Newspaper Page Text
GUARANTEE Your Money Back If You Want It. ?.re Editorial Pajre, Kir?! Column. Nm loth ?Mount WEATHER r\iR ?si? < ?K.i i h i?. i>\. . rniin IM i I \li: -TO MM-HI?'-?? ? ralerilu?'? 1 ?m|>?r .fur?. M 4 < ' I ?'?ill r?|,H>rt ?in I*??' S First to Last the I ruth : !\eujs ? Editorials ? Advertisements Vo| | \W X? 23.152. | Cop? rich) ISia ii? 11 ? i rlbgne v..,,, :.,n,,n i M<>M).U . SEPTKMRKB 27, 1913. ?? ? ? 1111 i / ? L* M V I?' I ' I?' V T '" ( " ' "' N**1 * "fU s*""rl1 ?'"?"?? ' ?' - ?"-i ii??????-???. SUBWAY CAVE-IN SHOWS WIDE PUBLIC MENACE; MANY STREETS CLOSED Decaying Mica New Obstacle in Tube Construction EXPERTS CALLED TO FIND REMEDY Mayor and Public Service Board Demand Stronger Bracing ??t Crossings. pi \RMORI ACCIDENTS Hca?\ Traffic Stopped in oadway and Othei l horoughfares. ? Sstur ? : by other ksic nature, .??Aay. en for The ? ealed an 'resh :ion. En mmoned from f4r <v ' ie expert?? ? ? n in ". vhel -? Com flfc snd thai .1 cross bracing, Transverse, be traffic is resumed. The ethods of trying to iocate such as the rot pr, knocked over >rting the Broadway, 7 and Thirty stisfactory 'kat a ? cave-] ?: m of the , iction has ? mod] In Si?;ht. many mile M who were ? . ? ???.,;. ? ;ting ?very of feguards. ? that the Ms the investi- , ? ) not havp as ? il*-y person . ??.struct ion. The : re. of these in g full traffic on torod eci\ rnmj ? irch for methods r> fun truc ti oi ? 1 o'clock He.idq'iarteri tl the various ?raj- work is in ads as foi? st * the nassape of . trueki wcifrh ? .ver and of all hoav ? ? ?rucks on th cut-and cover *or'1 ' nst ruction where r..rn Bride? I'iace; ****** ? ? ? enth ? ?eenth Is of Twen '*" south side ? ? it,, of Bo? ..??; Canal ? i eh?! ' Bfoadv ..... ?venth Ave ? *nth An ? ?.. to \ine. Avenue. ! ? /rth * ? A?. brtg th to Twelfth Street ??/?nth A\e ?ninth Street, from Fifth to ?th Arenue ?J*j*' teeon? Street. ??,-?? | . ( from K Ifty second ?Voir, ? i?. Willi! \venue. tm*****s* *?? ?H? ?. talumut B BROADWAY STILL TIED UP rh?*M Mreelear linea ?rill n??t be running ((mUj : l?mad-a\, fr?im Thirty-third t?? Fort} ??muH Street; Se?rnth \?e nue, Imm Twent\-*c< ?md t.i T?en t>-ninth Street. .?????rding to I rank Helle?, gen? eral manager, ?hi? toll,?? mit Imp?, ??riiiuM ho in operation h\ s o'clock thl? morning: r.ighth. Fourteenth and Thirty-fourth Street rroaatown line? and the Siith A-enue line. ilu? I ??flit? third Street lino lied? lo? h??pe? ?ill he in operation by 10 o'clock. LAYS 287 EGGS IN 330 DAYS White Leghorn Eatabllahea No?? World's Record at No??arl?. Hoi. ? | * world's rocoic. ,.r egg laying competi? tions wu ?atabliahed ?.?? day. when ?ady : ? white Legffbrn, laid ?1 ? i Dela? ware ?agricultural Experi ment-?: Station, Newark, Del Lad? - conteating in the fourth aniMik . under the I a new apa] it previo?.)? ri?'erci was 286 egg' day?, rnaile The now champion ?s an Amer can hen bred from a-i!:sh ?trn the Eglantine Farms, Greensboro, Md. 1.138 forty-aaven week?. ? SEVEN MORE VAMPS MOVE TO PRISON Join Comrades Charged with Starting Fires in Hartsd?le to liven Things Up. From all accounts the Hartsdale vol - Are laddies are reg'jliir heroes. But the lur? ?'lmet carried them too far. The four of their number who have lai ; since Saturday night ci a charge of arson were? last night by seven more. They all tell the ?