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JITNEY U-BOAT HAS TWO FATHERS Parker Claims Parentage of Pet of Ford's Inven? tive Dreams. DECLARES HE TOLD AUTO MAN OF PLAN "Who's Parker?" Asks Inventor Says Ntu Submarino Is Child of Mis Own Mind. The question nr.?e yesterday: Who is '?-her of the bah? suhrr.i. Henry F? rd. * obile maaufaetur ? ViessQ*, Salads & cooking .??I nour? ishing m batter ?,r 0*>v?' ail .-.( ?jajrtoai ??ojr^hird the r-eit 25 and 50 cent cnns *?**? T h '] rrt" t SI Fall md V longer, the effet ?IM-.!*-? at $3.50v.i$3.98. aWr T"" '-'?T* BUST?iiOBYS KETAN.08A GL?B 35th Street Known the world ever for cuisine and Parisian atmosphere. AMATEUR SOIREES I \ I 11*1 Ml,111 linn! lu bancirii Prizet tl Lunch, i ta anJ ?.uppe' Continuo?.?? Entertainment 1 I*. M. t., 2 A. M C /V.RPET J. & J. W. WILLIAMS - I87?. LEANING 3b3 W. 54th St. marines, terrible in their he v it child ? !' r ? brain wa ?chai I have el imbed : thon, ?? I and \\ ! ? Profei k?r?H mI I from H.itTlll "I never hrm.i o? him " At his ffice nt 120 Broadway, wh he hang ?k n ronsalt ?a? fnu "He ?>a\?.<? be D< \?'r I ? ? ? about that Ptrhap Mr. Ford ne? heard aboul Mo " ey. It of 1 ?r Cook, even of h l'oie. Almo?t ni ? el Mr, Fotd wai aware < ' ' a question Profeti ? . lent Hen Ford eai of the submersible mol i he h*?l : fl "My r i ? r o rked :' [ h me one i ?. ? ? lhat hete wn? the opportunity to n al eai ' mm an nmle secretary of M r. I '? ' ?i I b? ? ?hut "A thins ? ay to wi ' ; a** n c ? . ran you :? Professor 1 He ?. 11 ' ? y ? ? 1 h ti ire Mr. ?ho croiiit ?o himself f?n an Parker 1 - "I n< ? i. "an? furthermore, I luin received any let .. . h i r. I submei i I either did m; ?*? ne has al ready developed to the itate wh? re dia f it nave 1 I back of I ? "I merely have the idea It bei ptM? if the imai tubmarine. ! merelj n? .i it ??a* pos th th? of th? " navj ? Professor Park? ? ? j 1911. H? l 1910 ?i!.(l 1912 and is the au !!? : ? to reach lummit of Mount McKinley, the America. ? ne to which he 0 ?-ach. he said. Each carriel one for small torpedoes and r?n:s u surface of the "If Mr. Ford makes any ?.hum that mall Bubraa n working i enl to thf Amar* lean ? ' he is talking through his hat." whs Professor Parker'i positive aasc-rtion. Parker Tells Daniels Ford Seeks His Patent : mu ] Washington, Sept 24. Whether ".'.sh boat or "iitney submarine" mat* it? rschel C, Par 'r?-r, of New York, but he ini ? rolled h Ford. I : ? professor ha? a ritten a letter ? ,, Secretary Daniels complaininp the.t Ford il seeking to attach his nvontion to which he has blest ? n The I -o-man rine torpedo l?oat, h? lia own acinus, and II , gest? d it to Mr, Ford. Parker want.? to make a th?- invention to the Navy ?'men'. He his worked out the i for a or lays no claim to liav ? -? oi :, : i* i d the ", ll-on-a* : ??.;!" to th nquest ned. Why I Believe in the Motion Picture fill W. 11 Hodkinsort. U.S. Army Guarding the Mexican Border Paris Fashions ??Pathe Men and Events in News .^??* *???> Written from the screen btj Robert Hums. "Twas Ever Thus Current Week's Releases Motion Picture Mail with any Edition of ^i-f* The Evening Mail OUT TO-DAY "SUNSHINE" IN VA?SE TOOK DAHLIA FIRST PRIZE. HER FASHION SHOW WAS RUBBERY RUS? "?"irs. Fitzhugh, Held as Chard Thiof. Changed Costumes Six or Ei^h? limes a Day. When employes and sweats of th Holland H??u??. learned yesterday ths Mrs. Randolph Fitzhugh had been nr rested for robbing a devotos at SI Leo's, they had the answer to ;-? tion tmiip tin?) been able to ansv/S before. They kt... .