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fhe Marv or Team Which Makes Good Is B-eyor\d Range of the Knocker Boots and Saddles a Sad Note for Racing jrcle Beaten in Nursery Handicap and Johnny McTaggart Rides Three Winners on Last Day at Belmont Park. By HERBERT. ?-ot* an(i .??.Idles'" '? i h sail not?? to many at Belmont Park , g, -v, :f-le railed the horses to the po?t for the la?t race of .'., g aras will follow alon?? to Havre de Grace and __??- ... but for the rank ami file the racing reason ed to victory over Putts and Calls. T-??- 'a*'- ?'?'??" ^!'< stickily humid, hut the good-sized crowd did itl mfoii in enjoying the wind-up of the most success the sport was revived three years agro?suc l the highest hope? of those who have worked so hard ? on .i SScisT and saner foundation. Feelings of ?hnt the ?id had come were tempered by feelings g had prospered and that the outlook for another mteans i* , er of the Champagne ?Stakes, and rated . year, furnished the disappointment of ra third th? Nursery Handicap to the Cleve- ', . ii R. F. C?rm*n'l Achievement. ?Once more it Ml I CM '' ' ' '"e" i ."?? - : a pall ' ' ' ?un m 1 e, and con? a* Thunder - -.-... Home Br , ?light which thic ? it only 1 . a-'ter r'.ve. Frank Reni e, hi | r- e rari-s. b - Ht tl Mt in th? ? ? -? easy vi ?ce.wni ? irritd ? g-i - '?'? ??- ri It ii ?e.dor - . Kama lets *,? -.- jood ' I?- **WH>' 'ro, red by H. 1 i of tt - Re i? a v ?r_M?t_L ?:. . .... - prove ?? ? ?? e pull i too, like a hors i thre? :n sut Th? ? - leehM? fui r_b?d nothei a hor?? recent It told bes' - ibl? com ??ion. Han.. ; . Mon1 gn? bo-iph Wiib from 7? ..? Hitchcock a fe? ?ST? seo ??. . -.?tion o mixt big ng fror Mr Hi'.e Swiih rt-- : to the front a %* itart ?nd, p a hij* pr.f tu te-,-- ped fault aaly ?nd tv. Hi? -? th jus ?..". ci g? ?, : :, as th? Qnwtree St? ? ? rry Malott ?M th? tea'. tat op-.:.-.-. Still the real fault lay with Cherr; ?tat?, which, after i..ov ?-?otblj ?rot ??t th? m nner. blunder?! ?Wl? ?'. ? dge. He did no w him out o ?? Kri4-j ?ad m ?.o be con ? ? Bonny Laddie \.a*, the favorite ir red his second de 4?t t? th? ???? :. bi. v-.-e of a loos? * by : Btd? ... or thret . In the firsi ?d down and J*?'_:*(i bi? foot he ? . gain an?! ????1, ton. f...r that'.ir, ? ? ??a?fd oi th? ? .i.t at h /'???t ?? He scram . . pt his It wan _*? ?1:?? : l.v Laddie'? r-~?nah-.y ?i-it'.? Stick hnd Lee. who had 9 :*-" d on his head and wa? ff~r up ? ? He revived ',.'" ? ' ?u? necessary ?? w? *te-ru : foot or five rKt-">? Il ?i i.n his head. ! *'' from serious In T ;f t?ot f. - death. ^nny McTaj-Kart carried off the Jr**-' hoiurs ? ? inner* Ctn* " 'our mount-?. ???**P_P'" ?, ? ? nough *<?? Borax, probably the better bon? ?*>-,'"' ?econd race ?fti r ??";?? h. . practically been left at Si V ->f r <? V??ll?py for ?^??bad race of the day before, and 2v?, "? 'long Into ?econd place in btkv le r'"''' W''-'n,,y ,0 victory fcu* rT> ?!-''i;cBP. ?nCl wound 5~ *?k:r.i/ ?very post a winning on? *? * A Prime'. Kilmer in the last. ?*^*?y h?? few equals In getting a 5d?rvn?n,t *nd -n "'?' "tride *i*-'cki>'? H k bu[ r* I? not ao strong a fini?her - *?