>nn?e story of how their manly bosom! ? I? i and thrilled when they tore down fhe street in their bright, shiny, new motor en? gine to a '?? ley are have con^sse?! the '?;? ? keep thine? mov ng. they i ting ? ires. I ? - they admitted they us I cards ?., ^cr. who would "do the W h ??? would P?"?p the valiant volunteers from re engine barn and thunder otr to the blaze. Arid when the Hartsdale - would gather on the corner and exclaim, "dh. look quick, then G? >?'. l",i 't look grand! on the hose cart seemed f?? I Bui the good old days ended ? bang ? ? . D?putj Sherifl loi Moore, of Hartsdale, heard of the in? nocent little practices that him mighty like arson. Ha ? where Chester Sheatl ?..en arrested Sat urdir a ..,.-?. Irt in The mon arrest? aj Me Joe ()'('onn<?r a- Sam? uel und Frank 1 . : Kus ??ell. Ellsworth Hopkin Nich im twenty nd nil are mem? bers of the H;.' ? iJepartmc; I SNAKE EATS GLASS EGGS F.nler? h> h not hole, but After Meal la T??.. I at ;.?i Out. ii r? a h ich In th? generously top of fai m ? ?-ii r Frederick ? ' those hit i ?i before he ? . ; bj way of a knothole, bu1 ? ? by the same route . . protrud? ?i so far t hut go through the ?,kc was captured, but ._- taken oui HAYTIANS WOUND AMERICAN SOLDIERS Forty Rebels Killed in i lash After Refusal to Disarm ? ?pe Hayticn, Sept 26. In an attack to day by Haytii ? ???? Ameri? can force about two m'.Un from Cape Haytien forty natives ?-ere killed and ten American? were wounded The ?refused to d -aim. and the Americans m?' marching on Hatft du < ap, >? ' *??? n?rth. Burglars Lose $50 on Job Burglars cut I . ' '??** ????>' lurhts of the Irving hut store, at l?7? lhird Avei.ue, lowered themrfelve? by t, rop? rand took $25 from a small safe. They left * sat '>f Uif/lar's tool? worth $7b. CALIFORNIA $94.50 round trip Lahlgh Valley Railroad. ...... ,,,, ?lack I'lumord overa Look'. ' - . .?..?? kU\ IS? C_.ur._i 01,-Advt, S?FFRAGE ARM IN BOSTON FEE] SURE OF VICTO! Votes ?or Women Ci paigners Refuse to L Huh Be Apathetic. FROM BASFBALI. PA1 TO SFA FLAGS I Hint-birds Chirp for Suffrage Happiness Merchants \sk to "Blot Out Antis." ? . i Bj EMM \ Bl GBEE. ' >n, Sept. 2?. The I ' ? . ? , i t in the he; every ? or to the Fenway Park, where the world se l>n?--eha'.l panics an ayed, tl words ?hey are very prou ; Indi York s:?tei?. doo rs, would better keep ? pure yellow of ? : doorwi ? ? sde." "Sure "Why sh< ? I do hear Bl do eve: and musicians nid elf ? ? ? ? I they ought of the^e foreignei the langoaj N???? EafUnd rir-od Chilly. (he hotel I pulse of Bouton, i ?he squji esmen alma lerk. "We ? her?. Me? Oh, I I probably won't "How am 1 , - ' te?" nnothi "Oh, I don't ? wife." "Don't tTilk to me. I've | ' ': ? that ! ? or them ?" "( ?h, that'? somethn . said 1 Nur i ? ? In tl ? them all. "They'r. tien'. ? man I'd ?ay ' ? women don't ?? ?vif? doesn't, and 1 don't kno? any women who do except those co lejre women wh one man in th? 1 ook out 1 R heard u?- Hers I Antis I'ediile Plait Slip He came ? thin, dink "Any man who ? emai ked, away. Th.