Newspaper Page Text
CHURCH WEDDING FOR WBS BROWN limage ! rancis B. Thome Will lake Place October 6. miSS PRENTICE WED 10 B. F. BART v., irr Will Be the . , ? Mr I I > - ' ?A .. ? . %<y* tu' ? I '. : a:?d km, ? : . ? . of 176 - E rron, of i , ? Hak? ; ;;ro?v?n. .am .1. to ! r-.cjif-.or. : . st Church, ? : ???urr.ed . rt h. a their coun remam ; ? ' ' vr?. Hers re? ed te Wash rsi Mis? K h ml a I ? ould i/nu please be so kind as to send me some reci? pe? for preserving peaches, apticots. cherries, strawber T"-< and pineapples? I have tried several of your recipes that apbeand in the June number of The Woman's ' Magazine and found them to ta delicious. As 1 am only a young housekeeper / have never ?<?de any preserves or ?el? ate, so I am going to try my tat for th? first time this Wr. - a lent?, The helpfulness of 'ne Woman's Maga-' zme is ?enuine and prao tlca- Just as the recipes ^re found to be deli? cious by the writer of the Above letter, so' in all apartments the recom? mendations ring true. The Woman's Maga 2lne, ?s edited for real P^Ple by real people. we have won our Naders' confidence be ?j*J* the help we give inem Reserves it. ^ore than 250,000 c?P?es each month. ?Mit* Un r->,J,rigCofTip4nv thewonan's Magazine i? one of the three maj/aiine*? called by aini-rtiain?; rnrn The Huttrru k Tr,.> und [Ix'tiirlit a? an adver ' ?iiila*unit. Tin-other "?-iribrr? n( the Trio are The I)evjn ?t and 'I lie Drlineuti.r. 'ihr (em** I*'1'.:''*'1? '"l <TtulatK.ii of The r??w3\ . " Kuarsnteed to be in A. G. Vandefbilt's Bust to Keep Fathers Face Before Children Bust of A. G. Vanderbilt ? ? - - ? th?*lr dead ?c '*i the mind'? ? ne, Mra. Alfred ? ?? '. rbilt, a ?widow since tnd periahed on r?e Luaitania, has -?craonallv dir? I i. bronze bust of Mr. It will be conipletid in two ? tall? r New York ! has told her ?o remark ... _ ? ? ? her ? ? ak. ?"amlno Sciarrino Pietro, of 'hi?? 'or hi* i'!" of Gei I ? - rm< r I ? Taft, Mra. Finley J. Shepard and En Caruso, haa made a model in ; ne, from * bich I will ' '?.' a r 'Cent i i - rt g ? ? ' ? ' ?. he ??.;i-< represented I".- ?i ? "War." Mr*. Vanderbilt, since har huaband'f death, haa devoted here? Iren, Alfi ed Gwj nne, who Geori ..i.i ! re the? ara gru? I of Mr?. Ful- ' er, Mr. and ' S r Ar?'? ur and Lady Herbett, who . feat days, have al the Plaza. .. spend the win* Mm, Ham:'.tor TV. Pary will ? to-day from N'ewport. artmcnl at the irlton for tl ' "l?_wirk and ck wll upenii the ? ., ? ? Vernos Stn Mr?. Tan! Morton ha? returned tu :en, Me., when : i? ?f the I Mr. ar.d Mr? Sewbold La Rov Kdtrar will return from California on i her i. Mr. and Mra. Sidney Lanier Smyth the Greenbrier, rings, W. Va., ?here - ? ? emainder of the autumn. Mr. i ? ulphur Springs, tn ri' ? ? Fini? .1 7 heparil an?) Mr. n' d Mi Pati i. Va ?mall ' ? ,t at the l'la ,i Mrs. Walter B. Brooka, jr.. ha? ar ?-. from H-iltimore and She is i? ' . ' Stote ? NEWPORT SEASON DRAWS TO CLOSE Many Neu Yorkers Prepare to Return to City Homes. ;?'.< l m 1 Newport. - Mr. an?i Mr?. William Earl Dodge will rlo???. their ?,ea?on Thursday and return to New York. and Mr?. Elbndge T. Gerry will ntil late in Octobar at Sea* .-? on Wilaon, who -.?