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Panial Payment Credit ?? ; h - - -??-ks no credit. parjJoxis-ai'.y *?reak This -.?. the opening riti t;r?;-r? ol in ctTrclive ajver tUemonl ?>< ??ne ol the Mf. rrt??::evs.\f r. a 11 ? ? :. a 1 hanks. This Insl tutu ?i hai found th-?t it li coi-.i polky in ha..?.; | :.? welcome small a-? well a?, large ?CCOuntJ (iff Cr the smai; purcha rj honds ll the ap Ition < ? thiv sa. pit tl? th? ! Th.? Psrtiil Piymeni permits yog I good and '?' ? !'? ' : !'?? John Muir &?(a Odd Lots Memt.r-r. N.? l..rls -??... I? I \< Inner MAIS ' , N Y A [III Safe Securities On Instalment Payments The ???> to li ?reeae y-i ?elf to :.? or mor. I - ' -.. : arrange to p.,? for fhrin !n . i.l.-. r- <? ? ? - 'isanrla of t.'oj.'.r of amal! ?ana ? now d'.ln?; th!? Stock 1 ? i ar? Ix??i " Reliable information ? ; t y ?7 : n r! I .?? Statistical Depai-I i it i i a for our n X-l. "The . diaserlblni th!? ? i Intent SHELDON. MORGA AND COMPANY 42 Broadway. New York. M H Hew Perspective of fhe Wheat Situation Senil fir Oui S ? tal Letter "li?'' Renskorf, iyon & Co, 33 New St. ( ! New York Wassermann Bros. If et 42 Hr atlway New York UPTOWN OFFICE 527 Fifth Avenue ?Ar invite your orders in STOCKS BONOS -GRAIN in large and ?mall amount* The Financial Situation Diet uvm'<7 in our SPECIAL SEWS II I II k' ADVANTAGES m THE PaOTui Payiem Method ..I i.o.ins aatajad iluol.tul |.??niK ??.-. urlli.? uir? < I . ?In H.r ,n.i?tr, h ?rar .o. plrtr? t lu- loir. liM?r ; -.' . Ill .h? ill? n.I? tram ,.f lll?l |>,i in. .,1 ..,, < r. .Ill r.l lo pur . I. .-, || . Ihr h,,,,r .,,n *t 'I hi. holding? al inn litor <>r |?h> ihr toiul Hinoiini dur .?i Mi,? lisa? Jiol, hi? ?r. in It let II ? Harris,Winthrop & C9 Ihr K<...L.r? u ,11 ??trrrt I hl. ??o s. ? l?rk WAR PROFITS FOLLOW WAR TALK l.-ve Torpedo He.-idee Mtg. Submarine Boat * ? CW. HARRIS & CO. ' - ..f N *? t orl. ?I i. !.. . \.? n 60 BB0?D ST.. K.T. , ?;:;??;<-?.. UlsHK-ruT-J Pacific Gas ?& Electric Cities Service Co. Standard Gas & Electric l*ri?.?tr ?ir. to lli.lar A ? l'hi!a<lrl|.hlM J H.F.McCONNELL?CO, I- or M tat f.' I J. Im. Vr? lurk. Mxn.l it.l ??. rr? Nil.? II. .... m Pond >o .. r ?l.iiiol.i. I urlli?; |-h.l-.. I?...IS, Nr.? ,J.-.,r? /in. \inrr (,.tf'.j.l.r FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. fhoor Brota?! ?lin :<ii M . Nr? lorl? l'/i??.? . . tmaAtm ?i.a r..i.?draN-i?. MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT A Few Stocks Ad? vance?General List Has No Certain Tmid. LITTLE REGARD LOR GERMAN PROMISE U. S. Steel. Heavy, dives Way to Crucible ?is Market Leader I xpotis Lower. ? s;a were c ? ? ? ? . ? ? l] filir, With Ivance, som ... . al ttif -' a ti jr ? teady, with ? light sell uro :, asing Oui reflection I ritj ] . ..i ? !t. ? n that passenger : 1'V BublTl followed only by ? alinga. The opfinnr; showed aome ael ?> ;th Steel und??r -. nar. There ? on a tendency, ? er price?, .. itside of ich ii-i Crueibli. Locomotive, Lacka? ;,- r| West if ghonse rd the end of t?.. . little ement bewail, followed by uncertainty at the el? i k Island was ! cher on arrange ? for paying interest ?n thr 5 prr debentures. These obligation' more than 3 points on thr day and ? ? year, United .-"t.i! Tnade a fractional loss. It gave way a? market leader to Crucible, transact ;o:-.s in winch reached over ~f>. ares. The Erie stocks were airain the first preferred pained I . rni.