Newspaper Page Text
A New Perspective of the Wheat Situation Lette* Renskorf, Lyon & Go. - i 33 New St. ' New York Submarines fertile ?. S. Navy - ? The Lake Torpedo Boat Co. i Builder? of the Et en Kr.l Submarined tip? " ? - 7 First Preferred Stock - . ? S'.r, ml < lr< ulsx givr? <l?-t?ll?M? SsforaasttoB. Gwynne Brothers 25 Broad 5?., N. Y. Phonr 3232 Broid. Wassermann Bros. , -i ?. Y Suck B?cka-w 42 Broadway New York UPTOWN OFFICE 527 Fit.h Avenue Miretmm Uofi ????* '????? Wr invitf your order? in STOCKS BONDS GRAM in lartfe and ?mall amounts The Present Situation in ;t? Stock Market I ? i s i a ?** ? rf la mnr t : il M M s / ?CTTstB ? * *- ti H'-?m-'?: Wanted Offerings New York Shipbuilding J.K.Rice,Jr.&Co. N V Lake Torpedo Boat Co. (Builder* of the Even Keel Submarine) 7 First Fre erred Stock Our tatest cifxmlef cmtttmim? detailed tntor ntattoii vf th-1 ( fimpiin \ GwVNNE: I?r OTHERS 25 Broad St.. N. Y. I os* 3232 Br.iad. UNITED LIGHT & RAIL WAYS COMPANY AH Blckmore & Tu III BKOADW/Y. NY. mtsmsmmsummsmmsmssmnwsMssmnm?B Aetna Explosives Cities Service Pfd. WliamsfU?nbor&CoIeman Dl Mali M. I'l.on?. SUMi Hsu,.?, i n V ? Expansion on the CLKSOLIDATEi) EXCHANGE : TV ta if i ?? ?? asHlisBas ?<? t>> ,?aJi. SECRETARY, 36 Braver Sti-rt DIVIDEND Nul !i I J New York Mortj-^e and Security Co. ? ? i %. i ' * I'?. .? ? li.inl.lll In l>\\ ? ? ? ' BOABD N MliiN \i H .m W J? ?thler. MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT Largest Trading of Near ?Broad Buying at Higher Prices. ALLIES' SUCCESS A BILL FACTOR Railroads Advance at Start Mercer Rumors Stir War Group to High Levels. week end came ? ' ? ? ' 'nar * liter noon ? ening In th? reaction, a? the profit the 1 lay of the ? ' to be ' line. red an ? - come to an agreement with 'he ' ng to be made here ? ng some BUi g. Further runv ndred con ?ing of ? .i h com?*; nal buying mo i. the ? ? fi-r seme time. The bond market, con to what la frequently the ease in ' ally larire. More than $6 onda chant'?.1, hands, t ht- largeat : tota' <'onvertible rentrth, but there * la ol prac? tically every description. In 1 h and forcea was received in a much cheerful I ? ' ? ounced wen* fairly active. \- t here ra. - ally up a rith St Paul g an overn ght tram of more than a poir' Il -nur a numb, r of ra ilroada aun Saturday, ? for tl ' id list, i nsaa ? T? xai had no i? nee. Th?- war stocks, however, resssumed ! been, ? after Thur high lev Baldwin .Locomotive, which had an ? sonii* In r?mts the week before, was particularly favored be ? ? c . pporl t rat it had been acquired by new intl I I would ?re aaaiduously to war \*--* ? large opening gain . g above 114, more than l!? points h-.jjhrr than Saturday's close. Il Bethlehem Steel interests reported purchase of : * o confirmation came - g, but the stock cloi sd ? Steel, alao ?ught, 103, ending some 2 lower, with a net irain of ? ? r Rsing to a new . fell back, to close s ? .-in- made ; over 4 points, ''an and -'-., . were 1 ighsr in active ?neks were irregular ? inspieuous. The improvi ? - ?? that "ne of the, -, !;eies \y;i(\ raised its failed to ri attention. xx i k\?.i ?>i i m i iMiu m - i i^r m i in i i \ RAILS. Kept FM kef -.'T. J rM'-rilii? '*> < b)M 112.fTf>3 Heptembet >S i IS.S1I ?inr week aao ? HS. IS1 ?Inr 111 (.III ll II sn .107.700 ,lni. so, mil . I04.4M 11.