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F.NGLEWOOD GETS A FIRMER GRIP ON LEAGUE LEAD Shuts Out Crescent A. C. Easily in a Rather One? sided Game. BECKVERMUT IS A POWER IN BOX Comcrford Starts Well, but Fnds Up Badly in Battle on Jer? sey Diamond. . rwn.*d ?trencther.rii it?! hold in V .'iir League - ng the Orescent I ' - at Enjrlewood yesterday bj ? core of 4 to 9. It wa? a Rame ?hat rf.ived th? Old rivalry between t--f two to white heat at ft rat But 'he Ter?eymer. ?non proved their ?upcr. ority *o dorisirelp that what began as a pitched bafle ende*d In ?omething akin to a rout. Masterly rt'reat probably would he the present Style of termini* the de? feat of the Cre?rert for?*es. Too much praise for the Kngiewor?,, v.ctory cannot b? ca?t on the small but hardened shoulder? of Johnny Beclrvermit. Johnny is like Pat's pig, "weo but ould," and he can pitch ball with the best He turned back the ?trongest of the Crorent batsmen without effort, although he had t t face the combined opposition ?f tho, enemy and the umpire, Wilson, wnoj had a decidedly off day. Wilson's ?hortcoming?. however, did not affect BlKkvarmit'l p'chingmurh,' except to make him ute e'en more care than ordinarily. The result wa? that the Bay Ridge men could hardly se? the bail, much ?ess h:* ;t. Johnnv. let the Crescents down with four hits ?nd gave two base? on balls, nut to make mention of eight strike-ovt ' victim?. It wa? a greatly reorganized team that went on the field for the Now Moon club Randy Mnes, the old! Princeton captain; McManus an I : Lynch were the absentees. Pepper1 Palton moved into Sides'? place at third. fimmy Re?d, who ha? been ( playing ball a? lone at Frank Bien, I played shortstop and ('uyler HeHth. another Princetonian, was at second,' ?hile Wilber. an old Knglewood ?tar, wa? in right field. Pespite the, change, fortune did not favor them. Charley Comerford. the Kxeter lad j who will try to make baseball history \ at Yale beginning this year, was a dis- ' appointment in view of the fine game ' he pitched against Knclewood last month. He began bra\e!y enough by funninr the fir?t three men to face him. but ?oon found that the old adace of well bf'cin i* half done ha? no ap i'licat:on in hasehall, 'lis pood be- j ?inning wa? only the first ihapter of hi? downfall. Fnglewood accepted him for two inn? ing? without interposing opposition of any kind. Then in the third Eddie Mc'?uire, who has recovered from the' wound? he received in ?torminir th? harbH wire defences of T'pper fcfont clair a fortnight ago, got the first hit That was just h note of warning, and in the next frame the ?torm broke with c cluster of three hits, which meant two run?. With Comerford'? first line ?battered, Knglewood went right ahead and pummelled him, although his wildness and the poor fielding of the team behind him had not a little to do with his defeat. All around it was a bad ?lav for the (Id timer?. Hartmann, the veteran Lnplewood capta:n, made two weird t rror?. ana after the other, in the fifth ianing, and Sammy Re>d, wno whs weak ! on ground balls, made one foozle that gHve Englewood ? run in the tifth frame. ('eor~e Knox hml his usual wran**le with the umpire. Wilson alleged tha' Knox had interfered with McCJuire at thud base in the third inninc and called MeGnire < at. George arjrued and arg'ied. bat it didn'1 do a bit of good. Knox hud sutii-fnction in his ; next time up by slashing <>ut a double to right that scored's firs run. The score follows: IN(ll.K\v.i"ii 1 C. CRESCENT A C at. r h v?o h e at. r li i ? . ? Ram??-.!!., fa Butler, e... ?1 01 I II X la-? ? ?. DaltoB. ?? (01 1 001 111 :?0 R laeil. lb 4 0 1 4 :o lUtl-i-an.Zr. 1 0 ! JUT w in?, r rf IM 0 00 Itliol-.!? lh ?11 ?II R.|* ?-...401 4 41 -Vd w?kv.if 4 on ici Ebellnt. cf 450 1 00, re, If : 1 1 10? llrm?. If . fto . o : 1? la* ? ? ..,?) Jb . J 0 0 S 10 1 Me kir.l?. p 1 O0 - . ' < ? 0 I 0 I 1 arnrnt turn 10 1 0 0 0 j Tota:* Sill ? ' fatal* Mo ? . ? m ... r? ,rfrr?1 ?lit , -i i s e i i i a a ??*\ t t t ???????? j ??nan Sirri*,, . . ? a?, ?n I - ? tai' I - ? ?? ? . ' . ? , < . . It? . ?....? .- , . I; ' - 1 MGNTCLAIK NINE BEATEN One Run Suffire? to Win for Common? wealth. Commonwealth defeated the Mont clair A. C. rune m a pitchers' battle at r Montclair yesterday by a ?core of 1 to 0 Kdilie Myers faced Baasweln, and in every inntnc except thi* fourth held Commonwealth ut his raercy. In that frame Bist ister doubled i.nd Dillon'? ?ingle brought him in with the winning run. Bauswein was _ puzzle for Montclair and wa? never in danger. The big Com? monwealth pitcher stole three base?. Tin sws: -A IK A C abrhsaae ? rf 4 0 I ! 0 (??... ?i .et, If 3 ? 1 t? (. 4 0 0 110. Illta. , c... (?1 (00 ??41.. ? 1 0 tlO I ilion ' ? . . .? 0 0 11 0 0 K : o ? i oo * ?. - 0 0 1 I c Mauat?, In.i. Jt> I ? 0 I 3 0 ?*.:-?? mieten p J 0 0 0 3 0 Total?. > ratait Ml t ?*01t?00. 1 li I ??????<?'. ?1 I mr- hmttmtS J v??-.. , (?il la. I 3 Tl?-** of ?, li ?.r? KENNEL GUIDE MELOX ? MELOJt MARVELS L Thi Perfected Oog fiad MA.Vl.'KACTt'RI i ? n> It ?, ClaABJal ?t -iin?., ?jigland. i - *n<l ?I to tVAHDta.N BKOI ??? St.. New ? v Kl I 111 N il-AI.M I--'er- ?'tuna IU '|> , . > ? ? l\ , ip ? .?i??rr i.