- wai with i ? ? d her th ] ?id. "1 told her certainly I ? ? ? I ? ? Octol o? Hostoi who i "Boston women ore in the world. If enough I md I they . ' It." \\ it M, Mu store, Booster. . . ? MiMhm.i?. business managet ai ? tion. '!?? should b< ? optim ' i. ? : a ' hi merry whirl illness in hit e-flta Ifostorday there were fifty women .? **e, addressing tneelopes, -rutting pre?? clippings, checking op registered voter? who have declared themsclve? for or Bgminst the CSUSS, comma' ing **? street meetings, or ? pam? phlets to eonfo Uul'ourJ pu ?age ', caaltliaa * OPERA ST?DEN KILLS FIANCEI THEN HIMSE Jealous Westerner She Pearl Palmer in Boan ?ng House. SHE WAS TO APPEAI IN "PRINCESS P/ Dead Man Was Said To .Member ?if Wealthy (hi* cago Family. ? ? I y wounded Miss ,\ ; ? ? r. who he Cort Th? it." andthei ? i at : ' U . ? Seve ? name ? the Polycl ek thi morning, ? ? her hi I he was then I era Miss Pali ? ' . und there ? ?vedding as soon as 'I : '., W. V, . 11n i n the ? ? -i ?Mr, an ? mth ago '.' tour. 1 : ltd end a AM throi oded, ami c feared pirl no ed for him. Last night he had just finished a hear?nl with Houston when M ? ?-? in. \V. \Y. Armour, ala? . who lives at 2\ West Thirti? ere Heckl? is prest ? ? Heckler greeted the girl atToctiona hour regardi with Eleanoi Painter, the --tar Palmer ?a nervous, H ou HI o'clo .. ng ??? n tire. im, on t : that s have ? bottle "r ale before she retir? I et the ale a I I] ? oor, and did not hear He<? landing ? and West Et ? house Mi \ ippeared ? Koenig darted ra, f?uir door locked ai forced ' Palmer was lyii ? th? ? "'r Shi- was in h? nightgown, and there were two woun? de of her head. Heckle ad, lay hu?l?U? I n.? bottle of ni?' ?v: iched. Ighl that when Heckl. ?vom with the : ! rom the po I found Coroni re inclined ' ? n? ?.m?'? trj ?ng t?> roach th ? r opened - a> -? CAR RAMS "L" POST; 4 HUR' Opon Switch Throws Trolley Off Trad ( .ui-ing Panic. man were in ju red and ? others badl . south bound Broadway and Columbus Avenu . juipp? i the tiucK in frun ? car linrn~. at Fifty-fourth \ j?', and crashed into i ted 1 n : ! roti.i. 1 he ac ? i '?? an open sa I ,? ; .i wi'ie taken to th? lini? Hospital, are Mr-,. Mar; . Harriet 231 Antii? l.uilf ?Vvenue; Mrs \\,.. ' tree! KILLED SITTING IN HOME "V <?u1 h Hit b? Shot ?inning 1 hnmgh Kear N lado??Texan Wanted. chauf ?. \? a - ?-head yesterday by an through u: lie di< ? ? Morison ES ?go : If Smith owes Messrs. Jones, it's bookkeeping. If one nation owes another, it's hnance. and to the ordi? nary man thai means a ma/e ol complexities. Francis If. Hirst I ditOI ol the Lon?l> imist" is tabling to The Tribune regularly articles which do much to make simple the cardinal features of present day international finance. One of his cables is on Page 10 to-day. ?The ?Tribuni* ? ?? ?im ihr Trntk Sm.s? Edttsrials?Advertitnnentt Allies Smash 20-Mile Front; Capture 20,000 in Trenches; Great Drive Still Unchecked BULGARIA DENIE MOBILIZATION MEANS ATTA, London Feels. Howev That She Has Aggressi Designs on Serbia. GREECE TO STAND WITH HER ALI Joint Military Action with I tente Powers Wilt Follow Ri gar Attack on Serbia. London, Sept. ZS Th" sil the Balkans at-.l ? mi of I ?iiileriii the central powei the Entente power? I ni oh i',;.- ? fd in ? ? character 'I he Bui) ? ?. '?1 i:.. losl off, in an inl respondent of the Ber worthy that mania he omitted Serb which Ma'e ' lered to the ir.tcntion of the Bulgarian cove ment in their effort to regain Ma donia. Such an attack, it i* pointed o would bring i '?le of i ally, and, as in the laat Balkan w . Serbia and poseibly would he found opposed to Rulgar Rumania has airead? mobilized, a Greece is takint; similar action. T concluaion, therefore, ha? been ?Ira? least, feai garia has s| dei gns, if t agaii ? bia, Bulgarians Mobtllltng Slowly. Mobilization of the Bdigarian err is reported to be : .