Newspaper Page Text
LOOK TO ROOT AS CANDIDATE (^publican ! caders Can ' v$s$\ng Field for 1016 (Nominees. F\pECT WILSON T0 BF RENOMINATED 5 Burton and Week- \lso ?s Strong ? ?bilitics. ? '-'. ? the b;jf r . ?B! ce? r rryitalli^cd OSS. The IS s1 onsl ? '-ntions ? prominent in i Ing of the inter adi nting both 1 REsoi ra ?? ^ [September dol? at Its Best | Mint h ?--ter-in-trie-Mountains, VI ?MOM ?v C.j'r OP^N UNTIL NOVEMBER R ..I ?IK? ' Hotel THELORRAINE?IIt?S AUTUMN GOLF At Stockbrid^e, Mass. Red Lion Inn?Heaton Hall. ??[ u?D'V> RfSOH MOTtl Of TNf WORIO ATI.AN I !< I II V V. .1. gayac? - ?? e vimiii mt ydSi?w . QMS COMPANY LAUREL HOUSE EWOOO, N I Fti, VrSatrr end 5prin| Resort jRtlAKbWOOD.NJ. ^s?r? atageeber-g. Mcr. K A I .'? ( ) K t AtUntlel Its WANTED. FaiLb'.ea. ITTSACTITl IftlAfl WOMAN dealre. .??rticn ,- retar] M <"iup?n ,-r. w:ll:n? la I ."-i ' locate ua.n from N'W InrU; ?rrll i yimil tiBlh; i.i ea; in..,lernte aal k'* ki|^,ir , .. *,*, Boa I" I m* DOMESTK SITIATIOXS WAM'i.I). Male. Mirr.-d; ???. ? If.. . - - ?.. -.? s , ,, . . . ? wlji rxearr.t ?>ar?. Biur.f*. ? ? ireia F., ? ?'?? ' ' .K , , i "** ;- ? - Female. - ?? 1 I j. ' u*f. It, Ea-- (j ? leer '"' ' ' ? *. Weal ? ? ? ' to - ? ? ? . ? A. i. . i l.l 'linea ? *. - 4 . .. I ? a i 1 '" aSaM^X " "' " ji , ! ' * '' " ?? '? refen * . . ? "i ii. - . ? ' S?J*"- hi ?? ' U% ? "**-**? ail Waat Cd at. . esss, ai ?how*; will ;it?o be th?' seamen's law, thsn SB| other ??hat ? ?he quest!? . ? i,| defence ho the ?ul'irct which ? I . . ,iu?r.| . . ore ?.n r pi DMaoerata Split ?m Defeaces. So ?' ?. eon ? alone ?of s lai ? ?? i ; ? i-rni lc ' ipoken ? ? l ? ".'. ? im ? ? ? - ''? : c IVS no wo: I ? j are ! from ? ?? j ear. The of no', i York. Ti.p ? a??d amoiii.' ' Hud it ??ut no one ki allow | for the favor il gta a Suite de 1 ?? - .v hard on other ci Hufchf.? tlso Considered. Mr. Root, hon only New Yoi ker menl tial ? irlei E. Hughei 5 me Court h.-i? a la riff " i feel ; that he would be ?I;?? Then -,on of px President Roosevelt Mi Ro? ? ? Whil ?n hmpire State soni ? ? ken serioui ? ? It in formed man on itai n thi coun try. He has ir-.vt-n p??: tody to v s'ronp momr:, "'.?en talk t Burton - ' - Ohio ?lelc ? T. lie ? to 1 rrince, and (, ? Weel iraeti\e CSD? . it? I everywhere and ? the navy. S at Annannli-, and cr ? ??a! defence. un in? creased an . to bring him to ? ? '-rilent I : ? ' SLAYER OF COUNT BRAVES LAW HERE Sichinsky Killed (iallcian Governor?SiirreniJcrs to U. S. Officials. .-, Miroslau ; ?udsnt who ; ??hot Count Andres? Potot ? (...vemor ; of Gsl I : peered before L'nil ionov 1- tederic C. l?os ? d jre ti rday amt? . an sdjudiei I of hi? sta' ; ..iin'rv. I I r in the history of thi-- goi crnment that a ; . i surrendered. Sichinsky was accompanied ),. counsel, ^imon 0. Pollock, of 802 Broadway. The Austrian, when he ar- i rived here, clcrht month- apo, from i f-'weden, according to Mr. Pollock, hml no trouble toril Boesni s of hii Amen, dered l. im--?" . ? ? ?u enter .. j here to : a journalistic csreer and ii ascertaining hi? i ? he will not be molested in the future. Ths importance of Sichinsky's sur? render il Said to lie ir' the far' nditiom of ?he Ruthenlans, which i 'crnal in Austria which led to t)r-< affair and ? murder of Crown Prince Ferdi- , -.i.ii.i Ii The ihooting <if i caused ? atrife be- ' nd the , ., resulting sgalnst the v the t. The in ? Siehinsky ev. : ? . i-rnor ? tome of ths i krslnlsi Sic!. in Psrlisment and ? ? peal was taken and .!. At th?. ? trial he : In Austria and ' >? On A?i| .V. il soon ?v snd hii 101 ! , k,,., ..,, wslked out ol ' ?"-'"" '" ;' ?os sboot IksiMopls IB - ths presan' ' le had . ?,, His Id. M??? "rM "!'"w"1 ind him "n t?s de* cae?.. TAKE A WALK AND WET) Jerae*. ( nuple Surprise Puren!? k) Ii!?* ? f Msrrisffs and Psralshsd Rmm. S J . ?. pi Osr danrator <*f Ml - ? , \ -tn * t. Millbarn, lefl tl * ? rl walk. Tl ? turned :n half an houi bad be? rj In the ps "f the Springfield Pi i '.* by the - .. Dr. George A. Liggett. The aritnsaaeg stor'? ?elf? and Isw. Alter the couple h\<\ informed their man sgs . . , . led n Imu'c at 12 <. ? Action Ag-ainst Nagle's Club. M rs. La K !? .rlH ha lo;:*: ? g a mortgage foi - Percy E. Sagle'a Kanawna l'Js'th Street STA11 CONSTTn TION. NOTK i.. I ... ,- ? ? ? - - "I|ll si JUS Ml I itn ,-ni CosiatHutios I ? IITIMKIV M). ? I ?itlsl.iliie \|>|?ii lli>riiiir-nt - , ? - - ? r ? latlve ?r 01 EHTIO? NO. 3 Taint Ina the nee ? r?;atl!i? io ta . FRANCIS M HI - s ' n ? ? PRO|'?is||? ( IIVSTITITION Of THF. STATE Or .N MY YOKK. ? i AKTICIkl 1 Hag 1 No member of this line > ^r <l?pmed cf er,. ?d to any ,lt;i?u II . by the !?* of the lead, M it.? In ? .1 .' J h? trial l-'j J-..ry lu Sil <"a?e? In ? ? o. i.e>D '? trial luvi-lata forarer; t"it ? l-.iry tr la ai weil ? law. e free eierdae and enj >yaaent ? , - * - ... ia to i sunk ?hill b? rendare? w.-ampelent ?.. be ,i matt? .- ?lief, but Um . ? *u of Ui-tl t or laf-IJ u. ?31?. . : r? rr:Tli-aje? of the ?*r;t of ha g . be - ipea ?' .-.'.?? ..- ?? ,i jr. . aay requi-e Its pectioi ... - ? ll ?- lm|,.?,..| ;, ?nfliaed. nor el -ia? 1. anew? n'iinoi.? ci k ? ? i:,d pi ?of war, or i>, . ?t?te Btay keep with the coaaaal ?? ni of i*-a. e, and In caaei i : ni?.- Ih? . of aereen I '?? i ' mou? cru ? -' I m-.i : ? ??-.?? ? - r,<?<f I/' ' ? . *).? ??