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SEE TRICKERY IN PUMP PUN Minority Stockholders As sail Bondholders of In? ternational! Concern. SEEK TO INTERVENE IN FORECLOSURE AMeti Thr\ Will Suffer in ReOT ftflization and Ri-iisintf of $3,639.063 Now ( apital arged yes? terday by - - ?t 'be Inter- puny of N'e-A JeraajTi " ? ;r' Jnitr inter-. ? proceedings ' ' ?? bondholders BUe ? . ? ant on ? ? the mortgagi i t.. be ?nits have al : y the Guaranty rk. ar.d BJf then Ks ? preferred ? ? if Neu York, chairman; ???ter. N Y., and Thomas < H made T, t h -it Iho foi be stay? i heard . Tl..- *he funds of the eempany wi to mnke payment? ??n the debt red 7.y t.?-.c . . 'is al lege<t ?rieet . provided N leraey law, ? holder terms , con tiibu-. ? Th. ' j refe- red si ? go ? u thi ? ' ... '.vhieh i ! eu r take over INSTRUCTION. SKM VOKK?Maahaitan. A Couatrv School a inNEHYftRKCin ' /or(it>Girls ??rf1? WTOfai ?,.. ??.. ??..?? SJchirbing ano SbCt^'?: " JkSirv ?frctjool v A "Real School'' with ideal ?urroundingi Sroill claiir? individu?! attention Ceri? f?cate ?drrit? to college? Gradu? ate courir? Department A?t Pancing. r locution. Gym nsitio. and Household Science City pupili remain throughout the afternoon snd ?har? in all activi? ties-?athletic?, ?port? and outdoor study in s.School Park of 35 acte?. Acce??ible by automobile, subway and railroad Telephone PI Kingtbncittr An invitation to vnit school cordially eitended to parent? and guardian? -j-Hlfis tt?nngs ano ifltsslEHhiton RivardaV A..n.,r nraf :>2nd .Vwt "?'??S Ni 'A YORK CITY COLUMBIA GRAMMAR. ?,?irdi:ni SCHOOL/ MIS. .*.. : nn.I I ? I -I OatXD ?-1 Ilanari ??? '?''' n?i>? I'rlmar-? i -, atu ? ? . ? X Collegiate ' l? rr"i>ar?lorj/ ?-. ?trtma l-rl ary ?nd Junto! iirnl?. Mixlrri, Larg? Oj l?.-t-iim ?, , Afternoon outing i-luie?. ijCnOOl Bo)s Nl 43a m^mM rotndad itsi irTta rear kafla? l a. I WtrKi Rradnaltar > The Barnard School of HOUSEHOLD ARTS Household Accounts ' - ! ? . i>? ?? Ural HI.-S BARNARD SCHOOL FA" BOYS fllltSlOM. WEST 2M1H SI. 3SSS? ., w.'. ?? ?. Va < ? ? ? ?i I'.-. Bul ?a? ?a .? rrmal.i 30tti YEAR. BARNARD SCHOOL 3 GIRLS 421, 423 W. 148th St. ,,:?V 20th Year . -??" ??? ?.bool iv . I????'? "lib lb? a le ?J-??? ? ? - . ; ? i BARNARD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL l-JT.?,c. 4 *?. Waah. A?. III. Un ?a? I'rliru. 14 tin ?M. , , ......... , n . IRVING SCHOOL i i> kw as *.? ? >-i Mil- m Bi?TS i : ? <: : i i ai.ii? stx > The Berlitz School of Language*, j ? !? 'WIM ?411 ?-THKT. ?j, ? ? a HOBALt MANN SCHOOL ?OS BOYS . II a- l'.--?a l?a? ? a?i . -. .-?. ? Noaacr mas?. - n ? i III* Ictt?? ?? ta??lc? Books Bought ?It* tatUa? b oa?a>iall? Waal*?. - .. ? . ?a I And It to s?j??'?: ???.?? U( u^. fore diBfoaiiir of Ur*< tione of hook? autor : t removal rssh down IflWI.V WALKAN, New ? l-?rir?*8t ?t?.?.,-!,,., i. B'rOaidwai is a LL-OLI-Of-KVINI- HO( KS " ? ?M.l an i... ran .n? 0? kernt > Pub.i?b??r *n -any . . :, ?,. rli*rI book tlpr-er ??t?nl. ? . ?;: tn1 i toa my Ubb*. rare book?. BAKES. H OREAT hAKJU ill'-l'. Jc>r.n lirlatM ?t.. Jjlrriilha-i.aa-?, | n??ets of the old company. Ac?in?t asset? various securities are I ' amoui by as?esaii . ? ?hare Thirtj I ? th? nev, paid tl ' EXCHANGE FIRM ASSIGNS Action Folio??? Death of John H". Beer?, the Beard Member. Charle? H. Diel ? 12 Broa.!? ?>. n ? Exchange i . an att. . The as? signment foll?n * ' i.?? i of J N V., of John Yv Bei r?. Mr. Owen - Stock fered for mle It wa ? that the i ? the It? ? . ' , ?aid the creditol on th? ? tai . ? t hese we re paid . ' throug io::?'. PUBLIC UTILITY N0TE8. (?eneral News am' Fl?ming* of Various ( 'orporat lona, Gi ern Utilities Coi July M, cer.t In eJ ? ? anee after cr.h*.- cent. 1 .-tul . to $1,0? et rev? ere I B22 and aftei eductins. i harg e? on bonds, etc., and provid--. sir king fund r? ment ai ri i i me i ? ; - D videi ' ng t > "00 were paid d". I ? BT on the preferred stock, leaving a balai ce Worcester Gas Light. The of Worcester, Mass., lias sold t< sel, Kiimicutt ?- Co. ono,(iO.? -I'v [."r cent ? t? matul i There ? as all previous en met through sale of stocl I -.'der?, the la ide at Fall Blver Gas Wort,??. The Fall River Gas Worl . ? ? gf for .! r l ? com?- being $46,416, and after deduct? ing opei al inj i hai ge - nel ??