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TRO AS SLAYER SEVEN MEN SMIL Union labor Leaders Ui daunted by Charge of Killing Workman. JUSTICE HASTENS CHOICE OF JUR Defendants Accused in Confe sion of "Dopc\ ?Beany" Podar Indictment a "Frame-Up." \e\ ?? !s. ? ?? r a gt to pleaeantlj accepted the r? fendant, er deten?utits, nal ' ere. murder i n un?< lahor leader? who wont on trial bafol Justice S rempkini in tl ? Irimiaal ?Srueh at thi Supreme Cou ye?terday, charged with "a muni? of Hym?ti Liebowits, a garment worke Tom? k.' - Nyack. whicl Jersey line that the Influence of :i? ?wifti aaa of feetiveh it of this stat decidid at ?7 iiVlor.. nr.e jurrr? win ', the box, that I would hold court until the full jur had beer. ?? ? ? ' ve-inii recess, th?- work wat continuel The jury Wat rcrr.j .. o'clocl I fbowitz, r.r, August $, 1911 . Wai r\' ?ai.lted at ?4 East Fourth Street, heai quarter? of the (?arment Worker Fnion, during ? he died from hi? Injuries in B? Hospital. A union man. he left thi city tari;, h th? summer of 1910 l work in ? job, he he.d to ace? i t work ?.? union man. 1 hero l s told ?of some 0 the opera*:'?!.?? and method? of tl union leader? and, 1 Attoi ney at*? 11 men ber learned of thi" they lure.i Liabowlt back to ?r.lered hirr (all it a "Fram?*-up." The defendants declai I their in dirtment I by a "frame-up. The ?non men Max Sigmi. Bias* ? :f. M?. Singer, I r Auspitl a? .1 Ahrahan \\, ,,,? get ?.. nted by n- il lustnou? counsel ai if eacli defendant were a beautiful wOt '7ial for killing a Don Juan. Their attorney are Abraham I ?' im M K I i] eatt, Abraham ? ? Mn, Henry \K. I'm-it, Max I.?vine an?i Morris J! has long been ru? mored that th? ? 7'und of 525i'i,'|?iO to dt-'' There was a heavy atmosphere oi unionism in the courtroom throughout day. Two or three women, appar ;? relate?! * I union laboi - - i O TI ?>. Th?- aevea 1?'' ? long table i eounael ant turned uroutnl each time tor ? ? room. They smiled at the slighte?t provocation, aaaui times, the air of martvrs ?vhom a d;s criminating justice had picked out for a public flaying to hush a cry against irer eral union outi; "lHipe?. Henn.." a Figure. . these met. sions of "!' ? of numero orkers and fmpl'. si union were aith? ? i badly injured. Max Sulk? Hte detectivi work' . .n. will be another Important witneaa for the ... The jur?.: ige Walsh, presi Tappan Company^ liv:ng at 44"? Fort Washington Avenue; John J i lor..?i. ;i|iiit I mtendcr t, 92 1 ; Hal<l B, Very, bonding and insurm .1 Campball, ?ong writer. ?'?11 Wait 177th - Thomas S. Somera, preaid? Somers Company, 239 Fifth Avenue; Hurton Scott. New Vork Telephon?? Company, M Hanover Square ; Rudolph Sommer, woollen importer. ISM Maili ?on Avenue; Seamon Sylvester,ailk im? porter, 40 Fa?' econd Street; Henry Ruschmeyer. -14 West I06tl Street; Theobald H. Koalka, grocer. 522 Wot 159th Str.'?*: Hugh I. ??:*Tord, in sura neo, 4SI Audubon Ave ,ue. and William C. Popper, broker, of ?.'60 \\ ty-eighth 81 The defendant?, who had been out ??n bail sine? tl ait indictment, wem committe?! last night. This morning ?it 10:SO ? Mock J . \ Delahanty, Assistant ttorney, will nv.k. address, charging that the union cured, by hiring gang-'.?r--. the killing f Llebowit ? e SUBWAY SHORING SAID TO BE WEAK ( ?inliinird fr.,1,1 on?. 1 District Attorney Perkins ?aid this ? ardi had al? ready to!?' and was further corr ?**d hy the | r in the cut, which was about ninet) f?'et from the bably having slid ' I some distance a? deekirig gave way 111 front. Street Simply Sank. ?' >? '?? eat Stopped," continued not*.-, "1 rare the signal | tl 1 blabt. Three or four seconds later the de.-k bagan ta ge It started from me and weal Ike a wave." he I with a sweep of 111* hand. "None of the deck was blown ??. all ?imply tank in I wai ??"? rfol of ' 11.? ?rent to the Arena garage, ru . ?roi Mo . n ss his counsel. H,. ? V i.e> tas ? g moi ilo with hin Hi i . nounced that he u ith a Surr , | , , ? ? ?StiaTSta tin- l dent. H. de B. Parsons wai to advisi thi 1' ?h.