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Much Joy, Everybody Wins?Giants, Superbas, and the Yankees Twice Recruit Pitchers Win Two for the Yankees Mogridge >huts Out Browns in First Game, While ?Tarkle Holds Them to One Run in the Second. By JEROME BEATTY. ?e ru7i and ten errors at the Polo (iro'i* is yastsyrdaj, ao ?the YankeM w??n two (rames. Georpre Mopridpe and ( !i*T Markle. I ' , wore tw?> reasons for the paucity of St. r* made so many errors wa<- that the up::"' ? <n ?? they were St. I.'>uis Browns. in the first pame with a 7 t<> 0 ??err n i by ;i acore of 5 to 1, ar.d he, too, would ha\? floger Pt rjaugl. made a two-base throw in the *.;nth. Dot ova era a ruie these days, and he tr? have :? fina loi of r>?*( h?. - - t?-, i catchers. Of cours?-, pitching in the American I> lia Browns are different thiflR ? the kin?- always look prent. Those who fa?. ? the hook in May. Nevertheless, it ? >.- :i more prom i <":?;(; lot of embryo ;??-..'? for i ? ? ?n at - ?on. after two games fror:, the Yanbeea, T ? eriet of sis: game? in three da, ??? th an ?ven break for ? ver*. ? eept the tre??urers O? the r clubs. The public w?? lookir.,, \? i.dow when the Hrnwn? opened t pot. Not mor? than 2 K) pen the tl rot he clu got ?.?as ? The ? the men who cou ?up. pick a hunr), of tick? v.-?.? r- . ? ?' The \ . sd a ?hot at Tom Ph lips, o? Pei n., ch the New York Sti.te League. Th ? left-hai ? way to a pinch i. "? reeded ..ron, fro Wichita. Leagu Ge?-, threw at the Yankei ige was thei. out when tl Brown? ?ore. In ti: ? i on halls and a shoi hit filled 'ho base?, with one out Mo| ridge t and l.avu grounded i The Yankees ?cored seven run?, an we wonld t? ? inc of each, but th play? were tangled, and we have s many aotei Hi our scon ?hat v?e can't res . ^formation, thougl that in the third -..-.? Mogndg walked and was f.rced by High, wh stole soeoi Au?* ? 'o third. . ?Joubie by A.. ? ill r'.e b another in th fifth. In the sixth ?ingles by P^pp, Bau mann and '?'r.rtzell. an error by Sisle and a by Hartzcll an Btutr.r.- ? two Tt..ei runs came in the seventh as result o? s hi: by Peckinpaugh. Lavan' Wild throw, a- Otbl r l\ ties 1 ? and Baut ? ??ter Hoff, who lives in New Vor! snd v?ho has been p:- ?{oches ter thi? :.en?on, had a try at the Van le?-? In the ?econd game. Cheste didn't do well, although he wa? per forming for a dlsl entele In the ?tand rx the St. Lou i bench ?at hi? wife. tor, hn mother-in-law and his -.-law. He ? made twi wild throws, neither of which, how ever, was * ths direction of h.s moth er-in-law. A bn?'.? on balls, a ?ingle and anothe: base on balls nils ? sacks in tin aecond, and a wild pitch by lloT sen . home with the Brsl run of thi ?eoond game In the fourth Millai i'?-at out a bunt to Hoff, wh wild to first, Miller takinir second. Cool a'?o beat out a bunt, and Miller ani Cook ?ft? ! on Behwert's double t< centre. Ajrnew threw wild to second trying to catch Sehwert otT the ha?;, an, the Utter romped to tmrd. . fielded the ball and threw wild to third to Schwort came on homo. ?\ f Iman succeeded Hoff In this inn . ?topped the attack until thi h, when i singled, took sec n l'rn't's eiTOr, Stols third a?< on an il eland is to he here to-day. Tues - game w i back ani 1 to morrow, ?.. as to wake, l crowd. CHIEF BENDER SUES THE FEDERAL LEAGUE Asks S1.0?S.ri Judgment for Ser vices ol Pittsburgh Court. p ... ..... Charlea \ ' "<"r. ? former with tl . Ami i o**i Ha?e ? : ederal I ?ague, t" day filed suit in court here ?utca si Proies na i adgraenl lor * ? |a ?ue ? -? ce?. In . m he two years at he was uti . ia*t, were made the garnlshee? ia the and the papers wen- given to ?ar*.??<j?. 1. a er Natiot pia>er. ?o ?er\ r. g Buffalo Feds Easily Defeat the Rebels ''- ? ' The Buffalo reds acaily dofi - -.urgh to-day owinir te the afood pitching of Schult); The ?cor.- ?i. ;, t(, i k i and Uasely, and I gave ?Ah. ?0 in the SOVOI th ' " I 1 I | (Jf ^ i I 11) j *-? ' A ? kr??i?ar. ?S? New Blood Tells ? ? ?-? GAME. NEW YOSK (A. L.l. I ST. LOUIB(A L>. H!,h. ct I I 0 I 0 0 Au.t1n. lb 4 0 2 2 ?I P.e., ajh. .. 2 I J 8 40 Hawerd lb 80 0 II Id Wane?. Jb 4ID 2 C 0 Sliler. rt. p 40 0 0 0 picp lb 422 11 I 0 8hrtl?a. cf 4(lt I 0 1 Baumann, lb 1 I 2 2 S 0 Pratt. 2b 3 ?J I 0 40 If. 4 0 1 I r 0 La?, It 4 0 2 10 0 Cat* it... 4 0 0 0 ('0 Lavan, ai. .4 00 2 Al,x?n6er. e 4 I I I III fuel, e I 0 ft 1 0 71 Mogrl?f. p 2 00 O 4 0 as-?relo. C 20 1 S 10 " Phillip?, t 2 0 0 110 Mimllton. ,000 0 00 Sothwen. a 0 0 0 0 0 0 SI m?, p 0 0 0 0 I ?1 Jacbaen*. 