> an i net. . the same nionthh of la I year. Surplus earnings for the month ? of $4,485. Earn? ings for |] e twelve moni ei cd with July, amounted to I compared wil " ? B0 in the preceding, while nel revenues made a . INSTRUCTION. HAMILTON riTi n: i on rots, ? -. I ST I'M. A, E . * W . nit ?'.Til ST. TV ;\-rv ro? HTII i i :.?.'? . ..;???- ,' I. ?. , HAMILTON I.NSTTTI TK 1 OB OlJUaS, rivthsii i mu 11 ami <- ni ptrei i BERKELEY SCHOOL V.'nd Street nn.l ??,. ?t Knil Ave. l-r; ares n i for all ? 'oil? s? s ai .i hnlcal Schools. Primary ano' Junior Departments ? ? be gin i Septem TRINITY SCHOOL I lSii-lIT tl'RNI Slat ST., Mil rORH l. i -.mi rrirr? High Schoole taith l'eai n?-i?iiis Keptembef .'lili M \\ YORE? llrouklMi. PRATT INSTITUTE BROOKl ? !*, v. Y. M IIOOI -> ?H I IM \MI VI'I'lHtl \KI\ Hill *>l IHM I? -? II A? ? \S|i -Vit I ?. **< UN? 1 \MI IM IIMil ?M,?, lll'.KIM s? II V? I. ?Ml MMU |(. i. ii: I I V IK UMM. Day Classes Open Sept. 22. Evening Classes Open Sept. 29. 11(1 HI UK I? PR III s? r.l,,,, M \\ YORK? V.c.1. he?trr ?iiint?. Chappaqua Mountain Institute V ?llinllu. Weal? lif-trr t ?,., N. y. ? tor GIRLS. I ?? ? Rf?l Ccuntry ur.Or ran i ' I Urn Ii I- ? ? Imltl I ...... ... ? ? f - .. !???. . i ?- ,-, . ?. art. 1 Ma- ? h??l i .... | It! ?IM?> ??( .luiil s. ffpiaa, Isrlsl, Tvpewfitln-j, Spanish. Civil Service a Struotype D?partants. D?v ?nd r.\-roiD( sc??iud?. Call or write for Catan inr ?^W\?\?-^\VJ^ AiUdSL?I*t?mAve ALL BUSINESS SUBJECTS .-ar ? ? . . > ? m a??, tx.d sard ai PACKARD * COMMERCIAL SCHOOL I *.?ln*?,.u \?r. nuil SStk sir-.*!. ffiSmamK ZJ'?'?TM.vr i miv l \\\ ?i llooi *> LAW SCHOOL 52S? IAI STREK1 M UNIVERSI?' Afternoon Clatter. 4:15 lo 6:15; CU?*es 7:45 to 9:45 Term BegUll Sept. .". < \?.| ?v?HM ? Ni:? i??Kr< I? >? "t |*4 lull..i, s| I \\\ >? ll?HII I ?? H a - h I N 1 I II? " \,.r ..f I M ? I . lil OKI'S. C II ?-I Ii...,, -( Cum ?,?.:?. ,t IKS ,,mt-rli ??I. ,11.Il It.lrl?,-!, Irai Inr? Ifrln? ? - , ? ? ? School* ?n*) . Fsmllle?. A, ? M J YolNU l I 1 TON :i lmon is<ju?r* M . K T. READ.TUSTMTNT NEArT Ma? lie I oder?? rillen h\ SI rontr Man?? ing S?ndirate. rd for th?? real eial structure of IWMV | the formation ..f which will plan that s alii ? m i ? ? ? ' ?, :? mai be ??. 4 -' nd Haflgartm A < o >S, who hi'.vp just pon ? ' ? ised reorganization ? ? ?. ? d favora < ? ? I e latter be ?he present ust i"- dona, it if ?aid, to be avoided. ",ff to he under-writ for the payment nf| j f maturing; obligation?. ,.... ? . tiei which tha '?' ? 'need in the inability to sell ? of a m .i y,", l ? . none were available ? ?-.,. ? ? the ; n I If B capital rea<; .. ranged COTTON MOVEMENT CONTINUES BULLISH Market Korps on Rising. Clos ing 19 Points Above Mon? da?, "s Prices. ? I ullish ? entlmant waa ? -i* and ... the cotton ? COB making . Id up tu 10 V. oi ?:g price of u, dnei ? bale above . d ? earls $i? ? above tin lost price reached on ?he break of Ian July. Realising natu became very heavy around this level, and there ware reactions of sev tinta in the late trading, but de i seemed to bring In fre?h buying i, and the demand was sufficient to give tha market a linn tone at the ? ? .<till nho-Ao.i net of front 20 f-. 20 points for the The more general character <>: the demand was in evidence from the ?tart from the continued steadiness of Liverpool and more numerous ri ? pot di nd, there ap n. ir. bullish factor of ...... in ihe neu -. hut SI -. ery much : , the i. duction in crop ? '? h.-'lge selling : : rale, and the op view of general condition, ).. . .! largel) on the big grain crops the abundance of money. At any rate, ihe market opened firm at an ad? vance of 1 to 11 points. The enrly ad ? ? pnce ; somewhat out of with Liverpool, and there ?-a? mi her heavy foreign selling here, a* well as realizing, but the offering? wern raadil) taki reci ns, and the generally upward trend of prices ? .... were !.. 33 pointa net higher dur? ing the afternoon, ilns advance car? ried i retol i ip to 10.28, while December ?