Newspaper Page Text
Moderation in Thrift 71t. ? ' ' Join. Mil ?r& (o. ??Is Odd Lots Mr ml.--- I I Start I ii liana?. ?" ?? !llllllllll!inillllllll!in!<'-!!:il!illllt!llllil! One Share?or P more - ? " - ? ii.ii SHELDON. MORGAN AMD COMPANY I I Broadharay, New Yor.t Unrecognized Causes of the Advance in COTTON - .. Letter 226" skorf, Lyon & Co. Y E?fhatn?. ale. 33 New St. ( New York Ordnance Stocks ?etna [?plosives Atlas Powder Do Pont Powder Powder Q I I'osmor & Webb ' llr,.,,l Ht . V Y. I Municipal Bonds Ywlding from 4.25 to4.70r; 33 Km St, New York Amrrican Light & Traction Empire O.atrut Elrttii. Stnndard Ga? &,, Utah Sccuritie? I ? le ?>"> t.. M'Maaf A Mul??-? I-I..I .?'. .?.I , H.F.McCONNELLACO? M ttmi M Irl .,1 I Joliu. Nr? i or?. i?l l>??trr o? inte r?t on Triangle Film 4575 Broad. EDWARD E. EPPS & CO. min ? 1 ? 1 tot m 11,1 Sem Werk MARKET NEWS AND COMMENT {?lirions Speculation on Merger Rumors?Late Prices Lower. PUBLIC STIU. Bn>; MUCH DISTRIBUTION Near.) 1.700.000 Shares Dealt in Baldwin's I rratic Course Disturbs List. ? ? ? : ?Via* i ? The rr I * ? - ? ! to get it? ? r.lrr indu?. ? might ?? company l :h recent]?, .'.ar!> red. ?An?? or. a tremendoui hour ? rate of well sbo1 ? i ? ? . ?urpn?;?inK pre ? ? liai wai a! ".'n'lav. but ?? r h' ;' ? market, cxr.'od by the reraark of late, ?ho*.?-' ' itlon. Fron ? native brol ? ? that m warn cu<=tomrr= to take let 1 was wide?] ? p heavy. Baldwin ' n provide.! - ' Issl 114 thi dsj before wes ? i'clock it went from 130 to - . rite between ig back 12 i quickly th7-in it had risen, and ?OtllP close ince by Baldwin ? for moat other irregular, considerably below the . ;?.s of ; :i. 4 a: re were com m or ra of 1 he market. and iron ? a dye i r? it thai ten its were ac : ' ? ? time. Our country aloi " ? greet riSHoi . p in? ri .1 i ??? el governmenti engsged tures .- are compelled to adnpt n where the ? breed ?peculation. ? such aecui rketi arc dan 1 ? know i which itocki sre being bought I' to -ell at Harket K"?"-ip ;? ? I t l'a;. '.' to concern? which ar ? it munitioi ill largely wai ? The i an ? it may be I at me of which trsdi will not ? list. In the excitement of yestei merger market r? ''? aii rVnglo ?? might loon be ex ? rece!? i .it '-??'? 't i? knowi ?.une of the se hich the count?**/ hsi beei ling out in- : of * he new loan at Isfaetory however, and ? ? : . Int ., lured. Ster c lste after ? ng lower si pel <". from the . *,* victorien in . *.-. I ?: \i,l m Till i RIB! Ms I l-T ?ir lili i in it mi ?? ?-?l.t.rtilirr !8, ? ??l.T'la? ? ? ??i?.f I IS.SM rtrplrmb. r '" 11 '.69 : On? ?nk ago . I"- Ml nil?- ineiith aga . 107,733 .lui? Mi. I"ll.IfM. 42? llcli XiiKii-t . .in?. 133 1...?? (of \uc-.i-t . IM.S0t I r lui?.ISS.SS0 I ?it? fur .I'll.?.101.?I?, ll>Kh tut tmmt. 188.811 1?.?? f,.i .line. ISA 888 Hach toa Mu?.. . . Ill -,33 I.?,?? fin Milt.101. ,V>0 Bagfl f'T \->rll . HI M| I ?>?? fur \|?ri 1 .107 ,*li7 Hitch fi.r Mm-h .. .KiK.10? I.,? fn. M i"h.' . in.*.-,.*.?, Miel. (Of l.imun .IM.7M Lam t?r I rti ii.ii ,.IS1.1S4 Hlajh f'.r Jaaa .r? .1"k Stl 1 ? >? t i ' i-i i ir? . .If] SSI Hielt. Hi?? far, 191ft . 11 . MM I m?, tiiu? f-i 1918 lot. IS! High, t. u teat, mil .i ,1.181 l <i>?. i,ill ?. ,.t ru i in -, A?, I It M i "? I 111 I Klltt \| .