-.,-: "<? ?? ~%nj ?ni tip In / . nt of crie ,?..-.? - i la any ? rhatere lot apear i peri rlons[ ], and , - .- tie rlplil ' ..... ... ... ! ??? ?*:t . nor be deprived ? ii-.'" ? j i takeg for | ?-a. - ermltt ? person r"-(jlring , ....... , . u,.j trial I'.r Jury, when tl , ? - ? . . ? fll? jell? 1 I ; t? | | many Iw a be ?? ? ? : - . * ; ? ' - liler ira U'-w Inr,;,- ->d I,.? th? : Re?!inn 7. ' " > '?' ' he taken fot ai r pnl . t made bl ? : - ? ? ? - I : ' ' ? . - -jt -e'-oru. ii. ,- '-.i ?, I IS? I ?/ la? atole, <-oieji'n> Ji^'i the 7 *>? before s;r). rnlrini; -,->.? Ihe ?up*-'?".? .!'? keorimf, bedeute of pub'ic noteetity ?encd*. tfire.-t. ?ai I'rhate roadi may be opened lr, the manner to be preiorlb*,! '..y It? . bal ':i ?rTeo ?a*1* th. aeeaaaltf of the roui and the i of ill d?Riixe t,. be iuatilrikl by th? epaa *.g there ( -.. . ,-? frit datertnlaed by a Jury - ind mch amount, tofi 'h?i th? ripease? of the pro-erl.n?. lha)] be paid hy the person to t>e banefltrd. (ci ?ieneral liwi may t>e peaaed p? I ?Mai * if i ia . t-.irai iin'is to ronatmed ?d'1 mala? d;a!r,ai ? " ,ip*,n th. ID m il ' M ? : ii- property t.-n-nr-? thtreo? [bul u,- - i'-t.-d f.-r k..,h p,-.-poa?a ] i?i Ihe ptglilatur? m take mor? Und and pr^nerty thin !a m " t . *oaatructloa in tue laylnjc ont. * ert?nJlri? i -r'.,. allng park?, i h'.ib..4,r? r,r itreetaj Srwrld i h .- - tbat the iddltloaal land ?nd property aa aauo ''al f- I* tikeo khtil b? ni inore tr-'*ir, gaff for? ?-i'tihle hiH'dlng; elle? it-ttag ? h park, publie i,;aee. M?hwiy ai ?tr.?t. Aftel s.. :nu h t lb? ?and ?nd property ha? t?en pria* .1 for a-i. h ;-,rk. pi.nh- pli,?. hU^ny or ?treet ta ?? needed theref..r. tt? rrrnullvVr '? ?old or 1-naed Ta' U?it'.nti ? ? e. ? a'i ot'Vwie? '?itl't, tor t\> ? fakH?kMeal ' ? ?fc?r?m ?f l'irrti. t tant rot *rtti a-ic.ia an i?a>'d?n?ff, ,;,,?: n ?? ?ad tu .. ?' an<| ?-,,? ft 'Ibe pro\|i1rn allnwini; ? eo r- ? .., imlaalonera u?dai . ght of i ? !?? ?:?it l ,- Mtli a ?! ?re prit at? pi li Ukec for i public n? li * i up. ' * I of ,-laima Iber ' ?? -. ] . nut.-,., .i^elded by ?2*1. en wboaajipe 'lia i .... matten 1 ? d*>ei not apply to rl ?U1, . A, . .,; ?:,, . ? . ? ? i of eta i ? ? . Irlaa j rll :*.'.-. i ,. .? t? lug II ??!ml 'ci ai f. in loue Inafin?ea, m owner kai Lui r?',-|ir?l n?T for lili laurl m-'*l y?.rk if ? ? .??.' ' Hi ??. Swan i ladi 4| 1e.-ed ?I icrl glt.iral Ilud? dralr,ae? Ii de?lrall? an! ia permitted ? ?ct. Tba nroiTaloa raqulrlug lar 1? ban '. 0 of a d.-a^n t,. ?tind tharoel is f<> fa-'.Ma-? In ? ? ..?*-. fo-a presented by hjdlcill ayiag the rl^ht to irse? ?enten.-e i f the ??." t: Il t at? proper itreet re? illtlcn ?:. rfraati or hlfTiw.yi are abi .Ing l.ll? in.! I? 1*n lo .11?c<,.?r th ? "i> n? ? ? n r>n may fr<*elT bllah bla ientlmenti o? ill ? . ? ? t ? i id no law ehill is? r?a>? I ? ?r abrldae the liberty o? ii*-? h c In all , ?? : ,r t:,e truth may >>e ei-ien fn ?tlder. e to and ..' it shall annenr la the 1 r t'-r -L?rii-I aa lttjeloua la true. mad I .jtlna and f.-r ? adi a party si be acci - JaTf ?hall ba<? tl;e right I,, geu lie In? shall be pi?i?d u' ? ? [ ? ? r ? i - My ta ? ?be sale ? ? ? . ; . I .- I . ? : I? a ;' I 1 .:???. and tl I ? ? ai.o.-"l rial? la?l to ? > * ? i ei ? : tu al) * ' ..... ?hall rail. 1 if teere ?: *. - - g ti.i?ei ?a ( J la eW ooa*A?u*.loB. te be l...?e- ' stuf; coN8Tm now. ? ? . Lar, ha?? !-*.a .. - U51"? .? a ' ' ? ? 1 ?'?te?. .: ral ? 1 eur I 11?? r? ?... - Bar''- H ??* r ~~:,' ?. t ?or ?he - ? ? ,. ? . -. ' dr??d ? 1 ' - a i ? ???i - -- i | j . ...? t#. . ' nies. Ils . ' ?.-??, /fldiaa --..-?-, .k ,f . ? . ... - . ?. ? -i i ? ? - ? ?>??? . I ABATB4 ? ?< 1?". f? . . . ? ] ?tat? ... . ; 1?. Id - ? law of ?li 'laj ' ' . - . ? . - M ? M ? i Sa Sis . . . i ? >a ... i . ?? al.r.. . - Mil? ? ::a. ..r . , ? . ? ' ' ? ? ,-lir Mal?. ' .?r ahl ? I r ' - new ? - :.??\t ce ? . - ? r ' ' ?' .111??; J . r ?' therrf'.r ? ?'. (tr, 1 that /?"? .': ' ?'??*!. lij PH - ' ? ' t ef op?rai ? ? . ... ,. * the l?ata ? ! fi 11 au* ijf an ? ettl - ? ? il ? ? 11 -. ? time of . ? ? ... ? . ? ? .1 if - -',?;i ?? ? itrVti ??. a. promit? ta tu ai i ) ... r r ?war?! ? ? I ? - I- haa -??*."?. at i. - . leae? or iranaatloa or :.? or wlthl 0,4 a* a ?ote at au. ' >" pro.n ..-. arlvtoR i* ?*lt..! ' !?}'???? <'f ? or be- ?Uf depend ella . . of a..'Ti?j?a ail p?:a-a? . ? .? posa >.f r?'tll?. 00 '- - : - - I ' ? ' ' iti Mal ?'..?. rb'la ? ? . ., ' I al aa - ? nada for fa? ? .. - ?, ? t.f? ?hail i ? ? hereby ;.fa ' | rest?t rat]? n] ? si at ralla? - ' ' .. la . ta t' * :?.?: . |. ! ii habltanti , ? ? ? ? ba i pttetad / .?-i mu? >?!? . V i??"""? ?. s*v "?e ar t ^Vera na th- ,?v . ' ' ... IK? 44 - ..?. ? '? II.' ."y ?'' " ?.I 3 ? ? - ? , ? taon fl - -, ?tif "?e ? ? '???-??! fa ni a ;? <! a ? vxlf - ?HA fix?v ?"r? rtji?t'md but il?: : i ?. .a.?'.! ui ?ott ? . * : , | , ... .-?-?. Il .t f ,harr? I?trr of fea A?.7A^?-r ' sa an - i M r ?ji t*for? t'.- M ... aie . - . ? . - ? raan. ? - . r . ?' ? ' ' ? . t of Uwe te I a ?oler i tanta ??'.er? :-r uar re?l?f." Il .,--?. . ? ?o-cet.oo or :,:ru ?? il ' f tb? P'i?l,T 'A ? - -tri ?tll ha . ;?:lr?.?J m?n - ? ?M ia . - .?il ??ao u? rtier a olty et tisane, es - ' , ......... affavtJ.'S I ? ' '-''I "''ri :hr I ? ;t ?11? ter?) en ? ? ? talion of ?h? f' polltl ..l parti?! ->!,' U. at ... ..t f >. Q ' - '? se* I utttt la sra-kcu | | Il u lu ??JitfJ. - Or OT-, WUir r. .i of nub a .;! i>na t ia*i ai STATT. < ?.s -TITTTTOW '?" I, ?