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Not Rift in the Clovids?Giants, S\jperbas arv d Yankees Suffer Defeat _ I_ Now Seven Straight Defeats for Yankees Plumpness of Oscar Stanage Spoils Best Chance Wild Bills Men Have to Take Game from the Tigers. Bv JEROME BEATTY. Nt*t*v?- if Grovrr I ? ?.*?.:<?? milk had been thr catcher and Ofcar Stanape the pitcher, instead "f the other way around, Fritz Maiscl would !:a\c Holen home in thr third innine: at tho Polo (?rounds ycMerday, an?l when the ninth ended tho f-cre would have hern tied, and eventually the Yar.koes might have won. Hut ;t ?va?- Stanage, -h?rt and phimp, who caught, while the lean 8nd lanky LrOwdermilk was pitching. S?-> Fritz Mnisel was rut at the p'ate, irntl it so happened that the Tiger?; won hy a ?.core of fl to 'J. It was the seventh straight defeat for the town hoy.?-. Tyru- Cobb, who hadn't l.een hitting much, happened around in a pinch in the eighth inning when l>etn>it was one run behind. Two men were on ha*-e when Tyrus came to hat. He looked at the .??core hoard and faw that Umm two were needed at home in order to win the game. M he went and drove them in with a ?" '-> , But you're part ">sj *.. know about 1 how Mj?:f.o] didn't ?teal horn? ? I are all a-treml- ? 181 must be told why the? fact " plump. inftcHii of ?crawny, prevent?*..!] Maisel from scoring that run. Well, it Lowder milk, in the f?r?t pai? of ?hi? game, n-?? a? wild as your wife when you let 'he bathtub rur. over ? ook ? m?n up, and he- ??Vsei IVi-kinpaugh drove a liner to Yeach ar.d had ?trayed fur from ', ws bled aft?-r the catch. Baumann singled to left and stole | second. l''pp walked, : Mai ?el, and. a? far as tht? naked eya could reach, on every ha??* a With three ball? and two Hartzeil and tw-o m? runner? spi wound up. Harts? .-. grounder that Busn fumfa .?umaiin and1 Pipp ?-coif i, while Malst ?t third and Hattsel] at first I quiet reigned. Hartxell stole second. Maisel longed to ?io ;. ibbing. Miller didn't seem to be about to him home, so Ma:??'l star'- . I ? piate from third on ' Lowdermilk a and j threu the phirrp blocked the ball on the bour. . threw himself prone on the plate, 11??.?? a kid leaping on a sled at the tup if a hi!' and the bail ?eemed to be under h.m St. was th. plate, which, according to all rul? ??, Maisel ha.i to touch. M?ise| was m a quandary. tie couldn't score unles ? called Met in ar.d sent him for a crow Sat Stai ..'?? ??'? | heavily. Had ?t been ?.rover L milk, only a strip s.x inch?-? wide would bava be?-n hidden bj lying there, but covered ?1 tike a hen with one chick. Maisel decided to ?ouch that P prominent, hoping that the umpire would ? ? score. So Maiscl ?tepped on Stun -?ge's head. It hud some effect banda shot out from under nia body snd in them waa the ha!!, which ? illy had n Maisel on one Maisel was cut And that'a the way Mh.m! didn t I steal home. That i-?s the only inning in which the Yankees did any acoring, '. Mogridge, recently from D pitched rather rood baseball, an.l oe\et reak-hitting teammate? ga\e him Sew York mrade only four hit?, and or... of those waa a hit only because it !. inner. The Tiger- . run in th. ond inning and two in the eighth. The?e were the only innings in whu-.i they bunched hi* l?