<? brother Tommy and ?everal ?*??_,? ^?i'?. hi? excellent judj-rrient "?? make? up largely for this. ???i***' by tha way, won hi? first djT01 -h* year m the laat rac?. al fc?tV. \ M b',n ??nnp?>gned ?tead 5i "? ^ ^?ning of the ?eaaon. He me " ?number of good race?, too. bb*., ! n* ?"?? ?'*?>? com? along "?* him. k^uy Fi.her-foi the son of Sain ???t*.ti?,.'j'r'' '?*"? o? ?K? won his 1 rate oat of one hundred and ELT ?t*?"t* when he beat ?orne I? b?. ',p *0Tr** ,n ?he third event ??* r"n ?t all distance? from t.v?. ???ll ?n^ * m ?' *???*? ? quarter, and 4? b-, pp**r?r'f? >? a? aound a? the ????'tu.*.*** '<"***'*?. having recovered ?*-*i_.!k a"1? th? ?'????t lamene?? ?jr ??n r't*1 h'm la?? >*??? E*1 -??'?"- i ^??i_?.* . .* U*n in th? mor"> ?'? "*?i<??l.tLalf hU ?*??? ? ?-ecord f.'w C,M?iLbl 'n ?hoard for Havre d? ~?" ??rning. Rest Well Earned For These Horses M.>?t of the hnr?M which hare heea raring here have been ?hipped lo the Mar.? land trn.ks btsl n number ?rill ?-o nit? retirement. In? Iii.IIiik s.|it?rp?liootrr and Vlm-phor. ????Inn 1er L. Vwrinti. ?aid vratrrdriy t hnt hi? tara three-? enr-old? have ??rll earned a reat rho?phor hu? ?vim eisM race* out of eleven ?tart?, heinic aeeond oner, third once, and once unplaced. *>liarp?hooter ?ira? nul M fortunate hut while he ma? unplaced only once In ?en ?tari?, he hud to be content ?en erallv with second and thlr.1 money, aa he put only one purae to hi? credit. II? wa? auiai? running with the beat, how? ever, ao that hla record waa a gimcl one. Entries for To-day at Havre de Grace' '.til T" ? ? -r? j?.- r.: U gr,a upward. . ? i - . -it? Wl T ?a r*:e?l . IK hi-, Uej . in? ? 17 !> Ortn? :: 'Briti fai!) . 107' ?Foruni : * ailier Sinon I ? A.-Inn . a ........... 11 Lona rallo? .ljo ? -naad? l'H ".?irllirr . tja.-.d Marih ', I I . -- . '.;: ?trjrfiet . A!a Anne .... si ro.VT' RACE?Ft -*.r?e y??r Old? ar.d npwarC. ??rrv.. ? ??? ?- f . .i?" ai ??i (fotrtwrly Fro -. Trad?) .137 IS! : '.a Back ttiaal ... 157 it?,?*'?ili . ...'?? I ' .- ? ' : ? - r , . two-yasr-old?; oon.?!t ? Rae B 111 Pn-'!? rarrla .Ill '. -, I ?' Tr*rid . H ? ?not .114 '?ora 111 I '.? *?!?'t . Ill : i ? . :? t; ?'.: - -ni i 114 Wizard.11? i "' KTH rXAiT. F-r ?: -? >-arr.M? ara up-??"!. ?. -> ' - .. ? ?? *'.: W J-.?1?.I?W .. I"? Li/It Tar??? ... .101 - o.102 Yv.kie N"f.l"n* ! . '?* * >liunt fir^n . PI? - ?.. . ?? ? -r .Ill '?; Ru . ? ??> 119 -Mov ????:!? . lOi - ?. ' P ? ?i?'? yeir-olfli; ?e'.llr.i: f<? furlon?!. v.^n :?? : " T. - v.. iOeU . ,.]*t - let -.?.-,: IOS I ? I,'- i? . Ill '. : Important . 101 !.. ?}' n?iman ... 101 [?mm 12 ?fOrfla . I r?o .loi . ...... 1 . ill '.?.:? . ar Ml? fand upwa-ii. ' : i. one mir and -r?mtjr ??rd? T. *.'? I)-.- ?Id : . Bl ? , - Doufherty ... I"?. ? ; . 1 ?"- Karl of ??. " *1 ai>.IM . ?I')??? pr-'n I? a:>war.r? claimed ?"-Ten -yr-1? ined Standing of Clubs in the International OaVMBBl 1-0-DAY. Wewarl? at Montreal 1. r?r. ? It) at I'...- !.. .1. . I-...? .ilrii,.- h( HurTal -. It . at T. r..i,t? RP*?I'1.T? OB* OABTn l hM'r.KHAY. Buffalo. 8? IToil.l. nee, S. I'ro? tdeuce, 8; Huilai.?, 1. Korhe?trr, ?I; .leraej (It;. 4. Rucliealer. ', ; ,ler?ey ( Ity. B. Uoutnol. B| liarrlal.tirg,, 1. Ilarrlalnirv. 