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tit J??JtJe AG.41N "shows WAY TO FIFTY-FOOTERS H p. Whitney's Yacht \Vins Her Third Contest ?n Seven Days. OVERCOMES A BIG STARTING HANDICAP ?-??in Harbor Club's Regatta a Lively Affair, with Close Finishes the Rule. r,r th? third ?.?*-? In ?even day? ?a-TT Psyne Whlta?ty*a PO-foot ?loop ?aajM lUrbsrs hss cro*?*d the finish (At mr.ner la her cla?s in tho -^?i three different club? the <*??? kjj-j^oririth an. the New York and ?-tas Bsrhcr ft ? - ?" ?*t over the la?t jS riob'? cour??? off Greenwich. ^fetter*, ?siled by Harry Maxwell .-??lit fie? ethers of her claat, did a ?^Ttabl* ?i",r;'r Startinf more than ^nt? ?ftrr tv* roal by re??on of L-?? fere*d to the wrong ?Id? rf the **J?(if r- ? tbem ?11 and won mmthe Iroqur- II by 47 ?econd?. \mgnt s course of tw?nty mil?? in 2 2, JO ?iatttfi 04 ??cond*. The V?tsr? ftmthe.i U ?econd? after the laffttif H "Cortider ?. ' that fer sn hour . ,:?*? th? . nd ?h.ft?d back Into from S. S. W. ?a y V., st ?which potnl It held, the v* tr?i'ore ' 'v' eae\ that the Ind v RVbor V?'? C IB ha? ever held. ? remarkably . winner in the Raymond'? Hope, .* second? from J, A. Waslftedt's Oke?, O-fden M. Reid'? t*|jl-?i',a XriirA The winners In the ..i?.c'?-i'? were th? Pontler, the Red Etk? Firefly, th? Joyetta, the Wild - -, th? Minnehaha, the Zete, the - -: th* Y?n. 7?r itsrt war trade at 1:10 off Great .... ;. .- In the lightest kind of the southweat. The -?'.,?' w?r? ??? I ?way st that time. ; il. M?f?orou,?v'- Spartan wns the .tedtr. ??though W E. Dodge'? Samuri, mm ?ddi? F'?h .it the ?tick, had an art <*f her. The !**x,o?ii I!. aith her owner, Ralph N. | . ?? *he wheel, eamt for the line ?h (rood headway, with ?heet? that ?he went th? lee of both the Spartan ind th* Ssmnrl at orre. --???dor? B?k'r'? Ventura, handled ? ran, hugged the -e <;o clo?e that |* rVbsr?, Iteere-J by Harry Max r? ur ??tern, had not room M r? betwu-r. tre Ventura and th? ?fOT. ?o ?h? m force., to windward of its by having to ; rerr?.*? ?.he line. ? ?;Fpe'.e Acuthla mean fifth place. All cro'ied on the starboard tack with ? of points, and cher? aloft Th? court? for thii elaaa wa? across ?it Sound to ?? : the Lloyd's Nk? buoy. Gybir.jr there they had a . N?ck buoy, the. th4htVmj th:''i? ?o the west-ne-rth ?trt, ?id t c!o-e fetch of eight mile? ?h. The Barbara ?*! i trot??t fiat: In her lee rigging isiwfatflv i?-' -nrt. rtlea" at 1:25 ? I ? ? e They crotsed ?? with the Hot.? leading the Lai by h?:f a dosen length?. The At?, th? Jus-, ta. tho Okee, the ? ?nd the Alerion II crossed m order, weII bunch??*. The other SSSMS rot ???? tl -va minute inter? im yacht? which accompanied '? ov?r ?he courtet included I P. Mortar.'? Corsair, J. W. Alker*? F e's Alberta and E- C. Benedict'? Oneida, Former com ?ifdor? George Louder, 'r.. was also ?tt it hi? Kndyrtiion. The tttva? m??ar?. '?? Richard A. Monka, ? P. Brush. ? ? ? , ajifi-s? r.ioT taut, i 10 ?III.I.S ' ar""l , I T*t*t ?nd r.? .. n \| *, H.M ? 4 Cr? 04 ? '?? ?4 ? ? '.(. II J?*?. ?ftm i ? < - ? 14 g?f- ?' a Mi ? . 4 ti ?- 3 '.3 i* 1*3 03 ? ' T ? T i -TAKT. 1 .i? I kflLU ?J I r In 4 1? 41 2 M 41 5' i M?. ??. ? i :? > ?fa "tie >l H-11 ? 10 i: ?TV1. . '?? ? ' - " m gy L i .?:??? ?or?. J T f.... IM II < -4.vt.1a? n.?.* f:h>t DtnaiON?htakt. l N i onisi jgy- * i 4 :.. 4? . ? 55; ? ; 4 C? "I I 4? 3? 4 ? -? i :.- l? 4 II ?? lm-!e '? " ' "?? -' ?' '?' A' *"?' . ?? II -An,lr**-' ? ? Drviaiow- HTABT. SLt*1' .r"?r* * ' ' ?" ?H ? M M .. . < 4 17 .. i > '. ?-?'? l.\. ??car ITA?.? Tiuni. divihion- start. 1 4? ...i SI H r. 4 '? S3 3 ?? 3? i ' ?fj-*-*? --?-" I ' Ha.J 111 ??"a. ?TUS? R STAtT, 1 SO ?111 IWE. Jl L EL* " ' 4 t?* 13 ? M 11 it* mmmart sTAhT. 1:43? Cl H* kJJ*!"',* '' v ".? 4 03 VT 3 1127 la , ' 4 ?4 ?? I It-M '?, 104 4? 1:3141 M maM HARBuk ..%?. i,| s:,,s stakT. 1:33' ? 4 .? ne l HaM ? 1 '.r> M CT?_i*' ' SU . ' i I,, . *" ? mSOt . miu.?? ittu,.* ,; '" ' i? .? i 43:? ^^'N ?: rlKt. 1 '?ir S c?','" ? II 1 ?11 ? i 72 .i: ?TAKT. ; :,-. nitn*-. ? mii.I.s ,* * ii - - ?? i, at?' " r" .- It 1:?:IT ' ? XlWgiR D?8TTRBEH IV WINS CUP ^Uf**? Third and Final Race for the ?-?rij-l-r?. Trophy. *??eV'',S*-1t l- The Iiisturber IV, m^ -W hydroplane owned by Com ?kth, c, *m*> A Pu?-' "f ?he Chicago ??t? fa. ?i *'.':: ' ' '"' ir<! ?-r'*, deciding *?3?r?-lV ?ri?-?-? trophy, and the ** -e-^sia? rJ*0 4t fh-mpionship. here *? t?. ,:?. The ??'??turbi-r IV al?o won ??i?.* ?? r.tia" 'or th?' thirty-mile ?J *a. 65:51 L-.r, Peter l'an VII, ????I tl?. i. ? Hlfke". of Toronto, and Hu, ?" Mt0,:d ?n 1:11:19. *-Wit ..0,:; a5W|i,,d by ? ?>"?