Newspaper Page Text
KINKEAD, USING FISTS, ARRESTED Sheriff, Badly Beaten at Polls. Held for Punching Saloonkeeper in Eye. $50.000 LIBEL SUIT ALSO THREATENS HIM Progre-tMves Flattened in Had? Min County- Kracket Repub? licans Win in Berpen. "I n-e ? I nkeae, Jersey'? strllte ..*? ng, ?alocr. eloelnp Sheriff, was ar? reste! yesterday charged with ???suit and lattery, a: | i nal to the -.sry fight In the history of ? ? ?.e?d's forces lest by i.' ? er?, of H ? Il reel foil wet] an al? leged e? ' upon Timothy Condon, of? -Street,, a - of the saloons c'.osed in K ? ? 'i ?? risational Sunday raid. that he and othsra were standing near s polling place not ?*??? rhei ' '? ? Sheriff ?* uni ordered them al] to y he did not move fast enough to ? ?riff. Cond< fer he was ?truck in the face and then , - ' aalle 1 out. Be then ?it.-, before Recorder Will Ism ' It a -?arrant .'or Kinke?d's arrest. When this ??as screed, Einkead not *. I ?.m the high t-herlff inty and you cannot airoat nie" lie returned with the however, and th? Recorder held him in i r. was supplied, for ex- ? ?? . Frida?. Even had he not been arrested, the ' i??.e had an interesting <lsy yesterday, lor In leading his force? r the tanner of the "Hudson , y Regular I?emocrac?" against Nbval Offleer of the Port Otto Witt? rei !.'? "Hudson County Progressive ; rnrv" he lost th? bitterest inter- ; party fight within the memory of !"cal :ans. Jea-sejf City gave Witt- j pern from 700 to 1,000 snd Hoboken . and Rayonne went 2 to 1 for him. Kirkead also paid considerable at- | tent on yesterday to that mandate of the law which requires Jersey saloons' to be closed while the polls are open. ?SJly ?n 'he morning he visited five fa? lcons In Hayonne and sealed them OP. ! In the caf? of Denni? O'Connor, across | thai ?treet from Police Headquarter?. i.e found th? door to the rear locked. ? When Hennis, who says he is going to1 sue the Sneriff for 150.000 libel, the door Klnkead found th? bar wet, so he arrested the proprietor. The Hudson County R?guiar Repub ?icket beat the Progressive can? didate? who -?-turned to the party "to , ;i frn/'i't " George L. Record, who wss elt's riKrt hand man in Jersey m li>12, wns absolutely snowed under. There was al?o a keen Democratic *y. Late returns .'e that Pred M. Curtis, Mittag, jr., and Harold E. y, the anti-bracket ticket backed gressraafl Hart, had won. This, for Senator Hennessy. - tted Republicans, late rned to the fo'.d from the Moos? a c James T. Aokcrmai?, Herber?' i ley and E. Yancey Cohen- were as?arently elected ?t'a ist? iio-ar lait ? Mayor Rolph Beats Schmitz in San Francisco Primary : han Fianct?co, Sept. 28.? When the poll? closed, f.t 7 o'clock to-night, in the primary municipal election, Harry ZaVfiansky, Register of Voters, esti? mated that more than 126,000 votes had sst nut of s total registration of Indication?- were that Mayor James Rolph, jr.. had polled an ex ? ote, with Eugene E. SchraitS In second place. Andrew J ! ? cpecti d to lead four el ? : candidates for the mayoralty. 