>?ACE lullaby
ipidn't Raise My Boy To
Bo a Soldier*1 Arouses
s V. Commander.
f ! ^u-rman I'rvjos Washing?
ton Encampment to \\ or?,
: it '
? --
rl annual
? ? ?" \? ho
,-, of peace
.... |
; .
I pre
i de
let, r tl.?'
? er, :"????
: ?
- Rare Grown.
j , 1
r vu i
. ? v in
\? n in
.' ? ? the
>? army
- time
r- '
.ate- we
? -vice.
' ?*? we coui'i
.. . ?
.? ...
: then
11 for
lite ot
rc laekinc:
.... . ?
* oor
If our nation ?... ?? ? Itei
ar If Klin.? are n??t supplied
1 ? smmunltl
the) ?sn he reasonabh expsfi
Ited tin- nmmunlti
?rorse than Jm
mint he proteetad h\ oth
\rm\ of .iOOOflO \e-cr??ar?.
extend? r c??e of m
force will
.. ?
inots t,' t ?
?? ? llerj i?? .i" this, tnfa srtil.e
mu?' he on hand for it cannot be mi
after war is eti
a i m gh1 aa well ta
about re hose after tl
??'?i.'. A ' ?
proper rquipm?*
l ? ? "f the nur
-.i would I
Veil pro? ill'
! mal
Ice protect!'
ea for nil evildoers nr
rrve the opprobrium ??huh ?ros
he heaped upon it for
our m
?. eted '
'? -rit t:m< the sooth??.;
r. ?if ???te ?!th\?
* 'he hreskers upo
? we ?.!??? er ?f four.derin
I - IS CO!
? ?i *pesce-s<
anv ? .turning th
,? M> Boj To 1?
tion for a son
To n
Public All PowerfsL
"Befon san pet fund
Before he cm
? Congi
-\\ ? ? h.? Sun* of Veteran
do t. ii' plorable condi
?- President in thii
' our moral ?.up
: criticism unlesi
oi.r active support tr
? wherever pos
"Third ? m to our repre.
si that they mus!
t''|i t?1 correct oui
weakness by providing ti.r an adi
navy und both laffleientlj
?th equipment and munition?
? ?
.:*h I>evelop our Sons of Vet?
eran? reserve and make it a greater
liv? policy th:m
G. A. R. Ranks Salute Caissons
Passing to Arlington.
Washing-ton. Si Pull military
honors to-day wire accorded fourteen
unidentified victims ?no lost their
lives when the I'nlted States t-ub
msrine F-?i mysteriously sank at the
? ce to Honolulu harbor some
months ago. They were buried in the
Arlington National Cemetery.
As the flag-draped caissons were
drawn . ? irlvaala Avenue from
the Washington Navy Yard to Arling?
ton thousands of Civil War veteran?,
ai.d ol the Grand Army
of the Pt'i
?icovcrvd tl
There were twentv-one men aboard
: ?? I oui bod ies were iden
?...7 i i elsarwt.1 re. The
? sd, in
g three whee bodies never were
recovered, i.re given by the Navy De?
partment ii? follows: Officers, I.ieu
red A. Ede, of Reno, N'ev.,
who F-4, and P-iisigti
Timol Kenl
rk G. Buck, Ta
coma. Wssl rnest C. Cauvin, N'ew
s; Harley Coh i tie, Wal
ter F. F. ( ort Worth, Tex.;
Geor?e I. Pr?*'h, ?Portland, Ore ; V"?.
.. ?n Francisco; r ?i ?
Term ; Francis M. Hugh*
se; Albert h
1 ' is, Mo.; Archie H. Lunge;
Pernee 1. Moore, r,?r?T?n '
l'en n ; W, B. Nelson, New York;
erarri, l.averne, (al ; Henry A.
Wither?, S?-. Dien, (si., and Fr*d
r: c\ i, \ n an, Bl I on s
Seerr'ary I>anifls. Assistant {WretarT
Rooeevell an?! a large delegation ,?t
naval ofVrers. Including tlie members
of the ailvi?.ory round!, atten?1i'?l th?
?enrices Mrs, K?1o, widow o' Lieu?
tenant Kdc. and relative? of ?everal
- of the F-4 victims also were
(nil? it i'araalte and Hint on AH Dean
Springfield. 111., Sept. 2S. The cab?
aret was condemned as the parasite of
of the Liquor Dealer*' Protective As?
sociation of Illinois here to-day by Neil
Bonner, <?f Philadelphia, president of
* r Liquoi Desle? Asaocisti?
Amci ?
\ ? ? i?! stimulation of the traile
I be discouraged," ???id Mr. Bon
i ? r. "Wo can hav?> ciean saloor
by forcing the elimination of all ?leal
? o do not abide hy the regula?
tions of the community in which they
?i ic licensed."
