Newspaper Page Text
N?'HOODWMIN? BY MEDICINE ME Public Health Associ?t.? Denies Influence at Rochester. SAYS PR. LEISER WAS GIVEN HEARIN But Mr. \ ilam*. \sks Wl Health Expert Was Taken Oil Programm?' ? ? ce to 'v.e a?-? ' I ? | ' ' i ???? eorr? pape Hea ? but ' ? - ? ' ' ? ?ine ' ' ? ? ? ? 7he ' ' ' ' ? nt i - ? ? ? ? raja? i ? I ' ? '? ' r idea i? a result of Dr Ge t I nal mi?takc In . I t Ilia \ lion.' Dr. Leary waa cha ? Ith associati ' .'!! Wll P || '? >\Ilow I ? at 1 am in et.t I ? ? ? . of 7' | the ' ' ?t a meetinp ?lif*: apei s by s . W. C ?i'.rgai and State Heal l'i Hermann ga, and one ?? Heal i- a'ion had I ? ? ta :eferred to \ ,.?,?!?. not sei an Public Healt .. : ,-\ i i r diati - I tr corree' tr imp.-. ?! ? : Leiaei ? mi ' rogi the a soclatlon' ? ? , patent med :"boor embers o bl ?? Hei Ith Ass? gn ?? this lei ? qual to . ..irs. SKI SKAR M GUNN \r??? riran Pnbl c Henltl ? ' Mows". nating Dr. I.? ?he Ame K* Gum ? ! . ' .-.':? II. ? tit original ?'.ic Heal the Nee York Sts : ?Vasoeiation, ur -? ?.?1er solicit!! il quacks it waa remov? ?'rom gran me, without tl f the Americi \ ' ation. Subs ? my article, tl Hoard of H ral' ? I a public nice ? held prfflOfi the An-1-1 A bri? clarify tlic ??? ? ? ? ? ? .-. disa] ?he p re originally m ... local arrange I he ?ould kee ??-ter'? quack indus lid he disappi'sr Public Healtl f?rt and SOU i no band in thi or. according to statement: ?- d the \'e\? ? '? ures me 7 .-ramm? he fel k. Some influence? ?liminai that ? ?'ray, In Just ? can Public ' HOPKIN! tdge Not to Quit R. I. 1 I. 28. Pi d?ni H l . lat '?".der. ? -.f th e Ch i - ? ?? ? Fl deral coin* His '.ii ri ceiver 'KATY' PROTECTIVE COMMITTEES FOR1? Ihreo Airead) Organized ? I o??K After Interests ?tf Security Holders. ??ivei fo ??i? Mi? . .1 Kansi a I exai R ? iay t? ?.?.-, mittee f. r \?rio i a? ? the piopertj A aommitte? ??inch ??ill ? rat and refunding -l I'Ct cen bonds con lets of ?Uexai d? ; J "? mp . hairman of th. Quai ebairmai ; < harlea *? P? ? body, president of Ine Mutual I ? ompany; >*? ' Daj. presi ? ? .?? bq itabla Life S iuran ! Maral the Fermera' Loan and Truel ? omnan) and A. A Jack . pr? lident of th? ?ny, ' Phdadel . . theaa bonde waa pai? temb? r I but, in view- ?>f the ap Of a receiver tur the road announced, the eommittea woi . j ? tact the later? of th? bondholdei -. VV < ? ox, ? ice-pi ?? ??f the Guaranty True] rompan; act a- secretary foi th? * committee, i ? ? ng of Alvin VV Kr? . ? of the K^ultabl?, Trual ,. n ?.i.. I liarles Ha) den, of Ha ' tone A Co., and 1 rani 11. Davis, of llawla) , Davis, has beet formed to protecl the interesta of th? common and ^referred stocks. ?. Merrill, prei den1 ??(' the Union Trust Company, v?ill htad a protectlvi ttei -.o repreaenl the second mort km?;?- 4 pe>i cent bonds Representatives ? I theaa ??onimittees said yesterday that they legaiiied the receivership as unavo ... iew ol uncompromising attitude ;.ssume?l by the noteholders who had refused to extend ; ieii note? f?.? another year. They declared that thej would work in harmony with th?- new banking ests in th? property ii working ont a plan, which, however. may not be announced for several months. Judge Charlea M. Hough, of the Fed era) District Court, yesterday appoint? ed C, E. Schaff, of Houston, Tex., ancil? lary receiver In this district of the property and n?set<? of the company. It is alleged that a substantial an 1 valuable part of the property and as ?f the railroad, including stocks, an I otl ??; securities worth many .millions of dollars, which were yester? day placfd by the Federal Court of St, Louis in ch?.rg?' of receiver Schaff, are located in *his dial BRIEF WALL STREET NEWS. The Kerr Lake Mining Company re proceeds 'rom i ur the ended August 31, amounting to 176, ai compared with $1,1)36,962 in the preceding year. After deducting ' of production, shipment, general expenses, etc.. ami paym?'7it of $620, 000 in dividends on tne pr?'fcrred stock, there was a deficit of St'l'.TJL'.". The com? pany's previous suiplus was 1961.093, so that the total surplus as ol August 31, 1916, amounted to |891,86f< The Texas & Pacific Railway ?ompany has ?? ' one to I i>? year i pet cent equipment trust notes to the Equitable Trust Company to cover the purchase of heavy type freight locomo A cash payment of _'."