-fe V.' Healii and Henry at th?1 it Brisl ? ?-day. Mr 1 --.- in Bosi ecome their ad on the inter? ? RACE CROWD SEES OFFICER KILLED Caught Between Autos. Trafile Guard Is Hurled Sixty Feet. i?. fc I ita return? terday afternoon from B< Park racea, John P. Joyce, thirty-two, ? 1" 'iJ-' Gri enue, Bn - : traille O? ? rnpike Long . L !.. wai :.-. ? I by a ma - unning '?? r y mil? or, He he wai St. Mary's H and driver c.'.r. who .aid he was a news years :? . Street Bro ?klyn, on a charge of homic \ccording to ' ? was the middle ?>f the -??aching ar red. He had si ? .- shot on . and hit him. The machine ran .. : - ? opped. P. Farrington 1 1 : ?o put J03 ce in his mai ,. v. her? 1 ? in. AMERICAN DOCTORS OFF TO GERMAN HOSPITALS \ nur Nurses in Party on Scant'..? navtan liner. American docton irses sent to (iermany . he R< . . ? 11. l>r. Hi ' ? ? .... . . Im .1 L. rgeoi ? -, ( ' 11 y ; 1 > 1. and Dr, Josi ph King, ' ? a Vork. <-d. Elisa E. ii. Anna A. ! 1 ."-117.. Immediately on arriving in Berlin ? ? : - * \'-.i>it"-.i rard. Brieseo is ehairman of ?. M ? ? y, but that . : ? ? ? . . ? ?: .'.j: ..!" ..itrieh. of Dr, William I.. . ,1 New York physelan, have ? ted by Germany. ? num forty i'" ' ? rd lasi :. FRAISES NEW CONSTITUTION ( it'/i-n? l'nio? Sees Step Forward In I'ruvi-tions. The Citiaena Union, by action r:?v , ait i.ight. declared in of the new con ? ring it? at! ?ir \\ ? ; . Schieffelin, chairman, '.*, , ? .! miuh to ??raise in the pro .... ? eleetoi an ad be made il : Is do not I 1 nougl .1. in spite 11 teominga, the n?-w ; ? the whole 11 loi forv. 1 ? TO UNVEIL ?UIHEMOHTJMENT ,1. \. jr 1 i -...-unv Planned for Annl v.-?.?i> of Bailie of While Plains. Th. ? ? on Rattle > nit around a cat.- ? The unveiling will take i?ary Of -he 1 tattle of WhiU Ploina. The H ? a i Profeaaional Mm'?- Aaaociation the chapter in making I the celebration a big affair. Home, Husband, Happiness, Health, Wealth and Beauty Are Not Quite Enough for One Woman. Who Would Also Be Wise. A Milliardaires.?* Becomes a Mis? sionary and Prefer?s Dictating Her BooR to Dirking in Fashion? able Hot: ses By Ruth Dunbar. A MILLIONAIRESS is out of a i .-*hi le looking for work. She not a?:unll> ttarving S) could squeak thr? ugh on her all? Or ihe could f;r.d poiitioni of sumi ?'indi But ?ho ii rather ehoict a? what she want.*- She Ii lot l m-* on for newrpapcr work. "A n?'vspEper owner ?aid be'J gv me a job. but ht-seemed to be Jokir.g the *n:?. In her luxurious suite ?t tl Plain. "< ;.-.'? . help me ce'? v/orli I'd rather be you thon any one I km> 1 of." Her wiitful tone made the inte viewer fee', that ihe ought to hand ov? her job, but ?he only replied self.'l.i SI) ?ir.f-ramma'i?-?'.:;-: "I'd rather b aie than any on? I know of, too." The millionaires! in these ?.ad itrslt t* Mr?. Walter Korton Schoellkopf, > ffuffu'. . Bhi not only ha? ? fortun. ehe ha? a face, with big, bronze eyei and a husband, who, if the reporteril initinct want i l astray. Is dot-ng an dotad upon. But ?he la n"t satisfice l*he wants to write. In the mean time, while she wait? fo nome newspaper owner to master hi overgrown senee of humor and tak her leriouily ihe ts doing such trifle r>s writing books. For to be young and pretty am i wealthy 1? little balm to one bitten b; ambition. Mrs. Schoellkopf rial s!wa> hr.d the ambition to be a writer. She has not disturbed her loul witl the discussion of art for art's sake. Bh< In? frankly aliened herself with Ca? Ij . snd Browning snd the suthors win bsliev? artist must be i preach?r Her Aral miesionary work wan con? fined to her private friend? whuin, ? year or more ago, ?he presented with a lttt'.e volume on the Great Lakes, The young loclety wuinnr., while searching the 1< -9 for an Indian name fur her country home, was so Impressed with the romunco of her own neighbor? hood t hi?: -ho made a sufficient study of It to get out a giff. book on the ?ub ject In order that her, too, might have their attention called to '.he boms. Then her missionary zeal be^ar. to Hume higher. 8hs knew of many pco I i hnd r.ot given as much as they ?night to the war sufferers in Europe because their imagination had not fully pict-.ired the need of it; she knew of ?ther? who had ceased to give because the eagerness to help had faded after the first horror. It was to these | and to any other? In whom she mlgrt a generoui im] i that i cided lo address ich a form that 'hey must listen. Naturally the form would be s novel. But if she is not concerned with art! for art'? anke, ?he i? concerned wit! lealitm. Determined to have her loca color in exact shades, the prospectiv author sailed for Furope. That was u Januar;-. The following March th manuaeript was in the hand? of th. i.nbha Merrill Publishing Company, am 'as* July a volume entitle.i "A Nurse' ?," by Ai!e!e Plea:?? au, was brfon the public. Mrs. Bchoellkopf, with th< timidity of y?.uni: writer?, kept her au thorahip aaore or es? qui. t, and th? world at large did not con7iect thi I prominent Buffalo woman nith thi French i'reolc girl from Now Orlean? who purported to tell her ext?rienre? a? a nurte for the French government For the bonk is written in the first per son. and waa realistic enough to b< taken for an autobiography of the love Ij Afle'e. If Mrs. Scheel k?pf had wasted an) ? ii ?v.r. ng lierself up to the tern paramenta! frenzy popularly supposed to be ei ential for creation, she could not rod and executed the book within 'hree months. Instead, ?hi I r material by doy and used it the same right while It wai still hot A- a eonaequenci Adele Blcaneau was making her debut before the critica! ; iblic at the precocious age of seven months. "I got my copy in the hospitals and campa of Franca and England," said Mr?. Sehoellkopf. "I couldn't go as a r e?,ru lar mine, of course in fad at first thev couldn't use American hos tala until the governments took ac? tion, for unlei such place? were of? ficially r~c ?gnized 'here would be no protoctloi aga nal spie?. They Anally straightened thi*-- out, however, and now the hospitals ? ' los ed by Americans ?re tilled as are all ?he others. "There is plenty of help to be Riven by volunteer women w-ho are not trained nurse?. We could write let? ters for th?- sick men or sew on buttons or ninke bandages or do a hundred thing? which would leave the nuises free to do things we could not do. In this way I saw anil heard the tru'h. When a man i- dying, when he is writ? ing bis last word, sending his last mes iaga 'o the people he loves most, he haa no place in hii soul for falsehood. "When one see? so much suffering one does not woep easily. Only twice d d I shed tears, (?nee was in France, whan I saw *he men coming home from 'ho German prisons, a sight that made even seasoned war nurses weep. The other time was in England, where 'hey were parcelling out 'he Relgians. Eng? lish fsfmillei Would fend word down : Iquarti n ::s to what kind of Bel giana they could take Into their homes one would ask for a young girl who would be companionable for his daugh? ter, another would ?ike a man, and so ??. bj Marseau Mrs. II alter Hnrton Schoellkopf, Who Has at Last Announced Her Authorship of "?4 Nurse's Story." lit went. When I ?aw 'hose home IBS peoplf. ragce I. haggard, despairing, when I heard them ask. one after an? other, 'Isn'* 'here a home for me?' 