Jury f.xcused Ponding Decision
on Dismissing Murder
en union cloak makers charge?!
with murder left the court room grin
t.ir.g yest-rdav af'ernnon when, at the
1 conclusion of the ptople's case, the
? jurv was excused until to-morrow to
' i <?rmit th? court to hear arguments on
I u moti?.n to dismiss the ?ndictment.
Ordinarily such motions are made
more as n matter ? f form and promptly <
Thev had been told by their lawyers |
thai t'"- ehanesi were good that four
??7' them would bo freed without putting
In any defenco, and that for the
the outlook was almost as br I I
Forme? Judge William M K. Olcott, I
one of th?? seven lawyers handling the
for the union leaner?, m making
? motion said there wbh no evidence ,
-hex? thi?t Solomon M?t?. Isidor
Au spitz, Julius ?A'oulf and Abraham
: fer htiil any actual participation
in the assault on Morns Liebowitz,
the deceased, an?i that the evidence
was so conflicting that it warran*?' :
dismissing 'h1-' tasa.
"The people have failed to establish
piracy bv the defendants,"
counsel continued, "and mero presence
j :it the scene of the crime, in the ab
r?:' any proof of a conspiraev, ;
would be insufficient to eonviel tl
The judge replied that "If there were
1 proof of a conspiracy then there
be reason to hold all of the defendants.
> To my mind there doesn't seem to 1"'
i sufficient proof of conspiracy. The
witneeaei for the people agree ?.'.out
striking the blow, though they disagree
I on things not so material. May not the
jury conclude their testimony is all
the more truthful because they do dif?
fer on some points und do not *
actly agree? I will reserve decision
on the motion. My opinion now is that
the motion rhould be denied as to the
1 three and granted as to the four."
- ?
Hul Magistrate Nolan, Afl??r Hearing
laB'-ver, Said "Sixty Days."
Eug? - ?ch, aged fifty, a law?
yer, of 181 West K(3d Street, was ar?
raigned in the night court last night
for using abusive language toward
John N. Royal, a negro candidate for
alderman In the Twenty-first District.
"All that I said against Royal was
he wai a pusillanimous, scurrilous,
rituperous, poisonous viper," pretested
"Sixty days in the workhouse," said
?..te Nolan.
Patrpftnet omd Assist?mes of
Utnan R-aaKlJ, Ethel Bart-ftsiore, Mav Itr-aHn, Oraca C?*?r?-a?s, Mart*
Tempr-st. Piiuline Frederick. Blanche hates, El??e Jenk, turn ?Cowl
M?rth? Hedtnan, Eteie Mnrkay. Matie TXarri. Mar? pKklord. Ha**!
Tmwn. Hilds Spot*?*, Man Rui. Uae Sel?rvn, l^oub? Rutter, Violet
Hemmt,, Krt-llv Patiat I>v,?v Humphries An:?* Meredith. Emma
Janvtaar, Ann M'ir -? ?;>U-?. Olive Tell, Krandn? Laurimona,
Clady? Hanaon, Lillian Albertaon, I"Wl>e F'-at?-, Marie Fanchcmettl.
L-tu.i^ Atwoorl. huthet.tte L? Sa?e, C??or>rU C'atne, May d* IHousa,
Gal! Kane, lusepld'ie .'-rake, Pegt?y Wot?-'. Emma Frohman, Aim*
-?Ce Mt, (.race Valentine, Mane Carroll. Charlotte LillariJ,
Sara Dial?. Mildred Knlu^daon. and Daniel Frohman. FVfsvla-su
Actor? Fund
"Yesterday or To-Morrow"
ftte||?>d by Jufian Mitchell 8-c-tuMr-v t*ty Joa?ph Urbtan
and in a-rMition
will t-?TM?-erTt a unique concert of ?cenas
FHtT tTK?st heatrttfxil mannequins in America will disi>i*y for the ftrst tint* the
original ?rr-ratkm? of the -axeatest cl^rim in the world.
OKheastra 9?.(Xl fc>ree? Circle ?1.00 Baloony 80 c?snts
Bos Se.aU & -SO anri $8.00
tMU nom oa Ml? M (-?.motr? ?all, Traoa'a, *!rj-Brte?**?, and at Ih? ?m?*? ?(
111? >???? York Ololxi. Tt r>?T St ?LOd 11 W llax Bt
Bronx Widow Obeys Court
Order and ?Moves Out
with Purring Retinue.
Eleven Kittens Sent to Country.
While Parents Oo with Mis?
tress to New Home.
"The moro - ma- Xne ?,0?',.r
? ?
gu.-ta Dsvis, the woman .?.'h {??-.
cat?, yesterday,
hi i earth 1; to move
apartmenl ai i??7i p?, ,- \
rhe Bronx. A
her until E o'clock t0 remore h
: longing?, and at that hour ail but thr.e
of her p.'s ?ver.- off ;..r the <
She ?..-.