*?'??? ?*?ft?d in the race, but after ; -..-.t leg of the court? in y.'? dropped out. > Zim^ wer* ??h that at on? >^*"r.t'LS.?"d?y. but S?? boot ?.4- h?.,! Wllhn-f *? ?*?*? the ri.k ' fc* H.?uB"'k ^????' J". of tho eXS*e v '. d; Urht ('luh; ??by f-Wy-ork n!.d ?by l'? 8' ??????kton, ??:<', CbU *ni-J Ba-rriawcl* and Billi hast Defeats West on West Side Courts Continued f-rm pitee 1 with terrific paco, and "an o-it the next four pointa, J ? -m.-ible to tie sarthing witt, his opponents de? livery. Tho East? splendid length an.i direction into hi? drive- that thi Champion mi not able to take chance? at the net, sad lest the th.rii game. Johnston bra ight ths games to ,t 2. I in hi? favor, by running in and cutting : off hi? rival's dr.vr? with serais low ! volley? across the cour\ hut. tl again allowed the former chatr.?. gain the advantage on game?. UlSOSgh ( hi? inability to head off the llns-catting drive? that Williams was swooping iust over the net. The Philadelphia!! WSJ nfit to be de? nied at this stage, and ran o??.' tho ?.?: ' with a daizling ?cms of phuement , ?hot? that the champion could r.r ing with. William? wn? greeted with a I great bur?t of applause at the iinish of the set. ' Johnston Set?. Fast Tare. Johnston got a gT.p on hi? nerve? in the second set and began to reel off the ! points at such a pace that Williams could never get started. The man from the Coast went well up into his fore? court at every opportunity, and played with the ?ame impi'tuous rush that h? showed in defeating McLouphlin for the title on Tueiday. Williams appeared disconcerted bv the aggressive manner in which the champion was smothering hi? ?hot?, and Jonneton ran straight through the ?et, taking the six games in a row and bringing him even once mora in the match. The third sot found Johnston and Williams travelling at a furious pace, but with this difference: that the for? mer single? champion was clearing the net by inches only and cutting the line? with wonderful accuracy, while the Ca?fomian was frequently finding the top of the net with his famous fore ? hand drive? and hi? low volleys. Pome of the driving exchanges from deep court set the spectator? applaud? ing ?he sKill with which the men exe? cuted their stroke?, and the "gets" made by Johnston la retrieving some of Will? iams'? passing ?hots were remarkable. Both player? were putting all their strength into the ground ?trok??, and it seemed that one or the other must ?:'.t under the ?train. Karl Behr, sitting on the clubhouse porch, remarked to Pell a? the drive? went rippir.g over the net: "It would take a girl to boa' those two the way they are going now. Just a few ?oft fho's would break it all up." William? kept gaining in the deadly accuracy with which he played his re? turn?, just out of the champion's reach a? the latter attempted to gain mid court, and took the third -et at 8 i, Williams Forgas to Front. In the final sot, after Johnston had captured the first game on his own ser vice, Williams forged to the front by executing daizling placement sho's all over Johnston's court. The Easterner's ?en-ice was very severe, and the Cnli fornian'? returns wore of a defensive nature a? he tried to keep the ball withy*?, bounds. In the fourth game, as Johnston was making a last desperate effort to pull th? match out of 'he fire. a palpably bad decision by the linesman on the Pacific Coast player's ?ervice court line, so upset the champion that he could not settle down again for sev? eral minutes. Williams had served a fault on his first ball and his second, stroked eren harder, was at least a foot out of the sen-ice court. Johnston, ?eeing it was a double-fault, only swung carelessly at the ball, but the linesman treated it as a good senice and there was nothing left for Conlin, the umpire, to do but call it Williams'? point. With the game?, reading f> 2 in Williams'? favor, Johnston made his Stand and mar.aged to win the eighth and ninth games by brilliant vol. leying from mid-court, smothering hi? opponent's ?hots by wonderful court covering. Williams then finished in im? pressive style by winning the last game at love, scoring three perfect place? ment aces by ? the bail sharply aero?? the court to the champion'? backhand as the latter left his base line. This gave the Philadelphia man the set at 6 4 and tho match. Williams was roundly cheered as he ?hook hands wi'h Johnston, who wa? the ?ame smiling, good natured op? ponent in ?defeat as tie was in victory o?. the occasion of the previous meeting of the two men. The doubles match was put on at 3:S0 o'clock in the centre court, and it wa? a full three hours before Behr and Pell won the la.