Newspaper Page Text
ASKS $10,000,000 FROM CONGRESS F0R AIR DEFENCE Vin..! Board Wants ;WO Hydroplanes and Moro Dirigibles, THINK ZEPPELIN \ M I I PROVED :dcti b\ I xperts ?is Best linsl Submarines an.: fer Cruisi s i ! ? c ??? ? .??1er in I - ? . pe of craft i *l'.a7 ? r . main- j ,| nsl Submarines. j v valuable! - ti ? ? r ' ? ndei .. . - ? - i lie ? ? - of nr.val . ? | ire. "Then ?' - 01 none Rt ni! rj ?in hav? ? their value In ?i ? ???! h might h? u, ir win i - followed by ai he a million dol d." ?- the aero 1 . th.? upVeen be ? ? ? ? greatei ster portion of I ha\e to be ?pent for n a ahrdi , , rh? yearly upkee) . ?. .? ? each I I m | r>?,.n? I r??ni *?\ ?ir. ? .. . ? i than an) otl ' ' ' ? . j that would con ? . > meiit of Zeppe assist Gern nter.a.lthea e been pi maril? ? ircea. The ?* Dardanelles have ?'?? ' 1)0 op ? ' il |y of aeout ? quite dif the event of an ??'tack on ? a th? ??:.'. ? 'a func enemy in mid A? ? waiting for hi? near theiT inl The aircraft, therefore, ? to ?aa le fleef und locate ?h?* en e m y. ? decretar) Dan r. and it i? . rest I \ . au tic a) ctory and dependable rj Ford h;;s ???-? h;m in working i ' ? ? ral Hoard of ?he ? appropriation of . ronautics, but tl ? an pare?! down to n eacl ? ? Congre si (1 will ask for ? an -,t ??i?: h year officer? are interested ?n ?c 'ion is made of ? ?> .. ? rn< BPITISH FLED TURKS IN U. S. WARSHIP Refute?'. Witnessed Terrible Armenian Massacres in Urfa. y , .-? The Ti -a-- 1 Alej Sept 28 iDispatc ?{Post." I refuge? rrivtd here ;. ester terrible talcs of thoir iiiffei tel ned il li?a?a sub* were supplied with and were housed in Vrmenian monastery whose monka cred. They witnessed nacres of August 19, the cent re of ghast* 1-. -cone-, rhe Turks systematically en and turned the and children out into th. here thousands of thon? pe? on. The lasl part} of women and children left Ur .. on August 24. They wer?' de? layed a fortnight at Altxandreti awaitii :i filthy quarters and starved. They finally embarked ?or Alexandria in an American war? ship. Two hundred Jewish refntrees from terday, and four day. They state that Dje* ?mined on the exter ? - ' ?onista and haa -?vorn that no .lews will ever re-enter Pales Store open Saturday until 6 P. M. franklin Simon & Co. rift h Avenue Tleifs Cloihwg Shop s West ??Sth St.?Store Floor ?Men's Fall Suits ' untom Tailored, Heady to Wear Suits > or Yount* Men and Men, 33 to 46 Cheat 1'if appro?. <) custom tailor, two, tlirrr or four button modela rvr?s| Tnvihihlt? Ovrrplaid?.. Owrplaids combined with ( mbination Stripes, Checked Velour, Oxford glish Twe? .1 ??- S it*? Blue S< rg , 18.50 ?? 40.00 Special For j To-Day) Friday Men's Silk-lined Suits Approved Custom Tailor Models Hand Tailored T? Four button models of the newest Invisibli Orei .- rrplaidi combined with Stripes. Pencil of Combinat ion Stripes, < hrckid Velour, Oxford Vicuna, Eng -? -.. . SI to ni i: 22.50 Regular Price $30.00 London-Made Men's "Carmoor" Overcoats Fall Overcoats?For Immediate Wear fewest1 London Slip-On, Box or Raglan models made by the "iile, .imde English Overcoats, of English Invisibli Over plaid Covert Cloth, Tweed, Irish Homespun id? Invisibli Overplaid fabrics. IS to Ml chest. 22.50 and 28.00 Special For < To-Day I Friday Hen's Silk-lined Overcoats Fall Overcoats, Chesterfield Model Hand tailored, of Black <>r Oxford Vicuna, -?ilk lined plim <>r silk lap 1 II <" Ml chest. Special 16.50 GERMANS LOST 250,000 TROOPS IN VILNA FIGHT Russians Hold Dvinsk I inr in Face of Desperate Enemy Attacks. SAY KAISER ORDERS CAPTURE OF KIKV Oar's Forces Block Advance r>f Foe Toward Minsk Cut Teuton's Froni. i ? - The Ti Dispal ." ! 