rfhe Conning Tower
? ?
? 11 n g
; maki fr? ?
I . ' ??;,...
:? red?ly
:?? r,
; ?rties
sck, i-.. ,1...
stive of the men ""'
? " i ?i? (hey ?re wl
- ?'
? ? ?"? i ' ' ' olorado do . -
lei t. si] through his Mr.
? "Mitch? ? ? expiai ation is thai
rep urt tennis, in the accounts of which
. . Mr Gould" and "Covey." And Mr.
? ? i. while G ?lit | are
-, if prominently displayed upon the left
Il - the identity of the dis
a crowded subway ca? on h
1 ;en. \uu wear tortoise shell
i ? ?? e a spoil shirt, too, and intone
\ry i Undeswood.
? * * .
thought, Sir. that Genius and Beauty were
?Doctor Sam Johnson, Cyrano <ie Bergerac
.. Hut I was wrong. Sunday afternoon (about 6
.i I saw YOO?F. P. A.-~on a Bronx 1'ark subway, with a
??le of letters, addressed to you, in your lap. Ah. the injustice of
??igods 1 that a man with a conning-tower mind should be graced
with an arrow-collar fi A. o. B.
How ?hr? pcT than a s?ment'? tooth It is to have a grnoeless
? to Mr. <". A. Merz, we must confess that ?1
un he Sunday afternoon this Merz telo
II ything I can do for you?" he a?ked. "Yes."
vf -e?; wn to the Tribune office, pet my mail and
e." Which he did. Bui we ha?i no idea that
be ?*?-? I it.
T-i those who saw Mr. Merz and. thinking il whs we. were dis
: hat even so archaic-looking- a thing as
M?rz h ? beauty, magnetism and attractiveness.
the October Metropolitan' arouses
w ? ? ist rates th< froi . ? ????
?an of 1 " which run :
"? - make heroes assemble
rty'e form stands in view.
The Politeness Score i? 6-5, the Ladies Lesding: Pir?t Set.
1 slloway'i min : "?rig him
'.'?'. Mariai ..eing the first to revive from the stunning
luctor's kindness, hnd the necessary prosence
? :. and partially discharged the debt by
?Stan*- ? two-cent stamps and the undying gratitude, ad
?rrati? - of hi* beneficiaries. The FRIEND.
The ' always has irritated us, but just as an
the Blotter Beater. "His " say-. Si,
"that - '.pon the inno(*enl bo that one's
BSJBT h - ? ? the floor and one's pen stutter? at the
aids] ps ? ' . . . - anybody know the Fountaiu
lay? all the da: ? : snd with some
sssjMs i ire; and C. Norria and Kathleen to dinner,
?T.irgaret.a fine black-haired girl; and much
talk of tit Bul K. said nought about my miscalling her
hook "1 : ? ?? '.ni- 1 should ha\e said "The
Story o? . nd liad she said, Great grief! I ?are nought
I. eth Page P-r-i-c-e, I had
deemed tl ait .<? I. But ood a sportswoman
for that, Heav? her. i
: a!! '.he res1 of the day
I itoppi eadins C. Men to dii i i and later rame
lorf, 'he school-teacher.
is, ami I did gro*a ei y cold, ha? -
.. pai ns had rue to luncheon, and thence
re I trounced him again, poor wretch. To the
office the-., ? ening until late, but with no great ?
I saw ?t and,
uthep sine of Gascony, which made m?' slumbrous,
ard ga-.e ?
?r -, ?. name until he was sixteen,"
?ays The . ? K<-;r Hardie. "His mother waa hia
?eichei.' then riea Scisson. "Votes for motl
R .. ? \nthoiogy.
do a fetterless dance,
kles of the classic measures,
' the rhythm and the superfluous rhyme,
feet !
ground in ? trat, trot,
. . ? circles of
? a little hop.
. iden
'.f all moverru
? a while on the topic of
? ful, as we speak, not to male
An inadvertent rhyme.
We trip we may make a III ?
? vernacular,
I he ; ,?;,r (hat ver.-i'??.
Si With the dance unconfined.
| v.iftly here and hitb? ?
, . ? ..-.,.?
' "?' our di . . than <mr vers? ?a,
?And oui lev? ii In?- si than both,
My hij^'h
J. (?. I
i?;,. iforai ? ??? nnsmii tst
hi, with the bs shall
^ Pul'!"- I " bad '?? mors mai agi ra lik? ha."
