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LOAN TO ALLIE HITS NEW SNA( DEAL FAR AW Possible Underttaiu H ithin a Week. Bank? Rest Hope Now. CONFERENCE HF.LD AT ?MO KIAN HO AngloFrcnch Agents \v?a: ' vice fr??m London as | Participation of Russia. ??..ont" 7 A I ' t a billioi I a working t that the ? both s; ? ? '?e taken as exp ? than of cor were confident '.. -.'. could hours .r.dcrsti ing "within a week." I be.?i innumerable te' made in the ?wo w? mission has be<\ hero, few r red the day ?'f tl Term? that were n. ?re found Impossible w r pro] -. and -. arrange? ? ?.hi;, ? body a eons.iierable number of spec for t-i early agr anything ! learned vest v the conviction of hi sides that the loan has to be mi h is makii.g possible a continuar of the discussions. Even bankers w have little enthusiasm for the loan i agreed that the empi?te failure of t negotiations is almost unthinkable. ( onfer at Morgan Home. r? was a meet;r.? ye'terday a Morgan library betwei Lord Beading and Sir F.iward Holde r? presenting tie An?lo-French mi ., and J. T. Morgan, Henry P son and others representing the Ame group. But this was only one of ? :? ? ?, and there Wi nothing li to show that th hud teen advanced a single ste] While the Anglo-French mission ai ?Mstood to have lu ? f?<? to ii t Russia m tie negotiations c -, mtry out at a ill, the at - progress in th loan disc. believed to be du in part to their reluctance to take a del itcome of th Pisi r L Bark, Russian Finance Minister, an . .-.aid McKenna, British Chancello ira. A lea'fer of th" American group sai that the inclusion of Bus.-:; participant! in the loan wa a possibility. Asked if he though to risk the los.? o . of Jewish bank : ? ? ring 7 g in Russia a sous answer. Re : .- ? ? et later, he seic ;. that Russii . ? ' The credit ol ? Britain snd ? ? a:.I. Mii Nothing of irnpor sdding i an Plan Gaining Friends." This same banker, when asked ? he lueeess of the .oan I "I don't be 'ieve . ai 'innsaction whos? itrms are an be called an assured He denied that '.in between the French delegates and the Ameri* leaders. "The loan is gaining friends all the "The number of them is consta?il lag." ? -ids among the bankers or among the Investors- the ultimate con. tumors?" he was asked. "Among people with ?noney?ultimate fonsumers, certainly," he replied. lie ?ras told that a iarge number of ionJ dealers and others had said that B a 6 per cent income ,?0 with investors; that t would have to yield 5s-* per cent at "1 think that is a mistaken ides," he ed. ?till a lack of definite nnel of the c??m ? ? of bankers who will constitute i? actual American negotiators when ? a?Oi ? ? ? st, th.-te Is a practical certain';,- that the fol low - ?se chosen: J. iv M< rgan and Mem y V. Davison, of I P Morgan 4 Co.; Prank A Vander* ? ??ie Guaran* 'v Trust H. Wiggm, imeroej William , ward, president of the Hanover I Mine, presi snal. huhn. I .?eh A Co. Mat Join. V? httthi r any rerresrntativ?? of Kuhn. found inn?. .. .?tors is thought i" be doubtful. t, . , .- king house Is not ex? pected to particpate In the loan, al . Ovo II Kiih-i and Mortimer L. Sch.lT. of its partners probably v. - 's.-nbers .lac.?!? I? Schiff, senior oeably corr.mittfrl ?gainst the loan, not because ? pro-German sympathies, but bo cause Russia, in his view, is the chief ?tion among the war ? ions. Mr. S sirs as to Ganuany, say his friends, have Veen mad?' plain in his letters answering those of Presi? dent-Emeritus Kl)?'' of Harvard His ? are with the German peo bul he believes that "Prussian militarism" JBUSj be erushed for the good of humanity. AIR RAIDERS HIT U. S. CONSULATE Bomb Struck Building in Stuttgart During Attack by French. Stufgart, Germany, Sept. 23. Dur? ing the air raid by French aviators over .art yesterda) morning fragments of a bomb struck the American con? sulate. C onsul lliggin* and the other occupants of the building were not in? jured. ?\ .?-hington, Sept. ?71 The American consulate at Stuttgart was struck by a fragment of a bomb during the re . ;. French air men. accord? ai? to-day from Consul Higgins. Ihe consul said that no one in the ..ate had been injured, but did not Indicate whether the building ?as damaged. Geneva. Switzerland, Sept. 23. Newa has reached Roma Switzerland, a i ight wing of the roj al ?