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NEW YORK TRIBUNE AI?MKllx|Vir.ST?4 M AB Now open for the season ?PiribMacDoxai.? l'hotoi?raplKT-of-Moii' S7fS FIFTH AV P U)R^77MST XI?. I HTMEM ! M - NATIONAL WAREHOUSE CO...? TEL PLAZA 5950 STORAGE, PACKING and MOVING Motor \ an? fur ( U? or (?unir? 138 140 L 57tb St Nu? \ork. loioD Transfer and Storage Urnpanv III. Ill ?a? I? Earl 7:7? Sir??? T? ,e\ I ? . lit! ?lia Ora a < Furniture Moving, Packing, Shipping and Storage. Firs Proof A >oo.Hre Proof AalaVani far Loaf Ditlanc? \t>\ I h I l-l ?I? I - latvfH rArr ?*???? t??" ?V ?riyla'rrjr-'* *<eiit*Ot?/tprr<* rn,\'tnrfrp.i*Btt IIM i ?'I"-? M? NT" '?*? IMSTlTUriOH or MiflM (,D?'f SISVICI i I and IS4. II.? I III l-IMI M? \l?\ I Mils? \i? I PHILIP JOHNSON'S KNACKE BREAD (HtALTH BRtAO) COLUMBIA STORAGE WAREHOUSES Plot??, lioti?. ?. I l, od?. lu i: ?> i (?iiiaj A Bhi it ping. SILVER VAULTS Columbus At. and 67th St. DON'T STAY TOO FAT . v ? ? -.f? a ? ? ?m??? i.r ??it. s? I 511 6th Ave., near 31 at St. 225 Waal 42d St., near Time? Sq. 58 3d Ave., near 10th St. ? entrai Park Sttragi,''Movi?f, PtoUng? Shipping "WE K?fiw HOW" IIMBI ItMtO I? I LADIES' HATS REMODELLED i ? Hall l I II ?lu-.f *? ?.,.. I radl-.aUr |2 90 CM? Raa'u';??- 2 ?O N,. k an?? CM? *)? 100 Rutt Rutiittr I M Abd?,l?alH?xlue?r 4 00 i ftVali a - 0R jiasm A l>. WAlTC? H'? Vofk r, Waal RIVIERA PARFUMS SP?CIALIT?S DE BEAUT? o/dittinrhe-o tiKplltne? PARFUMERIE RIVIERA aso ?irrm avenus M.l RRTI?irMI ? i IMI-Kil. r !<?? t? ?aVPI \y ?v, K - S? C?.?'i?i r?u. af Bal* Sa.? ?if? a S? r I Wl| ?r T?????. . .1 . 1 - Tfl|SB0Xi/t .SAITONUTS/ y y?, /?ut 'fj'liett/uui 'll..;ltill,Y .fhokUt Ul Vr*m T WALTr? SOL0Mf)t? nu???, N ' <*$ '''?ertat?*,? ><>t <??>,. Moi)ttaft^C?7* A. A. Neumann ?, Son, M(rs., ?4 Call 4tfi St. ???/ B ?ar aad W??am???r T> ARKER' S 'ha?r tr?atment 2 ORIENTAL l'DWDI'K/ HI KH Al?Str? Mart Por la .-?? f?' rae i ?'f '?" R' . , .r r*rrfr?llr harntlrae l'rlr? S?. l-a.llf?' lUlr ?..?de. ?.?f? dea. r.. for falllDf l.atr Mair.lrr?.! | l\ arlitl I Tt-raii.K-i t ?v.. I ful fia? b V? I \ Vltl. l. Hall . ? ? -t ff X*J. A.MJKL 473 wot ?VUi Si S. T. f M? MK\M II f?TOBE> ANTZEN'S Ladies' SHOES ?re foremost among autumn Fashions. They set the fashion and are distinctive beyond the possi? bility of imitation by inferior makes. Besides the ex-ra service in a Jantren shoe you get comfort. a perfection of fit, style and finish that improves the appearance and gives that desired "trim" look to Milady's foot. $5.50 to $12.00 Our ?nit 660 Sixth Av., above 38th St. ? it.lum Hitotniakrr? ?l?er M ??-tar? | ?? au X ? HISS IliLiA MAALI1WE SAtS 1'arter < V0U CAN MAVt LUXURIANT HAIR! M I i ? FRANK PARKER : 5t WEST 37TH ST.. N. Y_ Louis HChalif OraduMa of RussianImpOTaal Boiler School PtftSONAllY TEACHF*?' TE a?.'hers Interpretative 51M PI I f IE O ClASSiV. ?AC l A L AHD BALL ROOrA Dancing 7 West 42"" Street New York Catalog, ^XQU??MT? NA?L5 GRrVFSHYGLO NAIL POLISH POWDER GIVKa ?nur i.ail? a brlUUnt. ifarjpar tail ia>;li.? . ????i* a??r* fujiwil dal..Ill? tilled, ai.d aU.ulrly ?a urw-.t Wriff u? a p??lal tu J?> It you? in..! IU H'.th laispl? .,( 11?QU?. ?Jrafa lUULO la o-, aaia ???er)??lj?r?. Hetalia a' .' OKAK HKOTHKKH, Drpl. I', bit Brtrnd????.?. Srw York. Si4t ,1/fnfi i.rt).?i??<T'j 7 uil?l Arlnlti T?i? HARDMAN Five-Foot Grand Occupies no more space than an upright. Caruso says, "Its tone is wonderful. $650 Easy Terms if desired HARDaMAN, Peck & Comfany-/?*^/^ Timiman House "Brooklyn Store: 33 Fifth Avenue. . 