*?. I 1st ?h i n 11 \ ? i\!ii?!i?i\i? S|?t,|nl,rr IS, ??'?,?1,1,11'? , ?>, ,t, ui.rr :7 inn ??.ri. ne?! r:, hi,. "'.I? ."'!> ?'??" . ?i-.'j IS. i'ii . i? High fer \ icii-l . i >, t. r lagaal . Hull t r Inl? . | ut? li.r .luit . MJ?l High t'.r leur . I nu fur .li.iir . llir.ii fee Ma] . le? fer Mi?.74 476 Husk i .i \i "i . ? I rta li.r \|.t ;l . ,. I II ?h fur M ,r, li . **.?, |M i? >? f'.r Ma-trek. . is nx? liik-ii tat Veut mit ? . I ?>?? fur tekn ami ? . llii.ii fee I ii"i.iM . I ">? fei laue * . -?m 7;t> II" i ' . . 1818 . Mich, inn .?'-..'. i'?ii laOW, lull )?ar. l-.lll . 67.4*7 THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TI |s|?\>. 81 ill MBEi IS, IflS T.ilal sale?, of Mori?..? Tur??l??. 1 ???.??.*>?mi. agalael l.O'.l.iOO Httaday, MMN h meas ..go; Stork F.xrhanu?? rlnso?l a >??ir ;??<?. I r?"ii l.iiin.irv 1 I? ?lite, 111.773. . met '?,.1-., inn a ? a?*?). i u> I. Open. II : v ?? - . 32 32% Alii halmei 19,400 45 I ' : 77% :?? - 1%; 75% "6% 4 ?Am. ' . .'???? . ir. ?t ? ' 65% : 63% I An Can pi. '" - - ? - '? ' '. - . Product ' ?,151 ?162% V-. Cotton 0 ?Am.f'oi ? ?_ 'VI M de f. Leather . ; - '-'- 13 Hide A Leather pr, F ? ? 60% I ce Sec u r i I . ' - i . ? 20 i- r ?;?>*?? i'.< ? :. 300 35 it + % '* i live . ' ? - ? ? ' ? . 1" - \ . pi 100 ' 100 1 100 99 1"! . 7% 7 Vi? 7Vi> 7<14 I Am. Malt pi . i An melting. - . ? ? ? ?? r pr. '.'"? 1"- ? Hi IM 1":' . : ? B - . , - ' *i 2 A i 58 % . I . . . ' . ? ' V? 109 7 An . - 11?. M?'. Il?'? ? 1 116 117 ft Tel. * ? ' ? - 125*4 ? ' pr, ne? . . 300 110 110 1 I?? 110 % I"'1'*; lUi'i Am. Woolen etl ... 10? ??' 61% % 61 An. 4 - 1 . ? 62% ; ; . ? 95 :? A 95 - % 94% ;*4'\ , Papei pr. ? ? . ?'??'?? <?? ln - Ai ?nda . I - ? i % 73% ? fitcl ?n . 3,. 104 ? % 103% t't'i'* ?V :: pr. ... - 1"" tl"7* . A' i ? ? ( oasl Lin? . 500 111 112 11" 110 - 1% IMS Ml : ; ? ir.' l-?? .11'? ?Locomotive pr 700 109% 111 I".'-. Ill :? Baltimor? ?v Ohio. 10.41 ? ? -? ?"?'?. I Baltimore A Ohio pr... 1,400 74% 74% 7'? 74% ? Bal ning. 700 I % t% iVi 1% - 'A? 1'?i ? : . 365 1 7 Bethlehem Steal pr.... 100 165 165 165 165 ? 5'_ 155 176 is Brooklyn Rapid Transit B0i - -? B4% 84% 1 84% 85 Bul ? - . v.'1-. ? % .'?'.< .r'!'?a Browi . 10 33 33 4 30 87 7 !Br? i r. 100 84 84 I 84 ? 84 i + 1 3 1 Co. 200; 81 81 31 31 29 ?31V?. Petroleum.: 4,200 20% 20% 19 20 % 19 ? 20*4 7 Cal, Petroleum pr. 40? 16 46% 16 46% -i'?; < - 00; 11 168 161 161% 1% 161*14 161% : 3 Central ?Leather. 11.6(H) 51% 62 50!. 61% % ."?1 ?'?1 t\ 7 Central Leather pr. 100 107 107 107 107 106-% 108 ( I,? | Ohio_ 4 61 '? 60% j Uton. 100 15 16 15 15 ? 2 l" 15 Western.... 'J"" 13 13 13 13 l?i 18% Chi. Greal Western pr. l,i 0 33 % 4 (hi.. Mi] .v St Paul. . 2,100 ?8 B8 B" 87 1% - . . . ?ft St Paul pr \ 125% 124?. 125 ? '< 124% 125 7 I hi. & North Western.. i l-'.'1'- 128V? 128' I ? 128 ? 129 Chi., R.I. ? Pacific... 8,600 20% 20% 20 20% 4 20% 20% C, C., C. ?J SI 1. 101 86 86 8 A 36 Chino Con. Copper. 8,900 45% 46% 45% 4.".T- ? % a;,.. A;,ti 4 Cluett Peabody. 100 70 70 70 70 - 6 7?? 7."? s Colo. ?Fuel ft iron pr... 118,100 66% 63% 56% 62 . 7 52% 63 tinental Can. 8,500 ?4% 94% 93% 93% ? % i':l:> ?.<?'. 7 Continental Can pr....' 800 107% 10 107% 107 . - % 1"7:; 108 0 Consolidated Gas. 8,200 181 131% I % 129% 130 Corn Products. 