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PROPS IN SUBWAY SHELL MAY END BROADWAY PERIL Weak Brace?; .Menace Five Points?Patching Will Begin To-day. I?XPERTS INVESTIGATE SYSTEM FOR FLAWS P. S. Commission Puts Limit on Traffic Where Stee! Hm Not Been Placed. ? ' Mayoi I ' r nri | an.l Thir'- ' n eotl * rhan,;* ? * the ' isted '? . > Teetei tv I "' . r UlXini i r ? towa ments. thai those ser* prohibit? d sitaei eave-ln. of the " ssion's ent" ' roastraetl Experts Reek Subway Plows. Th? men were tec ropai by T-d '. S. Davis ' 1!. Quimby, chief eag-ineen Boston and Phi;** I, who arrived in this city ? -itation of the eomlssion for a committee of three to 11 Il I s the entire system now belr.i.- -e a remedy for slides such r.? caused the recent disasters ? -. Broadway i.r.d Seventh Av? rue. ? ulty has been eirerienoed In men. The original choice wr ? . ., who tele? graphed Si ravis H. Whitney yesU-rdav that business would prevent him from coming to this city before November 1. Then John Hays Ham? mond w-J-s chose*-., but when he, too, found It Impossible to attend the In? spection, he sucjrested B. B. Thaycr, f romer tures.dent of the American In? stitu?e of M-.line Engiaeere. Tht latter is expected to reply to-day. This committee's Inspection will be thoroutrh. and not orly will include the parts of the tul h have been rep? n?-d i?9 dang* rm:?., but the entire r\ . rt of the flndintrs will not be msle for a we-k. Mr. Lew:?'? memornndim eoaeern InK the t. irte on Bi re were sigi near Iwenty-sl-rth Street, and -s al - rjcture 'h and earth eras of tho I At Twen'y-emh'.h Street he ex? plained that the thi Inch plank did ent stiffness to the structure, and i posting Wh? Broad? as in? suffle - curing braces al ithth, i ?? ninth and Thirty-fourth Streets wae criticized also. ? r? can I ?? made ir tv "It la believi com laded the raemorai ?rith eafet-j ? -, Thirty-third, Thirty I 1 hirty nintb Streets, and that longitudinal be r ? ' f outh on Broad** hv bet** aad Thirt] such trafile, i ( ?our?'-, not to Include except onallv heavy or Trnltir <??, r Sabwaya. Aft* ? ssjotl, ' ii CO ? s ? solution of Sept.- : to triifflf, ? r sub w?\ place ' nour. Thai ir ?a *hou* loads . ns In pru ? and at HOTEL ENDICOTT Columbus Ave. & 81st St., New York City. A "Hone Hotel" of ?aperior ip il ? :?>o:nj have bo ! after an ex ???in in l 4. Call ' - per r.-itr?.**.* Restauri ? : less ihj- elsewhere. RATES R-Jom with use of Ba'h. . $1.00 r>>?>ni wilh Private Bath 1 50 Parior. B>.lr?j?-m <?-i<l Bath. 2 50 HOTfcL NtllWKLANU Mb A?*, j. .-,'jti, m,, ,t. ' ? I ' ' ? 'i I ' I . ? ? ' I ? - He ? . , ? ? ? ? - - a '? ?? 1'ntriin.r- Report To-day. ? ? F pi it and ' West Side ? J. W. 3 . i n y. ? ! country had be? meaau lam R. W : ? ' ? com "They ar? ? I e de? clared. "1 ec ? moot ! ;?m . I lous tl - - DO ??'? Mr. '??? iled the i lea of apen eat c it l da and ? than the co?. ered ?"