Newspaper Page Text
SEP??RBERHEAT SPURT KILLS 3 ?ecord Ninth of Month in Thirty-one Years- Fight Overcome. itfRCURY HITS 90: HUMIDITY HIOI? -latida Ha\cn for Wilted ?and? Maay Sleep 01 Roaches. rrostrntinns ' ' ? I *' I ? k has ha?i m the hu. . -. n ? Otherwiae ? ty-i found Mon. ? i r.ty three, ,--. Manhattan; - Third i- .'id at -*reet. I'rnalratinnv . g,, an nd in sty-four, a ? et, Urook ? ..nil Street Hellt . . horer. vercome r.t | ? Kht, an op t, Brooklyn. -. : et ar.d ? Kim;. ? '?? ? ehauf B t reel Mai hattan ? 7 Hoapital. stj i. wntchman, Overe?me . rth River. Went ment >ut thirty, ?uf a'.cohollam. Har nbout forty-five ?ajtaaaa ? and Fust ? i ha: had bee'i ? were hur wnrdrobe re fountain? did a fiiM ?rar? ; 100,000 people 7-.ey Island. or. the humidity t\e the 'emperature I 10 p. m. The i poor veas intense, a;;.i pet aid roofs ?,n the tenemeit ?ere more crowded than to ?r*l Blsjfjkt. ae| Irland last night fully -. the Uve-mil.' ? tack from Brighton f ta Police Cap . Lisda.-i. An extra pa*rol ri .-? ?d the raai api mosl ar;i! ci. A resi?rkible featuie of the day at * there were r.o r.tfs r? ported, a! vsit crowd sought relief at 7*.ur;or accidenta r.irrtd a perfect record. , a schoolboy, of 'rom a jetty Ke hie spine. : ? I was carried . it husband, John. ?M?. Cars] SB? rtfen Street, ted up apa in ?t a B ?shoulder. In ?reatbei remised that .rra as of fall are MVAL ADVISORY BOARD SELECTED hniels Expected to Announce Thomas A. Edison as Head. ? ? I --?u ] *")>.:?.,- Secretary Dan? to-mor row ? Navel ..-.-*.*? A. E he h?d received ?a aaalnationt of ail the ten teehni I to assist hi n ird, but an error made it nece orreetion. ? ? . -, ,. ? ?? rlth I ? a of the Seer? .- e.nv paci.i ? ked by ? -c ate for the ?' the board, which . before the It i- hoped that **to*r ta work re some material 77?. m en dat i on s to I'anlel?. believes will reveal th?? ? chancea ?n the nee for. a -ike an ?y wh'.ch the board can ? rk POLICE DEPARTMENT ; ? ? It' B-irrau. . .. . . ?i . .ar,?-. K t '.?"? ? ???, " ' ? |. m . Hvw 10. . K ?? . ? ? f !>l?t . > r. ^*i? 1 ;. ? ? ? ? I fror? I I ?ti . |. II ; , !??t>t 4. ? ? a-,! N?l? ' <1a?? f-.?TI . 4 I T V ? ?? i ; r i ? .. m i.?, _ ' * SEE?-,:?"?>. >'i????i - i, at.i ? ? in a ? ? - a In . i m T l N - ?as ??mi ', ?' " ? '. ' B>pi '? ?"?? '? . ; ?' ' I |. II S- l-t /',.'" ' ?la? fr?Mn ft ra.. ? l "Va? I Sat 'roa. Il s 'T?*"? W I?, fa, A??'??.? rlT??n 13 t?t . E K, a Tttltc ***? *U ROOKIES DRILL BEFORE MAYC They Soon May Get M tary Training, Mitche Tells New Policemen URGES ENTHUSIASM FOR EFFICIENT WOI >.inot\ -six Peace Guardians ?' Re\ lewpd ;:nd Cheered at City Hall Plata. Head? d dram . 'hree n ?v ..own fr : o clon. rheir u lorrn*? ? tetan? ; i with tha ! ; ? t Mitchel, - ? irtre crowd ?! .. i the n policemen bj through n c hi thi m . ? their waist line? down and ? active in the pursuit < -1 made a short addrei May Get Military Training;. Bronzed by hii irf, the e ? ' Ufged 0)1 ?r.g to - time mis Ihey wi "1 wanl to ?ay to you," said I Mayor. to you to raise t ..? far higa publie . - ? ? ? ??cent yea been su ee to reston ? 1 feel that polic may feel pro uniform I and it tht? duty of you men who arc- u'cttn into the foi ce so that % ou, 7..... lull f. el : ra "Now, 1 ee 1 . have learni your close order drill pretty thoroup ly You have had a very goo infltru tor, 1 know, for 1 to ohser him recently, up ire. T) time may nol to receive < xtendt d ord? r ii struc7i. ? in military work that we bel;? v.- it e only for ye ? Fervor in Police Work Triced. "In the meantime, it i- your devote youi raight and el police work ar.ii *o throw yourtclvc into it with fervor and enthusiasm be',,eve you are doing to do it. '?The people of this city look 'o yo with connu-Tice. Go out and do yoi; duty with a ilcterminat'on not to fai If you du that 'he city will continu to feel proud of you. "All thai .n h of you has to de i order to raise the general standard i 60 to eondi em standards and ideals of hor and efficient service are co7. and he car? fee! a fa] f self respect ar '"? I that he ha done I "If each one of you will do that yo ? vel of the Police I?t pertinent of this city." FRENZIED FLIGHT DUE TO STABBINC Fugitive's Battle with Foui Policemen After Chase, Caused by Fear. Patrolman Pergnaon* of the Wei Forty-aeventh S.on, was nea Tenth '. ? i .nth Stree last night, when h<- saw a little mai dasbing up 1 and bowling ovi every person who got in his way. H. gave chase, and McVeigl joined him. But the little man stil outdi ra. Then they fired too ahota, and thi men deemed il bee*! to ?top. Thej triei to arrest him, but he was a wbirlwini and llalli i'?