-?:?. and New Yol k. returned to hoi home here Euatia i ? ??.eliu? heir aeason ? ? i.d of October. ? and Mm. ? \\ ?! r h!.?l M ' '? .. do, closing tl . I .1 Woodward Havei .lllIH'S Will return t<? New V?.rk and then go to San Francia 7-DAY FIRE IN FREIGHT SHIP I | DrWM, Hire lr?nn Huril? an?.. R? funed \?Msian<-??. French L?BC freight ?? am? I I iimme arri\c?l In por ytatcrda) aftei i v., ' lay refaga trata Sai ?liauv. which \\u* enlivened by a lire In the hold that buriurd -< ieforc axtlnguiahtd. When th?? Mcamcr was eleven day? out of port the blttie wmt di*r<>vered beneath No, 2 fort hatch. The otf.rer? and ??' rork at one*, and al* little difficulty k?cp it roultl Another steamer aiguallad La Droaae and ? fl anca, but tha trench Commander ;;?i not ??<?? etsaarj Three ?Jays a . tha '"..age while the ?h;p lay i?? aa ?he eraat repaired the bilge pun p?, which got out of order. Seven hun?m<l ton? of cargo wart badly daoiay<t? STEAMER RAMS HOLE IN BOSTON LIGHTSHIP Lifesavers Sent to Relief Coastwise Vessel Unharmed. toi . Sept 28, The Boston Light Fteanif-r Quantico to : ?ght and had a vat rammed by the coasi hole ?mashi - above the waterline. The Quantico, outward bound for Philadelphia ? th a fe-i d a genera] cargo, su ? damage, according ti> radio gei which she sent to her ;.. \ ?? i itam : by for a ; learn the extent p .- in ? iteamei procee .? . A- a precautionary meaaun ?ked fur assistance from thi and a lighthouse tender and tug were sen! to h?.*. The Stony ' irers, six mile? from the scene of . Hi -ion. also set out in t h t* i r mo tor boat to lend hel.i to the ere? of the hip m effecting temporarjr re? pairs. The weather was dear, with a mod crate ?tea. and it .??.? believed that th?? ? remain on could SCION OF HARVARD WEDS ON WAY TO WAR Graduated at Cambridge in June and Hopes to Return. R "!? leant? I? Tut TtOt .- ' Cambridge, Maas., Sept. 28 Lionel !'c Jersey Harvard, collateral descend if the found? r of Harvard Uni* ?.-. took a i trail ing with the recruits for thr English aim', r 11 to marrj Mar; Barker, .-. win ome English belie ? heart. Harvard'i collegi intimate? received ? dd 'ii'. and bel it ? ? ' hal : he ) ? the front. ,T?sl four rears ago Harvard entered the university which John Harvard, 1 ht? aneestor, founded here. Harvard graduate! in London had heard o. I Harvard's lark of money to ob . college education and a fund was quickly raised to nay hii i ij He graduated with high honor June ai d ranked high in hi? cia?ses. ard al o wroti 'ho baccalaureate' ? . class poem which he i? i Should he survive the war I i ife and teach at the uni ? EOMEARDS LIEGE WITH HOPE MI led ?airman Drop?? Preach Flags ami 11... i *ni nt - Into City. patch to the Exchange relegraph Company from ?mi tei dam "An a*, ia it 1 .< ge ? ? day, cumin from the south, and threw down into the citj French ?' .. documents containing proclam?t min announcing that the Allies were ad vancing and calling on the populad al in their courage, Al ? i tu a heavy tire the ' -it of an Birman of ih? ' to Liegi fall ol the city, and his appearai described as fi-aatlf ebeenag the Bel giani there." Youth Needs Artificial Leg A fOUng man, twenty year? eld s-nly sapporl of a widowed ? ne?di an artificial lei/. A job bas bee i i ? hariti Organisation Society al road) has *??'? '??? aalp him. but $M i? m i.:. d Gifts may be w leociety, at IOS East Twenty???? "? i St roe t In?