-i!] fraction and the common ? ged A'. market wan waiting for .?orr.e I tari it in motion there ?vus much discussion of one thine and another that mipht furnish the ary impetus. Tht Ru alan re ? - - received attention, the (.ermat. ?-tibinarine question was canvassed and the great British loan proposed was ? ? of m iich discussion. All this, however, fa mirrored in the market. So great .in undertaking as lie? he ?e financiers engaged in prepar ng tht redil for the Allies here will B day or two. From ?.?hat v.. learned yesterday i appears that n great issue of Br ' ay br expect? <1. ' which ar" to remain In this country for the pur? pose of making payment or. purchases here, should n no way meet objection from v Similar loan ferine only in Bize, luve been tt-h'. ? by the belligerents. Placing a billion dollar issue such ?? easy prop? ia in touch with invest? ment conditions say that it can bo eh a course seem ad YVc wish to maintain our advantageous foreign trade. Al ome skirkenir;?? In th" ? week 'he prin ?tricts shipped abroad lue of under 134,000, 000, ? for months, and the i alance was leai than .; rth that of the ?wok before. Ont holiday n the week for such gr< al ? "ii. -.?er'r-, took from this ' '? in half the shipment- of the . ? re, while France a hardly one-fourth the pre Such b fall ? . ircha ? may bt re ? mporary. While they to other n? ul i al market?, Buch terms for ? . nt they ? t<. do ? ? will grant facili mera '.here is no ques done, however throui of the whole na ? is had eon ,; confer PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES. General Newa and Famines of Various ( orporations. The Aui.* of the Heleni Light and Railway Company ha J ?, \ ?? Mai -..-? ration. Electric railway and gas nth amounted to $26,1*55 in gro . an increase of over 6 , pel cent, while net incomi after opei . ? i r the rar ago. After pay rgea on oui . ? ona and providi i . fun 1 requ the surplus able waa $'."'" ! I imount rere paid on 'he pre ?ras i ?? ? :, a in It'll. Nevada-California Power. the Nevada ? p in) and its sub foi . I ni y were larger by $2, . total < ; I 12,691. ! and ? ' comt aftt and ? ' IT 111 however, which ? l a reduc after decreased Prom Januai. i to ? Julv . . arned 5'.' i?.it-j. ted m ist year ?rere $47??.?'.To, an in. - 31,023, and the bal gaii of 160,262. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. ? ? DKBAI REltl Rl I. DIBCOI ??I It A M I ? ; . i \i i MOM ? TIMI . ? . It,-.. lAXTiij ran ? .. n. , .... . ?him. n..i *r. m?- ? i, ??i ' < - - - i - Ol NT HAT?- I f -I -, ? i * .i i . . i I !.. ? I?. ? I I t M ? a I.I ? Raltlrum ii . ,. :?.??: ? ?... I . .-li vi.n :..... Mmii. a? J ityj. IIm Va,!, gtarHllfii ?... , , NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE M ' -l>\.. SEPTEMB1 It I?, ltl'i. otsl sale? of alncks Tue-d.1?, I494M, airain?! II'-.JOO Monday, 372.'.00 a ago; Stock Eirhang? closed | mr ai?o. Prom Januar? I t? Hale, lnO.795, igain-t II I8C.1N a year ago. Tot ?>eek .r 1(H), against lt.18t.lN a year ago ra!? ... ', ? mical. ; '? . r pr 7 Am Can pr. ' '? Am Hid? ? '. I.i ather j.r ? i . I ! . . . . '. I . ' ? I I . . ? pi B. . ? ?? I oundry.. . Sugar . pr.. . Tel. A Cable \ \ Am. Am. .1 ?V ? Am Am Am. In ... Tel. ' '?' ,01] . \ :. \ . ? \-,: on . v . Baldv ?: Locomotive.. ,". I i Din.... . . ?i Baltim? r? A Ohio pr... Bethlehem S'ccl. 7 Bet teel pr... 6 l'.i , id Transit Brown Shoe Co. 30 Hut to fc Superior Cop.. Cal. Petroleum. 