*! aoon eat . bul ?1 waa a lon| tussle ?>e:" ' lubduei th-.- man. At the ?? ' ? Keane, of .'148 W est Forty-second Street The ; ? wh?r a call sounded. Patrolmen went oui and broui ? tabbed ?ml se-. ? William Keane, a brother of Job:?, liv? ing a1 101 and the otl t Ti tynor, of -U? Weal 1- ortj ninth I I reet, It developed th.Bt the three had bei :i in a place kept by a foreigner when a quarrel began. Two foreigner? whipped out long kniv? . which caused to scamper away, and In hii fright bowl persona over. His f rich I ill four oil: ?;. a th this and with inl The others were sen*, to thi I' Hospital. FIGHT QUEENS SHUTTLE CAR Flushing Resident?? Ask Direct Trana fer to New Subway. Fifteen hundred residente of Flush ing and ?.. inity ha ? . pel I tion to the Publ Commit lion York and Qui-rn? etrie Railway to ghre a di? rect servi.. ? ?ray entrance m Long [eland City. At present ?11 through trolley cars i.i Queent cross the Queeneboro Bridg' ,-tut;, and paaaengara desir to Manhattan by the new ?uhu ranafei at the bridg? and ta?-? a al ittle car th??t rana on Jackson Av.: -. L-oag Island City, ; In addition to the delay, the ehutt-e servi . during the ru^h hour ? ted. rga W Pople, ehatrtaan of the Flush-., ii.- Buainess Men's Association, will present tl to 'he com mi-sion to-day VON LOVE SCHEDULE ASKED (.irl Musi Give I'arii? ulars of Banker's Marris?;?' Promise. Yvette da Von, ?ko brought a - Ml breach of promise suit a, Andrea A. Cuneo, banker, was ordc-r-.1 vestei day by Juatice Sheam in the Supreme ?'ourt to furnifh a bill of partieolan ''h when, where in aria? n. inner Cuneo promise I tu marry her. Shortly af" r dc Von s -u was nlrd Cuneo ha?l her BITeoted on a perjury ? arm?/ she swore i falsely when aha Btatod that she was I unaware he was married. ROOKIE POLICEMEN GO THROUGH ATHLETIC DRILL BEFORE THE MAYOR IN FRONT OF CITY HALL STEPS SEA GIRT HEAT IMPEDES SHOOT Atmospheric Handicap for Riflemen?Three Matches Open Tournament. Rifle Ranges, Sea Girt. ?lent. !?. Se? ? twenty-fifth annual rifle toum?. rnent win opened here to-day. Thre matches, the company team match. tyro, 'ir Columbia Trophy match ami ih? Hayes individual match, were The heat on the ranges was intenso i.rid created an atmo=Dhfric condition about nn.Liny which made good shoot-! ?ne difficult. The tournament ronlly will get un? der way to-morro?v, when ?ome impo*" tant interstate team? will .?hoot. Th * lental on three i i the New York company team inn-.'i: nnd \ho Qould Individual rapid iii -, 0 ai d BOO. v |]| i,< shot, i ? well n? the Swiss matrb and the ?nuldii etiip-1. t" tna llwlei match marksman shoots until he misses bull'seye. Ti,p tp-<m ft, rrpre?e?it New .Ter?. was ?rlec'ed lierr to-day by Major d I, Price? ?f ('umilpii, th' ;ain. It Is composed 0/ Pi Challes I". Silvester, V right, Lieuten anl Ban uel Bi ? wn, Lieutenant Kny?e?-. ' Ic its ian1 Alexander 1 r.i ? Angle, Se; reant VV A. Balevre, t 1 !, Q. le ?. S. ? ream nhauaer nnd Privates J .' ; '1 ? ? n Smith. To 1 iiMt'AKt ti am MAT? 11 rrnn ? Captain William II. Richarde, of Ohl . 1 ? ' 1 ? of the rang?.?. took honor? in the Haycn Individua] match yards this afternoon, with a fierfect score. He hit ten consecutivo ?????. f. cond place wn? won by Bergeant Roscos Ar?ett, of the I States Marir.^. Corps, with Ii). Mujor Wlnflold B. Trice, of New Jersey I ah ad third with 48, tuking that berth 1.ver Private M. W. Randie, of 'he Marine Corps?, who had a similar scor-?, but who was outshot on scoring points. FIRE RECORD. , ? * ? : ? -i , A eettena !a ... rl Frank I ?- ? .'. I.aal lid at. MlU-heU, Roao. IV?-.!?; ? . II .'