8UFFRAGE SCOUTS AT POLLS Just Pay Social Calls on Voters and Leave Yellow Souvenirs. The Women Suffrage party celebrated primary day by paying little social , calls at the primary polling places yes- ; terday and, incidentally, putting up vote? for-women placard? in most of : them, leaving ?nTrage literature and out, "Voti -'i ??ornan fsuffrage bi i 2!" si they left. Other boroughi ?? tef New York ???re hi?? coTered, la Staten Island, Miss Elinor Ryrns, fornier press chair : man of the National Woman Suffrage Association, ?pent the day st the polls. I ral bundred women were out in I Manhattan. So far a? posi-ib:? th? [ ?ach district wa? done by the mffragistl of that diatrict, but Mrs Jami? Leei I.nidluw, borough chairman "er partv ?eiulei? we: with tai ir automobiles to help where local worker? were short. 1 "aw, with Mis? Maggie ' Him Ivy, Mies Mabel Kittridge, Mr? Ida Vera .?-.mont?n, '.he Africa:- ex? plorer, and Ml?? EmInie Ki.vir>, bugler, ICOS of the 11th Aaoenblj Diet ?the afternoon. ? 1th being at Irish district, Mag? gie Htnehcy was detailed to go into the polls with the b'u?'. white and yellow, post?-- 'cu ou* of twent; piar.- rrf?,.M.(l to roeolve the pi PERKINS BEATS MOSS 2 TO i emtimmeA ttmrn cat? 1 ??r In ths fttd ? -..'t*j m see-saw ? cause?*. ? . diatl ici M sha? ' J l.nn i ! h'tirk .' Kano for lha SSCI In the 3 Stephen A. Nugent retained cofel It Pi ' . and ,! a *i away from h tl s H. ; ufa .. an tight* for dint 'en, srship H? i avertit! ? .-, for !.,.. of the i ?'h District 11 ara between the ol?l and younger elemant, and youth won. | ean leadership Bghts. In the - trouhie in retair,m? hit control in ar of the attaik of Jihn J. Cnrrj 5 content !? the 5th was niuch cloi ?? vsrthrow .';. . . , a of or.* in the county ?oninut I . ..'? :or. Sinnott Badly Defeat??!. William II. Sinnott. thi : leader of tl ' ?<"'. wenl do ? .? Il aras 1 eaten flvs to o It was largely .'..<? to th?. i .?-, n.'- ii ?.. . .? .? ?'. agnei. who mi it apt" ? ; ' oegroi ? ? i personal friend, had the tourte? re's ri?st< rsrriid ?ritfa it the nomination <?:'1 candidates for the Assembly a Hoard of Aldermen. Sinnott ha<i tur:. -? renomination m favor of T. 1 Glyi E V.- Gil? re, ?? ? oagrore eaadidi liimrd of Aldermen, defeated E Moore, Sinnott's m Rosw? ,'ir?*. the 1'emorrn' e ITth Asm um.? 1 ? ?. . i.? ek the ? i ' ? : mer leader, to cor Williams nominated Vines ?...?oy, bis candidate ?cx Absembiy, l last J A. I'ocho'.l, who was backed 1 him for the Aldennanio nominatic Donohue's candidate, T. A. Williarr won handily. John 11. O-Connell had little fronb in defeating Patrick H. Cotter, the ca fietbag contender for the Democrat sadership of th?* 21st. John J. Diet in the 24th. defeated Hugh J. Connoll v? Ii j ?'?Havel! to put him on the. tobo; gan I he vote whs about j*ix to one. Patrick H. Bullir?n, whoa? ?