-ri rests, ? ? i ? rney befoi ? Mr. P ? gun hi? investiga terd Edward E. VcOall of . rums yesterday. H<- said if he c. . : allot*, the < tracto? . .i k of buili! the p. : ? Ten cut, making . md deeli cpaditing ? on of the ???.rk. Public Service Statement. the c - c nuhway cot.-.ti t .<m, ? . I thai to? ' cut cover" method of work ?? H<.vised ers ?>f the eontn : r irafiic to contr "?.??r the wooden deck without ten ing, il i-aid, rk in Manl being doni tho congested ? . The ibway der the t it now pra mpli *? d from Fifty third Sti ? ?? . . r From Fifty th ? ty-tl Ird Street dcckir.i- in place, as this c rhr ? . .it from Park Pin?- up ?ig practically do From up to Thir under decking, toma spot? thi . done. Fi ora 'I hir t-icht!? - ? .y, and under Seventh Aver to Fifty ninth Str? , n of the Sevei d, and most lecked. Thi commission also gave out. wit out comment, extracts 'rom th?* r?-p? of .lohn H. Myi rs, divi on ei . to th?- - - by th?? \ nited Statei K> alt? provement < ompsny, which is buildi . ? ? i'-rihes Shoring Work. "Th? exiating ?treet surface ? i vat ion earn ? : ? di pth to allow foi i placing - inal wooden strin it?, upon which are placed ii. roa ?..?. decking," Mr. Myers's report sa?, i ncribing the undo pinning* that gave way. "After th decking hai ? pul place, all fu ther ei carried "n unde neath the decking, the decking but posted up from below as tin excai it ibgrade." Further description of the drillii ami blast ?? th,- -ommi Inatc oil {??rs. ? . . ly conversant W?1 the me-- iyed which resulti in the smash-up. Detailed figures a!? tage? ju how much steel, wood and concret hsv? been put in place. tature duplication of the ace dent occurred yesterday in The Hror, in 138t Street, between Willis and Alexand? [.venues, gav? way under the weigl truck loaded wit cement. The wheels sank two and half feet, coming to re>t on the coi way. St reetci traffic was tied up for an hour, .lob I'orriana. of 285 East ISlsl Street, workman, w- injured by plunkin while helping extricate the truck. N damage was done to th? subway struci ?jrc. ( l.-.irmg V??a> Wreckage. Hundn rkmen wen- busy ?,' ? night clearing th '?ha-m ? A ? ?! in- of dehri . ? girders, pipes an . ? mass like .iack .- : depo '? : ????:. "ri wagoni Beer kei^ scatter? d about the fallet truck were handled with th< .* mo?t tend? : ind every dr; i?d along the pit watered a I ? ntalisingly li the air. When the first one was about to bi hoisted s foreman called to hii lionarj engineer: ?i r" ?a - v i."-?, ser." carefully, and willing hands oicklj it under a derrick. The trolley car was cut nto threi ? ons and !ift<-d out. but Ih? b??i truck still remained. The excavatior cleared to-day. Four workmen wero -till unaccountcc They shoi n? to work Wednesday and could not be located However, thi not supposed tcj work Tuesday, and, according to of npany, men frequently fail to return after a day off, obtaining other jobs and sometimes failing to ; sy chocks. The laborers ark mown to tne contractors only bj nui bei I was impossible *" trac? thi that mor?- dead will >>?? found. One mop ted Jo . lo, thirty-four, of 296 Elis afa -,1 ? |i ft crushed when r ?ection of the sunken trolley track f?-'l upon it. He aval taken to Bell?VUC Hospital. rii(ili>liraphs an Kvldenre. The work of cieuritig away the .ige progr?s < i so rapidly that 'here was little left for expert* to ? iss their opinion? on as to just what ? ??'! 'I he) will be largely de? pendent or. photographs mads bj ths Department and drawing it v.ell as the specifics! (>f tb< work and maps file?! with the Public Servie? Commission and ap ngineera, W. s. Km!' h. president of the States Realty and Improvement ? ompany. who hastened home from his vacation when informed of the cat.