Newspaper Page Text
ropiCS OF DAY ? 0 WALL STREET , y Steel Suffers from ' Doubts of Resumption of Dividends. ? |R ORDERS MAY WAIT ON BIG LOAN || Rrin?in? Wealth in the Belt Rcortiani/at.ons Making Progresi ? .-'eel com? be by ?pe r-.-'.icf thht : at the ;i. If there ?rever, it met for the nr? - of ? dollar. ? on?> of ? to cloned ? Steel of only \- . i e who he rig of a h : on will ,-i ne? \V?r Bor-di ioi nur Hoard. on th? . Inci - it. .fht de ? s than the London, ? :.- ?.o as "of ? " fron evidence of Ger ? ? ce of one wh? Attempt!? to ?' I eiligerem irketi Are ? 4r late ? '.?sues, ' ? - t* deprt obliira The plan ? n being French own ?*i we had no Million Dollar Heat. -, s'-.rky and ? r, got ? is this." h? ii weather C world 11 it the growth ha? ?tea .-o del? ? n much I corn crop ?.eeds. ' >hip Trust ( i.nference?. me in -which stock . .-.-, ? .,- reantile Marine under the . ? ? ? on the ph.-t i toek ?? ?? ' conimit t] air in In the meanwhile I the - " confer i * the B ? ttea, which r objection?, to ?fcitl oppo* share, b.:' . n a jrreater laterett I - new corpora ?ority stock ertion that F the i ew company than the This Jd be Id -tock ttee meets tkii objet ? itement that ? reach an ajrree ??nt with the if th? I per '.hey should rc - holdings in - the under . u\ .:.: .-.?.?..uld not M . K. _ T. I'lan Nearer. -lade on the plan for the readjust *?at of ? ifiaaonri, uasas 4 . ? conference *-J'held ? ctween the road's - J. & V. irten ? Co. and Mtl .i it was MBourc-. ? ment of ,r*rk Tn of the hoard, to date, it f*8 k* Mid 1 . v that the j'1"1"? ' -ed with <m the This means ' write the pr<*.po?-ed P".*?'?* ? incidentally *.up rSSS aaayti & < 9, as th? company'? Ma?. Jealoosy at War's F.nd. ?ggoaiion that our lack of ?P*t*itiori for war may lead to trou ,''*<-*' ean disturbance Is J-w*. ' ve the iro,d whlle ? -7 ti?\? ? raie? is put out as * n-uet ??.--<>? ? , ? v. u..,,,au n.-.. -* B*IEF WALL STREET NEWS ' peka ft 5-hpte Fe Homar A. Stillwell, ?^?J**? Brother?, of Chicago, to the -*L;?H I the vacancy of John <; Me* <?uch. was made yesterday . ^?/"?tion of J. A. Vail as di lay **h*w' mpatn. Satutt m ? ? and . ?,"*fer, of ,",le8 of the p-'nn -**?-??,/? (?"'IJ?iy for the past U? lr,Ar\ succ''?''--? Mr- Vail as c;o?- and ehayman of the board. *??_-_ ,m,ith? ??bier of the Kaa :;?' *"<*? Of Brooklyn, ha. ?"it of that instifj' nr?,C!7ritc Copp? Bond Issue. ?^ dire,, ?ndS' Which? ?? " ?****? Ii?~^y have approved, it win b> ? .vrd,, ,rdh,y' wiM be underwritten r,t? Bank i* h*"a<led hy ?he National B-*tk?riA r Undt'?',*tood that Sutro '*? Hadar?.'.''0' *''? b? int<?'' S_ STHS'A.? ?l ?? reported that Ul<i*rt at -, * W!U be ofTl'<>J ?o stock Wi*ertibi, ,/.' *nd th,,t they-will be *"'**? M 40. ,l?Ck */Ur * *,ven liOXI) SALES OX THE STOCK EXCHANGE TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 191V Trading; In bond? on the New York Stock Exchange Tuesday amnonted to $2.497,000. against $2..??97,000 Monday, $.','?14.000 a week ago, and Stock Ex? change clonod a year ago. Total from January 1 to date $."?710.378.000, against I424.6K.V000 In 1914. GOVERNMENT BONDS. I f? 4? rr| Jap S4 4'i? IO???. . 77 4'j? .1" L. -l?.:. fp?l ;? - - STATE RONDS. N T r?.n?l ??*? IBB?? MINHMI'M. BONOf?. BTI Ma i? 4**? I'M .i ?it* ? ic-2 ?r, i? iBSf no ? ? ?.<*00 I4\ ?.noo leiH d? ii laas ? >4S do 4a ? 102 ll'a ' i-?.?? RAILWAY AM) MISCEU.ANEOl S Ada- ? I IBNSS 4? ll bet , ' ?*? ' ? ?' - . a*.?? - ? Bter it .At.?* ?et Bsei ? 10? .?.m t k T col 41 ?TV, 10.? * . I '? I , .! A I W I? 1?2V-, ,. Cti 11 I A Par srn 4i ?S ,.. M i do rf? 4? ? ? i I1U . ?l'a ?4 ; ? 'a ? : ? ? , .? . ?. 1 ib% io-' ? . * A.. ? ?- 10,000 A \> ... 46 4'Va 4' ; ? . . . ft Wrat InB 4a ? , ??i dc I* I 1 4 *?? V? 4? t hi l.pno .. . HIM . jiaC 1 O0? . ?61? LBM . . . .0? r,.,., -? , -, Cal Ind .?-rial 5? 4 '. g .- f 101?, 1,000 BMF. .. 75 Cal Booth I? 4a do'rli bt a?100 . *8 1000 ?''?f ?' " ?' ... ? S , do r'l 4??? < '.CO . 79 . Ot>n Ha.? t*rt Hi 4.0O1 11? F?!*", 'lap Tr ."V not?? Cumtierland Tel Si 11 ?-, . I ?'? !??<? A 11': 1??v iff 4? '.0 4 ? . Or 4? N ? Ott *? - ' ir* ''? 14 H - "s'-j : ? ? 110 I in I? . i row 4>a? -? aj .????? 5.000 Ort Uatbn ;i I0.(MM *9H Elit? rrl"r Hen 4? fr-t P?i ltd 4? . 0"0 . 7T14 ?4-? r]'< fr- Urn 4? . -4 ? M ? 3.000 - . do eft 4.? If-r A ...'. 1.001 do r"? ,,.. "?': tic1? .;. n ii pat p Ohio ?"on 5i 15.01 ' 4 , io: S 2'?io dn ter. 44? . si1*?- Oi ??-?? ' 101 ?i "? . f-,.1.01 101'. ' -. Bark V. iHl ? ?. |j rjot) , 14% | 7 1 . |( o? "I ? dot ? . M', ? ? ? ? Io rf ? 4? a vi? ?i i.eea l m v, r),), mi ? ? a steel 5i ? ? rl-, I m 41 || If]! < 1?0 ** a.i ?*S 1 ' ' .J'.*? 140 I - ?' * - ? I I?? '"'? M ? St P .-?: t"rtS?B ,.. M,. Mir 4H, ? - ? .--, '? - ? ? - - 10 <*i? "o n?ii .?3S_ ? .... A . ? - .?r , . I - ' \ J ?I I - - ITti?t|O0 -? l?l, a, Raj ? ' . n:s i 111 In? l'?r r 11 ?-, 11"*, 1 r- ? R-*a!i i fen 4? . MM ? 1 **? * 1 ? .*. llap Ir * 1.00ft fl?. ? ? RLI ?'? - . dr. rf* i- ??.'? np.i i. i*: i o?i . Ij l.oc? . (? 4.1-0 ? ,?? 41 I, ??? i . irai 4? 4? 4? h . I i S A M 4? 1,000 M*?, M I' M A M ron ?* k? . ii I ? ' ? ? r. lies runo f's ? ? t??, ?4-, San a * A !? 4? < 'I * 1 ftftO 47 *' HO II. T A T '? ? '?? ... ?7 S *?'. Bo l'> . '? MJi . ffi. - ? '. -.? ' ? o ? , ? ? ??'. I ? .4? S ?.<-?(> M**a ? 4? is:? -]? ,? ,, r'l1? 4 |0V M K "F S?', h {Ml ?? M t? - . -? . MS ?, i ? ? . * ?r "?", .? ' ? I ?? . ? , -. .-??!- -I . ; r*nn 4? ? * i ? aottu ic? ? i..'.) ?.-., Met Tel " ?er A ' .?, MO 1\ -i A I ?* * *,,**. . Teii'i I I A II H ? u. ? 1 an t.? Ilirm .11? ". i 3 SAO *?-", ?"?? ft 101' r, ftft.1 1011 11.1 I M?ii- ? l-avrrr ??? rbitAArt rit 4? or,,., ?.OM .??. N Y Ali Brain ?? *-? * ' :oftft 1*1 l I10JJ V V C* I deb (? f P i'W . ? ( .?j 104 ?,00ft .... ??.'OOO .. 104*. ' Cnlr.n P*e at 4? .-? ft.'O ... . IM . 4.00?. n 1.000 . 10?H I <>0 ?t 4* * ?'??ft.;;s 1 ?Aft .I??14 ' _ A000,' i-J--' ',,v> 7.000.104 t? ?fltrel ?IS? 4 ?no 104?? M*" .,0 2*flno ::::.: 104 ?.**. m% It.*** .104*4 ??M .. 1? do Iff 4H? .?0? . MH M.?M.It '.fM . ?* loo'. -4*. i o.-. .in do rfi > ooo HOT. M ,r'-'-? N Y v H A H 4? I'''' 1 t II ' Bm Fr 4? 4'S NT II,- r '? 4S 4S Va-Oai Cham ?>? s ? | . l.O'.'O ... 9.1?? M?, Vi lr ? i O Si ? 4 ?? l.?M ... ?6V? Vl'f ' Ut Si . . f7\ Sert A W**l mil 4? .M 4 M? I* 1 S"', W?b?J?l -ff ?? ri" 4'.? ' . 