< arif ship of the Sd Assembly District, ovi which "H;g Tin." ruled for so long i tha Democratic "boss," was attack? through opposition to his candidacy f< nomination to the Hoard of Aid? i me won a sweeping victory. He crush? Jame? E. Brande, h'.s opponent, by vote of 1.100 to 137. Orderly Balloting Saya Woods. Polica Commissioner Arthur Wood after the closing of the polls last ever lng, declared that the balloting ha been of the most orderly ever held i New York City. "The strictest police vigilnnce wt exerted to prevent election frauds," h said. " "Tha department*! methods are pre ventiv? rather t i i r. r. pun? re. Al known repeaters are warned as the approach to vota. Shortly before the poll? oper.e "Humpy Jackson, the East Side Kran? star, wai brought into Police Hcail quartan by a detective. After a heart to-beart talk with Inspector Ira Jackson promised to gc_ straight horn and remain there until uie polis closiii Two men who declared that the lived in tha Kanawha. ?iub, 120 Eas 128th Street, Berc.ivul E. Nagle'i or ganiratlon. were ?harped with fraudtl ?Je??, voting after being ehalleni watchers in the polling pli ? l'ark Avenue. They wire William K Hough, aged ffty-four. and Edward M Dillon, aged Sor'y-?-even In th? ?em court they proved t).?ir residenc? to the satisfaction of Magistrat? Marsh and w? I r^pr). In the 84th District Thilip M. Lynch who said he was a watcher for Patrick MrMahon, the anti-Tammany Demo? cratic candidate far ths district lead? ership, challenged Jacob BiageieT and itejet Brown, of 1021 ^trect claiming that they did not live ut the address given. They were m and later discharged by Magistrats Mc Quade. In the Morrisania ci Election Offii era Warned. In a spec al ? to all tha election oflicer* Frederick L. Marshall, ?State Superin? tendent of I i that they would be held responsibls for any frauds eommitted at ;).?? primarles with their knowledge. Especial att? was called to the signature test and the duty of causing the arrest of any per ??on when a comparison of signatures showed that fraud wan being commit? ted A man arrested in the S^'h Assemblv Li-trict wai held in 1500 bail hj iftrata Marsh in the Harlem Court for trial In Special Seasioni on a charg? of illegally voting. He gave his name us John J. Donovan, and insisted that b? was the real Donovan nfter a watcher testified in court that n man giving the same name and address, 2.*>7 et, had already voted ?- 'he prisoner appeared. Here ?re the successful candidates? JUDICIAL AND COUNTY New York and Bronx Counties. I.EITHI.H AN. Justices of the Supreme Court?John Proctor Clark?, Samuel Greenbaum, Francis B. Delehunty, Clarence J. Shearn, Edward H. Finch, John M, Tlerney. Justice of the ?"Ity Court?Lorenz Zeller. District Attorney (N. Y.)?Charlea Albert Perkins. Sheriff (N. Y.)?Frank K. Bo?era. Municipal < ?mrt Justice (8th Dlst., N. Y.)?George Z. Medalie. LSTABL1SHFD 1843 W.U.SLOANE Furniture ? Floor Coverings ? Decoration PLAIN COLOR CARPETS Our stock is unequalled, in variety of weaves ?ind colorings, by any other collection in the country, ulule our prices are uniformly reasonable. Of the many desirable weaves shown here, se.. raj of the best are controlled by us. Diese are the English IJ.irodas, Saxines, Angoras, Saxonias and Velvets. There are also excellent values in American Wilton, Axminster, \Ylwt ?ind Inv'rain Carpets. Widths range from 27 inches to 15 feet, according to the weave, the greater widths offering the advantage of eliminating seams entirely. FIFTH AVENUE 447? STREET, NEW YORK Municipal Court Ju?llre t**??h Diet, N ..I?Edgar .1. I suer. DEMOCBATIC laatlcee of the Supreme Court?John Proctor Clarke, Samuel (,r?enbaum. Francl? n. Dtlchantv, ClaffBOO J She*?rn. Edward R. Flnr'h, John M. Tier nev. JuMire of the City < oort?l.oreni Zeller. Di??lrlrt Attorney <N. Y.i ? Edward S*?ann. Sheriff (\. Y.)