Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adams. Thi? department Is devoted to aa-parating the ?heep of advi?rti?ing from the goats?and hanging a Kell on the goats. It deal? with a rery serious topir in a way that is not too set ious. It? honest i-nHearor will be to answer with fairne??. either in pnnl or. where that i? inexpedient, by prieate I-tter, all fa:r quettioni about ?dverti?ement?, while re?erving the right to plead ignorance when thot i? the right ?nawer. It a?U? nothing lor it? aervicet eacept the confidence of it? ? c I In fact, it is .-. a criticism. In tl nd place, while the " a? it t< ? ? - pon the prof( technical judgment in chief, Mr. i1 ?i,kin?, it fui ' him which would commend 1. -y conversant. 1 y long ? with the field ? short 1 the < toi lepai I 'I'.?' mag ? -id. and if Den by Sil i hard name to forget has risen to i?ny conspicuous ;- aped my notice, and I have consulted. I know of only one genuine expert in thi? field, ? woman who has had wide experience ns a reader writer ami her criticisms are nol ?advertised a- "free." The- ti ? ?oil who advertise to teach rt atoi -?? manuscripts ?it mostly without any -tirai experience to support their claims. *t);:c more pointer for, .!. H. R Ing tu have a manuscript revised I should prefer ? ? The Short -t ?"act that it aril] grow hair? .I. L. D. F the Coi ? Experiment Station shows that Dan-' "a dilute, alcohol-glycerin? I containing small amounts of' hone acid, salicylic acid, resorcin, capsicum and possibly cantharidin." It will no i hair on the human head than it will on a billiard ball. The onlj *? a' will prow hair on the head is a fertile scalp. Danderine t?- not un effective fertilizer. I have carefully read youi discussion with W, II E of bier adver .-- of If.-iic with a ?ense >?'. ? in<- that your position is as complicated as that , that he wasn't wholly a hur by admitting that lie -.-.,. .* that he had thi? told th<- truth for once anyhow. A? on would have u?. chewing over gold lenf dis I tl nk 1 can appreciate the forer of vour contention that the heer advertisei hud tola nothing but the truth: but how about the adver for ?ale, chirts that are jrenuine .. m i.n inconspicuous place? You ?vould have . tn a? damaged, would you not? In other words, you would have him advertise the I ?? good; have him tell "not onlv the truth, but the whole tru'h. Whv not make the beer advertiser do tie ?ame? AI.FKK!) H. TAYLOR, JR. Perfectly sound reasoning, Mr. Taylor. If a brewer undertake?? to m 11 da The Tribune he will be compelled to advert?s?-? it as damaged beer oi not at all. e -rd plerup find clipping- taken from "The New York Sunday Journal." I fhould like your advice on thi?. medicine before 1 ?end for name. I. f. }> Dont ?vend for it. That is the beat advice I can give about Blanch ^ral'r- anti-fat "ten." Drug treatments can reduce fat in only one way, ?h and strength at the same time with the fat. The mere fact, by the way, that a mecficine Is advertised in any Hearst newspaper i?. a fairly sound indication that it is a good thin?j not to take. It ?eem? that the art of exaggeration in pre?enting warm for ?ale Is no new thing. It is known In Shakespeare'? day. I . ? ag; it bscomes rone but trad?i?men." Winter'* Tale IV, I J. B, Probably BtU the Immortal, when he indulged in that grouchy gen? erality, had ju?