-t point and the match by a score of 6 4. 8 10, 6 8, 8 ?'>, 6 4. All four men were roi.dy to drop from weariness as a result of their fast work In the hot sun, but Bundy wa? the most affected, owing to hi? lack of practice this season. First Set Bitterly Fought. Pell began the ?ervice, followed by McLoughim, Behr and Bundy. The first set was bitterly fought, with the East? ern pair generally forcing their way into the middle of the court and then '?mashing wi'h such savsrit? that the Pacific < oast tesa asa tatet .1 back to the bn?.e line as they lobbe?! high and lately in the attempt to ISako tb..;r spaoasata commit orrors. Poll and Behr were full of fgl t, h swarf, and ok the first set at I 4. The second ?ession found Mo?.ough lin and Bundy more formidable, for tho "Comet" worked his wav to tho not and then rained terrific ?ma?hes through the spposiag court, bringing cheer? from th?? ?tand? by the spectacular manner ir. which he ?cored "kills" from overhead Bandy rut up a r? markably strong game at this -tage, leaping into the air after lob-? many times and then crashing his returns between Behr and IV!! for placement aces. The game? rsaaltsd in hard battles up to 8 a!!, aid then tho Pac.'ic Coast ?tar? won tho ??ist two games and the sot at 10 8. The fact that they were behind in tho struggle only served to put the Easterners on their mettle, and tho last two sets found them going with greater smoothness and far more ag fressively. By steadying ?vhen Mo oughlin and Bundy tried to dislodge them from the not position with puz? zling lob?, nnd bombarding the West? erners with terrific smashes, Bohr and hi? partner took the fourth set at 8 9 and then went out after the final ses? sion. Bundy was beginning t?> find the pace too fast, and kept sending hi? returns into the net for costly error?. Me I.oughlin. seeing his partner'? weak? ness, launched himself into the thick of the battle and held the struggle even up to 4 all on game? by his in dividnsl brilliance. The Eastern pair were going too well, however, and took the last two games and the set at <?? 4, giving them the match. HOW THE EAST WON ON COURTS KIKRT PET. Point?. Gtnrit-? r-l! ?nil nrhr . ? 1 ?'<?*? I 7 7? ( M 1, ?I III a: .1 Bui: lv Mil Mill S? 3? ? RECOMi SET lv and Hi hr 4 f> ? 1 T 1 | t t 0 4 I 4 1 4 1 ? 1?SI t Uelmxgw lln aiid Da-ai?l 14??9?sii?l?l?14? *? M is TUlRr? MET Pell and Bahr 114141444140? a?ill ? Mrt.oujhrin ar.d Hund, . 4414241224244 5?43 S rui HTit Hrrr re:: tai m-iii?'iiii??ih ? t v. u ifhlla ?nd I'.t "? .441434114441? S-41 t FlfTH SET Tell tatl Behr ? 1 ? 1 4 1 4 l : S?s? ? V 1- ?:?? i. and Hui,.') ? ? 1 4 1 ? 2 ? 5 S?32 4 Total??Tall and Rehr. S ?et?, M ?am?? If? r'I- '? McLmiihllii and Bund?, 2 ?at?. 3* ??m.?. 2oG polr.'i WILLIAM8 VS. JOHNSTON. KIll.1T SET n? o, William? 1445144244 32 * Tallllall?! I 1 2 4 4 1 1 4 0 1-24 4 pTi l?Nf> WET. tttOaVat ? I 8 I I 0-11 ? JohnalPii 4 4 S 5 4 6-21 I TIIIIU? PET m ni ? H 1 I I I I I l-J! S ?ehnaton . I I i I I H I 1 0?25 ? K.HRTH PET WllUaraa ....! s ? ? a ? ? | 2 a?M ? 4 ? 2 1 ? 2 0 S ? b?tt ? Tf>ta!?~Wllllam?. .1 ?e-a. 1? ?ames. Ill point?, lehasteav 1 ?ell 1? l??n?i. 1"2 point!. NUES VS. GRIFFIN. rm.iT pet. a Nile? 3 4 4 ? ? 1 ? 1 S J?16 4 ??rlTln .??12414145 4?31 6 SECOND BET mm* . 44?????i?s-ss ? ?irl-ln I I II I I I H ??11 ? THIIID PET .Vlei ?,.??? ?-S5 ? Griffln ? ? 3 5 ? T 0 1 ?*>?21 S rumTH SET ?Oag . ? 4 4 4 0 4 4-2? 6 (?.riffln 2 0 110 3 1? IS 1 T?-a> N'lies. * ?rU.'22 ?ira?. 12f? roil'?; Grif ?3- . 1 mi, 14 game?. ?? point? Deal Golf and C. C. ,T. T. Oilleapie defeated R. ?S. Porter by 3 up and 2 to play in the final match for the William Ottman Cup at the" Deal Golf and Country Club yesterday. There wa? also an eighteen-hole medal play handicap, the Class A winner being E. V. Hartford, with a card of Bt 12 77, while in Clas? B, E, H. Keynolds. returning 94- 21 73, was the leader. The following returned CLASP A. fjfi?? ?'< ?p KIM 17 v Hcrtfird . S? 12 " W n l!.?l,??er . ?1 13 T? i? .*, Hunt. 10 10 ?0 j l' Ullleapta . PI ?4 I. I. ( larke . 0? 10 16 MfarkJnuaih Kello?? . P? II *?> 1. \V i'..i.? .1?? 14 91 CLAPS B. B II Beynnlda . ?? 21 ;1 ? II Birh . ?5 20 75 K J. Arend . I? M M ? Ht* Kal.aa . 9? H Ue Mr.? r?a.? . I? If S J M?l?r .US 14 79 w J Tailur .110 2. SI A ?I i-Wherer. 103 20 ?J f, A c...?aHr?lr? .1*4 19 ?S w n n*i? .112 * i; h Netlua .II? 2'' ?? H M Shanbjw. Jr.US 2? w H W, G ?111 .11? ? ?? Miss Bjurstedt Adds One More Title to Her String Defeats Mrs. McLean fc Nyack Club Champion? ship, Wiping Out Sting of Recent Defeat. [Pi Tflftraph to Th* TrlliuM? I Nyack. N. Y., !