-? trophe, spent ths day with Buporin >f hi!? companv, making an investigation. He refused to make any comment or statement. ? osasaiaaioner Adamson, of the Fire Department, said that only a few days from the Hun < ombustiblM found that on the con? tract white th? collapse occurred dy? namitai was being stored ?n ? ?.hantv down in the cut. atld wa? ordered out. Had ,t remained m the cut, he said, the accident i ' Wednesday would ha??' been much wone. ??I Suits and Overcoats. To Measure Only, $25 A lily.' assortment of imported and domestic maten.?Is now on display All the style of the best I ifth Ave. tailors with many Il? \ 6 innovations? creations of our own ?utters. ^ ou can't get the same -fylr oi fit in ready in.irie clothing at all. ^ <>ti ? an t get the mmeaei ???)'?? lion o? materials or values elsewhere. Broadway ?& 9th St. Amhntn CORONER DREAM OF TIGER INQUES Bronx Fears Trouble fro Flynn and Hfs Mystery Gold-Headed Cane. A 1MKW HEALY HUNTS MURPHY HEALY'S JO County Awaits l?oiis Battle Oust Tammany and Keep Patronage at Home. f oroi ? '?' J. Flynn, I Dr Dumbbell of The Tlr?r ii canying around .-? gold-h< loaded with political lead, ? Aithur J. Murphy, the Tammi !:U.a. Mr. Murphy is a nice man and is n .. bj family or marriai ? nt h St r? et friend. Before t . luntrj b? came ?? . ounty, At tl .1 . while a Tammany district lead? ocratic power in T' Bronx than any o ' resident |,When, ii November, 1912, the vote said, "Tag, you'r? a county," Arthur ked, "I'm it." "You're ?'hat ?" asked Mr. Flynn ai several hundred other persons whow? trying to crowd to the front. "I'm it I'm the democratic lead of this here now county," Mr. Murpl ? !" jeturned Mr. Flyn 'ast footwork. Mr. Murpl blocked. "Thai you may be leader now, bi ????'?1 get you in th?' end," Mi Flynn a ?wered. Whereupon Mr, Fiynn - ? I make g.i his threat. And. thinks M Flynn, he has a chance of doing it < September 29, a prospect that may lo< to him bright and rosy, bu; which, the major ;. of persons who have the being a certain part of the time In Tl Bronx, appears as gloomy as rent da ? oroner Gloom} Poo? r Pit un is an Independ? i rat, and, if you know anythiti ou will andei star ? ? ? ; ? ndence strikei son ?? notes 1' is ai much M ccupation us it is? his dotai mination that causes considerable ai noyance to Mr. Murphy. The ?Iron leader hat? ? anybody o? M Flynn's professional tun trail, It is depn Though one?- upon a time the Mar hatten Murphy and The Bronx Mm did not speak audibly passed by, they have now kisse and made up so feverishly tha ?he favorable interest of Tan.mir. Hall in Arthur'? ficht is stronger tha ? ver before, nt to whic reference is made "?curre! when th question of making Hie Bronx county came up, Arthur Murphy o| posed the plan a plan to whic Charlie F. was favorable. The Mui phys v ' i?? oi bad tei ms for k >ei ? month-?, but political exigencies mad it necessary f"r ?.hem to ({?'t t<>jr?-th? ag'iin. It is in conseipuence of this unio that m three of the four Assembly dit tricts in The Bronx the anti-Murph men are raising the cry, "The Hron for Bronxites Flynn lives in the Highhridge en of the 35th Assembly District, to whic section so little patronage has beei irtioned that the politicians of tha section are angrily demanding a chang? insisting that Arthur Murphy wil : them, no matter what pi um ises are held forth to them to gallo] back into the fold. Ilealy After Heaty's Scalp. His strength Increasing stOadih Flynn is confident that '.hough he ma: rain no great victories tins rail, eithe be or one of his men will shortly ?aver turn Murphy. II*- has the Associate? Democratic Clubs of The Bronx, o ? h<- is president, solidly back o: him. He was elected Coroner in 1911 on the tickets of the Kepublican purt? and the Jeffei onian Alliance. Flynn' organization is supporting George H Haves, the Independent Democrati? candidate for the Democratic priman nomination for Congress in The Brom end of the SOth Assembly District Healy is fighting Ellsworth J. Healy who married ( hartes F. Murphy' for the nomination. Healy will prob ably win that light. In the north end of the :'..!d D: = tnc; there is no contest between the Flynt and Murphy men.