Newspaper Page Text
Crowded Week Opens Fall Season at Lenox Ice Glen Parade Revived by Miss Margaret French, Who Also Gives Studio Dance?Mr. and Mrs. Bristcd Give Baby Party. I. event tha Berkahir?-.? hnvr cro\?.lo?l cacl ? and the fo e<l other importan of thi ? find through the ;hrounh ? ie?ter ... Th? ?for at 1 divided by t< ? f mom.tain rock?. It i? ? ? ? ? - . bootha and ? char;- '? -.??? thi' . M i ?? s ? Mr. i Renn ft, Munroa si Mis? I mise Monroe, ?>f Tuxedo, wat imal luncheon in ? ? oon. Mr. ?rid " p will ? :;o their an : through i om an autt. t lu Dm 'week Mr Biahop aaeeeede ?i?turn in i ,-f r? He ttsi ted fronn I.en?. ? ' I .- mornini he rut nu.,; Mme for 300 tn. i . . ? th<> ?Himn . ? i mobil ? h weak. ?! WS hn?te?? nt s musics! ?t Konka* tage in Stockbi ? .. ? o Die t- ? ninshield serve? tea Mr ?nd Mr?, ller.ry McHurney hsv< '. s ;ik pur.-h banner ti St. Paul's 1 Chu '.l irney': hrott.. '. Rundall an< ill, who wer? her 15 i? the grand . of Ki , Bte Bii hoi it i ?-en by Mr ? .: c ap ? " r. and Mrs, Br - - ur a 'linnt r ? 1 na and .eira. Mis K ?? Lswranee m Averell Hsrrimsn motored to Monday and there ? .e:r intention of include a domino party -, evening;, September it, at Wheat ? o? Mr, and Mra, Carlos M, de Heredia, who will al-o en tertain tha Lenoa Garden Club nsxt Monday afternoon; a charity bsll to be held in the Club September 24, with Miss Civilisi Ire a? chair? man of the committee, and Mrs. David T. Dana, Mr?. Jo:-eph Whistler and Mrs. rick S. Delafield ?n charge. Mist Rosalie Bloodgood, Miss Alma de (iersdorrT ami Misi Grsee Bl who are taking a prominent part in so? ciety in the Berkshire*, will be formally presented in New York in the early part At Ekwanok. ter in the Mountains. Vt.. 1 ) Mari . ,1 the in its his bile tourm-;, the golf 1 k wt-re : act ion. <>n Friday and ? week the h r.,? . Pr?s VC in a two rnament. (laines . of New York, won the cup Griffin, of New .-hteen-hole final round, F. T. Clark ..ver the new VsT ehampioa, ft. A. Barber, jr.. in a ?' or. an ? and t.eorge ? roprietor House, won out in thi on with an allowance of four ? H. H Bottoms, of New York. Monday there were two competi tha morning \V (?. McKnight led a large field in the bogie handicap aided by two bisques, finished 1 up .1 prize fell to a lie betweei J I.. Hamill, ?>f Columbus, i I Macl.aughlin, of New York. on II. H. Bottoms and | ?i Griffin, both of New York. Wtt : ? ? n a best ball four?ome They had a gros, score of 78 allowed thn-e ttrokea, while i ?' 78 net Cltark, 8d, and F. T. Clark. for the day were presented , T. Lincoln and C. M. (lark, i ?et one of the leading golf ... nok, namely, the Equinox Cup ; tournament This comp"tition, n smong the more Important reaort tour? naments of the summer, draws some prominent golfers, and has been won by golf personage than the fa? il Chick Evsns. The event will be | played this coming week, the qualify-I round being on 1 h m day and match play continuing, with the final' match?" on Saturdav Suntlay evening A. G. Mcllwsine gave i a birthday ?linner to a number of Equinox House. Others rtsining with dinastn or luncheons I ncludo Miss Alice R. . ? rattklin ami Mr. ami Mrs. V. at Cl ? -it arrivals at the F.|uinox House II Swift and Mr. and Ford R ( arter, of Chicart of Memphis; General ? k Bil and; V?'. A. Hamilton and pa ?rk; Mr. and Mi?. ?: Chitl Stanley II. Mr. nod Mrs. 1 M Werner ant! Mi s Norma V ' \ 11 Bar Harbor. ? r. Sepl 11. T ? ly quiet, with many of ?It-parting. ? Mr, and Mis tain and ' ' Mitchell .?. i- lunchaion par? Henry A". Wise Wood ? on the .n the ? ars of whs had as guests Mr. ? ?-U. Mi ? ki sre - Iliac. Ml a 1 - .. a l.ohenri : * the Build -.ti for ? of the Wai Ri ief Pund. ?s e\ ? Valley Civ Dr. f ? the trophy and ?eason's medal on Moi White Sulphur Springs. White Sulpha*. Spring?. Sept. 10. \\ ? ? the i and eottafsa at Newport '.' ? t';e cars. Mr. and ' Mi t?t- ! Ml.? Jsi .? a.*?..' J. H JateM arriva!? from New York. Mra. Annir B. JtaniagS, Mis? A. B. I rginia Gsllaudet are at the Gresnbrier, Mrt lulis Ber v/ind cam?- d - Newport ?Mth her I via arrived on September fall aea*on. Mrs. James A Hiuir was ' ? and James r. Jr Albert M. Billing.?, ?on of ? Csrasliut K '. Billing.?, is with friends , ?