Newspaper Page Text
Many ? Crash Is Averted by Keeping One Foot Jammed on the Brakes },[ore Seniors Tramp Over Apawamis Links wNo.2,OneHundre ?ndTM..? eight Strong, Turns Out. ?VKPRESBREYAND ?T1N( \REYINTI1 Id. with 8 ": C?rej Sure of One Prize. ? ? -e a fa !.. ? ? ? ' ' j^a? . ?' mor? ' ... ? mi eM ? . Set art ik of hu . ???? irai I,? %..- ' lS abou' - ? ? - .? ' Frank Pr?s ?j ?7 ?ark? "1 go* s - f 101 15 t or Mr. Ik for Beat Gt Ot the raj* ?*?'&: hr for*. - ? ? which t?aiiK ? e of the ? as on the ftrthc.. '? short 'A'ith a tmttt ahor*. artaigh? hi ? wir a ?.)?... SVC..} g ? t New ? t<*ptt*i. ( ?? club ?'? "?'? ? i. That 105th 9 ??: Mat ' *??o,.?> I called ?a had ? ttai course parting ?ejaepot of ; . tJei rr W. ? ?7*1' <??'? **iincut f*r\ in ?. ? ? i ountrv ? ?.. but he : I ..??n mtttli 9" ?? *,. \. Wor*; tournament *s ?il r. -,ch re "?lt: JJ* ????-? "I ? of the "??'?peen ? ;?'? '* ... . ??"Brew: , ? neea to ?e? J ' f ??'?? Ij?r ' u ?"?-??? ? '* ? .of many a fTord, of J^18 Citi ? ?Am his *J?tt, i " : - a Pria*. ' ; ' .' oolced as if Mi Ij* **'.? for the ? "? **?' r.-nce Hraine, ' 2* ??i: " ??SJ?...0' ' a^a *?'? ?, .,' %k'a, ? there nti-K^1 ?'??? "t hia partner ?SataJ1**' f"'r'-'"- ?l-UStd ? . - % :,' Sc'"- ?"? ai id man. ? *M\u. ;' ' ? time. ' ? ? ?at?-,./ ?. ?. ? ( ?Ha?) w*;' ?did v.e-11 to?/? t . ?? -. "??'"? In forty-?luee, with ? five' )-. ""-?He tiole. ?*IJaaW?,lnV?' :r"r? through errors th hole, 'h? advice ?f hit aa and. "-???-^*-u,t ri?\>M, u'nioat dt . H? <a?att t?, " panion. ?oth W. ay S?*? i H?!"1' " ***** *'ouil- ?" '?*? ?-4 '," >'aatrn?d a]i the way . ?aj^j " ?"?aticiMo t? take part,' ?t ?a'. n!,y morning. He made the round in in? stroke?. to his standard. II ntf-h per tions yesterday, call? all who were eligible start ? it - i. n? ., ? off fr, m < ?? So complicated is the tn.zzle that \V. II. Pot! - arill b?- giren out lorning. The orei yesterday were as fol . n ?.?-?? ?. ?? m ?? ? r?u t lia I? ? ? 1 ? II ?4 II *? ? .4 II ? ? ? ?>??? Hum . ?IS 11 ??' MS I ?7 III . ?.-.,. -. ? H 11 I 13 . . i . . M ? ?' - . A an? \ I .? ?Vykaj '. i i-? - - ?' .-. i ? '.17 ? ? ... I ? .1 A.r. - . 1 . ? ? TO ?? ii ?n? 9 7"> . ? . \ ? i ... ? ?? ?. . ; .? . .1 f-7 .4 14 ; (, ., 9 -< L S. I'l |fl| If Sa 101 ?o: i. i :.i .i : -?i.? I -. . \. ? ... ? I II ; -. - . ? , 114 ? . . . Pan .( ? !!a rtl, Aru-.-lr : ? I IS I ? .- ? * IS ? - ? . . . - *?, . : ?, ? ? ? I . . - i 114 II . i ] , - .,.*.?:? ' LAM 1> : Vl ah- and MOBI ?' ... - . ! . ?7 .1 .-? . . \.... ? ... . ? I SUaNNINGDALE CLUB TOURNEY NEARS END Rosenbaum, Forster, (ioldman and Phillips Left in Singles. I>r. William Rosenbaum, Herbert W. Forster, Manfred Goldman and Ben? jamin M. l'hillip? are the survivors in the semi-final round of the singles, in the open lawn tennis tourna? ment of the Sunningdale Country Club, of Mount Yernon, and tney meet in that oui? r to-day for piace? in the final round. I)r. Kostnbaum came through by de i.evisohn at 9 7, 6 - 4, the match having been adjourned from Wednesday, when Ko?en'naum won ti.? Iir?t ?et. Levisolin was agile in g?tt.:.K about his court, and ai?o hud the knack of sneaking through placement ?hot? into the opening? in his oppe court. Roaeiibaum'a beautiful work at th?