Newspaper Page Text
Conducted by Samuel Hopkins Adami. Thia denurtm^nt it devote?! to aeparating the aheep of advertuinj; fn m the goM? -and hxnginn a hell on the ?josta. It deal? with a very irriotia topic in a way that ia not too aerioua. lit honni oadoavor will ha? to anaiver with lairneaa, either in print, or, where thai ia inexpedient, h> pi ivate letter, all fair qiieition? ah'.ut ?d\ ertitementa. while reaervmg the right to plead ign?rame when that i? th? rigril ?<ti?w??r. It aaka nothing for ita iet\i ei exiept the . m-.'i lem e of it? correspondent? in Riving Iheir name? and addressee, a confidemi? whi.iN will nr\rc he vio? lated Pleaie tlale . learly whether you prefer to have your name ??ilhheid from answer? nrinted here. No unngned communication? ?rill he rend AHdre?? The Ad-Vitor. 1 he Tribune. New Yf.rk. ? ? raight ' ? W. B. Witl . ? ro :it alii '1 ere F' colds. ] ? ? I,llr' '? ,; ?s tl Sudden Chills, Colds, ?Pnoui !' warm ' ; ? : all revei I g Dr. Carej ?e me ii - V?. J. !.. Hail to Dr. ( ? ' ? m -1Bve ' four i ." .marvela than his little ci reproducii ems, culled from 1 ? ?-D, sthi lodUt ' "ral or ecll-ss esp?ndil Sui Sign i> eonsnr- ? anse thai produces eff? Give date of birth and ? and dis ? ? ? Bioplas Thi? con ,.,.n , . ibration of b!6od thai ?ers." orrespondent to take th? powers arc no1 to e ? might try to ' If ??<? can make anything oui of that, lei Fate itself could not harm which cou! r that ] r- ? ! foui dation. It is ap hold 'ha? t)i?. rarth i- flat and the mday's Tribune an advertisement of the Yitagraph Theatre ? ? . "Tl ?? Bat tie > rj of ? ? ? ? . militia ' .i. A. R.'i i ? . ? troops, m. Fair! JOHN F, TRAENDLY. Mr. Trat en not it the old and sseticuloui spirit of math? vine afflatus of pony. What ? an artist in won)'?! Some day, per hap-, when the war of the I - ?me historian ?>f the Vitairraph will tell waned ung. la K let tel ilar ? derful pro - A II. ? I'MMINGS. \? ? . f what ?the expert of the Ameri ed "tl of therapy." :: thai hoary fake, the 1 brother, the t ? "?'? er happen? ... circular of th ears coming l,rre at last. ' ' '?' yel al ? rue. Ingen ?oui d? iti al actually curei disease without The Oxybon will successfully treat anv dis ? ? Oxybon actual 1) makes nature cure i v ? ? i len?gth of gas-pipe and more cause the Sody >rb fried liver. The whole of these g? pip? cure? the "? V\ ? I lepartme t of J ;i. .?.',,, good v. of th? " ? ixydonor? I erived i - ? a COld ? ta - any dann I to uar^ off a rol.i '.' (A) ! tin aloin, a recognized laxative ((') ^'",: tKtA . also bromid a 'habit .... i, r work ? ?.<? . I ray, open to the public would te to your wor\, as well ?i i ? ' a young man wearing a efore, lut a? ai I rate 1 ?l,r,..i i P. t? ATKIN550N ? ?