?" '. enue. Hi! v . by ? pany, In ?? ... ??.Inch he sa:?! a ?*er, \V. roner . ite last Ave due to th? aboi ?uppoi itrong had ??? ROBS AND DESERTS GIRL; KILLS HIMSELF Mis Body In Morgue Leads to Story of Woman's Betrayal. Aft? r bringing an eighteen-year-old girl from Saco, Me., to Seat Yol , romise that he would marry her, Ralph E. Seavey, a married mnn, I B'id deaerted her a-,,i I I? d hi? life with poiaon. The itorj t?icamc known yeiterday when Seavey'i body was ; ..? thf Morgue hy his brother. ? ey and the girl with whom ho ? i had known euch other about two yaan ',,r his influence. lie told her ) ? ?d, hut ?as divorced, ami she he . ' The pirl : I ora lier icho ? jewelry. ? Ith the jrirl ? Until \' writ ? . New ?7 Hans Schmidt Gets Reprieve. It, the ? mur was , to prepar? >urt of A: his Mief I letob? i ll. i FRONT FITS CRAVAT KNOT ' PTRTtCTLY. 2 Jr. I CLUCTT PCABOOY A CO . INC . Minina ODELL GIRL FOUND IN EAST SIDE FLAT Ned to Wed Joe Beamisch. Chauffeur, Held on Ab? duction Charge. MARRIAGE STOPPED \; SIGHT OF POLICE Pair ? rii'iilonod by Newspapers Mother Welcomes Child, Who Insists on Wedding. - ? ' ? ? - ? - d to say anythin - ? \\ii> .;? ? the interi , tinut 1 she ? ired at 1994 Lei ?. u .1? held ? n ? i hs t? ,,f abduction Marlon was carried ?o ihn Children's Society vowing ? ? - There Mrs. May V Odi II, who been prostrated since her t ? nr..I mother and daughter !.< Marion then told her story. SI ? ; her mother* would nt marriage and would away from home. She determine to c!o*ie, but the new ; | ? ten Red them that they wen I i . did *. ? patrolmen sent thi ? room i to hide. Mar ? ? Isted she would marry I Beamisch, ni.d Mrs. ( Idell si that she - i ' h to do ai ? hnrm, hut d:d not imply that she would nt. Marion, she said, Hrt con? fessed her sorrow for running aw*?, r.i.d was readily forgiven. i.irl Lived All Alone. Soon after the girl's d>n??prnrance ' the mother ei gagi d a private Mrs. Sue Williams, to find M bj uc'- dent she saw I I :so last S i.rns tiicn communicated her: i to the the ; yesterda; Morgan und found Marion aloi room. Be. . ter. Marion said a friend ol ; morning to h-k I An [ mint. els, ansa en d . ? ? i thi I the 3d 1' Bureau, and, with an \dezvous, but the couple wire n"t tuero. : ? ? ? ? Johi on, thi ? ? . : " rhc p.rl.'' she said, to be . i with the ' were Mr. and Mrs. Somebody; I ? recall the name, and s ring 1 believed I ? Idom left ' i allowing none but ! ? tei He came I sometimes In the evenings ei d i i her fi "Once she sent the man who about the house eat. She . drawn. M room. We with the ghl for a I that Beamisch had occupied the with her. Then Ml '?'? called again with n Centra) Oil and that's all I know about it." Beamisch will be arraigned I either at Harlem or 1 charged with a . and Mai ion forced to tl ' When Mai ion lappeared a : through? ' I y, her picture ?vas j. ? .. aroy town. . rehend her. The | - ire she ? - re in the eil offed t tl had been frei to t ? ?