Newspaper Page Text
rfhe Conning Tower ? ? ? 11 n g ; maki fr? ? I . ' ??;,... nit' :? red?ly :?? r, Mil.'? ; ?rties sck, i-.. ,1... stive of the men ""' ? " i ?i? (hey ?re wl - ?' ? ? ?"? i ' ' ' olorado do . - lei t. si] through his Mr. ? "Mitch? ? ? expiai ation is thai rep urt tennis, in the accounts of which . . Mr Gould" and "Covey." And Mr. ? ? i. while G ?lit | are IK M Hr RY OF C. \. MERZ. -, if prominently displayed upon the left Il - the identity of the dis a crowded subway ca? on h 1 ;en. \uu wear tortoise shell i ? ?? e a spoil shirt, too, and intone \ry i Undeswood. ? * * . thought, Sir. that Genius and Beauty were ?Doctor Sam Johnson, Cyrano <ie Bergerac .. Hut I was wrong. Sunday afternoon (about 6 .i I saw YOO?F. P. A.-~on a Bronx 1'ark subway, with a ??le of letters, addressed to you, in your lap. Ah. the injustice of ??igods 1 that a man with a conning-tower mind should be graced with an arrow-collar fi A. o. B. How ?hr? pcT than a s?ment'? tooth It is to have a grnoeless ? to Mr. <". A. Merz, we must confess that ?1 un he Sunday afternoon this Merz telo II ything I can do for you?" he a?ked. "Yes." vf -e?; wn to the Tribune office, pet my mail and e." Which he did. Bui we ha?i no idea that be ?*?-? I it. T-i those who saw Mr. Merz and. thinking il whs we. were dis : hat even so archaic-looking- a thing as M?rz h ? beauty, magnetism and attractiveness. the October Metropolitan' arouses w ? ? ist rates th< froi . ? ???? ?an of 1 " which run : "? - make heroes assemble rty'e form stands in view. The Politeness Score i? 6-5, the Ladies Lesding: Pir?t Set. 1 slloway'i min : "?rig him '.'?'. Mariai ..eing the first to revive from the stunning luctor's kindness, hnd the necessary prosence ? :. and partially discharged the debt by ?Stan*- ? two-cent stamps and the undying gratitude, ad ?rrati? - of hi* beneficiaries. The FRIEND. The ' always has irritated us, but just as an the Blotter Beater. "His " say-. Si, "that - '.pon the inno(*enl bo that one's BSJBT h - ? ? the floor and one's pen stutter? at the aids] ps ? ' . . . - anybody know the Fountaiu THE DIAR. 01 01 U OWN S-\M' EL PEPYS. lay? all the da: ? : snd with some sssjMs i ire; and C. Norria and Kathleen to dinner, ?T.irgaret.a fine black-haired girl; and much talk of tit Bul K. said nought about my miscalling her hook "1 : ? ?? '.ni- 1 should ha\e said "The Story o? . nd liad she said, Great grief! I ?are nought I. eth Page P-r-i-c-e, I had deemed tl ait .<? I. But ood a sportswoman for that, Heav? her. i : a!! '.he res1 of the day I itoppi eadins C. Men to dii i i and later rame lorf, 'he school-teacher. is, ami I did gro*a ei y cold, ha? - .. pai ns had rue to luncheon, and thence re I trounced him again, poor wretch. To the office the-., ? ening until late, but with no great ? I saw ?t and, uthep sine of Gascony, which made m?' slumbrous, ard ga-.e ? ?r -, ?. name until he was sixteen," ?ays The . ? K<-;r Hardie. "His mother waa hia ?eichei.' then riea Scisson. "Votes for motl leach?-V" I H VI VERS l-IBKi: RV<? 'STi R .. ? \nthoiogy. do a fetterless dance, kles of the classic measures, ' the rhythm and the superfluous rhyme, feet ! ground in ? trat, trot, trot; . . ? circles of ? h r > ? a little hop. . iden '.f all moverru ? a while on the topic of Ima; ? ful, as we speak, not to male An inadvertent rhyme. We trip we may make a III ? ? vernacular, I he ; ,?;,r (hat ver.