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GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. See Editorial Pat?, F?ral Column. ??Xtm ?tork i atibuna WEATHER PATH TO-nATi PROBABIT FURTO MORROW. Pfarterday'a TB'mp*.r?tor?.a: His??. **! Itm. 50. Poll roport on Pas? S. first to Last?the , ruth : ,\ews - Editorials - Advertisements I \\Y . No. 23,1 VA. If np.right, nu, n? Th?. 1 rlhun.? A??nrlutlnn. I FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915. m * I.TlT/'l** l.Vf / l.'VT lnCHjat*tem Vorla. >Vmark PRICE ONh LKIH J kuiwrou two cum. SUBWAY SHORING BLAMED IN FATAL DROP OF STREET . active Timbering, and ? , Blast? Responsible, s District Attorney. CLEARS FOREMAN 0 ! IRED CHAROL public Service Commission Has? ten?- to Inspect Other Section**; l/ndermincd by Tube Work. ??(j Aid not blasting MB I Ave ? I? of Wednesday ?trio*. .???rrda?-. up had It forOrflS . ? "Mid ir, ?nil th? affair ? -e.l that hi - A- ? time ho dismissed the ? whs the funda i-Atsstrophe He 'rom many wit :hht the ?hock which ttSitei *v ' ? ? ?boring going to force. biiis*. had been too -? have dam >? 7 of the tim "But hero, after an ri bur* 4O0 feet f it M sen ua. ? blast fore a arrest me for f< ? the wreck BfB." The - e accident jolted th? Public Berrice ' "mmission yesterday along the line of iMj ?.?orary street under? pinning subway construct:?^ ? ? tjr. As if not sure as the work under the - control, practically the whole 'orce was ordered t > pit busy. Literary l??rce at Work. In addition to this the commission's ?trsr- ? rit? ??ras put to work issuing Ksttmsnts. .0 of which was in the aatnr* of a defence of the "cut and 1 of work, of which -he ??con that coved in was one form. No one cime out yesterday with a te statement of opinion as to ' .?? ?.r.e nature of the fault in the . used, although many rapir.eers who looked over the situa mts point?? : oat privately whBt they ! t-tlieved were faults. Senator Thomp ?en. chfc'.iT^an of the legislative cemtnit??-? 'nvestigating public service ccmn ? . ved a statement from i pr< ? ifineer setting forth "Hat ??? : rung was plainly ?:e leh t.'.e 1'ublic Scr? ee engineers had ap- i peeved ?Senator Thompson called Commis ?.oner lin> ^.ference to set .?iiin'.Miion's place in He ?a;d afterward thnt . brought facts to his atten* :.,m to start an it he would wait hat was being done. t in the method em? ployer g t., a rijiort made to 'he 1 . ommisaion, was ? ?r.i's wort bound to throughout the '?fifth . ;n. so that when one pertio: .?'?or.? were pulled down liter it In mines the ind the frames to-: BStfcer le S? .ijis. Bound b> Trolley Rails. Reben R .'.nay. engineer in charge for the Ma? ted out that the sur top of the ?boring, rsila in a concrete ? with ?tee!, really I that held tho and that if one f?rt ?? ud tensile B others down. who h a ?1 eh arge of the Attorney l'er .: graphic description ' ?? ju?' appen? He i* forty- ' ? - his a its ??"?i ? ties Street. He '** hn ng business ten year?, ai sa d he never before had **c\ ?ti accident. i ?k i.? ? o'clock with * t?'r r II runners, a powder ? ? said. I wont ?? Jhe i ?. rd Street ' ??id S .. Aver u?- an?i got twenty-' ?.!' 40 per cent *r**?T ? . ;.?;ree blasts be? nne hole, in %"lt'1 ' quarters of a stick , ?; <?>?' - ? was set off at 7:.'.o the floor of the ex- ; last, which was the one ? t before the cave-in, consisted of rent angles within a I on the bench. iaeh taass Um face ?J . feet deep, I placed three nine ? Third Blast Not Fired. ? ??lace to prevet.t ? "" the asked. iiry in the case ?i ?uch de,-,, holes." he Bald "We only Fll'vi raM "f sl"llow holes. The ?re Mast^which wttt never aet off, but ? tained two hole?, in tul P??*c*d ?hree and three-fourth all were loaded I told ' onkey to take the remain ? pound? and the detonators back "?he first blast was fired and noth re?*lU'1/llU*1 h*PP*??'?-<-. Then w. ?"?'?vation to warn all work "- ??'?'i' ".v meamSti mit ??"-.?in '? and then went to the .?? - rig I ?ent the alm,V monKey to the butteries at the r of Tweti'y-lifth Street th Avenue. 1 stood about fit ?outh of htm, and sent the *-*g *-** ***a out with flags to warn w, r"1 '??? ?ach ?-??je of a blast ?aw the car coming and motioned ? ? ?berto (;,rardi to stop it. The weame right up to him and stopped"; **^*-a?a??4 m ?