? ? .- away.
"I'? ? ? I !?,vin' the ? .
hem's tor eight y? BIS," ,;,! Mri '
in her Southern ?
newly packed trunk and p< tted K
and Jackie, fn, flourishing mei
<?f the family founded by N'.:.,
proud gran.Im. -her of eleven kittens.
"No. I never did bare fort'
family's now a- ? ever was.
I'm thinkin' 111 hare te give the kit
away t<? friends who will taue
car?? of them."
Two weeks ago a dispossess notice
wsj given Mr*, lia.,*, because, >
?he janitor mat ecause
she apent all her time and room
the cat instead of tl ?
dren. Mrs. Daei baby boys
before her busband died. When the
f.r.-t notice was annulled by the ?
the second one was giren her. no she
decided to tn?ive to the West
"I've been v?-:y ?grateful to the little
hem's," .-he Mid. "I like to think of
thi'in as bein's rather than ;,:;
They are | children ; ?
(me of the fifty lettei
ceired since : nblished 'hat I
would move was from a man ?'.ho , 1
that if I could take care of forty cats
he wanted me to come and take ?are of
him and his children!
"A theatrical manager gave m?' an
offer, but I wouldn't do that. Besid? s,
my cats don't know any tucks. ?
are just as --mart as dog., but harder
to teach trick-?. A cat i- cleaner and
has much more pride than n dog,
cat is as selfish as a women
have lots of qualities like women.
Now there's th?
the bad qualities of a cat but none of
the redeeming features."
In her ne* apartment on the
Mrs. Darla is plan::
only the tin-.:.i >?,?- The kittens
have already been sent away some
where in the
High Voltage Home To lie Chief Ex?
hibit at Palace Expoeltioa.
I ? the recent diacorerer of the
"dearest girl in the world" (lause, be?
fore he annoui eel the fact to her, long
enough to attend iii?? Electrical Exposi?
tion coming to the Grand ?'entrai l'al
; , on Octohei ?', and inspect the wife
home displayed there a* an en?
couragement to tottering bachelors.
The hand that rocke the cra.ll?) may
stili rale tiie world, hut judg ng I
model apartmenl to be
force mai* I amone by
Frank! son i- running it a
close seeond Packed away in a .
room and a bath and dl .:? are
electrical der ice hing all of
the comforts of home, plus a lew not
usually found there.
There are washing machines, ?1: h
washers, electric irons, garbage In?
cinerators ami stores, an lee i
freezer, a niano, sewing mach ire? and
fans, all opera!? .1 bj ? led i
as a dictagraph, an electric bath cabi?
net and a mseaagc couch.
Most of these dericea perform their
work automatical!v. While the ad?
herent of -inirle bliaa II beim ?
trically massaged he may, by trie proc?
esa of touching a few buttons. |
his trousers, boil bis coffee, v.a-h his
clothes, play his piano end dirt;,'
ters, and at the same time beat Ins
shaving water, ebill his morning grape?
fruit and cook his breakfast
Look out. Cupid. Tl chair :
will get y?m Vet.
?jggg >-<" v3
Woman Suffrage Tarty.
Hear, Mr? H ? T l'i.? ?' Ht**} L ?_?__? Si
TetSS tot Wcn.r . RteUum I. 7u Will ?irtet. Out
drr,r ?peaMi.g.
Noon Wh SlWltrlT District, atrmt tnr?-tl'f i:
. Streri ?:.'. I rtfa A
2;00 P. M. I.th A-' !?? D-triet mwtlnf et
off, .???? sud raptan ? ?? --- tail .??<?"-m ?-<?:...' -
Vet' er I II?,I
7:30 P. M. I I ? ? I I
8 00 P. M. . ?? > ?Un? ?I
TV, i. ? -a mm ? ? | .'??'? '?? Chair*
mai ?III i Mu i
8:0C P. M. ???. I?l?rr1?t. ir.-- . ?
- h ? ?htlr
? . i - i
8:00 P. M. ' ? \
. ! aik.iii. Cbalnaan,
HMKI P. M. I A.-- ' :?? --. UIK-Jl.f ?t
? ? ??' an 1 r ? .r A.c.'i? ? . .
M.-s M ir> 1 l?h-"l
8'.'5 P. M. - I ASiMBblj I? ?'rM. ?U?* BKWtlng
a? Nu'.?' Assail? ?r. i a irr. t-- mi sad u Sh*ra?u
A.i r . ? -
8)0 P. M Dt?Mrict. m*-*Unj ?t
1 rita Striai ?? 1 s-i. ., Aoi.u?.
8:10 P. M. ? ? , I Ij'rti-.. ai??rt::.f ?:
j ..,.?: i un
1:30 P. M. Setta A?, nbb IHitrtt. ?tr?rt mi??