-. WUJ lbs change. her costumes ?ox to oip:ht times a day. Since her arrival at the hotel 01 September 0 it h-?.d been her prictici to leave the house early in the morn inp. returning during the day at in Is of not mort- than two hours t< lly became known t< the more flippant a? the Kaleid The hotel management, however, hai yet to lean-, who the two prosperoui ring mi re that rushed to hei ? i pan y. Th?--. v.? re ? *.) pay otel, but it remains u;i irdered to quit -ht, and .?he turn 'yesterday for h Faili d to ;.i pear, however, and thi -fay eoatumi main. fh's npnrfietit? al Holland House wars expensive. She I with a moving ?.iciuro aetresf H?-r bills, according to ths hs hotel, had been al ptly paid, Sh? registered <>n mber '.'. Il ? . -.iik her ke> ;>t the hotel, Mrs. Fitzhugh always car? ried it with he', whan she went out, She was in this way able to move in and out of the hotel without exciting suspicion. According to Defective Beadle. Mr?. A. 0. Andrews, of Boston, who wai Staying at the Hotel Prince Georjre, wai Mrs, Fitzhtfj-rh's victim. At the Prince Georg? it was said yesterday that Mrs. Andrews had suddenly tone away, although she had expected to n some time. BERLIN OFFERS CENT MORE Renew? Bid for Million Bales of Cotton at It Ceuta. Wssl h gton, Sept. 2\. The proup o' German Rrmi whfch recently offered to , luy a million bah--? of American cet at IS rents s | ound if delivered in ed Senator Hok" ? thev are now willing to pay l-l cents. ? Arms have deposited ?v th the American Consulate in '? er the pur?!.; ..- price. I'> . nu n will ? <. however, w les-; some modification of the Bi ? Ish Orders in Council and contraband Blooms gttbl ;;. bj Mr*. C. II. Stout?one of hundred varieties at Natural I!' tory Show. GORGEOUS DAHLIAS BLOOM IN MUSEUM Commuters' Society Exhibits Flowers in Natural His torv Building. Moro than a hundred varieties of the dahlia are on exhihition at the Museum of Natural History, Seventy-seventh Street and Central Part West. The ? American Dahlia Society, composed of' ] commuters and their friends, opened its t.rst annual exhibition than yesterday afternoon and will continue it to Sun? day evening. For the host blooms a medal and cash prizes have been of? fered. Richard Vincent, jr., of White Marsh, | Md., ami Josepj? i. '. ane, of New York, organized tl t exl Ibii on Mr. Vincent i* ?presented b* more than 2.600 blos soms from his own mrm, arranged near the Seventy-seventh Steeet intr?nea as , a "welcome" arch. Mav Schling, of ?he American Horti? cultural Society, has twenty-five rare ; pecimens on exhibit, and will lecture on the decorative value of the dahlia. WHITMAN INDORSES PERKINS "Best Man for Place," He Raya?Moas Men Issue Wanting. Governor Whitman came out strong? ly in favor of District Attorney Perkins at the St. Regis last nicht, Indorsing him as "the best candidate for the of tiee." "When I appointed Mr. Perkins Dis? trict Attorney I believe.! him to be the in--* : - ? on. if Mr. emphasize that In wri ? ' ' >ik for ;? 1? tter I : om "My letter complimenting Mr. Mon for hit while in the District Atton ? was given him as others have bei , given under like conditions. He was leaving the ha ; ? 7??. i,i and over ?..Inch I wai the head. I naturally ?rave him a letter of indorsement." No comment wi bj the Gov? ernor on the act ? i'v of Mr. Moss's managers ? ? ? cry of fraud by sending out postearas with the fo "Th? Fra E Most League ii informad rapt will be made to ? .' - that guer? rillas will be used to write the name of Perkins on the primary ballot. All those who Intend t.? vote for Frank foi District Attorney should get to the polls early next Tuesday."1 SEEK APPRAISER'S OFFICE Hepresent.ilIve Adamson ??nd Cameron Morrison Montinnoci for 1'lare. I B uett i Washin?jrt< ? .