Newspaper Page Text
WE RECOMM1 ND The Preferred Stock of the Atlantic Power & Light Corp. at 95 and dividend for the following reasons: It yiri<),: well over of carninc* is demonstrated by its history. fhr territory served i? txperientinp unusual increase in I , management has permitted Steadily improving to the public ?it reduced rates with accompanying ninga - ,: | en paid continuously and latest full 1 , ?? ?t ? .irned three times over. has th?- privflege of buying at a low lited amount of < ommon stock upon mpany is earning 20 of the market containing complete ivfomiction. VViiiiam P. Bonbright & Co. In.-nrv orate?! 14 Wall Street, New York miv-niN mn-RoiT . r wti> \? ^^Hlfl' A . LES 0\ THE STOCK EXCHANGE MONDAT, BEFTEMBE1 27, 1915. . M the Ne? York Stock Iirhanfre Monday amounted to ?ii Batsrdsy, I3.164.9M a week airo, and Stock Ei . ?ear am Total rroin January 1 to date. .<,>6..';.,l.l,000, against manf' ? ' H -.1 I \ .. .k-m atprt a ? ! ':i?\l?S ? , MS 4 MS WS f>6 Rail h x m.ous. ?*" 4?S k - , 4k 4 I I ? a o st IB 1' ' ' l' - r ? - . - ' i 1 ? : ? I l^^iaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl B ' ?? -A ? 101 . .? ' i ?M__ MHS ? . -4 ?. : M? MUMm?U^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I r :tt i^^^L.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,? MM )??(*? s..--. *,. V^?*-1'?. it* r. :? - ? 1 St I, ft S Tr fi etft 1MT ? .-i ..Mi ... 41 ?5.410 . : do ,'i 1M1 .?IS ? ?00 .... ..Ml. do -ft la ?-t?? . il ........ ?: . St I. S m eat Ut ta ?1 1.000 ..... H <?- ?a " H ?lvo. M J.OC'O. If 11.004) ?OS Ht P M * M fin *t i 1 too .UT . eO <?r 4-.I S ?fV ....... .101 Laka K A ?V Ut ta i M v t <4nl t? ?IS 1.000.10? H 1931 SMh Air Usa t?U II f" . ' i #3??, , I.OM t \ MS . ? MS Il 000 ? ?j So B i A T 'a 4 ,? ' ' . . ?7'4 so p? 4? I reft "t ?Ji, IM ' - ? ?Ir? 'a ?le c? ?a loo'i IM l"?s ? rt l? . BMF lOOS '. ?O'?*, M ? 100 , . ?OO'a ; ?no : : e ? ? 10 ', - I . . ", It M? , I ? ? ? - A I ?.", ? ? ', ?? . 1 ? MS ?. , ,? . < a rfs It ?? '. I 10 '10 s 1 i ft'.i/ ? ? ? . M MS . T?-tn 4. 1.000 ' . - ?'.;? ?.i - gasp c , i ooi c::, . ! 11 OM " . lie 4? ? ?' I..', ? - ' . I ? V ? '. X ?? . T-tr? e. Pl IM 'I *.' ? ? - ? , ?? ? re S . Ai. ad) 5a isa. loss ?? . n% 'In r't 4a ':?? ?o?, i i inii c i? ?i i I Weal 4? ? non 4? S 4? !?..000 ....... if. /. 9ri?4 . 91 ? Il ?4 i.? r|i rft ?? M '? ? I - i,KMj io'.'S ? i" ?o.oo.i ?02? ? ? ? . " : . " S ?, \S A R?a 4?4a Va i er Them Ht --1, '.-,l4 '.-It rit 4V ' '0 M 11'??. Vlri lit 5a 1 finrl 9 : ? ?. W . !,l M 1?1 ?le r'i 4t " . I.OM IOS ?? ? no* M <1" Km Tr iif? ? r ? , -n AOO j| ?"9 . . !<>>? gsop ai lo.ooi so '? :. 144.000 t Il r: ono .'0 .-??S 'le Itpd - I - Il ? ? lR'i ? ? ? i?.' . ? i-S I , ?KK, , v\ , P T. ira lit 4i ?o* ?'? n 4- p, lr rlft ? l I03 n" ? ???: lr fur Ont Tr l ? I ; '? I IS Olli l H ? '. V?'es. I !O0 111 S . ? ?? H \failiind 4a ?r.r.?*; ' , ..n 70 i -4? '?? i in?e a fil ?a S? loi. ll'.'? 116 Se ?rt St full paid ten 4? HOS in 121AA IO.OM Hl? 4 ' '1 !>?S 41.000 ... 4 , || OM M < , I.OM t It?S ?? 4a - IlMMJ 1 oo" ms im M.OM 1J? , V -4. 11 GOVERNMENT TONDS. Yestrrdav. Saturday. Bid. Asked. Rid. A?kr-d. ? 1930 ... VI 9X 07 M p 1930. .. VI 97 ? 100*4 -. 1918, . Iii0*4 100% 1926.109 110 1W HO 1925.. .10?% T'fVi ? .... - 9?-, ? 96 ? ??*.. 1004 ? 