- society arknowiedi*-. thank*, the following contribution? foi I another family: Mrs. ??race 1. Shop . | herd, 18, "Cash/' i k\ , . ' PARIS SOCIETY WOMEN i DRIVE AUTOS AT FRONT (Transport Wounded Behind , Lines In Their Own Machines. ? i Sept ?? Forty women of ?o !clal diitlnetlon. who have been driving cea, did thaii >a1 effective i^'. ' . . ? reo, . e ... i . ' ?? ? : ? ? r- x . | ? , , . - ' ? ntc the Won?? Th? ' ' i ? . t Palii? i. ' -h ' ? vice-pre liden? Parier, of the family of th? former Ft? ncli 1're- dent, Jean ? eri? ?nion? tha memberi nre ?o'.mtes? de ' ?n?l o'her I ?VU . e i r o? ' ' ? r-, blue Thay are ? .? al f.\e t to he (Ir* ? ? '? c 'heir automobil?! to ' o m ,|. p ? DR WETJ.MAN DEAS AT 94 \\.i? ()W??l Alnmnua ??r lu?l moulii and S"t*?d ? ? Agrega i"nali?f Irencbcr. : .- . H ?ates ?>t. 21 est Mald? 'ter a I .. irai h ? ?? 'i\r ?fe? a ?or a ?. ? ? ? .'??II !:? i rdainad Mai ? " ? WHERE YOU CAN GET mw? KK?. I? S PAT. on MANHATTAN and BRONX Armo Ga-?So, 7)02 We?; ..i Aaaa Garata Cor., 7?,it, ?s? a Broadwa Aero ?.arig.. 130 i\f? ,-,.-,, , g, Aitk??n, H I' . 123 Waa? Btith ?I Alhambra t.arag?, ?i."? u??- i;- - Arniterdaiu i,-,rage, 243 V? ???' ?'I'll .St. An?oni? Garage, _*??7 \\-?t 7 Apthorn ? ? k:a???-. 214 V. ?? ???>? I, .St. Aren? Garage. _:tl \\ ..,? ,4t!: St. Ardil?'.- ?imago. !.-,?? I it? 771h -'. 1 - I I area?, 129 I Ml '?< h .-t. ftaeher, J J. 21 ? v,-?? 65th Bt. Altor Ctrsg?. 307 I1?'??! ?4th St. Automobil? ( :ub ol Auicri'-'a, 7 M St. _ I n?t River Autotn ?bill ?7 !libof?\meri'?a.247W..i'lthSt. Auto Ecoaomj A-'??i,ii?i(7o? 174? 1? St , Bo?t.,;> Road and Southern Boulevard Auto Realty Co., 177 1 ??t 73d si Auto So, : e A- S ipply I ',, , 4^1?; Bdwa". Auto Tru??_ A Storage C?? 3 II Ave. A. RAH Garage, 244 s\ **t t Bcavei A Sou, ? P . 512 >*? on? lhlit St. Bedford Hark Garage, .Outti h?. A i'a.k Ave. Bel moni n-irage. 11r? Ta?t s4th S?. Relnoid ?,o,rag,\ 252 \\ '?It g,'th St. Bentley, .1 . St. Pot?ri ? Gleeba 4v*?. ! - i ?arag?, 132 I.ait 41st st. Bla ? iarai IMKmi 64th St. Black'? ?.arage, 242 Kan' 65th St. I? i? Sprocket Carago. 6 Kn?? .?1?? St Boaavtrta Garage Co., 254 *'?*e? l??'?tli St Bord'? ??arag?. 114 ?"? ? Boulevard Auto Co, 2073 Southern Rowman.P B. Auto Co . "?25 ?V ? Bo'.lston f!?rag?\ it.? 1 ??> ? : ?? ^i, Breaaaa ? 1 li_n? , 40 Wei. Hi Hi-et'on Hall (?ar??*''. 150 *?*?????? ? I St Brieknar'a Auto f ?:?' ? i.,S01A Bdway. Broadway (iajohue 8tation, 170th S?. A Broad" tv Bronx Centre Garage. l.*?:-d S? A Bergen <w. Br,.nx Park Ta?.i Co., Mi.liner ?I VI iirii Park Ato. Bronx Brook'? Csrage, IS. Eai? 73-1 St Brown, Wm. Braee, 1.1 V? e?- 53d St 1 "? . M . 152 >????' ..???>. - Buick Stei ? ? ? 12 *?*. : ?? .'.. i St B;rkhart Mills (.arage, 211 V ???*?' i S? Bvrne? Garage, ?.*? L., 447 Fan 133d St. ( aron Garage, .14?? We?? 50th St. Cathedra! I'a?k (?arag-, 146W. 110th 8t Cavanaugh. C. ST., 41? Ea?t 56th St. Centur?- Garag?, P Wait lim??. ,, Chalmers Motor Car Co.. 651 1 ?event h tv. Chevrolet Motor Car Co., 67tbSt. ?J M?h Ave. Chevrolet Motor Co. of N. Y., 64th ht. A We?' r.nd Ave C iotti ('.?rag. Co., l"?0t Broadwav ( olt-8tratti a Co., 67th St..?. Bn ad Commer-ial I >? Ivarj I ? >. 502 W. 4.?th st. Concourse Garage, lbsth ist. A Grand ? a Convent ? .srare, 457 Wut ISO?! Ki Corinthian Garage, 171 I .,?? ! Corvan. I ho?, G . 124 128 '?'. ? ?? 