- tii-t, however, more than balance! the ?cale*-, and he won the la? rnith a great burst of speed, ?er took the measure of C. (. Plympton at C- 4, fi 4, in a match int'i a driving duel, with Yonkers M-hoolboy the more no - ioldman d< I I: Lawyer by a ?core of 7 5, R 3 artest gallery of the week. net. his bracket on ?Vadnos? tnatche? were played in the .1 H. Steinkampf and A. J. ..rf defeating F?rster and Allen Rehr at '". 4, 7 S. und f?. Adler and A ?Im cau?mg an upset by puttir.g out Goldman ami Arthur Lie Vour.g at ? 1. C 4. The tournament committee plan? to play the final round in the ?ingles this afternoon and the final in the double? SPEED AND STILL MOREJ?PEED RULES Another Record Broken in Prca tice for Big Auto Race. Regular practice for the A?tor ('up race to be held on Saturday, October ?_'. :?t the new Bhoopsnead Bay Speed* vvHv, i terday, with more than ..i ..ti -.i..- trees ?t began ? th rotne record breaking, ! R ...flacker, in hi? Max cur, clipped the world's nierk I Resta in a .-Vugeot !n?t 7-aturda\. Kickcnbacker's time f two-nn:e lap w?s liMI-f, an average ? mile? an homr. agalnat Resta? . mile? per h?ur. A?ide from proving to their satis? faction that the track is the fa?te*t in the world, a iiuinL.-r of the drivers : that their gear ratio? are . fot tin- (?jur?e. T) , ..I ?peed poi-sit'i.!'.--* mean that a .t-od many hava '<>"??" ?iirhir ?rear ratio?. Barney OMflel? A-ent out w:?h in? Delage and turned 'ap? in 1 :12, and at ont? determined ??' ?hange from hi? three-to-one gesr to er ratio, epproximstely 24 ?o l F/?ISS HOLL???S PLAYS GO?aF OF WINNING KIND Leads Field in the Testing Round of Tournament at Nassau Country Club. ' Marion Hol?n?. of ' ' ? ?? medal in tn<- q round tourna? ment over 1 try Club >? of B9. Mi??s Genreiru.n-? M. lli?-hnp, former national eh i pear.;!. ? ? ? und, v. tl H- R. Stoel n the first mstch ) Ahmit fifty women t? ed up for the ?; in? round, th, quiring nn eight with the eo selves in four A ig ich. in ? ? fliirht tchti 1 ? , play Mi -. .1. S. In L- . while ill meet Mra. II. i . ? B ? - the .-hurt . where h? .' took Her medal winning card ! ? ? ii ' i i Mr? II. I I \? -.. I ... ? H ' I v Mr? r a i Mi - 'I ? ? M - V . ... ne m v ? ? - - i, ? i - 1 Mra. II ? ? I Mr- I? FAVORITES VICTORS IN EVERY RACE Do Not Los.' a Heal in Four Grand Circuit Events. Columbus, Ohio, nounc? It the i-.-II. Th?.' time of the w? rah found ? for th? . rough rter. 2:1<> when *n* : h.'in in 2:( . heat of the :?' lllS*. j Lb* . follow: ? ? r Tha ill, ,? ,', ,? I ." il il I ? TROTTl I? 5-4 AI'ITAl. ?'1TV : i ? ? - ' 1 77 it h Bn I Walter I - 4 Ti;?.TilN?. IN '? 11 KM*:. |1 :oo . \ 1 1 1 ? : : ! ? :: i 9 4 ! ? ? ' . 7 m Pores Gains Laurels at Mil I rose Games ;..u!?'l* yea l?y defeat ? ronen, tan champ tin ti Anal o at Broadway end A.? trr Place. I?<-n?'t:t? in K.wonen and Nick Giana* kopuloa, but a it ? print . 1 him to '?ad h:s rivul? hume. I ?utiiniHr?. u * '? ? 14 I . ? ' ? ? - - ? Dareatiei ? '?' ' ' r .. . ?u )iiJ?j. titira Tim Strong Team for the Lesley Cup The personnel of the team which ??ill repreesnl the Metropolitan ?,olf A--.M uiion in Ihe tri-state matches for the I'oh.