Newspaper Page Text
mOOSE, GHOSTS K JERSEY COUNTY ?tfatetoDolt. It's Murder,* s Judge Declaring Party Head. PRIMARIES BARRED ' BY COURT'S ORDER ?atlantic Pr? ? -x ?l v I ailed 1?> ?Poll Required \ otes at 1 ast t lection. ; hat?. ?;kp 'to have ith war* r "' A? he ? .??-:? r tie City, ? ? ? ? ? . eipalititi fron delivering ? prim* n ti iden?et tuh l ? "? Clerk ? ? ? last '.-tu", rotei party iti ... the ilude ' tempt has prit . . candi* ? tht munici* - ballota ? ? h. . ? . - I Black, ? ? ion tht ? eited 667 ? ? al Ho contended . 11. V. '? s K. Stee'.man ? -er municipal - having Pro printed. Sam* I ? en circul?t* ? ??ore lobtnit* -ck. Moose to Go it Alone in 1916. Leaders Decide ?t ?jrai tl ii ? ? ? nient of " v at na- , (???1.(1 . s?. iH'.?ht Pro .1 in hair man of the ? l he hail ean t pi I that they were that policy. ii re? expressed to have Colonel . some of . ? ?? lait night to run. r candidate trai naked. ?" ' . tda," wai Mr. Mur 'ic to say. ? ?M ?rant cam ' r. M jrdock de ? . ? party. "Ht* h Colonel publiean enconragt* ve party. They ? Ttttt was ? ...ut the con? nate?. It ? ' this: In the d Ix-en gain* 'huiiasm and or* ? ? The Miatia* ?iding line. i-? P V LU PONT ENGAGED ??b of natneltr Will Marr> Mi-, ???thfrine ( lurk.'. <.f Northampton. . T.-'t/lU.? ' S?p1 General ?n du Pont an ?ragement of their '. and Mill ' Northampton, >?u. : r.t if now a ?tu tti Inititntt of and trill graduate :<? is an antnuaiattic bilist. He drove .Ir HI in rocen-, ? Bay, when the crr.ft ?'??M1S.U- . |*, record t? 14:?I ?b? r .. . (iu pont ?p, at M w*dd;' . j , F.T. agr,, of - '.n Paul F. Wil? li a brideamaid ? Min?? Bald . DAHLIA SHOW OFEHS TO-DAY t.reat Moral Magia) ??rang-ed al American Mii?-<?iii.i of Natural lli??tor? A dahliH ? ?V?, it i? said. ? 111 be 1 test ai si held m thli country ???;:: he opened tin? aftei n; 2 o'clock '? ?lusi mi "f Natural i- Seventy .and Columbus Avenue. Th?> iblie, and IJ .-..-' i ht .". Thi - ,;, rll \ aroused to co operate in a i their favo i. an<1 ?-. '1 ?i floi?,: -, ? e from smati grow em alike, t- r of th.* Vincent r., of Whit? M J. I ?" "I 1 .? i;-,r I '-? ? \ ork. For moi ? over th" country have bei ? bloom- for ? -.on t-> compete for the gol I PERCY L DONNER OFF THE FLOOR New York Stock Fxchange Disciplines Member of Pittsburgh Firm. The suspension for on?? year from the privil?ges of membership in thr Stork Exchange of Percy E, Donner, Pittsburs. ige firm of er, Childs A- Woods?, was an ? .1 yesterday at 11 o'clock by ;i (.. S. Noble from the ? in of the exchange. I>onn'-r> ..! bj tl .- go committee s1 >. meeting w ? ici. until late Wednesday night, und he red i .,.-? thr.t hi cepted business from h Ich i perate extensive ? the Pittsburgh district. The penalty was the maximum that ,-ould be imposed under the section of the constitution of the erehanfre which whs adopted m I!'"'.1, following recom? mendation*, by 'he Hughes committee with respect to e;,rb;'-;: bucket shop activity. The section reiiiis ?i?-- f. "That any member of this exchange wh<. i? Interested In, .r associated in ?'ce is con? necte.! oi indirectly by public or privat,?- wire or other method or con trivanee with, or who transact busim i for any organisation, firm or individual engaged in the i ? of dealing in enees ol quotations commonly et shops I, shall on convic? tion thei d to have com ? ntal to the welfare of "Ins exchange " Doni ? : before the ?: ehan lay i ?-.'1 denied the Chartres bi ougl ? .'. nee being irant of the fact that rms with which he did business \v,?rp bucket shops. A member of th< .ng board said yesterday, how its Investi trong 1 hat no other ver than guilty could have been ren? dered. The firm of Donner, Child? & Wood? ent 1*5 Pitts si - bi \L- highly eon member of er '??!. 1909. His firm hi .n the ? ?-. ' r k C \ - of W. II. Donner, president of the Cambria 'ompany. A governor of the Stock Exchange rday '.hat the exchanga au the attention of 'he bucket shop evil in Pennsylvania to n of ex-Governor Toner. at he had taken no action in the LEAPS TO FLEE tflGHT COURT Skull Hurt by .lump Off 'I ."