*>? Farm Hand Drops Dead in Field. Newton, X. J., Sept. 28. Stl with heart diseasi was work ? a Aeld on the i John i, of Montag " day. .lohn Titsworth, seventy, dit ? ? . MISS MARION UDELL. CEREAL CO.CANNOT FIX RETAIL PRICES U. S. ( ourl Hands D.^un Im? portant Decision in Kfllnj-jr rnflake Case. VVai ? ' ? ?? i ? I ? 1 ??strict of ?i the . *?'d C ?mpany - ,:n of ted eorn?li y the ? ? ? n food | ?it brought .-nit agaimt the ?. in December, had no price ' ?- warn upply /?'HONE COL ?SOO XJPARK.W b2D63Srs The only Cortlnfntal Mullo Hill In Amrrltfc, Evening? at 8:15 ?Matin?-,. TuMdiyi. Thur. ...> at 2.1V NEDWAYBURN5 TOWN 7DP/CS WHAT A ? RFAT CRITIC SAY! OF THI? ?UMifK? .1 : I H', - ? ? PI.ES . M Matinee Tc rcrrow Best Seats SI. Kl -. | .ASI _ AMUSEMENTS. VMVSEMEXTS. Main Entrance ?nd Box Office or. .'-.8th Str?-et Best Play in New York What Charla Henry Meltzcr i i Thi Xcxc Yuri: American Sat/A Ai mut Triangle Playa: "Two years ago it would have set nu ! impossible thai leaders of society would flock to the opening of motion picture plays a-*, they would to ?'i 'premiere' al the opera. Vet that is jusl what ili?l take place Thursday night. "The piece ?l< resistance was an ? xcit i r i r_r and romantic plav of adventure called The Lamb.' THE FIGHT?S UK TWEEX THK YAQUIS AM) THK l.AMI. AM) THK I.KX IT. BY Til I UNITED STATE.S CAVALRY WERK QlTITE AS THRILLING AS THE REST KPLSODES IN Til!'. HUM U OF A NATION!"' At the Knickerbocker Now Afternoi.ns M Two Beat S*,u |1.00? BOO GOOD SEATS 50c. Evening? nt B-fbl BOc, 75?. fl, SI.SO ind $2. Sutur r!dv Matinee? ?ame prices. ?i $500,000 FRAUD BY FILM PIRATES Government Raid Reveals $50,000 Profits Made from Bogus Reels. ? DEALER TAKI.N ON COPYRIGHT CHARGE ( haplin Pictures F'ilchod from Originals, Says Prosecutor, and Sold Over Country. i ?? fraudi tstiiregri*u.z rr,?aro than ... profil ro nl to have ted the ?rere bro .. in thn iirr?'?' by lh?! tiei ' ? ,?.?irr ? ? -, nt i ;;. \\, ? ? np!:n Filn reproducing ?ni sell ? indard copyright . he v. i i an i gned b< foi ?? ? "m oner Clarei ee S. Houghton nnl I,.i for i rt ober 12. i ? ??-,'i.s t,.K- n al the in itanea of \ - tanl United Statei ?attorney : \ Content for piral g I "Tim i hampion," in w h :?-;i ? ? . a! a prize ; ai ?i copy iny, of igo. I>up!:> .?? everal fllmi i by tiie Keystone Film ave also been i > me, aceord ng to M r. ' ?on ? ?? ai -?i obtain I i ? .-..-? from egular nriil legitimate r? ? the , . 1 rould have ? - . ? made, ??t ? centa a From .. hundredi of positiva . . for distributi ?n at bi low the Eiaal ay and Key to ; ? ? ? . 