>al ace at Stuttgart wn., badly damai ay? ilr raid. One bom ploded In the salon. It is known that of the royal family were in the residence. The French ::vintors, after bombard? ing the station barracks, wher. ere fifteen seri? ously injured, divided, some flying to Friedrichshafen, when- the Zeppelin factory was bombarded. The othard hastily left 1 ; richshafen for the Swiss shore with? out taking her passengers on board. U.S. NOW AT WAR, SAYS DR. BUTLER In Life and Death Struggle with Forces That Would Stifle It. i Lake Placid, N. Y.. Sept 28. Before a large audience in Forest Hall, at the Lake Plac:d Club, Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia Uni? versity, rave an interesting adilress to-nitzht on "The War and the Future." "For many years," said he, "this na? tion has managed to maintain its po-. sition, following well the course es? tablished by George Washington and entering into no entangling alliances with other nations. We have attended strictly to our own affairs, but now the time has come when the older point m must be supplemented by an? other. The time has come when this nation must direct the course of civ? ilization as it should go. We face a situation in which we are to take the principal part in shaping the future of the world. "This nation has been made the cus odian of international law; it is incum Qent upon us to see to it that our rights us neutrale are not invaded by eager belligerents. This ?oe3 not mean com butiveness, but rather the use of a fores that shall work for the pood of humanity. Especially is it in? cumbent upon us to see to it that we do r.ot fall into that warlike spirit which hag its grasp upon Europe. There is the reaction of imitation and the re iction of avoidance, and I am for the latter. Every true American feels that he is called out for service from with? in rather than ordered out for service from without. "Thif conflict is one of the great wars of history between principles. Foi the third time the civilisation of the Western world is having a life tnd death struggle with force? that would stifle it. That is the reason why this nation, although neutral, dare not be imlifferent." Starving Man Saw Lincoln Shot. Weakened by an enforced three days' fast, George Westphalia, sixty-three, wandered to the fourth floor of an empty building a yesterday in search of a place to sleep. Bis threadbare r'othes wars no protec? tion aga.r. -?? th- codd in the building no he built a flre of old papers. Pa? trolmen of the Mercer Street station put out the blaze and took him to the : house, wher? he was held on a rhsrge of arson. All that the pusoner could remember of hiB past life was ?hat, when he ?as twelve, ne saw !'?? Lincoln assassinated. B. Al?man $c do. Women's Ready-to-wear Dep9t (Third Floor) TAILOR-MADE SUITS FOR AUTUMN are now displayed in unusually generous sortments. Smart youthful models are I given special prominence. A large selection of new is now being of/ertid. $38.00 L $48.00 Wiftl) Annul* - illivblaan Aurm? .3411? ?mb 3511? &txtttB JXrui Bark '3,000 OPEN WAR HERE ON LOAN Pledges to Thwart Allies' Credit F.ffort Made at Truth Meeting. RIDDER ATTACKS TRIBUNE AS BIASSED German Alliance May Strip Banks That Aid Deal of Many Teuton Depositors. The first o? a ?crie? of meetings 'with the avowed pur] the proposed Anglo-French hillion dollar war lean was held last night ander th.- ?uspieei of the American ?Truth Society at Terrace G-ird.-n. Three thousand enthusiast!? mi of the society, mostly Germnn? and their 'he hall, 1. to f:rry speeches ef protest ?fall loan, unanimously adopted resolutions protesting against the participation of American banking Institutions in the . dged then ' to do ? ? " ? ?: in their powei to thwnrt the loan. "There are about three thousand people in thi? audience," said Jeremiah . i'l . ary, th.- r resident of the American Truth Soeietjr. "They all belong to th" thrifty, ?avinp elass of people. Rough? ly estimated, they represent about twenty million dollar? of deposits in our banks, ?hey are in full sympathy ? with our plan to wit*draw their sav? i Ingl from any -anking in.-titution which participate?' in this financial out- ? rage " Mr. O'Leary then read a letter re? ceived from the German Savings Har.k, t savings instil to ?? query fron the Ameriean Truth So ? d that it would its deposits from any national bank which -icipate in 'he loan. <;. orj t Whitefleld Mi I iry of: .meric?n Truth Societj acted si ?nan of the meeting and intro s G. Koelbl,. ; the German-Americ-in Alliance of . which reprcs.