-.-??? sor of the late ?Tudgl H. M. Somerville, of Ganoral Appraisers, in New York, n position which pays $y,nno a yeai till un appointed. and many men ure being ?-.???I !.' re s lates. Ca?aron Morrison, of ?Charlotte, N <"., was indorsad for th? pli i V ?la-, t<? Secretary M?sA ? over? man. Fn? nd tiv? Adam son, of Georgia, chairman of the Honse Committee ?m Interstate and r Commerce, are irfing him fot th place. Judge Adams?. ; had a confer? ence with ?he Pr?sident, Secretary Me* Adoo and Colonel K. M. House yester dny, which caused much speculation. Weiler for Governor. Baltimore, Sept. 14 Maryland Re? publicans met in convention here this afternoon to ratify the nominations of Ovinrftea E. Weiler for ?Soveraor, Rob? ert I?. Duer for State Controller, and' Albert A. Doub for State's Attorney ' General, and to adopt a platform. DUCHESS MUST PAY $44,492 (ounte-NS Dp I.lbrnn File?? Judi/mon Airainsi I(??r Mi.ther. A Judpment for ?.t|.4!'2 against th< Duche?* of Mecklenburg Schwer n am In favor of Counteas Victoire Louiai de Libran, her daughter, was filed it the officff of the County Clerk .!ny. The Judgment is the outt a suit brought by the children ol thi duchess In Ulster < lounl y for couniitifT of 'h" ? tata "t" Count Amede?' d<- Gasquel Jami husband of the Duchess of Mi 1 arg-Schwerin. 'I ha duel i husband i? the eousln of the Crown Prince of Prussia. Count de (;a.?.|U?t-Ji.nies died In 1904 ? leaving his American estate to hi I dri-77. d ' hey wars ui : obtain an seeounting from their mothei ???ok the matter into court. i ountess ?le Gasquel was Miss Eliza beth Tibbetts of New York. Hei ! first husband ?vas n papal nobleman. She vas married to the Prussian dukr ?i 19U. In 1913 her husband, who was many year? th.. junior of his ? the solicitation of the Emperor, it was ,-itd, bep-an proceedings in Paris to an? nul the marriage. Hie Am irlcai t ?s fought th? ths French SUBWAY SCARE STARTLES BROK Collapse Rumored as Beams Drop in Cut Two Slightly Hurl. PERKINS TO INQUIRE INTO ( VA. TODA fifty Witnessei to Appear Bt fore Feinberg .V:cCa!? State? . ment Dim Net Week. When en excited workman climb' out of a ? ? in East I'.*'i S're.H. near Alr-xand? Avenu?, -, and criod, "Th" v.! !?? gang's a report !?'?, m t.. 11.- Hronx th'tt the Seventh \ ! shori.' :,' eoHi ? ? h . . with terrible lo "How man?; ai d< ? man Allirein. of the Walton ! station house, who ha,! rung in . j for ambulance?, from Lineoln Hi "They're all k; 11**??! every ?? i them." insisted the workman, as h< collapsed near th- ! Ig hol I rig engini operated by Sultaer & Chaml n . (nc contractors building the LbSUOI ?ubway extension through Esst 13811 1 Street. Otttslda of a small-sissd panic then was, however, no repetition of the sub ' sray cave-in that earrled six persons t< their doD'h Wednesday morning. "n< ambulance ???.. enough to take care ol George Carl, thirty-eight yean old, ol 1347 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, who h;u; received bruiaea an I n dislocated ankle and John Bally, fortj -seven, of 8H Greenwich Street, Brookyn, who had a severe ?calp wound. Tin y were in? jured by a mishap in Iowerit'.g steel girders down Into the excavation. Althou-rh Sultzor ifc ?hambre refused to make any si.ii dent, eye-witnesses Of what occurred above ?round afterward say thei no explosion, no I no collapse of shoring. It is estimated twenty-ttve men were working fifty feet below the planking when thr?