11? 1.000 10.'a S, 000 13 dn 10*20 ?-?.- 4? i 1 Tf rtfi ?tpd 1 ooo ?o? g ??r, loi?; Nortl !'?<? 4i le S? - . PO v.- n i ion 44? -. M * r f>4 1-1" . - - id .',? 4 000 1 -, - Ir" ?: de ?-? .'? r,?? ' - t ... -. OOO Orre .?. |-?1 1st ?t loo Ore? It? k N'ai 4.? 1 0"-. IT M 11". . - " IO.M0 . Or?? .- Une rf? 4? 111 -" -, 1 '<? I 1US ?*. . ? 4- ?'ni Tr fr?r n a S'a? ?? r?-,' Tr d?r M . s 'A | SI -* 4? It Tel Si g;!?; M* se... T* 4 ? d" rf* '? ?.ooo d" fen 4tti rrpn wi? i ?., .. IH? 2.000 . . MU d" S A D 4? 1 ?-??"? v 10.000 GOVERNMENT BONDS Yesterday. Monday. Bid. Asked. Bid. Asked. 2*- retr 1930- 07 OH- ??7 2s coup 1930... 07 07 Sa reg 1918....100* 100% ? 8a coup 1918... 100% ion*? _ 4? reg 1925.?no 110 mo 110 4s coup 1025. . .1004 I004 2l Pan 'S? rat., o?; Ofi ? 2s Pun '38 reg.. 96 - 9? ? 81 Pan '61 reg..1004 ?004 _ 3s Pan 'fil coup.KiO'-** - IOO4 ? ST*VCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. MININO. tmam. Hlifh. Lern i. Ahrneek .... ? arlaona rv?m . Sl n.?' ,<;? A* H? :i' . I . nfrnnial ..... IBIS U'O Copper Kanrt... II ' itt? . 12 In . 9 M? Grant? . ? . tt - h ale . n ?ke . I? ' . Consol ia Mif-higan . -4 71 Pa PA . 14 BJVs n in* n 7V. M *wk ? et Arcadian.. f.:.'. New l.irla . '?0 North Butte ... [?alte .. ? liilon ... - ro!<? . nd Creek .... llBC) . -. . 161 ??battue-? . lary's Land. 1*4 A Homon. 2?. 100 Super i'o;prr... ??'? 1.717 Tamarack . K nnltv . r . .. 4' H IM I'tati Mpes . . VVolvaritM .... RAILROADS. II Po.?tnn ft AH on Bit? ? ?? 7? on A ?l*1' * n Mam Ble? pr... 44 S r.irt Colony ....Ml ? Watt F.nd Bt Hy '?>?? 2 t?o pr . n M!?rB!,I.ANKOrs. ?? Atl O * W I... \t% 17 ?a 'io pr . 124 .?8? Ol Rt I Else.IK Qa? pr.... 17 ? p-lwaln pr ? -? | .11? 7: Torrlnaton . K Ml, l. M?4j il*. ?4 10 V* 72 ? . 4'. i*'? 14 1. i-ai n . ?\? 24 M4| I ? 11 m 534 ? . 174 n l'ai 41 HI ?44 n 10 ? 71 ?4 14 ?if'? 14 514 It ? 14 ? ???> ?o - - 4 14 ?4 Mil ? . f. 124 44 141 M 4 ? 25 44 14'. f.?', -S llf*4 1<\ tu 23? 116 17 WH no us H M L'nlt? I '."?i 1**4 ?4?, 17 12 : lit ?: ?? ?O ' 119V? f 1"', ... Much IB4 ','.', ?o ? ? ? 2*4 . OU ... ll ll *t% ?.' I m $21.500 Atl O a W 1 5? 71*4 72 71?, ?r Tel la btti M . -. 1004 ItJOVt ? - .i-i.i Creak as , BU MU MU l'Mtl & T t? !??', BBtJI '?? . URB ?7LOSINO. Bid. An?- I?!d. Ask. Ba? M fia?, lii 11 Mai Metal?, .ix la' a ?-. Mou?!??. BBC - t'alaveraa ... l*? 14 "Mo Copper. . I '-', i ?> li-f ?'on? 93'' Ho l'erd? Kx .. tx, ?... .... ?3c 17? lUtak Metal.? ??4 l**j *i.x et ? n% a?4 1004 1 ( HI('A(;0 STOCKS. -saler Mm ItaHator ? .-n Tool. 77 . .. <* ri . 10 k C n * I. > ?f? ? 10 <lo pr 60 Mont Ward pr..!12 ?krr Hat?? .. 75 do pr .1<H\ .. '. a 13e ...lia* 4 t nlon ?lirblde. ROM'S. tie r?-,? r.? B 12.000 i'i.:i. I. iN'.n la .lBlal ? ?Al ft A '"o .. Mish. Lew, i?i?t 77 U8*4 tat*, '2, 112 "?-. I'M7? ?i?'. li? -, - HS?? 71 70 70 IOI4 107 4 101V, W\, S? ?6 More Time to Deposit Stock. The bondholder?' protective commit? tee of the International Mercantile Marine f'ompany has decided to ex? tend the time In which holders of the stock may deposit their holdini/n. the data of extension to be announced later. It was understood this action was tak? en as a result of the conferences which have been held between the minority stockholders' committee and the bond? holders' committee. j HEAVY SLUMP IN EXPORTS Figures for Last Week Show Decrease of $27,000,060. Washington, Sept. 14. Fxports fell ; off sharply during the week ending September 11. They amounted to $38.-1 . the lowest for one week this ! year, and a drop of $ from the week preceding. The trade balance for the week fell to $6,672,241. Although the figures represent only five days of actual business, no trade having been recorded for Labor Day, the decrease is far out of proportion I to the loss of a single day. Imports for the week were $26,921,467. No definite explanation is available ! in official quarters fof the change. Some officials believe trade has slack- j cned while the British loan il being negotiated. a Exchanges Paper for Gold. Washington, Sept. 14.- The Treasury Department has ?-hipped to New York in the la.-t three months $110,000,000, in gold certificate? of large denomina? tions, principaux- for the use of Amer? ican banker.* who have received ship? ments of gold from Europe. Officials explain that bankers who import the i gold prefer the certificates to the metal. ! American gold coin imported is ex? changed immediately for certificates, European coin is melted at the mint and then paid for in the same way. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. ?Olaa, Open Hifh. Ia->w. l_*t. M Prill . 45??? M 45*4 41 i... Mtt 64V 0% t~3 Ell ? Sttit Hat... 7ftj 74*? 73 73'* ZU In? Co No Am.. .: . ?i ?J% ?i .... rlor ?? ?il*, ti'i lo io% I la-high Nav .... To 75 75 It . Ufa '??'! '' !?*? I "'* I7M 17** I Nor Central .... 12 a i: U l?-, Penn Ball MU?-- Ntt :.? , MVi ? . i : lia Co . ?'-. ?'?<. it t* i in i ntn se.... 4.1 4J ; 43 4J'* 1 4 I'l.llll Bl< -4 ? -4-, Mti Palla Hap Tran 1.4 lov, iou , til do rtf* . ? ? 10?-. ios .?., I'ni.n Trae ???? Kl mi lu I'nlt (?a* Imp... H <? H M ?Val m* i. I A- i. l*% lt*A 10'? 1 Vi .. tmrmtj A 1- s 4> 49 4?< 4? BO.'. Il.iweCity 1? r-f. rec.inti VA% i?is ids . ? a "?-o I?.. 73 74 73 71 1 -*. 1 m? 1 Ele? 4.*... ??'-. .??-. T--. * IMTTSBUR??H STOCKS. ?i^ir, Open High. l/>m I_.?' MC Am W Ol M*<*h SPA ?VA SVA Ott |M lo 1*.H *fi f-l 10 canev illv Oaa. M '?' M M li colma Ua? * El m-* us H', n . t>0 lnl BrewlB* pr- if. Il n 15 3aa.. N S3 S3 93 I ITI Mfn 1.1 ? Ht.. -'?'* 4:.'. m? ...i, tOt .N?? Kir 1.ri-.flnr '-?. .?0 pr . C*a : . , oi ?? PMel 0.1... H'*? 14'-, II'? 14'. ? 1,0 .1,1.. fuel ?-'--p ? 40 M 40 4" ; r rut? Brawl?1 ? 41* 4?*, 4?*, 4*?| - ; ai ? . ! -J m 1:'. 7i ritt*, ri il**? -ion h* ?o? 10* 1 f. pur* ?m .-? un? -?-. ,..'* .'..nliii. Air H 1401? hoi, ]4.,., -41M4 HOM'S. |4.000 P MrK A T IV*..M 10? 100 109 ? BALTIMORE STOCKS. j. ,,, '",,er. Biete, laiw. I-*" - iuh Bec n < . ? ? - <J '1 l'oal ....'. 1 . .?..'. ?*"> ? 107 . (? je. ri*?> .M*tt lo*'* i?* !.-. l'i.-.l. n I Kam. K M Hk.. 4? <? 4 [?Mailand ? ? ' - ?? '? ?J** i M???- ??"ai . ? :- !-'- '-' I ? -M'S ?LfMCtto Bla'MWl.?..;, JM tSU 'm\ remit. ... Power l'V ? 