14,600 20 20% 19 I 19 . 19 I"1* 5 ? lorn Products pr. 60 Bfl ?? ?' ?- - 86% Crex Carpet Co. 30(1 4?? 40% 40 10 5 38 15 Crucible Steel. 32.600 102 103% 100% 101% 101% 101% 7 Crucible Steel pr. 1,800 11?) 11- ll'i 11" ? % 11"1:: 111 Cuban-Am. Sugar. 200 119% 119% 117 2 11- 119% 7 Cul ?? Sugar pr.. 100 10*_?\ 102 - 102 - 102 a - % 102 102% ?ar? ?ft Hudson... lOi 144 lU 144 111 142 146 Denver ft Rio Gr. pr... 100 11% 11% 11% 11% - % 7 Del on. 10 127% 127% 127 12.% 125 127% I g Securities.... :2 34% 31% 33 ? 2% 32% S3 .:.!.,.?... ; 22%? % .,.? i Dul.? S. S. & AtUirac . 100 6 6 G 6 - % 8 7 4 El? Battery... 8,000 7?? 78 ' . 71 1% 7". 76 l.i,. . 21.900 33 38 Ii-1-: 82% ?* 32% :i-T Erie Ut -r. 7,800 52% 63 62% 62% % 52% 62% Kric -d pr. 500 11 II 41% % 41 41% i lical . 120 2! 289% + 1% 286 290 - General Electric . 8,. 17- :,:, 17C T.1?. 176 176 General Motor? . 2,100 365 875 65 - 2 360 365 7 General Motors pr. 500 114% 116 114 ; 115 '??? 114% 115% rich, B. F. '.'.''"' 72 12% 70% 71 % 7n"H 71 7 Croat Northern pr. 2.200 121% 121% 121 121 7- 121 121% Gt, '."i"1 Ore tubs. .. ? ? 2% 48% '.- . 16 Gugg? : : . 5,800 ? 3% 67 65% I 66% I ' r. Havana E. ft.. L ?V I?... 100 100 1O0 1"" I 1 100 E Illinois Central. 1O0-107 107 107 107 106 10' Int. Apricu!. 600 19 19 18% 19 '; 19 20 I-.t. Agricul. pr. . a 38% <\_ : ., i-7. r. Con. I ... 20% % 20% 20% 6 Inter, ?'on. pr. 300 74% 7. . % Inspiration Copper.... 62,1 *% 36 37% 1% :;7:. 37 . li.t? i -Metropolita i .... 600 .:"\ 20% 20% 20% % 20% 20% I DI? ' ' ,??.,,. rat?1 Mich Lo* ehge H d ter. Her ' ' T . i ? ! ? , :. Inter Hsnr. Corp. 5.19 . I ? 70 Inter. I'apcr .i 200 10?*? il 10% 11 4 10*4 :? li ?? ? Paper pr. BOO 10 10% 40H 40% ? in Inter. Nickel .I 60( 1*1 I? 1214 !14 l 0 K,',- ' r. .1 .1 100 ? Ksi si City Southern ' . l'A 1 Kansas City South, pr. S00 SI 01 01 01 Lackawanna Steel. 24300 BO B24 794 'I7?, f 3-Vij 7 I.aclede (in?. 1"" 1024 1024 1024 102% | '. 101 t Lake Erie ?S. West pr.. I<X 21 '? 1% 2 '?'" in Lehigfa Va!|eV.' 1,900 14?4 147 1454 1454 1% 146 I Long Island. 200 18 .- 18 7 Lor il lard, P .. 100 Hi 110 11? II? ? 2 1124 1 :? Loui rille I ' ? hville BO 1224 1224 I :. May P. - ? ? ? .'.??.. 7 May Dept Stores pr.. I1"' 9? 9? ' I 9? I Maxwell Motor . 5,. B2%| 3% i 7? ?3 7 Maxwell Motor tit pr 1,000 93 93 92 92 : Mai 2d pr. 1.600 17 17 : I? Mexican Petroleum_ 10,800 914 914 i ?? 14 ? ' 00 Misml Con. Copper_ 0,200 '- ?? 7 M., St P. A S. S. M. 200 121 121 120 120 , 119 I! 7 M., SI I', ?-i S. s. M. pr. 100 12? 12? j Mo., Kan X. T. xss. . ?,000 S* i 1 14 4 1% Mo., Kan. A Texss pr. 2,100 104 ?i |0\ 104 '? 1" l Miiaourl Pacifie. 800 i 14 t 4 i 2 Montstia Power. 300 -' - - 24 7 "cuit . 200 1214 1 onal Kn * .^tp_ |?,i i 1 S ? 7,001 - ? ? ? ,;ini -, ??- R5 85% 80 N'?vada Con Copper... 2,4)00 144 I! 144 14% 4- ? 14 t lew . ork A - Bi ike . Mon i.,;i : 158 1 158 10 5 '?? v -, ? ral. 0,100 97 974 964 97 ! 974 9 V. Y, N H. * H. 1,20? ? ? 09 :. ? S. Y., Ont. rf Western. 300 '..f m 29 284 2S4 % 2? 6 Norfolk ?. Western.. 8,000 14%'114%'113%. 1 i 14 113% 11 4 Norfolk .??? Western pr. K -' + 1*V< ??*''. - 6 North American. l..I 4 7.1 ..'?? 72% 24 73 7: : Northern Pacific. 2,100 1104 1114 1104 1104 ? 4 1M4 u? Psciflc Msil .I ?? . ? 