-ntertained at d .?t-paiiurr ? Wolfe. J. R. Martiadsla and : I i ork, chair? an*.? of the Board oi Dixsctoia lit th? Chesapeake A? Ohio Railroad, gave ? dinner for Miss Morgan, Miss dc Wolfe ilarbury and air. snd Mrs. James Speyer. Mr. snd Mrs. Gilbert T. Foot?. A. Girsud ant) G. F. Foote, jr.. mui Mr. and Mr*. Georgs B. Foots and their two children uro at The Green* ior a month, having come from Poughkee] Dr. and Mrs. Preston SstterwtnitS Florence C. Brokaw-Msrtlii), Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jones, Mil? I.. Jones, Mrs. Barrv King and Mis? K"ig, Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark Prichett, Misa C. I*. Rayner and the Misses E, and T. Fisher are among the recent arrivals from New York. Westport. Westport-on-Lnke Chsmplsin, V Y., Sept, 11. Fishing in September was never a? good as now, and large strings of ba?s are brought in each day. Abram PeUonde, of New York, who i* on his annual visit to Wc?tport Inn, has met with exceptional hick fishing in Nichols Pond, and Mr. and lira. Maurice Daly, who are ?pending a few at Westport Inn, have also been having good luck. Mrs. Italy caught '??en bass. The handicap golf tournament for ? i-r Westport Inn cup? offered by H. P. Smith wa* won by Captain W. M. Weir, with I?. R. Redmond as runner-up. Pr. I.. G. Hart?n, recently returned from six months' service with the am bulanct corpi at the front with the French army, was entertained at a din? ner given in his honor by Pr. C. R. Payne. Dr. Hart?n gave an interesting account of his experiencia. Mrs. Walter Pamrosch. Miss Gretchen Dsmroseh, Miss Polly Dsm? roseh and Miss Anita Dsmroseh have returned from the Pacific Coast, where they .-pent the summer, and will remain for the fall at Ma!l Houae, the Pam re eh plaee on Northweat Hay. Mr. and Mr?. Kenneth Wilbur and .-.ret Wilbur, of New York, have arrived at \\ export Inn for tin balance of I Mr. Wilbur has had hi? yacht, the Sport, sent down from the Thousand Islands. Mount Pocono. Mount Pocono, Penn., Sept. 11. N'ever were the Pocono? more glorious. The early autumn we? ka aie producing a se- i o? ? anrelloui change? over cc of the landscape and the rich are beginning to stand out against a background of maples and chestnut? snd oak? and ?pnice, whose are turning all colors of the w. At the Mount Pleasant House the fall Besaos ted m full 1 ... if arrival of throng?, of im I he city, : and Mi-> Lydia M. Degener, of Ph. . !ennis tournament ws? ended this week, Jack Newman, of Montclair, defeating < 1. Church, of New York, m th? I Spring Lake. ng Lake Beach. N. J.. Sept 1! -?tains . , ? ? . colony s main until the end of the month ami Will not r!o?e the.r the 20th. The ? - it week h?s kept everybsdj rag the i * ? i id i he bath ing l ? accommodj I a number as at any time during the nouth and th? Ni i ussex will an I Com? eth an ? . ... The ? evening s ill be ?? ; known -;? irter, pri tiai the Public Ser-. I ompany of N< w i ? ink A. Van . .-:,t of t h ? ' ? New York, and Samuel of the ? I? Sam" ball held at the last ? ?y now on ? md t tl of tl ? ? here. Two tho * ? r< !??'<?. anti among ?? ere Go? ? and Mrs. lames !? . h Go? Dick Richard Emery, C< Frank M. Ta albert ( lark. W. I. I. Ada*.?-. Supreme < - e and ? .- ,-.-. Hiram E. Denis, William i Iward Q. K< .lames Smith, ?r., i Colonel ^ ., ? i, Ed iptain Georj ?lonel William Libby, ' dier General Wilbur F. Sadler, Mr. and ? i.-e Smith. Samuel Craig Cowsrt, Walter < handl? r, Wi toi Vrmstn ?. anti Mrs. John Franklin Fort. The rvest homi given at the Essex and Sussex on Mon ening and wat one of them.. ,-;,fairs of the here. ' those who entertained with dinni pr?t ng the dance wei ? lliarn II. Te? Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Bavne. Mr. ami Mrs. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Charlea s. Sanford and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gibson. Surgeon General William G. Seh au ff 1er of 'he New Jersey National Guard at-.d Mrs. Srhauirlcr gave a dinner in honor of Goveraor and Mr?. James F. Fielder on Tuesday evening ;n the Colonial room of the New Kssex anil Sussex. Long Branch. Long Branch, Sept. 11. Fnough cot? tagers and hotel patrons remain to BB sure a livel) September. Society from this and nicghboring resorts atti th? production of "The Victory," ' ?? Mrs. Helen Ruth Davis and Ella Wheel? er Wilcox. It was staged by Mme. Ada Dow ''urrier on the lawn of the An? chorage, the summer home of Dr. anti Mrs, Simon Baruch. Among those com? prising the east ?.?ere Miss Norma Phil? lips Mist Gene Park, Miss Hindu Hand. Mis: Georgia Wilson, John Wray, Jo? seph Braell, Philip Tong, Hrandon Petera, W, Percivsl Monger and ' Leonard Doyle. The play wsa given at a benefit for the Visiting Nurse \ elation and the Pong Branch ?? for the Improvement of the Poor. In his spare moments I.indley M. Gar? rison, Secretary of War, and hit listen to the conceits at the Moi I Peach Casino. Others attending recent? ly wert Mr. ami Mrs. George C. man, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mvie , '.i i. and Mrs. William C. Button, Miss Phyl lit Spencer, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin W. Craig, Mr. and Mrs. (?eorge DeWitt, Mr. ami Mrs. Joseph W. Spslding, Mal? colm McBride, Mrs. Ericaaon Bushneil, Arthur Hamilton and Captain and Mrs, Lso E. Sonnebom. New autumn fashions were intro? duced to the cottage colony at th" Fri? day ami Saturday night dances at the West Fml Shore Club. Models from some of the notable Fifth Avenue shops paraded in the latest creations. Sev? eral dinner psrtiea wars given in con? nection with this affair. Some of those present were Mi.