> per cent airead) been made on the pur ? pi ice Tl ? note mature at the rate of $22,000 semi-annually. Stoekholdei of the New N* ?quero Sugar Company yesterday elected Wal-1 tei i Vreeland .-? director, to take the place of John W. Barrett, resigned. Voik ?ru.-t Company has appointed agent for the Yirginia Carolina Chemie . to receive deposit? and tenders of its ten*yeai 8 ' per <?' ? ' g I ai 'i com ert ?ble de May 16, 1911, for con* ??: rial BtOCk. The Denvei & Northwestern Railway the holding corporation for the Denver Tramway Company, accord* 1 ing to a Denver diapatch, bas ? the regular quarterly I 1 per Miss Chic Arrives To-Day ?Fashion Number? OF The Evening Mail It contains special autographed messages from the leading Paris ti\'e creators?Jenny, Cheruit?the most comprehensive resume of fashions ever published by any newspaper. Cover by Steinmetz. ^/^\ Edited by T. E. Oliphant. >/ \ TO*-- '" "" M " '.14 Shipping Information and Marine News of the Worta Vessels Arrivins ral ?nd Oe p.ntiiiK from Port ol New York. MIMA M III. MM?'- ?.' HIGH wan i: A M r m 11 41 wntcLcaa nrT"Rrs . ... -: c: .. ? ?- - -.. . II . ?? '? I "? INCOMING SI KAMI! TH I>AT. ts, ?v. '. ? ?a.:? ?a'?-? . ?- I?.? ?\ An.aiardarD M If I.?rrlj.Mt i . . Mam ?ut?? Rio is ' ' ' ? ?,??? "- t I'. I.I? - " ; '??-; . ?-?,'. H ... ? i..- ? s?r* 11.. ? : .,_,-. ? > ?1. .',' -.1 -S lalBi Hli*ll?in I in. I? s ,r,1 Am I ?t.r? Am'rl.'i?. Moil Am ?-'?.?:;1?li s V K I-a'Ui? Mr?.I 1?:. Moll? Tl *J If IHI H-HA? MCI? MUM! ?? H "i l ? ? I . < ? --. ' ?? ... ? At :. . Ttntf] ? ' ? .? Sei ? ?r? ? v., ?? -? ? ' RIDAI ??? T?'IM II ?a . Hat' .' I it?..-: S?pT 17 R ? ? - I ? n?tOt>?!. ?4?! IS Hull Ht;? ft . A ,- ? I'.'ai.O?! - .11 h-v : i ??-. '. - PtrathlofM Il re: .1 I i: A.b? , - | ?i; ?? tr.? Km) M Harre?? Miraell Htm Hrpt 1<? QaltaMea, *?'. .?.ll Ha? I:. .1: if Set O LIT. O I.Nfi STEAMERS TU-DAT ''. \ : .~ 1 '-. Be ?' ? si) ?m S 30 im S -n ?m f' M ?m I a 11 M im - .... u..-?-T-1?in T.jnnlr.? .\?r>? I:*llsn y. lili Oiraea i n?*: D H?rrr.utlAft, Btnn.i II QuetN i-tni? Mart?. Col? I I' ? a l'rlitobal. ?i-li"?bal. Pintmt OMnda ?Cutfltas, Munion. Hin .l?rtn?. ... ???? n ilillurr ; . a...... l\rJ?. . . . - TIURSHAT. BXPTT-MBOI M ?.?or?? \V S loannfna Plramu <'rr?k 1 00 pm ? n '?? ? II?::. Arftntlnt 7 00 tm M.ra raill?. lia????. Wirt. 9 00 am ... ?alla i: 00 m 7. M ? l: oo m Il M ?ru Il oo m - Il oo m : oo pm ; oo pm l? 0') m ?? ?! Parar-a IllSI tm ' OJ pra | ? ? P?? ? ? ? ... ... l RIPAI ?'? T?-HI.R I ISH ?? . m i. ?salan 1? o*1 *??' ?'m ? - i"i . Hart ? ? ? l. ? 11 M ? Aalai P i . . i ? ? ar 1 ? . ? Il W..I ? i ,1? ?M.t: t? rali to Hoa'-.n TRANSPACIFIC MAILS I ka. N T s 10 t. m. lajam l'M.ippttf?. <?!? "an rrsrvl?ti? D H .-...r: h*P' ? S Itawall PMhi.rl.-?a Itte ??* rrtodlff. ARPtvn? H-'arar Port I'r., ? ?->;? IJ. rWaa 2" tut n? ?at.? ? -.-l |*ru|| l ... r?lth B !????? a- ? ruai:, an 1 n,u?* Har at 4 a m lirr*t-1 Sar.Har? M-,' Il ?ntl I'uaatMSSM tX ?o UM V.w ?uri A ? It* Mill H? ' ? 'I b a*'*?r llar a' ? 47 p | Mfrn.l. Battaaa ttXA ' '? > 1? T W?/1??- I'*' 1 1 a m 1*1*1 B? ?? .>?. Haai iril i Is IS U thai \i . ? - -. I.' ? ?111, -iu?j li?r ?i K p m. '.'Till |?t? rat lura 'Br , A>ta*-..1r1? Aw 21 ?la IMi war? llr?aJ?>atw ?vi ? 21 t,. Lb? Ml ? I '? ? t'a: ?: * . ;. aj ? Br. pello J-i.y 1?, Ca*a fJ. Mono . il . tu? tt li?. >4 tefA II ? i ''n?-. ?? It 1 . !.. I'Aj., A t ?>. ttltk SriW Max at ? a m Mitlacxi. \e??v?rt Nn? a? 1 t" 'I- Ol.l lionii. ' ? I) *?- ' ? ?; : Bxlaa g , ,r a- 1:11 a SI ... -*-. ? . , .? ttM Uetoa ? .??..i ?-. ? ." a in \ ? o il.? Ma .? ?? l"o rill a Im <j.?j- ?: S ? m ?-?. Man .. Bruna ? . lo t..- '.Ullurr ???? ' ? ? |:>, u. . ? u ?*? ai i .: a i ? ll.'i". I!<> . - , |g .??? V..r, A ? -lit.? II ail -? ? ? , -1 mUm, Bar ?t 11 ni | l ra Pli ar .1?! III.. Ila.ari So?t II, CtiAmgt I? inri Ma-ai,?. iba Ab> lai. A i ?ta:i Si ? '?? ?!?:. ?n??- Har ?t 11 4*. a : . Baia:. . ? t.usatf-a h-,.- il. M?*r*eu?i .'.. ??-? . ? ..? ?i? Mbo . : lad ???'. .' ?-'? . - lo Ib* h I ? ill r Do?, ??It!?, e. !.. llar at ? ? ? 1.a llroCM i Fr i, llonl-au? Au? Il I? Ib? <'"rn la?' :?? t,-: r.. ' f. ? rit h m 1??. Bar ?? I 14 a ? .../' i Kaaiisptll Sue I, he i "i Mi . ? l*rli 'a S>pt ' ?I..I l'Iilla -., - t?. tl ?? Aawr? ?r. Ilaaatl i ??. !.:? ? i . ? .4 , -Ali.1.1' S 4,1. ??? ? j -.