01 don Expert ? ?th ..? 'he Russiana in the course during th? r su ful re- ? V'ilna r?gi? dieted tei ' ossea on th? ? .? ? ? ? ? Tht n? er fa -It extend i ? myana south westward ?loni a I'ivcr ? . ? . ? Molo car the etal twenl ' ?. tward of Lids Furl ? ? vest we i from Xo\ ogi " . 1'h. are pre? ? ; . ? nern; I ..i ? Bei ? .-:e serious obstaclei in the ii:v "f Vlii - . .mi lurcessea al Molo N'ovo V?iei>k and ?Lab? ahow that they are er:4 i ?? . free : u| per V'ilna ami the ? ? na .7 ? ' ' ...... ? 1: in ow clear, thank* to ? ? ? 1 .'man* have not only ?o envelop the Vilna troo?, been compelled to '?reek the rat? nconm ?ted engage A? pvescr.t the ' "I. r : \ loi Si CC .-?,-?,. from Vilns ;?? Bi i . ". an.I Y ?nth ? i I rompe] the enemy ?.. change hi- move menta from th? Desperate attack *>? Gem ? 1! continue, !";? uro withoul result ;.ip develo] . ?. i, ?,: owin?g ? ? .ground. ? "?r nai prisoners captured in < I and brought ??? Kie*< aay that order b; the Kni-ci ?lee "From th? rep? rl of the commander ' ' ? ? arm? I know my cou rat troops are I victorious ,"?:ranee n ? require a Thi- may ? ,i onlj at Kiev. Buck up r?ii*. ???? lousl) endeavoi to reach ' " Predk?s Radical Changes hi Russian Army Staff Her?n h;, wirelea? to Sayville, N. v.?, Sept. 38. The report reached Ber? lin to-day from Petrograd l?y way of Stockholm thai radical changea leadership of the Rua .an army, affect? ing the highest militar; ofllc il-, were soon to be ? Thi" ropor' was contained in n dis? patch from tht corresponden! of the mzeiger," as riven nut h? i day by the Overseas rVewi Agency. 1' say i : "'The well informed Russian pr? 'h:it Emperor N? "hol?n i - mander-ln-chief of th.. Ku - ai in name ?ml;.. The actual power i- in the hands of the experienced leaders, General Polivanoff, Minister of War, ami Genera) Kuropatkin. Plant ? ? ? for re. i : cal re? forms, including reorganisation of the highest military offices. "The ?lisorilers which followed the prorogation of the Dums were violent. Work was stopped m a third of 'he factories a' th?' capital, and there were demonstrations by crowds in the General Froloff, commander ?>f the military district o tal, is? sued a proclamation to the workingmen saying that suspension of work would he regard?-?! by Generel Ruzsky us high >n, and thai sit hough the felt heavily the ev? at ...-. .i ? uar. pomiiar outbreaks were unju ti ? "Ihr Dowager Empresa has been designated to assist th? Umpr. 's, whose ? ?on of health is such fere with the performance <?f her duties." The new ('erman o move? ment, with its oliject tl of the important Russian fortified Mty of Dvinsk, has mn.le definite l''"gr? s a. The War Office announced to da? that l: sian tdvaneed positions watt of the city ha?l been pen? trated, and that more thai 2.000 prisoners anil several ma? chine guns ntid been captured, GERMAIN OFFICIAI The statement Ml I Army group of Field Mai Mini von Hi7iflenhurg: West of Lennewada on th. H\ int Rivtr, ahout " ?? aouthtast of Tiiga ? the battle h ta h? i-, eoneiuded. During our eounter-attackt y.sterdn' 160 i.' oners wert taken West ? f Dvinsk we BUCCei I penetrating l<u??inn advanced tlons. Seventeen officers, 2.1015 men and four mar) ell int our hand'. Counter-attacks i lines captured by Dvinsk were repulse?!. The re lance of the enei dittricl ,,f ? l-ilini ? nn and ?'n-'t of Subodniki, on the Ga ? a River, hat been i i i iur ?, o..