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GUARANTEE Your Monev Back If You Want It. s-., I <-??lori?l P-if-?, First Column. Nm D<rrk ftrtbtme WEATHER FAT? TO-OAT A"*I> TOMORROW. I .-???> ? l'i-i,?n-ii'< 1 * II IS I foil r?i~ -I en Pa?? II. First to Last?the Truth : New? - Editorials - Advertisements VoL I XXV. \o. 25,148. |? <.|i<rl?hl. 1117.. II? 1 be Inl.ilir \??,Hl?llon ) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1015. ? ? PRICE ONE CENT to I My et ?tem York, trmmrm. ietee? CUT ?And nettetmm, I 1 -I ??III HI TWO ( r.M??. B?LGAR NEUTRALITY PLEDGED TO T?RKEY; GREEK CHIEFS CONFER .a _ _ Sofia Masses Troo and Pre parcs Wa Measures ATHENS READY FOR DECISIC Kin.?: Calls in Venlzelos Rumania Is Still Wavering. BERLIN I \LkSOFPA( saw New Balkan Agreement in Pr sped Whole Sorb Front shelled. - . - While the G - a ? ' till ? y is b? ? the w\ ? ' i r. iitip; way for the '01 awa.:? ward Turkey, t Ba'.ka* ?' in a ferment. M. ? the Bulgarl ? il to hi-? bu ( a convent] with ? future mm - .trality on t i "Tha Time :.h. .lent of "Tl all authenl inforn ': ? .'.irm poin thst as ral ins have en havfl heen issui ? rnment tin ill rail a hi rever foui muft ? mediately ai nment use. llea\ i kitchens pa-5si rh I'hillipopolis I ava leen recullt -. : assertions fro: Bulca: bat Um mohilizatio ?rposes of "arme don now helievc :;.- |o throw in he Power?. Th tjie crisis ar ?-, rec-tr of t'r ri? h nil m der'.; . ition of he trexv. '? sumnione U> r , ? ? . the ? ? ral staff o ? ?' lier suiise que * -sting "f the rah irrt. activity prevail am'.- ? '' ' ' Th<- Brit minister Thi Veniwloi patch? ntly. ? i m witl the "Thi Daily St . that there art frc.i* ? ( that the Cab Irn, ;. ? -..?.<? tarda*! wai er.jra, - con?iderationi Vising the war and in par luxation in Bui rsria. I ?itiilnn 1? \ ?founded. ? ruck l.ondor > Tri?* itf'?-r SSoi , frainetl fron? ?,r\,\ nr-dtr-al ? rations, com luslons from ? n?. a? "B?!',..- arould be none the ? ,.? md rrpnrdeti h preliminary vic? tory f?| -, or merely tsotrirr ? - .tin. ?' . I Hul(ri?rie has ????Ufe- -'.r? that Kumsnla temaln nein?! ' ? ??"??et- say thnt no word ?-?? sees i. * ? BsobllitMl nsnet ? Romania, nor ura (r**rf ?? \ . that Hulirarla's ?ttioi ?? necessarily lead to a n*en ,r?' '. ? ? Balkaae, The be iti well tnformed "?srt?r?. thai Rumania n' leant will ft*?tn sjniel ai .i ths possibility of Gr**?>. Rumania and Unfurl? rrach *r a- . Talk .,f ItappriN-hrment. A/ Zeiten?- an *r information r?nj Hti!.?r ai Hag to eon? ."" ?-!* it says that the mtuation ' bnlkans Is elaariag satlsfnetwri? J? *-r.d ?)?. Bulgaria'B nttituile la not Th, , ' ?tn.i.1 t,*tr| "' r?ii"t.'i ?it;n,t between the soc,/' a * CZ?R p*'ct' Teleicram >*? Cttrngr, SB that Sarbia not ?in? tl . '",r;i1 Powers ar. ?31 ,"*- with thi n ih?t ?aril?",*lUfk *'" "?' be ?"""??? Pri sitrerV S,rk'?- avl -a,li be made for "*f"t on behalf of the Kov- , ?????????a .u v,gt 4, ,oloina ? I BULGARS IN GERMANY CALLED BACK TO ARMY Mrrlin. Sept. 22.?The Itulgarian I egstlon has nntifii'tl nil niihlr? I ?? of that rountrv in (.ormanx thai Balgarla, <m September II, ordi-red a ?a.?? ikt.iI ssablliaatloM. \'i Bul? garians ?if militar? age must re? turn i in iiw-.l i .it r I \ h? ?a> ?if Vien? na and I; urn.un,i London, Sept. 2 J. ? V11 male Ser? bian MihjrrlM bel?? ?en the ages of rightcwa ?ml iift\ residing in the I nilrtl Kingdom arere ordered to? da? tu report to their ran?ala, Pr?? parator] In rejoining the army. FRENCH AIRMEN DROP 100 BOMBS