-i'??. Si With the dance unconfined. | v.iftly here and hitb? ? , . ? ..-.,.? Wat ' "?' our di . . than <mr vers? ?a, ?And oui lev? ii In?- si than both, My hij^'h J. (?. I i?;,. iforai ? ??? nnsmii tst hi, with the bs shall ^ Pul'!"- I " bad '?? mors mai agi ra lik? ha." m N?eaocriei H?,: h,?-:" F. T. A. 3 HORSE SHOWS ATTRACT SOC?TY Westchester, Piping Rock and Bryn Mawr Exhib? lions Open lliis Week. I ECTURES TO All) DIKr KITCHENS M?-ns Sara S. Wiborg hi Be th?. Bride <?f Gerald < . Murphy. three hoi . ? rhich i takei ..i; . le rest ar< lie - . 4-k th.. |(l\ ? Mawr exhibition open? ?> and v ill be continued until '! l. ? da niinual sho . '. I begin on Thursda) ? Frida; '. alle-,, Long Isl?n i. -i the n lal shy? held by the Westehester Count; it White Pli i ? ? - da}. 'I'll ?h r-.iny, I rida? and Sir m day. Al! these exl will ? ? -?ib, r* of ><... l.l ?n large nun I ' . hose vt 1," l.i,. ?- made ? paces i V\ i Steh? *>-l 'low ni,- M i. and "-I : < (liver Harri ma,:. Charles I?. 1 ?I* and Mrs, Ralph Bilis, Mrs : H. \l. in*, m rbee, Mr. and M : s 0 Reid. Mr ai .1 Ml s Em? t lsel . hi 'i Mi s. Nathaniel < . Re; nal, M - Mrs. (ieoiK-..- D, F. I.nth. Mr. and Mi Percy A. Rockefeller, S, Bryci W ii and Paul G. Thebaud. Mr. and Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark and Mr. ami Mrs. Philip Stevenson will leave town to-day for the Bryn Mawr | show. Mr. and Mrs. dark' will be guests i.:" Mr. and Mr- A. .1 Antelo l>evnreux, at Urelan.i. Perm., and Mr, and Mrs Stevenson will stay with Mi ai -1 Mrs. .lohn I!. Fell, at Camp Hill Hail, Fort Washington. Penn. tor the benefit of the New York Die! Kitchen Association, of v. tin h Mis Henry Villard is president, a sen? talks on current topics will be by Ml fessics l.o-.t-r I'avr.e at Aeoli aii Hall on alt?rnale Wednesday, beginning on October 27. The ? Is will be devoted to the ?on. of the association, which maintains*. nulk stat'uiiH m tl.e congested sections of the city, where mothers me taught how to care for them and their babies ?nd pun- n The patronesses of the leeturei elude Mrs. William ('unis Demorest, Arthur S il. Bi rs. Joseph V llenrj P. l'u\. s< ?' Mary !.. I't ..> ? and M;.- Louise Bai Mr. and M i - Frank li. Wiboi % ? ngagemei Sherman Wiborg, to Gerald ? . Murphy, son of Mr. and Pati Murphy, of this Ier of ! ''. borg, a ho a ai mai ried to ter Fish a . Satur ? nptoi . Long where Mr. ai ; ?' i - Wiborg ha) ? tea : i om Yale He - ? ;.-.- pi i of the Mark Cross Company, u: ? . bis iatiui is president. 1 rom Boston ? ai eng igemenl of Misa Mm - ? daughter of th?.* Rev. and Mrs, ?ieorge Jar-.;- IV Lawi ence, a member of the Knickerbocker and Harvard clubs of He ??'as graduated from II u ; and until three years a^o uas , ? - - -? N. "i k. He re returned from Fran *-. where he ected with the America ce Corps, il.- mai ri? .i fo u Pai Lois S i n y. ai.,1 since bri dea ai d Ii have mad ir h im? ??? I i h i s mother, Mrs Jams Lawrence, of on, ... -, , "d in the wed ling o -.o Theron B. Hoyt, of . ?i ? ob?i G at ' he bride's urgh. The cei emonj ? i by the Rev. Dr. John li. Willay in the presence *?: relatives and a few intimate friends. The bride, ?ho ?ill be given away bj b.