? -'? Mantmifal at . J I trifling I! \v??t 1 ?utIi it., Ben I }? M , lUaily ?o ; Be <ltjn?r? SEVEN RODDIES FACE DISMISSAI Naval Academy Head Rec ommends Dozen Others for Discipline. r..? TYtbun* Unreal ] Wa 9. Captain Chan ? Her, acting superintenaent of the N'a val Academy, ha? recommenced t< Secretary Danieli that seven midship men be dismissed and a do;en other? disciplined a?, a result of his investi. getion of the hazing scandal which developed laat June. Secretary Daniel? has written to nil the men atTected asking them to present their defenc ? to Captain Chandler, after which th? report will he n to the Preui di nt. Thre?. of '!>? men aie charged with rep >ated h ? ol hen ??-? th re the Board of Inquiry, at which Captain ?'handler presided. It is believed at th?- ?le . s on which the n must have been ?if tl ?? t? ?. as it is pro ?? a midshipman may ? ol b? ed without court martial .or a ? .:icc. The ?*- discipline are charged for the most part with "cjc ceedii . I lone." This is ?? applied t<. student officers ISO of their au? thority to browbea. th? midshipmen undei ? ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OE WARSHIPS ? B ircau ) - AHM Y. Col HARRY ? ri Si tiled on IAI nil li . ? l-'iV | M a ? ? | . . .'-:-. Kl. g m . headquarter? w. ? ? Ma ..' ?':?,.'. I. .r-i sut ?a,- JA. oll .M ?'( il ?il' III KAM A rill!.I.Il ? ???Ml I ' '.: ?K . n h < uni ? ? ?? K IIAIlltl ? HARM - I Mull? . ... I-Illl II W ?il NTINi.T..-? ? ? ? l-.iiW-KM) I I"i|U> Ri ... \' V! WHITMAN'. U M I I'lilllH lu?*?. Soi ! ?.. I - 1 I... WALTER i- roa rwRi?, WILLIAM H M? 10'!.- ? ? n ?I-.UI .-. i i . . ANDREW j wiiin : ? . BERT I, El? ni LUI le, a. : . . . AKl. \ M KI.VNE?, Kill I ? :... H MU HAU. r LA\ I I ? ? JOHN A M'DLRM'iTT rr.,;u SU) !.. TlluMAS <? MAIN. Il 1-t. :? i ... ?Kl U*ut*n*ata ?? . Ill .:ll V. A\ BXT . ? - f?n Mi! ? - . i:i:\i:niiT, LEW lu c i>a\ i.>-* . iiwmiii w JA.MEM and CLTDE H Kl-!A-a I'Mll.T. ? ji.liv ( w, il H . ? !.. I "Il Sain liOUatOD 1er ? mi:.. i.iail h. ?liai .11 Mctioa at EDWIN M WATSON - ... . 1. a-. ; . ? > l - i .M \ J.'. M SMITH ? ... nera >i . ? : ' "l'.aa! aarond t III? i. . . MAHT1N J ?l'RRILN. J( ..-Kill I. ll.VW i\ '.... t-I.M.MI .1* Ir IIIIU'IU. H .H.-. I- Ji'IIN I II WIM.AN . IJ.SEN Il TKXXK. t II v 1.M..I.. EDWARD ? M ? Ain. i il? n \i.ii tui il vi.. - t ? r . l.liWAllI" !: . . WALTER w IIK-S Jr 1 , il iTTi. a II UOOIE1I inh li.' iiuWAKli D?? ? NELLY .n 1 \ 1 IIM'N i: PRIl ilMU. \>.i*. ; : i ,. . ni'IMAK ' MAM I > i. ..H ; ?JEHIIAODT. aXLl , 11? ilil.ltT B U?R? l ? . U? 111 HI.HKUT I HTai LI.? ? ,i . rt?naiil i i i . ?? riuNcis i i" i ?? ??? ? . . ji?l 1 II M kAM.I.l T. < l . . -AMI I t 1 -Mint 1 . ??? Ar? fr.?n | ? I ? .. ?.' I KDOI lirr.\ .???'? ' I ? | l.l-?ii .NATHAN H? .... ? ??.ru? r wi* i i An .?a pjoaUM Cept MAKI? ' I. ll? UM. ? o**l Ar l? ?? nan -i.? . | rli-J Ui f S.. i:i* AR III III 1. M LLta. Coast Ar' . t.M I . HAIlllY ?' H - . , . . , i l'Ali I. J PllUll?. | . SA? 1 \i n pail i ?'??'.- had Sars] A. . 1 Arkaj, - 1., .. CILS r i i.i \ ; i:. - i ?.??ta.-h-d : ? ? : ? ? ? ri UNI . ?i ,-ilAi i.l (?Kl?, : ? SMITH, datad N'a? J il HAItllE-Vr. .Irtarl ' ? 1 r M.1:1 1 l BT, Il K ?.MANA il . 1 - Il Uli KM.T. .Iftarh??i1 ! I laiirl i? Nu s : ? ???Y itrtarhrd Ml ? i i - m -.\n?y j n ?m. a A . :? \ ' ...\;i Ml ; r- . : ? ?I i I? ,i Kl LE. Jr . U i l'I'Ull J i ri ? , \-. ? i i : ; ? r>\M' . I r.i;U\ l i - ? ?rr rai . H'tj l I Na?a! lin . i - . ? K ItAUnVIV -Va h. ? ' - . . 1 }? A ; . . I i l.ll'.lis, ?o Nr.iai |-aj ??: ? n r-Un lu , Non | ?tattoo. Sew - WILLIAM i ? HIb? . i I . I \ I lUHKM I VVILTllAN ? M ?V1JXIA1I | .- r W TB7CFK. ilrtarlinl Vra-a! ?.?. ?? ??BBerl: i Va?? '-I-ST Alllii-. ? iialiannoja. al T..i?.'...rHUrir>o .-?;?-. ? - .- - . ? La . ? ? at Port A BAHJ BVr.f, S?(Sa. ramraito. fruiu lai? > -. .?. tr. ip T. i-...'ampo for r.uaj tnaa , . ? \ ? I-- | fr-tn llamp'oii fall.ll fof trial Ml Ta' t'ian ?Vi- '.- I>.? Mullir?. ? "' < ?'..lia ?or farta rrkf-as] U prora?.! ta . \?i, ? . ? !?