14th St. Courtlandt Garage, Kfl'i Courtlandt Ave. Crotona ?iarage, 1005 Cra >n \\t. Cntin? i.' ,1 ? ,*r?ge. :'?'.'( U eat 69th St. Cleric i Hambi, 19 I'??' 12th St. Crvder ."? < '?. . '?St park V ? Dalv Bro? <'??...line Station, 133d St. A St. ! ? Ave. Dav ? Sight Garage. IM W. ?? :.? Iloanj (iar?(;?, 123 West Mm Si Deut?eh. Ma'iri.e, ,r.t.'h .-? A s-?, tve. Ill Palm?. A- VI ill in, 240 v.'?! SO? ?? Direr?. Garage, 144th I M - v ... Dtxhtern do ? (< it?. Bill t ?>*? Ilth St. Dolphin '-?rage, tu w..-, i < i n'? Garage, 360 We?? 11(1 .-?.. I ' !??? i, n* C, ??7 ???' I : I '.?(. lir?n?-i,?i rag?, 750Seventh Av?. I>upr?, 1 '., IIS 1 ???? .,???!, St. I . I ?arage, .ils Wert ."i7rh Bl Faglo Garage, 4ar, I.??t 104th ?St. I art? rn ?larage, 71 (iner'-l, S( r:eonomi?-al ?? .-?? ' 1 W*-?i ?5l?h St. l.r Domical Garage. 1407 S-dgnirk Av?., Bronx I ?..**. 7140 Weet 70th Pt 1 ii.piro ',arage, '.'4.'? tXtti Ist'u St. Equitable ?;?>???, ?7 Eicht! Av?. g, H . Glraaua A Weal - - ?\'.o? I.?a Auto Btatiou, 235 Bt. Xirkolai A va. Kipro.? Garage, 4171 F-" SIM II label'l ?,a?oTine Kta'aan,-' 17,?,'u ?"t. & y, i on hi Federal Motor Truek Co.. 146 West 52d St. Fordham Garage. Ml F. Pofdham H'?ad 1..-J Moter ?7'?r Co . 607 H .. I >ran?-ei Motor Iten'mg Co., 103 Iveel 67tb ft. Forty.Kighth ?t. Oaragv.215 W. ?S?hr-t Garland Garage, 2!'', v., -? .? ? , St. Gasoline A < ?il' Co., 176th Si. A 1 '. i Ha o Gasoline A Oil Supplv Co , I'elhaai I'ark way A V? ?lliamabridg? ltd. C.ier, Charle?. 205 Wart 64th St. (.off GaaoliM .S'a?jin, 1000 rft. Nlobola? A va Gorden. F., 541 We?t 127th St. Grair.?r?-' Park ?.arag-. 60 Irving P!?oe Grand ( 'oneourie Garage, IsSth ti. 4 (.rand < "oB ' ?une Grand (?arage. J. J. O'Hare, Propriet.,-. 201-203 W< ?? ' lth str.ot Gr-i,'or Now York Gauge, 17-.M i. St. A Broadway Creel? Squara Oarag?. 137 We?t 3 (?real Northern (.arsge. 114 ">\ !Uai A Oi-eaburg, .??" W? ?? T'-nS?. Maine? Garag?, 4 '?'"> P? '? tve. 'Marinan Vouai Co . 153 Wert '?'''? S? Har?'?rd S..?'?en?ion Co., 21-?. *-'a Mtvward A Co . M. M , IM I art 7 d St. Metier Bro?. ?.arage. 246 Wart '?' th St. Hilltop ?.,?rage, 44, Wert IS ?I b? Hoffman U>. ab Co.. 141 Ka?t 1 IS? Hulland. T G. A J I .. W'th St. A ?.?and Conconr?e Holland. T G. A J. L., 167th s> A ' l?raad Con??i. ? ?? 1 .. ? ..arage, ?*.4thSt ASorond Av?. Hub Garage. 442 la-t 74*? St HudMaGarag? '-?!?> meet 41? St. Rir?? (iarage, ?Statioa B. 133 Amiterdati? Are. ' . It"? ,94* I ??. 137th Bt. -; . . Ico? tuto 4 o., IOS I ??: 1 I ? ? laal A it Raatiag, 127 Wart I ?;:: 1-terratlOOal Ca-ige 252 '?'? lncrratiOLal hi >???l I ,04 A ?*?<?? Ei. i At?. .Terome Av?. ?".arag?. I ?34 eroma Ave. ' . -,,n (-arag-, 112 Wei Raufaraa, L J . ?76 1 . etteS? h? ittuan. I.. J . 254 i IB. la. J : ?24 1 Kaultnan. I. ' ' 1**-*. he.,s A Fordltam, 21 18 *?>? ?*??he?t? Aw. - I . 214 Eaal - . - ? Co.. 1 . ra ?*i ?lrt St Ketbet -a r? < , 137tl -? A Broadway Kevrtone ?.arage, 1 I Wee? ';?' St. K agstoa (; S Wert t K Bgwood ??arage. ?' - M Knox Au? Kia'i? liaaoline Sta., l'.'iu. St. A I > [a_h-rB*aa c.rage. ?Ml * '?' WJI ft ... ? Gaaatfea? i?ini>.o. H^ta M. A ' M S'l-hola? Av?. ?La? Gara?, M >????,"f;,? ?,,?_, .. I_?i??. *^ A Ca 616 i *** ?Stat St MG1?R ?SASOnNE BULLETIN No. 3 This list is a directory of good garages and supplv dealers. The fnct that each dealer here sells SOCONY Motor Gasoline is an indication of their appre? ciation of quality products. Is your dealer listed here? STANDARD OH. COMPANY OF NEW YORK I't iacipal ? ?tl.. .