>??? I. ol um* I Ford Explores Submarine; 16 Times Too Bis. He Says Henry Ford froinp aboard E-2., on inspection tour of United State? under sea craft. Inventor Sees Undersea Craft for First lime?Shakes Head Over Cost After Inspecting K-5 and E-2 at Navy Yard Docks. Hei ly Ford, who proposes to revolu tionire submarine warfare, her! hi? first experience ?board a submarine yestrr day. He visited two of the submersible craft ?if the United States navy at the New York yard, in anticipation of turn? ing out one of his own invention. No fewer than ten ?tout hawsers held ?iach of the submarines? to the wharf wh?eythe automobile m-in made his in? spects..*.. It had bet-ii rumored that he would be taken for an underwater trip al.(.u; the harbor, but none of the sail? ors made a motion to release the craft. Mr. Ford did not care to crowd his sensation!-. Fresh from a conference with Secre? tary Daniels and 1'resident Wilson, he came to New York from Washington Wednesday evening. Kmerpinj? from the conning tower of the K-2, the second craft visited yes? terday, Mr. tor.I said: "I think they are sixteen times too large and cost sixteen t'mes too much." "Has your inspection of a submarine for the first time given you new ideas that will lead to a revolution in their construction or from which you will evolve u new type?" some one inquired. Although he is a member of the Pres? ident^ advisory board of naval defence, Mr. Ford is nevertheless a pacifist. "I would like to abolish their manu? facture," was his answi Considering his recent statement that ; a small type of submarine operated by a gasolene engine and manned by one or two men was the logical undersea de? fence of the future, Mr. Ford yesterday ! hardly seemed enthusiastic. He ad i mitted that he picked up some new 1 ideus he never went anywhere with ' out doing that, he declared and that he might submit them to the naval ad vii-..ry board for what they were worth. Mr. For'! urrived at the tinvy yard ? shortly after 11 o'clock. He was ac? companied by his son, Fdsal. and Gas I ( ontlniir?! on pai e 4. i nliimn 4 2 POLICEMEN SHOT AT MMANUS PART One Dying Bullets Fly at Ma hattan Casino During Row. Two policemen were shot, one fati ly, the other seriously, when the par of the Thomas J. McManus Associate in the Manhattan Casino broke up in right early this morning. The dying policeman is .supposed be William Dapping, shield No. tjtt Th. one serious?}, wounded is Jam Bishop. Dapping is shot through the ey Before being removed to the hospiti Father Plunkett, of St. Mark's Churc administered the last rites of tl Church. Hii-!.??p *ras shot through the chest. Another policeman, Patrolman Da lit.g, was injured in the fight thi followed the arrest of a man givir bis name as Thomas O'Neil, and h home as 1491 Eighth Avenue, as tli mi'n who did the shooting. McManus, known as The McManu has been having a hard time holdin control of his Assembly district. Yei terday he gave his annual party, an \shen midnight came and the sport ers a*, its height there srere f'.OOO person in and about tue Casino. Just Infor l o'clock a Acht started In the bst ? ri oui, ?n which revolvers were freel The policeman supposed to I. ? Dapping was off duty, but swung int [ th? mix-up until stopped by a shot. Bishop, the other policeman, was alsi off duty. O'Neill, according to the police. ?I: ; seen to fire several ?hot?. SILK STOCKING BANK "BUSTS "Banker" Sued for $31 She Do?t While at Luna Park. I,, i BaSraSl ' r?"' T"' ui.f ) Cleveland, Sept. M. Municipal Judge Cull ruled to-day that it was gross neg? ligence for a woman to carry $86 in her ?ilk stocking while enjoying an out ing at I.una Park Mrs Jaunis Haddad w?i suing Mr?. Emily Clodell, b?,th of thi? city, for : $&:? which, she said, ?he gave Mr?. II. Mrs. Clodell, the plaintiff al? lege.I. lost the money out of her silk I stocking Mr?. Clodell told tue judge i she was in the hsbit of making a l>snk I of her stocking, and never before had I lo?t any money. She was unable to ex I plain how the stocking bank was "i-uaUti." "HUMAN TOUCH" LEFT UNCUT Budget Axmen Permit Skelly to Retain ( Ml Service Job. The Municipal Civil Sen-ice Cnmmii sion is to retain It? "human touch." otherwise known as John Skelly, as? sistant secretary. The commissioners had a hard fight yesterday afternoon with the sub-com? mittee on budget over cuts recom? mended in their staff. They had asked that Mr. Skilly's salary be increased from $?,400 to $3,000. 