Newspaper Page Text
Yankees Lose as the Giants and Superbas Make Their Way Home Cleveland Wins Last Game From Yankees Allen Russell and Carroll Brown Pounded by Indians for Thir? teen Hits, Including Two Home Runs. By JEROME B??TTY. ? .- ? . all alom ng the ? ? ? ? ? ? .-.r the i i ? ? ? ? many, many r-tho;? perl t he was the y i If the Ya er it i-- they . expected tchell ? f laat of tl g awaken? ? B then he ? ? I lose. ? re," ?a'-'l a middle aged man ?a is ' ? sort - Yanke? "I ?..? ? ? - IM I voirr ?0 tO it, Yai t 'em jet f \? icattered a ran Browi i; u ? a ? Kami ( to? I . . . ' ? aftei -lent. from ahuttin ? their mi Hr-nnrv truck oui ?nnk n ha?e r.r, balls. The runner i'cer! nn Nunai ' : :?v o -,- H b left. .-i. by the ?wat. ' ?'' Yank?-?- Y ta, ark ? doubl?e, made te ? ? ? ? ?boni ? Wili? walked a; r? Roth'i triple ?ami Sir r ? thro? d out' and h the [ndiai K 'rlaP hr a hrime rti In ? * ? rroll Rr,*t?r Warn, -1 ? acrif eed rke k* ? , Evan? ? . hall? .- Mitchell ahead of him. Th r H? cold a ,n their fin?rr? ? ?? ???? warm atid supple. A a hard tin and 'he * . Wi rafi WHITE SOX TO THE FORL Hefeat ?Xthlelira in 1'inal I.ame ni I ?irir Srriee?. ? a acore i I 8 to b. ?Vith *. ^(i *,ir a scored ? and W?a knoi-k bed th.? (ama . \.k ?. La) ? . g. If | *V*a*,ver.M ? ; i iw r 11 i i e i ? ? ? ? 4 I ? ?Olli ? ... 4., ? i a a?g ? ? ? i I r ... ? ? - -. ?o lili B K MOHAWK MADE WITH 6L???-OVCR BUTTONMOL? TIE SLIDES EASILY ff/ion(oJ/ars ^m*mn\\n*Wm\ .. ?.?. mm tu. m n. r^^mmmm*^ ? Su A at g ??<- A OiOlir mmenv ami mica lUNITIO SHiaT a COILAS CO THOVNV. mmwmmn. H-.wilria Aliey HMi ?rJ * l'?>o? buuais, mnm+^m ,'| alai I* Cul.u ???guace? Going Down Hil. I ELAND * i ?? t W Y 0 r K I L ?? ? ? .o ? ? ?b r h pi ? ? I i H Ig?,. It HI ? fl . ? - saugh, n I n i ' ' 4 I I I 01 B.'O. r. 2k S 0 0 2 2 I -f 5 0 : I u I Wullen. lb S 0 I l? D n K i'ke i*i 4 1 3 11 0 0 Blumir.n. 3b 4 0 0 2 CO Eva? i, o ' ? rf*-??. et 3 10 2 10 va .,,- . - kl M lile?- rf 110 I) Il a , s i o ?;???nder. c 112 17 1 C ? l 1 0 0 C Rimrll, S 10 0 0 4 1 namikir 10 0 0 0 0 Bro?n. ?. I 00 0 I fi ?Kr Leger 110 0 0 0 Tetili 15 113 27 14 ToUI? B 2 S 27 II 3 ?? ??- i ... ? im et" luisa, ? Bait?? ter Brews h II ? ?lath laalai 2 0 n ? I 0 0 ? 0?1 nooo?ooo o?. . ?a?e hits?Alsaaagsr. Mltrkell. Tkree.fe??? H.m. run.? K Irk?. W1H.. i . New Ya?k. 2. Cleveland, I. I -, l>la>.? Evana. V . ' ? ?ia> an! Kl ri? Melanie? ?nd Biumann. Llfl ?s . -. ?d h Tint h. k ?n ... ? h ?. f 0* Bu?!?!' i ?* U'r, .- . ?ff Btltel liell 7 In .', Innlni?; ?a B?ev.n. 8 In 4 inn kl ?? ?:, 4 kl B'ovan. Uv M ... >iiil ?Alrnsnder. Umpire? - - ri?*? RED SOX NEED ONLY TWO MORE VICTORIES Browns F:ind Leonard Off Colo?-. hut Shore Checks Th? m. R..?1 '?? 27. The Red So? closed th** a? their horn? | t victory over St, Louli to day and appmai ? thin two | g their claim to the chain plonihip. Two more 1'., .'or. ??'