-l il ...??. ' \ ?i . (?nllad . Wi.l la ?Ma SUaatk raarrr? Cri Commissioner Wtiods, Mayor .Mitch?! and District Attorney Charles A. Pcrkin?; watching new bluecoats cavort. CHILLY ICE PLANT SOURS NEIGHBORS Odors Wafted from Plant Drive Sand Man from Uptown Homes. Gas bombs anil stench trenches mean more than just war reports to the citi? zens of Washington Heights near lK4th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, nor-i inallv Manhattan's most ventilated se-*- ' tion. In the last two weeks stories of German frightfulness have been very real to thes?- persons. Odors ?man?t- i ing from the big Knickerbocker Ico Company plant have reduced thv joy of living to such an extent that the ! only pleasure left i.? writing indignant letters to the Board of Health. In the plant, which occupies a square block, the Knickerbocker Companj manufactures artificial ice which re? strains a large part of the cream of Xew York from turning sour during thos.' hoi days. This fortunate effect on the milk supply of the city is not repeated ?in -I RBOOATES' NOTICES, IN pl'l i if AN OHDEH OF HON. i :. i- Cohalan. ;i sum.,: : u.e County of New forte, NOTICE l? bare? to nil persona ha>>-.< ..aim? I Deloa O v Ickham. lata ?.f tha r..u:.t;. ot New V.irli. dacaaa? ,. t, praaeat Ith vouchers thereof to tha nub ,..? of u Bsav tlni -...? offl e of Ii? Claik. A Howland, No, .D Nassau Street, In the b rough of Manhattan, City of Nee? V..-k, on or before tha '7th day -if November, luli 1IAK? !.. WICK HAM. Bie. utrlx. Dated. New Y?)rk. the ?th Ui> of .May. Itll IT, cl-AHK. BUCKNBR A ROW* ? naya f>>: Ex? utrix. 11 Naasau Btreet, New forat IN PURSUANCE >>F AN ORDBR ?.F Honorabla John P, Cohalan, a .vurrcicata of the <'..urity of N'."* T>tIc. notice is here? by (Ivan t.i all i-rsoin having; claims arxali.?'. Nornuin Pierce, Lite of the ? of New York, deceased, to praaanl ihn asm? .?ni' eonehers thereof tu ihe m;b scrlbar, at hi? pluc- of tratteactlna bust? n?.-?a. No. '*>1 Fourth Avenes, in The city of Sew Tora? sa or before, the Mb U.iy of N'ovamber nast li-led. New York, Ihe 29th day of April, 1?1? ?HRAUfK fl ROCKWOOD. A Jin miar rHior. I.\ i- R8UANCE OF AN ORDER Or HON. oral la J'.i.ii I' . .-jrronate of tha . ountj ..f Ni ??? Y..rk. NOTICE 1? aere? en tu ail p<-*-.? bavins; i lalms aa;..:i.?t ?--?:iiue| II Kl asm lat? of the County ?' ? Tota, avceaaed, t.. praaanl the ?. ? thi renf to tha ? ub?crl'?er?. at t!..-;i pla l "f Irans? ? ;n- e of Whltrl la? i< ? - 1er A RICO, N It W'a.i Str.*. In Tue i ;t> ..f New ?'.irk. on or before tha rtr?t day of Dacamber next. Dated, New York, the alxth diy of May. |?ll I.Ol'ISK VANTiKKHII.T K Kit II? a II J K18AAM, WILLIAM ADAM* KIM AM, itors WHTTRIDOE, BUTLER 4 RICE !.??>? for K.xetutora. Is Wall New Y..rk City _ tN PI'RSUANCE <>t" AN ORDER "F HON.!? John H. Cohalan, a .' Ihe <-..'.My of NVw Y'.rk. i.otire u a....... t., j'.' persona having claim? ? Ait.ert r. l lau of the , ? ' ? I r It 10 prea>-iit ?r 1 : - , a?-.. rouchaf-B tharoof t tha auba ? at their piute of tranaactlnc bualneaa No. ?? the fit)- ,.f 7. ? forh, on or hefore the lit day of Dacomber ?t Pated. New Toi i I. th? t April. tail PLUMMER. JOHN W .SIMI ? BIMPBON THACHER * RAKTI.KTT. Attorneys for Exacutora :i Cedar New Y ok. -. I BERKT. MARCELLUb F ? IN PUH8U an. e of an of :i orabla John P. Cohalan. a Burroajate of the ''ounty of Ni ? Yo? k. Braky (i . i. to all I hav.ns claims ?>-i;t.?i Marevlliu F Berry, iat. ef tha oaaty of New y. rk. pre??nt the i.imn with I era thereof to the aul a riber, at Ha p.aca .,f transa i na I i U ? N II Wall S-.ree?, la The CKj? ?f N< ? York, on or before th* lith da? : . bei next. Dated New ToraT. the ?4?h day of PED HTATHS TRfST COMPANT N EW TORK, Ex? utor. CARTER. LEDTARD * MtLBURN, ? ? for Exaeut .r. 7,4 Wall Street. B -ia*!i of M.iiiimtian. New \ ,rk City. SHERIFFS M i TION SM.KS. DANIEL Ol ? ill ?ell This 'h. 1?15. af 11 ft CONTENTS OF HOUSE. eoaaalattaa ot Car Pictures Cou imentt Wlllaa BeU, Chlffoalera, Blda - etc . an.l all othai that ? ri Au? :jth. 1M5. or ??.?fter >? \ v s ORirENH ?OEN SharlfT - > V |1 Mill i- l-p ?ij.-r'tl_ AUCTION SALES. i i:riiNSTF.i.N ai rrnAi.i i: si U-- p? lat ? ? . a ? ! -. ... a- v Am.:, no. A? a - . 'V. ?atfan LIT- ??'