- are follow Ing the i <? t,Pa' . who Itfl m??r? l.noo prisoners in our hands. (>n the right wing fighting is -till in prog r.'ss north of Novogrodek. Army group of Prince 1 The Rutilan position we-t of Wi ka was captured Three offietrt, 880 men and two machine guns were taken. In the region further to the ?CUth the situation ii unchanged. Armv grouii of Field Marshal von Mackenseu:: Fight in? continues to the northeast ami east ol Logitchin. In the southeastern theatre the ?it* uation is unchanged. -e New Yorker Admits He Sent $,^50,000 to Teutons Sun Francisco, Sept. 2!. liu-ti, B Kulenkamnff. member of -I??' imparting house, of Watt? Is, Ki. ' I of New York, spent 1< s? than an hour before a Federal crand jury to-day to . \]lain the connection of his fira 'he alleged distribution of :icarly ?$""0, 000 of the money of ihe imperial gov? ernment of German) in thi-, country. The witness, It vas said, admitted to i Ins questioners th|t his hous?- had sent , to the credit of the Snii Franeisct ?i? ? nan Consulate |SM-00if within .?everal month ? tubtaquent te the lieginning af the -?.ar last year. Mr KulenkamprT came to San Fran to a ?ubpiT'ia issued a rei'i-est of John W I'reaton, 1 I'nited Btatei Attorn? ?> here. He Itarted immediately for New York after hia release from the grand jury. room. The detail- Of h " testimony on the [alleged ."on of the German money, which Federal ?iTu-ial? her? aa* ? rlia for un - ' I neutral pr.;tt, w< i? btld -??? ?? The fun?) < ? I" ?* i41'J' ?*?? I ' i'.?*rrt?-(n firm. It ?i -??m t?. th. United Sute? from H?. it !?? ?1 . Ik? ? latinar el di I i tO i- -he obi? \ imptT. Sevei .ti?. snppo???l|j/ p? ' ? ??. -. . . | (fitting tt Sacramento, which furnishad lupplii Gi man fleet ..*' Yalparai?. reai purcha?inK 7 ha? ?team?-! <'!-on .11 -.?Inch ??a? held ? ' real a,;?, and final I v ui ? -*urr?nc "? 1- n ? ? m ,de in .? '.. rnis 1 ir is ?ockir Indictn . -?im?? tirr ago aga lus ... >ir?* pen . SLAV PRISONERS GO MAD Aged Raseiaa < iviliaas H-ral? limrn i Gern in Ri en ?>f I ? rror. 1 . ? rttaj Ti . L '.'?', A di'pntch 1 "?l"i ning Pi ayi ? s s |ir?rt\ Rn nan invalid thi ough .- ? ? 1 daj wa 1 -??'! , i> i- leiigers in the trai ? 1 ? *?? ' . ? ..-* . -. -.eral ?> lixty to -even; ? . id been ma iermai Russian I i:.d lost thi the reign of terror wtiich pre ? ?* all Mi?* villages and home ? ? DDMBA DENIED FASSP?RTSNO'iV Must Awail Austrian Ne ply or Risk Voyage With? out Safe Conduct. 1 pi 23. The Stati I 'i. Iiumhn to ?ay, m rei :"''i ?e I " ; i* request ? fo ron du ci) .hu' 1 . ould not - th? question of hii him, but ?rouit Kovei nment ? ! been received frorr the Austrian ? 70 the d<* for Dr. Dumba'? recall, snd un ? comen th" d< pai Im? I 1er ai iformal disposition ol ? ho es ? A wireh 1 itch fiom Berlin t.> da) Ksi ! -li il -. t. legram had hci-n aen1 bj Dr. Dun \ tro-Hungari xii Foreign Office, asking urgentl -. rjei .?ivi. ?n "i der to repoi I p -mon ally i" his governm ni Dr. Dumba, according ?<> this dispatch, lays hr- d<* ird the steamei Ro terdam and that h?- <-nn only request safe conduct from the American gov eminent fif'rr his formal recall. The onlj intimation "f the probable of the Austrian eovernmenl ?ras ?1 ed I ? r eenl di ipateh f r??:;i Ambassador Penfield, who laid he h;"i ? ".| that the Foreign Offre would mak ? no objection to Dr. 1 lumba's - - call. \t wat pointed "u' !n The Tribune I ;, ,-. ,. ,,,.,. lin??, the I bound !?