* Ne Runs Inti. I'oliceman'H Arms. Rather than brave the perils of the Court, to which he was being ?ukeri last night by Patrolman Beeklcr for annoying Miss Jannia Axelowitz, of 1330 Franklin Avenu?-. The Bronx, Harry Silverman, of 184 Allen Street, jumped thirty feet oiT the elevated ?tiucture and injured bis skull. After jumping off the platform and sprinting along the ties, with Heckler brandishing a revolver behind him. Sil? verman eaught sight of the gun, and when in front ..f hloominr-dale'.- dry good? store leajied just ns the police? man fired. Stunned by his fall. Silverman picked himself ?v '? ' ?" run* ''?*tro' man Coleman, Lieutenant O'Suilivan and Captain Sullivan rounded him up before n< had sUggerod far. He was taken to Nighl Couii in a patrol wagon. but his condition became worse, and Magistrat, i'- ered him to Belle . vue Hospital. It was ?aid that h a probable fracture of the skull. I California Expositions | I $94? | r. Out and Batck. Choice mt Rout?? R-.rrturi.ln* ?.11 & SOUTHERN PACIFIC STEAMSHIPS M P New York to Nev? Orleans ?Lj ?' tmmmsSammt will, "SUNSET ROUTE" to Um Com? ??|j 2V' i'or farther perticulart inamire .^t? F HUI,,..,., JtlBro.dwtT 3? str.m?mref Sf*t ? rt27tk5t. ?? Fr.nklin St ae?r W.ll 51. f? i CARRANZA MOVES TO MEXICO CITY Transfers His Government ?Think**. Red (toss No Longer Needed. U. S. BATTLFaSHIPS TO QUIT VERA CRUZ Ordered Away To-day First Chief Begin War on Rail road Bandit1.. IVaihington, S< pt. 23. G moved all the ,'.c: I ? ? ? fro** \ ? : . ' Mexico ? '. and ? preparing to the ea ? ? ?tioi ? ? ?. ?"! her? ? o da ? I oreign Affain an.l War ???le the iH.-t to Itavt. Ai State Department indicate that G? i Candido Aguilar, th?- Carranza i mander, ha? luunche?) a vigorosa cam? paign against tht bands which have I.????:'. interrupting railway communica? tion between Vera Cruz nnd U ' According to telegraphic report ?lay from Vera Cruz, Carranzi I . engag? I tome of the band? between Esperan :u and General Afuilar, it arai reported, had rone from on/aba to the Kent of the ,- with reinfor? emenl i arranza, Jhrough hii lecrel notified John K. Silliman, i] of Preiident Wilton 11 M i eo, I not conaidei aaiii tance by 11 in Mexico longer i ? e< The United St itei Dattlei hi] ! ann and New Hi, Dtapitt Carranza'i itatement, there ii evidently some need of further Red Croti work, as Brigadier General De? . al managet of the Red Croti, i? ceived ? cubic- mei age 7" day from Charles J, O'Connor, in charge of reli? I work it. Mexico City, aikng for addi? tional supplies to meet the food short? age exiating in the capital, orden to leave Vera Cruz to-morrow, Other report! to the departmen Vara Cruz ?aid that in a wreck on the Mexican Huilway north of Apizaco on September 21 a freight train carrying ?uppliei from Mexico ? ity wai I up und burned. The engine w i tached from the train and eicaped be fore the wreckeri could reach it. Mem? ber! of the train guard were re] 01 to have been killed The bridge ? Interoceanic Railroaii,twenty-tiv? i fiom Vera Cruz, wa? suid to have bean destroyed. General Villa reached Juarez to-day. ?ding to a report from El Paio, which added that hit arrival wai at tended with ?omiderable ie? Ad vice i to the Villa agency to-day reporte?! a Villa expeditionary in posscbsior: of Zacatecas. The r port indicated a Vila force behind the Car? ranza army, which has been advancing againat the main Villa body to the north. Ten thousand pesos in Mexican na? tional currency, valued a'. $2,000 In United State:? currency, is en south as ransom for C. P. Fuller, man if the Cudahy ranch nt Santo Do? mingo, kidnapped by bandit?1 several ?la."