7 ? m ri: 1 vsii o t t h e nf t!i? low price of the . ". ?cal ea, purch n of fllm ? from companies ? : of special ratei allowed to ? i. 1 hi ie com ? , led to an inv? I gatio i ose I the facl I hat the pirn-: ? dard and expensive made at ?n exp? i isandi Ian ?? reel ? terfeit* ?al 1"--? i- ? ? - pyright. he three moni that 1 operated as I ? I . b? en more than $50,. il ? 's arrest is hut the in luthor ? and unlic? roducers of films. -# Canadian Greeks Recalled. All Greek re a ha? i. been o lei reached the ul, .1. i . Walsh, to-day from ? SALUTE TO WIFE WRECKS AIRCRAFT Aviator Smashes Into the Grandstand?Accidents and Pire at Fair. CROWD HELPLESS AS BUILDING BURNS Man at Trl-Statc Txhlbit Has Foot Crushed in Machine May Not I.'vp. Trenton, N. J, Sept. 28. An aviator Injurad, a fire and a man's le?? crushed In maehinery was the total of ?eel dents whieh caused r?>nstcrnation av the Trl-State p'nir here this afternoon. The Injured avintor 1? "Art" Smith, who had been makm*?*; ascensions with hu monoplane. I.ate this afternoon he ?v;?i about to make his drive, and usually travels abfiut one hundred feet before rising: into the air. Some dis? tance from the Rrandstand he saw his wife an?! waved to her. As he did so he lost control of his machine, and it i crashed into the grandstand. The machine wa? Hemolishe?!. and Smith was cut and nrmsed ahout the head, arnin, face and body. It is thought he is internally injured. At the time the machine was travelling; at about forty miles an hour. During the afternoon there Is a dav licht display of fireworks. It is thought that spark? set tire to the Speed Build? ing, causing a loss of about 110,000. There wen flvs horsas in the place, and they were rescued. There was no fire department on the grounds, and a ?mall h".-.e had to be used until 'he Trentor. The Headgear of a Gentleman bears this name and trade-mark 1 A hat for every occasion Knox Hats UPTOWN STORE. 4S*> ?,K AVENUE DOWNTOWN STORE. 161 B WAY NEW AMSTERDAM IIOLBROOk PI MOLOCH \? i ? r ?: i Kr??t T"' J093 Hr. ant. _ T" l'? Y A Sal . I 13 RUN.VS COMPAXT m It u aMiei lhaa ih* t >?ar plav *t.t ?.It ^m?*r^ NEW HIKh? IKWMM. THEATaTtn AMI gVCCBMaW. EMPIRE ' ? f? !ft MR. CYRIL MAUDE GRUMPY i?VfTKv Li I ?L ?. U its u?U. To un r'??. A MARIE I TEMPEST] HUDSON i M I'.AliHil-, S ROSALIND ,., THE DUKE OF KILLICRANKIE. ? CIS? at M 1 n DAY A Hal - ? or ll' iih? ,. id rnanee. AFTER THE PLAY VISIT DANSE DE FOLLIE? -THE MEETING PLACE OF THE WORLD.'' -' NEW ?f.%'.?tft FxOLIC ? ;,r G/*a I ?V T V B W*Y **? t J'""' nr? .? AIL 1 I Ev?. 8 720. Mit. T?.d?y. 2 JO. "SOMETHING NcW I i IN T?WfT BETTER THAN'PEG^ QMYHEARTl OR'DADDY d L0NGLEG51 LIBERTY \ i i. UAH.? I 1 A-, >? *? ..' * il D. W. GRIFFITHS l,l3?ntlc Peo J *etUt?Ale .,. (ir.-hta'ra of ?' THEATRE. SPECIAL ,V COU AN? S ?.?. $100,000 WORTH OF GOWNS $200,000 JEWELS MRS. WHITNEY'S FASHION SHOW TOMORROW (THURSDAY) slio FRIDAY AFTERNOONS ?t Z-.iQ ?ni KI RSI I ?j] AI Tl -HnU Jl is AMI tli'A. 1 ? STUNNING LIVING MODELS. PI? m? ?.f (.I Neat? ,n II. Tn I 1 \ \ MATINEE AN.) Ml,HT I V l'U.