- the ruli nat?o te to awai. ?u ? ? ? ? I ir. I lumba, thi n ?vil] be obliged to i*n a-ritl out ?- ? ? rries out l> is reported .nt. ii' ? ? til on th?- Rotterdam ? ' Tuesday. Th'f rrovernment would i."t oppose ? ? ? ire under those cireum ? nei 1. State Dei officials ???iv, bul would rather regard II as ;"i see) way of 11 ttline the whole difficulty. Pr. Dumha, ? a ill probsl '?. de ( i.ii- tlia; travelling wlthoul nducl 1- ton ii-n?. t.. attempt st this time, and postpone In- departure un ml'.- from his government ate Department to oh iim with th?- neccsary documents. Fames F. J. ?.rchihal?1 is ex 1 <ti??,; ??. arrive in Washington to? on here to iliMt be would not pay tin* es 1 ? cted ?' to the State Di pan ment. '1 hen- s rath? r broisd Infei ? nee at the it thai there wa. : n de? re l te? him, eei tainly until nil th< papers in the rase had been exami 1 I Department of ?' 11 tir?-. Consideration of the rviper? in the Archibald begu . ? thi? 1 '?? ent of Just It ws ?'?? 1 the receipt ?.f the ? . ?- by Attorney General Gregory, he referred them wlthoul recom latlon to on?- of hii assistant 'r>r otudv. It wan stated at ni'-i!? ? hat - " det? rm I old b? reached n? to the course to be pursued the 1 the papers ted Wheeling, W, V'a., Sept. '?< Amove ? ? .'! -?astro-Hungarians ;>loyed making lias of Austria was inaui - en it was . - ni unc? I 1 ? . ('lev? I 1 work ? ? ? ? g thi ? have thei pli ee?, orkmen of oth< na ? . ? I K . enkai ipff, ii . irtcr. of under ? ? States grand |ur; 1 ng the source of ? fund, said to have bee ? I - 000, ?? hii h ra? used, it sllege I, in th? I FIGHTS FIVE AIR DUELS IN ? M British Aviator Beats < Four Germans, Then ? Outwits Fifth. BATTLE STAGED 9.000 FEET I Kaiser*. 'Plane Sent Crashing Earth Forty Combats in Eighteen Days. i'. . V ' T' ? h Headquartei -. Sept. 20 I patch to Tne Daily E pre i," ' 01 dc Forty aeroplan? ftghl eighl the i'i " ? ? .'I?! Inn ng tl September I ' i ? ? '. H-t sewn earth and I i ha*, a be? i atroytd. ' me pilo- had "ir mo ng, lie beat ol? i Gtm machinta thai to grapple ?r him one aftei -. Otl " ? but lifth down on him he h?*d hausted ne gun ami n ort of a ret oh ?? :..i the Gel ' ? ?'' h 'm ihr ?ugh the ming ? . . ?ng ?1 d not " alixe that tl ? <.r thirl ' en gave it i ? he British ? i bach lunch. (?ne furioua battle i ' ? ? ? suiting in *'?tal de I of a G< man aeroplane, look ic? eptcmber uiarly : tivp in ranging the enei could be aten eirel al \ H : I ? ? ?oplane went out ami Rave bat! at 0,0.?el above the (i It waa a Clear, hrign? ?lay ami t ?.??re very itcn 11 i back .?gain like angry birds, now dim ing, n?" ind all the i I Ir.g ? ?? her a ith bullet fh? ?a. tched ' -'niggle. Sudd? nlj tne German aer? : dive ?Trat icallv ai d ? at an increasing speed and ??' a trag angla. "We eannot positively I it waa ?!?'-?'t"' ???!." said the ? told me of thia incident, "but p-*en it vas diving no a downward ; left mile- an h"iii about 200 til" ground." Germans Wing 3 Aeros: Artillery Duel Unabatei I.oniinn, ttept. 23. Berlin report great BCtiV)t" ...:!?,? the wh"; front b) artillery and aviators of l???t tides. Two enemj aeros were ?? ablate h> the (ierman fire anil a 'h?r forced t?. descend, the Hermans cl.