ON STUTTGART Shell Royal Palace and Station in Capital of Wurtemberg. Paria, Sept S2. French a via tora have A Nace and Haden and bombarded Stuttgart, capital of the kingdom of Wurtemberg, 110 miles from their bas?, according to the of* communication Is ued to-night. The airmen dropped 100 shells on . ?a'. Palace am! the station and a; diiferenl point?? ?Inn-; the line. They returned safely to their baa?. Earlier In the day a group of eich' French aviators shelled the station of Conflnns. on the line between llatl and Verdun, Other French airmen bombarded the enemy's barracks at rlkerke and a railroad train be ?.????. Bruges and Thourout The artillery ?luc? alone the western front is unabated General JoiTre, the French commander in chief, and the allied communders. Field Marshal Sir .lohn French arid Kin? Albert of Bel? gium, are developing a new plan of campaign that involve? the almost con? tinuous use of artillery on a vaut scale along the wholo line. Constant Artillery Kain. lit y have ? ? ? ? -i ' . ? B tl i ' eparing for l.ifantry attacha, pounding their ad for an hour or Iwu, , ? re and aa Mi infantrj. The Ail ?ea are now mrthodienll v maintaining sh< 11 Are f' r da) ? al n time, ? infantry attacha, dropping proj >,n the charred front into every luare, and repeating t s p a deadly, automat le, uni ? pounding. The heavy-calibred guns ? ? ? ? ..,? beh in-1 the nd ; n bi ,1k? i and pioi iaion : rains. Posts Made 1'ntenahlr. Official reporti obtained by the French arm] officers from their own observera, from prisoners and from , rsphs made by aviator? ahnw that parta of the opposing lines which rave been subjected to this unceasing bombardment nave leen rendered en? tire!) untenable, and that the hest the Germane can <!<? i? to reoccupy their ahamloned works after th>? bombard menta have let up. and then leave quickly when the showers of projec? tile, begin to fall again. In a recent issue the "Fratikfur r Zeitung" published s letter from a Ger man a' the front deacriblng the effects -. n -'? gunni i >. French t.uns Work Rain. '?dur battery was located twenty miles weal of the little village ?,f T ," he letter says. "When ??? ar nved moat dings were still intact bul ha?! bean abandoned by the inhabitants. W ?? intended to install there our reserve camp, bu! the French entirely demolished the buildings. ??\\e tried ta i"g oui beams and plank* which had not been burned, to nt subterranean shelters, I ut ?.nch guns made this impossible. "A little to the south, where another village lad been il.?t ro\ <-,l by French artillery. German troop- cleared up the mina with difficulty and built shelters around the rema ning walla. The ? matSaamt ?>n j>??e t, , ?inm? s 1 FRENCH AEROS DISGUISED AS GERMAN, SAYS BERLIN Iterlin. Sept. 22.? An offlf-lal state? ment issued la-aa) days: "Kni'tny airmen ?ith l.ertnan marks on their aeroplanes appeared at till o'clock this ?naming area Stuttgart, dropping bombs on the ammm. killing f?iur and wounding a number of soldiers and civilians. The material damage ?as quite unimportant. The airmen ?rre hri-d at b> our antiaircraft i r....[.-. and disappeared In a miuth ern direel ion at ItM ??'\aeta. ??(i?ing to the fa?t that shortly after 7:4."i oclork ihe military authorities ?-.?-re informed of ?'!>? proarhing t.erman airmen lh?- ;?'?|. ulai.on ?ould ami) he ?srned ?hen it ?as .?imperatively lele. "A 1.1 r?naii airman arrived ???er Stutigsrt at ^iSO ??'