Newspaper Page Text
Free of All New York Taxes K*?rVi ?rxsr^r Ta? Or. oh? Is' Tax Day Pirat M ? ? - ? V : ? ? Yield 5 ? W.C.Langiey&Co. aVr-*-'a.? '.?, t Metkoeft. 115 Broad vit New t-*-k ( ?t? Tax Exemption of Securities ]rjTr-**r*r* ?Jwirras to secure tar ?rx?iTirptioTi m this State bttforr (\^D?*a?eT frrst, which is "Aa*??Mrrjcnt Day." ?are in viler-] to <7-orr??7-5poT?d with us. IS e-h?? atraet New York ADVANTaGHS ** OF THE Partial Payment Metrod of bTi*/1na ?onnd dl?rl<l?"n?l l?-?Tln-i iM>r?irltle? ere? il.? On the ?Terme, m >ear eora pletes the pnrrhe?e; ?Ii All ?llTlden.l? from ?la??" of ?Ar?.t |?a;,mi"il ?ir? rre.llled to pur rha??*r; ? (8 i The t?UT-*r ??an ???11 hi? hol?ltn?x? ?t an? time or pa> thr total ?mount due at aiij time an?l rr.rlsr hi* aet urltlr?. * for ftonk'.et So 4? Harris,Winthrop & C? ?rT. Sev feet .- ! *U I T-hcn?r ItotJUahcrj 15 Wall M re?*, ? ni. ato mem ?or*. Lake Torpedo Boat Co. {Builders of the Even Ktrl Sabma^ne) 7% First Preferred Stock aOtmtt tmstmtmr uuatal?! Smtmtle? ??? fums.Iteu ' I .fin\, Gwynne Brothers M Broad St., St. \. ******** 82*2 Brcxad. The Inter. Mer. Marine Situation A T?prlnt "* an arttO -?" ten >?> ua 1er Ml a ?a-t M t* L. M. Prince & Co. Mtrnket n T. Meet Baehaage it? BROAD ST. M? VORR, rslfi 1> ' American Light A. Traction Empire District ?Electric Standard Gat & ?Electric Utah Securities rn-rat? wire to WliUr A Stoke? Philadelphia H.F.McCONNHLL&CO. tS Pia? ht.. Tel. C? '74 John. Net? Vori, STANDARD WlWlllPl O WE WILL SELL M Attaatl* R?#nl*t I U Continental Oil t? IxirtAa net Us* I :? li-J?n? MsnrJ Com. M liilas? fir*? Ltn? | 75 a 0. at Indiana lia ft. at Ca Ufan? la mat ?i Vacuum Oil CARLH.PFORZHEIMER&CO. rtnom ?SSO ill? R.-?.' Sfl riroa-1 ts?_. N. . Ilarrlaon Broa. Vinrrl. an Bank Note ?,?ilf st*t?>. *?i?-rl lattatern M??l ? arrmn M ?'??I Nilra-Bement-Pord FREDERIC H. HATCH & CO. I'hnne Bro?vd .M40 an nroa.l M . n?-?t York. I .-???? u sa - ?.' 1 T*l.i a*l?lpbU. W.N.COLER&CO. ' RABUaBBD 187?. Investment Bankers 4.? ItllAB ST.. NEW YORK t 11 T. Naw Tork City Mon?a. AU Ihum Wm.A.Read&Co. New York ??cafo Philadelphia Boston London DIVIDENDS. American Telephone & Telegraph Co. a of Tao Dallara par aliar* ? paid ea rrl?a> Octobar H. im. to ' THI MtW YOUK CENTRAI 'AILROAO CO. > Bank of El flud Return. ? 1 1 MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Setback for Industrials on Profit Taking and Bear Pressure. RAILROADS BOUGHT IN LATE TRADING I rictioil in (he I oreigfl (roda ?.?scussion Ponied London diving Up Gold. i ' ? . rda> und the shi Price? ? atirt before i ? toward the < ? 7urr. of 8] ?<p s point At thi i frac! and abo? ' Air Hi i?k?' and At, Foundry inn?!?- fi od ovei ;,*-.d frnel 01 ' ?val fairly ca?era -\t thesi pi ? . how? ever, i was light and ? tak-ng ?wiped ??pening gains, ar.d s hard i ? ?