- ' ;? - r?np-<t;T?ir. ?? thtl?a}T? ?? f?rt ?-,"?? . . a . O thl? I . . ? ? - ? ? - -t'a a' ir? she'.! ; 111 aas ep ' ? '? -? ' ??!.] ?r to il'lif? ?leo SKTUXI III. ?l "f : IS? HrtaU , powtr of fhla '? ?k'?,1 Is the ??na*? and a? ?>.? mata ?tail saaaM of nf*r . '? ?' ?.- ?? ' ?? ft?.- pe??Tid.?d. [The ? .'- r 'P- I* ?,.?:..?, fieht r thai - , ???r ib-. Mara ? l '?-tr a caaaore] rn-v aa-il] ?-n f i |we -ir, The aaeamM? ?lia;: 'i*?1'?? ? ' ??? I fifty a -?r? ?o, ? ??? m Sfceseam ? ? y ar nat?? th? ot.??,i?ce mat tar ln^!o.?<i w'ta bra, keta '??? ?'?it? ehall h. .1l?ld?<l im, ? ?: ?-? -. Uatrtcta ?- n ?da:? i f. ?- oas ?. - In? lu?-i-? ?hiil l? r.?-- ?rad * * ?hall coneltt ,?-??! ' a o/tfct ataste di ? II? ersated I ? lie rnnetll ?' '?'? llatrl . itbar ana an i ta I ?'?'?-, UTIrtoS ? lato ?matt .i. eta la i .'??.?I bar?, In Ml. t*,-, iat || hi? , ? i i ? ? ..... - 7.'. of ,1,, ;,w, ?. 1907 cmtUJ til. ' l. watch a.? D?t ? ? I - f ? ?the legt.lar,r ? -?nt? ?futr?,-?, aliall r.mrt* a, ,i ?:?'?,/ - n.'Vr-rf a? A^r?i, I "? ??' I, IV vi?n.1m?nt tlinplr allml Bate? ih? ,ib- ?-.,..? n. ? '- - ,. ! -?? ? ii ! i . et Cha ' I? If liad r.y th( ?..?It. teratles to t* made . ' i a tratloo of tka ?nhaM of th. at?'? . ill . takea and. I - a of i?.- taerati i ef atai? darin? the ? of May ar I ' , . ( yea? ooa ?: ? |. "? ?undred ami It? at; ! In th? amr? every tenth >-?.? lh?resfter; ami Um rtrlcta thai I ' - ? red bf ??i? >i!i. at the ?Sr?t regular ? -- a? rrtura of e??ry eauaierattaa.J Steh aaaala dtelrleii ??.iu a? ,0 a'i?r?, ?. ? SI t)?' 1?-?f r,r,lar ???.,u>, ' ? I -turn of and bris.rf up;n 'hi- I? ? . i Ii ike peai eat ths 1 ??.'?.; and f/teen and iA [| . ??..,,,, ?'.I .1? h.-.i.,,',, '? ? ?? ? . Ugitla fure In i.H? year ?'-.- .i-... B. ... .^ le . "?'- '?' St at? d ?-.. - ? . , ' ? Ited ' ,r f'?oi lri?r< ' ' - lea of r/t? Inhabit ?? ?..--- eraflaa for - - - ^??n-, dn a? ? ? and ba In at f at aa a ! ' .'? and ? terril ' .- ? ? >? T' ?o m?k? two, or, mur? ?? - ... - aw? and m M? h tn a cit? inr-io??? hy - ftvlded In lb? tetiat ' - ? - - . -Jj .,; 'Ina ?-?a''. - . lb? pop o! all ci r,f a town or adjoining d arb! h. from thalr i^,<nlon] -, either of ????.. Iltirtcta! ? i -e-1 at to n.Hk? ? i ? ? - y eq ml In n'iml - - ? ????'- ??'i ?? h a?ne?o g a more tbar - ?of? th? t?n'.'o ?, ?r.1 do tw.. coantlea ai tSa trr - ? ie tho-!*,inri '? -, ? ) a d ?i lety It?? . ?'???' ; ?'??!l ha.?? more than one-half o' t.. the ??n lh. ra".n f?>? ?pior:on:r? ??nu-or? ehall alwaya ' ? I .- ??? Inhabltanta. altana, b> titty ml i ' - a~1 of ?,-- ??-,-.?? ai the tima I til I.? ?n'",?-1 . n ?uch . IH .j. senator! ' r,- -, ? , Or s?r. i-o-.f i ahi'i - to th? i. aad taa whole - ??( aen - -?i -o thai ?? .' a:n-i..l,r:?-ir lubttltutai th? .'? leral - I tha ?ttte -n'in.? al s ?Um b? ...?.-i... of -?r , i*?tinial altaialli.a th? ? ( . >.f tha :'?i?.:ii est ? tetary Informados ?ration, wii! ? -.. . ? ? ? :j t?n y?ar?, I . therefore ai iteei I ? aa a ? ? federal - ? : ?'?? laformatioa. i ;i- .,n!r ne? -?^ary. in US UltMl It -: ill. 1? L. ' ' ? II ?. .'a- t':? . in ..' , ? i ' blocks, eiol idlag ?:.-i ? .? ba sat ..i.-l thai th? ?tat? ?n.:m la tllmluated I n-'.. r tin amendment, of ?enet? ilatrl^f? || ?oad? h/ tin leglaJatura in 1 f? 1 ?i. upou th? atat? enumarstloa of 1013, I h- au-t-eeillnf altera .i nul? lo IBS yar tollewlng ti? f ?. , ? canana, heginiiir.g --.,.,' ?_ .' ? -ef'rxn^?. !n ? ro toa fliat da? o? Jan iar?. IM?'.. I? lo ? the titttlns restrl ti? a o> e/1 ' ... Broas n-.?i t elect atore thaa ? k? i'a" aea . r. '5 The members of 'h? ? a.'iall ba ^li"?.;n hj lit ta an b? apportioned bj - ? ??' *h? fira. ?fkai'i-i afta? tha return ?if levary - ? i .-? . 1 /I/ten am..ri? I ? i ?'. ? ?t .s nearly ai tpaetlra Inhabltanta, eicludlns ? i-n? <i '.'?- iraiu:.i. .-') ?ou ? :' I ? ;"." i? "i > ??-.-.. . ',.,,'.. ditl t iurh n'mlfl SoU osai? I/i apportioned by t'.' Aw^rtio* ? f r--- risen <i' - il ? ',,,; ? r. m.r.i. . ? -\' .m .?ppoiit^J ,'o? ayyarltosatenl lacre?/, f.?.n app.w .4 [lia ??> ?rui uui .'??t vf ?k? ??.ji- lAa ? 6? ?t aeer% m ?n??! I ' '," iuiuS'T ?/ l.'i'i i.'?p"'. ? ? ikabii i?i?. f .? njtx^ '..? na ; ^-labll?li?.l und ?*p trat?lT . rga: it'.:, e?.?pi the .ij of ? - ?<H Ue . entitle U t? t meml ? or Hainlll ? . ? EUmllti il ?liai!. ?'???'ii'lluS M ..... . . -t. IB'.t th? 'jfltlalure i,,ay a ,..n the laid C? ?.?7 "! Hamilton and ?nu?x tU? territory tbarff to i'let.J Th? ??otlaut ,.btalu?d t./ dJvIdUS tbe wli,.l? of Inhahitaau of th? ttat?. asdudins allana, by tbe c-iiiber ? i..fxb-n of Mje.m .y, ?hull te th? ra.lo for api^o: tloument ??! h ball be mad? at followi on? meoihar of a? . ahall h? apuurtl'.'U'd to e'ery .'ounty. . .. 1 .lt..., an' Hsmlltoa ai ont ronnty -u? leu than the ratio and . ne-ha.t ?i"?r. Two tuembei? a.'iali o* tpportl..ued to ?-eiy other county. i he reiniinlng iu?tot'i?ri of iteeia'-ly tha'.l ba aoportlon?.! t.. the ecsia tl?? h??'.L? mor? than two niloa a-urdiag to . nanti, assludlas allaaa. remalD.lera * . ? aa having tha .. |?r tb?r-o? ret??-. <"?''? ITS I ? " - ?""? ?? ?,.",'?f, - ? M .l!-a. II Bttl ?-?',?' tJ to tha ??'?'?' ??'""