* In the south en? ol the S2d the Flynn candidate foi leader is James J, Brown, Superintend' ? if the Department <>f Parka. Thii i- the ???strict of which Eugene J. M?? Guire, ??nee an ally of Charles Mur phy, '.vas leader until defeated b\ F.d ward O'Brien. It is believed Brown will triumph here over 'he presen* ? eraghty. Michael J. Garv?n, Tammany leader of t!ie tie, and The Hr??i?\ un.lei SlieritT, is being opposed by Martin .1 Kane. In the 84 th, Murphy'l man Stephen A. Nugent, deputy county clerk, and the present leader, has as iponenl Patrick J. Mc.Mi.hon.chie' clerk in the District Attorney's office. McMahon used to be n prot?g? of Ai ilurphy's, and ?till contend.* tha' Murphy and he are friendly. He was al-n ore of Nugent's followers, but they broke las' year ?hen Nugent turned McMahon down ?bn the Congress nomination. McMahon defied Nugent an.l ran on an independent Democratic ticket He carried The Bronx end of the district, bu1 wa defeated in vTesI Flynn has picked John Wegmann to ??? Joseph I. Berry, former Par!? Comn rum the leadership of ? th. SEES MOSS AS* TIGER TRICK Klagsbarj Teilt? Ferkln* b Tempor?r?. Progressive. "There are those who insist th*at the lacy of Mr M??s> is only another Tammany trick designed to divide tbe arrayed against the Tiger," said ??? i John A. Kingsiiur? . Pro rttei received bj Di triel attorney Perkins yesterday. "It la a matter of history 'that only last ?inter Mr. 'h<- paid counsel Tammany state civil service In* nuirj that will go down as a travesty exhuman justiec and decency. "Me Most il ?n no sense a pro ' her with a ??mall or a eapi P.' Ii?- bus only found ? con? venient ' ? . ,-:? - - Ivism for a ? a night." ii| s large number of associa* iced on ixhalf of the can ? ittorqe) Perkins are '?'? n's League, the Busin? Perkins Association and the Perkins Lawyers' Coma Republican organisa* :. the Hth. lflth. 26th and 2gth districts and also at tht rian Republican ? lub, IM Lenox I ' Perkins declared that ; . . eat issue in his! .?.???. and "lectn'ii and could not beclouil the ? ?"? i how hard he might i try. SEES TUBERCULOSIS CURE Medical Kipe-f Predict*? Flimlnation Heath from That Plm-ase. .d.'lphia. Sept 2H Mr .letter? D Gibson, of Don-eer, prosisknt nt l \ stion of Clinical H ?.arch, ?leclnred in an s.Mress at t Hahnemann Medical College here t ?lay that within ten year? med.c scienea would probably succeed ifl neu ?. (litaii .- g th from tubereulos Hr. Gibson said that recent disco eries, by which thi ? of ?"hr cular tend? ? an ba detect! d ? et ,ppeai m the sputuj th a later and higher -1 velopment oi th? X ray, will In s ihe ; me remove tub?rculos!? from the li of necessarily fatHl dis? SUBMARINES TOO BIG, SAYS FOR] ( >>iil Iniia-.l from pn?r I ?on Plantiff, manager of his plant . ?; Lieutenant Ralph 'raft, aid to K,mi Admiral Haber, .-..i mandant of the yard, met him and i trrduced hun to Lieutenant Comman e. Karl P. Jessup. chief of the machi cry division, I ? itenanl Jcaaup to Iton to on? of th< plant? whe i ? sel engine, th? largeal in th country, was sstembled The hug- m tor, which srill drive a now lubmarir ? in motion. In response to question, Mr. Ford said that sutom gin el in which hea?. ? roed would undoubtedly be ma ' ;ied. The party was joined by ('apta K. Hind, industrial ID the yard; Commander ??eorge H. Roc construction officer; Lieutena C. W. Nimits, in charge of submarii construction at the New York na -. id. and Lieutenant 11 C. Grady, cor mender of the submarine K .'