. I.h k. He ?ae Ar.,1 ?.n from belo? for a ?hurl time ,??,, hr .M ?llh certainly recog .../.?i M ? t.erman airman He landed unhurt near the l?i?n." MOTHER. 84. AWAY, HE WEDS Briateg-iiiasa, M, Suddenly Marrtea \? ido?. More I han 60. Ill? T?:?frapl. la rti? Tritsiin?. 1 Wlaated, Conn.. Beat 22 Anaon H. Norton, m-aty four, gutt home whlls hla mother, Mra. Flizabeth M. Norton, eighty four, wn? aba?>nt and got mir iird. Ths brida 1? Mr?. Agrie* Shrffrr, past sltty, of Troy, N. Y. Mn. Norton kept houae for the lata Il .1 Vleta, a neighbor to Mr Norton. By Ihr tfrrn? of Mr. Vlets'a will aha i n-cu id a substantial bequest. $72.000 ON WOMAN WHO DIES IN CAR Htishand Identities Mrs. Henry Watson's Body (iems in Ba^ \ alued at $60,000. Carrying s purse containing $12.000 in r?vh mu? wearing h chamois baft taining ninety four pieeea of Jew alued bj the police ?it 160,000, ii Masden Vaughan W ? -' Representa) ire Item ? W I of Langhome, lvnn, dropped dead from limn diaeass m h southbound Sixth Arenue ear at Fortieth i luv afternoon Th.- body \s.-i- tiikon to the West ???,, v, hers tin- i"? lice di covered (12,000 m large de? nomination billa, mu? u bag conta ? s dry. Later !.. r husband Identil <-,) tin? dead ?.-. oman, HEALTH CAME AWHEEL TO SCOURGED SERBIA Ir.ii.i Manned by Americans Fought Typhus and Cholera. N?pl< ? Sepl tl Dr. Richard P, strong, bead of the American Sanitary Commission m Serbia, l? on his way to tbr United St-itr-s Mr said t., day ?hat most of tit?? American doctora <-n ti Red Croas work would leave s < retober lo, feeling anothei ep u as unlike j I he enl ire Serbian arm] and largo numbers of the people have bien vaccinated. When the American commis Ion reached Serbia no central ..r^a' ? , ted. The Americans appointed i rentrai rommiasion, headed by t'ro??-n Prince Alexander, ntul th'n was ,. of sanitary mi asares through out the country, One of ths most rrVirnrinu? mensure?. . ra and t-, I'll ti ? was tl s .11" Infection of the population bj means of a special train carrying batl ? i" foi ? otl ig and ? ?? l up as dressing rooms and for sha?. Ing .-.lui bnir cul - By ? m hundreds of ? .M have their clotl ng .111 Infected and washed In a few m n Thouaands were reached daily In th.< pi oc< edlng from sta tion to tiorn work n ci. h place ..i al Ihi ? ti i CRISIS IN HOSPITAL AS DR. BLAKE LEAVES Resignation Hampers Work of American Corps in Paris. I. MM | i !?? \ n si lean Arn bulance 11? la as a i reuH of ' he of 1 loctor Blake H will aak him to recoi i i, ile, it has pul before ths M in ister ? due lo Di - 11 followii ation of ' 111 ri'ii - n -? . ons of thi The response of the Minister was tu Ladj John toi e, ? ho to I'.-.ris, thai ?f she accepts Dr. Blake ;i? 11 n ans is II she ?ill indi d. i oi llutcl Inson, a ho ii tended to \ mbulance Hoi pi tal tober, ?aya no -in.- American could lea??? in i uch a crisis and pi remain until January to take care "f ??i, Hlaki '?? wounded patienta. VI ?.. m told that Dr. Blake's resigna? tion would alienate many benefai tin. Minister of War replied I ad m rod the work dene by tin? American hospital bo would, if neces? sary, pr?vida fund? to continuo its ?? mee o GERMANY RELAYS MINES IN BALTIC Announces New Field to Protect f ntrance to Sea. AmMerdfim. Sepl 22 A Berlin dis pateh received here, says the German ??oven ? snnoui eed ibe-l s '?? n mine : ? Id ? ill be lsul south of tin? .. Sound, and that bi c ? i riday. a pilot service will be ss . ?bis neutral shipping -.,. traverse the ?langer ?one. The Sound la the chnnnel between tb?. Danish Uland ?.f Seeland and Swi den, which connects ths Baltic it and tin- North Ser. 11 s ?.!.