--TI al 10.62 and March worked through the 11-eent ..r within M points of the highest price touched on the hull movement of ia * April. Subsequent fluctuation a ei 'alic, bul after a break to 10.1 - ber the market closed or about 10 off from the beat. While some -i South?. temperatun . weather conditions were genera Icrod more favorable in the belt, bul the nnfavorable character ? ? published since he last condition . - i the? tendency to reduce the estimate of the crop, while ? ? ol more important hedge g has led to more confidence in the stability of Southern spot markets. may have been aotne further hedge selling of October contracts here . bul the premiums on late -e appeared sufficient to fur carrying charges, and near month readily absorbed ? salea of December and January. ?? ?? export? for the day, amounting to nearly 21,000 hales, . rj ',o color the talk of a better demand, and a private wire was ? .i hen- from llallas suggesting a con ? ? ' intereai for Sep temb. : ? There were one or two acattering reporta of inereaaed offerings in thi tei or. hut the South? ern marketi officially reported were gt nerally ?>4e to , er. with Hou ton quoting middling at 9.90 and re? port ing ( ,030 balea, Ra? . ? i ?? ? . ? ? ? ?tpio.?i '? ? ? ? i I ?til.?il IP 7 7 ? ? ta ii Mu?H y 14 : : .. 11 I :: ? ? , , ? a. lAt?Tpoo , - - illation > , ..-.?. ii . ' ? ? -i- i . .n. .mi ... . , ? i '. infi-.l ?i - . liai? nu... ?tat? .... < ? ? > i ? , 1-4 .-. I ? Ii : - .4. ? ? ? *. 1.54! ?7 ill i . BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. _ The i festen Railroad pel ating re? - 28.798 for July, or 146,240 earned in that month me from ra 1241,74?, an - The hin v. tor ?"iir Company, it was terday, has declared the regular quarterly dividend o? '?'?'. ote a dividend of l-':?i per cont, both payabli October l to ? d Si ptember 20, ? of the Pi i wed aii i! i it year's figure . Income amount : '?ian a ' Home for Fraternity. Iloughton has '.eased for Josc| lorgan the i t., to thi .- ? i . hapter . Fraternity for a ara. MORE COMMF.RCIAL RENTALS East Zftth St. Wart and Other Trade Spare Reported I r**t*?I. : for Bay? j mond ft Raiaman I t for a long term of years th? .ment . m No Bast 28th I V. \nrinke lOalty ? o. the ?th lofl in .. 201 t... Wl I Pth ?t. to the i Prospect Button ?Vorks. M. ft L. Ilom, !?ir, hsve renewed ? covering W,. iqusre feel for t term of yenrs in the build : R at the "*.*t corner of Univers ' Place and llth st; Merchant*' < loth Exam* in g, Shrinking and Fini?hlng ? ompanv, I Sniraoti A Co., imp'.rter? of ostricn ?"???her*?. an<l the Pseifte Noveltj Com? pany, manufacturer* of hair ornaments. Rulaad ft Whiting Co. has rented rorner store at Tin Madison av. for a term of rear? to Barrett :?eph-*ws i Co. Ewing, Bacon ft Henry, in eonjunc? tion with A. L Mon .or*, have leased the entire second Boor in 240 West .'?Jth ?t. to Praneis Muncie, proprietor; of 'he Gotham Ante >P and I Wm. A White ? : rented - the entire building at 2 ' I'enrl at to Mesare. Arthur C ft Co., the present ter;. end ba*c ment. The American Real Estate ('ompanv has leased to Samuel I. ?ellis the en ?ire fourth near in the Arens Build-i ing, 88 i" West 82 st., for n term of ?ear?. The tensnt is a ?rholesale r In furs ?'id textile garments. . 52D ST. AfARTMENT RENTED ?tther (hoi..- Suit?"*? in (he Popular Home Districts I eased. Wm. A. White ft Soil! nave rente-! enl in No. 20i. West .. Robert Barber. Pease ft Elliman have lea??d apart in lot East 40th st, t.. Dr. rge M .lean and to Hei also an apartm? nt in B2fl Park Tsth st. to Mrs Helle p. Taber. and an apartment in ",: Weal l lth ?t. to Mrs. Flora Livingston; in 148 Basl !?<th st. ?o Miss ?Mara Morrison, and in 137 East 18th St, to Mr?. Alice M Chonte Dough?! L Elliman ft Co. have leased a Isrge apartment in th.- ne-?? building at ?'.:?'.' I'ark av . c? mer of 84th st., for the Horatio Resit?, Co Willian i ii lo Ufred P Hin ton, also apartment in 122 Eaal 76tl ?t., for Julius Tlshmsn ft Son to II. S. Dudley, also spartment in 187 81 si >'. t.. Albert ??<i = cnthal and .lohn L Tonnele, ?r., and an apartmenl in 20 Ea ? '? ' - E. R. Vedder. Roland ft Whiting Co has rented apsrtments st 710 Madison sv. to Dr. Sidney Vankatier and Harry Eichel? roth; alao apartments in building, No?. 34 and 36 Ea il 68th st., to Chai Kloehi i. Mi Vii ginia '? < ?handler and Mil Florence Spencer; apartment at No. 156 Bast 72d st. to Mies Helei laohmann, and a large apartment In the Mayfair, southeast corner of Park ii d r?7th st.. to ?'harle- R. Dan* forth. TO REPLACE OLD SUN BUILDING Three Story Store and Office Structure to Cost $85.000. Frederick I'mtuani I'latt tiled plan.? yesterday for the three ton store and ?ifV.ce building which i? to he built on the site of the old Sun Building, nt i lie southeast corner of Nassau and Frankfort sts. The Sun Printing and Publishing Company is the owner. The estimated ci*' is ?65,000. The structure will have a frontage f-' feet on Se i ? and G8.1 feet on Frankfort st. The Schulte Realty Company leased nrue months ago the .?round floor and basement of the proposed building and ublel one of the itores to the Riker Hegeman Drug Company. In Wcstchester District. The Robert E. Farley Organisation hai sold for the Model House- ('ompanv ? large new residence at Greenacres to Avent Childre :, of Rauscher ft child Sales at Auction. ? ? 