-.- Fiances Belmont, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carle, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parker. Mr. and Mrs, Louis Ruqksl, Mr and Mrs, Alfred N. Strouse, Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Lloyd, Mi Miriam Lustig, W. Howard Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Hurke. Dr. ami Mrs, Simon Baruch, Mrs. George Pullman. Mr, ami Mrs. Harry Content, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cuggonheim and Mr. and .Mrs. Alonzo F. Stevenson. Elizabethtown. Elisabeth town, N. Y.. Sept 11. An event of unusual interest to the mem bei - of the summer colony was the presentation in the Town Hall of ? serie of tableaux vivans under the auspices of the Civic League of F!i/.a bethtown The closing event in the Cobble Hill golf tournament was the best the other-fellow contest on Labor Day. In the reverse course match, in which a number of the lx st players were ? d, the Rev. 11. II. Pittmsn, seen - tsry of the club, and J. R. Hard i. played a tie at forty-two strokes. Dr. G. Webb Granberry, of Fast orange, was the ?a inner of the putting ami ap prorching eontert, defeating Robert OB in the finals. In one of the best of the tennis matches M.-s Eleanor Cos-, t??nnis champion of Vasssr, and Mrs. L. P. played Mi - Evsl .n With) rbes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fn Witherbee, of New York and Port Henry, and her eoitsia, Mist Louise erbee, da ighter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter C With? rbee. Mi. and Mr.?. John R. Hardiii, of New York, who have arrived at the Windsor, are accompanied bj tl.eir son?, charles R u d ,' ihn P.. .i . ai -I then- daughter, i ?i'abeth A Hardin. Miss Hardin ? ,. .. , ng, with Mist Eleanor (loss, the championship .?: I Issr Vacation Crowds Still Seek Atlantic City Atlantic City, Sept. 11. Thousand.. who delayed their vacations until St p tomber gave blas? Atlantic City a sur ? il '.h:* week mu: kept many hotel? Ailed to nein summei 1 '. '?"lard-, who had boot : off" fur the MSSOn, .11 arc. ? d by Bead Sure, eep the i: .i:nd* on duty until the end of : Both yschl eheduling sailing anii ; <??. ent :. i of 1 in? month and there will be no attempt to ?low up os the m i nary round of ms pieasur- ? ral werk? Convent i big part in ;in'r h in eati thst I wear during the meetings, and nearly as many al at ? here during the most? The fail a was ally started last Sunday when 100 ?OBI ? and County Em* : S '?? 1 mi. ai i ?rod ..' Roll gh an ! pan .1 the boardwalk . uioi ? Dtertsinmssts of took p'ac? at Taher Inn when visiting tots wltl seared m of ti i ind si th? Church ! pint. The affair was ' under d : '.1rs. Marie Crombie, of N'eu York, and Misa Rogins Clark M.*s Francei Hagerty, of yn, and Maater Herb of Ti.< .'? o took part. ?irif fin and Ml Hi M Griffin, has *r e Dem "? and Mii. A I is Hecht, Mr? Fran*. aiaU ?d. ?. litchi made uj> a motor ' party from New York at the Shell Mr. and Mrs. A. E. I.angu.rd, ol York motored to the Marlborough Bienheim with F. ?.'. Goodwin, ol M r. snd Mrs. E, A. Simm? ? Brook I 1 at thr Marlhorough B'?nheim this wee?. Mrs. T. B. 11 ar of New York, is at the borough-Blenheim with Mrs. C. P. Dar? nell. Mrs. ?ler.ry Hollander, of Sew York, - at tl ? S'. < I.arles for S ber, ia ? g Miaa Fr< Ann Lawler a..: Mis? Alice Miller aie recent addition to the New Vork *h?re ? olonj at the Loi i ne, i.a- ne Traymore a scene from Holland was reproduced a town on the Zu y der Zee, with a view of the marsh?-? and lowland?, a windmil ?- huge ?aili revolving m th?- br? and eloss at band i hi "Inn of the (?old? en Lira." whi!...' people clad baggy troussri ??:..! woodss -'noes of the Putch sat drinking native brew* and smoking the:: church-warden pipes. Novel feature:? of tne evening lucky darr. the prizes being swsrded RO? for abil? ity but according to the part of tue floor on v.l.,.: thl dancer* happened to !.. .v lu ?s th ? mui Rsoanl arrival? at the Traymore :>om Vo:k are: Pr. and Mr*. \\ . P. Ti..(??.. Mr. ;.n.i Mrs. w. ?i Spi i, w Hsvi ity, Mr? o M II. Harding. Mi. ii I Jean dl . Robel t V. ?t)l ! ;?