*"?'? i-.i-.i r**jwlr*?j I *??>? fuk 1_ lOUIS" LIOHHAHOT? KlNNtlS 111! ft. .? t* a?, i IKi ...i.-? .aiaituva ?afoot*!?. Whit? i*ll> I a*:? a--, at ?iu.; ________ i ??*a?'?l4? Y ?.I.,h Ira S*?, *? i???, and puppt ?a , um? u? ?*-?-. mamosa? is* a. imu ?t? * MOTOR BOATS AWAY ON NOVEL CRUISE Gardenia and Cero Are Rivals for Wallace Trophy. The (?arder?a, owned 1. Harrv An- ' derson. of tha Sew York Athletic Club, and W B. Frost's ? ero. the vi inner of tha No? York Athletic Club's power boat race t? Block laland last June, ttore :? ' ' Ib the Best A .'.ion's cruiser consistency race for the Wal? lace trr ; ? ? ? The start ?a? made off th?- Stam pier at 3 p n- The canta.*- elf choiee of ports of the ? ??tern coarse ??.?rat, which ?rill taW. to Black Bridgeport, Morris Com?. Port ? N'ew Roehella and to a f.n'sh at Stam? ford. Each if the eontsatanu ;? required to anchor off ?-ach of tho -reporting tiona, lower tha dinghy and land nil of hi? err?? and gue I ? ICI I 'hi- ?omen. - and i? schedule to the reporting official ,-.t thai rince, h duplicate of which hsi beet, left with the judges at the starting : Fifteen minute? mus? be spent on ?I ore lv ;ore returning to the bout te ?.o the trip The beat ?peed ma io between any two of Uli report I I tions will h bssis hv the ?nr-.g the winner. The . presented by J. H. '.x 41 ace. BROMO BEATEN AGAIN AND BY A SHORT HEAD Continued from page 1 good account of herivlf over the Mary Tucks. The filly looks as well a? ;he ever did in her life. H. K. Knapp's Ksahsshis, which r?n second in the Fatality of 1914, also showed tha' she is coming to hand, a. ?o mar,?,- nsrei do in the fall. Sha 'vas roundly beaten, it is true, hut fought out s ? ih with Royal Martyr for the place. II c. Hallenbeck'i Honaamaid is not herself. It is true she could not get to 'ho frort, whir- ?he likes to race, but -he gave it up in the stretch com? pletely after chasing Comely for five furlongs. As a rule Amain either win? or lose? his races by a head Whenever h? (?tar*r the promise of an exciting finish usually i? confirmed. He lost by S head yesterday, Paingerfield, which i? ??trong of heart if rather ?rrawnv of build, fightii-g him o? as he closed with the expected rush from far back. Amalfi was counted a rea?onshly sure winner, but it was not to be. Both he and McCehey gave of their best, but Iiaingeri-.eid was just a bit better at the weight?. ?al Vanity ?poiled some well laid plans by Roxy Angarola and his friends who counted heavily on winning the ln?t race with Mslfoa. Most everybody seemed to have a wager on the Hast? ing? fills, but second was her portion. Bobby Burns was right. It developed yepterday that at a meeting of the Jockey Club on Thurs? day Phil Musgrave, the onetime jockey, was granted a trainer's license and that 'he appl;cations of Carrol Schilling and J. Wilson for licenses to ride again wci-o d? BRAVES HAND CUBS A HARD DRUBBING Huches Pitches Well and Re? ceives Perfect Support. Chicago. Sept. 11. Pitcher Hughes, of the Braves, had an easy time, hold ing the Chicago National? fafe to- j day, while hi? teammates hit Pierce vigorously and won by a score of 8 to 1. BaTSJTDN 'N 1 > I '"in> 'A or? iN I. ?, ihr h ? abr h po ae 1 :t. S3 1 13 10 OootJ, rf.... 4 01 I 0 0 K'-.ra. lb. 3 1 1 1 ' 0 Fisher a? 4 01 Fltxp'k rf 1 0 1 1 o ? ilte If ? ?. l t TJO B.rf SI 2 1 00 Zlm'man.Sb 4 o 1 ft 10 Museo. If f. 0 1 2 ? I? r*ater lb... 41111 10 Bn Ith lb '? ! 1 '? : ' xx m nms.-f ? 10 I ?0 Ra-ati. a?. Il ? ? ? b 111 4 II Moran, ? f 3 ? : " 0 areher, . . 3 II i ,?.? .? r 4 1 I 7 0 0| Fierce p . I n ,-, n i ft IhiFh.s. I 4 n 0 0 -.0' ?M. lam 1 0 P I P f> ; | Humph es.p 1 00 0 2 0! loo ? n IKabel, p ... poo o 00 Total? MIMflTltBI Totalt? K 1 'UnHei for Klrroo In tl.? Ihlrd imi1.-i Baited ?... nuBphrlaa in ih? rigiitii li ? 1 4 0 0 ? I 0 0 1 ? i a a a i a i i a?i T?b !>nr hit? Ecart riiaujliai. ? Pu>Un ha*?>? 1 - - . i i,i -aao, i s. ri tee !,ll* i:?rr?. 77. Fltpairlrk. Mr?r?ri. E?au. lanrjbl? play? ?MlrotltenDai o McCartlaJ *.-. Saler . 'o Halar. 1/f <.:. h??r? Fia-'? oa '.alls Pirn-. 1; /t ' Hit? .if? l'!?r c ? lluin ?hrlr. ?. Il ? Zabel. I in 1 Si-irk nul Hl ?? l M .i : hriaa, ? i " pin ? BlsH ' *'?' 1? mi ?. JERSEY CITY TWICE BEATEN BY TORONTO Verbout Gets Off to Poor Start and leafs Get Bis; lead. !?? T.lririrM to Th? Tribu:.?J oronto, Ontario, Sept. 11. Toronto won its second double header in two ?lays when it took the opening two games of the series from Jersey City to-div with the ?core? at IS to 1 and 1 to 0, The Leaf? hid a real batfest in the optnir.g HfTair. driving out eight runs ? o tirst inning off Verbosvs dtliv ery ?iVilliam? had two homers and a ? ?n this jranie. Herbert and Crutchcr staged a pitch aro' t'little in the second contest. Her? bert allowed only *-.?o hit.- and passed four nun, while Crutcher gave five hits, but fanned six. In the s-eventh inning Toronto ?cored the winning run on Williams'* double, a aacrihee and Gil? > belt's single. The ?core? follow: FIRST iiAMl. TORONTO 'I L ' IJKRSBT CITT .1 U) . ???* ?i.rh-K'ir W llllarna rf ? S 3 ;> f. P Plirtell s? i p 1 3 1 1 Ratl lb 11 1 II . - . 