-ft-hander. In I, with '.in out. Crawford aini ? I right, Burns singled to left and Young ?ingled t" centre. sending Crawford Young'.? hit went at the pla'e, and hit the Del and I' *hird and Your , ond Here 1'erkinpaugh made a brilliant play that ?av.-ii Mogridge for the timo heit-.g S'anage lined to Peck, who made ? nifty catch and tagged ? r,ff ?erond. ending the Inn | Mogridge pall? which he put himsr!' ?n the Bush aingled Vitt hunted io Mogridge, who made ?. had thro? \,if\ i -.. ?'ohh. Veaeh and Crawford can in order and fail??.', to take afi\ toward bringing orne. Iti the eighth ?lie Tiger? ?on Kitva naugh battrd for Lowdermilb and gled to e. ' al ? -- th i 'l "- B double. Maiael made .? tine play in throwing oui Vitt, ! ngletl to centre, scoring Kavantiugh and Bu?h The drfra' of the Yiinkr-r under cirrumstanci ? ? than u?u?l. In the middle of Harry Sparrow announced that th.? Yankee? would play a double hiader with the \\ hite " 'unlay and double-head? the St. Lout? Browns on September 21, 22 and '-"? CLEAN SWEEP FOR BROWNS Alhletl.? Badl? Heaten in Final (?ame of Serie?. rhiUdr'.ph';.. Sept '.1 si made a cleat, ?ween of the ?crie- of tour ?ith Philadelphia bj lunr? to-day'? conteat Th? 12 to 4. Three pitcher? failed to ?t?p (hi -.ting h?f?meti. while Parks at. : did good work for the ?ardi?al? 1er made three hit?, | ?afetie? for th.? seriej I Slump Still Continues | DETROIT lA. L.) NEW YORK 'A. I_> ab r h po a e ab r h pe a e Ru?h. ss 4I2I2I Cook, rf 300100 Vltt. lb 4 00 0 1 0 Peek ?ugh. ss 3 0 0 S ?? 0 Cebb. ef 3 0 I 0 0 0 :Cree 10 0 0 0 0 V?*rh If 4 0 0 3 10 Been?, ss. 0 0 0 10 0 Crawford rf 4 I I I 0 0 Baumann. 2b 3 I 2 2 4 n Burns lb 40 1 II 0 0 Pip?, lb 1 i 0 12 0 n Young 2b 30 1 I 4 0 Mal?*., 3b 3 00 0 30 Stanai*. a 4 r. I f) 1 7 Harwell. If 300 2 00 lowd ilk. p 2 00 0 10'Krueger 100 0 0 0 ?Kavanaugh III 000 Miller, cf 300101 Oldnam. p 100 0 0 0 'Cnl?well 10 I 0 00 Alesandrr. t 2 0 0 2 I I i Mogndgr. p 3 0 1 0 0 1 Total? 34 3 8-2? If 1 Tots'? ?? 2 4 27 14 3 ?Battrd tor loa-dr-mllk In th? elgbth Inning. -Alexandi? out. nit t? batted ball. ! Balled tor P?rklnpau?h In ttt? el?bth Inning. IBatted fur Hart-ell In th? ninth Inning. 'Batted for Millar In the ninth lenlng. Detroit 0(000002 0?3 S.a. York 00200 0 00 0?2 Twoba?? nit. Bush. Stelen bases. Baumann. Conn. Ea-ned run?. Detroit. 3. Double pity?. Pecklngaugh. unaxlitrd: Vearh Young and Burn?. Lrft on ..????? N??/ York 6. Detroit. 6. Fir?.; bs?< on errors. Nr?t York. I. Baie? en ball?. o?T Mojrldgr. 2: oft Lowdermllk. 7. Hit?, oft Lo?d?rmilk 2 In 7 Inning?: ofl Oldham. 2 In 2 Inning? Strut? eut. by MogHdge. 2: bv Lo?d?r milk. 7; by Oldham. I. Umpires. Nallln an| Dlncn. Time. I ;45. FOUR IN A ROW FOR THE BOSTON RED SOX White Sn\ Lose A^ain. Chiefly Through J. Collins's Errors. Boston, Sept. 14. The Red Fox again eil .?..i their white hosed opponents to-day, winning the fourth straight game of the series with Chicago by a score of 2 to 1. Krrors decided the contest, which wai u tight pitching duel. Ruth al? lowed only two hit?, one of the*?. ? double by John Collins in the third .