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Superbas Lose to Phillies and Last Chance for a Pennant Fades Away I_ Pshillies Kill Hopes Of the Flatbush Fans Win Last Game of ?eason from Superbas, Who Crumble Be= fore Fierce Attack of the League Leaders. By JEROME BEATTY. It wasn't . thai ? mail from Brooklyn W? .,? i th?* wasn't all he would tell you. lit? would i] tl and the ??? r and ajfain turn a? I g Jake I ?a tting .vei . H?- v. ? '?rr'iw your penni ? ' I *? - ' i ?Tl'Ct that tht park would accommodate no lei And he would mutt? r .? fast -.or ha.i. [asm raffed with the straw*hat and the list of tha] eat. Nnw and then one may mumble something und once in a whi> ?something inorh?? nro oui ??i the Dennanl - . lias by . Ilia man te 1 ? ,-nnr.e? ? ?? on* of tha ft n t rae? Hingt taVc?. - I ? Ti ,-' ? ? ? - must heney, from a took ? . ? ? 'hrew mi "' and threw .. ? ctory. ? - - ? . -five. .-.. t'Ut when m with vim . tripla anil a honif run, whs aboard ? plate ahead of ? ? sel li f-xpected to ? ? ..,-'. the R? i Sos at ?ack In th? ei up .?nd a Myei ingled most ??de a g-bas? ?:? two ? a first two out. Pac- | a sin* II the way ' ? Wheal -. him ! - Superbai came hack *. up o'Mara aim i ached loublc to left. a i, ? \\ | ? < 7> What's your hurry ? i .ill overt <><it ? ?i??. ?I. we i? your friend in ii'-<-(i \ variety <>t n?ew Fall o\?i -.its you \*.<>n t lind ???juallcd elsewhere schukjs boastful I >ut it's fa?, t. \ aim* thai you measure in ! >ng ?md satisfactory wear or ' youi money ba< It." \ll\ lli'ni? i Null My full or shapely; r?gulai <>i Raglan; some with !>t.ud; some silk lined to edge. Our "Scotch Mists." by the way. COON in all sizes from 32 to 54 chest. Fall overcoats. $18 to $40. Fall Derbies and Soft Hats, including th?- "Stetson Spe? cials" the pride of the Stet? son shops; we alone have them in New York. Fall Furnishings and Fall ?hoes. ROQEU Pi i r Company Broadway Broadway atl3tl.St. -The at 34-h St. Four Broadway Corners" Fifth Ave at Warren at 41st St. Automobiles ^ Japanned in 3 Days i Japanning of Lvrr- UmtUti. Ail I ?.or?. | FICKIJNC FNAMFLING CORP id I ?Wahptot A.- ,,,, a\ i?,i?i.<l ?'ity r?a UT?. Fiatbush Weeps PHILADELPHIA N.L. BROOKLYN N ?L ? >? po a r ab r h po ? ? Sto?-. So I I I 1 I 0 OMiri is .', I I I 4 0 Ban.-i-oft. ??2214. r> 4 0 I 10 I 0 Pa???rt rt... | | | 3 0 I Si.-i i. rl ' i 0 4 i 0 i ,..?'.. rt Uli 0 ?Vhial If 100 0 01 Ludoruv Ib 300 6 0 ? Cuiih.?. 2k. 4 . ?< it a C I ? 0 i M?* ? .? ' 2 0 I C 0 l i 0 Ni? - ' Burn? r 4 0 17 10 ( ?f i* 4 2 3 2 I t ? -? a i i? 0 o 2 b ?Vil 10 1.21 Chnniv ?. I o ? l ?? n ? 0*11. p o ?? o o i o ?Ol?on 0 Ou Mail? p 0 0 0 0 10 |-Mummil I ' ? 0 0 0 Toral? 29 t? H 27 7 I Total? ?(??tli?) for Chrn?> In t?,? isvtnlh lnrl-ig for Dfll In ?he ?rv?nth inning. IB?tlrd '?r Mal?? l" IM ninth 1-r.lnp. r? lladolphla t 0 I 0 I S I I S?* Brook l?n . 9 , ' ?i i o I?? Two ba?K? hit??Whlttod. Burn? Daub*--?. ? ?? Thrr?-b?M Mt*?8t(K* (,0t.