'J* ? ' ? w L-V C iL lA.Lm.Ve U A K lue 4a ?._ I??. lita ?? MORRIS PLAN CONVENTION Manager? of \ntil,oan Shark In?ti tntinn? H?re Two Days. A convention of the m a nacer.? of the Morris Plan, the loan and investment institution, with character a? a bas-? "f credit, ami activa ag the smell borrower from loan ?hark op. j ! " lea, will ho held to day and to. i morrow. The convention aras planned '?'?' 'ho Industrial Finance Corporation, organised lasl year to s alai in organ? Ising Morris Plan companies. A business meeting win be followed by lunrh at the Ranker?' Club, in 'he Equitable Ruildinp. The new ofneei of the N'ew York Morris Plan, on the third floor of the same building, will then be in?pected. followed by a trip to the Polo Grounds, to watch the New York Detroil ?/ame. After th? fame the will go te the Williams Hub, at Ithe invitation of the pn ? ? of the club. A dinner at the Biltmore comes next, with an evening at the theatre following. A business se??ion on Thursday will be held in the hoard room of the Guar? anty Trust Company, followed by a liait to tht? Stock Exchange and dinner at the Biltmore Hotel, at which a num ber of prominent men not immed identified with the Morris Plan will be preaent. Eieren companies have been organ ?7.?'il since June, 1914, then- being now a total of twenty-fire, who have loaned to 19,000 borrowera over flO.i.,000 in ?ums averaging les; than $128. The New York Monis Plan now has about lull applicants a day. DECLARE PUMP PLAN OPERATIVE Follows Denial by Jud^i- Hough of Minority Pica to intervene in Foreclosure Suit. The joint reorganization committee of the International Steam Pump Com? pany yesterday declared operativa its readjustment plan-and fixed October 14 as the date for the payment of the. $12.50 assessment on the assenting common stock. It is probable that the assessment upon the preferred stock will be about $14.5') per share, inas? much as about 90 per cent of the common stork has assented to the plan In case of further substantial deposits of common stick, the preferred as? sessment will h reduced. While awaiting final advices from the London, Zurich and Amsterdam deposi taries, approximate percentages of the various issues of securities which have expressed their assent to the plan arc: International bonds. !?4 per cent; In ternational preferred stock, 74 per cent; International eommon stock, 9) per cent; Henry R. Worthlngton, pre? ferred, 90 per cent; Rlakt & Knowles, preferred, 100 per cent; Holly Manu? facturing Company, preferred, M per cent. The time for the Amsterdam de I . does not expire until Thursday. September 23, and the committee ha. extended the titre tor deposit without penalty until thai I The action of the reorganization committee followed a tlenial by Judge Hough of the motion brought by Rogei Sturps and other preferred . tockhold ers of the International Steam Pump Company for intervention in the fore? closure suit brought by the Guaranty Trust Company ami trustees. Mac Hougall Hawkea, chairman of the pre? ferred stockholders' protective commit? tee, a? his oflice, 32 Nassau Street, ?aid: "The protective commi'tee has made application to Vice-chancellor Steven? son in New afereey for an order to show cause why the receiver, who wa.s appointed in New Jersey, should not Bet up the defences. Such an order was granted, returnable Monday next in the County Court House in Pater son, N. J. "Action will he brought against the member? of the bondholders' commit? tee, the Clarke stockholders' commit? tee, the joint reorganization commit? tee and the members of the underwrit? ing syndicate in the announced plan, in the New .Jersey Court of Chancery. The members of the reorganization committee and the underwriting syndi? cate will be held personally responsib'e for damages accruing to the preferred shareholders through the carrying ou?, or attempt to carry out, the announced reorganization plan. "Though it may mean long litigation, the position of the preferred stock? holders' committee will be maintained as high as the Supreme Court, if nec? essary." BIG WEST SIDE LEASE New Tenant of Broadwa*, Building; to' Pay About 5J00.000. M. If. Hay-ward & Co. have leased ' the entire six story building, LOOxlOO feet, at the northeast corner of P.road- j way and t-Utn st.. for the McMillan Crawford Corporation for a long term ! of years to a new corporation, which I will use the premises for garage pur? poses, the aggregate amount involved being about Sl'OO.OOO. William A. White & Sons have rent? ed the store and basement at -4 Bond st. to Feintuch Brother.?. I'nger ?ft Watson, Inc., have leased for1 a term of years the top loft in the premise? 169 and 161 East 54th st. for; the Falkenbach Manufacturing Com- ? pany; also leased ?>13 Lexington av. to Frederick Jacob, dressmaker, for Bar tholomew O'Brien. Shuw 4 Co. have leased for Richard K. Fox the third floor at 2038 Fifth av. to Herbert Contins. . ? a In Brooklyn Fields. Prank A. Seaver & Co. have sold the house 1256 19th st., on a plot 40xU)0 feet, at Dyker Heights, for John Heil to a client. Ross & Meeks sold for Sarah New? man to Sigmund Goldberg, the south? west corner of tixth st. and Fifth av., Rrooklyn, a plot 100x100 feet. Paul A. McGolrick has purchased from the Mechanics Rank the four story flat, 284x100 feet, at Ml Bedford av.; 686 Union st., a fire story flat, MJ xD5 feet, and 162 and 164] Franklin av., two three story flats, on plot Mix 100.5. John O'Connell, jr., has sold for Ar? thur H. Strong the dwelling at 2654 Redford av. to a I Manufacturing Near Plaza. Plans have been filed for making over the ?even story store and apart? ment at 766 Fifth av. and I and ~ East r.'.ith st., to accommoda?? light manu? facturing at a cost of 1126,000. Mary R. Rrandegee, of Brookline, Mass., is the owner. Park & Tilford occupy the store. The alterations will b?> made from plans by Louis K. Jallade. -. Mrs. Lillia B. Hyde to Build. A six story otlice building is to be erected for Mrs. Lillia B. Hvde on a plot ??4x120 feet, at the southwest cor? ner of 40th ?t. ard Madison av. For thi? operation the Equitable Life As? surance Society has loaned $J7;i,O0O at 5 per cent, due August 1. I'.'L'.".. Reminders of the Summer. The Lewi- V. ."