- following Gardner's error which ?en Murphy his hase, scored the visitors' run. It was .lohn rolling's errors that won f.,r Boston, With 'wo men out in the seventh, he allowed Blackburne's thro.v ?1 him, Wagner going to second ould ha.e been an ea-y out. ?in another throw from Benz to re? tire Hennksen, a pinch hitter, Collin? fumbled, Janvrin, who ?ar running for Wagner, racing home with the tieing run. Ruth then doubled to left, send? ing Wood, another substitute runner, ?? what proved *o be the winning tally. The score follow? : BOSTO> ?. 1. I'M!? A?,.. ?1 I al. r h i?> a e a|. r li po a e III : rf |e Ml ? I , ? . 1 , ? 14 0 1 . ... if I I ?? : 1 :i ,. I..?1- If ... 31 I..1,1,1 ? . .1 1 lus, hi i. 0 110 1 0 Hei a. p .... 0 o 1 i. 1 . ! I . . arrisa II ill . ? .it t the 1 1 . Il . .1 1 i-.? ? - ? 1 1. * 1. Rui lili? ? I a 1 IT RECRUIT FOOLS CLEVELAND Dament All?.* s Onl> Two Hit*. Sena? tors Scoring Shut-Out. Washington, Sept. 14. t'ene I'll mont, a young reeruil from Parco, NI?, made hi? bow with Washington to-day and held Cleveland to two hit? and no runs, while the r.?,me ti?im was - The Senators have wen straight from *he Indians and 'nut teen of the last lixteen L'an i Th" score follow * : WASHINGTON ? 1 HI.lll.AM. A LI ? ? i*. ? ? ?', r '. [>. ? ? l??il?rr rf I ! .' 1 ' a. lit I II I , ? n o i |- Mil? . ' ? Uran*] ' |?l I II li. I 1 1 T ' * rf Snnoo? If .2 n it | II1 II '. ,. ? ... J ? i 1 s a , \. , i ?.,,. 1 ... - : - ??? ? \\.. :- onn?a?i"i3 0 n n o n n n n .. n i ,irr tarn hit M,'.?>, Malm : .?a m ItrWIe ?? nt?, r?e:.- lili ? left Illa??iff | i IT nan . Wild ; ? ? lartei i ?apirea r*,,,...!. ? Southern Association Results. OLD CROW Keg. If. S. Fat, OtT. d RYE America's Finest Rye ii WHISKEY'! 8Y?? HAND MADE SOUK MASH I STRAIGHT PURE RYE MADE IN KENTUCKY, U. S. A H. E KIRK A CO., New York, N. Y. ! ? H h?rk>.C?-j ? ? . ?...... .. As Long as It Goes?Be Satisfied By BRIGGS Yn ' ?-?a?) s -sv '"hat yo?-; -....,.. ,,<.,. I ? ? ? ACH . % i it TLi <'*k - e*^sr ^ ?.UM - QU' I '" ;w*ct t/P^FP - / ' | Hl AR A FAir-?! -IiMKI_t'?-)C. SOt"Vlt> - ILL KUrJJt?) I? I. Qr-XRAGI AMP HAV/? -HEM ?AK? A LOOK at ?T, "BCr-orvi ?r DevfeLOPS laJfb Two Three WEEKS LaTer ,, . ? ? r-i PW iaJO?K . o mi?SmT Am' Or?? - ', a l?Ot?H JOB ...A-, tu rfePRiGI ? ???pf: J?J5T LfTA*JT |T HE MR BI-SH AMD ?UH MV MfrrU LOOK <T OU A yn-i t?* so I | v/MtsJT \| I Ta USE I ,r MTKT 1 (MOxJlriVlReP ALL SHE r"> y f "11 * 6M?6LL *?*-_?. -r,rh, lP - TMt Gt AO , ,1'CK . , ?i. A r u TThI u/1?'? ? '5 ^- r"e ^^^o , 1 B . , ???' AM i'Hf PU^" ^"^ , r . .? . ? ASf LOOS? A i > v* y^?^ Cardinals Have a Merry Time with the Rube Drive Him from Box and Send Superbas Back to Third Place in National League Race. B) "1. ???