- Homr ms? r,?t/. Stolfn baari? Bancroft 2, ?amrd run*?Phlla?!?? phi?. I; Brooklyn. Nlrhoff. Sarrltti-?? fllr??P-.-- S Olatn. Left ?n bsci?Philadelphia ? Brocken. 7, FI II lia?? on ?rror? Philadelphia 0? Ch?ne>. 2. ofl D?ll 2 oft Mall?, ? r?* > in B Inrirg. oft D?ll. I In 2 Innlns? oft Mall?. 2 In 2 I Struck out?B, Ci.fnr-, ti, ?>?-ll I. by Man?. i b) i" ..?i'.r? 8 Wild p11--?? r?? Chalmtn :. L'n-plrr??Klrm and Em?ilf. TI ????--. made a bad thro?? laubert ? i. A . c he seul' . fly. Scoring two more runs, the PI took the lea?! In the third. Bai ? tie second an?! tallii . ? ravhth's drive through Cutihaw. Two ? ere out and I ;??? al h Luderui . ? . who sel h Luderus reached third, bul Stengel caugl I ed'a fly. In the 7.fih Bancn , Mil? ler'? high throw. Paski ce fly scored Bancroft Wheezer Doll started pitching in the' l ? ? a run. Si ball was i and. at to catch Sto? aw threw wild. ad throw. . Brooklyn'? third i .- and m the ninth run skipping down th? ... ? and the ball rolled almo tie fence. Mails, who is ? left hander, did his first work for Bro? ???-.. II? labored dui 11 and - ? run of the season ai ? with the ? t the 1 to-day. N? season in Philade . Baseball by Night May ?lave to Wait Night baseball hi the Brooklyn Fed? eral ?League grounds, which was t? luced to '.i< public t< m a scheduled gai ? lyn and I'- i as been ?I?' . |, and il ? doubtful if th? will have an opportunity ? Lack of time for the completion of workmen have delayed the project The . board in et id the ? then at th?- end ndstand, are In position, but ghti arc not j el im tailed. II?,j ?? i- held out ths be tinished by Sal Tip Top? anil the Anal gam?- of the White Sox Win in Tenth Toledo, Sepl - \rner irai ! semi-pi en inn Inga hm- t?. ?lay, the White Sos. nu,g by a acora of -i to 2. n n y. Ohio III i . ? ?>? !???? Walal a . y?r?r .- ? ?u, ( ur Phillies and Red Sox in Same Boat line game now ?li.nd? between th* rhlllie? Hiol Hie Niilionul l*ilgne p. n n?nt Brooklyn*' l??t rhnnr* fn.led <*? trrdt.? ?lull l?o?l?.n li"?? l.l?>? U? tli* ?, .? of 1'it Mat??'? men If lb* Urn?*, ?.in e?.r. ?me of Ibelr nine Og gem'? and Fhlllle** I"-'- IB* .m n th?? line In ida? lb* ?t?lldlng read ?on. I..?t I t ST r,? Philadelphia ?" 81 '?'? rhla - .'"I bop* for I he ??nrlil? ,.. ' ?till ? i" i"- if ""? |-|,i.n ib.- Brate? in Boatoa, to? il.? Ih? Hghl .-.>?' No doubl ?I ?*aa ??III gu. ?Il ? "o|. i Hi. oin.ortimit , In ? lira? b Hi? |.. Mini, lb* ?'"i"' rotnlltmn obtain? 111 Ih* .garrir?n League rue*. i?ni? one l-iiii. aland? helare? th?* HeiHon Bed v,.x ?,,,1 II,. II ,_. II III.-? |OM the ..??.n game? ?till p**?lbl* to phi? aad I hi 1 .?."- ? "i I heir font th? v\ . ?I l.m it? .m "IT . !. in. . TIGERS HAVE SLIM CHANCE FOR PENNANT Miut Oil .i Hands of Johnson Almost a Death Blow/. Walter .lohn ,.f 3 ' ' i obb, in th?- Initial In thr las? hi? '? ij *. Binfl?, ???nihle \\ :, ? I Milan's hit bounded over Cobb'i heml run. Tr.c score WAffla! I I'l.TR'iIT A I. ' ?I r h p" ? * ? . 18 1 I ; ? II? ... 4 0 10 1 1.10 ' . , fi (I ? 