?? two i ? ei or *i Red Soj -. , Titrer defeat will decide th The Brown? inund Leonard off form and tool ? -i erith three run? in : !,y Lewia'g . n the third paga, Scott' iainer'e hi! ? th through . ? ? - lei .- ? Shotten -, Howard was hil bi d ???? fly. The Red Sox set! ?vc -. ?? .- . v lllirir-?? of ho sue? eed ed him. Shore, who replaced Leonard ? tly. ? ' owb: : ? . : . v ? ihr *- : abrtn pn ae ? ? ? ' ' I 00 V 4 .4 1114 t 14 0 0 4 0 1 - a ? 17 10 ? 4 Uv* right! or, - , . a I a i - ! ?ni ?i i - - Rlti HIT . a ' PITTSBURC'I REBELS CLING TO THE LEAD Newark Ftds Unable io Hit Rogge and Are Shut Out. Pittsburgh. Sept burgh erned the Newark team this afternoon and clung to theii hold on first place Rogge, wl o wl ... . ? I ? *i nm throufchoul t., victory by a Seaton, although hit ? and kept the ?? .. minimum. g th e - ? aburgh itou d - it 1 i,in . ? i. ? po ae . (?I 1 1 - ? I a ? . . I 74 M ? : tlie - . 11 . ? ' ? ? t Single by Miller Wins for the St. Louis Feds ? -7 Miller' I the nil tsr two were out. rim ? tr run, and the St Louii Fsds n . ? led I ?to to-dsy, The linsl acore u ? '-. 2 ri h m i ?? iy?. ? leeieeeei i ?, - i ? > ?it lia. n l.i ? ?;i?u. Movie of a Man Trying to Suppress Laughter C> BRIGGS TIP TOPS SHUT OUT BY WHALE Make Only Three Hits 0 Curves of Bill Bailey Wilson Hit Hard. Bf 1> ?I-J[>t to Tl ? Tritt ? ? rhicaRo, Sept. 27, The ( hicai Whales limply rofu ? to blow utuli 'he strain. They defeated the Rroo' lys Tip Top? in nost imi re sty ? -.? . sf?tei' oon, un'! he! I i in the );i?t drive for the pennant margin separates the Whal? from the lead, and the sligl ? on the p?rt ?'?" the Rebeli ? I i lei will enable Tinker'? men to move u and take the lead. The srore here t? da) waa ,r, to 0. Bill Bailej ne of hi? he? i sesson. He limited th visit?n to three hits, and m them even the remotest chsnee t? "'...? a Brooklyn runner | way alo- . ? past 1 I ba ht Finis Wilson was easy for th Whal? jot right aftei him i the first innii p and made f two 1 balls and foui ; fectl u ..,' ? .- (Jphsm replaced hii ie t an,I v. a form. ? ill -, t?,). | BRO 'K l.'. N r. I., i. ? . to : io, lis mil ?? ?? ,?.... ? , n i : ? - ? 0 3 1 ? ? * IB 4 0 ? ' | li i a I >, ?i nil - i hi ?i * " . ? ? i i ?iff 1 ? . ? i ? AMATEUR BOXING TO-NIGHT More than 12."? Entries for 'tourne? ni ( rescrat K. < . 1 he <Ire err : Athlstii ? ib, ot .'.yn. will hold the pre!in. in the il ?< ? ? ? of amateur .- ? ? . ? ? st tl ?? v cluh More than 125 boxen for the four es, a record that hsi tin' been ....... ? ????,.- ? 108. 116, 125 - will take place on Thursday Owing to the ite of 1 i list all boxei ed to be at the club ? ek to weigh in prompt Columbus Races Postponed. Because ? and early to-day the Monda : until t? CUBS CLIMB OUT OF LEAGUE CELLA1 lake Two Games from Redi While (iiants Are Idle. Chicago, Sept. 27. The Chicago Cat pul!r*d out of la?? place to-day by wif ning botl gam? of a double-head' from < incinnati. The scor.'s were 7 t 2 and ? t.. I ime va-, ?en in the eipht :nnin?r when ?.eorffe weaken? '?'inched foul on hi'".? I OAMI , im 100 ?. Ul i P * ? ' at, : h pn ? ? M htm ???.