-: . ? Th* I St la-; -, Sept. 14. The St. I.ouis Cardinal* climbed aboard of Rune Mar* quard's left-handed curvei to-day and knocked him out of the box. They con- . sumed half a dozen Inning? in th? per- j formance, which in its? to little, for the Rube has been t rented roughly all season. Hut the chief point is that Brooklyn dropped into third place, back of the Boston Braves, and at this late day position counts. Con? ditions are not hopeless, however, for only one point separates the Superbai and Braves. The score here Irai 6 to 2. With the di ? afternoon Brook? lyn'? latu hope of winning the i" took leave and vanished into thin air. The Phillies have a lead of uve full games, and nothing bul S losing streak, something to which Moran'-, boys are apparently the most remote strangers, will prevent pari <.f the world's from being played in Philad? : Marquard never gol ? worst hammer? ing in all his lit'?- tl an he did in the ?:\'h frame It wa? in.-' one hit niter another ant i i the o itfl? Idei a ei e threatened heal prostration. How can one obey the summer I and keep the blood cool when s bunch of hearties? average hunters are ?lam? ming the ball all over the univers? It was bad enough to hunt down the ordi? nal-, tingle', but when the rollicking double ami festive triple were inter? mingled in h merry me'ange, the of the hall players in the summer heat may be imagined. I.arty Chene) wai next in line. He n a Tan way for s drubbing too, but he retired before the frame was over with a split Anger, which i ? tamed endeavoring to field a drive bv Hob Bescher. Il Wal Ian.'* first ap? peal.-nice on the rubber since he hurt ni?* arm ?luring a gam? in Brooklyn. W'heeser Dell, the leaning Seattle, finished the game ii style. Hut some mean citii? ? plained 'hat it was too hoi to tan any more Just then word ?a* received thai il ha?! ?nowed in Nebraska, and there was a stampede for the railroad oil The < 'a i .1 mal s Hashed another of their young pitchers, Boardman by name, and hailing from Winnipeg. He twirled with rare sk.!i and nerve thioughout Five hits were all he al? lowed, and hi., one lapse came in the fifth inning. It wa? Il the Superbas gol together for the - ? run?., scoring the ?ame on two base? on ball?, .? neatly executed doubli and Stengel'? two- bag Brooklyn ?cored in tin.? wise: Me* Carty walked and took ?econd on Mar bunt. O'Mara al?n ?\ Dauber! M i uek out Mc and O'Mara executed a double It wa? some time be'ore Prank Snyder could ris^?r?1 himself that Mr :\h- actually Tying to advance b) any unlawful mean", ami by the time he had determined that h were really no' deceiving him, Mac had h-.t the dirt and hooked the bag with lainty toe, ??'Mara, of course, mad? lily, and thei S tengel came through with a ?lr:\e ;o left for two bi Hut that lead nnd the hope I were indeed eph? n the lowing frame the big upheaval came. The score follow? 6T. LOUIS (N. L). BROOKLYN 'H. L.I. ah r h pe a ? ah r h pe a ? B??fh?r, II I I I 0 0 n O'Mara. s, . I I 0 I 4 0 Betren. Jb . 4 0 ? 4 4 (, tlaubert lh ?"Oil OH Ml!l?r. 2b .410 6 10 steng.l rf .102 I 00 ??ong r? 4 I I I u 1 t 'uttha? .*b . 4 n 0 2 10 (.ameles lh 4 I l 10 On M?rrs. rl . 4 0 2 2 I I Oslan et .411100 l,?t/ Ib 40(140 Sn,d?f. r 4 12 4 2 0 Nia** Il 105 I 00 Harnb, n 101 I 3 n McCarty. r MO 2 10 Baardr-..-, ? ni n i r, Marguard ?. 