2 P? troleum pr.... ! in ? anadian Pa? il i. . ??? Ohio. . . . ( hi. Great Western pr. 4 Chi.. Mil. * St. Paul. . : Chi. iV North W? tei l ? .1: I. f.- Pacific_ - BO ( hino ?'on. Copper. 1,800 l duett Peabody.! 100 Colo. Fuel ?v Iron ?. ? 'onsolidati d Gaa. G Continental Can. Corn Products Crucible Steel .MO., Mill. ? i ? i Missouri Pacific Montana Pow? r. , Montana Power pr oak f- Suit National En. ?".- St p. . . nal Lead . la Con. Copper. N. \> York Air Brake. . New York Cent nil. N V . N. II. ? II. N. Y . Ont & Western. Norfolk ,r.- Western Northern Pacific. Pacil Mail. ; ., Tel. A Tel. .. Ivania R. K. Philadelphia Co. 1,0 I Philadelphia Co. !'.?.? ft St. L... Pittsburgh Coal.. . . .-cil Coal pr. teel Car.... I | Steel Car pr. I Rail?..;. Ra? ' on. ' opper.... Head i ill? . Ben. Iron ?? Steel.... R? p. Iron k Steel pr. Run ? Kumelv pr. St. I.. a S. F. St. L _ S. F. 2d pr. . Seaboard Ail Line. Seaboard Air Line nr.. 7 Sl-OSS-Shl If. S'eel <(? I. ?' Southern Pacific ..... Porto Ktro Supar. . Southern Railway .... So ithci n Railway pr.. dard Milling. .' Studebaker . 7 SIudebaker pr . : per. Texas < 'o . full paid i ? ' pan j v . ? ue i: R I win City R, T. pr. Union Bag ?v Paper..,, 8 I'nion Pacific . pr. 4 United Cigar ?fg. -, d Dry Goods pr... United R; inveat. United Rj, Inveat. pr r. s ? u sun 100 ?200 700 100 Hid 55 6,600 117 urn 106 3,000 :",7 100 156 : 100 ?"'.? so'. ' U. S. 1 ?tpre ? . ' 1,10. l\ S Ind. Alcohol. 10,700 76V4 80 U. S. Red. f. Ref. pr... U. S. Rubber . 500 50 . r.ii', I0-103-*? : ?2,10fl '.:.:, 76 . ; I13H 11.', *? -i.i.i .*' 1 .?- I ? ? i U. S Rubber . l.i S Rubber Ist pr U. s. Steel . U. s. Steel pr. Ctah Copper.' il . .. ? em Marj land, W? tei nd pr. u. Tel 61 ? . 100 29S 300 11 : 38 u 7>', 116' ? ? ' * i II v il it'll 11' W i ? ngl ms? Mfg . 22,600 llfi . n?;'. . 1 '*-* , Wisconsin Central ... :i7 n 187 66 ? 11 11 r. ', - : . . - ? Il - ? I HUlUi.N ?M H A.NU I ?? ... |p?rr. ?il??l hif t>. < ? . I '??-- ' I ? ? '. fffll ?..'.? . . . ? - ? SI It y I . . i ? . SHOUT fERM NOTES. ? ? II, V. I. ? ' N ?'. . N ??? - ? ' ' i . : " M S" y c a h n " " ? If? ?V ? l'ureign (????rrnnirnt Issues I ? I r t; ????Itzrf. . ' bttCiatli lu. 1 . WEEKL. EXPORT FIGURES. a from the ted at ,; torn II. '.-.-. 'or th.- wet k end.- l 116,068,700, ._ the previoua ??'. ? ?? the corresponding Since Januar, 1. -? M in the ? i Mi ?it ? ? la ? ? I POS? .. ' Hand ? -, . -i Use?land . ? . - ? ? DAILY IMPORTS \M> EXPORTS. D ly Importa at-.u exporta ..f e'n^ra! lisa at the Port of New York I tn r i peril ..,-.- I ! ? ? l 11 .. 1.1 ? ' 11 . I ..." i . .71 . ? . ? ? rutad? ? ? " I 1.1 1.374 ?9: I aton?a*, tait, *.HetMaa-a Holiday. CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Dcalinns Unevenly Distribut.-d Price Changes Narrow and Irregular. Yesterday's cutb dealinc? ?ere rather unevenly, di ?r,r>ute.l a".<l price fluctuated in a comparatively narrow rantre. War order itocka srert again mo-t prominent. Submarine Moat, the mo-t ar-.vr of the |"r"iip, ended the day 'JS point? down CanadiaB far ?m! Foundry issuea were i-uii-ter and I unchanged. Cramp Ship Build? ing improved hs'.f a point, while Inter? national Mercantil? Marine common di? cht,, d .1 ubatantial ?i act ?on. Trading in th.* ?.il shares was on a limned ?cale. Standard of California advanced 2 and Standard of New Jer ielded - point - ? onaiderable irregularit) developed in ihe mining thares. < anadian ? ai and Foundry 9s were ?lcalt in at from lOti _ to 100. IM?l gTRIALS. Total share* - '" -."'