4 p.- j 3 p in? il. Il) i ?lllbart, cf. S13 11 g:?'ath?r, ,r. ?. !f o 1 1 ? ;, . ? I) l'ii rf ? 0 0 1 c ? ? K.????? r, i 3 1.0..'. Itannlni If 310 il? . [i .,... 4111 't. 4 0 1 0 V 0 ? Hall M .412 I lue. p ? ; i | Total? 17 7 tal?. ,..?I|?H , ? 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 a* IV CItJ .. 0 0 9 0 1 0 P ? H..m?, luni v-, ni;,,,,, rwa-baaa hit?.mi en. I ir-i oui ItwH-a K?iu??k ...ut Bl MTitur. ? , r;l.. il , ... . ? baa* W?ret. Sa.-rir.,?. hit Katfa PnantS. ? greitot Lefl Jemal ' 111 ?> I f.plrrr-H?n'iM.ii B?,| y.,.'. Time- ' -IK'M? i.A.M? TiilIONTi. BJC?. , ITV abrhpo?e ?Lrhp..?? j *?Vtirm?.rf il 1 1 0 1 Purtell. m ? - ? i ; .? f. ? i h ' | w ??-? : i ? i a. if. i I 1 If Brharrl . : p ? ? 1 . Uni? "-. i V PO ? 1 S ?*i . P p 1 n ? P ? ? 1 p ? a?I Jrr?'? ?'.- P ? 0 n il 0 P .. i?'. ???-. ut? Harn ? .? -.. .- , till i . i .?. ?... . . Hai , ? ? It-- -IH-.- . ? li.r ' - 1- . Caaia?j?t?>-??M?a*aaa aiaU Uarriaoc. ?naaa-l . NEW YORK TEAM BOWS TO ELEVEN FROM BERMUDA Somerset Cricketers Strike Real Gait After Peor Beginning. TROTT'S BOWLING MARI) TO SOLVE Goo?. Thrnui'ri Whole Innings, Capturing the Wickets with Clocklike Regularity. The Somerset Cricket Club flevcn, winner? of ?he Bermuda <'ur. ?truck their retil gait j when they encountered r picked New York eleven in the secor.rj g; me of ?vcir ?our and scored a well earned victor, i v I margin of thirty-nine rant st Lenox Oval. Th. New York team wai telecl ed for the ocension by the Colombia i Oval Cricket Club, winner of thi Van Cortlandt League championship, and' consisted oi members of that club,| M well SS the Brooklyn, Mar,1 and Richmond County clubs. It could easil) have been strengthened had no. other piayors been engaged in league fixture?, hut this .;dc ww regarded a m good one nnd eapable of holding it? own against the visitors. After dismissing the Bermudian ?t.r 126, few New Yorkers had serious misgivings a? to the result, but the fine work of II. Trott, the Somerset bowler, upset the calculations of all. and the metropolitan players were a'l put out for f?7. Trott bowled through? out the whole Innings and captured alternate wickett with clocklike regll larity, finishing with a record of six wickets at a cost of seventeen runt, a wonderful performance for interna? tional cricket. The mutch was decided by his exceptional work, and at the conclusion he was carried bodily off the field by an enthusiastic admirers. During New York's inning.? thetr was atj incident which threatened to become unpleasant, but it was. fortu? nately, smoothed <?ver by the good tari of Tucker, manager of the Bcrmu.:i an?. J, N. Kscobal, high score f?>r New York, was associated with L. M:ller, when Knight sent down a1 speedy one, which apparently hra? r.s cobal. As a matter of fact, the ball ju.-t grnzed the wicket and, hit'ini: the wicket-keeper's pads, bounded back and knocked off a bale. An appeal was made and not allowed by the umpire at the bowler's end. Some one shout ed "Out!" and Escohal stepped out; of his crease, whereupon his wickr? was put down and he was given out by the other umpire. F^rohnl walke.! ' off the field, amid a storm of protest. Th? ycore fallows: Mjuii'ua W Mi-men?. I Miller . I. J Swan, h Brff?. .1 .. Phllpett or.%nn.lL b Brlf-r? II Il T ??? Woollaril. ? ?rConn.ll . ?. J r ? II* ? | IlrlH?. 24 .V Tt'.;. ?> I, Cornai-ho . ? ; H Piar?, c o'Oni.ll. b Brl???. . 12 H Rurchall. r r?rl??v b OTriir-.ll . t B Knl?til, c Miller, b OTonn.ll... 7! H ILif b Ml'.i.-r . t T M Rlc|,?r.l?r*n. no? mit . I Titras . I" Total.121 ntw TOBK H Crmtrri'i. r W ""Vu. b H 1>?tt . 1 ? ?. e r?i b S?an. i* J N !.. ?Val, b I! lVott . ?il L t nmi-h", e HI, liarl?i>n. b ?-??n . 0 I. MlllH h II Toi . 9 T N. oi ?.n.lV run r.?]? . ? Il P-'-i? ',. H TV." . j T TurrllB. b F i il Merer? ? Kba-iiMaon. b T? "lY-flt. 11 l?rd, net oui . 2 t; SI,,?., b H. Trent . 0 Eltra?. 1? Mil . -* liewlin? nn??. 4 fer 42. O'OaniMll, Ibi Mlili-r. . foi .'4. L (nm?cli*. 1 f..r 15. If Tr.*.. i tnt IT; Sn?n. 1 for H. rhllpolt. 1 fer SI. Next Thursday and Friday, at Lenox Oval, the Hermudians will piny arain^t a combined team of New York, Phila? delphia and Boston cricketers. The True Art of Fancy Diving by a Woman TWO VICTORIES FOR ROY MORSE National Furlong Cham? pion Scores in Canadian Games. Toronto, Kept. 11. Roy Morse, of New York, .was the star of the Cana? dian rational athletic meet to-day, win? ning the 100 and 1.00-yard sprints, the former in 10 seconds flat and the lat? ter in 21 1-5 seconds. Abel Kiviat, of New York, won the 1,000-yard special, beating Ted Mere? dith, of Philadelphia, and Jack Tre*si der, the Canadian champion, in a close finish. The time, 2:27 1-5, was slow, as the runners loafed in the earlier stages. George Moulding, world's champion walker, made a new Canadian record when he came home alone from scratch in a two-mile handicap 1n 13:27 1-5. Hannes Kolehmainen started at scratch in a three-mile handicap, in which he conceded all competitors from 30 seconds to 1 1-2 minutes. He wore them all down except Pellow, the Cana? dian marathoner, and Joyce, of Buffalo. The Finn's time was 15:16 1-5. The summaries follow Two-mil? ?alk ilinn.'