18, ?lontrrul. ?I. T'oroulu. I( III? hm,.ml. B. Tornni.. 5; Hi. I.mond, S. or \m?i.n?, ?>i u UM, IV. !.. P ? IV. 1 . !*.( . Proa-td'e ?3 47 ?44 M..n?renl HI ?S .4H.1 B?iffalo. .?3 48 .o:.l llar'?b'f..SB 11 .451? Toronto. Pfl ?. .40?. Kirhm' i M? .? .42. Koehter 14 81 4?t> .ler'y ? It? 4? St .?'10 SKEETERS LOSE TWO TO THE HUSTLERS Rochester Comts from Behind with Rush to Win First Game. Roehcsttr, N. Y.. Sept 11, Rochester ?un a ilouble-hi i tu tiny from th? aneeU-r?, the ?cores bsitlg C to 4 and 7 to 6. Sherman, Jersey City's p.tchei was hit hard In tl a list (?ame. Aided by, the Hustlers piled up run? in the eighth Inning und turned irhat looked like certain defeat into a victory. Erickion wag on the firinar lino for Rochester, and the Sheet? is t?.ok kindly s him up to the sixth inning) srathar liiK f. ui runs, but after that they wert ? to do anything with him. FIRST OAMB. Rf?Cl!I?Tl;-.K il. I?) ?JhKnliY tlTY (J I. u . abrhpoas Clemen?, of ?'? ? -tell, a? .. ? 1 I 111 ! Flrz rf ? ? ' ?I .. 4 " i 0 1 J Zim'm-Ln.if 811 1 " u I irry. lb.... 4 .' ?.' 11 I 1 , |] oik? it? ?is ? 3 ? Caih?, cf.. ti : 5 i o ? Beetty, St.. III 01 ??dale, lb i 11 1 4 0 ! '.?t b 110 411 .hi lea, If ? -31 o? i Star's??, s? 4 .if' ? 3 C MennlDB. rf. 4^0 101 ..:??. .i c. 3.1 430 .linn. ?. t ?Walkei H?rch? v. 00? ? ? ????"?r ... 100 . ?....tlOlirit : Total?.. .11 4 U 24II 4 ?Batted trw rl'errr.ann In th? l?Bth 1:,n!r.? ?..the- ninth li nil g Bochetirr . 0 ? t t 0 1 0 6 X?? City 0 10 0 2 10 0 0?1 , Innlim? IH'-.r.-l 7? Fhrrniari-T 1-S: ly Outi-h?r. ??- | Hei . - 1 V.'M oft Ht.?rR,?n 1" Cnl. . ? . atrl - ? ,1 Hareh? 1. Kur? Brli,.? n. 4: Hrr 7.? i -. j..- ? alii "T Bhermaa, l; Crutebri .-?i let It' Il> f?'ifrr..ii:.. . ? -? j -?? ? i> Threat???? h!???Clem : l'urtell. Pert', f.- hit? Truodalc nolM 1 ??fi?Hoik?. -.:?j? Pintail to riarrj. i ?'her to Purtell to Barn First ba.? on rfTi.r?J?r?i>y C'l'j. !t !,.-j'?r. . ??a???--Jener Cltr, 6. Rochcat?. f. I'm plrr.? i; ?-? - -.- r- !? . . lUXr- 1 M BS> OND OAMli. P.rirHKr'lfCH (I U). JERSaTT C1TT tl. la.) ?brti t ?.e ?brnpoa? Clifi.mi. cf 60 1 100 lut-.ell SB.. 611 110 Hez -.'.. ,001 ? ' B IBS, 3b. 6 0 1 S 2 0 ; ?n.lf 31 J :0C Hurry, lb... ?1 011 ? 0 ' rtu-ter. of... I 1I % 91 lb. lit 1 . '"'"rn.erl.-ilt.2h ?21 1 1 0 : 10 2 1 1 0 Imr?ea. It .. i I 2 I .. 11 111 M -' ' ??'-'?400611 Wa')cer.e.2b ? 1 ? S ! p 4 0 0 0 6 0 -. 10 0 0 9 Walker, lb 13 0 310 r?lermo. p. 0 0 0 0)0 To'al?... S?*14 27l7> 2 T.Mal?.84 ? ??imi ' ?Two out when ??Inning run ?til mada. H ???-: . 0 2 0 0 4 10 1 1?T Jarte} Ott . 10302006 o?? I r'.it-hwj?Huenke. 0; r?)Tirr'>. 1. itlta? - i', Paltaere, I aun*?OS niMBss. 4: r?:mrr-' 0 First laae r.n (??:'.? Oft Tluinlt?. 3; I ? Pfni' k mil :t Huaoka, ' Ver'.-i'ii. T-.o-t??? hit? Vtm. Hoik?" T??'.i, hit r"?'*T Pi-rlfl-* hlt? It.i-:y. ? ' ? . 1 r ' 7 ?. Tm??- , ??1?. T-?fr???-.r. f.teTmi'.n pilyl T-agr'?? r to V "rtl fin.? 1??? if .-? ri -? I I/rft en h?"j - ? I'mr/r'-i -Bn??-r, ?nd ' NEWARK FEDS MAKE TWENTY-ONE HITS [Bj T-'.-Krarh la The Tribune J 8t Louis, Sept. 14. -The Newark Feder.