?!.?? v ha? leased at Far Rockaway, Long Islam!, for Hertha IfetMM B eOttagS '.n Neil son ?v. to I. M Friedman for a term of years; for Max I n Cor naga av. to B. Rosenbchtin also for a teim o? y ca?a. PRODUCE AND | GRAIN PRICES Wheat and Corn Markets Irregular?Cash Pre? miums Are Firm. ?.I.NKRAI. MARKET HKI'ORT. New York <*?pt-ml?ff 14, 191*?. . WHEAT. Th? *?h??' mark? ???? a??1n ??ry iB'i'h un- ' " '?<"? ? :-.?-. lh* r**a ?tut irurk?t ?il?*n-?.l ;', ;1 ? ?'? " ? '-'- -?? rl < r-.-?--.I l,y report* nt ? '"'? In " - ' ? ? ,i- It* r?- I < ' -? I a'? v!d ?I HI* f- - - . . . .... ?i. Iriagnar r?a.-l?n. . ., ,g .? \\e mm htgtMrr | ? ? '. la V a l??ni* for , ?hi later i. .:,-(,. ( ,.|. prt*alu_* were ?fry finn in all . . . , ,,.?,???. Ti<* '?'rrigr, i,ift-?* ?.r. ,.? ,?, ,|)jn mh?r *l>?. ar..| n ?a? iimuglii probabl* that ?sport bml- ' ? .'..i , f a lar.' - ? i"an being ?a. ,.r,..| i,?r*. ?.I tl.l? will ?rom atlian- I .. r: operation? In lh* loraj. , aah maraai No j red ?,.? mbtat ?.?? v, 2 hlr,, It ?'.:?? If Sem York, ????> 1 Northern Duluth, II ' .'.. ?n<1 No 1 Northern, - 1 -. ? a-jporl ,?.?-i ?.??? ' ? Ha lit? kaa CORN. The rom mark??; wan firm and higher ear.? in v ?un whea' ar.1 ta f?ar? of ,o;,i?r ?rather Tl.? offi.-nl for ?*.-!. howerer, .-?paMllty et frr,.. |n any part it Um ? warn -t th? tarif ?,i ? l lrr*cul*r ?I'h - . - . . >j- lilxiiT K. ? ,;?? i?rr? ? trill,, larirr at Interior point?, and An . ? N-w York ?. ?a? rj.y. No . yallow ,.,rn .|u,,rr , . . 0AT8. Th? n?>? niark?. ?a? ln*.-U?e. with rotnpiriUre'y ? g?? 1 m th? 'ii'.'!?r?one ?a.? ????!> ? ? i .?..-nu qu tstlnni ?*r? U to ??e mi higher. Ill?, c ?ales an? unii .1 ?.. ... I a?!,*1? :. . ? a a? ,1 -? . No I ?hit* ?otad at 401,. and n?? No 4 util'?. Ml?*, all ? a. ralor. NEW YORK PRICE?. T??-?r Wheal OmstX High La.w. C\n%e. day. *tS* ? I1.14H ?1.1. CHICAGO PRICES. ?, - - Wh,-?t Open High, la-iw Cute rlay ?*>? r? . l.i.ii l i i II I I . ? . Dai . Ml ? , May . 100 i , ?">, ? ota; Ses* . 7? fi T1S 71% 71\ Dm . IT1 ITU So?-, Ml ?'?<'>*? May . O?1-, Ml ?J-? M 5TV? lull: *???)? . SIS Ml s?S 3IS '?H Dr? . MV ...H MM s-IV Ma May . M-S Ml 3?*? Ml Ml PROVISION?. Th? pro-rlat-m mark?t w_ a Ut?* more a-tl?? and prt.r? wrre ?lrm?r im enden,r? of truprorril dom** ?oand for the .-aah arttr-le. ?hl. h r??-j'.t?l In exiler? taking oft hodge? an! brought at-mit a Util? n .1? DU - R* r'.-r - han ?t ? HO ??r.| ' T \V"!' Ki:,?u ?in p ri?-?l MOI aal (linaha ? l-IIHK - . ' II' '?Mil?, ?II I . ? 117 tai ? - - -- |1 ? '.?i; ;? bet, $17 ' r?lr? li lia : ? HKCH8ED UlXll ll%c; 1*0 !.. 1.? HO |h 12", ?; ptg . I. , Cl'T Ml ATM Ilfkl-1 >? 1-'. . 14 ,' . Uli? . . .I<" 12*4 ' I ': TAIaUlU pr 1*1, -, ; ,, '-. I.AIlll Urro. MI.Mir \\ - - . I.3S I-, lard ?a . r.-r.:.fl lar.l ?!???!? . CiMitlnent, I II . I '?r.-Jl. krgs. l'l >li.' COM POI'ND '?:? "?;', . --??ri'ir ?U*t; u.-^ . . Il ? lard, --.-ar:: ?. *?',. CHICAGO PROVISIONS. 1 '?r Lard Oprn High l/w. C'.me. day. O.-ot.rr ..... ?.M -.-0 fi U * M ? M Januan ?SI l.ll >? ;; I.T1 s y, R <...? s.-?. ? 00 *.25 : M 1.1a LU *, 40 fi 17 | J - ,13 "'. I! ;?? Il :.j 11 75 12 30 ;??... IS.M I9.M 11 -'i 14<>.", COFFEE. Th? enffr? mark? wia ?r-ulet and t->taJ ?airs for ? II.1M basa, of whi.-l, th? prr.rii-ag? vu In the .'"rin .?( n? h.: B ? ?? i,?a. '.? Ihr ?UMaai moniii? Trlr-r? ?t th* ' ?l day. lau .?'irllig .'.:,. , , grd t-, .1 p-.ln-i hig'.r Tlur? irrra??! to b* irr> lit 11? lin ?nu?? ?O trad* ? ?r Ma-, DU) ' '..I'- ?:... ,.f il,? niarkrl ?a.? : m aiat pn,?i werr ?iiitatnrd hy ?lie a'ii t'il- ot H-?/:,, ?tl.l,h 1? I..; lli.g 'h< nur,. ? ? ore a parity wUta 1?? al quotaiio-ji. . . . al tr?i? I ff?-? ?rr? 10 pol'.t? hlgli<-T for Bal IM iraatai 4? l--i: g or?r?.l it I.TIttfll*?, I . ill cr?dita, ?nil* Hi?. 7? ??rr rjuo',| ti r. v. ?6 ro,- and It:.. <? al o 'J', Aiiii*rlra.i .-r?.|lt? V, mas i>.?i a:, i boyan i.eeti\ to baft u *; Hi.'ir requlremeut* fo: il.? Urn? being Kip?. ?.i o' high, r --ring tleb*n(* r?.? .??. Ittahad ui??i ?a a po?lhla loilllah fri'ur? In Hi? niark?t. hni ? i Miiing. aa ihe arnoiim of .-.'ff.-r ?Moat from Hta.-tl la larg? ind II * In a'.ghi for ill requtrOMnt* ?.? Ua? H - H . ? ?.rupt buaii.rf? with l,uri>p"aii ? -i-< mark??? wa* dull and unrhuig-.|. ?1 h lllo 7? .juotr.1 at I?,.- Rajige of prior? T*at*r fipen Ugh l>w Cla?r. diy fepttf-aber . ? ? ? ?I.V**17 ill 0.totxJt . ? ? ? 11 V.-Jcnih?. ? ? ? I.1S?*?.I7 ?14 ?.IT 6 17 C 17 ? r ? ?' 17 <> r. Januar-,. ? ? ? HJli*--' ?-' K?truary. ? ? ? * Ma.-.i.. <I.S4 I H 1.^4 I April . ? ? ? ?.!? '? . 14* ?44 t>4? 1.43-4? 45 ?40 . ? ? I'. I? ". 4' ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? 154 4 SUGAR FUTURES. irp-rilr.f ?t?*'ly, unrhaagr-l to ? de?!ln? ef 1 . -rill ... an lb? .all 7.1*0 ton* trngst ... - ,r? on trul? i ml, g. ami ihr mark? eld*?! Mead) 1 point? nrt liigh?r t.. a ? ?. i?.!i,t?, with total aalr? 11 "?" laa? l?i.-, i Yfatrr , ,- H'gh Iaaw i'"?r .la, S?p-r-iirirr :< 1? ?'? ,? l.M ' :?'? ? - .?7 1.40 . H 40 :t ??I 3 37 3.311 ?.1 S9 :?.4i N?.???ii.t.rr . ?.IS ?? -'? ?? - -4 :? -'? ?r. 1 11 3 13 :i 12 3 132] 14 3 13 la- an . ??3 i 0". 3.03 :? 04 ?? :? "5 ?.03 i man . :< oa .'. ot 3 0^ :i u.'...;? 04 j oi ?4(43 00 3.03 ! April. ? ? 3.I5I?II7 I.M Maj . ? ? ? 3.U '10 .1 4', ' Juna. ? ? ? il?*,o.i 11 :i.?>i Jul> . ? ? ? .1 10.? I 11 I It COTTONSEED OIL. Th? n-.arrirt fat Mttaaaaad oil was again Ann. I ?im bQrln* l,y I'o-ton Flii-hin** h<,u..^a. and at, ay th* - pti Btbti Mttl*-o ?h... 1 a:. a.l?a' ? of :'J p>Ii.;.. m ...r.-rl. g. uhlle ill? la-rr nmii'hs wrr? ? to II point* hl?hrr lb* ?lrrng'h In lh? ..-ion market had a sironf In- ' fl'ini -r rn ?al'i-e. and ihrro ?a? r*n*w*d buying j ?,,r ???:i.?l,lr KXOIUil Sonilm.-nt waa hulllah grn-T illy. and men ..prralnra who wrrr of th? opdil.m I ?i 11 th? a-iiai.,? 1? being eaniad laa far wer* not 1 dlapoard to '??r rbaootl so Ihr ?riling ?Id? a? 1 an lb*?ne* of pr.-rf ir? of crud? ? froa lb* >,.n'l. Hange <*f prlrr*. T ??* (iprn High. low. (?In??. day I, ? rl 1 - ? 44 ?.OS I ,*. pt-nl rr .. g.ll I 35 I 1? ? .14(*?i II. >t..r. ? -'. ? -? 1.23 I -|j???.-'l ii 10 ' , |5 g.t5 ?14 ? 'J4 ?". 21 I 11 i'rl.raary. ?33 ? J3 ?33 l.42i'?',0 6 0 Mar. h. Hi ?54 14? ? 52 4. 54 S.3S April. ?? ? ? I.Ut 15 6 49 COUNTRY PRODUCE MARKETS. N-w York. Septrmber 14. 111}. BUTTER.'rlpt? frr week. ?1.091 parkage*. aa .