-. f i n i n n 11] I ? - * 111 1 P n Herrof. .. 101 I i . ? - . 4 .. 1 A o i ; | r, ,, r. win?, ?f 4 ni: 4 ? ? Wain ? : i ? ? . * ? i', J4 14 . i a ? i a a i g i ,. ,, n ,i i r, ,. : ? |i t i i . r le Mull? I *?: . II..?- n - : , ? - . . T. ? Ht? ' i l.atri m . \? a i? - - -- i, -| 4 r?pti -. ? ,,m, i: ?Mi i il Iiai.o n l. , i .i :-,s k 11 * I. lb r h pu ? ? - i, pn, s M .... ?? ...,,? j g ? " ? . . S. 4 i ? : i n - . 11114 1 ? 4 I ?S l, a ,-f 4 ?, I 0 1 > -? 4 M?? irtl < - - " , Ml I I I 1 11 0. . - p n o o il 1 i IM.K ? p S I 1 1 H |*H tVlllluM i * -i n |i H'illiriaii, p.. n 'i 0 I I T?ttl ' - iieeaeoei . . ? . ? r ???? <??? d ' Hu? .' ri? ?? . R .-.?'?.. ... ... ? ??? : M m t.- .. , , . ; ?,.... I Ki . ? v , . - ? ?? . - . I BOSTON PRICES OUT FOR WORLDS SERIES Ho? !7, The woi games, to be played Bl the Bravea' field next moni be leen nt nri.-"*. to 16, Bccord ? to in itini B American ! cague ha*-, ball i tub I The hierher pru-<- will ho for bei scat? ??'.her reeenrationg in the ?and will C0B1 ??'? each, which nifty he rviiirtin ha? b"i n i ? g atand which runa hac'-. ., third ht.?* a li! ii-ll at *'..' i*arh. : hi -?? three elasoea will he gold ,n advance only In blocki of three, covering the lir?t three ganv? thai ma?, be played here \t . tiona pouring in fur ?reekl ?i*-.l ar? ' oil. ' bleachers, m *i each, and in the bleach? each, a be plae? ,l ?? ? checked up to del? Dust from the Base Lines U\ Jerome Mratt? . i- \ alike?? are :,ov.- on a ihre? ? vscstion. The schedule .!"? them any work to Ho .inti! Friday, when they open a series in PI Mo-,t of them will he st Ebbets : . ternoon wondering ho? , ? evei (if ti.?' Sew ^ o? k ? ?t.v Yank? ? ? ?? on 11 ai.d lost n ? \ l! can:?' in th? ' l ' ? he fell flat I red McKa i round, si I Al? ? ' '. te I a!i?' ' Utiun ?lien v.?. .1 have to bim.u t... . , ? numbering the foot'. .. Tyrol ?hi. bad iu?t fsil? . ??h;l?' th<". . Hi'. "V. .. I ..' "1 ,,r.,' It's a ? Harr) S| We've . m? ! '. r th? ^ .' ??? ai.d ? ..n't hit, who I', i ter in 'he ' ?.Mill?? *?! ? he N'al mship, to win .' . : ..?' Hrop Kirkinc" Is the 'itle of an ar , Bo ton DSW pi.i er. It i* one . - o:, h?iv. ti, p'h'. iootball. and you might ha?, e ?upposed, ?JviM to the Braves. Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams n \no\ u i EACi e. ?. '.?Il?? TO-D l?. l'hllailrlpliiu ut l'i.,..kl .1, ( ?in iniintl al < ,...??.? REMI i i s m (, wii | reSTI ROA1 ( hliag.i, T ; l un liiiuii i. .'. ? li . iigo. Il ( inrinnatl. I, N 11 ION \l 1 i \?.l I. ?I \M?IN?.. IT. i IM u i r.? l'ini:, m so js?u i*i l'ui? ;n ;* .i:.i II..-1< n .? M ,S4t ? in. Iiimiti n:i :n .4M Bronkl)? 7K ?m .". :l < IiIi.iko sa :m .4M l'Ill.l.urKh 71 7'l t;:t S??? \nrk SI . * .4SI IMEHH tsN I i:\i.lK. li.lMKN m i? \"i ? Saras* at I'MIh'MiiIm?. lli-truit at \\ ??hinglnn III ??I I. r- Ol GAMES MMKKIilY. ? I??pIhihI. !?: Ne? "i nrk. .. i i... ?ic.i, il; Philadelphia, v l)?lii>il. 7: W il?li.liK'"H S, It.i.tin I; St. I ?mi?, t. VMI.Itl? \N I i.