-il? made no fewer than twenty one hits off the delivery of Plank, Crandall and Pnvenport here thl? nt tarnoon, yet they were hnrd pre?f?ei1 to win fron the Fielder? hy a Fcore of 7 to 6. Moreover, the visitor? counted five douhles in their quota of ?afetie?. but they were clumsier than Charley Chaplin In their efforts to run the hn?e-?. , Fo ludicrous were the attempt? of the N'e'.vnrk men on the line? that they came down to the ?eventh a run in the ruck. It wa? then that thev tied , the Fcore, and in the ninth Rouach ?In- ! gird, stole second and made the rest of the trip on a double by Jimmy Esmond. The Tribune Racing Chart BELMONT PARK, TUESDAY, SEPTF-MBER 14. wr.A-niF.n ci.r.AR; track fast. rirtST IUC1 9* '.'? fo* ?wo rett'tUIti I5?0 added; ?alu? to wtnn*r. W?i Fl?? and a half furloi,**. . ? a-.i. Al i**! . n.'.:ai.?. .iff at '? P'< Har'. |i?1. ?'ii hand!.y : pl?ca easily. Tim?. 10? Win ' Ball? Mr.rir Owner p??-!a- 1 I KM |*j I ? Slarter I Mali ,-i ri'.ar l cr-.iirt I i iel : ii" :ii Wli.: m enlatrrd tar He*; r.o hid Tl'iijamin had th* ap-r-1 of bit ?sld ami ran to his best form Ma1 ftm i"jtna tur l.a'f a sail* mad* op aom? ?naiad ui kn puniabia*?? tut could MM? tel to th? winner ? '? Cl.ulr* ran a dull ra. a li RACK?aVlllrif : for three -?a: Off at i A: Stan bwkj for til bul r-am HUcli nor. <-h ( . 4. try Peter Qn'r.r? Il-ntta trlpmh for three jeer old? arid upward: t">0 kitted; ?a'-ie I ? ? *? 1 I M -. rttttea out. plao? ?a.r.y. Tun?. 1.41 ? 1. Witt* fraliMr, M. tahn. -i - ? BlfU. l'lii?e J .1 ?rkf;-. J M,'Ta?art I.?.- M Maitl.?-w* .... M K, ? ..? ('?mi/bell i ?am* 4 1 I ' f 1 ? 5 ? '. ?I i 3 t M ? ? ? I , Md Ben laluliir-?. %hntS off 11 i?l'a a! t,?-a1 of et:rt<-h, tut w?a llrl' i ?I , i ?:i .,ui ?o ??!? l?,,ra? waa rumia* ,?. ?ft?: ?torain* nal of ?. ?.. Iir)?:, TIupi riot? l ? I it cap bul bun? in ???'? ' auaarth. "?a. ?u k prarUrall* kn ai ii,? r--' Ku*IU had a* atsmmm TMIKIi I I ? for ihre? year olila ar ,1 11***aid; ISM a :!,?!, ?alu? ?.. ?Tino**, At p.oi I ml- ? "> " ?? '?' fl?rt f""d WW ?UliV. - li *?>'! ti a?lu App..! Owner, }. K I'onn. Tallar. X. IV llrff: rr li Napl-r ipo*' an. m. .1 1 US a 1011 lo; m 4 I* V sir -.? P, 1?* V Jork***, tiarlea ... ? lai Qarti ?i HUI II ?a?na ??pen I 2.3 Bctttnt lltih. C?o**. P ? 12 1 : I? M ? ?tit*r*d for MM; Ha MA, O?! rislur rai mi Lia 11- 1 s ( I r. a0 ... 4 e '? 5 11*545 ri the etretrh and mat ?aatly t-est. K'.n? ui '?.*'>? *ti,*?.,l ?.?r..-? I anilina?il *'??' thee tetmns un pao* bui t oa JuM Ion? *n?u(h la a??* th? lirait,..??, prtiuabl .an hla raa?. Oda ?t.>l>p*.l t.adly ?ftrr llwlli? a ??eh of oarl) ?peed ai.,1 ?ras fl.fl up FOIJ'TH RAO? Bis f Tun? I-?? TH RAO". M'aMKRT JlaVNUK'Al'. for two rear o?da. Il 500 *i,ara Mtrl valu? to winner ll.?M . fiarlo aa atr-1?i.l Al po*t ?s aalr-ut?*. off at 4 1| Si?rt foM Waa r|.1 :?i. out. plan UfflM lot 1 l?i ' ?'? ''? " ? v'> ''?"'< ettttAtt ?rmtmtt a. Owner. l'lc*i>:?i .1 Ht?i.e Trai:.?r F Stimm -?' A. i,le??m->nt ? ?. Chant _ Water?-??*? IT Pos' Wt.IBl. i H H ;>, 1 1' M Vr h-- ? J.- I'? ...?-a Hj-rb ? . .f I- ,-e -1 J M Ta??art l!ur.Ii,??!,:? i : 3i 4 5 ? c s : ?.T.U ?. -?lOi ? irull In th* w?l?hi?._ ahc--?k ?f? dl uppo?tit'>n al lait f.jrionf pol* and rame awa? drrorlr ichle?