-it W. Lesley cup next Friday and Saturday at the Merlon ( rii ket ( lub, Philadelphia, ??a? an? nounced la?t night b> K. Mortimer Harne?., ?ecretary of the association. Findla? S. Iiougla?, who ??a? once the national champion. I? again the captain, and Jerome I?. Traur?. the nal muai open champion, i? placed on the team at No. 1, although as yet the oflicial line-up ha? not been made. The newcomer* are |)*?ight Partridge, ?,f Hcd?urd; John (.. An? derson, of Sivtanoy, and I'hilip Van (.elder Carter, of Nassau. The team la a? follow?: Jerome I). -Traver?, I'pper Mrnt clair; Oswald Klrkh*.. Knglcwood; l'n\ II. Webb, Fnglewood; August F. hammer, Fox Hills; Maxwell R. Marston. HaltiiTo! ? l.nrdiner W. \\ lule, Flushing; Archie M. lU-id, St. Andrews; r'indlft> B. Douglas, Na? ?au; John (.. Antl?r?on, Suanni ; Philip V. (.. Carter, Vi?-??,-iu; K. Mor? timer Barnt-H, Knglewood, and Height Partridge Ikiltord. I??AND0? EARNS SHADE IN BOUT WITH DUNDEE Lands Cleaner Punches, , but Johnny, as Rule, Forces ihe Pace. Johnny D Pride of the ' . of New Orleans, in ten roun cl< ver. fur;. . bo ting si I I bel - 1 ield las* night. The margin of victor; . but it was none- the less clearly i Mandot landed the cli punches, but Dundee forced the for the irreater part >f the battle, and h i s ii i. at i ? ? -v h fine 111 much diverg? nee of opinion at the clo.-e, but every i ne admitted th;it a il had not been '?untested in this vicinity in many Nor wa? all the ?t?tere-' eel 1 the ??tur performer?. In the semi liiiai, which wan also of ten round?, Joe ?' California, easily defi .. i sllahan, of thi^ cry. It was u hard fought, rough battle and the ni?! have been justified in ifying both men. They did everything but bite and kick. In still ten-round battle G< Thompson, of Los Angeles, defi ahn. That clever men may box savagely | i Ofed beyond all cavil. ; are of the cleverest in the ring, they carried with their eli an agi : ? punch? ing ability that was ever In evidence. Both were cut and bled, but D ? n n freely. In the Hinchen L)un ? like a wild man, and it was ? .- did his best work. ? ?..t excelled at long range, as told ? to sise Dundee up. and, in fact, g rounds presaged a de ;. fur the local youth. Hut in the third round Jot got going, lie meas uii .1 Dundei itepping Lack and ng in with punch to the head that landed more often -.. when Johnny in crouched over, playing for 1 ? .[???.! him with a ? ind uppercut to tht i d Time i ..- dro? e hii man half? way across the ring with clean punches eon : CO, NEW YORK A. C. PLANS BIG CHANGES Increase in Membership One Aim of Governing Board. Recommendations by the board o' gcvernord of the New York Athletic Club calling for extensive ountry clubhousea an i the in. tensing of the membership of ihe Wingi . Pool organization, v. al meeting called by William II. Page, the | at the i n the evening of i Ic IS. It is proposed that the constitution ?t .?hanged so as to allow- loi an in crease In membership from 3,000 to ??,000, and tin is szpeeted to meet with ral. Members who wi-h to I -.m resident to life at a fee of? ? ? have to havi their a] tions turned in t>> January 8, 1916, The country home at Travers Island for numerous and important changea, if the recommendations of the board oi governors at.- favorably acted on The plan? include the red:. of flft - of ?ami under end permanently bnlkheading ? .??'Hi: of more room for the j-r.chtstmen, the enlarging of the i ? in addition t?> tl-.e number of lawn tcn -.?llation of fa court?. -. Entries for To-day at Havre de Grace Hi- r r..i.|- s. ::ir,(. I : ? ..-??' "?r wit ?ill up . . ai . ?. ' ' .1 i U li Herrell ? .S? ?I ? tine . ? . ?? V ?! i ? ii u . .. ?? 