-i | j. Will am II. Simiri. will havi hei Mi-- Margaret Carnegie, foi her m h id of honor hm.I onlj att? i dant An .iln-w. Carnegie, 2d, a brothn .'f the bTide, will be be-* man Mis Helen Hartley .lenk :.. man-) Francis Hunt Geer, a soi. oi th.* Rei W Montagu? ileei. ?ricai ol -.- Paul's I hapel, n the chapel, Broadway and Fulton Street, on Oc ? ber i'?'. will bave her sister, Miss Hart ley Jenkins, ? hei maul of ., ?desmaida will be Mi - i ..* lelia and Miss (*,!' > ude Geer, . ? ? am -l -- V a. n? Moore, - I and Miss Mar; ? leveland and Mis? ,, >,,,., ,;,. g, o? Sew m leans, I-'. Shelton l-'i.ii will be Mr. Geer'a besl hen will be Knoi l ? roop l.l er and VI i - ?. i othei - \ ' r 1 Harold Phelpi Stok? -. I ewis A, Coffin, jr., and George F. Butterworth, Jr. The ceremony will be followed hi ? recep . ' the home of the bi ide's parei I -. und Mi -?. Geoi <e \^ alkei I? i - Madison Avenue. and Mi?. Craig B ddle * rive in town from Newport on Friday, i and ait. i a shorl itaj h? r? will go on to Hoi Springs, Vu. Mrs. Nicholas LongWorth, Jr., \* In ati and ? - ati . a* the Ritx ? .h Iton, She came on to olas Longworth, ?bo arr.M . rope ve<'erdn\ . Mi and Mrs. ? Horace Hat.lii | * t the last four ?e.-ks a- ion Mr*. Harding's parents, Mr. und Mrs. ey, at f .. Itai ; I Put-in-Bay, Ohm. have returned to their country place o" 'he Rumson Road, Seabiight, N. .' Mr. ai.d Mrs Heth Lorton bave re . . from ? vieil to the Panama Pa i- Exposition and i- I gfa the i 'anadian Rockii Coloi ado and other lates and have opened eountr) place al Garden City, I i aland, fot the fall m-a?on. Mrs Frederick W. Vanderbilt hs rived n town froas her eountrj at Hyde Part and i?_?t the Rita-Carl ton. Newbold T Lawrence. Jr. will leave ittei pari tb< i eek to rtiic?-e. Miss Maj ? romwell, tonville, Md. William Fitihugh Whit? * rlton, will sail for ,- d to morrow an board th.- Rol ! ? m. ?-e 700 Royal Rugs at Art Sale An important collection of rug? at : prospective bidders ai d I i ?? \ . * ue Art Galleri? andred ?ere . on exhibition, The colle? . ? this week begin ning a? ? o'clock this att. rnoon, in? cludes nue ip? eimem of roj , rids, Bokhara* and antn*ui M cs beds. \II?SS RMZABETIl UR1RK ?IIBHKX. Iv? "... Prss? Daughter ol Presiden! and Mrs. .lohn lirier Uibben. ?if Princeton, who i engaged to Dr. Robert Maxwell S?coon. EVA ?ANGUAY IS MERELY HERSELF Vivacious Singer Corners Capital I's at the Alhambra. W ? ?. new :.i>n?- ? . , Tan? ca] At the Tar ? ? about h< . lelf :in?l r. i- .? line . IV?., .. .. i. fana '. .-??!?? | ; ently, for the ? i. 01 thai went far toward j . ? :? rtion that M;-s ia . ? vaud? ? , ?. steal draw i eonstitutei !?ct" in the two h-dm own orchestra lesder, ? ? tern compared of capital I's thai ahe <;.i i ' .?? i'.,.? Koos? ? ... i: ?. Ba ' it lei .i , . n ii hit ir, . in - not carry ??:' 'the g i I thare, \\ tli Bessie Crawford, he pre ir iketeh, "11." id h?- Lady." Eddie ? ? .i- .j:e ?releo : ..: bis "!.. the i-urthiii ? u lid b? . ".ii. !' I tne, tl >? "Ami ri? tma i " oo k e d i : e? le "(Jin ga Din" at did. Iren? both ?ir!? and Will Burns and i'.l Lynn won merited auc ?nil di ?? sets. Kd?? ina fered ? plaj lei "Tl Home Breaker," which a ?uld have been I in pro?, ?',! I.? tiie ? i m Bsrry'i i ins;..-i I'alirii i.i'. fglei. and , the ! Ii " ? inkers, gyi ? M it- hrd I ?.? ihow, i ? -i)?