*??.!. ? S**? ror.ier.drr mmt ut Ui?. ?.?>. \>"'y'"\ ' '?'?'? ,'? ? hard Jrl?. Uttar. ur.d. r th? whip ear!. r*ould not r?.,re.1? tl>? M?H U?? I ? IM ?nd upward 11 ?O? ""?art food ^^o: . n ?r Harry L* rimi HACB--COKINTHIAN HTKKI'I.F.CIIASr H A Mil'AP for Ihre* >?ar o d* and I adlet tt'.u* k, ?__? IUI?. AN-ut tw-, o.l.M At Ml ? mln.ilra. ..(T al ? JT. <?l oui d;?<*? eaail? Tim?. 4 lo. Wt-iMr. b. f. ???xi h? M?. ?- ti U Tmu O? fral-.M J K Frajlln? I - k?r . Tlllie ?, O I- i??er? ll?a,larsr*n ?au?! II??- ra li- , I? II h?Uh f?t.o--d wall and had o* bla 0?!d K?lii-.h w** runnlru* or, after twin? tararon , loiu.dini lui tun, tVrry MaUKte pt-h?Ms 'mi *t th* wel?hU. I u! ?tuti.l,.ed Ulm frac. ? .. avered up lo Ib* w1nn?r. Bonn)'ll* ?uff. rad a .o.??? rtJ? ai, I e.:\ do t??(ier ?IXTH HAi-t For ?aide, a all ?-~?. MM ?dded. ?a At p.*' 1 n^ me. off ?t S 05 ??'art ?;-o'. a.. 1. tw Pl*_Mt???i"***li-? ?>?n?r. a lo winner. MOO ?Is aid a half furlongs, main Won ra?U> pla?* lam*. Tluie. ! .'. W1 -: , -. Prim*. Tr*li.?r, \v S ??.I? Kl.DMC . . Puu and Call*.. ??rd,-? \lf1r ?ai Wt.[m. H_"a> ? "Ire Mr -' IL I ior|--ji ]1 MrTatian .Clemei.t Olwn aV_B*r rttei right u. Uvs frur.t *i.d waa MTU '? ?? fc_ (t-U La-i, bal* laklli ?*i^?_. _--*?*_. ? l?U , ?u?h r .'? and Calle Hit'. 1 ' ? ?- f??*-*.. M \portli & Granllan?Rice Reverie? of a New York Fan. Sometime* I think 'he ?M??Vy Phil.? WZ vin; And then, again, I think the Brwtm will heat i But through it all I tontekow manage gfill To eleep and eat. M here art, you auk. the thrills of yettirryear? The good old thrill? for baeehall thill and urirncet f.ff-irr yon oak again I pray you thi?: Look at them (linn*.. ? Hl'MPTY. Proving Something?and Nothing. D"*f Sir: A great deal ha? been written about the driving type of manager. Doesn't the ftict that Pat Muran, who isn't a driver, ha. hi? team in fir.t place, while Mc?raw and Herzog, h?rd taskmasters, are at the foot, prove that, after all, men are more eaally led than driven? Q. l F. Sometime? we doubt very much whethar anything provea anything in ?port., Or whether nothing won't prove anything, or anything will prove nothintr. Fat Moran, an easy, likeable leader, has the Fhillie? in front. Hut the hardest dm er in the game, George Ktallinirs, won a world t-erie? last year,, and is Moran's hardest rival this fall. Al?o, while McGraw, a hard driver, is down at the foot, Connie Mack, of the opposite type, is not only at the foot, hut jammed tightly into the heel within close danger of going on through. You have Moran and Mack on one aide against Stalling? and McGraw on the other. And Stalling? and McGraw have won the last four N. L. pennants, while the main deeorations of Mr. Mack's house are ?aid to be gonfalon? of varioua vintages, barring only the 1915 model. Which Proves What? Some of the best manatrer? we have ever seen In ba?eball were of the Moran-M?ek type. And others, fully as good, were of the opposite mould. Which proves that there Is no ?et recipe to travel by. The main idea is toi get the best work out of the men-to keep them on the Jump?and both the Systems of Moran and Stagings