-.? formerly belonged to the Danirh overeigm who foi many years .,1 tolls V'ln foreign r< usini lt. In l8o7?owever, by a treaty the eommereial nations of Kurope, ' the ?lu. ? were abolished. Germans Close New Loan. Berlin, Sept. 22. The aubacription* ne?*, war loan terminated to-day The t'.ti.l applications for the- bonds ? bs announced before Friday. bul the view was expreesed at n sum bei of the lending bank? to-day thai the '"tul would exceed the March loan. I the subscription run ?h as 11,000,000,000 murks ($2, 750,000 . Understood that there waa even a greater number of umall subscriber? to tin loan than in March. Small ro itivc loan batik-, having fartn??r client?? ?ent m heavy subscriptions. One American Sails on Baltic. Only one American wat? among tha? 2&.1 pa?aengera who vuili .1 for Liver? pool reeterooy ea the \sintr liner Baltic, and that traveller wan Mr?. Jane Taylor, who hat? volunteered to .??ct tf a ntir?e with the American !l" 1'ital at l'aria. In the forenoon the H'.ltir hati twenty-four faloon paa ? ? booked, but at 12:27 p. in., when tbr gangplank was hauled anh?re, ?m ..f them had cancelled pa.?r?age. In addition to 10,000 tons of munition? of war the Baltic earned I?t? bag? of mail - a CALIFORNIA $94.30 round trip Lfriigti Valley Railroad. ??The Rauta of n.?- Black Diamond." ,-?,. i,? ,.f'!?. i : r 111 ? i -, 11 *? ' i atoi' ovara .mil model lo ira or? pared \*? r.t. t,.r l.txikW Ticket ofneee on Mrnarlwwv. at i tl"ir?li ,-t . New -Haven, l?? Church it. Advt. 8 Die, Scores Hurt, as 7th Ave. Falls With Crowded Trolley Into Subway; No Progress Made in Fixing Blame OFHCIALS SEEK TO FIND CAUSE FOR disaste; ! ? Investigators at Sea?S ries of Inquiries to Be U?n at Once. GUESSWORK NOW, SAYS MR. IvVCAL - One lilas! Could No! Hat Caused It All. Assirts Mr. Perkins. \\ ho is to lilnnio fur the subwi cave-in ?>n Seventh Avenue betwe? Twenty tliir.l and Twenty-til" streets? What was the cause? These are the two questions uu which the attention ??f hundre la ? thousands ??f the people <?f New ?01 who walk or i ??I?' every dny < vj miles of sidewalks and pavement propped up by shoring stich ai ?h: which failed in Seventh Avenue f? ras ?-I y Lerda;. I it liable I collapse again? I-1 ??m the ? i Tal persons and oi finals who :? ' these qui tions there cam.p?i it ive am wei up in late Ins' night. ' To attMapt i" expli n th.? -an cif tliis accident now would oe matter of guesswork," said ('hair man Edward E. McCall, of the Put ? ?? ? ? mm on, s he too a! the iai?K'l?''l m di bri Bayi On Blssl PsaMnt Ha It. "i Ine blai t could nol have blowi OUl all tli.-tt shoring," sani l>ilMrn? Vtto ? ???? Perkins. "The accident i tus! have been dui to an unfortunate blasl perhap the blasl was too heavy," aid E. \ Little, ?general superintendent of Ihi United Realty and Improve Company, contractors ii charge of the construction that col lap ? d. "Every tit of evidence that w< di covered after an ill-day ?n vei tigation tend to h ?w that th< blast ? pn teding the cave in ?veil r. ?? " annnounced Kir?1 ?Commissioner Robert Adamaon. ".%'?