In? ?i l..?njrr.- Place ? I H ith r I?
8iJ P. M. > ? Ditet
I'J ?
1 t? 2 P. M. / . ? I - ? ?
fr,..' et ?,.,:?? .? 1 .
8?j P. M.
?' -
I . 'I
Women's Political t'nion.
12 N??n WOSMII'I I
"Wlnnfr " Ki'i. Btr*?t
M" Mary '
12 N-?? VS. - ? 1 S?oa
torU! Dlftrlrt. Iillii imw I
? Mr? M?al .-????. M -? ?*?
'j:*i P. M. . stenal I
a at
S P. M. -Kll. mbi! *.?J I'l. ". - i?- ? I?
Itlh s-r.a- *:'., - Mr. Man
Ml? K.
8 P. M. H" ' -el ?n?
Tl ? An? .' -.? ' " I
8 P. M.- 21?' '
h'r- ?IM-?' I
8 P. M. ? W ?
'.? . i
V P. M. . >
?. ? ir h?ii"? Ml.?
- :,;.i??. MtM ?la? Wtn.rr
Weekly Export Figures.
The exports of merchandise from the
Port of New York, officially I
the Custom House, for the I
September 25, an
against $41,494,101 th?
an?l I20.08M3- in tl
period last year :> 1
115 ':?
the corresponding period last year.
?, ?
i ??
llrlll?!? p.??
i *i ' Am?ft ?
? ' .ambit .
' t .
?.? ? -
I .?V
I ' ?
I a . -
I'lfO t> PUM
II ::? :
? N '??>
I 7M
Itaiy .... I.T4S.S3I \?x??u-Ja
.. - -m .- -
Former Champion Hits
Bat? Streak in Short
Game at Greenwich.
Carter, l eu is. Mars.nn ami
Mudge to Clash in the Semi
I Inal Round.
? ?
? ?
noon by Dudley II. Mu I 1
in the national amateur rhai :
Th'. ? final
round ?rere PI p V. <;. Cai ???>, oi
aid M. Lewi*, of I'.i l|
Maxwell R. Marston, of Ba i
Mudge, who will
aorastl a here," laughed Oui
met after i Grant
me out. and
now M
1 of an In
?' < > u i -
'hat the former
amateur cl amp on I
mcntini-; somewhat but, whste- ?
? u
id ;.ii adi ; ? ? lome
twenty yard off the I but on the
? mn>ter.
On the srrnti.i, .'or in tance, 0 .iniet'?
iron | murk and
he n.led I for th?* I ole. Mu<i?re
hsd ' ilty m getting his B.
1 Hi th - ihol
bou t ti
: g putt in
the bar*rs*.in, whereas Mudge:, from be?
hind th<! ehocolsti .:i".ds to th??
? ? pin.
Th' ?id h ii<' ?n succession
that 0 ith going to
the 1 idger b<
t lie Boston man laid himself a il
. wide on his approach putt.
S up at the turn, go
: / OUt in 40 *'? 1'?.
Although isl Im
b, iiuimet
? i -nti" tha - ad i
. for Mudge also <'.nl some im
own account. The
: on the fifteenth
he flaj_
an down the putt for s 2.
Tii. cardi follow:
- I 4 3 In
, || 14
? '
1 her.- wi ? ? lei of "blow ho*
and blow cold" by Lewii
against Gardiner W. Whits, of Flush
ing, i ther by Henry J. Top?
? ?' the home club, playing in the
Lewis eliminated White only after
ried to the
home ? ? e Plui hing man won
four out of tin' ? . after
wnich Lewis came to lie and won the
2 -.IP at the
tur,i, going out la 88,
... ter that
the Rldgefteld lad
Is, even on
?i-yard fourteenth, there he holed
? mi sards. He
\?-o:?, : . enth and eig'f
and the match, going round in "i,
to White's
Mai l'a friend.? beli
c ? i stunting to tha*
? diction li' il
lid quickly And ?
nmon-.- mateur golfi in the
land. So far thli lesson "Eeggis" ha?
Topping wen! out in n sgsinit Mor
ton !.. Fearey, of Oakland, but cams
home flying In I ? than par
and winning by i up and ?'( to play.
One aurprisi wai r In
which .lohn M. Ward. ,.'? basi ball fame,
R. I", -oni. Ward'.- n
7 and 6. Later, Ward
irried the
. reen tte he
gsvi way, rhe Garden < ity mas has
be n troul I on with
n.iirht be called " rl ?y horse"
for the last two years, but then' was
del. of -7 yesterday. Marston
?v hi] ? \\ aid was
on!v i s-roke or I
The Greenwich Country I'luh had
the i : .-ni : 7* at dinner last
rieht in the clubhouse. There were '?
about ?xty in attei 'lance.