\ I Br^klyn Acllrir ? of Mulle. BLLLY C00D FUN."?Cm. Mail." ^COHAiN-SGRfAl^V^.A, COHAN'S r\'u. E JULIAN j L Tl IN G J TUESDAY. Oct. 5th S*ata To ELSIE JAMS A 43 St Ft. ? .?. .'.. . Pep I A Mat. Laat 6 Tim?. In "COUSIN LUCY." Ml,? lnf?rmatlan." I- I ST IfH at S IS. Ia> (Po| .?-?? . . WITH A GREAT ALL AMERICAN CAST. Orchestra Seats, $2.00. $1 50 ?BLLLY ?UUU run. -a.-. ?,.... ? *. ' ?**1'aU ?HE 6 0 0 M E R m H S Lw?^-**75'50c Inaj a; ? '.'i? republic :; U^lJIilaMQj ;.'H ATI ?-i LLIM, t WEEKS AHEAD GLOBE MONTGOMERY &. STONE PARK MAY "?I ''i -*? 1 .-,U> A Hit . v, IRWIN ;H * ASHING. TO-DAY. B.,t i*ata. 11.00. M ?ta FULTON _ SOME BABY! '.'?. 'j;-? I'ti ?' l'A. (Pop | a Sai t:l a oiii.vt, III! MI'll " N. Y An?*rti A S T O R r??COHAN_ GREAT MOON FAkCE m CANDLE? The R? ? i . is M i . ? FIVE THOUSAND AMERI? CAN LAUGHS ? I - An-.eruan Dr-ru? ORCHESTRA SEATS, $2, $1.50. FIRST BALC, $1.50, $1, 75c, 50c. feNCACPE MllslCAL HIT ???MTA? ?RVlNG PLACE THEATRE DAS WEITE LAND CRY?/ VITAf.RARH. I ...A,, m, TWICE DAILY. 1 M a ?JO .?? ? ?? ,;t .???i JJa. si?, .1 II uO. r ?u? a Hal 1.U: 11 00. liOi). I .. ,r,.f ? CHA, , RICHMAN. ' '...,? MitiiMa S?t * at II Sfrial chll prfcW .' ? a ; lie A S T O R ' " ? ?*?* I ? ? '?' ?*Ji /a _? i \j rrv , ,. . v?i u,t\j* i ? Fib ?T^i I -7Ti I the day ?f Vr_THT_nily W CHARLES H. VAlfH?YT. ? RlUl Al:??n?-?r PA 1 ACF RCHtrp LARR n ** ? ? '*' L I.?.;!. Ii"l. ftmsS re I. WAV IT ?T .??"?>. Ulltitl ?\ort? ?ni ?: ... Brief l r?.l v ? m r? i ? , I ? ? l*tj (?liront c ? ? - .1 0L0NiALr.v,L.Tr0N t?^a 12-Act Vaudeville Show DEUOHTTUI. rKijMENAXi-. i: M A Hh If* , I ,, . ... ALL ?CATS RESERVED. :sc ?o, se*. i Fire Department reached th? seene. Thomas Cagey, forty year? old, of Denver. Col , wtiil? i?rr->r.?r,ri|r a thrash? ing rnichine in the Machinery Building, ?W his rijrht foo? et'ight in ??_, eh nery. Ptfore It eo-?; | ht l\ **? the foot, wss ?o ho-Ily rraih.-i |?*H had t> be amputated. He may fa* ? _Yret?tamam. (%**% ?^f'.- *? ?.ma./ : ???? sjf*.**+ X*c ?-- !/"><* \tmjf*t\ ,?"??'- /-??/^ '<>+' K ?aiaa* //< >' ?u. ,?fCa~?r a? %<i4.'Sy 7 | OiA*** '?ataO u*# tel '?-,.1 'a*. ?a-s/? ^_y /? -a? _ ZfmJl4?v?L?e CaMfumt >/?? 6erti*** tt mmM??a ts. (VfV /?r*. ? 4 ? ~/V?_ >/*? i-^/laO?* *Tl--_ a?? ?*/?, ??.^ - l_Sg_ I ?a.? The mightiness of a little card How insignificant an ordinary card is! Yet how immensely important it becomes when transformed by Library Bureau into a sales or credit record! Consider this little card in modern business, where, multiplied by millions, it holds the vital facts of the nation's trade ! Library Bureau is the largest manufacturer of card record systems in the world. L. B. cards are made for every conceivable purpose-sales, stock and credit records, accounts, customers' lists and so on. By knowing your needs, we can help you find the right card for your purpose. As for price, it