- U itt r'ord. Alt 11 l Mr? Bumnei Dssi . Aubrej dever Jr., Mr. and Mr? > I! Yan - dock. Off the Diving Platform at Spring Lake Beach. Newport Society Colony Quits Summer Villas Newport. R I., Sept 11. While New? port is looking forward to a Ists MS? ? hen Lahor day come? the tide day 'ince then there have been a number or departures Mrs. Hamilton McK. Twombly lia* gone to hi ? home at Madison, clo ing her Ochre r i villa Mi 0 H. P Belmont ha? to Sun Francisco to attend the suffrage conference? Mr. and Mrs. Ilen iv J. WhitehoUIC have closed East* I .r: .? lodge, Mr. Wh.tehouSC having gone to rlattaburg snd Mrs. White* and the children to Mt. K CO Oliver Perin has also gone to Platta and Mrs. Perin has closed the Knight cottage, which they have again . ? for next season, and returned to New York. ? Marie de Barril, who .-pevt the summer at the Muenchingcr King, ac . Mra. Itelmript; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have return, d to New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel .1 Wag ? IT, who wen the guests of Mr?. Stuy ? Le Roy, i...?'e returned to thidr Island home. Mr. and Mra. For sythe Wickei have returned to their winter residence, and Mr. and Mrs. William G. Loew have gone to New York on the : team yacht Viking. Mrs. Lorillard Spencer has left pre 1 paratory to going back to the I'hilip pine to take up her missionary work among the Moros. Mrs. Vanderbilt has also gone, returning to her Long Isl? and home, but Mrs. Spencer's son ami daughter-ia-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loril lard Spencer, jr., are to remain at their Rhode Island Avenue home until November. Miss Julia Berv ind, who rnent part of ihc summer with her brother, Ed aid J. Ber-.vii tl, Si The Elms, ' turned to Philsdelphia with Mist Mar? garet Duniap. Mr. ami Mrs. Oliver Gould Jennings sra ta soon close their ?esson, and Mr. and Mrs. August Hol mont will not remain a grast while longer, Mr. ant! Mrs. Vincent Astor ?rent off on the Noina this week, but they an. to leturn plan to remain for another week. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Belmont, who have been an their wedding trip, returned during the week, ami are the tl of Mr-, Belmont's parents, Mr. nil Mrs. Paul A. Andrews at Bockry Hail, when? it is their intention to re? main for some time. !' is likely that severa! dinners will be given in honor of the young people before they depart. The season of war relief benefit? h.-?^ not ended. There are still two of these affairs being arranged, one for the Ital? ians, and one for French widOWJ. Cooperstown. Cooperstown, N. Y., Sept. 11. I With Labor Day beginning the week everything has followed in the same spirit of gsyety, Mondsy afternoon water sports, a baseball game and dancing were the chief attractions at the Country club, while than ?as a'.-o ? ? ni. ??.is won by Rob? ert McKim, ?t'.th CifTord Miller second. Il the evening there ?at a special ,a, which kept up until late in tne evening, v. hilt* many ? ? n tiie grill* - . .11 of the rummer colony m the Red i ? given the tesder p . Borla i Isrke has b< en t to the summer colony. ? tabla gava a tapp? r on -. after 'he d nw in 'hen- honor and a f given thil even? ing by Mr. ai d Mi , l ?hn M. Bowers, which is also u their honor. The ? an'l Mr. .. will proba ? ; ?ace soon. In the I uns tournament for boys Hoher' McKim d tested (iifford Miller :he score of I I, ?i 4. In the men's tteplsdder tenm? tournsmehl Henry Hun is In the lead, v.-'th William .1 A. McKim ."id. In the ?a omen's adder tennis tournament Miss Msrian sv Miss Mary ?tul. Mr. am! Mrs, Arthur I'oppell. of New York, are ?pending a few weeks with. Mr am! Mrs. John M. Bower?. Mr. and Mrs. eft, ol New York. g a seek with Mr. a tul Mrs. F. Ambrose cisrk a-, [rassois Farm. On ?\ 'dnesdsy Mist Mary Boaaerssvs a t?i for Miss Alice Titus, at which all ? ?..Ming people were prese it. On Wedni ids] ? Ml K:m a dinner bsfore the o-te-sa-ga Among those it he ?l-te-sa-ga ihit ?>-.-. k - Mr- Henry II. Flag d Mit Mary Flsgler, of Mill? s'. Y . Mr. sad Mr?. P.obett Day. ! ?? .'. Der, of Syrseaas; Andrew Van Dyck, of Hoch \ 1er Powell, Mrt. J I D( ' ..--. Ml - M H. Greg . ? kirs. H. Edmaad Da ,.i. " - - i.rite Dsvid and i- Edmui .1 * , . Net York! MI and M r?. James F, Hoot, o' Schenoctady; Mr. ?.I.?J .Mrt. A. P, Durtin, of Clcvuland. Deal. Peal, N'. .1 . Sept. 11. Social activities have not slowed down in the least with ?he appearance of autumn. The Hath crwav Inn, remaining open for some time yet, is catering to a bevy of late ncrs. The cottagers a a whole are averse to returning cityward now and sr? srranging for ?orne nuta ble ?ocia! gsthi ? ? ouch morning on D? al It: :.? exciting mat doubla Mi-s Harriet u Kenned) ami Elaine li. Runyon, of Neu York, . : P. Perkin ? hsrlotte K. ?la Morgan i . ? .11 .i I...