??? link Bf arder ?at ?tton.c; t?i ?A xigif the Ice plant's neighbor. The fumes which escape from the oil engines have ruined the dispositions of all the peo? ple around there. "We can't sleep!" they cry. "If we open the windows, we are opp:> lad with that vile odor. If we keep them shut, we are stifled by the heat." Afte-r receiving volumes of letters from the annoyed citizens, inspectors have investigated the plant. The of? ficials have decided to try to purify the atmosphere. Robert Bavler, manager of the me? chanical department, admitted yester? day that the company was worried by the complaints about the fumes. He said the weatner caused the present spirited outbrer.k. as the odors usually floated off in the upper nir. Lately a heavy fog bank has hovered over the plant and kept the smells near the ?round. FORECLOSURE SALES. St PR EM H COURT, COCXTT ?JT NKW York?The Furmers Loan 4- Trust Co.. a.? .-.K'Tit and -| ... ; th? hint wiii and Ti f Mary E n i": ild, ' agi Marianglola ml a In pursua ? . lament of foi and ?nter*?l .. : bearing date the I 1.1th dii ..f August, Uli, I. tie uni-r i the retire? in nail Ju.lgment ???11 ?t pui .' th? age Salesroom, Mo 14-1S Veaey i . .liattan. City ' . ? .,? -of Sept. .-M h-r. 1911, at 12 i ' it day, i- Joseph I' Day, Auctioneer, th? prem* i la-.? directed t>-- sal 1 Judgment to I..- ?old, : and Iher? .* follows ALL thai ?areel of Inn.I. v?.iti? the building ar.d Iraprovements m areetad, situate, l> in* and ? Borougn ?f Manhattan, of tl of Sa? ? ork, In th* Counl and I N?w? fork, and bounded and deaci ? BEOINNING at a ->' lat on the ll It of I I.'til .*Uieer hundred un.i forty-four le?.! westerly fr.nn raer f >rm d i ; tn* lnt< ?* ?:?..? :.... * f g| eel ind th? westerly aide of Pleasant lv?au? if i ly a\"iiuh A); and running thence - parall? isanl A ? ?nuo one hundred f-et arui "?eia-n Inche? to the ; mlcldli ' k; tlit-nce weaterly 'along ?hi.i lin? forty feetj ? ind again parallel with I'leaaan' AYS* au? ?ne hundred feet tad eleven Inch. ? to th? northerly ?Me of iir,th street, and thence eauterlv ?.long the northerly side of 116th Street forty feet to th. point or pi?.* of beginning, ?ai a prsmlsas being now known by the Street Numbers 431 and 133 Baal ItSth Street Th. abo?? del lar..I He? tn the Mock which la ileslan.ite.i a? Hlnek No ITS? Il - lion '" on r he Map of th? City of Mew rort Dated, N-u York. August 2lth, 1915 Kl.Y BOSEMBEKO Ha' bobcht tv CANDLER Ati i ? for Plaintiff, ii Wall Bti Borough of Manhattan, New York city Th* foil?? In? Im a diagram of the prop? er" ? !? 111 4J1-U3 BAIT I1ITHBTREET. The nppr in' of it.? lien or which the | : prupert) :? to i ?? | a?0 oo, with lnt?r?el -li-r-oa from th?- ICth ? ? ? - together with th ? Ing to II! 1 tS, ?? :Mi in t?r?St fror:. . , . | ..... | ... . | of th? Ml? Th? ? . .' amount of the taxr?. H**?!nment? ? r.. ti? allowed te i ter out .>f tag purchase m d t>y th* Kefer*?, l? |1,SI ?.:?. ?n.l lnr-resr ? N-v Y rk August 14th, 1915 ELT ROSENBEBQ 't<*-r?>e SIMMONS. 1EME COURT, NKW V? IRK C? ?KATHERINE GABRIEI, ' rr. ?gainst BI'LEKMaN rOMAN, Del TI( IN? Foil ? P? if MARRIAGE To the above Y'-r ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to an ? I - r ? I ? ? ?? ? ?. in, an.I to ?erve .. i tiff? attoraey wl ? after the ??r?ic* of this summon? ?geluslv? of th? f servi and II ease of your f?:lur? , to appear . ?Ill- \,? ? t*ken ??rain?t you r,y .'.efa ?;t, f?r th?, re . lief desnnnded m ?h* complain?. Dated, fu? i I MURRAY ?i JENKINS. Plaintiff? Attor i.ey. Ofnc? ?ml Poat ?Jffl. * Addrees No III*?*y, Iiorouifh of Manhattan f S*? York To the Defendant, Shleamnn M*l>-k Yonan The for-S'lr>g ? - ?.-rir.l up<ri piihllratlnn. purauant lo an order f the Hoi ' th* Hupr^me Court of ? \-, w Y .rk. ilated Augu*t 191.'.. ami file?, of the t'Urk of th- ? - V.rk on ?he J.'tii .lay of August Sem \ i ? i \ .< ist 1 .rii iff| MURRAY .1 JENKINS, Plalnlir* Attor snd i' d a Broad ?*y. Borough of Manhattan n-.? Torh City i.Ei.VI. NOTICE. UEOAL NOTICE Th* N*w Ha??? Coast] National Bank located In the . -11 >- of New Hav<-i>. in th? .-?.I? *f Connecticut. 1* . .oalng l'a affaira All not* holdera ?ml other .re.lltora of th* aisoeiatlon ?r* h-rehy no'lfte.l to present th* not?* an.l oiheY claim* for pa> merit I .; BTODDABn ?-r?