(1. Inr 1.13 l.f.? for AiikiisI.1er, fMi2 M IK h for .Iu1>.H'-.H.'.O Lew for .lui}.KII.SIS llnch for i 17 low for .hue . lOS.tM High ?or m?).mass Lea for May.Ilil.Y'O HUli for \prll.113 MIS li.? for April.?SUM, Hull for Mnrrh.10K.KIH in? for II,L-h f..r FeblWMT.IIMI.75B I .... rrtir?rj. lOl.tH II IK h for January. ISS.S9J I i,u fur January. 101441 Hlak, tanea riii . i IS.S0S I .,??.. Hies far. ISIS IS1.1M High, full ?ear, ISM t H I'll I <>??.. full lili I ISt.QOB XX I ? \?.l 'll 1 HI I KIMI M - I l*T ..1 \\\ I I \ I ISIH >| Kl \| - Neptenbee 17, ><raier<tay'a rleee HeaSeaabee II 10371 ? ill,- ?r.1, UK?. . Iln, no,ntli uro ,...". s , ?OS i , IS14 . 117 4?7 Hlgll for Xii?iist. I .,? foi XiiKiist . r lui]. m, nun low for .Inly. K" :i>, Hi, li l*T iuUM. IS.? SI I nw Inr .Innr. ~.H |J| HlCk f'.r May. SI .SSI In? lea May.. 74.47? II.?ii I..I Ximl. I o? for Xprll.7IVS44 IImil fur Mar, IM I .,? hu Mure h. 1S.SSI II,?l. f..r l.i.iuary.7&SSS I .... fnr I ri,i nary . SS HI f.,r January . 7.'. !i|,? I..? for January . ~n ~-f> Until ?hi ? f.,r. IRIS '. Uli H7J I 4,w. Hin- Ui. ISIS . ?Isla, lall year, mil. Kl Ht.I 1 o*. lull year, IBM. g] \y, RAILROAD EQUIPMENT BONOS. ? ?... < i ? M I | .-. 4 < I ? : ??*.'., <iii N *, N 'I A ? ? . i ? ? ? * I < ,UU is? :? THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. IMS. Total mI?S of ?.t?M-kH Monda?. I. * ?, 1.2(1(1. sixain?! 641 ?IM Saiiinlav. K,?..i,nn i week ar?>: *-.n<-k EsidvsSlgf tloeed s ?rar airo tro m Januar? I lo ?lair, 111 H'*?. HS, airain?! 4fi,|sfi.i<i0 a >rar aiCo ratr cbr.e 43 ?rs . ? ri pr. ., . . 11 82.40(1 7?;'? Am. ? on] Pro . i ? Am. II ? . 4.100 i:.M4 Am. 11 ? rio <v Leather pr . ;- , Am. loe Recul ti? Km l inaeed . ]..' pr.... ? . ; pi ..I ivo I Am. Malt pr ..? . .: pr. -. .... Sugar pr .< 20*? 874 . 1,200 I25L? An ? '? Am. A m. Am. pr. ? itive I - ? ? 107 4 101 300 IOS1? \\ oolei ? ' ?i ... n pr. I?in 58 .... 800 i?;. 7.". 4 I047S 300 iiin% 108 0 100 110 I .? i Ohio pr.. . i r, "i 357 ? m s.l pi , ' Rapid Trans?! 2,700 854 ? Butti A Superior ' ?.p. 2 ?. 100 ii.]. Petroleum. . 1,60 I ? roleum pr. :. !'?ici fie. 1,200 4:. 74 63% SG lof 154 96 ? . 71 109 H US 1264 56 11.;.'.. 108 -, 1! 1 "? 1104 . 74 1 \ 175 61H 614 107 1(2 624 114 184 19 ?'1 4 7 4 M'.'1! 11 r ? . 62 52?? 944 100 ?V, 108 110 ? ra4 14 1594 14 ' . 108 - 58 !"?? 124 ??? . 100 74 87 109 804 58 ', 116 1264 ? 784 100 '?, 108% 118-4 1104 74 14 Sfifi 159 4 854 ? 14 - 14 ' 4 ? 24 ? 3 4 . 2 . . 1 Bid 32 4M 4 624 614 n m 4 7-'. 1524 58 15 12 224 194 II 8? 4 M 29 874 10? M B84 109 4 116 32 4 444 n ? . ???i 4 107 70 153% 534 ''.,:j 12 tt II 234 M M f.n 4 101 74 294 ?74 100 81 50 100 4 117 12.-. 4 rl84? 58 044 7:? S 1044 1004 101 11.-4 114 108 111 ?9 99% 734 74 Il 4 94% 73 4 1044 I004 110 4 1 .10 380 104 169 4 4 II 60 31 214 I -, 1 *. 5 5 7 9 ?? 20 4 . Leather. 11. l 1 rather pr... 100 107 ?. ( 1.1. (iront Western_ 2,50 I 134 ". tern pr. 1,000 334 Chi., Mil. & St Psul. .. 4,480 89 ? hi., Mil. ?S St. P, pr I Non h v.. item ?c... 2,735 214 ( hi?o Con. Copper. 8,600 164 ?' iiel * Iron. dated (?a?. 62200 130*? ? an. 2,000' 914 ? '?tal ?'an pr.. . Coin Products. Corn Producl ? pr. I Crucible Steel.714.". Steel pr. l,7i \m. Sugsr. 