*ept. 11. Miss Moll Bjuratedt, women'? national champior defeated Mrs. .Marshall McLean for th women'? title in the annual lawn tenni championship tournament of tho Nyacl Country Club to-day in one of the mea stirring matches that has ever beei seen on the Tappan Zee courts. Th? ?core was 6 7, t'. 'Z. 6 1. Mioa Bjurstedt was determined t? avenge her defeat at the hand? of Mr? Mcl.tan in the Alexandria Bay tourne) last month. She wai fought to a stand ?till by Mr?. McLean in the fir?t ?et Playing steady and at time brilliant again st th? more spectaculai play of the ebampioB, Mrs, McLean tatfs4 to the front, and it wa? only by a ?imprrate rally that Miss Bjurstedt was able to make it deuce at I games all. Then Mrs. McLean made a stand that brought the gallery to it? feet, and won the ?et at 7 6. It wa? fiais when the second ?et b?v r?. McLean had exhausted hertelf in the brilliant rally that won the tir?t ?et for her, and ?he went com? pletely to piece?. Miss Bjurstedt, on the other hand, seemed to have gained strength, and ?he whipped the ball aero*? th? net with a world of ?peed. She captured the ?econd ?et at H I and went on to win the decisive tot at 6 1. Church and Kidder captured the men'? doubles in rather easy fashion, defeating Henry Bassford and Leon Crowley in the final round :it C 2. 6 2,6 3. Th,- victor? eliminated Van Houten and Saunder in the ?emi-tinai round, 8 0, ? 1, and found their op? ponent? in the final bracket hardly more difficult to defeat. Brilliant play maiked the final? of the women'? double?, which brought , together Mi?? Wild?> and Vr.-. Stuart lirean against Mi?? Kisiell and Miss Lindley. The former pair won. but wa? only after a desperate ?truggl - Ki??ell and Miss Lindley bega like champion? and captured the tir! *t t at ta 4. Their play was ?trong i the second half, too, but Miss Wilde and Mr?. Green rallied, and the latte by splendid volleying, decided the ii sue in favor of her partner and her?el at a 4. Mr*. Green kept up her fas play in the final set and ?he and Mis Wil'dey won it at 6 3. Darkness made the playing-off of th final round of the mixed double? Im possible, and the match will be playe. this afterenoon. In the ?emi-tinal Mr?. ? hapman and A. M. Kidder de feated Mi?? White and Mr. Walk?! 6 4, 6 2, anld Mr?. McLean and W If. Blair, of Cornell, eliminated Mr? l'ouch and J. L. .'ova, S 1,1 <5. The final round wa? ?cheduled to hi played immediately after the Bjur Hti'dt-MrLean match, but Mr?. Mcl.ear found herself go exhausted that pla*. wa? po?tponed until early evening I)u*k wa* falling when they took thi court? but play wa? begun neverthc lasa, Mr?. McLean and Mr. Blair won the first ?et at 6 3, but in the second Mrs Chapmai and Mr. Kidder played beau? tiful lawn tenni? and, overcoming a liad, won at 8 6. By this time it wa so dark that the commute? decided to call off play for the evening. Boto pair? agreed to play the match from the beginning to-morrow and the score-. of to-day'? two sets will, therefore, be ditregarded. C. L. johnsto;. and Abraham Bass ford will meet in the final round of thi me:;'? singles next Saturday afternoon. The ?core? follow: ?"?'.?Bin.'? ammtst I final round I -Ml?? Moll? BJur ?>..; >''????! Mr? Maral.all 31. la-., ;, ? ?, ? : \\ ?...-,.?? ilmii.i-* i final I ?mad! Ml?* V?' a t ? ni .lr'f?tr.| M..? Kl??rl! an.t Mia? : : . ? I Oatl irm.di II II?..' .. '. . 1 L ?'!??"!' I ''?!? I A It ?af. rl .,1 ||. T?' ??el, A- u ; ? i nurrli ai..l lit. liter ?teft.l.,1 Vai. -, ? ? *> I I . ., t, ?i 1 Md.lrr .IrfMi-aJ H. I?..f..r.| ?.i.l t ro*?;. ,, - . * .' I M,t, 1 l.ii I. ? .wuii ?aal um It- Mr? (i It ? M KM i r .|-fiat-?l Mia? With? ?? Mi \Mlkrr ? i - .. Mr?. M laf.n ? i W M llialr dfla-al?*. Mr? |'ou?-b aiij J L. Jo??. #?I. BUD GOODWIN WINS TITLE IN FIVE-MILE SWffl IN. Y. A. C. Veteran Alakes Fast Time Over a Diffi? cult Course. CLUBMATE.JOHN ZIMNOCH, SECOND Seven Start and Five Finish, the Choppy Seas Proving Handi? cap to Most of Field. Hud Goodwin, of tho Now York Ath b-tic Club, clo???d his twenty-first out ; (icor season ns a raring swimmer vos '?rdav with a brilliant victor?/ in the ?ive-niilo metropolitsn championship. Ho covered the long eonrae in the ?attlinr? good time of 2 hours 15 min ?conds, .if festina hi? tenm mate, John Zimnoch. who finished sec? ond, by 4)4 minuto?. Charlas Kauf? man, of tho American I.ifc?aving So j eiety, was third, about 8 minutes bs 1 hind; then enmo .lohn A. Wiesing, ?