> report had been made to us of leaking gas," said an official of nsolidated Ga Company. Robert l:,?i?7? araj. ei g neer in of subwa* tructlon for the Public Service I ommiaaion, lias two theoi n? definite eonelu lona '"'? ther one "f the vertical supports was ?I iaplaced bv flying rock, thus causing the ?huln structure to i?ag and collapse, or an ac? cumulation of sewer gas in the excava? tion ?ti ignited when the blasts were tired." Of such theoretical and suppositional character are the answers to the two questions that New Vork has asked, lilaat ?Tossibly Too Heavy." (loneral Superintendent Little, of the United States Kealty ?nd Improvement Company? was asked last niifht what he meant bv an unfortunate blast. "Poaaibly it was too heavy," he re? plied. In his office in the Flatirnn Huilding Mr. Little frankly answered all que* tions put to him. "August Midnight ordered the blast which resulted la the accident," he said. "The immediate raune so far as ire know has not been determined; cer- j tainly it has not been determined bv ! us. All the evidence is m jumbled mass, having heen hurled in the col- j lapse. Midnight, who has disappeared . a fact wa regret greatly le the one | man who eeuTd enlighten us under1 present circJinstances. Me has been ' employed by u? for more than a vear. ? and he has always been considered an i expert blaster. He did goad work on j the Broadwaj subway, and we have often congratulated ourselves that we had in hnn the most reliable blaster in the city. "At one t me he lefl^our employ, but that was when we shut down at Thir ( nnllniir.l ?>n page I. column 4 ? Four New Dances "lour inches between partners this season is the dancing masters' edict, and then they shrug despairingly and admit that in this, as in all dancing matters, the public will follow its own sweet will I Mr Louis \\. (halif deplores the condition, but con? sents to describe in detail for readers of next Sunday s Tribune the four new danceo recently ?tandardi/ed. Read what he says, learn them, and dance them?as you please. ?H7*? $imfcttj ?irtbun* First to t.sst-the Truth: \em%?i.dltnrlals?4dierthements THE CHASM THAT ENGULFED SEVENTH AVENUE. At the bottom can be sen the ?mashed trolley, .?f who?? thirty passengers only two were fatally Injured. SWEDES THREATEN BRITAIN Warn ?1er That War May Follow Vlo latlun ?if Their Kight*. Rerun, Sept. 7."- ? by wireless t< Tttekerton, N .Il The Overseas New Agency quotes ?s follows from an edi torinl in the "?'-? .i nUu Aftonbladot," al HalntO, Sweden : "Nobody knows whether the wave of the world u.?ir siini" duy will r< m-l the Swediell shors Sweden Hn?l I>?-n murk un- n?iw ?ell prepared, and would be <?f i.'r<-nt ns-istance If they should Juin either side. "If England ?loes not perceive th? morn! reasons which should prevent h?>r from violating continually th" rights ?if northern eountriee, sh" shouM be Inpreaeed by material rea sons. She shou I b? reminded that if Sweden la compelled to participate in ths arar rtainly will not be on England's ilde " CZAR'S GOVERNOR INSANE Berlin, Sept 22 ? by wirc!c?i to Tuck erton, H. J >? The Overseas News Agency gave out the foil iwlng dispatch from Hr???ly, Galicia? to-day: ? "Count Hohrinski, who was Governor General of (iulicia during the Kussian Occupation, anil who welcome-?! Kmperor Nicholas ?t l.embrrg, has been declare! insane by a medical commission an?! taken tu Kiev." A dispatch to the "Frankfurter Ze' tur.g" ??n November 27 la?t from Vi? enna carne,! a report that Count Bo brinski had died in Le-nberg of apj p'r-.y-_ Survivors Tell Tale of Horror That Succeeded Fatal Plunge Dying Girl Describes l-ying in a Vise of Arms, Leg9 ?tncl Bodies?Man Says His Hair Turned Gray? Victim Ignored Mangled feet. Survivor?, of