?Alfred E. Smith. Muni.?pal Court Justice (?th Die?, N. \.)?John F. Cowsn. Municipal (ourt Ju?tlre (?th DUt., X. Y.)?Albert Rllrhle. progressive Ju?tlce? of the Supreme Court?John Proctor ( larke, Samuel (.reenhaum. Francl? B. Delehanty. Clarence J. Shearn, John J. (?'? onnrll, Hugo Wlnt P*5u?tice of the City Court?Phillip C. Samuel?. District Attorney (N. Y.)?Frank Mo?.?. Sheriff (N. Y.)?William Hslpin. Municipal Court Jej?tlce (Mn DUt, ' V i i?Co. /. Medalie. Muni? Court Justice (9th DUt, N. Y.I ? Edgar J. I.suer. Kings. REPUBLICAN. .Ii-iire Supreme Court (1st Judicial, District)?Stephen ( allaghan. .Indgrs County (ourt?Berry K.I Lewis, Marcus ?I. Campbell, George Freifeld. i' i rut Attorney?Jame? C. Cropaey. Sheriff?William Srhnlt/uan. < oiint.v ( I ? r k?( harle? ft. Devoy. Register?.lohn McCrate. Municipal Court Justice? (6th Dis rrict)?l.uclin S. RaylUs, Edgar M. Doughty. Municipal Court Justice (7th Dis? trict'?Charles R. Law. DEMOCRATIC. Justice Supreme Court (1st Judicial IilMrictl? John J. Fit/gerald. Judge? ? ountv Court?John 1. Hylan, Robert I'. Roy. Mitchell May. Ih.slrirt Attorney?Howard P. Nash. sheriff?Edv?ard Relgelmann. County Clerk? William E. Kelly. Register?Edward T. O'l.oughlin. Municipal Court Justices (6th Dis? trict)? Charles H. Fuller. James W. R.-dmond. Municipal Court Justice (?th Dis? trict)? William R. Wilson. Queens. REPUBLICAN. Juitice Supreme Court?Stephen Cal lnghan. County Judge?Hurt J. Humphrey. Sheriff?Theron II. Burden. County Clerk?George J. Goeti. DEMOCRATIC. Justice Supreme Court?John J. Flte gerald. ( ounty Judge? Burt J. Humphrey. Sheriff?Paul Stier. County (lerk?Alexander Dujat. Richmond. REPUBLICAN. Justice Supreme Court?Stephen Cal lachan. Sheriff?Hornee E. Buel. Borough President?George S. Sco field. DEMOCRATIC. Juitice Supreme Court?John J. Fits? gerald. Sheriff?Spire Plton, Jr. Borough President?Calvin D. Van Nnme. ASSEMBLY. Manhattan and The Bronx. DU? 1?"John 3. Ryan (TV). llarnr K Aif-i.thaler (B ). Jwfph Hpo'Mnr? (!' ). t-Pr-er J nan-Ill (D ). ?????. J.h H Si? M.-1 IB.). No iinmlii?? IV. ) S? C?-?ar 1?. r narr* '?.,. - ? ' Tt ; M ' ' . . i ? P.) a?*H>nr- ?. S,hlmin?l (D I. Daril?! Will,il i K.I 11 K Bel 'n,m<l (P.I. ?? "Mauri-? M-lx?ntl<) ID ulM. Jottph r ?aikfr ill I t?Abraham H Hrermcr (D ). ?Nalhai. 1' PttlSMS (R and Pi 7?"Pet*r r Heat '.loll 'D I A 1*11 S 01 i IB.). 1' S?Ahraliam i?*?n<lmaji ID ) Leo ?Vi ' : 'i tat P.) ?-llti.? a iD. did P ). .1 J ? Frank w..?? , n i. J. 3 Salm ,n (P ). 10 *Wsltri Krt-illar.d iP 1. " -', R i I ''ianjur.t (P.). n j r Mitiwiq . r> i ? rh-r l(lrh?rd?nn IB). Man? i; Bit? nan (P I 12 Mr.--f.hD Krl!- 'D.). i : ttei i. 1 riA* P, I ?Ui.-:.a iP.). ?luaaa r < ??-* D I A I I'- ' -. u-"k ???' r. t lern 3 I*, a 1? J A RmtMi 15? f.. ? ? ?a un ? <?? Rmif ni",i? P : IT?Vlnr? ?M?r'l I? ", y? 