? ago, with his foreman, McCab? Mrs. Fuller and McCabe reached hi Pate to-day from Villa Ahumada, with orders from his former captOl them the $2,000 as ransom for Fuller, Knrique C. Ll?rente, on beha. Villa, tiled with the State Depart and the Pan-American Conference to day a formal declaration that the con? stitution of Mexico providei for ac? knowledgment of national debt el cluiively by the Mexican Congress, and that any obligations undertake! General Carranza would lack validity. Mexican Bandits Injure American Woman in Raid Nogales, Ariz., Sept. 23. A cupper camp in the suburbs of Canaea, So? nora, was raided by banditl early to? day. an?l in the fighting thai fo an American woman and her children '?ere hurt, according to telegram r? ceived here. America: ? mpich reported, however, that no Am? : were seriously injured In ihe raid. Carranza civil authorities were driven into the hills, and the banditl were looting itorei and lalooni when a trainload of Carranza troops ai drove <?ff the marauders. K. i dents of the camp were terror) . several houri. GUARD OFFICER PROMOTED First Lieutenant Ahem Made Major? Many Other Staff Changes. First Lieutenant Charles J. Ahem, aid to Brigadier (?encrai Georg* R? l'y er, lut Brigade, N. G. N, Y., has been appointed major and quar'i rnuist? r, vice Major Samuel A. Brown, having recently resigned. Major Ahem firs* i joined the gu??rd as a musician in th i 22il Infhntry in April, 1000. Second Lieutenunt Alson Shant Cavalry, retentlv appointed, has been commissioned i\nd assigned as squad ron quartermaster and commis? ar\. The following officers have resigned ?and have been honorably ditcharged: Captain J. C. Robert-;. T'lth Infantry; First Lieutenant Kofand Holt, Medical Corpaj SecondLieutenant G. T. Roddy, 2d Infantry; Second Lieutenant Thornton M, Bhorkley, Sd Infantry, an ! Second Lieutenant Kiigar C. Lei Squadon A. Serond Lleeutenant Edwin M Rob 8d Infantry, recently appointed Ilai been commissioned ai to Company M. Second Lieutenant Oliver C. Young, r.fith Hegiment. recently appointed, has baca commiitioatd and atiigntd to I ompany M. The following officers have been re commissioned at their own requeit, with the rank last held, and hav? filarod on the reserve li?t; l aptain ?aniel Wolff, formerly 27M Enjgineei I Lieutenante Frank I). Taniley n*i? '. I George E. Creen, 9th Coast Artillery; Lieutenant Thomaa C. Clarke, formerly 71si Regiment. 1.000 JOIN TAILORS' STRIKE Some Agreements Heportcd, Affecting About hOO Workers. A settlement of the strike recently declared by the Ladies' Tailort' Local No $1 of the International (?arment tVorkera' Cnion, It expected tool Hg to a statement mad. by Jacob !.. Baaaeb, itcretary ?>f the local union. Me said ai during the ?ia\ la bell the 2,000 strikers m th- Fifth A '..i!?'iing ?iistrict for two year agre. - menta Witll the affected firm-?. Thirty of the largest firms have al? ready signed the agreements, accord lag t?? Banaeb, in which they gra demand! t $;<0 ? week gowa scale Their action iff?-?-* - I rorkera. Five hundred more men ami .'. struck yttttrdty, The itriken will at? tempt to get the I2,??0o girl.- in the industry to walk out. "The wealthy women who pttroniie the leading Fifth Avenue tailors. Mr Banaca ytiterday, "art i u? await-, ".ng word to aiu the ?trikti?." I FIRE DESTROYS RESORT i??,, -., r. - of Ra-lldlngs ?*? l|><?.! (In Hampton Itearh. Han ? . N. H., S ? ? I -, ? r , i ? BIG STEEL PLANTS CHANGING OWNEI Cambria and Midvale Co.'s Sep?ralo Deals Hanker Trust Interests Mentioned. MM I Phils epl ["wo of great independent iteel i on con ? ; own. ' ? Midvale, the bi?^ plant ?n. ;n Philai onship tween the twi .. ? distil ? ?'?? el i omps 1 ??? . to the p ? \ f tl . ah inter* wh ich ent in N York, i in i - o. Sellen fan being the othei Tb s big transad I.;, Rolai d L Tnyli i. ol II inden t< I that he, hi ps ?? nei - ? i ; firm of William \ Ri A ? ".. '? t L. Monti ornery, Montgi 1 yler, t ; the M vale Si e i Compai j rhey are ? pected to recn] it to enal larger ? T.? di '? chanici and Met? . York iii'iuir in banks whetli tb?.- i "?? to take up to $2 ? -.?? Tot k funds, as was u ? ? of pi . . Compat . r n .