'Much to their surprise, tie Hureau of Standard? had i his placo down for abolishment. Every ! member of the commission went toi the bat for Mr. Skelly, who was de- j clared a much needed individual. "Many of our visitors nre irate," said I>r Hei'ry Mc-kowiu, president of the commission. "Our assistant secretary treats them tactfully and tells them what they want to know. He supplie? the human touch." The budget committee decided to re? tain Mr. Skelly and his office, but de? nied him any increase. The commis? sion won out on several other points, but the committee voted to abolish sev? eral small cli'rkships. No action was taken on the recom? mendation of the Hureau of Standard? that the position of F. (i. Ireland, chief examiner, at $4,200. be abolished and that he be made supervisor at 12,160. The budget of the Court of Special Ses? sion will be considered this afternoon. ASBURY BEER GOES AWRY Five Tons on Way to Prohibition Cen? tre Is in Peril. A?bury Park may be the pride of the advocate? of nation-wide prohibition, but just listen: Red Bank, N. J? Sept 23. A ?even ton aeto truck, carrying live tons of beer, consigned, according to the chauf? feur, to Asbury Park, crashed through the planking of Hubbard's Bridge here to day. I.ate this evening no one could be found to chance the rescue of the bev? erage, the rear of the truck hanging but a few inches above the waters of the Shrewsbury. ? Mrs. Pinchot Loses Jewels. 1'i.iire Headquarters was notified yes? terday bv Mrs. (iifford I'inchot of 'he los? of two diamond ri?a** and a silver hatpin box from her home in Milford, Penn. The jewels, considere?! inval? uable by the Pinchot family because of the fact that they are heirloom?, are worth $300 The police were requested to notify the pawn ?hop? The heir? looms disappeared iast week. OSBORNE-RILEY FEUD IS AGAIN NEARING CLIMAX On Grand Jury Results Riley Hopes Governor Will Allow Removal. WARDEN OFFERS AID TO DISTRICT ATT'V Says in Port Chester. Riley Mitfht Visit the Prison Occasionally. lad cations were plain in Albany and White Plains yesterday that the fight of Juin! B. Riley, Superintendent of Prisons, to force Thomas Mott Osborne from the wardenship of Sing Sing is Stain approaching a climax, with Riley relying upon what may be developed by h grand jury investigation to furnish an excuse for Osborne's decapitation. ?Jsburne and District Attorney Weeks of Westchester conferred for an hour yesterday on the proposed grand jury ? 'igation. At the clone of the con fer*.nce both men refused to talk. While this conference Onu in session ?lohn B. Riley. Superintendent of Prii? ons, was in Albany planning to lay his .??-?? against Osborne bsfors <;?>vernor Whitman on his reto n to hi? desk. In Albany last night Rile) -ai?i he ba.i nothing new to present to 'he Gov? ernor h? this time. Talking in Port ? bester last night, Warden Osborne >?;?! the trouble in ?sing Sing ii largtl] due to "re portert' imagination," referring par ticularl) to the recent search of cells by William A. (irr, fiovernor W hitman'a sen tai . and ? tight that ifl alleged to have broken up a a of the Mutual W' lfare court. "The Governoi received a letter," ?aid Mr. Osborne. "informing him of violent conditions at Sing Ping prison. I'hi ? v...* signed by two men nut In good standing at the prison. The Goy !?!?'loi Bent Mr. ?in to the prison. I .vas spending a lew days in the Aiiiron docks. Mr. Church received Mr. <?rr. Mr. Orr spoke With the two men. These men told Mr. On that six ?run? and some ??ari ridge, bad boon .?mug gle?l into Ihe prison, but nothing was l'oiu.d in any of the cells." Tiie warden wa? asked if he had any .uniment to make on Superintendent Riley'l reiiuost for a grand jury in? vestigation if conditions in Sing Sing. "It is the superintendent's duty to investigate," he replied. "It might be well for him to Come down to the pris on himself. 1 have heard nothing of tiejally of nn\ investigation." Osborne's opponents in Westchestcr and in Albany were of the opinion last night that Riley is at last in a position to force Osborne out. In this connec? tion the word wan passed in West ehester last night that there would be big developments to-day. The nature of these developments was not dis? closed. The charges which the grand jury is expected to investigate deal with as suults in and escapes from Sing Sing. Immorality amony, prisoners la also charged. Similar condition!