-t wandered out Into "the Cheapeside" ami been bornswog? ??led by some Finkolstein of the day. hjkttbi the approval you cave Stolid Rro?. for their public wan ing -.gait.ft p*?- ? ou considered the fact that wheres* sbout cost, there is a profit '. ifl t" 1,000 per cent In filling prescript I), r. I have. The profit is a proper one. It represents not so much tne tag? on the Sale a?-- the professional skill of the trained pharmacist. ..hi the public is giving the pharmacist a return ?... ?:,-.?- tin, r.i of a large amount of time and money in learning a highly skilled profe.?aion. Moreover, the customer, in (saving a preserip nrity. What safeguard has he in purchasing ?? - licine, possibly poisonous and probably harm? ful. Um ich are kept a secret from the buyer, the seller it the manufacturer? A ?ignboard adjacent to the Riverside viaduct read? at? follow?: I ???.?Ion Life Cigarette? 10 rent? here 10 pence there Till faeeiaatincly my?terioua sign suggests s number of quftior.i ;.ou, viz.; ' 1. What part of th( ? ? "there" refer ?o? iny chat,?-?, it is meant to refer te I \ >i?,, ' living m England ?o much that the ?amo ciga I ? S '?' " ' ' S in 1 righ.h ? u I I ! '* A ess cigarette.? aware ? 'i for a long time advert: .,I ?I milar way "A ?hilling in in, a ?juartt-r h. - A Itojvt her, thi .?>, writtenl aero?? the top of thi* signboard :- ? unary." I AWTON MACKALL To the picture.-ijue and unusual in advert?s:- ? \xmtl \t always exhibit is a curious one. Imitation may 1 ' ?? ' ery, but if this itatibn of the 1'all 1'ali Mall, not the Philip Morris which HS), ?M latter will hardly lind then rtisement yi\f< one the mental effect of promoti don Life Cigarettes can urrounding th? plying to Mi ?Mckall'i .... ea tn. > will find Uta Ad-Visor not eniv i-nz-iitoUv.? but "'"?v"- mm vucJL | ' f JUSTICE CAUGHT IN APPLES' TOILS Fruit, Troublesome Since Eve's Day, May Cos? 11im Job of Peace. LINDEN FOLK. AWED, SFFK TO OUST SOLON To Plan Removal ?M Judge? 8fi. Who Arrested Woman for ?Carrying Ponies Sunday. A mais meeting will hr held Saturday ? in Linden, Y .1 . to pa?s resolution mantling of Mayor Hardenberg that 1 ? ?l ?? eightv-alx* Id Solon whoC dispenses Linden's ? ; and "f lei tice, be ?ed. He recentlj ruled that it ?as ;. violation of ' "blue ..'. apples . too much I he ... moi?? . ? : : ' ? '?? ith !??? m?. ? he had Dg of ? he plan - tot ?. ? ? II?- started a ? ommol ion in the : >li.?I worn* . John \ an de Ventei app? ? the v.. mai Sine? ; ? . ; yesti rday anotl ? addi 'l .. th? case of the pedli r, Gold through the courtroom, Gold encoun? tered the aged judge ??ti t!ie it "You're Juat the mail 1 ? mm to -c?