*? New York \lh_ny Buffalo Bort?n I ewii, 8 f{.. if) Weet 604a. St. I.i??ii?anQ Uro?. (inr?go, M4 Brown PI. I ii S'?'iiar-. Gariige. n.',?h St. A I! Nay I.?ml A Co . '.?:?, 423 K??t 76th Ht I i rd Buw^ Motor Sale? Co., 136 V e?t 'J.I Bl [.inwood ???rugo. 25 Ta??. Itt'h ft. laobell, si u( ?_.;, , n,? -vi, s, I ' ifAtnei a. 26W.?V?thflt. I. ng \ ?? ? , ? ??, 231 w -? '?(ii . -? 1 ..? Co . 122 We?t .? th St. I ? < ?.rag? I M' ?'.ok A Co . 236 I ?t 17? -? M i ?,nr, ? la?.m- ata. .i . U - on 1 liait* eh? it?r R i? ?-. ? larage, "( P??- 7. ? i . ?..t v, "'?t St. ester Garage, 234 We?i i"1 8t. Manhattan (?a-".?.. ;?. -. I ,?? ??- it, Market Auto Co.. 4:77 ?art I04te St ?.';.?", IH? Pi -'. tv?. ?arage, 220 We? .'A;h Bt Ma a Broa., 218 Writ S II ? H? ?*? ?:. 204th S- A Bdway Melmae ?;?ra?-. 490 Kart II ?a Repair ( ? lth St. ' Merry, E I. . ?.'.l M id?on St. Il-Edi ion?i in, I? ? . 23 *?*>". ?2d St. We?t I ? ? ". Morrii \v?. ? 'i Garage, 2S ?? '? I -??? A va. Mott II iv< \ ? ? . 106 Moll ??/? Mo? Haven C kg? I ? . In' . 279 Kail 1 lOtl larage, 126 r-.?t 64 h Bt Napier ? la? ge Co . 10 ? Weat 5UI Si ? ?.arage. ,?,H y New H ?..?. \\..?> 2lrt Bt. N- ?eli r Garag? ' 17 ? ,.? ?'??? ? It, \. ?, A ? . ?. X. '? A ;to Packard '{?.aiiug Co., ?121 W. ... *>M W. 71?rh St. ?. 'i . Heral 1 I ? ?'? o,i 37th .-t. ? . - Weil 124th St. ?Ml? Co. of N \ . 235 W, ?M'iSt. , \ Garage, 416 b'a? 59th St. 137 W< ?? IHtl Garage, I ne. H ma? G irage, 146 Weat39thBl Pi kard Arme Garai?, Isa., 124 .Weit >t. i Tran?portati .n & Repair Co., 2 16 Wert 11 ! Garage. 115? I ... .,.', !'r..???-.?? At?. Park I 1 a T? .... I ?ii Co.. 184 |?l hi 1", ? ? ,? ige -.' Rart ?' M Bl P ^|o? ? . :.- a ?way Portal ( larag? 14 West 51 I ^> I Co., IM Weal Mth 8l. P< , ... 1 i larag? , 218 W et ? . ? larage, S4S ?A ? -? I - I -? ! ? \ .- . It-, ting?. ? . D : ? ' : I St. I I? Club G??:'.'', 1" 6 Marri? Ara.. Broaa R< na dl Taxi S.-rvi-?, ?tO ^"?? **,4lh St. Reo Motor ? ? ' 'I s:. liopubli? Mo kt?W.64th Bt. I errtda Auto Ri rCo., -?..'? Wert B7th Bt ! ? tm c . ."! W, .^7ch8t. i Garage, 1 II -? ? i- . I I (,:>raK-o. 211 W< ?' ' " St. I I ?,?-."?.' i ? 7-"? !'?? 21-,'tn St. - Ganoli i? ?sta...iii, D? ekaaaa ???? dway ... 2i<? We-I ?i?t St. Oar a | ., ? , Vi? hola? At?. - ' m Gl "??" . I7.'l We?t S'.' St. ? Auto ? ? . 1 r., 481 Park Ave. .? ,r..t;.ga ? rage, I ? I ? ?I I ~ ... y Qai < W? ?? i."?'.ii Si. ., A., 331 4S Ninti? Bt. Garaje Cor , 4?1?l Kart ; ?? . Bt Be? -.' | Bt C-,rage. 7*h A LewilSt?. .? ,.r ? . . i i . 57thBt. A B?lwav I ? ? .k: <??. 116 l\ e?t ft ;d Ot m, n? Wert 105th St Spent!? *tu? ? ? . ' i ? i i ' 7 ?', ,-t. Standard tuto I 'o., Im? i u ? 7 Id fit Ktat?Garage, 171 la?' I22drit, -' rung <; ? ?ge. 305 Eut SOth i't. , i Motor Co., 1 H . 417 ft'. 55th P? ? Motor Co , Ave. A I32d BUB Gar,ge. lfit Kiat 120th I .-? i i. ha ? a.. ???? il? St. A Broadway Bt?r< atl v itoT-a.iirgC. 224 E.athfl Garag ? ?JOB w"?t. . -t. ?? ?,,?k''.l Corporatioa? 537 Wem a 4'. P >??? r:;n? -' ford*? ? ??? ? v ? i. i :?? - - Bt. c , ? .'.?SAthSt I hom?oo. J I . Main St H ? ???'heater Ha?- 917 Trinitj * i Twelfth St ? ?'?Reo. 245 We?t 1J .a -" el ?laraae. .?..?W .'?HhSt. Fill -l-eot ?.arage, 25th b?. .*. 13th ?'?? ' T?rrell ? Co . Geo H . 