-, it is as? serted, exist in the other prison.? of the state, notably Clinton, over which Mr. Riley exercises almost rtlrect personal supervision, but the district attorney iii whose counties these prisons are have not yet been asked to act. In? stead, it is stated at the Albany office of the Prison Department, letters were sent to th? several wardens instructing them to take what action may be deemed necessary to correct evils. STRAUS BOY RACES 528 MILES FOR LIFE Son of Macy's Head Reaches Denver in Time for Operation That Prevents His Death. [Bt T? agr.i': to Tfvt TtUtt | Denver, Sept. ^3. Percy S. Straus, jr., son of the president of It. H. Macy 4 ('?>, was rushed here on a Santa Fe special train from Albuquerque, X. M., last night and arrived in time to under? go an operation for an abate SB which saved his life. The train covered the 628 miles in less than twelve hours, establishirir a record run. In many place* it ran eighiy miles an hour. Young Straus and his father were en route to Denver on a p!ea?ure trij when the boy became suddenly ill. Physicians declared his life could not be saved without an operation. Straus was advised to leave at once for Den? ver, where he might obtain the best possible hospital facilities, and was warned that he would have to hurry. He immediately chartered a special train of three coaches. India Won't Let Cook Climb. ,I?r I iM, u? Ttit? Tril mit. | London. Sept. 24. "The Daily Ma !" ?ays that Dr. ? ook has been kicking Ins heels in Calcutta for th? few weeks, smiting for permission to r.o .. Nopal to climb Mount Everest. The govern-: | and politely de? clined permission, ami accoruinglv Dr. Cook ami his pi-rtv will leave India on September SO. JOHN D.? JR., TRIPS TO "TIPPERARY" WITH MINE MAIDS Spryly Does the Hesitation with Girls in Calico? All Got a Chance. PRKSSED FOR TIME. EATS UNWASHED Dust (?f a Long. Hot Ride Still on Him as He Lunches with Crowd of Workers. RTalsenbarg, Col., Sept. 23. John D. feller, jr., continuing his tour of !'?'.?" Colorado Fuel A Iron ? ompany mine?, to-night reached Wa! i-enburg, forty-fi*. e miles north of Trin Th? trip eras mude by motor csr snd 'he coal mine owner jolted all day twisting roads through the hill country of Las Animas snd Hu?rfano counties. To-night the former leader of the Bible c'a?? at th? Fifth Avenue Baptist ' liurch danced in a little schoolhou?* a the Cameron mine. 2,000 miles from Broadway, with Mrs. Charles Kaiser, the pretty wife of the mine superin | tendent. Mr. Rockefeller glided over the none too smooth floor to the strains Ol "Tippeiary." Mine Orchestra Was Lusty. I he music was lustily emitted bv an orchestra consisting of a snare drum, a clarinet., a trombone and an accord?on. W. L Mackenzie King and other members of the Rockefeller party also participated in the dance, choosing their partners from among the wives and daughters of coal digg rs and mine offi? cials. Mr. Rockefeller himself arranged the dance. He attended an entertainment a; the schoolhouse. given in his honor by the I'nmeron Club, an organization of miners. N'ear the end of the entertainment Mr. Rockefeller made a speech. After referring jocularly to the manner in which he had "packed the house" by bringing hi? numerous personal en tournge and a still more numerous party of newspaper correspondent?, he ??aid: "I've often danced to that tune 'lie orchestra played a little while ago."j*??3 ( beei. wondering if when this, entortain ? ment i:i over and the older people have gone nome we couldn't move these chairs out and have ., dance. Dont iron think we could arrange it*" l'h?re v.