114 8i Hnl ios vin i um) tu ...IM 1 ?'. ? - ..... ? ? ' . *i ? i. M*? On? ?M .19" ? ... ? llarrv .- . ? rield........... SS m tu n\. ?. - . ri*? its ?*-????? t .m . ma ll-rrniann . ? - a ? . ?i ?IliKt. 11 ?!?* SIXTH FUI ? ... - 1 Kan-Im?n. M 11" K'-.? rtl 111 sin ? m pan m ? Ihrlil 111 Mis- M Ola-Si* I ? ?a,. a alonan?-? claim??!. FOOTBALL GETS A GOOD START I AT COLUMBI Thirty - three Candidat and 2.000 Rooters Repoi for Opening Practice. Foothall had an t.eginm .. when thin three cant! rtad' on .Soi Field for a drill thu*. [a ted close two hours. Although the numncr of players wl football experience coma be counted the fingers of one hand the squ allowed plenty <?f promise, in the or i"n of Nelaoa Mat? sad coa< and his thr?. m Th.,r; captain of the Colombia '06 i Moffitt, who ; >? consin and one at 'Pennaylvi ?'? C, II? tifierson, one of mates at Oberlin. ?itch of thirty candidat ? .-ted when the ?. next Wedneaday, :?n?l in this numb there are half a ????/.en men who ha liail good prep achool training amo them J. F. Hiiile?. the ,.!,! B??s' Hi| star, anil Wilber, who had .? n<ll 7're-h' Cleveland, who . ? itute ce tre at Prim? I . a form Army second atrinjr quarterback, ai Ecky Calder, a St. Lawrence ? the otil : experience on ti Held f* terd > More than fifteen hundred unde graduates, alumni and visito: . i 'a hen 'he iquad tripi ? ?ni tii" Held n ftei noon, ai a ?! was k'ii. ? \ minu until thera ? ?wo the sand ?.ti hand. put in thr? ' who we chosen by lot. Most of the - hind, ami only for ;? fen mil at ? ..?r punt The ?? ?'. : ?? kin ! of woi ?n, and tl board talk will come to-night in Fa Hall. ' eial announcement was made ? the schedule, which begins oi 23 with a game irith SI Lawreni '? ? iculturi College will be play? .1 ?.n ' i Steven? Inatitute on November 3, Trit ? I : J.". V' vember 20 ? ai, ? and An herst, New York !'::i\ ersity, ] and Ti ?on are '?? ?ng to r? their set? ? mme t fit in a game with Columbia on thi day. Aa yet neither N. V. 1'., Roche ter or Union ; for t:nm* already scheduled ;'?' ' (! .; the ;ul'. . bia game t?. which normr.! on \ov?-mb r 13 with lb? an nual gam? agai i t W ? ? l thai th tre will be a alumni rally to the t footba! ? as th?? wi year get folly u: . Among old Columbi tu- who have volunteered to lend hand in the coaching the el? Hilly Erb, quarterback . th?- old I . Idie ?'?> i ;.-, .in h ?i : back m 1905, and Bo land. \ K Irop k'cV ? ?, hai prom. -? ?1 i '?m ; a couple f?f ?lays .! week on Morninj, Heights ?luiiliK the next t o j o i n t h Harvard ? ?. ici ing - ? n rf. The candidates who reported fester ?lay a;. I 11 experi? nee il athletics follow: K. W ill; E. K ?rn ball; F C. Weed, trac Krulewich. S. Bullwinkel, H. M crew; T. K. Nob Wad elton, P. W. Th? crew; R. Donnell, ba ketball; E i ball; D. S 1 ;. t rd, D. /.un v W Inkl? , J. ? I i i mee, cree . '?'