*ld*aL : ? ? : Auiuai it. .... SEEKING WEDDING PROOF, FINDS KIN Woman Searches Califor? nia to Establish Second Marriage. WIDOW OF THIRD HUSBAND, SHE SAYS PlgM Over Fstate of Fliishin Man May Hinge on Pacific Coast Testimony. To obtain her dower right? in the estate of her third husband. Mr? Marion L. Enos, formerlv of Flushing, L I., in now in San Francisco, ("a!., seeking to obtain proof that will be ?r.t i ..factory to Surrogate Daniel Noble, of Queen? County, thut she wa? ?epally the wife of her second hua band, Charle? Henry Evan?, of Sacra? mento. The first hushnnd do?? not t.irur?* in the peculiar complications that have beset Mr*. Knos since ?he sought a third of 124,042.71 '.eft bv her third husband, J. Roland F.nos. of Flushing. Enos died several month? ago with? out leaving; a will and t harles B. Knoi was appointed administrator. When he file?! hi? accountinir. Mr?. Enos objected to it on th? (round thai she had not been mentioned at an heir nnd hnd received none of the estate. Then commenced u fight, which wa* decided by Surrogate Noble last March when he ruled that Mrs. Er.os, having failed to prove to his satisfaction that she was the, legal wife of Evans, could not prove that she was the legal wife of Enos Mrs. Enos told the Surrogate she thought she could find witnesses to h?r marriage, and he con?ented 10 reopen ?he case if she succeeded. She im niediatciy went to ( alifornia. and now her attorney, David C. Myers, has peti? tioned Surrogate Noble to appoint a commission to take tustimony in Cali? fornia. Ha :..? ! his petition copies of telegrams -from a San Fran? cisco attorney, retained by Mrs. Enos to aid her in her search, stating that ??he has located a Mrs. Anna Watson, ?-. sister, of whom .*!.?? had io?t trace. Mr?. Watson, it is said, recalled the ?ve.lding. Th. woman also ha? found tha Rev. Dr. Thomas Fill-en, who, sho says, per? formed the marriage ceremeny Octo? ber I, 1884, as well as other witnesses. Surroj-a'e Noble will appoint the commi?-ion and has set the case down further hearing on November 30. by which Mrs. Enos is expected ijack fri m ('alifornia with the deposi? tions. FORECLOSl KE SALF.S. Ml'PR EME COURT, COUNTY nF NEW York.?Charl?? Lanier Lawraaea, PKin tlff, ..L . . Schl**4B(?r ami other*, -In purcianee of a 'udgmci.t ..f forecloiur* and tala, .luly mail* ami : in the ab.i>*-*i-,tttl?d action and .? . 1 th" und. reigned, th? Refer?? In ?aid Judg ?a ni ?eii m put.He auction, at ?xehaaga Salesroom N'..* ii-:? v>**y Street, li, lb? Borough of Maiihatun. <:ity i Vorn. .,n th* -1st Amt ? ?! Septem? ber, 1I1S. ?t II ?'elock noon on that day. b> JoMph P Day. Auctioneer, th? prem i?e? dlreeted by ?aid Judgment lo be ?old | and th?r?lB deacrlbed a* folio?*: All that . ? r* :? i ii lot, pi-.-.' ..r par.-?! of ; lan.l. with the building* and Improve? ment* thereon ereeteu. ?Huute, lying and th* Itor-nQfh ..f Mann ?? a t I In th? County and State ? bounded and il'?'riLiil Beginning .at I point on the Street, dietaai r.. ?> hundred .irul tueniy-il.r ?eet we*l?rl] tro*a ! bj b? ..-iter?. .-lion of th* ?"Ulli Tl; .aide of ".Olli Street \?llh the wraterly aide of loth Avenue, and running W?at?rly, ?long th? aouiherly ?Id? ? ?r tOth Sir?, t. twentj -rive feet I ? ly, parallel wltb l'lth A.enue. .nd part of th. dletanee throuiih a parti ??.ill, .ne hun.lred feel Bv? im-hea to the rentra lin? of the block; thence ?aatarly, ?long ( '.!.?? block, and parallel ulth ' twenty-It V? feet, and th?nc? north.-rlv. parnllel wltb l'lth Ave? nue, und part of the dlatan.? through a aart) wall, on? hundred f- et Be? imhe?. ? f :.';th Street, at :hc point or pla..- ??: i>. winning ? ?? known b? th? Street Number .'.'I Went aOU? Street. *nd a th* block which :? da?lfnaUd a? I?:.>.?!?? No lot- .i. Bi th i on the Land r Set Tort bated. Neu \ork. Ausu?.l 'luth, 1115. MANT?N M WTVEL.L. Refere?. JAY .t- CANOLER, Attorney! for I' Sin? ti IT. ?>. Wall Street Hornu-rh of Man hatiar. N ? Tort City f .Mowing le ? diagram of the prop? erty t.. b? told! it? Hireet number t? 014 ?r.?t. Seje York 614 \V??t 101 h Stre.t Th? approximate amount of th* Hen or eharg? tn satlaf) ?huh the abev*-de* I . ? ..... w Ith " t Hh d*i ..f Auguat. 101.'., together -.?i'h COtrtJ and ? :th In ? from A IfUl ' gether with ? M ..f the ?avie. The approxi? mate amount of the ta.?.?