-i's unanimous assent. A fear minutes later the master of cere? monies, C. H. Hawksworth, announced that the entertainment was at an end Snd that the da'ice would follow. Ml Wanted to Dance. "Those who want to dance may stay here," he said. "Any who don't care to we will make welcome at the clubhouse." None went to the club? house. No miner elected to miss the chance of seeing John I). Rockefeller, jr., the man who was supposed to own about everything around these parts, dancing in the Cameron schoolhouse. In two minutes the chairs had disap? peared. The orchestra launched forth, fwo or three miners with their sweet? hearts were on the floor in a trice. Then ?V. L Mackenzie King chose a partner anil sallied forth. Mr. Rockefeller hesitated no longer. Mowing to Mrs. Kaiser, who had been his hostess at dinner, he offered his arm. led her to the dancing floor, and glided gracefully through the hetero? geneous throng of coal diggers, mine . fticials and miners' wives and daugh? ter?. After hi? initial step with Mrs. Kais? er. Mr. Rockefeller danced w-ith practi? cally every woman and girl in the room. Officials' wives and daughters in graceful summer silk? and coal dig? gers' wives in calico all were included in his invitations. "Hesitation" waltz essayed by the orchestra was negotiat? ed by Mr. Rockefeller with skill and apparent experience. In the eonrse of the journey Rocke? feller visited mining camps at Rouse, Lester, Ideal and Cameron. At Rouse, In a conference with the miners' griev? ance representative, he went on record with the unequivocal statement that the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company did not oppose it? employes belonging to unions. A- Mr. Rockefeller was leaving the boarding house at Lester, where he had lunched with a crowd of miners and company officers without having taken time to wash the accumulated du?t of a long hot ride from his face, he was greeted bv a negro miner just from the P "Mr. Rockefeller, this is Willi? Hood," said B. J. Matti?on, assistant general me.r.ager of the company. Hood, after greeting Mr. Rockefeller, recounted at ??orne kngth that he had been an employe of the company twen? ty-two years, and asked for the promise of p pension when he had served twen? ty-five years. "I think you and I will go on a pen? sion about the same time." said Mr. Rockefeller. Rebuilding Company House?. I^ter Hood met Mr. Rockefeller aga;i' ?nd in?i?ted upon making a lengthy speech to him, couched in long word? ?nd pounded home with vigorous restores Hi- a-ae --till talking sraea the motor cars rolled out of the camp. Just at the edge of Lester Mr. Rocke i (ootlnued on pa.*" 4, eolumn 5 Samuel Hopkins Adams If you ever bought one article and had another sent home, you know the endless annoyance that often fol? lows. In next Sunday's Tribune Mr. Adams tells how one woman refused to be outwitted and how any per? son can obtain justice through the Bureau of Investiga? tions. It's a helpful story of everyday buying?of equal interest to reasonable buyers and reputable shops. U\\t ?5> ?ntom* First te Last ?The Truth S'eut? E?itsrtals ? - AdltrUstmtnts Captain Says He Saw U-Boat Sink Hesperian British Skipper, Arriving at Newport News, Asserts Same Submarine Chased His Vessel When He Sought to Aid Stricken Liner. . R? Ttbmrm* '' Tot n?MM 1 Ne-wport Ne?v?, Va., Sept. 2"\. The Allan Line steamer Hesperian wa? ?unk by a Cern?an submarine and not by a floating mine, according to Captain Sn.ellie, master of the British steamer Crosby. Captain Smellie declares he wit? nessed the vessel's sinking and a??erts that the same submarine immediately chased the Crosby for several hours. He escaped, he ?ays, only in the dark? ness, by driving his ship at the utmoet speed, ?Ai'hout lights and steering a zig-zag course and then a wide circle. The Hesperian was torpedoed without warning on the night of September 4, and twenty-six lires lost. The statement.? of Captain Smellie are contained in an official report made to the British authorities on his ar? rival here on Monday. The report, it is said, will later be submitted to the I'nited States govern? ment in refutation of the official Ger? man statement. Berlin disclaimed re sponsibillty on the ground? that there were no Germsn submarines in the vicinity. A copy of the report could not be secured for publication, as the original was forwarded immediately on the arrival of the vessel, but discussing the matter yesterday. Captain Smellie stated that he ?ailed from London for Newport New? m ballast on August 31. Late in the afternoon of September 4, he said, he ?ighted a large passena-er and freight liner, which he afterwards learned wa? the Hesperian, a few miles ahead and off the starboard bow Just before dark, he said, the big vessel suddenly gave a great lurch and a body of water seemed