? ? M Ford elected to viait tin? latter ves? at once. Later he went inside the K Miller Reese rlutchinson, right-hat man to Thomas A. Kdison and Walti another of th? Orange inven or's stall*, were also a' the yard, hi greeted Mr Ford. Thou Elmer . St erry, another member of th? advi ory board, came along, and he and tl automobil? manufacturer went luncheon at the Hamilton Club Bl .."klyn. H'fore leaving the navy yard the ii ventor spoke of the futility of war at the evils of war parties which dorn Dated Europe in 1914. "i will do anything I can for tl -it or for Secretary Oaniels." I added. "If we have to have a navy, believe ws should have the boat, BS0 efficient and up-to-date of them ail." Re| ardinf Secretary HHniels, he sai< "II seems to me that he is the mo advanced man v.? have ever had at ti? ll'a.i of naval affairs in this countr His only aim is efficiency, and when h achieves that state the parasites ai not pleased, Bj ?he parasites I mes the militarists and preparedness pa ties, like those that rule the nat.ons < 1 rope. They will not be pleased, hi ? the government will build ever*, ? self and build it properly." He declared that the war would pro! ably last a year longer, until the ir dustlial classes revolted. He denie that he had offered $10. Of?o,000 fc ? ice, I it .?-aid that he would use whai ever means he possessed to bring I stout. Also, he was emphatic in dt ntuncing the proposed loan to the A lies. "If any of the banks where I hav money on deposit have any part i such a loan I shall draw my mone out," he said. After visiting the laboratories an factory of Mr. Sperry, Mr. F;rd re turned *o the Hotel Hiltmor-. TRADE PREPARES FOR WAR CHANGES The possibilities of developing an? expanding America's export trade wa the principal topic of discussion of thi National Foreign Trade Council at it! second annual meeting, in the Ilote Hiltmore yesterday, .lames A. Farrell president of the I'nitcd States Btoe Corporation, presided, and roprcsonta lives from the most influential com mercial, industrial, transportation an? financial houses throughout the countrj ?rere present The readjustment of resources t< moot new conditions at thai close of th? war. the merchant marine, commercial education and co-operation for ?mallei manufacturing houses were d'.scu ?? d Among others present, were: John J Arnold, vice-president o? th; Pint Na? tional Hank of Chicago; Willis 11 Booth, vice-president of the Security Trust and Savings Hank, of Los An Samuel P. Colt, president of the United States Rubber Compaiiv, of New York; Maurice Coster, foreign man? ager of the Western Electric and Manu? facturing Company, of New York; Cap? tain Robert Dollar, preaident of the Robert Dollar Company, of San Fran .1. Rogers Plannen, chairinun of the Pittsburgh Foreign Trade Com? mission, of Pittsburgh. Also L. S. Goldstein, New Orleans Association of Commerce; Fairfax Har? rison, proaident of th? Southern Rail? way Company, Washington; Henry Howard, vie?--president of the Merrimnc Chemical Company, of Boston; Charles E. Jennings, president of the C. E. Jennings * ompany, New York; Charles M. Muchmc, vice-president of the American Locomotive Sales Company, Now York; M. A. Oudin, foreign man? ager of the General Electric Company, Scheneetedy, N, Y.; William Pigott, Ident of the Seattle Car and Foun? dry Company, Seattle, Wash.; Welding Ring, of Mailler & Quereau. N. Y., and .lohn 1). Ryan, president of the Ana? conda Copper Mining Company. Other* were W. D. Simmons, presi of the Simmons Hardware Com? pany, St. Louis; W?lard Straight, of .1. P. Morgan & Co.; E. P. Thomas, preaident of th? United St? el Products Company; Frank A. Vanderlip, presi? dent of the National City Rank of New York; Paniel Warren, of the American Trading Company, of New York; Wal? ter L Clark, secretary of the council, and P.obert H. Pachin, trea'urer. Discussion on the tariff question re? vealed that the .?Knse of the Council was that the tariff system should hi? to, to permit the government to negotiate trnde agreements which will give to producers the tariff advantages to whicf. they are entitled in oversea markets by rOMon of the large volume of trade which tho?e markets enjoy in the United states. As a further step in promoting a thorough study of ?hipping problems, it was announced that a member of the Council had established a fund of $1, ..."'', .o be distributed thruugh the Council, in ten prii?.s of $160 each, for the beat assays upon shipping questions by students of colleges and universi? ties. Jersey's Biggest Eel Caupht. Hacksttetown, N. .!.. Sept. 2S. The li.rgest ?