-nts a n - re thnn a hundred thi man-Americans. Mr. .. rj the participation of Am ng institutions in the loan the ince committee is trying to I s In this country, an "an 111 .:?..'? deliberately unfriendly act entrai P< i "If America pul ' >nto the pockets of the Allies it will pro tsrrif?c slaughter in 1 indefinitely and place G( allies at a decided disadvantage," bs Barnard Bidder, managing editor of "The New Yorker Staats-Zeitung," as ?ailed ??? ; h Mew York dailies in New York Tribune in particular, for their "unqualified and unneutrai support of the British cause." "In view of the close relationship be? tween the owner of The New York Trib? une and the British authorities." said Mr. Rl tie may be expect The Tl 'he ?ray of unbiassed presentation of the news." Mr. O'Leary, who is a lawyer, told his audience just how far they Co.. n an endeavor to stop the materialisation of the big loai ?lip ?'?? ? among "the andiene* with a nil in name and address of the where the signer had money on deposit and a declaration that he ?a to the participation of American bank? ing institutions in the loi Mr. O'Leary : aid: "This is a fight between bank depositors and bank bur glars. 1 want to say to the gentlemen of the press, if there are any iiere who represen! Mr. Morgan, that I don't England, for the prc-ss has givi i England ?.art? blanche over us. 1 don't blame England for thinking she ha* stolen away our sen. en and that we, in a wave of partisan feeling, have thrown wisdom to the winds." Letter* protesting against the loan were sent ". Wilson, State Treasurer Wells, Mayor Mitchel. Con? troller Prandergast, City ( nambeilain Bruers end the Mate Banking Depart? ment. Over the signature of G. W. Mead, of the American Truth Soeiety, the following satement was contained in the letter to the President: "We ask yu to have a definite state? ment issued by the Federal Rsserve Bank that it will not rediscount anv in of this proposed $1, loan." Resolutions were unanimous^ adopted characterizing the proposed loan to Great Britain and her allies in "unsound, hazardous and Improvident, subversive to the interests of deposi? tors and corruptive of the purpose of our Federal banking laws.' It was further resolved to appoint a financial committee "vested with full power t.. investigate our hanking conditions, ' wait on public officials and to continue organisation of bank depositors and to do every lawful act and thin? to the erd that the banking resources! of our city and country shall be eon served for tlie normul. ordinary bank? ing business of the nation." Another mass meeting will be .held to-night at Laurel Garden, and other* tin will be called in various sec ? I th? city. I? conclusion of the meeting the folio? ii .- : ?"?"'? introduced bj Mr. ? ouslj adapted: "This meeting extends its thanks and atulations to W. R. Hearst for . pposition to the pro? ? dollar loan and evj ? the hope that with the aid of his gnat . ? swspspers he Will help arouse the people of this country to the tru'h as to the loan and thereby assure its [ complete defeat." He Should Worry. Watertown, N. V., Sept. 23. Robert ' Lansing, Secretary of State, to-day want over dispatches from Washington rning both the Mexican und Lu ropean situations. Later he fished in : rie with his father-in-Uw, ( John W. Posta r, ex-Secretary of St?l . ary Lansing hopes to spend sn Other week at Henderson Harbor. wamma*nmm^*TkTw%wmaaWaW EXCELLENT COFFEE BEST AT 24C A POUND Mansion Blend Quality Cottee?Quantity Prices At Retail, Direct from Importer. Roasted Fresh Daily Money Bach on Request Five Pounds Delivered Free ALICIi POOH; MACDOLQALL "Tbt Only Woman Cafft? Importer" 138 Front Street. joil.s ? .?.? swans - -- - RUSSIA AGREES TO END EMBARGO FaXports to America To he Allowed I'nder Proper Guarantees. GOODS MUST NOT GO TO ENEMIES ; Agreement to Last for Three Years or Until Peace Has Keen Declared. [Fnm T - Tttl Washington, Sept. ?S. The Russian government doos nol expert an early .? ion of hostilities, if the ment lifting the tmbargt en ? I ports to , the i has bean . Ury Lan -in?r and the Rnsslan Ambaaaador, Is ary Indication. Formal snnonncement of the agreement ! was made at the Department of ?"in merce to-day. I'nder its provisions, American im? porters have to Al? h ?ecured bond covering the shipment i.t the port Of importation. This