-iitr The violent artillery fighting whlc' has characterized tlie operationa il France for more than three eree* pa-' baa been continued at ,i numbe o7' place along the battle line, accord " announcement given nut thi afternoon by the French War Offlci The engagements ware particular! severe near Roclii r\ ? to th north and south ??" tne river Avre. ?... attack on German eemetery po i ' on al ."'?nichez waa repula? Kaiser's artillery, Merlin claims. GERMAN omCIAL The official statement issued at Her in. says; An en? my aeroplane, set ablaze ?V ? 'it fire, crashed donn In t ,,p condition north of St, Menehould Another aircraft wat forced to lato ?outheast of Vousiera after sn aeria battle. The occupant ? were ma?!? pri "?tiers. 1 '? ' ? Pont i Mou - "n b Germai aviator engaged in i battle with tw? French a it? ?? ?? een the Frencl and German lines, a-.d ihot down on? machine, in a burning condition ng I em, grenl activity \??is ruled along th" entir? front ?m the part of the artillery and aviators "ii both aides. An a"ack, apparently against our eemel ?ry positions si Bouches, could not be carried through because .f our artillery. FRENCH OFFICIAI Paria gave oui thia ital intent : Th? artillei ? ombat eont inn?'? , particularly m the -'?? tori of Souehei and '?? ? ville. The enemj has thrown ?. i Arrae and environs incen? eh "tatted \ - - at ?. ai ? !>ut these wer? quick The enemy last night bombarded viola n tly 'h? eel or of Roclii oui ? well it ??'i ted to th -? nth of the River Be rpe, in the Department of l'a de Calais. Our artillar) responded vigorou i I r. '?...? .. i-.. n some ?? .? be men) s beta ? en ' ' enehes in the Neuville Our artillery h?? directed an Intenta and efficacious fire egainst ? German trend,e? to ?he north ? I to the south of the Rivai lent of 'he Somme, is ' upon Mi uvraignft. In the Champagne district t Ger? "a' m ine " ia e ? plo? ?i yeatei a : orthwest of Perthes. hur out i ng ? ?? d mage 1 ? :?i'?- result? ? of i ??? ??!al d? [???is of Ger* " In the Arg?.me we bombarded re* paatadlj c? ?ier ? . ? g constructed. Ill ir the (ierman artillery . tspoi ded f< ? rhert hav?- been artillery engsg. uts, in which botl I . part, TA R Ay Wcrld-Famous divers in V'UM? Thrilling Practico naces Advanced conatruction of the \?orld ? tineat track make? po??ib!e I greater ?peed then ever before achieved by ra< ing can. 3.30 to 5.30 P. If, ADMISSION 50... -Parking ?pace free. Elimination Races Saturday, Monday, Tuesday *.nd Wednesday at 3 P. M. ? i -.-??? ? i< lud if *$ei ira:id Stand, 5oc Admission, including see'. In Bo. it.*-" Parking space Irei Reserve Your Seat? Now for ASTOR CUP RACE 350 Miles?$50,000 Cash Prizes and Astor Trophy SATURDAY, OCT. 2d, NOON Sheepshead Bay Speedway OajaWCal -i?lii'l??in? ttaa. tttmat -?tumi Hr..-r?e?1 Beat! .eilr?'. S3.i-O. ' ? ? ? ? -?..: I . . ' . Il,.???.. ln.l.linal ?I? |??r*on?. Iiirln.lln? axlii.l.?l<.n. ?.Mi. ?T.V SIimi ami ?:*,n : . Parkins ar> ? ? ? fi r FIRST in ???? ? -t . . .;? ?: .u III.M ? rtrketi tm tmtt ?I Taaem'o, Webbrt?e'n, lern -i Tttmat i~.~. Dertattw ?*???? ?-i. i?.r..riti-ai??>>? '?H'l I'ni'll? Bervlee Hnrrmi talaaa-aaMlf ? d.i. ????awl* ?ml >?ii-r|i? ..f K II II?'? * ? "?? '?'????I Hlllin..rr h. ?il It,. ?|.?ril,iji torn ISM ,tr.?n.| Thrnlrr li.l-rl tlttlie. M.,l..r I lui. ..f ., ?. '..i?rrn ' '.I .1,1 ,*;'. ??? ?. ?, Hi ...kl.n !?. \,r . . H? ?ul |'| .. I -. . "II*. . -?fias r?e-?'/ What Captain X. of the French Staff, has to say in the October Scrihner Gen.Joifre -The Victor of the Marne. The inside -?tory of a great battle, withmape, r All P'orrittanda _ ? ceo m | eng ? hand sdei at Vauquoi ? an.I a; Ep . ' i| ??,,. i,,,, ra -i? *'. '.:.' - ?I) bombarded tnp <;. ? ii ny. on th?