>f 'ho Twent\-thud Street Young Men's ' Christian Association, and Dr. W. ?. Hennen, of the Nov.- York Athletic < lu',? The onlv other Marter?? Henry BtMS, of the City Athletic Club, and Zoltan . T'.hi.iH, of tho American l.ifosaving , f?ociet| failed to complete the dis? tance. The rnce was hold in Flushing Hay. The contestants were sen away from the foot of Seventh Avenue, College Point; rounded marks at the southerly end of the Flushing dyke, oir the Sea wanhaks Rowing Club, and near N'.rth Hcach; thon returned to the starting Boat, It wa~ an unusually ?evere test, practically all the way ncross tide. In tho past this event was held in run? ning water, so that the competitor* actually swam about two mile? instead O? ?ivet but yesteniay they went the full route. The seven men got away well to? gether, but before ;i quarter mile had been covered Ooodwin ?.?as ploughing along with a twenty-yard lead on Zim? noch, and the others trailed at inter? val?, each in the wake of a piloting 1 rowbont. Hennen was guided very poorly on this leg. His handlers carried him half a mile or more out of his course, and he thereby lost any chance he may I have had of tiguring in the awards. Goodivin turned the first mark in 32 minute?, more than one hundred ft rds , ahead of Zimnoch, who led Kaufman ! by fifty. Tobias, Wiesing, Soss and Hennen followed in order. The second flag was readied by the ?peeding veteran in 12 minutes 46 sec? ond?, and for a while he continued to increase his advantage, while the gaps between his rivals also grew wider. ' Rut presently he seemed to realize that ? he had the field nt his mere?, an<l he ? changed from the crawl stroke, which he had been using with machine-like action, to a ?slow t.-iidgeon. Tin? gave Zimnoch his chance, and he did not miss it. Foot by foot he cut' down Goodwin's lead, and when the; 1 oldtimer swung around the third mark' in 1 hour 29 minutes 12 1-6 seconds, his? | youthlul opponent seemed to be closing] in on him rapidly. The position of the I others had not changed, except for the i retirement of Tohms. On the homes-.retch Goodwin's at- I tention was called to Zimnoch's threat i advance, and tho way he re? sponded wn? good to soe. Apparently ; unmindful of the choppy seas pounding . him at every stroke, he began to force the pace. Gradually he ?'rew away airain, and without letting up for an iastanl he thrashed on to the winning post?, flashing past them nearly 300 ..?rds in front of his young team mate, v.ho heat Kaufman by about -li'O sards. Kaufmnn used the trudgeon all the v ny and Zimnoch the trudgeon crawl. All the contestant?- linished in excellent condition. So?s withdrew a quarter of a mile from the line, when he saw he had no chance to placo. The race was one of the best man aped lor r dist.?.nee championships ever ???en in the district, iind fall credit is ,!ne to Commodore? E. Tfinenbaum and Alfred Hrown. of the Americas Life saving Soci?-?y, who had charge of all ..rrangoments. BTAUT IlM P. M. ! III] OoadWlB, N V. A. C MV?? John Zlmnoeh, N*. V A. ?'. - Kaufman. A I. f. *. |*aS:??'?? John ?Vlealn? tki St, V K. C. A. . I |.. v. l> Hannen, N V. A. C . :?J:C0 ?H?.inv So:-?. Clt? A. i-. ?Zollan ToblM. A. I. B. ? . ?11.1 not nnlah. Rafaraa FYedcrlch M, Rubien. Metropolitan Amateur Athletic I'nta _ PACKERS GET ONLY ONE HIT Anderson Wins for Buffalo, but I? Robbed of Honor by Error. Kansas City, Mo, Sept. It. Ander? son allowed the home team only 'une hit, Buffalo taking the ?econd game of the series. Not a Kansas City player reached first base until the sevei'th, when Ken worthy got on through Roacho's error. Buffalo ?.cored in the opening inn? ing, when DaltSB singled and came home on Chase's hit for the circuit. Neither pitcher issued a base on balls. : F it.11 I ! Mai? . o s i ? ? ? s 1-1 T i K?.-a. Cllj . 9?S00S?*S-?1I( a irr.n tad lllalr. Johna-.n an.l ? Brawa Richmond County Country Club. Two competition? wore down on the schedule for the Richmond County i ountiy Club ycterdav. Mrs. William I. Seaman and William F. Van Chef won the mixed foursomes, with a card of .14 11 H.'t. Second piiza wi it to Mis? M. A. taring an<l William I. Seaman for their H'T 10 97. There also was n brll swtspstskas, von by Herbert S. Hradt, with 91 II ??? ft. C. Van Clisf took second, wit? P? IT 41, and Kmil de Planque third, with ! ** 14 H4. ' Women Who Clashed for Golf Title .Mr?. Charles B. Vanderheck, of the Philadelphia Country Club. Mrs* Vanderbeck Captures Women's Title at Golf I iiniiniird from pate I looked a? if the PhilnHelphia golfer would increase her lead by