N?eaocriei H?,: h,?-:" F. T. A.
Westchester, Piping Rock
and Bryn Mawr Exhib?
lions Open lliis Week.
M?-ns Sara S. Wiborg hi Be th?.
Bride <?f Gerald < .
three hoi . ? rhich i
takei ..i; . le rest ar<
lie - . 4-k th.. |(l\ ?
Mawr exhibition open? ?> and
v ill be continued until '! l. ? da
niinual sho
. '. I
begin on Thursda) ?
Frida; '. alle-,,
Long Isl?n i. -i the n lal
shy? held by the Westehester Count;
it White Pli i ?
? - da}. 'I'll ?h r-.iny, I rida?
and Sir m day. Al! these exl
will ? ? -?ib, r* of
><... l.l ?n large nun I '
. hose vt 1," l.i,. ?- made ?
paces i
V\ i Steh? *>-l 'low ni,- M i. and "-I :
< (liver Harri ma,:. Charles I?. 1
?I* and Mrs, Ralph Bilis, Mrs : H.
\l. in*, m rbee, Mr. and M : s 0
Reid. Mr ai .1 Ml s Em? t lsel .
hi 'i Mi s. Nathaniel < . Re; nal, M -
Mrs. (ieoiK-..- D, F. I.nth. Mr. and Mi
Percy A. Rockefeller, S, Bryci W ii
and Paul G. Thebaud.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark and
Mr. ami Mrs. Philip Stevenson will
leave town to-day for the Bryn Mawr
| show. Mr. and Mrs. dark' will be
guests i.:" Mr. and Mr- A. .1 Antelo
l>evnreux, at Urelan.i. Perm., and Mr,
and Mrs Stevenson will stay with Mi
ai -1 Mrs. .lohn I!. Fell, at Camp Hill
Hail, Fort Washington. Penn.
tor the benefit of the New York Die!
Kitchen Association, of v. tin h Mis
Henry Villard is president, a sen?
talks on current topics will be
by Ml fessics l.o-.t-r I'avr.e at Aeoli
aii Hall on alt?rnale Wednesday
:-.gs, beginning on October 27. The
? Is will be devoted to the ?on.
of the association, which maintains
e-.gh*. nulk stat'uiiH m tl.e congested
sections of the city, where mothers
me taught how to care for them
and their babies ?nd pun- n
The patronesses of the leeturei
elude Mrs. William ('unis Demorest,
Arthur S
il. Bi rs. Joseph V
llenrj P. l'u\. s< ?'
Mary !.. I't ..> ? and
M;.- Louise Bai
Mr. and M i - Frank li. Wiboi %
? ngagemei
Sherman Wiborg,
to Gerald ? . Murphy, son of Mr. and
Pati Murphy, of this
Ier of !
''. borg, a ho a ai mai ried to
ter Fish a . Satur
? nptoi . Long
where Mr. ai ; ?' i - Wiborg ha) ?
: i om Yale He - ? ;.-.- pi i
of the Mark Cross Company, u: ? .
bis iatiui is president.
1 rom Boston ? ai
eng igemenl of Misa Mm -
? daughter of th?.*
Rev. and Mrs, ?ieorge Jar-.;- IV
Lawi ence, a member of the
Knickerbocker and Harvard clubs of
He ??'as graduated from II u
; and until three years a^o
uas , ? - - -? N. "i k. He re
returned from Fran *-. where he
ected with the America
ce Corps, il.- mai ri? .i fo u
Pai Lois S
i n y. ai.,1 since bri dea ai d Ii
have mad ir h im? ??? I i
h i s mother, Mrs Jams Lawrence, of
... -, , "d in
the wed ling o
-.o Theron B. Hoyt, of
. ?i ? ob?i G at ' he bride's
urgh. The cei emonj
? i by the Rev. Dr. John
li. Willay in the presence *?: relatives
and a few intimate friends. The bride,
?ho ?ill be given away bj b.-i |
j. Will am II. Simiri. will havi hei
Mi-- Margaret Carnegie, foi her
m h id of honor hm.I onlj att? i dant An
.iln-w. Carnegie, 2d, a brothn .'f the
bTide, will be be-* man
Mis Helen Hartley .lenk
:.. man-) Francis Hunt Geer, a soi. oi
th.* Rei W Montagu? ileei. ?ricai ol
-.- Paul's I hapel, n the chapel,
Broadway and Fulton Street, on Oc
? ber i'?'. will bave her sister, Miss
Hart ley Jenkins, ? hei maul of
., ?desmaida will be Mi -
i ..* lelia and Miss (*,!' > ude Geer,
. ? ? am -l -- V
a. n? Moore, - I
and Miss Mar; ? leveland and Mis?