-millar Interesting suggestions nai . I be "a,, eve opener for the ,?,.,,? .after they h I h',r,|V.' ? own mai . wo Just to pn ,- ?. I to us??anl ??r. we si ? i? ',', ? ' ige faith in the efficacy < f ' ? ?n i\ ie rigl ? Threat: Chapter 11 The \ ' i ! we'll bring thi .? ter III ? ?: by the in, ured pari ?. ? Kindly let a ? ?:. ,,-? ? F '. It might ? ? ,',..e ' t. ; -,' i" a prop].? La i . - ai . fl prescriptioi . and 9Sfs4 ?? ' ' ?? .. smmoniated mercury. 'J't.e latter is a powerful poison. I EXPLOREES HFAR OF WAR ??plain dernier'? Part? il QaetV* \f ?. i rl| ' ilaad ' ? \ I ? ? GAS BEATS SUICIDE'S BULLET Kill. Retir? tl But? her. W ?ho Had (Jui Ml Read! r?. I -?? SUFFRAGISTS GASP AT BALLOT TRICKS Districl ( aptain Instruct* Fortj \\ omen in Work <>f Wat< h ?ng ?it Polls. nber . ? ' I "\\ ? "It i hard to ."-'?y." ? ? ? Mrs. : ? ? ' ? ? PRESIDENT TO CAST VOTFa ?N PRIMARY Will Fulfil His Dutj as Citizen al Princeton To-morrow. Fr-rn Th? Ti ' ' ?.pli orrow. ii. ? ceton. .... . . with p? ? ? ? ? . ' has not he? li'-t Nove? i 19, when ? - UPLIFTERS. NOT FIREBUGS .'i lal? n ?erased Kir? ??!? n V. ?shed la Remo? ?? Ej ? -???i i K at-'. ? ? ? -, ? ? ?am Mon I ? ' ' ' ' PERKINS MONEY WAKING TRAITORS LAST MOSS DART $25 Sent to Workers in s<>n:c Districts, is Charge Republicans Deny II. PROSECUTOR HOPES RIVAL WILL SEE ERROR Still Can Wake Amends I ach Side Predicts Victory Other Contests Few. - ? ? of M i. Perkii s'a o| ? i District / 125 bad ome of th? ? e Republics lorse ! ? apt his for the 1'eri-iii? ? Ii Most ? ?? Progrei iifter I I Draina re r? from ? good I'm. :irim;il ear. \ n nom w only Republican - g no! :, ? ? t Atl ' trict Attorney ? ? ' . of the 20,000. He , . 5.000 Mo-*, Sure of \ Ictor). t o ' I o a a : "i mu -ur>* Mr Perkins's confidence Republican voten , . . - ? .tjority. My ca? 26,000, if i. ? 000, I of 5 '-.if ii he al 10.000, ??ie " the only : ?* was ? ' '? an) Hall a.? its i am H. before the his designation ?ilIlliT i? retired in favor Tammany et conteats foi noi tion to ins in i he I am ? n< in ? ucc.i 1 .m elf by the "Big . " hai not '? fi ightened, Jo leph r. Ryan that h*- had effort to win tl In 1 ' il Court Die! ? ? '. - iction m tlie l>i ? John V, Cowan, for some years anti-Tammany, ? ? . ??? o pursu ? ?'le*-k hn? I? ind tber C evelan I they would | ? I -? '? ymati ?. rallying around him thia ?r ??? ?he i hn?, hee.i '. althoiir'u ? ? t was not know.. ? for the S ,1 he voted fur id I WINTER CARPEN A ' , I? MAXINI FI l "III S PLAYHOUSE TO-NIGHT AT 8:20 GRACE GE01IGE THE NEW YORK IDEA ? MATINfE TO MnitROW. TW?I ft ;r?MPANY ?*??! HUSBAND AND WIFE A PA'R OF SILK STOC (IMS OUK CHILDREN LYRIC ' MPH ' "ALMA f, "AOI : ' - I WILLIAM HODGE 4 Am. ??I '?* '" ?*'? I A. M. It ?' ?' 