'H > IV \s T i- I' ? IS??*?r?r? Qilftirs il>.? 11 *????? R l *?0 BOB-DCi 1 IS?Pin- ArmiT'H 'I' ' ft a ? 1 PI. || ??,?... w (P I , ?? I ? - ' . . p ). i?, n ?? m t "*? ; Adolph J ' '??-. |D). ?Han " ? Ml? * . ? W.I. ?l M I' I? l. ii M r?...:?>.-. iP . ?? ? H ?v?"?.- ?a?. Mauri?** R'.rfli ll? I. T.l htrd WrJtai P.I ll-T-jile? ?~ 0't?.r |B .M n I'll.- H V H Hau iP ' tt? ?ciwtr. M Klirnui P Jcn-.[?h rtv.ael iR ?nil f 1 tt?it*? ?'? "? r' loam ? MeManl IR udM M-xif??r un in i , . . ii *?? '.tt - i r?i lost D M ?n ? ? h.iai-1 K. I- ?.. -II. i (P ' 28??8?l??t-"f Ii ' ?: P II j * '.'. ? I n Mai p Ait? to ??<? r I, ?Ufa ; D ?Sail n i m t p <-. i mi .. \|..rr 'H ? M ? n ?. May- I - Jl? .Tarnt <;?'.:.'Hi | P ' ?A?na A l>li t-'| iR I. Amt S I | ? ? i K MVI! ?,t s ? .??? p i rl ? Muhlhaa u . HI. liar! I".. P I N ?l ?? n ;??' m i? ? ? n i i U Ml - i tt *.\i Si l r'l\. ip I ?>??.. ll-- ? .--. It "". II?'... lie! .1' i I'. M M ? i .',,- ii J T Rani ?H P I- iic.;...i 'P.). ?iUiaimli.tUon. King*. DI?U !? Jama* R, O'K??'? ill i ?R n McQiiUlon (R.) t? ?Wfiltm J ni:l?n ID ? Wi:il?ra J. (Vprlw (R). S--Kr?nli J Tul?-? (D l_ I lit ?I ]?? >ln (R I illiri I! tH Mai? 1- ' Georg? Langlior-l S? B Ptrthl ?!>.) 'C I. Mil ?*? h H 6? R?nir r?l?tm?r 1? , ?v i? i" ?aii? u i 7??Imnlft f. I,-rei, '.? ?- te H. ?tUjm ?R ) l?o.t-ihri J. Mi*K*-"i (P i i .? :?. a Wilt? R i 1 F'irk. ?P.). S?"rrHfrlrV S nur- ?P ). v, I. M ii marts ni > M I M Rc4wm if.). 11?J rraii-l? Kirlin m ). ??;? t? K Rminai iR i '?? .* K. S in (P.) i' ? i. ?Wi. ;?:? T BlBCMO iR.,. i?- ?ll?rm?ri Kumrr iD.i Ix-i'n ?Ufiimlcr ?Ri. I.-... Al*>i ?r it.) l?tr-?Jttm P t.? Pr-'is (D.I. J t Ta mu ilti. Jihr. P I.? Frem ir i 1^?Jam?. J PticUa ?t? )? F W. 17 kenoo lR-> J?n.r? S K;?liimtr. I P. I. 1* Charta ?tana ?r>.i ?RmbmI i? ?iri'ii m i ?? ? m Qrath (D.I. ?r- I ? '<? ? Il i ? atmttl I Krh'i?? ?P I. IS? ?Wltlllin A lUrhir (D.I. )n?ef,ri H'"?M? r 'Il ). Ift?J-?fpli N RmS 'H I ?a ? i lauaaa ? R i n-M M?- .???<*.!.- r? R. A V,-..-r iR i 1 Moiiilrlj. lin ?P ) M Mauil e ?a Vi?nn| (D ). ?c irta li h - M?ur|r? ?1? Vouif ?P i !? Bai I*' t i a-. ?a ??n-.?? r Vlarf. ?R | ??-enointm'lon. ALDERMEN. Manhattan and The Bronx. cut 1 ?P?r ar* K I? - ? 0 1 Prin1.^! Ino II ' l'i.'.iir ? ? S?"ill'l??* m?i>-..i. 10 , T A RanUl H ."? i. :. - . 1 ' ' I P. ?H. Rui Irai i? i J I liante ?r .1?.). Ko fiimtn?? (P.). JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIMIIIMlMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIMIMIIMlillllMIIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIillllLi 11 Tope IT Regiments of the most \ perfect specimens of j real "Topcoat style" ? that will participate in ; the "fall campaign" for \ the patronage of New . York's smartest dressed j men and young men. Coats that are "brill? iant" with Brill fit and ? finish, superbly styled j and perfectly tailored. Fine, soft, silky knit? ted fabrics in greens, browns, blues. Oxfords \ and mixtures. Also i choice Cassimeres and ! Cheviots in Oxfords, ! blues and blacks, silk lined to the edge or \ not, just as you like? 15 $20 279 BROADWAY. NEAR CHAMBERS STREET Broadway, at 49th Street Broadway, at 42d Street UNION SQUARE. 