,, >,,,., ,;,. g, o? Sew m leans,
I-'. Shelton l-'i.ii will be Mr. Geer'a besl
hen will be Knoi
l ? roop l.l er and VI
i - ?. i othei - \ ' r 1
Harold Phelpi Stok? -. I ewis A, Coffin,
jr., and George F. Butterworth, Jr. The
ceremony will be followed hi ? recep
. ' the home of the bi ide's parei I -.
und Mi -?. Geoi <e \^ alkei I? i
- Madison Avenue.
and Mi?. Craig B ddle *
rive in town from Newport on Friday,
i and ait. i a shorl itaj h? r? will go on
to Hoi Springs, Vu.
Mrs. Nicholas LongWorth, Jr., \* In
ati and ? - ati
. a* the Ritx ? .h Iton, She came on to
olas Longworth, ?bo
arr.M . rope ve<'erdn\ .
Mi and Mrs. ? Horace Hat.lii | *
t the last four ?e.-ks a- ion
Mr*. Harding's parents, Mr. und Mrs.
ey, at f .. Itai ;
I Put-in-Bay, Ohm. have returned to
their country place o" 'he Rumson
Road, Seabiight, N. .'
Mr. ai.d Mrs Heth Lorton bave re
. . from ? vieil to the Panama Pa
i- Exposition and i- I gfa the
i 'anadian Rockii Coloi ado and other
lates and have opened
eountr) place al Garden City,
I i aland, fot the fall m-a?on.
Mrs Frederick W. Vanderbilt hs
rived n town froas her eountrj
at Hyde Part and i?_?t the Rita-Carl
Newbold T Lawrence. Jr. will leave
ittei pari tb< i eek to
rtiic?-e. Miss Maj ? romwell,
tonville, Md.
William Fitihugh Whit? *
rlton, will sail for
,- d to morrow an board th.- Rol
! ? m.
700 Royal Rugs at Art Sale
An important collection of rug? at
: prospective bidders ai d I
i ?? \ . * ue Art Galleri?
andred ?ere
. on exhibition, The colle?
. ? this week begin
ning a? ? o'clock this att. rnoon, in?
cludes nue ip? eimem of roj
, rids, Bokhara* and antn*ui
M cs beds.
Iv? "... Prss?
Daughter ol Presiden! and Mrs. .lohn lirier Uibben. ?if Princeton, who
i engaged to Dr. Robert Maxwell S?coon.
Vivacious Singer Corners
Capital I's at the
W ? ?. new :.i>n?- ? . , Tan?
ca] At the
? ? about h< . lelf :in?l
r. i- .? line
. IV?.,
.. .. i. fana
'. .-??!?? | ;
ently, for the
? i. 01 thai went far
toward j . ? :? rtion that M;-s
ia . ? vaud? ? , ?. steal draw
i eonstitutei
!?ct" in the two h-dm
own orchestra lesder,
? ? tern compared
of capital I's thai ahe <;.i
i ' .?? i'.,.? Koos? ?
... i: ?. Ba ' it lei .i ,
. n ii hit ir, . in
- not carry ??:' 'the g i I
thare, \\ tli Bessie Crawford, he pre
ir iketeh, "11."
id h?- Lady." Eddie
? ? .i- .j:e ?releo :
..: bis "!..
the i-urthiii ? u lid b?
. ".ii.