25c. 25c ASTOR' COMAN'! AMCHICAN I ? ??Mil I Mi -IP -.:, HOI I IIMY" " ! ' . I.Il I.T Hlllal ? .... UIKA IT 01 Ml mmmm MANHATTAN OPERA H0US? ! ^ih'ALL /N JAf.f?WCA" TMi ?Sas OF GLASS" Americio 1,1, ORCHES?RA SEATS, S2, $1.50. Flk.ST BAI.C, $1.50, SI, 75c. 50c. ?? ?.in. TO-DA? M HIKE PRICES .?. i m?mm AMiN s M? M. MIT ? TWICE O? CHA,. i-4 V7JTTRIANCLE PLAYS Vf (.rlfllth |n,a-S????t1 . DSSflst Falrsaakt. Rsyass? . r m ? ? i: ?e KNICK ER BOCKE R! GARfi.'CK BURLESQUE . ? i ? . T? MPTIRS ' U. S. BLAUTIl?" PRIMARY DAY POMS OPEN PROM 3 TO n P M -liiar il I Ma I? Prlmarv Un>. Pella open nt ?? P m.. a p. as. I.nt ?tied lo ?ote: Ml whei enrolled Ba member?, of a ?eguliir |inr?v last and who have Bol rhangad llieir residence. I or the hr*.t time the p'imarv ili-lnr? la Ib.- elf I i ?. t? district. Votara mus? ??gn pollbooli for raeapariaoa evlch ? gnatare made when regietering .-i year ago?, iiiurti-eii arhdolhouaefl f*i he me.I a? polliag piareis, eiparimeatalljr. I flv m? u beld .it I'iiIh <? Head- | nuarier? i? e dispatched In bu.''! J powered cars ta a eneol any trouble * es are Ju ; 1 nch ?ru! ,'?? The ? . : i M* Hugo V. n ! I . , Richmond in Vante President. lustice J. I the 41 . ? . been - neuptoOctohei ! n who li.-inki - lacks the oi ? . William B. Ki ? ". ? ii'-li a i ht to m an - damus the Boai ? i ? ? i Sherifl mi fall. The ?nt of using school c? ? will b? out bj the Bo i . i ! i: e board, a ' aer ho He ? ? ' and ha riei Ad - ? i hi se W. V HUHTINOTOH KILLED Hurled in Death i.i ?uto Accideat bI OtegO, V Y. Oi ,27. U illard V. . 1' 1 - ? " "ton, and in other Ke Henry E. Hunt I road kill? y in a In plunged thro igl b fo'.co ?,, d dot bon o. in turning out to FIRE RECORD * a. eh .v A * i. : " I H. 11 ? . ? - I rlntlng ? ?? . i| i *! i 5TARW00D lllllll!l!lll!!!llll|||llllll||||,r tuttl lucat' t fits neu i Men o/p'orir) '. *l terfinmmmni i<V j " ',/ V: EO-MAN a- soa 25 TPovs airi PSC3U'. _J Housekeeping Linens at The Greatest Treasure House of Linens in America Notwithstanding the difficulties of ocean transportation and the very limited supplies of merchandise in the hands of many of the European manufacturers, we are able to offer today complete and abundant stocks of linen goods of all kinds. Nearly ail these goods were purchased or contracted for prior to any increase in price by the manufacturers. We pre therefore in a position to offer this immense range of thoroughly reliable goods at most favorable prices. For Dining Room For the Breakfast Table, in addition to White Damask Cloths of every description we have a very attra< tive ? ollection of Cloths with Dainty Colored Borders with Napkins to match. These sets range in price from $15.00 to $17.50. l:or the luncheon Table. Cloths with hemstitched or scal? loped edges with