bond, ma?!e out to rnment. is "to run for . d Of three years, or until peace -hall have been declared by the im- j ???rial Russian government with all its enemies." Hilarantes must also be given against re-export, Coods thus re? leased are to he consigned to the com? mercial agent in charge of the New York offlee of the Bureau of Foreign .?.I Dom'' tic Commerce. Negotiations between the two govern? ments have been carried on for several week: through Daniel E. Casey, of the /n and Domestic Cotn E, C. Portar, commercial ? ?. nr i William B. Fleming, foreign sdviaer, for the Uni [edzihovsky, commercial at for the Russian Embassy. The principal imports affected by the agreement ara dressed and undri ' !.i :es, skins and furs. Mr. Casey, of the Department of erce, this afternoon made public the circular sent to American im;. the form of application to bi with the New York bureau to secure the release of goods. "In consideration of the approval of lepartment of Commerce and the' IS of shipment," the Amtr'.can im-I porter is required to guarnntee and I .s follows: "That no part of the shipment, either j in its present form or in any form, will : b?? exported from the United States. "That prior to the arrival of the aforesaid shipment we will tile | e amount of the value of the shipment, at the port of impor? tation, one day prior to the arrival of the shipment This bond will be made out to the imperial Russian govern? ment and will run for a period of three' years, or until peace shall have been declarad by the importa] Russian gov- ; trnment with ail its enemies. "That in case any part of this ship? ment is exported from the T'nited j States of America, except with the spe? cial permission of the imperial Russian government through the proper officials, this bond will be forfeited to the im-' ptr?al Russian government. "That we will upon request at any and all timas furni.?.h to the Bureau of ; "n '.m! Domestic Commerce do I statements in regard to the salea made by us of any part of the shipment t to this agreement. "That are hereby agree that approva, of th's application by the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce and ertain authorities of the imperial ? n government does not signify. ' ? permission for the release of the si ipment of goods has been secured and that we realize that the release of such enti will be made at the discre? tion of the imperial Russian govern- ? ment. ? "That we will not attempt to hold ? ither the Department of Commerce, impel , ? inn government or any individual connected with them re ible or liable in any way in con? nection with this shipment. "In case this form is approved and permission Ib granted by the imperial Russian government, wa agree to sub- j . ? i -!er to the commercial agent in charge of the Kam York office of the. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com- | merce of the Department of Commerce for approval, and we agree that such goods wil be unsigned to the order of the Secretary of Commerce, the Bu of Forain and Domestic Com merce, 40S Custom House, New York." BRITISH AUTO DUTY HITS ONLY AMERICA Import Tax of 33 1-3 Per Cent Causes Price Increase on All Cars but Fords. I ? ??> ?/> The TrtMirvu ) London, Sept 23. The "Daily Ex? press" sayg that the 3-'l 1-3 per cent ad valorem import duty on all motor cars, ind their parts will at presei.t aff.'Ct only Ameritan manufacturar*. Bar ?ral London representatives of French I nd Italian manufacturers said: "The ' ew duties will not afi'oct us at . ? .- ' i lame with us as with your manufacturara All the cars we can m-ik.' are wanted by our govern : ? ' '.. home eonsum] Purchasers of American car.? will have t'i pay the new duty except in the case nf Ford cars. "Wl have not increased the price of our cars at all," ?aid the manager of the London branch of this tirm. "Only one-third of each Ford car sold in this country comes from America, so that we have to pay duty I third of the value of each car. This is a email ?urn, even if we do raise the price later on. The in? crease will be a vary small one, prob? ably well under II The Buich and Studeb.iker ears '.?ill be Increased in price, but the a? amount of increase has not ;et been ?ietermincd. The price of the Overland was raited $2C0 yesterday. This In? crease apnlies to all the firm's csrs. .