!' I tne, tl >? "Ami ri?
tma i " oo k e d i
: e? le "(Jin ga Din" at
did. Iren?
both ?ir!? and Will
Burns and i'.l Lynn won merited auc
?nil di ?? sets. Kd?? ina
fered ? plaj lei "Tl
Home Breaker," which a ?uld have been
I in pro?, ?',! I.? tiie ? i m Bsrry'i
i ins;..-i I'alirii i.i'. fglei. and ,
the ! Ii " ? inkers, gyi ? M it- hrd I
?.? ihow, i ? -i)?-, l
No one tl inks iinr h blessing; we
erti by thin
agon? with
purposing mcrel) to pio?>- tin?? ??m
if you Hie un oi n the myriad
? ave adopted thii philoso
.... -.' y i.f handkerchief?
the Prospect Theatre, Brooklyn, tin?
wi-fk. Bergers is there In a
new v ar pi - not only ca? feel
I. ? ... babies as Nasimova
is bad,
: on. v nipmenl of voice
power, Mis Bei gei
tains I ? ??
ten n le she ;- trying to de?
sdi the birlh si? r.<
son, -in* fallu it at *':rst, but
bei busband - summoned to bat
? pled for life and hei
rs) bullet, all in four
longer, and
be no more
Sylvester Seh I his
. ..? un'.'.
mai -ti !|i and ? he numi i othi
Tl., nd witl ms of Mel
.. \. ?
won unusual applause a' yesterday'a
pei formunce, (Ml
mu? Sylvester, form? ' 'Vu.?' ?.
? good
? i \ i,.11 i ?? .uid Bell.
M asir, dance and <ii ima ?re rn .
? . i
i ? .i bed by Wil
?? I he Bomb" a?
?? i i . Bomb"
?. re mi :-. ami
I,as bi
h hei ....
n? i .. ? er, In an ?
devill? le of R ? i and
and company, in dsn? ? - of
the i rsriel '?'?
., burlesque of 1
is Eleanor Ball, ?
it; H h i ? i ate ad company, in ? -.?
and the
Thr I
. : . ' -
. ? '
Fo urteei
Ii.. ra ire Paul A
I iposes"; Eimore
and Williai 1er snd the
I'nirinal Honey
? Iville and I?oyle and
??Tl.. ? su," a novelty plsyl? t,
! in which most ef the character
?llili? ?locks, top? thil
week's I.ill at the <>rpheum. Sam Chip
\ and Mar.? Msrble are in the cast
? m importai ? i ?r. w illism ?'?'urileiith
and company in "Pearlie?." a eomedi
. ? .i i Georg? I llohart. I
I Othef art- an? the Watson \
I ma and Yosco and Winsor I
I HcCayi cartoonist.
"Treasure Island*1 Being
Altered for Dramatic
In anticipation of a
on November 2, "Tree. Island,"
? h< li Judj lat..
ruipped wil
Produ? ? ? .Hing
rhi ? -.
nil u
great mi ? ? th? i own
,. ' . ?? B) uli
ma* inea da ?
iilver, who
in bin pa ?? men) ion
tip? i '. al pai : in
?h<- ... Goodman
decoi ttive
purpo * ? ??? ill be
toi. >'? I not jui
t ify M i. Hopki *.s m ? . ? i r.? ? com
Ii4-ut u.-i ?? ith the Wii ? I , they
are expected to worl foi the greater,
populai ity of 1 ?
, Thoma? Coflln
Stuart Wa i el h and
Hare ijeli'a
a*enl mpd d
a rehi srss rden y<
e< to..
President V ? Pi
Ko..-. -. elt and 1 e?l t?
. !.. II pp id 11..,. ... ng on 1 bu i ?day
?a ?mpo isible I an oui ced thai r? p
tes v.1 i be
"II. ." adapl**.l
by Lee Wil ? larry L< on
.a,-. r al ' he
- k Theatre, I ' . - night.
H? o ib'- tul
month ib.
?ill b< ? . Volk.
Mai er, of the Winter C?r?
pala of " I be
Ph.- - inn SI .-.-. " ; nd ' I'he Blue Pai ?'
diae" . -1. . I party at th?
. : ? ':' ? - I ?
nigh). \ i. will be the gue?I
honor, h s ?? n,,. Passing Snow"
?! si is depart >? :.?.' " i in- Blue
di-.-" noi the i, i Pe ., ,
-s ii Topics" ? hat e
? ? entur)."
which is the ?? on thai anj
i ecoi.! . ).<?.-! be? li m ..;? if ' ,;t i >?
Tin- Ned
pla) *-.i to -. ;."i. - i n ighl and
turned away vo thousand persona,
much a- il hu it
scene Lsi night ?
anee ol " l"he Two \ rl i " m which i
In the iup
porting cast sr< ? \\ alker,
Hai lee \\ right, Blan? he 1
?ne W h il ton, Hei bei t lloa ? in an.i :
?nee Phelps "The Two \ rtues" ?ill
.?.un.- to the Bool h n? I M mday.