41 ??...] i . ? TnttI t ? ' ? > t 'Hailed for noooionii-i d t -0 ' Three II i, ? ? ? ? ' I . ? ' . ... CUBS MAKE IT FOUR STRAIGHT FROM REDS Four Home Runs Figure Largely in Their Double Victory. ' ? 28 '! he ("hicacn ' ? from Clncil - - Of ll ilcll ? 7 tn 3 and ;. to n i . ;. all by Chicago play? ers, were i ftei -.oon, 1 il afe. I the Cubs went nning, when ? ir runs, a l*a<l which irereome. II? -n the sec? ond gi g against a de cision - <;AMr. i nu A',n in. t ' ;??< iNNATi v i .- b po ?? ,. . .... . ?- ?. 1 . 4 l ? ? I ? . ?. n u ? - . . II 10 . ...- . 21*110 ... 0 ?0|\v._, ? . 0 1 'i ' I 0 1 J i 7 I I .. ' . i ? i ? ,li i,a\ii; ? lit? < IM INNAT1 I i 1 ? e g ? ? ?? . - . . I . * i " a i i I I !'.l ? . I ? .. . 2 0 ll : ? * o i a . |*1 0 ou ?le? 1. . ??? ?? ? .-- ? ? I ? . ?Ball d for 8 ? 'll.:. fi.r i. ,488818881?8 | V : ? Bi Dust from the Base Lines By JEKOME BEATTT. Hy Meyers yentenlay ?tood directlv under a fly from the hat of Luderus and let the ball pop out of his hands. On the other hand, in the first inning Oeorge Cutshaw sent a singing drive , to right field, ("ravath made a running leap for .t And In 1 f>atch it, either. "Iaook at thi? National I-et?v. for fourth place," said the man ?h? gets up the standings of tl ? night. "Yesterday Cincinnati v.u.? in fourth plarc, and they played a ?: header and dropped to .-ixth. To-dav they played a double header and droppeii into last place." "(?reu* gum I the boxing editor s doul ? row "" I ,, ;? th? standing? t.nd? that Cincinnati ? venth pla? ? . can't drop ml of the '?? : all, i The Cub.-, who won those two double header? f'uni Cincinnati, ? mbed h two days from last placa to a fie foi fourth. ! ? i Giants, I ??? I ?r are not the persot. i Cuba are t.ed How wide :? the hoau plato? Some person Innocently n-k?-" that qua of a crow?! of baseball im;? yesterdaj One said I?? teen and one said sixteen. And the; j wer?, nil men who know baseball. They 'were all wrong, we found by ? .: in the ratebook. How wido do you thnk it is? All is n??t sunshine for the manager oner. I 'itisans <?f St Ma., whai ?.illies -..| I'at Mor-, ,- . ulating him W h?'D ho gat ,*7" St !'? ? on?- tl ? omc up and ??hake hii I and sty: "Dont you remember my . Mi. Moran. I'm the fellow wh?> | ?,u a card with '(iood luck, from Bill,1 written on it " Since you want to know, the home ?i inches wide. ??. Inquirer No, when the ; iay baseball at night they ? ? iMirh a light woulil tit? o'T the ? when ' : to hti?l a base. nly the Phillies lit? from now ui and Bl no, If ? ? only on? ro elubs will !?<? tied. ? - BAHBALL. ?V4?MIN0TP?i PARK ? M .. >? lla.a.i !?_- i . , ? Al?. " - - .By BRIGGS KELLY?Going /7om^^_ NEWARK FEDS BOW TO REBELS Baron Knetzer, Former Superba, Holds Jersey Nine to Two Hits. "*????