195th Ht. A *A, hater A\e J, 1 I> . 330 Wert 70th B< Li led Gar???J Co, Il - '"?'it Fad A ?. ? -lilt Cvage. 155F.art35lh ~t i Gara ? -*t gtoa'.? <i-.'aso. 664 WmS 1681 . St. Garage, 73 Waah ' ?? ? ' age, 3134 W??_ater tve. ? ml i ? to Pialar? .'?- '???'?? 99lk ?**?. I Garag?-. 91 *A ? ? ?..:-. II We?? 67th ' .. | ? ? -.. . ... 512 We? th St. . Garage, 111 1 trt I ?*4 P? i A Morford 206 We.t f.nd At. i St. A Bdway v.. ? sr??, . 770 Last 1581 i ? :ral ' . ?? ?-. 2? J I ?>?.tii St. ^ .ravillc ?iarag?. 327 - C.arag?. 115 Ba? 7.n M BROOKLYN and QUEENS am, aXtS I'n;on St, Bal-, n i ira? ? ? ???., Bklya IM I ii B? ,tr. i irtlaa I A?e , I?- ? B Mien? ? ,n-?i*? :2 1 Street, ' ' Anderaon A >.or_, Rarablersrill?, X Y. Areano, Cha? . 79 i i Ion ?Vv?., Aal a \l?"i tarugo, T!' h mon 1 Hill A- . Garage, Willow A I'rankl'a St?., Aitorla Taii Co . 369 Jackaoa Ave., I, I. City Atla? ?'??raio. .?,- Sem \i '? K/a. Bkl- a ' '?>!??: ? Auto Hepiir A Marhum Work?, Bayiile, Baker, C A . Jamalea Bai ingtoa'i (,a?n<*, A4 Diamond St., B ?klya Bald Baaeb Garag?, 1907 Crop?ey Ave., Ilrooklvn Bav Itulgo (7araRe, 359 55th Bl . Brooklyn B , I" ? ,???.. in Ave., Man .-. Il-'i. - 'iarnge. !?ar) P,?,..r Bt . Brooklvn Bedford ?\uto '?arege, 942 Bedford A e . Brook I' n I ?'.e , Garage, ?5:t9 Bedford Aea, Brooklyn Beeehhurrt f-irago. Whi?e??one. L. I. Berger-Madden flarag?, 4:h Ava. A Ik, igl?Aai - Bi Bo..rr\: Garage, 1 to | ,,., Rtroot Brooklyn !>:? thebourn? Garage, 1339 69th Bt . Ii ?okly Boei a Place Garage, 27 Boerum PI, Bro.-k!'. n Broadwa) Auto Co. 5<4 Himboll? 8t . Brooklyn Broadwa P*nn Garag?, Broadwav A P?bb Bl . Br i '.: n Broadwav lax? Co., 083 Lockwood St.. *irt tria Brooki-n Motor Car Co., 44 finyder At?., Il.kl n Bkl-n. Hiding A Dri-ing Cub, Flatbuib Av?. A PU?. Si Bi Brom. C J , Bri Ige Pl.?ia. f. I CltT Bro.-ok \u'o Repair Co., 229 I.ewia A?"?., Brooklva Buick \lotof Car Co, 324 B ?tier St.. Brookljra Calkin? ? iarage. 72 Radde P? , L. 1. City Cameron. .1 V . It ebmoBd Hill Central 'lar-vg.v ?'?^ (,' ilnev Bl , Brooklvn Cla-ondon Garage, 2>.t Kast 29th .St.. Brooldya Coney (eland Garage, 2V.2 We? 8th St.. Coney Island Cornell? Garag? Little N'eek. L. I. Covert ?largue, 135 ("overt St . Brooklvn ('-,'?? (?-?'?go. .?:r4 4th Bl . Br ? m ?n. Chaa b., I'll Monroe St.. Brooklvn Curti? v ? . Co . 70 Alhan- tv? , Bklvn f ?Garage C E .:'*: Birth Bl .Bklvn P> I ixe ? larage, 1058 ??'', h Bl . Br <?? n 1 ? . site. 4?h Ave A ?Carroll il . Brook ?? : If. M. A Son, (Ml New I trecht A?-o . |?r.. iklya Dilger, E II.. 47811th Bt. Brooklyn !>,?nr..?v Bro? I ma ' a Di?bn>-> < .arage, 2,",9 T.eiington Av?., Br i kI ? ? m I ?. i? : i Brol ? 90.' Proapct PI., Brooklyn 1 ?.,- [a ? leo , 33 King? Ilighwav, Brooklvn |).^-r r,..., , College l'?'iiit. I I. Dunaa Gaaolin? Station, PtuaWag, I.. I. ?w \ ? (?arage, 73 I'onniylTania Ave , Brooklt n Eggen K: ght Itito Co . Jamaica I . A II- C.iragi'. 236 Hcrkime- S?. < a I-1...-0 (laraga, V4 17ioeraon PI.. Eraui'. n ?.irage, Q Johnson PI., Brooklvn Ferrigno, r, . Jail F'.'i??h Ave, Brooklva teekett S , Brooklya th Kn:o Co., T-'a'L'J 7?ld??n Ave.. klyn Fl?tbu?h Gito Penrice, 1315 Roger? Ave., Brooklyn ?\y? lut? Moving Co., U0 Broadwa; I i | FluahintJ Auo Garag?, 107 Broadway, 1 ; .?lung Ford Motor Co , Jackion Ave , I,. I, Citv I I M? tot Car Co., 1474 Btdford Ave.. Brookl n . ? '?'