1004 ? : ( ? '61 coup.1004 1004 ? IEY AND EXCHANGE. r liATK for -, <. up ?kf . 1 I a, .. . ? 'i p?r a?, i " ?tr?/ '"' ^?*\?\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?\\?\^ * rms i ' - - ? ? > 1 ? ? 4 < a-, 1 ? i 4 **-**? ? . ? "?"*???. Cl.l.ato, U ptauiua. at ?k 5<- rliK-nunt Wd. Uc prr-mlum M s rkfT.t'im I'.ANK < I.r.AKIs..- i . M.-hana-a, 111.' - 11.111 06- r.a.'linor?. tifha: ?4? Ml? Iraeo eiehaneaa ... . ., m Louik, I HLVKS M ?KM. I H?r aQtti ,1 I/or,rlnn waa ??r dollar?. IIS CIS.-. ION BXCSUNOS li.f inarkrt ?at <iu-n. , ?,. ' in?, 0' ? ,.ni '.natr. I'loat.g , . r. 1. Seo c?r if. 4 ri. da 1 Pa? Cabla I.MS ch?<-k. 5.17. ? , r i ? S Cl?* * 4 it? 1 i.,- ... ? <* u , t litt?, I. high & New England Report. ? 1 . : t?i i?-|iort si the I.ehifrh 4 New Kngland Railroad Company for the ? ended .lune SO, 19 l.r>. is just . and show? en increased gros? , of 11,160,035, compared with 7 in 1914. Net incomi* increased ?ru* 1914 figurt-s of ?517.111 to Id for the fiscal year of 1915, 11.5 per cent earned OS ? ?? riipitnl stork of $?,000.000, rotn t?ar?*d with 11.7 per cent earned on 14,645,000 in 1013 and PI I and M per SSBi M *4,14?,OO? stock in Itlt-'IS. I TOPICS OF DAY IN WALL STREET Broad Buying Demand in Both Stocks and Bonds Pleases Dealers. DAMAGE BY FLOOD "KATY'S" LAST STRAW Anglo-French Mission Sets Oft to Convince the West of For cign Trade Needs. Those who had securities to aril found yesterday a good day. Dealeri ?aid that thri" ??a.? h marks! ?OT every? thing from cheap mil . to the highest grade mve?tment bond?. To 'match the total of bonds on tie c\ gt more than |fl DSessssrv to go hack tn the dny? of April, when immense dealings in Ne\fr Vor? ?>ntra! fi? swelled the volume of transacMons Yesterdaj'? business m ! bonds was well distribute?' over a broa?! list In ?tockh though a? the day wen! on there was a preponderance of trad'.-ig In ?.hires of ??a?- order | , niei, particulark of those that like!?: to become part of the mi so earnestly rumored there wer.? m >re '. than two hundred sep?rale issues that ] came on the tape Tl.e totnl of i stocks reached nearly a million and a 'half, surpassing the markets that ?greeted the outhresk of wr.r in Europe land the sinking of the Lnsitsnis. And ! this time price? were rising. Toward ?tlie?dosc the very impetus of the ad | vanee hrouph' reaction from profil tal Ing, but that was to he expected. Katy in Court a Surprise. Announcement that the Missouri, Kan?as * Texas had gone into receiv? ership took Wall Street by surprise yesterday, as it was known that the r.ew banking interests which were in? teresting themselves In the property were putting forth every effort to avoid s reorganization through the courts. It was felt by these bankers that a volun? tary plan might have gone through up to a week or bo ago, but the noods which recently devastated the territory served by the road were found to have done so much damage that It wa? deemed advisable not to oppose bank? ruptcy proceedings, in view of the heavy expenditures which will hove to be made in replacements and re] V ; le the earnings for July were some 00 less than for the same mo: <h lasi venr, the preceding mo. th? of 1918 have shown material increases, the total gain for the seven morVh?. being more than a million dollars. A? em il? lustration of the extent of the recent floods alone the company's lines, an of? ficer of the company said the water mi? co hieh at Fort Scott, Kan., that gers had to be taken off the trains in boats. The announcement of t'io receivership was nade km.'