can accomplish this when opernted by a, Moran or a Stalling?. It i? merely a matter of managerial knack, magnetism or? power, which radiate? from different source?. Yes, It's Tough. Said Packey to Mike?as the kale he crumphd? "We've certainly earned thi.i dough; I might have had my hair all rutnpled? And you might have eprained a toe," Said Mike to Packey: "We've earned the price With a few bills or er due; You nearly hit me once or twice? And I nearly hit you, too." The Brave? needed a miracle to win last ?ea?on, and pretty eoon all they will need to win thi? ??ason will be ten ton? of dynamite and fourteen ?iege guns. "If Packey and Mike can get the money, why not?" a?ks I'.ufus. We'll be the goat--what's the snsw?rT Crawford Vs. Cravath. Those two ancient sluggim? rivals, Sam Crawford and Gabby Cravath, are still at it. Each is the long distance clouter of hi? circuit, and at the present writing Cravath leads Crawford by ninety-eight extra bases, airninst eighty-five for Wahoo Sam. Crawford's total output ot bases i? 258, against 221 for the hard smiting Qusker. Cravath is a grand free-swinging hitter -an eminent handler of the wooden mace. But as good as he is, we doubt that he is quite ss far up the Slugging Heights as Crawford I?. Cravath'? margin of extra bases come? In his home run total, and a goodly portion of these four-sacker? has resulted from short fence barricades. Crawford, with all hi? slugging ability, ha? belted only four home runs in American League parks, while Cravath has piled up twenty-one. So here Is a margin of ?.ixty-eight extra ba?e? provided for Gabby by the home run route, where he had ?horter fences to five at. Maxims of the Nineteenth Hole. To-day thou shalt hit them opon (he nozzle, straight and far, and ?hall deem your form Is fixed. Hut to-morrow thy caddie ?hall follow thee with a ?oar heart and a lurid eye a? he zigzags his way from pit to banker and from bunker back to pit. The pendulum is taking Its allotted course. A? baseball sag? a trifle In the middle, racing take? a brace that puts it within an ea?y half length of the days when the Sport of Kings was something else beside feeding human flesh to cannon. These European war scare? are blighting things upon the market. Cobb, preferred, that lately sold st .403, Is now quoted st .372. Look? like a first class buy at thi? price. College Men Begin Fight for Lawn Tennis Title Williams and Beekman Wi Matches, but Hunter Goes Down to Defeat at the Hands of Caner. [B? Te'.eiraph to Tti? Tribuna] Philadelphia, Sept. 14. The thirtj ?eventh annual lawn tenni? tourni ment for the intercollegiate champior .?.hip begun to-day on the turf court? o tho Merion Cricket (Muh at Haverfor. with twenty-two plaver^ entered in th sinj-le?. George >fyerH Church, th present champion, graduated fron Princeton University lust spruiK' an will not defend his title. H. N'orris William?, -.1. at Harvard former hobier of the national and in t?rcoll?giat? titles, went through -h? t'ir.?t round by default, Douglas Wat tors, of New Orleans, who was drawr against him, failing to ?how up. Ir the ?econd round William? defeat. 