11? ll'iir? Bf IMTH St. -.? U. ? > ? NILS ? Ii ?? IS.Sl IS*.] i ??? ?? i i M i'a?. I ri In? Ci *i u ? I...... . -, j IM l-.i ioeeph I-. Iiav. 71TH ST ' ? lit Si i 4 ???? fl?r Ja .? I minan .??I Mi ? . ? ?. t -?:'? i Brno 1. Krim?::? JACKSON ST . I' n - ?... , v. ?? ? u Ab* ....... Hi Danttl Gtt, ? OELANCEY ST. tO. I ? ? I "h ?'. SSllSO a?. D*l?n .-> ?I 12, a l ri.l ?Ii :.. n ? and n It I r War-il.m A It. a!t>? WM AI : SS Third a? I loMfO P Ilav WEEKS AV. ?? ? IS] .. ITI i ??-?nt. K* a . Ij a-' I' I <? IT. lmll<-U ?.-. I nr. el lb* plaintiff fi i ti New Building Plans. Manhattan. HOT? SI . B >:>!? .? .? lllll a . !.. .i . ?'- tl Xel. srr| p. - ,- | .III ar a- ? NASSAU ST. - - ! at ?it ? 1 ??? "i ?, . ? -? K 1- l'l*lI I??J lim-itf* . i.V. t*% The llronx. I74TH st - ?? ... a - ". , ?. . mm ??? lot - it. -. . K*i u :. ? ? : W-*i an lillr. . -? - SPOFFORD AV : . . . -' '? ?? : rctnl?-? ." ' - ?. ?? * Alterations. Manhattan. IB *'. ?. ? i|J a-? -:,.:,. ,? | , , . ?TV i ,,, . . .. ? (IREENE st a ill. i Weeeter - ? ? - i: Il M Bi A i. '??.-? ? ?.? ... ?i (IR0ADWAV. 10. ? t* ? ? i i . ? Wl I < The Hroni. is to st. se? ti i sei ? ? ? ? trem ? t ilr | ?? ' ? - I ?ai:k;ort a '? W a il?l a?, ?r ?,".- - A MATTEI OF CHOKE. Ri?hop Sanford Olmsted ?aid at a dinner party in Denver, according to . "The Minneapolis Journal": "The charge that the Church is gov erneil hy mercenary motive? i? an in? II one I thin.: this charge ?as best answered by the ?>:;-on chaplain.! "A chaplain wa? addressing a con-! gregatipo of prisoners, many ,.f whom given more than one proof that they were profiting by his visits. Hut 1 there -aus :i eertail . rough, brutal-look? ing fello? who always ?cotTed and sneered. And to day this fellow, when the chaplain greeted him. ?aid: " 'No, I don't I ? hand? with you, par?on. You only preach for money.' "?'?? rood, my friend, have it so," ' the eh iwered. 'I prench for money. You steal for money, i. ? . ?.' " A I?i:m? i; OP THE Hfissr.s. Ambrose, the porter, entered th- of editor, who enio? * chat with the bright, if unedu rie^?i<.. says "Lifo." "Ami.ros,-, do you '?im political, econn... "No. sah; Ah certaialy do not It', only a scheme of the h,>**<?? to defeat ! woman's suffrage ?o dey won't hsve to I buy so many votes." Shipping Information and Marino News ol the World Vessels Arriving ?I ?nH De? parting from Port of New York. MIMA 7 I Itr AI.MANAf ..- ? 1? lr.<?M: ???? ? ? i' 1 I...S?? WATO p Sam-l? ? ij, , .10 ?a I" 21 WISE I ESS RCPORTa. Th? Larla-Tt "ro" ?? 1 pflalUnn or* Bt?aa. !? ?i t?-U?! la i ? ? ' renom,. , Tht a,' I ? -'1 a? ! W> ml'."? ???? "j Sa- '. Honk .- ? ; n ???1 ,?? !.?>. k fonn INCOMIN?. STEAMERS. T'l I'AI. i.M Un? .,,., | ,.r. i . n-btt? Nil San .-?i-< 4 u- ? l' f.- I ' a ' . I ?t M ? f> Uickaaaarh ; Monarch 1 tus *N i lu? it. I , ? ?.'ii 3?. fern . amansa B41TRDAT, .-FIT) muer it ?1 iir--.p? . N?t.rukan Mar?.,,- , Kauu lltj S??a ?a. Auf tl.llrla'nl R ?- Il Ifatll .? BUST? AI si iTrMHIilt II I.I.--; . Otgt I A'-' ? lia?. . i ? . W ir I '. ? ?' ia .. Illta?, A >( JO u An. I 0? Mall tlirliAca. HtTl J...V Y A . , ? .,- i,.-i!4 BafansaB Baat * .???????.' ?lirllif ? mil ? is :i . Italian vi* II..... Am Haw 11. ? ? .... WlUfm OUTGOING STEAMERS. TO I'AT. gtaOt Vr?..i ?>,... i ... Una. .i'..? ?all?. ? ? , : 12 OS m - ?. . ?? rran? BATI RDAY, rl.l'TKMI'.l.ll II. Sf.. Torta. Mi ? ? ? rl ? . I am .? rrrr. h 11 "i m liaUan I " ?? Il "' ? Haratufa liai? , Ward 8 00 am II OH am . .. Bai lu? S *i A: I' n 8 Ti* ?m 11 M m . i nlo) l* F fa B-SS an. i. : . . . |( . !? H ?> ..m 11 ilfai an Prli c? llra/r I' In ? 12 H H ? : ? i. p?ra. Haul l:M BB> i amer... la '. ?H "?. Aiirho? 10 * m i- ?? ? N'aplca, Ita l?B .-. Il? 'Ig.rl.. la i ,..; . . Il? ar 1 ?. Hun. wiii . ?? . \... rtrlraii? - ;-.<? .- 1- ' 1 ? N.??.. Il?, . '- . - I ?" Pm ? .:. ;.,. 