- in an a mirable manner. The railway autho ities have even been able to furn; some cars for the ?r?' beets and co The mobilised troops are well cloth? ns and v. es: ? shoes. I' is expected the army will l ready to tal ? day-., bu' II is evident that mol is being can no great h rt M. Veanitch, the Serbian Ministor t Franc??, in an Interview printed in th "Temps" anil made public here to-da; says the Bulgarian mobilization ? si n lurpri ?? to bin, as it wai well know I . rith Balkan al Bulgaria hud be? i with T?rke) ai I I since 1913. Asked whether 8erlua was justifie in hi - si the of Gi the Serbo-1 ireek I real of alliance. M Veanitch having sa ?i : "Greece Is certainly not dispoi a?i"|it the ',. pap? r1 th? the German Imperial ' banc llor, i'r von Bethmann-Hollweg. "How COOld uny one," the M asked, "serious! i they are i, lea i?id from ''? ? gagementa with ui simply beca'. Bulgarians, in their aggression, an supported bj the ( lern iif not unaware that the u? promised Bulgiii Ionia including Ravala and Salonika, bul i ??; |ai* of ?Altai \ i? tor\ for Voni/?'!??s A dispatch from Athens .-?It of the kaleidoscopic i><? litica i ii gi (irei ? lered here ? ictoi y ' ? ' of the of alliance between Greece t?n?l al-i. event of ? I morrow il d, the I ? ? w 11 h .????n. will ' ? cheering of the (ir. si of the K II. El ?iot, .'.?-?.. n Sat Rpon which ? ike. BERLIN ADMITS GAINS BY THE ALLIES IN CHAMPAGNE AND ARTOIS BATTLES Berlin. Sep*.. 26.?The official communication issued by the War Office to-night says: i he battles in the continuation of the British and French offensive, which had been prepared for for months, have progressed without bring ing our assailants considerably nearer to their aim Or*, the coast also British warships have attempted to interfere by their fire, especially on Zeebrugge. but without result. In the sector of Ypres the enemy suffered heavy losses and had no success Southwest of Lille the enemy succeeded in repulsing one of our divisions near Leos from its advance line of defence to its second line. Naturally, we had considerable losses, including material of all kinds inclosed between the two positions. A counter attack is progressing favorably. We voluntarily evacuated the ruins of the village of Souci.-z. Other attacks on this front were easily repulsed, at several points with the heaviest of losses for the enemy. The Wth Regiment of Lsndwehr especially distinguished itself. This is the same r?giment which sustained the principal attack north of Neuville, in May. In the struggles between Kheims and the Argonne. north cf Perthes. one German division was obliged to evacuate its advanced position by a bombardment for seventy hours and retire to its second position, situ? ated from two to three kilometres (1.24 to 1.86 miles) behind the first. However, all attempts to break ?hrough failed. LOAN ASSURED; ALLIES' BANKERS OFF TO CHICAGi Final Obstacles Uearc and Formal Notice Is Now Awaited. The Anglo-French financial missi and th?' American bankers *h?> ha been sri Ith them for the floi tien m this co.jntry of a 1500,000?. loan for Un Allie.? have, ufle- V weeks ol in, come to practical understanding, To - of the mission, including t chairman, Lord Heading, will ko Chicago "to meet some of the leadi atTnirs from other great ce Bl was announced la?t nigi They will b" accompanied hy a mer ber of the Morgan firm probably Hen P. I>;r. The real ol ?! *. i?it to Ck the loan and to m il ? the Western banker?