Newspaper Page Text
,. N ? VI RYWHERB MORT i '? in 60,000 pei-rons pass through t^c two great stations oi V?-. Y< ever) day. And the easiest way ot ?fang fr?m o:ic t0 r^c orhc: ng from either to the most inter Manhattan has b -^ t0 ^? ty Fifth cJvenue dus VERYWHERE IBICT3 IN ?- MURDER ?? ? - ? ? - 1 ?Ac* 1 .. ? n ???. ? ? * ? Part .i *o . 7r.u1 ? w . ? e SUFFRAGIST WINS VOTE AND RING prance- : Wade Soapbox Oration-? and Ar. Rie? Stud ied ih' ( ause. -?. . \ have r.?t ?t ?*? ???..arat??- " ? ?M th? ? npei stn f Will ? ' ? ? which ? r.t. b** ? rigs at lioadwa; ? i ru,re fa'.loved ?pi '.it part 1 ? ?Sam-, Mu?? uy i^-ai of : ' ? ?r roses 1 Mom o**??r?i, M to hei M ?ond-.- I got -hi alrttdy. "Vou n-.' ? '?..-?- arc that we ? ? M M ?ni oui wer wo-..' ? ha.l?'t at?, for ? .?.? her I - ?'? ? . ? ? "ti-Nt. H. m ?(ft M ?. J..*? ?<ir?er? for 1 ted v?:t!i ". other ? ? n bul Mm Bel . rents si ' *? ?id vet???? .In ''?'?* ?V.1 on W -.. , Kills Gunner, fssaiiaitt? j0),n .1 ?<,, ? .rfolk Navj ???????s? k 7? fun down ? f'.enway . ,,,.. , ? "tisrih. on? for msn an j Salads & cooking kit h f?t .\v?,r>, ,, ! ->ir.d 5(j c,.tu ,..,ns 8?ve The Baby u?e the reliable HORLICK'S ORIGINAL Malted Milk 2S^,Tery P*?" of the body eft.? if ntrv*. il0rwj*fl by th?Xiii*nd? of pb-faidaUM, ,^7 ?nd Nur??-e the world over for Wan o quarter of a century' Jj?*"^?. no cooking nor additional ?qu-i'.xJ. 81tr,plTdi?solvelnwater. ?y*** "hart other iooda often iafL 3?*"* HORUCK'S, Rocina, Wit. ^?tubawtuto ,a?'lusta?Ge>o<r ?? HORLICK'?. th? Or.-r,-.-.*x. CARPET Uj * WtLIAMi I .. LEANING 1*3 W.MtUSt GAY HOOK WORM BELTS THE GLOBE Rockefeller Foundation Tells of Year's P?ghl Against the Disease. GERM IMPERILS 900.000.000 PERSONS /?me of Operations Follows the Equator Around the World Nations' Aid Needed. Rockefell? ? iblic rday Pai ? end ?.f II l :. tells what ha been nc ., . . a.alth rommiasion in mitigat ? ok worm ?i.-. ? rhe roper ? ... the rali? I ? .?ntrol nf ? rase is an undertak en< mi., i magnitude, tl h zone of ? ' ' lean w ilc and with a population ??f ?bou' Thus f?r plans ha? ?? be? find w..rk > . . .. ,,,,,? rol In Brit . Antigua, Trinidad, St. Lut I and Egypt. ? ?i k undertaken ? H:,'?--r. coloniea, th?- commission ? ..- respot ded from ? .i ? '.??..' \.,,. ? ? rated ii Panana, N ? ..i?? s ? ai ?I .m. N?edh luiit'imiifni .id. The r?p.irt nink.-- it clear thai the international henl'.h commission has indertaken tu eradicate the dis mac in any country The accomplish* this ri'atult. i? ?? ' ?ted. will re inenl ag< n working over lonj; period? overn Th? coi ? r\ m . ii i stated, - to c?? with governments o' foreigi . ountriee in orft;.- ? | . : t ,\ ?? th?. ir own agen? in thia spin;, m i port ?;?>?. the rommiasion has h?.?.-? i?t?.-, the invil o ele' or? . ej to co-op? erate in 1 it rol of the . si ional health con? m also undertaken to coi . programma of *! ?? tars commission for ?tool - H'. Aim oi the Coiunleaion. 1 ?i - nia gi rep ? ' ' ?