.': . ..r I ! ?J ,\ , '? * ' ? ?"J .' ,'? ..m ': ;-, ?Mi i.?!?? M'S ?' ? *? , . ?;?-.: Mai . IV| t% ? . [ ? .? I pr i 191 I?* 'a .' ? :i ? - *? . , . . !..', 1"'. . . M ? onl i Am 5?j 100 N ?. , .-'.?-..... i. . II . . ? ..?. .?: j?, ?ut* 'i i'o Can -.liiiu- limn . '? 1.07*4 ?Ht n...t. . lv?ad l. . i. ? ?....i Irian ? Um i-tfa. .S ;. ;> new t ? ti . ? . . |<> pi I "', ? STANDARD OIL SUBSIDIARIES. It Atlant!. B< : n . 'Ml .... 1..? ilrti . HI t O aio . ?-;. P la.... 10 So W I ? i n I' I. 1 ? ?' IViin nil ?I , o ? r c? ?'?'??' - ? :,: ' n ? f N .1 . IV) ?'? ii ? . O of N y IM ,...,'?. no ei s? RAILROADS. -?-.- ,i , ? ? \ . ? minim;. 1,(00 ?.?. iika Juti'i -, . i '? l.Uta-' -, M li ,ttt* >Am ' omn ?nd. I 1,-jtX ? itl ?ni . ? ;w ni? t.. ? ? ' ? - ?"? i < . ? ,,etM i. ? ? - 10?) Hutr. ... N V ' j 1 , i - '-? -, 1 ? -S Itt? . 1.500 ?Kmnia ? , ? I 31'' Coo k; ? i' liN ? . ' ; MM lia ?. . Katen , l . ll? ' I . ? ? 100 K.rr I . i ??Kewsna miliftm ? ' 1 ? ? I ... I 1 ?i. Kin-1'..r ll ?" fit . ?Nut /.n? a Lai . - l.f?vi Nlplaaln? M v.o. \ ? . ?, ?', I.WO H t., ? , l .'?. -li'? ' on? M i. .m. , ?-.,n.1 K-ii lall.. II.? 171. II,- 1.. ?Hiver ri. k . sc ? ?-. .-?? ?? .:? ir, i a-a: I I-17J I ? .7 . ?' .- ,'" ? Uli M ' i sea ?,. j. t BONDS. i loo?, 100 ll.OOOK. 1.3 INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDlnTRtAUI. HI I A Bid. :?-? Milan t Fit i. ., . ?:?<??? II A !"!? "I'l U-aj !? . "In H I "n i 1 . .to n;.| br It 1 ?'? I? - I h. ?\ I pr -?J ,.| ?i:u. :... n i7.. ?? Mi ? . -.i. t7 . , -' M Hum .? I 77 -U -. . . ? \r. i IHI -...-.- ? HI ?'? -\ I i ' I., 11 .- . . ?II ill Kl?l ll ll 17 ?I MM :. I .?' \.\ Il l'f t ?Im Motor*. -?? il VVaj Oil * (3 t . HA I ?.It? ?At >S . * - I MINI ??; ?Ar.. I ii'in. ? ?' 'b't '.?? ?; M ,-. ??'m.. ! i ' '?**?? . irnl Kll? -i. :., .pah 17\ *' ..ii. .-?> Cop I ? "?!'.>'! Mln .,', ? II i ? ? rrl-Bullton r? S i>;iir -stur .. i- tc ruoluinn? Cop A ?'? Bl iNI'.s. ?f*-.,;av ? ?g.m no *IMM aew ft 7? ?a Pel ?T.- H rt? ?? a I'll : - ? ai'nUsted DIVIDENDS DECLARED. Ri or! Trrni Rate. Psyabl? dat? Nal I-!' orle? pr . ?j p, h. ? ? | ike .-? ?7. P*j '.?'.-, . , ? i Am Brake S A K in Q ?Jepl SO ji | ???; ?,'. ; ? Nip? May ,, : . On. IS Sept Pt i.ii \\ a! \. P-arr. ?3 ? ? 1 ,~, r.f 3 ? ii inldad ''"n Tel, it? nie Kai -,- 0 't I Bept. ?0 . halmeri Oil ll i > i i - Cnlti il I'n.i' '?' . - .... i . 'Initial 'Ihldeml Aii.iiK.i Of nu. TKiiu \i:s U8T ?>i iirrr.KN kiii.s. Srptrmlier II ?'? esaaS IOS.I.'iS Sr|ilrnilirr II lil?..",.'l( ??ne wrrk iifjo . ll?H..*i:i:t tmr ovmil aa*a . IBI.aai jui? :n?. mi .IM.-UI High for \i;?n?t .109.133 |..w for \tiiu?t. in:,,301 High fee .lui?.ifi.vs.M> lot? for .Inly.101.91ft llieh for June. Kl? ?17 In? for |(i,-, >?t\ uujti f?r m?;..nun tow for May.101.120 for April. I riSoS low for lasril.107.2?i7 II IK h f..r Mar. h.lOS.IOft Ion f.,r M.r.l?.IfAjaj >? ?BB l>!,ruary.I mi :jft low for I'rl.rusry.IB1.1M Hielt for .in? n.*l I ow for BBT1 lllfjl?. Ihn? f.?r. 111.*, . ll.t.-.o? low. Mass far. til", .101.19* lilil?, full ?ear. I'll I I'll .I'll I ow. full ?ear 1111 Hr'.n i9 IVERAAI OF mi ininiM.'?? ii??t ?ll l\\ I I \ I 'Nil? *? |t| \| s ??r|itrinlier II. ? ralrr.l?? '? . |.,?r ?7.SO'; ??r|.lrinl.rr II . S7.II0 ?>ni- wrrl? H7" . ?7 Lilt t lor m.tilli jjo . ?7.:,?:, Jui? .10. 1911 . ?7.1?7 Hmli f?.r \n?u?t . ?'i ;-.n I ???? for \ :?.?? . ??"> 1-?S Muli for July.?ft 000 low lor July. S0.?H for Juae. ?5 ' ?1 low for June. 1B.31? l|.?l? for Ma*. S.MI5? low for Ma>. 