? i II- 11. Buen i Brown anc . land Plenty of Vim at Yale. B] . v v Haven, Conn., Sept 28. < nol weather, which I from the l? which slowed up on, put -?nap ?he two w oui [finkey gave the Val? squad ihowed more life n> ti. r drill than they had in a week. Tin- only thing which marred an other hap, in which Sai ??n lilt? second all for : ha' i ?? on .hi 1 red an injury t?) one of his Tin morning's ?trip individual instruction and signal work. This afternoon - gnal work waa c??u pled with aerimmage, in which the 'varsity. I.e. oi [etcalf making the tal'.e?. Harvard Squad in Stadium. Cambi dg< ' Sen! 23 The Harvard fi ? ? they were sent i rubs, who not only previ ty from scoring, but alao from n ? ? ?core I thirty-yai ' drop kick. After a ti ? ' ? agaii Rollini made a bid ? > kick, and several uceessful forward laaea were 1 ? tield goal ? .1 r.. t m but th? ? eross bar. Gilman, th? l of two resorted eligib ? ? t? am. Shea Shine*, at Princeton. H. T . Prineeti ?., S. J S pi 23 ? eir tinal day Most ng. Tl ? ?. was ? ti at ack? and p ?''? ??? il for . from An,- 7a! work. fully i ipt.i.ti l ? afti-rno-jn. . ?.f la?t year's I ut of the ?.?.un. ?-n account ?.?f or ineligibiltty. 1 . . ? . . ?.hat Moors - -f ??ill he the ether backfleld men on The -.11 be composed largely ' cruiU, and will be the weak?.-! part <?f . the Utam. ?)poT?li?nt & GrantJ?n? Nice "Considering the Phillies." "Cenaider the Phillies of the ?-ld"? \ I?'. /'. .1. remarked astutettj; They spoil not?neither do that) sin? To break the peu'* somewhat acutely; '/" i y er ha ? a chance to itmt? FI i haven't a world series show? In fact they're l>ke '/?< ?ncr old Braves Who crack d to hard a v"*" ago. "Frank Moran huni't a chance with Jim Coffey." Kxchange. Just as Pat Moran never hud a chance with Stalling? and McGraw. But at the finish Patrick was hardly among the "also morans," as you f\ t t Qt, -?.y. 1 he Passing of Erin. So thi Iriah ore drifting from oui the fro Losing 'heir grip 01 I old rjnive: So this Irish I old time ttuff That anee mad'' r/ood when the scrap tea* rouijh: Breenahan and McGraw and Mack Arc down ut the foot with the conquered pack? AU n?ilr?but what tribe stalks in view When the next world ?crie.* week ie due? II ' ? ?i a hhke by the name of Pat Moran Hooks up with a cum named Catyigttnt How A?e You Picking 'Em> I' might he admitted of! hand, via the e'ernal ?lope, that the Phillies 1 ? '* a chance with the Re?l Sox. It might be admitted that they haven't a chance to beat a bill club that, beat the Tigers fourteen out of twenty-two game . But then the Phillies never ha?i ti chance to win the pennant. And the i had a chance to beat the Mackmen last fall. And Willard never had a chance to beat Johnson. And Sta.idish never had a chance to beat Ouimet. And Johnston never had an outside chance to beat Behr. Williaaia and Mcl.oughlin in a I Munches and Such. There are a numter of hunches to consider :n this next world series, out? burst To begin w.t i, the Phillies have never won a world series before, 1 because th? ? er had a chano- ? I one through forty ye wandering across the Harren Lands. ? o, the Red Box have never lost a world series. They have only been in two, bul the;- beat th ? Pirates in IM8 and the (liants in 1912. N'o Boston club -r lost a worl 1 series a record that belongs to no other city, liants, Athletics, Cubs, Tigets, Pirates, at one time or another have all absorbed it in highly vulnerable spots. But Boston, up to 1015, has been impregnable to any world lit. Which is a hunch you may employe either way that they ara due or otherwise. It? .stating fhat the Red Sox and Braves are the only club? that never lost a world leries WS erred. Neither have the Reds or Yanks. The White ?ox also have a perfect world series record with one win out of ? irt. He that chideth or blameth his caddie is a