.?"? Garage. Foreit Hill?. II. i n P-rkwaySupply, Woodbavaa. L I. ! ? ? >f ? ;. W., 1UJ Jeflrraon Av?., ? B I ? a- t - Garage. Lait 7th St. A Foster A?o, Brook God,!?,, J.,hn, hushing, I I. <.:.'-al V?hi I? Co., Borden A Review A?-... 1. I City Ge,ka ? Iran?. Vfoodhaven. T.. I. , 1 horcas, 107 Lawrence St., Br ?? Glenwood Garage, 6"?A E.28thSt . Rklvn ?, - Mo?v* Co., 1001 Bedford Ave., Brooklya ? a-ag?, Manha-tan J I ? jgs ?\ e , |?r.?,.. -. Grl . re, Cm., n?. I. ?. Garage. u40 Haneo-k St., | a Ifart? Girage. Corona, I.. I. Hawthorn? Garage, I1S7 N'oitrand ?.ve. II?alv t?r ,?p?ei (??rag?, 731 Prpapaet PI.. Br >okKn Rill. H "4 . MM Fort Hamilton At? . R ...klvn Hohwei?ner A ?Son, 378 Vernon ATe., ? .1 Kiog'a Highway A Churoh Ave . Br ? ya Horn A I College Point. L. J. Internal? nal ' <?mge, .lamai'a. ?.. I Irving ?Garaga, IIJ07 ft?? <? Brooklya .laekaon Garag?, i?.-k?on Av? . Corona ? * W It . Spr-!g<>e;d, I. I. Kaleaf ,:an,n <.a:^ - .r.' At?. A W??t 20th St . (" |??and Kamn.e:ei. Mu C . ?vueena. L. I. ? in. L.J.. 284 1 latbuah Ave . Bklvn ... I .J., 2890 Bedford A?. . Bkl?n .:., I . , 1 .I'. H. I: .rd Ave . Hin .?i. I. J , 17? Clvmer Ht . HroakK n :,a. !.. 1 . 178 Ta-,! .fM.I" . . Kaufman. S . 7*3 Jsn<?:oa At? , |i . l\e'| r. K , Woolhaven. I. I Kemington Garrg?, 712 Coney Iiiand ? o . Brooklyn Kerrochen, T X , Ri?hr.->nd BIO, L. I. Keatkl Bro?. 1 IT ?CI? loer Bt . Prooklv? KewGarden? Garage, Hi. hmond 1*1111, L I. Kirkham. I. C, UM Bedford A?.? Br -o?' n K,?i?er A (Son. T> , Jamaira, !. I. K,.M?i?h \ no Eiehaag?! '4 Ko??uth Pi., Hr<??,kl\ n Garag?, Ftsihing Rd . Woodtid?, Lake ?ieii J J, Rl-hmond Hill. L I. Lamm??)' ?.?rag?, 0?lT?r Ph. Flmhurrt. I. I ?i (,a:?.ge, 411 Loxi-gtOB ATe., Bru i ?loti- ?t. A. f., Woodh.'.vr.. I i. M'.nt.3?'nn tve Uarag?, 683 Manhattan * ? klyn Uai .- O-.-H.;.'. Anthony Bier, Prop., ii. 4 Jam? '? ?? ? . RlenBK ad Hill P.T???. ? ?. .rag-. 1 ????? laa M-a *>\e . Bklra ' larej Av? . li-.-oklvn Mauler (la-Hg.-. 265 \;.?'.jor -t , B Mai-?-?I Motor Salo* Coi . Webatat* Ava.? U I. Cil ' 7 ?'.-.!,'" ? f I. hlidwood Gaaolin? s?etion.Con?y I*land ?? AA' on ? J ? . la. I. 29 Koseiuoko St.. Bldya (?arage?, 13 Paynter Ara.? L. I. City age, ? ? I I. M tt Br ??. Jamal? a, I I, ? s Flatbuah Ave. A Dui fiel I H? . Hr. Mo-gan iv? ? - ige. MofgM Ave. A Mea role fi D iglaatoa, L. I. rat, I. I. eil i.nrago, 7'Jl ?Vuuey Uland Ave , B ? Garage. 2043 Oaean Av?.. B 0'Niell. Petet C . 1421 Bt. lohn? PI. ? . ; ? iarag?, 10 ' 1 PI . Brooklvn ?lie ? Garaige, Mil ??.? St.,Bi klya ? - i I . It . Ja :i "?-a, L I. Park ? ??, 8? 4 Park Ava ? e i,'a.-age, I7J Parkl le At?., Brooklyn Pa ii?le GaaoliM Station, 20m> Bedford *tv?., Bre . Parkwav Garage, 5020 Fo'.r'b At?., Bi ?oklyn Pas-re Auto Co, A. E., 18 Oc?an Park ira- . Br a Paulaon, II , ?Rambleravill?, f.. I, I' : Garage, 23 Cra -, Bklvn -n R? . Bklyn I inkett. vt m. If . So, ? liona ?? rk, L I Po.>l, I ioi.rg.. A- fi in. '.'.' 1 nil Portland ?iarug.-, 670 Pa I !'? idriclu Co., 233 .-?. Marka Ar?., Brooklyn Pul?s, William, Jackson Ave Eli irai I. I P .,,'?< Garage. 4<?S Raneoek Bl . Brooklvn ? - ??l'on?, I I ?j.;-ousboio Gai Jk". ?J? Bro* 1 ?a . ? - log t? ?eon? Boulevanl (?a-age. rir-ih'irit, L. I. Qolney Garage. 334 Lexingt. tva Ha .. ?3. 1 . :? ? ??:.? n?i? A.e . R It .