-omparrd with 44?'': pa ???.1 :a.?t werk. The mark? dr ? - -i??ki,r?? following our laat wfrkl? rrpcrt I ,? i-mi'Ird 1'?, on m.<t gra.l^ ot .rrarurr)'. BuppllN wr. ?rr\ .ar'-.-'i- for II.e tlui? of )?ar, weather ui.?ea?onahl> hoi and Ira lr did not rr?pond ?. ..?, ?t;-. |*d IT . in t? ?ell 1*-, ?me ?o strong ?Inn ?lid 1,??! betltat* m tl ? - A' '.l,e rioo* UM teeltng I? ?1-o.H ..!??:> ? . th* flnr Had faurj of ?reatn--) ?mt la ?till ur.?rttli-.l on all utl.rr qualitir* l.jporier? ar? dotng a ttttl* . tl.e ?tier for some 1 . -en rn- 1 gaged loi ???jut 3 000 tub* uu this week'? team?'? Ladle* I a , a aha.l? ?a.i^r I'? king ? 'n-l?rai? raerlpt*. Cr?am?r>. '.? .? . I . '-?. , lli!r?ta .: - a ? la - 1 ? | 1 ? . ftilB? to fair. .l?.'l< rrrv??.rd. cttraa, 24c, trata, . ,':'>4 . !?-?? grade?. 21?|22c; Itnlla 11.a, . rrainrr? ??? I .. .-'ir.rnt . SnU, -l1? ' - lie; lowar grale?. I9*t.'0c pu-kli.g ;i?k. Juii? make, flnr, ... 3?. ? ?! ? j * ." -, No .'. life? . ?r?rr | CHEESE. Rn-elpt*. for waafk. J9 21?, hoi?? U* further lm Borlan? ?iport lujli?.?.. a ttm baadnd boar* ar? - g ihlpj a! a roani rxpnrtrri i 1? f,,r ? '.-ilar?, bul nnit.liig oTfrrli g hrre at that. "at? w oi. frr?h. flau and tains. I . . ?.hite ?pr,l?!?. 14\ ? I! , a??r?g? fa >. 14"n . ?lilt?. a??rag* '? 14*. Paillai ?p- la;- ;'?'??. all ity'.r*. i ? ? ,, \VI*arot**ln, w m. fr??h. ? . ?? . tufi.? Ill*; Young Amrrtra?. .-r ?klms. ?p*rl*U. lie; fair t* gi*.*4. ???10 . gaaMMM, 4.? Re.eipts for w?ek. 77 111 mtftS Frrs?. gl'h?r??l. ri'raj ? ri-ra ir?'? ." a.'?. grsl?. , ? i ? - - a ?."ret. 1? llrtle? Mo l :t\i*ll, . No : tad -??- ? i II t ? dry. l>i-,.-?..' , ? fenor. 15?*II '-iri(?r?tor. ?p? lal tiariui. ?a . it--? . ?i I ?'- ??. ond? .1 , tt lr 1* or r-.rer, llalli, dlrrto*. I?*??S. -. -. ? ? to taiiey. ittt ?... I* good .' . |?'ler?,| wlille?. a. to ?lie and ?iuall'7. l??ISc, Ue?tern gath?rH whl'r? 27.a-|2. ?'at? l'r. n inj l,??r^y. hetir.ery |,r. a i llgftic, g?t'?r?d i.rown and ralle. . ? ? . near! ? rrf-igrral'f ??'? I HAY AND STRAW. Tta* mark?! has continued eiireroely dull ?nd *r?ak on all t-ul lh* t"P ?l'ialllr? of t'm ''y h?? , ? ?r a ?"iar?h?t ?t?a,ti?r fe. I lng ?cet- - ? ??? i* run a ? ? " Of lh* . . . and N?w York ? cr.iral rail ? ? I??id.a.l ha? ai.rrated ?"ir* . ? ? i , .'a . - ' h h ?lag ?aaaaaad let ?m, . \ < - ( a fairly hra?, ?;'h litmt I? iiapiMir.'.? f?r ??:?. ?l ?rl . ?rate Allalfa ?1"* ?He In range of. -_y. V prr tor, N . 1 r>? . ? II? eaatti to a Utalied etl-?it. p""r*r quillllr* ?re li\\ larg? ta> ! Ua '!.? ?>?? I per ? ?lM. No i to No 2 ?11514???' " ? slut. Ilf?llltt: '?? I -?-? - ??' -??*-. ??-*? ? STR.4W -R,?, -ft*? i |i] (pmiii f,ir? tN?4t ? rie | FRCSH FRUITS. Apple? In llt>?r?l ??ipply ?nd ?.??a . mn'li "f ? r re ? r.'r O-r AITI.?".? A ??. loi l 11. Wolf Hirer I. <? \| ,r- l .?:? ; ?J*!?, P'' ?n.'r }.*?: - ? t . ? 1 ' .- ? M I. . n 1. 1.ri??:.?v. ! '. I ' ? t .-??-?.. ' l'ippn. ' ?' - ?> ". II?! ' tri Mnan?. bol. | ' ? ' ?-? I .?i . ?> ? . . .'1 a ? I ' ' J lit? t U ?Ont? l ? : ? - li : 'Il .?<?. k?l |4 ??- n. irre 1 ) ' . t - rteurr? ? .a!r|. a . 1. i ? < - .; t ?! ?. M?-? ..-ri n I i 'M* fr.r . , ? ? . l'Ll M>. - . ??-? ' pr?. h baak'f t.aake?. ? ? ? l'ill .??! . ? IRAI? KB m ri.rr I". ' . ' *-i??ar?. 44 ? .,i> , u - ?.?. t . i ., I ?0 . '1 . ?.,!,., ... ? lb hMkef. 7 ? r*I?18, Va. per Qinr- ? ?v ni HFlil.- i ?i? f"A. I'M. I r?- ? . ? ,'.?.' 1 'tRl r.S. Viirt 'Kl' 11.?', ! URI ? nuart, 4(?11<-. fcsi-iiKTlRi: - . im Ki.nirtiuiics PetlO a.vt Jer??T. quart 4 ?' .. ' ? " 1 1 Ml SrUII ''al. -aii'tarl rr.-- I?, ink) f,o-l . plnk n.?at?, flat ttao, I 111 7 ? a ItanrUrd ira". 14. Bat II -.0'S|- ? li ? ..: i il?. 5:1. ' 't. * ' i. i: T. 7 .. I>-1 ?r 1 Md. afra?? lull ho r?'- \\ l| ll -M .".. ' A- ,WA Ml.. . .i ' 11; WATKKMKI.i ? 5 prr ino. 11'..?;'?. nftAWVs f?: boi ?. Jam?!.?. J...t-'.in, tiRAl'Kl II' IT. Na--. 11.?!:, liai Jamal.-i. 12? | 11; l-IN KAITM s. |-ur*o Kir?. Rc I Spalil.l'. ??r?-?, .','??. ... ?? l ?? ? a..' ? fil t - ' }: '0 POTATOES ANO VEGETABLES. l?r??T rv.??'nr? !', 11, "ral ?Jpply, t:'?.-'?'? w?lk I . ? ? .tnrwli?t !.'.' If ? " Itat two ?Uri ?r. "f \tm POTATilE? l<" i Util 11 .". ? J! ?' I- ?r. t < I l'-n?. *>-. ? .?1 . - . . ., N.? 1. l-M. Il -Il ?'!. BWRCT PIITATOI 11 - ' ? .?? i ..\in\-; i 11 75; rtd. |l '?*? ?-. bakt. .. 5 ' M < , ?; Orange t ... bat. Iliill .' .11 .?; t.* C ... Vtall > I? Il :'"!'. '". , Ai.ri'Ki'Ki... i ?i BRI w?i La BPROfTB. n??rhy, .?? I ' -? - '? ???? i hu?hel I ?kl | .' . h?; t. ?0-.??',*, onuiti-rrv. Il.2,1?$l..VI; BfKTK Deawtijr 11.'-,. ?'AIIHuTs., new, bbl, 7'.. "SI; 1"? 1 ! bunch'?, ttftratfl; i'"'l"s .?-r?... lin. '"'S <\i i.ii-iuu ?.i!?-, v -? s y rr??i r/ i ?otm. 7-. "??; ,- | | ir ;. i ' <l j ? , ? t't-MBKRB I ikt, Mit? ' as . bbL' '?' ?lit MBI ll in Kl.l.s. M.f. ' 1 11 Bit; -i-. b?kl " , :?rl . ,.? J' - ' AI'.HA'irs. 100. ?i ? . ?Or; red, ll ? Il .- , .'l.I.KUY < AI:! i ., - ?'.': Il A NTs l?r? I.l.TTI CE, -'j'' . j rrate, 7..-H |t ',0; !,,?..-. ' r '? 7-,. i.iMA n; ? ?. i -7-1 11 M; MI'BHROOMf M. uKHA. Jrr- ' irv. carrier. |l? bakt, IKS'! 7* ?SI. r-IAi? ?'??'. lit ??? ??**.. PBPPER8. ?mon, bbl, 7V*.!I ".n, pari. 7V?HI 23; HAPIRHKS. 1"? bunch??. ?5(*?40c; ballt, :-'<v. ROMAINK. bskt or cr?tc. Metafll; Sl'INAril "a" l?1-' nrarbT. bbl. M#??5r; (?QfASII. H'.hl>ar.l. bbj 7'. t?ll; M*u-f??T. IMKiJISc: whlt?. igtglic; rmtett peck, SOiiT'".. TT'ItMl'-i. ttoltt bbl, 7V?}1. Il.-ahii?. bbl or bag, 4') "'0. . TOMATOES, B????n I.'.aj.'l. tir. fia .O.'n-, rani'r, Tlfki M VVATEBl RJ - - II 11 LIVESTOCK MARKET. New T"r'K Bep'rratjet 14. 1115. BEEVES. n. ...ri?. 517 toad, otttls ?u f?w dtastM Ho trarlin? In lit' rattle to-d?y. Yt, :?r.?t dull [>r-'.'.l I beat In o i >? ..?Ici, . 1.? HS,.? prr Ib. CALVES. Rrclpta. 171.S h'i.l. *ralr Batittd Keelln? ?Utdy. r?rr- f?lr .Innand < l's '1r*?.?r i ?-. - m .;.? eli "?!. ."?. . .-ountry . d.rew.1. 1.1 ?17',.. ttbn la w v? c?!?'?, i*,o ib. | |.t p?r lOu 11?. H ?fftta ymllngi. 4?0. 14. J O. '-iir'.ls a Bot i:--?. IIS lb. 1 15.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS. I Rrcrlpt?, LtM la ?1 M a: -, -al? Market I fuil stoa.U CiltnnaOD ta? fairly |.-.'l ?he?p ?old ?t ?? > t" - ? : r ! . , . .' lamb-, !>! T, . ulli 16 1' I multo 1. . 