10 0 0 0 0 Walker, ri I 0 0 0 0 O Tofal, . JO 7 9 27 HO Total? . 33 0 7 24 12 4, *Batt-*-< ter Hamlltan In tha aa?*,nth tnnlnt. N**? Vor* 0 0 I 0 I I J 0 ??7 St. Uul? . ooootooo 0?0 Two-ba?? Mt?Almendro Stolon bewa? Hlth 121, Baumarn, Herti^H. Mif-idg?. lernm! run?? S*? ?c?, 6. Sacrifico MU? Hlth. Peoilnpaugh. Double play?Auttln and Hooard. Left ?n bu - Now York. ?. St. Leu*?. !?. Flntt ba?, ,n tcrei ? ?i.? York. I. F lr?t be?, on ball,?OTT Phl'ljp?. 4. o<" MogrUlg?. I, Hit??Oft Phillip, b In 5 Inning? n?nr out In th, alxth); ?ff Hamlltan. 0? in I Inn Ino o" So?.ho?t>-i, none outl : ?ft Sl?l?r. 0 in I inning: otT Sim?. 0 in I Inalng. HI? b> pltrhrr? Himl'ton . M?gr?d|?.. Strut-? out?B> Phillip? I It Harl?f?ii i. t> SIt.? I; by Mogridg?. 4. Wild pitch?Moor Id ?jr. Umplm?Cnpally and Chill. Tim??2.-.?. SECOND GAME NtW YORK A. L. . ST. LOUIS (A. l_). il. r h p? ? i ?b r h p, a ? Hl|h If 3 112 0 0 Aui'ln lb 4 0 114 0 P ? paua'i a? 4 00 2 4 I Howard, lb 40 1 5 2 0 Maltol 5d 4 0 0 9 11" 111*-**', r? 4 12 10 0 Pipp ii. 2 00 4 P 0 Shottan. cf ?00 I 0 1 Millar, lb 10 1 6 1 1' Pratt. 2b 40 1 I M Baumann. 2b. 3 00 I I 0 L?. ?I 40 1 9 0 0 Mlllnr. cf 411 0 0 0 Lavan. ?I 4 0 0 8 0 1 Coo?. ?? 42 1 2 00Agn*w. c . I 0 0 I 2 1 ' ? .f ' I 4 I 2 I I 0 HolT. p IOO61I Marhli-. p I 0 0 I I 0 Wellmaa. t 2 0 10 0 0; ?Walker 100 0 00 ' Total? Il g ? 27 t I Total? . 14 I 7 74 10 i 'Batted ter A g nil? In ntsth Innlnt. Ham Y,rk .0 10800 10 ?? S 8*.. L?ul? 0O000O0O I?I T?>, ba?? h|t?_Srh?irt. Howard. Stol?n ba?r? - Mullrn High. Earn?! rur.t?Uev, York. 1. L?tt on ba?,?? Sew York. 6; St. Loul?. 7. Flr.t ha. ? ?-S??? York, 2; St. Loul?. I, Fir? ba ? an ballt?Cff Hot. 4; off Markl?. 1. Hit??Off Hoff. 4 In 3 Innlnoi. atT Wrllman. 2 In 5 Innlno?. Struck out? By Hof?. I; by Wnilnar'. I: bt Ma-U?. ?? : pitch?HafT. Umpire??Chill and Con nelly. Time?I 18. WHITE SOX GAIN VICTORY Defeat Senators In Final Game ?if Serie? at Capital. Washington, Sept. 23. The Chicago White Sox to-dny wnn their last game in Washington this Maaofl by a score of 2 to 1. Harper pave ?ix bases on balls and forced in a run Defore he was relieved by Bochling In the third. A double by Schalk and two errors gave the visitors their second count, In the sixth. CHICAOO <A. l.i I WA.*-)IIIN'1T"N 7 1. ut * nhr h 1 ?*. ?? <* I rf 4 00 I on, .Th?s-*. lb. ? a ? A'Mvrr.aa 4 1 ! 4 |i ro,t?*r. a?... 181 3 SO BCHni I 1 Ian. cf.. 401 - Po'mlei ' imlaoa if 4 01 1 00 Ja? beon. If 181 0 rbar. rf.. I 1 0 2 " < alb 4001t Oil? ? ? 7'.. ? ft ; 8 ? 1 ' 1 - mi - a 00 8 00 c. 8 s . 1 11 v Bride, n, 8 00 1 II p 4010 1 0 ft ft Boahllnc, p I 0 0 0 0 0 vv?^ 1 Totale... Il 1 4 27 13 2 0 0 0 10 0 0 2 r?*? OlftftftOOftOl Tw?. ' ??? ?Atta S> ' 1 ?.. Jam'.?on M,e??r 6tol?-i ? ha?.? Rlaakburn? ?Vearar 17 (.'otllni EarrM r\.n t atei to /U'lt-i. r<m "1 ?>..?.- a? 'Ui-ar >:. Ool Ina t.. J . It. 1.". an baaea Chien ? H. Waafibiftn .? I'.is- lia?" OB ?rara u ? kifl . beat Kalla -OIT . . Hita 09 lia.-;.?. 2 In ' mea Ii. iMrJi . " ' ? ? . f ' ? ' .? ?lit ht rliflirr II? Blrurl nu- 11. H -i 1; I pina Eran, aji<l \?VaJ.?. e. fin CLEAN SWEEP POR TIGERS I'aplure Final (?am? from Athletics by Nlnlh Inning Rally. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. Detroit de the Philadelphia Athletics to-day by a score of 6 to ">, and nada a denn BWCtp of the heries of three games. ?IT v 1. rini.A \ 1,1 ?>, r >? po aa av. h ,o a ? T*ib*,. ft 188 2 II Srhn-a. rf !;fl 1 VUt. It. .. 11 1 ! 11 Rtrunk. rf.. Ill 1 lo ? .. ?? * II 1 t OOlOldHng, If. Il t 1 88 * 4 1110? Ia*>o!, 'h 181 ? - ? ' ? Intite, lb 4 01 ? '?40113" t l 0 2 : S 0 1 tmra ;. lb 481 1 ' ?? ?i voy, 1 1101 ? ? ? 1 00 ;..?; 1 . 1 ft ?? 1 o a Ik.P I 1 1 0 10 SWhan ; ?Hdha?i. I'UOO 0 ?' 1010 sh 111 0 0 0 trtanketnn 1 ft 0 0 Oft 118 0 0 0 4U Pav?a 1 I fllaalay.. 181 ft 0ft I . Melon?? 111 ( Totele. ?4 f S 1-7 111 Totale...? 7 7 ? : ?l?-'?' ' ? vu .g. in ,h, ? ?Be'.ta'l > ntntl l.i'.lit natta ' I blrA?.?> . IRetlat] t ? HI Mba '?'?*' 1 i 'la' ft l.aiip li. U,, 1 lr th im '.? , ? ?? - f ' li. iha ninth I 1 t a i s a a?t Phlli plila 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 0 : .tt r.iu '?Mrti t. : Tt?-??- til? Lit? v . ? . . . , i? .-? m ?flu t-H*. I . !.. ?l?Vh!? ' v ? ' Sin* lafft ? ' Baa?, . ? - . . . * laou l,rml!k. ? ? ,. ? ? . - ' . . I'll ti.fa - K ?