74.47? II ? C li for ?l.rll.SS.131 low f..r \prll. 75.JtI lli(h for Mar. h . 7.1 IM low for Mar. h. 7(1 o?t lllsh for lel.ruary . 7 t I .'?) low for lel.ruary. BtJMI Htfth for .1 inuar) .75.?1? I?? for January . 70 779 High, Hm? far. K?I5 . su :;n I?. Iliu? far. 1915 . ?9 512 lll?li, full ?ear. 1911 . SIS?! 1-ow. full ?rar, 1911.B7 4?7 EUROPE'S POOR AND GOLD SHIFTS Hud of War May Sec Hi#h Prices and Small Need for Worktagmen. BRITAIN TO EXTEND HER INCO/YU: TAX Long War Fmpfiasi/cs Need of Economy Speeding Labor Has Its Dangers. BY FRAN, I?? W. HIRST. - London, Sept. 14.?At war con tinucs, with British and Germanex penditurei for war alone reaching a total of probably ?7,.,000 a day, tl,,- outflow "f ?i-rjiliis gold from Europe t?i tho United State in.! to all neutral countrica must increa e. Even Spain has taken about a mill? ion dollars' worth of the precious metal from London lately. Japan will probably receive a pn'at amount. from Russia in return for muni? tion.-. Mut what will happen when pold hei'omes a dru?/ in neutral mar? ket;? ami hellifrerents can offer mith? in?: else in return for import.-? I see from Japan-so papers that Russo Japanese merchant fleets, which car? ry on trade between Vladivostok and Japan, after raising freight rates, have insiste?! sinco August 1" that freights bo paid in Japanese currency, thus avoiding th,- d.'pre ciation in tho ruble. Gradual <li; sipation of ureat European gold hoards, to<*?cther with excessive is? sues of inconvertible paper on the Continent, may havo in..:: (fold an effect similar to that demonitization had upon silver after 1870. Gold may hecome cheap and purchasing power may fall further. Gold prie will rise, and after the war or per? haps before its end the double con? sequence of risinp prices and dimin? ished demanil for labor will universal discontent amone* th" poor. To-day's meeting of Parliament, following the Trad?- Union Congress, will clear the political air. Conflicts in tho Cabinet over conscription may be delayed till finance is settled and the Dardanelles iu< lecided. The budget is the prinr.; .i! dish. The chief contribution to new taxa? tion will probably he through th?? in men prefer to death duties. One hundred milions in new tax's are fr-'i !y predicted. Prolongation of war makes public and private econo? mies essential. Accordine? to "The Times," Lloyd George's criticism of trade union has producol resentment. Peril of overstraining industrial workers was emphasized at British Associa? tion meetings. Overwork usually means more strikes rather than in? creased production. Government factory inspectors drew attention to thi< aspect? apparently overlooked by Lloyd (ioorpe, who i,s now the prophet of compulsion and conscrip? tion. London Awaiting News of Budget London, Sept. 1 I. The stock market, had a generally lirm appearance, but investment buying wai quieter pond in?- the publication of budget details. The war loan declined a fraction, but gold mines and copper shares were ?steady. Consols were unchanged at ?'5. The new war loan closed *?? lower it 98. The American was the,best section. Kne and I'nited States Steel were rrominent at hardening prices. The ciose was firm. Money wai in increased demand for the payment of the ?40,000,000 call on the war loan, hut rates we; e not affect ed. Discount rates were steady on the gold exports. American exchange irai I at ??.''.'.'? q ;.>',,".'