33 33 33 3 I Pennsylvsnis R. R.' 2,100 ' :" 113% 113 1134 13 III K People's lia*' t. Coks... 300 H 7 117 117 117 4 1164 111 6 Philadelphia Co. 4,600 87*4 . - ,? 88 | 8? P., C., C. t St L.! L00 714 714 71% 71% f 1% 724 71 Pittsburgh Cos?. 14,900 34 37% 34 85% ? I il 31 . 5 Pittsburgh Cos? pr.I 6,:too 104 1054 103 1044 . 2% 1044 10B Pressed Steel i'nr. 31,800 074 7:!-"- 674 72% . 0 7'J4 72 I Pullmsn Palace <ar.... ''.un 1014 161% 160% 160% 1% 160 ?fii Ry. Steel Spring. IK,ion |3% 45% 4:1 45% 2% 15 15 7 Ry. Steel Spring pr_ ion 94 94 '.'-1 94 ? 1 93 94 16 Ray Con. Copper. 5,400 22*? 23% 224 22% 2L'4 22 S Reading .' 8,100 153*4 154 152% 153% % 163 153 Rep. Iron * Steel. 11,600 58 53% 614 534 -24 53% 53 Rep. Iron & Steel or... 000 102% 103% 1 ? 103% 1% 102% 103 >k Island. 200 % % 4 4 % 4 Rock Island pr. 100 4 4 4 % 4 Rumely . 4,500 44 54 44 14 % 44 4 Ruraely pr....,.' 2,100 b 7 74 + 4 74 7 Seaboard Air Line. 1,500 164 164 16 16 - 4 16 16 - Sesbosrd Air Line pr.. 37% 38 37 87 ' 4 37 37 31 LAS. F. 100 ; I 1" 4% 4 l 4? 7 Scar Roebuck. 700 1554 1554 15" 11554 ? 4 155 156 7 Sean Roebuek pr. 100 124% 124% 124% 124 . 1214 125 ??1,1:1. Steel &. I.. 6,600 .".7 r,84 66 67 - 14 67 57* 0 Southern Pacific . 10,900 94% 94% 934 93% % 93* Southern Pacifie ctf*.. 100 1094 1094 1094 1094 4 So. Porto Rieo Sugar.. 160 90 90 90 90 3 88 02 Southern Railway . 0,700 19% 19% 19% 19% 194 19-1 Southern Railway pr.. ?00 674 58% 67 57% 4 .774 ?71 6 Standard Milling pr.... 100 Bl 81 M 81 -1 80 HI 6 Studcbsker .' 15,900 142% 14V? 140% 141% 4 141% 142 7 Studebaker pr.! 300 108% 108% 108% 108% 4 108% 103 12 Tennessee Copper. 82.900 69% 61% 69% 60% r 2% 69% 60 Texai ? Psciflc. 700 12% 12% 11 '-? 11% -i 11% 12 10 Texas Compon;. 1.800 172% 172% 108 16? 5 168 Third Avenue R. R. 3,100 ?8% 58% 57% 58% 4 ?> Union Bag ?v Paper.... ?00 ,': 7:h 7 7 .7 L'nion Bag?*, Paper pr 200 27 27 'J7 J7 25 28 ! Union Pacific . 11,400 133% 133% 132% ! - 1324 132*i 1 union Pacific pr. 200 81% 82 - 4 ?-.?: 1 United ('?car Mfg. . 564 56% 55 56 4 ">~i ?'"'??? United Ry. Invest. 8,100 L'::'.. 244 234 23% 4 23% 234 United P.v. Invest pr.. 100 38% 39 38% 9 38% 89 U. S. Cast I. P. A P.... 6,200 22% 24% 22% 22% ? 14 22% 23 U. S. Css1 1. P. & P. pr 100 46% 46% 45% 4">7- Zr- 11 46 U.S. Kxpre: s . 100 0; 66 66 66 1 66% 66 T. S. Ind. Alcohol. 11,800 96 98 94 95 -4 94 95 U. S. ;:?.!. ?i- Re?.! 600 2% 2% 2% 2% 4 2% 8% U.S. Rubber .I 2.300 :>:t 534 52% 524 4 52'- 53 h U. 8. Ki.ober 1st pr. . . 600 L07 1074 107 1074 :- 107 107' U. S. Steel . 162,100 79% 79% 78% 78% 4 78% 78% 7 U. S. Steel pr. 1,2001114% 114% 114% 114% 's 114% 1144 40 I tsl Coi per. 22,900 ?'?-'- ?7% 6? i 4 68 . Va.-Car. Chemical. 5,400 10% 41% ":?'. ."1 4 39% 41) ?? Va.-Car, Chemicsl pr... 100 108% 1084 1084 1084 1% 108 ? . Virginia Iron, C. A C.. 100 81% 61% 61% 61% 3% 61% 64 Wsbash pr. 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 Weitem Maryland. 200 30% 30% 80 30 % 80 80% ;. Western Union Tel. 900 774 774 774 774 % 77 77% 6 We tinghause Mfg.120,200 123% 120% 122% 1244 1 . 124% 125 7 Westing. Mfg. 1st pr_.. 100 140% 1104 mo'? 1404 . 4 1 m 11:; 7 V.oolwotth . Jill) 108 108 108 ?O* 107 108% Wisconsin ?"entrai. 200 34% 84% 34% 84% - 4 84 0 Willys-Overland. . 