> "iiidica ? he supervision ol the san?-1 - ion, but aimed ra-tier* at? preh? Ion ?n <-aeh ] ? ? i i ???.- 6f ? he dis apd M'con? of thi- met hod of ( il g a'.d preventing it entering al st age wit _? .. hi ion ol vork,? amber of typi? cal ?"' muniti? to show co ? ed person th? i i preventing soil : ... ease. 500 WOMEN IN VOTE" PARADE Hurleru ? h?eers Twent) Men in Line and SiiffraKi-t < hauftVur??. I .\ ? of upper Man Bronx who wn' ko through ?m bar 2 marched through Harlem ? ning and acroi ? ? Willis Ave nue bridge into Ti." Bronx while crowds alen?; the siflewalks ch< them on then waj i lie - iffrage i.?i?k m- !u?l?'d twentj Floats and transparent ? sel forth " t-.'rt! language- Tt.e women wore . ? ? ? ,h ?ped wit th? ..'! rage colors, and marched to marl al airs played by tht Lettei Carriers' ? .i t?i m, i'orps. ? uled the 1 at ? an?l i -'."?th St i Delegat - ? | ? ? As sembl? .,!.., he Uth. 16th, 21st, 26th. 29th. 83d and "fit!. their dele To prove that much o: 'lu- .?mi i,??i formed b) men can be equal!) well done by '??? omen, evei sutomoo the parade la?l a .?? oman ??' I <\t- Daniel I'. mar he | I? th? ' ? t.i?i-ts ti? a recent ; market in 1 !'-''. I. Street, wher? th? parade became ?? ge meeting. Among the sp? was Mrs Norman i'. K whitehou ? Vto'ntn S. er?i<- P?rt> ! p m. M. ' M ? H I ? ni ? ?? ? ? A ? S - 1 ll.i. .? ?V 1! ? ? ?' | a . ? ' ' ' * ? ' Mi.? - - . ' >1 I HI P I a it, a '??? < ' * - Up won*? i Usssa. Mi? Kalt?? 12 atea H t ?. m- S? M) - . W ft - s s ' ?'I . m ' I 1 tVi?neo?a Fair Gay in Colors; Mrs, Isham Rides to Victory Mrs. Ralph I sham, srith Maximun Close Finishes ior Many Wrangle Over Kat Police Interfere . ;i winner -lit- rode ?t ?tfineola Fair. F.vents?C. F.. Pitman 1 las With Starter, and to Check Crowd. A brilliant hering wit Hors? and ? acing an? ' ; i. ! ? ? lerda) Gay-colored sport coat -, mac ? ?. mil t i> i.l silk sweater- made the crowd ?>f which thronged Held and paddock ?. bt'iglii i.i .! scle. < lu ? -1 the track and i th? ? . w? onler '?: trie afternoon, Mrs, [sham, dat *htei ??* tl ? late Mayoi Harr) Han.'- Maxi mum, - the blue in the ladies' .???1 die hoi ' onfidence, o? ned b) '1 I e, of Canada, its els Mrs. Thoi -. '"?*. "? : - time ?? innei. h? : ?hon y jumper, ? . ? id her prise gelding, Brentwood, taking the blue in *).? 16a pour 1 das i, i???'h ? ? i? i .-i ly. M rs ii>... ge h i. - s l?..'.!?!. th? saddle and harness contest 1 ?.: \ An , 11 i -,. ? Excit? il in the !:14 ; Ik o' ? I Pitm 1 tile pol? *.i act icalh I? :'? at th? i" : hie ?.?