the ?nbway accident told their stones yesterday with emotion? apparently ranging from the most ab? ject terror to aomething almoat like amusement. They described finding themselves pinned under bum? ml girdera, with water rising uuickly and tbreotenlng to drown them in their un 'derground priaon. They told of thrill-, ' Ing rescues by firemen and civilians. In 1 nearly all cases they aald they felt aa thoug-h they had been dreaming rather than actually experiencing the tense momenta of a fight for their lives. Three fourth? of the men and women ?nken to the hospital* wej-e Jewish. Many of them insisted on being 'ran? ferred to their home?, explaining that they wished to participate in the Fear-t of the Tabernacle?, a holiday of urt usual feativltiea, which began yester? day at lundown. It wi? near duak when Pauline Schaefer, a pretty nineteen-year-old girl, living at 8-1 Rtdge Street, waa car? ried up the ?tep? of her home. She had been taken in.m the scene of the acci? dent to flower Hospital. Pauline told the ?tory of her narrow escape from death, then fainted. "When the car stopped near Twenty fourth Street the first thing I noticed was a curious sensation ike that m.e feela in a suddenly descending elevator. The next moment 1 was thrown to the floor and I heard the wi,mcn screaming and ?obbing. " 'Brenn, that window!' a man near me yelled. There waa a cra?h of glass 'and in burst water fr?mi tr.e hrokei pipe? I believe there was stroke pour? ing out near the front of the car. Some one seized me and carried rae up a lad For li?t of dead, mutin( and injured in aubway rollapte s?e Page 3. der. I was ?ften into an elevator and deposited ??n a bed, and then all * ?i darkneea." Edna Lander, of 2*?n Fa?t ?Second Streit, twenty one years old? was home from Hellevue Miss Lanier was on her wav tu wurk, and a' Twenty. Mccon?! Street cut up to give her seat to an elderly woman. "The car moved on slowly. Then, about a blo??k and a half away, it seemed as though the sMewalk w?u moving up. I brushe?l my han?! over my eyes, thinking I was ?/ottlng a hen The next moment there was a notes like thiit of an earthquake, and I found my? self m the bottom ?if h oit, with women screaming ?t;?i men fighting. I felt a horrible pain in my eloow a id I? s' an ' knew nothing more until I woke up in the hn- ; Lillian (?relflnger, of ?-t't F.ies Street, ?.<> tell ker ? <?rv lut ni</ht, though aha probabk w;;! die She Is twenty year- <!d at?! the support of her widowed mother. "In a second tue ?!?yii"ht .!i"aj> pear??! ar. I everything r-.Y.ed ?Urk, like in a ce?iar," 11.r '.. "I was part of a greHt i<hiiss <,? nni?, !<gs and bodies [ could I arms an?! body fr'rn my waist t?r, Mt ?.li- reit of me ?a? i.iriih, as though I were paralyzed. Afterward I learned that I was planed ander a maas <?f wood am! stone. I fainted, so 1 did not know i wi'h me." ?"ros. ng Seventh Avenue, just above Twen treat, when he felt the tapaa, *aa Joseph I, thirty-two >i-?irs eld, ?