duffer at heart, though he playeth better tlian pur nine starts out of ten. Hut he that blameth only himself for each mistake has gathered form in one main variety that a Vardon ?night not surpass. Carrigan may be bothered a bit as to which slabman he will itart the vpfie^ with, but no similar worry now harasses the manly bosom of Pat Moran. For Pat knows well enough, even this far ahead, that it won't be Demaree, Chalmers, Rixey, McQuillen or Mayer. "Roxing promoter plans to get Freddie Welsh in ring for twenty-round de ci- ??ti fight." Exchange. Logical enough unless in some way Freddie hears about it. "The big slump taken this season by Travers and Ouimet," begins a golf writer, who is evidently entitled to another guess. Travers still happens to be Open Coif Champion of America. The slump he has taken is a good bit like the ten* lie slump that has assailed the Red Sox, the Phillies, Ty Cobb and Alex- ' ander. The fact that Travers failed to win the amateur after landing the open is hardly to be ranked as any slump, in view of the fact that no golfer has ever turned this double trick in America and only two have ever done so in Fnglan?!. It is something like saying a fellow has gone broke because he has only va million out of the wreck. Red Sol and Phi'lies can still !o??e the pennant by departing day after to? morrow for Riga to assist the Russians in keeping their front south of the North r He Will Beats Hanson By Head in Hard Drive Syosset Wins 'Chase at Havre de Grace and Is Bid Up by W. Garth. r?a - -. M!- i"!,t- ?* H Will won the Port Deposit Sellim: ,, at six furlong?, here this after after a head-and-head drive all the streteti sritk Behnylet Par . Baneon. I*, wa? something of an off day ?o far a- hoi ?? ttures wart ... it one finish made idl dir much, and when the num . the mir.d of on. I l-rvous an I ap. pis ?rho, a- ths Bt up, bega |ng "lie Will, He ? lama ... ?-r. When they hit I aras shovtfag ai ?He Will, Be Will." Li I a good look ..l Broom, by Broom ?a h ich raced in r, but he was not a? J three-year-old- Celto, rail at the i] Mar) eatings, made all her own runi?.: I: 'I Wilaon'l llc?ter i?ru *. Beltpont's Malachite from the Halls :i the handicap fur I all ages. In order I *n from mi out they tied ').-<?,?n Prlr- ?? down, and they tied it so well that he ? ? : twoyear Wiltl the race easily, but did OOA come out of it unseethed, for he sulTtred a bad cut on the hock and ?ill not be seen under colors for ?ome week?. Syosset jumped in hia utual good 4 I form and won the selling steeplechase from a field that stood on its feet a little better than u-ua!. C. R. Fl.ish man's Astute wa? the only one that -.vas not in it at the tin'sh, for he lost ? 1er in front of th? grandstand. After the race W. Garth ran up the ?inner $800, but he ?TM protected by the customary $5 advance. After Eagle won the last rsce, at five and a half furlongs, Albert Simons, trainer of Forum, wh'eh finished -ec ond, bid fHOO snd got h.m. Amain ran to bis usual form, giving . his buckers heart failura In tbs run through the stretch, but winninf b? half a length from Stoneheng* in the ?r.d a sixteenth race for rlaters. The summaries follow: l - ra ? lat?an? n.r rain tee? ?ti maM?i?; ball furious?)-I II mm. '.I . ? 7 - I A . . OBI 1U II J.'. ?. '. to 1. | .?I ? ?-1 T?rr.. : ? -. ? . a ?? !.?