.icuj i Won t.v ?ieor?. Gouldlng HcratcM. Toronto; l->e?miin. OOd: Hill. Toronto, third. Tim?-. l.l'.- If. US-yard run Won hv Itr.v Mora.. New York, H JdcOavln. Toronto. s-.en.!, j. k. !-?>. k wnoai. Iniversltv of Pennsylvania, third. 11m.. C ".'1 1-.?.. 1 (vm-vurd nin (opea)?Woa bv J?ek Tr*>? ?Ider. Toronto: Fhunk, New York. t?mri<\ : Kuppentnann. Ruffalri. thlr.l. Time, : 17 3 '? Three-mile run ihandh aru Won tel J*m?* Dellow, Toronto if?0 ?>-..nln It. D. Joyce. Tliiffslo. ?econd; H*nne? Kolehmilnen. NOW Torn, third. Tim? U 1?! 14, Mfl ?ard dash tflnall Won bv Ro? M'.me. Net? York llarrv McGovlB. Toronto. toeoMi l t MeL.iui, Philadelphia, third. Tim*. 1:10 One-mile bieyeU ra" Won h? Han? Ohrt, f-an rriin.-l*. o. Elmer Hundt iturfiio. art-ond; Peteraoa Huffaio. third Tltae. !4i ?-* lM?*..,.iid run .?r.e.-|?!i Won t.v Abel Klvlat Ne? Yorh. .1 K Meredith. Phllad?l rhl? second Jack Tresslder. Ton.nt... third Time. : "7 1 :. Nassau Country Club. Major.B. H. Tobey won the eighteen hole handican against par, finishing 2 down, at the Nassau Country Club yes? terday. There were about forty start? ers, of which the following returned cards: n | lataaf j mtmrn; Q 'i I?.mnr. I .loan. II I I'm1' . il"? r?!ra-T Bla.**. 3 Ateto-, Henry I t'ape. ? deim. BELMONT PARK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. WK.niKK CUURi TRACK FAST I riRr-1 RAIE -TT1K HRi;N"T?vnoi> flANPKAI*. ft* mar-, '.I all ?ge? <.PP alde.|; ?alu. '" winnrr I ' ?li and a t.aN furl iig?. again lour.?-. At p??s'. liir?-?? minute?. n?T at i 4? fiart poor tVl ea-aiif. p1?-f aaaaa Time. 1 ISSaj Winner, bl * I, 1? Ii:.?iulji- l'rfi) Ma: im (' jtatea liu'kr Tra?ne? U ? Beaawi _ |--?? B.-Ilng ? Ptr M .'i. , J.^krr. ??p... Higl. ;? i r...?. ?paner. s-a tai i ' 11" .i Mirtjr Kaakaal < Pan Mali n itaamaM rtimi-lie liif-u raa an .-? i ii. i ? ? i. i?o ? : ?3 i a us .i i 101 7. ?4 1? 44 lio 4' lace 3d. ? I :< IM :?'?? ?'-, ? .?? lewder 4'. ? -. l?a?iea t; Met'ahe) I : :, Oeieh opc-ied ur a I-Ig ?ap In flf.t furlntig, .?Im? in; .-ltmi-c ?peed arid .arrjlng II ?a.Hj 10 lha ,M ?. ,?i M.,r;jr rloaed atranfl] a. lUtlaai i Kaak? la INtaaHta lt:cu. . u'.run In .?:', pan a.? cut oft ?tiarply In Ihr ?treuh l!i.^.m?iJ tired bad . ? - r'l7?'nNI> HA? K S'Hlr.g; for four eaar-oMa a and au elgh'li At po". .t? falnutc - " a W iinrr. .1 g . S. bjr l?ol.-e 1 . [Paal w -? '. '.. ?- . !. ISS 7 P .1 a iss ' ni 'ipwarl. ISSI ad.:-M. ?alW lo wlnr.rr. S?>0 fine mil? :? l?f. Mari poor, ?on .Irl.H.g. pU.-e r?-.'.! Time. 1 33. -ri. Wild ii'i'r II Newman Trainrr. 1 h. > llr-ln? ^. ot-li lilgli (?loar. Pia r ?d ? 1 II I 101, 4 ??, 1 111 1. S> I? t :?? , ? 1*3 I?? f.? S I 11 ' sunrr li?'-i?rrf>r?.| ?. i,.. Ii.lirr III? Mba s. i ..i Vallej. ?. . ??>! .Vaille. 0-sui Lan lien (julnea WtaaiS cmrrrd for ?:?''0. r.o ! M l?-?lng. a gain. Bnlab. Ai-ialtl. otltnn a? n-ual tan hli r? r O'Saltlfaa s:"?? in l-gli TlURI' HA? K -THi; HOMKBBED PBODtCI sta M..-. 1m lu-a ??*/ni:? $;.ppo ?d-tri. ??m? ?a ?m nan J : -, ? , ir?'g.? A' r* ? I ?- ? " >' M?rt goo.1 Wen drretiif: Maca ?aalli I rae, I ??'? W'lnavar. cli c. t?> ifg.lrn- Isoldas I?rop l??tier. J. t Mail.: Train.? V? S Walker. ?.??eke?. !.<??? |.r M.? an.? Pumell _ I - I ?1 Taggart. I . i Mlnk 'field i'Ikk I ?T :ig? 'hrr igh t !ie ?irel.?h ?irl fought ouf ? frnin far bar? r ?a i r???? null? ?rt up l..ijr li.lirr ;.r"un.|, tjul .a M S'aiter ' II?.'/ ' ?Air Ma ? : : Kllmrr . a mu? . Pe, Kl ',-? 1 1P7 4 ? 10 1.-7 .. ? r.; : '.. 4 -? It ?? :?4 In Jnrkej. - lYt BulwHI .... Uli.? \f . ?bn i ?I i mart J *4<Ta?aarl i i i M "s ; as 4 S ? ii 7 ? : ? -, 10 10 10 l: .....I I 11 11 ? S-5 ?? - |.i ?Jailli a. 1:. n.;.-. Ii-f .i ?? kr?ne entr? il'miplr I a? ?'nrhrar ta< la?, an added larUf, abared u lb? pa roi ... . g an iu?i long ruougl, to win llromn. ? . -'.r -?bit?, '.'Ul ,'1-t fallrd ' . gtl up l>pur a , i> l'rioca of ' 'ni . I ab?is i .'.endrr? lor fit? an.l a lialf fui . |r*OI RTH RAi I THI ll.IlnMi: Il A M>Ii AI' for UatM itll Irt? II.OOP ??'. I"l ?al-i? lo ?Inner. $1 ? ?, 0.1 al 4 : ?tat .-.:'? ng. pi?., Ttni?. ?f ?air l'la> I'm ... ili OttaM I ?S?lin 1 H L'aMali Tra?nai, i . um, II ? ' lo Il :o 1. ?i 10 ? Btattrr. I . '.M || M >. ', ??. -? i . Tria, f? J ir\ 4 -. HauiK-rk I S.ra- .?a 1 10-. 4 III 7, 11? 4' IV, 4 J' IS t 4S Kill, i Jmkf? >>p- lllgl. ,? o?r Plae? r M. T.ggart a 5 2 t \t I>an I - i :? J ? .-: i 5 I ? 1? al?atl US ?"I1 Iba pa... wort Ha 11 ?t? ??s m U,? la?, .?i, .-. -? l*ai Trw Kl:.-, 1 .?? awd l.roke ??r. hla loa? and ?r-l iba ?... fag a Un... unit: ?i??lr? -i??k h?.-k allghl .- alng ?lrr,ng?--4 al il?, en l. a: ! . . I.a.r em la ? lau Hauberk bar? on |?bmIj ?nd r?n to ni? lof t'.fiu ??ar?'..g? ?(..n>c?! ?idl? Kunr.? ?!.??? ?o Im?1h. ?.?a rui.i n g on III il? RAO I'll?. Al II ?IN III NTK.RS- HANDICAP ??TI.KI'I.K IIA.-K. faa liini-r?. r . i ? ? .--.-:? ?,.,...? ,,r? ,. , ,. ..,., gnt.] W{m M - .? \Mnn.r. ht g agr I. ?j Menlooe Ampli..r? IK t l.r.nir?; rralner. J. ?I S-ari.r v . ... i Mlilie ?M J. Mil I ??? si S ! IS 1? r . r.? i ? IV, ?'r P . 11 Mi I a I . Mr }ia ti? |i Pan \|. Brlilr.f l" k?. .ir?,i III?.', ?..?.i plant .id \?