*., and water rate? or tier llene, which ar? to he alia ? ?? r out ..f th? ?.uni. , l bj th- Referee* . . , , ere.' Dated. New York. Auguat 3>:h. 1*11 , r? IN M WTNKIata. Ki fer..-. V <K NBW" York.?Th? Mutual Life Inauranc? C m patiy ..f Hem fork, PUIntlaT, ?gainst ? T Kenn ?rol ..'.h. rs Defendant?? Ai lion No .1 ?In purauane? of a Judg .f forecloi ? i and entered in thi abov?-?ntltl?d a 'in date th" -?th d*> of Auguat. on l?ral-*n*K?, thi liefere? in ?aid Judgment n.n.ed. ?Ill ?ell at public ? .m. No?. V.... y WArei t .11 'be of Manhattan, City ol Nee fork, on ihe :i?t ? !.O..n ? -, ?' Day, Au. tloneer. . direct. .1 by ?aid Judgment to !.* gold, and therein .'.eecrl'.ed a* f. ?? a?: thai certain lot pie.? or pa: I land. ?I'.iare in ?h* City "f V*?? York md m rlbed a* folio??? liegln al a p dm In th- Northerly Un? of I and sixth Ptreet dl?t*nt one hundred and e'Kh'v f. et Ka?l*rly from tha ' K'.'ih Avenue and ' . .?.e ?l\lh Street; running I th? Northerly lln* of On? bundled and ?l.trh Htr-et, forty Northerly, parallel with Fifth hundred feet .lesen Hiebe? ?,, the e. ntre lit.- ?{ th? I.'.o.k. thaac? \\'e?t ; ir?i>i ?i'n <:.e hundred and ?:?.ii . and thane? Southerly parallel with K.fth Avenue and part;? .h a parly wall, one hundred f?et ?a In.he? to th? point or plac? uf beginning. bated New York. Au?u?t JO. 1*15. MANT?N M WYVr'Iala, heferee PRBDCRICK L AI.laKN. Attorney for ?lar Ptreet. New Tork Cltj The following la a diagram of ?he prop. t? be a..d. It* *tr**t number 1* t Eaat I??th Street. \ ? 104th flt. The approximate amount of th? Hen or <-h*rg*. t . ?atiafy whl< h th* ?BOV?.(J?. . property l? to t? ?old, la 111.111.IS. with ir.terrat therron from th? llth d?r of August. ISIS, together with cost? and allowamea amounting lo fill IV with In tere?i from Augu?t 14. l?ll. tog*lh*r With th? e.pen*** of th* ?ale Dated Ne? V,,rk. AugJ*t 10. llll MAaWTON it WTV?laOa. 1 i Ifc WORK GONE, WIDOW IN HELP Laundry ( uitomt-r? kenU) from Cltv leave Her Stranuerl. No workmen's comper.?atiun la* wae m effect when Mr. Youn?- wat killed Ir. a fall from a building on which he wan working. Court proceed,- ??? were instituted, bu*- there i? no ? an early settlement. Mr? Voting, an la?Jat*ri?a*aa woman, i? supper, tint: he' a gir! ' ? rl ? III her monthly rent to S~ ag as a laundri*??. ?ho earns about $* a :n *v:r.*<>r. Ir. 'he ? immer customer? leave *o**n. I I t ,- ? th.? y?,ir the ' hi FREIGHT EARNINGS DE:LINE Norfolk & Western (?r??.? It ran !>e ereaae of SI.??-? i,26'. The Norfolk & Western Railway in rt for the ? in* revenue ' ? of $l,tj?>i?,206. due larg.-y to a falling otf in tieitrht earn ngt nrr. . il.4M8.o7i Poooongdi reve wit? nessed s decrease el Oaring to u reduc.or. :n oper. I I co-<*a of |2J0*?,Ml, r.owever, I pany ?*??.? abk to establish an inei in net operating Mrataart after taxe? of $<S?'0,'.'23. Of the red-dctiont .n opcra'iriaC exponses ?"39,..;i eraa maintenance ci war depar* Me" in maintenance of ? and 41.546,0? 1 ,r> transportation expi ? Tho 'ncotn. available for dividends ?vaa ;i'i.Ho9,??t. n fnlling off of I 521. After Itftjtfl for pre? ferred d?vidand? there eraa a balan-e of $9.I9<\233, or ftjvlMll nbo-, amount required for common divii GIRLS TO DANCE FAREWELL EzerciBcs to Mark (lose of Vavafion Playgrounds. Summer vacation activities in the playgrounds will clo?e to-morrow af? ternoon with a ?eriet of fMttval and athletic event? arram-ed by the Recre? ation Bureau of the Park Department. All exercises will h?-y;;n with a salute to the ilajj and ?inarm?; ' Spangled Banner" The girls will do folk dances and the boys go through Indian club and caliithen.c ?ir FOKECLOSIKL SALES. Ht'PREME .'OfRT COUNTY OF 7 York?Charle? Lnnl-r. aa Bole aur-.-l--!i.| trua'.ea of_:!.a truit creatad In Bad l> lad Blxth P-iTlon of th? laat Will and Te?-.? Steal of frar,.'? Adelaide l..mranoa, de c?a??d for the benefit of r'.rny. Vernon. I'lalntlT. again?? A-lolph Bei.:? ?tnarer and o-.hara, l'?tendant???In pur ?uanra of a Judgmei.t of forecloaur? and aale, duly m?da and enter?,1 In the above. entitled a.?:..,n ai.i bearing date th? day of Auguet, Dirt I. the i.nderalgne 1. the referee In ?Md judgra?nt aell at publlo auction, at tha Kx. hansa Sn'aaroom. Ko 14-m Veaey Btreet. If? tha Borough of Manha-tan, <'!ty of Ne?