1 K C Kennedv. Pennsylvania, by a ?cor? of 6 2, 6 -a. Leonard Beekman, of Princeton, won hi? opening match from F. Hopkin?, ol Yale, by a ?cora of 0 I, 8 4. Beek? man outateadied hi* opponent and made use of a clever change of pace in paining his point?. In the next roun?! he defeated F S. PfafTman, Harvard, at 2 6, I 1, 6 0 Frank Hunter, of Cornell, defeated Har.ilJ Harvey, of Princeton, at ? 4. 6 4 The Cantil student ripped hi? terrific forehand drive? through Harvey's i-ourt and wa? deadly when the ball came to him overhead, crashing his returns into the i pposite court for ?ensational "kills." Hut in the next round Hunter went down before G. Colket Caner, Harvard, at 6?4, tV-2. Caner overwhelmed P. Larmon, of Dartmouth, in the first round, winning at 6-1, 6 '1. Caner's ?enrice was severe enough to allow hi.n to gain th. net easily, and once there, hi? great reach made it difficult for Larmon to pass him. ? ? summaries follow: Klrst nninil , elnale? H N 1-1*le ?v..llame fiar ?ar I ? n frxno f-uua'aa W?iura. New iir.eatia. ? .all I iai,a llunlor. (?onMll. d*-feat-?l llamil liarse? Prtn,et*. ? 4. ?~-4 li ?' i'*n*r. Harrird. d?***t*4 P lasnr.,_. Iiinm ?nh ??I. ?4-1 la-"..?.- 1 tW?rae-i. I'lino-rL-n. defear?! IlopAlna. T* ? ?. ? i J e Vfaffican Harrard. won froi* IL Iaarmo-i Dar-m'-uin t.? lietau'.: William l?etr'.! de*Mi*l E M Edward. Penn?v;??.-ila ? * ? I -K ?ni-rer |.?rmouth >f?? ? 1 lu??r im ...... ,. ? ? i ,-. ? . w. ,. | . (?atad Mm?, i'e?'i*.'.la K J ?-?. h,-wa:.'.,ia. d'fralr I Jo.-?a l'a~.t*. utU, ? ?4 . a?.. l_ffaju , ? - - ,-, o.fnia.? . _ . !*_, i 9 7 ? -S. Wl.'llami. IlariarJ. d?/-?trl Kennedy, Penniylranl?, ? .. ., I: I ?.or lu.-nrJ dafeat? 1 lli-r ?-nrrrll. o?4, 0-2. BwVrtii'i, Prive* defeated If?i'i'i?. tU:,'.r.< | >: ? -1. ? 'i. Ha-, 1 Hamid. .lrfc?t*d B'alr, Cornell. ? -4. 4 ?. ' HARVARD FOOTBALL MEN TAKE IT EASY - Intense Heat Prevents Hard Drill on Crimson Gridiron. [By Tr!e?raph to Th? Trlhana.] Cambridge, Mas*. , Sept. 14.- The Harvard football player? were able to do little work to-day, becaiwe of the intense heat, although there was prac? tice both in thu morning and after? noon. The day was ?pent on rudi t-i'-fital?, the line-aaea working on Har? vard'? shift and the back?? on easy plays. In the afternoon the eharfiag machine wa? pressed into service. Percy Haughton ?pent most of hi? time with the kicker?, and early in the afternoon pave a lor.g lecture on falling on the ball and tackling. I). J. Wallace, iaat year'? centre rush, wa? the most prominent of the four newcomer? to-day, but the question of hi? being eligible ha? not been settled. Hanforth Miller, a good halfback lait year until he wa? hurt, was another welcome addition. ? riiisT i.ami: At Buffalo Ft H E. B'iffi oteoaaiti ?s ? . ?aoiaeeoi ?? li"..-i> ..i? a . ' -a and Caaa*. | HfdMi (At SHI frr-itliciia . ? t ? 1 ? ? 4 S? S 11 1 I 1. - ?O????? 1?I f 2 . ? ~i !?.-?? eaa I B?:*?ti?-? Or- . - a-id htiaj : Bad?.. BSSSSS ai 1 "i i ' Toronto Twice Victor. ?I!.?..- i.AME A- R H t. I M 1 I I 1 I Hill . oaeea?to ?y-? i i < BeAUabm M Ti?j? ?j 1 K"t.?r. Jarman ?n<f *ft?rrne). SECOND GAME r n p. n????f)i9 7 i it- ,,mtt.i ? ? ? * ? s 0?I ; i (l?????n tnntr.f? ! . tgreei !t?ita?