-igh' - ;?? : ? ? ? _ Pa ? 4 I ?-'. n :* - _ Hrabaaoo. ? '? M II-;? ? ? " - M hla.k aii'i \f?-lilf, ?a? . ? Il llj S Parla? il r ni?kln? all Hag Mr?, api?are<l heairii aa I irn-rlf ?boa l.rcr l>0 lunii, f-om I..Mn. blXT.I KA> I. Nrlllitf: for I . . -. |-pp .aiu? to winnrr 14"? Kite ?i.d a haif furl.-??? ra'gl \ . - .. . Slarl ?and Woa .ln?i.? p,.., '_""* 1 <>'- Wunrr |, f . : |,, Bahalton U Krlnr Ku-.pre-? ???iirr. Mr? I. II HalUl Trainrr. I. II r.aiirr I I I?., ?v- ?? !<al Van.- ? . ? ? ? i ? 7 107 ? ! 1 4 IP'. 7 T.ill*r r.Ultnii - It?Il g Oprn lllg:. I . I -.. 1 ? 1? 4 I 4 ? 7 f. 1 I -? ? : I : -a Va l ? Iba ..utalde tall ai the ?tart. l>ui bad tha ?ptfl ut art field Mat.'ou bad o? etiut? and prooabl? rao bar lai-a Tralca ?u beat of tbc ollwra. I Miss Josephine Barjlett, of the National Women's Lifesavins; League, makltir, a swallow dive (on top), a hack dive and standing in position for one and a half back somersault. ? Langer Picked as Best All-Around Swimmer Showing in Exposition Water Carnival Entitles Him to Crown?Cavill to Coach Olympic Club Men. By L de R. Handley. Berry MeGillivray, of the Illinois Athletic Club, of Chicairo, has been se? lected hy cri*ic? of the Middle West as America's greatest s'vimm?r of the present day, anil from the choice ? lively controversy has arisen. McGillivray evidently is not ranked ?o highly out of his own district as in it. There are experts and would-be experts who variously claim supr-tma y for hir. teammate, Harry "leb; Bud Goodwin and Herbert Voll? mer, of the New York Athletic Cluh; Duke Kalianumoku, of Honolulu, and Ludy Langer, of the Los Angeles Ath- | letic Club. We are asked to express an , opinion. It is given unhesitatingly jn favor of Langer. All-around ability is the only mea :*. | of comparison between swimmers not , epecialir' the ?.ame Jistnnces. The ? man able to trio the majority of race? ' in a test includin;: all the reuulation event? .'.0, 100, 2*0, -110 and MO yards. I one mile and ten miles would seem I entitled to the crown. At the exposition water carnival last ! July Langer defeated all rivals in rec? ord time at the quarter, half and mile. lit ha.? since proved ubtl11\ to cover i longer distances fa-ter than any Anieri ! can, with the possible exception of Goodwin. On actual performances, therefore, he mav be conceded four of ! the seven events against the others and I >i.? against Goodwin. The conclusion is ' obvious. - Fred Cavill, a member of the fumo i. family of Australian swimmers v.'hi h has produced half a dozen world cham 1 pions, has been retained to coach the team of the Olympic Club, of San Franci?co. This will give him the handling of Langer, Canna,, Smith, romeroy, Reslenrs snd several other l'art?ic Coast stsr?. Hut of the unfortunate Nantasket-to Provincctown Marathon swim, over which Bo?ton watermen are .-till hav? ing warm sreuments, has come a chal? lenge from Charles Tuih to Henry S ?1 livan. Toth and those who accompanied him. including (?us Wise, president of the I. Street Club, s??rm very skeptical of the performance credited t# Sullivan, and claim that he should bv ?rilling to meet any rival in order to prove 'aid ?uperiority. There are no stnnc? on Toth's chal? lenge, horn-ever He ha? sent an open ! letter to the newspaper? stating that he would ?ladly '.ompete against Sulli? van ;.t any di?tance and wherever the latter pleases, provided it is in salt : water. The New York Athletic Club will hold its last water carnival of the out? door ?eason on n*xt Saturday at Trav? ers Island. The programme is made up I of swimming and diving contests and practically every waterman of note in the district will take part. The annual five-mile Marathon * I :.i for women, to be decided over the usual Rockaway Point-Bi ighton Be * h course, is attracting a good d*al >f attention. Local mermaid? have improved so much ?ince last year, ami ?o many new stars have been developed, that even the best ?informed authorities are guessing at the outcome. Mi--- Martha Hagstadt, of the National Women's Lifesaving League, winner of the event in 1911, will b? on hand to defend her laurel*, but it may be doubted if she can defeat .?ome of the girls who will oppose her.t Her teammates, the Misses Lucy Free-' I man, Dors Hyatt, Helen Peitler, Edn? I Cole, Elsie Sultan, Cia?re Gallisran ard 1 Ritn Greenfield, are one and all dan ! gerous rivals. An exceptionally large I field is promised. The Princeton University Lifesaving Club is making efforts to introduce rescue mees as a feature of all college ?swimming meets, and the plan is to be heartily commended. Such contests not only encourage students to take up the study and practice of lifesaving meth? ods, hut they also prove novel, interest? ing and instructive to spectators. The new swimming code just drafted by the aquatic committee of the Na? tional i'ollegiate Athletic Association contains an admirably devised rule to avoid fouls in dual meets. It pre? scribes the division of the pool into two lanes by stretching a rope length? wise through the middle, and the start? ing of the representative? of opposing teams in separate lanes. A