524 Fultcn Street, etuveen 3Sth arut39th St*.) (nntr }1.trun>i~r TUtcel I MONEYBACK GUARANTEE You can purchase 'merchandise adibrtised in THE TRIBUNE with absolute safety - lor if dissatisfaction results in any case THE TRIBUNE Ayaranlees to pay your money Sack upon request No red tape, no qvibblin?rs We make good promptly^ if the ad\Jertiser does not Address ?All Complaints to Bureauoj Investigations, The Tribune. 154 Nassau St. If? [Mara I 2 B WAY STORK: 30th St. A 45th St. Trout flU-H i mu r. Vl.t.l ....f at ?w; SPR.NGSIDE FARMS [>, m ,,| ...n \?. N ? , ... La- i.n Sel St?r V 'To, an,t fork L Ul . glatt, ulk boa ?J. " ?? ^MOLE SALE PRlCf-4 i f $1 to $10 CHAS'. I. TROUT CO. 17.? 1???? .? < ??' M ? " ",' '['.^ ??,| l|.?,r Phon? < ..rfUi?! I tSS (,,,.? I,, -, I' ?I - ?fiir.lia? BEAUTIFUL FLOORS AND WOOOWOIK Ittatt bt ?a af JORDAN'S WU ML POLISH 'OONKCY SRANOl ? a?. 0,'mS w u ??m? **" met li l^ *r,tumn .-?Oeremi. .*..., ^T' 3 P?( itx*??. ?jjat. art???, ?ralo ?.?.dlariaS "3 waur. A . , ?, ??Tt? I I ?! a. <-?ai?r?.or F. Jarilaui. Mfr.. SI Broaadwaj, Naw Y?t\ \i,i luU.I t'lir.lrrflil.l L?l ;. Iiair Tiihe? . wi -, . Bllatj Sp.clal arle? 159 SO. ill?.. >.a. a a. I Broadway Art i ,. .. ? i i ? .. i Iramli.? 2M Broadway Carpet and Rug Cleansing 'rom surfacs only, t jt thro-ih ou? it,*, fai.ric. ?- :?. A,.f?r,* M?*u?rit ? f tram\ far.?! r?uairint' ? < ?:..l -a?.!??. : < f'?cldri? motii'proor and Storage; in a hijri -.:.<rr. THE C. H. BROWN CO., 209-211 Ea?t 37th St. I.?.. pull at.u.i.alr plain art . -?-rrl In ?prill? ?aiclal ?fit? |I9.)0. FL'LL assortment ?.f all kinds of art pieces, inning Room, Library a:ul Bedroom Suites; also ha:iJ carved lamps and shades. Interior Decorating and braperiev listimates Furnished. The trend of modem gilts is toward artistic decorations, of which we have a large variety. We offer FREE with every ar? tist proof sold a handsome carved ?rarne of an attractive de? sign, which is well worthy of a position in homes of utmost re linement. m r I 1. i .e <:. - Parisian I'.nir ,,rea-,?-r? . .-, our woral pr...-- I i lb? ?' "' :. c n 1 CLEMENTS HENNA 0LOREAL M . ? ' ?ray I.Kir i?lth pot? larad h- rt,? I'rlir *l.?K). B. CLEMENT. French Hair Shop. 17 Ea?t 35th Str??t, N. Y. ? ????? How Fast Does Your Ice Melt? >stion, not the tirst cost, determines the real expense of JTOur re frigei ? ???a???.. A ,-??*??.??*V a 9th Anniversary Sale '"THIS WEEK we will celebrate our 9th anni * versary, and to make the occasion mem? orable we have chosen a variety of piece?, including full sets for every room, all of which are specially priced for this occa Here are a few of them:? Jacobean Gate-leg table. $9. t 5 Solid Mahogany Arm chair.18.00 Kar pen wing chair in Cretonne.13.75 Elegant book caae, adjuatable ahelvea . 16.75 Solid mahogany table... 17.75 Solid Mahogany Rocker or Chair to match.... B:nnon & COMPANY ???4jt1a3f4??*ajlj?| [Pi ?Kp^3 ^F?riod furniture GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE DISCONTINU.!) PATTERNS at ?S0% of Regular Prices Queen Anne Chaise Longue For Rntinf or Rrading, Moit Confortabl? and Luiurioui. Special at $QO Kl.T I tJmat i . i ai .J Four Pie.??*?- Dresser, Chiffonier. Toilet Tnbl?