may sur? prise you to know that L. B. cards cost no more than cards which are just so much pasteboard. Library Bureau M ? Huf?, tu ring dltrributort of Card and filing systems. Unit cabinets In wood and stceL, O. H. RICE. Manager 316 Broadway, New York HIPPODROME M W.dKMl.VI ? II Mil 1.? Dll I IN?.MAM EVERY EVG. 8:15. MATINEE EVERY DAY AT 2:15 4 FIRST NIGHT TO-MORROW NOTE: f,.r IM.? per' '??: a? ?? AT 1:10 SHARP. SEATS NOW ON SALE EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME THE BIGGEST SHOW IN THEthW0RLD LOWEST?EPRICE Nights $ I Cn Matinees $ | ftf) RFCT ?.FAT?; I iW U RKT ".FiT1; ? ?"" BEST SEATS "HIP-iUP-HOORAY" SOUSA'S BAND ten mirSKAIi <<>\ni( rhi? i?v the coMKDin voira mak?h ?uva ?unuur A HUNDRED NOVELTIES M 1? lt*> K. II. Ml KV-IHK -AMI THE BALLET SENSATION OF THE CENTURY FLIRTING AT ST. MORITZ ? NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT ? FIRST HIPPODROME CONCERT-SOUSA'S BAND * SOLOISTS. BEST SEATS $1. WINTER GARDEN?,'*' * ;$5 w?TS ' Kt??. ? L?\Y PASSING SHOW OF 1915 MAXINE ELLIOTTS the? Mal Tod? ' g ; 1 OUR CHILDREN c??io?rJ. T voir 12 ? Bl W ??' !'? ? 1 '.?. 8 11. a? I IMV. ? alatli .? T ? I.? ANOTHER MUSICAL TRIUMPH. TWO IS COMPANY ?? t.'i? ?lltbon of **ALMA-' * "ADELE." S ??; ?ti ?fu ::..- ?Un K,? Sun. i aalt at ti |1? < : '. TT aal ? BOOTH. Effji ?;? M.?".:.*? T Uj IAVk A PA!R OF SILK STOCCWQ? "? i I ii Man si "tas Two \irtu*?." SHIBERT. I?f?. ? I? Mat To-da?, II 1< r ?' i'ii - ? n... .... j;. orch.. t ' * j. WILLIAM HODGE thhaepp?naeosI0 4?^ th *X\ ?E* CONTINUOUS. ***** a** M 11 ri il A M. t? Il P. M. 25c. 25c, PLAYHOUSE A,-fcViR5A? ?I M MATINFE TO-DAY. __ GRACE GEORGE THE NEW YORK IDEA 48th STREET SAiSl HUSBAND AND WIFE CASINO. Kra * 15 Mal J *-*?*, ,,-'; THE BLUE PARADISE ' '% TS? Sa?aatl?n ?f T?? C?*tii??t?' *?*S***jm~ tuai tarn ?** er -*??- ?m ? '' w STOLEN ORDERS i ?. '"'Thrill Uni rMII?LMfS? *** **"* An E*n*ti??al H lirTlcaaa. 4> M-.I..M?. OPERA MOUSE ?-?fc ? First Bargain Matinee To day 25etii'M G?'?COHAN'_G!?OT TH? AMERICAN FARCE biggest ? , . , f'l.?.TTT? LAUGHING HIT EVER WRITTEN. . : ?NOW TO-NIG.T at 8:15 s Um l -? ama i rr mti Cattl* ??r?r?. THE PRINCESS PAT ?..-... , _{$8? A !,i A? In .', J : ? LEXINGTON "THE SONG OF SO.iGS" STANDARD "HIGH JINKS'* Y nn y '? ?, irla? ?A? Iti '?? 1 '.? >' ' UK A ; n :? ? t. Mat To in?., n ? I r,",yrl LOUIS MANN Bu.;r.,. ?S?COHAN3 GREAT AMERKjSN farce MOMR B?>\ untern m < < UM M.Mi; "LIT I IK JOHN M HIMJ. " The Drama Society TN order to help in?''1 ??< * r;j?s to m Mtaut? hearinf, ?c supply the w seats (or the best eh \ at the box office ?ric(. fo> full ; 'ormation address jo.? Corbis, 131 ??*?? 'iA ** AMERICAN MOE m--~ THK Ai1"0 IIIW '" L..OH easa2maattta\ nur*? ho* ?JMlUJlJ^ ?st R v;v?^_J!2J World in Wax idmii ttu 'Item ,11 Air? Alir?.f.oe?? ?-_-^: 0*??c r?.i Da? ?>?'??? - WJL VUdl.U /ta3 0 .*????. w*/***--- p?u!1b? t^tommm w tDK