simple ex? pedient, yet warranted to completely do a?.ay with the protests and discus? sions so often chronicle?l in the past. Hereafter, with the rival candidates on either side of the barrier, crooked swimming can only work against the1 offender, or a teammate, as it should. Billy William?, the Olympic Club fancy ?liver, who won the exposition championship event in San Francisco last July, has taken reside-nce in Los Angeles and obtained his release from the Winged () organization, that he BSay compote in future for the Los An? geles Athletic: Association. The refusal of Herbert Vollmer, of the New York Athletic Club, to start in the metropolitan five-mile title race, which has been commented upon, wa? based on common sense. Apart from the fact that he has never done any ' rea! long distance swimming, he was in no cond.tion to undergo so hard a test. .This he showed clearly in the one-mile contest at Steeplechase Park. Both his tune and the overwhelming defeat ad? ministered to him by Wheatley pro? claimed him ?tale. Entries for Monday on Belmont Track r..\. g Seiitna r. ? thiee-*/oai el * ?ni.I upward. .-'. . pgt mam ?our. Hurtie. \\i IforMi U't. Artuti .11? ?i'.iil'on ?;.ion : . If' lil'.amln-j .|?l i . .1121 Aliara.MS ? . m 'Orotund .lot ? ? ? i*m year? at maiden?. ? light, l-1al0tUI !!'., Intricate . R| lai.NI. 1- ...... Ill| Harn .II.' Ti'ii. i.? K*i-onl?ua? .IU I liai Val?,.! U?l II. l4*lib|* . IU Til in 11 HACE TUB RONKONKOMA HAN* I I1 Al' -rlllti?. fur ?lire.-. . ji ? ii 1.? jnl lip ?rard, i tai .?,. I i -ix:-, ntii lull**. RUM Ta Ut l? .1191 Vcalelf,, .96 ? n I '-' N..;.|. r .'j'? ik.rt,.? Y il Kill HA' K-Tin. MANHATTAN HAN i*i? vi'. r..i ?..-., .n : ? ?, trd -? ? ?> ni lan?;*, m ils eoari e. Il 1321 U.M. r l'rMin? .. .110 nittem ill lUll'unlv .IC? M ''"?-t . .l?lsan, %-Me-kln .I?? KIKTH RACK M??t.|e.h?i?*. ?ellin?: for luui-'eat-olda ??Ml upward. At...iJi t?o miles sai-Ii . . Ulla/ota-H .US /tllue.Kl .lil: Ka.ll.alil .131 III? ..Itt Aalklli* J-'o? .110 I ll..r..l?a;! Oil SIXTH RACK s-llin? for tl.r??*-y-"?r-oi .1? end apwatfd. n.- mile. A-tat. . ll*|.*?on? of Valley.I?7 r-livn. ? . II.i J-ta-aj., Jr.KM. Aii.ain .ll)lN?i>l-,th\i .10J i |v,..i.!. ? . llilHctrm .IS? -?.lull M?r> land Olrl . K ? ?A;.| r.-nt|. e ?II???aw .|.?lme.l Southern Association Results. Atlanta, '?; MeMfa. i tttaata. 1; Mi SU* n,.iiLiii..oga. i; M***ephl? '. Chatt-umna, 3. MempMa 0 Ulrnilr?hain. '.. Ne? iVI'an? * Ulrminfffvnt. '-'. New urtean?. 2. UMe 'Kock. 4. aS?.hvlll?. *? L?DERUS T?D WITH DOYLE IN NATIONAL LEAGUE Both Are Hitting at .322, with Snyder Runner Up at .314. . ONLY NINE PLAYERS IN SELECT CIRCLE Snod^rass Has Shown Little Im? provement in New Uniform? Jack Murray Going Well. Frofl Ludsras, of the Ph.?lie?, an*. I.arrv Doyle, <f the C'iant?. are tim? thi.? week for the htv-.or of being the Lest lifitter in the National League. Each has r.n average of .322. The Na? tional Lcsgraa ha? only nine Mt hit er?, while the Ami .-?can League ha? twelve. Snvder. the St. Loui? catcher, i? ? third in trvr iMgttS, with Jl?i Jake Dauhcrt, of Brooklyn, in the !a?t week let hi? averasre fall from .313 to 306. Fre?J Merkt* i? now battitag 301 and I.'avev Robertson'? average'is .23*. Fred Snodgra.*-?. released to Boston by the Giants. ;.? batting .206. while Red Murray has pulled hi? average up to .265. The St. Loui? Cardinals are leading ] in i-lub batting, with Cincinnati second, j Brooklyn i? third, while Boston i? last Cravath, of Philadelphia, ia the lead? ing slugger and the beet run getter. The following figures arc compiled from official .-?cores a? published in the different cities of this league by the Moreland News Bureau, and include record? of all players who have played in fifteen or more game?, including Thursday, September y, 1911: AH K ,1*3 71 Pit*?? art'l .-lull. ?j. LU'l.ruv i-tilla.1? lpt1 a 117 D ??.. yea Y or? I] .??nyrler, S!. Uj < I ..tig. Si l/?ul? IM I.or.?ale?, Hi Imilla . :?4 lllri.-lirtun, Plt'.hurgh 13'. I'aultfrl. Bl-oo?lTti 11 Wendell, N,-? York. . II ?r?.?.. S"i ?otb . 113 l.rlfflth, nail. . .1*3 I Mlltaa, I'ltf.iiurgli. ,i| K.?lier Ch|.-ago ? "in.- -.nial: T i lark? ?'In iiinail . I Sebaita, i hi'ago . 31 it. b.-r-...-M. Ka-a r??ark..IIS J smith B .?'? : ' - i-'tlrt Chicago .11? K?i-r?. U?aban . . . *,? KltUfrr. (In. In-an II] Whltled. |-illa,|elpli:a 107 Wagner. I'ttt.liurgi; .IIS i? Wilaot? a*. fotjla IM I rata'li. Phiia 1, :phl?. -.2? I?. Mlger. r,..?|.)l, III J. Millar. St l?ui? ..III ( rli -r Ht I/.-!,? 7 ?i Hum?. Nr? York IM rompi?;., llovnn ... l*i I ??i r.ttatiurfli.Hi r>irr Beaton ?o Herzog. ?liK-lniiati ....111 (?.. .1 ( . i. a.. IK. r.mnoiir. lir?,t?.ii ... . ?i Wm .i llr? ..??>:i . I?H l??ilan. ft Ixiul? /''iir.ii-rmtn, CM? ago Mi-ri. . hi.-??. Ural?. St. Uiut?. Wllllanu. <r?c?gn lie?, liar. Ht. Lotit Mflm!?. Philadelphia .121 Jnlm?'on, Plinlmrgh. 12 I... ??- H- ... ? .. Hi-hllltf. Clilragn M?llwtu. ?.Iti.-lnnail Hutli-r. Hi Ixrnl?. rietrher. Ne* York ?'utthan, Brooklyn Pe'ker. PMIadalphla i ?rey. I'Hiahurg Gib??. , I'lttal urgh Ottt, lir.-okirti ,11? H'an irllg?. Chicago. . 2* IV ?el. .??t la- ul ?. !"