400 1204 ? ft Hudaon ... 10 144 Denver * Rio dr. pr... 400 12 United R. R.. ? '? Dintilling Securities., , 29.41 ? ? > 784 Erie . 61,4 I t pr. 15.61 pr. DO 114 pr 31 214 174 163 107_ 134 31 204 16 107 ' 334 334 ? ? 126 1304 164 674 19% 103 110 144 12 604 334 -- . , 128 ? 20*4 46 H ' - 1304 91 107 184 ? ; - loi 4 119 110 31 4 I "? 13 88 4 - Hl?4 124 4 ISO 204 464 65 ?? 130 4 03 4 107 194 M r.4 ! 59 284 204 164 1624 6084 1054 604 II 33 4 ??4 125 1294 130 20 4 21 464 14 Ml 166 - i 6 694 30?? 21 464 168 51 108 514 134 334 ?84 125 4 ' ilotora . 1,450 351 Motors pr. Goodrich, B. F. 1 1.950 714 n. B. F.. pr. 100 1094 i,t. Northern pr.; 4,720 1224 Gt North. Ore tubs... I I F.xpl. 2.1 ? ? ral. 700 1074 . . W'ii'ti!. Int K? im ul. pr. ration ('upper. Inter, ? on. on. pr. Inter.-Metro] rlarv. of N. J Inter. II; iv. ? orp. , . : 21 - 263 1144 1094 108 394 21 1".' ? 144 114 604 22 77'. 32 4 624 414 288 17;'. 3.r>n ill 704 1094 1214 16 fifi 4 107 184 89 3584 74 204 1064 Inter. Nickel . 900 2174 2174 216 hit.-r. Nickel pr. 100 107 107 107 Inter. Paper . 8,600 104 H4 10? : aper pr. 104 39 Citj Southern. . 1,05 . ?. So ith pi 00 604 61 60! 1 14 114 i 304 22 4 774 33 4 . 114 1-4 177 4 ? 1144 714 100 4 164 107 89 86 71 20 4' 108 216 1 '7 114 ?A 3 1 14 14 4 1 4 '? 2 t? 4 4 'i 4 '? ? 34 1-184 - 4 ? 1 4 ? 14 14 l '-? 61 r,:.\ 130 4 03 4 lOfi 19% 86 1014 I oo 4 111 111 11V 60 30 22% 77 33 624 n : 286 177 363 1144 714 10K 1214 164 106 1? .'I? 4 86 204 74 204 107 II fiH4 2154 216 106 110 lo4 n 40 404 . ? 284 6] II ? 464 ?6 4 131 014 101 194 87 1014 lio 120 148 12 62 304 22 4 33 4 53 4 414 W% 290 171 161 111 72 110 122 164 66 4 100 184 no ::>!4 20% 714 20% 101 TKT ?I Kr* 10 in ?old Op? ' ?m |i Lackawanna Steel . 87.800 -" Laded" Oaa I"" '"-' Ella i W< ?? .'? l.nkr Erii * W< ' pr 200 22% Valley 1,400 H7 Island Lor?llard, P 7 Lorillardj P., pr.. .. 4 Maekay Coa pi 7 Manhattan Elevated... Maxwell Motor . 7 Maxwell Motor l?t pr. . 2d pr. 2 Ma) Dept Mon.? Mex?can Petioleum ' ami ? "i, ' opper,. ...I 8,iVio Minn K St Louil ... 10" 7 S|., St P. it- S. 1 101 Mn., Kan. A I ? 1,600 Mo., Kan I Taxas pr. Ml ...,,,., j*.,.- ? , i.ino 2 Montana Row ir. 7 Montana Pon sr pr. National i load 1 nit nal En. \'.-iti'. -'I National Lead . 1.1.2nb (National Lead pr Nevada ? 'on ? opp? r. Yew Volk .\ir Hint e. New York inntra N. V. M. II ? II N. Y. fint. ? Western Norfolk A Western... North American...... em Pa? ?fie. Mail. Pacific Tel. A Tel Pennsylvania R. U .... tf.l'iu 114% Gas * (nke..! 720 117% Philadelphia Co. -> .Pitt?l>urgh Coal.' 8,100 34% irgh Coal pr. 100 103 Pittsburgh Steel pr_' son ?., PresKed Steel Car. 16.?00 66% Pullman Palace Car...; 200 161% ? Steel Spring. . 8,300 12 Ra; ' n Copper. 2,800 22% Reading . 19,900 164% g 1st pr., R? p. Iron & Steei . . . R4.?'00 Rep. Iron A Steel pr f <land pr. - Runi'My . Rumely pr. St. I. I S. F. Seahoard Air Line .. Seaboard Air Line pr 7 Sears Roebuck. 7 !Sear? Roebuck pr... - Sloss-Sheff. Steel A 1. 6 Southern Pacifie .! 13,?00 95 Porto Rico Sugar pr inn ion. Southern Railway .' 8/.00 10% 7 ? lern Railway pr. Sturiehnker . 1 1,400 .-k.-r pr. .. . Tennea?ec Copper To.ns 4 Pacific.I l,ti?