? Vail Street before the close of the market, bill hud no appreciable effect on prices. The company's own sold off. however, the preferred and the common each showing a \o:r- of a point The Went and Foreign Trade. i ? vi lit of part ?.f the Anglo-French ?n to i hfeago, while it msj sibly result in some modification of the t"m?s of the proposed bond Issne, is rather intended to broaden its diatriba tion. Fressure of the e> I German elemen?, which in this city is of comparatively slight Import**! a matter of more conseqa? M Middle West. Besides, the decision of British authorities tha' resulted in ?.?ting large shipments from the packer-- is understood to have a: a good deal of resentment in Chicago. .1. Hill, in his visit here ei his subsequent interview , has done a good deal towards making plain that the proposed credit is to remove im pediment? from our international trade. Such arguments as he used in regprd to wheat may be applied to other prod? uct? in which that part of the United States west of the Atlantic aeabi interested. Of tho 18,000,000.000 of ex's we shipped in the last ?fiscal year, rlngland and France took millions OI dollars worth, not only of wheat and four but of meat products, tobacco, c ipper, cotton, hoises, automobiles an?i lumber, ?to name only a few ai' It should not be a matter of treat diffi? culty to convince those interested in business in such thinps that our for? eign trade in them must he maintained. We Could Buy with (.old. Refore the war is over, according to "The London Statist," the United States may find that it has cancelled its debt to Europe. In addition to our great ex? ports of crops and manufactures, the stock of gold in the country, now ren? dered available i*<r use throurrh the Federal Reserve act, makes it possible for us to purchase securities if we some of our surplus of the pre ?? on? metal. "Whether or not t; demotion of Americas debt ??> other countries result:. 11 om of American securities now held abroad or from loans of American capital (o I Othst nations is immaterial," ? ' "The Statist," "for both transa have the same effect. In tl.e 01 I America has not to pay any intere i whatever upon foreign capita!, and in ? the other the Interest she does pay is by the interest she receives from abroad. Furthermore, much of the capital the United States has borrowed from foreign nations has b on verv easy te:ms." New Marine Assets Doubted. Statements, reported to bave bien based on Investigations of BCCOUI th? He Forest ami Wallace commit . hat the International Mercantile I Marine Company was the owner of aa sets estimated at betwe? - and 19,000,000, of which the holders knew nothing, brought an interview from i. menb? i of the bondholders' reorganization committee |yesterday, who said: "I don't see where assets are, that they could have i once ?led from the ?bondholders' protective committee. The report that the International Mercantile Marino was the holder of a large amount of railroad stocks anil stocks ?if other corporations, 1 am