> Kanti?hn?r. Plttahurgh 23 O'.Mar?. nrfvckljn .. .12!? ?-.? Homoii .12.-, Usen. llr.?.kl>i. .i? Man.- ii If?. ? ?ion .181 Pfeffer. Brooklyn .. . 33 Knlsi.j. Chlrago . ST sii-.-k. I'hlla.lel I? 4* I^U-r?. Sen York 101 fvhiielder, C|i rliinatl . 40 Kl! Ifat, I'nlla.Wphia .1?. K William?. Claim. . 7.7 H?k. sr 1,-nil?.?? llugf::ia. K. Lout? . VI llinnm.-l. Brooklyn A-i-hrr. Chl.-a-io I tike-' Philadelphia ?a Kg - - PI ||a I . . .':. O. Miller. Brooklyn. . 74 Pair I'lnelnnatl .42 Mrrarthy. Brooklyn Tl K Hur ?, Phllailrtphla 41 J \l?rr?. New Y.'rk ?7 Coomb- !>r..<.k!)ti _ 27 hf?n. lloatiM' .it Lea ' flnrlonatl . . fl Wlr.go, I'li.-lnnail .... M Hlanaal. ?',r.?.kivn ... Ill t.owilv. Baatoa .IM l*li?l?ii. CM ?go .1H l'ii7pair|.-k. Hosten_ ?1 Outnn, lirookiin . V Palr.l. Pttt.t.urgh . .124 ?,r?nt. Ne? Y?rk.. . 1.1 Mayer. Philadelphia . 37 ? haling, llo.ion . M I>-?< it. N>.? Toi*. . ?7 Cr --I:?, ppf.hiirglt.. .. ill II. .|grr?. < In. Irinatl . ?i lient, n. Nrw Ynrk . 4? Hyri e. rhlU.lel-yhta . Ill Ilu.iolpli. lloMon . .<? Hnmlgr?.??. Ho.liin . 94 Matait, lioaioii ... 10.*? Chliagn ... 6? NATH'NAI. LKAGI K Cl.t B BATTING KKCilBl'.? Time? . ST IM 7<< M IM 111 IV IM 1:7 10? 111' 101 ?1 ??7 4?4 ?-1 m 4?'J ?;?? ill 12*. 444 ?Si 401 i?r ?. ? 37? 4M 47 :? :,?7 II ?M 4?f2 42? 27j 47 ? SSI 471 213 Ml 44? 4 II 44? 4M 3*. 434 437 4V 471 I I .122 477 2S7 40? 32 Ml M ?'..j ?r,u .->:u tu ?l 12? IM 3?? 7? .12.1 11)0 217 310 i?: HI 24? 4S7 27<0 77 237, IM 274 at ?i SM 270 3?? 2*14 Ml 442 IM 74 IM lu 11? 3? 4 :iifl :?7?a ?tff H ?t :< II I-i 1 ? IM i l ;? IM 144 IM 147 103 1?? I?-. M IM 1 S 111 J2 IM 104 11 ?1 121 13? 1-. 14 14*1 i II.. 21 132 114 73 IM ir' 37 67 11? 111 IM 111 9 111 112 117 IM 120 72 74 9 IM 112 IM 111 2? 31 I > :?:, ?4 - ? ... Ill Ml ."'. i?M ..? IM .... 224 223 ia ,*m M .m m lia in IM M 211 2?^ 212 2.'. .212 2? .211 IIS 14 14 -H lilil??. Ht l-?'i.? ??In.-lniiail IV, llr...kl?n _11? Chir??., .IM Ma? y. r?, ... IM I'hll/.lelpllU ,.1M rii.-i .ireh u. IM at ha? 137 447 R H II S II. S H. .17 II., IM r.? ISN IM 1113 m? r 4440 (SS 1147 112 '?? 427? ?13 lo,:, ?14- ?-7 411? 412 n ?? Ml ion io?i i?a IM I7BI ?7.. ISIS IM Tii.s bXSJUQSMt taxai M i ira i i ?..? .2?? tilt? lut? ii 17 PI ??ers ? Ct???lli Plnla. M Hair.-. I l/lli, SI I. Lu,!, nia I'll.? lio,!?? n y :.?, Hliu-hmai?. I*gh 3 Wagner, Pgh 30 ??rlfflih. < lu . .?'. .. ? in vniuaeaa, t iu.- 11 NATHINAL IXAOI I Urand 1 k I ti Home La?? Kitra bat'g ru i? on hit?. Ii?n?i. ?trr 1 ? 217 102 P Ml 1?7 III 219 su Ma 203 ??'. Il U 4-, ? ClUlr? ? InHnnaU :. .??- Laaala l'i.lla.>lpl,|t l'Uuhurgh Hr.?.kWii Nr., ion I ..!??.. iu:ciiR[.. ?; r i? A 3M? 1701 ?C.,4 ? . l ? * M .4 IMI 102 7.3>i 1 14 3'i2r> 17 22 3-.00 1??3 in 1.7 IM 1-4. 17 I. Tr?l?l ( A? ?1 ?.-??! ? " ? . -i . .*4 130 110 34*7 in -?? ?i 7332 UUOIXa Th.N ilASt.HTKAI.KU l'Uy.-r? ?ii.i . .uh?. <!. H. H ??r,->. l'Ul.hurgh . Ill Sf.rr, ? . Il? 27 H.r/..j. IlilHltaaU .131 21 Balm PltUNurih . 12? 2'. WhllU.1. I'lii;a.t.-:|.hi? . 107 11 limier. Hl Laut? . 127 2? ?ui.liatt. Iln.'kiin . 13? 2? i. ilf.lrt K4 UMlla . IM 2C J.iIiii-k.u. pu? . I K<tl-?rl>?.ri. Nr? York.11? 2? l.KADINii TK.N lit NHiKTTl-.IlH I '?? 2 ? ? A? 0 Plat??? ?il! ? lu'.- Il S- A' erara?!?, t'lilla?klBMa . 12? 7? SI H,.,i, yrt. York . Isa S?, l^.ul? .IIS Huiler. S- 1/ ji- . 127 72 ',7 H?ler t hl.aa-o . Il* , J. Miller. Ht l^iul? . IM 7 1 Haii.rofi. PliPaileiphla . IM M iilU.-i, lln?.kl)ii . 12? '?4 31 H.her Chi?-??? . 12? ?.-. M Bill liman. I'llli'-urgh. IM ?7 i? Dunwoodie Country Club. Member? of the Dunwoodie Country Club took p?ti m the usual red card competition, in addition to the fir?t rtr?t round of match play, for the Sep? tember Cup in two claras?. In Cla?? A of the red carj, IT, W. Harria, with 7? 7 72, led hi? set, while M. A. Simp? son topped the list in Claaa B with 98 28 70. The ?ummary of match play follow?: ??la?. A H Coiller heat M Q MOouahl h? ,lef?...- A 11 Harri? i?-at v\ T Gray. .? up an.l ? ?,i ?la?. F. I'. .1 llama -eat F. I7> ?>llu. 3 up an i 2 la play. Hai l'?r.|e t?-al A X. ?al..?k ', up an?4 3 to play. I*. K. Alken beat J ?.' Hunt .an. In ? I. fault. .- K.I? .t- Ixal I'ullun Coltlil?. 2 nu. W W llalH.wl. ?>*al V? K ?al.lwell. by U? ?anil: F H H." I'?* a byt. lia?? II- F. K ?warlr? r?al C. K Cliautln. 7. up ?n.I 4 !?? play: U?t?r Ku??ell b*at T K Ke??fi. I up 119 hoir?,'. 4' Il fUei.g?! beat '????i Da.ta. '. up an.I 3 to play. M A Hlmpaa.n l>eat J M. Nalr. 7 up an.) ?t m pla,,. |i Mi-Aipln Iwat J c lp.?lefru?.-, 4 up ?h.l .1 t? pi?), N p Oian.Per Ixal I* H. G.1-1? 1?. ?, up an.I 4 t.. ula> W i Phllllpa "-aal J H William. ? up an.l 7 lo pi?,. O, n. . ir-t ??-. .. C. ? a-..iaaii 1 up aavd . ta ?lay ' COBB SLIPPING^ FAR AWAY FROH THE .4M MAR, Tyrus, However, Leads American League Batters by Wide /Margin. YANKEES AT TOP IN FIELDING END Tigers Show Way in Team Stick, work, with Boston and Chicago Trailing. Ty <"obh ?till leads the A-*it-i--?> Leaffue in battinc. but he i? ?li*???,, back from the .400 mark, whie? i. covet?. H:s average now it .37j_ a? int* a loss of four poir.t? in thi *?