Napkins to match are shown in a wide variety at from $10.50 to $22.50 per set. Also Madeira hand-embroidered Cloths in all -nitable sizes, as well as Filet, Cluny, Cr?epon and other Lace Clot!.. For flic Tea Table. Hand-em? broidered and I.ace Decorated Moths from Madeira. Italy, France, and Ireland, in bewildering assort? ment. For the Dinner Table. Cloths in eveiy required size from two to ten yards long in a very e:< trnsive range of design?, including the much sought for stripes and plain damasks as well as all the popular floral and conventional pattern??, for all of which we can supply napkins to match. For Kitchen Toweling?Plain and twilled Crash, all Linen. 18 inches wide, 16c, 25c, JOc yd. 20 inches wide, 3 5? per yard. Plaid Class Toweling, all Linen. in various widths. 18 to 2 7 inches wide. 18<- to 40c. per yard. Lettered Glass, Tea and Pan? try Towels?MOO, 5.00 dozen. Kitchen Towels?$2.00 to 4.50 per dozen. For Bedroom Towels of Huckaback. fancy weaves. Damask borders, etc., $3.00. 4.50. 6.50. 8.00 to 3900. Embroidered Towels ?n a very large variety of patterns and styles in Irish. French and Ma? deira Lmbroidery. Also Lace trimmed. Price $2.50. 3.00 up to 18.50 each. Pure Linen Sheets?Per pair? Single Red Site?$5.50 to 13.50. Double Bed Size?$7.50 to 14.50. Linen Pillow Cases?Per pair? 22] >x36 inches. $1.25. 1.75 to 6.00. 2 5x36 inches. $2.00, 2.25 and 3.50. Blankets all sizes, in solid colors with Blue and Pink borders and in all White. Comfortables filled with pure white cotton or wool, covered with figured Silkoline. figured silk Mull. French printed Nainsook, plain and figured Silk and Satin coverings in great variety. $2.00 to 35.00 each. Bed Spreads Dimity. Crochet and Patent Satin Imported and Domestic Bed Spreads in Single. Three-quarter and Double Bed Sizes, $1.25 to 12.00 each. For Bath Room A complete assortirent of Bath Towels. friction Towels. Bath Sheets. Bath Mats and other bath? room requisites of the most desira? ble makes, sizes and qualities. Bath Towels? Domestic. 25c. 40c, 5(V, 60c. 7 5c and $1.00 each. Imported English Bath Towels? $6.50. 10.50. 12.50. 16.50. 21.50, up to 36.00 per dozen. Imported French Bath Towels? $2.00, 24.00 and 27.00 per dozen. Fifth Ave., 3.^d & 34th Streets NCH roam - i i:\nisr. i EMPIRE ^^tM,,,;:,,'.: MR. CYRIL MAUDE ?? GRUMPY f?U LYCEUM MARIE | TEMPEST ? V-L,'l>' ' I l.i'll l.k'l| KILLICBANKIE. ^?z?r*s. LIBERTY ^?Sar^^aaaaaaaaaaaaaWiA u r. iiailV. Inrl.Sunda??. ? iii;\iRis ami HrccEssica. mOLOCH 1 15 Sharp Mats r? M<IR*W J ?<?' I 1 H'.l.llltniiK BU.VN'H iiiVfaW in '? battai ' ?m iiv? ?i l'.iv r??r -?ni ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Era. Sun. AFTER THE PLAY VISIT DANSE Ot FOUIE? i II MrCTlM, PLACE If THE WORLD." N?Wi.'