* ,? . .' ? . i ?I t. fil II laSilvn.l.? i ' ? . - . "J 1% Per MONTH ON PLEDGE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY IHK PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY OF NEW YORK aU.MlAI'l.l.\ Fourlh Avenue, cor. 2 5th Street Lldridge St.. cor. frlv'.ifjton St. Seventh Ave, bet. ?.?til ?5c 49th Sti Lexington Av.. cor. 124tb St Grand St., cor. Clinton ft, E. 72d St., bet. Lexington & )d Avi. Last liouitou St., cor. fcjsex St II HO Ml Courtlindt Av., cor. 148th St I in-.' hi l\ Smith St, cor. Livingston St. ?rjlum Av., cor. ?chcvoiie St Pltkin Av.. cor. Rockawav Av. 1 y I'r.K (.L.M. UlAKUt? ON ?^aC loans repaid WITHIN <m TWO WEfcKS rROM^bATE. // Will Happen in the Best Regulated of Families By BRIGGS Sallee Pulls the Giants Out of the League Cellar McGraw's Men Fall on Slim for Six Runs in Second Inning and Defeat Cardinals. It? TVlafraph 'r, Th? Trttmr.? ) Su Louis. Sept 23. The Giants fell upon Slim Sallee ?n the ?ecoi.d inning to-day and ?cored six run? on ?even hits, including a home run and a triple. This was enough to defeat St. Louis, the Giants winning by a score of 7 to 3. The ( hlcago Cub? lost two game? *o day, and the (liants therefore pulled themselves out of last placo in t'ne Na? tional League. Jet! Te.-reau pitched for New York and wa?. steady except in the sixth, \"hen a single, two doubles, a base on halls and a wild pitch gave the Car- ' dinals their three runs. MeGraw put Kelley in centre field to? day and used Dyer on third base. Kel? ley made good with a whoop. The Giants started after Sallee in the second. Fletcher was first up and ho singled to centre. Kelley, who had been a joke because up to to-day he > ii I made only one hit, and that a scratch, came up next and smashed a home ron to deep centre, scoring Fletcher ahead of him. Dyer tripled to left. Meyers ginunded out to Hyatt. Te-reau singled to right, scoring Dyer. Hetze! fumbled Burns'? grounder and George wi - safa, Robertson sacrificed, putting Tesreau on third and Hums on second. Doyli singled to right, scor? ing Tesreau and Hums, and taking f?c? ond on the throw-in. Miller Huggins began to suspect that something wai the matter with Sallee and took bin oat Meadow? succeeded t.. the pitching burden, end Merkle singled to left, scoring Doyle. Fletcher came up for the second time in the inning and grounded out. The liants almost scored in the fourth. With two out, Doyle was safe on rlornsby's fumble. Merkle doubled, and Doyle was caught at the plate on a fine throw from Miller, who relayed the ball. Kelley made a single in the fifth inn? ing, and got around to third on a hit and an infield out. !I? wa? thinking about his home run, doubtlea?. for he wa? eaught o:I" third on a throw from S n y der. MeGraw suddenly ha? become opti? mistic and i? urging the Giants to bet? ter thing?, .lohn J. has figured that if ths (.:ants win all the rest of their cames thi? year they may finish in the Ion. The second division clubs are so close together that there i? ?till a chance for a complete upset In the last four If that's anything to lo?e anv sleep about. -. BRAVES LOSE TO PIRATES Fred Marke IMaya Hi? last (,ame in National League. I'ittsburgh. Sept. 23. Fred Clarke, manaji'.-r nf the Firates, nlayed hi? last if baseball in the National League to day, and his team defeated Boston by a ?core of 8 t" 4. ('iarke was presented with a bound hook containing the names of several thousand Pittsburgh friend? and the players gave him an eight-day clock. Mamaux started the game, but gave way to Cooper at the end of the fifth inning. The Firates knocked Rudolph out of the box and Hughe? finished the conteat. Th<- ?core follows: PTPTSBUROH (N U)| I*>??T"\ (N U) ?lu h |.na. ?? rhr.iac ?? If 10 1 00 0 Moran, 4 1 1 1 I I ? f ? 1 1 2 0 0' lv?n, it?. 12 0 14 0 - ? 40 1 II '.. .ptoti ?fill 10 0 ?t II 1 100 Ir Itii at ck.rf 1 M ! ?I H rf 41 1 100 Vh? - 4 3 |00 Wagner H 11 1 111! I |- || 0 2 1 S ? ? : Il ?ii mnollr, if i ft o l 00 ? 4 13 111 I.?-an. if 1 CO 1 08 - 4 1 I ".'. 1 '? Mar' vi"?. ?? I no 4 10 ? p : 0 0 0 2 0 ?vVhaltr.f c . 1 ? ] : ?'".Una 11 I MO ?T?l?r . 00 0 0?0 i s si el I soiph, p i o i o o ? I'H.ib;?,?? p 00 S 0 00 t?4..rai.t 1 0 0 0 0 ? Tot?:? ,.|S? 11 27 T 1 Tota'? ?4 174 1? '1 MI ' ' ' ' Mamau? ?