-'bod was ? It is thought - nk was nick r a time t era. The - hat the deal is boil engineei ' ii the Bankei Company. In ?uch connects E. c. Convei Hepburn ai Francis T.. Hi?e, of New York, we ? ned as likelj to be ac( ive in tl mutter. GET S25.C?0 GEMS IN CUSTOMS NE' Deputies Capture Man on Lin( After L?)ii!? Wait Favor to Woman, He Says. One of thi biggi rea of jews that ha- been made at this p^rt in sr eral year.? was brought to the attei ? t? rday I Deputy Sui skit wies ar Norwood v hen the) r ported the d tention of $2S of -.'ems takf from Shay Kumcher, a saloM paaaei ,-.??1. who i i a from I The si on of Kun chei i that begs . o when it \?; li anted bj irs thi -uch an ?mpcrl it to this co . ig .1. elarei For the last three month? Racskii ? . and Norwood have been givin microscopic attention ts teamshii . oming ; - ol and .'non Ki de Janeiro and Bueno Ayres, The were nol are of thi ?7 by careful pr..r- is ol el mination the su; pici.o. down i.. Kumchs who came over alone on the l'h:!a delphia. IIis hnggage received an extraordl nary examination, which appeared t him to be of the most casual kind. HI di clai is carefully made tallit 1 it h the content! of hi ? . .I? puty surveyors de cided that he was the m ? ookii took him abo ird ?hlj und s. ?,: ched h Their sf bout s do-i n pieces, con ? rig -if won! - ? br is ?pin? .v. . e ,-ubse ? i ! .. gt m- wi re taken 1 - im hin Kumcher immediately declared tha not his, but were brought t< ? ? ? ? ring! i-h WOtnai named M-s. Sara Elflnt who ?va.-i now living in tin- city. He said '"? 1 ? ? ? being un? ucee-- ful, left for London, where ho met divi : ced. K imcl ' wt\? told to find his woman con.p- g on Insl from the customs officials, ap . ? ,:. .. ?: rs I ? ;? ? ere examined by a 1 of the law di?. The heai : . ? I yes . i it the ease will probably be turned ovei 1 tor sfaloi 1 ..n on Moi : SAYS BOY NEEDS NO AUTO Surrogate l?enle?. S' mu) tal Lad for t'.du- at it'll and ( ar. Fi\> ? a year is too ? not a nee Any 100 an? nually, e? en a or doctor's - T by s grand-aunt, ; ? 173.7 .* annual.- John, ? . and ire on the adi ? '?'my. ?The bo ? '." he nould be ? .*' money." Melba and Gluck in War Concert. ? ? \ :r... 1 ?luck t.? an am - Hull . ta aid tha The recep i 00m . speak 1 on ?venta in i'aUatine. I M'ANENY SHUNS THE'YELLOW DOG' Tells Legislators He Didn't Investigate Rumors About Third-Tracking Contract. ? IT WAS NOT MIS DUTY, OFFICIAL DECLARES Genr-Re W. Young, Banker, Who (iave the Tip, Out <>f Reach ?if Snbp?na Servers. . 9n tht tt ?tup on ? ? . ? ??: th? Boi ? ? rt ai i of i dog" fund ectioi . ng tiie li. ough elevated linea. "1 neithei had.lenee aor th i "l did not ? arith any on< Commiaaioner Milo K. .Mult;?, i hi '"" be ? :n> .in:., in call upon ? .? ai eoncer The l'r. . y wai Commis r Malt ed hi ? ' aas around, a? 'eitifi d Itbie. ? e H? ugh tal ?? . sorg? ? ?? .... i lubpaena U| on Geoi ? I igh, who voiced l Mr. ?IcAneny that 1 ould be. Youiy mut boa ?! d a "To let" I Cedar Street, il was said he had not ? ' : i i ome time. An atten p '" rail h.: home in Deal, \. J , .. hi the informal ion t at ? ??i?.?l. Then I ?-?? miel for ? he commit I ????. ti ied I i help find Mi '> I he commit tee had communicated " ith him recently, th? respome wai tha' Mr. Young*! office had had the banker call him up. "Would you be willing t<> ha ?ergeant-at-armi tell his ?..lice tl ? to him o-i the I Mr. Lewia. "Well," replied Mr. MeAneny, "I do not care to act a . lerver for committee, but if you think your rcqueit ii a proper one I will , ;?> it." , The matter wai not prened. itl impting to rate that the inter" I ? citj had not been prop I rottet? ?I in ? he chara? I et ot the contract! made with the Interborough, ' ? ? "Did you co.isi 1er that the eont* pany was receiving a valuable eoncei -ion when ? right to third track thete i "Undoubtedly," was the reply. Mr. McAncny added thai it wat not true that the company had received tht beet end of it. but ?aid that, as a ttei of fact, tha contract? gave . ad? ai tag? ai - termi to the citv. FOY SUED IN FILM TANGLE Comedian Spurned Si?.OUO Contract for Blval I irm, It it Aiieg?,l. In theae day of mo\ ie ? and talariei for itai for breach ntract brought yesterday I ? Woi Id Film ' "i ? any against Poy, the coniedian. is iu?l without in? terest. itlleee?! that Foy Fpurned r tract that called for a salary ??7' ? e the V < ??mp.iir.'V camera, and, im tead, ac : employment with the Keystone Film ?Corporation for |5,000 more. Foy'i aniwer is that h?. had no con? tract with the rt'orl?! Film Com] thai he wai merely in negotiation with ? aincern when tin more ... ir. tageoui offer