\?.l I, Ml INDINO. ? i r.? . u. i vi . ? lo-lnn '.?I ??', .?H.l N??? ?.nrk'iil s I l?i lie! roll '?7 II .SSI Nt. I ,.ni? ?; a?.?Ill <hi<.?a.? HH ?;i Cleveland A? ?S? :.*.; ?in BS .'.".: riiilii in In? .?;; i Ty Cobb Joins Famous Club of ''John Andersons" Steals Third When That Base Is Occupied, and Then Kicks Himself Out of Ball Game. I'. r.'?gr?pri to Til? trll l ? ! \\ ashingtoi. -. p*. 27. Ty Cobb third ha?t* here this afternoon when '?.if? wai already occupied, mid the critic?, ?re puzzled. They don'l know whether o? t to mem berahip with full privilege? In ?h? "Famous Boneh?adg of Baseball < lub" or mer -!v make iciste mem ? ... hen '.ihn An-! trson 1 ? id?.:' end the others per* formed the feat every or.* w? 11 Bui T\ ' nbb Is aom? one ? I I> to a latr- hoi:r last nighl no one had * *-.i it "?it whether I ?? ? . of b faus pas r,i whethei ? something I occult for the ordinary layman Th?? tuation ?a fraujrht with po? But, ?it any rate, all agreed : -, r;i? mad. ites that base wai not empty, and they ?,!-n agreed thai deapite th ?lance th" Tigeri beat iitor? by a to -'* [ - - obb -h a record for stealing basei that will live for an a.*, n or two. He wants to pilfer 190 . hai become an ,ol ith him. So .- hen he got .. , ? . afternoon he paced r er 01 -, up ai .1 do? "IVe rol to gel those ? a".-ir*. like th?? presen! Here goes." A*,,1 ofl h. ?vent, thundering into the For a * I OB team itood Bnd watched him in upon mouthed satonish V ?! Still 'hey \* Btl he i. Bl I a? ? obb h ' "That ruy 1? always pulling ? ? ?? may criti? Bui n vrondereI ke to th? erime. n r about M?e man in your . wu.mIi OUS '.a : IB, v*> ho tu a bramble bush ami ed out both his 1 \ ? .- ? nped into si ? ? Of cou iw that ! bag ? made a wild 11 '? Rhodie U allace, tne u td him . ? ? No h til spirited man can bear ruli cule. ? obb is high hurst ou! in a mad ... t Wal bore with I 1 1 obb spoke of the umpire's foi ? ? a oc . on a itli Wallace Bl? him. An! . ; him ,. ? mentioi ed the I rat rule of base ???*! hase or 1 member of you I team, when tin- other team is at bat Brill have no occasion to steal a e < obi. and hi? fn?ri,i bal * erafl play bad planned. Vmi ie< thinl and then warmed hli ?ai back ??? n h<* might bav? r , red ? tolen bases; or, again. ? ? e ?Vashingtan catcher had only hern obliging and cut loose with n wild throw two run-- imitht have been gCOred. All these leatuni are advanced in i extenuation of Tv ? ohb. bul when an : r> man turn th" trick he I ? called a bonehead. The ?core follow s: i'i : ip in m. l.i i WASHINGTON ' \ I.? nl, r I ah i ? ia.1! | I II ' ? \ m, lb l" l ?31 I oai r lb 7, 1 I 0 ' " ' ' , 0 Mil ?n ,-f 5 " I HI Hi ?',. Ib.. 410 !? 1") r. rf.. Ill I II l.rf ??0 0 ! - rf 101 I " ' lb 40 1 11 1 ? s?. ink?. lb 101 'i., un;. !b 41 1 4 10 tinsmith, i S A Oil I " I | I 4 10 M? Bride, ?? 1 " 1 ?? 10 le.o 4 1 1 1 1 0i Mori 1111 i ., o , ,1 | 11 . >nt, p 1 0 0 6 1 6 Harpe? p . 