'Doesn't any one me?' then I leaned up against the wall an?l sobbed. "Besides the material I vns able to get in this way, I had influential friends in the army who told mo many j thrilling stories. My only difficulty , was 'o keep them from telling me ?py , stories, which I mus' r.ot use. or to 'keep writers from letting me read their manu-cripta, as I was afraid I might fo'gel which was my material and which 'heirs, and unconsciously borrow some. "When I wa^ in London, where I i have many friend-, I was invited out to dinners which I would atrnln and .again r"fuse because I wanted to write. There ?vas one dinner In particular which promised to be m^st .nteresting and which I refused because I had ? three nurses coming to ditif? with me My travelling companion v.-a? quit? provoke ! ;,* me. She laid I might moe' pr^lc at the dinner who could civc rtiK valuable information. I said 1 might, but I knew I should tret in formation 'rom the nui "I usually kept two stenographers. 1 alwayi told than to be in my room St midnight, and if I were late, their pny began jus* the ^ant?, and I would (rave books snd 'hin-.'* io thev would 'or .?..mforfah'-? and happy. Then I would comr in from the hospital brim? ming over with idea?, and dictate 'hem I th.y were at 'he boiling point The stenographer? seemed to think it was great fun." Mrs. Schoellkopf's book has done for the war .Sufferer* more than she hoped. She has hoard of reader? whom it has touched action from dozens of unexpected -cu?cos. Now ?he is plan Ling another book unless in the meantime she gets a job a? cub re ? porter. PITTSBURGH ADDS DYES TO INDUSTRY Company Starts Plant to Make Colors Heretofore Bought in Germany. . .. Pittsb . -.-? Si i ' 9 Pittsburgh is in a fair way to become one of ?he ?nost important producers of coal tar dyea in the world r. distinction which has long belonged to Germany. With this development Germany will also lo Immense world-wide trade in coal *i.r dyes. At least, that is -.'??hut o'Ticia!? of the Pearsite Company? a New York concern, pn Headed by A. !.. Poarae, the Pearsite irai di d i conl r.. I the ? ?. ? ii larr.' niant within thirty miles of thil city when be manufactured from coal tar. Withm ninety daya, according fo offi? cial?, it ii hop.-. . . concerns haee been to obtain '"rom German) Mr. Pearae ?\.tr.l ?<>-<! j tl at I method of i.lucing dyei entii new and more economical than any us?-<l :n Germany. The new plant is to be built on the unit plan, : ow additions being It will 1 ty .if 10,000 pounds ..!' color? a a JERSEY AUTO TIE-UP WELDS BROKEN TROTH Young Brooklyn Pair Meet on Road Wed in Secret. I S .',?'-? '. jr., son of Mr. i Road and Seventj ?ftb Street. Bay KnK'e. and Miss Evelyn Maud De La??le, daughtoi of Mr. and Mr?. Her lert M. De Lanoie, of ?86 Second Street, .vu. were lecrotly raarrii Wednesday. Ml ithei . :i'hieei.. Their engluement was announced at a sociul d . '.' ?? De Lanole'i home last Februarj', bul late.