>n [Texas < o.. full paid... ?no 1 ompany.: IK rd Avenus R. R. eo Products pr... Twin City R. T. l'n|. rwood Typewriter. Union Bn? & Paps Cnion Bag ft Paper pr. Union Pacifie.' 22,900 t'mon Pacific pr.? 4no United Cigar Mfg. 1,800 United Cigar Mfg. pr. Goods pr i nited Ry. In\ est., ''nit. it pr. U. S. Caat Iron P. * F U. S. c?st I. P. * F U. S. hid Alcohol... U. S. Real".- i Imp. . [U. S. Robber .. V. S. Rubber 1st pr.. IT. S. Steel .... S. Steel pr C \ tan ? opper . V;,. ? ar. ? iiemlcal. Virgin ? Iron, c. & Wabash pr. Western Maryland. 1,200 U o tern Maryland pr. ,". Weal r*i I 'nion Tel, . . ii Westinghousa Mfg.... 7 Woo; wort h . Wheeling f. I.ak?* Erie Wheeling ? I. E. 2d pr ? Willys-Overland . 7 Will) a-Overland pr.. Wi consin I rntral.... ?500 2.500 77 76,800 122 ion ?ni 100 2% inn n 701 214% 21R gl ,, 108 108 200 34 :<4 CURB MARKET TRANSACTIONS Excited Dealings at Higher Prices in Industrials?Oil Stocks Active. Trading in th?- outside lecuritiea vesterda] produced higher pnee? und the market was ??rlive nnd excite.i throughout the day. A larjre amount of the deslingi ii the industrial group ?..?i- dm i- in ii lew .-Mies, t-uch hi In ? Mercantile Marine, which Wat much ?tronj?cr. the eommoi as high as 10. dosing si 8%, a net ad vsnc? of i carre 8 points, while tl 11, hut In" i ?.f tins gain, Lake Tori edo Bo heavily tn?de?l in and nhow??d frood im? provement. Marconi of Amei ? I "??. . and made a fractional Submarine Roat and Tobaeco Product! each improved over ? : more active than for Mini?* time, Prairie Pipe lin?' (Scored ?>; Pipe Line 6 and ?Hand ai.l of N'e\? Jersey 4 points. A better tone prevailed in the mining group Bondi also ihared in the improvement INDISTKIAI.S. a. Hit 'j?" ? . ? ? ?? ? a ss ? ? ? m m m ifi * A A 44 i- ' ' M ,11 i I ' ? ? ft? Id -. I? 14'? ' k A H Com . ' . ? - I ?.'. ? - m ''. m i - . ? "i . . 3?-1? ' >i tNDABD OIL SUBSIDIARIES Ref ... ? fis m. .is r P la.... i ? ? i ?' ola P la. ? I ? 1 II ' ' i;? ri-kin. on a a ' . 4 i I ? I'm'.rt?- I? 1. . ?;* Hniitl. P?nn Oil. M MS 3?1 ?." s II Stall . II of . ?I N J i .i ,;r. isi Oil of S V ?. ? rai i. ? RAILROADS. ?WaSeah ?? I , MINIM.. '?? 11 ?? 31 i 4 . I Bulle A N ? - . ? UVUinond i.i? |i | ? | . i i MINING (continued). ' Or-on. HlKh i om !-"? IKrnma >v,pr?r in 3: 3-* ?? .1 .. 1 -V HI '?*? 1H , ? ? m. 71 -,: .' Jl i.\t . . iA IA ' !?-? 'A , S4X{ r?\ -- . 41 <r H1? 14?? 1? 14% U 4 *?'-! M ? ? '-., In l*?r . '.1 ?4 r- 1 ode .40 M 10 41 -, a !. 4. ?4 ?.' ?3 : ? Bine JV? 3S ?'-4 ?1* . 1? -.? , :', :?. T'i ...... ixj .1, *.'?, *'j ? I Re? . -.,ii Mtn ,M K II liu. 11 ltli 5CHI ?484 II ?.?. T3 33 niver Pick : 7 7 rd ?*-' I '.. Mj Hi 'S m , H A A .-? Min M Sti ST ? ?Htlon M ':4 MU ? MV. IM) Tonopah Eil ... -V 1A JA e- . 1. nopah Mer? 3.'- a.? ? S.'. ?W1 I -< % - -'? HUM?. IM IN i?. 1 ? na 11 ? Si -.*? li?os i"**? if|fts "*"*? ? ... ITO'-j 171 ITS 171 ? lar? * - INACTIVE YESTERDAY. INprSTRIAl. Bld A-W., RM \ek ? i ?|*LT B lat pf 1. 1 4 i; \ ,- . .-'?-, 14 , Mm,- of Ami |i, I, .1- H II ; Mot Frof SI, I i ?i- St I la? pf :?' 71 . I- i- ? ? Mfn 14 14V, ?do M Ruma ? I II 0 14 Bavoj "II '?<? !??? 1 SpP lAPl 1 U41 Sherman i'ar :', I do prat ..I II ?Stand Mor. 10 IS-ty Br pf <?? I1i Wi ?*.?.'. lit * MININO. ?fArl I "10 "; ?i I., Re ?? .'on i, f, k| trlkOIV M ', . tMajf He SI 1 1 Mln 4! 