-?. ? ?, Km Tit Pittsburgh, Sept. 23. Raron Knet rer, once a memher of the Hrookly7i Superha?. increased the Pittsburgh .ht lead in the pennant race when he held the Newark Feds The score of the wai 7 to 2 in favor of the home team. Botl made bj the came in the sixth tnning, when New? ark got nil its runs. Rariden, the catcher, got the first safety, a sizzlert over secoml base, ?ieorge WhitfehoUSO? then tallied him with a triple to right i field. Whitehouse alsu scored on in out. Knetzer issued four passes, but these he kept well separated. Knr! Mose ? ? ? **lth nine -.??les ?luring his six-inning . mound. He -vas suc ? by Milliard. Pittsburgh con eentrated all itj scoring m th? and -i?iIi innings, clinching th?' gam? in th. Frame with three mi ? Billiard a- ! ?. *l* ? were wild. and received i o?,r support. The score follows: l'l . : MH "'.II I 1. N'.MAUK F I. ? : I. pul? afi r h po a ? I '. 4 Wl ?Iiouivj. rt 7i 1 . . 11 - t . . . -, fer, lb . Ill I j 0 t ; l 1 u? Rou.fa .-f III I II I 111 1 0I.ap.irt?-. :b III . 11 lili -? 131 . : . ; n mo i m ? ; 3 *? ? " i i I i i ? i p. 11 ? ? : 11 m -.: ; ?i \l . >. p ?es i i I ?rd. P r i? i i -.?.? . i n ? -4'. innnoinni? i ? ? e ? ? i ? a?i ? Y? r-? \ ? I tubursh, ? l. ? i ?., 7?.- art i ' , - ?? IT Bllll ? ?- ? ? ? n. ?ff HI lard 1 i ?. ?i -? i . : gmmsm : ''? -?? .a . i . i?, Bnaosa sad UulUn ni_* - ; Entries for To-day at Havre de Grace FIRST HA?T Hi t ? ?? '.? -??> lets old? ana Ilnr?. V.? Ifo-ra?. ?Tl ?Marl rt? A .....HI ?iiu? . ?: ? u letu . all rprist *?_ . \:i Bar i??- or . . ? - IM 101 Tra- .? S'rei. '.I* .. H:r^x . I? i ? .????! :, ?p? 1M ? ? ???? ? U '.'? ?r. t'lr thre* ... ' ? ..- i " - Husk . . 147 roe* . las i :??.<? A ,1,?. ;?' IMS r, ,-,?, . mini? nan leums, ir i?a)??riii_, ?.?? r_.i a l.alf I 1M Sai 'mart . 1?>I 10*. Pr ??rrrrer . 101 ? ?' < uva?.IO? ?Hlfti 11 rea.IM ? I ?ar?. ?Nf.ii .. loi Wat? ? tha .. lof I?', ?Til ItAIT, TT.a ?Hr___-Wi fie ? ? I lia a.".,! a ?ti n I ?. i?-, a Wall ?,al ?- II : - . . I 11 :11 . .-.-. -.. - v ? ? 1 -* ? ' *:'- ?J ~? ... Ill . A*l.m??d? !?? "I .. a r ?SI ?1 -. ? 1"' ?Janiioll? . 10} i? - .* : ?1 ? ..???-? Jr . : ? ? ,.l*t star, l\ar-en < KA?T, Far i- tat fu.-lon?? '? >? t ? ' 1",5 1 i _ ? - MOORE GETS GOOD LEAD AT BILLIARDS Defeats Huey in First Hl?>ck of Fifty Points. ?.eorge W. M??ore. three cu?hion-car rom b ard ' ampion <?f the world, William hallenger, last night in the hall of the Now V.irk Theatre, in II V--I II \l I 1 ?.- i..i? to day IK U Olaala >? Bruokljn?Au.I Results of Games in Three Leagues and Standing of the Battling Teams I -? NATIONAL LEAGUE. i, .Ml? toii.w. nrofikHn nl New York. I'lilludi'lplilil ut It. < im Illimti ut I blcagn. RUUlaVI OF (?1MIS YLSTI KI>\V. I'hllnlelphla. fli HronUltn. 4. ( lih nun, 7; I mrinniitt, .I. I lil'llg.i, 8j I in. inniiil 0. s \Tio\\t. LKAOtTE sTAMUMi. ?v. I.. P.C. M I i* < I'll il '? ? ? mi .'iH9 Chleaga 70 IS .473 Bo*lon 'b mi. 841 -?t. I .mi? 70 '.'.i .478 Brooklyn 71 mi -VU , < im inii.iii on hii .his ','.< .171 N.?? \ork ?7 78 ,46. the first block of fifty points. Moore clicked off his total of fifty points in eighty-five inninK"., while Huey was able to pet together h total of onlv forty ? oiiits. natch will continue to-night and AMERICAN LEAGUE, i.AMi.?? rO-OAT, ITa?hlnglaa al Philadelphia. I bleage at Cleveland. BEAI IT? 01 OAMES YESTEBDAT. \lu?liiii|{luii. |j Drlroll. 