earn? from the K?ij any. $200,000 SHORTAGE IN BRADLEY'S WAKE Police Hunt Teller Vanish tl with $3,000. It Is Said. A* leapt $.1,010 must have been ii Henry .S. Bradley'i puckets when he peered more than a week ac<>. rhe milling mail teller of the Mer? chants' National Bank took $700 in caiih from the inititution th" la t ?lay h- spent at work there. In addition, ?n tha ?amt day, ha received |2,300 from .? boukmaktr with whom h? placing bets. rtagt at the bank may rnnch ?00, it was stated yettcrday. The actual sum has not been determined - thi booki art being audited, and al-,o it is neeeiiary to call in certain checks to ettabliih whether they havt tamp? red with. Formal complaint againtt the teller tgittered by the bank at Police Headquarter! yttt? rday, ar<l to-day eireulara benring hi.? photograph will ! ? lent throughout the country. Pri dateetivei as well aa police of? ficial? are already looking for the man, and \?.hii?' tii'> d< "?'.'??' will r.ot ad? mit they have uncovered any cli'W? there is good re:;--"'. I o believe the net i. b<'tig drawn tighter each hour. Not only will the aCtna Accidenl and Liability Company be affected bj I rations, bat Lloydi as well. The fura h d 110,000 bond for Bradley and Lloydi bonds the bank for lit It appeari that Bradley hai been het itentiy on the races f??r mort than eighteen month?. C*ually he In* it ; ' . month in this i'ii .id it is paid more or less ?, Private detective?, havt [owed a bockmaker with whom Bradley did business and learned many facts about the ,n:.n. 3 NEW GATMAItl INDICTMENTS The April grant jury, which indicted f? r eompl r of Miel Gai ta aemoi mded ?town ?- T?. . ?uper ledii | ;. ? ? h Bromlini for sub of p? r jury. ar.d Brondinl ar?> the principal t . alleged "school . ," at 11 i wfc re ? . ?.- ? .1 to have been ? mony to be given ia murder tria n ? third ] Fal* - . ? '? .. ?.he testi at the trial of utidt-i death sen? tence at Sing 8 h . pers from < intfB pr' OH were sum?!. nliiy t?) take Rocco ale back I ico, the iweetheart f Prank ! ?.our and a half at the prison v< ta tell the Ditti " Itl ill he knew it "he (?aunan i She i????'.'? i ? ? a " to put . she ? ? be prison the i I any t?ik with Carnivale. ? i,? ii ? will be sent back to Clinton. PARK SLOPE INVESTME? New Clan? Reveal Cnu?ua' Ituil ?activity in Fifteenth V. 1 ? ha a aold the 1 - ???;' -.' h0U for Loui E Mel umiskey, who ?will ihi- ; nvestment. ? ? ? sv . Brooklyn, ' ? ? the Fifteen! ... ' enth av. pro. Imlt which Bi mard Kemi i er and Rang ? .if Av. I and * t.. I medial mi nt I TO HAVESTORE IN 57IIISTRE? The Lossee, Strasburg Inc., Were Onoosite ih? Plaza. - in 1 ? and noveltt? -, formerly lee -? n Manning A Tr-n k from tented by H the ?T'h sr. fron ?...-.. lOUth? corner of 57tl : rick Fox ??>? Co. have leased ?.. 102 -I I--? V ong term o it 22 Jacob I'.u.p. II; loft at 21 Weat ?flut to Mark Perlman; Wi * 31st it ti r Greenwo lofi si 13 West 88th st. to O ear M si -Jo West 39th st. to John Burgess Company; loft at 80 t? I ? bowitz; ? 17th st. to Samue Pi lln ? i i to 21 East 22d st Edward Goodman. S. Osg od Pell A Co. have the Tl npany the ?ti tor<. ?n. i he i 'i Idi ig nt the smith? corner of Broadway and 63d t. ' .. M. & !.. Hess, Inc., have leased tore and ba lement a' ! l Great Jo st t<> Jacob Schwartz; th? I ? 297 to 303 M cef -. * ? Gus Var. I. th loft at il-' and 117 :?' ira .v. Jacob Welnril V, lliam A. White ?- Sons have lea for s terra of years for Mrs. Mary Brandegee the store floor and two bs menta at 343 Broadway to Clark dealers In office furniture, n at 86 I ? J. G. White ?*?? Co. hive leased for S. Ely A Co. the ug mi Spring ?t. to M err i ara Segars, Inc.; for Goodi Perry A Dwight first loft 140 and ? !7th -' to Central Binding C for E, W. Browning third loft ? !'?-. * to Smolinaky A Go stein; for R, I.. Morrell part of nil ?..ft ITU t.. 17- Fourth av, to "The N York American"; for estate of E. Mo tyre office at B74 Broadway to Dreai Neckv 1 pany. RENTS CITY HOME OF N. J. WOMA Other Choice Apartment H ou Suites in Manhattan Re? ported Leased. Pease & E I ivt ranted fi : for Mrs. William Scot . V J., h?