*? th? firth lr-.Mnt 'Ran I,' ' I I ? - total lB?tt?d 1,t ? - ' '? ? OOlnj'iSt- | M i '? I ?? 1 ? 0 * S-l ?? ?? ataasa, far.?. BalM Ttiree b?M ? Whaiin? at . ?... *? I "? . ?' - A., ... ? I"' I . * 1*1*1 m >a?a? , . I rat ... ball? ne i ?At m.k.h I: ?0- I .,.*< lina "* I ..-..-. ? ' . ' ' ? ?? I rara? II I icplrr? . i'Iut gjii ???? : * i .oi I- , H I li a Ail?.?. MlaaON a? l-oal Tabl? Mfra ll?p?lra ?a Mari brea, 10 l ...... 4>MVJ?I? Up from the Depth? NEW YORK (N. L.) ST. LOUIS IM. L.) ebrheae, abrhp, a. Burn?. If SI J I * ? r-a - - if 50 9 0 0 0 RobrrTn. rf I 0 0 0 0 0 Bat.fl. 3b 412 0 10 0*>l?. 2b S I I i 3 0 Lor j rf 4 I I 3 0 0 Morkle. lb ?I S I I 0 Millar. 2b 4 00 I 40 Fletcher, ?ail I 4 20 Hyett. lb I M II I 0 Kelly, rf 4 1110 0 Dale-., cf 4 0 110 0 Dyer. 3b 2 112 2 0 Inydar. ( 2 0 0 4 10 Mittre. ? 41 I 7 I 6 He/mby. ?? 4 0 2 I II T?tr?eu. t 4 1 I 0 2 0 Sail? t 0 0 0 8 10 Moadew?. t 2 0 1 0 10 Tionrele? 10 0 0 0 0 Rebinan-? t 0 00 0 2 0 ?Roche 100 0 0 0 Tatalt SI! 14 27 110 Total? 34 3 I 27 II I ?Batted fer Meedawi In ?h? ?-.-"? Innlet. ?Betted fer Reblnaee In ?ha alnlh Innlnt. Nr-w Vert 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 8?7 St Ltult I0000300 0?1 Twe-taae -Si ? Kail? D,lea. L,ng Hyett. Three-beee hit?Dyer. Hem? run?Kell?. Earnrd mm?Niw ??'? 7; 8t Leuli 3. Left en buit Mta York. 7. It. Leul?. 7. Flr?| bit? en error? s*. York. I. Bean en balle?Off Teareeu. 3. off Moido??, I. Hit??Off ?elle? 7 In I 2-3 Inning?. aff Mnadewe. 4 In 3 1-3 Innlna?: off RMInten. 3 In 2 Innlnt?. Hit by pltther? B> Robinien (Dyer?. S'.ruek eut?By teareeu. I: bi Salla? I. Wilt NEWARK FEDS WIN, AND SO DO WHALES Both Games Pitchers* Battles, and Runs Are Scarce. IB? iri?,rar r I" The TrlMin? 1 Chicago, Sept. ES. Pitchers' battles marked the double-header played be? tween the Newark Fed? anil Chicago Whales here this afternoon, with each side capturing a game by the score of 2 to 1. Mordecai Hrown was pitted againtt Earl Mostley In the opening contest, and both men wer? effective in the pinches. Chicago won the game In the second Inning, when It bunched a tingle, a three-bagger by Mike Lioolan aun a bate on ballt for two runs. Two singles and an out in the fourth gave Newark its only tally. Brown fanned seven batters In the second game Cowboy Tom Seaton got partial revenge for his dou? ble defeat on Tuesday. He let the Whales down with three single*, and won hie own game with a home run. Tom also ttole a base. Long George McConneil was opposed to Seaton, and, of the seven hits made from his de? livery, four were doubles. Eight New? ark men struck out. The scores follow: FIHf-T Oamf.. CRICAQO <r. la? NEWARK ?F I.), ab r h i?o a ? ab r h r? ? ? Strittet 2r? i n -, ? 1 0 G whoaee.rf 4 0 0 0 00 riecA rf 1 0 0 1 f? 0 Re?.*. St. ..4002! I t ?Win--, rf 4 0 1 0 0 0 P.ouerh. cf.. 401 100 tVtleor.. c 100 TIC Lamine, lb. 411 020 Pe' Sh 4 0 2 010 ta. 4 0?" 030 Man? if 811 I ll'BcfKiet If I 0 0 1 0 0 Welae, lh . 400 11 0 0 Ml. ,a lb . 4 0 2 12 0 0 ?... ...ti ea 412 1 4 : hertdei c 10 1 810 Brown. P 10 1 OTO Moeeley. p 2 00 04 0 I ?Huhn 1 00 CO 0 Total? 101 I r 111' Total, .Kl ?24 10? ?HiMed for Moe?lr? in '*?? n'ntn Innlnt CM rant ? 1 0 D o i? 0 0 1 2 Hemmt* oeoi oiato-t Tw? heie hit- Bar,!? Three lee? hit P-?-'?*> SU'lrn baae? Ran?!?'. Dnolaii. P?-houi T.ameri n ? S'ewar?. 1 i":.lea|o, 1 Servira h'.'a \V.'. ?? - llateltw. Raridrn '?ouhl? p a;-?Urllen la ill.'.a ir-'i or. beim >e??ar? t. ?"li.rito. ?: la.? 0? errore Ne??ir* l TU.', tita i>ri :?? ? ?ff Moarlar. 5. o?? Rn*??T. 3 itijrji out Ilro??n, T. br llra)?l<if I (mplra,?JolviMon, sno'Nr? CAMn NfTWARK ?r I??. I ?HHAfK? <F 7. abrhpoee at rb poaa ??.H-boite? rf 4 t 1 ?00 Zelter 2b. 400 050 Iieet. *a... 401 110 Pteck. rf 100 1?? I rf 4 0 0 :0 0 /, i.;in-?. cf i o i i o o l.apor?,. it? 401 ill riaehar. c loi too :. ee I 0 ? ! 2 C? Wiieon. e ?00100 ? ? If . ? 0 ! I ? C Pechona lb 2 0 0 110 Mlllt lb .100 110? Pel- 1?. .7 CO 10 0 Huh? r 4 0 14 1 1, M*nn. '.f 10 110" beeion p 111 010 \*. el?,. 10 .. 10? 10 0 iMajeei. IK. 10? 110 rxolan. ee I 1 0 I 1 0 . o-ale N?- ft tsamea T*o baaa lit? <1 WMteheuee Upone IVh*??. It . - Hone rui. Seetcc Stolen raaea- S??' -? llenerti Daalaa r.err.?.i run? N?w?*a, 2 Baatai f.a? hit Will, I'ouhle p.lie S?*eU,i to Eeiroiv*! ti UMla; Keel ?? Ml..a Ufl on tieeea- N?.er? , rirat be?? on belle?Off Mn'onr?:: I Hit , bar l?r Seeion . Ooolari Siruea ?ut B? Beaton. 