-. a't J?-k?on?1ll?: l<- I! H -, H-!r.? ? S..r S. I dt.-?'.? l'rl ?M SI ' ? N- r' ?:? ail 1 N?-.?,. Manna ll.'i Baitlmor? lirl?jt.'.,n 1 \ t . '. ?-. ? Kan,. . ?. rra ' - ./ STEAMERS AT POREIGN PORTS. ARRIVKI ai-t?;. r? tml M StaSSSSr Si B?.'.? Br. Ne? \ rrt n? riahajif, for Manl.a Pemunl.?!.-... ."?.' M -.'?r?. Srw ?fork and Norfolk ?ia Ht Im, la 1 ? ? ? . : .' 1?. ? t lia-.!? (BV), N?w Tork ?i? (,', Hmolulu. CHINESE JIM BRADY ILLUMES HARBOR Customs Officers Thought Sen at Least an Admiral Only a Merchant. A dazzling sight met the Rare of United State.? immigration inspectors as they sailed from the bay yesterday loon to board the incoming steamer Havana, of the Ward Line. Fresh from the tropic- ?va? the vessel, bul the br?ete that swept the harbor? late in tr.e afternoon was chilly Why.' ?her? fore, wa? the figure that trod the . ? deck clad in spotless white? An?! why, again, the inspectors won dered, did ?he sun reflect in a thousanil neun:- from the hat and shoulders of the tropic clad passenger? The mystery was neyer satisfactorily solved, hut there is enough to tell to make a story. Expected or. the Havana was a partv rcnteen Chinese merchants who made small fortunes in Cuba and who bound bock to their own country with i! ? ii wives and children to live t the resl of their lives In opulence., That was why Inspector O'Rrien went do? ?! the bay. ' he climbed over the side of the r his ga/.e fell on what his eyes ? t? behold the white clad figure, i ?? had observed from the (.miller boat.1 The Inapector ?vas puzzled. ."-????king the seclusion of the smoking room, he took from his pocket thu liai of the Chinese passengers on the Havana ?.r.?i sunned the paper. All the men ver; listed as merchants. Surely there ??a tome miatak ?.. The Chinese Inspector O'Brien had I seen could be nothing less than a Rear- | Admiral, if he was not a Brigadier; e, neral or an Knvoy Extraordinary Plenipotentiary or something like that. Strutting the deck where he had seei him last was the distinguished looking nan. Instead of clothing he wore a uniform. Outwardly, it consisted of immaculate white trousers, creased '?? a razor edge, a white military jacket with gold buttons, topped by sky blue epaulets smothered in gold braid. He wore a white military cap of Ruaaiatl type, also bedecked with gold braid and a gold shield. His shoes wer? white ami his manner dignitied. O'Brien aproached the vision with trepidation, stammered, then observe,! ill Ins best Pekinese: "Your nami', Mr, does nol veem '-? appear on the lis? of merchante." "Indeed it does, sir, replied the pas ?enger. "It is here'* indicating it with a forefinger, "Sen Ton Sui." The explanation that followed left the Inspector relieved although a trifle disappointed. Sen Ton Sui, the latter explained, had been in Cuba seventeen ?reara. He spoke Spanish fluently and while In islan?! republic had change?! his name to F.milann Aton, for busi? ness purposes. He effected the mih tary style of dress bocauae he liked it., that was all. On his cap was a gold plate engraved: "Fmilano Aton, com? mercial merchant, Manacas, I'uba." THE WEATHER REPORT Itirecasta and Records of the Last Twenty-four Hours. tv?*Mnfion. Sep 2? The tropical storm a- h? limit Sti Htttttrtt ?a? central Tue? ?is? nigh? near. and south of, th? mouth ef th? Mlnslssirr' Wvef and moving north waM Moderst? ?>*?? rale? have already o, furred on the mlddl? ?Juif roa?t, Where hurricane warnings net?, displayed Tuesday afternoon There hnv? h?*n local rain? In th? iaat twenty-four hour? along the caat ??ulf ooast I an) In th" middle >Iimls?i;.pl Valley and th? Norlhwaet Fair weather prevailed ?linh'r. Ternp?ra?iir?? .ontlnu? below th?- ????onaj av.-rag? ge, ?rally ever ?he nor th?rn half of th* eoontr) ant are relativ?',} I ??? In th? Smith Atlantic an?t ?lulf -? ?* I r,. || *lr_tlon? ?r? thai th.- weather will !??? vtierally fair Wedn??iay and Thurada? In I ha Mlddl? Atlantic and -:?v. Knglan?! ?tat-* the uppei otilo Valley anl the lake r?gl,,n In the Beuta Atlanti. ? ? I ? ?liilf fate?. Tenne???? an I Kentucky un male* ?.???a,h?r ?ill prevail Wadni Thursday, with rain The temperatur? ??III i r In th? P??uth Atian-lc and Gulf ??