-el ever caught in this state, four feet in length and weighing more than seven pounds, was captured In Musconetcong Crook last night by Jacob Wis? hum. Sun Foils First Frost. -lackettstow n, N. J., Sept 2.1. Frost. the first of the season, covered vegeta tio i in the lowlands in and about this morning. Tho ann prevtnted it from ?iamaging late crop?. It was ' 4?! degree? colder than a week ago. | ? MULI AN TO mMTt TAX ??OARD a in \?.t Be \< ? ' "nn??ei--< ass mended b> Mayor, ?tenue he desires to i . ne, ol ?? . si id last night he did n'' I*?0 , ,, || ? ? i aid " ?>'?"" | when he had complet? d .lepart- . ment work h" now has In hand. ?When May? r Mitch? . about the report that name Mr. Mullan s i '"'"'" Ml to succeed Frank L Po ? plied! ??I rtgrti to say no Hr. Mullan ?would make an able I orpomtion I ""!l i?l, and I would like " '" that i" tion. He does ? ot fee M-r, that he could accepl ' i oinlrn-nt -\ friend and mj Mr, Mullan has , offlc? I!'" M .. ?s my la-a | I -,;,. ..go. he and I ?'? Mintn ml won d b? ' -i""'i"ii"" ,,. Mr. Mullan lo take himself ?ire. Bl he WOUld I. '" ?'" **n '"' ? ..n oration Counsel. ??I mm no-a con dering si othei whose appointment will ?Upend ? ohuining releaae from existing en ?7"gen?' ' ' , , i , The Mayor hopes tO be '.Me to ? ?ouaee his new Corporation ? before th? end of th.???- l arsons outside at Mr. Mullan i. have been sriousli mentioned Utnat Hardj and Charles J. McDei motl _, ROCKEFELLER JIGS TO "TIPPERARY" tonilniK'i team page I feller point?.; oui a dump of forbidding look ng adoble honst s. , ,? Sg, you ?< that 1"? of snack,, he "?Well, a photograpli of ?*??, f'M ?m printed recently and the house, ?ceredited to the Colorado Fuel ?v ron Company. Ai ? matter of "?'??>"> ? few of the nearer are on our land at ?II. an.l they were th re ?vhen. we bought the property, v. s ?re imtf* |?. to buy them pf their owner and Sir them down. Th?. ? -?"le* ment is on the prooertj oi anoth? mining company." \t Cameron, jjs' hetore entering Walsenburg, Mr. Rockefeller made a minute examination of S r.ew club? house and several homes of the m On the .-lg. of th? town Mr. Rockefel? ler inspected th?- Hug Waisen mining U Bouse Mr. Rockefeller had his first meeting with Griffiths, the com , u ,'s mediator in dealing with labor grievances. Immediate!) Mr. Rockefeller announced that he wanted to confer with Griffiths in the pre ot the labor representative. So 'he pit boss ..a- ordered to And Mitchell, who was working a mile inside the mm?. Mitchell ?as produced an.l the conference began. Mr Rockefeller, eoatless and with his hat pushed back, shot question? at Griffiths and Mitchell m turn. "How do you happen to be the griev? ance representative of the men?" he asked of Mitchell. "They electe.l me," replied the negro, I grinning. "How did they elect you . "At a muss meeting" "Mass meeting of ?hom?" "Of all the men at the crimp." "Any company officer there?" aaked Vr. Rockefeller. "Oh, no." "How do the map feel, free lo come to you with any complaint they haw against the company?'' "Yes." Grievances Easily Adjusted. "Do you sometimes lind that the fun man or the pit bos-? has been in the wrong and treated a man unjustly . "(i)i. ves, ami ?hen they have I go to Mr.' Griffith?, and he fixes it up." Mr. Rockefeller whirled on Griffiths. "Do thoae ?grievance representatives ever try to take anything over your hea?l tO the president of the com? pany?" he demnnilcl "They never have yet, replied Grif? fiths. "Usually the grievance is ad? justed with the superintendent, with? out even leaching me." "How do these complaints reach you?" "Well. I go from camp to ?amp my? self and talk to ranee rep? resentatives," said Griffitffihs. "Don't you ?rait for the? to send for vou?" "Not on vour life, I don t. I hunt them up and ask them if anything is the matter between them anil the supers. That's what you hired me for, isn't it?" . , ,, ... Somebody a.