-,'. F -I , 47 1 or re ?t. \\-e . l'.:? >kj? n Ki. Innond liai Uarago, !ti,huioucf 'ni|L' U ?. Ri Ige wood Ave. Garage, 295 Ridgewood Ave . Flrooklyn Ri<liiowood Garage, Myrtle Ava. A N?w I i,?ii Pond Rd., Brookl? a Roaaar, M., Richnu nd Hill, I.. I. Royal Garage, 1?>' 1 ?Ireene Ave , Bklyn Rumboiki i .?r<g", EHmburrt, J.. I. H'ipp, I*?onar?l, Glen?l?!e, !. I. .-? ? ;..,rge Garage, 53 (!arU Si . Brookl' n St Mark? Gai(.?9, 1179 IWgen Bt, Brooklyn S? .?? & Mark. 177 ?7aa De\enier Av?., Astoria - . II C . Il f H fron -? , Brooklyn :. I. I S. ii ?art? (lar?ge, JJ Gran i Ava . \?torla Daagata Garag W ?rt "i Bt. A Mar* mal I Av?., ? i Gl ,t Geaaa Parkway, llr Ph .re Boa.l Gam,'?. Mil 75th St . Bid ? Siegman, I . M gii -m? Boulevard & (j.l . a Sieg man, I Buahwiak Ave. A Aberdeen ?t., Brookly ?; Bieg nan, I . Ila?t?rn Parkway A Som?r? H , ii ooklyn S.i'U At?. Gar:?g?, flOlO Sixth Av? , Itrooklyn Slo*.n Kr.iin??erir.g (3a. 210 Hail St., BrooUya Snyder A ?+?5n. J. J..85Sny?lor Ave., Bkl. a t)'ephena, B. K . 89 btephen? < ' ,ur:. lt.:: n Sterling Track ng Co.. 1044 Atlantio Av?., Brookl? n Height? Garage. 08 Stny vo?ant tve, Brooklyn 8^ ?' ? A N'a:l Auto Co.. 2li>8 Clarendon It i, Brooklyn . .?- ?g-, 623 Ma?H?..n Bl . Brooklyn I alt? City (,?rage, II?' 1" \- - . ? 1 ietnann, F M . U Fulton *i . Bi Una ? larago, 7M Park \?-.Bklyn i , Garaaa? ~>M UalaaBi , Brooklya Vaod?rbil< ?iarage, 2tJ7 tanleront Av?., Watkins Bt. Gaiage,362-.',?'t W?tk!n?St.. Brooklya VTaveri? Garage, 344 Wavarly Av?.. Bn akl a Wellman. C. J . Old Mill. Brooklvn G"' a. Y H . '????an Parkway A I'roipeol Are , h: a.klyn Wiogol? ( .?-age. lamaie?, L. I. U.e^or Motor Worka, North B?a?_i. la. I. William? \,ito ?Service Co., 372 l."h Bt, Brooklya U ? .?. C.J .27?1 Atlantis Ave., Bklyn Garag? Fluahiag, L I B :- r-MahuudCo.. 14ID Bedford At? , I?- Wii'ei.b. rg A Holm??. Arlirgton A MUlai Aves. Brookl; n ?Too<laGarag . 111 LaiayaMaAv? , Bklvn (I aveo < larage. \Vo"dt?a? ?? n, I. I 7,<r?ga ?..,?:?g:, -a Colieg? i'l , liiuunii STATEN ISLAND Atlaatia Garage, Great I I Caatleton Gang?, Weit Brighton, 8. I. . ta ' ?? ?go. We?' llri^'.'.. ? | Granite Uarago? i'ort Richmond, fl I. Gnat Kill? Garaga, Great Kill?, Ir.**-r Borough ??nag?. W. Bnghton, 8. I. Newmann ? ? ??'?go. Btapleton, S. I. Pal *t Ho I. 1 .ttenville, 8. I. Pleaaaal Plain? Gang?, Prinea'aBaa?,!.!. P g--?s Garjge. \\ . B. I. i.d i,?rage. I*., rt Hi? hm >i,,J, S. I. StxpleKin Garage. S?a|.V :. S I. ? (iarage, Stan etOB ? I ' tr ?go (ottrat ?> f. I. UaHod Tira Ca.. Maa4atoa. I i LAUNCH SUPPLY Dealer. (Cre-iter New Vorlc) Handling "SOCONY" Motor Caaoline Ai!er?,r., ?t L, Timer Park Bl . ? It ( .'?. Se?, ?.?lo. I I ii I. W R ?lama,|.? Vac.'.t Chtb) - - . ?Vaad Bay, Brooklyn C?'termo>, II M IB . >oner "Law? rence'? Staplet.,n, .-"?te;i Island J? !.. R ibwt City laland. N \. Keeley. > '-.Cil blond N V Kraemer, II , C .?- I II La??. Ldgar. Klatian.l? tie. . Hi,.klyn Malak.,*?. A . ?".tj Irtaad N V. Mari|iiar?lt. Frani. Cit? laiand Ntoahaat, William, < oll?g? Point L I. Pa igh. 'ihn. Prin r?? Bay, Maten Island Poliag -? . s?a?ith Br>?kl>n Q.nnn. C K . Cl?-.>n I K--?oa. I II . I^an?r?ie l?r??l\n Kehra. John, Broa? Kill?. N V < ity l<. I P Row-aiA. H rkaway Point.L I Polheira, C. N.. Grant Kill?. Staten Uland . !'. R ?',1; 140th i?t.. N. Y. City v, 1 A McC!ire.??itT l?la?d. S' Y.