0. A.MKKIfW IT.ll.l I RI WHIM,. Mil- \\. I . P.C. n.i?tnn i**!? 18 .688 New "i nrk 88 81 .Hi? lletroit, !'7 53 .'.17 SI. loin- '?.' 88 I!'' Chicago 88 m ..-,iii I'let-eland 57 '?>: ..'?- ( ?Taah'gtoa 81 88 .925 Phlla 4u in? .-.71 to-morrow night, with the champion* and the liamond championship emblem to go to the winner. Neither man seemed able to get fuli control of the ivory spheres last night, and the pmo dragged along for more FEDERAL LEAGUE. (? \MF.N TO-DAY. Il' -T il., nt ll'-ooki? ii. Chicago at Plttabnrgh. k .: - .? City ai St. LotjIv RFSrr.TS OF OAMFS TESTKRDAT. rilt.liiirgli, 7; Nrwi.rk. 9. haJiias ( Ity, Il Baltimore, B. PEDEBAL IF.-XOrP. t?TAvnn?*o. W . 1. P.C. \Y. L. P.C. PUUb-irgh 81 68 ..".71 Newark ,..75 71 .414 M I .ni!? .85 68 .868 lliirTalo ..72 78.480 l hlrago 81 A* Mt llrooklyn. 70 80 .407 Kan. ? i'- .a M ????'?" H'titinii.raviii UM .sil than two hours. Huey went Into the load In the seventh inning, and it wa? not until the twenty-third that the champion caught and passed him, aided t'y a ran of "i, in which he took tho around the table several times. HORSES RUN TO FORM AT HAVRE DE GRACE TRACK Ormesdale Shows at Best and Wins Handicap for Two-Year-Olds. [Tit T'i'trraph ?\e T ? Havre de ?.rnc, Md., '-. ?? f* -? days horses run to form, snd one of ' , -,, jj? one other that was well *riou-?ht er romped home like trsinerl {?-.,.-,?, taJ th* cr?,wd in the stands went *-?ayw?lI satis?K'i. To s'art the afternoon, L S. Tho?v son's Forum won wi*h length*! ?o span In the first race, a?. . t.?,;? ^ longs. Then R. T ' -mn-ltl?) r?c d SUrtling - - <???,?,.| off th? rush of Sprint, an if woo the handicap for two-rear o as, ?t tlr* and a half furlongs, by a r ; , i ig, looking son of On M?dchen gave away weight to evarr. n his field, ar.d r.iced in tofM? thing like the form he showed early 1* the season, when he was called one *t the best of the young -.-r?. He Will had an easier ? n * *h*n anal In winning his third ra?-r of ?ho m?Mt* ?ng. the Princeton Si!,:- ? -'?aitts, ?j| three-quarters of a ? ,- Van_-?j Notions and Sarsenet went to ?he poet with the son of Heno Naujjrry Lady, Tho sprinter from the Oneek STabf? held trie lead to the stretch turn only on sufferance, for when Lilley ? hook m He Will he came away handily enoufA. Roybonrn, which can no lor,f?r h ?allod little, stood a long drive, u4 : outgamed Hedge, from the Hailenbetk Stable, in the mile and seventy ysr?Js selling hand'?*ap. It was a dull day for J. W. Hodrtak | for, although ha had his Kapler In this race, he did not offer a bid ?In fast, kt j did not make one all da;. Gloaming was tho last 'avorlte taatt I homo, and he beat bette.? *>?n thi ?M?? dinary lot of platers in a ra!.e and M*>? 1 <*nty yards race for three year-olds a_4 1 upward which had not won at this meeting. Old Guy Fisher, who i?