.oA0T FatOUC *.?" I YOUNG AMERICA' 'Whalaisi?. t?ndf- and fl A If TV H W'AT, , .op-ill"?'' r*.--a URIC I I ; g-f i .. - ? " ,-? TO MOR'W A Bal ? i? rriUA?i'? ? ?? HA?-' r.?? ? t? IkUriArl O \|,', ,, IIOR'WlPop A-at v?"?-?'v*k ? "?? m tuMAi?s m/;,: ;,r,,-u v.. v *?W 0. W. GRIFFITH'S p ..??? p ?-.- ', ?Uill?ikV CHinti I > , r -k I? L?L 1 I It V? *-.? LUCV." . '?i> . COHAN'S BicVk? ??200,000 WORTH OF GOWNS $100,OUO.. JEWELS MRS. WHITNEY'S! FASHION SHOW TODAY ?I t. fRUAY. ncr stf Sr?*. Tbaradaf ELSIE ?JANIS ?Vhi'lr ..?e^'atl??.** Btr?t. >?? _ T" M" W lili, in Sola? .,r II.r ? I.Ut M ?III ThliU*, ? i.nieil*.. Knniani ?. '??????^???^?^?????e?^?. ) i * il-T?, 0 WM. COURTENAY. ?TIP M. AI?? THURSDAY A FBI- h DAY, ?t I P. M. ? ? HAKH1S ^i'.i^^CI-r?: ins i stunning' living models. Pleat] m ?..i.'ii - BF.LASCO I vs L ?i ..)- ri v v v I I , -E??. Mil CANDLER "THE ROUSE WfilA?S'' 1 "? ? IS Bbarp. Mau r*i v: \\ 4 IAKRIH l'".rsr\ r LOOSENS ? FLOOD OF HU. MAS EMOTIONS TH?T IBB AMD FLOW WITH DY NAMir FORCE, 'i THE B???TlERA?r.8 Orchestra Scats. $2.00. $1.50 , , , , , First Balcony, $1.50, $1.00, 75, 50c REPUBLIC.:.: f^i;i!liL'MiAJ -i ?TI BtLLIMQ I WEI a? ahead. FULTON ' .' m i -':? N SOME BABY! . ; \ Tl.ll . rrti\rw ,".V MAY IRWIN ?0\??W? - ). i Matin.? T? irerrtn tin? Saat? {I OS. GLOBE -?' '"*i*?**\ '"1 * "? MONTGOMERY & STONE *" ??g The Drama Society [N order to hel| 1 pliyl t?> an Intelli heiri.'ii. we luppl) t!i best scats for the best plaj - lull jokn Urbm, 131 Last IM Si. i r n r t : to'morr?w | Il J u I THF. PRINCESS PAT . LEXINGTON {^??t?t?? ? ' "THE SONG OF SONGS" STANDARD K?L*w ?V,/-" \'"V "HIGH JINKS" ?nov i ?, i i m - LOUIS MANN ?,2K,. HIPPODROME KAKAOBtEM! ? ini.ii" DU I IM.HAM EVERY EVG. 8:15, MATINEE EVERY DAY AT 2:18 SEATS NOW ON SALE FIRST NIGHT THURSDAY NOTE , Tl? <-'lr"?l!. ??' ' -'?a ? 'nr tl.'? p*rf?r nii/i AT Ulli SHARP. EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME ri THE BIGGEST SHOW IN THE WORLD LOWESWRICE Nights $ I cn Matinees $ | ftf] BEST SEATS BEST SEATS "HIP-H?P-H00RAY" SOUSA'S BAND TKV Ml HI? \| ? OMKDin IN ONE < (?Mil < I ED in l m M \i;i II mm, him -i i v A HUNDRED NOVELTIES HHIiKII l?\ K. II HI K N -I l?K -AMI THK? BALLET SENSATION OF THE CENTURY FLIRTING AT ST. MORITZ - - NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT ? FIRST HIPPODROME CONCERT SOUSA'S BAND 4 SOLOISTS. BEST SEATS $1. Il r KM I'll -? FMITXI Atalantar CARD ipALACE?.'r:.: I ? 11'.. . t . w Y- -_.. . ?I.. ?*>?, ?. To Mu ? . I ? ?? I -. ' \ . If? I n N I A I *?? WILTON IACKAVI OLUMHIA. I??'? A ?:ih Burla*??*- M,? THI RUSILAMO ?URLS r? U Loew's American Roof inn ??? *.,? 12-Act Vaudeville Show ttitt*<? l'l l.u.i n t I. ? RUMI ??AM \ Il mIU :,ia?tr Imra>* *** 'mjtf V Nan W?i-la??to* ?r*!??*? *