-. which on Tuesday cost 12,475, plus 10 per cent, owing to the ratt Of '?change, will now c<>st about IS.2M. -. U. S. Surgery Britain's Hope. London, Pent. 2.1.- "There will be no course onen but to apply to the tod States to fill up the neceasary complements of medical men if thia country cannot produce the r-quisite doctore," writfs Sir James Barr, vice in i -'?lent of the Brit th Medical A???> ciation and a lieutenant colonel in the Royal A) my Medical Corps. "Two ?iii.iisand live hundred of 'hem are re- ? - : JiiRj"*, who adds: t "Conscri]?' BR." U. S. Mails to Europe Small. ?Washin?."-. I'ni'ed States ! mails to Europt have fallen off at such h rate ?nice the war began that the I'ostofnce Department has decided not to ask for the usual 10 per cent in? crease in the appropriation for the transportation of such mail. ?. S. FIXED NO SEA TONGUE ilflirer? May Speak Any Language that Oew Inder-tands. Washington. Bapt. 28. The govern* interpretation of the language ? by th? la I Coagre i ?at announced to niiflit by ?he Merttary of ?ommerce. It set .? ,.? ?the '?re ' ticular Ian* ? 'in tin- pai ? of any vtoael, but 'hn* "tny languagt which mead are by ? (Been and the proper propor ' the craw ?.?ill comply." The requirement that members of the crew shall I any oii:??r . ' . by their ?? ?s construe,i a? "meaning only at ?lern as may normally be given to mem? bers of the ci?w in ?sen department of ?he vessel in the course of the usual performance of their regular dutiet. IAmong ?h??e dutiet, howweer, sh?>ilil ..:'r. nr emergency work for tuch members ot" tht i.? may be called rforra theee rIn ae < ' In ??"? Secretary Redfield says the la quirt ?? el "in *-iich a inu;.rier as -!.?!! bl I mil hurtful '" our m i and that il la in r.? tens. ? I'm im eat? emban I or to ?*aus.. unnecessary tXptntt or delay." ITALIANS SEIZE MOUNTAIN POSTS Drive Enemy from Monte Cost?n, Held for Months. Paris, Sept. 28. The Austrian* have evacuated their positions on Mont, ton, a border mountain in the Falz rego zone, which they have held for months. Vienna tells of the rttreat of the brave garrison, atta??k?-?l by a force over ten timos stronger than it was. With th.- of the fourth month of the Italian war, Vienna says, the Austrian front la stronger than e\?r. The day's aetivitiea were con? fined to attack-, in local Home tells of the repulse of assaults north? west of Monte Cost?n. ITALIAN OFFICIAL Rome gave out this statement: Duri.ig the night of September 21 one of our dctachmentt pushed for? ward on Monte Melino, where the Valley of the Daona joins the Valley Of Glulicaria. Favored r.. it reached positions which the en? emy was engaged in 87reng'.henirg, an?! by b bo attac ltd i i tearing up tht barbad vire lysttm uni ig part of the m trtnehmtnts. During the day of the 22.1 and the night our troop? i ? . ? 1 an enemy a" againtt our advance positions of Malmea and Brad? 1 Ber toldi, northwtsl of Montt Cost?n, near Sasso di Stria, in the Falzrego zone, and at Santa Maria Heights, in the Tolmino section. AUSTRIAN OFFICIAL. The statement given out at Vienna says: In the Tyrolean border region we repulsed several smRll attacks by feeble Italiin detachments in th?? region of Tonale und north an : of Condino. The plateaus of Vielgeruth and La fraun bavt again been under the lire of the enemy's heavy artillery. Our brave sari ?? 1 on Mo ton, which for months had main tamed thin border mountain, far in advanc-i ui' our lin? . . ' su? perior tntmv forces, eti'y this thorn ing evacuated the pojition, h - been attacked by a force over ten times stronger than i* was. Artillery battles in the region of the Dolomites continue with gr^at intensity. On the Carinthian l'roi t a detachment of Alpi) ? npted to breal ti i ugh on Mon a Perabla but va repulsed v? th lo? - On the littoral front the activity' of nur troops his been co::ineJ to artillen vVe g.iined some suc-i To-day, the eonclusi >n of *he fourth mon'h of tht Italian war, tht enemy undertook no big battle, butI attacked only in local sectors. All ? the attacks wert vain, ami our front j is stronger tha7i ever. LONDON ACCEPTS BUDGET TAXATION Rich and Poor Favor Added Burden as Neces? sary at This Time. AMERICAN AUTO MAKERS IN LINE Import Tax on Foreign Cars Re? garded as Ho!p to British Manufacturers. [Hi- CaMo to The Tribun* I London. Sept. 28. Although all the budget! of the laut six years have been reecived with a positive tornado of abuse Mr. McKenna'o hns been ac .