inform??d by Ke Ceiver Franklin, is untrue. The only railroad stocks owned by any of the International Mercantile Marine com puntes is a small amount of stock si ths London 4 North Western Kail w.iy." In regard to the suggestion ?that the stockholders' commuter mn,'h?. ?ievise a plan for raising sufficient funds to pay off the company'. ' tins representative of the Bannard committee expressed a hop,, ?thai such a scheme would be proposed "That would be fine," he said. "Nothing would please us better." Pacific Coast Officials (aim Officials of the l'acilic ("oast com? pany In this city were surprise: terday to learn from Seattle dispatches tiiat a fight for control of the coni p.,i y irai brewing, and that at ' nuu'l nesting In. October an attempt would be made to wrest control fr??m I'm nient W. Ml Barnum and II. W -.. a director < C Fav, if the company, sai?l that enough proxie? had slrcaily be. n : asure a continuance in office of the ? management Very little "' t -tork. he sspl lined, wsi ? eld in th?' West, the majority eld bv ?Eastern intsrssts. Mr. Fuy new nothing of a riyiort thai th. New oik and Cuba Mail Com?an?, ??M ?o rurehas. thi r?? ?hipa i* P?i ? ' mb.n & p n j and * * ' ' PUBLIC UTILITY NOTES General Newa and Earnings ?I a'st-fena ? orporatiasas, ., 7tr ? '? ?IO-.S reven?os from ?h.i other aepartmei ti * ? ' '? ind Electric ? I , . imis?a ?? mainUnanc? ?sea, res? i ?edible account* e for ?leiueciation amount-,I lo s.,,,, .,.,.;, ? fca?n of *f46284 over the ' h? preceding year. To nfter iiicluilintr protits i "",'"' ?Its aid other mil , cellsneoua Income -.v..s 1582.701, an In I ciease of $4 ? ,,i Thera waa pnid out 'or ! ' ?? M24,8<w, 01 slightly ? 'han war, required in 1914, leav? ing a balane? of 1257,951, an increase Surplus earnings after ap d (iiscount and exp. * 1 or ?11U-I1 ifrester thiin In Auguat of laat year. Illinois, Traction. Intsrsrbsn lines of the Illinois Trsc 1 ompany for August jjav* ROSS revenues amounting to 1320, 530, which was more than $10.000 under that of ? year upo, but this decline STSS nearly mads up by the company's eitjr propertiei. a hich proi tal earn as again t S665.1S9 in 1914, that an >m all sourees amounl ngto$884,78S arai .10 I-- ? than in the preceding year. The best showing was made in . ?ales, which rose from ! 51, while gross income iron, ths elty linea deelined 120,256 to 119. Operating expenses and taxes totalled $648,066, oi 118,481 greater than ' ' lulling in a decrease of ovei l ."". earning?, - 1 Last vear net sarnini i loas of 8.67 per cent for th,1 same month, while in 1918 them was an Increase of 4.29 per cent. * Duquesne Light. I.adenhurg, Thalmann & Co, snd Bay don, Btone & Co. are jointly offering an Isane of 12,500,000 7 per cent cumula? tive preferred .stock of the Duquesne Light Company at 104 and accrued div? idend to ylel i about 0.73 per cent- This of an authorized amount of 110,000,000, of which 14,426,000, In? cluding tin present offering, ia out- ? 1 resent issue is made through 'he conversion of an equal amount of thre? rtible ? per dated September, 1911 notes being issued to refund $2,60 . pe? eenl notrs maturing January SI, 1916. e STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. mini a - . ?*? ? - .*. 