??.? ..wing to a rumor that yesterday's big buyer was operating? on behalf of the allied t*ov ernments. The Bank of England to-day ear? marked ?100,.i for Egypt, released ?100,000 for miscellaneous purpose | an?! .?hipped 1250,000 in sovereigns t?. the United States. Bar silver, 23Hd per ounce. Money, a '-.'" i per cent. Dl rates Short hills, t,\ per? cent; throe months, ii ?'?"?, per cent. tiold premium- %\ Lisbon, ..u.00. Pans. Sept. n Trading was irregular on the Bourse to day. Throe per cent rentes, 68 franei for i ash. Exchange on London, L'T francs 89 centimes. LONDON CLOSING PRICES. Urn km n. \ i Iom squlv?. i . ? . . ? ? ? ? '? '. IMU I? Ball .?. Ohio .. .?? ?. . ?? ,, in Ha. II I? ?'. . ' ,,* i: u i Ut \\??i l? n- __. " I ? ' : ? '. - .1 . I Mo K .n .?. Ti ? ? :?, ; . -, S Y - ??? '?. -, i 1 ? ? . ?? a -l . lirai 1 ' 1 ? ? . . \ ? i, l'a. tr?. . MS ?T1? ?. _i??; I '. ? . '-* '. . ; ;?; i . NEW VORI CTIY BONDS. Maturttr. \.i. ; '? . i.i* ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? a? .. y..,. .', V' ' ' ' 'l . 'i- *.. ? ? ' . ''??'" ?< ... I . ' -, I i- il - _ IM? - ?liiifr. h?ii|-.?M?. tf|?tUr??l oi louiwn. tCvuDoo. ISsnatates. Executor ? , 1M? TrH8tee Charteren .872 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. 16, 18,20* 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LONDON, 16 Cnr.Ke-pur 8t?, 8. W.; 28 Old Bros?) St-,?*. E. ? PA1I3. 41 Bonle-rard Hansinn-n BERLIN. 56 Unto dea Linden, 1 f. <f Travelers1 Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange. Administrator Guardian INACTIVE STOCKS. The table ?rive? the eloslnf bid and Bsked prieea for s?ncks ;irp listed but which were not dealt in on the Stork Fixrh.-in-.'? Tuca Vdam? I ?tun A ?' pi \ H S ' ? ' ' ' Am Coal *'. '{"? - Am '* r pi US i : '?' ?' , ' , Am ' , ., ' . . ' ? ! I " Am Kit? pi . ? ?j . ?? i? fi'in ..."-.- i. tevtj is* ? lo pf i ,??, i ? . pr? Am W I ? M ?Pe "?' i li M IM ni ? Ka . I :?' 101*4 10. ?i . ? '? ? . SRol V ' ' i ?lo M pi , ' ? ...fv ,' 1 ' I . f 1 I Ic All 1.1 N V ??*.* ? ?; f . I'll ?it ?A'nt rth A MA Wl* pf 121' .. -, ge pi i -'I-ma" opt l.l. Peo ... la? li: .0 : ? If C?S| I. ? In pref >Ji 70 ? .'. ? ? ? n . : pi 3.1 ?n I? |.i rto pref '? . t ? i". ? i ' \lr -,. , ? i! .; s ? pref ?< il DMA ' I' !" ;? f II .?? 1 Hal ' ? Il S M A All do pr'f "?". Crn i ll'.'i li? H W n. m- ;-, 17.1 <,. ?I'll III ? ii?? r. iiu-r ?, take 117 : ??? 111? Met Pf 77 III ?' - ; ? Hart l i rp fl Inl II .' pf. Il ter Paper I" . ' ?? low I Cent :?' ,i ?i do i ? ? pet? Mull . : ? ? - I- - ' of V.I 100 1" . -'?? ? ??'? p. ?4 i" n i ??, ? n. i ' II ib? '? >-l.,.. -?' : ; ' 7 |?| .-? i. s \? ; . ? pref : ? '? . ' ? H ' ?'? 7" ?1 . Te? A P I T-?i .-? r. \? i% t% I . >? |, \V pf .,--, 1 i :, : Typwr P - !*?., no ' I ???.':? i . Isir.Mfgpf 102 10? ." is r [ pAK, :o?a .'I1, ??ii'.vr pf i In I Al pf 71? 1 m ?.?i-'- i-1 ? ',", v? ? . . : pf.103 It* ?".? V? lit A I'".. ?'. *? - \- i- . a . i? aa >-, ??? ?? no i ?-. ?-. ?i.i' -?, ? is 112 K C KlaaVI* li ' ? ?nil : :. K- k D M H? Wco 101H HM . i" --' I." 1:1 Kl ;- Co : : III \\ .-: \ r. I I? |i? ? f n** ii. tiu i.-.; i . '.. ? pr?f.. IV? i% i. i -i- A u IS ON THE CONSOLIDATED. Crucible Steel waa conspicuous for strfnrrtri, end activity on the Consoli Exchange, it? ?ji alingj i s> ""idin?; ?United Statea Steel by moro than 1,000 ahan ;' - price ? ita lowest Allia ("?aimera and American Can were also ,\ l.triy firm featurea Bnd West ?:?