14th STREET. NEAR BROADWAY \ 47 ( ortlandt St., near Greenwich 125th St.. at 3d Ave I LATBUSH AVE.. AT FUC.TON. BROOKLYN illlllllllllHIIIII.lllllllll.llltllll.lll IIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillllllllllllMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIINIIIinniR '? R'i'ii T? I ? 1? M Cte-lri a | ?; m lit .. D. aal t.) p. a r .1 ? ?? s t? i i ??> i a ?? IP 1 ???M? R * I? ?Tnrl, H ,1*1, Ir R.I. Prau?- P a :? ri M?M. tl-eei??! ft i D ? JA Ml '.RI , ? mir.) ll_?*-,|"?n P Kisn??ll? ?n.l. il S ?tri i? ? K't !..?!....' '? P U ?Ma MeOaaa ?n i. j a t. t? ?il mi P ? i*? wti'.um t ?*tSm I II Mai or??? k ?ri P.). IS?J r.????? ? n ). **} ?I lira F ?ulr.n 111. J Li??<t 11 V 11 ?J T I ?fin (T< ?. ? -'t R astA T i ?T- T A R,-"-.'l (P ) ?D M 11? ?M iR ??S P.l. 18?*'; 3 .Sunn? (P 1 '?Man iR I Vrink Vhulff iP.? Il ?i ? ? ?? rn . ?u T. |l| i.h ?R ' n t. | i H I '??? I ' utMf 'P i |- i u.? n . ) ? ii , r ! aatfa* ?'. i. ?? l'a H I. ?i Ipt?vdUr il' i l?? r.Amir? v ?;i t-?? ?Il <?'?a. K : n i ? , n- i. H T F 9mtU T? 1 ?n c ? rao? ?R i. ? i ... i Il ?F M * !? ?"1 PI 'I ;? -.i . ???,. p .1 K? n H H ?ni P 1. ? P ) ?i. m ? ?irai s inA.r i tt-?l. r. iD.i. 1 ?; Outaua i R i*"*? P I. !??J. M P Th?uhir (D ml F i larwli t l'arilrot (R 1 29? T. .1 R?rn ill | ?F T TIPI. 19?j r r?a> ip ) ?I. ?'?rr ... ill ?.-Kl Y \. Il 1 M. K* 'D .i. ?a r ?"r ?n i H I' i.rr (P ) SS?C. J. MeOUH# (D ?. *?V trig?'. H i \?- ta ga- P l?l??A J MctaUr ID.). s. J. tamak ?R ??*>?* p i IJ? ?V. Uetm^eUtl !? ) W II. <;?r:mlii lit tni P ) i? -r t, natta ?n i. t.: M II I ni n ?I? I p m r-jii". ?? i. - ? ' r (P.) U 'Il K !'?**. ?D.I. n < in ? hboti rt>. n i;.?' ?u k (P.). ') UtU ,ir, J PaJor (P.). -I A Ml l|! n I. j a m ..??j., r i 10?C. J Ptlltl 'P l ?J T?n.i?iit?iiin> (R). .???m (P.). ?ii-p. j R'tt ?n i ?toorti il P?\m? ?H.). . h. l'une (P ). ?I(?iii"n|pitlin. Kinfs. !' Il .'<?hn F Quiy!? (P |. "il r.a-l ?. llngan iR.). ? -, J |tri???T.? (P ?. ' .'RI. \.i i - r ?i -i a ruppingiiini (P.) J rttxftrald IR i i. I rtttttt* i y , ?_J"hn I '.??'rifan (ti.i ? ?? g\ % 'H I || ? | '??.-?Mil D.i ? . i/. fajM i a. I John wir*h (a , ?? "-tiry in ru?, -. R i? ?rran-J? I* K"--r? <n i - 11 ? T ? 1 . ,, ?V r>'inr O ?gdw i< -> alwiitw n fiw B TaUr.'int ei_v., ??? h Mm d ' 'Auf n Prrrard 'R I ? S-.To??rh T '? ' ' ?? rn ?'? OWM I 1 II-AW" .f Ka-sh I?.) ?J' M r- ?i-r.? .n ? R.I. I g ?"???i .or IP '. ! 14- A -I' If? ??. 'f ' ?j?~- 1> M'ior? IjLl. j.,.. Ti M-??.? t ?-?Prank T PM"\ V ? Vtnrf t.liarnf 'R I , a|_??TUl?m r '.('?Oam <V I Char?? 1 Hu'*?in?n (R. 1. No nomina? (I* ' i ?T -John J Pyan ir> ) ... B |i ... m. . il?Thorn?? P *V*V? 'D.I. eggen r?ini'i H Ch?r.#? 1 -- 'Pi. !)?.|>...- .O ' ?a I. - , . r? iR ? n r .. ? ?r il> ?j? ? ; ? ?r (H . ' -? i-i ? ?VVUIUSI It P-nlr? (R i: Harr? Hyman (T) i. ?Ara!?'. M U?t (S.) ?1 CI.-'.. If Ka.'-rt < P ?K . ??; 1 Kiel h ira 'R ( II. Ha' tri Y ' 14 -B?rt Ctltt ID.?. ??Iia-'a? ' klaott iR Part i trty V rerkin-i-Mo*?? vote by Asseaibl] trict?: r.f l'.r l'Vrtri Parkt-.? M ?a?, mlaalif 113 IM 71 u M. .... H ("" i M . 1T| S? I . Ml 1.4 0 ??'h . IM . ?ol .1 a . :i7 lin ? . 