>f ?tul North Sixth Street, Brooklyn. With ? it relapaes into hysterics he de scr.iie?! the sensation, saying: "There was ? funny feeling on the plank.up a trembling, jerking sort of sensation and then the whole street seemed to i>lide down into the hole. There was sa much dust I couldn't see anything for two minutes. I knew the street had caved in and I had fallen It When I could see I appear,-?! to be in a forest of tangled timbers, pointing every which wey. "The trolley car which ha?! passed me at the time the slret caved in lay (ontlaued oa , -.?r I, colunia I Car and Passengers Drop 30 Feet with Street. WOMEN KILLED UNDER DEBRIS Great Chaisrn ^00 Feet Long Opens from Curb to Curb. HUNDREDS AT RLSCUB Shoring in Eictv?tloi Gava Way, I IN itlgat. rs Say. bul Cannot Exp?ala W l'y. Knur hundred Ban a t hird mil Twanty-flfth . n ?mall and carrie to I i . niul in ( of i were takei made I two of whom 'H ? ! a ? '1 ha horror ?: l ?? r wa?, in? ' ? ? i | when thi be> lief gi that foui * death m a . . m in'o tho hanty to di t.. going * <l"wii iiitu tha < ? .ni for work, and wen* thotlj ht to ht in if. ?a them. At 1 thi innrninp three "i a . * nan hud Lomes. The fourth man, J. \ tfhoM m?1 0 Avtinua A the) learned did not ?ive at that uildr? L'ni?-r tho ftare ef many power fu! electric light*?, firemen, police anil ganga of subira* labor?is . s'inj? over tho .. beams ti .1 ? ? ? I girderi In A us. I Car ? i . ?? lily uh wen gen in n Ke? ?nth Avenue ear pa ? ? tion that ga '?.. bottom ni thi y two of . illed. The ? I bf il:e ho ?? ing used to - - and ? ? . ? ' . const i being put in. Aft? r Inve tigatlon. tnkmn of fvii!i-.-.(*>* and theorising by expertg nnd all tho publi who have anything to <io with subway con? Ktruc?on and public disasters the ?xact point of* blame for tho catas? trophe t-ntnained a mystery. No one was r??a?iy tr, give a porithrg opinion hjw such a could happen afu-p ce in this city . -way I -ii.'?hu?. With this inability of ar.y ons to venture an explanation of what or wti-> waa at fault came the significant ?tat. - ment by Robert Kidgway, engineer in charge of aubway construct,on for tha Public Service Commission, that there ?Acre many ni'?r.- miles of other StlOl ? undrr support of temporary conatru - t.on similar to that which crumbled up yest'trduy morning. "We are milking a rigid inspection of all such work," h?> said, "to make aura that thia accident will get be dupli? cated e!sewh?-r.' " Uther Streeta l ndermined. Among other places in which ha sal.I this was possible were parts of tha Avenue line, from Forty-see ond Street to the liattery, taking in also Yarick Street, Weal liroadway at..I Oleen wieh Street There are also stretches m Lexington ?aee-noe from Fifty-third Street to the. Hariem River, he said, aa well as in Broadway, from Fourteenth Street to Thirty-eight*? Strt-et. In Brooklyn the danger spots from Atlantic Avenue to tha Pia ?. and ;n The lirons they are in Southern Boulevard and 13Mth Street. The question waa raised aa to , whether the final blame for conditions that produced yesterday's accident reat.-d with the construction company or the inspection aervice of the Publie Service Commission. At the commission it was pointed out that the contracts provide that tha construction company shall be respon ? ble for injury to persons or damage to property. A main question to b?i considered la whether the type cf temporary construction used waa at ' "???It- ? ? , "The Public Service < ommiasion ?peciiiea the design of the permanent : construction," Mr. Ri.lgway said, "but : the contractor uses the style of tem 1 porary shoring that suits him. If the SOSBBSlseioe specified this it woui ?hare the blame for a faulty design. ( ompany Did Not Skimp. "The il?--;,*ii use.) by th.? T'nite-t States Realty and Improvement Cora pan? who ?r,. building this section of . the Seventh Avenue line, has been use i I successfully. Absolutely no blame at? 1 taches to the cempany for skimping