-, he said, "I a . s to in Linden." "All light.." said the judge, "you c;in have th.' license, hut you're a Ihout . so I'll tin? you |G ' Kan in < ourtroom. Kur SehaefTer, t h ?? courl interpreter, court "You've ti" right to he a judge. You're too old. It's a shame. The peopl? here are fooliah to stand for a man like you." The old man drew himself up with all the dignity he could muster, but the tire in hi* i*uf (aae Clouded. What right di?l JTOB have to arrest .i yway." he demaminl. "You're paid to sit m here anil judge cases, not go out looking for trouble." "Yes, 1 will. I'll go out looking for trouble whenever I want to." "The law doeanV "Don't you t?'ll me about the law." "I'm rot afraid of you, Henry. I'll tell vu anything I feel like." "You talk like a baby." "I may be a heap younger than you, .ludge, hut I'm no baby. I think" "You ain't allowed to think" real was lost m laughter. I 'r.rts to arrive at th?' facts in the Hoodaek case developed extraordinary differences of opinion as to the Polish woman's title to the apples. Such deep legal questions are involved as the right of Mrs. Van de Venter to give away apples from tree? owned by her land? lord, and the right of Mrs. Hoodaek to take apples on Sunday morning if per? mission hud been given her on Satur ?lay night to say nothing of the right of Linden citizens to carry ?>??*1idles on Sunday. Mrs. Hoodaek was arrested at f. o'clock Sunday morning. Justice Bundy put It: "Lven if Mrs. Van de Venter did give her the apples, she was breaking a city onhnance in picking and carrying them away on Sunday." I.m M Judge (lull at M net y-one. This Interpretation of the Jersey blue laws has ?truck terror to the hearts of Linden commuters. "Who will be safe on the streets." said one man to-day, "If this old fellow can hold up anybody for carrying a bundle on Sunday? If we're once ar? rested in Lintlen, the? .is no eacape from paying a fine, for the old judge needs the money." The salary paid to Linden's chief magistrate is $100 a year. William McDonough, owner of the controversial apple orchard, and a rnemher of the borough . council, said laat i.ight that etforts would be made to find a more efficient man to replace the old judge as soon as possible. A pBrt of the voters of Linden think the justice has the fine points of the law on his side in the Hoodaek case, and that the agitation against him is not on purely impersonal grounds. "Lei us alone. We'll be all right if sou give us time," said Mr. McDon , "Linden never even had a police? man until two years ago. We were HOTEL ENDICOTT Columbus Ave. & 8lit St., New York City. A "Home Hotel" of superior ap? pointment. The spacious dining moms and ?loo sleeping rooms have been reopened after an ex? penditure of an enormous sum in remodeling, rc?U-c?>rat?.ig and refurnishing. Cuisine and service of the high Ml standard. Avera?e charge per entree thirtv-tive cents. Restaurant prices fifty per cent less than elsewhere. RATES Room with mi- of Bath. . $ ] 00 Room with Private Bath . 1.50 Parlor, ?Bedroom and Bath 2.50 HOTEL M Uli HI AND Itl. Ave. A ?Via -in?'.. FLYING BOAT LANDING IN HUDSON AFTER ATLANTIC CITY. FAST TRIP FROM Ii. K. Januith ami , sition of justice of the peace of ; ?ten for twent) ?/ears, resigned a year. hi:?., at ?he ?i-e of ninety-one, to make I room for a younger man, REFUSES DIVORCE PLEA OF MRS. VAN DEUSEN Charges Against! Husband Sus? tained by Referee. I The suit for absolute divorce h' i by Harriet Louise Van Dessen, well known in N'ewburgh, against her hu?