- it was broken off. : i v " Da Lanoie and of 511 Second Street, Brooklyn, ? country roadi in the Budd'i Lake see ?' Hot Jersey ?Ken their car un.? biock? ii by :? bigger one that had to a -ml.lei. itop ahead of them. A young in??t. jumped oui of the car, and . I l"J ;.~ aha recog OUpla were soon engaged in earnest -sonre? ? r drove hurried? ly up to ti le summei home and a few m ? '.7i'i r he and Mies De I.anon? wen Marriage I.;???? ti??c Bu? reau In Brooh I) i Af ? > i tl ?? ci i ??? Mr? Souther notified ln-r fathoi at his " .nhattan. Defence Society to Branch Out. A meeting ta orgaaiae thi Mow York h of 'he American Defence So? will be bold at the Hotel A ? -i p :i. next Wednesday, ??ith Magia ' trate Joseph E Corrigan presiding. - have been sent to a < I ttee representing all political par.'- to continue and ' extend national defence will be | ifuncht-d soon, it is said. FILMS FOR SYMPHONY HALL l'arrar in "Carmen" at Home of BoatOM s> mphoiiN Ore*.entra. [I'.v T.>?:?;.a ?.. TtM Trtrj-in*.! ,;" ton, Set t, .-'? mphony Ball, ? home of the Boatoi Symphony On I ? ? of the .nmous mu'iral ???? tres of the world, will be use.i to pictures of "Car? men," . which G?raldine Parrar plays the title rol?. Arrangements were I here to-night to open the gr'-at ? hall a? a picture theatre on Oetober 1. .'. time 'i.i opera singer will make her first public sppearanee a^ I a film ? An operatic orchestra of seventy will furnish 'he music.-.1 accompani !'or the film. Tlu- pictures will 1 'i- 1" icen in See York until sov? . < ral weeks after the Boston opening. SENSELESS WOMAN FELLS RESCUERS Overcome by Gas. Her 401) Pounds Break ?Stretcher and Crack Man's Shoulder. Foui hundred-pound Katherine K. *? 1er, o? 'Ml Varick street. Williamabur**, found unconscious in her home last h ight fi on .- >ning, due I e feetiv.- o ;.. A- i- result, one man has S dial ..ate.! shoulder, an automobile ambulatic? has lost a stretcher and Kath??: ? . on two bods in a private room in St. < stharine'i Boo pit al. Nei*"hoori found Katherine, who i? fifty vean <>M. I fioor of her d (tory room. Or. Seller? was ?ummoned from St ?'stharine's and d half sn hour with a pulmotor. Then, with the aid of the ambulance !. .. Bliss, ..f HO Flovd Street; two policemen and s passerby loa d< Ive hi? name he hoisted the patient aboard a .stretch? er. Hal: way down the second flight the rave a groan and collapsed. Bliss, v? ii.. was at one of the lower han? dles, bor- the fall brunt of (Catherine's fi in i in ire ' i .und?, and his shoulder cracked under the strain. Dr. Seller? hastily ?elephoned foi another nmbu . and Katherine was deposited in it by hand. At the hospital two beds ? i ni a private room to he will probably re _ a BONNELL ?S SUED FOR WOOER'S BILL Delmonico's Ask*. Pay for Meals Served When He Went Courting ?lohn Harper Bonaell, 2d, son of the ? Hal. ? ? '? S grand ?' ' ene of the found ? the publishing house .?f thai was mad.- the defendant ves in ? suit brought b\ Bel monlco'i t.. .r 1211, which it i? i tge? the >oung man owes for food es. i The bill upon which the action i? ? ? ip bi Mr. Bonnoll, il is K.-hinary '?. 101S, sa i 1914, when he ?as courting Mi?* Margaret ... Sehley, a niece of the Inte Rear Admiral winfleld Scot; Set)ley, whon he married ..n June 5. : 1914. . , The ?ummotiJ and : mplsint in the ?d on Vs. Honnell at I Last Williston, Long Islond. VATICAN BRIDGING WAY TO QUIRINA Chapel Ban Off, Elevation i Royal Chaplain Is Made Easier by Kin??*. 'it,... Home, Sept. V (dispatch to "The I.o don Datij Chronicle . The P,;p.''