43 f?e? mu? . 1? n 1 -'-i A s . 4 ?Wk-uuur ? 10 u ln.Mi.s tS M M M n ti U M ?k rxr aban. SHORT TEEM NOTEE. . metoiit*. 1 . a*. rialS *?.???*' An. ? ' .->?'* : I,. 1*1:. lui |? , 4 U 1 . ? . : - . I 4*. I . ? ? ' ? -, 4 T4 ? -.. . ? . . V ? 4 ? ? I M , -, i,,.ii 11 i lis m -. It.t h . int I N Y. N II 4% 11 . \ ? ? ?, ..A, 4 . ' | . . . L'nlied 1 r ill '>? Ma?. :?',".. ?u;?, . Foreign (.?nernmen? IssstSSL argent H a. 1 *, ? , ? . '. ? ? ', 4 ? , 4 ?. ? ? s. J I M ?> e Railroad Earnings awing cumpMrative railroad fur August have been mad I ' i lirntea i ? * '? ? I . ? ? i- 1 ' ' Sel aai Hi... %s .11 ?A. LONDON CHEERFUL ON GOOD WAR NEWS Investment Buying Increased? American Issues Active? Discounts Steady. London. Sept ?". The rise in New York on Saturday and the favorahle war new? toge'her gave a more cheeful tone to the stock market to-day and m fuaed ?ome life tnto the dealings. The American was the most active section, with low-priced as well as high-priced ? freely dealt in. The eloss wa? tirm and near the hest. Japanese honds, oil shares, home, vails and colonial honds wore bought with the idea that this was a favorahle time to invest. International Mercantile Marine pre ferrod advanced another 6 points. The war loan vas inclined to ease on ?.ales in connection with to-morrow's call. Consols wer?' unchanged at ???. The new war loan closed unchanged at 07 4. M ones was In gi?<>d demand in prepa? ration for payment of the war loan in? stalment to-morrow ami discount rate.? ?.?ere steady. American exchange was quiet around 4.704. The Haul? of Eng land hought ?70,000 in bar gold. Money loaned at 8% to 4 | ? r ?ei.t. Discount rates for short, hills ?rere 4S to 44 per cent; for three months, 4 11-16 to 44l i ? i i?it. Gold premium st Lisbon was 50. Paris, Sept. 27. Price? were heavv on tie Bourse to-day. Three per cent renter clu-.ed 26 centime lower at 67 francs. Exehsng* on London. 27 francs 14% centimes. LONDON CLOSING PRICES. Ixin "ii ? V ? lu-- a . , t :?. Cans* ' 4 ? I 1?4 I'll*?* A I'III' ?? , ? ? ?' ? ? . . \V, S . I'?-ru ??? ? . , Bris s? li?l? i:s ? ? ?";i I -. | : ?Vntrsl... 111 ici*!', 107 , ' ? N V ?? ! . , ' la a ?wit , i% notarla I '?' ? ;??'-.? .-S, 9% i ? snls '?'??. . ? , ? . ' S i , 'Mon r? IBr... ltlS ? ?". i .S ?-'. . :?S - IS , a? ? 71 ? DITIDENM PK( LA1EO. Itf-nrl Terni. H*t<? l'uatl? dsl? ?P S CoeM Q n... i i Nor lu t?r g il, . Nov 1 ? I Vsl ??.il Sali P. .?' V s. p| y - ? ? ? El pr Q I >, . ? k-t. 1 _ - ?. ' '.! '.' I'. nr.?\ | ,?r.u Sal? | iBos) tillases n-ili>. '. . 1.1 ? ?An lacreas? of v. lAnS 1% .?.tr* t?n ? f-rr<?.t. |7% Irai l-rrffii I ' ' i. : I i. frrrrd ? 9 "- <>?. 1 . - n I" ?3 iv?r; Nov. i . . ! f ? j ? -, Ocl i -? ? '4 . DAILY IMPORTS AND KXTOtTfc Daily import? and ? sportl of tren ?ral merchandise st the Port of New York were: Ksporta. ' i . i ??? ? | . . IV a,|na- - . i ... . -0.. UU1 ? IMUVl i ON THE CONSOLIDATED. The sensational movements in war -?.ick? over?ha?iowed all else in the market on the Consolidated* Exchange. Iialdwin Locomotivo made a high mark of 115 and wa? dealt in to the extent, of r,,ioo shares, ?'rucible, American Locomotive, Republic Iron and Stiel, i'ar and Foundry and Westinghouse were all active and higher. STOCKS. OJM. tll?li laM I-"?' i AlMkt 'inl.l 33 $.1 J i i . a?". i [?timen .. 