winning th? ninth after her third shot made th' preen, whereas the other's approach had fallen far short. The Shirley Bark representativo, however, pitched her fourth ?hot fairly close and sinking the putt for a ? won the hole when Mrs. Vanderbeck re? quired I putts. The Ka?tern champion, therefore, turned for home only 1 up, having mede the outward nine in 45 to the otht-r's 4(5. The tenth hole i? a quarter of a mile long and Mr*. Vanderbeck won it, thanks to a fine iron shot that landed her ball ?o clo?e to the pin that she had a putt for a 4. She missed, hut the I was enough, a? her opponent fell short on the approach. Mr?. Gavin pulled her third ?hot behind a cop bunker going to the fourteenth, but as ; her opponent fell green ?hy on her, third, Mrs. Vanderbeck got a rather lucky half in r>. The card for the six? teen holes played follows: Mr. V?:.:-rh-.-.. out. .'. I ?I ? 4 ?I 5 I I ?'. Mr?. Vai...-rt- ... la . ! ?. ' i * ? | Ml? ..?? ?'.: . I Itllllll !? Mr? (;??' n . t r, * i * * ? As Frank L. E. Woodward, pressent of the l.'t.ited State? Golf Association, i was indi.Jpo*ed, John Re?d, jr., a mem? ber of the executive committee, pre? sented the prize?. He compl'.mented i both winner and runner-up on their plucky golf. Mrs. Vanderbeck ex-, presred Tier delight at being able to take the cup back to Philadelphia after it.* ab*ence of ?o many year?. She like- I wise ,idded that she "could hardly r, al? iz? that she ha.l been the fortunate , one." Mr?. Gavin smilingly thanked all for their consideration, declaring that al? though far from familiar ?cene?, the. treatment accorded was ?o h?arty that' it was like playing at home. 3Q??ADR0N A FOUR WIXS Long Handicap Too Much for Pipir.j Hock to Overcome. A handicap or six proal? enabled thf Squadron A polo four to defeat the ? Piping Hock Wanderers hy a score of 5*4 to 6, and win the Squadron A cups, :n the final round of the tournament, at Van Cou!*tla,nd Park, yesterday after? noon. The match was a lively one, with the P'pinj* Rock team on the offensive most of the mite. Kast, of the Wanderers, was the star of the match, and did most of the scoring, with five goals to his credit. ?QUADRON A. ri.'IN't, nOCS: WAN'. To* H'p. iv- DBRKRI H p. 1. f K. J ihr ?on.. .. 0 1 .'obnO'Do). 1 2. ti. k OlMer .... : . H aal . h 2 H K. II?!?. 1 |. H K-viin.. 0 t.. A II. BekHtCO fr 1 I H. II Karl*. 3 Total. i Total. I >; ,- ? ira? bj S.iuu.l-.>n A l. allowed by handicap, I; lo?t i? peaalty. 1*4. net - a%. t. I.y H'... i: . .?t rv 1 I i i.. Iron A: Individual mal '?' B, Boul ten, Penaltlet?Ollder, *?. J F. Johad H I Holt. >?. l'iplnt Ko-'k Wanderei? m illvMual r?n?l(i-F.a?t. 5; CtVmt ? I m. Earl? 1 Rarer*?? E ?ret? Oawford. Plajred Klc?t P?-mliite ?>***?????? * Soccer Season to Begin To-day Soccer football player-' will inaugu? rate their ?eason, in spite of the B ?I weather, with an interleague to be played this afternoon a. 3:3?) o'clock at the Federal League Grounds in Harrison, N'. J., between the Waal Hudsons, champion? of the N.-. Football League, and the Con tin? of New York, champions of th? Now York Sta'e League. Buck ' i Jimmy Hayes, Puxty and Rolmtloy will be among the Intcreyting figur-M In the lir.e-up of the ?"ontir. Full Summary of Women's Golf Championship Tournament at Chicago tfi-ttn. 190?Mr?. 10?? Mr. 101 ?Mr?. -K_Mr?. ICI ? Mr?. ?a?Mita I n-Mrt. Si?Mr?. ?1? ?Ml? ?V- Ml.? 100? Mr?. loi?Mill 101 ?Mrs. M?Mill 191 ?Mitt 101? M lit ?7?Mitt ?I ?Mill t?l ? Met. OS?Mlu 17? MUl SS? Mr?. ?a?Mi.? ???Mr?. ?i" Sal?Mr? 10*? Mi?? 101 ?Mill 104-Mtl. W. A. Catlf Skirl?? Part. E??la?d ? rr-jtrry G It art?? Cil I F. Ft?. H. ttaamt Vallt? Matai? Parlai. CM.if Hurt, eilbbuffh w.-t Jarltaa Part J. V. L. W ^^^^^^^ AH.a 0*kl?y. A. A. Hta-ilni. ?Vh.ataa LUI.a? B. H>d- Scjth Sh?r?> A. IKffllM, PnMmant Ranald S. Bari?*. Mrrla? Marian H.lliat Wnlbfttk Caralln? Pali-trr. MldtvtMaa Staalry Wldary. B.-.irly Iraaatln. P??rea. Fla?????r N. Kuaitadttr. lihmttt M?ri?rl? (?ward?. Mm.t-ilan Franc?. H*d?tld. Elalnr R-t.-tnal. Ra.ltwr Ithei Cbttatti, Kltfiaaukr* aja-aj Stlrllr?. Atlaata H. 0. Haa.maad. Indlaaaaalli Laurl? Kaliar Flatasaar Crac? a?rrpl? SI. I?ul? C. H. Vandrb.l. P- lladr Ian I? Crtrkrt llraaar Ckandlir. Hu?tl?(d?? Vallt? >?i.l?n Cal??.m lattratat l.aal? J.a ? Sl.ut City . t. L Brit.Id. Pi.r . _ lia?.I Bridta. Wratmarrlaad tiuabtt All.?. Rax? laissa Mar|?rt? L. Dadd Clnilnaatl Mr?. Gatl?. 5?3 Mrv F.l *-J . j Mr?. - ??: Mr?. 6a?l?. i-1 Mlu Alias. II . Mlu H yd a 7-? Mr?. ... I ?? . Mita Pala?.r. ??? Mlu ?--... 7?S MlM I <-.??? S?1 Ml?? RM?nt?*l. 7?4. Mi*? tvttnitx. i HI). Mill ?.