4 t tapir?? -Jotnatoaa ' !m, 1 40 I I tarn L,?-? yt. tj ?" I ?r l?r a? MrCont.ail. I. b; end Wilhelm Tire 20,000 Applications for Scats at World's Scries Botton. Sept. a!;?,. <~>fflcials of ?he Rotton Red Sot are being flooded with applications for teats at the prospective world series baseball games in this city. It was stated at club headquarter? to-dav that mora than 20,000 applica? tions alraadr had baen received. Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams NATIONAL LEAGUE. ?. Utn TO-DAY. rioaton nt l'ltt?hiira;h. Plillmirliihl? at I lil. ??... BataTLTB ??F c.amf.s iF.stfhday. Ne? inri? 1; M. I oula. 8. Ilr..< l.l? a, .-?; .( Inrlnnutl, 2. I'KUliurgV S| lloat'in, 4. riillmlrlpriln. .1; Mil..??. 1. Philadelphia. || ( HI. ?go, t. NATIONAL l.F.Al.l K ST ?NIMM.. IV. I.. I* ( . \?. I., r ?'. Thlla. S3 H .:.H1 (Inrlnnatl.SH 77 .4:8 Bronkljn...77 (11 ..M4ti St. I.,inl? Hi) 78 A?a ri<.?toii. .7? en MS New lurlt..H<*, 77 AH? ri?l?li'ra;!? 7.1 .?7H < hlr?(0 (1.1 7ft .4?! AMERICAN LEAGUE. (MM!? TO-DAY. ( ImcI.iihI at ?VOW Yuri?. Ml. I.oui? ut Hi.?t.m. ( l.l?- ??.. at Philadelphia. Detroit at IVaahtnarton. rksiits or OAMEI yf>tf.kday. New York. 7; St. I.nul?, 0. New fa-ark, l| -*?t. I sols. 1. I?..?t..m 5; < leareland, I. Id.-(..i. fi; rievelaml, 1. Detroit. 6i Philadelphia. A. ?"hlraajn, 1 ; \\ H.lilnfjt ..n 1. WII7.HH\\ LKAGI F. STANDING. ?T. i. r.<. W. I.. r.(. II..?i no n: IS .H?4 New York.6.1 78 .4.1?. Detroit. 04 81 .HIS St. I.oul?..Sl 84 .I'M Idling.. m? HI ..176 4 le ?rland M 81 .tit \\ ??liton. 79 ti-7 .56(1 I'hlla. 10 101 .?84 FEDERAL LEAGUE. ?. -WIF.S TO-DVY. llr.n.1.1 ? n at ( hlrntjn. Vew-ark tat Pittsburgh. Hull linr.r.. nt Kanaa? City RulTulo at St. I .ml?. RFSIT.TS OF I.IMKI Y F.STFKDAY. HrciiUI? i'. I| Kan??? (It ?7, 0. ( IiI.'Hbju. ?; Newark. I. Newark. '.; 1 liliun". I. Ilii?T.ili. .I; ritt ?1.nrK |i. t. St. Foul?, 1U; Baltimore, S. FKDFRAI. I.F.AOl'E STANDING. tv. i.. r.c. -IV. I.. P.C. I'll'?', riili 811 A't .,?,?3 Koi?. City. 74 ?9 .818 < hlrago 79 A4 ..153 Rtiffiilo. 7? 73 .497 St. Loins. 80 1-5 ..Vi; llr.mkl.ii.. .70 77 .17? Newark 74 ?7 ..1?.1 llaltlmnre. .45 97 .817 PHILLIES TAKE TWO FROM CUBS League Leaders Also Send Bresnahan's Men Into Last Place. Chicago, Sept 23. The Chicago Tubs went into last place to-day when they ioat both games Of a doubla- j heailer to Philadelphia by scores of 5j to 1 and !. to 2, while the Giants de- ' feated St. Louis. The league leaders won the first' , rame easily by bunchins their hits be? hind the loose playing ?>f the home team. Alexander, although unsteady, i worked his beat In thi pinchas, and i I had little difficulty holding his oppo I nents. It was his thirtieth victory for I the season Erratte playing behin'l Douglss cost him ?he second game, the first run of | the league lea?lers being ?he ?> 11 y one ' earned. The second run was t?ie re- ? 1 rillt of three error?, with a itolen base coming between, and the winning run was the outcome of an error, a sacri? fice and a single. Rresnohan used a recrjit at short , ,top named Mulligan, who, although a j little unsteady, pluyed a fast (came. He was signed recently by Charles \V. ! Murphy, the former president of the ; I Chicago club. Schorr, a recruit pitcher from South Band, also had a tryout In the first game. The ?cores fbllow : f IRST CAM*. PHIIaA. IM. la I OHICAOO (N I. > ah r hi ?? ? a!?r h po a e ?St?*-?-,, lb ?1 0 3 10 (tone, rf .. SOI ? on? P?.ni-fi.ea I O I 0 I 0 ['h. Ian. Ih 3 0 0 S 4?) P'a.ertif 2 1 0 | 0 0 khullt If 100 0 0 1 ?YaVth rf 11 1 0 0 ?a Paler lb 4 00 I 00 l.'ji.eia 11 113 ?? " Williame f 411 2 oo , WltK-d If 4 1 1 1 I HeC ? 31? 4 " 0 i 2 " ? - IT.Ib 11 I 4 II Miilllaan, en 1 0 1 2 |2 B'irns e 1 0 0 4 10 A-? her t lilil? ' Aiei'dei.p I 0 1 0 2 2 A lama. p.. 1 0 0 0 I 1 ? ?? .tirai i n 0 8 001 ? h ihen p o ??? o o o l | ?Keallni 100 o 0 a T?tala 15 5 11 rill Team 13 '. t 27 11 4 ?B?t'?M ta Adun? in tht ?-???". ?Bi'.le! far S. mttt a* the ninth Philadelphia I1000I0013 t hp-ito ?> l 0 'i 0 'i i! V 0 I Two basa ti?? -Meh-iff. L?ad?n?i Three baee hit ??>??,!!>. Si. ?,. iiaaet ?>?,??.,: tuicb fir ci rur.? PhUt-le-pNa. 4 Cmtcmm bi?"?e h.'a II i. :?.. Ai'' ? I I ? " .. I' t an t - \ ?-- Utialtfa ? T.-\ baee i . an -. a . i ? Ptret ' ?,? -.-. ha 1? Off Ari.rr. ?..?A.-.? 7?r . f? Brhe? 1 Mit? ? ? * '?,-?.?- I r a III I lr.-.i-.t? ???? .? ' ' .??#?? -Irr, I b) ???? ? 