-r apartment i, in Park ave., between fi ta., '.. Mrs. Waldo Burt< Also leased in ?n\'> Park ave., at 6 st., an entire Ho r, comprising t apartments, to I. P. O'Connor M .r-; L J. Phillips & ;'o. have leas apartment- in the Wellsmore, Broa ? d 77th t.. to M. W. the Admaston, Broadway and B9th 1 1, ' er, and in Eue Id Ha Broadway and B6th st., to I>r. (1. ^ :'.? ikowitZ. Good? in A Goodwin I ave rented tl following apartmenta: In the Kin -7th st., to Frederii .1 ., ... Ici, Mark Lewis, Richman, Isldor Dreyfoss, Mrs. Stem, John B. Bogart; in Richmor Court, 8916 Broadway, to William 1 Gibson. John F. Reddy, John II. Stall berger, Harn Jacobe, Thomas P. t"ov ley, Morris lacobs, William F. Da V? James Clark, Da Witt Van Kueren, Mr Pollock. Albart Siegel, ( harl? ? 1; in the Kinj?'lal 616 West I87th st., to P. J. Kochiett Mrs. Nellie A- Taylor, Charles Oppei heimer, Jacob Leichter, C. Y. Hue William Jackson, Mi ? i' Rosan, Mr Alice L. Woodbridge; In Balmon -, to Isaa Latham, Mrs. Jennl Bloom, Samuel J. Waitzer, Mrs. ?. Alice Davis, Clinton Barrett, Mn I Luhr, Adolph Maren?, William ?. Al len, Mr?. Marie H. Thompson, ' ,? Philll ? E. box, Louis Davii Mrs. 'Mari.- II. Terry, Willlai 1 Moore; in the Alfredo, 8878 Broad- aj Dr A. Blame, E. Waldbridga, Joh II. BoBBong, Mrs. Hannah Peiser, Ben jamil V . llanta. James K. fey nolils, Herbert .:turr, Henry Karni-rc Rob? rt \ Boyle, Y. W. Winter. FREED TO SUPPORT FAMILY De-fetor Released "?>,, Matter ? Morality," Say? Ju*tu-e. matter of morality," sxplaiajei Justiei Schmue ??? in order of Francis Tws Ludlow Street Jail, win re he hn? ??? July '_' ?? ).,? -,- 'o ?cive a bail bond .1 .*. :1 suit While Twarduski wai 1 his wife and two children suf furni ngs o? their home wera mortgaged and th? .-r-.e I Mr-. 'I'-.-..?: : .rrant of dispossess for unpaid ? ? SheritT Grifenhagen a fe-v da ' and foo '? '. . Jail, also contributed. in iai'i Ludwig Pustet? and Herman i i.un and caused his arrest, .- ' ? . he judgment creditor-" ? nt to Pendant wa un i!de to pa\. Juatiec Schmuck ?aid: "The law is wronjf if ;*. - ii til ?,,,* ? him of di 1 r. if ?vhat both the law and nature intended : ? I I ncn It of jail, not so much aa a matter of law, but as a it atter of ? Country Rentals. I. Martin has leased the I 18 Httd on i'oun ty Boulevard. Town of Union, N. J., 1 term of >.-*r? to Martin Brooks. S. 0 Pell ? Co. hu-. 1 Hunt his property m , Greenwich, Conn., to ? has suhlet for WI. ? th? Arthur Y. Cosby hou? at Kcene I.ufie and Willow ? mere, L. I., to J. Maikham Mar ? ?hall. WITH WESTCHESTER BUYERS ' William VanH.nhtirR-r. I'urrhaaea Two Sraradale l'l?>ta. otea, Robert E. -. hit* sold two plots Vaadenburgh, a New York rea) estate mr.n. formerly 'iperatina in Rutherford, N. J., ?rha r-esJIsad 'he active marke*, m W 'estehester. '>n< of the piots la near the Haitsdal? Railroad Station and the Italian Sunken Gardens. On this ore. ths ne.? eta to erect a llw,0W resi The other plot eoawprisos Ml] ?-. and on thi? also Mr. Vaa? denburgh will build. Kuitene ./. I .- - rchitect, !s preparinK for ho*h I, J. P. F.nnera'i and P. J. Ryan I rtsold fur the Win.fernere Real Estate my iI'aniH II. Jack?on av. . Rocsjella Park, New Rochelle, a three storv twelve room ". with a ??araire, and about Th" bu\er is a Mr. Liebernun, a riient of J. Reynolds. ??.: company recently took the parcel in part payment for lower ittan properttea. M?-?-?r?. Kin- ' also arranifed that, transaction. Burki Stone. Inc., have gold two lot?, in Mohecaa Haighta to Louis Hajos,] who i h s residence to the ' r R? lervatlo i Mr. Hajo?, ? intends to erect a r?---i.???nce for hi own occupancy at once. ry Sugarman has sold for ! Charles V. une tour lots on Chaaal 100 feet -??.it of Oreen vale pi..1 Yon leers. The property mea?ures lOOx 1 I" rrrr;i:Inr. GETS TEMPORARY HOME Norria County Golf Club lease? Dwell? ing at Convent. Peaae ?t Elliman have leased for Mrs Max E. Schmidt her property at Madi son ave. and Confluid road, at Conven*. N. J., t.. t ,. Morns County (iolf Club . period of years. The house of the irolf club was recently destroyed by Bra and thi? property has been ?ecured t'tr use as a temporary club house. The dwelling faces the jrolf links snd ?hin easy a?.