-' band, Robert T, V?n Deusen, whom Mrs. Van Deuaen charged with taking a lifl.ooO-miie trip with Violu Ganaon, h stenographer, of Kinderhook, X. V.. v. ii ?? denied yesterday 1". Referee Charle* Morschauser, of Pojighkeepsic. The referee, however, sustains the ? ! urges ?gainst her hushand. and also Arda Mrs. Van Deuaen guilty of in? itions in which her "affinity."i Robert 8. ?9earbnrgh, advertising man? ager of the New York Telephone Com* pal v, was saiil to be involved. The referee commented on testimony offered by n chauffeur, a Japanese cook i anil an English maid employed by Mrs. Vhh Deuaen at her home, in Halmville, where she lived with her two children, pointing out that Mrs. Yun Deuaen ? man, who : - no?? one of his pupil?. stepped Intu a Curtis? flying boat In front of hi? hangars at Atlantic City yesterday, and afier two hours in the air landed at the Columbia, Yacht Club pier, al the foot of Eighty-sixth Street, The pair, flying move than 5,000 feet high a? they passed ?>?.?? r Brooklyn and Governor's Island, headed -traight up the river and drifted down to the boat landing ??^ carelessly and eaaily us a leaf oif a tree on the drive. They left Atlant, she hs? no control" ' "*.*, Mer piece women or. a ne,1.,. ? cordintr to Mr?. Rieh Holam?- ' Presi.!. '"'* "Hi "Mrs Kellina ws. scqairtw,. ,? ?nid, Mnot because she ????, \?L* but because ?he wss a woms? TS sorry for her, hut I tr -? ih, ?*< quite responsible when -he cesZiS the crime, snd she should lia^eeu** sponsible" *'1? >*? ? MILITIA READY FOR REn?? Governor, v* irh Moforr?de <;Uti See Msno?uvre? To-Morrow Final arrangerrert.? of the New York Nat.onsl r,u?r< ,, Van ("ortlsndt PnrV ? completed ls?t right by Major O'Kyan at-.d h s s'?.'* '.nvernor %m man will rereh the sity to r. . will be e-"- rrow rsajr 1 'rom the St. I'.g.? Hotel to tJss^^l ing stand at the pur* ' ' In the Governor's guard of heseraa be 100 mem new a^^^H corpa, i : l.ard ?nttmt Major ?i'T.eral O'l'yan tunaajtsajTl those i ice th? entlr? mt f ramme take, ?it? th?? he e- ? AMI -I ? ? I ??TH. EMPIRE -SS ';!,.-,;.,- , ' MR. CYRIL MAUDE GRUMPY LAST 1 WEEKS. KILLICRANKIE. Mil- r B'WaYI M 4 Uli* Il ? -. i. i .\ l\ I I . 1 J. M HA lilil?-. S tempest!? ? -i" HARRIS E ?^?Stoats HUDSON ""ISf "JTS. 'a'K.7'." I SBEH WM. COURTENAT. T., -n'? A ?'??1 2 :0 E. ?"t *??~ F ?? "C?<-?"* LTINGiCi Lucv. t?, La S II'U?-" ?MAKI.KS KLEIN GEO. M. COHAN 8 Th-itr? S-a-, ?a. V n ?ION TI KS TIM II I HI 4 SPECIAL MATINEES 5Oc-7Jc-|l.0?J. II.50. 12.00? SEATS NOW. MRS. WHlTNE?'S FASHION SHOW REPUBLIC m**mmTr*\mnmVSrt^ s% HnaajKBia ss Snati Silling 8 Wwki Ahead. MAI IK\. I> . .,?ifiiiu<-? i.i the Cotm ff/, "|| ICifhingto'i >''/u?i"'," Mon. V. i ?? , ? iniroduriiui nr-, M?> Irwin Non???Parle Coi arele, Itth St. I'1 IttO eeafi >>?li.i(7 Oreh. ll-l.iO-l.OS ?al |1 On-TSc-.O?. fan. Cir. 2oC NEW AMSTERDAM '7'^^ HOLBnOOB ant m m Sm Sa ????e me 17?? ?M. Sit? ' " I'll' ?Uf Dim 4? FaWM, MOLOCH v s "YOUNG AMERICA "??roll*??"??, t?n??r ind fillCTV ICH lmm?n??l> a?a*>alli<|. ' U?IEIT ^ ft ' Ktw ? 