1. I7 S Alira? r??' Burr.? i avtrta <s ? ? : ' -eile. T.m-r? 1 40. -I .'NI> (.AUF. HIII.A. IS I. . '?.7I.'A?;.-| IN I. i abrhpeet mir h po a a it? ? lb 411 UOM'iT-ray rf 4 01 1 II ' VAr.-iTf7.aa 100 2 20 Kaattng. aa 10 0 1 II Peeked, cf 4 0 0 100 Kr.lee!r. If 100 0 00 ? Te.e-r.. if 4 0 1 118 S<-> alta 'f 10 1 ] 10 :. lama lb 4 ?> l ? ? 0 ?riehar .. 10 0 0 0 0 Wl |tt*4. If 4 1 0 10 0 Mul'en at . ', 0 0 0 0 0 NlehofT. It? 100 ?40 I'helau. :h 111 4 II Buroe c .noil'. Bat? - r 11 l 10 0 o B'.ie? p 100 01? U.iltatre.f 2 ? 0 1 0 1 ". I?l 1 II ? lire? ?ran I 100 ?? II ipnutieea. p I 0 0 0 10 ? archer i 00 0 oo 'He r-rev? l0' o 0 0 Totale 11 tiff 10 Totale .80117*7114 "Betted fer aVhulte ir t*. ***** t**S ' botta*) tor balar In ?he nli.ta tr.i.r.t Hallad ' Wil'laia? In the Blata l < I"' I I ? I I I ? I ? I ' rhi, ?go Otolotat o-l i Two bete hit Stnrt Three 'ui hit Srhull? : Itolen bee, W'hinel Pari.fd Ittm Ph'ie.1? pt le ?t?\ 3 le. ri?-* Uli? l? . a pli.? . Pur ? to BanT'ift M?h?*(T la Mattet?. I??; NUhnlT to I.'. lira? Murraj '.o Sale? left eti beiee ?'Mit" 4 PM.ede'.phla I ?TI-?? baa? aal err ? Phradelt.'.le . H??e? ' 1, ' '?T Mile?.' I ." I?.? 1 fir??, b ?il B? [?Oij^ii 4 1, ItlM). r. I'mpt*?? K.?m ami I n.? I? Tim, 1 4? BASIBALL TODAY. I P H. N T. ??-?.. ?a ? le??.end l'oie Oroun la. Ada 4?V ?Ad?4. I Ty Cobb Breaks Record for Steals Tim? Cobb holds the American League haie stealing; record. He has alreadv broken the season mark of eighty-eight stolen bases that was made by Clyde Milan, of the Wash? ington Club, in 1912. Cobb ?tole his elght>-ninth bsse In the De? troit-Philadelphia game on Wednes? day. He brought hi? total up to ninety by stealing one In the game yesterday. The Nations! league record is 111 bases, stolen hi William Hamil? ton, of Philadelphia. 1891. The best record In the National League since t'JOO was made hi Hob Bescher, of Cincinnati, in 1911. when he stole eighty bases. < ohh's ambition this season wa? to steal one hundred base?, aome thlng thst never has been done by a ma-lor league baseball player In nuidern times since the catchers be* came so accurste In throwing to second and the pitchers became so careful about making the runners stay close to the bags. Tj still has a chance, a long one, to achieve his ambition. TIP TOPS SHUT OUT KANSAS CITY NINE Don Marion Allows Packers Only Seven Scattered Hits. I By TV.-grmh 'o Th? Trlb-i-? ] Kansas City, Sept. 23 Don Marion led the Hrookiyn Tip Tops to a ?hut-out victory over the Kansas City Packers here this afternoon. The ?core wa? 3 to 0. Marion cl-owed only ?even hits, and these were well ?cattered through? out the nine inning?. Kansas City advanced two men a? far a? third base, but. there they remained. The Packer? found difficulty in hitting Marion'? offerings out of the infield, Hap Myers having a busy time at first base. Fast fielding was displayed by the Tip Top?, who made three double killing?. The \isitor? scored all their runs in the second and third inning?, when Adam?, a recruit pitcher, wavered. M non did his share ?? gaining the victory by hitting a ?ingle to right ??* -h ?cured a run, while (?eorge An? derson, ??ho had doubled, tallied when Hurry Smith dro-e the ball over the r.ght field fence for a home run in the third :-.mng. The score follows: BRCeOXLTM (F UL|aTUKSAS CTTT |T.U) ?al i ipeae a'.rhpoa? Ar *.?i?nii.rf 411 I I 0??'??.art'j'nv ef |00 0 0 0 M -?r?. lb. 4 0 111*0 Ki-iiger, rf 4 o 0 1 0 0 :?..? . loi 11 Si Shaw if. . 401 loo i'- -i : ii> . oo 0 J o rmotarlr, c 401 & 2 0 l??.. ft ef IM 10? K'w.rthv Jh 10 1 17 0 ??<-e?r If 4 11 00 0' f'?r?ir.aj, |h . 4 0 1 141 m . 4 11 11 ?i Rtc.alT lb. I St MII Halt. 1. 10 1 1 !0,iU??;ir,e?. ?a 10 1 no c 100 170 Allan.? p . 4 0 1 1 .' 0 a, S 1110 4 0 ?Brows 1 jo 000 I Johns, o p 000 000 Tota'.a Mil Will Ttxala HOT 17? I ?Rait?-! far Alan? In ?h? ?tgh-h tnnln? ?lroo?lrn 0 1 J 0 0 ? 8 ? ?? i Ka: ?a? CgtS OOOoO.'OS 0?i) 1j*11 if. ti?a?*B Rr?-.a.<?. K? ?a? I ,} I r?.T?i rf ? i't?.k-,. tmmu .?*. - ?? Kauff Two baa? felta U aSN I'ttttrl) Horn? m:, tmtt o | .?a II?.i la? ^*te? la blptn Hall ?- M.?r? Anlnaan V> anilth, l*?r-' g in Kfn*nrtA? t.. ?vraJI Bit? ft A iarci ? I ? li.n.iig? Sin.rA o-ii 11? Alatli?. I' hr ataib?n 1 fi?.? baa? on bala ?"T Artam? 1 eft Marl"! I Hi' Di pUchtr-Bj Ma/ioa I btNttMl, ? ?- I t ' re? Moi -orml.-li aaS ?71'Brlan. T*m?