-1 i? Trowbridg?. Neu ; ? , also i layed a good et, de : M : - ? . 0 -. i. ?i. Mrs. George Pullman will remain in her Ocean Avenue rills until th? of the mon'h before returning to Chi ? ? r 'h.- ,sinter. The Peni Inn continues to enter. ? ightl) crowd at its cabaret in the blue Room. Mr. und Mr?. lister P. bieklei snd Misi Gensvisve Lsndscr motored from Seaside I'ark Wed- i and ?.n#ok dinner. ??th>-r recent dinner parties were given by Mr. and Mrs. Reginald F. Somers, Mr. and Mrs. Ken? neth !.. Richards. Mis? Estelle T. Os? mond sud Mr. and Mrs. Ilarri-on J. Besuchsmp. Horseback riding i.? of absorbing in? terest fh.-se cojI, bracing mornings. ta f rer? are Mr, and Mrs. Otto P. Bleaker, Misi Henriotts Pack* .! Mr. and Mra. H I ' ? ?. fork, snd Jsmi ? I Btevena, of Newark. Delaware Water Gap. ''? . I ii'? Pl r.r... Sopl '. 1. - The beauty of the Water Gap region during the golden months of Septem boi and October is bringing thoussndl of nature lovers here. This week 170 boy scout, from At-. Untie City arrived snd sd the John I'urdy lope <'am?i on the grounds of the Water Cap Ran e, Within a; ?hbrt walk of the hotel, where they will remain for two weeks, enjoying then outing and leco.ving inatruction m variou? scon', mann. ,r. res. The vanguard of the fall crowd hns . arrived at the Kittutini.;., and the ... cial and athletic activities which have .. continuous throughout the uni mer are going 9U w.thuut a break. Staten Island Note?. The wedding of Miss Klsie Post, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr? Charles Pott, of Clifton, and Rryc?' I.e Jeune, son of th? late (ieorge F. Le Jeune, of Manhattan, well known or? ganist and composer, was celebrated last Friday afternoon at 4: SO o clock in St. John's Church, Clifton. The church was beautifully decorated with hydrangeas, clematis, roses nnd ferns, ami the ceremony ?vas performed by the Rev. C. Campbell Wal ter, former rtctor of St. John's Church and now of St. Ann's, Brooklyn, assisted by the Rev. Edwin Gernsut, asaistaat Bt St. John's. Mr. James Potter Tod, or gsaisl of the Church of the Trans? figuration, officiated at the organ. The bride, who was given in mar? riage by her father, wore a hand? some gown of ivory colored brocaded silk, draped with a beautiful Canton crepe shawl, the main part of her costume having bean her paternal grandmother's wadding gown. She also wore a gold chain bracelet which be? longed to her maternal grest-grand? mother. Her bouquet was of white roses ami lilies-of-the-vsllsy. The maid of honor, who wsa Miss Dorothy Francis, wore a charming gown of low. ?red voile with pink girdle, and large black velvet hat, and carried s large bouquet of pink ro ts. The maids were Miss Dorothy Pot, a of the bride, and Mi ? Carolina P. Goodrich, of Summerville, N. J., who were dres. ed alike in gownt white silk with white Isci a ' - and girdles of pink ami large black ve vet hats. They carried bouquets of pi-ik and white ?. Mr. Le Jeune had a hi besl man Mr. James Shryock, of Manhattan, ami the usher- arere Herbert S. Tenney, I,. K. Le Jeans, Ernest I/- Jeuna Walter B. Haywood. A email reception followed the cere tnony at the home of the bride's par ..,ts and some of those pre ent wer.": Mrs. Caspar Wister Hodge, of Prince? ton, N. ,1., a grsat-sunl of the bride; Mrs. James B. Post, Miss Post, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. I,. Seaman, Mr. and Mrs, S. B. Goodrich, Miss Caro? line Goodrich, Miaa Emily K. Goodrich, George A. Post, Joseph K. Pet, B P. Good .-ii. Miss M. Stone, George C. Stone, Frederick S. S* one, Miss Brod head, Mr. and Mr a. Franklin S. Poole. Mr. and Mrs. Wslter B. Hsywood, Mis. Marguerite La Jeune, Mr. nnd Mrs. I-'. K. l.e Jeune, Mr. and Mrs. Erne I !.. Jeune, Dr. ami Mrs. P. I,. Bailhaehe, Mr?. L. S. Hones, Mrs. Clawsoa, Miss Clswson, Mrs. A. F. Cran.lall, Mis. Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Tenney, Mis. Laura 'iiu-s-ne. Miss Tod, Mr. and Mrs. Henry (1. I,e Mali, Mrs. .1 (I Hiekson, Mr. am! Mrs. Robert Goldaboro, Rev. and Mrs. c. c. Walker, Rev. Edwin Gernsat, Miss Gernaut, Mrs. C. de Planons, Mrs. H. S. Wiman, Miss Mstson, Mrs. (?.-car ('arhe. Mr. ami Mrs. J. J. Dann!, Mrs. John Donald, Miss Rosalia Baldwin, Mr. uni , Mrs. W. H. Shaw, Miss Shaw. Mr an 1 Mrs. II. Holt. Mrs. Arthur, Mrs. Walter W Pries, Miss Frederika , Paulen, John Renfro, Mr. and Mrs. I Edwsrd Hsywood, Dr. am! Mrs. Ernest J I., dsrls, Mi ;s Helen Morriss, .! A. Neville, Mr.. A E Patterson. Mrs. Robert Pent-'. Miaa Madelina Randall, Major W. H. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. William Richardson, Mrs. p. Whitney, Mrs. A. I,. King, Miss King, Mr- J. fi , Stout, Mrs. II. Weidenfeld, Miss Weils, Mrs. Fugcne W. gchetfsr, Mrs. P. M. Colquhouii, Miss Colquhoua, Mrs. I Townsend, Mrs. Richard Ssunders, Mi it ? Sa under?, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Society Leaves Shore For White Mountains Bretton Woods, N. H . Sept. li. The autumn season in the White Mountains is SI important from a social ?tanilpoint as any part of the year, as socii ty, fol? lowing the rush of th? .hoi polloi in August, comen into its own in Soptom? ber and October. Many Whits Mountain are never oceupic '. intil .Sep? tember, and among the lovers of the hilll there are many './ho stay, to sper.,1 Thanksgiving here and SOS the .ir*: snowfall, while winter parties ovar Christmas holidays are frequent snd many of the sm^ll . I rtible mountain inns remain open all winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Hsrses Rhoa I Ways -peril Christmas holida;, s . cottage at Profile, F rancor., a Notch, of Mrs. Uhoades's parents, the Pavid P. himballa, of Boston, and here. v?.m fur costs, inowshoes, ?ledges, t-iboggarn and all the paraphernalia of winter iports, they come with a gay crowd and enjoy the exhilarating life amid the ?nowdrifts. ? aining in tli? White Mountain? until the Hosing of the season an Gen? eral and Mrs. W. N. P. Parrow, Mr. ard Mrs, Arthur Butler Tn.on.bly. Mra Al? gernon Sidney Jsrvi?, Mrs. Moses IIop Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. li sry K. McHard, Mrs. Ewald Fielt man. Misi Geraldine Farrar snd Mrs. Frederic W. Jackson, ?1! member? of i Profil? llo-ise eottags solony, The large sattsgs colony at Bethle? hem rsnwini until the trst October f'rost? and St Maplewood and BuffST Hill and Whiteflsl?, all the co? in late to enjoy the folisgc of th late tall. Mr. ?ml Min Hoary s Schley, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Fine, Mr. and Mrs. William F Dunapaugh, Mr and Mi Walkar B. Huckner and Mrs. Gardner Creer? Hammond all remain St Man'e ? hil ..' i.rthlehem Mr. and Mrs. Kuel W. ?v.T. Alvin W. Ivic. the \V. Mum and Mrs? Theodore . late stayers. Msnv part;es go to the Balsams at '?iwille Notch for hunting ard winter and '.he Winter Inn arid the hotel .eld I'ond are alway? I hlf, even afte;- closing of the hotel Oetober I. Dear arc plentiful, snd there i- nn rbrndance of mall ,';ame. ? ' ?rook, too, is the rendexvou? of hunting part:.'-, who put up at the Elm Ti'.'.- !:::i and Polly'l I'lace. The sad Pshyan House are headquarters for Lite season mon! tan elimberj, and fror.i Crawford may take the Mexican barros on which to make the ecnt of the moun? ts ?? tr The Mountain View and cottage col? ony at Whitctiebi have welcomed Mr?. Philip Sand? snd Win lands, of New York, who have dssod thslx house a?. Yoi!; Harbor. Me., fo:- the season. The ick will keep open until the laat .nj.-icnt. the Mark 8 Willing?, Cabot .1. Morses, the TktKSS F. Diamonds, , ti. .,a tons- Mrs ..Uk'ustu? ivountr.c ai.ii Mra K..rl W. Ncuhuff and overa! other m ni'>crs of .t? large cot? tage c. The Mount Wsshlrtgtsa, which re oi-?:. until Oeti-i-ber 15, ha.? ?n:iny it ard Bnr H; r'..or society folk booked. Mra French Vandftbilt and md Mi? .Vines, of North BaattH?; Mrs, Reginsld Vasderhilt tino th? Sid ..c;- (Vfo*Vs usually make motor trip? to Bretton Wood? fo? the late tensan, and many oth'rs ?Till com? 'ater. Mn. I. I. Del Id ai i tin Ml? -??? DelaAetd ' motored there this week. Lake Placid Cottagers Plan John Brown Day Fund May Be Raised to Erect Monument for LearJer and His Followers on Site of Their Burial at Farm. Ltk? Plseid, N. Y., Sept. 11. Tien i.? much interest amone hotel patron and members of the camp colony her n: a Slovenian) to hob. ?orna ?tima dar ng ?'. nsath .1 John Brown dsy a the John Brown farm, situated ?bou three ,1 Puke Placid village 'hi this farm, ????here Brown lived befor? the Harper's Ferry Paid, hi? bodv Wai . o ?d< .? hi;- b< ;?:<ier it. icribs? ? ? -? , -? , its of bir*r I ? ? The common grave o! ?he bom.? of hia tv.o tons, O'ner and '?. ai/on, ami his aeaociatss, William nnd Dalphar Thomp.oti, white?, and Steveni and Hselst, negro??, t? un msrksd, and at the propo?cd mer ting ?t is plsnnsd to ?tai. a esmpsiga for a fund with which t.? ereel a ?ha)' ins 'h.- name? i f le:..?*?r and men. aorta, (ii which the guidei from the I,nke Placid camps compete fot- cash ptc,i::es, 1?.. light out a larife throng from the ho'.?N and en- pi A larga proportion of those now com? ing to 'lie hotel, are on tour of the Adirondacki hv au'omobile. G, ' dorfer, of New fork, who arrive-! a' t"he Steveni Hoaas, with Mrn. Oherndorfer, ? severely bunted about the i.e.. arm?, and hands when he attemr remove the cap to the radiator on his car after th< engine had become over? heated, the pent-up hot WStsr and team bursting forth Ilk? h gSTti h his wife could not drive the c:ir Mr. wai obliged to drive f.,r t'.vent . i - 'rvering great pant be fora he reached Lake Placid, where he could reeelve medical attention. Mrs. Ralph Mulford, wife of ?he rac? ing driver; Mis- Klise K. Hamilton and Charles Weisbeeker, Ji., ?