*--- of the present locker rooms and tennis courts. It la .?ne uf the most attractive houses in Convent section, and will lend it? self admirably to the needs of the club New Building' Plans. The Bninx. ISIST 8T. ? r rot I'Tta ??, for a 6 atjr l.rk te irat. p ,v , pr--?. ??eT?. ?;..: I'.r A , . :?.?.' -? arehf? I87TM ST. . - IS? i ?. aim t it far I t.rl.-k .-- It--. llrrn.1'-. Von I'. K i-i!., it imiier; A 1! Caluaet, nil ruHoii ll *A Sales at Auction. ? IN Till ll-i|)A*l \ At 11 Ve-ey it. H i il Masan HIVERSICE DRIVE It, I t, Sil B ef 1 I I > ? i ?>? art), ol. Mutual Ufa In? i asi " f. Iirwn. In.ltri.i and rxia: ads -. ? ? Hi J ??-!.'. 1* Da-, ?1TH ST, 21'' Watt, i t. 0-.' * of SIM Bad a? . ? I Il .s Msr-In et al. ??-.- . . IrattaM ?r ' a Staitrark et al; IjTH ST. | ..I r ? ?" ?(?' s * o? 2-1 a?. IS.Sll i ? tenml i; H Salterie? a.- Il B Mil-;. a. rtlfld i,- I a.iinr. rt al. m 'he plalii"IT li I ? '. a? . Bj II... : ? I6STH ST. Ill K. :. ?. P? 2 r WiHoji a? US l?ilf -"...o lOJ '.. : Ma ilwg; Aaaertiaa ? ?-. " KIBWI B?ait? Ci. et ... m II..'. 1. lu th. p ?.? [ft1 : - ?l.i'ii.i li^TH ST. Ill I || 1 .? Walten a?. UllSl 4 ?j". ?o ... J .t. dwgi .?me .(t aana; aataai :; n. Un p' detall ' .r <! .i r.? kmmk p n-y MORRIS AV. '.'.'*0. u ?. l?n ? ITBtn 'li?! ISSslM, . i. I Vas taaaaaa aft i.e..a si-i.i ?i ? i ... *.rr f. ? is.oii'j 1 ' ?il.? J I' ItMTH ST. tOS-tSI y.. ? i? Weh-ter a?. 1 i" ?i I \" n i ?? ' h ai I '.'? I .'. ?-: i r J..1 -, M I .' Ill : an ait .1 .1 ?Vllkln.?..!! et ai. t.- the plalnlilT ' r J7.i..'.i 11. 1!. rl-^rt A Sli. rman MARCY PL. il ? - il i - Orand l?riiletu.-.i ai..l f. Ill llir.Til ?. i al) d-aai - M Lia ei a.-t l. Ii t? aJiiall -t ?1. -o .1 lJ.--.-i Iiy Henry Tmo?f. .'EFFERSON AV. n w aot Ma-atfSfesa a?. ttaMSi A I- Powlei ..?? In.-il? Pllhanfel al al, to Hi? ? pialnilff fat M My OceiSB 1-: ? CROTOMA AV, ? ? 7.1 ? n lTrUSi it. i75if-0 3. ?a.-ant. H s Sniltli Jf* Th.? Uea?J e; ai, t?i th? plaintif ? ? 1. . ?-, lly Ja-a-aN 1. Weil? f.inpa- \ :i5TH st. ris ru t, ? a im ? ii.??i?n,i a?, ris .i. u Sa-dnaa liaak aal l'ate-tiia Bllaae ?? al. ? w pial itlff .'?i 11:,!")?) UNIONPOrtT RD. ? - lU.i t V^n Neat a? H Ij !.. In.llar siTlnn Dank act K I' ;.. -, ta ? ? ? : lai itts r la/ic .-%-. REAL ESTATE FOR SAIE OR TOI.Kl. I.O.M. IM.I.MI. SMALL FARM, .-. , ai...ut one hour Ironi city; and harbor; lion . iah; balan?a IIS monthly; j-ioii tula. It NORTH, 2*3 West 34th St., N. V. (iLARANTIiliD REAL ESTATE. H Miaa Pian lav We.nmrv liardeo guarautai laUafai tl to yur iia.?er. C. S. in HV? IN (.en Ver , We.tbar*/, L. I. StA\ JKKSKV. A.TTRA TtVat BAROAIKI IN itonnrtN on? (anil* h ? .k. nn.i i betes bnlldins lot? nt private aalc. a larif? number from which to a? THi; BANK I MO DEPARTMENT, STATE OF N :\v rORK, to quickly e|.,a? the Luel ' two . rporatlona, uff?ra th'a.' prop. *r*i ? at al.. ij- It ..f formet pri.-e? ara le n ?I ?t c.rantwo.,?!. Puilaad?, ii-re, and l.ei.n.i. Maw Jeraey (op. poolta ilraiiti? T..min. within t???nty-flv? minutes o? Manhattatv An Inape? tl.?n of tlieae pr.>p> rt'e? will rev thai th' sr? unusual t>ar ? Liberal t.rm? Tit.? i?utar?.ntr^ !'... icj free. for fuither d'tall?? und term?, a.ldreaa B1CNJ D. HAIOHT, Hperlal I'eputy r-upt. of Banka, ear? ,f Uapartmant, JJ ?roadway, N?w ?Tork ??"._ ? 'Il M H\ l'KIM'KMTY. Country Home M(?rmatlar If?? ta (raiparttv? k?y. .-r? Uat eotrn Bald Call ?ri-a No aeaota *??? 'otu.lry II. me S.-rilca SS W Jl.l at Tel. l?ail Ma.1 UXFl'RMSHEI) HOISES TO LET. 16 E??st 75th Street F'.ur <. i bttnm ajana Dwllln*. Ulli" for a term ?** ??ar? UBS,! fl.?.n . Krei |: door? l*lv??en I.?. l-at? r a> B!l<i .llnliif r . ? Mivri UN IMI-T ? 4)1.1.INK, ??rerlr, I I? tot JUU M. h RNISUEO ROOMS TO LET. ?.?km >ii?r. r.AIdiK liy.t.L Kl RN'Slli:ii ROOM; ??.'.leman. PrliaU ? in i ?-? a.Smanae red M It..? 114 i*i7"i .. iiev*?. ' .?? . ??^?~ma UNFURNISHED ?PARTMENT8TOLE1 -1 RIVERSIDE DRIVE. N. E. Car. iSStti Straat. THE SUTHERLAND 7 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS See the?? .'