-. I?I Mr?. VaadaftHKl?. 7?4 Mr?. CaMaaai. I ?? "a?4 MlM All.? I ?? ?' Mrs. Carl?. Mr?. t?'? 1?1.. MlM ??-.--? *??4 M'm Edarar-dt. IS L ?... ??. a?? Sttrtl??. .1 Mr?. Vani I (.:/ Mr?. VaadwttMk. Mn. Vaadarfaark. Mr?. '-- ' ' I a? Mrs. W. A. Gavin, of Shirley Park, England. FOX HILLS GOLF TITLE AT STAKE A. F. Kammer Leads Field in First Half of Seventy Two-Hole Round. Chief among the various fixtures at the Fox Hills Golf Club yesterday was th? Brat half of the seventy-two hole ir: .I'?! play competition for the club ' ch-impion*ship. August F. Kammer, the Staten Island champion, led the .ivld with round? of nd 75, for a total o? UT, S. M. White, with a card of M M <>9, not only won the ettrnteen-hole medal play handicap, but also led the field in the qualifying round for the President's 1 Cup. offered by Joseph J. O'Donohue. jr. Ties resulting from the competitions i on Labor Day alto were settled, and Kammer beat John W. McM?namy for th? Ralph Trier 'ropnv. McMenamy had consolation, however, in beating Georg? K. Armstrong in the play-otT for I. X. Giidea tup. In settling ?he tie for the best ball ? foursomes prise, J. A. Kaaaan and E. M. Ken ding beat J. M. Fleming and Armttrong. ? l.l II I IIAMHIilN-illll? 1.? K.I M IW Tetal a r rmiii. "i ? un ?. w ro?* . ?i ;* Ml U BO) lianihlll. TS 14 1?. T I. . Ii.'ii, ? . ?. ?1 Ifl J W \l M i.aray. M ? 1? .. I . II Si- I? ?V V\ Vu Iaan. ?J s* IT? II K. Man lj*i H ?8 1T4 iKKSIDKNT M CIP. ??ro.? Hrap. N-ft. -i M White . 94 :.?? *9 \? It... Harnhllt . T? 8 N I. (?rah? . 84 13 t3 I It [?er?-.??] . 91 IT Tl M i (Iraraatoat. 104 it T3 R R Uamlnk. si 10 I? 4 ? Dal* . II 4 ir w a ;i aaitti . ?4 ?I T? K. !i W., ,..?' ury. 94 20 I? . J l? !i4 15 T? ? I. W M.?.. namy. M ?) ? I. il s??? ..: ,t. ??? ? M r . I?i ;'. 4D V H s,.?,. 93 U ?? s r .... .... 107 H ?o i. . u rieithm. ?? 1? 4i W. II. K . K.a .7 ?1 IM ;-3 i: I . : im . ?T . I? ?1 ... ?3 11 t2 M * la ,..., '.') ? ta J l> lu-, ,ill ,......, :?? M ?i h?l|.|l Triar. Iff JS 11 '?'? I. tto?Vi . [M 51 ?1 I' I? m Partas . Ill II ?1 ?. Artaatroftf. 101 II II '? 1? ar.l . 10? .J 44 .4 I. William . 102 1? ?I l>i K. A k--Tl|.r . 10? 1? ?? -? . It I ?4 Tli ma? A M I. ai I. Ill 3? l.l w r i .? ,. . lo? n Pula .IS II ?? MoNTCLAIR GOLFERS BUSY I'ierson Lead? Flrtt Division In the (lass A Sweepstakes. Nearly a hundred members of the .Vontclair Golf (!ub comneted in a I la thre? classes yesterday. , A. L. I'iirson, jr., wa? the winner in ? the first division, with 80 * 74. There! was a tie between W. ?V, Hubbwrd ?nd John Reit, .ach with 10 1? 72. T. ?he list in the third fight with 93 24 39. t UM A Groa?. H'.-*p. Nat ' I. I'lTvin. jr . ?a ? ?4 J I! K-. ? If ti a i? a ?: 1 ;.. .m ? n .?.? ? :? II. ?; f , -i. ?.', t T? i v, m. . .?T i? -; . 14 . ?t it ?i ?. Jr. IT ? ti l.r ; s Hr. -i . Il U ai H M Robl-M-aa.s ?J 1? Il E. K Mil In . Il 11 11 V? 1. i a.?.-?'!.Il 1? ?2 I I. U?JU**lk?l .N 1? M I <? D. >. ? II: url .M n ri .M I* TJ i t iiaii .il i?, ;j U Il laOfllM .?T U H If 1. ??*I1*0 . ?0 13 TJ t i Kahn .t? it n R I' M.r-Hir .?2 IS TT J U . ?1 1? Tl .' ?> . ?'. Il ?1 II B Un . . ?T I? tl u il ? . 1M M ?4 ? I i:- .HUM 1 E (Ml? .?W 1? k? Y S Klilai? ?S 11 l? im c. T S?ra . 13 *? ?j? M i Mil -r . ?1 ?t . ? rt i . ,. lia |r. -'? T? Mark Aa.lira,a . *?' J ? V .!.??-*??? T A H. m'-?-? . .Hl ? ?1 UPSETS GALORE IN COLLEGE GOLF TOURNEY Good Players Are Bowled Over in Fixture at Greenwich. DYER AM) M M?GE .AMONG THE VICT? Bai h Beat! Badluui on i.v Creen, BOWS to Mar. shall, of Williams. Good go!-" the course of h round? of match !o~iat<? rhi-np.onship tour the Greenwich Country <!uL The compatit :'>i wai a .??mi-ffnal roun . P. P.. Bloaaaa and Ls i Yalo; John Marshall, jr.. of Williai . aa .1 ?Iran* \ Th??y will mi th?? th . , ? ??mi Snsl round to? rn o rro*. The first ?jrpri??- was the elinrna tion of Franklin ft. Over, a Baa ? ber of the P. :;r..-ylvnnia team holder of tho Pi*? . ?t?te ama? teur ch.-impior.?hip. Although Djn | bandaged up hacaass of a Inn?" Back, hi.? ?efsat wa.? not aaosad tnrou/h h - ditfor? nt golf, for ha I . i close to 75. Bis conqueror, Cssrga i. Lawyer, of Princeton, wa? in one of those ondentabla moods and won up ?nd i* to play. The lick of ?re draw h ?- I>. Clsie. t 01 rsn, of 1 and l>?td!ey H Miidte. of is it will bo recalled. Is ehatap neiote, and won the BMtlsl In the qualifying roumi of 'he lacsat a.-nat?-ur h p. It ? tho sloasst ? ? - i on escorts, ..- 1 Millie h.-?d to /to to '.he nineteenth to win. At no time wr?< either asas more than ?na hole un. Ir: fue?, the. out :n .IS. arith -cry hoio hnlw * is hard!) I.kclv that thi? hsi in man;, a y-.