*? W Davis, of the Athletic?, prov?? q? some pitcher? really cm hit. jT Ruth, Re! Sox pitcher. i< third it list Joe Jackson, who w?? reccntlr ma by the Indians to ?he Whit? Sox '? Zm battin-* .lib, tied with Tri? Spetk*-, who ?!:ppcH back s:x point? l?n etei Sam Crawford, of Detroit, !o*t ?\m? oint? in the wer'-;. Friti Ma;-,?, ?w, ?el, ?>, eadinr h::ter of the Yankee?, f?|? kaai from .300 to .29<5. Paddy Baumtn m\, i? getting his batting eye into fia? trii now. has a mark o' . ', The Yankees lead th? America-, Lengue in riddir.--, with Boiton ?-*, Chicago close behind. <"obb ha? it?'fl eighty ba?e?. whi'.c Manel'i m?rt it forty-nir.e. Msiscl is the only Yuktt ainonir the ten leading run-|?tt?rt. In club batting Pe'rc;? Botton m?1 Chicago are first, ?econd und tkiri The following figure? ?r? compilt-i from official ?core?, a? published it ta? different citie? in thi? league ty t?t Mo-yland News Hureau. and iad?? records of all players who hare pUj*?< in fifteen or more games incites)? Thur?day, Septembers. I91l| I' ut and dub ?.ain.? A 11 R H a? ?. i :>.?'-? t w, ?? ni m ? w in. ? A-'ii-ic? ?r i ?>'. i li ? || its ???.-????r. H ?loti 1.1 I . ? ? Idea**? 133 '? I Crrnrni! . . i,-? i - I-.?**i?r.l. M - l ' ? ? i, ?:*. Ik-n j-lir ?. ?'hlcaao I? i ? \ ? , : : Ml!?ei. ? lUumai: \'?r York K??ati??h. llrt-'l? Hem . I St i. ? lu < . I ?<?!*.'..I c ;. B ?mi ?? M.!?.|. Waallil.? Kill .????? a .1 I Weal ll<?-.. .: 1 11.? ? A-lifc ?? ' *!r*?nrr. <'i'?ri?.n| . id*, Si U-ut* in ?Ire-:-.. I'hlr??. H-.krr. patiell ?1 It. foll?n? iw-?.. 1 ?;?,.ii: Wa?-. if? . if? ? h?pma?. ?"".cfeiact in I ?. Walker Si la-i-il? [M Pratt, s. la nu if. r-'ha? ?h.-a?n . !!? rook, Stm Y?I? III V. \f.irT' ?? Jan?r: , ?atoa H T. Fe?-?- \?',?;i..ft?n l?o BuM.ii rui i?-. ?: 0*ed*-*--. Hoa'O: ... Hi Lai-? A'h',1.1'..'? 1C? ti r???**> noi.on... 3} AiMtti ?* !.. ?I?. 11, : J. rniiin?. rtii-a?-? 1H ' iri^ N-w Ver? ta? Belli. i'tet?|and . IT ? Writer. <'ti|c??n .. .. 119 nur.? It"- .u *i I Umlth. ? l-rel-ji?! 121 ' F?:?ch. i'hi-a-** .... HI Maier t ?c ?*?> (I *?.-.? .. vr??unsMi n? Vhi DftmU ir*. ' M-K.e Iirtrolt 4* Har-r.1! Sea Y-rk I.V. ?a! iuel'.. Sew Ynrk St Shaw. W??hli'?*t'?? H?ia it-i-r. ? Kch?n?. Athletlr? II latlbeld. < tY..??n ?i C Thctn?? Ileafr-n '! 1 A Wlltltm? Waah'n :* I'lpp. Net? Test . lit Tunier. rie??:?'.t .... 7*. I'an ?i l?-mta . ?? i Hnoper. lleven . lit*? 1 Watarr. BoMnn . I* I Wille <'lc??l?n.. tn n?m ru?- . n? ?? ? ?a- f.- ?-?.!? . ..IS llenr? Wa?!iln-"tnn .. ?I Mnell.r W?s>iln?toti II? O'tri i A'hMI?. ... ?t Kmilhworh tie?. ? ' J '.".?. n W??hlti?ton ?.r !>'\?i:i. rv**l?nd l"i Knpf A-hlell.? ... 10? Taaas r>?tmtt loj Wr?:,ln*-teai *1 r?s.i?iii->?ii?h x. v n? UtM it, I/..II? la! Nmiam.ker. "-ew Ter? 7< He?cr?*nl St lafMlt? tl A a,?.?. VaaMnati Aver?. W??Mc?i.m_ :?4 < arrlga... He.tei. ... .17 Ore Stm V * SI I Wal.ri At'i .?t'l-a 111 1<- k? Stm Vr-r'a l.'l IT?ni tan, n.--.-a ... ?? I . . ??htc-uio *" W Janie? Petrilt I? Sent Rn?tnn . T n ,. m i- tia O Roh l?etr"?t ni ?? ka St laMl!? H AtnaaOlfei, Wi.tiliifinn. 44 MaWm* A'l.i'?t.? ?? ?i ?? AlhUllr? ?4 m. w..t,i pum 1-it It-.... s? ^ -k ?i ! ? . ?; 113 ?? . IM ?? IT 4** .1 ?: '.? ? ill .'? ?: i:* ? ?; m ? n 1?. ?4 III 44 : .? ." IT l"> ? ? .1? ? ' ?i Hi ::* Its < ? :-. i ? II :?? IM i 4.14 ? v.? b rra.nrsi; ny< orh? ? ,.h. i. v .. A v. T-*a-?? ' vr-? T-'k i"i i i?a i ?<f i?: V? it..?t?i. ..... ni i ?*? I ??? m ??*? 5 Chic**-) IM ? ??? I Ml '? W,?|i|l jl iV ' ?.?t i ??*? ? rial-oil IT I ??14 If ...J S II,. .?-I IT I -I.! I -.1 St I.-il . If. 1 'in 1 - - -I ?.?J -J ! AHiletl.? II? ? . ? J.*? I? f.KAIUMI TGI BASK Sa___t. I Hipw t ,! ???' * ?'..l-h. Pri.-olt ?..._, ? .... ?? : v. IM Mal?- . New Yerk . - M W. IvOtll? . I'? Moe'l.r IV?ah<n?tOfl . .11? I K r-Hllrr?. .'iii.aao . ?M ' Milan. W?.Mn?tr-n . I? , CnoK Set Y.-k . II J r. Iln?. fl,l-a*.. . m ' t'haiM-iai. t le.rlan.i '? '- J! a Hi,.n n-.. H '?'? ? j l.KAftivi; TEN Ki N i;ktt>:?i? i H?...? ?luh. 1 ?;, g ; Pot?? 11. tr it .... !? " S ; Tttl l)at.,.!i. 1^ 'f* n r. r-ti-iB? ci.i.*?-? . J! -i sp.?--r ?:..?. : . I? f? g I', ir ir i ! ate. '?* ? S I tiartiau ? '-?* an.I . I1' >fat* Stm \nt. . Il- g < n..c- u-- , .... je a ? i?u?h ii ? ? ii i*- :' t emtrm. i>.? t i.i n hatt-in?; RictiRDi Tin?-? . .. u l*l.,r-? C at ?Ml 11 II II !? " " ?? 5 i.-. i?."t ms mi ?J El I?.....-, III IMI ??? ; I?*? ?is : : IT m > t ??'? 44? IMI ;' 5 .i m? i-? : ir ?J ,! -t IM uil 44: ?.m i? }* l ?4 1-4 I- "? I'll!. . s? lamm l*Wwl*ii I , Wt?:.iii?t.iii ? Alliletlc? . . Nr?. Tl r? 1 .?V i.i:adim; tia m ! m.M" r ? ?'..ah. I?firc|t I'oun.ter t 'hl. <>??.(. r 1. |t,-t Jack?. ? till 1hl Vra. li. l-rl t. I ..I Ina . S(??kcr ll> la-al?. B??t..ii t haimian. ? let :ih Home ?ill? run- "M. Il 3? M 11 btmH Uir??' :: t ?in. I Country Club of Glen Bidr^ A ?weepatake? in two d**utZ*i 4 competition at the Country *_'?"1 Glen Ri.lge yesterday. H M M? with a ?core of 91 - 17 "<? !'?.d,!j,. Class A. while J. C. Child?. ????^V 23 78, won in C?a.? B. Th? ?cor?? low: CLASS A u\m'm. Il M Henaon. S B,w?t,r . 11 i. m?jMi ???? w 11 1 J II N.?fi! . ??. H Martin Fr*?l ?oi.iifll ?.LASS B r Hill.!?. .1 Lln.l-a*? II ll.inipl.riillkt II -.-.iiHiur I? t B Uc.kMian 111 ?M IM .'?I :?s ..? ^?, Tabl. Vfra R?|_*/?_| Suppllaa llar* BJJ1-**?jif1f IS UaUoit mnnmre.