- that thi is in no sense an Eastern or a Ml rgs on. The co opera)?on of tl country is being sought for tl double purpose of insuring the ?ucee? ful ale of the notes and of impress'.!', ugh the banking repi upon th he half-billion-dolli credit ? prosperity of Arnei ? ?port 11ade depends. ????1 that the mission wi not remain in < hicagO for I ti.r three day-. In well informe banking qui : I ml of th ? likely to be n i laj or Fr day. The loan will be for ?...00.nno.nii0 an ? offered to investor? slightly jnder par. The lyndicate >< rig tirms and bond house ?' tionsl d of ! pe cent, though that ;?' nut yet l he term of the noti ? ill be co bondi at maturity, whicl ? ?' ? lure to a,*: ??? on I : ? i d to de Ian. ? tion wh there lien i-} Bab Smith, Basil P. Bla - Ernei ? ? llenrj ? ?| \! Th?- n ' night would not dii plant ? ? ? ? ? I Biltmore: *??? our tim? ? VV? 1 ' . morrow foi uo. "We have . pleas? lire for CO' 7 ? interest.? ..:??? ? m 'A??i be I ?'.in: ? rest Britain ami the removal ?? impedimi instabilit> in the rate of exchange." The la?t obsts . wsj of an ?..???mer", with the Kastern banker? i? uiidemtood to have be.T reachul at a meeting in the Morgan library late Saturd-Sj of th? Anglo-French there, the conference h**'r.i,- .?ding -Eastern han* *? of 'he Morgan Arm. ? d word ? ? ? hat time that the govern meats liad ted 'he terms of the American banker? m aubmitted to them by the minion, t. _ BRITISH WAR BOARD NAMED BY ASQUITH Committee i f ( abinet to Con* trol Military Policv. London, Sept. 27. Premier A it is announced, has appointed ? pec ?al committee of ?be i ?ab charci'd with general oversight of th? The committee, which la composed nt the Premier, lord Kitchener. . Lloyd Ccoreo, Arthur J. Halfour. St Edward Grey, Lord Lenadown?, An? drew Bonar Law and Winston Spencer ?"hurchill. will .. irt of ceeu tive committee, absorbing the functions of 'he Cabinet's Dardanelles commit? tee. DR. BLAKE FINALLY WINS HIS RELEASE Executive Committee of Ameri can Hospital in Paris Capitulate?.. ?! ? . ill, | pt. I.'"?. After a l??i? i the executive committee, during which several members gave in their nations, the American Hospital I capitulated to Dr. B!ak?\ and w turn a letter t?? the Minister Of ?*? ? ing him from all obligations t?> the American Institution! and thus re moving the last obstacle to his charge of Lady Johnstone's Kis Ol tal. I lie interven' .1 Sharp was necessary before this coul I be accomplished, for the com? ?vith the resignal ion? ? t other surgeons, made a ?. eep I ? i- Blake in the Am? Hospital. After the receipt of Dr. Blake's ultimatum Thursday several members of the executive board ?I that the Minister of War still ted Dr Blake released by th ? N'euilly institution before if permit him to go to Ku Orangis. They : t?> refuse the ultimatum, ? fusing to give him a letter O' r?- ? Then Ambus^ador Sharp intervene?!, and asked Lawrence V. Bane! tter . .- rh? m mitte? m? ? not until several m? ? who insisted that th?