(iuin?i't will for the
Men. ? Philadelphia, to
ready for the Lesley Cup matches
on Friday and Saturday,
wa :
Its T I, linbiartl
p .a?-. I'hlllp ?.'Hi i. I e?l Car"?
: ?
Y?le. C up ?ml ' to rplaj : . M I.ewl?,
If, I
'??...' \ i
M Wll
Tal?. 7 tulla-atl ?
-, ??. ? Bui
and 4 to I I . i '..
' '
- brat n .? ? :. J up aad l ?
i. i
r <;*??Ui
. up i :t) '
? ?
u. jel '? up; B i. - "- i
? h -? >-?? ein?--? un
> . ? ? .? ? *
. up ?i- ! ?o i
I W p ,j ran
...... ...
. . rat i
" . ' l aj it
! -?., . ' . 1 *?.'??*'
> * ? - . r m n i
nti. ?. Wee Bui
, I ?*?r
? . i ?I (env?en, il
? ,
?. ? . ip ' 1? ?vie?' ;
. . , ...
: . '
Reals Mrs. Howard Whitney in
Tourney at Piping Rock.
Kei : Ing up ?he good work started
when she capture?! ?he medal in the |
qualifying round, Mrs, C. C, Auchin- '
the chief trophy in the Pip?
ing Rock g"lf tournament yesterday by
defeating Mrs. Howard F Whitney, of
Itt, 4 up and 8 to play In the de
ciiive match.
The winner as well as nearly all the
ts in this tournament
.?? club, el*
I eight Mrs. C. P.
iob part in a rather
unusual match, represented the Urea?.
? iolf Club.
Ziegler and Mrs. W. I>. Straight,
of Piping Rock, were so erenly matched
the round found the
pair i
Going t" the nineteenth Mrs. Straight
drove ne thought was out
?if bounds. The Piping Rock woman.
how? it as in bounds, with
tending that the question he
committee to decide, The
lalved, a.* was the next? but
Mrs. Straii ne 1 ' ? tint.
If a ruli ig ii m..?I?? against Mr?j.
-hr ,.i the nineteenth the match
? ? h?r opponent.
[n I e? nth hole medal play
. iap Mr.?. Philip Boyer of the
home club won with a card of 103
6 97,
The stimmnrv and scores follow:
? Fir??, liebt, i '? C. C Au.-.vn
. ? ? i II. t.? M
p i m n i Mm. H ?ward r.
\ir, i H (jaddarS. ??r?tt
I m test Mrs. Wl.u
round - Mr? w i>
Un. i. a ?lesa l'u
Hn. I > Eltfler,
, ' ? U
) . . ?.
. Il'p. >>?i
Mr? Pblllp H re? I": ?? e ?torA . ?n>
.Mr? W i, I
, l'.v k II? II 1"1
i n h : ? -i l??.
Hi, v. . . , _, IS 111
The Golf Club of the Engineers' Club
of New York ran oiT its monthly tourna
m? it, yesterday, at the Scarsilale Golf
and Country club with the usual rari?
ety of competitions. Foursomei were
in order in the morning, with J. G.
Wright and Leigh Best the winner?
with a card of 184 30 164. Paul Mc
Junkin an?! M. T. 1'alen were second
witl 199 40 169.
Later in the ?ay a medal play handi?
cap in three clasaes was run off. K. I.
Small showed the way In Claaa A with
94 12 82, and Wharton Green tooK
second prize with ?tl 8 B8.
In Class H the 92 ?20 72 of II. ?*..
H ay ward waa the best, while G. E.
Sljre \''i 16 77 came in for second.
Charles M. Wales led tTie third division
with 103 SO 78. second award going
to H. S. Loud with 10'.? 34 7.r>.
1 ? ?-'n Best also won the individual
prize for t*birty-six holes, his card read?
ing 182 28 164. He had rounds of
?39 arid 93. R. G. Hughes carried off the
eighteen hole selected score prize with
7'J, and ?V. W. Nicho!? was the buc
cenfui competitor in the flag competi?
The next tournament of the club will
be held on October 19 at the Montclair
Club. It will mark the close of
the season end will be folio??-?! by th*
annual dinrer in the home of the club
in West 10th Stl
Makes Hole in One as
Scots Win Golf Match
In the com-, of ? team match ?be?
tween the Scottish-American (iolf Club
and the New York Golf Club at V'a?i
Cortlandt Park. W. T. Chamberlain
mude the short eighth hole in one
stroke. The match was won by the
Following is the summary:
nSH-AMI i;l> \.s I M.u JOBK i.'ot.r
GOLF 1*1.1 ii
... 1 ".- I ... ?)
..ii I..... *
J I? A? ?an.1 If-Mirj s fille? .... o
; H n ;?? ?. ,i i r.