-ar. 1 ha the not' ??x hole?, hut found theni s?.lre.<. .ill even pluving th" xiventh. Three halved li?le? left them all sajaSIS at the laiaha each gsiap around in 7T, a rr.f'cd rutt aa tha ? lastseath cost Corkran tho mat?-h. De Witt Ualch. of Yale, tho WsttSt-Sj junior champion, was forced to tha twrntv- third j/reen i y ft. t. I'. Iham, a college chum. Badnim ra?? d<- ? long putt on the hole green to ?uuara tee mcteh, ami although r.o nl the five extra hole? was raffed enough, Halch ?a? abi-.* ts settle the argument with a 4 on the fifth. The last remaininic Weitern player, John M. oimpson, of lUmoi?. '?*? i ?? i intercollegiate ehnmpion, fell th-a the superlative golf of S. Davidson Her? r?n, of Princeton. The margin wa? 7 and <?>. The speed of Herr?n m imagined when it is said that or.i mistake was made during the I round. That aas the misjinu of a t putt on the fifth green. Herr?n, however, had shot his n*M , ? for he was unable to do any) against Peacock. Herron'? golf in the afternoon ?howed that :lve suec day?, of thirty-six holes is enough to tire anybody, even ?uch a Brail chap as he Is, Herr?n wan plainly tired, and that ?tetsssssjt miel.' ho m?de for every other collegian. Pea? cock won by 4 and 3. Marshall had no trouble in eliminat? ing Balch, 5 and 3. Mudge !ookc?l as if ho night get away with Bredin, for th? Minnesota champion was one up at the turn, but the Yale man took a brace in the latter part of the match and va i by two up. Like Herron, Lawyer's goif in the afternoon wa? quite the reverso of hi? morning performance, so that th? Princeton man fell an easy victim to Blo??om. The summary follows: I'htnipl.Ki?:.'.!/ <ll?i?ton 'Sr?t rminrt) F It IV. *? MB, brat il J- Z HI ???'.? ? .p a.-1 I to pljv, tienrye I l???"r 1 ? ; Krai.kiln \V I'stt. I'*ntia- ... la. S up a' : . plai. La.'ila L. Brr.llt.. tala, 'a- I? ? I . Ilarra.-l. ' nv ar, '. ? to [Ha] Ma ?aa V?l?. t?at I? i ;?rk '?nrkur. Prbteataa, l up I|J holeal. 1>? ?Vit? 11?;.!.. ?a>. ttasl W T. Ila?:hain. Tt.f 1 tu 1*21 h '? I D ?'? ?t., wiiiiama. ??.?t Ma H- xx lt. CortaeU, 1 upi S Part'l-oi, ?tetara, l'Hiiotf.i.. ?a I t. T up and i int 4, I'??.-.. k. l'rl-i.I. 1?mI W, A. LeWlta l'.i-.rtl.?!. i np an.? 1 1 - rour.l- Hl.aaom '??' La-ar?** ? u? an?l S lo piar. Bo-?11n ti?at Muda,*?. 7? up. Marah.? ? Ha.' h. ', up a 1 t to p!?>. P?a.o.-k bsal 1 I up and 3 H plat WILD WINS CUP ON RUISON LINKS Defeats Knox Easily in Final Round of Invita? tion Golf Tourney. Edwin M. Wild, of Cranford. arr.?.-J the chief cup in the invitation tourna? ment at the Rumson Countr- I terday, defeating I. C. Knox, of th-? homo organization, by 4 tir? and 3 t.? play in the final match. Early in thu day he took the measure of George T. Brokaw, another home product, by a 5 and 4 margin. Wild'* ta?,k wa? made all the easier through tho eli-iination of Hegin I^cwi.1, of Ridgefield. at the hands of Knox. The youthful expert fr'.m Con? necticut seemed to have lo*t hi? put? ting touch entirely nnd Knox !.. trouble in finishing with a margin of ip and 2 to play. During this tournament Wild ha? played four matohes and has last a totnl of only ?even hole?. I chief cup he has won in a As if to muke hi* ashlsssasent sil th? more eompli-te, r. tha m.-.ial ?.lay handicap run off in coajanetioa i Its the last As) af ?lay. H >?. ? I tho gro?? prize for him. Tl ? ' v.ent to John I", ShaaUr, jr., of Deal, for hi? card of 80 I The summary fo'low?: rir>l Salean, ???ml fltiil r>un?l ?.l>iln II av, ^ Cran? r l, h?v "?? -ar T II- >?a. K ? ?-.. *> up and 4 '" p ?, 1 ki. -a. Il'.uuoii. U-at, ?UalbUawl M l+* ? rtaal : ? \ ?. a .?. ? up and ? f-slv. I? ,-.? r ,-? ?. .- ... ?anal r?,un I S. H Janll.? -. II.: a 7 ; a ? ?I J ^ ?? l???l 1 u; . V. II .- ''?I A. T. Dwl?ht. Hui?*?i. 2 U(. an.I 1 i" pl?r I.pal round Jaiulr-oo beat aVii'e?. I up and I Kr.-??^ ?lataM. ?aaal-anal h??J".l?K. H r !.a-1 .>.,?.? ?tr?? !--?< A V J???"..".. ?apr-ii? l^k?. I ip an.I I M Play. B .? . I II Mr.Hh. f?.al. ? up anl ? I .nal roun.l I'raslaaa k*?l Lard I |i*alel. alaltf. ?*.*t-l ll????S. ?rsd Kr .1 ??frkln I " f Lak?. ?>??l H ? ? i. a Hal. i ? UP ?f..l I I 1 - ? il VAuli:R-r, IVal br?l W K If.- h??.!> l>? ? 1 VI* Irlnal rosiii.1 -Orkln l?*a( IVi.lrt?r. 1 rao t , ,r i ilj'.ani. ?rail Snsl r-?ij..l M.>rrl? r??ui.',. i-?i II 11 J-i?-? i . and 1 t.. I U. XV T I .4. xv ?VaaaS '.ati.itiaJ. *, u|. ? . : ? ka Ida? ? . 'h'.rd ?lat?"i ?-rra? flnal r Y I'?::.???.. * > bakl J. Smla?ton, Kutn.?.? 3 up a ?tSsl l.<u.. . t atUlaaMl in?, ati,?.... , ?w ?jC ? m? Pi?! .