Newspaper Page Text
SAYS DR. HILLIS HAS DUAL NATURE c i Ferguson Wakes New Attack on Plymouth Pastor. KNOWN IS GIFTED MAN? HE ASSERTS rilare* Th.u Feu Understand Clergyman'! Personality a?, a nnar.cier. Dwight Hillis, of Brook ?so-alities." t. . . . -, ? rgj ? .... w- ihe rnin have ? ?hich Hen "*d" ? amiable, rer is very itood." declared ty as an ? cnlater or ratoodonly ?-. ? ' ? n r_i-ent ' , long con tmtct '? ' ?? diM ln*? ?hr againat the gW.000 againat the m -, Percy P. H - w |] he ral Horal o ? - i hnreh and I adriaers, - . troversy. Replis ;?? * "lonel Beecher. ted hi? at? iero C. Brecher, preacher, who - ten a;.? ? arch and iblic ?uspend judp ? Ol both "Vf. Peer'r* ? Tresses ,'-?.? m the at frgu itiag to ttackt ?re rate staten ? sev ? pre ..--. '-?frist for ? a nub? il isnfei ?yr | - -^ter ?attc i the . ? ? elf - ? sstoral duties. ot know ? nction on ! ?nd ???other foi I8S.000, si H he dor? V,-..n(?, for hi? ministsi n?, o?-n ?-Ka i '??? ' ihr purpose of arevei I ? '??> ?uits which won!,) have- resulted <? ??. Dltxauee Umher \ enture. "It '"?i !? ' lr, Beechei ?ems of tho?e he p:??fo??r? to ipesk it the mon u: fortunately pur ? ? -^her lend? i ?he r? 1 him ''nniirial sssist ? '? Ml I rolved bueineai affair? led ? serious criais a fo?? year? ag". w thou) ? ' ??? ? I the ra?t?r of V.? mouth Church could no' have bser saved notoriety ?? h minister or dis ; l uncial ?er. "Ihosi of i? ?ho ?food ?ovallr by ? StietlS of hi? re? ft'-orneys and friend? ??bo have a? j ,.? ? h thl? spologisl ????? finan? .ai rs? Mr, Ferguson ?? l l? agreed with I Porcher in hit request that .' Dr fscts ?rn ? :.?d: ? . . ? ??in, bj organ I ? ??!? nf the Alhf'i ? owi , ? ? . th? ? rel of busines? specula?.. >? ? which they ? oar?. Tho?e of u? ? | his ?pecu > i. ? : hie attorn j ? with i est." ? MRS. BRUERE LEADS VOTES SKIRMISH Bombards Jersey Commuters at Ferric?; with Light Yellow Slips. ? f\t '?? ey eomtnuter rush !? the Liberty Street ferry la?t ?he wotnan in a ting hand it! .< ?. . '??? fr of the City Chamber?? - ks chairman "' ? Ji ? " campaign ihe led the eohorl of Nsv? York suffrage seekers and spread ? ne* from Liberty to Christopher Street bombarding unwary commuter? with xplo ve Ht? rature, "Splendid le!" wss :?? ;on of the dispoa ? ' the Hvrrmre v nmewnr." bound Jersey to "One man even cam? ' n?ked for a loafer. I tho?e who?.' ? full of hund??? would only open their mouths, tl ? ? eslj." T*?o appeal ?' I i ve enough. ? .; "*? ev? .'? ? ?urel) registei ?n? , ;;."" th cstcbing those ?ho Mrs. Bru? re th?? Jersey voten ";o cross \\ i ?1 Street" on the bias and ? . - <"o" in a vort? ? ? Hoj Gran I? y. leerel the eommittse, I immis ? -i rui about pros? nte i to her by the ?ypmen voters of cah fornia and Oregon, and psssed out am ?? ? . rs among the d i wesr s Jes . p ?;. Brsin.rd, Hart, Mr?. Julia Reinhard ... ,.? ? o? Ir?is TR. BU/VE ^ WTl\. U\RECTDRY 3 Note?? h*- following New York City hotels are advertisers in Ihr New ^ ork Tribune. As such they offer to their guests protection from undesirable surroundings, since sat? isfaction in accommodations and servier* is lully guaran? teed. See ihe ] ribune Graphic Section every Sunday for complete Hotel announcements. B Eu. Pian, i ? Reii.trnt?il \- Bachelor. D Fomilu Cfirats'e. District No. 1, 14th to 42d St., bet. Fourth Are. ?nd Seventh Ave. Addreit. II y.e.t 2Sth St. Rroacrway and 29ih St. 31st St and Broadway Timri Square, at 42d St. 26 Grarnerey Park. 12-16 Ea?t 3l?i St. 37 Madison Ave. 7th Ave. and 3Rth St. 28* St. and Fifth Ave. 20tK St. and Madnon Ave, 0 1 I East 39th St. _ 7ih Ave., cor. 36th ?I. District No. 2, Washington Square Section, * Hofl ?', ? Hth St 4nd L'niver.ity PI. v-Hoiet : 103-105 Weverty Plate. *" Hotel HaHe) *n VU.hinjiton Square. Holfl Jud^,n, Jj \J8,hin<;Ion Square. A Hotel M -, 5 VU,, h,h St. Hotel. A- Hotel Arlington. B-H*M,| p-.. - ??Gland Hotel, ?-Hotel Hern * H'l?! Irvirg. & rl. lei le Marquis. r--Hotel Mal?iub Steuere S H-Mc' Navarre, o Hotel Prirac? ? Hole' D Hsssi Toaraax ? Hotel York. Rates. $n wk. F.U..S24 wk.Am.for 2 $ I a day and up. $1 per day up $1 30 per day and up. $30 per week up, 2 people. $130 per day up. On application. $1 per day up $1.50 per day up. $13(1 to $S.OO per day. On application. $130 up. below 14th St. $1 per day and up. ?.1 wk. Lu.. $16 wk. Am. On application. $1 Em, $2.? Am. On application. District No. 3, 42d St to 63d St, bet. Madiion Ave. and Broadway. 122-24 \ir?t 40th Si Oa application. B-Hctel I &-Hote? ? C-U L??t 60d *? Hotel. (,.-,, \, ,,.,,,?, *-Hoif| Lassj ?-Hotel Laarelloa, *- Hole! Leonori. C-Hote! l*n,. ?--Hotel L" ? -k k- Hotel \,w V . J-Hoie! Netherlaad. MlsSalR . j-Hotel Ssaserse? ?Hotel St U **fc No. 4, 63d St. to ? H*'-1 Aradi J-Houi Bille Ulf? [ Hotel Bom. Nenaaaaeeet, Hoir! B,f?on H?? 1 -Hotel Ben. J-Hote| (leadening. J-Ho?el Colo.,,1. ?"Ho"! Lad?on. Heir! Lixem,, .J-Hoiel Ms? H'.iel Maa,,.,,^ ?3qu?lf_ B^lM.,.An,0,ne?e. ^?Hotel V.? ?-Hw?l MontKrllo ****** billard. ! ifth Ave. and 50* St. ?*?id St. and Broadway, lager & Babcock. I 18 Veil S/lh St h'lh Ave and S6th St 147 l49\U,t '3th St. bid St. and Maduon Ave. 57 Vim 47th St. I ifth A>e. and 4'>tl. St Maiissa Ave. and 49th Si. r9* St and Fifth A.e. JO Ue.t 4t)tl, St ?0 V?r?l 47th St 109 II-I i Vte.t 45th St $2 per dsy up. $1 per day and up. On application. $2 f*er day up On applw ation. $2 per dsy up. 12 per day up. $1 per day up. On application. On application. |2 per day up. >I30 per d?> up. i In application. $1.50 per day up. 110th St., bet. Central Park W. and Broadway. 102 \*e?t ?Oil. St. 77tl. St and Broadway. Broadway al 94lh St Broadway. ?Viih lo 86lh St 170 ^rjt 74tl. St 02 vu,t io*d St.. e< I S| Sl. & ( ollimbi,? Ave. Mat St and Columbu? A?e. ..Ml VU.t 79* St.. (entrai Park Ml . 72d St 50-50 'v\?m 77* m 66* St and Broadway H...adv. ay al 10 5d Si. ,5 *7 \n>ii 64th St. Broadway, 70tl, !<? (04 West 70* St Broadway and 7bih Sl. i in application, 'i ?Jay up. $130 up. $2.50 up. 1 or 2 per?on?. | in application. $$tl up lor two. On application. $1 per day up * Itoom and bath. $2 up. $2 per day up. $2 per day up. $1.50 OSS day up. $130 pei da> up. $1.30 up. $130 r" <*?> ui ? (in *n '?