< n loving gr. uter i-xconnnunicatii from the Paolina Chapel of the Qu.i nal, in effect ?inc.- Italian tr>><>?.- I tered Rome, is very significant. Forty-five years ago no priest dan to eelebrata even private mass thei Indeed, under the lute King llumbe the entire palace, formerly the .-<uiiini< i> Idle, of the l'ope, remained unit an interdict fulminated by pnpe Pit IX. Humbert was always steadfast refusing to sleep there, and every nigl passed ?>ut of its portals to th?- royi villa outside Porta Pin, the gate ( Rome, IDs consort, Queen Margherita, ol tamed papal permisoion to erect I Isolated tempornry chapel in the pala? gardens, und the last two royal chai 1 lalns were successful in procuring fui ther mitigations of the uriiriiial sen tonco. King Victor F.manuel's chief chaj; lain, Monsignor Bocear?a, whom, it i ?aid, Benedict XV recently signified hi intention of creating Cardinal, has fa tated 'he Pope's action by express ing the King's de?ire to renovate th I celebrated chapel royal for the beneii of ?-?.undeii soldiers now living in th Quirinal. VOTES' IDEA 0?N MARCfl Women's Political Union Pian1 Torchlight Parade To-morrow. The Women's Pol.'ical Union wil have its first purple, green and whit? torchlignt emon ?trat ion to-morrow night, in th? itUh Senatorial District On a wagon docorated with lanterns snd blazing torchlights a group ol speakers will travel from speaking place to ?peaking place. Starting at *he meeting?, one an hour, are s< ha luled a lo? ?: Thir?1 Avenue *?.,.?. Fifty-ninth Street, Third Avenue and Sixty-seventh Street, Sec? ond Avenue and Sevanty-seeand Street, Pirat Avenue nr... ninth Street and Third Avenue and Eighty-sixth Street. Hoy scouts will furni.-h the muilc. Beside? the meeting? ami parades, ?ufTra?.-.- i I re planning various garden parties, Vhe Woman Suffrage party announces one at the of .''jmjel L'ntermyer, -* * ? r?.-> - i on-thf Hudson, October '-?? Fol? lowing is pari of the programme, which iock: Speech by Mi-? Mary (Jarret Hay. piano soio by Car! Friedberg, soprano solo by Carolyn Orti ->-h bv Mr?. Carrie Chapman Cfctt, duet, pu.n. and violin, Mr. Friedberg and '-? Be???kirsky; barytone sole by Herman Mrs Margaret Dreier Robins, of ChieagO \ isjffragi ' ta will be held to-mor row from I to in o'clock in .' yckman Glen, Dycknsan Street, near Broadway, under the auspice? of the Dyckman :. of the Woman Suffrage part) There will be a ?ak?? ale, mu.';c, danc- i I ing snd fortune telling. 1 HOOSIF.R RILEY DAY. OCT. 7 Poet, (ailed by f.nvernor State's Most ?cloved Citizen. Will He ?i?. Indianapolis, Sep*. S, Governor Sam Uel M. P.alston ha* issued a proclama tion designating October 7 as Riley 1 ay, anta urging the people of the itatc . - aaide the .?a;, to honor Jame* V.'hitcomb Riley, ?horn Governor Ral iton colls "Indiana's most beloved titi? len." The poet will be sixty-six years old on <ii loiier 7. SHARKS WILL TICKLE WHITE LIGHT PALATES Sixteen Caught Off Islip to Pose as Swordfish. Islip, Long Island. Sept. 9. Diner? at Manhattan hotels and restaurant, wh'. ire fond of swordfish may soon be eating steaks cut from sixteen shsrka caught in a single haul off the Fire Island Inlet yesterday afternoon by Captain John C. Doxsee. It was the largest single catch known in that part of Long Island wuters. The sharks measured from seven to nine feet sack. Several smaller ones were also taken. T'..e uegreeate weight of the catch was