100 0 2 0 Chen?? p 0 0 0 0 10 -Hummel 10 0 0 0 0 Dell. ? 0 0 0 0 2 0 _Tatal* lit II 27 lie T*l?li .71 2 S 24 II I ?Batted t?r Che*?, m ?e??nth Inaleg. St. Lsult 0O00OI00 ??? B-eeki?e o n n o 2 ri 0 0 0?2 Ta*.bu? hits? Steaiel. I.?malet Three bate hit ? D?l*e Slalrn batet?0 Mara McCartv larned runt_Br*o?lvn. 2 SI Lcui. 5. S..r|?? ?Itv M?r,?,rd Horno,, Oauble pla.t Horn.b, Miller and (.?.?/ale, Miller and G?n/al?? Lett en bate? B'M.I,? t, H. Loul. 4 Fleet bat. en ballt-Ofl Beardman. I. Hits?0*1 Mareuard I In | |.J in? Inat ?ft Chens-, t In 2-1 Inning, eft tletl nene In 2 Innings Struck eut ? B, Marguird. 2. bv Beard. man . Time?I 5J. Umplrrs?Kleai and (mill? > H . .lai.i a 1 ???! BDI* ?.in? Hep* Ire _a Jpl.lle* Mara ?roa.-^jPr ?0 tol-a ?.?.uara. \~S\A RUDOLPH WHOLE SHOW AS CUBS BOW TO BR.WES Dick Holds Opponcnls Safe While Me Cleans Bases with Home Run. Chicago, Sept. 14. Dick Rudolph pitched Ana ball for t ht- Bravea to-day and held the Chicago Cubs safe, whii? i he himself drove in the tallies which won the game in the fourth inninix with a home run. The score \va? 7 t i I. Boston i? now in second place Two men ivere out when C'onnol:. douhled. Kgan singled and Connolly scred. Gowdy ?ingled, and Rudolph followed with a homer to left, wh>h cleared the ha??-?. La*? entier was succeeded by Stand ri.lg?. and he wm hit hard in t*-e ??ghtn inning, in which Magee'? dou? ble, a fielder's choice on Smith'? grounder, Connolly's triple and a B-?C i"' ' ?? netted three runs. Rudolph eased up in the eighth inn? ing and flood's double and Fisher's single saved the home team from .*\ , shut-out. Snodgrasa, who was ?piked by FuL er in yesterday's gam?, was in unifoit.t to-day. with his hand bandaged it : will be several days before he will be able to play. The score follows: ii.i-Ttiv ix. ui i Hicano s i. i it? r h i? ? r al' r li pa t ?> i 1 I il n Goorl, rf '. 1 . i ?. a j ? ? ' . .. 4 n i .1 ;i r, 14? I 1 ? ? s.?!,',.?.. |f 4 ft ft 1 u ft ; - ?"ll.... Sin.II,. th ;: 1 ft ., ? ' - - 111 I II . Hi), rf I 1 S 1 (. il -t'irr?. f 4 ft 1 .7 " ?' I ?t?u?. .. 1113 41 Mi ?TtllJ Sb : " I l 2 o 11 I I 11 Mm a 1 I 11 II | p. 4 1 1 B 21'i.T p 1 ft ft ft 1 u ??1 l..r ?? 1 ft ft ft n n -?a Ir dm , p 1 B .? I 1 " ?I'. i'ir.-r 1 ft ft il n 0 ::.:;. t -, . SlBITlia ?llici 1 fr>r Larrndrr In flf>h tit,tug 'Ita'-r-l 7"f .?mnir: lu* u. i loti i.. .... a a a 4 a a a a a?i 0 ft 0 II ?? " .ilftl ? M?4-rr I'..tin.ill?, tin,.I TT.rrr s?- hlti M. rail i'i ... Hi m* ru a?. - . - i . I irnr . runa lloati 7. fhu-gg... 1 Sa i." ? l.r- U . . I.I > i>'a?? l.atrnt.l. M lo >?:?.. Smith, Km? t.. Maarr larfl an teat? li ?? I ??? in man I "hi ? ? fifT I.??rn.|, r I . eft K'i it'll ph. tit S-?i. lr.ilgr. 1 lilt. .?fT |jl?r,?|-r ? * ?tat ilrl <f It t in i ll > ??? plti ? n It? Latat i?r i i v nut Hi I ... '?? Rta.1 ptn I mplf. Ilii'-r Hllir I 4'. PHILLIES KEEP WINNING Defeat Pirate? Again. Although Margin 1? C'loae. Pittsburgh, Sept. 14. The Pirate3 were again beaten by Philadelphia to? day, 'lu- seers being 4 to 3. ?de.nis was hit h?rd, and after Cra vath had sent one of his offering.? o?er the left field fence he stvc way to Hill in the third inning, who stopped the scoring t h.limer? was effective after the first The score f A Hows: mil IUI l. li !? i l-lT-r-.Hl BOH .v I. pa a I fat? f ll pn a ? h 1 1 I 1 ''?la-, ' - I . I'.. ? .. . . 