_'?? end Tenne??????, and It ?111 fh?i!j? tl? In ether regti.n? ea?t of ?h? Ml??1?alppl :ng Wednesday anl Thur?4??>. ??VINOS V'U Wni'NKSDAY AM? THl'RSDAT Nor'h Atlantic, fre?h |o ?reetl Mill? Atlantic, mo.1-r.te. north aad r i t ?.tlanttr, fre?h ?ait an! tout I ? llf, shifting gales, we?' to -rr?-.,?a; n,.rth anl northwetn ; ? . th- ?iulf of M??' .;;? hing th" m.. . ' I IK M'*-I??lppl P.l??r, upper lake? moderate, variai. 1?. loner ? ..rli'l? rar?h aril northeaat. rroBEt'AHT l**OR BPEClAt, LOCAL? ITIES Eastern and W??i?rn Ne? York. N?a Jer?<-} l.asterri aril Weetern I'enn ? >!??!.1?. Virginia, We?; Virginia. M?r> land, Northern anl ?Southern New England ?and th- |>,?tr!t ,.f Columbia Fair ?"TTlnig , i Thunder? .. ?'hang? in temperet are. ?LOCAL "KU'IM. RECORD The ?. . i..-.?.ir.? aAclal record from lb? Weather l? . hOWS the .hange- la the tempera! ur~ ? - re In i ?mpar1?,,n with ?: ' last ye_r l?l?.1 If I? 1311 |am ? ?? ? ?? ?,<) S a m ? ? r ??? II 11 lam M ?>! It p m F.?? f?i IS m ?'.im ;.?> 4 r m ?; IUghrit tempera! ur? >r?itrda>, Il d?gre?# (it I p mi, lo*? set, ?I? decree? i?t 7 a. m I iifr.ip!'' yesterday, nt; average for cor responding ?a.-.- .?.?' ?ear. 12. -?verag? tor n .!;.;? lat? l?*t thirty-three ye?r?. I'AROMFTKR READINGS ? ? m W.IT'l p m ??.5I I r, ,r. > 7?; HI IIIDITT S ? m ; ru 341pm ., Il LOCAL PORECAST K?lr toda? and te? mor rn? . r,.?* much .h?ns? m temperature fre?h north?.? LEGAL NOTICES. CERTIFICATE. <*ITT, COUNTT AND STATE OF NEW \ ? : . Bol . Igh of Manhattan, Se I JOHN '". ftlLLIG, Treasurer of JACOB Rl'PPERT. of Ne? Tork City Borough of Manhattan. County an.I State of N?w York *? corporation duly organised and existing un.1er and by ? Irtue of Hi? Laws "f th? state of N"??? rork, DO HEREBY CER TIPT tha* ?aid corporation I? engaged n brewing. ' bottling und soiling lag?r be i and other beverage? in bottle? ?nd boxes ?? 'h it? name, names, other mark? and devices ?hi h II '?se? ;. n. I has II riKhi* t" li?e, branded, stamped, engraved, etched, blown and Impressed and other?'!*? ?d thereon, u ?aid name, njaunea other ti?,rk?. and dovlce? ure a.? follow*, to wit: un ?on ? ? ttle?, In the tio'tom or ?t.i? thereof. "Jacob Ruppert, Brewer, Now Y"rk ' oti some of said bottle., "jgeob Ruppart, Brewer, No? York.' rom Ih? bottom or ?lit., there ? ' lh< !? and th* bottom of 'he bottle*, and in the bottom or ?Id? of ?om? ?! ?aid I.lea ih? monogram "J R' contained ?? it hin a toafllke garland and or the insld? and ? utald* of th? boxes ..r ..i-? containing said bottles "Jacob Hup pert Brewer, n--.?? Tork " "hat the prirn :lp*l place of bualneas of the aald corporation I? situated In the .i i Slat? "f Ne? rork ?mi thai lion bottle* tn th? ... i fount? . nd Stats IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have rab. arrll"-d the tiatni and affixed th? ?-ai ,,f the aald oi porai oi I?, ihta i ?rtlfj at? ? hli l?th da) of AUgUSt, jonv <; OILLIG. In the presence oi [Heal] OOTTHARDT A LITTHAUER LEGAL MOTICI Th? New Havoo County National Bank, lo-ated In th? fit? of New Haven, In th? Stats of Connecticut, I? cloning it? affair? All note holders and other r redttors of th? asaoclatlon ar? hereby notified to pr?>?ent the not..? and other claims f.>r pa? ment. I '. BTODDAPn i'r?-?lii?nL Dated. Auguat a?. I ?16 SUMMONS M PREME '?<>! in. NEW rOBK COUNTT. MICHELE t'KMBERI. also known a? Michel? liernperi?. I'lalntln*. agaln*l UIU SEI'PIN \ !'? Mnr.ui also known aa Olu ?epplns Uemperlo, liefendani Action for ,'? divorce I" THE ABOVE NAMED DEPENDANT I?.I ARE HKRKBt SUMMONED to ?in iptalnt In I his a< lion ..rid to ..?n? a ' "P.v of your anew?l upon tli? I'lalntln" s Mtorney within I went j day? ?rter th' ?er? I.f tl.? -'in, ? ? ??< r? le. and In .?re of ? feli'ir^ ??? ippe? or ?newer. 1ud?r nient ??il' be takei ?gain?! you by def? ?I for the relief demanded In the complaint Dated, Ne? York, Augu?t ::<rd. lift. ISIDOH 17 Si'HLEHINOER, Attorney for Plaintiff, Offlc? .'. )? i' Address No. Ill Broadway, Non Tork Cltr; Manhattan. rO GirSEPPINA DEMBERI, also know,, a? UII'SKPPIN ? DEMPKRIO, THE ?BOVE N ??MKI' DEPENDANT: The foregoing summon* i? ?erved ui>.