- i advanced. United Statea Steel's t *v: waa t.'7n. Ilpr'l Sllr? \ . ... I ? ' , \ SiiKir I . . , ?. I'irl r> in? Am i.i : ? . ? :. ntlTe '.:i 64? ? I? Ai - ... Lesii 7-" Aliaron la ? ? ; I UM Hi:.I?l' I .-.. *t\ ? n iii ? . .ii, ? , , Ifon la 1>i ...'al l.raiiirr I Ulli 7-.i i mi ??i n n.. f |.?? t : . ?lieI I:.?7.i . II' ? I? .'"?? t? . I . ? Bist i - ? ?."?j ?" . io? 4 io? ? . - l'ii4 ??. 1"! ?.,*., k'? ??'. I . ?> ? |0? t, I". ?I ? ,t?|V I III -?? ? ? .., 4 r i .... : st,-,-l pf I.i..', l?0 Dial >? lirttlt ? -' . .'":? I :??" i rti IM in- :?? i?f -o--, ??.. (?nodrli h Co Olli ? ?? :." i- .| Irai loti Vet ? - 1 '? l<ri '!.- .? , . , i - - . ' .... ::'? -.:?? i ? ?I I ??-, ? ? , I -..1 ?, ta? Hi? Mfllrlii . Mi Mo l'a ? -4 .'j 10 N?ttnn?l Uli -? ' ? :n N.'i'.rrn l*?? .'.o Pacific Mall :.? rut. Coal . ?0 |'r, .?r.| -? . . 10 Hi -'.-.-! Bprl s i. lu] i "ii-r ::'? 1 llri II | !!'", I" Hrp Iron as i , ItUBWll CO , 10 It'll: .?'.?. |M* , fouilierr 1'? -r 11?*, ' I'-r ? : li rl \ ? ? Ion P?c. ltn I' s Un' i-r 11.11" I M - -.i nah i "i'i?T ????\ ?? I . ll- ', ? roui ?alas MINING. ?no atii *.i a** -*??*? 7.I.' II !.. ?7 17 IBd II H S3 .Si -, I Mrnrr 11 1'", ; Jim HntW ?! k*It 1 in i ?: ?1 .41 :. f, ; i l 'j ?". \ i ill. uor i ? ' '. ) .lr?. : II , - . 2V, :-' :i*? i i :i.i -.o;, ' i -'"?a '-'I'? II .7 ''I 4 ? 4-4 HI*? S ms n 4 :i''S I?"'!? ts : s?u '.17-, '"'S i:n ? ?-4 62 ?ai? :: ? H"'* ? <i I l:.'S ? ? Il'-*? ??o, n 1 471-j 1 ?o ,41 ,41 11 I - I ?.-?4 ,-iaii ?7 .47 '. . 4! It I '.O RAILROAD EQUIPMENT Rt?VDS. a pel . -itaar I sets i Ma- Kate. tuiit) I' ?? . ., ? UtM Baltln ..lili K. ? '. .'. I ,. 111.' . ...1911 ' arolln . i'lln .?? i ? ,v N'orthw?at*m..l?l|. . iti'l t i o ilavUle.l?l|. .11 I V ? . >t LA Sew . m. ' m. a ,-t urns rllldl Railroad IM4 II.i. ??n,.- Valley .. r't iiimui? .'? ntrai i.;? a 4',-r,. ? I? ISli-'a :, ?rv...| a- Tes..iat4-'a ?'?. ... Mls-O'ii! pa li .1*14- -?' N Y f.V,:r?\ ' .snrf..:k .?. vwaterti N V N li .\ Hartl i mu . ?. iicihi Kreta i mi i.. Iron Mi a Bou i ? \ m. : ? :? 4'j-5. : \ Irsinlan it..i!*-? ,iai?V'U S ? tile chl?. i'hie, C?*v, ; ri 14 ' . a f.. . ? ' . :? i 24 t', I ' ?a 44 . ? 4?, I . ' :? ?a - . 21 ?-I1 t MM . 4 t? ? a 4.t>0 4. as .'. M t ?? 4.7.0 ;? io :.m ? ?: I 10 4M -? ? ?.. 4 m) ? - ? t ? 4 40 I '?> ?? I ?. ? VI I ? '-It 11 ' 11 4 l.> 4.TS 4 N 4 :o i n ? ? ? ? I ? ? ? I 1 I ? t ? I 7. . ' I PUBLIC UTILITY SECURITIES. Ill I \?k Am I.t A T M BBS I do '.?r '. -'-. IM I A.llr i:i l'wr 1? 1< ? ?.?,,. ., .?. I : i I ?do pr . i? Am r .?. i ? I do pre! . ".? , Am P .i. i'iii as ' ?to |,r I .1., ?'..t |,f 14 ? Io l?l Ol .-J Cities ft ' .i., i rel ' Colo Powel K . M 1? lA 67 .-1 n l>d I.t it Tr. I? Io pr ' t?U A El Sec &?) do Pf .;.'l t.ui' 'i a r.i io ? i. A p. i. (to ir ..47 flat St? Pow 79 ? ii I "/ark P AU |,1 II ?? Du| i: ?. . . i?- i ll-.i. H? ? It n !?? fi .. ..- I. I.. i.r SJ i A K i\g i??lli PltAI . 'I. | !?! do pr .... ra u |t ii? i.t a f . i.a? p a i- " a? i da ptrnt i do pr H N ?In i.t ,v | I..;.?.-1-: ?m 7.? I -'?, El IM n pf si M il t .n s., urn ?3', El H A I lern Po? i.t, I'.iiii. I- Il H 73 '7? ?lu [.rat. <; .!.. pr . t? '.I | ?Par valu? ?J?. ^ . ^ 11 7 H f ? ?? M -? 60 ORDNANCE STOCKS Aetna Explosives ?t?as Powder Du Pont PowderPfd. Hopkins & ih ins Bough ' SoM -Q i tai Hosmer & Webb Tel SSet ?i l?r..,.,| 13 l'.i,,,,| ?.,., y y I-.-___ Henry Olews&Co. 17 .nri ::. - - ?r, *T MKMBRRfl N ?. -I? ? !. i \i n\\,,} Stock* and Bond? bought 2nd Sold on c? mmiS! io i Al< i c ".ed on con? servative terms. D<-po?it Accouau I sub '??; to ch ck it Sicht I:iter-?