>f New Yo'k, and Dr. end Mr? C. M. Quinn, of Mount Vernon, N. Y., were members of a motor party making the trip from New York to the Steven.? House in eleven and one-half hours. They ha?? bee-, join?-] by Mr. Mulford and have h*?n entar upon a number of outings by P Paul Steven?, who is Mr. Mulford'? ?-.. sistant in his most important rat??. Guests of Thomas F. Smith, secratar* of Tamnv.ry Hall, at the Stevens Hob?? over Labor day were Judge Franc.? B Delchaaty, Judge John V. McAvoy and Alfred Tnwnley. of New York. John Brotherhood wa? the winn?r ?f the golf sweepstakes at the Ste??m ? In a party of lojournsn at the Grand View who made the siceat of Mt Whitefaee, in camp on th? ?ummit overnight, were Mr. ?nd Mri Claude Hutchins, Stanley Rose, Mr? Robert Sullivan. Miss Jo?n Sulli??? Mr?. John Armstrong, Eric Swart?, Mi?' Adele Swartz. Miss Otillia Swarti John Francis Yawger, Mrs Loui? Ct?' Mr. snd Mrs. Paul A Schmidt ??<! Fletcher Smith. Winners in the recant golf events at Grand Vien ere Claoo? Hutch i i . ' '? iterniaon, Joha Frsi_ Yawg.'f snd W H Hatfleld. Among those ?.vho bava takes a I??-]. :ng part in the golf event? of the ???i. .'. I t-.fa"e Inn ? K Frew, president of the Corn Exehaasu Baal?, New York; A. A. Naih, ex-pre?:deiit sf thai bank; J. H. Sehcnck, br. I. D'Arey Lucas and J -I SwsSBay. In a party of young people fr?m Whitefaee Irrt making the ascent of Ml Saddleback were Misa R ce, Mis? W?r. ner, Dr, T. D'Arey Lucas and J. ? Schenck. Baroness V Frowein-Pardee mtt among 'he rece-.?. New York arrival? ?I Whitefaee Inn. R. M Flushing, L. I., who has been ?pendia?, the season at Whitefaee Inn, has p?. chased a camp near there. He hu been joined by his father, Loraaz Lit . tlejohn. bold. Mrs. John A. Yates, Dr. and Mr S. A. Dreyfus and others. A round robin handicap tennis tOUl nament was he d last Friday afternoo on the courts of the Stuten Isl?n Ladies' Club. Livingston. The match? were interesting, and the pri-'.e lilver picture frame?, were won h Miss Abby Boody and Miss Helen Be gert. Those who took part in th tournament were Mrs. Thomas Garret jr.. and Miss Saastta Scofield, Mis Adelaide Irving and Miss Elizabet Irving. Mrs. Lanea Allum ami Mis Mildred Moody. Miss Anita Allen an Miaa Edith Davenport. Miss Madslain Lea ar.d Miss Emily White, Mis? H?'.? Bogert sad Mist "Abby Boody. Mis Laura Johnson was the hostess of th afternoon and soma of the man;, prei enl wera Mrs. Edwin L. O'Bryan. Mis Helle O'Bryan. Mrs. Henry T. Boodj Lily Pearson, Mis? Barrett, Mrt Richard Johnson. Miss Thelma Cudlipi Mrs. John Whitall, Mis- [-'ranees Millet , M.s. Philip Basad, Miss Louis Irving, Miss Bertha Irving. Mrs. Perc Ross. Miss Ruth Tysen, Mrs. Logar Mrs. Oliver T. Johnson, jr., Miss Alie Garrstt, Mrs. Edward Deems, Mi-? El sic Deems, Mrs. Sidney Bancroft, Mia Bessia Dsvenport, Ml ? Barb ra Por ter, Mrs. Reginald Bonner, Miss Ciar Wemple, Mrt, Charles Wemple, Mis ?Mice Gill. Misa Helen Parker. Mis Gladys Edwards, Miss Dorothea Mc Creery, Miaa Kitty MeCrssry, Mis Franei i Tysen, Miss Marian Tysen Miss Msude Walksr, Mis? Gcrtrudi Ws'ksr and msny others. The marrisgc has been announced o Miss Asnet HcAuliffe, of Bl.', wsal Mew Brightoa, aad Johi Henry Nolan, of Port Richmond, a the Church of the Immaculate Con ception, or, Manor Road, West Nev Brighton, Saturday, Auirust 21 Mia? Kritin rine Lush ?rat Miss McAuIifTe'i only a'tendant, and the best man wai Ral pi: See. Mi. ami Mrs. Sidney (',. WillcOTC, 01 Davis Avenue, entertained a larg? house party over the holiday at Avon N. J., among whom were Mr. and Mrs Savage Frieze. Mr. ami Mrs. M Pitou, Mis? Elisabeth Baldwin, Mist Lucy King anil Otis Glsiebrook and James Slosson. The Richmo fid County Country Club hold its annual Labor Day dance at the clubhouse last Saturday evening and there was an unusually large at tendance. A special dinner preceded the dance, as usual. The ft rat round of the ladies' handi? cap singles tournament for the Sep? tember cup was held) last Tuesday afternoon at the Richmond County Country Club S'?me of those entered are Mrs. Albert Hart. Miss Madelaine Lea, Mrs. Ralph Monell. Miss Mildred Boody, Miss Kitty MeCrssry, Miss Abby Boody, Miss Elizabeth Irving, Mrs. Glasbara, Miss Gsrtrada von Briesen. Mrs. Kinsley T.vining. Miss Adelaida Irving, Miss Louisa Dona'd. Miss Halan Robert, Miss Susetfe Scofteld, Mrs. iGrsavsnsr Wright and Miaa Janet Esstmesds, A clock golf putting competition was a!