>?? publication, pursuant to aa ordei . | Hi n Edward R Pinch, a Juatlc* ..f thi Buprem? Court of the st*t<? ,,r Sam York, dated th- llth day ..f September, 1111, and fllc.l with th? ?utnnons and complaint In th.? action, in th? offl ?? of t)i? <ierk of the County of New *f..rk at the county Courthouse?, In th? l4ormj*h ..f Manhattan. ( Ity "f New York, on the ITih ,|uv 0r Sep teinher. 191fi. Dated. Ne?. Tork, September 2*tli ISIDOR E BCHLESINOER, Attorney for p-?lj?tiff ' '?' ?' P " Addreaa, No til llrr.?rt??v . Ne? 1 ' ? Clt* Mai h Man. SURROGATE'S NOTICES. fji PURSUANCE or AN ORDER or Itonorabl? John P. l'ohalan, a Surrogate of the County of N*w Y..rk. notice la here? ry given to all person? ha\lng claim? ?Kali.?t th? e?tale of Ueorg? ?llnton lut heller, lat? of th.! County of N*W York, dec?a*ed. to pr.?ent the ?ame with \ on? her? th?reof to the ?ubm rlb-ra ?t place of tran?actlng hu?!iie??. In the office Of Mesar?. Glfford. Hobba .V il.i.r.l. their ?ttorn->?. No. M Hr ad way. Manhattan. 10 tni City of No? 1 7k. on ur hefure th? . lib day of ?>? t"; ? ' noxL Uateii, Nc? Tork. the llth day of April, 1915. TRUENE GEDDES BATCHELLBR. tUTRED P W. HEAMAN. EDWARD W. RUSSELL, Kxecutor? OlfTORD, HOBBS A BEARD, Attorn-'.? for i;*.-cutors. ?so Broadway, N?w York city._ K8TATE OK CHARLES WOOD McMLR ti??in pursuance o? an ordor of Hon? orable I' Cohalan. a Surrogate of the County of NOW Vork, aotlea I? hereby given to a'.i poraona bating claim* again*! ihar:'-? wo.,1 McXtartry, lat* ?f th? County of New York, deceaaed. to pre?ent the ??me with vouchera thereof to the ?ub ??.rlbar, at place of transacting buelnea? .?I Hroad??v. In The City nt .NVw ?, rk. on or before the :oth ?J.y of Jan uar) neit Dat*'l. Ne? Tork, the lJfh dav of July. EDWARD P. M Ml R ri;T. ? r*'or. ? SIMPSON. TIIACHER & HaRTI.ETT. Attorney? f..r AUtnlnl?trator. ?,j Cedar S-.e-t. .*?.??* York I Ity_ SALOMON. ADOLPH K ? IN PURSUANCE '. an ordtr <>r th- Honorable John V. Cohalan. a Surrogate f ih? County of New Turk, notice 1? hereby given to all person? ha?tng claim* ?g..l:i*t Adolph E Salomon. 1st? of the Count) of New York, ?lee aa?.l. to pres'i.t the ?*me with tha ?"!?? her? th*r?of to the ?ub?< rlb?*r? ?t their place of trat***.' ti"C bualn ?.?. ?t the offl - of Aimy. Van v. il . in l "? * Kelly. No || Cedar street. Borough of Manhattan, City af New York, their attornr,?. u, or before th'? liith .ii) .f September, lilt. D?.?d. New York. April Jrd. 1915. BENJAMIN K. LEV! RBOINM S. L17VY. Kxe'-utora AI.MT. VAN OOBPON. EVANS * KELLT, Attori,?)? for Ki?. utor?, OfSC* and Fo?t offl.? Addr???. N?>. 4< ?'??lar Street. Hor ?ugb et Manhattan. N?w Yvrk City. Klo ft Wir.. H?r - T 1 i*?"* ?<-?? ?la Sar. Ju?Ji ?ii'l ??emarab-r-? -^ ^ Klrkwal - l Nonne? M?**), W?- T"" Tu* HanbaMea ?n-. ???? . .. , Uot* CrmritT (Bf . I??ae Tort ?It 11 ?mtiar HAir.rr? ?Bates 9*m n M? -t? '?r-ir- ffcw V'!/""' llar?.?; - ? r?b?rt? 'Br .?;*-' ? im ? In i ?Ufsaa " ? na ?.-? I ?? . ? [au Br?, Htm ir"? i-As-ri? Olt-ralt? >??pt M IT -1 la lllal ??' * tea* tm ? ' a RESORTS. MOTORING IN AUTUMN i? delightful along the EMPIRE TOURS Confiding of the Adirondack, Iroquois and Onondaga Trails Three tiimoui <iiitomol-ll<* routes n?jtc(j for tlieir good roads, Wonderful autumn ncfnrry, in? vigorating atmosphere and ex? cellent Hotels. ? I page h. il s rout?? .... mailed fr< ? ?.< : ?<h t H and I ie_i . I -? . ., i?rt?r? ?t in- Kmplr? Tours Aseo il Ne*. burgh, N Y In ?utumn Touring in New England Is at Its Best IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER THE HILLS AND MOUNTAINS ARE CLAD IN RAINBOW COLOR* INGS, THE AIR IS MOST INVIG? ORATING, THE ROADS ARE GOOD, AND THE ATTRACTIVE WAYSIDE INNS, PALATIAL RE* SORTS, OR MAGNIFICENT CITY HOTELS OF THIS VACATION LAND ARE BEST ABLE TO EN TF.RTAIN YOU. Send f'?r ire? illii?tr?ted road map In colors, 'NEW ENGLAND TOl'ltfl," publUhed by th? NEW ENOLAND HOTEL ASSOCIATION, comprising o. er two hundred of th? be?t hotel? ami re-iurta. UM If KIMBAI.L. Secretary. Iiraper Hotel, Nortl.ampton. Maaa Why Not Try This One-Day Holiday at Brtarcliff Codge? GOLF SWIMMING POOL DINNER? Open-Air Dancing on Pergnl? U'e,]r,e?. day and Saturday Kvnlng? iMcK??? i \Ve,me?rlay e?er:!nir?i ? New York ?IBIie, 40? M.i.l ?? n Arena?. GALEN HALL HoiKi. \M) IANATOBI?M. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Always open Always ready Alwaye bu?y. I'annol I? e\ ?>::.-.1 for ,-omfort or table ai. i ???[ . i.e An Ideal pla.