*.t ; . cev i\\ I *>! MBN1 ?m Rim?. TKWKI.KK-?' I Mill??. HI ? H-iXtrt r? '?.r. ?> ?in i.iimkin \M? i'\ms ?rtAra. ? ? l .--?a ?? ' * Bkin Eastern Steel J.K.Ricc,Jr.&Co. ? i are Intere-ate? m CURB STOCKS Write f..r mir U-" Marki-t 1.-11? ?r plume I.".".*. EDWAR? E. EPPS <fc CO. ihk: < i t i m; uiKi.i M itrimil stre.t >ew Turk STANDARD Investor* ?t? t? ??r.t *-.*ki:.?.- Infor? | twtlftl temmmS Bl ? : ? ! ?Hi ' ' rjB if.*u- * I., , mm C/ RLK.PFORZHEIMER&CO W.lN.COLER&Ca ?STABLXKHBD IST?. Investment Bankers ? (F.I1.1K !?T.. NEW VORK CITI. N*w York City Bona?. All ?mu**. Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boston London The Mechanics & Metals National Bank ?f Ihi* (It? ..f Neu ...ik. N S aaaaa Street. Capital Mirplu* anil Protlt?. ?11.000OM Deposits $112,000,000. r-r_-n ??. General Banking Service f Metropolitan Trust Co of the City of New York George C. Vln Tu>l, Jr., President 4? WALL KRBBT _DIVIDEN D.S.___ Kill??..? M eel-Spring Company. 30 Cluir. ?. I - -i.*' .?. 1?I? A quai Url di? Idei d <t ? NK A3w THREE-QUARTER!. PER CENT |1<*<W baa ibli ?! .-? been d*. ared on the rtw f.-i r-*i stock of ?? ibl? toy t?ftiil-.?-r loth. 1315 to i ! '?'? or.l BapU-mbar 4th. IMS, ?' ilar.kfr* Tni* . \r* OV '?ra:,?f-r M...,k-, of the IV f-rred St** will I..- cloant on .*-'?? pt' in' ?r ?th ?n?i ro -.1 "Il Sept.. RAILWAY STEEL-SPRIN?.. . >>MPANT. K. Mr< nnnlrk. Trra?iirer. BETHLEHEM ST BEL ? i?RI'??K VTI?"*? Notier ..f |li?l.lrn.l on I'r-frrred M***. Th- third . "? i"01 per cent dividend ? m - ?<"'" the ; r? f? ; r?-d ? ?htm sum ?-.irpur.ili.-in ..n January 1. 1515, *"1 ?J pi.jal - - - '"V? k V M ,.n S. pt?-ir.5*f ?* l'a!'., and th* fourih ,.u .1? iuar> 3. ????VT . n ? I rrord at 3 V M on Vf ? cembar It, 1915 ?.heel? ?lll<1* H 11 JONES St rtitry ? e i s-r'-m!- i i : ?? _ s \ I l?.\ VI 1.11 OKI! V. ? OMI'\>V PREFERRED DIVIDEND SO ** -, The regular quart-r.? .iiwdend ot '"?J I on ?he I'ref. rred vM\\ hat thti day bai ??? ****** _ mber 3 th neu to?:i Vr-terrtd atete* holder? ..f racord I -ith H w PETHERBRIDGE, ruau_? SapMimber 14th, ___ Office of The I nlted lia* Improremeat C* N W rorner Hi . : R?? Ph P< * ?,1,?1 The nir.-r.tor- h*ve th1? ..... deelaraj ?luarlerls- ?llvl.ten.t of I '*K? per ?hareI. pai? m ? ?'?J holiier? of record .?t th? i?* -f b??;|x,*,, i"-pt 31. lilt. Cheek* ?111 '? mailed. I W M< ?It'll*. Vrtasette^ ?.i m it\i i in mu \i n>?*r*NY,. ??.irk. A ?!>'. -0'a aU Th?. r?gulai n l ''^S and ..lie-half per ?HI \^SZ October 1, I'll, to Preferred !?to?k n?<~" of . I ,. ( P M -? i-.- er ?Jija PROPPfALt. - sol 111? [>TKh> lull ?ND IMP"0?1' MI-.Nf I OMI'\M Ktr?t MuniH* H.'iul?- (M lied Propoaala ?n. ??? r.i?*d "?L^i ; om.e of The Farmer* L"?n *"?->, 'I,, Company, Ko?, l??-:: wiiium 8tre??. ? ? f,.r the ?ale t? the T1"?";"^ an.e with th- pro?!*lon? ? ? . , Mortgaae of the lit of July. ?"'_%? nurtli-lent amount of hond? t.. >'1,''',u"?-??5 1 hundred lhlrty-o '??? ",-.?? i thlrty-eiaht dollar* ?rid t?-iit>on* ??^^ itlll.SIS 21) In ?h* Sinking <? un? ^?, ' right i* r. ?. r.ed. IN ?< W ???'?" or ail ,.,., -1 al? muH h* P^tenx,:\^Tatm?\. ? M lay of ?-* ,?'!., , Itll, and ?houid he ... , ,-at > . Mnkina Pund I' ?-??. Bouthweatern Cal arid Ittipr..?.'!""1 ^-a Th? Farm r- Loan at 1 Tru.l -V, pany. 1 ?i - 22 \m:u,ii Mreei. >?* r?? FARMK.RS LOAN AND lmsmm% COMPANY. TroJ|it? Bv KP WIN 8 ?Ajf^gg, MM Turk, tii-ptembar ?. I??*