-, l No one tl inks iinr h blessing; we erti by thin agon? with purposing mcrel) to pio?>- tin?? ??m if you Hie un oi n the myriad ? ave adopted thii philoso .... -.' y i.f handkerchief? wh? the Prospect Theatre, Brooklyn, tin? wi-fk. Bergers is there In a new v ar pi - not only ca? feel I. ? ... babies as Nasimova is bad, : on. v nipmenl of voice power, Mis Bei gei tains I ? ?? ten n le she ;- trying to de? sdi the birlh si? r.< son, -in* fallu it at *':rst, but bei busband - summoned to bat ? pled for life and hei rs) bullet, all in four longer, and ? be no more ? ne??. Sylvester Seh I his . ..? un'.'. mai -ti !|i and ? he numi i othi mal elf Tl., nd witl ms of Mel .. \. ? won unusual applause a' yesterday'a pei formunce, (Ml mu? Sylvester, form? ' 'Vu.?' ?. ? good ? i \ i,.11 i ?? .uid Bell. M asir, dance and <ii ima ?re rn . ? . i i ? .i bed by Wil ?? I he Bomb" a? ?? i i . Bomb" ?. re mi :-. ami I,as bi '..i. h hei .... n? i .. ? er, In an ? ? devill? le of R ? i and ?? and company, in dsn? ? - of the i rsriel '?'? ., burlesque of 1 is Eleanor Ball, ? it; H h i ? i ate ad company, in ? -.? and the ? Thr I . : . ' - . ? ' Fo urteei ?.ill. Ii.. ra ire Paul A I iposes"; Eimore and Williai 1er snd the I'nirinal Honey ? Iville and I?oyle and D ??Tl.. ? su," a novelty plsyl? t, ! in which most ef the character ?llili? ?locks, top? thil week's I.ill at the <>rpheum. Sam Chip \ and Mar.? Msrble are in the cast ? m importai ? i ?r. w illism ?'?'urileiith and company in "Pearlie?." a eomedi . ? .i i Georg? I llohart. I I Othef art- an? the Watson \ I ma and Yosco and Winsor I I HcCayi cartoonist. NEWS OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS "Treasure Island*1 Being Altered for Dramatic Purposes. In anticipation of a on November 2, "Tree. Island," ? h< li Judj lat.. ruipped wil II . Produ? ? ? .Hing rhi ? -. nil u great mi ? ? th? i own ,. ' . ?? B) uli ma* inea da ? iilver, who in bin pa ?? men) ion tip? i '. al pai : in ?h<- ... Goodman appear decoi ttive purpo * ? ??? ill be ? toi. >'? I not jui t ify M i. Hopki *.s m ? . ? i r.? ? com Ii4-ut u.-i ?? ith the Wii ? I , they are expected to worl foi the greater, populai ity of 1 ? , Thoma? Coflln Stuart Wa i el h and Hare ijeli'a a*enl mpd d a rehi srss rden y< e< to.. President V ? Pi Ko..-. -. elt and 1 e?l t? . !.. II pp id 11..,. ... ng on 1 bu i ?day rsei ?a ?mpo isible I an oui ced thai r? p esenl tes v.1 i be led. "II. ." adapl**.l by Lee Wil ? larry L< on .a,-. r al ' he - k Theatre, I ' . - night. H? o ib'- tul month ib. ?ill b< ? . Volk. Mai er, of the Winter C?r? pala of " I be Ph.- - inn SI .-.-. " ; nd ' I'he Blue Pai ?' diae" . -1. . I party at th? . : ? ':' ? - I ? nigh). \ i. will be the gue?I honor, h s ?? n,,. Passing Snow" ?! si is depart >? :.?.' " i in- Blue di-.-" noi the i, i Pe ., , -s ii Topics" ? hat e ? ? entur)." which is the ?? on thai anj i ecoi.! . ).<?.-! be? li m ..;? if ' ,;t i >? Tin- Ned pla) *-.i to -. ;."i. - i n ighl and turned away vo thousand persona, much a- il hu it scene Lsi night ? anee ol " l"he Two \ rl i " m which i In the iup porting cast sr< ? \\ alker, Hai lee \\ right, Blan? he 1 ?ne W h il ton, Hei bei t lloa ? in an.i : ?nee Phelps "The Two \ rtues" ?ill .?.un.- to the Bool h n? I M mday. 'I he 400th pel formanee of ?'hm" v. .11 ? ? ? the Globe to- ? omei > and Stone will ? ..