* s'""1 Roess and baila^-**' SS> WOMAN HAUNTED UNION BEATINGS Always Present, Witness Says, and Took Cloak Victims Away. LIEBOWITZ'S MURDER ACTED BEFORE JURY' Man Was felled by Rlow. Then Kicked to Death as He I ay Helpless in Street. Whenever a ?trike hresker or ? re calcitrant member wa? to he beaten during the cloakmaker?' strike a mys . ? woman wa? always on hand to the victim away from the scene of hi? heating, secording to Isaac Levine, ??ho for four hour.? >?'Sterday was grille?! hy Abraham Levy, of counsel for the seven lal indicted for the murder ??:' Hyman Liebowitl in 1910 It was tn<- one i ' bit of o?. . sdduced by Mr. Levy's hsrd work. he snnouneed '"That is all" and ?at down he whispered to hi? associate? that he was BStis?sd rie had disci? dite.i all the evidence got'en before the jury tant D strict Attorney James A. Delehanty through the witness. Le? the only person ?upposed to have m tncssed the bruts] hes'intr *o of I iebowits, ?ho was murdered, secording to the prosecution, because he deserted the union worked a? a scab during a strike Mr. Melehanty had a decided!) differ ont view ef ths situation. "Levine'i testimon] hss not been ?haken one bit," he said, "and the Itorj le told the jury on Fridsy si 'ho ad? journment of cou ' been dis? credited in one material decree." I.?vine rspested his ?tory of hsving received fui ds from Woolf, one of the defendants, to care for the strikers, and hii connection with the Gsrment Workers' Union. He told on cross ex? amination of receiving sums of money to (126 during the strike ?if 1910 v ? to ca?e foi the itrikers, This was giver; to him as the chairman <.f one of the "hall" committees. II? repeated to th? jury his story of being il of 86 East Fourth Street on the i ight of Augusl 1, 1910, and "? ti the besting to death of Liebowitx. Mysterious W??man There. ? I owitf was pushed ou? of the hall by Morris Sigmsn," he ?aid. "wh? surrounded by other men 1 did nol I have i i nee fled them." He excluded Ma* S nger, tii.- seventh defendant, but identified, beside Sigmsn, Morris SI ipi ick? r Woolf, 1 dor Auspitz ii' I Ahraham Weid ing? i A v.union whose dei I ty era?, closed wss present si the Eeel Fourth hall on the nipht Liebowitl killed. Who the ?roman wss he did not . I,ovine said, but she wa? slwsys there when a man was to be beaten up. After a man was beaten it was this woman who took the victim away. After Levins had been on the itand for about two hour? under the i (ire of Mr. Levj he lost his composure. Turning to Judge Tompnin?. i-.c com? plained in Yiddish that he was being "drive!, crazy" by Mr, Levy and f'.r s time n snswer questions. He wss warned by the judge that if he continued to refuse he would be locked un. After a recess Levine regained his . snd again took the ?'and. i ?? aneuult. on LiebowitS, at I.ovine'? ? on, wa? acted before the jury. Counsellor Levy represented Liebowitx Snd 'he court interpreter Stupnicker. After Liebowitl was- felled b) a blow from Sigman, the witness said, Stup nicker walked to where the helpless man lay and kicked him. Othei li k' \? i se, shouting at the ?am?