'I he 400th pel formanee of
?'hm" v. .11 ? ? ? the Globe to- ?
omei > and
Stone will ? ..-i-non
? |?
in trod ii taken I
100 nigbta to
memoi ? -
.... -. :
of "T*.. *
\ langei
K nick
? ?
. ? ," ha*. .- af- '
the **.n
e kin.? n ai i
V Jo
.. , ?
nhloan Owaad id uno \. r,-. in N'oaaaaka
? I'n?u. i tout ul in Politics.
. announced
\\ . }: f this
city, i apital
many years pror*
Mr, Bool ter ? I 60,000 acres of
land in Nebraska and ha
? d manufac- ten Its in
A .niarter of a century igo he was ;
the I', ? Got? rnor
of Ol, ? .-ssful
candidate for United States Senator
?- ??- ? ?
l \iii i I IZABBTH BEI ? K.
\ sneonver, B. C, Lad?
. 'ter of the Karl '
? i .... , ? I at Inv? ran r<. H i
v?*ars i
ago to K?ndr>I[ ?
land rancher with laige inter.
the CslassMa i'allejr, j
Vaudeville Bill Enliven?
by ;>i irs of Varying
Debt of American Drama
( heesc Considered and PIckl
Heresj Discussed.
10 to 1 that s
i... I
' ? ...
..? >r ...in.
? and en
in, d.nic
? fact,
'.'? 01 n li.
ik to her bii mat ion.
The swan d
I '
'! .'- Iltlll
.i Misi Wo
.h m iag v io i men
? ?? ry, and tl a ?
\ -i ?1 si Worth finished
pped iti o a c? -s dress i
? .1 allowed the audiei ??. to ???
undoubtedly no records ?? ?
Kor our part we hate to ha i
'.i on ,.- ','.<:<
ha n ? ight ?.) ehoose Ins o?
brook snd ? ? . -, ..>; pU?
Herz, and AL
ander Ca? r in his p sy, " (?n Api
Shower," are I . men i
.i pie . m, bill v nous to
heard "Urean Ch inato ' " sung bi
?? . or "Hone) Wait for Me,' oi tn
ian Krancisco ' Fril
Hei ? >.?'?? hrs; in a soi
ti which he mpersonal 's on old acte
who linall) turns to the movies '.? mal
\ .. | fa ?
can .i... the seto begins "To be or n
ti. be, t bal i th.il ?oi "
interrupted with "Nol on your lit
Whut wi
A floorwalker is another amusii
cl ractei ization, nd
i ict ir ?? ..'' .i m'in tiling
i ti night flush i don?
emotional sp
foj the se tond w e??k,
Woolf a: <! bin ? ?. ? April Showei
ra? ;i l . I
in i the dialogue througho?
is .-?cell
Kfi-i'i V Bowers sans ani ; m
ber .it si. \gi with snd withoul tl
? emben ol ? quart t, and Li
; lian McXiel ami Pern Black, in 'I
*a:i ?? h ni? . " lid ?? ell in dai
! in' m- ' ? h 'i "?! e
? reetinf of any jn tbe lull.
Diamond Sib?, Brenrai
!.?? 'hn ?' l);l Ku; Ho? and th? "Co .
Sea" wen othei numbers on i
ill'. .?! -'|i.-,l . I 'I I' IK. II'.
t\ t.'-. ? 11.' \ .
is written at leas I a .?( an i
: hould be .1 ??- oted t.i cheese. Mel s
ng, it is the chin
which rule.? the hand which
i Nr unfair to a*iv?
i redit to an i
.r .t'.i'i a, but ?
? ? dramal ic d< ?
Ian ' i i''-.
was .t time when no librettist coul?
? -.? i.-.., i . ? hile in ..
?he comic possibilities of both fa
? i,i .n'.i. i ' ..i..! Boquefoi : have been
. d and >'? ed
m particular
is tin- -, ame hi
the characti i s o? "Tov n Topi? ? " _ i '?;??
.i gen litj ut' th.- in. ??-. ?-.
?.',..i? I.a- nowhere been lie'ter illu?
trated than in it..- < ase - ??- ? heese.