to engulf her, and she slowly began to sink by the head. At. first, he said, he thought the vessel had struck a floating mine, a? he had sighted neither hostile ship? nor submarines in the vicinity. He started to her assistance, but ss he circled to??ard her a submarine came to the surface and headed direct for I the Crosby. TO ASK AID FOR ARMENIANS Banished People To lie Helped I.Ike Belgians. Washington, Sept. 23. Reports from ? Ambassador Morgenthau at Constanti? nople to the American Board of Com? missioners for Foreign Missions on the plight of Armenians banished to iso? lated towns for alleged hostility to the Turkish government will be the basis ; of n nation-wide appeal to the American people for assistance like that given to I th homeless Belgians. This appeal, it was learned to-night,1 be issueil from New York after the report of Charles R. Crane and James L. Barton, representing the com? mission, who conferred to-day with State Department officials The plan for sending help to the Ar? menians will be carried out without any official participation by the govern? ment, for it is understood that the Turkish Foreign Office has let it be known that it ?rill brook no interfer- : ence with its policy from <*nv foreign ' power KAISER A CORONER ON BATTLEFIELDS .Nothing Must Be Disturbed Until He Arrives. ' Kv osMe t'? ne Mhoea : London, Sept. 24. "Kaiser Wilhelm i is continually rushing along the fight? ing line day and night," says "The Chronicle," and so writes Cregori ? Pctroff in the "kusskoye Slovo," quoted by the Petrograd correspondent of "The Central New?" "Hverywhere the Kaiser is attend? ing meetings of generals. Nigh* alarms are made for his advantage and night reviews of troops are held. He does really see everything in the army. Ht) i issued an order that nothing must be , disturbed on the scene of a big battle until he arrived the field filled with , dead, lines of trench?'K. ?iamage to fortress, all must remain as it ?vas at I the end of the fight until the Kaiser himself appears. He travels very , swiftly. At Novo (?eorgievsk he ar? rived six 1 ours after the capture of the fortress by the Germai.-1 "The first stage has been worked for and many heroic ?leeds have been ac? complished here recently," said he on | that occasion, "but the last act re ! mains unfulfilled, and if you will not ? do this all your former efforts and 'sufferings will be brought to naught. j Overtake and destroy the Russian | army now, or attempt will afterward be impossible." WILSON GUARD TRIED TO BAR COL. HOUSE Green Policeman Also Failed to Recognize Polk. ? F-om TM Trlb'ir.? Ranee 1 Washington, Sept. 23. As Colonel F.. M. House, friend and adviser of Presi? dent Wilson, walked up the steps of, the White House this morning he ?a? stopped by one of the big policemen who guarded the entrance with "Say, come down out of there! Don't you know that you're not allowed to walk up those steps?" Colonel House smiled, hut kept on walking. The policeman had Jast I stcrted after him ia a more or less ' \ threatening attitude, when th?* doors opened, and the doorman, with a deep bow, waved the colonel inside. Soon afterward the Acting Secretary j of State walked up th" R'.ens to call on ' the President and Mr. House. The j same policeman wa? ??n guard, and Mr. Polk was also warned. When the policeman was told who | the two distinguished visitors were he i said: "Well, you know a lot of crank* : come around here, so I've got to b* ! careful." Colonel House expects to be the : guest of th? President for several days. His riait is ? to be a social one, but j there is a general feeling here that j many important questions will be dia , cussed, especially the Mexican situa-i ] tion. . HE'S HEARING THEM AGAIN Patch Correspondent Reports Heavy Firing In North Sea. London, Sept. 23. Boportl of ? bat? tle in the North Sea were revived to iday. The correspondent at Ameland, a Dutch island off the coast of Pries* ? land, reported heavy firing to the north ; last night and again to-day. Lansing* Move Pleases Peru. i Washington, Sept. 23. Henton Mc-; Millan, American Minister to Peru,' called on President Wilson to-day and! told him that the calling in of diplo? mats from Peru and ?,ther South Amer? ican countries to confer with Secretary Lansing regarding the Mexican prob? lem