0 " 0 t? 0ft i ?'?' I tu Milan . ?00 I -1 -i - 11 T 17 14 1 Dumanl 1 In tht n il . i n ? .i o : iseeoeoei ?? a..- Ml Kan' Itlgh K .i II lllfl ?? . . . ? ; P. - ii . ' ? - W'ai . nr?l ., ,. ? . , ?, i - Hi ,,-i., i. ! ,i Inga; . - * larpi . ' , , .. it i Hi ??? , i' ? : ?o entries for To-Day a1 Havre tie Grace Illisr RACI Belli i tat Ikna raar-aidi a-, I tag l i?, a- i a ha ' ' ? , Sain.- >i' Nam.- Wl ? P ? ? f ?? I . i 1.1 .? I Ii ? ? . ? ?. \ . ?r? .. 1" ?!?'?." i? . : lllrl . ?I.|gl . I?IS ?Vlg ? BP.I UN! i in. I III ..; tot la ran i a half ?Ai t>i Tlllllli ? .'.um; -TAP - . . ' ..... ., ? ? ?? - | - > Igt* .. I !!? > . ? ? . m I. ' . - ? . I? SuHlltD 114 *i a ? ? it ,. Karl >4 I ? . . I ... 101 - i.i riant 107. ". SIXTH UACI a 112; F rll S . i .... )..?? I'tlr.i-a , . klatl II i;|iirtltll ? -. I. ?' Carrlt ?? ; ? .-? Kansas City Packers Twice Beat Terrapins Kansa? City, Mo, Sept. 27. After .?re had tied the soore in the eighth innin? of the first same the K .? IS! City 1'eds batted out two run? and mm by ii ?core of 3 to 1. HiicT OaMI I! II E Ksiuti I'lif s e ? 1 ? ? S I a?I a i i . ? ? u 1 a?i ? I. ?i. B.a.k a 1 SMI -I ? iiMi I. ?ill n n i. .. ? n ? i n i i i .? . i?a lariat n- lag ? t Saslaalw; A. u ;ohu- I Mb. Iv/uiig ti.J Ottt-a. FEDERAI. I.EAG1 ? ?. IMI.? TO-DAY. V-uarla m? riilel'iirgh. RCat'I.TM OI ?.HI!? lIsllKIIIV. ' in. ago, Bi Brooklyn, ?. Pltlaburgh, 't; Sou ai k. B, >?t. I.mi?. ! : llilfTnln. '.'? ? il>. t: Huit ?more. I. ta i.i- i? ? il. . ;; II.illMii.ire, S, i i nu: \i i t M.i i: STANIHXO. n. i v.i. \\. i ? r.c. ritl-l,iir?li *< li : ,a?B N.-ii irU ::. ,n -,ih *l I oui?, h:, f,.-, ..-?-.h ll'itTiili. IS ?? .4*0 ( hirua-ii ?' i, ,M? ltr?*)l?l.?it TO su .10. la.m i II] ."g ?B .".'. Il.iiliin're li loi Jll FIFTY WOMEN BATTLE AT NET Miss Bjurstedi Wins Two Matches in Tourney for Longwood Cup. It-, T ???-.. M 111? Tribune,] Boston, Sept. 27. Nearly fifty of the lead'tig women lawn tennis ?layer? of the country, including "the present champion and two former national champ ? rted in the annual open tournament on the turf courts of the Longwood ?'rickct club to day, and all the favorite* came through without difficulty. I Ml l Bjursl,??'.'. the sen.??' ,,hH| N'orwegian a; i holder of the national title, played under the colors of the West Side lentil ? !uh. of New York, and won both her matches, fn the tirrU round the champion met Mis* Marion llomans, o and defeated her at ,; 1, ?'. 4, In the econd -et the Boston jjirl reeled oft* four ?ames lie tore Misa Biuratedt .settled into her I out the net by a sen lational bui it of speed. In the .-econd round the Norwegian anquished Migg Philli?. Sean, as? i ther Boston player, by a score o? i '.. f. 2. Mr?, (leorfre W. Wight man, of Long played hard and :'a-t In hir matel ? Seating Misa Nora Sal ?..n tall by a score of 6 0, 8 l, ami i-Uie of gliss Helen \ ? nder, of Philadelphia, at <; 2, ?', 4. Mrs. Wightman, who, as Misg H.. : rlotchkiaa, of California, was the national champion in 1909, 191" and lull, fourni tlie Piulad Iphia girl a trorthj opponent ;n the second set, and the ra een the two were hard fought. Mrs. Wightman'i strong play ove'hi i feature of thie match. . Evelyn Sears, of !'