- 1 M. RED SOX TWICE DEFEAT INDIANS Cleveland Fights Hard ir First Game, Driving Wood from Box. Roston. Sept. 21. The Red So: gained two more victories at the ex pense of Cleveland to-day by the score of 5 to 4 and 6 to 2. The visitors pressed the home tean i closely in the first game, when Jo? Wood, pitching his ?irst game in i tnnnth, weakened. Coutnbe, who sue ceeded Klepfer in the fourth, kept th? hit* scattered except in the fifth an? ; seventh. A triple by Roth grew into a tally It ! Cleveland's fourth. Singles by Kvans , Wambeganss and Coutnbe produced tw< ' runs in the seventh, and the Indian! i approached to within one run of Ros ; ton when they ailded another tally ir ! the eighth ofT May's delivery on i single by Roth and Kirke's double. The second game was marke?! Ros ton'; almost at the start, and Brentor ', soon gave way to ?ollamore. Roth, whose hard hiMing has been ? feature of the series, knocked the bal , over the high left field fence for t homer in the fourth. The scores follow: Fin*?T <;am? H??STON (A. la). < l.i:\'Kt,AND ?A (a) abrh ; n a e abrh jy> a? ! Hooper, rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 Will?. If .. 100 1 0? H< Ott, aa 4 0 1 1 2 0 ? 'hapman a? 4 0 0 0 J ' Spt.ktr.ct 111 4 oo Hoth. cf... 41! 3 II Hot?' 2 10 ? 0 0 Sn.llh. if... 4 0 0 0 hi ?".?liner, lb 1 00 8 10 Klrke. it? , 4 1111 II Iaewle. If 4 1 2 I 0 0 BttSM, Ib.. 411 1 21 <Jar?lner.3b 411 1 ?0 W ambas ;7h 411 I Of Wanner.:b ?01 0 11 KsmtL e... 30 17 01 Thema*, e 2 0 1 4 00 K!?;f?r. 1 ?> 0 0 0 II ?e'. c... 100 2 00 ivmnita*. p. 10 I 0 4 C W<M*t, p 77 0 0 ?J 6 0 ?()' Nelll ... 10'J 0 on Max. P.. 1 00 1 10 Total?.. I. h 9 27 14 I ? Totale. . 3? 4 I .4 11 7 ' 'Bat'ed for T.tan In th, ninth Inning ' Bo?tnn . 0030 1 tlOi? ? i???l?nd O001IA21O4 T* litte '.It* WafMT, latwl? III, h Irk? Thr?e heae hi' lloii? Stolen he?? Kot h Sa ? rtfl.-e hltt \"'?a! h-r'rr. Hohll'eell I? al ? BU| \S I ??anliier and HoWltiell la?ft ,.n lav? ?lerpianit. 3. B"?ion. I. Mr?? baa? on er n r? ? ? ??lend 1 B"?t. r. 2 lia??? ta baila ?if ? .liii.he. 1, ofT Wood. 1 o?T Kupfer. 2 Ulla litt "??enfer. 3 In J liintiife. off 1,'ounilx?. I In 3 Inn lit?, off Wood. I In f tniiln?. ofj Mi? 2 In 2 li.r li.t? Strirt out B? k.epfer, I; by ?'oumt>e. 3. b. Wool. 2, b> Mara. 1 **l'?l Pit' ??*? ?', ?A.??I l'aiplree--DlutMti end Nallln Time 2 's) sf:??tsr> QUO BOSTON ?A I.? ?I.KVKI.AM? (A I. . abrh po aa abrh i?o ??<? Hooker, rf 4 0 0 ? 0 0 Wille If 4')') J 0 0 S..-.I M... 411 1 10 ?bapinan.M 101 2 || Speaker..?f 111 0 0 0 Ro'h. rf 4.'.' 0 0 1 Heb tell, lb II1 IS II ?nth. rf...40i 1 II awll ' 4 0 13'"? Kirxe. lb 4 0 0 14 11 ? 4 0 11 4 0, r?van?, I'. 4 0 0 0 10 Wagner.? 3 i ?) t 41 ?imie'i.'.h s m I II ?'ady. r 1-1.20 Ytan. .:.. 3 ?> ?) I 1 I , Shore, p . I 0 1 0 10 Un nton. p. 0 0 0 0 IS ??i.llatr.ore.p 3 0 1 0 f, 0 ? Totale Il I T 17 IT 1 Totale... I? 77 5 |4 11 . B*a'on lit 11888 a- I ? baaaUad oooioaiti?.' Two beee h'te?Rp?ee?r. Shore Smith Tl.r?e ' u? fltlltatl Hun? run? llotlltaall. IC in Bto',?n ; i?*-? lloeest. Oardaer fan:;.? hit Hobllttell !*? ' a oeiee - C'ie??l?r?d. 4. Bualon. 4. ' t'irt: i,u? to ?iron < le??li?'l 1. Baal B???t <? belie off Brentoo 1. ?ff ? ollainor,, 1. off ?h, re. 1 Hita <?ff Brenton. 4 In 11 ? Inn Ir.e, off Oallaattea, l h I 1 ? liinlip Stni?! out lt. Hr.: ? ta 'i ?' llamare I at >Uort i fmplira -Sal Ut? and I ?I teen Tim? 1 3'? a . . St. Louis Fielders Have Merry Day with Stick St. I.ouia, -Sept. 23. The o*Te??.r?.;*. of j three \isitmg pitchers Johnson, Young and Rlack ??".? i ?u ide?l liai 1 , ? to-day by the St. I.ouis Ke?l*. ?ho ?le feated ultimo?** l?v .1 core W !<? The store by i linings foil?, v, s: H H i i |r lao?.le S I e *. o ft . 8 ? le 14 1 iBi'itir.or? ? 0 i i i. ?' ? ?I 1 Be'leriaa : ml, ? ? ?.! Hart. . a, . i aca. T-aia?. Bleat and 0**eus. SUPERBAS BEAT REDS, MGAMNG SECOND PLACE Jeff Pfeffer unsteady in First inning, but Ther Settles Down. I - ?' ? -I ? : ? ? H ? ? Sept 23 V-Vhes Hoaaf, H-impty fell off tbe wall he sU>?d m Mother Goose i? our authority f?, ?ha", and It i? fair to ?stun-? tk?t Humpty Dump?y later found hi? o\Ht on the royal bill of fare a? an oratV, or in s ?alad dre??in-g. But th* Broob-* lyn Superb?? ?re in no way like Hum-***/ Dumpty. It is true that they B?, scrambled around more or let?, but thi? much i? certe-n: When th? Brtvjk. lyn Superbas tumbled off ????.rid fboa] they straightway ?cramble-i b?ck ?j, . They beat th? Cincinnati Red? to-d?, by s ?core of 3 to 2, snd regaiae? th-ir oid position, for th? Bo???. Brave? lo?t to the Pirates. Averages and all o'ner evident? ????.. withstanding, Br-.oKivr. far.? h?r? grounds for assert ng that Grl?tk. ??he r.phr fielder of the Red?, It tb? kingpin He n,:Krr. even obUin tb? freedom of the city of Brooklyn if a? could find any us? fur it. In ?ny ?????t; it wss his muff of Oille 0'M?rs'i f? in the sixth inning thst ?tatted Brook? lyn along the path to victory, oidn eventually mad? the circuit of tb? base?, and hard ?equtntial htttlu drove home another tally, which pro??? sufficient to ?way the balance. The Reds got off :o a me? trtart, making a run in the first Inning; thanks to the wildne?? of .leff Pfeffer. It weilf seem that Jeff carries his persons! grudge? on the bsll ground, for after ne had hit Chsrley Henoj with th* ball, he likewise walloped littl? Jo? Rodger?. Since th" base? wer? fill??' ?vhor. he made his uncalled for iuu!l on Rodger?, s run wa? ?core?! In the lsst half of the sixth Jeff bad another alight lapse, and a bit? ?a ball?, a base hit, and the other tact dentals of a ball game resulted In ? run. In between those frim??, hew ever, Pfeffer was effective. Ho had i lot of speed and a good break on tb? ball Rodger? declares Jeff almost broke hi? leg. In climbing back Into second plia again the Superbas checked th? mad career of Fred Toney. Toney has b?e? booming along all season, stopping all comers. He was effective to-day, ta s measure, but Griffith gummed up th? whole works. Nine hits fell to th? lot of the Superba?. < 'liarle? Lincoln Herzog is on? ef tb? leading candidate? for Ali-Amerir? shortstop. His work to-day was ele??* In the extreme. He ?ras all over t?? field, and nothing got by hiss. H? m?-'? a ?top of a grounder by Hy My? . away In behind second base, thst w ? a classic. George ('u'shaw ?lio an in the thick of tas frsy. Killifer stsrted the first Inning I lacing a single into centre field, s-c Heime (?roh offered up s little sscrifW bunt. Herzog was in collision with a pitched ball, and the base? wet? filled a moment later when QtU dropped O'Mara's throw on (infntk'i hopper. Pfeffer seemed to lo?e bis head when that error occurred, so U hit Rodger? with the ball, forcing 10 lifer home. Leach hit into a doubl? play, however, snd the scoring ceassd for the time being. Brooklyn tied the count in the tat or.d inning. Myers doubled, gbi crossed the piste on s ?ingle by Mt* Carty. In the ?Ixth O'Mars got t< tat ond on Griffith's muff, snd took third on Dnubert's sacrifice. Olli?? ?cored ?a Stengel'? sacrifice fly. Wheat. CoUhaw and Myers singled in rapid fire succes? sion, snd Wheat crossed the piaU ?s Myers's hit. The score followst BROOKLYN 'N. L.I. CINCINNATI (N. Ul. itrliHii n * ? a? n O'Mara. a? 4 I 0 SSO KMIIfar. et.. nauk?t. lb. 100 10 ) 0 Un?. Ik St*a??l. rt 30 I I 00 rttrie*. aa.. . Z. WhMt. If 4 M I 0 0 Grifft?, rf.. . Cutahaw 3b 4 0] 3 10 R?-j ?an, 2k.. M?iy?r?, ef .41] ?i 0 0 L'a ? It 40 1 4 li * -i? a 10 2 1 10 Mall-atfl. I?. 3 0? I 10 Ton?? ? i-?- * ?Wlllla?! ?Clar-a? twa??ar . llVa? Kalalt? Kl IM 4 114 II II? I II III 4M 4?? I II III I M Ml j ?-. 3k McCarty. Pfefr?. t 301 I II tOlll II HI I M oo? i M I 0? I M 141 III Oil I M T?lala 32 3 ? 2T 14 I T?t?la nil VIH ?Battad tee teeny la tin a???? l?aha. 'I* ted 1er Rod???-? la t?e ?1??? l??l??. -Al Ciar.? Is th? ?Int? lanla? IBaltid tw Hmt ? th? ?Int? Innlrt?. Br?om>? .... flffffflfl Clnrlnnatl . . I t t t S I t O ?SJ T??-b?M ?Ita?Meynr?. Cut?????. Jsnmt tUSn 8r?o?l?n. 2; Clnclnnail. I. teerltrt bWmfM It). Oaukert St????l D?u?U ?I???? c?"*", O Ma-a (? Dauliart 11)1 Killlfar to Mar?n ?g ?a Da?*?-Br???l?n 4 Cl?rl?n?tl. 4. nmmn ?n error??BrvKkly?. I Cl?el???tl. >?. '"T,.. ball??OS P(??o<*. I. Hit??OS T??w I '''JiV In??. e(! L??v, 2 In I. Hi? ?, ****Jltnm ^?d???*?i. Struik ?ut?8? rtetaLi. U???lra?? R!|l?r it? I???? "?*" f?r Hrrio*. R?d?*r?i k> faae? Trie hat's the thing! Everybody's getting '^? new Fall headgear?what ? your fancy? Soft hats?Derbies?J** Fall blocks?new Fall color? Fall suits include our new ??Forefathers"((rr;?,:*,.^>bnC, Fall overcoats ? among them lots of "?Scotch \wmw% i r?gl?t?-rf.! \ \ tra?l?-mark /* _ Everything for Fall for men and boys. Rogers Peet Com?as* Broadway *t^?S tl3tl.S?. "The ?t*n Four . . .^ Broadway Corners" ***?%). at Warren