- ted in utter peace. A long tour around London disclosed not a single murmur of complaint, merely a stoical euriosity to ?iiscover how much the in? dividual cost is going to be. Every? body sat down to discover precisely ! .,-?? much his Income tax will be and (he amount whereby his living ex ; he increased. But never has there been such an entire absence of grumbling. Everywhere there is mi attitude of cheerful and even en? thusiastic sacrifice. Rich and poor of the Mame mind on this occa? sion. Superfax Approved. Sir Fortescue Flannery, director of the London and Southwestern Bank, one of the wealthiest London finan? ciers, said, "I regard the increase in the supertax as just and wise." .Sir Thomas Dewar suid. "It is an ex t budget. I is only right that the man with superfluous money hould pay and pay now. None has tha right to withhold wealth in a time like this." Tim Healy, member of Parliament repreesnting a poor Irish district, said, "We make no complaint." Sir Harry Samuel, member of Par? liament and well known as a banker, laid. "Th?* budget Is very fair." Sir Thomas Whittaher, president of a great insurance corporation, said, "It is nn eminently fair budget." W, Crooks, a famous labor leader, ? a different note, "Heavier tea and sugar duties a most serious g to the poorest classes, who 'live from meal to meal.' Some means ihould have been found to modify duties in the interest o? men who earn $5 or less weekly" Points which arouse the greatest dis? cussion a.-o the import duty on auto? mobiles and the abolition of the half? penny postage. Julian Orde, secretary of the Automobile Club, said: "Any? srhich will help the British manu? facturer will be welcomed. Unless some ? tax is put on foreign cars and parts foreign manufacturers soon will have taktr. all our market, lea-Hag the !: makers after the war with an impossible task." American Car Makers In Line. One of tha heads of the Ford Motor Company said: "It is a most serious for importers of purely Ameri? can cars, but the Ford doesn't come :7-.(i.-r that head. We employ 1,600 men assembling imported parts. The Ford car will survive the tax." A represen tativ? of fhe Overland cars said: "Our cars continue to hold their own even at the higher price charge. The people hit will be those financing mushroom ventures for booming American cars hen-." One of the managers of the Harley . i". Company said: '"We are astounded and can hardl?, believe that so heavj .-? ;ax will be passed by Parlia If so it will have a serious ? on our business " Among dealers in cars the feeling -.oie optimistic. The general view obtained that if a man really wanted a tiptop American car he cheerfully will pay the tax rather than buy an inferior and cheaper car. A trade which probably will be killed bv the abolition of the half-penny post? age is that of the picture postcard rs. These trailers generally be their industry. Stationer- and news agents through? out the country are preparing to offer floreeot opposition. Advertising sens which specialize in sending .? reulars with half-penny stamps II be hit badly. Tob?ceo and cigars advanced in price to-day, but tea and provisions still ara unaffected. In the^e there probably will be no increase for a fortnight. GERMANY PLEDGES VESSELS' SAFETY I onliriueil f*-??m page 1 ing in a neutral umpire in caso the two ts fail to agree on the question of1 in |. mn iirmly re? jected by th:? German government Ollicia'.s say liiere will be no objec? tion to conducting thr . rel stiv? to the. signing of the compromise or statement of th? ss? to I el to the court "f arbitration, in Berlin, rmany suggests. The (?erman government is at a -rent disadva in conducting negotiations in Washing? ton because of the ?'?faculties of wire? less communlcatio** with i's Ambassa? dor, while the United States is able to communicate with / tnbassador Gerarl by cable. Text of the Note. The German note foil. V* ith regal the ascer? tainment . experts, the German ? -.