-i-non ? |? in trod ii taken I 100 nigbta to memoi ? - .... -. : of "T*.. * \ langei K nick ? ? The . ? ," ha*. .- af- ' the **.n In e kin.? n ai i V Jo .. , ? J W. BOOKWALTLR. 77. DIES nhloan Owaad id uno \. r,-. in N'oaaaaka ? I'n?u. i tout ul in Politics. | . announced \\ . }: f this city, i apital many years pror* Mr, Bool ter ? I 60,000 acres of land in Nebraska and ha ? d manufac- ten Its in A .niarter of a century igo he was ; the I', ? Got? rnor of Ol, ? .-ssful candidate for United States Senator ?- ??- ? ? l \iii i I IZABBTH BEI ? K. \ sneonver, B. C, Lad? . 'ter of the Karl ' ? i .... , ? I at Inv? ran r<. H i v?*ars i ago to K?ndr>I[ ? land rancher with laige inter. the CslassMa i'allejr, j PALACE BLESSED WI?H VAR?ET Vaudeville Bill Enliven? by ;>i irs of Varying Magnitude. PASSING COMMI IN I ON A SWAN'S DEAT Debt of American Drama ( heesc Considered and PIckl Heresj Discussed. H? HEI WOOD BROI s. IP III) I ? 10 to 1 that s i... I ? ' ? ... ..? >r . ? and en in, d.nic . ? fact, '.'? 01 n li. ik to her bii mat ion. The swan d I ' '! .'- Iltlll II .i Misi Wo .h m iag v io i men ?'?':?. ? ?? ry, and tl a ? - \ -i ?1 si Worth finished pped iti o a c? -s dress i ? .1 allowed the audiei ??. to ??? gowi I. undoubtedly no records ?? ? Kor our part we hate to ha i '.i on ,.- ','.<:< ha n ? ight ?.) ehoose Ins o? brook snd ? ? . -, ..>; pU? Herz, and AL ander Ca? r in his p sy, " (?n Api Shower," are I . men i .i pie . m, bill v nous to . il heard "Urean Ch inato ' " sung bi ?? . or "Hone) Wait for Me,' oi tn ian Krancisco ' Fril QOttO Hei ? >.?'?? hrs; in a soi ti which he mpersonal 's on old acte who linall) turns to the movies '.? mal \ .. | fa ? can .i... the seto begins "To be or n ti. be, t bal i ?oi " interrupted with "Nol on your lit Whut wi ater." A floorwalker is another amusii cl ractei ization, nd i ict ir ?? ..'' .i m'in tiling i ti night flush i don? emotional sp foj the se tond w e??k, Woolf a: <! bin ? ?. ? April Showei ra? ;i l . I in i the dialogue througho? is .-?cell Kfi-i'i V Bowers sans ani ; m ber .it si. \gi with snd withoul tl ? emben ol ? quart t, and Li ; lian McXiel ami Pern Black, in 'I *a:i ?? h ni? . " lid ?? ell in dai ! in' m- ' ? h 'i "?! e ? reetinf of any jn tbe lull. . Diamond Sib?, Brenrai !.?? 'hn ?' l);l Ku; Ho? and th? "Co . Sea" wen othei numbers on i ill'. .?! -'|i.-,l . I 'I I' IK. II'. t\ t.'-. ? 11.' \ . is written at leas I a .?( an i : hould be .1 ??- oted t.i cheese. Mel s ng, it is the chin which rule.? the hand which i Nr unfair to a*iv? i redit to an i .r .t'.i'i a, but ? ? ? dramal ic d< ? Ian ' i i''-. was .t time when no librettist coul? ? -.? i.-.., i . ? hile in .. ?he comic possibilities of both fa ? i,i .n'.i. i ' ..i..! Boquefoi : have been . d and >'? ed m particular I is tin- -, ame hi the characti i s o? "Tov n Topi? ? " _ i '?;?? .i gen litj ut' th.- in. ??-. ?-. ?.',..i? I.a- nowhere been lie'ter illu? trated than in it..- < ase - ??- ? heese. Here is a curd which distinctly violates the unitie th? made il their ver) own. Scorning ma i Ism, they have ieiz?d upon no' itance, ?? ":' ?'? and lokes thus.- about th? boles in heese. There was a time when th? pickle .1 destined to su| ?his here?) has been repelled, .??> well ? ??, and th? ghetti heterodoxy. . dran at ic si renfth to reight It all the lin? ??.i i an m isical i omedie wer? placed . nd to end thr? would reach fron t? the .