*mi '? to take kindly to Maryland sir sa4 '? water, fought ft out with rim is tho j stretch, and held the others safely. Getaway day and the meeting Laurel are looming up. Four can I horses wer. shipped to-day to that , track. The Investigation of the rerersal ?if ? form shown by E. MeBrlde's Tom El? : ward yisterday has gone ortr until ' Th.irsday. and the hor?e is In to-s.IT I row at the same distance. His per* \ formance will be watched with s bit more than the usual interest. I lint rso? iecl'.lnf. ttisf-saar? ?>'?1? and ttrntH: I tr? an?, a half fur.,.??? J- v.T.. LM T Mrtat fart), 2 to 1, ena a;.d 1 to 1. ?si, P.a.'merme 05 Ryu.'. 30 to 1. I to 1 ar.d ? to 1. ttsmt; I Vlmo.?. M ?rolltn?), 17-0 to 1. 4. -o 7 iM 31 t?l i third. Tim?, i Of 4-5 H?r-, lur.ior. hmt ; Wuny, Ei.?ol Bet. Mar?.ar.d ?ilr , '-.?_ Ijtu _7 l Light* Out. ?Jr?at BurprlM. Ll.j One? IB*) botta l siso ran. Becor.d ra?-? (handicap; two-?-?: - ,-' i ; half fur.oi.fil- Ortoeadals. HI Mia*? 4 _ j, : 1 to 4 ar.d out. we?. Sprint, 17 IJ V Ti*s?i?). t to i. eren and out, HKor.d. St?: I 3 to 1. 3 to 5 and out. third. Tim?, 1*4?-. I Darnr'wh also ran. I Third ra*? (Prla?*-*?an Sti'.i't Stake? ? tmmm I '.? \:A ?;pw?M. ?it furlocjpl !l Will, 1?| I (Lilley). 1 to S and out. ?on; Yai ? fee), 3 to % a_4 o;t ?? mml IN ! (Mink!. 15 to L I to 5 a Tas?, 1 1. 1-5 Fourth rare (??I'.lr.f har't-ap; all ties nil? Ml ", yardii?Heybourti. 114 iBrrnai, 1 ta 1. 4t? I 5 and 1 to 5, won. H?d?<?. 114 111''.?? ? I 'o ?. 4 ' to 8 ar.d 3 '0 J, ?ecoi.d; Par?!: ?r '?? I 1. 2 to 1 and eren, third Tin.? 1 44 AIioki?k, ! Napier and Cliff Field tie. ra Fifth race ?Mlllr.f: three ?-? mil? a.''! ?e?enty >ar la? ? ?, ? ? ? ? ' and 4 to I?, wixi ? Partial. 19 to I. I fo 1 a ' I 101 (Allen). I to 1. 4 to 1 act : ? I 1 1 ?4 ?-5 Earl of S? - Pi: am ? Stalwart Helen. Petelui AlbML K-?">'.. Towton Field. Balfroo, ? -. lian IM Tamerlane alio rar. Sixth rira (twoyearo'd malder.1. fr? '. ?V-in Prln?-e. 112 1 Turner!. 3?% to i. ' 10 i mi 1 to 2. won. Delinear. 112 ?Rutwei:- ' 'o 1. I l? I a 1 1 to 5. ?n-ond: ??lbri7tar !?**? T WrTi? ?a- ' U tn V ? lo 5 and 2 to 3. third Tha?. 1 ?. I Ra.' R, Lait Thar.?-?. Wlrard. Ooloatl Mitt. On t.i-iu-n and Ronnl? Cirri* alio ran. 3 rfiffi?iiiiti?i i FIFTEEN CENTS II ?III a ? 111 I . llllllllllil?"'^" imniiHinuu &am*m TURKISH CIGARETTE Will you put aside your PRICE PREJUDICE? Will you forget you've always thought a good cigarette must cost 25 cents? Then we promise it will be a case of "love at first sight" when you light your first Murad?and when the box is finished you will buy Murads an engagement ring. We promise you a much ?better cigarette than many of the 25 cent brands you have been smoking. We promise you one of the world's perfect pleasures- the taste of PURE Turkish tobaccos, 17 varieties of which are used in making MUR?ADS. Murads should be judged not by their price but by their real worth. Mmkmrm ofthm Highmat Qradu Tnrkith und Egyptian Ciiarmtte-a im Uta World.