43'. MU ?r., 14 U ? \m Beet Sugar ?)??-* N ?'?', M? \ trl a Can . . M?i ?.5S Ml? A< ? '- In ? ai A Tan :'<i :i1? 7" :'' - I il'''. ? It? Am ?li.te a I. 12 II H". ?.i ?'.., (.fl ?K?? I?'a 4?''. 10? An. I.-? See 23'-? :'3S Hj? - 4 M UllMtd JO?, 20?, MV? Mtf I Loromotm ., H2T, ?9?? Uli ?-1 la SuMltlni 4; ., ... M'i Ana. Coppor "?'a 74?? 111 A. T A M Ke M4*a 1?''? l,l< Baldirin Ix?er> ISSU in CH'j 11? .'40 BslilaMM?* S Ohio ??'? ?a?, ist? ??'. TO? Urooklrti R T I9U M s .1, I'aJlfernl? Pet ... ?o?t 21 10? :<", 1 ft*.! oiiral leather . M'a SlU ""'a M l.tlM 4 ?III.. . Sl\ 11? T. is rhiesss <:i ?'**?? ? i?H n?> nu 104S is? r, M a st p.M s9 ?? , ?n r It ? 4 I' IIH U1S ?O'a 4' '? ? . IM COPSM 4* 4'1? 4 -, -.. I'ol Pttsl A Iron WU II ? ? ' ? ? corn Produtti : *:? N I . : . St? I? . IM . '? ? l'"1 ? - ? . . 1 ' . 1- pM.. .. .3', .. .1-. l'a . 71 '. 1 7' ? III Snrthern (ire ?'? ? HU ?' . 14 Ul V.irilieni pC? I21U ll'lt! 12-'? l-'J', ? ? ' Insplrsllon <'..p MU ? ?'. r.i r. let \M II II ... liiiertmro Inn? . MU .t% . . 1 . Ifl Vtlla III* HIS M'''i tt? .Mi.... '! Motor ;', Il U itt M.ll'a: l'-l II , II* NU HO Miami ?'opptr ... .'< H M 1? I t s il SU '?', 41 MWurl Pae 4S 4', 4 . "? Nalli.l.a! I^arl ??, M* ??SU ?? Vetada ('?rnsar '.4', 14?, il', m, ? 1 N \ ?'.? -r?. '.??S MU 17 , .? . I Ml . Il >i?"t ? "1 ? ? ? ?i N v n ? n :?'? :???'? 19?? . ? ?il -r'. Pa? n.' IM ni 111 10 l'a.l?- Mail l?'? MU ?.'? J?, ?.. Pu 11?', 1!4'? 114 114 ... PreaKKl 1 . MU 1. Itwl Sprint 4JH 4?1? 4.'? ' , lui 1 t isa 1 7'?" Republl I * S 44', -..', ?v II? H . itl -?i Pm ?? ? ? - KO H. .1 R-, V" atu Itbtktr n 1? IIS . 1 ', 6711 Te. n i'.ippar MU I , 4U Tl Ir.l A? ' ? ? , ? . ratifie n?i, ; 1 . 101 - 1 \ ..',.- n IM r ?? Rnli'ier , . ? - ? '??. 2S0 l'ah Copptf ? ? . -, > ? ? ?- . M t. ? ? ?I ?O .. i:iS ISIIi I7l't 1-J\ |S r'?0 Total atlas. MINING. 1 o?io Ana- -a j? a ..?', nu II ? .: 4. 1 . I > 1 M n ' '? \k .?su , ?4 1? 4, 44 1 1 ri... il n 10 m il' i ?. 71 74 74 4 .11 II M .. , ?0 -.? | . M I?.. .13 .11 i| ?? irto ?? " 3 7< s ;; -. :; ? ir M . l'O I lia H 11 ,11 .11 M ?ntala 4. ?. 4. 1. '??> -1 i ? rm II?, 11 ?^ 11 Va ??o Ta? ?Ml Est 3 '.0 2 ',0 : '? ? ?-.. Totti ?alea . 4 PUBLIC IT1LITY BBCCB1TIE8. BM Atk., n, !. a?s Ain l.t fa T J3? JiVI , Psd I, * T . M 1? :.. pre?., IWtj IWH du rr . s: .0 A-tir Kl l'wr 14 H Idas A Kl Se? I .S ..? pr . Q / K 10- 100 | l?n ,; x , , .?i prel . ??', w 1 n ?? 1. a v 11 is Am 1' A l.t ?o Q i ?1o pr^f n Net fin Fow 20 ji v P Util 3" 14 I ?'.?? pr .-, m , <io i.ref ?4 ci Osark i" t \\ M I,. 'mi, K 49 .0 '14 I .lo or ?la -.' -? af, ?t n itap K> * i. n i7 dites ?m-v ?7 Sj ?* ilo ir.-f... >il) US Si Cal l.iia.. .. OW< r 11 Hl de I>ref . 9J N 1 vr i -s -..r. ?; .. . . .'U ?.1.. 1 lef... ?S y) do pr .. .. 