'la . - lfrui..w|i , . - 0 PIB M,.ha?. ? . V'1? . . - I '?'' l-i'i - . un' la? .safannan. Sa? Kl M?At m:i?TI \tm:n I-'. AMiifigri. KuaaUn |o />n ?m MMpoi ? ? i. | - . . ?Hi rail ?n Sert '? TRANSPACIFIC MAILS. Lleta N T ? :in P m Ta III Marque??!, font l?Un1> tttm ttt lualrall? I ?la ??an Kran l?< ? a To .la? DIRECT LINE TO SPAIN Ne-? Steamers to I'ly Retween New York and Vifro. Madrid, Sept. '.< Announeement is ?<?? de of a new line of steamers to ply . ii Vlgo and New York. It ii aid Kinj; Alfonso will support the enter prise, and that it has influential New Vurk backing. The line will provide a shorter route between the two countries than any now in operation. The diatance ;c ? --- miles. Q. K. D. "\o," complained 'ho Scotch pro'r to his ?tudents, according to "Th Windsor Magazine," "ye dinna ose your faculties of obstrvation. Ye dinna use them, For instance" Picking up a jar of chemicals of vile odor, he s'u.-k one finger into it, and then into his mouth. "Taste it. gen? tlemen!" he eomtnander, a?, he passed the veaael from ttudenl to student. After each one had licked his finger and had felt rebellion through his whole soul, the old professor ex? claimed, triumphantly: "I tol' ye so. V?. dinna uae your faculties. For if ye had observed, ye would ha' seen that thi finger I stuck into the jar was nao thi tinker I stuck into my mouth." NAPOLEONIC MEMORIES. If is said thai Mr?. Sarah Brooks of Downham, Kssev who, as a chil i of three, was rowed out to gaea 0:1 th> fallen Emperor when the eBllerophon anchored in Plymouth Sound forms the last link with Napole?n left in i ngll nd, remark- "The Fall Mall Ga M, Pierre Schamel Hoy. the son of a loldier servant who followed his master to St. Helena, appenrs to have spoken tu Napoleon. He was Lorn in 1808, and told an in? terviewer two vears afro that, when twelve years old, he went out to aee his father: The English suspected me of having heen intrusted with a secret letter for the priaoner, and I was taken to Sir Hudson Lowe, who had me stripped and searched. Hut they found noth 111 jr. and 1 was allowed to see the Km peror. His dark, piercinir eyes form my moal vivid recolectilon of thai far? ' oif meeting. He patted ray head and called rae a loyal little fellow." M. Schamel-Roy was for many years costumier Bt the Paris Opera and now enjoys a ion. a PRINCE HENRY AS A GUN SHOT. [( .-ems difficult to credit the writer 1 in a reeei .f the Taglische Rund? schau, who relates that Prince Hear-. 1 of Prussia, after a visit to England, told his mother, "Our (runs will smash British navy one day," says "The Pall Mall Gazette." .1 mitring :"rom bin exploits with small arms, the prince can hardly pose as a ??-unncrv export, lie had n..* attained his majority be? fore he mallard, while shooting in the preserves of the (?rand Duka of Ha? den, to wound a iramekeeper so lev? re lv that the ninn was crippled for life and has since been in receipt of a :ren erouB pennion. Then in Corfu, \?hile climbing a steep hill, he Bcidcntally lodged a shot in m (?reek officer behind him; while at a later p?-rio<i he inflicted seriou damage <>n a Turkish ditrnitnrv ap? pointed bj the Sultan to attend inm on a shooting expedition in Syria. a THE SONG OF THE TRAM. Trsaacara are seldom regarded as objects of beauty, and it was reserved for II. (i. Wells to discover the Die torial poaaibilitiea of the London tram. "The London Chronicle." "Look." ?ne of the characters in "Mar? riages." "look at the beautiful elec? tric trams that come touring down th" -i it recta at nie-htfall, ships of light in full Bail! Thirty vears arc ?. ? : ? ,? ... lible as imnrtor talitv." It was ii N.w Zealand pool Mg the song of the tram and of tl London bus. In his poem, "Hii-.s ?V.." Arthur I!. Adams wr.f. . ? 1- . Itttns iifiit ? . - ? ' . ? ? riras basse a . KXHlHllTNi; CAPTURED GUNS. The suggestion that some of the sun? recently captured from the enemy -. diaplayed in Lon don being revived, and it Ia now hope || '. ? ? ?(Bei will con -ent to this bel?g (inre. says "The London tic Standard." Similar displays havi ... in turn in Herlin. Petrograd and ii en of ;:reat enthuai There Hre row numberi of cap tared German weapon m th-.s coun? try, of which the public is permitted ? ? niithinir. a WHERE APPEARANCI COUNTS. The decorative beauty of a pineap? ple rather tha-. the flavor *:\es ita market value, says an exchange. I ?? ' me .la? , . U.a. n* St* aZ n i-? ?*?? ?W ?*. ? - " ' ? ? ? .... i . : / .-..,? ;.