^et in. By the middle of the d ?bed. but a bear raid, ? : by reports of serioui fnc : tion between our flnancien ;?7id thr Anplo-Krer.? h mission, had n. of considerable cxti-rt. The autonio itocks, Can, tt'estlnfhouse and United State? t'cc: ??..?:<- i in the break. Steel went to 77, more th?? s point down. I>uring the aftei noon there was ?orne irregular recov? ery, but in mo-- ei ?how of strength among indus'riais was not ? convincing. Colorado Fuel and Rald comothre were advanced 071 large . deal- . The railroads, led by Reading, bene ! fited hy a burst of activa buying j around the middle of the last hour. ; I Southern Pacific, whose earnings statement for August showed another large pain in passenger receipt?, went , a point above Wednesdays close., Reading's maximum pa n was greater. At the end of the day railroads were, for the most part, up a fraction, while most active industrial? were lower. Official de?? a! of the reportad fric? tion n the credit d.?eussions assisted; In the late recovery. As yet?, it was , understood, our bankers have not com? ! to the point where there has been a definite formal conference to set the terms on which the loan will be placed. Realization of the difficulty i of parsing the proposed bonds on to in- ! veston has made many bankers a?k for concession to repay them for tying up their funds. Our visitors, impressed with (ireat Britain's long maintained financial prestipe, have found it hard to see the necessity of granting what has been asked. Greater ?> of foreign exchange rates, with some purchasing by large institu? tions, showed thBt there was little I doubt in banking circles that the ! Anglo-French loan would be placed. Exchange on London and Paris ad vanced, demand sterling, rising to 4.71% In the pound. From London it was reported that the severe 'a-ma-ion proposed was caus Ing some ??eakness in Rritish securi? ties. The new war loan ended a shade lower, at 97H, Last week it changed ' hands above !i>?. The Rank of Kngland ! j through reduction of public di : [ strengthened it* reserve proportion mor.-- than 1 per cent to over 25. l>ur i ing the week the bank lost more than ' (4,000,000 in gold, and yesterday an- i 1 nounrcd shipments of the precious metal to th-.s country, Spain and Portu? gal. Apparently gold is being supplied ! '? more freely against Imports, and in \ foreign exchange rirrlr- receipt of pold here is expected soon. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bM arid asked pi -tocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on the Stock Kxchange Thursday: MttAl A?V?! Adam? dp . ?"" 10? Met Vet pf ? Am Ac i-j pf HIS M '?!? ? at Ut >. -. i - a. pf ?i ct/a.101 ?'. ? ., Pr si ;>t B ?<) I Atn Sr a Am Ku??r pf 1 1 , 11H IOS M * St L ri ?h ms y SI Hl'A f? Si M IJ?I d? pref '. An Jal A itettt R CO. Amo m 1st ?y Gaal? BruaaitVa Ruft K A ?OV A! r A F7??*> ;. 117 ,\a; Blacull 121?, - . ?? ?S Nat K* H pi RB Mm lat ?y 15 - ;? ?' ?*. *? T O a --.I, M -, Ht pf ISS ? '?0 ?M n l'aji P?at? t lu? J 1 pf.. TS ? s i j*., ? ASA T-'. IM '. ' .... ? A N" pf IOS C st?Ji a o no i. pf ?i I..1 A S ? ? ?? DNf 11 .'?un 11 '"Tin < ara C-uf-a A f? pf 101 : r>?,n, Co pf.. SI Data AU'. ??