Here is a curd which distinctly violates
the unitie th?
made il their ver) own. Scorning ma
i Ism, they have ieiz?d upon no'
itance, ?? ":' ?'? and
thus.- about th? boles in
There was a time when th? pickle
.1 destined to su|
?his here?) has been repelled, .??> well
? ??, and th?
ghetti heterodoxy.
. dran at ic si renfth to
reight It
all the lin?
??.i i an m isical i omedie wer? placed
. nd to end thr? would reach fron
t? the .-an 1 rani -? - Pail and
the n ' omi
? , . i.. taue am! vo id 'ws in
\,-w York tbii season will fane)
i ,,!,, ? are making I
,,.',., . motto of a libretl ?I ?
-M ich ma) be madd of a cheese if it
be caught old."
K. Wells, i ? press
? d
. n a two ?
n which h? h.?
jmoiiic the
worth) t ngi of I
-W . ?t.nc
. . . ? i sque," the ?
. ont nu? . ?
ri) musical numbei < ai
.. ? es, Mr.
William P. Bonbrighl & Co.
In? orporatod
i 4 Wall Street, New York
I !*??.%? to invi ? ?; funds in order to obtain the hi
it sacrif.cn g the safety o? prin ipnl is a
problem facing every investor,
Our V i Department ln*< made .? arefu
problem and foi the benefit of its
d .. selected list of securitie
6 . which ;irr recommt nded
to -.vumen investors.
i his li?*t will be sent upon appli? al ** i .* hi
..'i ription ot the securities recommend
l)irc< tor \1 omen s De|
\ ? ?? ?? Mr. w IR? i ? ' ?
'. w e? p, for
; . '
Mrs. Whitney Would Have
America! Women l?av
Wore f?>r Oowns.
rhe flrst of a i ? -
o-' Mrs. Whitney's Fashion ShoM ??.
given a' the Cohan Theatre yesterday.
Other? will folio?*
and Friday.
The show apei
of brilliant red, grasa, white ami
where prettj blonds and brunette man
display the . rt-a* .o || of R
Paqmn, Jenny, (i.-orgette and Cheruit,
and also some of American fi-tr.s. The
i la) which was v. ritten s
the gowni rai omitted, a*? Mrs. Wu?
ne*, ?. - .. raid the audience real .
onlj .m 'm- frocks and preferred
to take . s ?aahions itraight.
I - a bi ief introduct on Mi i. Wl
atated 'hut *?lie wanted to pe
an w< ii -n to wea more ?
. r,--..?-r if neceaaary, b
bettei uualitj ami mon- su-tu.l to I i
"We give you the faahione," she saui.
"but ' -? me what you elect to
v. rar ''
The American woman. .\iij vVI
? said, lias not leaiiit-d to be indn
lin dreas, but buya wha ?-. th*
majority are wearing, regardlcsaof her
it) ? In tb<* Paria workrooms
there ar.- no duplicates, and the I .
short, the slender or siout womao h..
h m/ designed esp? . ; t-cr.
\\ sollen Pari?
thia ya..-, but there would teem, how
ever, to b.- no dearth o
' * idea and aati
endeavoring to bi na ibou ?. re* ?val ot
the use of fancy ribbons, vu' ou
j bioidtrs and er. orl Example*
h tendenc) were ihown in costumes
!<-. Paqu ? and Jenny.
The ival thrill of the af'eriioon 'i .1 '
furnisbed Ir, a |ire*.t\ niannikin attired
in p ut- tights, who tried on dihTi
of corsets, nightgowm -i .?
negligees. Evening gowns wars
i'e..us i?, color and aumptuoua as :<? mi -
teiial-, silver and gold lac?, furs,
eatin, embroidery and artificial flowers
be-ng combined in one garment
The extreme ?^eo lets - a thing of
*h.- past, rhe cut this season i.- equally
auitable foi a grandmother or a school?
girl. Skirts for both street and ev?
Moot are extremely short and more ab '
breviated in the front than in th?