-an 1 rani -? - Pail and the n ' omi ? , . i.. taue am! vo id 'ws in \,-w York tbii season will fane) i ,,!,, ? are making I ,,.',., . motto of a libretl ?I ? -M ich ma) be madd of a cheese if it be caught old." K. Wells, i ? press ? d . n a two ? n which h? h.? jmoiiic the worth) t ngi of I -W . ? . . . ? i sque," the ? . ont nu? . ? ri) musical numbei < ai .. ? es, Mr. ivini WOMEb'S DEPARTMENT William P. Bonbrighl & Co. In? orporatod i 4 Wall Street, New York I !*??.%? to invi ? ?; funds in order to obtain the hi it g the safety o? prin ipnl is a problem facing every investor, Our V i Department ln*< made .? arefu problem and foi the benefit of its d .. selected list of securitie 6 . which ;irr recommt nded to -.vumen investors. i his li?*t will be sent upon appli? al ** i .* hi ..'i ription ot the securities recommend AI.ICI l)irc< tor \1 omen s De| ' \ ? ?? ?? Mr. w IR? i ? ' ? '. w e? p, for ; . ' iuei FASKIONSSHOWN AT COHAN THEATRE Mrs. Whitney Would Have America! Women l?av Wore f?>r Oowns. rhe flrst of a i ? - o-' Mrs. Whitney's Fashion ShoM ??. given a' the Cohan Theatre yesterday. Other? will folio?* and Friday. The show apei of brilliant red, grasa, white ami where prettj blonds and brunette man display the . rt-a* .o || of R Paqmn, Jenny, (i.-orgette and Cheruit, and also some of American fi-tr.s. The i la) which was v. ritten s the gowni rai omitted, a*? Mrs. Wu? ne*, ?. - .. raid the audience real . onlj .m 'm- frocks and preferred to take . s ?aahions itraight. I - a bi ief introduct on Mi i. Wl atated 'hut *?lie wanted to pe an w< ii -n to wea more ? . r,--..?-r if neceaaary, b bettei uualitj ami mon- su-tu.l to I i "We give you the faahione," she saui. "but ' -? me what you elect to v. rar '' The American woman. .\iij vVI ? said, lias not leaiiit-d to be indn lin dreas, but buya wha ?-. th* majority are wearing, regardlcsaof her it) ? In tb<* Paria workrooms there ar.- no duplicates, and the I . short, the slender or siout womao h.. h m/ designed esp? . ; t-cr. \\ sollen Pari? thia ya..-, but there would teem, how ever, to b.- no dearth o ' * idea and aati endeavoring to bi na ibou ?. re* ?val ot the use of fancy ribbons, vu' ou j bioidtrs and er. orl Example* h tendenc) were ihown in costumes !<-. Paqu ? and Jenny. The ival thrill of the af'eriioon 'i .1 ' furnisbed Ir, a |ire*.t\ niannikin attired in p ut- tights, who tried on dihTi of corsets, nightgowm -i .? negligees. Evening gowns wars i' i?, color and aumptuoua as :<? mi - teiial-, silver and gold lac?, furs, eatin, embroidery and artificial flowers be-ng combined in one garment The extreme ?^eo lets - a thing of *h.- past, rhe cut this season i.- equally auitable foi a grandmother or a school? girl. Skirts for both street and ev? Moot are extremely short and more ab ' breviated in the front than in th? A., interesting feature of the fashion show were the artistic jewels vorn with each gown t?00,000 worth .