* ,10 D al ? Pl D I io rret T* tlel ? M? 1. r\i pr.f . S0 '-? ? KR.. M !i S M Al ..-. Qmt ?le pref n w Ba - ? i*o Ba? I i??ij.r s? ? .lis lit ?laax VI pf - ' ??rrf K?. ?' 4 h?? A DB ? I R A do Ut pf ?o clo fcd prrf r?\ n v i. a w.u *3 ,.\'orf * Ba la !???' mu Ont Km..- ... n 1 ?S?t hr~w pf '.a A Tint 8 ITS 1~> (i A? 11? :t" i* C C a ? l'a? IfulUkan a? lat i r f w a i i Si i CNJ U* 1ST Qulekallfet . . do pref . , ll.-a.ll. g l?t pf %V d" M pref H\ lu- -. Isiani '? | do piv? . ?, SR f. 'su. A-! lai pf "V? r I M I. A ?- M *0 ? | de i ?-? :. S S Ht A I pf ! , ? iwsa) i? R Basai ?OS ??.' ? , i lit ill Te. A I t 194 170 T ? fe full p 15.1 ?*? ' . i '.v . . ? s ?? . - - Ill ; -n .:?:??* . 4 - . i p a i i ? 114 r .- i..: :e,. . . - Ii : Al pf M ? H.-. 4 l i i Bedlic k B i\ ITS |1'S Rub lat pl US lia-Car Cl, | , S'i tu . 11'. 1ST l . !' Ill , L W K - ? 1 V?. *?.? Ma ' a- Rea 1 May !>ep S pf f>4 pr?t i.? no W?y -i ; , i r-' , w ... I. Ill r. m . SHORT TERM NOTES. Same Hnd mi I BM a ? ? - ' Ain '? ? 1 | i??, J .' ? , ? ? H 1 ta. .lui.. . ?ili.?1 tVja. A ?len i 1: .i.i*i '? : ? I M I '? M 100', 10>H, ? . Aas Tlel ?? ?a ?tl . - l ?ireig*. GoverasBcal i??-u.^. ? ? . . | j NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE THI li-l>\V SI r: EMBER .'-. IMS. ratal Mlee of stocks Thareda. I I 1.111?aM W eda-reday. I?MH a ?eck ago; -i??.K Eirhange rloe-ed i ?eai ago. I r??m Jaaaary 1 i" data, ISaV 13 I ??"" agail -' It Im?, MW n > ear Igo. ? 1 ? ' '. \!li,-Chalmers pi ' - ,' i . ' ? - '? ' . ' 'A l i ' ? ?. Vm ? inn 105 .i i ?Ii i ' ' 7 \ pr. Ii . ' ? ' ? ; ? . 14.? T Ai 150 - ? K Am. Tel. Ti - ' ? 20 A I new... ' !'"? I "-? \ . \ - - "I \. ' ( ! Ill 1 9 S Am . ? ? ' - ' ? ?''. ; ? i ..... ? ion 1 -, I 'I ; ? I' ' , :??' '???i 10 1074 ? ! .. - 4 !.. 724 l? ?-' Bat? ? I '? ". ? 4 's I ' -???I . 354 ?'? 7 Betl tee] pr.... loo 1? ! l l?6 1*8 :. Rapid 'Ir. ? ? - ; - i 30 .Butte ?i Sun? I ? 3 Butterick r?.. |i 4 284 31 ' ?? troleun. 1.9? 0 L'i . \ ?t l'a). I'? ? - ? nada Pacific. 3.1*1 ' ' ,'??. I ! . ? ? . - - 7 i . m, Leathei pr. 100 10" 107 101 107 '4 10*3 10. Ches. .** Ohio. 494 ' I ???"?- ' ' " Chic. Gt West. '. : , 11 , 11*4 11\ i '? - I ?.: West pr. 00 31 31 ?J0-*i l i : c, M. ft St F. 300 S44 - 85 - 7 Chic, M. i St. P. pr_ .1 1244 -, 124 I ' ? 7 Chic. & Northwest. . 1274 12 7- 1264 ' . R, I. ft l'?ic. 4,100 204? 2 s '? I'-''. ? ? . ? . ft St. 1. - 32 33 ? 4 32 f>0 Chino Con. Copper_ I," .-'.?'?? 4 46 I6's Coi. Fuel & Iron. 61 ? - M 654 e, Cona? I. Gat. 100 r - ! !8 128 128 Hi 1274 1 5 ( 'un. ? ; 90** ? . 904 '-?I **i n Product?. - 184 184 4 184 I8*s .". torn Product! pr. - ' . 4 844 Cmcible Steel. 1 I ? 1V?i 94 I I ' ? 7 Crucible Steel r?r . I2i 107 1".' 1064 1064 I1? 1044 1074 Cuban-American Sugar 1,400 i Ii il'.'7- 121 24 120 121 9 Delaware ft Hudson... 100 1404 1404 1404 ' 141 143 7 Del ? -n. i 12" b; 126 I klS*4| 127 1274 D tilling Securitiea ... 800 25 '? 264 254 Dome Mme.??. 100 22 1% 22 224 - I?. S. S. ?v At. in. 200 ?Hi >? - 14 88 10 4 Elec. Storage Battery- 400 ? ?"> "?'? ~',;4 734 ? ~:; "?'? ?? Erie . 