- ;????' ,."..' ?i. i. ?i ? sun ? "' ",r ? ? ?? ? ' ..,? ,? i? ??? AUS *?? - '".- la J It , ,, AUS ?? '" ?> " "V i-".'.-'.- '...?. ,. , Bar, ..... ' - . i ii Wir ' .US 1' ' . '' , ',, ? ? ? ? H?r II 14 ?I i ? I ' : ' 11 - ,.?,*. \ mgrl ' ' ? ?* ? Kam. ? am i ? . . -:? i ? i?,. i r. ! ? latfl Quera? II? -. ?lu ;. ? ,. il?. atUi ' H ..??? a ?'; i , . . .Ma. I , . . ? I. ' - STEAMERS ?T POREIGN PORTS. tRM, I/' I V"rl< ter Un S?w (a I ? a . Hi I, N'?? \a?k . . ??? . ... , i;,.. S?-* roi* f^r ,'"..?, 4 ,,_ ? . ,.. ? .. rort -t? r*? -.P M?-p,,.i* .Mr.. New Verk ?ta ?- ? , aprl 11*1), ??'* Tort ilri <i!. : Mi! ..!? ? Hr *?<"*. Terk rof . a? v?.L -. pt 9 rin.'t*.'?, (?r ^'?? ?"r* BAILED . ? | ,...., nil ID? ? Ifieei has? '?? ^ '?" I'?.I? t ? I'rnmrlliMl* iBr) ??**" ' ? r??, s ? ??nt>??t? Kl ? ' n?i ropl ?'Ututo* IBr). N'"? ."rk ...?,i. Bea ,,.. , . Set l'A -: i. iil-ral'^r ?-???? I I II? "a ?>? Yr.rk for HIE "SALUTE TO THE DECK." In response to an in'iuiry SI to why officer? and men of the navy "-alute the deck" and civilians remove their hatl nlien going aboard a naval vessel II may be ?aid that, though commonly railed s "salute to the deck," the salute ?n question i* reallj .i salute to the flap, -ays "The Philadelphia Press." Eor instarce, at night on reaching th" quarter deck or upon leaing it no sa? lute i. required, a' the flag is, of course, not flyintr. The fact that thi? -alute i* rendere.1 upon reaching 'he ntarter deck from below or when com ?pg on board arid upon leaving the ship. :- pro! ably responsible for its having been known as a salute to the deck; S has been stated, it il really a salute to the Hag. Men should when renderii g it stop, stand erect and face the flag. RESORTS. in Autumn Touring in New England Is at Its Best IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER THE HILLS AND MOUNTAINS ARE CLAD IN RAINBOW COLOR? INGS. THE AIR IS MOST INVIG? ORATING, THE ROADS ARE GOOD, AND THE ATTRACTIVE WAYSIDE INNS, PALATIAL RE? SORTS, OR MAGNIFICENT CITY HOTELS OF THIS VACATION LAND ARE BEST ABLE TO EN? TERTAIN YOU. for free Illustrated r.ial map In colon 'NEW 1'Ni.l.AN'P TOURS." puldlahed by ihr \i?\v ENGLAND HOTEL ASSOCIATION, cnmprlalng o\ er tWO' .1 "f IbS 1" and reaorta. wm || KIM H A I.!.. Secretar-/. Praper lio'ei, Northampton, Uaaa Why Not Try This One-Day Holiday at Briarcliff Codse? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? Open-AIr Dancing on Pergola VVedneo* da) ?n.i Saturda; Evening? <M Ken ? Incida . *. filin-;? , .New \<>il? ?Milt r, ID' Mini Atenu?. Sjrnd Ihr Beautiful Fall In the Adirondack?. Poiltl?? Rell-f (r?m Hay Ffyrr. A I'.-a,.-? '.:? .. i <>i? I ?.'!! Seeemtirr I ON UPPER SARANAC LAKE. Excellent Huntln?. Muilr. luncln? Flihln? (??If and Trnm?. Xa Tit-.-r ?'ar Vm : ? i Tena? I.: ?ees up. ., alii Il* lu ' H Tris H II K?f* .*? t? HAH'IINGTON MlLLb. Mgr.. Doser Sar?n?c. H. V. A THE GHAFTON. i.-|?un. 0. C. METHOPOLITAN \?ll|RY !\UK. N, .1. ?ii-iN rtiKOl ?.iioi r niK via? Modern i anci tit < ?onatruei '.on .*.? ., a . : ixurions lu?tes Fri .. ? n? Hum i ?t watei in .. II i eonu Mliilt- ?rrvli-- M U-.U-. T-nnl? Court?. ' 1 . - r l-.ulT- rt li.iret.l. Il 1*1 M A ? *>ni r.M.v.N <v DEN MM, Manager, ? , :a'r? ioa Phon* Aabury, 1)4? GALEN HALL Horn a\;i *-\n ITOBIVM. ATLANTIC < ITV. N. J. Alwara open vlarays ready Aiwa>? r>u?y Cannot ? ? ??..?' ?i toi eeotfort ?>r t*hi* and aarrlca ".n ld?*al i '.???? fei . iun? or ?hort ?i?y ';..!.? *nd ruratlv* t,..?ii? ??-ib w : i ii?.: ? |..--r ? f I. TOfNO, ?l-nnr?! .Mi.n?cn llll lUDINt. KInOSI HOlfl 0? IM WORID SH3arH)orui?E?i*i!cnii2?m ATI.A Mit CITY. V *f. o* n?? ? ? ? M??ieiu(?r JOSIAH WHITE A SONS COMPANY LAKhW00D,NJ. ", ' r '.'. E. E. 6?a?|*nlirri, M|r. HOTEL CPAMATAN U WRENCF. PAHK.UKONXVllaLE. N. V. \!-ll ;.?'!. SMITT1H IN Tllr. A|.|i:ii\l>?rl\r. in u . ? ;.*'. Its ? tn ? \ a,Id .<I,?IU ||a4! ? . Bal l'Ail. HIIIT.!". HOTSI ?ii P??J i-iniift? % > PENN. "GALEN HALL IN THE MOUNTAHS THE WEATHER REPORT Fore<s?t? snd Utmaria ot Ihe Last T?entv-fi?ur Hours. ,- -r: i Warm -?-at*i?r BM a? ? . < ... railed fr.*-rallr atar Hi? Northfrn ???"? fr?? ? ? '.-??? I ikfi ????' ?ant ' ? ....... ..,^, >||??t??|pat| ?al???. 'Il? la ? -??? n ? . I Um ?. .??? i ? a ??I ???? ??? I . ?-.-.- - - ??? ? ,.- r. ....... .. ,,r ?m I -?niiTafur -.,-,,?' ? . - itai '??? . 'I i-.| K.T.r and in ? .-...' >?? - - i , itlantk-, , ... I ? I - ? Uli ?? . ? ? nvr\ iiKvi-r?.? ftrlabla foi?