2,4001219 225 219 221 3 221 222% Willvs-Pver!.,:,.! ?r.... 100 1084 los 4 jus M, io*?4 1., 1(50 no curb market transaction: Irregular Prices in War Stocl* Oil list More Active Mines Spotty. in n few instand ??ere rai . advanced in yi ' ? generally the market wi irregular. The oil li?t wa? more acl ? with Standard o? New Jersey a featui of trength and activity. It roi to 504, high for the day, to cloi Ivance of '-'?'? point iras 12 poli mall dealings, and Praii i< Pi| ? ? ,1 6 and I.u? ?-."> ?* Pij Line 3. Some of the other oil an i inclined to weaken. War order stocks were uneven. Ii ternational Mercantile Marina ws less active and weak, the common los ing a fraction, while th?- preferred ?1?. elined i? poinl l ake Toi ; heavily dealt in, the coi ir*g nearly 6, and m?,re thai, l points. Submarine Bos ? ov? r ?'.. Di iggs-Seabury 5, ?? hil Tobacco Ii?'. . .... stocks continued ,,,,. r price el ???,-? INDUSTRIALS? ? . ' . ? '..? ? :? 4 ? ? . . ? . ? < . ' . ? ? . 10.00? ? ? _ik ? nl ..f Am ? . ?-. . ? ai i; k k ii < i is ?,4 :?? f H A II. 6 .' . ::i?. ti? I ??? ? i I 111 ? Bl ?\!>\l?'l> OIL SI IBSID1ARIE ? , ? t 'ill I. ?na P I- ? I : I. :' I. I r \ .i u ?m ? ,n RAII KOMIS ? ? ? - ? : '? ' MINING - " ? ? i i ? ? .. ' . . - 11% U MINING ? ?nliniicdl. H ?r. Total ? ? ?|.|?. "?? 31.' 31 ? 1 11-3 < , ' ' . '? ?' ? '? ill.. I1?-c -? ? i ? BONDS. !.. i I ? .197V ?? ?... 7 I .:? ? IS '? IS UlajC ? l*t 7.3 1?!; Ji ? ?? ?? ? ? . ?V ? * ?ACTIVE YESTERDAY. INDI STKlAUi nii Ion Oll '.??? ' ?? K I-..? Sli 9 riel) ?? i ? OH.... :"-? ? ' ? ? ?<* ?-. V ?e. 1... . ? ' ' MININO. ?Arir I? ' Kerr T-ak? . 3?4 ? ? ,: Min ?i?* . I8c ? \ I DA H * IM ta *f< . A Alk. SS 71 '?'j 21 I . IS SHOKT TKKM NOTES. ? Am ? ? ' .- ? ? . -, . . . : Fori-i|(n (???eminent Issue*. Am, ni li ? ' ? Ma i Ml .. ? . ? ? ? ? "? ? ? ? ": ? ? I? till IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. | (*et, a' th?- Poil of - ? a ? Mcatid?', .?ut. M...?.? I.Jl:.77l ?. ?.UL4T? 0?\ THE CONSOLIDATED. Reali-'ing, combined with some bear preaanre, met freak nuyinir on the Con oliilated Stort Exchange und a pood deal of irregularity resulted. Baldwin Locomotive at the top of ad? vance reach??! 145, after an early low of 120, ?riHibl; Steel ?rot as hiprV? as 104 earlv in the ?lay. Colorado Fu?'.. after opening at W*54, advanced to 68. N m thern '"re did not j-et aboi ?? r.?7?. STOCKS. Kai>? "i ?!? ' '?" ? -?? tluka ?.? . II . I . H . ? , ? - . ? '?' I . la I .'?.'- ? i ? . I \a i un..., i 4 i '? 170 An III ??- A !.. . l?'.i ??". '-'? '- ? . . . l.M" A' .1 . ? -'i ?"'. . ' "'? ?..-.1 Am Ha ? Itliil . . ^'\ *7;, tti -, ? ? < . : . : c ?? i i ? ?-i US ?-" i-7'j ?7 ? f>T\ ) n- . ... H T - . - M . ? ? ? il Petroleum ... M -0 19 -, : , , . ? . ? IMS 440 i nitral I.?-?th?r - ? M ,?, SI P... ?? ?S ? ? - . ' , i R I A P.... IS*? 17' ? 1' ? l?S I" I ' . . - . ' ? < ? *?'?'? 10.-. . I A I I 4 . 1.410 ? - . HI 1"? l"i , ? . : ... - 70 Ja lat pref.. 534 - 71*! 7J?, 71 .r . ... 1.4 ? ? , ?. ' 1. 117 . . -.' II? v . I ?? , ?? ? M0 Miami ? 3*S -7? S*J| Mn K A T '?-, "' . . . Ml. ?: l'a - I'-? 4'? 4 . 4 t ???? ?,i KllfJ a-lllll . ? ]1U It Nail .i.a, Lead '. I ". ? '. ? :? , . :?7 ?.? U H T N H A tl ">\ ' ? ?? '? . ?- . IS Km 111 m m m ?i. . I ? ? ' '. 7 130 || 4 '. 