844 ?71 1 :? ?r . H? ii" i u .?. ni k., o ? : .o? i . Ill U4 i . .... Ml :'S1 I I ' . IM 111 1 19th . *.:' *.** :< ?th. Ill UM .. ?6? 415 3 .. : . MS u? : . .1074 U?? 4 -'? IM 7.' l . BIM 311 0 ..7? U 'i ?7'h ,, I?? .'J 3711 l'l I? Mth.. ' .-1 0 ... 131 - 113 II . 191 IM 0 Total .. 10.TI4 1 .17.1 ?? ? alMUon (Utrlct miadas out of 817. VOTES FOR BASEBALL ASKED Newton, N. J., Sept. 28. Worker? at ' the ioli? to-day distributed postern ?-:??-:-~-_ ?.???Bail Suprei IN Victor Service Knab 5 th Av. at ? 39th St. calllne for an apivopristlon of ,1,490 for the mslntenanc? of a town bare ball tsam. t'.s proposition to be rated on on Flection May. Advocates of tie appropriation asy: "Tbe town sentribates toward ban i concerts and other forms of recrea tlon, and why rot bsnsbsll?" KIRCHWEY TAKES YEAR OFT Lets /????#? from Columbia?May Turn to Frlaoa Week. Professor Osore? W. Kirehway, ex desn of tbs Columbia. Law School and Progressive nominee for the Court af Appeals In 1912, recently spplied for! and re-relee?, n year'? absence from h la : c!?.??room duM?? In ?ohimbia Cni ?rersltfi It became known yes'si'day. Ther? is pessibility that Profesior Kirchwey will he retired at th? ta4 of that tlms. l^ammeyer ?fe Stamped on t* g> Shoe meorni - |jt?ndflrd4/Merit I-a? Aw at 20th St 391 FiftH AVi Profesor Kirehwey -. terested In pri,on r?f?m .m1 J' ?ziven an ncreaeinri? great*. ' of hi. time to thi/Ufi^J?? plication for leave hai 1|M ! rumor that he I?. to <nt#r *,,. prlnon work T Baking Powder AbsoliiielyPuie Insures the most delicious and healthful food NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE There is a greater volume of whole wheat flour in wards (nhca^earlpBREAD than in any other whole wheat loaf made. That is one reason why it is such a finely flavored, palatable loaf, besides being so healthful and nour? ishing. Another reason is it is made the WARD WAY, and the WARD WAY meant quality, purity and cleanliness. Order it today from your grocer bi 10c loaves. Made in the WARD Be her tes at ?yew York, Brooklyn and Newark. mnrm UXSM*Jll2UJJ?U2UtUII*tlinUlJJafXXT*: a..? . ., ,. ?_ ........ / -*?? -~me i i /????,- a. J-. I?a.?|?yf\'."??^ _ /w .?a"-' <J?-.||-,Nj'?^ I^P ?&-'**? ? ?pi- ??-...? _ N|jBS_? _v -- A-X ^Vy 1 ^ V * [<***fl o f A*" ___J__\_ _>c*Lf p' miie* i?, i ?a m *(i a (.( /? //?? West?Drive or Nibble? 99 Ever since the opposing armies in the west, following the Battle of the Marne, settled down to the positions which they have occupied without change these many months, the world has been waiting for the great drive to begin. Now come reports of unusual activities along the whole front?what do they mean? That is the question Frank H.Simonds, author'of "The Great War." takes up in his article next Sunday in the editorial section. He tells the history and geography of the present campaign of the A/lies and makes clear the real importance of the operations. It is an article you cannot afford to miss. You will not miss it if you tell your newsdealer to-day to reserve you a copy. Sty? admt?atj Sfrttnm* First to Last?the Truth: News?Editorials-?Advertisements