two tons. Th?re were fourteen ?.and shark", one man-euter anil one shovel-nosed shark. Brought to I?lip, the sharks were cut up for New V<.rk City market?, wh. re, it i? said, they are sold swordfish steaks. Captain Doxsee -ays the sharks in the ocean this season have driven away the bluefish and weak Ash. Souffles Peach Souffle. Drain one small can of peaches and rub fruit through u sieve. Add one -up of powdered sugar and the unbeaten whites sf throe eggs. Heat with an egg beater until "cry light; then f? the wh:tr? of seven eggs beste stiff froth; mix carefully, turn into buttered luk:r.g dish; lake until puffed and brown. Spi ?? powder-.i sugar and serve. Fresh poaches, berrie? or any other fruit may be lacd In the same way. Orange-Flower Souffle. Bl i' 'lie yo'lA? f.f |?1 tggS with s-\ ? -jioonfuls of sugar and ons ?? spoonful of orange-flower water. Fold ir. ihe itifBy beaten whites of tffl ? turn into a buttered baking dish, sprin? kle with powdered sugar an.i for minutes in a moderate Serve immediately. Walnut Souffle. Sire.! or. . | ralnot Beat I to a stiff froth, add one-half pound of r-ugar and the nut meats. lia*. buttered muff.n pat . ip- nkling wir!; lish -*.'h whole nut meat? snd serve Vanilla Souffle. Beat the yolks of four eg!-? very ight ??? th two tablespoona of powdered -ugar, a pinch of sait, and one -,.. ?poon of vanilla. Fold In the stiffly eatin whites, turn into a buttered aking dish and bake lor ten minute? a very hot oven. REAL SUNSHINE FOUND BY URCH? Writes to Mother, in Tene ment Home, of Rural Wonders. FRESH AIRS LAUD LIFE IN COUNTRY Happy Children Send Kittes b;. Letters but Will Briny Back Supply ' f Health. rrite i raeatioa lettei ii .7iother und had ? ? ? .- '??? ! Here's ? i-jggestion from a Fresh Air lad whe ration m .h? "Dear Mother: When we get up in the morning "Lote from your so7i. HARRY." Not ?*-?- ?-1 h whi ? ' , to wast? t m? | *-n.i mother that ?? r mat i on? That's because you don't '.?ve in the ?an I I .men' with Harry. The lad he? a rea', fle-:h and blood urchin from Willet Streei ?s? enj.i; ng his Arat ? I I th? country whan ant this vecafinr. message to nil n?o'her. In the dayi thai , - since hi? ?irr- si amid the creen fields he hail seen many thing! that were new and strange to him. But from them rll he picked out 'h;s fact as the im? portant one 'o teil hl; mother. If it had remained for him to do, Harry would never have been able *.o write: "I remember, I remember Th" houae where I ?-vas born, The little window \?rhf>re the sun ? ame peeping in at morn." There were, it is true, reasons enough why he ihould reinemler the home of I i- birth. Amor,,: them w-as the fact that hit "little window" opened upon the b'-ink brick wall of a rear house ? about a foot and a haif awa) No wonder i,-?l(len sun ming through the bedroom window w:i h thing for him to mar rol at. It wai at St. Helen'a Home, In'er lalccn, Ma ? .?.. where the sun and the window conspired to amare Harry. Other lad i at the sumo place found ether thing ' 'heir letters to their beat friend, "no budding big league ?tar write?; "Pear Mother: I k>> in swimming eiery ?lay on?l be nie? and clean I am iiappy becauaa wa always play Buths i get all the food I want to cit next Friday wa nr?? ;;o?ng home. Joe md John wish they could itay in the country 'J more weeka they are very happy kissel ? youae all. Don't forget tc ?end 'he paper ho I con see '.he baseball gnnif- from Charlie." n-ie of -he hoys, who was full cf Joy ami the impulse to w-rite, being bjt a .?cant (Ira years and an indifferent correspondent, had to employ his older brother as secretary, The letter sounds as though Angelo might have had other plans for the time thus spent: "Dear Mamor, 1 am so hsppy 'his i? from Willie. He would not keep ?tell if 1 did not rite a posttail for him .