-ked Mitchell whether members of the United Mme Workers cam.- to him with their grievances. 'I don't remember that any union men have complained "inee I was elected representative." said Mitchell. "I don't believe Mitchell know? whetbor they are union men or not," broke in Mr. Rockefeller. "I'm quito sure the officers of ?.?e company don't, and let me tell fOO, the Colorado Fuel and Iron Company doesn't care whether its men belong to the union or not. "Look her.'" he Sashed, turning to Griffiths. "Do you moke any distinc? tion between union ?nil non-union me i in. settling the grievances appealed to you by the miners !" "I certainly don't," replied Griffiths. "Are not all the men treated alike as long as they are willing to work and behave themselves?" persisted Ml*. Rockefeller. "Yes," Griffiths answered Cleveland, Sept. 2.1. John D. Rocke? feller will leave this fternoon in a spe? cial car over the New York. Central Railroad for his home at Poeantieo Ilili.s, Tarrytown, N. Y., to spend the winter. He has been here through the latter part of tbe siinmer at his former residence und summer home at Forest Hill. ? ? a-a ?jij? The Protection of NEUTRAL RIGHTS AT SEA Documents on the Naval Warfaro hditcU b\ William K. Shepherd, ProftMor ?.f Nlatory C lurabla Univer? sity Muni. .- ,,t tha Spanish it??' ?: a ...i-::.? f History a somgtlatton at tha documents rblch hav? p???.- : batWSOa 'lie frill. ami Lurojjmn Qo?anunanta?rltal t.. ? eleor understanding "f "??r motA sartoua , ?rr.iv.inB ?u? "' th wai laVc at nil tii'*? ..r from ?? STUMIS & WALTON COMPANY ?? ? ?.'i Fa?*,? .'Tu? st.. Itsm teeh HUB -IN Victor service Knabe 5 th Av. at 39th Si. SI HER LEAVES CAMP SECRETLY Banker Quits Plattsburg Because of Sudden Loan Developments. WALDO RL ENLISTS LOR FIELD SERVICE Ex?Police Mead and C. Fahne stock, of Last Troop, Seek More Instruction. I T'-lfgrapli U. Th? TIBa? - 1 Platteharg, N, Y., Sept. 28.' James Spi . r, the New York banker, who has been a private in K ?ompany of tri? ll M C. I. her-, left camp und returneil '., New York City yesterday. His de partur? whs l?ept secret, Mr. Speyerr. hiuirg requested that any information bis going he withheld. His quit? ting the camp was caused by develop in connection with the proposed ?i to the Allies. Former Police Commissioner Rhine landi r Waldo and Clarence Kahnestock, of Ne?.* York, who were members of the !>? ' business men's crimp, re-enlisted to day for the of this camp. Fahnestock was made second lu-utenant of M 'ompany, under Captain Roed Tin? tii.-n motored here from New York and re-enlisted principally to get more of th? flald service on the "hike." Lien tenant K.-ihncstock again qualified as an ? rifleman, scoring to-day 217. In the last camp he scored 221. A score of 210 qualifies a man as an expert rifle man. M ? ompany, under Captain Reed, won first place in the record target shooting, qualifying 104 men. The cham? pion aiarksmag of the entire business men's battalion Is A. L. Johnson, of Painter, N. Y., with the score of 28,'J out of a possible 2??. He i* a memner of M Company. The high man in I Company was J.iiii. s B. Boyle, of Baltimore, with 223. Theodore McCook. of Hartford, Conn., won a sharpshooter's badge with a score of 200, 'acklng |Mt one poin ?I l.'ett.r.g an "expert rifleman" bsrj(re (?eorge F" Tyler, of I'hlludelphis. '*'?' high gun in K ? rrnpany, with 2?0. The beat in L ( ompsny i? Y. F?siley Krye, jr., of Hoaton, with 219 f'n?Hte Frye wen the cup offered by Lieutenant l.overnor < harie* R. Sligh of