A 11 K la .... i .i ? ... I
J ? .: ' ?Il T ? pua. 1
.'- ... 0 J H I rm.-r . 1
n i' ?. M irlorb . 1
1 ? n ' '?'- . . 0
I.".-m!i . 'j ', - ... 4
l M MUIaa . 0 lia? i m ? , ? ? : . i
. 1 B 1 ... S
T, < Peten ..1 l'A ' . .* vr.. 0
a. Donald lis i'-"i?
? s Richmond. * H Im:??.1
J I j'I?.0 W T ?'hunlv-rUln. .. I
? .1 Dr. A s Wllaen ?
i - ,r ?rrtoon .... '?> t. T M:: ism ,
y.r.tlrte .... # U. H. C ; l.-.t-r .... 1
. ... : ?? ? ptell . n
TVil .... .1'', TSUI i
A 'I
? ? ??'sht.
it.; S wan m 1 irl u I; sllulit.
4 U
? ?rlflln?
10 ;?" ?l ??, A--: ur ?? ; 1*1. ?n.u ?'?ui'.i.n; $1?.
l?i?? lt.; M Jj?er; ?light.
. on ?? ; Mr? Adlor; trtfll t
. - trifling
1 ??> I Mulberry ?t : track: p. Hro-u.
... . '? -
i ?o- i ?? r.'iii? Laaaovj ?-.i(.t.
?--a ?
New Building Plans.
The Bronx.
CLINTON AV ? ?'.. I ?') oriel norte.
.1 if'
- M W Del Oau 11". ? ?! Tr
.' ?? ?
OVERINll ST ? e iyt s- Bi-awad'i if 1 ?t?
.. an Htm i? ii.n??ii 1541
'?' D (leadlo, 401 Tre
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v.KER. Jr.,
: Arfcaa
?aa ?aa
.' ?. R S S"BEKT??"N. p a ?tl on r?
unA 11a?.
f K FOatDB Maaaasd Star?"., to North
? a
? II Rlir.W M.'J.. t.. Bureau of Tarrt?
? '
Aimivi u
??P?: 71 ..rrnaa.
-. F ?an.-ja?*??
at I.? Vu. Hector at <"?pej
lit '<?.', 14*
?aid H |?| ? Bamer
? ?, i ?? .. Prfi ? V- 'a.
a- Lai
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fAept IR? Abroma.-?. tram *?-' T r? ?ar: ?
I.?. Hart?'?a ' r *a. I |
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l. ?. ? . ? :ila i M
i 4?i ? ? Bar for Wb <?? . ? i ?
is?. Veatal. fruui Laatwrl romt fur Hampton
$3,000,000 FIFTH
Clarence Payne Now
Owner of Former
Wilson Property.
Traders Continue Prominent in
Many Promising Sections
of the City.
Clarence Payne, ?*f California, who
has in the last .?'?r become a prominent
figure in ti;?- ?oca! resit y world, for
about | I, sght yesterday the
southeast enrnor of tM It and Fifth
On the aits there was up to a few
weeks ago a house, which was once
owned, ". ?.* said.Jiy "Boss" William M.
Tweed, ?.?ter it was the residence of
the late R. T. Wilson. A sixteen ?tory
bu il ?1 ir: ir is being erected on the plot.
It will baca i thi Guaranty Building,
after tho Guaranty Trust Company,
which has a twenty-one year liase of
the .-?tore, bsseneut and first floor and
which will pay a rental of $75,000 a
The purchase was made from the 611
Fifth Avenus Corporation, comprising
Harr.4 and Maurice Mandelbautu and
Mr. Payne owns the P-rixton apart?
ments on West Tl'th st. and the prep
ei t\ 383 Tarn as i
The a and I story houses at 240-2-M
West . owned by the
Forty-third Street Associates, Inc., ha-.?*
? ? ly formed
Scheldna Realty i orporstion. Stoddard
J Mark attornej . represent both com?
The I'rix* . . ?tion Company.
Edwin 8. Brickner, president, has
? ? ? *
Simpson, at 952 Lexington av.. a 6 story
and basement bouse on "-. The
sale was i - ise A Kllt
man si I . Read A Co., the lat
t if represi Williams, attor?
ney for the 1er. With this purchaso
the bu? ? i 0x71 feet
The Metropolitan Life Insurance
: the six-story non?
itor apartment house, on plot 4ux
101, st the - ntheast corner of Seventh
av. and 146th St. The buyer is tha
McMorrow r.ngineerinr; A Construction
Company, which was represented in the
deal by SlsWBOn ?V Hobbs.