* ",J ?iliutloa. h- ? " "ft tg %m * r.i.rnheV'th. ?? i ,,^ .. i? ?o?. Ih? board ? ?:J? 'Zr?<\ /.n-.'i-.. ano 1?. '?7 '?" "S??T???! ?n tWotJ ?e start -*?? ??'?""^m?," harm? no batSi ?f ?'P-f'1??-'v '% o7Tl4-r 1 vom ta.? casnf!, a U?^hajrd <? ?^ e-.f ,'!- hua S .t.' ? ?',,.'" Traita . of euah cojat?. a daarrtytlv.n ?n? aumb?r ef ?o l w-tor io a?. A a?eo-liw??-.ail. (?<? a? lit ? . . r - va.i. aa :? t. ?. f r ?> ..?.?? - ... . laraUoal fnlerul cen??,? ? nV-vkiya md tu' -i -??*/ ??? Jan?. ? ??:?-?' hundred ?m? a,. ,?. . .- ?/ tv ^oOiinoo aaaodl o? tha'aa'. 1 .ty a..l t?> board of ??perrlaora pi , j Jilat .?eeioo 1? r. turlug raor? th.?? ?.se t*:.i\.~ .lnULt th? ?.tee samba? ?.f ?>??ajblr dittrl.-U ... -? !. ?- .-- '.i--, t un:??? tb? a-v j ?? .ai.uot he ??*!.;/ d:?'.d?d ?ax^ng tu? ??Lit? dittri ?t of ?ny .oonry. la ?!:;.. . ? i .bai; t? la ?t? ?31 a t rt.. t ta ??'? b couaty haung th? - -.- . . ' ?:r: : .Hall l<? a .- ai?'.n| . n kaMtaatt ? -a ai th? *??? la? -, II? N' town, lock la a i-lt? lai \u**? by tti ?aya. ?'.all be Itrldad In th? farma ? .. ? ? .\r: -.?. t.or ?bail ?ny Ma . ewatala t ?r?a??r ?i??? la p.\ i o??r an idjolnla?. ?latrtcl m ?b? asaaa a?aate ?i 1 tbau th? pupLl. . n I < ! ?I or a Ihereta idjolalaf aach a???nibly dl I t. kl wlu-V: ] from Ihefr ; | ? ba :<?d 1? either of ?wo ?a???ir>if 0 a -, I ?! a? to nia?? (aa. Ij lu I aitcmo.a attatrl * swrtj ?ruai io . . ? ibltanta ?i ^?t tlleot Bit la th? dl'la?on of r:- n . '?r :r.? ?.-?t ni- rtl aaret i <?ri Hall r?? had ? ? ' < i allen?, of the ? rardlag to Matter In ifoiira la aew , ararter bk brack?U I 1 M te ba coiltUd. _STATE rONSTITUTION. the it? ' sight] ?,.?>?- :. ,Jr- ? ? . - \fteen, ?o fit ? ? i ?T I ? lastsa i .f ,. a.. poising 'a tb.? shall pr??ftit lb, Jivlil'an at mj :. ? of csjuutla? tad I --d the ireittos jf ? .mi'. 11J ? raa by tu? l??-*.?. Aie-mti? aia?'i (? M ??< yi Bl .n?ttlat?g Shall '?main jnalt'ird until altered a? herein pe i4 . ? An ?pp.>rtlonin'*nt l*y 'ne 1. UUtar? .] o? otimr bodyl 1 shali te? sahject te r?wl?w i*y it taa I ill A any jn-I?r . si .? r.k ilaUeaa a. the lagti at-,-? area a: aad ?ny cour? whl i ? aaae may h? pending int..i? uj ap;. rtteamaatl , ihall ??"? pre.-e.len.-? .,>er ? :.- ... ?a. I [aaldj reach ourt be aoi ,..n??ae ajaaaglll for th? SiaseaHsaS of the ?Viriler Th? .iiarr?? affecta am?uJm?>?t a-e -o ma.ce the i,,p ortlonn - - , ... . -P? ' the . It i-il>.r ire I - . , p|. kl r-ointle?. rt, alla pr- ?1 le? : m? ???? clty embri . ,- >n mty and baril-. ?ora. i ? - . ? ' ?tance, bare a roi.-? In filing lu? ? ?rtjr ?.-.-tt'.n [:>] i Tb? alertions of aerir-r? and member? o? iee n- ; pu tant M the . thl ta? first Motadas if ' bar, aleea othet I it'ire. ; i " N'-. asm ? ' ' gtalator? a o?!-,-? s "' ?Ithla th: ernal ? ? ' th? ' Bl -?; Rt?? governor, th? i Inj; 't.- tira? foi whl h c* ?al. ...i.? been f.r.n tor any s :. h menibai for ir.j m. . An-'SAT the .. * g o? ?!-.! lei mlnatad ha* t ?n to a?.?lud? frein ,i ??rvlce mauy persona baring ?? ?p tioaal ; allS .- ? ??>?*.. ,n j.n D?rer hinder, ; the ip| , - , a ant ??rute a ' ? after their l?.?l?lat!Te term? ba>- ? ? \ f th? . t. i tit other -rl/en? for any : ?rt. llalattr? term ?hall Ih,?-I? on th? tlr-t i ,j ,'.-.,? i- | - ???? ;y year, i?-?:iibl? .u lha Bret Wednesday m Jan l a [S] BaeS aber of rh? legtala r ire si i'-' re ? - ? ?? aa ?iinn-il -n^rj I ?on? lari. The members of [elth ? aball . the sum of tea aille? hry ilmll ti ????ell '**? ?.?d for? !j, pa..I la going to and re? ace of mee? m h ?e.aton! on th- ?? ? ? 'k*"' ..-??, ? on tii' ??? ?id roae?? fker?.'.. ?> '? "-"n? ... n. ?! ,o eatraerdlaery seeston, or ??? ... - ? -ourt for th? ? -, ind ? i h members of ibe is-. r i r rig nine In DUI IS aha un , i of 1 MOT. ' b? ? ? -t.-r inn im th? I r? an 1 m allow? th rntlroad far?. b?'w.- . Vi'any. ? ? a ?ra..|t during any ?en placa at tea ?entai - luring? ???r,,n. v . ?alary at ,!l* -? &?' reolly . ? 'h- re?..'? ?.. ,ai r ' to par Ml ' ', - put! ? pi i . ? th? ?tp. n?? If i ?? V.r?i f?r from Albaay. i h? ?,re??nt - ; M ???? Ixed forty j igo. Tha ' ? ting th? In .r?a??d ?0?t of li'lne tend? I -i legtalattrre n?ny eoaipeteal aod ?orrh.? int-n?. ? aro ? ; by tb? ? endn ?nt. 10. ] 9. A majority "f tKe n ,-. ?-,! ?o ?ach henea aha?l n Hl *? ? , - ??'? it*, hone?, alia,: d?T*rmln? tb? ru * if -h? slectloai rei rai *nj q if It? ?wn n ? '? ?hull chooo* ? ? ?- [and the] 1 " ??nafe ?bill ? a,r.rj- proaldeat. rh? usi'mbiv io',i> ,i n, jr.m ; to pri . ?? in ' .- of tb? lleuteoaat . .. t a? nt or shall ?? t k. gorerhorj. // the ?, pr'rAent ike >' - itenanf-eor? erne '??? r? ????. if tht ? ?' ? dsii. t a/ t - ? - - /' Ik? kp-o., 1.? ,n ti ?' ?' n fie cVi'i el !-*< fl ? - I ?44 A - . . . i Abhtiia T. lir- ?mendmeat ?. Ida th? -. iker -. in,- lint .,i ' - ? ten??.. mrj tjriik't aim wlil.-h rh? ; ? be senate beeo? ?. t? sa Heateuam ? ? ' | . i of tha ? "' ; . tens ? Inability S?i ri m in. Th' ?.jli,n'?r? ?/ it? own nott n, ". . in.-, io 0< ^*,)' ??(J ? ?? ' :i" ?.-.::i .i , : - - i ?,,i ,n ; ? - lit run . | ,,' ;i.t 0WH ' <r juetlce of the eupreete court 1 ? . . o' tit own mul.}*, m *i- w?a??r I t ktol tbnh continua la /'? ' s , gmrad?d by ?a? ?in-mi>lv. na| 'or the pvreeeee v/ imj-i /.-.??: ,l: a lg und?) l.lit f?.-?? "i M i-.'.--,- ?Mil 6? . -v"! toeeot i ? ' I 1 ' .' Aaamuot. ih.