A., interesting feature of the fashion
show were the artistic jewels vorn with
each gown t?00,000 worth .>?'' them, ac
I cord ng to the producera made ape
ciall) foi the occasion and loaned ii\
Uattle 1 I o
\\. ii Orange, N. f., Sept 27. '
KHimie f!revea I.atino,, widow of Le\
( liapman Lathrop, died here Sundaj
She waa a daughtei ol Rufus R. Graves,
-, ?? . ? Plymoutl Ch irch,
,",iu.ii i*. :.. ami w..s born on Columbia
Heights. On November B, 18X17, sin
..ir i.d to l.ivi ? hapman Lathrop
.i broker ar.d member of tlie New V
Cotton ur ii Stock exchangee, bv Hei
u ard Beecher. Mr, l. ithrop died elgbl
ago Mrs, Lathrop was a membei
uf Uie Colonial llames of America and
the Daughters of th** American R?r?roIu
tion. Mrs, Harvey Strong Chatfleld, of
\> . fork City, and Mrs. Henry Has
kins, of South Orange, N. J, survive
.John II. Wyeth, forty-three, a retiied i
manufacturer, ol 300 ?West 10f?th .
Street, died suddenly on Saturday In I
Chicago, while on an autoaaobile tria
with 1 ia wife o tlie I'anama-I'aeiti.
ExpoeltiOB. He sulTered a atroke of
paralysis, Mr. Wyetp was actively in?
terested in 'tie affairs of the Mew sor
Athletic ?hib and in motoring, Burial
w.:t be mads at St. I..j*i:?*. li.? birth?
George P, H. McVay, Afty-fivs, of
Huguenot, Statea Inland, who for the
last aeventeen >eais had been em?
ployed in the Paymaster* Ofllca, Dl
of R^funiN ni' the Finance Oe
partment, died suddsal) yesterday in
,- from bear- I
(real, Sept. 57 Roberta in Ma
? ? mpanv of Canada, die,) '..
He was righty-threo years old.
and ??? known throughoul the es
lathei of 'he insuianee b i
m ranada
Dt '
H) p. m.
. e
' I ' ' h e a
A- and -ii'.h ?
1' '? i ' .
?auxru.-r of th
? ..... A?
iembei 29, al ' 1 s m.
LATHROP At Huttoi Park, West Or?
u n ?^ ? I., Septei 1915, Psa?
...p Puns
v? 11 i be he!.! at 11
Miss O?a
D p. m., W<
. urriy.il of
la. . | Ilohoken
at l:Oa In termes 1 at convenience of
, \t,',t M v Rams? ? S J . Septem
? ? ?
? . rviesa
' -
i arrival of Erie train U'nvtnjc
.!,?!?-??>? ? r ? a'. 1 :10 p. m.
MORGAN Suddenly, a* bia home.
indar, Ssptssahti
; !.. Dr. I? Park? forgai
tor ? the < ?el of the
his 'id
be held at th.
?it'th Street and 1
ar S p. m. I- ' ill be
. at < hnit I hut.
on U "'t i - '. at I
Till: .- f. DA\ ID -' >"< IET?
; I Park? ... ?:.. an ex-]
'I he mi ii hen :ir>- r
It the
. , , ?!.'?! h
and Fifi
t .
?IKO. MORGAN L? ?/IS, S? i
? [.mm aaiaa.
inr srooDi i?> cnarrEaSf,
IMS SI llv llarlTi Train S ad Si rroUOf,
i sts of ?mall * ?* (or sal*
Oflj ? ?0 Ka?t "''.I ?' N T_
Columbus Avr. & 81st St.,
New York City. *
A "Home Hotel" of Miperior ip
pointaient. The spacious dining
roOOlt ?iiJ 400 sic ; il .; moms
luve been reopened after sa ex?
penditure of in enormous sum
in remodeling, i de?*orating and
<~.uisine and service of the high
esl Standard. Avei I . .'.-Re
per entree thirty lire cents.
Re tatirant rri?er. tift% per cent
1- thi <- ?' '. here.
Room with ute of B -?' . $1.00
Room with Private Bath . 1.50
Parlor, Bedroom and Bath. 2.50
The n n k?
?Sth ??? lo? '.in \\' \ BissiSwas.
?da |. H*pt< mber I 1015.
I n.- Psfaaalar I nor1.eon
Hall? It la ! >?? P. M.
PrlM ?"?.. M.i-lial rroirwnmr
Tea Dance, 4 to 6:30 P.M.
III. ? I \l |i|\N|-:K of M'!.? IAI.I It?
1 ? ? ? ctng and
$1.50 Per Cover.
Fifth Ave. and 59th St.
Finest and Best Located \ Intel in New York,
Overlooking Central Park.
Most Desirable Suites in This City
at Very Low Rentals.
Our Moderate Restaurant Prices are an Innovation.
Cuisine Unequalled