- lime, "Vou dog!" The others. Levine said, he eould nol identify because .? was ail > quickly. "Have you anj for ling against these men on tria!"" Mr. Levy asked Levine. "I cannot feel kindly toward any man who kill? another," he replied. lie d? he had remarked to hit brolI ??! ii i " ?! i- mi; i Isbor dis? pute with him thai he would gel even with the men on trial. "King" Cole Is Paroled. Because John Mitro, of 40 ? roton Terrace. Yonkers, who was seriously injured by the automobile of "King" I/oonard ?'ole, the Yankee pitcher. Is improving. Judge Beall, of Yonkore, yesterdsy paroled Cole on hi? own recognizance on the charge of reckless ?Irving. Cole was permitted to take ?ring car. which he had given as security for S 1.000 bail. Mitro, v. hose sk".!l was fractured, is in St, Joseph's Hospital. HELLER?At SUN. Mi's Hazel May Austin, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. George Edward Austin, of 1030 Ocesn Avenue. Brooklyn, wss mar? ried yesterdsy to Frederick Godfrey H? II? r. son of Mr?. H. E. Heller, of Barnet, England, in the Church of the Kpiphs The bride was attended bv her lis lolyn Ethel Austin, as maid, and by Miss Edna Dilling ham as of honor. Philip D. < are?. ?n"o. wsi best man, and th" n?h? ere J. Roland HogUS, Arthur E. Beall and Lieutensnt Wallace McNsb. Mr. Heller ?? head of the psssenger department of Sanderson ? Son, gen? eral agent? in the t'nited State.? and < ?nada for the Rn\a! Mail Steam Packet Company. Among the guests at the reception were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd ft Ssndenon, Mr. and Mrs. A. Maclav Pentz, Mr?. II. R, Austin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Granville ?.rue. Mr. and Mr?, George Moon, Mr. and Mi-. Walter Plummer. Mr. Btid Mrs. Linqpln Van ?olt. Dr. and Mr?. Joshua Van Colt. Mr. and Mrs. William Bedford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hswley Muir, Mi. and Mr?. Walter Bain Force. Mr. and Mi? Frederick llillinghain. Ensign F. \? . Dillinghsm, !'. S. N , and Mi. sn ? I ?rlev Claik, of Toronto. Apparel for Stout Figures i ' ? main flour 1" ' Urge nr hrrr l,,f,,rr haul In-flt hsur" Thi ?? pi .1 '?. I.. iracefa - ? ".in? ?ovm, ?styl? la '- ? i,rr..o. " ??"? ! ??? " ? .?i ?.. i : ?.?sir?. .H!! I ..?I? It ?Ms IS.1I ??? ISA ?Ml 1.45 I.. N^itsVes I ''??"> a.n 4 seaetS ?nil t nderwrar. HI ?'". ' "" n,?'"r ?"?*"?? ,onr usure m i..?-! mtrnmrt I ' ? ? Lane Bryant , Theme of Dead Singer's Love Song Echoed in Tragic Murder Palmer (Miss Vugusta Forster) killed by jealous ?nit..r. and Eva . who will tal:e place of Head ojrl in "Princess Pat" il Corl Theatre. -i . . ??? vou ' ni. -. ? ? ' ? -1 - ? e<1. c iea? T'ni*; i? a vor-.* of r, ?or,? that Pearl Palmer Mis? Aufjusta Forsten sang in "The Princess Pat." uh'ih S have heen played fo rthe first time in New Voik laat nitsrht at the fort Tin* atre had not Herber* Haeekler kilieil hrr a day before ?he realized her dreams by acting a prominent part in a Broadway ihow. Il? r friends at 'He Ah'.rn Musical Conaervatory recalled the wrords yesterday in discussing th.* motive which her lover hod for his se tif-n. The philosophy of Miss Palmer's s?ng had fa d dismally in his ea?< Temporary insanity wa? the only ex , 'inn which they could Rivr for his sudden attack on hi? (lanc?e. Whatever the reason, it caused a ? which so upset other members of the eo*>.phr,'- that "The Princess Pat ' opet mir has been postponed uni I Wednesday night. Ticket? dated Sep tember 27 ?rill be honored then, an.) h corrcponding postponement applies to those for the f..llowin(r i igl '. Kvn Fa'lor, peen last year In I "The Midnight Girl," will take the pari srl Ich the dead girl sang in Atlant? Cats mid Philadelphia performances. Peal ? Paltrier owed her sued - in remarkable roiee, erhich s<> imp Y r'or Herbert that he took h**r -,'i-oni a I ?mail vaudeville part in a.i uptovn theatre and gave her a prominent mie in his lutes? ereatioB. These also are lines whieh Mis? Pal? me .sang in a duet with the leading lady! At . If we could rlip read 11 ir ful lire fn itlc ? reefl ? i *\ ?? would i.