4 . . ' ? I 1..I" Itcp Iron A M . ? i . ' ? . 10 , < ? :?. , .?. 140 Third t?- H ?S ? . -~> "?'_ ? : S II ? ? 11 .; h, i - ?... -, . . - - ? 7 - ?. ' ? '?..,?".' 41 41', 4.',H 41'? ? ?BONDS. ?0. t*% -"S T?"*? 90S mimm;. I.SSS Ali. '1 a . 1 -: 1 7 1' ?4 ? ' I. 1 1 - i. Il ? ? ,11 . bat.... I ? ? 1- 1- Ai l. l ?? l . I ? .4 RAILBOAO BQinpMENT BONDS. .'?t 1 a?!? i lim? w ? ?. ? .3 4 l>, i I .1 I ' I . ? ?? ? < ! I ? i ? i -3 4 , - Ne? ? m I t ' IV , il. I ::. I ,'. , ' . ; . . I- ' ? i . . n A Tel " i . ? ? ? ? 4 '?? ? l . . - i. Iran U .? ? ?I 1 Air Lin? 4 -, t 7,1 .1 ? ,-i. I ? ? ? ? :i n-j.... ? ? 4-.' Mrnni?_a Railway ,._i?i??-_> fc.__ LM 4 i. INACTIVE STOCKS. The following tahle gives the closing bid and asked prices for stocks which are listed but which were not dealt in on the Stock Exchange Tuesdsy Bl : Adaau Kip ?. ter i A.n I'--* SU| - i S H SI . :f Pi do pr.'f .. tri Am roa I A C? I IT !?' IM im ? ?-.I, Il . \ M li Hit II A 1- H ? ? \ I ., i A .- ?. Tel Pu ih A AI*. ' ?, A N\V pi 170 ' ? 1' Mi? 113 .1 . prat IIS L'?4 A S SO Itt pf... ?7 do -l pf... W <Y>ru Tunticl.. 10 ? pf. . 92 H?: LAW 111 Dm 8 it <; -?*? do pref 11'a D U A r ?? do pr.rf ii.t A Hack, to do r>r-[ D?t UBI ? . : M t 17 m pf.lio l, u III ? ? II.? I. It I.A.'.' IIom?t?take ..lis Int 11?- M pf ' Iowa Cut .. - .lo pr.'f ? 1?. I 0 I.I.M- 127. Keek k M M I Vi .:,. pref Kr. ??? i? ? do pr?t I. Ir'.- A i.A\l C .? do prrf r. M Bl ill ? ? i \1 .? . . 10? 17.1 III I . 107 "I 4 MO 110 fie - ? - Bl 1 A?k?-?l Staett, ; I 1...? !-." i-' La-aula 11% i ' ' UStl'SMM ; Mor A i 2D lu 151 Va' III- 'il' pi 114 \ r?nami - S ., 1.1.1 |X, ? M lut pf ; !" S???! XV U a'- i ::. 370 \Y Kl , R] u . - i 4 . l'.l ? l'a ? 1:0 , l ?. 131 IV. ri a ' r.o iitcaS'I. S !?-? >l 4-. do M prW . *3 14 1-1 "??? A ' M pu 1.1 Put, --r N J 1" *?? R??.|p.r* 1 ? 177 -M. -? Bf. H D ? SI 1. s \\ Il d pnl II nu h - Il S I- Il .?>?, 41 '? s IIHMAO t ? r Mti.vvi i pf . . . li T '.'. - I. ?.-. , '.'.7 n : T?p Ca 7 ' , I 10 l il.-ar M ' IT? 1" 1U d ' ; :? ,.? >. i - I I ' ? Il rllUljr? In . i si;. !.. au ? II ? Va u .v Po? ? III \ u? d:: DctlB IVi . '?'" tVabaall l.'O \\; , ?t ry-Bru du pr?t ?a - . pf.120 7- -4 ?Ai ..?. .v I. i. 14 ri . ??A 14 ?.| IOS -.7 io: i 14 4" ' I II ? DIVIDENDS DECLARED. ! pr 'M- Pneu . I' 8 Bm He! M pr 'J Champion Ci l'allu? Kl I?t pr . H El M pr.. H W i. | A El pr. <J ?Vernlcke pr '.* "g U Ivr.n <>r.' 1. r ; r tj ? 1. ? ? rretl H ? ?And 1 Hat ei '. T-rm. Hat?*. Payai.1?. ?.,?. . I' -, ? , .. t . Nov. lit) ? ? ? ? ' ???.'t. U ? i,t. ::. ? I ? ? N.iv i', i '"t. IS ? ? ? "t. 4 I Oci Il Mo PITTSBURGH STOCKS. ' up?a Am W Olaes pr lot Am \V l lopr , Hin (Valkei 1 , Bellt :? 4 Mfr- I.t ?t Ht ' . .'.,1 pi 1 C . 4', .in pr I .... 177. l'I't- PI . In ?=?? .?. ?It Wa-athae Air II H.1 BONUS. Ind Hr. ?? lnr ? ? ? 181 ? 1? 18 II IIP, ' 101 ? 11% ? 14* Anaconda Dividend Declared. A quarterly divide ?! "i |1 a share di land I .. the Anaconda i'opner Mining Company, payable No? vember 'JO to Stock of record October '?'?'. The la.?t doclsratiofj H cent.?: a ??hare sn the stock at $?5 par, eijuiva lent to the present declaration of $1 on the new $50 a sbar?* stock. The dividend ralla for a disbursement of I2.3JU60. _.__| I -" Executor Trust? Charterer-: 1822 The Farmers' Loan and Trust Company Nos. lb, 18. 