had created a very favorable im-J pressen in Peru. Mr. McMillan is - home on l-sve. GERMANY COYLY PLEDGES SAFETY OF U. S. VESSELS None Bearing Conditional Contraband To Be Sunk, Says Frye Note. Tram r. ? Iribast;? ? Washington, Sept. 23. -The German note on the sinking of the William P. Frye, published to-day by the State Department, created a distinctly fa? vorable impression in official quarters by reason of its friendly tone and the apparent willingness of the German government to meet the United State? on common ground for a sellL-ment of the controversy. It is believed that an end of the dis? cussion finally hat? been reached, though ! officials of the State Department say M ' may be necessary to a?k Germsny to amplify certain clauses in which the intent seems to be obscure. I Germany agrees to the American proposal to divide the Frye question into two parts. The first, ?vhich con? cerns the interpretation of the existing treaties between the United States and Prussia, Il to be submitted to the Hague Tribunal for arbitration; the other, namely, the amount of indemnity for which Germany is liable, is re? ferred to a board of two experts, each party to name one. Germany's answer to the question asked in the American note of August 12, a? to what interpretation of the' treaty of 1828 would guide submarine . commanders pending arbitration, is the feature of the present note that i? occasioning doubt at the State Depart? ment. The note asserts the right of the German government to be guided by its own interpretation of the treaty, but offers to compromise by promising immunity from destruction to vessels carrying conditional contraband. The United States has contended throughout the controversy that the1 treaty with Prussia forbade the de? struction of the ships of the neutral i contracting party, no matter what the cargo, while Germany has held to the view that the destruction of the vessel was warranted when the conditions of capture made it impossible to jettison the contraband part of the cargo, as provided by the treaty. Arbitration Sole Solution. Officials see no objection to accepting the proposed compromise if It can be made clear that in submitting the ques? tion to The Hague in those condition? the United States is not acknowledging Germany's right to destroy any Ameri? can ship. It is quite hopeless, they assert, to arrive at an understanding with Germany except through arbitra? tion, and it is not to be supposed that Germany will abandon thi rights ?he claims pending the decision of the court. It is believed a way will be found to accept the German proposal, with the express understanding that any further de?truction of American ships by Ger? man submarines b<-eau?e of the contra? band nature of their cargoes will b? considered illegal by thi? government. This would undoubtedly be held to mean that Germany would be liable not only for indemnity, but for punitive damages also, If an American ?hip should be sunk under clrcumitances similar to those of the Frye ca?e. The exact meaning of "conditional contraband" is also a questionable point, according to State Department officials. It is assumed, however, from the wording of the note that the Ger? man government refers to the condi? tional contraband list published by that government, and mean*, therefore, to guarantee the safety of all American vessel? whose cargoes consist of arti cles contained in th t list. The Isst American rote on the ?ink? ing of the Frye stipulate! that the ac? ceptance of arbitration by the United States would be dependent upon the possibility of forming an international court for the judgment of the ca?e without delay. It is probable, in view of this, that the State Department will take steps to lsarn what way? are open to the formation of ouch a court before giving an unconditional un?wer to the German government The State De pa. tment is loath to establish a prece? dent for the acceptance of indemnity until the question f principle is de? cided. It is noted as a curiou? item in the German note that the Anierican sug? gestion that provision be made for call toallniied on page 1, aaimnub b ALLIES SEEK TO FORM NEW BALKAN PACT Ask Powers Pledge Not to Fight One Another. GERMANS MASS 800.000 MEN Nish Fears Large Force? is Available for invasion. BULGAR MOVE PUZZLE London Hasn't Solved Mystery ?Athens Awaits Sofia's Next Step. London. Sept. 2.1.?"The riddle a-f the Balkans," as the London p e - terms the latest development.