7!? il |T l?y 1. * P s 7 m [ .10 i>ref au >?, ??' "I "I l'n IJ ,v lt> a l. 40 | ?4 I .lo Im pr.'f ?7 SS 11 . Il', Il Kl H A : .' I Uealern P?w U r. K 6> 71 *> Su |...f 1 ils prof '.; ?far ?slue ISO tr,t SlVattSaS. Broad arp afforded ^y this bank to Facilities [}lose Wlshi"8 to sel1 ? Percha* foreign exchange. We have di? rect connections with all the principal commercial centers anrl give our customers the ben efit of the best rates. The Mechanics & Metals National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK IS NASSAl -tut F I Capital, Surplus and Profits $14,000,000 REORGANIZATION International Mercantile Marine Company (International Navigation Company Notice that plan of Reorganization has been declarer] oper alive, of change in plan and extending the time for the further deposit of securities thereunder to Oct. 1, 1915. The Plan of Reorganization of the Internstioflal Mir, ml \u- {,r (-,,_ pan*/ dated Angus! a, 1915, bas been declared ??;? ? irgsssaslM ( uiiiml?cc. Tli?* continuing large earnings of the proprrtir- rnaUoss*] Mer? cantile Marin?* ( oinpari*. no? i r i ? i i ? ? ;t t ? ? thai the asstireil cofh re-mircri of tjta New Company make it annecrasary to rr*i|iiir<* Hol - -, mid st<vk fnin Certificate to tubscribe to !*onfls of the Se? < oiiipan; | ftaagj. (.hare, and the l'Un has been ?<?*-.>r*liujarK rhanged so tl gj ?-?j ^ Stork Trust ( Vrtiflcates may at tlnir rlection deposit their ? ert iflrates of Starlj and Stork Trust Certificates srlthoal Ihr pajirienl of the subscript - Holders of Certificat, s of Deposit for Stock snd Sti rlc Tmst fTtiflfttn already deposited ma\, if the\ 10 <i> -irr*, obtain a refund of the ainounts mj4 tSv them upon ?irrender of their Certificates of Deposit to thr D? nositury or Its \gcnK nn or before October 1, 1915, Ul M '' -' ' ' Certificate? of Stock, Stock Trust Certificates and Rono\ must he irftt Itcd under the Plan on or before October 1, 1916, after which dite no depoOts will he accepted except in the entire discretion of the Committee and ?urij?{ to such ?icn-iltics -md conditions as the Committee may ce.* fit to | Copies of this notice have been filed with the Depositarle ?r..i UkrJl Afeas. DaVOMTARira \>n tiifir \?.ims THK NKAV I'lHK TRr*?T ?OMPtXT, Dopoi For Four and One-half IVr * -nt. _ Mort??*.- ?nd < ollateral I ru?t. I ANT) Til I I I r;-l?T TO,. Amt, ?, ..1,1 Honda. PhlUd M\N MM.I- ? I ?IKIK S CO.. A??t, Finn m iki -?r < oMPAirr. Dep altar ? t* For Fir.? Mor^aice sinking Fund r>?.VRFR? Id?' rOMPAKT, Apnt, tire Per Cent, (.old Bonila. !l ' ? FmKi.rrv rm.l a tri-st rn.. .if*?. [ rTHK >K\l I'ORK l'l-l < ?>MPi\T. ..... ? FiDEUT. rm ?r ?i MrAjry, asast, For Preferred ? fnmmnn Stork **? - ' *nOI I .1 BOmt v us * CO.. Atest ? I OLTN, MM I ?. ? I KKlr a CO.. a fat DATED Men York, September IT, 1915. ?ITTO T. BAVNARn. Chairman. INDRE* I. Mil f.F.R. HMIIXM 9 SECT \ ire Chairman, \ ir? ? lialrmaa, I HI III Rl? K II. -IIIPM \N, T DrA.ITT ? I X I I R nlllNEY I ni.KR SAM I El Y. H?U?H>V AI.IU.Ur II. Uli.i.IS ?IMKIK? I) Si-KH.N i. ?.. milks, i.KiiKiii: v nKr.uii i u. rkn.i\miv rn iw. HORNBIkOWrja, Mill IK, I'OTTKR e KAHI.K. i .. MolN.AV LEWIS a BOCKICS, fTassaal. I. B. HATDOCK, T. BOMFR ATSaERTON Beeretaey. ,., , "'? 2d nme'l Sir."*, New Turk City. I stork Trim ( ertlflmte?. BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. The National Bank of Cuba ha? marl? a further shipment of new minteil <"u baa coin, consisting of $30f>,nno gold, an*! 