4 I 1 1" ft ft l'a?l?rr? rf 4 1 I ft ? ? ll.iir? rf 111 1 ? ?i ?' ?: ? it ? a i a a i iMderil, II. 4 ? 111 . ' ?? ?I rr. a. 1 >? I 4 1 ? ? . if 4 ? ? i ? f. m..? a? j ? i i t.? r !b 11 i i t ? n?'r i ?s 4 ? i '? i a rlurm I I S ? 1 ? ? ? ? ft o 4 ? ft ? p I 0 1 I ? ? ?? ?: : ? D? I 11 ? . ? p Mft??0 a .? t I I 4 i ?1 irpi.r I ? o ? ? ? t ... lau tr I ?a . * :r ll ? Mil f |t?'r 1 f?r 11 : i ? ? ? ? | . . 1 ft ? ? ? ft ft 4 r tta .tat, i. n o n ? ? t?2 ???ii'mrr. Tf-rr. I aa? I ?? II r - , ?a. rit. r ft, Uaftirr Kt?.lr. -? ? ? t ?rr. ; ..? It?. II a 11 .. ? till ?... ?' 1 .: ? . .Ha ktpbla. ? |-ltt?t'iirf:.. I I-' ? -? ?ran T Kt?I ????? ... ofT I'tialDir'? ? ft 111 I 1 III?? 'iff .. "I II.' I.? pltrfi-? Hi III!. Ituniai S r va. l>, Mill. 3 I ?ipir ?t.-1 It.rcti Tinir I 7,1 American Association Results. t^.i..??tHa ? Kin.u ru?, i Haw ha 11 Today, ? :?o r M * T A- . ? an? ra Detroit. Polo liruund? Ad:n 50c. ? Ad?, t. Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams NATIONAL LEAGUE. I.AMI?. T?i-li\i It.,.I.m .it ( hi? mam. riiilailelpliia al l'ltl?l.iirKh KIM LTi (?i <.\Mi-> VKRTEKDAT. ?"Incliiniiti. 0; New .i.rli. .. M. I.onlh, ?| llrnokltn. ! II -'.,. t? ?In. ait;... I riiilii.lelplon I; I'll I ?.liiirac h 1. NATIONAL I.EAOI R BTAXDINO. W. I I' ? \\ la. P.C. piiiin. .?. -,?; Ait l m. iiin.iti.i??. '.o im riiMlun U ?I-.' ">?. filien?;.. ','. ?Ill .IM Un...kl? n ...M H .".ill l'Ill.l.'ri?li ?Il U .l'i:( ?t. 81 il 11! New ?..rk.liil M .191 AMERICAIN LEAGUE. ?. IM I 8 T?l-D\V. lli'lnilt ul \.? ...rl?. < llleuu'.i al lloxlon. Ht, I ,,,o. ul l'liilnrlcliilila. < ii'ielnnil ni \\aatilnttoa. KK'I'ITS ?II I.AMKS ?TUTEBDAI Detroit, :t ; Ne? .i.rk. .. II..?Ion. ! ; (In. u|?.>. I Ma-li'iiirtoii. t; ( levelanil, 0. Ht, I It; l'hilndrlphliv 4. MERK an i.i:\c.i r. manihnc?. Xi. I. IM . I \\. I.. I?.C. Ito.ton Hl? II .?" New M .4? I II.!...-.. .?Il IH .??.'ill SI. I..,ul. Il IM .!.'?: ?lion-,.. T!? M .MA < Irtriiiiiil M H.. .:<*| u.i.hi..n. ;i ".?i .3.1? riiiia. :ih n> FEDERAL LEAGUE. GAMM TO-DAY. Itr.M.kl.n ?I St. loir?. Nrnarl? al niii.ii? (It?. Itiiltiinurr ..t ritt?l>tir?-h. KI.SIITS Off OAMn Vr>TKKI?AY. VrwiirU. -.; St. lout?. ?. ?hi. a?.i. * . Il.iliuii'.rr 7. n;i?Kii\i i kali r, sT.wniMi. ll*. I. I < HI. P.C. rillab'rBh ~l at Mt Knn. ( It?, ill? ill JIB ? liiiati". .7 1 li'i .". 14 lltiff.?:?!. ,.B8 M M. I mil. 7: ?:t ..,::< Rruoklxn.,,81 Til .1*9 Newark 70 ??? ..VIO , Itjltlinor.>.,41 ?7 t.t I GIANTS AGAIN BADLY BEATEN BY CINCINNATI Schauer and Matty Hit Hard. While Kin^ Lear /Makes Good Showing B, Ta . * Ineinnati. Sept ?y ,. Tog'* Red? bo?- enem\mt\ the Giant?, aga . tnak "?r tam for ? . ? ? ? *CM? wa? 9 to 2, ai r.ati in fifth piace ir th? ?r? Us? ' h:ttit_ turn to ?top 'he ; ? ,r w; ? only one wl? Loar pitched for f'ineii eepl for the first icked hii ? i was aia -erl gL Tho fielding of lh* Giant? was mm and et ;, ?l^ ? ander and tor ? th<- box. Killil ,?e| fj_ : materially .