-??t t?r Sparlal L?'?ll?l??.- Eaa'-ff? M?*?' Y?rl?. fair and raolrr t?d?y; f?lf fa-???"???. -. .: . fait ?a N?-w J?r?-y. I.a.'rrn |v;i-:?t!?-?. I' ? '?'r and , . - -atr? LSBBl OfTMal P-rtrt. The ' ? m ? " i ?? ...... . . . . ?'inp"r?'nr- tot th* I??' "*- *> '"'if '"?nr? le . ...n ?? III? 'hi nt ?I .fl.ltnS <tt'e l??t ?rar la '-' "-' '' t> m *i ?'? ; a, n '1 ?'? '? p m Ian '4 M Il p, m 12 m ' 1- P m ? l|i ni Ba-nmrfar Baaftlt???. ? a m IB M 1 r m ? H ? p m ?B 7>1 Humidity. ?. ta.. 972 M ' : ? ? ' ' L? ai f trtettt. : ? - ....,?,? ? Up the Hudson By Daylight All Serrl?* Pally Pirrnt ?.naday Plrc-t Rail r-onr.?e?|ona 10 all point? In the Catekllls, Saratoga, tha A-llr- n.laek? fiio Waal an-i North All ihrousb rail ticket a between Sew Yors ?n.i Albsay jc Ro?a-tB?tra*?a?l Str. "Washington .Tvina-" Str. "Hendrick Hudson" Str. "Robert Fulton" Str. "Albany" [????tirosar? St.. I 40 A M : W 4?d St.. I A. Mi TV 129th St . ?-Be A. M.. Tenk-r?. ? ? A. M ; lending at \\>?t l'oint. Nir? i urgn. Pouchkeepete, Kingaton l'oint. Cata* kill. II.i .s ,n an.I A.tuny Aim IWlirntur? ?lt.. ? 10; If. IM S?-. 10 \V I lath St . 10 20; Tnnk-r?. 1? 50 A. M, for Ht?ur Wrvint-ala. \\>?f. f'ntnt. '.'oro. ?aall, Kawburgu ami l'eus hk'-pale. uni? l?nv OfBtaSagfl ?o Pnnglikeertal*. Ne?. titirah. \\e>t l'ulnt or Hear Mountain. Afternoon Boat f.,r Waal ?Point, Newburgtv Pou|hk?*eB?ela Kingston and way landings, l*av?? !>??? I P M . \\ 4L.! S- . I? M ; W i: 'th Bt . 1:5? F M Dally ?v-pt Bund . ?? Ideal ..utlnat t.. Weal I'r. ? I bj Blr "KnllKKT II I.TON." D Hudson nSJi R?V( av Lin Sunday Outing Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Return, $1 Str. Benj. B. Cdell Leaves Frank lin St., 9:00; W. 129th St., 9:30 A. M.. for West Point, Beacon, Newburgh x n d Pour h keepsie. .Music. Restau? r ? n t. Lunch Room. CENTRAL HUDSON LINE i?nm j$t.camboat (?0 DEEP BRA ll-IIIM, WtsX "T.\l Ri s." l?.?i;> al k A. M. from Piar i. N. I; ONLY. CONEY ISLAND I.KAVK \\. 1'9TII M? ? Il M .'.??'AM. IS 4.'. ! N, . ' ?? I .... ? I I, .. tt 7 n ? 4.1 I* M. l'IKH I. NORTH RIVKR-l? .. A M : IS :.'.. ; ? i 15. 4 13 IS. 7-at Hteeple? ' .??r, ? mi?-? i-i.u .i ? | 4 ROCK A WAY BEAUI air. "GRAND REPUBLIC" Lvi tiinkrrs v'i tT.ISMk Bt. 1<AM l'i<-r I, N.H., It ... A M . If.?< i.i?v>n? rj r M M.l?il\ t'MIMKM ?KIT. trill. BI'KI I \l. II' ill lisos TKIP -I M? A \. ??II'I KM lit/ K 1 ? 1 la. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 sirs, iv, Pter 14. N R. 't ru.ion at.. at I IS H il. Music. I'rnviilrinc l.lnr: Sirs 1?-. pirr 14. M II. ft Pnlton Btraat, ?va?k ?Joya only. (iOe P M >???? l.umliiii I.lnr. att I-. Pitt 4f \ II.. ft. Houatoa Bt., ??e. k ilAyt only, c-Jja f u . I'lrr TO ? Ii ft I . ? It | du B? M. Nri? llrilf.inl l.lnr: titra I.? I'i> r 41?. N R n Houston St., weak days only, at S r.M Nr?r ll;>?rn l.lnr. Mr |'|. i tt, K It. ft ? hurtnc Bt.. ?ve? . ? p ?I Plei 10, fl i: .*?.*.I st . :i (jo p, || Url?lge|?irt Lia?, -i? .i.??? Mil} rtr |v Pier Is, i; it . 3 ou p. .*,< . pt.-r :o. fl i; i-sa li v M *?}*'.H.l STEEL STR. ?'HIGHLANDER" \\ rrkilii? - t ttfausdaya 1.- Ilatttry l:ii, ? !I?| .?-? -. ? . w ?7.1 Bl i'i;.-o. \v. II It Y..HK.M .. Il II A Bl 'nlldri I II ? 7.-.. fhllilren Me M? tl.l.lvl 1.1; ??1 ll'TI o. i ; I'r ? TO ATLANTIC CITY About S !-..Uf?. all ?la> 111? ht "Navcr oui ?? ?iht a' Uu.i " os, Thura?i.?> ?. Satur.l-aja, \ ?l Pier *?, N R . f....t w ISIh st . Net? Y.?rk i.ti. wajr, S-.'..%0; Round 'f r. j? SS.30. ?send for Polder I .?: 'Pkona Btartng 712. ATLANTIC CITt BTBAM8MIP LINaX KEANsbuhc^ te s-11 1- !?' Uattrr? Ik. , _ t? ? i i i. > ? i : ? n p a, ,,?, 4 ., ,, lu Sun | I?AI1\ ?Ml B| Mill rPaW-aj ll? INTERSTATE PARK LAMUhGi :,%I.OM. 1IIK I'AI lvv.HI -.i MTK. Blk?aVBrTOa<a Irama ?V 17 ? tt, at at ?11 AM ?n.l ?? I- M l-'ar^ 3 .c hound Trip. 50* '?a0 YACHT TRIP ?.SM? 75* YACHT CLIPTON LBAVB* FOOT WBtST 4t?-lS OT Knclrdln? < It\ f*l?ht Baelni ?'at A H'io .'Vadd'l I Tal lirysot i'. v Folder? In all Hotel? A Tal otea. HEW YOHK-AtHANY TROY / ar?,cit River Steamships *n the World ??Bf/m DAII r. tUt^LSmtemsm MAIHY. ? \ PIT SI. riTJ LINE? * - i- *? ': i - * ? v M ?, sor at ?S mi IMd - Pl#f Sea ? | f-trr n? ??? I' find frlp.! i'i.oi-i.j.?. i im; 1? S'n-tl. Ul'er etett IBM IH -, ?n p \|' ,-o-a ^..a ?ir %'2 ri'ind '-ti, 1J-n MI.IIT I'll'lii:?? 1 r?*, ,? ,, 10 i Itt ?J* Pl?r ? ' W?