11? Rj I? ... l.'j ? . . ? I lion ... tie ?? r .... J,? Ml - . , \ 11 ? . ' 1*0 Norti lk?ki .. -,,, Creak . ?".' ? - r> . I Lake ? '.ml '.? . us II I ? I . 3 ' ? vi* a?- pr ? IN ? rn i*i,i i Bar ? : ! ?ft W '? 1.003 ; . , Eillaon . Ml lui 17 de i-i araJn pr ? M ;.; Ke? Una l??p i?i IS Raaca Put'hole . If. ... | . ? ? 30 do 01 if.: t'nltad rnrii - " 11 do pr. ? :.' I , HI ton 1-nnrt 1% I'.nM.s til 1 ; ? W 1 6' ; I I ... i-, non ? ? Ml ! .-1 Sa. ? 110 II lls'4 IIS 1 4 s - k I 1 I II . r ? .. m ?: Bmeltera ? *j .;? to ? r- ? <. A; ? - 61? I'l ,!, . >.ri ... 12 . 1 1 v. olverln? R*.ll,ll"XI.S ?- BkMtOII a Ail, ':?- lc? 1 Ml n Slav . . I '4 I ill '. .1 A B T pi ,11 I? ?.. 43 t \V? * End w n :?) do pi > '-. K'i MIBCKUkA.NKOI S II7U ?4 MS 11? IS IM -, 1 t rin ?i \ sk. 1 lea M?tala - '. ? . ? .1 Metala. ?: 1 ' ? - 11 . ? 1 |."t I I 4 . ? 4 I'.-', t? - ?r.u, Ask ? a** I'll I SHI Kl.H STOCKS. iip?? B?ta 1 - Its An Sewt I in W Ulaaa : " ? lu pr . i.Has a El ll'l j BrawIna . fo pi ,. ? I 101 . ? ?or I 4 Oaa ? -. T'i> .... I Plf ' 4' v., ?>? Air II ' BOM ?i m w Paaa I IT 01 '. . ?2 . '? . . CHICAGO stocks Sa ? ? - W Am *->;,ph ,u<iini . .11 Tool R ? - ! !l'a ? Imb Mel ?nt Ward ar.,111 ? ? ,!,, pr - ll'iMi" u an ? ?i ' , - 1 1 Ci < '. - IS1 1?: 4 m 16* "?:?. nAl.TIMOKK STOCKS. 11. 17 111 "a -, M 4 I* k I . ? . I? & ' - '. ? 1?'a rr . ? 1 ... i<*A* -, ?: > a 1 - .? a 11 1 rao mm ? - ? la U A l'a '- " >? liHUL't . CM us ?.. a ? 1 . I M ? ? I I? . : . I!? '? '. -1 10.', ant I.V. KM II 1 PRODUCE AND GRAIN PRICES Wheat and Corn i)ec!i<le Under Pressure of Heavy Receipts. GENERAL M\KhET REPORT WMlll ? ?ta in . um m >aa actli a (ha latas . ? -? ' ttSlM MOCfel rara . ira .. ? Tl* .1 ? - ,, ? Il Ui- ..... .-.. i. l ?lot? ...'... bai . ??? ... eo?. K? n; .? ' - a |M pollita am.. . orar s ?Bill I IK M'? I t'.a. ; I ? ..?.rkH, an I at U ? ' ? - , i ITS ? ->a'a mart.?-, erst onlj i ? i |.r1. ?a wara a??i?i II eral, i . . tl rath i. . - ?. ?as? 1 > ?. . eU| ?*u. . RYE. NEW YORK PrtlCES. Ul.att Clot? r ? - CH?CALO PRiCtS. H bait upan. 111*1?. l> ' ' . .?? fcan. I. I \ II 1?- ?'?-, i ? I . -?? Mt> . . l ira; tai ... 71 71 t.S ??V 711, May . , . - . Osas: .11 .M . Ma* .... , . . ? , corri? OITnii.It nf nlT*? fr.-n II-?/.. Ihrmifb I ' ? . ?. tont > ? l . II tha clot* al wat 1 ? I" ? pv r .- ?r? 1. ? ' l i Mai ? ;: , ' . ?> ? 1 ? n. - - ? l ? i , ? .- ...... ... Il , , . . > - II.--. ' h Un, ..-??h-.iiv? r1?!l?Tlf? in lt.? i .' >r ?r a.-1 17?.(KH tan >'?? neara . | i . ' | ? ? ? amsrt. a. Sauta ? . . '.-... . t?t i ' ? ?? ? - i ? i ? ? - and ? Im* ?? SUGAR FUTURES, lui.ira? r.[? led '. i??' ? i ? In 4 v Inti lowif ?Uh - Opnr M'cri \r* ' S?f.'?nl>iT i ? Hta-mib? ''?' !!.!?'? lai un t ?i . >, , - . ' Mai . ? W -' "' 7 '?'? ? . v - i ? r . |] ; --? A.ifutt ? COTTONSEED OIL. Traj?n in th? BarM ' I all nu M barn . i ? ? ad m ilurlni ..- i . I I 'r,r Boutlv II, . I , tli I " - iiV'T.iii'i r ,an>.t ??lue? Um m,-- atema i p .... ? ?ir'.i.f and ? ????? -??? ?l .A i' ,, . ? i .? il..'r.? w.? . ? llifhiT. liai *? I ? ? s | ,? 11) * 1,0 Keptemhar II? III ? ~r 7 Ou ? "'; " '" ? ? ? , ? i April FLOUR AND MEAL. Th? fl.iir rvarV-i a Mtlni In ?mall |H ,r |, | .1 ' 1 up ?>????? .?Ulli II? ; - I * ' i . ? : i i t? I? ; H? ? I Mil K - ?Ir I ? .? I - ? :. .??.??'?.? ; - i i, in?; Ml ?! ? Kill i ? 1 ' < . ..'?,' . I K' ' I' >? It?"