>?'' them, ac I cord ng to the producera made ape ciall) foi the occasion and loaned ii\ Uattle 1 I o OBITUARY MRS, PANNIE GRAVES LATHROP. \\. ii Orange, N. f., Sept 27. ' KHimie f!revea I.atino,, widow of Le\ ( liapman Lathrop, died here Sundaj She waa a daughtei ol Rufus R. Graves, -, ?? . ? Plymoutl Ch irch, ,",iu.ii i*. :.. ami w..s born on Columbia Heights. On November B, 18X17, sin i.d to l.ivi ? hapman Lathrop .i broker ar.d member of tlie New V Cotton ur ii Stock exchangee, bv Hei u ard Beecher. Mr, l. ithrop died elgbl ago Mrs, Lathrop was a membei uf Uie Colonial llames of America and the Daughters of th** American R?r?roIu tion. Mrs, Harvey Strong Chatfleld, of \> . fork City, and Mrs. Henry Has kins, of South Orange, N. J, survive her. JOHN H. WYKTH. .John II. Wyeth, forty-three, a retiied i manufacturer, ol 300 ?West 10f?th . Street, died suddenly on Saturday In I Chicago, while on an autoaaobile tria with 1 ia wife o tlie I'anama-I'aeiti. ExpoeltiOB. He sulTered a atroke of paralysis, Mr. Wyetp was actively in? terested in 'tie affairs of the Mew sor Athletic ?hib and in motoring, Burial w.:t be mads at St. I..j*i:?*. li.? birth? place. SEORGE P. H. MITAT. George P, H. McVay, Afty-fivs, of Huguenot, Statea Inland, who for the last aeventeen >eais had been em? ployed in the Paymaster* Ofllca, Dl of R^funiN ni' the Finance Oe partment, died suddsal) yesterday in ,- from bear- I ROBERTSON MM At IKY. (real, Sept. 57 Roberta in Ma ? ? ? mpanv of Canada, die,) '.. He was righty-threo years old. and ??? known throughoul the es lathei of 'he insuianee b i m ranada Dt ' ? ' i H) p. m. . e ' I ' ' h e a ? A- and -ii'.h ? : OP) 1' '? i ' . ?auxru.-r of th ? ? ..... A? iembei 29, al ' 1 s m. LATHROP At Huttoi Park, West Or? u n ?^ ? I., Septei 1915, Psa? ...p Puns v? 11 i be he!.! at 11 Miss O?a D p. m., W< . of la. . | Ilohoken at l:Oa In termes 1 at convenience of famil) , \t,',t M v Rams? ? S J . Septem ? ? ? ? . rviesa I'.ain ' - i arrival of Erie train U'nvtnjc .!,?!?-??>? ? r ? a'. 1 :10 p. m. MORGAN Suddenly, a* bia home. indar, Ssptssahti ; !.. Dr. I? Park? forgai tor ? the < ?el of the his 'id be held at th. ?it'th Street and 1 L'it) ar S p. m. I- ' ill be . at < hnit I hut. on U "'t i - '. at I Till: .- f. DA\ ID -' >"< IET? ? ; I Park? ... ?:.. an ex-] 'I he mi ii hen :ir>- r It the . , , ?!.'?! h and Fifi t . RKV. JOHN WILLIA ?IKO. MORGAN L? ?/IS, S? i ? [.mm aaiaa. inr srooDi i?> cnarrEaSf, IMS SI llv llarlTi Train S ad Si rroUOf, i sts of ?mall * ?* (or sal* Oflj ? ?0 Ka?t "''.I ?' N T_ HOTEL ENDICOTT Columbus Avr. & 81st St., New York City. * A "Home Hotel" of Miperior ip pointaient. The spacious dining roOOlt ?iiJ 400 sic ; il .; moms luve been reopened after sa ex? penditure of in enormous sum in remodeling, i de?*orating and refurnishing, <~.uisine and service of the high esl Standard. Avei I . .'.-Re per entree thirty lire cents. Re tatirant rri?er. tift% per cent 1- thi <- ?' '. here. RATES Room with ute of B -?' . $1.00 Room with Private Bath . 1.50 Parlor, Bedroom and Bath. 2.50 The n n k? ?Sth ??? lo? '.in \\' \ BissiSwas. "ENGLISH ROOM" ?da |. H*pt< mber I 1015. I n.- Psfaaalar I nor1.eon Hall? It la ! >?? P. M. PrlM ?"?.. M.i-lial rroirwnmr Tea Dance, 4 to 6:30 P.M. III. ? I \l |i|\N|-:K of M'!.? IAI.I It? 1 ? ? ? ctng and $1.50 Per Cover. - ? HOTEL NETHERLAND Fifth Ave. and 59th St. Finest and Best Located \ Intel in New York, Overlooking Central Park. REDUCED RATES Most Desirable Suites in This City at Very Low Rentals. LARGEST ROOMS IN NEW YORK Our Moderate Restaurant Prices are an Innovation. Cuisine Unequalled NO CHARGE FOR VAUT SERVICE