1 1,9 141 -I 'r- 314 314 Erie lat pr. ?,-'-'1" '?'>'* 624 61 - ?"?'-' '?'-'* Erie 2d pr. 1,000 10 ,0a? 394 404 - - 404 104 Fed. M & S. 1"" 29 29 29 29 1 4 Fed. M. ?<. S. pr. 7O0 484 Ii ? 17 17 1 46 18 - General Kleetrical ?'?.. 4,200 1 ."4 174 171 U 1724 17? 177. 173 n . 1,400 840 340 321 ??? :.:.7: ^ 24 336 - I i 7 General Motora pr. 113 i' ? . ;? 1124 111 ?,'.?.?inch. ft. F. 14,400 71 71 684 70 4 70 ? ."<, B. F., pr.... 100 1084 10? s 1084 1084 - 4 108 ? Northern pr. 1,900 1204 1204 120 1204 4 1204 1204 4 (ii. N'orthen Ore. auba. 14,600 454 46 144 45 4 444 16 16 (.iujjienheim Exp]. 1,?30? 854 654 644 ?'??"> 4 644 6 Hav. El. Rjr. L ft P. pr. 200 UH 101 1004 1004 ? 4 1004 101 6 illinoii Central. 40 103 1034 103 1034 ? 4 Ml 104 lot Axricultural. - 184 184 1 IS 19 ? ?Int. Atrrirul. pr., 1"' 88 :?:- 88 1 88 394 Inspiration Copper.... 6,800 :;:, ::", 344 344 '* 344 344 ? llnterborouf-h-Con.| 1,400 204 '.'??'s 194 204 20 - 6 llnterborough-Con. pr. 734 73 ? 734 7:'.:, Inter-Mel. 7"" 204 204 M7? 1'.'7s 4 204 204 6 Int Harr, of N. .1. 200 i? ? i - . |0' ?n7 1 4 \?a 1084 Int Hare. <'?rp. loo ?94 . ??g International Paper? 100 104 104 10 ?. 4 104 104 2 International Paper pr. 200: - - - . . 38 384 lu Int. Nickel. 4. 212 212 .". 212 216 Kansas Citj Southern 264 21 k. Steel . 6,80 694?. 70 '. a 102 mi 4 ioi 4 4 mi mi 4 Lake Krie * Western.. ? ? . ? *, :? Valley ... 144*4 145*, 4 1 if 4 1 ; 6 Louisvill? ft Nashville.! 100 IJ94 1194 1194 1194 4 1194 12 7 Manhattan Elevated.... l"l! 127 127 : 1264 l*?8 Max. Motor. '- 64"s \ 644 644 7 Max. Motor 1st pr. 2,1 . ; ', 934 94 Max. Motor 2d pr. 11, 1 i?,?, 47 2 May Department Stores 101 ?524+4 60 Mex. Petrol. '' 8941 + fid Miami (?m. Copper- 1,71 ' - ? Mo., Kan. ft Te :as._ ? r, ;, , ,-,?. Mo., I- in. ?\ l. pr. 1,8 - 11 1 134 1 ?. Misi 2 Mont Power . 1,2 ? 594 en'" l Cha? .... i"" 122 !4 1224 ? 2-- 124 ' It*:? Nat ' " --? 1 Suit. . - ; -?' 14 - - Nat Enameling t Stp.. 8,40 s ?j 284 ?- " itional Lead . 1,6 ? ? 554 r,,; 7 National ?Lead pi. 100 11! Ill 111 111 's 111 " 112 ?M Nevada ("on. Copper... 150 ll'i !i:? 144 ll1*. 4 1;'? ; fi N. V. Air Brake ., 3,600 162 162 12 - i;,,\ r? New York (entrai.' 4^00 944 95 93 ? ? , 95 N. Y., N. II. ft H. 1,700 674 '?* ? ?'.7 ?, .- ,.; N. v.. Ontario ? Weal - - . ?- . "? orfolk 4 Western. 2,200; 111 1114 111 ill - . ', 111 H14 . North American . ,"?! I1* ,.,'? ,",;?. 7 Northern Pacific . 2,400 1084 109 M7 , 11 t ? ? - ~ in?? Pacific Mail . 14 14 31 Pacific Tel. ft Tel. . 1 ;;l '? ;,.; 8 Pennsylvania Raihoa?! 3^00 I10\ ii? 1094 IM '? loo*, un t; Philadelphia Co.' 1,700 - - -, -, ? . Pittaburgh Coal . 4??" ?. r? Pittaburgh Coal pr. ... 1,900| 11 ' . i>? . nu ' I'm - ed Steel I'm. 6 ?.114 ? , ? , ?i H Pullman Palace ?'ar- : 1594 160** I'.v. Steel Spring. 1 1, 15 Ray Con. Copper. I ???, ... ???? h Reading . 1 1,400 161 :1 1504 1 15] , 1;. Rep. Iron ft Strel. ;. ;?;', Ri p. Iron ft Steel pr.?50 K?1 '. 1! 1014 1014 4 101 Ifl] 4 imely . 2,100 6 ?'? ?. ... >, ;, Rumely pr. 2.)?> 7 , , r,4 - ? . 