Michigan to the crack shot of I, Company. Mr. S?gh is sending four of ? he men from his Michigan factory to the military instruction cams in Chi? cago, paying all their expenses himself J"l B A. Parke?, a mounted policeman of the New York Citv police, ?ton the third prize in i umpany L for making ?In greatest improvement >n his marks? manship in the recor?! ?hoot as com ' pared with ?hi records made in in?truc ? tion practice, in Instruction practice the best he could do was -?4, but when 'he got down to btll B? I In th? record shoot he made a gain of 87 points, get? ting n score of IM, In Company M, John W. Mcfirath, Colonel Rooaeeelt's sccre'ary, broke into the "marksman" cla?s. nr,ft will re reive the hearty approval "f h.? ?lis tineui?hed chief, with a of IM. VVilliam Menkel, of ??law fork, proved h? eould ?hoot as well a? write maga? zine article, for he git a score of ZQ2 and i? now a "sharpshooter." The weather la el? tl ? :>irly warm pammeyedI *^ STAMPED ON A SHOC *' MIANI STANDARD OF MIft.T ?li ??????? " 101 i-iii,. ., Shoe store? come and go, but CAMMEYER continues to enlarge. Nothing can stop the progress of a concern whose watchwords are Reliability. Value and Service ir. the daytime, but the nights are ?'. nio?t freezing cold. However, not ?fir? hss been built yet in sny of the stoves with which ?ach tent it u?. plied A big nor.'ire o? loe?. :? bu ?t .?very evening st tho ncad of each roi?,. ?*r?e*. sronnd which th-? rr,n gn'her to swnp yarn?. When thorou?V. !> warm they make r ,'?..h for t tents, roll un in th?ir four bksl hnd ?leep long and, ?o",e ??.y, lostdL STRAIGHT By Bertha Runkt-e DOWN Author of "The Helmet of Navarre" mffue? \ ttrslagaaXatttaJ story of love, ln\.i|t\ nn?l I til ?L mi ,t? r\. \s would be expected, H.-rtli i RunkiV _ , tteltig tbe author, the narrative gets ???T in thr C first ?b.i,?ti r fini (roes forward ill th?? How. \l! ?. narratlvra don't & that these dajri The seMinj |\ is N'?u|.' ,?t rNMieti, ?????ii throiicli the eyes m O neither the murhrnkrr nnr thr sn??b; and Krwst life in the I'hlllppiraea? known t<? the author Othron/li residence i.i ju-t mi? h a settinj-. The . Ii >r.. ter^ -ire rrc.i.-iilr.ntily human and theretew K intelligently intrr???tin?ar. Bertha Rvahfc'sham a?\t\ t?l mi' ioient humor was ne?er put (?? ?itrh sa* -te,..!, une. Perhape "Straight Down thr Cr?mhed Ijuv" is thr kind of a sorei you Liltr. f ront11piece and fachet in cotor Price $1.35 net, post.f. 10 cent* D LANE AT ALL BOOKSTORES Published by THE CENTURY CO.. NewYorkCity Don't Blame Your Carburetor for the Fault of Your Gasoline MANY motorists think "gas" is just "gas," and that's all there is to it. So, when they need their tank filled, they simply ask for gasoline. What the dealer puts into that tank, only he knows. i am It's "gasoline" all right, but what kind of "gasoline?" If the dealer is conscientious, he sells you a straight-distilled, homogeneous gasoline. But if the dealer is looking for'long profits, or seeks to attract trade by price reductions, he gives you "blended" gasoline, when you merely order "gas." There's a big difference between the two! Why not protect yourself against such practice? There is no reason to continue being victimized! Your safeguard lies in specifying what gasoline you want?by name! A manufacturar who has reason to be proud of his product, pats his name on that product! ? Choose your gasoline by its pedigree 1 If you want more miles to the ?fall?n?and more smiles to the mile?don't merely order "gas." SPECIFY MOTOR GASOLINE CAUTION The Red, White and Blue 80GONY si*,n is displayed by all dealers authorized to sell SOCONY Motor (vaso?ne. Beware of misrepresentation. If it isn't SOCONY it isn't the Standard Oil Company of New York's Gasoline. ?Look for the weekly Bulletins containing list of SOCONY dealers. a STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK Principal Oihc-ea New York Buffalo Albany Boston