-es that it should d - srith the nomination of an umpire. In the ":e ascertainment of dam ? hitherto arrar god between the (?ermun government and a neutral government from similar causes, the experts named by the two parties have always reached an agreement as to the amount of the damage without difficulty; should it not be possible, however, to reach an agreement on some point, ? ubi prob,. . tied by diplomatic negotiation. Assuming that the American governri?ent agrees to this, the (itunan gov ?rr.ment names as it-, expert l*r. Kepr.y, of Bremen, director of the North German Lloyd; it begs to await the designation of the Amer? ican expert. The Cern?an government declares that it fign-e*- to the proposal of the American government to sepa? rate the question of indemnity from the question "'" the Interpre? tatioi Imerieaa tieaties of 171 : -28. It therefor? isly states it does not scknowiedge the violations of the treaty as contended by th? A:.:er:i-.?n side, but it will admit that the settlement of the fiuestion of inde:n: I not prejudice the arrangement of tha differ? rices Of opinion concern,.-.g the ?uterpr?* ??n of the treaty right?, and that this dispute li left to be de S Tribunal of Arbitration. Stions relative to the Lag of the compromise pro? vided by Article LII of the Hague arbitration convention weald best be romlu. ? sei the Foreign Office snd the American Embassy at Berlin, In view of tht difficulties in the way of instructing the Im I erial Ambassador at Washington. In ca-e the American government agrees, the Foreign Orhce Is pre ! o submit to the embassy a dralt of such a compromise. The American governments in? quiry whether the German gov? ernment will govern its naval op ions in accordance with the G-trman or the American interpre? tation of the treaty .stipulations in question pending the arbitral pio Ctedinga has been carefully consid : by the German government. From the standpoint of law and equity it is not prevente?!, in ita opinion, from proceeding against ?American ships carrying contra? band ftci-ording to its interpreta? tion until the question is settled by arbitration. For the German government does not need to depart from the appli? cation of generally recognized rnlea of the law of maritime war, i.? the Declaration of Lomlon, un and in so far as an exception ba.-'-il on a treaty is established .". til?' eise of the prisent ?litference of opinion G unan and the Amer? ican governments such an excep t:?m could not be taken to be es? tablished except on the ground of the arbitral award. Moreover, the disadvantag?s to Germany which would ensue from the American in? terpretation of the treaty stipula? tions would be so much greater at to be out of proportion to those which the German interpretation would entail for the United States. For, whereas the American IntOF ition would materially impede any in her conduct of war :.?re, hardly any particular disad vantagt to American citizens would !t from the German interpreta . tinct tiny receive full repara? tion for any property damage sus? tained. N?rrtrtheleae, the German gov. trnmtnt, m order to furnish to the American government evidence of its conciliatory attitude, hns iraued th? Gtrmaa farces not tu .le -troy American merchant? men which have loaded conditional contraband, even when the condi? tions of international ?aw are pres? ent, but to permit them to continue thi'ir voyage unhindered if it is not possible to take them into port. On the other hand, it must reserve to itself the right to destroy ves? sels carrying absolute contraband wherever such destruction is per according to the provi? sions of the Declaration of London. One thing which attracted attention in connection with the German note ? necessity of submarine commanders' under their new or?lera to ex reise the right of visit and search with respect to all American vessels tu determine tho nature of their car? goes. The Equitable is filling up on merit In considering the tremendous size of the Equi? table rent roll, it is pertinent to remember that there is no dearth of space in the Downtown dis? trict, so that the Equitable may claim to have secured its tenants on merit and not merely as the result of favorable economic conditions. Equitable Building Corporation 120 Broadway m: ?ESeflsnvftteii-c?, ?War M*-fM?Ba9Mt If i(ih Avenue A** *??>??..? w; %*\ * Fashions for the Younger Set? An unusuaI showing of styles adapted from Paris models. ^^> Demi-tailleur S nils in ultra smart models, adapted from latest Paris models, richly trimmed with fur. Stilts?for trampinq and utility wear, a wide range of unusually chic style?, including fur-trimmed effects. Tailored Frock? for class-room wear ?Silk and Veivti Frockt for serni-dreas occasions?also charming Parti/ Froekm { Coats?introducing silhouette.t entire? ly new, which afford a pleasing de ? X \ parture from styles previously irttro 11 duced. <[' Youthful Hats ?In -sj^rlea decidedly chic Delightful Designs in Misses* Furs. Red Fox, Cross Fox, B!u? Fox, Beaver and other Fashionable Pelts NEW TROOPS LAND AT GALLIPOLI i _. Berlin Reports 110,000 Re? inforcements Arrive at Lemnos Island. Berlin, Sept 23.?