14 74 s 4 St, Lou - ft S. Y. 30 . , HI 34 1 ? Si '? I' 2d r,r i . '. 64 ? ?board Air Line. 144! 144 4 14 Seaboard Air Line pr... ion .1 324 33 7 Seart Roebuck . 1 . . 1.-,.-, " i.-,> el A I..I 1 1 ;, ? ., ; 6 Southern I'nri'.r ,, . .',1 1. South? in Pac ' 1054 South m R. R. ? ..',.'. i.. Routhem I: R pr, . . 1. ;,". 8 Standard Milling. 1 L 3 1 ?}?> '.1 Standard Milling j?r... so 77 ikei . 19 : ; ? 138 in', m 112 7 Stud? baker pr . 41107 114 12 ' ? opper ..." : , 1 - 94 114 l" Texas Compan) . !.-? | 1... R. ? ? . ;,. 1, 7 Tel?. Pr? ducts pr . .? ? ,.. 1 ? I Paper ... ? ;? .; . '7 ... 7 ? . . . , 4 130 4 Uni pr - s 804 ?? tul.... ? .1 Ry. Invest, pi 1 i? ??71 ? 1 i' .-. 1 ; r. s. in,i I 14 854 : U. S. Rubb? r. r. S. Steel.14 - |i, --"?" 1 i pr. . 111 r "i 4 ill H4\ 4(1 I ' ? 57 \ Car. ?hemical . . Va. Iren ?'. ft ('.' 4 61 6" '?' nd ...... -?Ii B W? ? "? I nion Tel... - . 764 B W? e Air B... - - '*' W Mfg. 76,800 121 1214 1184 119 . 4 n? 119T. 7 Westingh'c Mfg. It pr WH l 10 l 10 l 10 1 |0 ? in ?VI ? eling A LE, . . ..' 2 1 2 14 ?' ' I I lal pr M'" 7 . 44 a \ "* '? '?> 0 ? ' and . 1,100 217 211 _ ? u ;;>-- Oyarland ex di? , ? ..', M Ml i IMPOkTO AM) EXPORTS. Daily importa and exporli ..1 g??n . rt handiae :?' the I' 'l nrk .?i re! I ?I ?? I?I*. IDENDS DECLARED. ?LfM ? , i .-. I Oct. I?? ? : - . ? Ex?cntor Tri1, "toe Chartered 1823 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nor?, i?, 18 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office. 475 Fifth Avenue "?' .v York. 51)05. Jf. rr kspt: Bt?l**?W.! 2R 0!; Brotd 5*r?vt. F? d Paillai >? ^uler&rd tT*w, mna PERLIN. 58 Oatw dw Litiim,. 1. V. 7 TraveWg Letten of Credit Foreign txchauge. AaministratOT Guac?an ttOXD s ?LES OX THF STOCK EXCHANGE ? ni .'-nw. SEPTEMBER 23, HIS.' rradiai in bonds an tlie \<?>? inri? Stock Exchange Tfcarada) aasounted ?2,274,tt0 a ???'?k agti. and Sunk in t3.074.Mt, agalnal I3.91t.ttt1 Wodneaday, Exchange closed a year ag". Total ?rom*. l to 'i.i'<-. ag.tii-?! M24.W5.ttt in l!'l t. i..i\ ERNMENT BOND! . si i. , i i . STATE BONDS. i MUNICIPAL B?.NDS. 17:1.232,000. - r *i ... -il M, ? ? ? ?. i - . ? i l'ai ? ? . RAILWA. AM? MISCEI.LANEOI S. Ata Act i ? I IM , ' >' ' ' '. ? I 000 ' . a ? ll i- ? Del A I i Inn' ?? ? '.< M i \i r , ?, ' ? ?A ? ? ? - ' i - ? ' Sit] ? -- I on . ? ' . r,.... ? I l ? ? I. ? ,', ? . I. ,?i .. 1 D ? ' It?? I i Ai pi '. in ?-. I . loot? '. . -?i I ? une i' ? ? n ?AW V.l. .inn iid 101?? I .?.in -, .?1.0 . i oes i 1 non Cal lia ft Kit ' renl i - - ? - I I e ? r f* 1 " '? 1 ? I! ? -a>'l C H A 'i t ' ? I, ,!<? nl I .,- ? I.IMM r\n nl I- let II r . ? .? rere Jl i. i ? I rin-'k \ 1 OflO .?.4 Bu I .*. -la-. -'.- ? 7? ils j 1 A..n ?4 rff 4? 12.nnn I [Il i ? Hi . ?->..)??.I 101?. ?-? 17'lfl r. onq ](,, ? i ita .?. m ? ri Mel I-., ;. n.i , . ii.iO ' .. ' ?' ' -, \ ,. ... 31.00.1 ? 10 ON r. ' i - ? ? I.OOl i. Third Vj - Ii ' T . ' . 104-, iom ' / >? i , i K Y f A Ml I. del. I 7'. \ t ?. I', i. n A r li I ... I ?. N* T N II 4 ; 000 S30F ? :: IIP 1 ' . ? Hi a-ll v r T. i - fj nun N \ u ,?. li. 1 n..n ;ii''4 Kerf A- Weit roe 4? 