-e for a. long or ahort ? a: Tonic and curative bath? ??Hh trained ?.perator? N. Y Office, 213 Fifth Phone (MO Madison B ?n S?i _F I. VU NO. Geni M'g'r METROPOLITAN \-lll ICV PAU. aV J. OPEN IHKOK.IKM T THF. YF.AB *?:? ? Modern, COIMfOte Construct ion. Centrally located. Luxurious Suite?. Prl* it? Hit!.?. Kunnlng water In nil room?. White ??rrrl??e. Mu?le, Tennl? ) ourt?. ? ' ?i- ? KolT:.fl Bureau, lintel M-Alpln. Of ??HERMAN O. DENNIS, Manager. ?ate? 301 Phone Aabury. 134S. ritt LEADING RfSORT MOTH Of TMf WORLD ADaTUwruii?ii-i?Kniiiini ATI.ANTK CITY, >. .?. o ?a i ? *,- ? ????ai?ri?T >*SIA.H WHITE A SONS COMPANY LAUREL HOUSE I.AKEWOOD, N. J. ? ?PENS OCTOBER 1ST Fall, Winter and Spring Retort BOOKLET ? Umrmms m-t c v Metgky. Star? Mgr. ??O^LAkbWOOD-N.J. ?cm open for fall ? : ?' '? ?-? E. r 6pang?nb?rf. M|r. HOTEL GRA.M?I?N LAWRENCE, PABK. BRONX VILLE. N. Y. Special Kale, Uurmg tall and Winter TRAYMORE >'=??,';, BUSINESS CARDS. B J HdUMffT. TOT? Fulton St...N.T. ?Joe tl* ?I 'i." ?U?l l.ii.rar*. ia:.!,'[. ? AIII'FT rUAMNO CO.-**n?j?in? M comvruued air. ?t???n. ti?.,1 or on Boer Hit ilroad?.?; 421 tut 48th ?L ?ni; * BH__?l?T. Kl 17 .Ulli. Ml I.n<iI_-_I'FI TYP?.W KITTEN l.l.TTER?. 80S $1 so. i.oeo, ii 75; i- oro. a v. ? A riil7HK??HI? 1-0 |lr"?l.?r iK.jult?!?!? Bid?.) Ra ?;.. I.III. Kerlor 4M? figmj Y?>KK ( ARJ'KT I'l.KaMMl WORKS. <)!de?t. I.?r?->?r M.?t Modem. um-, in?.-? ??uvkn muM ,?iJ> CARrrrrsx Pi.ce* lUaaira. i? Ftr.,1 tor Circular. T?L ttSi iiUS Hrra.'L 47,7-431? Wmi 4SI- St? il KIP \\ ANTED. Male. KXPTKir.SCT.TI '. ibl? ? ??-?? hMfekMfSf "interl Api.l? > - ' Standard Kt?m I'rln- ? . ?? tl< lie s. ?? Tanker?, H. Y WORK WANTED. Females. ATTBACTIVE vocxf. ?WOMAN ?le.ire? pueitliin h? ?o. ?al ?nrctur? or ounprin Ion. ?illin?; ??> t?H?el or lor.ite a??n\ fron? Net? VorU; ??ell edil, ale,I .,-?1 from _,.?| f.inill? : I??-?? <>f reteremtstt; Moderate ?al? ar.? riiierl.d. Ail,Ire.? M .. Hol Hl. Trib? une ?lt?l?e. DOMESTIC SUT ATION.S WANTED. Male. OABD-NEI ? I sm*ral rnan. ur.lei-tar.d? n,???. -w. ? - ? , <,t r?tateme**; ?lad?. ? I ? ft. ri a? Female. A * .K --Y | ? "?Inntnah g_rl| t?o T?ar?' rlt? re'.re- e | ? .m*.I fajntly. .H Ml.? II f ? ?a- :;,??_??, M B. or Tel. S?47 lllll All' ' : - <?ltr??? _ I '!iaml?erni?ld, IIm m-: ?? b?r '.' > rgartt Stewart. Il>e. ,s \ , r I CHAMBLRJiaTI) . ?'.Mi ?fh re.-.innie, '. . ? iKl ?? H IUh lloffnia?er'? 10 last 4M ?1 id floor. Tel lit; Murray ?IIII I? s M UBI I t I-.;, girl IM ! Imiter'i An-no, It Lu: 4.-1 .- Marr?> Mil, ? "' lia \ . liane?, t.rolh?r ?ni ?l?'.e? . i ttttttatm a mi?, n ? tnajer'? if 10 la il ?1 | loot 1. ? t mil l!??l -l.?v,.KKI.It Uni.' An.e-, , . . ^?.??:>l ' rafrta:,. , a larll?! > Agi ? H ai . M ?isiiiY ..??\i;,:m ??- y .. f i ? S a??' M . MU? llof ?. ' ? i ? i r ? i ? H M AITHKSS l'AK?.olt.M VII) ?\o?, - i . , 10$, M Ml?? 1W m??er-. A|er.i), 10 Kaa? ?^1 ?' I I Murr?, III, NYASIIIMJ lakrn l.ain?. '?> -, ? e-li?>i l?.ii:.1re????, utiei, al.- Irjlu? Q. A ttAtStmtm. 1<5HT 3d ??. H PEori Largest River Steamships in the World nrnriCK ?mht. ixiimvc ni NDAT. M ', .10 I' ' >t 111' I f? I i- ?". 0*1 r ?? ?c. on? ?????, |! , round Mp, I' *? eOPLKS LIRE Per M *>?rtb ul<?r ? 01 r -I w#?t iMd at. ....4.-.SSP.M P?r?, oi.? w?? ?2. i.ii trip IS *0 MCIH-T FsTPllEHk Pt?T U North ai'ar ? -0 P M ;re?t ???.? <?-?,? .if oo r m ar* tee ?ray, 12. v?d trip it SO Special .??r-l . Kuodar* :?a?lt.g I'ler k% H ?i . ?,., ? y W??t 1*2: ?t IS M | M Toartif Aii'o R?*?a |r. f)rl ?nd S ? 0 0> ? ore ???? IT M ?.al |:{J ronnd trip. 1 y I IPRINf] MOO HUMO, NAVIDATE?N CQMP?HY For Your Vacation BERMUDA tr-Day Tour?All Expenses $45.50 up I . I*? ! A ?-. IS r? f?f V? at' Qs Ta Twin Serew "Bermudian" Sat't, -bl'cd (.??.far! Sail? Alternat? W??.4S?t? Quel.???: S. S. t ?... II I , T T'.o? It. i. A M'/n. -41 k aval H'way. 26? A 'Il St. ; '. '? A. '. I Marateri ttt S'wa?; Prsnk T?mu-W Co., lit |c?a niilatpte. i.' .or'a A BUrd, 1 Mad. A??.. FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON $4.00 R Pul to* SI Sir?. IV, V.'T 14 dally ??- ?? Il P M Mu?i. Net? London line, atr Iv. P!ir 41 fi ?i uati . li ? eeh da? ? onlj ?> 30 P. m ; I 1. ? It . ft ? 2*1 St.. ?J 00 ?P ?J. Sew Iluten Ma*, str le Pie? li, E R.. SI . we?k Saya only. 2 II I? M . Pier 7''. f* " lid St. 7! 