Samuel A. Herzog, who recently com
; und sohl hitfh-gnide apartment
buildings In tho Park a-.-. section, has
enlarged the sits "i' a 13 itory apart?
ment .structure he is preparing to build
at the louthwesl eorner of 58th it and
Park av. II?- has bought through
Slawson ?-?? Hobbs, who accumul?t?
site which includes the its
late Henry H. Rogers, the private house
at 52 East fron Charl
. of the law i':rm of Merrill, Rog?
ers A 1 ' n y
The Oesting Building Company,
which recently completed seven I story
i pai ? mei ? on Andrew?, av.,
in the West Bronx section, ne:>.r the
grounds of the New York University,
have sold in cash deals five of the
Each of the
houses eover a ] .ear 17."h
st., and ..re fully rented. l"he res] ?
sales are lOpi ai ?! 1918 Andri
to Rote I. y, li IT and 1921 Andrews sv.
to William Dsuth, and 1928 Andrews
, av. to May C. Mel ich.
The sellers acquired the land over a
year ago at the auction held by Joseph
P. Day of the Henneasey estate, and
;:re now erecting five similar houses in
the rear, froi til ,: oa Loring Place. The
brokers were William H. Melieh and
Juiin 1'. Dauth. The princip?is were
represented bj Adolph ? Henry Bloch,
The newly formed Ardsn Construe
tion Compa ight fr?>m Eber
hardt A Podgur the plot, 100x108, on
the west side if Tit-bout av., 102 feet
sou'ii of Fordham road. Two high
. 8 story apartment houses will
be erected on the plot. The sellers re
eently completed ?two apartment houses,
abutting on Valentine av., which are
fully tenanted.
Th" Becker-Building Corporation has
purchssed from Carrie - Weiss the
p*lot, ,J0\100, on th ? le of Haven
a*.,, "p?" lite Ground w ill be
broken immediately for the erection of
a 5 st rj apartment house, for which
tha sellar sgre ta to advance a building
loan of 127,000. We.,-hier & Kohn, at?
torneys, repri tented the Becker Com
psny in the transaction.
Smith & Phelpe have ?old for the
Level Realty Company, Maurice Miller,
president, the ? story apartment known
as 2520 Crest?n av., near Fordham road.
Size, 4:1x70. This il ono of live apart?
ment houses recently completed by the
Level Realty Company.
Cahn A Pittman have purchased
from the Sirrom Reslty Company, the
vacant plot known as the southwest
corner of Tremont at.'! Morris riv-., i'l
? 104, irregular, on which they will lut?
es as a tax
payi r. MeLernon Bros, wire the
Reports Reflect DemanJ for
Choice Apartments in Pop?
ular Districts.
Douglas L Elliman A Co. report that
the following houses, of which they
are agenta, have been fully rented from
October li SU i'.-r?. av., near 53d ?t.,
owned hv Clarence Payne; 3U9 Park
i.-.., Mut?sssl corner of Mth st; aW
Park av., northwest corner of 54th st.,
owned by S. PullortOB Weaver; i~> East
* , adjoining the ne?- Colony Club
structure, owned by* the Potter
?fordecsi Syndicats; 688 Park av.,
?outheast corner of ?'?>th ?t., owned by
Robert 8. Minturn: <>V> Park av.,
. o?v.ned by
?ity Corporation; 122
-, .<?*??.?? i by David Dows; :?>
? tl It, owned by Mrs. P.oher' S.
it ??ith st., owned
by the Stare Construction Company.
These building?, which have all been
erected within the last two or three
years, contain nearly 2?0 apartments,
rentals run ?ring from $l.O'0 to
$1 ?J.i'fiO a year. ;* being in
D nan A I have leased
t in the new b .
i Park av., cor- r of Mth st, to
i ? completes the
ting p. v. hies was re
cently ?old by S..truel A. Hereo?; to
. jr. Als'j leased a
large apartment of fourteen rooms and
four baths, furnished for season, in
the Vero I 1th st.. for Lewis
B. Pr. '. to Prod ?V. Gordon.
Commercial Rcntali.
? srstoia .'. Lisnokis .ia\ leased th1?
:,vay half ?If'.h floor,
III ling, to the
Royal Adjustment Company; space
*..n. Aiiami
?.?ton A, Bogan* offices
,.t 4J Union Square for Stephen H.
Tyng A Co. to Leon Godcheaux Cloth
1 ing Company; tha store and basamant
at 324 F!?* h er. to If. C. Fer?*?_ion*
? ?pace at 45*1 Fourth av to !
? ?Ter; officea a: ,;17 V :>h I
fth ?v. to Heimat
- .
offlcea at 1161 Broadway te
\ eet, Bel .aniin Criauli and
Charles F. Noyei Company ha?
leased for the Leer? ?
h aalte
in 1-V) Broadway to Jacoh J Don
and Marry Denlo; also f.- I
owners office* or? the eixth fl?>or
Maiden Lane to Jacob H. Leff.
Realty Notes.
P?*a?e ? Klliman have re?
Cryatal i Sor.? ??(.ne?
?t. to the Emeraon Thono^
-or, Sneyer? * Co. ha?.
kn?,.?n a? "Anj-ie I.o ige," a? |
Long t
?.. Prendergaet 11 the buyer
i leasehold property h
n }'.