1.00? 4,000 ?? ? nun do I- I- A I ?. ; on.i .'?.- 4? 1 . "Ol, -i M? | ....j ???*.'?. ' 10.000 (?JO! ? ? I..-. ? in,. SoMh '< Va-far Cliem ?>?. I...-, ' 1,000 . ...Ill 0 I . X', III... 1.1.. I Ii rtfi ? I ' i. 'I ... - 101 II DOS 7?. HO 7.; 1.-.', . I 7 ". ? ' d ? la -- , on - ' ? I (..o M SP . ? ? I. rff I? i i IF l-ai Tei ft Til ?1 ooo P -i ' . . ??i ?_?. , i . II ? ?r -.? ? ? I . In?. I .? ? I? I Ka . rut -?i ?? ..- ?, ? .7 i.? . r?i i ? ? ii? BT! ? ; - IS4S 1 oss tilt i ? ? ... . ? ' rii ? 10*"*. ' ? Phil Ha ? A W l? 17.00? MH i ? ? 4 - - ?I ? .to -1 I. I* A \ ? 1 . . li 1 ,? |? gen I I ? I Tl IOS M H ? I, -I I. - . -I . . i loss ' - fen .i1?,!? i. - i i ??i ' ?!? 4 l,"."i a Miera 7? . I.'.', ilil. Set 4 *? i I ooo ... Ha. I- .pivr ?'? I rt- iii? i i? .?. H .. I A - Uli ., Wi ?' lal 4? s. I. I M A I,. . .i- it a. <; ?lit si i. a i rf| i ?M.I p| *? -, 7-1 i ?. n II "0.| ft for ?'?nl Weat \l??!? ? In |M IZI I it ' 111..lO'l ! OS* 11 .m.. ?0.000 ?? l too?) ,\n ?*? ? yiu. '.??VKKNMKNT BONDS .- uOO . 1930 2s coup 1930. . '.'7 3s reg 1918.... 100-*?, 3s coup 1918.. .100*% 4.-, reg i925. . I- coup 192B . .1094 L'r- P n- ':'?' reg.. '."*< ?;- Par 38 reg., a?-. I mo'i P m '81 coup.1004 Yesterday. VWdnesday. Bid. Aaked. Bi '. Asked. '.?7 98 97 9-? 110 '7 . . -, 100 i 109 1094 M ?M ??on*-, 1004 110 STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES BOSTON ?STOCKS. MIXING On : Hi/a t M . i ? ? ? ' ? H ? il :< ... . . '? ? ' n ?? ' . ? ? 7 . ' ? U ' . . '.?I I 1 I I i . ...? I 1 ? a a ? - ?'?? ? . '; ' ? ?t ? ,1 ? ? ? N ? ? a. i ? ' * 11'. IP, ...... M - . ... ItliVlilN i I lt!l t'UlKtN'fi riM. Ask. I \ .... Sew Ball \ . ?i- ??? i: ? i nlted ?.....? ill Menu -i :\ M v M ral?. IV "?X- , PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. IMftl !.. 1... ?lilao ?? Im 171 ? I. i )?'. .. i- -. ' . .'?'. I . . -, : 4 ' ' . . Urla iri.n 1 ' ' . : ra . -....V;-.,',. ? ? ?' I' - . ? . ?;*???? > i, . ? . . . >?'? ? ?0 I ? I ? ?'? -'??I !?! ?I ? I . I Il r. um n *. ? I. i , - ! ? ? ? . ? , I ' I.iiNH tl I lit il? ? Ii ."?? 7.1 :? 7.. i UK ?GO STOCKS. ? ? ii) ??I. I ? i i ' i i:; is; -.; i, , i . ? ? |?| lagul.i i . i . .-. ii-', itSH ii-.'. 11 Ik.? . .?? |H . ? . || ?I 5? i . 101% 101?, 101% t...1, I"! US |... ? , - . ? ?$60,000 for Exchange Scat. ? ? ? York Mo?-!? Exchange ?eat l! Hiniies has bee.. BOatod for tra fei to Edsaund Randolph. ? ? r ?ii the Stock Exchange firm of F & ? ah, HI BroailvAay. The price is 960,000, unchanged from the la?t previous sale. We Buy payaba at home or abroad and issue and Sell commercial credits available in any Exchange part of the world. In the financing of transactions in any country, we offer our services. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank Ot THF. MTV OT ?SEW YORK :o vA??u eTiesl Capita!. Surplus and Profits $14,000,0-00 REORGANIZARON International Mercantile Marine Company (International Navigation Company) Notice that plan of Reorganization has been declared ative, of change in plan and extending the time for the fu * deposit of securities thereunder to Oct. 1, 1915. II Plan of II? >n ?