.?Ufl.tful Apar'mei U Lnw Ken ta I'.. aaaVl Ax. . t n. 1'ri-mlae?. .?r VAN NORDEN & WILSON, 1 U . .' -il'li ?'reel llliKMl I.II lit 1 III. UKON\. FORDHAM HOGNTS The West Bronx Mont Healthful and Attractive Community in Nrw York. YOUf? IDE?LS fiE?LiZED If You Live Here NEW APARTMENTS 3 to 7 Rooms. $20 to $60. ; Tran-.- H I ta I - - 'Wl 9* . la-fSa lard -." ?urf*. e . ar to . oui ?? 7? ?? Les Av?. I - Ford. - .n, Ifr.. i - i. - .. ??? . 1" lu '.i.ii.l < on tuuiaw. ' BUYS $400,000 BROADWAY LOFT Frank Brown, Purchaser, Gives 72d Street House in Part Payment OFT STRUCTURE HAS NO VACAN* Publicity League Incorporated to Boom State 1 Isla ? I Bl Place of Residence". The real estate mark I vtaterdt) by a purchi ; loft building, the incorporation i liland P ? ? another i hob!. ,,r-d many Other either ntTectinjt a chai | or ?ic to realty pr?. Frederick Brotvn bought the twelve utary lof! h?-.; itore bu way, runninj?; through ? I from a Mr. Thompbon. The b? ?*as held at MOO.OOO It is ? the yearly t??t.?l r'-n*al being ?bout |S4,000, In part payment Mr. Browr. gafe 17, West TJii 1110,000, which he '-.iifht. Taylor, Sherman 4 M Ott the transaction. To bonni Stuten [aland a* . reaidenct i- the : Publicity League, which ? day obtaineil a eel . ?OQ from Justice ('.-naian. The incorporatori mid that ' i in? tend to "collect, arrange ai ?data of 'ustorical 'in?l genei ' relating to Btat? m?)te the iatereeta el the Bereagt. of I.i' hrronil by co: lud publicity camp:. . trat .ig the merit- of th< itltl I abode." The incorp?. Maxwell Merry. ?CharI? Emil I. Bita, Grab im MrAdam Durur Suckert. The Columbia College l?MM 1 ? i ?lay is the four elling o2 West 51st ot . 1* .7.;.'"... teet. It was sol?! by Krank IV T..\inr !'??r I)r. D. N. Beataer to l'rof? i or ?leeeah Rohrer. Thi? is the fifth sale involv? ing a Columbia College ita?vi by Mr. Taylor in the last ta Alexander Selkio an.! .1 K Farrell have .sold for the ?entrai ! pany to Satru?M li. Steini 2.'?-'7 and HSS-ttM I . two torj sen la* fl ita, each on plot 40x100 feet, oet-wen 14??tli and i i"th ita The selling company acquired the houses a few iron'' William Edebohei has sohl to (,. Faisp the northwest corner of Pi av. an?! F tirnumr.t pi., t v.? ?'rame houses, on plot 50x100. S. (i. Katun was the broker. Paul Webber has sold for Katherine Reiehwein a two family br 22719 Chatterton av., on a lot - feet. The newly formed Wiliomette I'uil?! : int; Company, Harry C. Jacl dent, hai pureha?.?.! from Ab I Behaelder the plot, (0x106, on th? ?ide of Kelly nt, M feet north o? st. Work will be begun ., the construction of ;. I ?nent house.? The site r Ijein a two itory taxpayer at the comer o' l?'7th it. built last year by A. I ! Mr. Jackson is now cot apartment structure on Pi neOTT Southern Boulevard. 1 eilt deal complet. I the in'? of of a group ox tweaty-eight point acquired by Mr. Bchn? t'.'er.ty-f've years ago. Plant have been filed in the Tene? ment House Department by Ge??u Edward ilium, architcC-, for ? nine story apartment house at I0t-1M Baal 74th st., on a plot 71x102.2 feet, con taming two apartments on , The :'..;.,.;?' i to be treated m red brick and marble in a senii-Colotii..! chnracter. INK KMSHKIi tPABTHEN'TSTOLET : ? MODERN APARTMENTS P?rtsmoiih&Ha.mps???ke 38-50 We.t 9th St. : iiid I Rooms and Bath. hems Jmoo to 11.500. INVERNESS 200*210 Weit 57th St. Southwest Corner 7th Av. 7 and 8 Rooms and Batli. Exceptional!) Large R?ooini Fctits 11,250 to 13 MASON 6-12 Es.t 58th St. Adjoining ?.entra! Park Plaza. Desirable Apartments. 8 Rooms a:id Hath. Rents $l,60u to it, ? THEVERN0N 350 We.t 7l!t St. 8 Rooms and i'.i'Ai. Overlooking the HutfSOfl River. Rents HaOOO tO ?'.. HAVENCOURT 4241 Broadway Northwest Comer l?tOth St. j, 4 and 5 Rooms a:id Hath. Rents $360 to | CRUIKSHANK C9SPAM i ?W 141 Broadway HT.1T >tl>R. I? 73 WEST 92D ST. ~ fHIVATt H um BLOCK. 8 Large Rooma, $60.00 .^???..?i? KEMPE&CO! -"??" i ft* W- J'.* Si. art 7.1 ? l?t mrtet le ta* I??' ? gmtmaTaZi I Au*/???'?'? ??( 3-4'?-t a - RmiU ?ro? SJ1* f> tl.??H? prr unust. tttr SIDE. 550 PARK AVENUE, *& '. ; Booau A Ml H II, ?M II I lrr|?r.M?(, all ?until rl.?ji.,r. 142 EAST22DST. ? ? ?rui?.?l.nul* tu-MIMBjr. ttl llr.,?.t???y.