-r '? . I -I? PROVISIONS. Th? tntrkal f?t l..?f product! ?*SI . - In erorfBtanl la I Iks? ... .. ... I'Klli? - ? | , ? ? II? | lairt Indti 1 i ? . ? . . . : i ? ?? I I'?? I !.. LARD .'HT larl llrr - . ? ? ? > CHICA1.0 PROVISIONS. M' ir I Laril Iliih lx>? I ? ?ui'iar? IM I.M ? Rih. OftoSrr ? ? ?LSI V V ? _ I? ? Park II <U l?i?5 J7M 1J f, 11.5 I? Uli country raoouci market. ?? i . ?vi ?i n lais BUTTER. Ra ? :'? u '?' i?.'ka*?aa T!? . . atrt>? U '?? ? . ' I till Ii ' . ? i . ? > . ,?.r papas. 17'? 11. CHEE?E. .. ? ? ? a" ?. ? ? ' ? - ' ' ? ' ' . EG?. S II' . : . . i - i | fjfii 1.1 I ?M ' . tiiraa, Siala. '-? m - m i ... ... Did You Noli? Baldwin Locomotive Monday? All the real news was told last week, and from the ^?nning ? its war orders and new owners In the Dow-Jones Financial News Bulletins In every well-equipped financial office. Financis.1 newt ?a financial insurance The Dow-Joncs financial news bulletins in Wall Street wore never BO valuable ?is ;it tin* present time. The record made by the Dow-Jones News Service has this year heen the talk of Wal! Street. The market has fluctuated ri^ht alone with the Dow-Jones news. Investors rea?*l the same news later in the afternoon and morning editions ?>i THE WALL STREET JOURNAL America's leading financial newspaper; leading in news, leading in editorial expression, leading in circulation. ? ' , r. ?t-i/?ra*.-'. . I ; - ? , ? 4 . ' M M . ? -1 WMtarn ?* Po ,. ??. ?a*!.?rp.1 fer.,, i? il.' HAY ANO STRAW. T*i? tnarVkt continual ataaS? tn r.-n ?n try ihlp -, qn?!.'.r aril : M tha mark?* IM Y I ira* *-? ; No I, r**r ton J." II No |a No 1 I. I . . $ i , ? '? No I, ?n FRESH FRUITS. Applk, and p*.-> :n >rr?r rapptf in<1 mirlt?t ? -?i? i A firm ai-pi.: s ?, , ' ? li ret i ; . ji -, f$l ',. V-,-3 I ? : ? . * - < ! ' I l .<i \ < . ? ? IVlm 4 . ,??..,... ; < ? ??? ; t ipp*? KtTlVll I I- < |, 11**1 ? . . ? , -. ? Ql 1.\ri , 13(4?II; PEA ..... II ? i . ? i ? V I il I '.'. . 1-1 I \ts I - ? I ... ? . , , ? I I 4 .?kam-: i : i : 11 - . - ? ? . I ? HI.AlMvBKK 11.: s . Ill . I.l.l BERRIFK ?m il i J^i s nt - Ml SKMEtXI - - fV; flat eral I . *,-- *,;-. *, mi.i ,, s , . . l-i rtsl.W niliAs, i al rala i " ? Mi MiNH . . I |20 - -H".' ? . < < ,,',*,' r'RriT * *. < PINI tPPLES ? . I Span ? POTATOES AND VEGETABLES. TitaT?. Bra s""" poUtoa? mal POTATOl ' I ?? i lall ll.TSl?l . i ? ,-N-,,\s hi,, Mr laland, yellow M.| |l ? < rtata an,I Jaraej, ? haakM. 11 S0<f*|2 "?? u-'ial ?I I | / | .. - s i al drum. II'?', HRI sl-liui TU nearby, *; . ? REA ? .. . ? ? ? ..r I .?: * ? v |,H r ,,\\*;l;v I/Wlf I ' I CABRA! - I r . .$i i:.;... I.ANTM . I.ETTl ' E, ? ? I.1MA IIEANS i.iiuMs i .-',.* i: :. i$2 ?". ..'K':a - ii ? .$1 ! i 'l.l'.-. ' H MIISIII - : UliMA?NE l>? II s(.|S ,f*1| .,.1 I II II |-| ilMl-s ?. una ? > i*t U ( , Rl U ' _ LIVESTOCK MARKET. N.... *! WEEKLY RECEIPTS. I!., rae. I ? i -, : - I i ? QUOTATIONS FOR BEEVES. " ?iir ?ti*4*ra M u as" BEEVES. 1 - ; ? | M cu, >-'-i I . ... ?rr l\. l.ttrher s .--, Kill II | ? - I | ' - CALVES. P>'<*ir'a f?f l?" '?'? ? I '?'l nn ?a!? a, M?.- .< < ' < j- ? .. i* r SHEEP ANO LAMBS. rt>.-. ? M ar. og - ? . : . ^ ? lit .a larul . ?? 