*? i'hai. H l A?. .?? . m; In I ?a - ?. ?-. i I to 3 . UlU? Hit| ? - 14 K??tlai M l. S le I ? H.-T- int. Hallar) ai.J *m? i\tr 1 r?f? *i?.-.rl!r?p, tur all if? alaj fiirinr?a> - In 2 ai?l ..ut. ?ami. ? '? I. ? to I. 1 \'a a hi?. *t i Mil*t#?I jo: ?it. mini Tim?. 1 II. !!.<ua? Mali alao raN Pert l)?-j><?lt HcUIni Sla?-?, for all furtorg?) Ha Ulli llj I tmlini 1 In I. won. llarux,, i -o : ?j.i i ui ?> v ?? ItS tat I m.i ln.l ? ? ! I: i. , ? . >? fa ?1 lot I - inr ?? ta g A up i and a ?m??i.tiii ?amaia. : i ?i .* I ft? 1 ml l to 4. ?Joe .? \. II u 1. i -.. i ?.-i ? I - ?: 111 l'ar'.a. U t.. 1. 4 'u t nasa : ?? i ? na-.. i?-n- i PA?i. Dr. Deas . I v.i. - alao ran ?? - a IbS. tot ttir?? )'?f ul.l? ?ret up -.. ? . . a ' a ' ''?' I ?? Tig ? II M A * -. I I ta? 1 a- J ?in- won. PSaS ? Hi-art i. i to IS. ? i "? ami 1 I?. 4. ?or . I .,/, V...BB?. Ill a '- U ? ? '? II an?! JV? M 1 ?BlM T*.m?. 1 07 V? ?;?f ?. .* I Harry Junior Vlanoi?. ??'???? ??-I '!"*-?. B??.r ? I Jam??, Broca (I'laaa. f-laiitaaana**.. ArrleA? ti,4 J?.?. J' . alao ran. ONLY FOUR NOW LEFT IN LAW?? TENNIS SINGLES Mrs. Le Roy Causes Sur? prise by Defeating Miss Row son. fir ntED. H'.WTHORNF. Four women survived the single? >??? terday in the invitation lawn '? tournament on the turf courts I Orange Lawn Tennis ?Tub, a* '. Station, S. J Mlaa ?"are Ca?se!. Mrs. Robert T.e Roy. snd Miss Florence Sheldon wer round, ?n J they will meet as named thi? m?^ Mr?. David C. Mills, who made such i remarkable record the celerity and smoothness with which ?he matches, msintaired the ?ame scheilule yesterday, and b ag 7he singles down to the semi? finals, got a rteld of t?--?-nty-thre? pairs ? ?ray in the doubles, with only seven .? ft at the end of the ?lay. The final* n the doubles will be played to-mor OW. The victory of Mrs. Le Rov ?vet ?iowson, of Morr^town. was the ? if the ?lay. 1 lie latter ?..? ? ?r the Weil - ? h pli ve '??? thout srreat ?liffleulty, and after she had taken the openirg J, 'he gallery regard? lice? ll '. ' Roy, how. began to stroke the bail harder n the l..-ter *tag.-s of the match, and also made clever usa of deep lobs to draw bei pee The gain -.'. in the secon?! ? itar played her : ?ves io eleeelv to tn? ?n fourni herself i with great regularity, and Mr?. I.e Roy at 6 4. In the last session she increased th? . of her strokes, while the Morris : k <>f Wild' thai he?? opponent * I the match. Before taking the menante of Rows..:. Mrs La Roj defeated Mlaa a score of 1 2, I 7, in tin- third round. Sheldon made rapid stride? during the day. In the second round gained a default from Miss Molla Bjurstedt, national champion, who was ? ineinnati. In the th.: {beiden de A. Boiler at ?' i, lira. ?Seller was erroneously reported ? be? r. .:? teated by Miss Mildred Inesday, while matter of fact she won thai .?? ?' ?'. ?' J, ?7 I. After thi.? tory, Miss Sheldon went on the court with lira. A. Humphries and def ited the latter at f> 4. *5 ?4. The Montclair champion had a world of speed ye-terday, covering the coutt ' ?etively that neither of her op ? ponent.s found it easy to score on placement shots, although Mrs. Hum I hri'? made use of a sharp backhand shot across the court that gave Miss Sheldon cause for worry more than once. Miss Hi.Hin won her bracket by de [feating lira. Arthur l?. Dcane at 6?1?, loped a strong attack at the net. following in after the ser-a. vice quickly and then bombarding the opposite court with well placed ?maches. The winner's forehand drives a'?o earned her many points, as Mrs. Dtane coul?! not break up her opponent'! baek?eourl irame. no matter how often she lobbed. Mis? Casael triumphed over Mis? .? Pollak at t? -1. H 4, but was led to travi 1 at top speed all the way I" j'-ung opponent admitted defeat. Every tim,- Miaa c-uiel sought to earn her points by a driving game from th.