'Il . ? few U"?? drr^r 1 ?t I?? -...? S*?wtoa A Ce, P9 v? lamb?, 7; lb tret ' ta?, ?t to.Tl per t") lb; M4 W v. ?a, >? ' I; ? i. IM, 15; il. Il Jt I; 11 j ??! Inn iii'l id<*p K. i . ? . .?. .... W W, .i.. I, M, 1? 7-,, ! 3 .?lirci. HOGS. Rr-fipt?. i if-o btmi. ?il f?f r1i"a*rn* fasuas Salr, 'ail la'? rwtardi -J. O. Curtis A Ron l . It 11.5? BOT l'.u !b, 70. l?5, HI".' %t M.25; 28, 1117. 1? 20; 142 1? 11; 7 roui ? I t M. l'iirr,. :, A f?. II atlie hogs, 17'1 lf,, |S.J0; . 3 rough.?. :il?i. |6 't. 1 Chl'-u-n. Beat l? ??.???s - Rr?npta, 12.000; tltana: bulk, in ?.'? ? i: ?.",, ... -. |7.45<SII 7. m'.irl ? .* .... J.- -,t17?'j, ro-igh. 1? . itttt '?. pi*?. I" .5?St7 '? ' Al n.K/~r..r?ipi?. ? "". flrni. natif ',,??? ?M.'.O. 8UEKP ? llrrrlp . 15,1 ? ?,ak. ?..-?Tirri, |5.2S4|tS.aS; tan S -1 ??'. :?i. l'I'lKhlirgri. ?evt 14 IIIKl-1 Ilrrrtptj, 3.IVK>; I,..?? . Ii'.i..^, 17 Mi ?17 10. Loi?} Yorker?. 1.? ??i? M ?". Ufhl -. ' i?. i>l|?. li 7' i j HIIEEP AVI? LAMilH It'-ipU. 1.IHJ0; ?te?.f>; top l ". p .-.. ? ' l ALI tfl K'vripu. i." -"???!>, lap. m ? iin.-lniiait. S-pt 14 -HilOs ? lle^rjptj. 1,500; . ????.!? ; plgi an.l light?, t ?"... 1? ..0. rAPlXE? Rrce.pi,, 100; ?'ca^y; ?aJf? sti-aJy Ka [ ?elpii. ;?"". B'cail) , laiul.? ?'ra.l> I Eut B'iffato, K.'pf 14--?'ATTTJ*.-Rccelp?j, 500; I dull VKAla*. UcTipt?. 50. ?,tl?e. llalli. H'XiS Reodpti -. a. litt; Il ??lia -1; m:i-l. $? r.'.l? -..-.; Yorki-r?. |:.*5?4)|S.SS; pig-, 17.2 -17 .... r'.ngliji. >-? ? . ?. .1, ltagi 1 ?5.7S 8H17EP AND LAMBS? II*, elpt?. |0O. a i? a- 1 111 . hal:|r.l. I M l.o i.? - p'. 14 HOGS-Ilr.-eipt?, ?,?00;' ?teady; pig? ?nd llgti'i. $? *."?*?-.".. mil??! ?nd 1-0-.-i?.-,. food testy, tf.tsi? CATTLl i"0, ?ie?dy, natlTe bcef ?urr?. | ; ?terra anU lielferi. !? ? 11", emit, t?? " ?. -'? k^r? ud '?^Icra. Mle?l? 25, ' Teia? and Indian ?trrr?. 1., tbtgtt ?3 "?? 111.1 U : . ???. |. ?111 10, BUEKP R.vript.v j,.|.|.i. ?.|.?.1> . Iau.1?. }?>|?'.'. ; sheep ; ?il .?.^ I' M " 17 7 . Kan-.i.? (II). B?P? 14 H008 Ut-ript?, 9.7.00., a-a.l,. bulk. |?.7J?1?; hury. l'i '0 ?17 25, p?ck 1.1 I f ? t '. p!gl. 1- f|l ,- 1 A. 1 : ! Ri ; :? . -' . pilme fr.l Itaan, |9 40is|l?, Uef ?teera, ' I? . ?'1 ?0; Beulherti lit ? ? ? ? '-. ? o?> -, 1? " 17 , halfan. t? 25($t?.:5; -'-Ken ?.I reedera, 1 ? bull?. 1'. ?' . 1.0 BHtEP Bntalpta. 15.100; lower; lamb?, I.????!?; >o*rltiigi, (? Mis; ?rtioT?. Is.seeita a; ?>?-? ?o.utBi?? [By Telegriph to The Tribune.] Lr-utiullle. Sept 14 SHrir.l' a I l.AMBS?Re? ceipt?. 303. maklnc a total of 1. ils for the ?t-erk; niarket niatd ,-t.-a iv talth beat ?1 7 y. ?v, but?her | luubl. SiaS'/jc, culls, 4 ? V ; te?t f?t ?li'.-p, 4-??, f? . n.Mluin ?fad .0111111. 11. ?low buck?. IC [By Telcgriph to The Tribune. 1 Flo?-!.! . Sri ' 14 I.:?r ?*,?'k rc-elpt.. for ??eek I MS r-tttl?, V Ml ?hrrp an.I lainn?. J.4??0 ?-?I??!, I 10.>0". .vi- Tb? deinaii'l t?-rf little v?aa ?iiilei, ?rlfJl llule .-hinge In price? iifferinga were ??ulie hr?r>. I"" mu. h of tl.c llOCh Wla lite pi irrtvllig. | lor the ??<,'. -irrr? an.l ma? - ?I rangrd . ? . with ?'?ni c,i|?llly 7,?7\ Tn? . uni helfen it ??-. with few ?t fhe higher tu ire; t?lr '.. fi - ???. MM to OKllnari'. 4.?'???, ?tad bOlOtHU a . . Bull? ?.?'.-'? 1 fill -hii' ?' t "?'; ?. a) ' ? .',..- readll) il iHAIc rot ito ?eneril run of gi?el tniallQr. ?Hh ? i-"1?''' !.'???> ??-al.? up to 10',.., a- I .. jt.e .a:?'-. ?7 11. .g, ??err 111' ?rry light ?upi'l? IhkIi a' ti.? >ar<l.? an.l the pack- | li.g lein,', ?lid l.'l'l rimi ?I ?bau? the pre.lou? ; ra? ge. 7'., . 7 v. Ii?e weight, ??nil ? few ei'ra? ? frtetlon I Ighcr. ?n.l -.'':?',. lr. .-H. Sheep aieI lamb, were ., ?let an,! .lightly eaeler. Shrep ?oUl at Ji? >?Ac ?nd lamb? ?I t?fSa Mil. h . eean ?ere In an.ple aupil>. but the ch..l.? heary mtlken Mid freely al pretlo ;? pelleta, while the: poorer cows were Inclined to rtrig t?rdln?ry ci.wi ?ol.l from |J0'?|?0. nil .le,he mlLn, I'lhilU',. PAY $213.856 FOR LOTS Re?ulta at Fore?-lo?ure Sale at Ja? maica IStal??-. I.iinir Island. Joseph V. Day ??old yesterday on the premise? all the remaining plots and tract? of the Jamaica E-itates, Jamaica, Lonir Island, at Supreme Court fore? closure sale in the action of the Mata wok Land Company, plaintiff, against Katherine M. (jalvin, Jamaica Kstates, I City Rfal Estate Company and the ? Title. Guarantee and Trust Company, defendaats. Lrnest Scholvida. of Philadelphia, ; purchased in the interest of such bond ? holders of the Jamaica Estates a? ?hall 1 care to participate a larre tract of this i property for $81,800. The attorney for the plaintiff bid in ? ; the balance of this property for $132,- ) !n4t?. -. Realty Notes. Edward P. Hamilton 4 Co. have leased to Iluirh C Barrett, son of the late Senator M. T. Barrett, of N'ew Jer? sey, the Carrier residence on Washing? ton ?t., East Orange. N. J. Anton L. Trunk- and Kd|?*-ir A Man? ning have formed a real esate partner? ship. Daniel Rirdsall & Co.. Inc., ha??? been ! appointed agents for the property 200 to 218 West Houston ?t. -' To Pay Over $800.000. The Hotel Willard Tompany has i leaded from Lillian N. Soresi for ? twenty-one year? at $l??.Mi0 the prem? ise? 32? und IM West Knd av.. 35x100 I feet, and from the Phelps Stokes estate the adjoining parcel, at 2.V2 and 254 Wf-t 7f?th ?t.. 55x104.4 feet, for twenty one year? and four months at $21,000. -e S?lls Staten Island Property. Hugh A. Bain ha? seid tl.r'iigh Cor , nel?us O, KolfT to Mr?. Bertha Schmidt i the retidential property 109 ?.entrai av., I New Brighton, Staten Island, 60x200 -isjsjt WILLIAM STREET AGAIN ATTRACTS Subway Cause of Realty Activity in This Old Part of Town. PLAN NEW HOME FOR THURSTON & BRAIDICH Brlxton Company to Build Apartment House in Lex? ington Avenue. The William ?t subway, now in course of construction, ha? already stimulated renewed in'erest in th?? old ? wholesale district through which it will j run landlord? ?re very happy over | the ?itoation. Quite a number of old j familiar landmark? are doomed to bei levelled before this present trade ex-, pansion, and many more/Will be razed, it is thought, before trains ?re in op-; -?ration over this important route Of th? subway. Coincident with the in-, crease in improvements, rentals and fee values in the dis'i ict are bound to rise, -?? - contemplating a home in the section will have to buy or lease quickly il they would avail themselves :' present sale prices or rental? for latid. The promises 27 Cliff st., extending through to Ryder's Alley, two very im-1 portant trade thoroughfares in the' early days of old New York, were sold ' yesterday by the Charles F. Noy. ?"omp.iny and leased for the buyer to Thurston f; Braidich, one of the lead in?