> through '.?? leid and won hat grea , After ? he ? ace P m? it ? ound > coi ? ! ? but when a crowd surged ?round him ncc interfered Tin- summi . \\. *, Jam - lia>H?.rllo . . . . l i i -r.I. llalli '. ? i i ? ?? . >li- \ ?1. I . Marl |l|| I >? H r ? ? i II II ... i . ?? M Hai . H? f. ? Infini I - . Im r l'iat? ? Hlarllsti I at. 11 : ? i? 1(1 ?s liai? . ? ? ? i ? Itgln . i ?? Him . - , ?i ? H ?? ? I ? ? SSS3 ?a?? Have you tried that real WHOLE WHEAT loaf M BREAD m. ..he loaf which is made from genuine whole wheat flour, specially ground for U3 by the old fashioned stone process? If you have not, there is a delicious bread surprise awaiting you. for when you have tried WHEAT-HEART once ycru will pro? nounce it the best loaf of whole wheat bread you have ever tasted. Order it from your grocer. Made only in large size 10c loaves. Made in the WARD Bakeries at New York. Brooklyn and Newark. 1 I ? ? Li -' #? mats? > fse?. TWENTIEn .. ?w. SARY thai will well repay inspection Silk-lined Fall Suits, Silk-lined Fall Overcoats, \Y? kwear, specially priced, $20 and $25 $15 and $20 20c and 40c ^%& W^W:^S^m ?*Ai~.m*?m**e\ S?ll TPEATENEi ?N H?LilS TANGU Gen. King? Counsel, Ma] Demand Court Ret iew Ferguson's Accoun ?ng. EX-MANAGER DENIES Bll LS ARE EXi ESSIVI Says He Should Have Receive? More, ?Thal ?i Ofl tun??.',, ( ommii ?ion . ? ?? ? ? ? . i- i. ? ? durch : .. r ? Kaltlll ? , ? I ' 11, .. . ? Whl.'ll in- ? "? M, !-,.,;. il? P'MI ,1 r.' ? ? - hint . i".. ?. ? . .1 tha? this ? I tha ? i '.-i ? i ' . i .?? :. , hal '.. pis ? ' mainl i ? !!1 .. done so he could claim i.. :. !? .- und? r- too? that Mi" v.hole ? or th? O' III'? . ?.rili?:. a a ? ? . ! I . I... r . ? ou ll ? ? II?ntichs, it was be no statement It may ie thai - ?? ? 'ill I?? si i ???'? ?' i he men Aft.m i ?ading Genei..: K ing*i tared hi? accounting submitted 7?, 1?? hud beill Ii ide lip I''. ? KO? ' ' a. an'?, one "! whom was elected b) him ? ? ! ' ?hai according to I ? menl with I?r. lhllis in- was t?> r.? ' B per cent foi h i - sen icei i"i ? :l ? ? . for Dr, lliiiis, but thai tances he ?.a.: tun? ?. ? - m ?? friendly soil il to relieve tie pr< on l>i. Hiliis, ? FALL VICTIM GETS :*20.000 Carried to ( ourl on Stretcher?Family in Need. Hany Barnsley, '.?' Mo Corona Ave iue, Corona, rho wai -.; ?' i i last Sep? tember s.? badl) thai he ha?l to be ear iii'il into coint ??n ii stretcher, obtained ? verdict ol |20,l.lamages againsl the New Yurk ? on ? i tad Railway Compan* and Frederick W. Burnham, contractor, before Justice Mla?-Uma? ?n the Queens County Supreme I ourt yesterdaj Barnsley fell from a new railroad elevated station that was being buil* at Fresh Pond, FflYSTERY WOMAN SEIZED IN CHURCH Mrs Northrop, Puzzle to Police, Attain a Prisoner on Thefl Charge. ACCUSED OF ROBBING WOMAN AT PRAYER Detective lells of Trailing from Hotel tu Houses of Worship ?'n f ? ft ti Avenue. some* "Mrs Rai dolnh ijjj rriaia," ;i??re commonly ? , . i Mi Catherin? est? ? ? .. - Leo's liarse ? itea ?, i doll ,1 m a? . a ho is chui ? .t'S.-.? " (oi i ? dina pursei i. Fifth '?.ilC . ? ? .... .? (am and ?-..- held in II,. ba 1 ???. '???. ? ' "i.l. in 'he . ink?. ?He CoUl ??? i ? . ; .? ided no' guilty. Am. . ?,. ? . . . .; a New Yorl ?:. Mrs, Sort hi i| has ??nee then setn months .n ?he rombs and ? Blackwcll's for disorderl) conduct It ?ras Mrs. rup i I o .. ! oused ? he ?