- only digi letter hail backed Up the demands by Offering their ? ? split In two. ? ^nations 11 drawn and the executive eommitt? :.tact. The letter eo i condition ?i. ?? l" Blake -hail i ? . .?. Hoapita with him. SCHWAB SECURES BALDWIN WORKS With du Pont Interests, Said to Have Bought locomotive Plant. Philad? Iph h. Sept 26. Coatr? th? Baldwin Locomot re Works in this city has tie? ?i obtained by Charles M Schwab, of ? SU ??! Com? pany, arid the du Pool Powder inter to ?i pan ? euth? night. i .? i i,i. eat, it wa said, had been secured b) ;< purchase of the majoi u the open mai ' irding to could not be confirmed to-night, the locomo? tive ???.!??. ?vill be relncorporated und .-rteu into a plant for the manu? facture of war munition?, ruilioad e?|uipmeni and general ?teel product* lociation with the Bethlehen pan). Alb.? B. Johnson, president of the > a eoncern, admitted lust week lieavy huyiiig of eampanv'a stock in the open tuas? a it ?'.eel-red that he had no means of detent innig whom the purchasers .-.present? d. ?__-? CZAR PLANS NEW WAR TAX Propose? lo \tmem All Person? ?Hh of More then I27.6. Petrocrsd, ?ep' <M The Russisn government, in addition |o the war tax imponed on persons who are exempt | from military service, propose? to im a new general war tax o' | per con' ?m all persons whose incomes ex? ceed 500 rubles .J2W>. French Win 15 Miles of Fortifications in Champagne BRITISH SEilZR 5-MILE LINT; Rout Foe at La Bassee? Kaiser I oses Forts Above Arras. BERLIN ADMITS L?SS Belgians Claim fiain on Ysrr -.rtilter) l ?-\ois More Enemy Positions. km, Sept. 2?. sitions which the German ???raid?-, th? armit a front ol ing in depth up - half mile.?-. Two da) ?ive in th** positii mpegne n and north ? the invaders' lin? .'it,.:' the Km troops taken prisoi ? ? . Of the ? and wounded there i no e?tima< ? and French ai . . bombard? p tions on the and Niearj For several weeks Bi French artillery have been rxHUtding, fiercely and conl i man line. The forward m ? ? ?af the infantry beg i ink*, when I threw th?-" man trenches, in which. I I U red and torn by hea? 5 ihell Germans waited, having li ed the onslaught. Much of the ti/wrhtr close range, hand to han<l encounter ing carried from trench ' Th.? heav; pour forth tiles, while a? iators took I the (?rin?r, and gaged in innume French Lain in ? hampanrne. The French, uno hare the mosl portant gain tot chief onset agaii i Perthea, R< ? rabie und. irday'i atta ? them ; they ' m the Gei . the battle of the Mi According to th.- French it- I, th? Germane were drirei trenches over a fi of a mile to t> and a half a I rench :r: ? 12,000 priaonen The imp? c? n the fact that ?very yard of ?.' taken in th.? region ? ? man position si ?a/hich making saj further edi -iiirhet Taken On.-e More. rinth" I ear? lier hi?.i built nrhat th< I This attack was made in co-op?r with the .10 attack? " iide of !.. ' ?nul. The attack to the ?outh of the cana! r ield Marsha! Sir John Fr? a complete miles in width atul about four -and yard? in depth ?rere 'aken at thi? Th:? push forward girei of *ri?* road from Leni t?> La Kaasie, which was used by the (?er man?? for moving troop? and ?up* lie? north ami south, and threaten? to out? flank the German troop? which hold the town of I.en?. Allie? Muir On Lille. Hill No. 70. one ot the po? j taken on the road, i? less than a mile directly i orth of Len?. wh i which al?o fell int.. the hand? of th? 1 Britieh, 1? at the end of the road near La Ba???e. It Is only twelv? m le? j from Hulluch to Lille, the capital of j Northern Franc? North of the canal th? British, si? ' f' U^-ht I 4 and had to fall hack to the Irenche? j whi?'* ? mornmf. I The attack, however, acouipluhed one purpose, aa, according to Field Marshal