*; crude drug houses in this city. The property comprises a plot of 1.250 squire feet. A fireproof ?tore and loft building will be erected for Th'irston & Braidich from plans of James S. Maher. This building will be, it 1? said, the best of its type east of William st. Construction will be fire? proof, with a minimum carrying capac? ity of 2<>0 pounds to the square foot. There will be two electric elevators, automatic sprinkler system, steam heat and other improvement?. Th? investment will be approximated tl.=10,000. The Noves Company leased !he building for fifteen years from Mav ', 1916, af 19,000, pin? taxe-, insurance an.! .all repairs. With these item? added the total rental is about $200, 000. The lessees have long been iden? tified with the William st. section. The firm consists of James G. Shaw, J. Ed wird Young, jr., and Charles R. Rose vear. "This snle and improvement," say? a well known broker, "is the most note? worthy transaction reported for a long tin? in the William st. district, al? though there have recently been a num? ber of sales of property reported ?u=t cas? of th?? section, three in Front st. and a sale and resale in Gold st. by William D. Kilpatrick." There will be stations in the district on the William st. subway at Fulton and Wall sts. The Brixton Construction Company ("Edwin S. Brickner, president) has purchased from the George B. Post es? tate the four private houses on the northwest corner of 69th st. and Lex? ington av., comprising a plot 78xS0 feet, upon which will be erected an apart? ment house of the highest type. The property was held at 8200,000. In the last six months rumor has fre? quently connected the name of other prominent builder.' with this corner, for it is recognized as one of the finest locations in the immediate Park av. sec? tion available for high class apart? ments. It is opposite the new Normal Col? lege, which insures permanent south light, and will help maintain the pri? vacy and exclusiveness ot the block. On the corner of Park ?v. is the man? sion of Percy R. Pyne. From this point to the plot just purchased is an un? broken row of private houses, most of them expensively altered and all of them owned by their occupants. The Brixton Construction Company will erect two apartments on a floor, one nine rooms and three baths ami the other six rooms and three baths. The company recently sold its large apartment house in West 79th st. to Clarence Payne, of California. Stoddard ?1- Mark, as attorneys, rep? resent the buyers. The purchase was personally negotiated by L. B. Elliman, of Pease & Elliman. S. J. H. Albert has sold for the Haven Construction Company, Charles Flaum, president, to Ambrose F. Becker the two five-story apartment houses known as Drake Court and Isham Park Court, fronting 125 feet on the south side of 215th st., between Broadway and Tenth ave. The sellers acquired the site for these buildings last March from the Lawyers Title Insurance Company and immediately commenced work on the erection of the structures. They are now completed and nearly fully ten? anted, and were held at $225,000. Hillquit & Levene acted as attorneys for the buyer. Weschlcr t, Kohn rep r.-<ent?'d the seller. Frederick Brown has sold to Charles Bakal the six-story flat, on plot 40x100, at 22 and 2-1 West 100th it., 205 feet west of Central Park West. Mr. Brown bought this property last April from Harriet Cohn. Louis N. Hartog analytical chemist, has bought from the M. Reichman es? tate the five-story factory building, on plot 112.9x100, at 362 to 872 Second* ave. and 301 and 303 East 21st ?t, com? prising the northeast corner of those thoroughfares. The property is a Hamilton Fish leasehold and has fifty three years more to run. One of the stipulations In the lease is that the ! Fish estate guarantees to purchase the building at the termination of th** term. The Sterling Realty Company, Inc.. has bought through Puff ? Brown 421 East 18th ?t., a five-story tenement, on lot 25x92, near Avenue A. John J. Sullivan sold to Sadie L. Horowitz 311 East 136th ?t., a four story dwelling, lot 25x100, near Alex? ander ave. The purchaser gave in ex? change 203 West 140th ?t., a five-story flat, lot 28x99.11, adjoining the north? west corner of Seventh ?vc. FOR UNITY IN THIS STATE Effort To Re Made at Saratoga Spring? Convention Neit Week. A* the convention of the Real Estate Association, which will be held next week at Saratoga Springs, a special ef? fort will be made to secure a closer ? affiliation of the local real estate as? sociations throughout the state. Thi? has more or less already been accom* plished, in fact if not in name, through the organization ot the executive com? mittee of the a??oeiation, of which L. D. Woodworth, of Rochester; C. A. Mill?, of Syracuse; H. L. Reed, of Am? sterdam; W. J. Russell, Ten Eyck T Mosher, W. D. Bloodgood, Maximilian Morgenthau, jr., and others are mem? ber . Savings Bank Gets Loft. The Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank was yesterday the highest bidder j ror a large loft buildinr ?? 5 ?nd ' ! East 16th ?t.. which wa? ?old by Auc? tioneer Brady in the \esey at. sale? ! room in a suit brought by the bank againat Carrie M. Butler et al to re? cover a judgment o? |l<??9r?)?4 and 15,340 | in unpaid tax??. CHANGING THEIR ADDRESSES More Persona Lease Fine Dwelling House* in Popular Section?. The Hotighton Company and William E. Finn have leased for the Altson Company the four story dwelling 307 West 7?;h It t?) (?sear Arlin. Pea?? _ Elliman have leased for th? I'r.ited States Mortgage and Trust Company to John II Harper the dwelling. 17x100 feet, at ?f East 92d st.. between Madi? son and Park avs. Samuel H. Martin ha? leased for Bolton Hall the thrM story and basement dwelling ?t 107 We.t 6?d st. to Helen A. Moran. H. Fianagan ?t- Son and M. M. Hajr watd A Co. have rented the premise? 