Sale? at Auction.
At 14 Vesey gt.:
?7TH ST. 1\ "
?nd ?
Htsav er . .
Hr B-??p t.
U7TH ?T. Ml
. m*A i? i??j
aouiHf RN BLVD. ":??:??.
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I?-- igf r .' ?
TriitfiM ?mi Aiilgnn>?n?. -1 .
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Ti?tipo,-_r> A??l|n,n-nt\ igt ? I! B
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p m : I W. F. He
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: j Plora l lib, 1 ?" D* 1
Lea?'? of AbtMrt
4P :n . "? :
l.iy. I ?. ?
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II?. . ' ?
1',- ? . ? _r.l**.l I,? |MM
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!ll?p ?? I ? a
'.It?; It' I .1 l:
'??'. I !
?util J J Cttmlst
w. r i. ....
? .. ? \ 1
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Full Pay Whiff en Si? f?'l>o?-t ?p--r???d .?
n . A ,( .7 la I ' !? ? .>
' ? -
\ Kaon t* I
I Advincfnerti to Grid??, fl
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man, I
M I. K
Uff.?*, ?"ii t 11 r.? i*
I Ml' . . S J K r . ?
' '
?VT.-. M,i, I, A. S
? r ? ?
Retlined. PU? \ ?. ?
ikikoi ?.H ?>i niK ii:;?)N\.
The West Bron:.
Most Healthful and Attractive
Community in New York.
If You Live Here
3 to 7 Rooms, $20 to $60.
Tin ,',t?B way ? .
lias- ??:ir.l ?.11 flirt
, ..iir?e Sew I.'X
I : , I to Pol iham. :o n ?
12nd St; I te 1
Road, then walk WEST to ? I ?
? _ _^?^^^^..^???.
WKaST nide.
73 WEST 92D ST. _
Large Rooms, $50.00
.;:. i*.?,- retad .loaet
? k r.. ?:; ti- -? ?? 1
1 ?
Agf.t ?
KEMPE & CO., ' s" Bro"-u
215 W. 5l?t Rt. ?net 224 VV. ?12* St.
net*) r and Hall Bot i
A'.imr.ilit-, of J-4-5 ?',
1720 lo 11.200 ?? ? ?
l.\ST SI11E.
550 PARK AVENUE, ?%?? ft'
7 aoom a ntm. u^M^t.iM,
1-?reproof ; all ihm hi ttmtmtm.
M u JttSSI.
?f r*s*t home by Iriiurlr-* ?
your pr? a, ? W<
jereey and i'..>?-ki?n.i Count) rea
ml?*?. In?.?-.?' >...ir ta? Ii ,:? in 1
:i.,rtg?a?-i? They .,r- a?', ?
for l'a :.?\i
North Jetaey Till?? Ineuranre ? .?_
Mai ?jenenck, N J
N T Rep. ?,I_..VN h ? ? ?-. B'?v.
on* family houaea and choice 1. . ..
; lota at privat* aale, a large ?
Of NE**A ?UHK, ?
r.,-?*i of twe rorporatlor. ?
aett?M at ahoul 10% i,t t -.
lioi mi - re ? ,. . ?
poaite ??r?nta TOBtb), w.m.r.
iniiiui. .< of Manhattan.
An laaaeetlea of thta? prep?"-t'?? win
coavlac? y,,u that th?> ara -gnu-nial bar?
gain* Liberal teraw Tit ? ?juaram?? Pol?
icy fra?
Eor further <,? ?all? an.l t?r-u?. lUriu
II1-7..I D. MAMUT. Special Deputy 7-upL
Of i??-,K-, . ar- ,f Hur.kina? I ?., ai Uii?ot,
! ?1 brua.lw?), S>?? V..rk ,',?y _
( .1 MKY l-UillKl.r..
L'outr, M?,?? lalarmtn?* 1res ?* mSSSS**Sa tar?
er. Li?' ^?er? 1f?<l I ?.I ?ru? S ?t '? ????.
? o..- ?r, II. r?>? 9mlaat ? **? He) m. 1>il ??XI UaX
? a_____?^_---?---?--?-?--??-??
MMMH ?H or -AMI \i ; vv
16 East 75th Street
Pour ??"tt Hi*???" ne.sa f>w?ll *,?. >>?'.*? Im
im.t. flinil??,?.l ?>? tutti -?r? ut raer?
, ?
rum. i
?IIMI KM lt??-l < ??I I IN
Creel? I IU.| .'Uli M.
2,101 FIFTH AV.
Tour ? U let.
? ' ?? I 7 \ ? ' r ,
ELEVEN H????? . lt.
Hen? ???? . .at.
? Kl II.-.il t ni. l'i'il'.VM, UV U'?^