00 V M ltrl<l?e|>?n t I lue. week ?lay? only, ?tr I. Pli - ? >? R . II 10 A M . i"er ;o. ft. K lid St 1.15 A. M ???1 BOSTON $2.80 ?n? II.-ut and Rail, HOI ND TRIP. 1.1.40. PROVIDENCE a $1.75 ROrNI) TRIP, 18.SO. Colonial Line First ela.s ser?, ice Week day? and 5m daya at S 11 P If from Pie? IS, N. R. foot West Houston St All Out?!.!.- Room?, ?l.oo to S3.0O. sTtteleee equipment. Up? town r.fTl e. Uroadwa-. and ?ld st Phone, Sprint*- 9401. .err.-t.r t?.M ; Pr??l???ca direct II*?? . -Stateroom?.. II. II.60 A $1. , Hail?, including- Monday. S:30 p. an. I rToB rae is ? r Pbnc?? roo B?e*?*u?. I I fltry Ttrlet ?Mice. 210 fcroadwaj. N 7 I I Ipt?.?- T?c',?t ?iffi.e. K'???. ?ml '-'.I St I 50* *A YACHT TRIP MS 75* YACHT CLIPTO* LBAVBS POOT WIIT 42nd 8T. raetrella* City Hl.-ht lee I ne. ???' * S'tn.J.'.eadd''. T?l Brrsot 71SM. Folders in all HouU a t'kt. Otea. Sight-Seeing Yachts U?. Battery Pier. 19:30. 2 30. Tel. 8r??d S17t TO SANDY HOOK AND THE OCEAN. ISO P. M. s?rr*: U?? IHK Hudson By Daylight Ml SerTt?e flatly Kirept *o?da? f?t"?.t Hail CWsmUom to all teinta _. ?he Catlkll??. Sara'.g?. tl.? A:!r,nrt_,_? A.I throu?!, .?, ?-*?-? ' -?- Tork ?rid All.?nT .. ccpted * ??ti irant. Stea "\Va?lilngt?,n Imn?"?"AUtan*" ??ll'iidri. 1. liinNon '?"Ko.iert Pulioa." Deefeeeeeee St. ? ?1 a m . w ??? m ' ? A. M . -. i ?th Rt . ? J? A M.. To'o.Z? Il i', A '..I ai ?- ?' .'. e?t l'?i'.r.t .V??T i.t.'ieep?'.? Klng?ton Point eau. ? : II?. :????? ?r.i A <?n ?Sotarda? -: * . >??> ;--, .._ ? i i? IM ' ' 11*. Un ? ... I ?-I <>ne Dai ?luting? ?,, r?.iahkeep?le \a_ l.ur.l, ?r ,\r,l I',.,n| D Hudson asm River ay Line |.e?. r,??e? St H?r. Tel 4141 Spring, .Y f FRENCH LINE I winpAgule deierale Traoiatlantlq?? POSTAI. IEBTICI Sailings for BORDEAUX ?ESPAGNE..Oct. 2, 3 P.M. ROCHAMBEAU, - ? Oct. 9, 3 P. Ml CHICAGO,.Oct. . 6, 3 P. M LA TOURAINE, - - Oct. 23,3 P.M. THE NEW QUADRUPLE SCREW S. S. LAFAYETTE Maiden Trip from N. Y. Not. 13 POR INFORMA.'.OU APPLT COMPANY'S OFFICE, ?.l^S^ CUNARD Frtnblltheri tun EUROPE via LIVERPOOL ^CAMERONIA Sat, Oct. 9,10 K. | ?TL'SCANIA I. I r j SAXONIA > ? ?UNA .SAT . NOV io 10 a] ?En Ro'it?? ?o 0'???"OW. KOIMI Till-. ?WORLD TOritS. ? - , ? 'fa rt ?_|? ? _ COMPANY S OFFICE. ? 21-24 STATE ST.. ?TI RED "0" LINE TiLt, yet ?-nr-r, Rl >?:-?? ;. * - - ? PFTn.AIT.i rillA Hep .1 ' ?"A? A - i*_ Jl /tUA **>P* *S MARA? IIBO ?let I k ^.-. . a ' l'!i-ci.|?"?. -, dauxtt a ? ?i. Gaol ?inv ?j- a |7e Ha- ?-r J! **?1 *"?* Bn? 711 ? UM Stet ?ease of I tit Bir?l?t_a -? ??* m?-t U ?*? ?"?It?. LLOYD BRA-ILEIRO. U *?*t? ? 9. t. 9M INSTR? <"flOV N'F.W lOIIK?Munlinttun. BERKELEY SCHOOL 72nd Street and West End ?ve. Prrpares Boys for all Colleges and Technical Schools. Primary and Junior De partments. 3 6th year begins September 29th. COLUMBIA GRAMMAR. l.iun.lrd 17.11 ?SCHOOL NO!-?. I, 1 and 9 \, r> r OtfRD ST. Ne.?. fireproof ?r?iool MMInf E?Sf1 fadllty for, eolkf? iTepi.rat!oii. Primar:, .ia??o? for ? rungtr ; , , r ? rh?a needed lle?t?tered to H>?e..'/, Itiuti.e?? .'oiirse? Ortr.naal'im Collegiate5 i SchoolFl !.. a College. Preparatory Schnol with atron? Pri? mary and Junior Oradea. ry and Junior (Trade?. "em achool building. LartfS Oymnaatom. Attetnuon nuttng clasaea. Boys NMIi Tt'rilt. RsnTirt faendtd 111! Witt rear tie tin? Hem. 2?jtj-. m Cata'.ogu?. ^T_A. F *l*7?rr?D. H??dra?it?r HAMILTON tNBIIlUIE Wtta feOTBL ei* ??.TUT 17-.H A\r.. n w con ?8TH 8T. rWatNTT FOI ?TH TKAR. Elementary ?nd Collet? Preparation Cla??e? ???rae? I School dlploin? ?almlta to leading .??>Ua?*a. HAMILTON IN?sTlTtTS FOU OiHXS. HITKrtSlt'K IlRIVK AM? SOTH STRKT.T. FRIENDS SEMINARY ltS-121 E**1 l-ith 6tr-?t. New Tork. FRIENDS SCHOOL ll''-ll?i Srhermerhorn Street, Brooklyn. KIMIKRI.ARTKN AND PRKPARATORY SCHOOLS FOR t.lKI K AND BOY?. TRINITY SCHOOL 139-117 WB1 IM ST.. NEW YORE I .led 170S Primat T. Oraiiniiar and High School* Prepare? for all College? 207th Tear Begin? fceptember 27th IRVING SCHOOL U I). BAT, 35 WKST S4TH ST. BOTH FKOM ? TO JO AU. DKI'AHTMK.NTa 150 Oraduate? IUtc l.ntered IVI'eg?. No htm? atiidy for b'>? under fifteen. Outing ( laaaea and Clame?, lorludlng Paturdaja. Telephone 4138 Schuyl?r. BelttOOl reopen? Thursilay. Sept 10th. The Semple School 241 Central Park Weit, Cor. 84th St Hoarditit,- atad Dai Beaeel fee '-.Irin am.'