256 We?t 78th ?t. to Mr?. A. C. Key??. Porter A Co. have leaied for Hannah E Walke to Catherine Haggerty the dwelling -it 4<"4 East 185th at. Douglas L. Elliman ? Co. and Lewis B. Preston have leased for Mr?. Henry Lithmann 42 East 72d st., a four story privat? hou*e. on a lot 23x102 feet, to Walter C Hubbard, to be oc? cupied by hi? daughter, Mr?. Duncan Sterling The Brett ? Goode Company ha? leaied arartments m 29 Ea?t 48th ?t, corner of Madison av., to C. Mortimer Wilmerding, Mr?. Helen A. Wade and William Barr. Pease * Flliman have leased for Mr?. Richard Rodrigue? the dwelling. l?x 100 feet, at 220 Eaat 71?t ?t. to Dr. Charles M. Hickey; also rented an apartment in the Hereford, at 810 West 79th ?t., for W. C. Holmes to Mme. Melanie Kurt, of the Metropolitan Op? era Company, and an apartment of twelve room? and four baths in 135 West 58th ?t. to E. K. Lincoln. a , Sales at Auction. By I>? r, Brady. IITH ?T. I and T E. n ?. in \n e ttk a? 50i??. 10 at? l^f? and ?tor* t.ldg. E_tgran' si??- Ban* ait C M BuCer ??a. . for 1175.000. Bj J R M*v*r? LEXINGTON AV. ttt, n m -M SSS ?? 7* ?IllO. J s'.jr flat ar.'l ?ture?, W A i>-*?rih>ra ?l al. tru?!'-*< a*t iit??c Really A ? .-.?ta Co. to ttt piaii'U"* for WMH By Joseph P. Day OUAN? ?T. IJ. * w ent Ufayrt*. 1? i?.3 I i lrr-|. S ?ty loft hhts | i, . ,?r* ,: ?j ??t ??lallson A?er.ue Real Est?t* Ce ei. *1. ad-oun-ed ' sop.'rnVr J I2ITM ?T. 7 W. n a. 11? Il m Srh ?T. II III? 11. 3 aiy ernte: Crerman Marts Bank ??*-. Wo UliU i et al; to U?? p:*lntlff for J9.'ll 1 II7TH ?T. Ill W. n a. Ill ? ? w?d*worth a?. 1? Si?? 11. } ?ty dwlg; L Van Boakarr-k ?t al. ar?, act J A Houer It 11. U lh? plain tat? for $-,?00. By Danlat 0-**an*?ald. ESSEX ST. 85 -?!> s m rot I?'.tne*y. It I abt 87.1. J 5 sty t-nmt* *nd a'.**?" and S (ty loft sheriff'? aale of all right, tl?*. ?t.-, wbUh ??rand LXlanosy O* had on tea* if, 1915. or Samt', Retai.aky A O. ttt>s. adjoumad to Rep ? 15 j Al 3201 Third At : By James j Saetam , IJITH ST. Si" E. n ?. 0.? w Hewitt pi. StsSS 7t M <?.<l.l. : sty dwl?. Hartara Kampf lit r I. Blej-ti et ?1. to th? plaintiff for 15.000. NEW BUILDING PLANS. Manhattan. 4TH ST. n I. 351 e Us/m It. for t I |ty ?tori?T*. Slil?; eaut? B A F*y. is? Naaaau K, ammte; Fore?? Boi and Lumber Co. contractor; $1.0*? IITH AV, ? i. .5 I IT_ *?. for * I I farage. lOftilT, E 8 and J ?? Appi?' way. o?rn?r, C M Antre??. Ai West Wh ?t. an.-alte.-t. $11,000. The Bronx. OLMSTEAO AV, I s. KM n net-many a?, t ?y frame dwlg. ?li40; Wm Heinrich. SOU hlory a? owner. ?YntoD lirner, ?O'13 W**tcb*al*f a? ? Itatt; 11.509 WILKINS AV. * ?. 11? T? n M Boulnard; 1 My frarr.- sl.rl. SO ]Til0?J IT. Mary B Elan. 1130 WIlklM a? emmet %t M lx-l,. 1.1 T:e met* a?, ?r.-hi. $.'-??). PROSPECT AV. w ?. 157.33 n lUth at; 1 a'? brick aira. SOiU? J. Newai Realty Co. I'hl.'.p Watienberg. .'00 Broadway, pre?. o.,n-r? \1 \\ fei ?iandlo. 101 Trernont a? arel.I. 110.00? BAILEY AV, w . 101 -3 n U.d H . 3 ?iy brick fart,,ry. U4 Si.Vi I, Gryphon Ruht-sr ar. 1 Tr* Corp. Peyiral Jones, i Nassau it, pre?. Frank E Newman. 1133 Broa-lway. an-ht. I:? ?0? REAL ESTATF? FOR SALE OR TO LET NEW JERSEY. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS IS? MODERN on* family hoimea and chotea building lot* at private sale, a large number from whlr-h to ?elect. THK BANKING DEPARTMENT, PTATB or KsVSJ YORK, to quickly /-loa* th* bual i.- .-* of two corporation*, offer* the?.? prop ertl.-? at about 50% of former prie** They are located at Grantwood, I'allaade, Morsemer*. and I.eonla, New Jersey (op po*lte Grant'a Tomb), within tw*nty-flv? minute? of Manhattan. An Inspection af the*? propertle? will convine* you that they ar* unuaual bar ?ratea. Liberal tirina Tula Guarani** Pal cy free. For further detalla and term?, addrei* BENJ. I>. HAIOHT. 8pe-|?| li.puty 8upt. of Dank*, care of Banking L>?p?rtiu*nt. (1 Broadway, New Tork City. MAKE YOUR SAVINGS SAFE by Inveatlng your ??vtnga In our guar aataed mortgages We Inaur? real eaiai* tltl?? In Northern New Jersey ?nd Rockland County Write for Booklet H and new auto in..p .North Jeraej Title In*?-r*iic* Co., HackeaaaaCk, N J N T Rap.. lil.fcNN K CA11V?R. II B'way OWNER, leatln? city, wlsliea to dlsp?s* of pr, i, erty In fut (rowing 1 mln froa Hurr.n.U A? Tube sta'.loii, J C .* .m.ialna 13 mom?, bath and . v.tie'?, large barn, can b* u**d aa It. A.llreu G. A. t , larage. ?round, Bot I?, Tilmo*. LOSO ISLAND. GUARANTEED REAL ESTATE. ???d for our ?a:?* plan for Wn'burr ('?rdea lnu riaracte.? satlafaction to pun.iaj-? C. S. DOR WIN, Cea. Mtr., W.itkary.J-J. COSNEiTICtT. LAUREL BEACH RE?IOENTIAL PARK. MlI.F'irtn <"T (DEVON R. R STATION I The ?up**?* ?eaahtr* Raa*?*t *f N*w En|l(?l. Health? reflue,1 Clean balhtri? is, Una. safe bea.-h lleautlful 1'ark. I'rlsaU Viet. 17.000??) ?'?ment lie?, li Walk. V r l-ifnrmatloii apply to LAUREL BEACH LAND CO.. B i 1. Wllfard. Corn. . or ?Jrai.d Central Teruiir.?!. New Torki lty. tOl'NTRY PROPERTY. Cauntry M?m? I*f*ri??t1*? trt* t* pr??**??*?* ?*y. er? List i-osers flel.1 ? s.l. *>rt'?. N*. ?gent?. Set. reuntry llora? Henk-e 3? W. Iltt -A. Tal. ?Ill Ma.1 1 NFl HMSIIEO APARTMENTS TO LET ??. i -*r SIDE. REED HOUSE Broadway at 121st St. 7 room?, $900- $1200 Perfecl Scrtrlc?. OWSER ON PKEMISES. ZZ: 73 WEST 92D ST. ZZ~ PRIVATE HOUSE BLOCK. 8 Larfe Room?, $67.50 ImUMj ?.-.-?'/?t ? ..iac.' ataaal ma e ^^r?rt walk to an trarult Une? and . ? ? ? er.tral Park Aient on yremt??* ?r KEMPE.ft CO., 'gayST 2 IJ W. II*? ?t. *?? 224 W. it* ?M Slat Htree? to s:d MrM and Bro*.????j Elawai.T ami H?U Boy ?r.i e K ? -rl Ugbta Au?nmei:'? ??f 3-4-S-l R**?? *<'I smtt ft?,t, 'r.?n ?'20 to 11.2.10 p?r arm?a. E.*aNT HIDE. 27-29 Ea^ST"27TH ST. Bacheler Apar'manU ol * Boona. and JSalh: Oran Biun.hliig, sl??m he*?. ?l-K-trte light. ?mm^suSaf: FSS&BiMON at A ?o '.arg* ?t.idlo on to? Boor. with ncrii. luht tmt an*. CRUIK?HAMK COMPANY. 141 BROADWAY^ 550 PARK AVENUE. WJT T Hi.o'i* * BATH. tl.tie-Sl.1Sa. firrmriwt. all n'ght eie?*Ii.r. UNFURNISHED BOl'818 TO LET. BOKOK.II Of MANHATTAN. 16 East 75th Street t-,\u story brownslnn* Dwelling, J5sl?4 f-?r real f.jn.-.?r.?1 nr uaf.irnlalwd. for a Urea o? tatst I ???:?? light, op*? plumbing. h*rd?n>r?l Baurs freuen .1 . i. ???ii.ern hall, draanng r>x<a i (?? 1 Mia! ?.M-nmlaalaa to hroken MINTIR.N POUT I ?'I I IN?. r 246. 1 ?aal .ich M. ?r ?tlajr iuu.