>t l\v I tcrnatiunal ?I ? . m,,- , pant ?I.?I'd \iigu*>l d, !<'l"i, h- i??''i ?I ?l'i'.?l operative lij the Iteonan i 'Hiiiiiitti'?-. I In run tinning large earnings of the pniperties of th- In' - ? ;* ...rt i! Um cantil? Marine Companv n?> ? Indicate that tlm .? -m - .. ,? .? v. \ i oinpanj make il unnecessar? '?? r??.piirc Holder?? "*' >' ><k .?ml St??, ( ertiftcatett tu snhscrihe f<> lioncli ?? !l" S'< ?- < ??nip.ii I n\ <?_ ? . Ii. rr, and Hie Plan lui' been according!} changed ?? I ?it Stook and St???'k Trust Certificate:? max ?;t their clc<ti??n deposit lli-ir ( crtifi '. - * ;?n?i St?. :. Tnixt Certificates without the payment of the Holders ?>f Certificat.**1 ??f Deposit f??r Stock an - ' ?-tiiWiy nlreadi rlepn Ited may, it tho\ ><> desire, ?l.tain " I mnnunl lij tli"in ii!>???? Mirrendcr of MHr Certificates ?if l?i ? OpotM it \g-nt.s. on or hefon October 1, 1915, In exchnng Crrtii' ? ? ??? 51 -, Trusl Certiflcales and ll??n<l ' !?? dt\?)y it???l under Hi? Plan on or I *??.-? re Oc'.ober I, 1215, '* '? ?to d will be accepted except in tli?' entire discret ??m ??f l!" i | ??ib?#rt f?? Mich |?<ll alt ii ?-. nntl ?"iiili! imia a- tin ( mum ' ' fit I Cop!?'.' of thi- notice have I .'?ii filed ?with th? Dep I tiicir \-**rlA. i)i:i'?i-.'r\Ki?> \m? run* Mi EM 1)11 SK\t IORK IRl'fT (OMPAXT, ?'?;.?? Par 1 -.iir .ma One-half lv: feat. M..r.,;..??.? ..n.l (?>IUt?*rul Trust I ?Ml Till KA mi SI ' ?> ?.ni?! 15..inIs. I.I..V Mil I - ? I KRII * ?O., kmst, " ' I. . . ! n>; i ir\ TRI ?i ? iimi'\m ??r rir.i Mnrtfge Hlnklaa Kun.l ?ASKP.Rs?' : Hi ? i tOMPAX?, ?? i ???? i .-? < enl. ?...I?l K'ikIs. -I'.-iii. riTI.K S rm st <o., A|??*t mi SKA? WORK TRl.<?T (<?MP\NT. - HUM IT*i TKi -I COMPAS! r'or Preferred ,t Catwnioa s(,,. c. . i , M.,k T1?s;,,,i,rli,1<J,c. ,!,""'m ????>??*"*? ? <?? (,!'. N. Mil l?.(! KKII A (?I.. kStSt, - '. - I Sir- et. t.. ? .;???? KaglaRd DATED N-u Vork, (September IT. 1915. _. UTTO T. RAS SARD, t hairmun. IS'DRKVI S. MII.I.KR, VIIIIVI P. t.t-l. \ lie? hiiirni in, *? i?'?*-( ?iairraju. 1 171 lil.KI? I. H sllllMW. I m Will ? I \ I I K sii?\kv t i > i i k -*.??? h ?/?. iiiii-ri?'. M Ml HI ||. UN.?,IV CHAI:l.h I?. NORTON, I. ?.. MVKHN, ?,Ki;:?.l n i:.?1- \? -TKlt. ?.1 v.l \\ll\ III kW. iioKMii ou in. mm ii ?7. fur r:.:* ,'. i:\hii.. i, MORO AN, li.UI-.v I'.i'lMlv flsmmstA. i. !.. IIMIXilk T. iidmki: UH.I'JOS "">? . ? -!???>:. -?, i ? - CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Prices Irregular, with Trading N'nt Well Distributed Oil? About Steady. The i"it-; market yeaterdaj devel? oped an Irregular price movement end activo trading was limited to a fe?v of th? industrial and oil stocks. Farther strength ??;.- noted in International Mercantile Marine, which was excep? tionally active, The old common I a fractional advance, while the pre t'. rred ?old as high as :i2. dosing at 29%, tdvance of l-1? points on the day. Tobacco Pro hi.