*-- tt te d?. ? *n ito Ml or wi ? Still tve must ro-n : ? it the? ' 1 In quite tha self ?nm? war. If i sp'l] **v i tak? m Ah, me. .. ei lb? Mure ? * ? m d?cret Willi laughter; Ufi ... ?ho ' - an ? <?- c i ene. ... , , tl | i Merrily. fale Irina us ha ras I? a '??? I /> : ? ?wall , T! e morrow. ? \' . w h. -i-,t .?ml!.? al each r^reraa* And rimply take It ?Il fo? bettei nr ?roraw. MAY TRWIN AND SUFFRAGE Voles fr,r Women Share Honor* at the Park Theatre. Generous May Irwin is surrendering a percentage of the receipt and a por tlon of the .taire to the suffrage cause . this work. The star la?.* night re : sumed her interrupted run of "SI ( Washington Square" at the Park, and a suffrage speech was thrown in for ! good messure. Mr?, ,1am?? Lee? I.aid | law wa? introduced by Miss Irwin eftrr the Brs1 ?r?, and it i? plnnned to hsve a different speaker a? each perfor? mance during the week. The theatre wss hung with the ha? ner of the suffragists, snd two ?core prominent member? of the Empire State Campaign < ommittee v.-, ? , audi? ence. \-other addition to ?he performance] wss ? quartet of songs, all sung by, Mis? Irwin. They were "Ara'.r.-." Tvs I B . Floating P ? ? the Old (?reen ' "Piet ii" Me down Home in end "My Old Kentucky Homo." The song? are a permanent the play. Unman Suffrage Parlv. ;?. ? a' s? isai m ? i H ? IS ?a.: D ?? ' -- .( ?' 14 h ?' ?Il ?ay?H". ' fraa 11 M.~? ?. . ?? - 12 M.-. ? ' ? ? ; S ta i? P. M -' Il . ?? ? Ii> .?r : ? a P. M. ? , a ? i -? . . ? a?t ;?". ? ? ?? a rsf ? so 7 P. M.?Tho ?'. | ? - i ?rtrmaii ?. Ikt *'. ? I ?? Allait?'! s- . <?*<?' lla.i IIj 1. u Ml?? Kk'lwrli.c s .. (acnri ?? M H .n?. r.a ' M toafUr \ I ??? ? - '? ?r. ?? ??a '?' ?? I . ? .? V . S v ? - <? ?I ' .'? . Hla? Ailes - ? I l P. M.?. ^ r. ?i i ilrtat ? ? ? P. M.? ? ?i ( a 11 r il t t Un M \ ' ?fr? S ill P. ?I ? ?. . i ? ?il smssIbi ??. i::uj a?. ?:10 P. ?? Il ? .t 1 SU P. ?.- !?:. A !i. mr?..r| ai II n it_ .- ? Ml ??? ia HpmAai M ? ? \S omen? Pulitiral l mon. II Nms. ?'??? | ai -1 T.'r". .-i' Il Naait ? ? . . . S H M - . , Il II ?... i : . - 7 44 P M - ??? la , ' I S. i. Botin? ? uns , ? . . A . . S 0 P. M . Mr? I ?? . ? '? P. M. , , 1 P. M ? ? ha II?.rn r? t.; ?j. L 1* MISS DEYO GIVES CASINO RECITAI Joseph M. Choate and Son Slar for Toronto Conference. B Tali ;r ah -r, rat tiBasin : I.enov. Mass.. Sept. 27. Miss Rut! Iieyo, pianist, gave a recital in th I StOCkbridgS Casino this evening be fore a large company. Afterward Mis Caroline I- Lawrence, who has beel entertaining Miss Deyo, gave a tea ii her honor. Mrs. P.obert W. Pnterson has seal out cards for a luncheon at Rlantyr? on Wednesday. Mrs. Edwards Spencer has gone tc Lucerne. N. V., t i visit her sister, the Countess de foras Mr. and Mrs. William Pollock had the council of the Lenox (iarden (luh a? guest? at Holtiiesdale, in Pitt.field, th.s afternoon. The annual meeting will be held on October 4. when Miss Adele Kneeland will entertain the club at Pairlawn. losepfa H. ?hoste and Joseph H Choate, ;i., started to-day for Toront-> to attend a peace conference. Mr?. Ambrose Mm,ell, with the H ises Margaret and B;*rbai? Monell, srrlved at the ? urr.