* laglalature now Las tha ' - and fui ? ? .oi,, t Tha i ... ap ?? b U14.IU i : ... le gives a wliuie. or i, to aoT?a? -| ? all| - - ? l.uti,at.v? re,-??? , r,-: ? e foregoing amendment la to reetifr lha? I ' on [I ] u. ?Sn p?r., Q ih I to ih? l?gl?iatui?. wLo ?r the Bm? ti on !?. Of ?itbin od.. h.-.i. . Ml !? ? . :'* n "- ? tharrto b?i been, a n.?ri,t,er of ? ??' or military o!tl.?i- aadal ?M ! all d .s-ate?. cc an ofnV.r under inv .'.> goveroraaat [If] ?! any perten ?hall ?f*?r bla ?kaetiea ?? ? memh4'r of the icg.iiaf-ire. b? .-l4?-;?d h lire??. .,r gpfOlatl ' U ? ' - ???? M atl : tar} under the giee-Liueut f tbe Mai??, or uode. aay j a rereatat, * ? leifan.e ih?rv,.f shall ra at? Ma ??' A.srsaci. - ral ?en Um. ? ,-. arara on i. . rllbt. ?? ? ? ? ' . ? .. i. nbei of I - ... '. uy ? I. - .e?p a [ ind u re . il? le ittf au.) ?rental v paolla > l Jjp t; torn, ai api auca pi ie>:r?. y. Tb? do.^ri of ea, b boaaa tl.i~. be i?pt o.?-a, ei,?yt a ? . ihall re , .?, :?. r n ? thai bo-ia.; aha of ui? on.rr. adjourn t..r mor? ih.n - - AssTiaCT. At Btaaeet ?ach bo:a? of II,? ? ?.at .re keeu? * J. .rua., aa.1 aft?r i. ? ?'. a r?ar I:.?: .ipwiris ? e ? but ne,!h?i u<"je- aaeaa ? of Iti debatea TI?? porpoa* ,i -.. a II to ?'.re- Imruedla*? ? : . .'/ u> a.I . aaa of to* leg??la r^aa...,? for arttBO by 11.?? -. - - s ?f anbuc re*-o.-d. to re?i,.r? Ina art ?f to ti,? Uglalatura aad ta ..- ? - -.f ?a aeen .e to pr?ferm?o? for sbl? ?"..a?. S?<-tlou [\l ! II, r.,r ai.r .;?? In ei'ii?; bo,.?? of tl asaban . *. ir original* la eitO'-r n >, ..f th? : and all billa paaaed t.y one bout? m?r o'!.?r ? n? i ?s Tb? aaaetlag claoa? of ?u . ? \ :k. repmeoted ,n ?'?-a*.? and ti let as I ? > ? n 113 J it No MU ihall b? pa.?i?.| or , . ? ? It aha see bars - i ?r.d up. sf tl . j ?i I r-u a- .. ? ? ?alfBdai IcgtaiallT* i??i p ,or to it? nr?I pakf4g?[. i.nie?? the g-, .- the ?. tlr.R govercoi a*.?., hav? fa tl?? a?k-???:!y of . . ,-, ;B ,l?r bi? tail iad lb? ???. >f trj? stale n-T al 1 any ] .Va I -. , - 4 - - . , 1? ? ic?pt by tL? iikeur I a ma . ? ? ?-?? led ta, ea, h bra ' ' , - . - ' *?d. a^j, tt- gaaailia i?.,n *.*,? i-.uai paaaeaa ihall b* ta??r. [Immadtam? ti., r? after. 1 ?c: tb? y??. and c?y? eatalred on the .r.a. A??th >cr Th? ?N>r.- a-rCoa :? , i.a_;r. .1 ?n 1? t. forbid th* >i"4iir.'> ?? ,,,, ?ay hill BBtil tb? ?a. ,, ? ?a?1 ai ? if h-,:; th-j? art,* be paace.1 .u leaa ?im? I ::,? r ?;:..- .. ltl? ching? lr.. :r?? at le* ? by iv '.?gia.a'ur* ?cd ?Tery bill 10 Una! printed torn 1 .'.. ?? -t ? ? ' site? Lsrt ? ?? - . r. ,(? IH . ?: ? I a , rh?) gra-ra. .let?!? on tLe .^estioa of ? lion n?T-r I... a eff? !>s-a-.?? a njuti,.a to re foitiiWlta *? ??, , /.Mi_ proper notw.tliefaikgVa? Ih* ir-?tt . ban??. r?*tore? In lubelan - ' * . y??r? and ?Inipl.flea and mi?1!'?i pr, ?ixty bio? - ? lie I ' ?> . ..- ??-. o- ...?: bill wh.rh iniy be paeaed br 1^ >gi*:,tLr,. aball . - ior, thaa on* ?uLt-t. and tuat aball I- espreaavrd !n ?he I ? ? ire*??-.? ; it ? ti "f, ,,, ,,.,;: a? rl-#,. wbleh ?tail pn^Tide tbat ?n? eilatlng law. *r ?BI p?rt ttireof. shaU let saagr or 0?e?aed ? ..?? of laald] ?ik?r. a^t. 0 e.h. h ?hai. e?*ci bat aay eii?:!r.g law or r?rt u.?r?.,f ir.a.: be i tola. ? . -P* hf in?erl'n? I? 0 e-jeL art loa [III 11 T'.? i?f". ?<u:? ?!*.?.?. rol N rt. -iUtte: Ik irsh-i 1? t?w ? aiauil ha toacaau I 1 Is t? b* emitted. STATE CONSTITTTTON. t. Irawlag. annulais? Jurors f.!? Rafl itlng the rata ?t | P?? ? ? ? a tuy of ?h? ' ? ? . -?-i?? of perecn? .' |, Laying nit. ?I?'Sg t.tsrlr.g. workisg ar ? r'.td?. L ghwayi or a:.?y?, "r 'or ew laadaT.J, ? ? ? -' d ty teat? M ; Proving for .?ti.g ? of ??nu? la clrll ?t l Ing ? luge? f J; .' Il tloa of mwn-.btnj ?f t'a Ma of ?.|p?r-.:?o:i r { Ira atas, aanmoalnar ar ?mpaael lnt?r??t ?a ;~nlng ?nd i-nnl id!-,? or ?:action? or d'caruatir.? p:?-?t of ?ot'na[ T; ?g - Wr??,?trg totm. ??- -t rf oublie ?Kflcan. rr terre f .?-!. ?woa. offy.r? '? * or appol- ? Mm, ???oeHaHon or ?> voit a daim -.??tn,? '*". '' .' . ? ? ,' fLu.j, rHar?.,' ?. ?" U J>. -.?.o? I ' th? t.'al? ?, .m?, c ;,:,??, o?- accoaal; on '?'.'"n a??o?!?t1on or ba light to la> down railroad to hut pr!r?f? ?SfMnSlSBL aaao ?t . -i?It? prlvllac? ?? ?- ? lu -r ? ? an? person, aaaoolatloa ?Um or ? Ion an ei(-ii.p'lon from .axatlon on ? r- . ' ?S llaSS? and ?harter !r* ',",? ? ?? #*<-pt oa o? ?.Vfrford ?ri on ' * ' ?'-?? fera -a; a ?a f ?;-.- itau ? ' ; .?? g? n?ral ?a-?? pro UBaeated In Ihl? ??*? <h i ?-..?-? arfcj r- , v ? provided for by ,T?n?r?il Bul r;o ;?w ah*:i authorlat tfa paraUaa of ? <tr?*t railroad r-ondlrloa that th? con?ent of ?:.i* of 'he prop ? ?? ' ?"' ? aees alao of th? * ba ntrol of that rtiwajr upon w - par?t? anal) r?n 4#? th? lansajui . *::? *., ?i ?ained ' tha ai.prem? court, in I la proposed to h? opon app'iration. apppoint - a ?ho lhaU 1?t?rmlrie ' ail parti?? lateraatadi oui ? con ?? ta ?-n In lieu of ? . party owner? Vi.-'i?.. r Thla aertlon. now !n article s aa linas m-i?t of th? ca?e? in whl?h rohlblted from p???i-a ? '? T.. If ar-.y. ? - m .m ')? tafean ? -h? ?nH.?-rr.??nt of ? ? Th? amendment Inoludaa In th? mattara .-?? to ??h. b private or io<-ai * .u-?..' .h? ?rar.-in? to ?ny IM ! le? th? ? in again ?t the t'a'? or or authorlxlng a Ml te SI pay i? :?.im or Th? l?gislature ?hall ' ?i? any private claim or ? a?..