20 Mitli ~? T? ? M'W A '. CANDLERA i :; m. i ??Han ,\ I? ?. :is l ?;. - THE POPULAR SUCCES! O? lili. "THE HOUSE ?K a?l*?iui "LAY WIT? '* cad cast ORCHESTRA SFATS, $2.00. JliO FIRST BALC, $1.50, $1, 75c., Slk 1 LIBERTY - . ? i, . , a-, ;? 'aVSB 0. W. GRIFFITH'S .-portarla mri f a BELASCO THE BOOMERAK ruLiw.i ,u SOME BABY! n nor i ?? 14* a? ? ?-?iiu-? ? u uLUDL ?. MONTGOMERY & STONE g3 ran iii'ii ? ? WINTER GARDEN fZf? ^J*? fc SuNOAY NIGHT CONCERT.?AM Wlnt-r Gar? den Favorit?? A Stan frtxn ethir Broadway Sucrem*. Soati No*. MAXINE ELLIOTTS Th Mti To-B'wAWed . CASINO. l.?g? ? 11? Ma'? Te m'a A W?d . i I'. THE BLUE PARADISE "tofS,? CASTLES A'ap ?4lh Str.-at'. A'tm 11 IN THE AIR Mftrtll [Sic Hi-.) at 10.10 a ! ICE ri.umplon ice Hkalen ttsi M, .1-m PALACE. l?an.?M Hupprr aiii Duicli.f ,f s 11 Mau. T?? m * ?Tad 3 ta l ? ?11. or.-h . il M * I. 8HUBERT. WILLIAM HODGE m 7&W?aid part? . r tl? 25C. ""n 'mm.nmm^JT' 25C?*fsg Grratait Moftn? l'iitur?? rtttt? Haa fr*-: TWO IS COMPAI? lyric r.ti' ? t* -??? a 48th STREET AN UNQUALIFIED HIT. HUSBAND WIFE BOOTH. I.?m ? ? Mit Wo*.]- A PAIR OF SILK S7QCr.ll.l3 Q TONIGHT *4AmW H'??-.! ''"Jr*' SHARP. ' ,V STOLEN H BIGGER'THAN THE PANAMA CANAL S?0 SEATS IN ORCHESTRA, II. MANHATTAN OPERA HOUSE ff? ACTDD ir war. 4.'. st. T?rr*u.t tar. ?>??. A-J * \JTS t ft Mat? To m'? k Wei COHANS AMERICAN FARCE. "HIT-1HE-TKAIL ?^h.-min.. HOLLIPAY,,lrKA1?"-:"*? ?ISSiuihJ ?U>*\[^|JL,r,l\ Ms? t.) aa'w A ???.?-. Moat Pop? ular Sucre?? Siace "Within the Law." "THE HOUSE OF GLASS" ORCHtSTflA SEATS S2.C0, $1.50 FIRST BALC.$!.50$I.00 75e50o I ONGACRE ^V^i?.1 SLat Krr? |2 to Mi HM. * Sat Mat? ll'.OtoJtV THE SEASON'S MUSICAL HIT. THE GIRL WHO SMILES ?lth Nata.!. Alt. trf" BaMwtn. Win 1. SKATS BKIXINO ? WEEKS IN AOVANCtX CORT 5S NEXT MON. ,1, ?ZT J.I lort l?r??<-la tin? H?irs H!oa aom Vlrlor llBrtam I'oulr Uprra, THE PRINCESS PAT-"- f?^r?f LEXINGTON ^W, ?Js " !'r..?':,vr MA FULL HOUSE" -?.it a?. "THE SONG OF SONGS." CTiSirtADn U ?I? A P'i 1-1 K??. ?IV to $1. T?:;/," "UNDER COVEK" M?ll Heel ?mu,M JINKS." b?tVM A? I' . 'I M ? 1 HeVhO W SHOP" M??? I...I IS MASS In Th? Until.'?." Loew's American Roof trn i m ?si? 12-Act Vaudeville Show ftkVv? Lihl.ll.IITH I. rili'Mr.NAI'r;. 25c. lit. 50c. THE BATTLE CRY*?/ PEACE. VITAGRAPH. HbitAII ?t Twlo? J?-0?>. 2 .0 A t M. "ihr 'Uncle Tom? Cabin' of Piclurea." J*u?*n?a. I .' I'' I CHARLES RlCHMAN. .Mata iBi.ri? Sat I. atk. ?At ai I II "0 a.?. A Ha* Ma? -?- ; ."- |i u? ? PS. T. KEITH'S Sylvntef . a-..?.. AI ATK 8*"*"'r Ctn TW *-. r*. -W El D ?*?>??? y Jar*??. Mi'Al t; f War?] Uro?. Dsl Mai .7. 10 II, ?? an ?HI O NIA I I B'""rtl T ??? *'""? Mat I'ali*/:V llr.??kalliiiii I. ? *i ? I **iOLUMaiA. Il ?a. A 47tti Burinaur Mat frasa A. Burl A Ti? GIRL TRUBT. r la? *** bill* Mc??rlt?< l-tajht Put.?.. DONT MISS THI EXPOSITION CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES GRAND CENTRAL PPsLP.CE _? ALL THIS WE 11 AH. TO Hl? M. DA Admission 50 cents . rue only "/teu-.'C *? ' C^a? a_amm o"p,aedL>.l ***+ ? *'* * - tnti.u?.a.U? >P^??,0r,^O NE?WAYBlRNS?"!?v?? ?-T0WN TOPICS'" m I.HKAT ?AST nr 1>' PrtlCES w ?-?', ? M* nri?! CANDLEIT" ' "..""Aa *?-.! , mm? **t~ POSITIV* ! TIO* orTheTtraseatTh-oo.^ FIRST BALC, $1*50, $1. '?*" Z Ctnnri1 ^' vtrano ??^ U M-il V.? -l>?J..aa?l ?"?"? Th4 *** ? '?THE HOUSE OF GLASS"