* Hotel. Dr. and Mr*. George N'orton Miller and Mias Helen Le R. Miller motored from th? ;r . o imi': | lacs :iT Bhii to-i'a;. . Miss Edith Wetmore, of Newport, arrived to-night to riait Mr. and Mrs. .1 Woodward Haven. Rev. Dr. W illiam il '> labert, who ha? been a guest of Mrs, William Pol? lock, ?ting a' Ka*' la-' N 11 NEW HA VENTO IS PASSED AGAl Another Reel Screened Federal Court Makin Robbins "the Goat." SIX DIRECTORS ASK SEPARATE TRIAI Object to doing Before Jury. Sherman Act Case, with ih Former Railroad Counsel. Another reel of 'he grea' raiir drama, "Passing the Buck, nr Msk Ed Robbins the Goat," aas ?cree ye-'erday afternoon, when counsel Lewis Caas Ledysrd, ' hartes M Pt -"bar?es F. P.-ooker. Henry K. McHl Frederick G. Brewator and Alcxan S. ?"ochrane aptienred before Ju Hunt :n the United States Court ? asked that ?hey be bins for violating the Sherman law the good old Mellen day on the N Raven. Somewhere in the slowl) dimm : . ? these a,id e'hers were indie ill ? g with Bobbins, Some day tl may go -o trial; .i-a* '*, if thrir If yers i in on' of motions, demUTT and other de\ices made and provir by due process or law-; hut when tl ? ? do not want to be . with Bobbins. There is so mu*h tl can be ihown against Robbins, thej i ciar", that the;, j-.i^t fear to have sen.*-ii -i connection "? theirs before n jury. So :t IF a d week in Judge Hunt's co-ir* I tat ? ? ?' -'ire of *'"p Nen- Haven rector?, as compared witn that of P.f hins. is not exnlained as a reason W the sheep ah? uld be separated fr< the goal -. This week will no? be di for yesterday 'he matter came again. Inno.enl Vender?, La? ver Say?. an fair*," said De I.ancev W'. > coil, appearing for Messrs. Ledya and Prii t. "ti try my cliente wl 1 - The only ti i :? *. .is the nti chase of the P.oston & Main'* Ra toad, \ hicii had been generally ;i proved, Mr. Ledyard and Mr. Pra rs nothing more than innocent re dors, who iucc.led in making an a i sntageous sale of personal stock to i urchss'"- v ho had monej." "How can a defendant come he and say, 'I was a d.r*'<-tor ami r sponsible, and yet I ought nor to I ?i id'?" Judge Hunt interposed. "I a**i e\-pi;i.iriiiir the facts SO a* convim ? I my .lient? belong the ?:t!*' clasi Bs Baker and 'our oth? tors sou y- ? a separate trial," replied Mr. Nicol "The arc sneed by M Nico!' are 'hu? RohhuiR and ; are so much guiltier than his elients ?nid Mr. 11;, t : -,. for the governmei "The reason [laker ami four oth'* SB granted sep?rale trials because there is a ?luostion as to the knowledge of things occurring befo they entered the directorate. S,i>h They l sed Robhins. "Th?re Is no such question in '1 case of Ledyard, Pratt und other d fendants set-kintt h severance, becau they were directors when many of tl nets complained of occurred. Durin the term of Ledyard and Pratt 2,>if miles of track were added to the syi tern. "The defendants