-?' tha itata o? ap-aiiaf a?v ? <? . I , nione> ty ? ? - ? 'icainti the .?'m? - - id and t - Thla am?n'.ment 1? to p'?v?nt th? legi - i or allotrfai a n .*;alri?r ? .-?? ? ? ling th? ?x'.?r Its tha ?a la i .-itLlm BM a*:, ~ ' B ' - ' 'n ha? h??n I by th? Ursel appropria ? !"g!?:atiir? ro pay arwlae I . lit?.1 and allo??d " Th? ; trill prohibit that prac- . :s?<-t'.' i. tl 11 Th? aaaent of two trjlrrta of tha rneiuhera elect?! la each branch of the .... . g . appropriating th? publia mon?y? or p' - S'n parts ihofl b? ip ? -.,? <^.- ?>,? .,,?. ,. -.. a o> i-.i '??? t ?' oat h'i?;.I?>i.<. br'.iy?. huj'Hi-'iv. dike. ?-? I. '- i, it/ or olhor work un'u ind ?ati.n.'ra ,t the cost of ?*<?*? ?*?** >i i ith th? srrrrtar* of tfof? by th? typertntenttent of public ?co?lr*, i-? hv Aktii aa ") ? '"fl ?> S 1/t;;ni?^' th? gt*?ral inleraal - m -? that ?wh ? ? t be j. ni .-.t' ?rr???.?? rada iTilv to th? coalrldat'oti ?o |h? .-o?t of ?linMnoMnfl groo? .., rtewaa m th? budget for la? ?. r?o? ef hlohwat/t from th? yoc??<t? ? ? aufKoti.-?,! u'irftr aeello? four a/ ? Kttatte* ar laclloii feme o' former arttoU ??<?* tharaef o? ?a - a? rh- * ?r ^,rv o> ./"?unri/. on? thou- . .m.i ?,i? hmtdrad and lea -"..?.- Th? ??.ml paracraph la th?, Iran?! . ' ' : ??,... rton . r. '. mpi i?ea the ? amendment. I'nder prr.po??.! arti.-l? ?u th? iiipertataadaM ef r. worst? ha? r tha ? rkt enumerated 'n iiit ? ?n?ndm?n* and 1? I? t.e'.i??-?d thH' bla n?Mdad th?r?for aff b.??t ao'ii-e of laf?routloa the l??l?lnt'ir? ? ;.? n In appropriating money ??? i ara often ' - -.?' to pi .. aa Tha ameod meat -?> n?<??i'Y for an :rnprov?m?rv In each caa? on It? ? r? r f a 'ii-rr.' >-r of ?he [?irlsl?tur? to plena? the ?-ot?r? ef h;> II? ? tha aat aaatene? I? t'1 !?????? . ? i,-. ?,proprlat? ll a cwrtlflcat? r.-om th? ?uperln -, *Unn giad? ? hlgharaj . tlon if No mop?;- shall ev?r h? Bf t!ii? ?tat? or any I fund f the tmi? und?r !?? ?ra?nt, excel of u ap nor unies? auch payment r>? mal? no? |,ir?r than three .iiw'V? after t <>,' <hr teoaX y???? a??l nwoeaMMp ?' il n u/iirii ?uch arpruurtnrio? ml " ?t-, n two ?ear? next after th? p???ag? of euch appropriation set;! and ?very ?iKh law ma?lng a new appropriation or ,-onrlnulng or appropri?t Ion, ?hall -llatin.-tly rhe sum appropriated, and *he object ? ? ? applied . and It ahall not lent for auch law to refer to any aw to flx su.h aum dppiesrl? . th? lew/oru" in r?? peor on? IfteS ' i.i M<-r'??n th'ill b? mod? for u period ?n?finu rh? rAi.'?.??*> day of June one rhotteaaat mi? hu i ?'???'' a? i w ealeew, ?n.1 ? . year of 'h? ?m?? ihu.'i and ,.r IS? IfMrtteCA rfai of Jun* of each year. \?r% it? proi usad by lav f ?.. rhit amefwimsat m.i'<e? the fol ?owing . hang-r \: pre??nt appropriation! ??pire from time to time at random through ??rs from th? dm? of th?ir i Intent''.? them all ?x - 'at and thr?? ? ,f rh? tlacai y?*r In a,! ? Si preeeni tbe flsoal ? Bra? The am ? i . I :.j ?ft. n??r?r the time ?b?n . ' i ma i .-?n an'l el|thte?n ef thla arti 1? -hall not apply to any hill, or the . iota to ?ny bill, which ahall b? r? r ul.nliiner? ?ho | r-.ant to law to r?r?l?e ' Hel] I Thla ao?tiin I? eliminated be cauae unnareeeary. The atatutary r?vi?ion 0 ref?rr?,1 to lia? long ?ln<?e ? /? "< ant ' "aa-d '.o ?xlat. ? ? u it f.1 No provision or enartrnant - ambi ? led In the annual appropriation or ?upply bill, unlett It ralatet ?pw-lfleally ?? ?orne parti? liai appropriation in the hall! and n or en.i>-ment thall b? llm- , Ited In Ita ..p?ratlun to ?urn approprUatlon Section ?i K ?ry law ?? h:< n ui.poaea. con-' ? ..i raviv?e a i.i ?hail dtaUnctlr state, th? :ai jr.J '.he ot,Je<'t to which U It to I.? * lent M reiet ?uth tax or object. Oa ?ho f.iiu: p????ig?. In either houw ? an) a t which Impotee. ? . - raviv?e a tax, or cr??r?? a d?bt or h?ig? t ii ??? ? teotUkMS or r?vlvea any; appr..ptiAtl.ia of eahll? or truat money or ty, or rvleaaax. dlaicharg?? ar SH ?ir.i or l?niani of Th? ?t?te, tha . - ak?n by ye?? and nay?. ' ei.tnrwl up?n th? :>ur . :m rtfin? of all th? rn?r..'.?r? .-a an?.:, in all auch oaaea, ,,. n- ?? a. . to o..n^?ltut" a ?juorum therein.; Af?.??? t rhe eUialaalloa ?if thii t?K:ti..a It t pi-. -, y of ?.tbar houaa of tha ture from defeating, ty mare abaenr?. i :n>?nt of ftaau, lal a.^??iir?a which have ii. a?.- . . t Btvi .if of th.- oicuitar?. . , 1}. fh?r? ?hall b? lo each county. ?. pt In ? mty wholly Included .u ? "-'t l ,-r'.l??,r?, I? b? coiup-ieJ of ?I'M :n?iub?r? au.1 electad in au.-b wanner and for . a? la ..r may l?t provided by law. lu t ?ii/ whl M ?utlra cotaoty. or lara or a.or? ?of- iitSHea. th? pow?rt and ? ? if a boara of a.,*rviaort may b? I . aaa?ruMy couitr.-.a a i '. .. i -n .r olo?r .?glttat!?? / ... |, \??a;?i?r, f?UI l\t , ,-" Ut??, "O-lk t?:?'H??* , -.n".?jii 'or eountitt ?el , . . . i Mia, ?ag ?net ,'omt ?' l .on- -si |? '." mi ?;'--cri?.? m aay ??*?<? (>?? I*? tUei.^rt flercof is ti*i? i?j,.i.?r i? :?.? .<ul?.cfurp may preacrll?. ?.? . ii oi ie?o.<?! ?.w raleMag to a /univ I .i w?'v or counil't , em arilMa a c.ty nail &t e??o.'?J rauttt, by rteolatio?. of Ik? got ? :? >v M '*?? covnty er Cuttert?? to be ? SSCI Th.t a3i?c.l:o?nt p?ru>1t? th? 1-gii. .t.:r?, bf geaaral U*a to provide that ? ? f S?w Y .rk c.ty n.ay eheOM . o;3>-r.nt fon. t of county government : auch .hoi.:? to b? by th? direct ?ot? ? t ' ? - y Co?l?r thla, the ag body of ? es uity n???l o..t r>n t t..trl ? aora, if th? Uklaiiitur? ?od o.nty ? pr.tid? fat a diTeeeel fcrLi of guv Th? an eaduM-nt alao prevtoti tbe -at of ip?. lal or local law? r?!?t!ng to ? 