*.? ?pans of broke away from th" hoi?ting crane and fi'll into tho excavation. 11. Horsl),-, a Htationpr and notary public, who keeps a store .: Ml EaTi* Street, law l -.?; released from an iron huck ihnt **?a? pinnintr I He thinks Baila*/ ellmbed oal of th? san 'hir-l ? ?. as k< was taki-n to u barl sr h"P *' 151 I t, He we7it horn? a ? as he rocoveiid h. - s? Bsaa No o!'i--ial report of the ?icriilnnt wai of the foremen said, beca'i" the Invest Igatl? n h"?i been I . . r? ..f th? Pub ' ist ? fore that I Its meetit ? ??ta ? " ' ' ne in ? cldent is progr? pire.? of tl imploy? ' i lie hearing w.l! be taken ?,p .?? as a report to I Mr. M i "The l- ? will i 'm?' "arly and will b? baa ! ?? all the it! no 1 Mr. ? . Charles a l' ? Avonu . . ? ?f. de }' Paraon? com? i of the a--" ? will hrp'-i ? ? o'clock ' ? rtaed. First Move for Damages for Subway Cave-?n T?ie Brsl move to recover damages njuries snlTeri 77.. Dollar n,nn.r wi,h Win^ Alii n la ,?,1, '''' ' fOT, ttnte n cup of tea s ith me ?t thatwswia, Fifth ! --nur l'r,l?,lrrl?,9 ?^ MmtUii?ih -? .. i A \J ftAtlM ^??ST aTM mad? |aj rday by rm "ee? * * iir. oporjto* 1 tured ?rm. s>? be appelai ???.ugh whom ib? ? Heslty s?i*l ? '?'. whieh bi *?v work whsr? This mo?? wai because Miss Baron t?. and not ft' . .ui to bring sn sction In h? NO AL?M-EO PHOSPHATE Made ?rom Cream of Tartar Absolutely Pure ON TEE WAR In America there are several millions of the "little subject-peoples" of Russia, Austria, and Germany such as the Ruthcnians, Lithuanians, Finns, Polqs, Czechs, Slovaks, Slovenes, Croats, Serbs, Syrians, and Armenians. Opprest and inarticulate at home, they have in free America a chance to speak out boldly. The Editors of THE LITERARY DIGEST recently wrote to the Editors of the foreign language papers published in America, representing these races, asking them fiankly to express upon which side their sympathies rested in the present war. The result of this poll, which marks an exclusive and intensely interesting phase of the war-news, is published in THE LITERARY DIGEST for September 25th. Do not, by any means, miss reading it. A few of the other articles of importance: Uncle Sam: Pawnbroker to the Nations of the Earth or, Accommodating the Allies With a Billion j As Dr. Dumba's Compatriots See Him Exploring Insanity's Border-Land A Long "Shorf'-Ballot fer New York A YacLt on Wheels The Navy's Science Board Taking the War "Humorously" After the Russian Retreat, What? A Turncoat Son of Britain How to Study What the Women Can Do A Feast of Cartoons, Photographs, Helpful Maps, Etc. These articles by no means represent all of the good things in the September 25th issue of the "Digest." Hie enormous increase in the number of readers during the past twelve months?a total now of nearly a million-and-a-half of the men and women in America who represent all that is best in public and private life?testifies eloquently to the place which this indispensable weekly occupies. PARENTS:?Help Your Boy and Girl Make Good in School and afterwards by giving them access now to this great national weekly which so many of their successful elders are reading and thriving on mentally. It will prepare them and arm them for the conilict of life, as nothing else will. Get the September 25th Number Now from the News Dealer?!0 Cents FL'N'K Ac WAGNALLS COMPANY (PuhlUhers of the Famous NEW aStandard Dictionary). NFaW YORK.