?? the national title in 1907, defeated Mil Rosamond Williams by a -core of ?', :t. id-r performance to-day in licated that sha *-v 111 be h formidable "der for the plan- in tin round. The lummariei foll?n : Uli* Allee 1 kl RI i: i ? ? ... ?i .- s. ?au nul n- . i , ? Ill M II Kl . i -i Ml VI , M lirai ? .*. v ? , i . i : lllu lin Kli? .\'. I ? \ v ? M \ -i 1)1, In. ?*1? ??? i.. ? i '. \ i , ' ? i ?' A . , I ??? H M'a. M ? . li I I . I l . . Icfault MA * . . H I -, . i irai - n ? n i ,. i i . s m ; . ? i .1 . Uli. ? I? li , ? *. - M i I Mb? 4 III a VI .*. . , i I; Ann I , M r i , .... ' , s *. ? . *:?'-,, . .*k,l Ml.? i ' \; 1 .. . -. . . Il . II vv .? I ?? ? ... I - .. ' ' II?, 1 (I... Ml . Alke Ilion, lia? 'Urt?l*al airs. U. U. ?until. I'tU.aJeiptiU. eu. ?V?4. SAM MIMED, BEATEN A NOD BY BUCKHORi; August Beimont Wins | Double and Lilley Rides Three Winners. H,?'. re !.. i.ntrr. ifd ? "?ch hat * of km htSUs I alt-Baa - ,Xl ? | ..a '"? "?i IS rteri af ' the hspet ? " jp 01 - i i s? d?a tim". v. Ami. th? favorito, ha? Tom Elward aho ed su a r??-?naj of form in the Tr? ?, ? for t'A o year ia? g ??gif ?? that his I \?:Bn4?, was called before ? t*-<? r.i. ? - who rode ?M Mf . ?- ? , M hon? ' up, mai T J. - ? -r"?'. Th* aV race, and . Fern rock, bretk.r.r. t ?taytil i ? .' I in a poor fourth August ed a ?JosUs, srd ? ? >?t eri!". ' furlorf ' Benjiois I, another J. W. Hsdrick, jr.. the demon runner up in selling rnro*. hsd a Held day. T? J Morrii't ?...-.. .,,, I ?on br from Humilii Hay from Jeff Lit. erj po?'. s win ? Hedriek'i J???*. jr, favorite, H .? Iledriek had his . - for he r?' <p o' Day .orne. The summaries ollow: . Ii < ? ?? , ? ' .liraMa i . .. ... .-.,., . - a '. I i II I'a P..,?? -- Fias. M ' ? IT. 1 IMHItl i I ta 11 ?1 j u - : ?All? g . ?M ? ? | ?it. tl** I ; . a I I ?, : ? m I tad 1 ? Jan Bm ?!, ? Wurm ta? .. ia l ! I ?' t? I. I ? '. an.I ; ? la ' ?a, in:-.. . .. ?'i ; ? llrrm.-r a Cubs and White 8o\ Will Clash on Oct.? ? ?'ir.ual serie? ?all gamer ? -nionahis Of Chic \<.7 l! rldl?. ? letobei ?'. ? ? - irame '?'ill ?* . : ir ?he Amei erouni?. I'm - nt Thorns \atiof?! Leaguera an ? ?<>?'*?>'? and, a^ ?va?? fore.- . i the re* nueat of th? ? ?? '",*' the serie, three eornered The ifi*?' -y'i Vou can laugh at *j weather in a Fal! overcoat ot "Scotch Mist." "Scotch Mist" (f.";.)"a Scotch cheviot that's been rain proofed our own idea, and I he had only in Rogers Pee? coats. ?Mighty handsome Fall coi* quite apart from their weather? proof quality. Derbies! Soft hats! New Fall shapes. New Fall shades. Fall suits for men and bo>* Rogeu P?t Cout*** Broadway Brwd-nJ atlitl.St The *t34h* Four , . .^ Broadway Corners-' Fl;,,.iV at Warren *t41"