20 & 22 William Street Branch Office, 475 Fifth Avenue New York. LOHDOV, 15 OorkrpTi' S*?, B. W.; 26 Ol-i Broad ItnH E. | PARI3. 41 ^n-il-n-rard H?is*?m<n3 BERLIN, 56 UnW den Lin?.??., lf,| Travelf?rs1 Letters of Credit. Foreign Exchange, Administrator Guardian ULTIMATE OWNERSHIP ' ? -- grado Mvldewi paring ? If ?? ?, a ,,, 'a, ? PARTIAL PAYMENT METHOD ? -, . .?- mo ' a ? ,??{?!.?. ? | tar Tin? plan ' ? '. ?:??? i - ? Harris. Winthrop & C? i tie*. Toi The U.MiUrry 1? U .t11 >l. ( nlrago STANDARD -, WE WILL BUY WE WILL SELL Line 2S 1er*** Pit? 25 8. 0. ?I Ind S 20 Atlantic Reflnln?. ? SO Galona Signal C? n 1 SO Indiana Pip? Lin. 2*j Pra.rla Oil ?V Ga? Pralrla PI?? Lin? Lin?. I ? lana. |,_ ? CARLH.PFORZHE.MfcR&CO. Br-??1. .7 i: _: STOCKS IN OTHER CITIES. BOSTON STOCKS. M1M.N?, Upas Ul*h \ .n.?"k . 9t*S . :. -S ?4-4 , Com ... IS ? _ . .,. im? I ??:? An - ? .. .1,1. t A II?? - I ai& ?i , : i'.atlgr.. .. M 6?? itt? . IIS l-S . 3- ? ?M Uranby . M ?-'S . ti ?. Indiana . *S SH ' -|'"k . . 47.1-. ? . |sl<9 1'.. ?? I ?? . :?'? ? ? :, ? ? 11 . ??? . .:. .7' M'.l. k . 71 . . ? .-.. ? .\r a4lan... io H i '. X? ?? Idrla . 7"'? .ni, Butt? . : - N ?rtl la?..? ... i'. 1'. i.Id Colony ..... IS IS ? ij i Dominion l -I a ?4 . ISO Pond ?'reek .... IT 1714 SOQulncy . iV4 ?-? 4 ?7*o . 3 3S . 7 7 muck '?? -?> Mary'a I?an I ";? ? . 57% I?.., Trinity . *S IS I . 4-!2 . 47 ?' -\ . 71S Con. I'.'"', . I.. Wm?rid . 3 10 ?Volverlo? UAII.:: ??tin ? Alb...Ill H?0 : - I \ ; B? ? 13? i .i?? l". Boot?? & NUiti?* ??.. ? ton A Pr.? . , - .. 43 II l? Nui?? A: Woe I ?7.1M i Colony ..MJ u: 43 tVoot ?Sad st Hy M M : ? do I r.M SI ? - > iss il I 4S ? IS 3:, 7.J SSS l?% n i mt cs 1 4 41 47 3 S 3 M* ' - . IS ? 4 :- ? ? '?-, ?S 13S II - ? 71 1? IS IS - I 3S IS? 13" q in 147 MIS? l.l.I.AM?it S. a ? ? . ,.r !?"? ?; a \v l... |,40fi do p? I ? .., i1 ' i '? . II ;.. pr. ? 30 ?Dominion Bt? '? .? I Ma .1 lo pr IS Morgcnthaloi .. 179 :!?", New En? T?l? . I a If! 4% CO .. MS 3???) Cnlted Fruit ...IMS ? H ?1 . ?? M K .lo pr . ?s liilMIS | .. ? -? ?: .< \v i ? , ?'IS ?. 17 ?'m Vn Pel ! ? - - If! ,?. Co i ? ., , Botrrox ci u ctotsixo. HM Auk. 34S ? .1? '-? - IT'.? 13: 118H wk 134 S ' . -'S a 4 '. N ? ? ? 17' 131 IUS MS 133S 43S I Tl' . MS ?W? . 130 35 44 13^ 147 ?I 34 , ? 4? ? ? . 171 131 ll?S ' i IMS -. ? ?'as 10?' ' Calavera*,... IS ? 'lilff < 'ons.. SS ? M?x M'tal?. Mo lie Nev Potitlas. 7* "? Coopor.. f? IS I Ver?. Extern. tee ! tab Metal??. BM. Ai-k i\ PHILADELPHIA Bala* "i II Am r,aa .10? ? Am M'.llln-* .... ?3 4.. B f .'.- Bum rr. 40 ..ill! ??.,. Work? 4HS ? ami rt-t Stool ? .-'.. r Bal ?, a ? ? ; * ? ? i r .-.--.. An 100 Keyatone T??l 14 STOCKS. utgh. I-*?? 107! 1i?S ?, :- l-'iir Superior... 10 Uehlah Xav ... T7 a h \'al I'ran... in :; ? do pr . kill 53 U Mlnehlll IS Not ? Tontral .... H ill M??.. M h< Penn Bt*?l i r. U Phlla Co .44 Phlla Ki*? . ? m. i! 1,7? ... II ? I '. 17 li It ??n? Imp ??? . II I'nll Coo N J ... . I ft 8 : '. ??'.'. BOXOfl, til ??A? Am Oaa * ki ?'?? *-t " ,. l~ T4 :. \ Coal ' I hila i ., eon le. ?4 lia ?Sloe 4? . 7S.I ? in-A Iron ?^.-?..101 n.oi? ?unit Rjra la? ?"*? ' 43 MS :?'? , , ,\t us 17 II S3 ;?, 47'? MS ? . 4n ttH ??? 75'?? IIS -l'?\ as 14'? ? ' T?S i*% 3?.