( By wireless to ; Sayville, X. Y.)-A new army of 110, 000 men has been sent to the assistance j of the Allied forces at the Dardanelles, according to the Overseas News Agency. This information was contained, the ? news agency says, in a dispatch from Athens. Trie reinforcements for the French and British forces are said to have landed at Mudros, on Lemnos Island, in the ?-Lgean Sea. The original expeditionary force on 1 the Gallipoli eninsula has been strengthened by lar'ie consignments of troops, principally British. If the in 1 formation from Athens is correct, how? ever, it may mean that the new armv has been gent by Italy. Several trans? ports departed from Italian port? with large consignments of troops last month. They sailed under sealed or? ders. A dispatch from Rome at th* time said it was generally believed they were to be employed for opera? tions against Turkey. -? DENIES CRITICISING WILSON Austrian Consul Explains Message?Did Not Know Archibald. Dr. John B. Schwegel, Austrian Con? sul at St. Louis, whose exequatur, it was rumored, would be revoked be? cause he had criticised the President in documents taken from James F. J. Archibald, Dr. Dumba's unofficial mes? senger to Vienna, denied last night at the Biltmore that his correspondence was improper. "I did not even know of the existence of Mr. Archibald," he said, "until I read of him in the newspapers. My papers, among those taken from Mr, Archibald, consisted merely of an in? formal report a mere discussion of President Wilson'? refusal to nlace an embargo on the shipment of munitions to the allied nations. It was inipa* sionate and respectful In every way, and far more impersonal than messages sent daily bv consuls and attache.? in all parts of the country to their am? bassadors." Dr. Schwegel denied that he was called to New York for conference in tht Dtnnba case. If you could realize the mar? velous results of .Methot Feitncr Reconstruction?you would be astounded: Any old feathers ? fade4 dishevelled, cast a<ide, can ht made into the most beautiful new plumes, fancies, boas, etc. The cost is much less than the price o? new Here is an economy that no woman would ignore?once she realized what i*. matnt. Brin? in your old feather? and find out for U'urselt. H. METHOT 29 W. 34th St. New York EAKTH SHOCK IN ROME Slight Disturbance Lasts Only a fee Sounds snd Doe* No Damage. Rome. Sept. 23. A alight earthqut'? shock occurred here at 1:99 o'clcc? this evening. The dist?rbente lastei a few seconds. No damage was don< No reports *eve been rtceived from the provinces. e Capt. Draper Slain; Wed U. I Girl London, Sept. 23. Captain R<?rr Francis Draper, son of the Rev. Will? iam H. Draper, of Leed?, ha? bee? killed at the Dardanelles. Captain Draper was ?aarried last Pect?mber to Mitt Anna Lowell Gtrdintr, dsufhtir of Robert H. (lardiner, of Boiton-_ .liKIlllllllllllllillllllllllllllll'lllllillllllll?llllilIMilllllllllllilllilllllilllllllll Are Your Securities Taxable? Tax Day October First The public discussion of taxation on personal property po]"11 ,0 largely Increased assessments. Where will the added burden fa"? Our guaranteed first mortgages upon which the tax ttai pet paid are free from personal taxation in the State of ?New )otb. '?'*. are legal investment for Trust runds, and yield Jm PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST GUARANTEED Writ? for Booklet, "The ?dial lnvettrneni:' New York Mortgage & Security Company (Under supervision New York State Banking Department.) CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $2,500,000 13S BROADWAY NEW YORK 203 MONTAGUE ST. BROOKLYN ESTABLISHES) SINCE 1MI-04 YEAlt**. mmagmf\0 STORAGE mm, 4 MOVING ? HtUMaMMiSSBSl Vtrat 4Tlh IS?, taras Wmrny). WamWt ?? *rTV' vrA?HKOia?a MMCUUI ?(in-?tkkte? to' ,V!,lIi*.J^nmtt . ?OVDITlul. durla?, ?to,.,.- .' Vn'- iWbl . F?.niltw?. PUno?. It??? Toiauw, mii? Ai ,?..'? .1 KJIorto. ? k ALL IN SEPARATE ROOMS. $2 par month ami rnm*A*ard. A L^L Entire charge taken o/ removals in town or country.^/^g 'a I B?V?c?^o,______ ..BBaHaanV"*?"*"