1 .r.lde of tu?h rity. ?x.-?pt ..p"U rv;..?i .f tb* goetrnlng body of ea'h county al n I?T1 M. The lesrlalature thall hy g?o - . f?r nawa th? t??ide of tup.-rv.atr?, .s.o./ ti-a, at th? ???ral ,-oun ? ' ta? ttata M? k further powari of lorsl n ai.,I adn.lniatratUiB aa tbe legtslStSN m t ? t., Hi ?. d??ni iipedi--all ]. ,'n .oLiili?a wb?b now hae?. or may L rra.'. 'y j^ollura or ottlrr S??ul a it honied to audit bille, a ra?, i .:?..?? or demand? agaioat lb? ? -oiif.-r ?.? h f*n*t% upon ;?aul, at? h a adllora, or la?al olTlciira, at Iba ? ala ture u*y. from ?ine t? tiro?, iWm ?I (.??l.?ot. The .'?yia.utar? ?Mi^ ro?/?r laiion any . ?<?ne or appoint!-? ceumty oftct or *J\<trt ?aa ?I the pQuer? end du/l?? now e-t?rcU t ;y th* latent *f any count? ?i the ej?ic?r er ofi<-e>? lAcrao/ reaaiHH? 'o ?lybuay. yub.K ttlfety ?ad lAe cort ef the poor. aVssTSACT Th? aai?odia>nt allowt the l?g!? lalure la th? ltt?f??t of ?rT".,'.?n. y, ? ? laJ iBlfiirwiiy if aa. ,ui?t.-tt?.?.n tJ traOif?r i ?, - . fja-tluaa with .-?ti?-, t tj Mghwayt t . .i ?af-ty ?cd th? .?r- of rb? f. aid IS ha within ?b? prov,I - f j*b aat.. ? ? |T*ts l?gl? ?t.i.l eo? t?r M ti ?Littet la ?Ma.'??-? It ?sew, au lu* la sri^aieu I 1 II U U ?illtta. in a ?..?er.,, r wn*, aijkii a"*.i r??,-? a ikn teaaa? . t:>? sama tin ?I ' aa I Iuv?iOur ?lid ;.-.:?: in' | v STATE CO^STITfnO?f. ?hall th* vr?o,o? oo.jrj-H of ?By *.' )f rrper?:* r? gnat ?ry SXtra Ml BatH ? ~ - - - . ? te i-rtnt saeaf, ?neat?, -i ,'. ; I V ? to a?y pub'' sen.? '?nt'vtir, j,,, {a* tint' - ?a* ?* -i. r\?--./ or by my I I ,' ; * * ?- .1 A???7?k' r Sit-? ?lot !n add*tloo to ? il *--.ntra<-t rh? teym i? ~? rtT?>nt to ?r. ^k . ?#<-t:oa pr.h'h ?, rK? ?*? ng ?wsy ? * jerl ee h??lag offVnal sr retrs . h? it?f? ?r sr.y ef iti aa*. ?????y ! r ?. i kasa ' .em fraas th? h*nr?< rn?.1? In tfc? ?rt>?"r- I * ? t -. ? ? . . ? -' ? ? | .-...o- <e S?-t:> a [SSI ft. Tb? laarveSstnfw ?t? :, by law. pr ?. !? for th* . ' . p-l?..n?r? eanr p-nu?-.? ?. ?? -' . ???I? iry la tfc* 7 n'i?ry?ev?n so per?on In acj -eaiUatlary. 'a . ? :n,!?r aer'en.-? th*l?to{ ' \: I ? iitry or ? ?patloa! ...... Im. a?*?.;'?* le?l?;a'.ire fmi? pr < ? - I that I ? la*? r ? ti ? ' -?-. '.on ,wo?d or nun? '? trolled ? the ?;?'- i ? .? dlvlaton ' ?i ma. r The expr?k?' ? ri.'on" !? hm,-?d to "ell - 4 ? >.?<-t:-n "? Th' bMUeleti ee ?A hex er- ?r fs ?'(.-?. Jnf tut teeeeaeeif ? ? ? AssTSacT. Th? pr,??- a t-.r? i? rhi? : ?? - -?? " ? .. ?? . . - k ? ....... Dibit man Hacturlng ah ri ? Bettina I. Tb? ?xe,-,??iv? power ahal! ?? ??Tern. r who ah?!; I oeer' ?The joeeaoor and ;?.*...?n-? ? nan p receding . sha.l ?nie e*T?--t. shall hold T* tig the thirty drat d?y of . s?:id .-'.ght handred ?n.l .- ? . i : th? r . ???,r, ?hail b? chu??a i' th? . tlon In tl?t year.; The mrvroot . '? r Hie I s ? leee in ;, kind do.' a't un?? ??? Sral v 0n? tkeueen? eime kund -I <:?.( ??? - -, i. \ ? eaafl * - ->? ? fa? *i? ? -??? ?? a* aausJ M ?? of lb-eat), tV>?*or.' rfe.lara r*"*re ?A4J.7. 4? pr./Pld-d './r 114 ??? a i und /b*-**,?'wk I ?r?,?tii? -?> -i?>u-r kaaraaci rta ? r?a??? tb* r'a aalsrj ft i teg ? th?? -laaiut dollara per year af'-r Jaamr. 1017. -?.-In - No pcr?oo ?ha I - " ? of go ??mor r ex ? f tb? CMtad Mat?? .' the iri of net a . iba'.l ??n a*? year? out M n a r . . - ? ? ? ? ?- 1 at th* '-ma? and Of ? hone., ?j men: era of the ???eiuh'.y Th? per ?on? r??pe?-r'.??,y :.,?1ng the L .. i ? t .i?? foi governor and ? ??to -r ?ball be eWted , but in rta? - Il .ave ?a equ?; ?nd ' ,f Tor.? f..r )foT?rn.'r, or f. r - tenaat gue ernor. the two bouaae of Ih? next anuual s??*ioii ihall ' ' - *i asaa one of [th? ao bating aa equal in! D'iinher of tote? for goei-rnor or ,l?i:t- nant t'\*r:. r. Saet?as 4 The gr-??rnor ?h?", te? lo --hi?f of tb? ?aii.tary ?nd u???- ' ?tat?, n? <..: r.H?*'- now* leglalatur... or the ?enato aoly on O -is ,,n? At ?xtrauniinarT ? a, '?.1 opon. Dor may rwommand ' omi.iiia a'" br ineauafe to kr.rr leealon the coodltloB <t tl? - * ' ? ? re.-i,mmend inch ni**, r? ',, ? a? he shall ,,|,>tg? ?ipodlaal H? eh? . traaaact ?. *.e-ee?ary b,:?:n'?? with the oiT:'??"? of gawomoiaal and ml.ttary He al:a . ? ? Biiaa 'ir?a aa mi) b? r*eo ,^.| non t.y the leglalattin?, and aba!' rake <ar? ibat the laws sr? fa [Ha shall nek'K fa? hi? ?*'"? "" ?J ann*is ?sia-? of ten ib-nieaw* ' taer? v.? ! h? provided fn? hi* lias a ?'it'al..* and furnish. I ?v?- .r.r? r??ld'-r,.-e. ] AnsTaacT--The matter bar* eltmtn? tran?f"rr?d to ee?t'^B one of thta art* ?!?. ?nd tr, -i- smendxl aa ?iate.1 In the I "?eor'.na ,?, Tb? got?rn'*r ?h?l! hat? rh to ureui. r-rr1????. ? Mnroutatlon? aad . ?> ?ftiir ?onTiot;on fot i, offeoee? ?? a-.l ?-!??? .,f ?: . ee . ? ?nd wit' ?u,-!, aa? - aa, ee he may think pn pel tlon? a? may h- provided by law r?.a' ?S niaunoe of ?pplytng . ? - tloa for i.-ki?, n. F^ ill!' I r.-i l ? pend the aj ?ball be rep ,rr?l to the lei ? .-??.I to tl . | ? execul on "f th? ?en-?i ? reprieve ({e ?hall ?nnua. ? the leflnlatiire ?a.-b caae of ?wprlere ? 't tlon or panlon grant?.!, atatlng tb? i, ' the ?-ontl'-i. the .