-* eras also active and th" day more than 9 point? higher. Submarine Hunt. lit ?gga*Sea hury. Cramp Shipbuilding and Car , hi.I Power all made recessions. Kellj Sprin.****field rire lost 9 points. Standard of K'ew Jersey and New Vorlt were again prominent in the oil group, advancing B and ?i pointa, re is in-.? were about st. ady. Trading ilaekened in the min in.- issues nnA p I ;'i?ms were irregular, Boi ds were weak. i Mil ?TRIALS. - pen lllgtt '??? i* I ??.-???. 7.i 7: .:.. ..?..-??..? -- n 7 ? ? ? ?? I.I ,\ I-.. ? 12-aj I3'?j II 13 ? amp Shl| !?'? v.'. ?4 -i ?. i ? steel .-: ',-. . ? il.-, ii: ii? 1:1-?, 1*11 ir ; IXW ?lull Klfiwl i ?'M. ?. ?. . It .1;; H I ' Mi-.,. In? * A A ? 4* i? U . 15-4 1''. ? ? Mi Mat ?-. ,i ? ? ? .... ?im r. l ?KO K at ho I la n a , ' ?.', ?'. :'. ' ? ?00 KrII? H| 10 .lo new 1.1 pf ?l II is :?'?, ?An 1 ?? pr< '17 i; ? II in .in ..f m.. Ti'. ? ??? ' MO Ml I?? ?--. lief ? . ? - |l ? ... ??"-.?. 10 ? . ISO ?- loa? ? ? i ??< i i '? i . 14% n ... i .i , ?. .i i- ? . . -. 1.0a? I n I'rof Sliai 1% I I -. ''? ? ? . .... 81 ?NDARD OIL SI BSIDIAR1E& i. tin. \.-. ? :? i. '.?. Ill ,. ,. !? 1. 117 H 1-7 ' ?vi l'reii le oil | ? ' .'?o I'ral li i' i I So , 77. RI .n I'.l ..f . . ? Ttt? Stun ?Ml of ? ? ii ?Ml of X J ? - ' - , OH ,,' \ \ It <-' "*? RAILROAD* ? '?-a'?-' ? I H I' " i i , 41 41 li 3 ?l MINING. , 11% US US I ,. , Mil? ... | i ? ? ? > i..n .nd l ' . . l t IBS " -."?'?? i ?t.?,11a .77 IB ? l'??I .i Va ?'.? ' IBS I ? ???'?, Il M I.". - MS Rrailen ?*op|>??l M, ??, ??. ? . 17'. IS 1T-V .... .-,.n ?.'i- ?*n. It . -i tl i 7J0 I 1 i.?i Hoi, ?,. i ! ''..n I', I?. I.a \m Met ?., 7? I .... ? ? a ? i.... ? io io ... ,| .... - HtaU tOSS Mamiia CuBBSC. 1?'? li'? MS 1?S ' a L I mmm*'? ' H.\HTY.Bi:i> met em i ?ntoiiTr?stCo.QfHewYorii (M) ?ROADWAY i ?- c, Utsatnot?, ?uraiai ?rd.ii, i!:. AI lin? tllfrrrat ?a l>.,io?.l? 1.0.1.? IM. (? ? I -.1.1 M.: - ? ? . - ?- - S U K l.'j ? -? i ? - i ion m .i , :,000 Trl-llu I . : t ? poNoa ? .a ? ? Kenn ?^^^^^LataaB 73 7? ? ? ^?_ 11, I'. IteC . t? ? ? ? -S ? IS) ?l'ulUtcl ?atetU INACTIVE YESTERDAY iNDlCTRIAlat. m. Nt tillen ? ?' ? s n-? r?* oui us i?'s. m.u? ^?J ?J ?i.i _ *. m . .v Mo , ?? ' Km? r?"m i' ll'i , .wpf ? M . I ...Lui .-usar. '? ??'jrene Wg?* I i*ar J*? ' ,|| - UA. Ht ? ? Min i \ ? .-..n \e.-f found i\.rr I- ? ?I M " li t." '.. ? 4. ?N ? MININO , |, t , ROM ''" " ' ' t.\-. mu? n m ??*l 7? 'J Mlu ***? 'n un a ne C. ? ? . if ? W *' i r 4 ? 3D ?i a?i,.| taut." BALTIMORE STOCKS. half ?7"* i'.? ' ??' ..i) I Bll l - HUM'S H.iJuOCt.a II l? I ?? M ' s ' l'A' ?* UT* ?a. ... ? "? a? M ? ,;?,., jswi ,.;S IJ* PITT8BI 1?'H -I"(K' ? ?m u -?i H* ... to i.-.i i ..inn, liai a. '.i i? ?? ? ? Mira M A Ht * ?J si? As i- -sj . ,,, iirrwH'S * I 240 W tatlia* Air F '^ BONUS I1I0.? S?, Ailes k bl b* V> aan 7? *H M I I? ?I .>??? ?? M ?o i 'l'a 1?*? *\ 1-11 i> M :? ? 1? ?a US *? i II % ?1 141 U. S. Treasury ??Sft */*-** o? ?* Set To?.. T.,..' *?>*? ?t?S ?"???a? P* . . ,<? m ***T?' tU ?*LSftB ??aM Al?? l-an.uia Oaual ?oJ l*****?1* J*W " ?r