have used Robbin to their heart**' contint for twent years, and are now ready to lay all th hlr.nte on him when the trouble Starts. .Fudge Hunt announced he would dt cide the motion within forty-eigh hours, und set the trial of the director for October 18. James Corrigan, dean of all Federa reporters, expressed doubt yesterday a to the trial beginning on that date, "It has been held," said ho. "that i is an invasion of a man's constitutions riphts to make him go to trial on 'hi Kith unless he happen- to be a seventh son of a seventh son. The governmen1 has not proved that on any of the?e yet" -?0 GIBSON PLAY GONE FROM STRONG BOX Punctilious Thief Stoli Sub? marine Manuscript and ?Vatch. Bi TSIssisnS -o Tas Trltaa i ' Newport, Sept. "7. Befoie he le'? here on Sunday for his camp at Lake Edward, Quebec, to complete the plav which he li writing for Marie Doro Preston Gibson discovered that his strong box, which he kept in his study et his summer home, had been rifled and that a valuable gold watch, ?ome important papers and the manuscript of a submarine play had been taken. Hie other contents of the ho\ had been rack so carefully that the robber/ probably would not have bren .; ? -non had not Mr. Gibson looked i certain paper, Mr, Gibson wi!l re a reward of 11,000 for the return of his property. Mi ,. Pletchei F. Ryer and Miss Doris Byer, of San Francisco, are soon to .heir sea?on. They will go to Bar Harbor for a short stay. M ik. French Ya.ide.-bik has gone to Tuxedo. Mr. and Mrs. Ogden Mills, cloning ?he-r season, left for Btaatsburg to? day on a special car. Mrs. William P. Draper and daughter have closed 'heir season and have g to White Sulphur Spring? Mr. and Mrs. Hem-, I lews are to e!o<e The Rock*, on Octobci 10 Mrs. Arthur ?',.-?.-. Jam? gave i ? - at Beacon Rill House ?h:? even ing. ARMY AND NAVY ORDERS: MOVEMENTS OF WARSHIPS 'S ?' . I A I! Ml HAM) t?? ? ? .- ? .... . ... ... t?| ... M. I.? . ??!?? " ' . ? ? . ' t * ? MaJ ?> II.1 I HI K '" Inf ? ?vi.? ; ;...'. in?, . ?-i-? ??? ? i --- -i . I H?\ All!' i A\? II I.Ii J- . U M ' - ? a |i' ? ! !.'?? I? ' i ?"- ?' I I . tEDIll ' ? IAMCS v? Till.r 1 I ? i? ! ? ? -i ? -. ? .?! Kl.?- i *. ? ?. ? . .; KAVMuM? ? ' U ... Ml T 1. ? . .... II ? IM'I l: . ' > ? , ? . ? I. i 11*80 . -' - I . J ?. ? ? ' ? ? ?>? ? ? a v . .....? ( 111..' < I, -? I., ? . "*???-. I II la?] r. t hll' HAHDSU, TCB?B?>MS? l'a? ?lar? V RM?: -, , , rtr^ M,., . ,'l?r 1 a < - ? r '. 1 A ? . ? ' ?II- " - ? 4RJUVKD ? '? ' ? i -. y ' ? i i ... Bsi ?Aa-i , . Pataa ? -a ? i : i -. t . , , ? . San? . ? i i?pstt M ,?. , ? .. - a ... il l'ami i: . - , . , i?.? ?.. i ii< Ha . ? >ji 1 Uli. . . ' ? -1 i . ui ?or Ma-. i . ? " ? i a-, I . . - ., . . Mai - ' ?i I I ? ? I'. -If! ? , , . * I ? " a'i l'rln * ? . . il :!iaJ ' ? ' k.ii , | ? ?r r?ua ir"n Allant, flaac "They really do reduce the hips' ' Women of full figures have dis? covered this quality about a Redfern, and yet a Redfern is made as light as possible to accomplish this purpose It is the shape that restrains the flesh of full figures?not the weight. The type cf model illustrated will give a slender appearance to any large figure. It has been proven scores cf times in our fitting room. We have any number cf models with which we can serve vou. and are confident that von wil! K> pleased w ith a Redfern fitting Give us the oppor? tunity to show you the Fall Styles. $3 to $25. At all high class stores, or the COi?SET SHOP 510 Fifth Avenue tbeve ?M /.bra?) m HILLSTROM TO DIE; I. W. W. THREATEN Shooting of Slayer Set fur Fr? day Influx of Workers Alarms Salt Lake. ,n- T- um Salt Lake City, Sept. 27. .loaeph Hillstrom, convicted of the murder of .1. ?'