160,000 silver, to that country. Announcement has been made thit the Kansas City Southern Railway lunipany'n coupons of the first mort gage 3 per cent bonds, due October 1, 1915, will be paid at and after maturity at the office of the New York Trust Company. Directors of the Shattuck and Ari? zona Mining Company have declared an extra dividend of 50 cents a share, in addition to the regular quarterly dia buraement of 50 cents a share. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following table gives the closing bid and eaked ?.rices for stocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on the Slock Kxchangc Monday: un ?isas i hm a adaiaa Kip *? l?K> Kim? i a p| II? I it s Fj * ? M i. m m HU ?t.. lu ii..f . n Am * Dal W do Id DI ' J,, pin lai 11'. Ma. Ka) i os 1 \l:, I.M . ? 101 \l . I . H. .. 1? - M.. I i , - . ? 4 I do iirrf -- M ; ? VU im r a . . . ? i. n \ 14.-OO..S ? 3 ??- ' \ : . ? , o Nai ?? a h pf.ion II il , km W i u i- ? w i ? I. V . I . I ?y ll-j I? . .- . '. ? , As. ). ?I ,.| .!,. K,*l ?3 1 I . . i I a I I - . ' IV: t .,r ?? s. . ? P?i Mkll SS. t*l i-h a \ ? m PI * I .v .v !.. :i do pr.-r 11 -i ? .i\,, . lina Coal i i ? St 1 n i i < . * s Jim i ? , Hjiii. aaiitsr . , Col * South ..t, ... Maud ? , ilo l>* , ? ? a? i . .1 -i.v -i Ui pf ? in i r? * - . - i. a Set? ?. . Uti * u . i m lia s .. ~ ^.vi pf am |i I. a w III i- .- I' u i ?? ? . -.-..*; pf. "a -i i. V1.VI ? i* i* r?> ? h ii in i:i i s i. .v v*. ? \ u .s ?. a K . ? i ;??,- * , liu l' I-.,? pf -J i n I'd ?..-..u I' 1 M A - I I - I >, ? im pr ii** II? i i- i I \. ?' Il lu: i, u u ?., ; ,i I7?i lu S H * lm| 111 !.' \ a ' i I. . ? -a M Il i II, I Al- M \s . u.-. Ill Wall? Kar Ka 1 II : s J pf 11. W? M II* i || I II i ,.rp pf. UT u m A I Iowa in'u. ? 10 >\ I 111 (,f ?2 l.-l ? iiWla Cauwi PHILADELPHIA STOCKS. Salm ? < ? !.?? i - i .m. Oaa '-> l?S I ? , |.>4 ' ? ? ? i i III du U,r?n ai ' ? i ?'. ??xi i. i- ? ,i .. '''t .?'j ? . - * : ? ' ' 4 ' ? :il h.s i ., ?o Arn . M .i .3 '?. SU l^Hifh Nav ... lu? i^-h V Iran pr. Hi??! ?v. V>S ?>? i ? Mi. ihill .. ??'. . , lt ?o? * * tttrel ? ? ? i:. ?n .-..u Mi -s ?'? ? . ? i. M a IIH U U ; i., Pblla '? i ? .a '.'? 'Il 11*. ait .?i-. im^ ? ? . ? . , .-. Werwtak 1 A S r.OMis I ' "* I k , . a. i ? . . ,i ;. i i - Mir*. * . i est. n - . ? , -, . ( - ... Ki ix Pel I * la ??". M? M? M'? .. ,??, i i ? K g; ?a? , | ? v, ?i ?- v '? il , ? ?si loi toi ILSNuaM H*- in-, u? ,?!? .1 ;vm a ?? i? iK? tSE? ism. Union Trust Co. of Newta 80 BROADWAY flftfe a .? ? ISthSI : " i Av ?lltblt Allow Intaa-rat un IVpoaita. Acts k Executor. Guardian Trust?, itc All WALL STREET reads DOW, JONES BULLETINS & TICK?) Investor? read THE WALL STREET JOURNAL IXDRI ? K. Auci'.antar - ILS or -lo? I?- 1MI lluM?? mma l?\ Milt I \N H Ml IIKK S V? y "> ?? ..I V.l. 4 ' t 1' ??a l< ?5,000 ' - n| <??? .?-?i. ? >.?; ji ' ' ? ?: 00 Peor?a t I .tt ??? ,-ora <*" ?'? ?hare. ? ' 22? ... 'i asap ? iwsr* O ?wi ?i 100 alii. '*m moa?' i on - FINW 1AI MEETBWit f., I lie ??.,.. I.l,..ll"r? ....;< IMiesieie ?J?-" K lk, II .., Iti.ililrr? "'?-pi TH1 W'JIbVh Kll'?"1" ' ? ' I ... ul ? ' ,. . for th. pu?|' ' '?..? l*r ??* r, ?f the '?"'."''V !'-?sa??*? Th. i . i . al ?en o e;?rk A M . v j-Tail?!??1 I 1.'?. ' ,[ _???" V.lKl.llh 4 ?l?.l?KN.?l,Mif,,4.? ? . ?' J?tfsf ? ?"1 ? 4 d >t . fV?^ a ? ' S ?Il ' ' - *? i" ' 4 ?? ?fsSP .? '?? ?*? , , ll> ?Oer of ?It B--^ _ ??j,iA ??M^