-. Full 8l?e B*?i. $254.00 With Twin Bed?, aa llluatrated. $320.00 Bed-Room Week at Hathaway's in the variety of Bed-Room Suitei and teparate pieces which we are able to offer thu week al iharply reduced prices, we count ourselves extremely fortunate. Those of our patrons who avail themselves of the opportunity will be equally so. The selection includes a profusion of enamel ?uites in delicate tones. The favorite ivory tint is most in evidence. There is a great deal of rich mahogany and some of the handsome American walnut. Pieces may be selected separately in many instances, and in other cases an especially low price has been placed upon the entire suite. A few examples will give an idea of the variety and the scale of prices: Enamel, Hulte of Four Pieces. ?121.00 II ! I it-, orated Knamel Hulte. Eight Pleo-e .?17150.00 l\..r> ICnamel s.iit? of Four pieoe? |181.00 Dreaaer In Ivory Kimmel .$46.00 , endalt Miti.oaany Hulte of Seven .tSTt.OO Heppelwhlte Hulte of Four Plecta, In Mahogany . $110.00 Mahngftnv They of Drawer?, 4S Inche? wide by 48 high by 24 deep.?42.00 William and Mary Hulte of 81x Pieces In American Walnut.$245.00 W.AMatbaway ?Company 62 West 45 '"StreeLNcttilork ''Furniture of the Better Kind." ODD PERIOD PIECES H up CHAIRS, DESKS, TABLES, ETC. Sheraton, Tudor, Adim, Ueppelwhitt*, Colonial, etc. Dining Room Suite?, Hi pieces. $100 up; regularly ?200 up. Oueen Anne. Louis XIV.. Luuis XVI., Sheraton, etc. Bedroom Suite?, Mahogany and Walnut, $75 up; regularlv St SO up. Set of Photographic Reproduction? MAILED FREE. Manufacturer?. MANGES BROS. l-->tablttrted ISSU. 115 & 117 WEST 23D ST. ?n.i ton a no west iith ht.. ?. 7. If You Can Wear a 16, 36, or 38 Size Bl . A MANU? ; T! REPS* SAMPLE SUIT OR DRESS FROM REAL WHOLE SALEHS AT ONE-HALF RE-? TAIL PRICE. Suits & Dresses $9.75 TO $24.75 Tli?rr- ?r? 1.. o .leflnlt. re-tsoni : > jccoubI tor ti r BOHN SYPHON REFRIGERATOR h.>M? lee K.neumptlon to lb? *r. -I'miim Th? Byphon Byatetn o( r?p:.'..y crtuiatioi pur^. cold, ilr> air. and un Inaulatlofl that provldr? th? hiah?-?t atan.larJ .f h?a- n ?Ui?*r,ca e??r attained, combine to hold the tenip.-faturi- In a Bohn K et rifare lor at ?'i Ice melta vary alowly tat thla low Ifniperatur?. The ?\ull? of thla Refrigerator h?va. I? a.ldiiu.n to th?* outer and Inner caae? and P Tcelain Knamel lining. 7 hr?i-r?statln| layer*. Including two of F.ailinum. lit llv? lniulatlng mntarlal. lha m. ?( effrrtlNe lining e?er pu'. Into a n fria-rt?: ? The Hohn S>phon la lnat?::-l In prsc tlCMlly e?>ry dlnlnf and r?-fria?r?tor tu In uae to-day The rur biillilirtknine. Cull and a?e our larf* line, In Itotn wood and ??hite porcelain caalnga Boos* of tb? I,, ?i atylea. Including th* on? l!!u?trat?4 I ura now marked at attractlv? prlcaa We ran aelt* you a Bohn from 111 up. lined ?a ttti Kenuln* while p-r-vlaln. Ml /,.i.,.t If you cannot call. \?nt? for our ? ni? cata!.??; We t?r* the mfr?. aot middlemen WHITE EN?\MEL of New York, REFRIUER-U0R CO, hi Weit IM Streit iiiiiiw!!i.^?!:?'i;!?;:;!i;!;: !!!! .I^TJSiSW.?JiuJUujLiA?!!! ? a>&?fA\r?*e^ ? AfoI?#Jp4:?y *m An Ideal Home This Winter Hotel Nassau QPPENHEIM.@U.INS&6 - w iork The "Peggy Owen" Dress Exclusive Models (Styl, RtVittrtd) Long Beach?Long Island ? CUMATE ? Th?* air is |?ure, liracln?, an?l Invigorating. Th?* cliiimte is the ?^unl of Atlantic City and often 12 tlegrers warmer than NVw York. I.aJit year the ?.un wa.a out *tlm?i??.t every day. ? PROXIMITY ? I/onii lirach is within V) minuten of New York. There will l?e IM tralnt rath way j?er day thin winter, including matinee and theatre tritlm. The autttiimlillr rua?!?? are unsurpussrtl. Special feature: Hot and cold talt and fr?"?li water In all bathrooms. For Misses M to 20 Years Misses* "Peggy Owen" Dress of superior quality Men's Wear Serge, in Navy Blue or Black; box pieated model with belt of self material, hem? stitched collar of white faille silk, slit pockets, trimmed with bone but? tons and plaid silk bow. Exceptional Value 13.50 tico a???u?S "**