-ympath ? . men and women i?> offering hei I bo., foi bar! ? ii ? at" ? dollar?" si ? h* ? . . e was being le?l ne, you know, a:nt ?I ? " nbaclc, ?? eoi ding te Detc ?? i ? ??: . . ?? ' a made the arrest, was m the I indbag ot Mra. A. (i Huberts, of Boston, now staying a the Hotel 1'rince George, a?, she ?vas kneel rayei ti rdaj artcr noon. l dlons Woman Into Church. I'he bei Mrs. S'orthrup's ick t.. just ? week .?.?n Sunday. The woman was * ". hen 1>> ?? - th?' '-'?I Branch, thought he " d :.f the ? -?.? : ? ii St. Patrick1 Cs - si and '?'. a?dlc followed. SI e rom pew to ??rw, Beadle says, mhI : naliy want ?tut. Th." hand of for* ?? pull Beadle where Mr?. Northrup .???? ?? lia was investigating a raae Wednesday morning wh?*n again ;??"', rjoung woman, Mrs. S'ort'urup, the detective said, walked up the stairs of St. Leo's Cath* oli? ? hurch, Twenty-eighth Street, near I- f'h Avenue, .turned aroun?!. wa down the stairs, across the street and around the corner, retraced her steps and repeated the process four times. Beadle no! lied his :;??-1 iocs ths N'orthrup .vas acting strangely, an?! he received a "floating assignment." The detective trailed her all ?lay and iiitrht. and left h?M early ?he nex; morning at the H?>llan?i House, where she has been -?topping for two weeki ? er four-year-old son. She ap ! al St. Leo's ajrain yesterday morning, Beadle sai?i, and whan she left the church the :'ourth time went ?.. the Holland House, changed from ? lighl costume to a dark one. ami went to Ihe church once more. Kach time she <u? in a different part of the building. Hark to the Church. Mrs. Northrup left the hotel at ":?"> I o'clock yesterday morning, dressed in a ? . ? '. ? ??.. H 1 ?*?,.! tool? r Mi .?r ht. ?he dial, the dtteetive : tlie - I .... 'ne plu?-.- Ol ? to Mi snything1" ^ ? . H clol'k- I ' ? woman, ?f'rr invtsti|-*al Ri'hiIIp ruahi I from tl ci ifhi up wi-J Mi ht r *.. 'h.- We?l ". ?he said ?? i- ? .... .. Alfi??'! Il \?>!ti.rup, wl :. -v?? ::. Js| ?. ? ? of A ?. ? torne) Spit bail at J ' Mrs . httgl you?" a r. i -M' "? ??.i ? "i-'U* I ?m not now. I am Catherine Sort h 1 i?. " Thon M to ... , ? ? - ? ? ' ? - - - ? ? ' - iring ?. ? i ? - The Headgear of a Gentleman hears this name and trade-mark mw ix/nKi There is a K\OX II for every occasion Knox Hats 1 PT( IWN ST IRE 452 : !!? AVENU. DOWNTOWN STORE 161 BROADWA. Furs, Feathers and Frills . a'.*!,*, gowns, wraps, coats ? the double page spread in The Graphic Section?printed by beautiful gravure process? points out the trend of style and strikes the fashion note for Winter. It's the note that many feminine ears have been wait? ing to hear. To make sure that this and the many other features for all the family that come with Sun- ***?? day's issue reach you, ask your i , newsdealer to reserve you a copy. He'll see that you get one if you ask him in time. Wiye ?im?ag ?nbuttj? First to Last The Truth: News - Editorials?Advertisements ?5 ft