- bai ? of the Lou ?. , ' . . ! ? -? Gondrexon snd Do ?V? I ? .. ? e\ ?,.ml- A ? ?veral mbach. um- of our dirigibles bombarded nisrhl .? ital ?' the enemy wen porti I Delled l?verai . . ?7> m ; icend hastily. Flotilas of seroplani ? ? .. flans snd Vou ?iera, ? ? - nemy toi Middelki BELGIAN OFFICIAL Th? ' - . . communication ?ays: The enemy artillery ha? displayed lomi ?? rmit - tcntly several poinU "77 our front, in the ? \\r nd the , ,,, . , , . ? 'iir srtiller; I b i dispel pioneers around Mai I"ei ! Drii gfach I U. S. GOODS NEARER RELEASE BY BRITISH Officials Kxpcct Rotterdam Can ijocs To Bi* Freed. Washington, Sepi State Depart' fioni ? r;i- ' expressed confidei ?? to day i'i hu early and satisfactory enm pl.'t??-.u u: informal negotiations for th>- rri??;?-?. of American-owned . of German and Austrian origin now >-,?-1.1 at Rotterdam because of ihe re strictions of thr- B.itish Urders in Council. Further conferences with Hriti?h Embassy officials won? held to-day, and Foreign Trade Kd"\ er Fleming Inter announced ? belief "that the matter v ill h? broufrht to s head at an early mom.?lit and adjusted to the sat ? oi of th? great l>"<ly of American ?mportei - " Negotiations have had to An with the tahce of required certificate! proving actual contracta foi- ?joods at British Embassy here, -:.?.-;ncr Amer? ican ie expense and delay of making application in London BroadiA'av inltf&ffompamj" StSrt 'ifir-nr ') /. U (.?'. thSt /'. 1/., Sa: a ? Ir. in- ?u ? - Today and tomorrow arr t^~ last two days for these Saks Silk Lined Overcoats at $17 After that you will have to pay what thry ?re worth! * A smart Oxford Cloth coat, in a knee length model, with plain or silk-taded lapeU, hut differing widely from the average Oxford coat in that whiht it is conservative in its general lines, if is also filled with the joy of life, as expressed in the elegance of its attainments from cut to completion. And don't forget?Silk Lined! V. e ;ire now 'lowing the six leading Fall Styles of } latl for Particular Met. DeJi?3n<d by for whose famous 1 ?latl we are exclusive New York agent?. The "Hat illustrated is only one of the six. Mallory Hats are thoroughly well made; they are cravenet ted. which insuref their wearing well in all weath? ers; they represent the acme of correctnesi in stylo, both in soft and stiff Mats. We reeommend Mallory Hate for quality style and *trice. Style correctness is assured at Q8ll0f no matter what the price, as is also comprehensive assortment of crown and brim proportions from which to select the Hat best suited to each wearer. THE STRATF?LD, $3.00 \ ?.ntt hi? of unusual charte? 1er II has an oval croa n an 1 i rather flat hrim with an up? turned edRC. There is just sufficient "dip" t" the hrim in hoth front and rear lo lend distinction, it is especially attractive for ?nun,? men. U J3^ ^^ > >I ^V - "JMS I aw This Is Gas Heater Weather WITH the sudden drop in the temperature, the absence of steam and other heating has brought discomfort to many. A Gas Heater or Gas Steam Radiator v/ill give you immediate comfort in the Home, Office. Store or Factory. The tubing we sup? ply is odor proof and cannot become detached. Very little gas consumed but plenty of heat and given instantly. Full new stock?Artistic Designs Prices, $1.50 and up Any Manhattan or Bronx Gas Office "The- Right Way h The Cas Way" Consolidated Gas Company of New York GF.O. B. CORTELYOU, President