-lra HerUrt ?ad Krly. lira.? and i- i ??fela*. STRAIGHT HEAT VICTORIES RULE AT STATE FAIR Single 0. Easy Winner In Onondaga Pace?Almah Takes First in Trot. Syracuse, Sept. 14. Straight he?t vic? tories ruled at the Grand Circuit meet? ing this afternoon, not a race goln,* beyond the regular limit. Single G. ?cored an easy triumnh in the Onor. - daga 2:07 pace, sending * field of four -it ? i '? ? down to defeat. | ? .enter drove .?.Imah t^ victory in the 2:19 trot agatnat eleven atarters. Idorn Worth) im'.?- Almah a stern chase in the fir.?* two hea's. but fell short or. each occasion coming dtywn th? homestretch. Cox won handily in the 2:0.'. trot, piloting Margaret Druien across the lin? to win easily,? with Joom eloM up. RythnMll was never a con? tender. The M? s'ina Springs Sweepstake?) for ?wo-ycar-old trotters was won by Stin !nrh" Revelry t'.r.lshed ahead of the field in the final heat, but the Judges ruled against him on the ground ?' he rnn part of the distance. The three yenr-old division was captured by Spier, capably hnndled by Ernest Whit?. Th? summarv follow?! _ lO.MIXA RPRIXCII IiRIVLV? CrJ.trB ?"TEH? i ..It TWO ?K.VH '>T.n TRCTm:*. TT.RBB?1'1'RSF.. 11.4M (?RUT HKAT Ho*; P?H*r, b. a ?Crt-un-anl .....,,? ?*'? T.n,. I U?? * ???*. ? i?H iTU'TTTNti- -t 04 CLAr* ni?? IN ?IVE-i pnH i. Manar? Unitan, It ra., IVer ttw Oraat ifti 1 I ] Anat. V at M ? -v.- ill Rythim 1. talk w. ? ?ri?> I ' Tiro?. : MH. I f\ I ???* Gibbons Will Box Meara. Word ????i received front New Or-ea?t last n.ght that Mike G.bbor.?. the at Paul middleweight, ?nd Young A ream, of thi? city, had egreei to box ftft??n rounds lr f.ew OrJear.? .Jnr'n-f the ?*c or,d weelc !n Jsrn?ry. ST.? K ? TW ?! MONDAT ?ah?b?Mia* Bur.*?*-?* rktt_M?i'r!.'!?.'!!.'...! ijonesi R,f r'nirrn Rr-r'.r?, bk c 'Whit. IV-or'? Prld* h a , n r*.?-?) . Iaffri Mm rTopklni . Uoncrua. b f iMVrn^r?,. 1_w* 2 :<".. t u%. i ni. TUT- OM.NI.Ai.A PACDCO?I? a,A<4< HKAT 1'I.AN I'l It-'F. K.i-.rjd f*ln?le O . r, ?. Ill ?mull Will?? US ?I? fir;. 'Gosneli .I 1 ? : s (M D'jr-.e'll . 1 2 'il*, h. f rwHphyl. 3 3 Al S* liai. h. ta. (Rr.thiiinl . 4 ,!r Praal l'a'-h. :,r ? [Cot? . ' ' - l'.VIXO?1:11 CLAr.fl- TURF.E 17* FIVE Hl'ATS n u_ r.inx). ?"'arr.?'.1a. b. n.. ?".immer (OmI Patrl-k M.. Wk e mtoke?) P-ter ?., b. | (Ora!.' . ] ?- l'a' -'-.en, b. g I Jnr.-*|1...... Pain fi?1, i, k ra M I'li-ironi.. I'rr*?t"!lt*.. b m l(-***r? EU-.!.?. .T 11. t t '??artl.nn) fun* Prrxt ', m .H'.t.n?i*-]> . ? ! ft . . dl? Tim- 2 Mil, 2 01-4, f 07^4. TBOTTTIlf'--MlaS*iI.VA HPRI.viis pRlVTNO (MB i'*"l r*l Ai:i:s mil KEVIN--T??-? OI.Di ? PCKI-E |?? . Bii-It* fp'.er, h!k t.. Plrectum 8pl?r? Tu'.ora HMilt?) Manda, b. e ? '.tf-ner) ["???-'.n Hi!o. h!k e Fiamoor. br. h. (Jones) Time. ntOTTIN???2 IS .1.A-- 'IIIIKR IN PTJKaTB I1.IM Almah. br m . ?a: Kr?. *-**? I,a?t rCafDfat*"-) I ' r. ?>' . b ?a R '. . v . 3 a . '-- Orar, b n, (Co* .,. 8 ? ?? *n .m . . kii.i lialilni, b. s (J. Dlckmon) . 5 roily T. b m. 'Harri' i 1 OnwaM F'.rt-i. b. h ?M'irphr). t Dam? Dai.Ter. h m. iflrsilr) . { A ' '?' ??' ' rr i f. C. w., b. ? r . it'i.ia. m h. (UaDovall) .??t