* York, on the Slit lay of September, IMS, at II O'clock noon on taal lav by ' ? ph P Day. Auctioneer, the pre. ilaee t 1 l.y : igment to be ?.,..1. and therein de ?e fullona AU that certain lot. p!?ce or par.-?l of land, ?vilh the building? and lmpro?.* m':.'! 'hereon erected, a .*? being In the oty of New York, in tha County and fiat? of New Tors at..i dr?. rtbed aa f..; awe at a ootnt on the BOtttlMai] - ? ioth streut dUt^nt t?*o hundred fee*. from the corner f -. ' the Intersection of th? eoatherl) uf 50th Street with the wmI.i ly el.le of 1'ith A ?f thence v ly a.on? the eoutherly aide .f 70th Street, twenty-five faat; -.hanca a- utharly, paral? lel ?tth lOth A\e-..-. mi ' pan of tha dlataaca through a part? wall, ..n? .lred f?et flv? ?nche? to the .entre the block. lh1B?-e,e ?alaliy, ,?!jr,g ?!.<? line .,f ;be bloc* and para.i?. ??.?h ti.? Street, t??e?t> ?:'.???- feel ?:.'? I erly, parallel ?it!: I moa one hun? dred faet five in- he? to the ? *. ' aid- of leth Street, Ht the po PI u[ of .???inntno. .-ail irernl??? being BOW known r? tne Street Number r.ll \Ve?t Jflih Str- I ties In the i lock whim :? .:??? HI..? k X. 1071 in Section ? oi th? Land Map of the of Ne? V rk Datod. N?w York, August 3 "h. 191 j MANT?N M vTTVELL. Refere? ROBERT W CANDLBR At'orna?- for P IntllT, 4S Wai; .--'reef Hon.ugh of Minhn'tan. New The following i* a fUatjreai of the prop ert?- to he Bold; its ?treet number 1? 512 Went GOth Btreet. Nl V rk 612 \Ve?t 5?.-h Street. Hi Tl.? approximate amount of the chaise, to ?atl?fr ??hi?, h ta? abo?e-de. l ! properi: i? to be ??: I. ta Sil with inter? at th-reoii from th? ?th .t?> of Augu?'. lilt, together ?*--. itn ?? allo?vance amounting >o 1243 '?3. ??!? tere?t from Aucut 2-ifh. 111'.. tog??th?r wt?h t?ie exp-n?e? ..f the aa'.- The ap? proximate amoun.tee, a??e?i men*? ?i.d ?.r r "'?. of ethei which ?re fo be allowed e money, or pul.! bj tlie? Iteferee I? f42? I", ?nd Dated legtaat 3 .-h. ltlt. MANT?N M WTVKLL. I'.-f-t-? SII'HKMK rOURT ' OU NTT OK ?i . .!'. K ? Runa 1 again?t Janpot? A "?'? l'iimi. >' ' er? defeadaata ? In purauun.-e ,,f n Ju<lgmant of ' ? ? titled . r of Augu?-. * :. will ?ell ?? Hon. at tha | In tha n- rough .'?:?-. of Ne?? Yo: a ' - . ? . ..u ? ..fie.-r. the prom!??? dimcted by ?aid Judgment to be ?old. ?i..l therein deecrlbed a.', follows AM ? ' land, situate, l>tng and being in th ough of Manhattan, City, County an< of New York ll.-glnning at *he noalhWM An. Hundred and Kl?.-h?> -ae\?nth Btreet ?ml Ametardam a than ? northerly, alona ?he w??l?-rl>- aide of Am ?1 Avenue and elifh*. hundred and savant) ?l laaodthe - aevenlh and On- H ?nd Ki^hfv . ?ttreeta. then? e ?? ? ter line of the 1 f. ? thenc? ? ! A?enue. n!i.?t>-four an : hundred and i'.fnt) flv? one-thou? H in'ire.l ut.d Klghfy-aeventh I thenc? eaater'.y, along ' ? aide 1 rllght) -?e on? hundred (It i faet to tha p"*n? or placa of beglnnliiK I>aied New York City, S?ptemb?r V??, 1915 TH( .mas L HURI Hef-re-? BDWARD JAi'i.iis attorney for I itiff. Offlc? an?l Po?t ntn.a addre?? J5 Broad ? The following 1? a diagram <.f th? erty to be aolil. It? atre.t number? are ?<-|. tfl \v-?i IITtb I 1?>1.1 -., ?? t\a\ _ _too I The approximate amount of th? lien or charge, to eetiafy which the ai.n? d? a.-rlbed property la to b? ?ol?l. I? rlv? thou aan.l and elghi 13-100 (ti.001 11-100) dol lar?, with inter?-?t th?r?<m from th? 10th day of Auguat. 1?15. togalher with the coats and allowance ?Amounting to taiNMt douera, ?lib intereat from H-pterub?r Id, 1?15 together with ?h? expeneaa of Ih? ?ale' Th? approximate amount of th? i taxe? aaaoaem-'fite and ??a-er ratea or other lien? which ?re to be allowed to the pur chaaer out of the purchaa? BBOaey, er paid j by tha referee, le flffy-alx .1 : *r? ?nd In . -,er?a? The p.-eni'aea ?111 be ?v>;,l ir, on* I parcel, eubject to a ?rlor m ..--.gage for I seventy-five thousand dollar? ant It.l-rae; th?r?oo and eubjaot to lattlnga to preaent tsasets Dated New T-rk ?ttg? Bapternb?r Id. lilt. THOMAS L, HVRLKY BaaBBawawa