. Morri on, s grocer, end his son. eighteen years old, will be put to death by shootini; un Oetoher 1. The State l?epartmer,r WSS SO notified to day bv Governor William Spry. The Ba Minister had suggested delay bl of protest*? that Hillstrom had not had h fair trial. The Hill-strom ease assumed a new aspect to-day, when William A. I'mker ton arrived here. It has been g ally known for two weeks that Gov ernor spry is constantly guarded by detectives niramsi any attempt at aa nation on the part of the Indus? trial Workers of the World. To-day, when the <iate fair was opened by Governor Spry, a bodyguard Consisting of three I'inkerton dete, tive?, two Secret Service operative? and ?j constantly It became known to-sight that Hill strom i? pi? |iar ng men! not known e\ en *? ? '''cihIs n, but oth? ers, n H -'rom'? c'mrnctcr. ..," he '?ill never confess to ible murder. ng worse everv hour ' i??? und Indus Workers of the World ?r.? ?a the city last week. ?' t this t1 least odcals declare they are at .. los? tu accoui I it. it is ?aid that the organization plane some .lo*ini'.e mo?, o f..r Wednee !.i\ or rhuraday. The prison is ?till heavily guarded, ? MONA LISA NOW AN OPERA Berlin, Sept. 27. i by wlrslsSl la ? Tuckerton, N. J.i The first production of Professor Max Schilling's new opera. "Mons Lua." ha? been held in th * Royal Theatre at Stuttgart. Richard Strauss and Professor Engel? bert H eh were in the audi? ence. The Swedish singer, John For sell. In the rol? of th? jealous husband, ? i ?.filiitlded. ?jw' OVER A CENTURY IN BUSINESS^ ^ 782-766 ?Sixth Ave i BROOKLYN STORE f Between 14V45* Us JKIatbiishAvc Fiiitor. StjOtrg C'OCk Ai/O/e Hippodrome To-day Greater Values So careful!} hi-, our furniture been selected thai there Is .?t <? suggestion "t elegance and -?>li*i comfort, ?>t stabiltt} and lnt< . ol constructioti in ever) picor, and through far irrangements prices .ire unequalled bj any stow In the ; Complete Home Furnishings It wniilil be impossible to And a largrr or I>*? 11? r ?election than an di-i>l>i\ the li< .mtinii and popular !'<-riu?l ityles, representing "High \rt" in furniture, modern styles, Vrt*- and * rafts furn ,it prictra which mean the in ^t Furnitur? fur less Liberal Payment Terms i "Mn and *-ee hou easj ere ran make it for * on t*> patronise "l o? |i<-rtli\k .?it"- " ,70\ OFF For CashZi S3rdYEAR T." * STEWART 438-44(M42 WEST 51st ST. RUG-CARPET CLEANSING in Fire-Proof Budding. FIRE PROOF STORAGE Koi Hou?.eh(i?(i Goodfc IrTrr'l'? Si it 5567 COLUMBUS ? l\ II SEatl I? B, j ? \ IMINATl? IN l"P Actuarial Clerk Salary?$1050. . . latea *t have had compan) or etn ipal Build . il ' ' ' Vortl nui ?alai ' ' Applications will h<- it ind rece ? cd il ? .tpjl Building, troin ? OCTOBER IJ '?? ? ? liona by mi I ? ma? tlfll StRVTCI COMMISSION