-* in the? near eastern peninsula arising out of Bulgaria's order for mobiliza? tion, remains unsolved. The greatest uncertainty still ex? ists even in official circles in London? as to the intentions of King Ferdi? nand and his advisers. In fact, it i.? not yet certain that the mobiliza? tion has begun or that a date ha.-? been set for it. One report from Athens says that the mobilization has been postponed. It is known, however, that the Entante representatives at Sofia and other Balkan capitals are still bwjr trying to reconstruct the Bal league and thus prevent Rur-ianis?, Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia fighting among themselves. Ai I Bulgarian government appea. have made up its mind, despite opposition, it seems likely that the?? diplomatic effort? will have -, difficulties 'o overe?me. The central powers have already begun their attempt to make their way through Serbia and one of th? intervening neutral countries to the i*:gean. With Russia more than hold? ing her own against the Austro-Ger nians in Galicia und Volhynia, it ig believed here that the Balkan pow? ers would hesitate before going con? trary to the wishes at their big neighbor and former protetcor. Reports from Nish say that th?-?. best information obtainable indi? cates that there are 800,000 (irru?an troops available for an attempt to force a passage through Scrlna. Teuton? Still Iceling We?.. It is felt in Nish that thi? i .?? I ment will be undertaken, although when i? not known. The operations thus fsr are ?till of ii character that indicate? that the Teu'ons ?re feeling out the Serbian positions. Dispatches from Greece ??y that up to midnight on Wednesday twenty, eight classe? of troop.? h?d been In eluded in the Bulgarin*! mobilisation ordered. The news has caused much ex? citement in Athens, gad developments in the situation are Hiixi"'i?ly ?waited. Geneva reports that :-M Bulgarian officers and men will leave Switzerland on a special train for Sofia on Friday, travelling by way of Au*tna. "Other Balkan State? Armed." M. Mincoff, first secretary of th? Bulgarian Legation, ?aid to-day: "I'p to now are have been the only civilian? in the armed ramp of Kurope. Rumania ami Greece hav?.? been mobi? lized for a considera!?;.- time, snd even Switzerland is under arm?. Why. therefore, is it so astonishing that bulgaria should follow ?uit? Why should mobilization mean any changa in our national policy? "I am not prepared to make any prophecies, a? they might fail of ful? filment, owing to ?aeapeeted ?levelop ments. We must wait ami see." "At the beat, the Bulgarian ?trok? marks the whole Balkan situation as urgent and immediate. ' ?ay? "The West? minster Gazette." "This may not be a misfortune if It eosapell all the ?fates, an?J the Aille? with them, to come to definite decisions about the Bulgarian demands. Incalculable Forres Involved. "The Germans are threatening to join the Austrian? In another attack o Serbia. This may be partly ?? hlu!T. hu? it might come to a dangerous real t\. If Bulgaria were willing to throw her lot with the Turk? an?i the t'entrai I'owers, then we ?hould see the unloos? ing of incalculable forces throughout the pen.nsuls." "The Gazette" adds that this i? stated merely a? an hypoth?-.? and that H doe? not Intend a? "yet to attribute any such design to King Ferdinand; never? theless, it i? worth while to get to th? 1 bottom of th? matter." Sofia, Sept. 21 < via London, Sept. i 231 The Bulgarian government an? nounced to-day that no mar? pa?s ; port? would be i??ued to per*on? leav I ing for foreign countries, owing to tha present uncertain condit.on?. The rrilitery authorities announced that youth? of the class of ?*?> 1 ?S must appear for physical exam.nstio*. hefor* October 20 the government has pro? hibited the exportation of all fooj staffs, fuel, illuminating oils, metals and textile?. The newspaper organ of It. Guerhoff, former Premier, who is pi-aaslaeat in the opposition faction which favors Kussia, mad? an appeal to-day to th? Opposition to rally in support of tha ? government. Premier Radoslavoff ba lieves ? speedy reconciliation of all ' political parties is probabl?.