- beck ?if the eonrt, Miss Poll??. met her on even terme, and in some eame out ahead on these ex ?hanges. It was only when the ether .'.?'?r knowledge of the net game into play ami tur.ied sharp volleying shots ir.'o Mis? Pol? lak'l forecourt, that she forged to the front. The matches in the doubles brought : rited competition, several of the teams being ?renle matched. Mis* ? Margaret 7'i'yii.oiir gaine?l the semi-final rour.?l by viel Mr?. Macauley and Nisi Lillian S.-yniour, at ? -S-, r> !, and over Mrs. 1! liter and Mrs. Sidney Taylor, at 7 ,'?, ?1 4. One of the best matches resulted in the meeting between Miss Ballin and W, and Vr?. Louis Gouver? neur Morns an?i Mm. Le Roy in the first round, end it r?'i?uirc?l three sets ?he former pair won, at 4-6, 6 1, is i Mrs. Morns was in brilliant form at the net, cutting off drives at sharp angles to the corners and ?mush? ing lobs with great accuracy. Mlaa Hallin was also strong ovt rhead, while hers lid most of their playing from back c ?urt. Miss Potter pulled Miss Seymour along with her to victory in the two i matches they play???1.. Her service was ' the most severe BOOB en he courts ye? ' terday. and several times she scored I clean aeea ?>n her delivery. When the ! ball came to her on her forehand M >i Potter .va- effective, getting splen? did pac?- into her drives. Mus Sey nour adapted her own gam?- clev.ily to that of hi Tile siimtrai.e foil I W am Ml-? >uu from Mi-? ?? ? I-, ?t-*Jt b# ??'. ? : Mini . Mm '?'.?? S ?-. ?V-l. ?? 1. ?I , A .... :. , :-'.. .1 Mua? i??'. ? . V round Mlaa Clara Caaml .!.'??' " ?? ? M-. it art i*, i . *. ?a?4. a?i I II ? ' l>?Ul?. . U?l aatttSmt Mr? A i. ?V-4 ? M Ir.? PSI-. i' M ? ? I ?I ? ',?: ln?f it'.eaterl M ? * lia...? un M t? I. Il? ' i MlM Hil ? , , ? -.i Mi? I ?ml ? Mm rt*rv>! t - ? e M ?? Harta ?Vi?i?t ? . V-l t-i. M'... Bailla i..l MU* Ra,? i ?.-n .let?? I v., it il ?} i i Mr? I. i. M ? ? M ?? iti'tun T??l?r ?* . . Aoiil? Morilmi. <\attaxmt lit? Tr?iiri. and MU< M < A (1 I? a - . '. Si . ID? UI!.i i-.' a -' Mr? M.I, i ta>. ?Jod M m Ulcr c m??? ? ? v ? -> Aihl M M W ' irn? an 1 Ml?v . .' . -I M ? .1 M~ Mn . \tn . < \: .? .i. . . . : m .? H M , ?'A . . IM .'... \l . ? ? vl Mlaa Taj?1?! . ?I 1. ' 1 MlM CtlrrKUHU. lil?l Ml.? V ? , - ? ... ..-.I M?!. M .sa>n. m ?? -I Mlaa K. ? . - - - ? 1 M? M . r, - a, tient Mlaa K?th ai.,1 MUa U?l?. t> ?la failli- a .. ? r... Tnir<l ? ? I Utas I SaJMaat ?' ? Mtaa ?\ r?4 . i .1 Mi? Ti-lur. f?I. 1-4?. e Birmingham Loses Point in Suit for $20,000 Cleveland. O . left -3. Joe lift 1 mingghnm, deposed manager of the \merieati League Haseball 'Club, to* la/ lo?t the first point in his I suit for ?20,000 damages againit the ;e!ub. Judge Willis Vlckery In Common Pleas Court ruled P.rminghan*. must j f.le an amended petition omtttinf a? i copy of his contract and adegati^na that he had been barred from the I 1-aseball park here.