*f l.12d Srr*-?r V r- *M ??J. Ii Darflghi r ,, C ?' ? ? -o A II T.121 ?f . 10 fiy. n-? T, For Your Vacation? BERMUDA 9-D?y To-jr?All Eapeaeae $45 50 up ? -r? ? r*r '.???>? ? la w Ha? l .. ,. T || ,. Twin Screw "Berrnudian'' Safety?lea***- C*nf?rl?Sal!? Altrraal. W.?,.*-^ ??urltr, H. r? In.. IJ B II :??*.< . i a "jij '?i A? . Hai"' - * A? 0 ? aj ?-?? r? . I? H U??. |l. M CUNARD EUROPE VIA LIVERPOOL ORDUNA . . .Sit. Sept 25, to A. v. ?AXONIA. Bat, Oei I. ||i* . iHI'i-NA. *?<.' ? . ? .3. U All ?Tt'Si'ANIA _ El*l ? ' $ I? S BAXONIA ... . 8*1 No' ?; '1 1'a ?En Ro'it* to Olaaaow. KoiMi Tur. woKi.i. Pirn.?,. t ?' ?? ' ail pr-.-ipai prru at un mrm. COMPANY 8 OFFICE. ? 21-24 STATE ST. ?j/j FRENCH LINE 1 ..m. ?Kt,i? (,?. ,r,i? TranMtlantlqa? POSTAL *>ER\ICE Sailings for BORDEAUX ROCHAMBEAU, * * S-pt. 11. 3 P. M. CHICAGO,.Sept. 18,3 P.M. LA TOURAINE, * * Sepi. 25. 3 P. M. ESPAGNE,.Oct. 2.3 P.M. Un? t.NTOHMATlM.N Al PLT R?O --D" LIME '"" : y" stor'-**m neu u Line ,..?.., ?. u SwB fnt Ir*? N i . ? , ^ i I'tlll.Al'KI I'lllA *S- IIARACAS ?M. I rlTAVAMlFHK' IAKACAIBO **r-*. ? M I""?. IH.I-.? liAi.i.i rr a < d . ??-.' M?-? . ? ? || ?. Wan jkr-ai BD A 7 11 "l * PC ?A Am I U .'-. A";rrl? ?it lla-tiadaa. -a ?a ?-? ' a* ?"???, U0YP BRAZILFIPO 17 S??t? ?t N. T. Clt?. MLWI-IIII' rit'KETa TO AN? I'liKT. . ."!? .. ?-??..?? all line*. lO?r, ..n.l A W I.II. ..nil. C?..tU '.(Ii ?1*1. BOSTON^ rln llonl end Trnllr" W?r-r,t?r ?.dC. Pr*?li*n-r dlr?rt j IS !*tilt-.r..or-i?. SI. SI .VI A- *t. Pull? mi Indine Readay. B:M p. m. rrriu l-'rr III E It i-hon? ;-ro Mr??**-? ?It? Tlr?-t (!**.?. ;?!?? ?rottl??? N - ? : . . '-. ? .ir"r*. i'- raj ? ? ?i _Writ? 'er ill.j??r?t-1 FMrjer_ DAYUICHT TRIP?) long Island Sound NEW L0N00N LINE 5 ,,' ?'".".fai-? l*1**i 'i S ?? . n II uvati i m . IS 00 A ?Y: ?A rf Kaat . : I Si It ? A tl '.? r Se ? I. doa. Nn-trl W ?i h IIIII. 1*1- ? ?? ??.,?. Boa l ' ? - . . ? ? . (Ii? ri. kct Acni. Ill Bra* away, v. I. Atlantic Highlands cSS-FARIilOCts ?UTOMOBILES r.SaHICOS Caaaeity JO C.-l ; ?? ?? ? r? wi,.|....?a I.? ?.???? ;? , ? .ja M .\?it Ho-aUl I-,-r ?: IS A M ', I- M 1* A. M., S I M l>l lir-al IIS m >.?J Sight-Seeing Yachts L??. r.?t?-ry Plrr 10 10. 2 M Tri. Br?ad 1171. TO SAHOV HOOK AMO TH? OCEAN I '0 P. M EVn'RSlOSS. A DAY'S PLEASURE EXCURSIONS.fell? HAB0 COAL- NO SMOKl- COMFCBT MAUCH CHUNK $1.60 NCXT SUNDAY, 3CPT. 12th L?. VI. 23d St.. 8.:0; Llb-rty S: . 8.X ?.??. Lr. Jac'.icu Are., J?rjiy City. 8.17 ???* Lv. Br - : St., Newark, 3.IS a.m. via New Jersey Central Delightful Afternoon Trip ^ to WEST POINT Steamer "Albany" i l.e*\rs :ir?|,?.,?.a, || | (J p M . W. lid I M ; ?\ unth I M . le? turnlni ?ti "KoHl.KT nil??." H Dally ? ? ? ?jr*Bt. and ? perlerl *lt.-r oon's >>ut!r?, ?** of mai tlass i* ? drive aroui I be P M BEST TRIP FOR SATURDAY AFTERNOON LOCK ISLAND, Last Excuraion Sunday, Sept. 12th K.I. S 1.50 \ . i a l.a.i l? R mpteitl Stesem t?**** IM D>. m-? S) ?lr?llirr M ::.ii?.*ac? i Ida .. I- r ? .. i il aim ? S* urslnn ?nlliiili. BUSINESS CARDS. ?AI-.H-ll. lAlll'KT CI.lalVlNO CO ?<1??*? ? fomiir?*".! ?r airain naa.l ar en Soo* I u Itrca.l ?a? SSI Eaat 4l?ri ?l i*tn .OK * K?LAM/t i.iiAi'ir TTrrwHiTTKs m ttmi?- a* | ? l O..0. Il T5. 1? IV?? ?? t.r.) * ?AKATIIKHKUKO I-? Mro*.l ?<?. ' lajaliabu *?** '? . . . II ? i. r ( ?? M.AV rORI i All 1*1 T < I.HMMI WORM ?lll*?i. l.?r??t. M.*i aln.|?rn .._,-, TIN? lit,- IVOVe? rKoM .iLI< .'ARfTT? Vtiirs I!. a?.-iu >l*. rWnd '-or ?1r**1!' Trl Itsi-ISS) Httaet ?37 ?^ -'??1 41t*,"^ _WOBK WANTED._ Mai? \ i:i.l.lAU!.l. M?.S ???h.? ? r?* ?? ?*'ih,!?* ? airiai.rr .?*t ul rrlrrrr. r? ..? f.c ?> ?*' 131 lu. ??fi s-rrri, .v.-? TarS in.' -" 1HM.KKKKIKH :e,:,m po.lilon J??*?? P****? U?i> r?i?bun l'!*.? l?r?*i.? r- i ''?.?J?A. Mu N.; M\\ .'?. anytlUuf John imamt.USr I i .17 r.a.??. Hi i ?? lentm !*>?? Female. OOVKaVdaa I****** :i::i.n see ?*?? riaiimn hit'. ? rr. ..iamrn li-l >l?? ?' ""jaU Ilitlualrlal A??.. )' ?r.l lid ?? . '"?"^ " llr>aiit_ ? DOMESTIC SITUATION?. WAN'TKft Female. riNiK Japaur??. l.ullrr. ?a *'. -i.rl.rr. . t.-*>ll?-i,t i-rfrirn?.?* ???ir? I "?? ii..iii.??ri?i A** n.. .:?'?* Female. ??irflh riMlR. Sr?i ??a?, ' ??? ?ai?- n"23 reietenee; $.'. ?u HO. rii? ?.r ...ii>,A ???'*??p i? a i . - I'liM.IIM He ? \i USKH? . 'iaala. an alt I i?. lie. 1..?,. ? r. - - ??.- ?trial ?Wu . II ??*? ? - ??iii?K?.lt -ri...un A-un??', ??roa* I..C cu? ?f emio?*,.; ?icrlltnt rrf?r*f"<*?* ASM.??. II k. l.iU? at. riMMM Mil Uax? ?? mmt