*?? MS n 04 tfi 44 IMi ? 41', I.? ?' I?? ' 4-S 51'. ft % ns 14 * M ?? . litt . WA n ? 44 '-'S 11?? I ? HS n T4 "I ?? 'I 101 loi TU, Tl |1 IV.? |,M0 5.000 I M ? l.O-'O |,00l BALTIMORE STOCKS. ": lllgli. Is CltlMOa* Bank. i2\ ?. ,????r pr I"-.'?? ' ? . ruoi .-?/ 0?rman*A Ftn 4?' l'i an W | Pwi ?'??, - ipuli i OU .. .', H.irtk ni * A tu.. 34 it i. i ?i k MS liiiMis ?Til.- Rn !?t ?* 94 ; ?i .t I RU ?? .*.? W 1? KS Cona ?'? .?1 r?" ' -, do la . ?ciu ? . ? lt?Jd 4U? T4 Mt vu r* D le 411, l'a K?? W i. I i n i? a g lai . IM ?? 771? M 134 .? 3?S ?4 -? VTV? I0IS ? . ' 41S 7\ '"S 4 *?? K *;s 4" - 134 '74 '? ITS 101S 74 i ?'. !.??? 4-'4 40 :'?? 134 ' T.'4 ?? ? . 101 ', - 74 as 1 ??-. - CHICAGO STOCKS. Bai? 118 r, n ? l?|all Uni .t: ? SI ?VW) 1 .,??* : la 000 ?hi I'll'?? T?K>I kj r*bli Title .% Tr : ? ????m 1 I'lam M ?i ta ! ' llllnol? Brich Mont \\ ir I pr U! Xat <"*arlx!n I ? ?Juakir <>Hta f.r |l Swift A ?'?>.. f?1 L'nlon Carl.l! Ii<i\I>> ?"?hli- Ha? i> . IMS Cale tii? n M ?hi?- i>i<*i> u m% Swift * Co 6a... M III?!? ?IT'? I' MS ll?? 141 11??S " loos M la??? ;:: T? ? ? 103 ?14 S 11] 14?, I1IS 1WS M !.??! 37S 7.?, | MS u.?, 141 I" IUS lois ?US toi?-? r-Ms M A Bricht Fu.ure For Builders of Submarines -- ??' ?- ?-i? ' ?trater] ? 1 ? -?< ??raja. The Lake Torpedo Boat Co. I Bolder* of the E-vtn Keel SubmtHrm) ? "ir??. ne ?F.. V.iylng r*n . , ?; . *-"*?r*S 7' ' Participating First Preferrtsj ? ? 'tlv?aa_ ? * avlni ?D-cBlaal Special Circular on Reqtett Gwynne Brothers 25 Bro.d St., N. Y. Pbooe 3232 BroeJ. Bought?Sold Quoted Lima Locomotive Slattery & Co. Specialists 40 Exchange Place New York| /?*'? ajwVtMM , ' Triangle Film In a special circular just * i its] for distribution s] urns an advanced why this stock -I. I, if bought it ?>r?*-.. ; . tl :;*?> douslj profitable. Vsk for LdH No. \b?. C. VV. HARRIS ?x CO. 80 BROAD ST., N.Y. ?^SU iT?m.t;ii|.,l.'-*H,-nift CarLight&Pflwir \? e have important inlonns tion on this issue. Oscar Alexander & Ci, Telephone Broad 100. 41 Broad Street, New York. Henry Slews S Ci. 1!. IS, 15. 17 ?nil IS Bl'.OMi ST. M KM HI-. Il S V V. raTOCK 1 \t HA.S-?. Stocks and Bond? bought i:id ?SU on commission. Also carried on ?*?????? servative terms. Deposit Access?!? received subject to check at sight Interest paid on daily balances. i\\ K-rMK.NT M.trKiin? iK \\ niK- i i i 11 i - < r ' ki:d?I IlKAII? ON LONDON \M1 I'AKI BRANCH 500 Fifth ' 9-3 Tl Xtt Broadway rr-sn ?* so Unloa .s-juir-? II Court St. i\am. Ontral Stiitr? Klee font * rM* \>ii.-ri.-ini (?u? S. II" Coas. 8 etd. Anirrlrun r.mei- A Mf-ht, I'M. Mandard (.a*. A Kl?*.., loin. S Vti. Oiiliilh MI?on Klr.trlr. I'M. ?.?..??tern I'owrr < orporutlon Com. FREDERIC K. HATCH & CI Hione Brotad .MIO. M Broad M V ".Jg* l'.l.a'? trlfphf'.' t<? 1 ?? m~L W.N.COLER&Ca ' ITABLISHKO l-KO. Investment Banker? ii casta* >i fi? ?<"?>?? ?1* N.w York -'lt> Bonj? ? ","*^--. Wm.A.Read&Co. New York Chicago Philadelphia Boiton Loi i?t f ? J Metropolitan Trust Ct pays ;..terest on .1 balances of inc.'. corporations, and firms. 49 Wall Street The Mechanics & Metall ?National Bank of tli?- t lly of Nr.? Vor?. M N???*?" Mrri-I. Capital. Mirplu. and Protll?. 811 ..??O*?? All WALL STREET re 00W, JONES BULLETINS & TIC Investors THE WALL STREET jour**