.rv am i ?pen*. I >? t i'oilege Preparatory .mil Special i'our??? ? The Berlitz School of Languages, *** 2S-30 WEST -SP STREET. a-J liar.em Branca, -t*2 Imam l?.?? BrioklMi Bran.-h. Itl-IM LitIiiiv Philadelphia, litii a CtraaaSaat bu? , llik?r Bid?.!. . , I and .:??'.- I etaoi i Dai ?J"1 .?enlng. for GARDNER SCHOOL \m* ?SOT KIKTH A\ 1 VI K. RKnl'l \S OCT 'th. 1?15 'Mil YTfAS. r..iiv Pr?parator] lie?-i.?r ?.1 Spedal ''. ,r?e? UtUbt, Uraagaafps I ? n.: l'a: -|- | GYMNASIUM (?lasae? * .?iiMhN AM) (1IRI..S. IIKI RfcATION 4I..MKK. I?. C. A.. OTl n SIFT. 27. ?I U. 41th St. HORACE MAN?) SCHOOL FOR BOVS Op?!.? 14?p*. Jtlri Vlrftl I'rr'.'ini?:.. "t> ImMtt Neat MM St , i.'ar Broadway. HORACE MANN SCHOOL open? j4?pt. .-th II. 12. Hea/?u?. Prit.. II.?.. Ilr?.?.l'??y. ?I l.'OUj at Mil 1(IHK--Hf?li heater I ountt Chappaqua .Mountain Institute ?ulhalla. \\r?l? heeler Co.. N. y. 4 11. me - ti.? i for UIRLS In tha Rr?l C?untr-, ? I km tie ?f friends. Bo>? almlttad under I.* ?ran laeparat? dept 1 Hi.ini? luili.r fur ?oui.? .Mldrt'i 4?tli j??r. ?*. ale? from N. Y . ? sere*; 2nd t( el??atli>l. Primary Pr?parator? at?. Pli.lalilng i ouraa?. Kuala. Art, l-ooieatta Seien???. Manual Training and l'omin*rclal Dept?., ti>oj i.aalun.. lt'ajei.ta Staarta/tla Rat?. |3??J to 137 J. K. T. ?T* . 1? \ ???? at.. Itooaa II?. .?.. Cert. MIS INSTKKTION. *t*ttt .our*?as*******, THE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL a?v> ?erta, '-."?? .<? |m In _m i area M u -tin Tor??? 1 ?'? ? ?,? boarding. I?jt r>. ? . ? ? ?? ? earn .;? rt* DISTINCTIVE FEATURES: ? pl-*.t??fi. Tra!'.. ? I llftlua H?7p. ? ??? <,t 0 Ivnonalltj [>??' pi I j.? , ? ,f -j? ? ;:-? it.ia?- ?j. bi .?. M I? i. !? ? ^ BCSIXBM ?< HooiK. 71 P ACKARDl COMMERCIAL! SCHOOL Lexington Ate. und Mfc ??t. -1 ??T t..ri*l r.iur??? !'.?> an.! Sen 1 f"r proape. I . .'nre. }. :'.\e ?our?*? ;?! A.'.ou* InR. Coat Accounting. afnl ah? ? ?--i vn preparation f.?r ? l? a. a*> and t?r Hi-rh U:a . a 0 ' K??nln* I.e. tu?.? (i) ?Ij-attn: aAt Organlutlon In Ha?'-; ?? ? -r-.-ern?. \W I'r R.,1 ert Orlmahaw; ?:? Hirrt-igtl Krneraon ??oiir?e ,n Ff. ? Bookkeepiai, Skortkia?.. Stm tarial, Typewritiaf, Civil Sorti) and St?notype Depar'mmti. ?***? 111* Keen- -r ?e?t.*-__ ?Call or write (or ? ?a.o-ru?. llMSL?l ALL BUSINESS SUBJECT) \IUR SCHOOL AD teat. ? ?t?:<*g i r ? ? - act UrO ? ?enotyprT S wrtiiao?. ?s^U???4*" ? i TfloiaUerM?: 1 'S?*\\ e?-?J*7* Te.?gr.->t<*-. Vu ? i tn,t fA&?&m CaU?-g, I0IIB war ?*???; __r__r_r**? scHonL-oa ?*?? ?*uT* PRATT I: 'IMldial Wn*??* #N I lin I ? gering Wli-rtJ??'*. Ho??TW Ing Bter.otiPT. r?e.Te??--.?V.p <> <*? '?** ' *- ''S I.AW (M HOOLS. LAW SCHOOL ?S II" KAMA?. fTREET Near Federal and ''"oun'y ?""?urtSi Brooklyn Bridge. 8ub??-ay. Hudein T**m Afternoon Classes 4:15 to 6:11 Erening Classes 7:45 to 9 45 Term Began *?>pt. IS. f \f?K ??YkT?. Tuition fee, "ne Il-inlr??! and T. n Otsmj Catalogue aanl on nupll atlot. to HaglM HAN? IM?. LOUIS H. CHALIf Graduate Russian Imperial Ballet Srtf PERSONALLY TEACH?/? TEACHERS IffJB PRtTIVE biHPLIFIED. CLASSIC RACMIj AND BALLROOM DANCINO. D?lly msa*M Claite? ?Of T??ch?r? ?nd Amat-ur? Cat. 7 Watt 42nd Street. New York MUSICAL INSTRI CTION. THE VON ENDE SCHOOL ?. I ?H.'?*? 44 W. ?Stfi St.. N. V. ?3CKOOL AI.KNt IKS Aniern-aii anil foreign teacher? Agra Supplie? l*rof??_ur?, Tea.her?. TH ?I?.?'? i ??saea. el?-, to College?, St ?*?J??ISJ Famille?. Apply to Mra M. J l?T rOI TON. ?3 Union ?? uera STORAGE \(>Tl< KS. LBS BBOniEM ktora?;K * VA? STiiRAOlC WARKHOI'SK N1 ?I T.. U'h..rn II Ma) ? ? -r We will nil at l'ubll. Au??? ?? 2t -, Ing ?t 10 a in . I ?t* *m ??Uli the Harlem Termin . ! Il,m?., ?'o l?> >r in name? an f.?.'..??re: ?g <;!t.t?.,na, <__Jllltor. Mr? ?'.ark. Mr? H W y lUlleralUMser, Mi?? K H H*_l Mr? COSfSltse, K?tH ?'?rinelt? M "J Mr? 1? I?uf!> V ('??fill?, It- * lor Coeturr, Mi? J I .hnaon ?n?. j H?.it L<emaa Schwart? Antoni? ? Mr? .' Flanagan, Chriai ???.-??: Mc!*l Hal. h. 1.1er. Ml?? M V Honen Mr?- I tf.e??? ? ' ' ?ter, J Lui. Taylor Mi? HA ? ? Long, Mr? !.. ?I Mi? ?. ' alMI \. n r.? Mr? MurtauglL tscmat '.?, Mr? .' k Parker, ?' i? i Ur* ' K i,n.l>. Hall. Kli-harg SM Sir? Mra Jar?'.?. U ?gr.?*?*^ S, Irin.!'. M.. i; Draper. J K V***? Sullivan, .larnleeon. I nl-a? all cliarg?? ar? paid on er <>>t I. till, ?am? ?III he ?old ac< to law to |>a? , harg?? LEK Hl:?'S S??; * VAN Ott. J 210 Eaat tilt? **