>o held last Tuesday afternoon for S prias presentsd by Mrs. Charles D. Simons, jr., of Dongan Hills, and was won by Miss Mildred Boody. with a acara of ?"> 'or 44 holes. Others who competed were Mrs. James G. Clarke, Miss Florones Van Rensseiaer. Mrs. Charles D. Simons, Miss Louisa Don? ald, Miss Abb- Boody, Miss Gertrude Walker, Miss ElissBsth Irvine Mrs. Glsaburn ami Miaa Hslss Bogert. Mrs, Charlas D Simons, jr., pre? sided over the tea table, ami many 1 people were present. Asbury Park. A'hury Park, N". J., Sept. 11.-W??-i, bathing at it? best and perfect wjl,. er for all the outdoor sport?, MsH Park has had a busy '.veek o? k, ma\? promises to continue until the *nd t>f the month. The coir^rts by i.**h*?r Pryor'i artists cor.ti'iue to attract crowds Mr. Prv..r i? arrar.gii,- *a give two daily concris that wQ dif f? r materially from snythilg tut given in the Arcade during the re? mainder of his stay here, which will he until the 20th. A number of the lurge house? if the report will remai", open unt'.l 0c tober 1, and such we'l known hotel. as the Metropolitan, i oleman Hmi". Marlborough and Madison will It main open all winter. On Monday afternoon the ?tretit annual temperance ps;ade, undf lb? direction of the Anna A. Cordon won an's Christian Temperance Union, was h?Id through the mam thoroaj? fares of the resort. The proem?.' was led by Mrs. t,. I. Doty, pre-;d?nt of the organization, itecompsaia-J ./ Miss Gladys Harper, o' New fork, tit Miss Anna Nonski, of Ruaaia. All if lbs parador? were dr.-sseu .-?? This evening th? * ?-.? I!; tel Lafayette were satei harvest home ball. Among other in? novations there was u large pu-.i-itJ pie offered as a pri .e in the ?art" ..umber contest. Mr. and Mr?. Williarr II. Srhr..?-o>r. of K-st Orange, celebrated Iheir '.<-'? dine snnivsr sry at ' ?? Hotel Brun? ? m Ssturday ??* wing, whsra ?hay have spent the ?esso? Old-fssstSM dance foil? er Is the .fee? i room. .Among the feature? of th*. ?'? fair were a vlrg and a {? marriage, conducted hy th? 'Vtry ???"???rend" A. R. Par* ins. The grill of the .'oleman Ho?'-' continues to attrac? motorist? tter all along the coast. .?lor? than J?? ! cnty couples entered ihe lucky gam lu r contest last, ?ni M winners Miss ChirlotM**-' ! and John Van Dusen Iloagland. New London. Now London, Sept. I! Abou? ** members of the Nati, nal Asso.".?.* of Cotton Manufacturers wer? ic **? ? sion at the Griswold during th? I??? three days of 'hi- week. Before??* after business meeting? the rrmWt ?pent the hours on tie 'inks u? -*?' ' Sheneeo.isett Golf Club and tourn*?? were held on Thur<u.y and FnthJ. with especially design i iovin| ?ci as trophies. Speech*.? mad? b?r *' bert G. Duncan, of Bo-ton. fta49a\ and John Wicks, Senior from M-JO chusetts, were .he feature? el business sessions. A dinner was giv?*n this am ?. Mr. and Mrs. F. de C. Sullivss o** of the private dini i?.-roorr.s Jt tl ...d. Mr. and Mrs. Suit?W1 guests included Mr. and Mr?. -*?-"*? ! Plaat, Henry B. ?lsnt- Mr. -* , Mrs. Hamilton D. Saxtvn, of Bro?'-r? Mr. Av.c Mrs. Henry Laidlaw, of ? York, and Mrs. C. Lear?, of Hen Ts* Mr. ard Mrs. Charlo C. Wsr?ti?' ton, t!'?:r two daughter? ???*? ? William L. Bull, Ml. Worthiest? siste.-, motored ewr f m Shawn?*?-?' the-Dc-iaware, and wi'i remain ?'? Griswold till ihe hou*.?. clo?e? ?? ** tomber ... .,__________ On ?ucs.i iy Mrs. W Kyle *M| gave a luncneon part, at her I ""jjl ?ottage. Mrs. Sheffu-:.'s j-'U??^? Mrs. MeCoskry But-, lira *?. Quaintance. Mr?. George ?. '? jl Mrs. Richard Mansfield and a^-h Tracy .Sheffield. Tue*Jay evem*t?g and Mrs. Henry G s*"f_^L tamed at dinner Mr. and >??? ?* Kirkland. Mr. and ??'?l>-G,\Y.'m Daviaon, Mrs. McCoss > But. ??? jor Pillsbury. ,.. ?;s Two other dinners A Tuesday ^ :nK were given by M-. ?nd ?n-,Y ert Moore at the M >-re?an?s sas Mr. and Mrs. L. Tracv ahcfceW? -*,, '. imlon hono. On Thurjs?s Charla? W. Ogdcn. jr, end ?'?'f)fa, F ?den gave a l'*'Kh?o:)h- ut*. *4d for twelv m, ?" dining-room at M?'1**',nv,1C0U.?ai ft On Friday evening Mr- sF!ix.?*_ Vernon C. Brown and Mi?? ?? Sj| Brundige entertained at ?.">??, yj and .1rs. Edward C. H?m?ssj "? and .!i Henry *. - *nf?V* ;? <_ Mrs. Vigo E. Bird Hi? E?l'?j M |?uad C. Job.?toB sJ^MJ James F. Nagle. Mr. ?nd ?%,..!? F Plant were the lurcheon fjjj J Mr?. C. A. Sackett at Mira?? Saturday. v*!*????-1 On Saturday eve? .?g *f' c m Johnston gave a dinn ? at '" *? to seven of hi? fritad?. ? ^ (j ston's guest? were Mi *?n ; j?,? rence York Spear. Mr. ?'?{J u .*< Tracy Shetli.'.d. Mi- ? .MJ<fTtjl Mi?s Ter??. M Ko",- ?nd i*r \S ood.