-o I rote if the place la "St. Helena Home "Inte, laken, Moss., "10000 kisses to the flanely but 100t>n000000 to tho baby. Angelo." Still another youngster determined that,'whatever else might happen, there should be no doubt as to whom his letter was addressed. The result was nomething new in epistolary style: . "Dear Mother: I am very happy TA?. Dnttae the.-.,, ?,,./, W,ne ' Alto a 'a eartt 'Thai sir/s meant Food S/ttn s ? , ?' ? ;.. ? ?I ?? [,"J 'J e3?0MiiGnt-> N0 r>TR;vi:4'-srv hrre, where 1 play n ? Hold "very day ? l acres. Dear Mother, Iio>v ? l."ie J..? ! . ap .?.:L I can do The apples ?.re big and ripe and do not ta?te ?oure. Dear Mother. ! ??? tf to nrin;* von ?ome an? Dear Mother, will yo : k I r**e a letU aad pul a nickle in it I ?pent '.he - .ring?- ? WALTER " These Tribune ' Fre.?n Airs" rnmj back ? ? lay 1 ' -in.. some of the other wonderful things tl ? d ?c.arered in countryland, to the (?rand Central Ter*>iaal cid ir - eft the ?rain at B'.Ol p m COXTBtBl'TlONS ?" rtr i*nir-.'MT FRKSn ?. -?? ? '? -.eft I . '?Ate. M?m ?li.Ian. It. ? li r< -1? ?* II 9 ? . Pr i# .;... -?? \ ii l',*a?? do ?'i'oii ntr.r" ? .?(, Mr? Mir III1- ? . I .-1 E I. P |*rt K A i( . N*e T ri am- : M ? Sr. t.i-.t ; rill ' '. ' ) Ediurt ?i? i ? : I 10? 1 ?? T ?? * member I ISIS II Contributions, preferably r>y check or money order, should be sent to the Tribune Fresh Air Fund, The Tribune, New York LOS ANGELES STEERED BY WOMAN FOR A DAY Man Mayor Called Away. City Gains a New Distinction. Los Angelea. f-ept f- Hiss Eat-ottO Lswton Lindsay, lbs city's lone cuun man, was setiaa mayor to-day. Mayor Sebastian having been called out of town for the day This Is the first tine, 10 far as known, tha* a won in BUS act,.! a? the head of a municipslity of the size of Lo? An,?.?'.->? JERSEY InTJAD ODOR/ NEW YORK WILL SUE The State of New York will action soon against the State of New Jer?ev in an endeavor to abat, nuisance of -.he fumes .-.rid stenches which are blown from the (loneral ; < hemicai Company's n'.sn? at Bdcs , water across the river to the ie.*i dences of Riverside Drive and rid "Jersey in Bad Odor" vas th.. 1 of the article announcing this step in the "Weakly Health Bulletin." issue I by the Board of Health yest? ?-day. This action is *o be -aken boauuse aa-. I p??als to the New Jersey Depart of Ifei.h'i. the Arto.-r-.ev Getaoral Mili, i i the Govomor hove -.-'.;?>.! ?a no ira provem^nr of conditions. . . Ii..... QUALITY DOMINATES EN' GRADE^N?Lrv PASTEURIZED THE KIND OF QUALITY THAT WON FOR IT HE GRAND PRIZI AT THIS PANAMA - PAC IFIO INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION E3 TTT7T! I .'!!'? IITTTTTT! TTTx^'iff1: m 101 I If you want to get the real thing in whole wheat bread, buy wards (Hheall)earl^BR?AP You will be pleased with its fine flavor and eating qualit?s, and you will know you are getting a leaf made from genu? ine whole wheat ficur, ground by the old fashioned stone process. Don't forget it is made by WARD. You can get in on order from your grocer in large 10c loaves. Made in the Ward Bakeries at New York, Brooklyn and Newark