1 HOC?. ira oa ?al? i ; ? C & E. I. Committee Active. The bondholder?' protective commit? tee of the ? hi*-.. ? irn Illinois Railroad ar-.d affiliated companiea, of which John W. Platten, of the r ''gage and Truit Company , ia chairman, have extended ths tim' for depont of bonds inclusive of Octo Ai rangements have been made to pay the aet-ond unpaid coupon to hold ers of deposited bonds, except the ?'. i E. 1 refunding and improvement- ? ,*r.iholders"'depo.-*itt:ig un.i agreement of March 16 may tar '?n'iii,''- Oa the t.,mm. -o pay both coupon-.. Sixty per cent of the <\ ? K. I. general consolidated first BSOlt* ?h the committee, ami a majority of the othei | the committee ths te ? g and itaprovcmsnl ;- of 19M ? ??: hors Stock Exchsufs. Named Managing Agents. N i H ill sad William I? | BloodgOOd, Inc., hi.*-o been .ippointed mansging ?gent by intsrssta repre I by Sullivan v Cromwell for the ? Bnrlington rVportsssnts, sovss ??writ apar" ? .i; Wcat uith Strssk Speare on Railroads is an authority. Mr. Speare has personally inspected practically every important railway 5ys??cm in the United States, which places him in a um?Tue position to write on this intricate market with a v fund of information and soundneu of judgment The Evening Mail liU ? & .'t:r;jj ' _ COTTON STRONG, GAINING RAPIDLY Sensational Jump in Marke Caused by Soulhern Spot and New Crop Report. N'otuirhstantlin?? the (sensations rapidity and extent of recent advance! the cotton market was even more a?: ind excited to-day, with price: ?howing further big gains on s renewa of bull support and mor? or less Ren i eral buying January contract?? .??oli up to 12.54 In the late trading, or full? 0 a hale above the closing price o! and not le??? than $17:10 t ' b ?le above th? low level reached o? ! the decline of last July, ('losing price v.rre itrong and within - or '.\ point of tl ' i net gain of from :12 t? 4! po the il'iv. The con'inu?'? Iiull^h average of Southern apot and crop news, a Anner I.n.rpool market cre? rlj .??..? dc n domestic ?punten sod re of very low condi hon .figures Int ?.ml th? ew of the week were smong the factor on th" sdvsncc, while the ssrh? I ? alio Influenced by the eoursc of the Golf itorm, which wsi reported mov northwsrd from louth of the west of ?uba and the continu?"! ah my important hedge selling from the South. Privste csblei attributed a ?harp ad ? , si to 'ii ill offerings, arksl then may also have ?intal effect of the Allied victorien is France. Thi? market hers opened tirm at an advance of I?; to M pom's in sympathy with the ? ally heavy reslizing, but bef'ire there wae any ma ek to the upward movement active month? were soiling ?om i MO to c!o ting ?g 0 spprs r."?-cent level for January profit tsh .? or 10 pointi follow? d, I fern v ? well absorbed early lellcri for profit? began to i? lr cotton ai.d the market reached ?he best, point of the day ir. ding, wh?n October lold at 11 ?-. December st 12--4S and March at The Southern hedge selling lather more active on Sal much in evidence t'i-day. II ist from one MMrce or an r ?(Teringi of -pot cotton in the South are readily absorbed, with th' ?"! vancei bringing little or no pressure msrhets. It tiripatod that October sotieos I ?i in circula:ion hero thi won ut it feemed the general impies ?ion that th,'> wo ils ks v tak?n care of st the prevailing late-month premiums. It Was rumored during the ?lay that a prominent i"hi authority made the cor.di'ion of I c? lit, comparing with ? tr cent a month ago, ami I average ?