- '.-.i- ?M R< ? ' ri'. ?fter iirni p-?). Math-*-. ??in went in and it "itting far the time be rue. Matty, however, *_ in trouble in the fifth and ?ixth ;M. ings. In tr. -, \mt run. In the sixth thre?? hit?, ?n trror and a wild pitch p Ulli? f?ll Rit'er ton?; up *he respomibiiit?/ in the ?eventh and managed to ?top th? sconnp. The Giants ?tar? ft - Lttr ti ,.' he had done something They -?id*,*; like. Hums I -ri ?*. Jt0H. ertson' ?on'' ' Mei Me, ?ho ?li<l most of fi ? natch? hit ? ??. a double play and th? didn't ?core any mor.- all afternoon. ' The v CINCINNATI IN. L. NEW YOIK (?. Li ab r h pj a as r a es t, Klillfrr. tl 4! I 2 II Our i. If 4 12 1 ?| Williams. If l n I I r> 0 1' rf a ? I ( |I 4 I 2 0 0? a i 26 II? J || Hern ? IJ ? ! ?? ?'-:.i- i? 40)11 |t Gr.'ftl.h. r( 5 I I I ? - ., h i 2 11 Mo ?IV 'tl 5 0 I 8 . ? 411 | || L-ac-n If?cf 4 1 I 100 Grant >b 101 I It W.ago c 42321 ?9 . It? R-.d?-ri. 2b 4 l 2 i 4 0 OeaJell. c 211 | Il Ltar. p 4 I 2 0 I G ?c au r. - 0 4 ? l? M .!*,'?..- ? I J ? ? Tl 0 I ? ) I (I Total? 40 0 16 27 11 i Total? ('?a<l*a?tf lai 123? a_) Mm Yir? 2 o ') .i o i i ?_| Two-na?* hi'??Rod? r- cre'i. < \m\ I Th* e-aa?r hita?Burn? KHII'i h?m r**_ Wlncio. Stolm ka**a?Deyl . W ?l : [m-j ru*??N.?? Verk. ! Cl?,cin-.a:.. J Gren. Douile ?la>??fiuJg r ???'?. i. ?l,M? o Wlnjo. Lrlt on ?a. --?? ? ? " ? C-etlaau P. Flr,t :,a, ?n ? rr-tri -.Va, Y.-? ' C e?tct 2. Hits?OfT 5 n.. r .J in .? 1-1 mm , MM ?on. fil* ) 1-3 Innlnj? RU'. , 2 l?sn ? ? ru k Ml?B) Ma .-. *s?a. I ? ?'?r. I. Mf fjl.-h?Ma:h ..on. Umplr. ? ? ,;., ci, y aal ft? Tin .11 Montreal in _v<>n Break. ri but I M ??e. ?III \ ? i o - . . : ? ! * ? ?. . liat , , . ? , ? | lit ? l ' I? h? t| i W ^^?0^^W Now, y?u listen to this nation-wide smoke news, men, because we tell * m ^9?\q??^ you P. A. will come across like it was an old friend. You'll get fond P of it on the first fire up, it's so good, and so cool, and so chummy I I bV ?, ?. ? w ???-. i . ?..m?. 1 ?fey ZnVS Tff \%\ U *53R fEStf m W W?W^15**?k*?**3? ja the national joy smoke Em?/ '*' S ?S a just let's you go-to-it all the day long without a come-back! And you JeJ/^^^^B^ E don't have to take a correspondence course in tobacco smoking to under- |T~ i i ?Cm a stand how to smoke P. A. You take-to-it, natural like! tu^M/^fi??iM m We tell you Prince Albert will put new joykinks into your palate! If f _?^*^J S you roll em, P. A. will sound a new note as to just how good the makin's m ' /Jgi\ ; ? can be! Realize that men everywhere?all fiver the world?are F ( mt{)i \ f ? smoking Prince Albert tobacco. That certainly ought to put a / / /?N 18 I m le?d-me-to-it whisper in your ear ! I I D|y / I m Prince Albert ? gold eieryuhere im toppy red bogt. Se; tidy red tint, Wc, and I Yf?j?? I \ CT in handtome puund ami liaif pound tin humidor? ; alio, m that dandy pound I V^Hf'V I H cryttal-glatt humidor with the tponge-moittener top that heaps the tob?ceo at I nr_ ^*\\Wr t ? the high point of perfection. i y&?JIOCji! /?T,'?n? ? f I R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Win.ton-Sa.em, N. C. JM^^nltZ^ I H