-run? ,,f I u--|?d. *h* >r of the 'S,mmu(atioii. par.l.n oi reprler? i S [ In ran- i f the In pea th? yoi?rnor or h'? I . Inshilay lodls-hs.-g. *.? :?>??-? ' th? ?aid offl.-w, raalgnattoa or ai.s^n. .? fr s. iv - ?hall derole* upon the lien*. n?ut g,,v-(in. f.- the residue of the toriu. ??: ?*' " ?tall .-ea?.- ! If (A. - - - em ' ?, ii'-'Ji? II? ? "ior ?AaJ ??OH ?I I ?'.i- ?,-....,-? ' r?? r?r?. Il IA? ?jutrmor be b'ld'.'- onp'-rlnril .r ^e !.? I*' pou ere jed du'i.? from the ita'k M? iiebl-ntinf ?oeeruow imt ' at mteerner ?urin; .b,--. lavaMMig, i ? ???? ? iik panafanayg ef laeh .mpeai- ,mr?t But - th? ?aw?raai ?t.?:?, w n, ? - ? r?. b? out "f lha ?tat?, in t:-n? of war. at tti* bead of a ? 'tar/ ' slisll maticii). rominander In < bief wf ail the Bllltarj for. e ,f tlie ?late Aaera*.'! I'bi? aniendmaot riarlOe? thts saetloa aad proTtdaa beyond disputa thai In* th. p'.n.?eu y of I ?ill*? agilnat the ?orernor tf.? lleMttaaaVBt ?nen.or ?b?'i a.-t aa goranor ?4-, i.,,o T lb? lie itruint governor shall ?>?? ih? um? gualiScationi offlea ?? Iba (for, ,i,.,r H? ?!.?.". ? '?: 'h* ?en?t?. Vil ihall ha ... on r ? ?????!. ? ih- r.-tn. I If ? v? ?u / ..f '?. ? O?S ? jteu?nt ?..vrruor at.all be ueai-bed, dlnplaoed. r?-?'an. d:?. or - ? a ? ' oi be ?I ??nt fr.,m tn? itata rh" a-ua'- kg get ?? I < .?? '?O'-y b? SI ltd or th* Ilia . ? ? - ? 1 If trie ptaaldaal f the ..-ate f r ?uy strnv? .-au-??? ahall be- .i-ie m.-epebl? et f rnilne th? dvtlao p*ria;nlng to tb? < i X'-veri. .r, ?be ?pvaker of ti,e aaaen.h.y ai.a a t a. a,.,., rnur until tb* n i. r I? **..!*d or r!.? disability shsii ceaa*. 1 /.' Ih? o"tce ' jnern?r '.? lO'-iet oui (1er? i? 'iJ liCkirn-J*ii ?/, ?uc\ i emncy ??jli 5? Ilia for lb? r*rr r uf f? ? fers?, at :\t nett gtnr tin not leaa then three e?)n>l? ?ftw sitea >a ?nnry occur?,- and In eny l.ah wn, un?il M? I uue-p b? |IUed b-j ' ' 1 n Ik? t'c P'llXilent uf th' |.-".?.')j. ?}! t? .ht't t-, ."i? ?piaker o' the ?n?i,i';? iktU unUl the flrtt coy of thi : . ? n'xt eucoeeHou the elective at >. fck 1*4 govatraee iha.'I b? fillet If th' o/See *>/ paw. ernur be tarant and fke !'?? .. >r (* under impenchmmt. or lu',', (o giktoh.r?? (A* -?? an-f ??Illas ?/ Ik? . M iibtmt fi:m ih' .tat? ffie tern pree*demt ef the etnaf iKotl art ae p-, dbrlap iikch tnij.iii'p. u'.aen. ? or tA*> p' of auch impeut hmit if ?he i?^,^ Jeal <if the tenate be ?w . .? the poner? and datte? it l?M I 'rnor or be absent from the gtal ' tht atltmbly ihetl ?et ai yotere.r ?urtni; Ilk h le ao. up jr glaaaaM Aa'marT This anendr ant da-flnes Id detail tb? ?u'.-e??ioa to th* otAra of governor it d ?m not . tbe alfart of tha n-i. nt ex>a g, relativ? to ?j.h aateoeoeafat, I .t '? !iit?o?!ed to fr*a it fr-m ?**. ?.?? .;u.Lt sud am? biguity, stich aa ar. ae in tb? yea ? iuei.Jfu*iil gksa prov'.lea 'bat a va, SBcy lb tb* ofts.-a of Ueataaaa? governor, <> niouthi or twfore s t?i.eral ? b* Slied at 'let e.?- '' u S??tion 1 l Le l?ii?-i*n? g?.v?rc r ?t?'.i r* c*l?a for L.? K-rvt. ee ea ar.n>.?i ?a'.iry ? Sva ibonaaad dollars, sad ?. ??; m.t r?-c?i?e i ? entllle.1 to my o'h.r ci>oipk.naat!on. few o.- p?r -: u?'.te. for gay eat? r a?rete? he a.ay b* re 4 ili?d to |>*rf r-r by ?? ? . v .a w Eiattea w gfi rr hill wMeb aha.! bar? paaawd th* ??nata and ????oibly ?l.ii, brfor* It be oomea ? !?w. he i,r??en(e4i to tb? . ' ha ?Dt-rov*. be ?Uau ?'.gn ;t? bat if ? ? lure .t with hta ob? lion? .u whl-h it ?hall bav* or*r'i?ted, -wb> h shall ?nt?r the obje^tl. n? st lar?-. i ,-v.??d to r.n ?r 11 f after i ? : l?ra".ou two'hlrda of tl? n. to that t ? ?g-ee * ,.,. ? . ? ?ball be aent toasthof w i|_ it? tl.- . tl.rr h. .??? ir?' . r*ou?.d*rtd ?ad J ?. ? the members *.*.-ted t. -. . orne a i?w notwlth?la*i.!iL< tlks govet-or la ail a ??n -a?*?. rL? i loth ho..??? ?bai: b? dr*.-r - ? . ? ? nay*, anl th? name? of -.i- n.-,.-.-. ?b*:i b* ?nteird on I . ? bat??? r?a.ik?4-ttv?.T If a:.y by tba rT* rnor w'.tbii ter , r, ,,. ?f?r it shall i?.-- i-?- n ...-? ? him, th* sat?* shall b*> a ?aw in lia? aiaoaaa a? if h? had ?ixiikd it. .iB-aa tLe >?i?iatur? ?bail. nn.?nt prevent ita return, in wbi.-b '-as* It ahall Bot tss-oia* a law ?Itli ? it tb* apt,rural of il?> ?.>,. lw.-otn* a law after tu* final a of th* laglelalar?. unit?* ? ei-nor wllbia thirty days after each al><nro l.ieot If *ny loll ureaentert to tb* Mi .-nntsm ???-ral ltean? of api>r- pnai!on of i. b? icay ob', t to on* ?' iikor* of aarb Iteeoa wbl!? apprjvu? "f the other i* tftun cf tb* bill lu ?oh caae. be ?hall api?-n.l ?o ? .? tb? tlaaa of ilgoiti?; It. a ?latemeat of t' ? 1'e-r.a t which b* ?.'.s-tk. ? ? or.)?.'t<it t* ?bail *??? ?a? -T?. t If i1.* ( ? latur* b* la ?**?loii he ?. a-,um lo wblcb Ibe I a .-? nv of sia-h ?fatam?at. aa,t iti? ?? ? .ball b? ?eparateiy r?*c?L?ldere.l If on 4 t,ua OUe 4 two tbir4*a ,,f '?.? ??:: U-r? a?arl ., [ boOse. th? ?a khal be |?:( .f xbO law. r. ? g the -. ?? ?> ? r ?h? iweern : v - ? : ? n r*:?:: not a - ?ov ?rnor - - 1 <?? - t any Urn, cr ll*m* 1 lo i bill apsrupriailng uiuaey. AKT/?'!.? V iection f On or bet?re th? A"eenth i.,y o? .Vmeiwbee ?? Ih? ,-ir ,-,?* fAvmnid nine Hundred und l?ate?* .\.t \n ?u.'1 pear llker? a/l4?r l>e k? id of ???.-h dej,*-- ? -rat? po?.e.?,.oe*f ?aoeyt ?k? i-.-.-'.?? ??! ?biu?oi-v. ?Kail f? la Ik* nuuvreor item g(>TB: v.i ? j i.?.i , 1? aew. mint? la hta avis [? Is ta aa eta.tUd.