* cent that ti 1 he coi tinufd ten? denep to reduce estimate? of the crop. combined with the firmness of the mar fot koth -[">*? sod futun to b?- disturbing domool i , and the demand b-r raiq '???? ? i... the d ly ?!?? ' ' ? mot mar-*' ?. rt?d. Lh Houston Mig aales oi over "?' the basis of 11.7% tor middling, whiU 1 Uiwry VOIS taita o? ?aJM balas in UM Savannah market, which nuoted m''i dling at ll**e. . Rangs of prices: Basai Hliti l>w Cloe? t.r -e 11 :? |l M 11 Tl 11 Hi?. I It n ? 1104 lit? II II : M h; i 11 " ?r 13 If II H U l-l ISMfllM M ?' IA12 li I - I " Kebruan II I Il M Uli Uli II ? A,-.rtl . I.' - P'l 11 4< M.) .12 71 11?: 12 4? U i lune . U 7', Il Tl l? 75 11 ?J R* ; M < i.' 7o 1. **4 n <i4 i: ?*i eu ?i l? t t. .... i. :i u ;? u ti i:* M ? ? u Eii-hani? ipe. lai Litarpo.,1 , ?:>? Hp" . and ii . KM; Arnerl-an. I O'/O In.;?-.rU. I.1O0 baie, .i.l * lad |'*a open..! .. hlftwr, rloeed feterlih. 17 >?, s polo?! n?( iila'?r n,-t Noe l.lltfc: Ja, '.r,!,.April. O?0V Ma? Juna. S ?1'?j l iiv Au?- 4 ik ManctMetai \ .- ? 1 ? high? ..?.s! ehecS t,,j.'.n?aa rUrth ntten too lo? Tti? l-a, !i:i[?i f ; ?. -t ?..('??? ??? *i*??1. al,I '..-a hlftior at 11 "? .'i <l*.l?ered on t ?. ?? i*l.?rt. ?;?* marteti w?r? . ? u -* ? l'edy. W ttead. . rr al 11', ?air? 1.11 Xe?a 0 ? BOtntl filfber al 11 lia. ??.**?. ' Mohlla Ira ? ? ?.>tim. ataaSi . '. ? Ils?'. aal?i. 400 i?m Haltlm'.re nominal '. k* 11'? . la ?a nil A'li'iela .v?'4'? :ifhrr at 11.Me, ?al.?. I ?".:< balee O* ? ? "..m. Il p..ti.ia Mfher at 11 ISS; aa.aa, I ?'? ~.-t -4 . ? ' -, '.ljh?e if II-s. ' .!i> Wlimli.k'-. ileadj L? fi?er a , -.aire nil. Norfolk linn. IT BatoM 1,'fti* -, -? . i ? balea Mauptiie Mea . k , . ?:5 : ,.-? I' 1 ?i?*?.1t. 41 pot!"? Miner al 11 7.V ail ?? l(.-rp.< ?r ?'.? putt? and iriUrtoe potine ? frtilOW T,laj I.aa' ? It l?v??'r ?t<*-f> 10.32 10 447 12 112 l?M>V Now ??rlee/ui 4 M ? IIS 50? . Ra.amia?i .... 10 -'.4 I I I'll I ??1 4 ? . I ?:?? I 41'. . I.?*? I ISO 1ST . ?.I .. or? .- ?? .i.en* Tort .- 145.114 . ?*- ? ? ? ...tila .... - - - SSS Vat-tea* . I.7M n.m si.ilt l?tala . ., M.ISS ?o.ioe ???2 m:.mi INriK'OR ? I ?? ITI ? sT4 111 112.111 ?!? I Tl? 4SI*) .4 ?? ? ?40 4 2i ? ?>?? GET NEW LONDON PLANT Ka> mond & Alexander. Lumber Mer chants. Now Owner? of Hnp?nn Site William A. White 4 Son.? has? for the llopaon estate the former Bop ' Chspil factory property ?at Kos London, ? ,nn. It has a frontage of l.'n feet on the water and also a large frontssjs on the New York. New llavei & 11 irtford Railroad. The building an- a larife foundry, machine .-?hop, pat tern shop, office building and a numbet ? ,-r smaller building?. It to one best Wnown factory propertie* in the ,tate and haa been purchased b*. Raymond 4 Alexander, lumber mci chants, whose present yard is near by Thorn?i C Dillon was associated as broker. U S. Treasury Finances. treelilnfroe. iw-p? 27 rhe ?aujitiou el Ike TWkUr? at ?h- e. et o! bo.lae?a u IM ?'? f 1*4, 141.170 IM. rtpU. fl ?74 ?4 total pe/mente. 11.112 ?T? . ><*er te |37 114 M?, ???? ?? .II? of , , anal ?? I pui'^l *???. traneait!??. -4>-??? NKVV rOM CITV BONDS. ". ;.i). *'? U%f J II ? I?? ?01^ *?? ICI I ? ? --4 ?? , ?r*S ? <%. ??a .. i 4 . Il 4 n r. v . isabai mlitereil ?s